WORKERS OF TH E WORLD UNITE Weekly Organ of the Communist League of A m e ric a [Opposition] Published weekly by the Communist L eague of America (Opposition) at 84 Bast 10th Street, New York. N. Y. Ente red as second class mail matter, Novem ber 28, 1928 at the Post Office at New York, N. V. under the act of March 3,1879. VOLUME V, NO. 27 [WHOLE NO. 123] NEW YORK, SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1932 PRICE 5 CENI*

Lausanne Conference Arrest W . Z. Foster ON THE SPOT Closer to the Proletarians of the 'Colored' R aces! Near Collapse ------Cjj------in Los Angeles CRIME IS GAINING To the International Secretariat: es, w ill have to attract towards the Left Opposition on all the most impor­ ALL THE TIME Copy to the National Committee of the Left Opposition the sympathies of the tant questions, it cannot be an obstacle A Mr. McGeoghegan of Chicago, pro­ German Reaction Aggressive American League: most oppressed sections of the interna­ in getting together with them as close­ Released Although Charged minent beer baron, was charged w ith the The entire Lousanne Conference, looked I have received a copy of the letter tional working class more and more. ly as possible even today and to help with Criminal Syndicalism robbery of a bank to the tune of $60,000. upon with the greatest anxiety by a of an organization of Negro comrades From this point of view, the letter to them fraternally to come into the orbit He beat the bank officials to it. In fu r­ European bourgeoisie caught in the from Johnnesburg, dated A pril 26th. us from the South African comrades ap. of our program and our tactics. I William Z. Foster, Communist candid­ When ten intellectuals of Paris, Berlin iated over their loss, the bankers indenti- throes of impending convulsions, has so This letter, it seems to me, has a tre­ pears to be not at all accidental, ate for president of the U. S. who was ar- iiod him, and the eminent Democrat was far stood under the sign of the Hoover mendous symptomatic significance. The but deeply symptomatic. In their letter, or New York who have been in various i rested on July 28th. in Los Angeles, organizations, address themselves to us placed on trial. The identifiers learned proposals on disarmament. The power of Left Opposition (Bolshevik-Leninists) bearing 24 signatures (it further follows: , while attempting to speak in a protest “and others” ) the South African com­ with a request to be taken into our midst that McGeoghegan was cleaning and the American colossus is more in evid­ can and should become the banner for 1 demonstration, was released the next rades expressed particular interest in I would give the following advice: Put oiling a machine gun for their benefit ence than ever. The Germans see in it the most oppressed sections of the world day on the grounds of lack of evidence so they implored the state’s attorney to the hand of a magnanimous benefactor proletariat, consequently, in the first the questions of the Chinese Revolution. them through a number of tests on all to charge him with criminal syndicalism. This interest should be recognized as the questions of program; wet them un­ dismiss the charges. Their request wae against the adamant French enemy. The place for the Negro workers. Upon what The meeting at which Foster was ar­ fully grounded. Precisely the working der the rain, dry them in the sun, and complied with. Why not send McGeog­ French in so far as they are inclined do I base such an assumption? rested was called to protest the prohibi- masses of the oppressed peoples who then after a new careful examination hegan to restore lawrenorder in Nicar­ to view with favorably, hold it up as a The Left Opposition represents at pre­ , tion of a meeting where he was billed have to carry on the struggle for the accept one or two. agua? prop for the maintenance of their cher­ sent the most consistent and the most • to speak and which was to protest the * * * * elementary national rights and for hu­ The matter changes basically when ten ished Versailles Treaty. As is known, revolutionary current in the world. Its i shooting of an unemployed worker by REPS. AND 1)EMS. SEND the Hoover plan proposes the reduc­ sharply critical relations to a ll and every man dignity, stand the greatest risk to workers connected with the masses come \ Captain Hynes police thugs. John R. to Us. The difference in our relation to RIVAL TO NUT WARD tion of armaments by one third pressing form of bureaucratic conceit in the labor suffer from the confused teachings of the , Hynes, the notorious red baiter and per­ Stalinist bureaucracy on the subject of the petty bourgeois and to the proletar­ Former Kleagle Clarke of the Ku Klux for a reduction in the arms output of movement makes it possible for it to pay secutor of the Los Angeles workers, ar- the “democratic dictatorship” . Under Klan, recently emerged from his kavern the Gallic rival for European domina­ particular attention to the voice of the ian groups does not require any ex­ : rayed a little army of Legionaires and this false banner, the policy in the style planation. But if the proletarian group and announced that he was going to re- tion and at the same time restricting most oppressed sections of the working bluecoats, armed with sub-machine guns, works in a district where there are store prosperity through the medium of German war preparations to the present class and toilers in general. of the Ku’o Min Tang, that is, the com. sawed off shotguns, blackjacks, etc., to a new organization of morons, member­ limit. plete deception and the unpunished crush­ workers of various races, and in spite see to it, that the meeting did not take The Left Opposition has to suffer the ship in which was contingent on the ing of the toiling masses by their own of this, it consists only of workers of a place. When the workers demanded to As was to be expected, the Conference blows not only of all the bourgeois gov­ ability of the sucker to come across with “ national” bourgeoisie, may still do the privileged nationality, I am inclined to hear Foster, the police and the thugs has yielded no results. The only posi­ ernments of the world, but also of the a sum ranging from $25 to $500. “From greatest harm to the cause of liberating regard them with suspicion: we not proceeded to shorn them what California tive thing it has achieved, is the indefin­ Stalinist apparatus. This fact, which, each aecordin to his a b ility ; to me ac­ the toilers. The program of the perman­ dealing with the workers’ aristocracy? democracy feels like—over their skulls. ite' prolongation of the Hoover morator­ in spite of all the slanders, enters gradu­ cording to my needs” was Clarke’s ent revolution based on the incontestable Isn’t the group poisoned by slave hold­ When Foster began,to speak, he was slokan. Plans for bedsheet and night ium which was to end on June 30. The ally into the consciousness of the mass- historic experience of a number of coun­ ing prejudices active or passive? Freuch are holding out, using the old thrown into ja il “ on suspicion of crim­ cap factories were drawn up and a tries may and should assume the lead­ It is quite a different matter when we inal syndicalism.” corps of confidence salesman orkanized. lever of “security necessities” and hold­ ing significance for the liberation move­ are approached by a group of Negro viets, the government at home proceeds But this move was too brazen, too But the bourgeoisie would not have It. ing fast to their refusal to consider can­ ment of the Negro proletariat. workers. Here I am ready ,to consider with drastic force agalhst all opposition crude. Hynes, who arrests, imprisons These are hard times and the Republican cellation of German reparations. In the beforehand that we are achieving agree­ struggle between the Americans and the forces at home. I f the Johannesburg comrades did not and holds Communists on far less evid­ and Democratic parties w ill have a tough ment with them, even though this is not as yet have the possibility to acquaint ence, had to let Foster go for the reason job on their hands trying to hold the delegation from the Quai D’Orsay, the The protests of the local governments yet obvious; because of their whole Von Papen delegation grasps a good op­ themselves closer with the views of the that he wanted to “keep peace in the masses in their coralls with promises of —Bavaria, Baden—against the liftin g of position they do not strive and cannot city.” The real reason is of course, that prosperity and fu ll dinner pails after portunity to jockey for position, with an the ban on the Nazi Storm Troops have strive to degrade anybody, oppress any­ next November. So they grabbed Clarke eye on the requirements of foreign aid been of no avail. The Von Papen cabinet body or deprive anybody of his rights. it is not so easy to arrest presidential from all quarters in the event of a Fasc­ is sticking to its guns. In the meantime, candidates even though they may happen and lashed him to a cot in the psycho­ Alexander Rosanofi They do not seek privileges and cannot ist seizure of power in Germany and the the Fascist forces are forging ahead wtih pathic ward of the County Hospital in rise to the top except on the road of the to be Communists. The wave of resent­ prospect of bitter and protracted civil fu ll speed and with the best wishes of I Chicago. The head of the nut clearing Iinternational revolution. ment that would follow, would certainly war that this envisages. the present rulers. Attacks upon work­ The sad news of a new victim is com­ We can and we should find a way to house declared that any man who claims make it too hot fo r CapL Hynes’ liking. he can liquidate the depression is as While the German reactionaries are ers, organizations continue unabated. municated in the latest correspondence the consciousness of the Negro workers, The toll of proletarian victims of Hitler­ mad as a bed bug. I f that is so, and negotiating for the best possible condi­ received from Moscow. Comrade Alex­ of the Chinese workers, of the Hindoo The first move to block the Commun­ ite attacks is mounting skyward. The we are inclined to agree, why not isolate ander Rosanoff is dead in exile. Com­ workers, all these oppressed colored races ist election campaign has been success­ tions for future domestic and foreign Brown Shirts’ pressure upon affairs— the leaders of the Democratic and Rep­ rade Rosanoff, a party member since of the human ocean to whom belongs fu lly crushed. imperialist aims—they talk of revision of domestic as well as foreign—goes on in ublican parties? 1917, a heroic fighter in the famous the decisive word in the development of the Eastern frontiers—steering a course all openness and with remarkable suc­ On with the campaign! Vote for IS WILLIAM GREEN F ifth Army (which crushed Kolchak), a humanity. Foster and Ford! SEEING RED? that heads for a generally approved ag­ cess. m ilitant Oppositionist since 1923, was —L. TROTSKY. W illiam Green, the pink-cheeked Bap­ gression against the country of the So- (Continued on page 2) arrested in 1928. Altho seriously ill Prinkipo, June 13, 1932. Vote Communist! tist, president of the American Federa­ with tuberculosis, running a fever of 105, tion of Labor, who has waged a consis­ he was thrown into B u tirki prison to­ tent fight against unemployment by gether with common law criminals, and holding the estimated number of jobless The Zurich Congress of the Reformist Int' Is submitted to all kinds of torments. Then Demagogues and Bankers Clash in Chicago down , to six millions recently took a deported to Siberia, he was on the thres­ wild leap to the left and startled the New Situation Brings «Left» Turn on Part of Amsterdam hold of death. The Stalinist apparatus W hat Is Behind the Clique Fight at the Democrats' M eet was obliged to transfer him to better country by stating tha the workless army I f the Republican party confab gave social distress on their blood brothers, the is now over ten millions. Following this At a time when the economic crisis The S. L. I. wails, in the joint resolu­ climatic conditions. There condemned to continually worsens the conditions of the tion, “Against Japanese Imperialism”, death, he remained an intransigeant the appearance of a graveyard with a Republicans. It recommends, as a rem­ announcement from his headquarters couple of hired noise makers, the dem­ edy “ a drastic change in economic and came another, charing the Hoover> admin­ working class, jolts the bourgeois re­ over the defection in the pacifist front of Bolshevik revolutionist, combatting Stal­ gimes and raises up perspectives of war, the League of Nations, which it has al­ inism with all his power. After four ocratic convention looks like a verit­ governmental policies.” istration with non-feasance on the un­ able madhouse with the inmates acting employment question. B ill believes that the S. L. I. (the Second International), ways eulogized to the workers. It a ttri­ years of exile comrade Rosanoff has The most ignorant person should be their natural selves. A casual reading the money handed to the banks by the and the I. F. T. U. (The Amsterdam butes this desertion not to the “ strength” perished, a victim of the Stalinist re­ able to observe that the tremendous over­ Trade Union International), have con­ of the imperialist bandits, but to its pression. of the proceedings of the convention production of wealth and the glut of Com­ Reconstruction Finance 'Corporatip^i now in session in Chicago, gives one the vened a common conference in Zurich— “ weakness” . I t exhorts the masses to The same communication tells of the modities, on the one hand, and the star, should be loaned by the banks to the impression of a field day of a lunatic “ for disarmament” . The largest organi­ prevail upon their governments to be uninterrupted growth of the Left Op­ vation and Unemployment on the other, business men who in turn would use it asylum. Fist fights, a