Delius Journal 133 Cover.qxd 28/12/2007 12:56 Page 1 The Delius Society JOURNAL Spring 2003 Number 133 Delius Journal 133.qxd 28/12/2007 12:53 Page 1 The Delius Society Journal Spring 2003, Number 133 The Delius Society (Registered Charity No. 298662) Full Membership and Institutions £20 per year UK students £10 per year USA and Canada US$38 per year Africa, Australasia and Far East £23 per year President Felix Aprahamian Vice Presidents Lionel Carley BA, PhD Meredith Davies CBE MA BMus FRCM Sir Andrew Davis CBE Vernon Handley MA, FRCM Richard Hickox FRCO Lyndon Jenkins Richard Kitching Tasmin Little FGSM ARCM (Hons) Hon D.Litt DipGSM David Lloyd-Jones BA FGSM HonDMus Julian Lloyd Webber FRCM Sir Charles Mackerras CBE Robert Threlfall Chairman Roger J. Buckley Treasurer and Membership Secretary Stewart Winstanley Windmill Ridge, 82 Highgate Road, Walsall, WS1 3JA Tel: 01922 633115 Email:
[email protected] Secretary Ann Dixon 21 Woodlands Drive, Brooklands, Sale, Cheshire, M33 3PQ Tel: 0161 282 3654 Delius Journal 133.qxd 28/12/2007 12:53 Page 2 Editor Jane Armour-Chélu ****************************************************** ************************** ********************************** Website: Email:
[email protected] Enclosed with thisJ ournalis a copy of the revised set of Rules of The Delius Society, which under Rule 7, every member is entitled to receive. These revisions were ratified by the 2002 AGM. ISSN-0306-0373 Delius Journal 133.qxd 28/12/2007 12:53 Page 3 CONTENTS Chairman’s Message…………………………………..………………………. 5 Editorial……………………………………………...................………………. 6 ARTICLES Hiawatha – A tone poem for orchestra after Longfellow’s poem, by Robert Threlfall………...............................................................................… 7 Elegy for the Common Man, by Stewart Winstanley………………………..