September 12, 2006 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — Extensions of Remarks E1693 HONORING H. MERLE JACKSON, the 1937 University of Kansas men’s basket- he has left for us will be hard to follow. Judge VICE CHAIRMAN, NATIONAL LEG- ball team, and he and his son, Dr. Fred deAnda took part in the creation of the Texas ISLATIVE COMMITTEE OF THE Bosilevac, III, are among four father-son com- Rural Legal Aid and he was the co-founder of VETERANS OF FOREIGN WARS binations that played for the Jayhawks. Dr. the Mexican American Legal Defense and Fred’s 1937 team also played in the Final Educational Fund, but most importantly he HON. DARLENE HOOLEY Four, which guaranteed him god-like status in changed the law to work for all men and women during a time when there were many OF OREGON my congressional district. In addition to playing basketball, Dr. Fred that were opposed to such change. IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES played championship football at KU and was Mr. Speaker I ask for one minute of silence Tuesday, September 12, 2006 pressured to sign with a professional team in honor of Judge James deAnda, not only a Ms. HOOLEY. Mr. Speaker, I rise today to after graduation. Nevertheless, he decided to son and public servant of Texas but also of recognize a great Oregonian and a proud attend medical school on the advice of his this great Nation. I ask this as his service American, H. Merle Jackson. mother who reminded him that doctors made takes place back home in Houston. Mr. Jackson, a native son of Oregon, served a good living. f his country for 32 years. During his nine years Dr. Fred is an all around athlete and re- SALUTE TO RUSTY HAMMER on active duty in the United States Air Force, mains an avid hunter and golfer. A spring two years on active duty in the United States hunting accident in which he tripped and dis- HON. LUCILLE ROYBAL-ALLARD Navy and 21 years as a member of the United located a shoulder required some surgery but OF CALIFORNIA States Army Reserve, he served all over the has not deterred him from swinging a golf club IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES world, including the Korean War and multiple daily. tours in Vietnam, finishing his service to our Mr. Speaker, please join me in wishing Dr. Tuesday, September 12, 2006 Nation as a Master Sergeant. Fred Bosilevac our heartiest wishes for a joy- Ms. ROYBAL-ALLARD. Mr. Speaker, I rise After his retirement, Mr. Jackson continued ous day, and many more years for us to enjoy today to offer my best wishes and sincere his commitment to our Nation by taking up the his marvelous example of a good and happy gratitude to Rusty Hammer, who, after 5 fruit- cause of our retired fighting men and women life. ful years, left his position as president and through his work with the Veterans of Foreign f chief executive officer of the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce. Wars (VFW). He has served as a post and IN MEMORIAM OF A SON OF district commander, state chairman and from In keeping with the chamber’s 118-year his- TEXAS: JUDGE JAMES DEANDA 1998–99 he was the Department Commander tory, Rusty dedicated himself to improving the for the State of Oregon. quality of life and economic prosperity of the Today, Mr. Jackson continues his lifelong HON. GENE GREEN Los Angeles Chamber’s 1,500 members, who dedication to those who have sacrificed so OF TEXAS represent more than 600,000 employees much for our Nation, as he enters his fourth IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES throughout the Los Angeles region. Under year on the National Legislative Committee to Tuesday, September 12, 2006 Rusty’s strong leadership, the Los Angeles Chamber has successfully built partnerships the Veterans of Foreign Wars and his first Mr. GENE GREEN of Texas. Mr. Speaker, between business, community, labor and civic year as Vice Chairman of this prestigious I rise today in great honor and solemn regret organizations. These partnerships have rees- committee. He is the first Oregonian to serve for a great son of Houston that passed away tablished the chamber as the Los Angeles re- in this capacity, and I ask my colleagues to last Thursday. I stand in honor of the late U.S. join me in recognizing his dedication and de- gion’s premier business advocacy organiza- District Judge James deAnda who passed last tion. termination to ensuring that we meet our re- week from a battle with cancer. During Rusty’s tenure, he pioneered many sponsibilities to our Nation’s veterans. The son of Mexican immigrants, James noteworthy projects. For example, Rusty f deAnda was born and raised in North Houston