jig by the sedate to exploit the unemployed, and to para­ zations in the world, 7,000,000 in the S. more than what they are. But this re­ position in the U. S. S. R .: Young Work­ can be due to nothing else than the sys­ W illiam McAdoo, wild and idiotic cheer­ phrase the Pullman smoking room yarn L. I. and 14,000,000 in the I. F. T U, solution does not lack its “revolutionary” ers come to the Opposition from all new tem that produces these things. The ing at the least mention of prohibition “ that’s the fellow Green wants to help.” Vandervelde proudly said. counterpart. The S. L I. announces, sections. The year 1931 unfolded under Democrats are heart and soul for the repeal, chorus girls applauding Jimmy The resolutions reflect the "unanimous that in a desperate eventuality it w ill the sign of hundreds of new arrests and maintenance of the capitalist system. Look out brother Green! Brother Doak Walker, and professional entertainers to conclusions of the socialists” that is to appeal to the Trade Union Internation­ deportations of Bolshevik-Leninists. This Their economic existence depends upon it. may get you and deport you to where fill in the dull moments, marked the high­ you came from unless you stop criticiz­ say—of the heterogeneous amalgam where al to sabotage the [shipment of food year the same thing. We cite, among How then, can anyone hope for a change lights of the political convention of the ing the government. Only the Reds do revolutionary workers mix with reform­ and munitions to Japan. The struggle other things, the arrest and deportation, or a remedy to existent conditions by “democracy.” that kind of thing. ist workers, petty bourgeoisie of the city for peace, without revolutionary action, during March and April, of 80 opposi­ the election of the “ democracy” . and the country and bourgeois politic­ dwells in this hollow and lying phrase The Republican convention insulted the ONEAL AND THOMAS IN tionists in ‘Sverdlovsk (center of the A sop is thrown to the unemployed. ians ; this undifferentiated mass from which plays the game of the enemy. intelligence of the people of these United TIT FOR TAT GAME Ural industrial region) 8 of whom were Federal relief to the states is a plank, which the conscious proletarian vanguard I t demands in “the eventuality of a States by putting up Herbert Hoover as The assistant editor of the New Leader, transferred to solitaries. This continu­ provided “ the diminishing resources of was separated by the war and the Rus- new war that the socialists of all conn, the only nominee and ‘ candidate to official organ of the Socialist party, was al arrival of new elements has a de­ the states make it impossible for them ian revolution. tries, not only defend the interests of squeeze some more profits out of the removed from his post because of his cisive importance. It gives courage to to provide for the needy.” Just how support of the socalled militants in the The leaderhip of the agents of the the various nationalities, but also the the old militants. And above all, it gives hides of the working class. But the interests of the working class andi of a ll Democrats are no pikers, they give us much money for relief is not stated. And S. P. The board of directors of the New bourgeoisie has dragged the reformist assurance to the future of the Left Op­ just when the resources of the states are Leader declared that he was dismissed movement along all the vicissitudes of humanity” . How and why w ill a new position, which has great historic tasks eight possibilities, all of whom have as war transform the leaders of this organi­ much or less in common with the needs “ diminishing” , makes the whole business because of his inability to work in har­ bourgeois politics. At a time when cap­ before it. And it is just this growth smell like another campaign promise mony with H illq u it’s editor, James Oneal. italist society—and especially European zation, who in the last war put them­ that explains the blind hatred Stalin of the workers as the “ great engineer” . selves only in the service of the “ various Smith has the support of the Wall that will be violated as soon as the Norman Thomas, the liberal leader of capitalist society, of which the S. L. I. shows to the Left Opposition. The ideas Democrats assume office. the >S. P. who took the ’left’ militants and the I. F. T. U. are direct products nationalities” ? of the Left Opposition, in spite of every­ Street magnate, John J. Itaskob. Newton into his maw a,nd is digesting them at —is undergoing a new process of disin­ “ If the leaders of the Capitalist world thing, are penetrating into all the sec­ I). Baker let go a couple of loose phrases The Republicans have completely ig­ his lesure, protested against the assistant tegration, the S. L. I. and the I F T U show themselves incapable of finding an tions of the working class and the about capitalist “internationalism”, but nored unemployment insurance. There­ editor’s dismissal. Oneal came back with take a new position. issue for the present crisis to avert the Party, and in the entire Soviet Union. his able service in sending American fore, the Democrats, seeing a good vote- the dirty crack that Thomas fired him On its positive side, the principal re­ catastrophe which threatens the world, * * * * workers to the European slaughter catching issue, declare for “ unemploy­ (Oneal) from the editorial staff of the solution “Against War and Fascism” the proletariat alone must take this Demand the release of the Bolshevik- house, to coin profits for the Morgan’s ment and old-age insurance under state- after Thomas took it gives expression to its “ Left” policy, task on their own shoulders.” Thus the Leninists in prison and exile, from the Du Pouts, etc., makes him wholly accept­ laws.” But the very wording of this over, baptized it the Leader and abolish­ which offers itself to the European bour­ counsellors keep this sacrament at a dis­ Stalinist bureaucrats. able to the big money bags. Ritchie ib plank gives the lie to their “ solemh ed the class struggle. This is tit for geoisies, now driven to their knees by tance. Demand their readmission into the wholly innoccuous since his only qualifi­ promises” . There are Democratic gov­ tat if yuh git what I mean. the economic crisis and the difficulties The crisis, with its political and econ­ Communist Party of the Soviet Union. cation and platform is his dampness. ernors in several states, some of whom * • * . threatening the continent. Their policy is omic consequences, grows more acute and The Worker Communists must not al­ Even Garner won't be objectionable to are now aspirants for the nomination DAILY WORKER BARES for the reduction of the armament bud­ sets millions of workers in motion, who low the phfiysical destruction of these the industrialists—he showed his caliber Has unemployment insurance been in­ DIABOLICAL PLOT gets and the carrying out of the anti­ augment the reformist ranks. The S. L. Stalwart revolutionists. Their place is in triinmng the petty-bourgeois by a huge troduced in those states? No! W ill The Daily Worker viewed with alarm war treaties. The social democrats, I. is forced to speak. I t prattles before in the front ranks of the world pro­ levy of taxes foisted upon them. And there be such laws (Unless it is given the proposal of the Human Betterment turning their face towards the masses, (Continued on page 3) letariat. Roosevelt the most likely nominee, can to mean, insurance at the expense of the Foundation that 18,OOOjOOO mental de­ offer themselves as instruments of this be counted upon in a pinch to do his bit workers themselves), in the future? Most fectives be sterilized by a harmless pro­ policy. But they move in each country for his master—in spite of his dish­ decidedly, no! Unless, again mass press­ cess which is so popular with the experi- with the necessary caution, which the water liberalism. ure is brought to bear by the working mentees that they write testimonals re­ particular interests of their national But Franklin D. Roosevelt, while he class. commending the operation to others. It bourgeoisie demand. Their internation­ Persecution of our S panish Comrades has a majority of delegates behind him, As was to be expected, the main issue may be a modernization of the fable al center which unites them in a loose has no path of roses to trod on to reach' for the democrats is the repeal of the BARCELONA, SPAIN.— aurant. Like a real bandit, never once about the fox who lost his tail, but be federation is very circumspect in ventur­ the nomination. The biggest obstacle, 18th Amendment. Raskob says that it Our comrade Luis Curiel has been ar­ withdrawing their gun points from the that as it may, the Dally Worker sus­ ing to take a new step. ' And Vander­ that stands in his way is the displeasure j is the “only economic issue of any im­ rested in Valladolid. His arrest is just body of our comrade. pects that it is a plan to sterilize the velde incorporates this policy In an equi­ that the Wall Sree bankers have shown' portance in this election campaign” . another arbitrary act of the “democratic” After passing the night there, they unemployed. The capitalists it is true, vocal phrase borrowed from diverse bour­ cjver his liberal (demagogy. The M orf; To a starving populace crying for bread regime. No reason was given to ex­ brought him to Madrid where he was are dirty enough for anything but we geois formulae: gans, Fords and Rockefellers are well j these “ representatives of the people” of­ plain this arrest, outside of the fact later released. fail to see what they cduld gain by euni- This practical bourgeois policy carries satisfied with the service rendered by fer beer and alcohol. Where the money that Curiel is an outstanding Communist —CORRESPONSAL. ehising the unemployed unless they in­ with it equality in security through Herbert Hoover. But if it is necessary* 1* w ill come from to purchase these bever. militant, the former regional secretary of tend to legalize the harem industry. I t simultaneous and controlled equality in As we go to press we receive the joy­ to have another candidate in the field, ages, with industry prostrate, seems to the official party in Castillo and the is well to know however that the D aily disarmament as its political expression : ous news of the release of comrade An­ for the purpose of deception, they want be a grand mystery. Prohibition is, in national secretary of International Labor Worker is on guard and if the capital­ Constant, unrelenting, merciless struggle dres Nin and the other 20 comrades ar­ the most harmless one they can lay hands reality, nothing more than a soap bub. Defense (Red Aid). ists think they can pull off anything like for the reestablishment of democracy, for rested with him on May 30. The last on. This is not the time to play arouhd ble issue. I t w ill be exploded just as that without the diabolical motive be­ its defense and for its development. The It appears that it is the aim of the two issues of El Soviet, of which Nin Roosevelt pretends to be the repre­ soon as the- workers get wise to this hind it being exposed, they are due for defense of bourgeois democracy is the police to systematically ja il all the mem- is the editor and in the publication of sentative of the petty bourgeoisie. Be­ smokescreen used, to cover up the burn­ disillusionment. aim the S. L. I. sets itself in this crisis ebrs of the Left Opposition in Spain. which many of the arrested comrades hind him stands the powerful Chain of ing problbms. —RIDEM. which shakes the foundations of the A t Perales de Tajuna, on May 30, com. had been engaged, were practically edit­ the Hearst papers, that make it a policy bourgeois order. And at that defense— rade Henri Lacroix was arrested while ed from the prison cells. Most of the to play on the heart strings of the small This noisy, rambunctious convention Ryan Walker, well known labor car­ against a ll its enemies, undoubtedly w ith engaged in a conversation with friends articles bear the address of the Cárcel business man and the small manufactur­ can teach the American worker only one toonist, died a short time ago in Mos­ out omitting the revolutionary proletar­ on a street corner. The C ivil Guards Celular, the prison in which the editor­ er. | But Tammany Hall stands in his thing and one line of action. The cow. His cartoons appeared in many iat.. But in this moment when bourgeois who perpetrated the arrest threatened ial board of E l Soviet was detained. way, because as presidential nominee he capitalist system and all itfe represen­ papers. He first became known thru the democracy retreats before Hitler, in the our comrade at the point of a gun. They Comrade Luis Rastrollo, after five w ill of necessity, have to take drastic j tatives are rotten and bankrupt. The ab­ olition and destruction of capitalism is N. Y. Call, and since that time his draw­ country where the S. L. I. is strongest,* 1* marched him through the streets with months of prison in Badajoz, has also measures in his post of Governor of N. Y. i their only hope. The piling up of a huge ings have appeared in the Illinois Miner the S. L I. remains silent, does not say his hands up and warned that they had been released. He is a member of the against the Tammany crooks, to keep the! (Ameringer’s paper), the N. Y. Graphic, a single word on the paths for the con­ orders tp act drastically upon any move National Committee of the Spanish Op­ South and West in line. j vote for the Communist candidates is and the Daily Worker. No one can say stant, unrelenting, merciless struggle for on his part. Since there is no ja il in position and had been arrested for lead- The Democratic party in its platform their only course in this election. that he did not have a colorful career. the defense of German democracy. | that town they took him to a small rest- ing the peasant revolts in Llerena. blames the unprecedented economic and —CLARKE. PAGE 2 THE MILITANT SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1932

