2 8 2 5 2 8 2 5 :; 11111 . 11111 . :; 11111 . 11111 . 1.0 32 W 1 2.2 I~ ~i~ ~ .2 L:l I~ .:." I~ ~ - Ui &:.: ii.:.& ~ D~ 2.0 &.u'" ...... " ... " 1.1 .. 1.1 1..II.:.u ------111111.8 II -­

111111.25 11111 1.4 III ~ 111111.25 111111.4 111111.6


Technical Bullctin No. 126&

<.":. " ' ;i-..OO""lTEDSTATES OF AGRJGULTU:(lE :~,..,1j(("":~" .. .' " DEPARTME~T'-',"' ~, ... ~f:; 'Agricultural Research Service CONTENTS


Introduction______0______1. Taxonomic history of thc gcnus CHycine______:3 ______• ______5 Kcy to gcncra rclatcd to Glycine______.5 Sy;;tematic list of and its immcdiatc nllics _ _ _ _ S GlychlC______9 Subgenus L(,n··)cyamus ______.. 10 Subgenus Glyclnc______. 2·1 Subgenus Soja______. _ au Spccics cxcluded from Glycine ______.. _. __ . . 41 Parnglycinc______"_ • __ . 52 Pscudoglycine______. _•• ______•. __ ._. ___ 7-1 Tcylcria______.. _. ______... __ 77 Indcx. ______. . S [

Washington, D.C. , \ ! ~ (, -~) )



U. Se Dept. Agr. Technical Bulletin 1268, A REVISION OF THE GLYCINE ArID ITS n

~ease>­ 1nsert. I the following description and notat10n. of range ;:tjr iCtem ~b. Paraglycine radicosa var. ~eaneura, page 6S:

~ .... j I rL "...,! o I ~ ttem.$, p;2tioles, and peduncles fulvous-brown strigose or s ~ig6se-llir:;~'U te; leaflets oval to oboval, twice as long as wide or less, usually strigose beneath, with generally 8-9 pairs of secondary lnerves;1 racemes loosely flowered; caly:c moderately strigose with lax, whitish or pale-bro,;m hairs about 0.5 rom. long; corolla generally 6.5-9 rom. long, whitish to pale blue or pale violet.

Belgian Congo and Northern Rhodesia. On grassland and edges of thickets. A REVISION OF THE GENUS GLYCINE AND ITS IMMEDIATE ALLIES By F. J. HJ.;rnL\xx, senior' botanist. Crops Research Division, Agl'i­ cdtuntl Re8emd~ Sen'ice 1 INTRODUCTION The c1aim of the Old 'Yodd leguminous genus Glycine to economic ,importance rests very largely upon its inclusion of the , Clycine matI.' (L.) )Ierr. A few others among the more common and widely ranging species, such as the principally Afriean G. jaz'anica L. and the Australian O. Canescen.s F.J.Herm. (0. 8el'icea Benth., not 'Yillel,), are of .alne as fodder, but their use does not compare in importance with that of G. ma;c, which is used so extensively for lUlman food and oil. AgTonomists attempting to impro,e strains in the world's soy­ bean crop ha'-e. heen interested in the wild species of Clycine as po­ tential material for interspecific crosses, but the literature on the sub:iect has been not only extremely ..ague fOl' the most part but fre­ quently clecicleclly misleading. A tabulation of the sl)(>cies described a:i OIY('ine fl'Ol11 Index Kewensis, for example, results in a total of :2H6 and the addition of published subspecies and ,"ariel ies In'ing-s the number to :~23, So loosely has the genus been defined, even in recent yea.rs, that the estimate of nLlid speeies within Ihe group by current tluthors has nlrieCl from "some 60" by H

1 nl~, HCl"lll:[llll i,.: 1101\' ('ul"ntnr of r.l1C' LH. FOl"l';;t Sen'iee IIl'rhal·illlll. (;1':1t('­ fIll :tekllowledg-lllellt i:; 1ll:ldl' to Re!!illll O. Hug-lies, of this Dh'i;;ioll, fOI' the (lnl\\"illl('i; :[('('OIl1[lUnrill;!; the text: to l'/lUl G. Rlli',.;ell, enlla\)nrator with the ~l'W ('!'OP:; R(':;pal"("li Brllll(·h. fOl" 1)plll with sep(l tel"llIillnlog~': nm1 to the ("utitOlliall" of tlip nlriou:; h('rllnrin who ;:1'111'1"1111;:1," 10all('(1 SVP!'illlt'IiS ill th('ir ('olIedioll" fill' tIl(> VUI"Vo:;(' of tlli,.: :;tudy. Chie[ :ttLHlllg th(',;(' h('I'hllria \\'('n': ,\rnold .\rhnn'­ hUll 111)(1 01'11." IIprhariUlll, C:Il11bridgp, :\[a;:s.; Bl"itish '~III'"t'lllll (Xflfllral Hi;:­ tOIT), .LOlidoll: .TlIl"!lin Bntalliqlll' .('. :H.\(i~T"\X, Lt'("IE.\". SI'''H)L\TIH'llyn:s. /,/ FhJl';l !lu ('olIgo B('I~(' U: !l:!-101. BI,'uxpllp,;, 10:>-1. , BATtEY, L. n. .\I.\.\" l',lI. OF lTI.Tf\'.\TEIl 1'1 ..\.\"'1':;. l,lW PI'. ~ra('ll1illnIl Co. l!H!J . ., \\'!I,LI:;, .J. ('. IJI('T!OX.\I:Y (W '1'111'; VI.O\n:HISG 1'1 ..\.\"'1'8 .\XJ) VE!lXii. Ed. ii, ":i:! pp. C:uIIh"itlge. 1!HR 1 2 TECIL'\ICAL BGLLETIN 1268, U,S, DEPT, OF AGRICULTURE genus that the present study was undertaken, and the res1llting re­ alinement indicates that the actual number of species throughout its complete range in Africa and Asia (almost entirely tropical with the exception of G, 1188/lrien.~i,~ Regel & Maack.) is evidently 10, in addi­ tion to which 9 infrnspeci fie. taxa of varying degrees of distinctness rmd stability are recognized, The problem of speciation in G7ycine was not found to be a major one in the present re\'iew of the group; the difficulties were largely generic, The majol' tasks "'ere two: Adequately to delimit the genus among an extensi\'e series of allie-c; bearing close resemblance to G7y­ cine and often strong affinity "with it, and to identify the host of nanws that. had been mistakenly associated with G7ycine, It is hoped (hat the defin ition of the /!en us as hem restricted and the accompanying key to related !!enern will contribute toward the first of these two objec­ tives and that the list of species now excluded from tIle genus with their attempted reidentificationwill be" found useful. It was found that genem already described ,yould accommodate the majority of the species that had to be excluded fl'ol11 Glycine, but for 11 of the excluded species :2 new genera had to be set up and are characterized in this paper, Because so large a proportion of the species ascribed to Olycine \\'ere proposed by early authors at a periocl \\-hen descriptions \\'ere habitually of snch bl'e\'it'), that the charaetel's del i ne::tted would apply to several or many eli fl'erent under our modem concepts, and because the pmetice of desi/!nnfing type speci­ mens, to establish beyond question the ielelll'ity of the descrihed, was not yet in vogue, it WflS nN'esSary 1"0 ::'eareh Ihe pl'in('ipal Eu­ ropean hedJar.ia, in an attempt to Jind t'he specimen npon whi('h ('nch descl'iption was based, In the majority of cases this se:tl'ch was ::'11('­ cessful nnd the name \\'as satisfuctOl'ily cl isposed of. In a fC'\\' instanees the types are evidently lost and where the de::,cTiption is too fl'a/!­ mentary to offer a deci;:;i\-e clue to thei(LC'ntity of tIl(' plant inyol\'C'cl, the mune must still remain in doubt, although in no (,fl:';e cloes it seem likely £rom the evidence a\'ailable that it ean be appli('nble to n true Olycine, The ehier reason for the hetcl'ogelleow-i composition of the genus Ol!/cill(, as eal'liel' cl('finec1 is well lJl'ought om in the following ob­ sf'l'vntion by Benthilll1," made nearly a ('(·lItur)' ago:

