Congressional Record—Senate S12359
October 3, 1996 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD Ð SENATE S12359 (1) VOLUNTARY COOPERATION.ÐIn carrying (7) deny, condition, or restrict the con- mary importance to the people of my out this title, the Commission and Secretary struction, repair, rehabilitation, or expan- great home State of Mississippi and to shall emphasize voluntary cooperation. sion of water facilities, including the people of this great Nation. Why do (2) RULES, REGULATIONS, STANDARDS, AND stormwater, water, and wastewater treat- I say this? Clearly, the thousands of PERMIT PROCESSES.ÐNothing in this title ment facilities; or shall be considered to impose or form the (8) deny, condition, or restrict the exercise phone calls and letters that I have re- basis for imposition of any environmental, of water rights in accordance with the sub- ceived expressing the importance of occupational, safety, or other rule, regula- stantive and procedural requirements of the the many worthy projects and goals as tion, standard, or permit process that is dif- laws of the State. set forth in this billÐprojects such as ferent from those that would be applicable (c) SAVINGS PROVISION.ÐNothing in this the Corinth, MS, battlefield interpre- had the Corridor not been established. title shall diminish, enlarge, or modify a tive center and the Natchez National (3) ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY STANDARDS.Ð right of a Federal agency, State agency, or Historical Park visitor's centerÐare Nothing in this title shall be considered to political subdivision of the StateÐ evidence of the support these projects impose the application or administration of (1) to exercise civil and criminal jurisdic- any Federal or State environmental quality tion within the Corridor; or have received and of their importance.
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