BOOKSBy TROTSKY LETTERS FROM THE MILITANTS Organization Notes yO U TH ACTIVITIES PROBLEMS OF THE CHINESE REVOLUTION For every member that is beaten up, we 450 pages C loth cover $1.50 ORGANIZATION NOTES i iug to its members, and, with that, the NEW YO RK The Pocketbook Makers w ill repay them eye for eye and tooth paper cover 1.00 During the days of June 10-13, both in­ strengthening of the center and of its Tlie activities of the Spartacus Youth for tooth. This must be the answer to GERMANY — THE KEY TO THE clusive, our National Committee held a functioning staff. This action together Club have been picking up. Successful Fight the Racketeers our “Fraternal Club” administration. INTERNATIONAL SITUATION* plenary meeting at the New York head­ with the- general conclusions of the com­ open air meet iug were held a week ago —SHALL FASCISM REALLY mittee meeting is being submitted to the NEW YORK, N. Y. Let our slogan be: a union for the quarters. | Members and alternates were Saturday at'T tli Street and Ave. C. and workers, not for grafters and gangsters. BE VICTORIOUS?* in attendance, coming from Chicago, membership for their discussion and last Saturday at Second Avenue, and One year ago, the S. P. Fakers and the * * * » 48 pages paper cover 10c Minneapolis,- Philadelphia and Canada. their vote. 4th Street. Young Spartacus, Militants, Musteltes forced an agreement upon the Abe Fine, one of^the leading “ Fraternal HISTORY OF THE RUSSIAN The meeting became a fruitful one in and Germany pamphlets were sold. Sev­ Pocket Book Workers In N. Y. and con­ The problems of development in Canada Club” sluggers, who participated in the R EVO LU TIO N —V o l. l many respects. The • main issues dis­ eral youth contacts were established. ceded ort see the coining July is­ ideas of his listeners. ■ 64 pages paper cover 15c administration gang gave the employers that the sessions were fruitful. It means the specific resolutions for guidance of sue of the Young Spartacus. Speaking at a banquet of the Northern THE TURN IN THE COMMUNIST a free hand, collaborated with them to that the decks are cleared for action, our activities to be worked out subsequ­ The statement printed below was w rit­ Pacific Ity. veterans at the NicOUet INTERNATIONAL AND THE bring down wages and undermine the al­ that a step has been taken forward to ently. Amongst these questions the one ten by au active young Communist of Hotel on June 23rd, Olson joined in with GERMAN SITUATION* ready poor conditions of the workers.1 greater consolidation to better face the of the unemployment crisis was, of Chicago. A number of other Communist the railroad officials and such notorious (out o f p rin t) 10c Otherwise they would never permit the tasks of the future. Indications every­ course, the one of greatest Importance. youth in the Y. O. L. have supported a open shoppers as A. A. D. Rahn, plead­ WORLD UNEMPLOYMENT AND employers to violate the agreement. j where of developments in the revolution­ similar view. Six comrades have already- ing for a square deal for the railroads. THE FIVE YEAR PLAN* National gatherings usually can be Furthermore the officials not only help­ ary movement point to these tasks of suffered the consequences: Expulsion or Quoting from the Minneapolis Journal 48 pages paper cover 10c turned into account in more ways than ed to reduce wages but with the aid of the Left Opposition! assuming greater exclusion The July Issue of the Young of June 24th Charles Donnelly, president (Out of Print) one. That was the case in this Instance, the employers and solne of their hench­ proportion and particularly making pos­ Spartacus carries an article by comrade of the N. P., told those assembled at THE REAL SITUATION IN in addition to the problems being taken men (the so-called shop chairman), they| sible that our organization w ill count X. Gould explaining the latest develop­ the banquet that, “The railroads of RUSSIA up directly confronting the meeting the instituted a reign of terror in the union. more as a factor' in direct Intervention ments in the Chicago Young Communist the United States ask only for equality 334 pages cloth cover $1.00 comrades who came from other cities to At meetings workers were forced to in the class Struggle. One of the prac­ League. of treatment from the taxing and regu­ SINCE LENIN DIED the Center served to strengthen the con. vote according to the wishes of the ad-1 tical steps issuing out of the conclusions Y. C. L.’ERS DECLARES FOR lating authorities in the transportation by Max Eastman tact with the membership.. These com­ LEFT OPPOSITION ministration If a worker voted against | arrived at Is the proposal to , further fie ld ” . 158 pages paper cover 50c rades become more d ire c tly fa m ilia r w ith To all members of the Young the administration he had to face the broaden the National Committee, by add- Our “Farmer-Labor” Governor, in. (out of print) the practical problems of the Notional th re a t o f losing his Job. T his is called Communist League: stead of telling Donnelly and the rest Bound Volume of all the pam­ Office, and when coming here they re­ To the District Buro, District 8: S. P. democracy in the union. j of the outfit present, that the railroads phlets indicated by * Only 100 ported the manner and method of activ­ In answer to the demand of the dis­ Why did the administration resort to ! together with all the other industries copies available. C loth cover $2.00 Lausanne and Germany ities as well as the difficulties facing the trict secretariat for a statement of my such methods? The writer pointed put should be taken from the parasite own­ SPECIAL RATES IN BUNDLE branches in their cities. Their return views on the questions of (1) Fraterniza­ in The M ilitant of March 26 and May 28 ers without pay and be made public pro­ ORDERS (Continued from page 1) has already shown indications of a tion with expelled League members now that the “Fraternal Club” administration' perty and operated for use instead of I n Preparation The Communist press is already half stimulus to the work of the organiza­ idhcring to tlie Left Opposition, (2) w ill force a new agreement on the Poc­ for private profit, according to the same WHAT NEXT?—VITAL QUES­ suppressed. The Nazis are demanding tion. One of the best jiroofs > Is the fol­ Characterization of “Trotskyism” I wish ket Book Workers by hook or crook, with Journal stated as follows: TIONS FOR THE GERMAN the suppresion of the Communist party. lowing fact: since the National Commit­ to submit the following statement.. more wage cuts, reorganizations, read­ “We must have railroad transporta­ PROLETARIAT But the onslaught of the black hundreds tee meeting we were compelled to send The latest resolution of the Young justments, etc. tion, especially for long haul and car­ 200 pages paper cover 50c is wedging in on even the more moderate a special message to all branches asking Communist International, properly inter­ About two weeks ago, our manager, load business. Much of the competition opposition. A late dispatch reports that for their assistance to secure the exist­ preted, agrees with the position held by PIONEER PUBLISHERS ence of our press. It brought immediate LUbliner, announced in the press that now forced upon the railways is unfair 84 East 10th Street, the Federal authorities have demanded comrades Satir, Gould, Andres. Sold, my­ response. Not. only were funds sent over be had reached nn agreement with the competition. It is necessary for the New York, N. Y. of the Prussian government the proscrip­ self and others, on such important points bosses’ in d u s tria l council. The manager government to so regulate the transport­ tion of the Berlin Vorwaerts, the cen­ right away, but with it came reports of as: measures taken to extend and streng­ did not state the terms of the agreement. ation business as to provide fair and tral organ of the German social dem­ (1) Rooting ourselves in the factories. then the press. Similarly the responses Let me enumerate the concessions the equitable business for all forms.” ershlp of industry, were entirely forgot­ ocracy and—of the Rhineland organ of (2) On the raising of the Ideological employers gained this time from our Neither Donnelly the Railroad Presi­ ten by the “labor” Governor and the cap­ the Catholic Centre party, the Koellnisclte showed some signs that our aim of level of the League. “practical” officials. (1) A twenty per dent nor Andy Rahn, who spoke for the italist agents alike. Volkszeitung. making the M ilitan t reflect much more (3) Against bureaucracy. cent deduction in wages for week work­ Mineapolis Civic and Commerce Asso. 15,v the purely fictitious role which These further indications of - the dark directly the work of the organization (4) Insufficient* work among the chil­ ers. (2) Ten per cent for all piece work­ eiation, could plead more eloquently for Farmer-Labor and all reformist politic­ intentions of the VOn Papon regime make and to become more of a direct partici­ dren and sports movements, and numer­ ers. What have the workers won by the ous other points which are formulated in the cause of big business than did our ians are playing, not only ' in Minnesota evident the need of haste in countering pant in the class struggle, Is being taken new agreement? The administration “labor” Governor. The half million rail­ but everywhere else, it w ill be easier the action of the Fascists’ scouts. Once the Y. C. I. resolution and in joint state­ much more seriously by the whole or­ ments of the expelled comrades. claims that the reorganization clause was road “veterans” who have been robbed for the Communists to gain members and more, it must be emphasized that a ganization. modified from ten per cent twice a year of their right to make a living by los­ supporters for our party and program. successful repulsion of the reaction— (Continued from page 4) to five per cent once a year. Unofficially, ing th e ir jobs as victim s of p rivate ovvn- — O. M. which is spreading its fangs towards the employers w ill have the chance to the borders of the Russian Workers’ State readjust their business—which is just as —depends only upon correct and timely rotten as reorganization, if not worse. united front action on the part of the The Bonus Marchers and the Press The “Fraternal Club”' administration German Communist Party and the Com­ Among the Greek Workers in N. Y. The ex-servicemen’s invasion of Wash­ paper, neither better nor worse than any did not reckon with the wishes of thè munist International. In the M ilitan t of June 4th and in the Have received the.Empros and with ington w-as great news to the bourgeois of the others, let Us examine it a little members and especially with those who The Communist International is main­ Communistis No. 5 we demanded from great eagerness. 1 see th a t you don’t press for the first several days. They more closely. I t is a ll the more neces­ are unemployed. They did not make taining an ominous silence. At a time, the Greek Stalinist bureaucrats to an­ write anything on Ithe march ofl the headlined them on their front pages, and sary as the S. P. still camouflages itself any attempt to gain the forty hour week when black dangers face the European nounce in heavy type the victory of the veterans for the bonus. The capitalist circulation was increasing.' This spon­ as the workers’ party. to relieve the unemployment situation. working class and the whole proletarian Empros over the Athens Trust Co., of press does this very thing which at­ taneous march of ex-soldiers aroused the Mr. Charles W. Erwin, eastern editor, How they w ill be able to maintain con­ revolutionary movement of the world, New York City. The Empros kept an tempts to diminish thjs question and intense interest of the whole country. has a long article on “The Army of Oc­ ditions at a time when there are over; the Communist International, the general icy silence, concerning this question, for this is to their interest, but the attitude In fact, the capitalist editors were just cupation”. He describes the horrible two thousand workers unemployed, in an staff of the revolutionary forces, finds it a little alarmed at the too great Inter­ conditions under which the soldiers live, industry which employs only four thou­ obvious reasons. Both parties agreed to of the Empros, I really do not know how reject the trial at the Special Sessions possible to do without a word of advice, est shown in these men thrown up by the pest hole of a dump the soldiers oc­ sand is a m ystery to me. There are 175 to explain it. Court and accepted the motion of the) W ith comradely greetings, without a wol d of direction to the inter­ the class struggle. The repeated detail­ cupy, the rottenness of the food, the filth, non-union shops in New York. Nothing national ranks that are behind it. Work­ the stench, (and let us add to spice his District Attorney. What we are inter­ JOH.. TSIRONIS ed descriptions of the filthy conditions was done to organize these shops where ers, Communists, demaud in your organi­ description the homo-sexuality rampant ested to know is what the terms were Answer of Empros: under which the soldiers live, faced with some o f the unemployed workers could be zations that the Stalinist leadership in the camp). under which this mutual agreement took The Editorial Board accepts the above starvation and disease might lead the placed. The administration claims there speak up. Demand that they tell you We have no quarrel with his descrip­ place. criticism of J. Tsirones, as proper and workers of these states to a little think­ is no money to do organization work. But what they intend to do in this all too tion. It Is all damnably true. The bureaucrats up to this day refused constructive. The Editorial Board and ing of their own. They might begin to what about the money for strong arm fateful situation! But when we come to his reflections to print this agreement becase it is cor- the Bureau take notice of this neglect, ask questions ’ that would make these gangs? and conclusions—listen: tain that it contains terms that are very and also others, and - we are sure that —SAM GORDON. editors just a little more uncomfortable Now let us analyze and see how the “Had the workers shown less patience favorable for the bank and very com. with a sincere constructive criticism than they already are. betrayers put over the agreement. When The country might learn that this they would not have been compelled to promising for the Empros. By shouting w ill fill the gaps that the Empros until THE TURN IN THE C. I. IS OUT the manager reported the settlement to mnrch of the soldiers, like the idleness come to Washington,” he' writes. and boasting of exposures against banks now presents. OF PRINT, BUT IS AVAILABLE IN the joint council, the 14 “Rank and and starvation of the millions of unem­ What would they have done if they and newspapers and then compromising THE BOUND VOLUMES OF COMRADE File” delegates voted against it. The —EDITORIAL BOARD. ployed, is no accident; that, in fact had had less patience? Organize with behind the backs of the workers we TROTSKY’S PAMPHLETS. 