Up to till' 1"i1l1e of jll' Vallllolll'" "j'rollrolllu,," Ili-;:!:)j r\tt' ~('II('ra (;II/dl/(' alld Du/idlfl8 \tnll bp('olll(' ritC' l'l'I'pptaell' for all I'llt' l'hn";('()I(':l{' \\"hit-it ita(] 110 ,'('rr ,;trikill~ ('\wl':u-lel' to di;.:rill;.!ui';l1 Ihl'lIl, lip ,;rill rl'taillPcl. 110\\"1"'('1', t\\'o cli,:lilll'l: 1)-1)('':, afn'n,'ar(],; ,,'('II ,:pparatl'li h," Al'llott (ill "'i).!'itr Hlld ,\rllotL "Prodroillus }'lol'ne I'Pllinsllla(' Indinl' ()riclliJllh;" j-()II(' wil h ni,t(>l'IHl.tp ,;tnlllpn,~ nhul't i1'1' nllil \'('Illal'knhl.\' hOlJk('(\ \lOci, til(' otitt'1' with thl' "tflIlIPn;.: all \1('1'1'('('[" :luri Ih(' pflll ,;tl'aight or "lightl,'- ill('UI'\'p(] nt til(' plld-Oll(' I'PPI'P:'('lItp(] liy 0, 1((IJi((li,~

"I\I';XTIr.\~J, (;EOICGr:, Linll, SI)(', LIlIl!lon, ,1(JlIl', Bot. s: r;:{-IH, 1.'iO:;, A REVISION OF THE GEiI."'US GLYCINE AND ITS IMMEDIATE ALLIES 3

L.f., the other by G. ja'/:uuir?a L. Not iJeing nware that either grollp had hel'u 11l"P\'iom:l~' plliJli;.:llPll as :l gl'nll;':. Arnott rptaine(1 thp 1H11lll' O/!lr-iu(' for tIl(' fornll'r a,.; ('oll[ailling t"he C'OIllIllOIlN:t alltl Illo,.;t \Yitlpl~' ;.:prpatl SII('eies, alltl ga\'(' to the lattpr till' n~'\\" IHUJh~ "Sofol/i(/" whieh he aftpl'\\'arcls ('hang-f'd to .lohl/ill On [lPl"('eh'illg that De CafiliOllp had already pUhlished X{)toni(l in ('olllpm;itae. Thi" 1l0lllpll("lnture wnl; unfortuna re: fOI' prel:'ent iJl\"estiga tiOIl,~ ha\'e shown that Gll/cille so limitpd uot onl~' exdudpcl all tIll' species of the elder Linl1neus, but was identic-al with 'l'('/'(lUI"IIIlS S\Ynrt~, allo[ltpd in the 'l'rodl'oIllUS', and that Jolllli(l, on the other hnnd, cOlllpriSing O. jat'{lIIic(l. TJ., which hnd neyer yet heen generically spparatpd, had lIlu('h Illore It'gitilllnte ground for retaining thp Lin­ nean name. Recent authors ]urve been less prone to assign nondescript new species of the to Glycine: particularly since the appearance of Bentham and Hookees Genera Plantarul11,U If anyone factor more than anothel' has led contem.porary taxonomists to confuse with Glytine plants properly belonging to related genera, it is the failul'e to take into acconnt fundamental difl'erences in "eed morphology, The \najority of generic keys have been quite misleading in charaeterizing the seed of such genera as Glycine and G{(7arti{( as estl'ophiolate, whereas they can be so considered only if a· distinetion is made be­ tween the terms "strophio]e" and "caruncle"', which is WIT rarely done, Such a distinction is basic and in order not to ('aus£' ('onfusion "with reference to traditional keys to the tribe, the tel'ln "stJ'ophiole~' ill thi:; publication is restricted to mean all fll'illoid, cllshionlike, ('tuti­ Jaginolls outgrowth around the hilum, well illustrated ill the :'leed" of such genera as Kenned!lCl, Canthm'o8jJel'mnm., and Pal'aglycine, whel'eas the term "cal·uIH.:le·~ is applied to the squamifornl. papYl'a!:eous apPGllclage to the hilum characterizing tme Glycine, Teyle7'ia, and Oa7actif(. The importance of seed characterics as taxonomic (Titeria, not only in Oll/rine but in most of its allies, oe('ame so e"ident in the course of the present study that it seems likely that its significance hfts been gcnemlly underestimated in at least the rest of the Lotoidene (Papilionatae) , TAXONOMIC HISTORY OF THE GENUS GLYCINE

