The Next Holocaust and the Refuge in Edom

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The Next Holocaust and the Refuge in Edom Supplemental Notes: The Next Holocaust and The Refuge in Edom • What is the purpose of the Great Tribulation? • What is the prophetic role of Ammon, Moab, and Edom (now known as Jordan)? • Where does Jesus return? On the Mount of Olives or in Bozrah? In this briefing package, Chuck Missler reviews the “Time of Jacob’s Trouble” and the campaign of Armageddon. © 2006 Koinonia House Inc. Page 1 The Next Holocaust Who is this that cometh from Edom, with dyed garments from Bozrah? this that is glorious in and his apparel, travelling in the greatness of his The Refuge in Edom strength? I that speak in righteousness, mighty to save. Wherefore art thou red in thine apparel, and thy garments like him that treadeth in the Part 1: Israel’s Enemies winefat? I have trodden the winepress alone; and of the people there was none with me: for Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of trembling I will tread them in mine anger, and trample unto all the people round about, when they them in my fury; and their blood shall be shall be in the siege both against Judah and sprinkled upon my garments, and I will stain against Jerusalem. And in that day will I make all my raiment. For the day of vengeance is in Jerusalem a burdensome stone for all people: mine heart, and the year of my redeemed is come. all that burden themselves with it shall be cut Isaiah 63:1-4 in pieces, though all the people of the earth be Jordan gathered together against it. Zechariah 12:2,3 The Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan is not an ancient The next holocaust: “...such as never to that time...” kingdom, but rather a European creation of 1946. (Mt 24:21). This will be an exploration of some of the Prior to World War I, the areas of Ammon, Moab less familiar prophecies of the End-Times, the Tribu- and Edom had previously been populated by unaffili- lation, and the Second Coming of Jesus Christ. ated Bedouin tribes. During the war, when the Brit- ish and the Allies were fighting the Germans and Current Events the Ottoman Turks, Major T.E. Lawrence organized his widely publicized “Arab Revolt.” • Role of Syria? Isa 17:1 General Allenby was ultimately victorious in the • Magog Invasion? Ezek 38 & 39 Middle East and so the League of Nations awarded •70th Week? Dan 9:24-27 the British a “Mandate” on April 25, 1920 (which was • Great Tribulation? Mt 24:15 to endure until May 14, 1948). • Armageddon? Rev 16:16 • Treaty with Jordan? Dan 11:41 In 1921 an aggressive young man named Abdallah, the son of Sharif Hussein of Mecca in Arabia, moved Questions into the land east of Jordan river with his troops. The British Colonial Secretary recognized Abdallah • What is the purpose of the Great Tribulation? as the “Emir of Trans-Jordan.” Abdallah then con- • What is the prophetic role of Ammon, Moab, and solidated control with his British-trained “Arab Le- Edom (now known as Jordan)? gion.” In 1946 after the war, Abdallah was crowned • Where do “those who are in Judea” flee? Which King of Trans-Jordan. (Since 1999, his great-grand- mountains? (Mt 24:16). son, Abdullah II, has been the current king). • Where does Jesus return? The Mount of Olives? (Zech 14:4) or Edom? (Isa 63): Page 2 Page 3 In 1948 Jordan joined the attack against Israel in its Moab War of Independence and successfully fought the Haganah and held the “West Bank.” In 1967, how- Moab was the son of Lot by incestuous union with ever, again joining Egypt in the Six-Day War, they his eldest daughter (Gen 19:37). The four kings from lost it. In 1998, having previously repudiated any rights the East invaded Moab and overthrew the people of to the “West Bank,” Jordan signed a Peace Treaty Shaveh-kiriathaim (Gen 14:5). with Israel at Camp David. (Our government offered King Hussein the waiving of $950 million of debt The Moabites overflowed their main plateau and oc- owed by Jordan, and assistance in modernization of cupied areas north of the Arnon, destroying the his armed forces as an incentive for the meeting former inhabitants (Deut 2:10-11, 19-21; cf. Gen 14:5). with Yitzhak Rabin.) These lands were shared with the closely related Am- monites. Just prior to the Exodus, these lands north He shall enter also into the glorious land, and of the Arnon were wrested from Moab by Sihon, many countries shall be overthrown: but these king of the Amorites. shall escape out of his hand, even Edom, and Moab, and the chief of