16 members of the “Fraternal Club” In spite of all the above self criticism they are part of the proletariat who in the other workers and proceed by a achieve nothing more than a tremendous MANY OF THE PAMPHLETS AD­ voted for it. we notice a continuation of their former addition to being put to the industrial series of demands and actions to the loss of prestige. VERTISED ELSEWHERE IN THIS petty bourgeois attitude and their con­ machine and exploited like the rest of overthrow of the power that threw them On June 20, a membership m eeting was Three whole weeks before the motion ISSUE CAN BE HAD IN JEWISH, tinuous preoccupation mainly with ques the workers, were put to the ‘machinery into that last war and is now throwing called at Stuyvesant High School . to of withdrawal took place, the Empros SPANISH, RUSSIAN AND ITALIAN. tions of such unworthy, character for a of war and after being crippled and them into filthy disease-infested lots— ratify the agreement. On the same day, Carried a two column campaign against FOR INFORMATION WRITE TO Communist newspaper as for example: butchered for the profit of the ruling N o ! heaven fo rb id ! the Rank and File Committee distributed the rival of the Athens Bank, the Na­ PIONEER PUBLISHERS, Attacks against the Greek Consul for class, were cynically cast aside. “They would have used their ballots—" leaflets in the union office, in which they tional Bank of'N . Y., and not a word 84 East 10th Street, his favoritism towards certain sharks So the bourgeois editors acted in con­ Here we have our old ballot salesman urged the workers to come to the meet­ about the Athens Trust Co. This speaks New York City cert. out of their class instinct and is­ offering solution for every evil or what ing and vote down the treacherous agree­ for itself. of the Ticket Agencies and neglect for ment. When one of the organizers, Wise, others, etc. In the Communistes we nnnnnnnnnnrffir^ sued orders to their lackeys, “Retreat a ils you'. who has been charged with graft and Trial of the National Herald warned the comrades to be always MINNEAPOLIS WORKERS to the -inside covers !” j “They would have used their ballots corruption more than a dozen times, saw Taking into consideration- the dealings vigilant because we know well- that any ATTKNT ON! And they all weitt under cover. The to throw out of office and therefore (sic) honest individual that w ill not follow put of power, those who have basely the girls handing out the leaflets, he be­ of the Greek Stalinists with the Athens A P IC N IC Times, the Tribune, the Post gave and came as wild as a bull. He ordered his Trust Company we venture to state that the criminal Stalinist line of blunders are still giving miserable half-columns betrayed the interests of ihe toiling gang to start a fight in the union office. is, if not expelled immediately, at least joj paSnujaa uoaq seq tucked away somewhere on the inside of masses of this country.” the same kind of dealings w ill take place Sunday, July 10th, 1932 This fight was not enough for the “Frat­ with the National Herald next November removed from ills post. the papers; or if it is more than that,' By the way, what happened to the six at Gleiywood Park Grounds, Plot 3 socialist Assemblymen duly elected by ernal Club”. So they sent their sluggers when the workers w ill have forgotten Spartacus Club & Labor Defense it is about this financiers’ scheme for Speeches—Refreshments —Entertainment the citizens of New York in 191S? The out to start a fight on the street. Of all their fuss and unsincere eagerness to The Spartacus Club under Stalinist the soldiers to go gold-digging in the A Trotsky bust by Claire Sheridan w ill assemblymen were not seated. course, the workers paid them in their present themselves before the capitalist control became an organization where Rockies, or something written by the own coin and they are hardly likely to be raffled off for the benefit president of a hobo society about the The bourgeoisie put the socialists In courts. Our prediction is substantiated only those workers that accept before­ of the Left Opposition Press. forget it. As a result of the fight on need of reviving the men’s patriotism ; o r, their place even when they did happen by the fact that a certain member of the hand the infallibility of Stalin are al­ Come and bring your friends. 21st Street and Fifth Avenue, five Left providing a rate o f one cent fo r the .men to get elected. We need go no further in Board of Directors of the Athens Trust lowed to become members, any other is Auspices: Minneapolis Branch, C. L. A. wingers were held in ja il for a few days. Co. happens to be also a member of the to go hopie, etc., etc. this place to show the impotence of the not allowed even to sit in the social ball. (Opposition). b allot. The gang was released immediately. School Collection Fund that the National This was to be expected. Our open Comrade Alexandronakis, a former party But as the soldiers didn’t use the ballot When the meeting took place at night, Herald carries. juLgJULO-JULajuuLfl-ajt-fl gjtsuLsmjtstsL tuts enemies are not going to help the ex­ member and at present a close Commun­ and consequently were thrown into but­ the “Fraternal” gang prepared them­ ist sympathizer, is not allowed even the Oppositionists should be supported. They ploited workers, except by their greed,' selves for it with the aid of the Gara Our Healthy Criticism their blindness, their stupidity, which chery and now into filth, Mr. Charles privilege of the social hall of the club refused to supply our deceased comrade, Erwin now turns to—to whom?—no less or Curly gangs, numbering over fifty. Is That our criticism of the Empros is w ill lead to the revolutionary awakening because he expressed his indignation at Pabaeoupoulos even with the necessary a personage than that of Herbert Clark it any wonder that the' “Fraternal Club” healthy and constructive is proven by o f the masses. | the attitude of the Empros towards the medicines H oover! administration put over the agreement? the quick response it received among the Imprisoned Oppositionists in Greece. The Our comrade Alexopoulos led the strug­ But what of the journals that are notj “Had the president had the courage,” I would like to ask our misleaders how honest elements in the. ranks of Stalin­ Empros endorses the criminal and anti­ gles of the Greek war Invalids aud suc­ so open in their opposition to the work* writes courageous Charlie, “the courage much they paid their gang? Is the gang ism. The workers’ imignation at the communist attitude of the Stalinists in ceeded in forcing the' Government to pay ers? Take for example the N. Y. Tele-| that one has a right to demand of one working for “socialist” principles too? criminal attitude of their bureaucrats Greece is refusing to render apy kind a million Drachmas as a bonus. The gram of which Heywood Broun, the; holding his high office (Slgan—Demand Who pays the gang that comes to our brought about a considerable pressure of assistance through the Labor- Defense capitalist government, to get rid of his political baboon, is a high light. The Courage of President), he would have office to terrorize workers—your money and it resulted in a certain change—at to the imprisoned Oppositionists. Com. m ilitant activities, arrested him and sen­ paper snddenly closed curtains on the come out to the ¡White House gate and or that of the workers? least temporarily. Comrade Tsironis, a rade Alexandronakis succeeded in organ- tenced him to serve a long term In prison. scene of the B. E. F. Several issues pledged the men to see that they were In conclusion, I want to say that the party member serving a long term in ing an I. L. D. branch ont of a reaction­ The Stalinists hope to exterminate him (June 22 to the 25) hardly had a single decently taken care of while here, and “Rank and File” must close their ranks the capitalist dungeons, protested from ary fraternal organization of Cretians by forming him out of the prison collec. line about the soldiers Which goes to that the pittance which they were asking more firmly and rout the gangsters and within the prison. walls and demanded and very correctly ipaintains that every tive. show that when any movement of the for would be given them in the near fu­ sluggers from our union. One corrupt th a t the Empros occupy Itself with the imprisoned CommluPist should be sup- * • * * class struggle actually begins, the lib­ tu re .” administration was forced out of office vital questions of the class struggle. His poted and assisted by the I. L. D., irre­ Comrade Alexandronakis two weeks ago erals become panicky and flee under What a victory it would have been to cover. a few years ago due to the fact that they letters to other party members forced spective of his factional affiliations. placed his entire savings at the disposal have had the president come to the White could not give ' an accounting of more the bureaucrats to print in the Empros Hundreds of Greek Oppositionists are of the I. L. D. to bail out a comrade Now the Socialist press. I have be­ House gate! And what a triumph it than $250,000. We m ust make them un­ j of June 4th a fragment of a letter which deported and imprisoned in Greece and detained at Ellis Island. fore me a copy of the June 17 Issue of would have been to have had him pledge derstand that the time of dynasties is we translate below : whole branches of the Greek I. L. D. are —EDITORIAL BOARD OF the American Guardian of Oklahoma h im s e lf! over. We .will not pay bills for gunmen. Dear Comrades of the Editorial Board: expelled because they demand that the COMMUNISTES City, and as it is a typical socialist party —EXrSOLDIFP SATURDAY, JULY 2, 1932 T H E MILITANT PAGE

gle against war, the I. L. D. one for amnesty; the C. G. T. U. (Red Trade Union Center) one against wage cuts. France Under the Regime of Herriot But all this is very limited, it touches Growth of Spanish Left the self-same sections of sympathizers In a recent issue of the Workers Age, Therefore we w ill deal from time to and does not unfold any substantial mass Lovestone prints a correspondence from time with our advances. We will only The legislative elections of May 1 and Paris, Herriot or Chautemps w ill not of the C. P., its influence are at the movement. Spain, hailing most probably from his bring a few cases for the present. They 8 have resulted in the formation of a have to fear any more disagreeable de­ present time altogether insignificant with Change In Policy of C. P. is Needed National-Communist friends in the Maurin are good examples. new government, composed almost ex­ monstrations from the side of the Royal­ regards to that of the socialist party. group (Workers and Peasants’ Bloc). A complete and energetic change in In Badajoz—Our group in Maguilla— clusively of Radicals and secure in its ists and the Patriotic Youth. Secondly, The socialist party intends to exploit Among other things, the Spanish Left the policy of the party is imposed by the In Maguilla, neither the party nor the overwhelming majority in parliament. there is the intervention of the Garde thoroughly its electoral successes. It is Opposition comes in for a share of sland­ events. After the democratic illusions, Bloc have sufficient members to fill a In the place of Tardieu, the open and Mobile (m ilitia) in the dockers’ strike rallying forces about itself from the er and lies on the part of the correspon­ a certain repercussion is bound to be taxi—they haven’t even a single mem­ avowed representative of the Comité des at Port-de-Bouc. The bourgeoisie can Right as well as from the Left through dent. For one thing, he credits our produced in the masses. To continu'e its ber. In the month of April, our group Forges and the Comité des Houllereres rest assured that the rebels w ill not be the whole gamut of its tendencies. In Spanish section with 300 members, when policy would mean to continue to isolate had twenty comrades. Progress achieved (the two strongest business combines of allowed much leeway. And then, Jou- front of its petty bourgeois, peasant and its actual membership is much closer itself, to exhaust itself. It must pene­ in one month is very satisfactory. Our French imperialism), we now have an haux still represents France at Geneva. radical voters, it shows itself as a part­ to 1500 and where its connections and trate into the masses, to develop within group has now more than fifty members outfit that represents above all, the ex­ We repeat: we must not be deceived isan of participation in the government. influence stretch over a national scope them a clear program and issue con­ with a big influence in the trade unions. port industries and several big commer­ about the significance of the retreat be­ It has proposed a daring governmental that neither the official party nor the crete slogans. That is the prerequisite In Corunia—The organization of a cial banks. The old majority has broken fore the employees: it is and can only program, knowing fu ll well that the Bloquistas can hope to reach. To call for an acquisition of new forces, for group in Maninios—In Maninios the taxi up in the face of this situation. On the be—provisional. There has already been bourgeo sie does not as yet need ts the bluff of the Lovestone sheet and leading the masses into struggle. In or­ of the official party and that of Maurin one hand, the Marin group (the extreme some talk of difference on whether or participation. It has even given Its its Spanish petty bourgeois allies, we der to take root in the masses, it is nec­ are positively vacant. Ours is almost Republican reactionaries) and part of not the moment is opportune for an votes to the Herriot government to reprint the following account of the essary first of all to abandon the entire bursting. A group of twelve comrades the Tardieu group have declared them­ attack. The present tendency is not to prove its good “ republicanism” . In front growth of the S. L. O from its central policy which flows from the theory of has been established, very enthusiastic, selves hostile to the group in power from handle all the difficulties at the same of its Communist voters, the Left wing organ, El Soviet: very active, with a big following and the inception, chiefly because it includes is allowed to push forward for workers’ “ social Fascism” . time: to attempt, first, to obtain some­ Bullej-os—the leader of the Stalinists considerable influence in the trade un­ within its majority the votes of the so­ unity, for the struggle against capital­ In view of the threat that is hang­ thing at Geneva and Lausanne and then, —and his camp followers, the “ Bloqu­ ions. cialists.