Linn!!ens 7 proposed eight species under ihe name Oll/cine in li53 in Speeies Plantal'ulll (pp. 763-75+). Tlte cultintted soybean, Gll/cine 'nUl,..", appenJ'ecl in the ,mille work as Ph((-~('ol/(8 lI/1t,/.' (p. 7:25) nnd also undet, the name Do/ir/108 f;OjU (p. 7~7). Of Ihe eight Linnaean sp('cies under ell/rille, the fi "iii, O. apio8. is what we now know as Apio8

• HF:X'rIL\.\I, G~:'"llm, :lnll HOOKE/(. :r. I). <:Jo:XEIL\ PI~AXT,\ln'.\I. 1.0-10 /lp. LOlldon. lX(l:!-liT, 7 LrxXAEI'S, CAin.. ,,1'1';(. n:s I'I..L\,'I'Aln-~1. \'01. I r. "' ,:!OO Jlfl. Stlldd](111ll. 1T;:;;t (":lgE-II "()nt"illllOu::ly,) 4 TEca,rCAL BULLETIN 1268, U.S, DEPT. OF AGRTCl'LTFRE mne1'icall(t Medic,; his G, jrutescens is lV istel'ia /J'lltescens (L.) Poir.; G. aOJ'us was later remo\'eel from Glycine by Linnaeus himself as Aorus pl'ecai01'iu8 L.; G. toment08Cl is Flltynclt08i{b toment08(t (L.) H. & A.: G. comos(I and G. omcteatn are Amphic(IJ'JHl vl'{{cteata (L.) Fern.; G. javanica L. remains in Glycine as tlle type of the genus; and G. bitumill08Cl is Fagelia bitumin08({ (L.) DC. None of se\'er:11 species ascribed to the genns by Thnnbf'l'g S in 1ROO were actually congeneric "'ith G. jW'(lllic(( L., nor were those proposed by ",Vineleno,," 0 2 yel!rS later in the thil'd editioll of tlle Species Plantnl'llln. In 1825 De Candolle 10 summed up the g'enllS as ('mhl'ilcing 21 species, of which only 2 (Glycine clandesthw 1VendI. and G, jWL'anica L.) can be admitted to the genns as lwre defined. De Candolle's gelleric concept still included stich discordant elements as O. stl'iata .Tacq. (a, J>tO(IjIlIl1U.~ sel'iNIl8 F. lULlll., I{enMr1YII tubll('in!t Lahil1.. and Zidlya latl'obemw :J[eissn,) : one was ,Yei1cllalHl"s (i. r1!lIulrstina de­ sCl'ilJed in l,!1S (p. 5+): 12 and the L'l'll1tlining two we\'e Bentham's O\\'n, although he had described one of th('ln (ri. toIII ('II tON!( ) a quarte\' ot a centmy earlier undC'r the untenable generic names Leptolobilllll tll1d LeptoC,lJUl71U8 and it (along with O. clrl1lfhwtina and O. {!(vltrina) had been subsequently shifted by Stl'udel (p. 8+5).1~ to his superfluous genus l((>Jlnerl,lJIl(>71lt. By the time of Bentham alld I [ooker's O(>nera Plal1t!lJ'Iun (1SH,) ,tA the genus was recognized as being conHned to the Enstern lJel11i­

"Tlll·XBI"lG, C. P. prlOIJiW~1 es I'I.A':-'-TAIa·M (·AI'I':XSIl·~r. 1!11 JlJl. {·ppsflln. lSOO. D "'I1,I,IlE':-'-OW. K. L. III SP"llES pU':-'-TAllnr. :{(:!): lO:;:~-lO(jk. E(1. ='l. H('rlin. 1.s02, 10 ('A':-'-IlOLLI'), ..\n:I·8TlS, Il" nnd ('.\XIlOLU':, ,\I.I'IIO':-'-~':. IJfo:. I'IIOnlio\l I'S 8Y8­ '1'''~1 NITS ':-'-.\'1'l'lI" I.IB 2: 2·n-:!·1;1. I'a ris. 1S:!:;. Il RI':':-'-T"A~I. (;1"m(1s. FLOIIA AI'8TH.\I.r"x"rs. 2: 2·12-:!·j:;. Loudoll. lSHJ. 10 \\'I,sl,r,,,xll, .J. ('. GI.1'(,I':-'-': ('UXIlE8TI':-'-.\. HoL B('oilflt"ill. :;S IIP.li!!S.

1a H'I'I':\'OEI.. K G. xmlf:X(,I..\TOll BOT.\XICl'S. I']d. 2, ,'. 1, S:;:! 1111. Stuttgart. 18-10. 11 Hee f()()tllnt~' G, ]1. :3. A REVISIOX OF THE GEXUS GLYCIXE AXD ITS DnIEDIATE ALLIES 5 sphere and the number of speeies estimated to be about 12. Speeies attributed to Glycine continued to be proposed fOl' the most part sporadieally after tllis pub1ieation as they had earlier, hilt BentlulIll's Olycina j((lr{(ta of 1SG·lwas the last of the true alyrine species to be d('scrib('cl. Since that date all species propm;ecl han proyed to be either not congenel'ic, or synonymous with a1 ready named speci('s. 01." not of specific rank, although a :few new names hl1\'e had to be subsequently adopted because of the rule il1\'a1idating later homonyms "'hieh ,,'ellt into ('ffeet sinc'(' Bentham's time. Xo monographiC' f'tuc1y o:f the genus a:; a whole was undertaken. but th ree regional tr('atm('nts are of sign i ficance (Tnubert's 15 brief sUl1nnnl'Y (pp. :3GO-;·:lfi:2) in Engler (llIel Prnnt1 in lSH-l: added nothing not already knO\\'ll). In the first of thesl" t"llat: of .r. G. Raker.1H des('riptions are given for se"en speeies from thaI region of ,,,hich only (;lyrine jrll'(lIIim and a. petiti((l/(t ('nn be retained in the genus as !lOW ci I'cul11sc'1'ib('c1. In IH:20 E. G. Bakel." 1. l'Pcogniz('d 17 species, of which again all hut Oly('ine .lrll'lIlli('(( and O. pptitirll1f1 Hre now either transfel'rNl to other genem or l'edl1ce

