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Research-Study-On-'Barriers-To-Youth Barriers to youth engagement in the fight against corruption in Mauritius Acknowledgements We would like to express our gratitude and thanks to the following participants for having kindly accepted to be interviewed for the purpose of this study, as key stakeholders with wide professional experience and expertise involved in youth empowerment: • Mr. Rajen Bablee, Executive Director of Transparency Mauritius; • Mr. Ibrahim Koodoruth, Sociologist and Senior Lecturer at the University of Mauritius; • Mrs. Arielle Francois-Nicolas, Departmental Head, Commission of Youth and Sports, Rodrigues; • Mr. Vinayagum Putchay, Director of Youth Affairs, Ministry of Youth and Sports; • Mr. Maxwell André, Vice-President of Rodrigues Council of Social Services (RODCOSS); and • Mrs. Ashna Luximon, Integrity Club Facilitator, Curepipe College. In addition, we would like to commend all young persons for their valuable contribution, during the 11 focus group discussions, which have been instrumental in designing the outcomes of this study. We also place on record the collaboration of the Ministry of Youth and Sports and the Commission of Youth and Sports for facilitating the conduct of the focus group discussions in Mauritius and Rodrigues respectively. This study has been conducted by the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC) Mauritius, in collaboration with the University of Technology Mauritius (UTM) with the support of the Mauritius Research Council (MRC) under the Small Scale Research and Innovation Grant Scheme. ICAC 1 Barriers to youth engagement in the fight against corruption in Mauritius 2 ICAC Barriers to youth engagement in the fight against corruption in Mauritius Table of contents Page Abstract 4 Introduction 7 Objectives of study and research questions 9 Understanding corruption 12 Youth and corruption 19 Barriers in engaging youth in the fight against corruption 27 Research methodology 31 Analysis of findings 40 Research recommendations and conclusion 50 References 61 Appendices Appendix 1 (Questionnaire for Focus Group Discussion with youth) 67 Appendix 2 (Questionnaire for Interviews targeting stakeholders) 71 ICAC 3 Barriers to youth engagement in the fight against corruption in Mauritius 4 ICAC Barriers to youth engagement in the fight against corruption in Mauritius List of Abbreviations and Acronyms AI Amnesty International CPI Corruption Perceptions Index FIAMLA Financial Intelligence and Anti-Money Laundering Act 2002 GDP Gross Domestic Product ICAC Independent Commission Against Corruption IMF International Monetary Fund OGP Open Government Partnership MSPACC Model States Parties Anti-Corruption Conference PoCA Prevention of Corruption Act 2002 SET Stock Exchange of Thailand TI Transparency International UNCAC United Nations Convention against Corruption UNDP United Nations Development Programme UNODC United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime YBO Youth Box Channel ICAC 5 Barriers to youth engagement in the fight against corruption in Mauritius 6 ICAC Barriers to youth engagement in the fight against corruption in Mauritius Abstract Corruption is not only a crime against humanity but is also an obstacle to development, the consolidation of the economic, social and cultural fabric of any nation as well as a barrier to the promotion of civil rights of citizens. It has been widely acknowledged that successful anti-corruption efforts are often driven by ‘collective actions’ from various quarters such as the public sector, private sector, politicians and actors of the civil society. Youth representing a significant portion of the world population has undoubtedly a huge potential in reversing the corruption tide and in shaping an integrity culture. Engaging them in curbing the scourge is undeniably, more important than ever before, critical for any agency which aims towards enhancing effectiveness in the fight against corruption. However, it has been observed that not many researchers have ventured into investigating the reasons behind youth engagement in the fight against corruption. Moreover, there is limited research examining the barriers which may hinder their involvement. Understanding the complexities and relevance of such factors has become highly desirable to bring about a change in mindset, attitude and behaviour. This study highlights the extent to which various socio-economic factors impact on the engagement of young people and proposes a set of recommendations to better address existing barriers or constraints to youth engagement in the national fight against corruption. For this purpose, a qualitative approach was used and data was collected from 11 focus groups targeting 187 young persons in all (including those from Rodrigues). Six interviews were also conducted