CATALOGUE2019 OxRecs RETAIL PURCHASING All OxRecs recordings are available to purchase or order through cathedral shops, specialist classical recorded music dealers, and the larger retail stores throughout the UK. Most of the catalogue titles are available to DIGITAL purchase online from iTunes, Amazon, and other digital download sites. Customer orders may also be placed by contacting the address below, sending an email to
[email protected], or visiting our website at where you may order from the online catalogue, read reviews and listen to sound samples. Choral DISTRIBUTION Worldwide Organ OxRecs DIGITAL, Maytree Cottage, 51 Eaton Road, Appleton, Abingdon, OXON OX13 5JH Tel: +44 (0) 1865 862310 Piano/Harpsichord (from November 2018) RSK Entertainment Ltd, Unit 3, Home Farm, Welford, Newbury, BERKSHIRE RG20 8HR Tel: +44 (0) 1488 608900, Email:
[email protected] Orchestral Chamber Ensemble DIGITAL DOWNLOADS AVAILABLE: PROMOTIONAL & ARCHIVE VIDEOS: Updated January 2019 12 1 The Organs of Cambridge: Vol 1 (Richard Marlow, Anne Page, Ralph Woodward, Andrew Linn) Trinity College Nun komm, der Heiden Heiland (BWV 659, 660, 661) – J S Bach, Voluntary in F (Op 7, No 6) – John Stanley, Voluntary in E (Op 7, No 7) – John Stanley Emmanuel United Reformed Church Sonata No 6 (Op 65) – Felix Mendelssohn, Andante in E minor – Henry Smart, Sortie in B flat – Louis Lefébure-Wély Queens' College Sonata No 2 Op 65 (Allegro Maestoso & Allegro Moderato) – Felix Mendelssohn,