Ill. Leaflets punctate; flowPl's yellow (th(' standurd ol't('n bl'own- 01' pll1'ple-Sll'eaked in HhYllclwsict); bl'11Cleolps 110ne; 111('ll1hml1tl('eolls hl'1lels uSll111l,\' I'ug:neiolls. 2:1. Pod III a Ily-s('('ded ; seed ('onspi('uollsly strophiolate. :31l. Legull1(' turgid; gill tinolls, hell ,-,\'-,,('('n ted li('l'h. (Sou III .AJl'i('n) ... ______Pa{ffiin 3b. I ..('gullH' ('ofll[ll'('ss('(l, strongly depn'ssecl bC'tw('en f he s(l(lds. (Tropical Asia and Allst1'lllin.)_J 'allthal'llSpN'lillWl (Lity/osia) 21). Pod S,sN'cipd; s(l('d eSlrophiolate or til(' stl'()phiok±ohsolete; ]('gulI1('('olll[ln·ss('d .. _ ,_, ____ .. _. _ UhYllclwsia

,. T.\l·II"I(,I'. I'. L1Wl·~IIXO!;.\I~. III Eu.!!lpl'.•\ .. and "mill!, K. llil"' .\'atiil'li('llI'u 1'f1auzput':1lllilil'n, L III. .\ht.:{, pp, 7()··;)S-1. illu,;. J.('ipr.ig-. lS!)1. 1" I:AKEI:. ;r. G. III Olh'PI",; (Dnnic'l] 1"1.011.\ OF T1:01'J('.\I••U·HIC.\, :.!: ·17.<';·-1,<;0, Loudon. lX71. 17 I:.\KI':1:, I'~. n. 'rilE L1ml·~lrX()S.\I' (W '1'1:01'1(,.\1. .WHi('.\. 1'1. II, !J:;:lllP, 1!l:.!!). 1,' SPl' rllotl1otl' :.!. p. J. 6 TECH..'ICAL BuLLETIN 1268, U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTuHE

] b. JJellflets not punctMe; flowers not yellow (except in Duma8ia, with obliquely truncate calyx; y('Uowish white ill PS(,lldofjlycine). 4a. Pod thick-eorjaceous, torulose, not septn.Le; lea(\ets 7 or mor('; flowers hU'ge find showy______Jristfl'ia 4h. Pod not thick-corillceous, more or less compressed, often septate between the seeds. 5il. Keel horseshoe-shaped or produced into nn in('uJ'nd oj' in­ \'olule be!Lkj flowers showy______Apio8 5b. Keel not horseshoe-slmped nor produced into HII ilJ\-olute bNlk. oiL Style ben.rded______Dolicho8 6b. Style not bearded. 7!t. Calyx 4-parted, the a('u te teeth subequal; inflorescence conspi(,lIously nodose, V('xillar st.nm('n fJ'('e ______Galaclia 7b. Calyx (except in the Asiatic gen us Shuleria) 5-pfl.rtNl; inflorescence not nodose or obscurely so (except in Tey­ ieria). Sa. Flowers morc than 10 mm. long; slnndal'd crect. gn. Seeds \,"ith n cOllspicuOllS cal"tilngillous, Ilrilloid strophiole; k('(,] pqualing or long('r than the wings; pod septn te ______Kellnedya 9b. Seeds estrophiolllle; keel shorter thlln the wings; pod not spptnte. lOa. Calyx IlPP1U'Pll tly 4-t ooill('d (l h(' UpPl'l' pn iI' 0 f tll(' 5 fused); £!OW('I'S not yellow ____ _--"lmphicarpa lOh. Cnl,\'x obliqu(·ly lruncatp at lhe mouth; flowers yellow______Dllma,"ia

Sh. Flowers 4-9 Illl11. long; standard porr('ct to aset'Il(lin~; stalldard rHJ'('ly ('r('cl. 11a. ~eeds estl'ophiobte, hut "with fl sCl'l!ll1lifol'ln, papy­ raceOus el11'Und('; brae tpott·s pJ'PS('n I. 12a. Pod not une-inule; slnnl('nsclindelpholls (ill Glycine sOlllPtill1t's ineompletl'ly so), all rpJ'lilp, ]3rt. ('pper two ('11 Iyx-t ('('th CO III plto(uly lIll i U'd ; brll('(s "ll'i,ltp, p('rsislenL _____ ~. __ ,~·lwt(/'i(L 13h, ep/)('!" two eal.\-x-tl't'th f('('(' al Irust lowHnl the up!'x; hr:l("ts rnn·l;- stri,ete, Ol'tl'll dN'iduoU!" lila. lA'nnet" :3; l'nlyx-lobC's H('ulllinntp to n('ute·, not 1l11tl'gill('cl nor' l)(Itnloicl; s(ylp d(l('ieiuOlls, nol ill; hillllll nol ('1H'il'e1(·d by It llIl'll.llmUluC'(,(IlIS ('olin 1'. A HEVISION OF THE GENUS GLYCL.""m AND rrs IMMEDIATE ALLIES 7

15ft. Calyx truucate or iuflexerl at the bllse, the tube gln,hrn,lc, the teeth oflen only setose­ cilillte, sericeous within, the upper pnir united only toward the base; brnctlets (up to 3.5 mill. long) and bmcleoles (up to 2.5 mm. long) mostly setaceolls, ± stifi and persisten t; pedicels conspicuously nodose lwd articuln,te Ilt the bilse. Teyle}·ia (p. 77) l5b. Calyx tapering Ilt the bilse, the tube find teeth usuaHy evenly pubescent, glabrous within, the upper pHir united to the middle or Ilbove; bl'llctlets and bracte­ oles usually shorter nnc! broader, mem­ branaceous, ilnd cltducous; pedicels in­ conspicuously if at all nodose or articulate' at the bnse______Glycine (p. 9) 14b. Lpuflets 5-7, only occllsionnlly :3; cnlyx­ lobes obtuse, widely margined, petnloici; style persistent, illdumled ill fruit; stllndnrd seric(>ous 011 the back tOWil/·ct the appXj hilum ellcircled by Il membrnnncpous collar; gellus restricted to ~radilgflscHl·. P8fudoglycine (p. 74) ] 2b. Pod ullcinate; st amenSIllOJlHd('lphollS, the al­ ternate ones stel"ile ______Teramnu8 11 b. Specls \\~i tll It cOllspicuous enrt ilngilJous, nrilloid slrophiolc. IGil. Br:lctc'olps absent; calyx-tedh much shorler thall the tube; rpstricted to Austrtdi:L __ l1ardellber!iia 1Gb. Bmcleoles p1"('sen t: cltlyx-tedh equnling the tull(' 01" longprj extnt-Australian gt'Dt'I"!t. 171•. Twining vines; Imlels Itlld bractlets not 11e­ crl'scen t, me-Ill branllccous; more OJ" less c/('­ ciduous, inflorescence not capit uliform; leilf­ lets 1-7; pod usulllly elonglltl'-ohlong to linc'llI· and scyl'l'nl-sccded______Pa;·aylycine (p. 52) 17b. Erect herbs or suhshrubs; braclstllld brucll('ls fleCn'S('C'n t, still', pel"sisten t, linelu·-selnc('ous; inflort'scenc(l capitulii"orm; If'nflels )-;3; pod o,'nl, 2-seedccL __ . ______.. _Ps('udoeriosemn