spearheaded the chamber’s effort on local and graduated from my alma mater, Jeff Davis TRIBUTE TO DR. FRED BOSILEVAC business tax reform and established a highly High School. He went on to graduate from successful workforce development program. Texas A&M University, but not before he His leadership role in creating ‘‘Mobility 21,’’ a HON. DENNIS MOORE joined the U.S. Marines and served in the Pa- transportation advocacy coalition, helped se- OF KANSAS cific during WWII. Once returning from service cure over $2 billion in State and Federal fund- IN THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES he graduated from the University of Texas ing for transportation improvements in Los An- Tuesday, September 12, 2006 School of Law. geles. By partnering with the organization With a resume of this caliber James deAnda UNITE LA, Rusty helped create a badly need- Mr. MOORE of Kansas. Mr. Speaker, Dr. could have gone on to private practice and ed and extremely valuable college scholarship Fred Bosilevac, one of the most beloved peo- plea cases that would have made him a very program that has provided scholarships, appli- ple in Wyandotte County and Kansas City, rich man. Instead he went on to fight for the cation assistance, and college access informa- Kansas, celebrates his 90th birthday on Sep- disproportionate and unrepresented Texans of tion to nearly 30,000 students in the Los An- tember 11, 2006. Since 1970, two years after that time. James deAnda went on to work geles region. its inception, Dr. Fred has been president of cases, pro-bono cases, to fight segregation of Under Rusty’s stewardship, the chamber’s Congressional Forum, a monthly luncheon Hispanics within Texas’ schools, he also won annual trip to Washington, DC, has become with the area’s third Congressional District a Supreme Court ruling stating that Hispanics one of the most successful advocacy efforts representative sponsored by the Kansas City were a separate group deserving of the same on behalf of the Los Angeles region and the Kansas Area Chamber of Commerce. In addi- constitutional protection as other minorities. Los Angeles business community. In addition, tion to me, my Third District congressional While his career was a long and great one, his weekly opinion article, ‘‘The Business Per- predecessors who have fond memories of Dr. cases such as these serve as witness to the spective,’’ provides an insightful and inform- Fred include Larry Winn, Jr.; Jan Meyers; and type of character that Judge deAnda was. A ative look at business issues facing the Los Vince Snowbarger. Dr. Fred is known for his man that never sought after the limelight or Angeles region. pithy commentary, regardless of the subject or recognition. Rusty’s talents, innovative strategic thinking speaker. He is the heart and soul of the Con- Fortunately for all of us, he did gain recogni- and willingness to work with stakeholders on gressional Forum. tion 1979, when President Jimmy Carter ap- all sides of the political spectrum have played Dr. Fred is a native son of Kansas City, pointed James deAnda to serve as Federal an integral role in the Los Angeles area’s eco- Kansas, from the historic Strawberry Hill Judge for the U.S. District Court of the South- nomic growth. He has truly earned the re- neighborhood. He was the first medical doctor ern District of Texas. He later would serve as spect, admiration and gratitude of all who of Croatian descent in the area. He started his Chief Judge of the Southern District of Texas. know him and have worked with him. practice in the Brotherhood Building in Kansas He became the second Hispanic to be ap- While Rusty Hammer will truly be missed in City, Kansas, in 1949. He later moved his pointed to a Federal Judge bench. Los Angeles and at the Los Angeles Area practice to the medical building on 18th Street. He served in this role with distinction until Chamber, we will all continue to benefit from He practiced ophthalmology for 49 years. he retired in 1988, he went back to work in the his many contributions. We are fortunate that Dr. Fred is also notable alumnus of the Uni- private sector until he began cancer therapy. we will also gain from his talents as he con- versity of Kansas, which also is in my con- Judge James deAnda leaves us with a great tinues to work on issues that affect California’s gressional district. Dr. Fred was a member of sense of honor and pride. The footprints that economy and quality of life. VerDate Aug 31 2005 06:03 Sep 13, 2006 Jkt 049060 PO 00000 Frm 00013 Fmt 0626 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A12SE8.055 E12SEPT1.
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