Survey Published in 1964 Under the Supervision of the State Office Of

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Survey Published in 1964 Under the Supervision of the State Office Of DCCUMENT RESUME ED 029 662 LI 001 491 By-Bevis. L. Dorothy An Inventory of Library Services and Resources of the Stateof Washington. 1965. Washington State Library. Olympia. Spons Agency-Washfrigton L.ibrary Association. Pub Date 68 Note- 363p. Available from-Washington State Library. Olympia. Washington 98501 (Free). EDRS Price MF-$1.50 HC Not Available from EDRS. Descriptors- College Libraries. Instructional Materials Centers,Junior College Libraries. Library Collections. Library Planning. Library Programs. Library Services, Library Standards.Library Surveys. Public Libraries. *School Libraries. State Libraries. University Libraries Identifiers-Washington This survey of current libraryresources and services in Washington is based on questionnaires: visits to public. university. college and community college librariesin the state: and statisticsfrom state and national governmentalsources. The inventories of public and academic libraries include discussionsof standards applicable to the libraries and de 3criptive text andcharts which give pertinent information aboUt these libraries. TI.eexamination of school libraries is basedon a survey publishedin 1964 under the supervision of the State Office of Public Instruction which is updated with recentcomparative statistics and an historical sketch of school libraries in Washington. Trends andsurvey recommendations indicate a transition from thebook-centered school libraryto an integrated library/audiovisual program of services. A comprehensiveexamination of community college libraries in the state emphasizes therecent growth in Washington's community colleges and the effect of thison their libraries. Also included in this report is a survey of the Washington State Library. prepared in 1965. which gives informationon services to the public libraries of the state. Appendixes includea union list of periodicals in libraries in the Spokanearea, the survey questionnaires and checklists, and a bibliography of 90 items usedin conducting the inventory. OB) " - rD ?662 POO Li o01491 Ca-e U.S. DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH, EDUCATION & WELFARE OFFICE OF EDUCATION H S DOCUMENT HAS BEEN REPRODUCED EXACTLY AS RECE VED FROM THE PERSON OR ORGANIZATION OR G NA NG IT.PO N S OF V EW OR OP N ONS S A ED DO HOT NECESSARILY REPRESENT OFFICIAL OFF CE OF EDUCATION AnPOSITIONInventory OR POLICY. OF LIBRARY SERVICES AND RESOURCES OF THE STATE OF WASHINGTON 1965 by L. DOROTHY BEVIS Associate Director School of Librarianship University of Washington OLYMPIA WASHINGTON STATE LIBRARY 1968 PREFACE The Washington Library Associationtogether with the Washington State Library have long had a history of welldirected planning for library service in the State. In the depression of 1934 thefirst Program of Library Develop- ment in the State ofWashington1 made its courageous appearance, and was followed by the second in 1938 whichre-emphasized the principles of the first and initiated further challenges. Analysis of the past and post-war planning were published in 1944 in thethird Program which showed that the majority of goals of the first two Programshad been achieved. The well- known "Bowerman Report" appeared in 1950 4ndset forth A Proposed Regional Library Plan for the State of Washington, recapitulating in its Foreward the legal and organizational sters taken inlibrary development since 1935, and emphasizing the Legislature's acknowledgmentin 1945 of the State's "... financial responsibility to assst in thedevelopment of libraries and the equalization of their support."'In 1945 the Legislature alsoauthorized the State Library to make studies and surveysof the Stahe's publiclibrary needs, &rid a continuing number of individuallibrary and iibrary system sur- veys, prepared by theWashington State Library staff, have appeared. The Washington Library Associationappointed a Statewide Programs of Service Planning Committee in 1965, anddiscussion centered about the necessity to update the foundational "BowermanReport" and to inventory the needs of public, school andacademic libraries. As a result the State Li- brary Commission was asked to make possiblesuch a study, and Professor Doro'chy Bevis, Associate Director ofthe School of Librarianship,University of Washington, was asked toplan, undertake research upon currentlibrary re- sources and services, and topresent the results. This was to be done with the cooperation and help of the staffof the Washington State Libraryand could not have been achieved without theaid of Miss Maryan Reynolds, State Librarian, and her capable assistants. Particularly to be mentioned is Miss Kristy Leivestad, Research Assistant,who is responsible for the planning and coordination of tables and maps aswell