- On the other hand, the rest of ism. ing over the head of the employees and to have a free hand to go over to the istas” and their clique are attempting Another group organized in Hombres— the Tardieu group, under Flandin—the of the exploited, the party ought to pro­ offensive against the working class by In the face of this increased activity to prove that we are a small sect. The The official party and the Maurinists do former Minister of Finances expressing pose to the reformist organizations the keeping an eye on the developments in of the socialist party, the feeble political I Stalinists are employing the expression, not even know that there is a town by the interests of certain banking groups, united front against the offensive of the the German situation. role played by the C. P. in the country ! which they consider- especially d ro ll: the the mime of Hombres in Spain. There­ are abstaining from independent action government and the bosses. It must The Struggle Within the Working Claes is really deplorable. The accounts ren­ Trotskyites can all be taken care of by fore they haven’t a single member and leaving the field free for the Her­ dered in l’Humanlte cannot conceal the prove itself the most zealous champion riot government. Under these circumstances, the question one taxi. But realities show the con­ there. The Communist Left Opposition, insignificance of the Communist speech­ of trade union unity. Only on this con­ What is the latter going to do? What is posed with particular acuteness: Who trary and the most eloquent proof for on the other hand, has recently organ­ will prevail in the working class—re­ es in parliament because they are mere­ dition can we overcome the election de­ this is the fact that the “ Bloquistas” as ized a group of comrades who are carry­ indication has it given in this respect, ly the expressions of a sick movement in the course of the first days of its ex­ formism or Communism? Which, the feat, a sacrifice made for an entirely well as the Stalinists do not let a mo­ ing on an excellent struggle in defense C. P. or the socialist party, w ill be able and not the expression of the desires of our viewpoint. This group already istence? And what can it do? and the actions of the broad working false political course. ment pass without preoccupying them­ The Lausanne Conference to gain its confidence? enjoys a considerable influence among the I t must be admitted that the activity masses. The party is conducting a strug­ —LA VERITE. selves with this fantastic taxi. trade union organizations in the locality. In foreign policy, it is faced with great problems. I t w ill have to deal In Puonteduema—A month ago we had in this town only two comrades. The with reparations and debts at the Nine Years of the Struggle of the left Opposition Lausanne Conference» with armaments work which they have carried on since, at Geneva. Rehind all sorts of vagué has netted the fru itfu l results of a dozen formulations, it is becoming apparent comrades at this writing. The party that the orientation of the new govern­ The Break in the Right-Center Bloc and the Left Zig-zag of Stalinism and the Maurinists are conspicuous by ment w ill not be much different, basic­ their complete absence here. ally, from that of the former one. No The events which followed the F if­ the “ two-class party” revision of Marx- greater persistance and candor, to press Rykov solemnly reported to the foreign In Tejares (Salamanca)—In Salam­ matter which faction of the bourgeoisie teenth Congress of the Russian party in ism and the deification of the middle upon Stalin to carry it out. But in their delegates, without, mind you, blinking anca, the official party has tried its ut­ controls the levers of the government, it December 1927, at which the whole Op­ peasant were born of .their political coh­ zealous optimism they overlooked a an eye-lash, that the reports concerning most to divide our comrades. But sinfce w ill have to hold on to the maintenance position was finally expelled, marked a abitation. Their unity was symbolized point of prime import: differences within the Russian Political they could not alienate our class con­ of the Versailles Treaty in order to as­ decided turning point in the historical when the fundamental program of the The strength of.the Right wing lay Bureau were sheer nonsense and simply scious comrades they aligned themselves sure the general interests of the French struggle we are reviewing. Up to that Comintern was presented to the Sixth in the classes outside the party, whose Trotskyist, counter-revolutionary cal­ with really corrupt elements. In their bourgeoisie, and to its present m ilitary time, the Opposition had been assailed Congress in the name of Stalin and influence on the inside was not at all umny. This was just as solemnly and ranks is one who during the dictatorship strength in order to preserve its political ■under the banner of Stalin’s classic Bucharin. commensurate with what they enjoyed unsmilingly repeated throughout the of Primo de Rivera was regally appoint­ place in Europe in its struggle for hege­ slogan: “ Fire against the L e ft!” ap­ But the unity of this granite “mono­ in the country as a whole; whereas the Comintern, at the very moment when the ed to act for the dictatorship in an ad­ mony. plauded by the international bourgeoisie lith ” embracing the “incorruptible old strength of the Stalin faction lay in the most furious battles were taking place visory capacity, and who was a member within the monolithic leadership! Final­ In this struggle it w ill clash with the and . Arrayed against Leninist guard” was less real than ap­ tremendous party apparatus and in the of the reactionary ‘Union Patriótica’-. ly, as late as October 1929, when Stalin United States, whose interests in the the Left wing of the party was a solid parent. Those molecular processes of fact that, with the outlawry of the Lenin­ It is no surprise for us when we know made his sensational Moscow speech matter are no secret. But what the bloc embracing not merely the present the class struggle which had fused it to­ ist Opposition, the proletraian mass would that the party has admitted into its against the “ Right danger in the party” , Herriot government is driving at, is a Stalin faction but also the group of gether and put it in the seats of power support even the unsatisfactory Stalin ranks the traitor and renegade, Pumer- which he described as nothing short of modification of the form of the foreign Bucfiarin-Tomsky-Rykov who took dis­ did not take long to create a crisis and group as against the Thermidorian plat­ ega (Editor of the Central party organ the tendency towards a capitalist re­ policy which w ill make up for K>st time tinct Shape as a faction at its Right disrupt the Right-Center bloc. form of the Right wing. This alone can —a sort of Spanish H. M. Wicks—Ed.). flank. storation in Russia, i. e., a counter-rev­ and pull France out of her isolation so Thè End of the Ebb-Tide explain the easy victory attained over the It is well fo us to notice with which olution, he took care to insist that there that she w ill be able to present a more Bucharin faction by Stalin, in spite of elements the Stalinists are aligning On all questions of international and A t the end of 1927 the protracted was no “Right danger” in the leader­ solid front against American imperial­ the cowardice, half-heartedness, incom­ themselves in their fight against the domestic policy, on all question of prin­ ebb of the revolutionary wave was draw, ship, that it was not embodied in Buch­ ism. The Lausanne Conference ought to ciple and tactics, these two sections of petence and bureaucratic intrigue which, Opposition. It is natural that with these ing to a close. The horizon was dotted arin or Rykov—but in the somewhat ob­ permit us to gauge correctly the present as usual, distinguished the campaign people the party cannot make any pro­ the ruling bloc had presented a common with the first signs of a turn to the scure official, Frum kin! And Bucharin? correlation of forces. In any event, the front for five years. They went hand in conducted by the latter. gress, since the workers do not care to Left in the international working class, He was the man who wrote the official difficult position of French imperialism hand against “ Trotskyism” . Together The Campaign against the Right have anything to do with such elements. still vague- but unmistakable. In the So­ resolution of the Political Bureau against cannot be concealed. they decapitated the Chinese revolution Not only have they not won over any of viet Union itself, the proletariat lulled The famous Stalinist campaign against the Right danger! our comrades: but when in Tejares (Sal­ Herriot’s Internal Policy and ruined the immediate prospects of by the long “ reconstruction period” was the Right began formally towards the the British revolutionary movement. However that may be, it was never­ amanca) the party organized a group of In domestic policy, the declaration of beginning to arise and perceive the end of 1928 and beginning of 1929. Ac­ theless by thjs contempeible game of forty workers, these same workers a the cabinet mentions with sufficient em­ The theory of “ in one country” , growing menace of the dapitalist ele­ tually it dates farther back. In sketch­ hide-and-seek that Stalin succeeded in short time later declared their unanim­ phasis several measures in favor of the ments in the country. The expulsion of ing it briefly, let it always be borne in snatching away all the foreign parties ous adherence to the Left Opposition. workers—amnesty for political prisoners, the Left wing from the party could have mind that both sides of this battle had from under Bucharin’s nose in the “cor­ which has not yet been voted on: the Zurich Conference only ono result : the reactionary forces for years past protested to all who would ridor congress” of the Sixth Congress prolongation of the period of unemply- in the country fe lt emboldened. When listen that there was no r ift in the lute. in 1928, and all the organizational posts ment aid to 180 days—but it keeps un­ (Continued from page 1) Chamberlain in England advocated that No conference went by without Stalin in tlje Russian party in 1929. Tomsky Prize Contest der the cover of equivocal phrases, its millious of workers that it will strain Trotsky and Zinoviev be shot and Mac­ and Bucharin engaging in mutual eulo­ lamented bewilderedly to his friends: well defined intentions of attacking the every nerve, in the development of Donald insisted upon stronger measures gies (and in view of their fundament­ “We thought that after finishing with We are sorry to say that not a single wages of the employees, so as to bring events, to keep them prisoners of bour­ against the “ apostles of world revolu­ al accord on principle, that was as it Trotsky we would be able to work in party member was able to win the prize. about an “ equitable distribution of sacri­ geois rule. But what does the C. I., the tion”, they were merely saying bluntly should be). But behind this melodious peace; now it turns out that they want We are therefore forced to disclose the fices” , that is to say, to give the signal vanguard of the proletariat, say? What what the Russian Kulak, Nepman and harmony could already be detected the to apply the same methods of struggle fu ll truth about the quotation we brought for a new, big offensive of the capital­ is it doing? The contradictory needs of hard-shell bureaucrat were thinking and discordant creaking of the Stalinist ma­ to us.” Bucharin cried impotently (but last week. The author was none other ists against wages in general and against bourgeois society and the needs of the feeling. These elements the vanguard chine, grindng away at the foundaton on In private!) about Stalin: “Who is he? than the Best Disciple himself, Joseph the standards of living of the workers. proletariat force the S. L. I. to speak. of the capitalist restoration in Russia, which the Right wing stood. While their An intrigant absolutely devoid of prin­ (Sosso) Stalin. It w ill be found in his The employees understand the threat in­ It remains for the C. I. to utilize this looked upon the decapitation of the Left agreement on every point was being ciples. He is concerned only with main­ monumental work, The Theory a nd volved and their trade union organiza­ deceptive maneuver, made by the S. L. I. wing only as the first step in their pro­ loudly protested, Stalin was engaged in taining power and he subordinates every­ Practice of Leninism (Published in 1924 tions—autonomous and reformist, both in the service of the bourgeoisie, for the gram. The success they attained with completing the process, begun against thing to it. He changes his theory ab. by tlie Daily Worker Publishing Com­ —have immediately reacted and with interests of the proletariat. The merci­ their first demand encouraged them to the Left wing, of cutting down the party ru'ptly, according to who it is that he pany, Chicago, 111.), page 25. vigor. The government, has beaten a re­ an unprecedented audacity. leadership until it embraced but one in­ less struggle against the H itlerite ad­ has to choke off at a given moment.’ Of course since then much water has treat, but in such a fashion as makes As against Trotsky, these counter-rev­ dividual: Stalin himself. vance, the struggle against the Japanese But while the heroes of the Right wing flowed -under the bridge and Stalin has it of an entirely provisional character. imperialist war, the struggle for the re­ olutionists were ardent adherents of A t the very congress (December 1927) wept and wrung their hands, Stalin cut after that—in 1926—dialecticized this No one doubts for a moment that it solute defense of the conditions of the Stalin and Co. W ith Trotsky out of the where the Left Opposition was so brut­ down, first, Frumkin, then the Right wing correct revolutionary position on “ social­ w ill reiterate its proposals at the first workers and the unemployed constitute way. they shifted towards the party ally and disloyally driven from the party head of the Moscow organization, Ug- ism in one country” in the well known favorable opportunity. three planks of a bold policy and a fer­ faction which championed their cause by both Stalin and Bucharin, could al­ lanov, then every other second rank lead­ Djugashvili manner. Not even the slightest illusion can ex­ tile field for a united front in action. w ith greater ardor than was manfested ready be seen the first signs of Stalin’s er of the Right wing until he had torn Nevertheless, the fact that none of the ist within the ranks of the Communists Neither the “ red days” of yesterday, nor by the blind, empirical, oscillating group onslaught upon the coming spokesman of the footing from under Bucharin and Co. party comrades responded in the con­ the Romain Rolland—Henri Barbusse* of Stalin. They found these champions the Right faction. Not by Stalin him­ Only when these typically Stalinist pre. with regard to the Herriot government. test is very alarming. The ideological _ congress of tomorrow can substitute for where the Oppostion, in its Platform, self ; no, he preferred to send out his Nevertheless, it is interesting to note two liminaries had been accomplished did level is being threatened. The com­ facts which ” from the day of its forma- a, realistic policy which w ill fortify the had said they were to be found : at scouts, Lominadze and Schatzkin, who Stalin open up publicly against the “trio” rades must fight for a course in the tion, show that it remains w ithin the 1c asa Positions of the proletariat and Stalin’s Right, at the posts occupied by launched a furious polemic against Buch­ who were by that time defeated in ad­ complete works of Stalin at the Work­ tradition of the Radical governments, Prepare Ms victory in the development Rykov, Tomsky and Bucharin. arin. And while the congress (Stalin vance; only their signature to the pre­ ers School to meet this grave situation. cowards in the face of the police, vio­ of the crisis. The latter in turn, now that inner- included) formally endorsed Bucharin, pared statement of capitulation was miss­ lent when it is a matter of fighting the * An article on the Rolland-Barbubse party resistance to their program was the former was whetting the axe for the ing, and that was not long in coming. We, for our part, are still ready to do workers. First, there is the retention ianti-wnr congress ■»111 appear in the diminished by the Opposition’s expul­ day when it could be swung openly. Even —MAX SHACHTMAN. our hit in support of the project of the of Chiappe in the prefecture of police at ! next issue. sion, began to unfold their standpoint at the Sixth Congress, both Stalin and (To be continued) vest pocket edition.

lerites protested against the deportations, only be an alien substance in the system have enrolled to organize grotfps of self- Organizational Progress ot the German Left Opposition and at the time of the assassination of of his naturally limited ideas. Besides defense in Breslau. Biumkin, their daily paper condemned . . . so much anti-Bolshevist Trotskyism What does the C. P. leadership think this act. One could ascertain even then could spoil things for them with Stalin. of this tactic? Does it not immediately the development of the Brandlerites to­ UNITED FRONT ACHIIEVED bear fruit? theory of social Fascism, but that it GELSENKIRCHEN (R uhr): We can and is taking very deep roots among the wards Stalinism. Here is Brandler’s IN BRESLAU WILL THEY LIQUIDATE THE was useless to employ the word “social say that in Gelsenkirchen the Left Op­ numerous sympathetic comrades. position towards “ socialism in one coun­ BRESLAU.—As in all German cities, SPLITTING TRADE UNION TACTIC Fascism” in discussions with the work­ position has the sympathy of 50 percent B E R LIN : Excerpts from a letter by try” : Textually he says that this, theory the Fascist terror has grown in Breslau Thaelmann has spoken on the ‘turn” ers ! In the course of the discussion with of the best elements in the Party, and a young Communist of Berlin -— “ The is “ evidently a stupidity as Is usual since the fall of Bruening. The Nazi in the National Committee of the R. T. the political leaders of the sub-section besides that, it is attracting many com­ variou's sub-sections called upon the when Stalin concerns himself With theor­ attack against the Reichsbanner local U. O. The Rote Fahne of the June 7th rades who up t ill now were indifferent, Youth to form open air camps, during on the subject of the so-called thra in etical questions” . But for Russia this called forth a united front In 24 hours wrote on this subject: in the course of the last election strug­ the Pentecost, to hold educational class­ the party, the former came to us and “stupidity” is correct, because of the in­ of all the workers in this city, ready to “ In fu ll agreement with the report of said, if we thought that the party was gle, we issued Left Opposition placards, es. The subject was the “ united front” contestable successes of socialist con- defend themselves against Fascism. The Thaelmann, the session of the National making a turn we were correct, but we with the inscription “Trotsky says: and “ Fascism, social democracy, Com­ stru'etion.” But Brandler is always C. P. comrades united with members of Committee emphasized the need of creat­ would have to keep our silence and Strengthen the Party” . However, even munism” . In my group we discu'ssed speaking of possibilities of beginning the Socialist Labor Party (S. A. P.) and ing a broad and amplified opposition not argue these questions with them. the comrades who agree with our view­ the difference between Fascism and the construction, possibilities that no one the Reichsbanner; and in two days the movement, besides the R. T. U. O., “ It is interesting to note that an old point still fear the enormous power of social democracy, but due to the false even thinks of denying. But what we streets of the city presented a complete­ which by new methods and by a rapid unit organization with whom we had the apparatus, Its threats, slanders, and well known point of view that the demand to know Is th is: i f this construc­ ly changed picture. It was no longer strategic orientation toward the fac­ isolation, etc. party develops in this question, the ans­ frequent discussions, participated in the tion can be victoriously achieved com­ the Nazis that dominated them, but the tories w ill no longer block the road to­ wers to our questions were always em­ discussion of another sub-section and pletely and without the aid of the Eur­ proletariat. After having carefully Isolated the ward the revolutionary class front with barrassed and pitiful. We posed the defended the position of the Left Opposi­ opean revolution. Monday evening, there was a meeting the socialist workers, the unorganized Oppositionists, and following all kinds tion.” following questions concretely: How do On the question of the appropriation of 5000 workers in one of the largest and the Christian workers, but which of tricks and strategems, the bureaucracy you describe the united front of the work­ BRANDLER AND STALINISM of the ideas of the Russian Opposition halls of Breslau. w ill facilitate on the contrary, Its devel­ succeeded in expelling them “ on the q. ing class? (1) Do you consider the so-: SPANDAU.— by Stalin, Brandler cynically replied that A member of the S. A. P. spoke , in the opment ; we w ill consecrate all the forces t.” . Thereupon; the expelled members cialist party a prop of Fascism and is to “ gyp” (“ Klauen” ) was not a sin In name of the provisional committee. Eck­ at our disposal for this task.” sent a letter of protest to the District At the meeting called by the C. P. G. it because of that, you split the trade politics. Now it Is true that revolution­ stein spoke In the name of the Socialist Leadership which they remitted at the O. (Brandler Opposition) our comrade And in another paragraph: “It is nec­ unions (R. T. U. O.)? (2) Do you consi­ aries should not be moralistic pedants, Labor Party and Sandner for the C. P. same time to the party members in the Bauer took the floor Brandler replied essary as rapidly as possible to do away der the leaders of the socialist party as but s till less—bureaucratic cynics. ‘Gyp­ A ll the speakers were almost unanim­ form of an open letter. Several com­ with some nonsense about Trotsky, made with the policy of the so-called "plans well as the rank and file, social fascists? ping” certainly does no harm to those ous on the analysis of the situation, but rades declared themselves ready to sign uneasy by his latest pamphlet (What of attack” and “programs of struggle” . from whom one “ gyps” , for It is only a discussion on the role of the parties However they do not wish completely this letter and to support our demands, ‘In reply to the first question they said Next?) In which the Brandlerites are shown to be enriching the arsenal of the involuntary admission of the correct­ took place. The representative of the to liquidate the R. T. U. O. That Is why especially to open the discussion. I t is, that it was first necessary to destroy the ness of their policy. But it does harm C. P. approved the creation of common they state that “ The general line of the precisely this fact the sub-district lead- influence of the social democracy among Stalinist falsification. the revolutionary party which exists by committees of struggle, without at the R. T. U. O. was and remains correct, erdship fears most. Before its intim id­ the workers, and then to establish the For Brandler, the German party, by “gypping” . same time confusing the respective pro­ but it Is necessary to achieve an acceler­ ating, its threats to immediately expel real united front from below. There 'can the elimination of its old cadres, is de­ grams of each party, which should retain ated course, an audacious turn for its all those suspected of “ Trotskyism” , the be no question of splitting the trade stroyed. But if Trotsky and the Left True to his lack of principle, erected its complete independence for the future application; we mffst elaborate new comrades in the ranks withdrew, incap­ unions, they told us. They declared for Opposition make the same statement into a theory, Brandler adopts the slogan issued by comrade Trotsky in the begin­ development of the struggle. That is methods after realizing in practise the able of offering any effective resistance. work in the Free Trade Unions, disavow­ about Russia they are counter revolu­ ning of 1930, which consists of the strug­ correct! The meeting really expressed correct general line”. A ll this is, of course, temporary. The ing the R. T. U. O. (Red Trade Union tionists and Trotsky is to the “ right of Opposition) Otto Bauer” . Brandler approved not gle against unemployment by systematic the desire of the masses to form a genu­ Always the same thing. They recog­ Left Opposition does not consider itself collaboration with the U. S. S. R. in ine united iront of all the workers. 1500 nize that the tactic was false but the- “ In reply to the second question they only of the deportation of thousands of beaten. On the contrary the work of Oppositionists, but also of the assassina. connection with the control of produc­ workers, non-party, Communist, socialist do not wish to draw all the consequene said that it was necessary to retain the the Left Opposition is being organized tion of Biumkin. In 1928 the Brand­ tion. But we fear that this slogan can youth, and members of the Reichsbanner that are incumbent on them. Page 4 THE MILITANT SATURDAY, JULY 8, 1932 The Economic Crisis, the Unemployment An Open Letter to the Situation and the American Working Class Party District Committee A Political Biography of Stalin .... Jane 29th, 1932 D istrict Executive Committee by LEON TROTSKY h i . ports for the first quarter of 1932 fell New York District iThe enormous accumulation of capital 37 percent when compared t P the same 50 East 13th Street (Continued from last issue) In the United States, the gigantic growth months of 1928. The decline in im ports of the revolution, Stalin still talks of Stalin. Therefore the reports of the New York City, N. Y. 10. We give here a story by Shliapnl- of industry and of the process of con­ was 56 percent. The comparative fig. Miliukov as an a lly: the Soviet conquers, March, conference are concealed from the Comrades : kov ( “ The Seventeenth Year” , 1925, V. centration of production and of inten­ ures for exports and imports taking only the provisional government strengthens. party. 