the children of Ammon. When Israel sought permission to travel along “the Daniel 11:41 King’s Highway,” which crossed the plateau, Moab refused (Judg 11:17), but they may have had com- It appears this is one of the few areas that escape mercial contact (Deut 2:28-29). Moses was forbidden the rule of the coming world leader (commonly to attack Moab despite their unfriendliness (Deut 2:9), known as the “Antichrist”). Thus, it seems this area although Moabites were henceforth to be excluded will be a refuge for the remnant that flees Jerusa- from Israel (Deut 23:3-6; Neh 13:1). lem when under attack during the Great Tribulation (Isa 16:1; 63:1ff; Mic 2:12; Mt 24:15-22). Balak, king of Moab, distressed by the Israelite suc- cesses, called for the prophet Balaam to curse Israel, Ammon now settled across the Arnon (Num 22-24; Josh 24:9). As Israel prepared to cross the Jordan, they camped Ammon was the name of the descendants of in the “plains of Moab” (Num 22:1; Josh 3:1). Benammi, Lot’s younger son by his daughter, born in a cave near Zoar (Gen 19:38). Regarded as rela- They were seduced by Moabite and Midianite women tives, the Israelites were commanded to treat them to participate in idolatrous practices (Num 25; Hos 9:10). kindly (Deut 2:19). At the time of the Exodus, Israel In the days of the Judges, Eglon, king of Moab, in- did not conquer Ammon (Deut 2:19, 37; Judg 11:15). vaded Israelite lands as far as Jericho and oppressed Israel for 18 years. Ehud the Benjaminite assassi- However, the Ammonites were condemned for join- nated him (Judg 3:12-30). ing the Moabites in hiring Balaam, and were forbid- den to enter the congregation of Israel to the 10th Elimelech of Bethlehem migrated to Moab and his generation (Deut 23:3-6). Rabbah Ammon is now sons married Moabite women, Orpah and Ruth. Ruth Amman, the capital of Jordan. later married Boaz and became the ancestress of David (Ruth 4:18-22; Mt 1:5-16). Page 4 Page 5 Saul warred with the Moabites (1 Sam 14:47). David • The Moabite stone, a block of black basalt found lodged his parents there while he was a fugitive (1 near Dibon, Jordan, in 1868, bears an inscription Sam 22:3-4). Later, David subdued Moab and set apart in the Moabite language describing a 9th-century many Moabites for death (2 Sam 8:2, 12; 1 Chr 18:2, B.C. victory of King Mesha of Moab over the Isra- 11). After Solomon’s death, Moab broke free, but was elites. It’s now in the Louvre in Paris. subdued by Omri of Israel. • Important sites which have yielded significant re- sults are Dibon, Aroer, Bab edh-Dhra and several Toward the close of Ahab’s life, Moab began to break sites in the area of the Lisan. free again. Jehoram of Israel sought the help of Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, and the king of Edom The Descendants of Abraham to regained Moab, but the campaign was abortive (2 Kgs 1:1; 3:4-27). Later, Jehoshaphat’s own land was [Notice: Arabian tribes not descended from Ishmael invaded by a confederacy of Moabites, Ammonites (Hagar), but the concubine Keturah. Esau took wives and Edomites, but confusion broke out and the allies including Nebajoth’s sister; his descendants, Ishamel’s, attacked one another so that Judah was delivered (2 and Keturah’s, all intermarried…no tribal distinctions Chr 20:1-30). were maintained…] Abraham In the year of Elisha’s death, bands of Moabites raided Israel (2 Kgs 13:20). During the latter part of the 8th (Sarah) (Hagar) (Keturah) century B.C. Moab was subdued by Assyria and com- Isaac Ishmael Zimran “Arabs” pelled to pay tribute, but after Assyria fell, Moab was Esau Nebajoth free again (Isa 15-16). Moabites entered Judah in Jacob Kedar Jokshan Adbeel Sheba the days of Jehoiakim (2 Kgs 24:2). At the fall of (Saudi Arabia) Mibsam Medan Dedan Jerusalem in 587 B.C. some Jews found refuge in Mishma Dumah Moab, but returned when Gedaliah became gover- Massa Midian nor (Jer 40:11ff). Hadar Ephah Epher Tema Ishbak Jetur Hanoch (Bedouins) Moab was finally subdued by Nebuchadnezzar Naphish Abidah (Josephus, Antiquities, 10. 181). Moab fell successively Kedemah Shuah Eldaah under the control of the Persians and various Arab groups. The Moabites ceased to have independent Edom existence as a nation, though in post-exilic times they were known as a race (Ezra 9:1; Neh 13:1, 23). The term Edom denotes either: 1) The name of Esau, nd Alexander Jannaeus subdued them in the 2 cen- given in memory of the red pottage for which he ex- tury B.C. (Josephus, Antiquities, 13.
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