Systematic List of Glycine and Its Immediate Allie~ Glycine

Subgenus L"EP'1'0CYA3n:;S 1. ",Yenen. Austrnlia; Formosa; Micronesia la. YaI". sericea Benth. Austmlia :2. G. fa1cata Benth. Australia ::. G. latrobenlltt (MeisSli.) Benth. Australia 4:. G. canescens F .•T.Herm. Australitt 5. G. tabacina (Labill.) Benth. Austmlja; S. China; S. Pacific Islands 6. O. tomentella Hayata Australia; S. Chinn; Philippines: For­ mO£'n Subgenus GLYCI)o,""E 7. G. petitiana (A.Rich.) Schweinf. Ethiopia 8. G. janmica I •. 1m1 ill: )hlaya Ra. subsp. micmntha (HochsU F ..T.Herm. Trop. Africa db. var. claessensii (De W"jId.) Hauman Fgn1lda to Nyasnlnnd 8c. \"ar. pnniculata Hauman BI:;1gian Congo Sel. YlU·. longicnuda (Schwcinf.) Hak. Ethiopia to Angola Se. \'In. moniliformis (Hochst.) F.rT.Berm. Ethiopin ilnd Eritrea Sf. subsp. pseuclojnnmica (Taub.) Hau­ Belgian Congo to ~\n- man gola yar. laurentii (De ,Yild.) IIaull1ll1l Belgillll Congo

SubgrJllls HO.T-\. 0. G. ussuriensis Regel 8: )Iaack. Asia 10. G. max (L.) )1e1T. C'ultigen Paragiycine

Se(,tioll nI(;\')'.\T,\E

1. Paraglyeineunifol iolttta (Bak.f.) F .•T. I rPI'IlI. Allgola alld X. Hhodr:qill 2. P. unkostata F ..J.l1e)'lll. N. llhodpsia 3. P. upernbae (Ila III1HL II ) F.:r.Jfet'm. Belgian Congo 4. P. c1igitata (Ha1'ms) F ..r.Hel'l11. T:tIIg:\l\yilm 5. P. radicosa (A.Rich.) F ..J.Uenn. S. Hho{irsia, Xynsa­ land, lind Ethiopin ~a. nu·. 1'UfpSC'pnR (I fatl lJ1a II ) 1"..r.l1p)·I11. X. Hhodl'sia to l\l'llya 5b. nu·. enlleanellra (Ha!lltl1lll) F ..1.1/e)·1ll. Belgiall ('oligo and X. Hhotiesia A REVISION OF THE GENUS GLYCIXE A..'m ITS IMMEDIATE ALLIES 9

Section J[JmYSAROIDl~S 6. P. hedysaroides CWilld.) F.J.Hel'm. Guinea to Angola 7. P. laotica (Gagnep.) F.,T.Herm. Laos 8. P. pinnata, (Merr.) F .•L Herm. China I). P. pentaphy]]a, (Dalz.) F.J.Herm. India 10. P. madagascal'ensis F .•T.Herm. Madagascar Pseudoglycine Pseudoglycine lyn11ii (Benth.) F.J.Herm. Madagascar Teyleria Teyleria koorclersii (Backer) Backer Chhlll and Java

Glycine L. Glycine L., Sp. Pl. 753. 1753. Perennial herbs except for G. maw (L.) Merr. which is annual; more Or less hirsute or strigose to glnbrate (never setose). Stems twining, climbing, or procumbent or rately (in G. ma.1J) erect, occasionally somewhat woody at the base. Leayes trifoliolate, usnally pinnate (digitate in three Australian species), nonpunctate, the stipules small, often deciduous. Flowers small, in axillary, solitary (not geminate) racemes (rarely in a terminal panicle or occurring also singl.y or in a sessile fascicle in the lower axils) inserted singly alo;lg ihe mchis of the raceme (subgenu:; Leptorl/amus) or fascicled along the rachis; the peduncle braeteate, a bractlet alBo inselted at the base of the pedicel and a pail' of bracteoles at the base of the C'alyx (in the sub­ genllS Glycine the fascicles also bracteate), neither the bractlets nor bracteoles aCCl·escent. Pedicels not nodose and articulate at the base or obscurely so. Calyx fi\'e-toothed, subbilabiate, the upper pair of teeth more or less connate. the lower three lanceolate to setaceous. Corolla. papilionaceolls, from scarcely exC'eedil1g the calyx to twice its length, white to bl ue 0/' purplish, glabL'olls, the petills long-cla wed. Standard snborbicular to obovate or rhomboid (not pandllriform), subauriculate at the uase. lYings lHtrrOw, more or less adherent to the keel. Keel shorter than the wings, obtuse, not t<,,·isted. Stamens all fertile and isomOl'phic, inclurlec1, monaclelpholls, or c1iac1elpholls by the freeing of the y('xillar stamen with age. Onll'Y subsessile, se\-eral­ to many-ovu]ed. Style SllOrt, slendel:, slightly incUl'\'ed. Stigma terminal, capitate. Pocllinear or oblong, straight: or falcate, more Ot· less cellulose-septate bebYe('n the seeds, compressed to subcylinclt-icul, unilocular, 2-nheci, the \'ahes dehiscing spirally, apiculnte but not cleal'1y ullcinate; seeds oyoid or oblong to subsplteI'ical, eiltl'ophiolate, with a shod, lateral hilum and a small, :;calelike, papy/'aceous car­ uncle. 10 TECHNICAL BULLETL.'f 1268, U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE

Type species: Glyoine javanio(t J.J., Sp. PI. 753; 1'753. Ten species native to tropical and warm-temperate Africa and Asia, except for G. max which is known only in cultivation. NOlle of the species are native to the N e,,, ",Yorlel. Characteristics distinguishing Glycine from its nearest allies are: Leaves invariably trifoliolate; vesture not bristly spreading; inRm'es­ cence not geminate; pedicels not. nodose and articulate at the base or only obscurely so; bractlets and bradeoles not accrescent; corolla always glabrous; petals long-clawed; standiu'd subol'bicular to rhom­ boid, 110t pandul'ifol'm; seeds estrophiolate, carunculate; caruncle a membranaceous, scalelike flap.