as preparation of the index and over-all editing; and toMiss Dorothy Cutler and Miss Dorothy Doyle for editorial advice. Mrs. Jean Badten, Miss NancyMotomatsu and Mrs. Mary Wark, of the StateOffice of Public Instructionundertook the presentation of the elementary and secondaryschool library picture. Special appreciation is due for theirsetting of the historical background of school libraries, theupdating of information, and the wholehearted cooperation of statistical and secretarial staff. Mr. George Douglas, formerly Librarian of Shoreline CommunityCollege in Seattle, and now Vice-President and Dean of Instruction, haswritten the study of "The Community College Libraries of Washington";and the survey prepared in 1965 by three prominent publiclibrarians, Willard O. Youngs, June Thurston, and Eva Santee, is included, as itdescribes the services to the publicli- braries of the State by the Washington StateLibrary. Time has been an element in the developmentof the Inventory. Back- ground study and the design and mailingof the questionnaires was com- pleted in June 1966. Because of commitments to theUniversity, no further work could be done until Fall 1966 but fromOctober 1 to December 23 Miss Bevis visited 106 libraries of the132 (public, university, college and community college) in the State. There were 95 public libraries(regional, county, individual city or town,participants in the Timberland Library Demonstration and club-suppor;--ei) scattered fromthe islands of Puget Sound in the 1. Washington Library Association. Program of Library Development State of Washington. Olympia, 1934. the State of 2, Bowerman, Charles E. A Pro.osed Re ional Librar Plan for Washington: Report of a Stu y o Public Li rary needs in t e State of Washington. Olympia, Washington State Library. 1950. 78 pp. 3. Ibid. p. ii to the borders el": Idaho, Oregonand BritishColumbia.4 The ten libraries (including the Timberland LibraryDemonstration) serving over 100,000 popu- is lations were all visited by the surveyor, aswere the nine libraries serving populations from 25,000 to 100,000; the20 libraries serving populations from 5,000 to 25,000; 27 out of the41 libraries serving populations under5,000; and two of six club-supportedlibraries serving populations under 5,000. The five state-supported college anduniversity libraries of Washington and eight of the twelve privatelysupported colleges and universities werealso visited, as were the 20community college libraries of the State. In each case, the libraryoperation was observed and the replies of the librarian to the questionnairediscussed in order to clarify anyambiguities or to make additions tothe information. The Inventory again had to lie fallow while the Surveyor returnedto her teachina duties on theUniversity of Washington campus, but theanalysis of data and the writing of thereport was resumed in thespring of 1967. It should be said that the stressof the working periods and thetime lag between them have causedseveral limitations upon the Inventory. It was necessary to structurequestionnaires and send them out withouttime for trial and revision. Information was based upon figures for1965 for public libraries and fiscal year 1964-65 forschool and academic libraries, andit was difficult to keep tothis date-line when the librarians hadgathered additional data and had made serviceand resource advancements by thetime of the visits. The Inventory has followed the requestof the Washington Library Association Statewide Programs of ServicePlanning Ccmmittee that "the needs of both academic and publiclibraries should be inventoried" and that"essay as well as statisticalquestions" be asked in order to survey"in depth." Questions tried not to duplicate theinformation within the.annual statis- tical reports of the libraries receivedby the Washington State Library, or the United StatesOffice of Education reports requestedby the Devart- ment of Health, Education and Welfarefrom .Phe academic libraries. Tables have been devised which show comparison of manyfacts to standards but it was not the purpose ofthe Inventory to make recommendations. An intensive School Library andAudio-Visual Survey was published in May 1964 under the supervision of the StateOffice of Public Instruction, and it has been used as the basis for thechapter on school libraries with the addition of comparative figures sincethe date of its appearance, and an historical sketch of theschool libraries of the State. Statistics were gathered from various governmental sources,State and National, and they did not always numerically agree. This is partially due to the fact that fiscal yearsvaried in the crganizations and partially to the fact that certain figures areprojections instead of exact counts. The publications used were, however,authoritative and may be checked in the Bibliography at the end of this Inventory. A study
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