SUNDAY 7 MARCH 0945 THE CATHEDRAL EUCHARIST ONLINE ONLY SUNDAY 14 0945 THE CATHEDRAL EUCHARIST NAVE ALTAR THIRD SUNDAY Missa in honorem sacratissimi cordis Henrik Andriessen Hymns Lent Prose, 395, 547 FOURTH SUNDAY Missa simplex Katherine Dienes-Williams Hymns 499 (omit vv3-9), 238, OF LENT Prevent us, O Lord Alan Ridout Psalm 19. 7-end OF LENT God so loved the world (Crucifixion) John Stainer 535 (133ii), 507 Preacher: The Venerable Stuart Beake Laetare Sunday Preacher: The Revd Canon Chris Hollingshurst Prelude in B minor (BWV 544) Johann Sebastian Bach Mothering Sunday Regina Pacis (Symphony No 1) Guy Weitz 1800 EVENSONG NAVE MONDAY 8 Evening service Sancti Ioannis Cantabrigiensis Philip Moore Hymns 163 (omit v 2), 109 Edward King, Lo, the full final sacrifice Gerald Finzi Responses: Ebdon Bishop of Lincoln, 1910 In manus tuas Jeanne Demessieux Psalm 107. 1-9 Felix, Bishop, Apostle to the East Angles, 647 Geoffrey Studdert Kennedy, MONDAY 15 1730 EVENSONG NAVE Priest, Poet, 1929 Magnificat Secundi toni Philippe de Monte Responses: Harris Nunc Dimittis Secundi toni plainsong Ubi caritas Philip Moore TUESDAY 9 1930 LENT TALK III: THE KINGDOM, THE POWER AND THE GLORY ONLINE ONLY The Very Revd Dianna Gwilliams For further details, please email
[email protected] TUESDAY 16 0800 MORNING PRAYER PRESBYTERY 0830 HOLY COMMUNION 1730 EVENSONG NAVE WEDNESDAY 10 Short Evening service Thomas Weelkes Responses: Byrd Nolo mortem peccatoris Thomas Morley 1930 LENT TALK IV: THE KINGDOM, THE POWER AND THE GLORY ONLINE ONLY THURSDAY 11 The Very Revd Dianna Gwilliams For further details, please email
[email protected] FRIDAY 12 WEDNESDAY 17 0900 MORNING PRAYER PRESBYTERY Patrick, Bishop, Missionary, 0930 HOLY COMMUNION SATURDAY 13 Patron of Ireland, c.460 THURSDAY 18 0900 MORNING PRAYER PRESBYTERY Cyril, Bishop of Jerusalem, 0930 HOLY COMMUNION Teacher of the Faith, 386 1730 FIRST EVENSONG OF JOSEPH OF NAZARETH NAVE Evening service in E minor Pelham Humphrey Responses: Byrd The Cherry Tree Carol traditional, arr.