Key to Subgenera la. Flowers not clustered, inserted singly Idong the elongated mchis of the raceme (single flowers, generally cleistogamous, also often in the lower leaf-axils) ______l. Subgenus Leptocyamus (p. 10) lb. Flowers clustered along the rachis of the raceme, 01' inserted irregularly on the mchis of a greatly shortened raceme or in the aA-ils of the len ves. 2a. Pod at maturity obliquely constricted (almost septnte) between the seeds, na1'row, usually straight, 3- to 8-seeded;flowers fnsciculate nlong the elongnted rachis of the raceme, with It bract nt the base of the fascicle______2. Subgenus Glycine (p. 24) 2b. Pod not constricted between the seeds, mther broad, stmigh t or curved, 2- to 4-seeded; flowers in axillary clusters 01' short racemes, without a fascicle-brnct _____ 3. Subgenus Soja (p. 3(i)

1. Suhgenus Leptocyamus (Benth.) JY.J.H(,l'm.

Leptooyamu8 Benth. (as genus), Linn. Soc. London, Trans., Bot. 18: 20!). 183!). Leptocyamu8 Benth. (as section), FI. Austral. 2: 243. l86J. Leptolobiwn Benth. (as genus), Ann. ",Yiell )Ius. 2: lIB. Ifl:iH, not 'log. 1837. Species of this subgenus are confined to Australia, the Soulh Paeific: islands, Philippine Islands, and sOllthem China. They c1ifl'er from those of the other subgenera in l11wing the flowers insetted singly. rather than in clusters, on the rachis of an elongated raceme, and (l'X­ cept in C. jalo(lta) , in regularly hn\'ing additional, genemlly ('Jei;;to­ A REVISION OF THE GENUS GLYCINE AND ITS IMMEDIATE ALLIES 11 gamous, flowers solitary or clustered in the lower axils. Three of the species also have digitately trifoliolate lea,ves, a condition not found in the other subgenera. '1'he seeds are Ilslmlly of two types :within each species, very different in appeaL"ance, one smooth and often glossy, the other variously muriculate or papillose and foveolate. The latter condition is due to the true seed coat being covered by the dried, persistent remains of the peri sperm, which otherwise remains attached to the inner wall of the pod. As it partially disintegrates upon the seed-surface it shrivels in definite pattel'l1s usually forming tubercles or, in the case of O. tOlnentella, becoming foveolate as well as papillose.

Key to Subgenus Leptocyamus In. Leaves digitately trifoliolate, the three leaflets equally petiolulate. 2a. Stems, elongate, twining ______1. G. clandestina 2b. Stems short, erect, decumbent or ascending, not twining. 3a. Leaflets oblong-lanceolate or oblong, 1-6 em. long, cori­ aceous, gray-green, coarsely net-veined beneath; no single or clustered flowers in the lower leaf-axils; upper calyx­ teeth free above the middle; pods falcate, reflexed. 2. G. Jalcata 3b. Leaflets obovate or suborbicular, 0.7-2 cm. long, mem­ branaceous; flowers in the lower leaf-aA·ils solitary or fasciculate; upper cillyx-teeth united nearly to the tip; pods straight, ascending ______,, ______3. G. latrobeana I b. Leaves pinnately trifoliolate, the terminal leaflet inserted at some distance from the lateral ones. 4a. Pltlllt hoary; leaflets canescent, siIky-strigose, linear to nar­ rowly oblong-Ianceolate, 2-6 cm. long, acute___ 4. G. canescens 4b. Plant !lot hoary; leaflets strigose, velvety-tomentose or glabrous, at least some of the leaflets usually obovate or oval, obtuse. 5a. Stems strigose to gbbrous, slender; leaflets of the lowest leaves usually broadly Obovllte to oval, obtuse, those of the upper ones elliptic-lanceolate to linear, acute; calyx-teeth lanceolate, stl'igose to glabrous, equaling or shorter than the tube______5. G. tabacina 5b. Stems tomentose-villous, generally coarse; leaflets all ovate to oblong-elliptic, obtuse; Ctllyx-teeth lanceolate-attenuate to setnceolls, hirsute, 10ngeI' than the tube __ 6. G. tomentella 12 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 1268, U.S. DEPT. OF AGHICt;LTURE

FlGt'ni<: 1.-Glycine clan

1. Glycine c1andestina ·WenclI. (Fig. 1) Glycine dalld(wtilw W'endl., not. Beobucht. 54. 17DS. G. minima Willet, Enum. i5G, IS0D. 1'(,I'IUI1II118 ('lruule8tinu8 ('Yelldl.) Sprl'n~,. Syst. '"reg. 3: :2:::5. 18:W. Leptolobillm, rlallr/('stin1lJJ1. nVC'ncll.) BC'nth., Anll. ",Yien )[us. :2: 12;'). 1838. L. mif'l'ophyl1lll11 BC'nth., Al1n. ",,,"ien )[us. :2: 1:2:i. 1838. L('pt(}('y((mll.~ mir1'Ophylllls BC'nth., Linn. SoC". Londoll, Trans., Bot. 18: :20D. lH:3fl. L. ('lrlllt/(wtinIlS (\YC'ndl.) Benth. in Hook.f.: Fl. Tas111. l: 10:2. IH(jO.