with key stakeholders actively involved in youth empowerment, to have a more precise understanding of the situation. The collection of data was done from December 2017 to June 2018. In a nutshell, the research findings have revealed that much has been done during the past years not only to enlist the participation of young persons but also to seek their engagement in promoting a culture of integrity. Yet, the study has also shown that much more remains to be done with a view to meet objectives set towards securing sustained youth engagement. For youth to believe in the fight against corruption, it is crucial to overcome, in a first instance, the series of barriers that might exist in their immediate environment such as the actual education system, fear to take a stance/ to voice out, the influence of parents and time constraints - though many of them have demonstrated strong willingness to make the difference and be part of the solution as key ambassadors. A bundle of practical measures has been identified to adequately address the barriers in short, medium and long terms including: • inclusion of anti-corruption components in national policies/ frameworks/ strategies/ programmes of key stakeholders involved in youth empowerment; • curriculum enhancement; • development of an interactive module for tablet application for lower primary pupils; • creation of ‘‘l‘école des parents contre la corruption’’; • a 3-phased empowerment programme for youth; and • prestigious Awards for most outstanding young persons. ICAC 7 Barriers to youth engagement in the fight against corruption in Mauritius 8 ICAC Barriers to youth engagement in the fight against corruption in Mauritius Chapter 1 Introduction ICAC 9 Barriers to youth engagement in the fight against corruption in Mauritius 10 ICAC Barriers to youth engagement in the fight against corruption in Mauritius 1.0 INTRODUCTION The Republic of Mauritius has adopted a comprehensive and strategic approach in the fight against corruption since the year 2002. The Prevention of Corruption Act (PoCA) 2002 as amended is the main legislation in this respect. The ICAC Mauritius, set up under the PoCA 2002 which complies with the main provisions of the United Nations Convention against Corruption (UNCAC), has as core functions to lead, implement and administer the prevention, education and enforcement elements of the national strategy to fight corruption. It is also mandated to, amongst others, detect and investigate any matter that may involve the laundering of money. The strategy (preventive and investigative) adopted over the years has evolved over time with regards to the changing nature and pattern of corruption so as better respond to new and emerging global challenges. Representing a quarter of the world population and slightly over 30% of the Mauritian population, youth (392,848 - as per Table 1) constitute a key role in the building process of a better society. Mauritius Youth Population as at 1st July 2018 - 15 to 35 years old Both Sexes Male Female Republic of Mauritius 392,848 198,770 194,078 Island of Mauritius 379,194 192,043 187,151 Island of Rodrigues 13,654 6,727 6,927 Table 1 Source: Statistics Mauritius. Youth being the most active component of the civil society, its involvement and participation in the national fight against corruption is thus of great relevance. To capitalize on this formative age, it is highly significant to devise appropriate empowerment strategies to better equip the youth community against corrupt motivations. This is why since its inception, the ICAC sought youth participation in weaving an integrity culture as they are considered as the potential game changers. Actions have been geared towards strengthening trust and confidence in the fight against corruption among the youth in line with ICAC’s mandate and Article 13, Section 1(c), of the UNCAC which stipulates that “each State party shall undertake public information activities that contribute to non-tolerance of corruption, as well as public education programmes; including school and university curricula’’. Accordingly, networks have been established and collaboration reinforced with key stakeholders involved in youth empowerment so that our youth are adequately empowered to live as responsible citizens guided by principles of integrity and justice, in line with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 4 and 16. However, to date no formal study has been undertaken to evaluate the level of youth engagement in fighting corruption and identify present constraints in mobilising youth in relevant activities. ICAC 11 Barriers to youth engagement in the fight against corruption in Mauritius 1.1 Background of the Study In line with its mandate and regional/international commitments, the ICAC adopts a multi- stakeholders’
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