2) about the change wrought by Stalin sity of production, has pushed it ever the first quarter of each year were as Last Saturday evening, June 25th, the It Is difficult to believe that these words 15. Conducting, in relation to the and Kamenev joined together at that more onto the world market. The credit fo llo w s in millions of d o lla rs) open air meeting of our organization, the could be uttered by a reporter to the provisional government and the war, the time by the unity of their positions. system, so highly developed here, vastly Year (Jan-March) Exports Imports Communist League of America (Opposi­ Bolshevik conference at the end of March policy of the Left , Stalin "The day of the appearance of the accelerated the material development of 1932 “ 459 398 tion), on the corner of Wilkins and In­ 1917! Even Martov would not have put had no ground on which to refuse to un­ «« first issue of the ‘changed’ Pravda—the the question this way. This is the the forces of production. In the early 1931 710 398 tervale, the Bronx, was broken up by a ite with the Mensheviks. Here is how it Fifteenth of March—was a day of re­ stages of the capitalist mode of produc. 1930 1,129 893 group of party members and sympathiz­ theory of Dan in its most vulgar expres. he. expressed himself on this question at it joicing for the defenders. The whole tion the expansion of foreign trade be­ 1929 1,420 1,122 ers. As a workers’ organization, as a sion: the democratic revolution as an the same M arch conference o f 1917. Wo « Tauride Palace, from the men of af­ abstraction within the confines of which came a great aid to its development. 1928 1,203 1,069 Communist group we wish to strongly cite the report literally. fairs in the committees of the Duma to Now, however, it has become an integral The favorable balance of trade for protest against such action. participate the more “moderate” and the the very heart of the revolutionary dem. more “determined” forces; who divide “On the order of the day—Tseretelli’s part of this mode of production through this quarter (excess of exports over Im­ The Communist in the United States ocracy—the Executive Committee — was the work among themselves: one con­ proposal for unity.” its need for an ever expanding market. p orts) was $61,000,000, compared w ith who are in the forefront of the struggle filled with the news : the victory of the quers, who divide the work among them­ “Stalin: We have to go. It is absolute­ This is particularly aptly illustrated by $111,000,000 in the preceding quarter and for the interests of the working class, moderate common-sense over selves: one conquers, the other streng. ly necessary to define our proposal on the the position of American capitalism in $142,000,000 in the same period o f 1931. are the first to struggle for the element­ the extremists. In the very Executive thens. And nevertheless, S ta lin ’s speech line of unity. Unity is possible on the the world market. We can easily comprehend the immense ary rights of free speech, press and as­ Committee we were met with poisonous is not accidental. We have in it the line of Ziminerwakl-Kienthal.’ ” obstacles in seriously contracted home semblage for the workers and their or­ The crisis broke first here, and its smiles. This was the first and only time schema of the whole Stalinist policy in Even Molotov, it is true, expressed market which meets the American gov­ ganizations. The master class and its acuteness was undoubtedly to an extent that Pravda won the approval even of China in the years 1924-28. doubts, though not very articulately. ernment’s “reconstruction” program to state power, particularly during the pre­ due to the fact that this country gives the stout defenders o f lib e ra l sense. W ith what passionate indignation, not­ Stalin retorts: “To run ahead and to "break the backbone of the crisis” ; but sent crisis is continually interfering and the most credit to the world market and When this Issue of Pravda was received withstanding all his reserve, Lenin, who anticipate disagreements is not necess­ these obstacles become so much more ■denying these rig h ts o f the workers. The takes the least of it. The balance of at the factories it caused complete per­ succeeded in coming to the la st session ary. Without disagreements there is no strongly accentuated on the world mar­ Communist Party, our vanguard organi­ payments, which had to be squared, was plexity among the members of our party of that same conference lashed Stalin’s party life. Inside the party we'll get rid ket. AVhile the sources of power of zation in this country, has correctly put against it, even though the general bal­ and our sympathizers and malicious position: “Even our Bolsheviks,” he said, of insignificant disagreements.” (March American imperialism are spread all over forth as ont of its demands in the com­ ance of trade favored it. pleasure among our opponents. “manifest trust in the government. This party conference. Session of April 1st. the world its contradictions accumulate in g elections the rig h t o f free speech, “To the Petersburg committee, to the? can be explained only by the fumes of Page 32). It is estimated that the United States ever more rapidly. Yet as far as the assemblage, etc. for the workers. —today holds approxim ately $28,000,000, bureau of the C. C. and to the editorial the revolution. This spells the wreck of These few words say more than whole present situation is concerned it has been The tactic of interfering with workers’ I socialism. You comrades trust the gov volumes. They show those thoughts on 000 worth of foreign paper—that can­ board of Pravda came Inquiries : what able not only to maintain the gold stan­ meetings by members of the Communist I ernment. I f so, our ways part. I w ill Which Stalin was feeding in the years of not now be paid. These vast credits Is the matter, why did our paper re­ dard but even to strengthen the posi­ party, not only weakens this fight, but ' rather remain in the minority. One the war and bear Witness with judicial granted and the mass of capital loaned nounce the Bolshevik line of Lenin and tion of the dollar. plays directly into the hands of the So­ [Liebknecht is dearer than a hundred and exactness that the Zimmerwaldisni of to and invested in foreign countries, of go over to the line of the defenders? Since 1929 about $2,250,000,000 In short cialist reformists and the reactionary ten defenders of the Steklov and Cheidze Stalin was of the same stamp as the Zim- course, demand their continuous returns. And the Petersburg committee |ike the term funds lodged In this country by parties. It leads to confusion of the type. If you sympathize with Liebknecht merwaldism of Tseretolli. Her«* again But the returns, generally speaking, as whole organization was caught unawares foreign central banks have been repaid workers who witness it, makes them and stretch even one finger to the “de- there is not a hint of the ideological lr- far as American capitalism is concern, by this tu'rn and therefore was deeply by gold withdrawals from this country. lose faith in the sincerity of the Com­ feadletrg th is w ill be a betrayal of inter­ reconciliability, the false mask of which ed, are not desirable in the form of j indignant and blamed the bureau of the At the early period of these withdraw, munist struggle, and means a loss of C. C. The indignation in the sections national socialism.” (March party con­ Stalin, in .the interests of the apparatus commodities: that much the adopted als the gold holdings here, due to the prestige of Communism, and in the first was collossal, and when the proletarians ference, 1917, Session o f A p ril 4. “ Re­ struggle, put on a few days later. On ta riff regulation alone shows sufficiently. favorable trade balance, nevertheless instance, of the Communist party. Fur­ foünd out that Pravda had been seized port of comrade Lenin”, page 44). the contrary, Mcnshevisnt and Bolshev­ Bo thé problem o f the returns s t ill re. continued to increase to a record high, ther, it brings the police and the capital­ by the three former editors of Pravda It must not be forgotten that Lenin’s ism represent themselves to Stalin at mains a rather vexing one. We mention on September 16, 1931 o f $5,015,000. B u t ist governent to “settle” the disputes who had arrived from Siberia, they de­ speech and the reports in their entirety Hie end of March 1917 as shades of this only as a reminder of the fact that these foreign banks continued to convert which exist within the working class and manded their expulsion from the party.” have been concealed from the party up thought that can live in harmony in one the very question of American capitalism their dollar holdings into gold, and Communist movement. (The third was the former deputy Mur- t i l l now. party. Disagreements with Tsereteli!, Issuing out of the crisis is quite closely since then up to the present time, the But even more than this. Since our anov). 13. How did S ta lin pose the question Stalin calls “insignificant disagreements” bound up with the world market pro­ gold holdings hdre have decreased to organization, the Communist League, was which can be got rid of inside one party. blems. To this must be added the following: .of war? Exactly like Kamenev. It Is about $3,900,000,000. The W a ll Street founded we have supported the Commun­ (a) Shliapnlkov’s exposition was worked necessary to awaken the European work­ We see here how i t becomes S ta lin to At this point, however, there enter bankers (call these withdrawals which ist Party in its dally activity, demon­ over and extremely softened under the ers and meanwhile to fu lfill one’s duty expose the conciliationist relations of such questions as : reparations, inter-al­ they estimate as about having come to a strations and elections campaigns. Sev- pressure o f S ta lin and Kamenev in 1925 in relation to the “revolution”. But how Trotsky with the Left Mensheviks—In lied debts, retaliating tariffs etc. But close a disturbing element now removed eral weeks ago we sent you a letter in (at that time the ‘three” still domin­ are the European workers to be awak­ 1913. above all there are the questions of the from the financial situation. In their which we reiterated our support of the ated!); (b) no denials of Shliapnikov’s ened? Stalin gives the answer in an 16. In such a position Stalin naturally political stability of the various capi­ view the lack of confidence is being re­ party in the coming elections and offered story have appeared in the official press. a rtic le on M arch 17: “ . . . we have couldn’t seriously oppose anything to the talist nations, the increased antagonisms moved, the dollar is emerging stronger. our services (platform, speakers, liter­ And how can it be denied? Those issues shown already one of the most serious S. R.’s and Mensheviks in the Execu­ —national antagonisms and class anta­ It has been correctly asserted in these ature, etc.) in the work. We stated of Pravda still exist. methods of doing it It consists in com­ tive Committee where he entered as a gonisms—and the growing danger of war. columns before that a new ascendancy that we intend to actively participate in 11. The relation of Stalin to the pro­ pelling our own government to express representative of the party after his ar­ Politics and economics are here quite for the capitalist system as a whole is the campaign th is year, as before and blem of revolutionary power is expressed itself not only against any plans of con, rival. There is not to be found In the inseparably interwoven. Their texture not possible. We have already entered bring the message of Communism to the in a speech at a party conference (ses­ quest—, but to formulate openly the w ill records or in the press one proposition, forms the basis of the crafty diplomatic the epoch of capitalist decline and -o- w orking masses. sion of March 29, 1917) : “The provision­ of the Russian people to begin immedi­ one statement, one protest in which maneuvering at the numerous world letarian revolutions. The existence of We received no reply to this letter-. al government, in fact, took the role of ately negotiations for a general peace Stalin in some measure clearly counter- conferences which are being held right the Soviet Union, growing constantly However, we have been ca rryin g .on our strengthening the conquest of the revolu­ on conditions of renunciation by both posed the Bolshevik point of view to the along. Each imperialist power struggles stronger despite its difficulties, testifies work in this direction. The meeting on tionary people. The Soviet power and sides of any conquests, and the right of lackeyi.sin of the “revolutionary dem­ to increase or at least to maintain its eloquently to this fact. It is being fur­ Wilkins and Intervale, which was broken the social democracy mobilize forces, nations to self determination”. ocracy” before the bourgeoisie. One of share in world economy. The sum and ther reinforced by the growing revolu­ up last Saturday by party members and control, but the provisional government— In this manner the pacifism of Miliu. the recorders of events of that period, substance of these conflicts presents a tionary movements within the capitalist sympathizers, was