'?Glyrilll' p('s('((ril'ensis Hayaht, Ic. PI. Fonnos. D: :2G. 1!)20. StC'ms :.;lpndC'J". twin i ng. from l'ptroJ":'e-hi I'Sule (espeeia lly below thC' 110(ks) to !!lahmtC', al'ising from a stout, \\'00(\,)' rootstock; 1('111'('8 digi­ tatl'ly tJ"i fol iolatc'. thei r petioles :i-JO mill. long, "'par,:ely rC'tl.·or,:e­ hil'sutp 01.' strigo,:e to !!labl'ollS: 8tipll/e8 oblong, blul1tish. pJ"ol11inC'ntl,)' ;~-n~inC'd. mostly l.:i-:} 111m, long; /('((1'et8 C'onllllollly oblong-Iullceolate {thl' 1O\\·C' I' often broadly obovate), but occasionally o\'al to bl'oadl~' colliptic or lill(>:tr, thin-l11embranaeeolls, l-J cln.X-I-lO mm .• nellie to obtui;e alld mU('I'ollnlat'e, l'olllHlecl t·o hlpeL'ing at the base, llJore 01' less strigoRC' especially beneath and on the miclvein abo\-e, their petiolules alJOlll 1 mill, long, hirsute, the stipel" l1Iinutl' (0",) 111111.) : b,.({(,/,~ nUI.'­ ro\\'l,\' ont!o nel'\'('(1, 1.5-2 111m. ]ollg: 1'11('('71/('8 in thp UpPl'l' axil:o SI(>IH1('J" usually ex('(>eding tll(' le:1\'es, loosely few-several (4-12)-flow('I\'d, l-fi ('111. long, Oil peduncle:; :!-:i ('111, long; bJ'([('//e/s S('! a(,(>OllS. 1lIOI'(' 01' I(>ss strigose. L)-~ 1I11ll. long, from one-half the lellgth of the Iwdi('('l,,, to equaling [IWIlI; jlo/I'{')'8 of I'll(' I'aeemes 6-7 mm. long, 011 sl('II(]('r 1)('(1 i­ I:eh; from less tIia n Ita 11' f"lw length t() l'qlla Iin,!! the (·alyx. illSl'l'! I'd ;:;i ngly OIL IlIP rHc'1t is; ('[(/i/'I' :\-1- III Ill. IOllg, !!Ial.n·at co 10 Illoder:lll'ly stTigose, tl\(~ lall('('olat(' to slibulal(> t('('tit !'I'OIlI % to ('(Ilralillg Ihe tllbl\ tho UPPPI' pail' united for % to ail tlteir lcngth, the' hraelpoles frolll 11'2 to ('(Iualing the t nbe: ('0)'01111 lighl blue t·o \'inIPl, the stalldard oho­ Yate, ascl'IHling-I'pfll'xl'd. fr01l1 ,.;Iigllll,\' to ('onspieuou':ly ('x('('l'ding I Ill.' ,,-ing:,;, the kc'l' I I11l1ch longcr (:wl'l'nging ~ 111111.) Ihan thl' will,!!s: 1'011'(')'8 il/ Ihe 1011'1')' (f,ri/s ,:olitar,\' or I'ns(·il'ulatl'. !"IlPil' p(>[als o!'tell 1'{l(liml'lltary 01' wanting: pori lilH':.lI· 10 ,:hol·t-ol/lollg 01' ont!o ('onl­ pressed, .I~-:;O 1l1I11. IOllg, :\-J. 111 III , widC'..J.- to H-s('('(h'd: spal'sl'ly hil'snlp to glahl':llc. til(> margins sOIlH'\\'hn( thi('kl'lIl'd; srrrls ,:hort-ohlong to ;;uiJorbi('ular. L)XI-L~,j 1l1l11 .• dal'k bl'O\nli;.;h I·pd. :'Illonth or mlll·iell­ /alP, the cal'ullele :UI en'('t, 1II~'ll1bl'ana('l'ous, ;l('alclikl'. ;;tl'lIw-l'olol'rd flap. 14 TECHJ\~CAL BULLETIN 1268, U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE

FIGt'RE 2.-GlycinC' fnlcnta Benth. (8. 1l('7111.~ l028-('oJlenh"~(,1\ ~ln"') Plant X 1/::. L<>af detail X l±. F'lowC'r X 2. POll X 1. SC't'(}s X 1 (sllla11), X 2 I/:: (la rge).

'l'hroughout .AuSimlia (except Xorth and c('ntr,tl .\lIMralia), rrasmania: also Formosa and Micronesitt (?) ..\n extn1 J1)ely \'ariable species. It is much less common than the follo\\'in~ \·:triety. la. Glycine clandestina VlU·. sericea Benth.

Glycine c7ande8tina var. seri(,6a B{.'nfh., FI. Austml. 2: 244. 18(;--1-. In its extreme form qnite distinct in its densely rllsty-itirslIf'(' or rllsty-stl'i~ose calyx, shorter, more eompaet J'aeemes, the flo\\'{'rs on shorte}', stonter pedieels and its genet'ally Elongated, IHIITO\\'ly A HEnSION OF THE GENUS GLYCINE AXD rfS 1M_MEDIATE ALLIES 15

linear leaflets, up to 5 cm. long, which are often revolute. The pods are often longer, rather than shorter as thought by Bentlllun,ltl up to :1: cm. long, and ol"casional1y densely hirsute. Intermediates in one to several of these characteristics are frequent however. It ap­ pears to be the oIlly form in and the dominant one in South Australia. No material of Glycine IJescadl'en.sis Hayata has been available fo)' study. From tIle original description, howe,-er, and from examina­ tion of a photogmph of the type specimen in the AI'I101d Arborteum Herbarium it appears that Hosokawa 20 is correct in reducing it to the synonymy of O. clrl1ld('8tina. He reports it from Micronesia pItll'ianas) in addition to Formosa.

2. Glycine falcata Benth. (Fig. 2) Glycine /ul('ata Benth., Fl. Austral. 2: 243. 18M.

~:H-ems short, erect, ascending Ot' decumbent, not twining, retrorse­ strigose, from a fib"OIlS, woody rootstock; le(We8 digitately trifolio- 1:ttC', I-heir petioles 1.;;-7 cm, long, stoutish, retl'orse-strigose; stipulM lanceolate, coriaeeons, strongly se\'el'al-neITed, antl'Ol'Se-strigose. ;3-;; 111m. long; leajlet.~ oblong to oblong-Ianceolate or occasionally ontl, gray-green, thiek and coriaceolls, 1-6 em. long, 5-20 mm. wide, obtuse, usually apieuhte, tapering at the base, stl'igose beneath. sp:u'slOly so abo\'e. conspiC'UOllsly net-veined bClleath, their petiolnles n:l'y short (1 mm. 01' less), stout, and hispid, the stipels acicular, 1 IIlm. 10ng;mceml'8 axillary, much exeeeding the leaves, l'ath('r loosely 2- to ](J-f!o \n:red, 1-6 cm. long, on stout sh'igose peduncles :2-12 em. long; bl'((('t7el8 setaceous, hirsute, 1.5 nlln. long, somewhat ex­ ('p('ding pC'dil'els: jlOIl'('J's :5.:)-(;.;; mill. IOllg. Oil stoutish, hirsutc peciieels (1-1.:) mill. long) which al'e shorter than the calyx, inserted singly Oil the rachis: ('aly.}· ;3.;J-~ 111m. long, stTigose, the teeth lanceolate 1'0 subulate, equaling 01' slightly ex(:el'rling the tube, tim upper pail' free. abore t he III iI'r/N oblong to o\'oid-ohlong, sometillles tl'UIH'ate at olle end, -I:-L;;X2 111111., olin'-gl'eell to 1>1'0\\'11, mottlerl with IHlITJI(',

