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December 8, 2010 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E2087 JACKIE KENDALL AND STEVE Jackie and Steve have given individuals and As to what new heights a soul can race. MAX: CELEBRATING LIFETIMES organizations the skills and the confidence All in the darkness of most evil war . as OF ACHIEVEMENT needed to make a difference in people’s lives. when most courageous heart so soared! That Heaven so insured. They recognize that in today’s world it is not But, a place up on high . but with our HON. JANICE D. SCHAKOWSKY always easy to take on powerful interests or to Lord. OF ILLINOIS understand how large and complicated entities Oh yes Richard, all in your Magnificent IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES can be challenged successfully. The Midwest Honor In Death. Wednesday, December 8, 2010 Academy was founded on the principle that— All in that moment of truth, as when your given the right training and tools—individuals fine heart so began to crest! Ms. SCHAKOWSKY. Madam Speaker, I rise can come together and build power. Over the All In Valor, All In Honor and All In Most today to celebrate two extraordinary individ- years, they have trained student groups fight- Selfless Death. As into that darkness, you so bravely uals: Jackie Kendall and Steve Max. This ing for affordable tuition, seniors opposed to week, they will receive the 2010 Midwest marched off but to give your very Social Security privatization, and rural groups best. Academy Lifetime Achievement award, in rec- eager to develop wind power. ognition of their decades of work on behalf of As out into a future, all of those lives that In those and so many other efforts, Jackie, you have so blessed. economic and social justice. Steve and the Midwest Academy give people And what child may so come, from all of the Jackie and Steve will continue their work in the tools they need to effectively participate in lives that you helped to save the years to come, but they have already ac- their communities and their government. my son. complished so much. It is not just their own Jackie and Steve are true fighters for pro- That may one day so Save The World, as Thy lifetimes that deserve to be honored, it is the gressive change. They have built a foundation Will Be Done! impact that they have had on thousands of that will stand for generations to come. Because, Some things Time Can Not So other lifetimes. Through their work at the Mid- Erase. west Academy—a non-profit training organiza- f For The Truth, Will. Will Out All In The tion that teaches organizing skills—they have HONORING CHIEF MASTER SGT. End, All In Honor’s Place! empowered tens of thousands of individuals RICHARD L. ETCHBERGER And Such Magnificent Patriots as you, who have so made these here United States! who have gone on to make tangible improve- For all of them and their families, Heaven so ments in their communities, our country and HON. EARL POMEROY holds a place! the world. OF NORTH DAKOTA For all of those fine sons who had to cry, and My dear friend Jackie Kendall has been the IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES ask why did daddy die? executive director of the Midwest Academy for And that lovely wife, who lost her best friend 29 years. She is retiring this year from that po- Wednesday, December 8, 2010 that night. sition. I know she is looking forward to spend- Mr. POMEROY. Madam Speaker, all of us And all of those tearful Christmases not by ing time with her fabulous husband, Jerry, and have observed from time to time wounded he- their sides. her children and grandchildren. But I cannot roes in uniform and with their loving families As all of those most swollen tear drops they imagine Jackie sitting by quietly when she all so cried! being guided through our Capitol by an ener- And those beloved parents, whose great pain sees problems that need solving nor can I getic tour guide. I know we all appreciate the shall never die, and never end. imagine that those who have come to rely on efforts made to reach out to those who are And his Brothers, who but lost their best her for strategic guidance will let her alone. healing from the wounds of war and recognize friend. Jackie is one of the most passionate and them with these very trips to our Capitol. Because, Some things. Time Can Not So most creative people I know. I first met Jackie The tour guide responsible for these visits is Erase! in the grocery store near my home in 1969. Albert Casswell and as I’ve come to know Only when reunited in Heaven once again, The butcher was red-faced and yelling at her him, I have been deeply impressed by his will this pain so end this weight. and a few other women who had the audacity commitment to those who have served our So wipe all of those tears from your most to ask him the age of the meat he was selling. swollen eyes! country. For your lost love who now so up in Heaven His answer was, ‘‘Go shop somewhere else, This fall I asked Mr. Casswell to provide a as so resides, take comfort in this real- or I’ll throw you out on your fannies, you tour for the family members of Chief Master ized! geeks.’’ This seemed unacceptable, though Sergeant Richard Etchberger during the week For Richard, your fine life was such a Tour quite exciting, to me, so I went to find out. I Chief Etchberger was posthumously awarded de Force. immediately became involved in this house- the Congressional Medal of Honor for extraor- As you so shined, so magnificently, so bril- wives’ campaign to get freshness dates on dinary heroism in service to our country. liantly. so valiantly as you went food, and immediately fell in love with Jackie During the Vietnam War he acted bravely to forth! Kendall. The rest is history. Dates on food save the lives of his fellow airmen resulting in All In Honor and Death, all in that uniform products are nearly universal and Jackie Ken- of The United States Air Force you the tragic loss of his own life. soared! dall went on to organize and inspire many, Mr. Casswell was moved as I was moved As a great American Hero, you will ever live many more successful campaigns. by meeting this wonderful family and learning on evermore! At the Midwest Academy, Jackie has had a the story of Chief Etchberger. He not only pro- ‘‘Welcome Home, My Son. .’’ partner in Steve Max, a denizen of the upper vided an exceptional tour for the family, he au- For Richard, new wings upon you are West Side of New York City, who helped get thored a poem in honor of Chief Etchberger worn. the Midwest Academy started in 1973. Work- and has inquired as to whether it was appro- As An Angel In The Army of Our Lord. ing with Heather and Paul Booth, he helped priate to include in the CONGRESSIONAL To watch over us evermore. As this day, we present to you. The design the original training curriculum—which RECORD. I offer the poem of Mr. Casswell in Medal of Honor, and to all your loved includes the famous Midwest Academy strat- appreciation of all he has done to help our sol- egy chart. Steve’s clear economic analyses— ones. diers and for his obvious concern for them and Because, Some things. Time Can Not peppered with the lessons he learned from his their families. Erase! rabbi and shares with his listeners—have edu- SOME THINGS, TIME CAN NOT ERASE f cated, inspired and entertained generations of Some things, Time Can Not Erase activists. Some things, time can not erase. TRIBUTE TO PATRICK HATCH FOR Steve Max quite deservedly has a fan base Some things, so high above all others are so HIS SERVICE AS A CONGRES- across the country. He has worked with stu- placed. SIONAL FELLOW dents and seniors, patients and scientists, with A place of Honor, and of most amazing grace! New Yorkers and Nebraskans, Pennsylva- That which brings such tears to our Lord’s face. HON. JOHN W. OLVER nians and Arizonans. Steve brings to his work OF MASSACHUSETTS not just an in-depth understanding of historic That which makes the Angels up on IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES and macroeconomic forces but an ability to high. So begin to cry! Wednesday, December 8, 2010 understand very local and distinctive concerns All in your most selfless sacrifice. and problems, all seasoned with a unique and To give up one’s fine life. Mr. OLVER. Madam Speaker, the House hilarious sense of humor. With those talents, For no other gift so burns so bright! Appropriations Subcommittee on Transpor- he is able to craft specific strategies that work Yes, Some things hold such a hallowed tation, Housing and Urban Development will locally and globally. place. bid farewell next week to Patrick Hatch, who VerDate Mar 15 2010 06:09 Dec 09, 2010 Jkt 099060 PO 00000 Frm 00007 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A08DE8.012 E08DEPT1 jbell on DSKDVH8Z91PROD with REMARKS.