called to discuss the persisting blundering takes the role of kov-Gu'chkov was to serve as a means of a non-partisan half-defender, Sukhanov, problem npt at all easy to solve, not even countries. But it is just as important to problems of the workers and urge them strengthening those conquests of the awakening the European proletariat. the author of the above mentioned mani­ for American capitalism. also remember that in the imperialist to support the party in the coming elec­ people, which In fact are already accom On April 4, on the second day of his festo to the toilers of the whole world, says in Notes of the Revolution: “For A considerable portion, an estimated stage of the unequal development of capi­ tions as well as in the day to day strug­ plished by them. Such a situation has arrival, Lenin declared with indignation tal, s tit has become more pronounced. gle. negative, but also positive sides: it is at the party conference: “Pravda de­ the Bolsheviks at this time, beside Kam­ seven to eight billion dollars, of the enev, there appeared In the Executive American capital sent abroad represents And the question of the ability of Am­ We repeat, comrades, thè tactic of not to our advantage now to force events, mands from the government that it should erican capitalism to issue out of the renounce 'annexation. To demand from Committee. Stalin—during his modest direct investments in enterprises of pro­ breaking up workers’ meetings can only to quicken the process of the split-off crisis on the backs of its own working capitalist governments that they renounce activity in the Executive Committee (he) duction. It was exported in order to be lead to the di,scr ditment of the Com­ of the bourgeois strata which later muist class and at the cost of the status of unavoidably go away from us.” annexations—is nonsense, a crying mock­ produced —not ony on me—the impres­ employed in other countries at a higher munist movement and party. other capitalist powers In world econ­ Stalin is afraid “to push away the ery.” (The March conference of the sion of a gray spot, that sometimes glim­ rate of profit. In that sense it was the We intend continuing our open-air omy still remains. It Is being confirmed bourgeoisie”—the fundamental argument p a rty in 1917. Session o f A p ril 4. “ Re­ mered dully and traceless. More about surplus capital although t may appear work despite all obstacles. We ask you by the powerful role It plays in the con­ of the Mensheviks beginning with the port of comrade Lenin.” Page 44.) him there Is nothing to say (Notes of paradoxical to speak of surplus capital the responsible ditsrict body of the party stantly recu'rring conflicts on questions year 1904. These words were aimed entirely at the Revoltion,” Book, pages 265-266). in the face of industries operating at a to publicly either denounce such tactics of the war reparations, International “In so far as the provisional govern­ S talin. (To be Coninued) low percentage of production capacity or assume responsibility for them. We debts and moratorium. Each of the ment supports the steps of the revolu­ and millions of workers unemployed—an sincerely suggest that you take the for­ 14. M arch 14, the Menshevik-Social international conferences held on these tion, so far Is it to be supported; and excess population. But it w ill soon be mer course, Issue a statement in the Revolutionist Soviet issued a manifesto questions increases the importance of In so far as It is counter-revolutionary, found that surplu's capital and such sur­ Dally Worker denouncing such tactics about the war to the toilers of all couh- Youth Notes participation by the United States— support to the provisional government is plus population, exist side by side, and and Informing the Party members and tries. The manifesto was a hypocritical whether or not the participation takes unacceptable.” (Continued from page 2) that the existence of one is the condi­ the Left wing sympathizers of the dis­ pseudo-pacifist document in the political the form of presence or absence of offi­ Just so Dan spoke. In other words, tion for the other. astrous consequences that may result spirit of the Mensheviks and S. R.’s who Time has wholly proven the correct­ is it possible to defend the bourgeois gov. cial delegates. These conferences, how­ from them. were persuading the workers of other ness of the stand of the other comrades E xp orta tion o f surplus ca p ita l becomes ever, also increasingly show the omin. ernment before the revolutionary mass­ countries to rise against their own bour­ and myself. We await aq early reply to this let­ a means of promotion of the exportation ous signs of sharpening imperialist con­ es? The record fu rth e r proclaim s : “ com­ geoisie and themselves were going along The present politically impotent lead­ ter. of goods and of the acquisitin of super flicts and of imperialist maneuvers rade Stalin publishes the resolution about in the same harness with the imperial­ ership has failed miserably in all its profits. The effort is made, of course, against the Soviet Union. This reflects Fraternally yours, the provisional government adopted by ists of Russia and the whole entente. plans. In fear of being removed from to thereby monopolize both the sale of the fact that the world economic crisis H. CAPELIS. the bureau of the C. C., but says that How did Stalin appraise this mani­ their positions because of this they ter­ goods in foreign trade and the supply of is becoming ever more bound up with Secretary he does not fully agree with it, and festo? “First of all, undoubtedly the rorized by expulsion or threats of ex­ raw materials. The foreign trade, by the question of war. In that perspec­ rather concurs with the resolution of pulsion all those who raised their voices New Ybrk Branch bare slogan ‘down with war’ Is unsuit­ virtue of the fact that it makes possi­ tive we cannot fail to notice the increas­ the Krasnoyarsk Soviet. in protest and ’criticism. Singled out Communist League of America able as a practical road—One can’t help ble an expansion in the scale of produc­ ingly aggressive role of American im­ We cite the ihost important points of welcoming yesterday’s appeal o f the So­ were those who Insisted on fraternizing tion, in general, thereby tends to cheapen perialism . (Opposition) the Krasnoyarsk resolution: “To make viet of workers’ and soldiers’ deputies with the expelled comrades. clear In full that the only sou'rce of the elements of constant capital. By While we take due notice of the enor­ •niiuginmiimiincjiiiiiiniinniiniminiuii in Petrograd to the nations of the whole Unable to meet the criticism of these . simultaneously raising the rate of surplus mous contradictions developing and of power and authority of the provisional world to compel their own governments expelled comrades, and failing to con­ government is the w ill of the people who value it then also tends to raise the rate the future furious conflicts implied In CORRECTION to stop the slaughter. This appeal, If it vince myself and others of the correct­ of profit. This is, of course, at the bot­ the efforts being made to ‘‘break the accomplished this overturn and whom the reaches the broad masses, w ill undoubt­ ness of the line of the leadership In spite tom of the very intense struggle among backbone of the crisis”, it would not be A Mistake Crept Unto Our Previous Issue provisional government is obliged to obey edly return hundreds and thousands of of lies, flinging dirt and slander, such the imperialist pokvers for control of completely— as these comrades being counter-revolu­ correct to consider this crisis as a bot­ We advertised a free copy of the workers to the forgotten slogan “Pro­ the world market. But the expansion of tomless one. It would be wrong for us “To support the provisional govern­ letarians of all countries, unite!” tionary enemies of the wording class production, due to foreign trade, at the “Problems of the Chinese Revolution” who have sneaked into the Y. C. L. the to assume that American capitalism, as ment in its activity in so far as it How did Lenin appraise the appeal of same time hastens the process of accum­ with a one year subscription to the M ili­ burocrats resorted to threats of expul­ a distinct national Imperialist power, marches along the road of satisfying the the defenders? In the already cited ulation and hastens the growing dispro­ sion to all who fraternized. Accusations cannot Issue out of it, or even that the tant. This should be: demands of the working class and the speech of April 4th he said: “The appeal without facts prove nothing. I am fully portion of constant capital, (means of present contraeed mass of surplus value One copy o f. “Problems of the Chin­ revolutionary peasantry in the develop­ of the Soviet of workers deputies’—there aware that these comrades are revolu­ production) increasing more rapidly than realized by it, by its exploitation of work­ ing revolution.” is not a word permeated with class mon- ese Revolution”, paper cover $1.-0 tionaries of high rank, I have continued variable capital (labor power and there­ ers at home and abroad, w ill be the basis Such is the position of Stalin«on the sciou'sness. There Is nothing In I t but fore again promotes its own contradic­ One year subscription to The Militant to fraternize. for “normalcy” in the future. It would question of power. lifeless phrases.” (The party conference I agree with the Left Opposition on tion, the fall in the rate of profit. still be too early to point to any such de­ $2.00 o f 1917. Session o f A p ril 4th. “ Report 12. The date, M arch 29, m ust be the following questions, which I have American foreign trade, however, has finite limitations to its future process Obtainable During ■ the Summer specially underlined. In this manner, of comrade Lenin,” Page 43.) These studied. of accumulation. What can be said de. Months for the Sum of $2.50 words of Lenin are aimed entirely at today hit the lowest record in twenty more than a month after the beginning (1) Germany; the necessity of a work­ years. But just about so, or worse, is the finitely, however, is that in the next ers anti-Fascist united front. condition of world trade in general. At stage the conflict of the development of the forces of production with the exist­ (2) The incorrectness of the idea of present 41 percent o f the 1920 level con­ completing Socialism in one country, stitutes that record of the combined 25 ing property relations and the condltiohs of wage labor w ill sharpen manifold. NOW READY ! this theory is the basis of many errors. leading capitalist countries doing a total (3) Against burocracy. of 80 percent of the world’s trade There For the American working class, on (4) The Leninist united front tact-ic. 4s powerful testimony in this to the the other hand, one part of the question I w ill continue to further study the ravages of the world economic crisis, of its perspective is already settled. question. This, of course, is the picture of the cap­ That is the part which has relation to Problems of the Chinese Revolution I believe the Left Opposition Is a rev­ italist countries only, and not at all of its futlre standard of living. The capit­ olutionary group and therefore should the Soviet Union. alist efforts to issue out of the crisis be re-admitted into the Communist party, are entirely conditioned upon the saddling According to the Department of Com­ The silly political revolutionary organi­ of its burden entirely onto the working merce the unit value of American ex- by LEON TROTSKY zation of the proletariat. class. In other words it w ill be at the I protest violently against the head­ AFTER THREE AND A HALF YEARS OF PATIENT WORK, THE COMMUNIST LEAGUE OF AMERICA price of a lower level for the working chopping of all comrades who dare think NOW PRESENTS TO THE AMERICAN COMMUNIST WORKERS *THE WHOLE STORY OF THE DEVELOP­ T H E MILITANT class. In the final analysis, therefore, for themselves on a Marxist line. MENTS OF T H E GREAT C H IN ESE REVOLUTON OF 1925-27. the very question of American capital­ I urge all comrades to study the' posi­ Published weekly by the Communist HERE, IN COLD TYPE, ARE THE ANALYSES, THE PROPOSALS AND THE WARNINGS OF THE GREAT ism overcoming its crisis depends decis­ tion of the Left Opposition! League ef America (Opposition) TEACHERS OF THE WORLD PROLETARIAT—THE RUSSIAN BOLSHEVIK.LENINISTS. ively upon the proletariat. And, on a Protest against any expulsions of com­ a t 84 East 10th St., N. T . COMMUNIST WORKERS! TEST THE TEACHINGS OF THE LEFT OPPOSITION IN THE LIGHT OF IN. world scale this Is so much more the rades tor fraternization or Communist EDITORIAL BOARD TERNATI0NAL EXPERIENCE! case. criticism ! M artin Abern James P. Cannon READ WHAT L. D. TROTSKY WROTE IN 1925-27AND CHECK IT AGAINST WHAT REALLY HAPPEN­ Everywhere, within the capitalist na­ —IRVING BERN. Max Shachtman Maurice Speetor ED! Arno Swabeck tions, the crisis has Unleashed tremend­ Entered as second class m all matter ous forces.There is an army of perman­ PAPER BOUND $1.00 CLOTH COYER $1.50 N. Y. PICNIC November 28, 1928, at the Post Office a. ently unemployed workers comprising 450 PAGES Special Rates in Bundle Orders of Five or More. For the benefit of the Spanish Opposition many millions. The struggle to further New York, N. Y. Under the act of You Mi Press reduce the working class standard of SUNDAY, JU LY 10th, 1932 Merck 3, 1879. living w ill go on. The growth of the Vol. 5, No. 27 (Whole No. 123) PIONEER PUBLISHERS TIBBETTS BROOK PARK—PLOT 8 revolutionary movement is unmistakable. SATURDAY, JU LY 2, 1932 Take Woodlawnww-erome Train to The future direction depends decisively ubocrtptton rate: 82.00 per year; for­ Woodlawn Station. Then trolley upon the Communist forces. 8 4 East 10th. Street New York N . Y. to Tibbetts Brook Park. eign $2.80. Five cents per copy. Ananlnps- Knnrtncus Youth Club Bundle rates, 8 cents per copy. —ARNE SWABECK.