46th Annual Our Lady of Peace Institute in Catholic Teaching July 15-19, 2019 “Behold, I make all Things New” Dr. Joseph Hollcraft Founder of Seeds of Truth Ministries, Radio Host, Adjunct Professor at Avila Institute Course Summary: “Lifting the Veil” Evening Lecture: “The Universal call to be a Mystic” Most Rev. Liam Cary Bishop of Baker Course Summary: “The Geography of Faith: On the Way to the Promised Land” Evening Lecture: “What Kind of Silence Are We In?” Lynda Olsen Wife and Mother. Member of the Archdiocesan Speakers Bureau. Course Summary: “Journey into the sacramental Power of the Holy Spirit” Evening Lecture: “Born into original innocence, renewed daily by the Power of God” Fr. Timothy Furlow Administrator of St. Patrick Catholic Church of Portland, Oregon Evening Lecture: “Virtue and Spiritual Renewal: Renewing our Spiritual lives by our commitment to a moral life” Evening Lecture Schedule Mon. (7/15) Bishop Liam Cary Tues. (7/16) Dr. Joseph Hollcraft Wed. (7/17) Lynda Olsen Thurs. (7/19) Fr. Tim Furlow Tuition Resident: $500 / (call for Canadian Rate) – Includes all day classes, four evening lectures, all Meals and a room, starts Sunday evening and ends with Lunch on Friday. Day Student: $325- includes all classes & lunches Mon-Fri. Resident and Day Student only: Please sent in your $50.00 non-refundable deposit Per Course, per Day and per Class rates are available- Please inquire at the number below. Evening Lectures Series $10.00 per night; Mon.-Thurs. 7:15-9:15 pm For more information, full course descriptions and to register Visit our website at: www.olpretreat.org e-mail:
[email protected] or call (503) 649-7127 Sponsored by Our Lady of Peace Retreat* 3600 SW 170th Ave,* Beaverton, Oregon 97003-4467 .