Seminars 研讨会

in the framework of the ERC project « The hybrid syntactic typology of » and the research programme of Team 1, CRLAO “Typologie et diachronie des langues sino-tibétaines en Asie orientale”, you are cordially invited to the following seminars:*

Thursday 7 October 2010 明清以来闽南方言助动词通的演变 “Diachronic development of the modal verb 通 in dialects from the Ming and Qing periods until the present” CHEN Manjun 陈曼君

Tuesday 12 October 2010 Research meeting: “Sources of aspect systems in Chinese dialects. Part I” 漢語方言体系統的来源

Thursday 14 October 2010 “The Classifier + Noun construction in the Shangzhuang dialect of Jixi (Hui)” WANG Jian 王健

Tuesday 19 October 2010 Research meeting: “Sources of aspect systems in Chinese dialects. Part II” 漢語方言体系統的来源

Thursday 21 October 2010 “The nominal structure of Gaofeng Xiang” 湘西高峰乡话的名词结构 Hilary CHAPPELL

Tuesday 26 October 2010 Research meeting: “Negative adverbs in Chinese dialects” 漢語方言中的否定副詞

Thursday 28 October 2010 “On the diminutive marker tsi  and the nominal marker ts in the Yichun dialect of Gan” LI Xuping 李旭平

Tuesday 2 November 2010 “First look into the multifunctional particle k↔55 in Nanning ” Hilario de SOUSA 苏沙


Thursday 4 November 2010 “Intersubjectivity and nonlexical uses of say verbs in Sinitic” Hilary CHAPPELL

Tuesday 9 November 2010 «The analysis of Demonstrative + Classifier constructions in the Shangshui dialect (Central Plains Mandarin) » CHEN Yujie 陈玉洁

Thursday 11 November 2010 国定假日 NO CLASSES – PUBLIC HOLIDAY FOR ARMISTICE DAY 1918 休战纪念日

Tuesday 16 November 2010 “Cyclic change in Sinitic classifier systems: the case of Gaofeng Xiang (Hunan)” 汉语量词系统的循环演变 – 以湘西高峰乡话为例 Hilary CHAPPELL 曹茜蕾

Thursday 18 November 2010 “The classifier ge in the Shaowu dialect in western Fujian: its properties and multi- functionality” (试论闽西邵武方言的量词 ‘ 个 ’与其多功能性) Sing Sing NGAI 倪星星

*Venues 地点:

(i) Thursday seminars will be held in Salle 451 at 54, bd Raspail, 75006, Paris. 星期四的研讨会将在 54 bd Raspail 举行。

(ii) Informal Tuesday research meetings will be held at 4, rue Küss 75013 Paris. 星期二的研究进展会将在 4 rue Küss 举行。

Note however that you will receive advance notification for the Tuesday seminars that are to be held at bd Raspail. 其他特殊演讲将事先有通知。

Time 时间: 15:00 – 17:00

N.B. LAST WEEK OF NOVEMBER : Many members of the ERC Sinotype team will depart for Shanghai to attend the 5th International Conference on Chinese Dialect Grammar 第五届汉语方言语法国际学术研 讨会 conference from 27—29 November 2010.