tr. ~t'(> fooinote 11. p.•1. ,. UOSOK.\ \\'.\, T.\I<;:.\lIIJl!~. 1";,",\0,\)'\1 Y OF G. CL.\SIII·;STISA.J X:II. I fist. ~(k. FUI'IlI();;:.1. 'l'1·:lIlS. ~.': lS, illmi. 1n:1;;. 16 TECE\'~CAL BULLETIN 1268, U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE smooth, glossy, or dull, the liguhtte caruncle very narrow, short, tmcl often illCOl1Bpicuous. Korth Australia, , and South Australia; evidently infrequent.

FwenE 3. ClyrinC' lntrQbcHnH (l\fC'issn. ·in 1.chm.) l3C'nlh. I A. Jrfll"l"i,'

    3. (Ueissn. in Lehm.) Benth. (Fig. :1) Glycine ZatJ'ooeana pIeissn. in 1... e11m.) Benth., 1"1. _\l1stl·al. :2: :U±. 186-!-. Zich.lJ~t latl'ooerilla Meissn. in Lehm., Pl. Pl'eiss. 1: !H. 18-1:-1:. Leptocyrun1l8 ta.wwnicU8 Henth. in rlook.f., FI. Tasm. 1: 10:2, t. 1i. lS()O.

    Stems shott, decumbent or ascending or the tips somewhat twining, hirsnte, the hairs often somewhat retl'Ol'se but the pubescence some­ times stl'igose and either .retrorse or l1ntl'Orse, the rootstock \yoody. fibrous, sometimes irregularly t·hirkenNl: l('{fl'('s digitately tr·ifoliolate. their petioles 1-8.5 cm. long, slender, hirsute to reflexed-strigase: stipules suborbirulal' to broadly onlte Or l'enifol'm, 1.5-:2 111m. long, as wide as long or wider, yery blunt, strongly se\-eml-nen-ec1, glalJl'ous to sparsely strigose: leajlets all obontte 01' subol'birulal' (often elliptic before maturity), thin, j~20 mm, long, +.-H mm. wide, obtuse to retuse, cuneate at the base. glabrous abon'. silky-stTigoiie beneath. their petiolules 1 mm. long, hirsute, the stipels minute and early cadurous: injlOl'eNc('n(,(,8 axillary, mostly in the fOl'm of usually mther ('ompactly 3- to 8-flo\yel'ed racemes i-:20 ml11, long, on n'IT long (6-10 cm,), slender, hirsute peduncles: 1;)'((('11<'18 (>lliptie to broadly on1te, blunt, strigose, 0,5-1.25 mm, long~ equaling to ('x('t'eding tlH' pedicels; injlo;'(,8(,()llCe8 consisting of a single flower :t1:iO fl'C'qllenrly oecUL' in the lo\\-er axils: jlOIl't'I'8 i-9 111l1l, long, on Yel',)' short: (O,;i-l mm,), hniry pedicels. inscrted singly on 111(, I':tellis: ('lily,/, 2.,i-G mnl. long, densely :fel'rugineolls-stl'igose, tlw teN h deltoid. to l1at'I'(mly laneeolate, equ:t1ing to :::ol1le\\-hat shortt'I' than the tnIJl', the IlPP(>f' pail' united neal'ly to the tip, braett'oles minute, one-1'ourth thl' ]('ngth of the calYX-lube or It'ss. strigose: ('01'0//(1 plll'plt', the stan<1nnl broadly obo\'ate, abruptly l'eflexe

    (.If. KOI'/I, 22!J-Xatllrhi:;t. )(\1:;. "iPlIlIll) l'lItllt X ~~. Lp:1"p:; X 1. F(owpr;; X :!. ('od X 1. Sl'I'(\:; X :i. A HEVISION OF THE GE~uS GLYCINE AND ITS UIMEDIATE ALLIES 19

    .1. F .•T.Herm. (Fig. 4) Glycine C({ne8cen.~ F ..T.Herln., nom. no\'. Lepto('Y(lJ)W8 8ericc1l8 F. Mllell. in Hook., Kew .Tour. 8: -!-5. 1856, and Trans. Phil. Inst. Viet. 1: 40. 18i)(j( n. Glycine 8el'icea (F. ~Iuell. in Hoole) Benth., Fl. _A_ustral. 2: 245. 18(5+, not -Willd. 1802. G. sei'/cea \~al'. orthotl'iclw J. )L Black, Fl. South Austral. :32(l. 1924. Stems elongated and usually slendel', either trailing or twining, the whole plant hoary, sericeous-strigose. or, rarely, hit'sute; lea~'e8 pin­ nately triroliolate, their petioles 8-22 mm. long, the rachis 1-8 mm. long: 8tipule.'f acicular. 2-:3.:") mm. long, strigose: /f({jlets elliptic-lineal' to narrowly oblong-lanceolltte, thin, :2-6 cm. long, 2-8 111m. wiele, acuminate to itbrnptly aeute and ITlucronate, tftpel'ing nt the base, more Or less silky-stl'igose on both SII L'fae'es. their petiolules 1 mm, long, hlt'sute. the stipels 0,5-1 mm, long. acicular: injlO1'escence axillary. mostly racemose, 2-1: elll, long, loosely 6- to 10-flowered, on generally long (:3-T (,111,). ",lender petlllneles: bmrtlet8 setaC'eOll;;. 1.:")-2 mill, long, s!I'igose-hil'sute, ex('e('(ling the ped ice Is; single-flo\yered 01_' geminate inflOI'escenee::; also frequent in the lower axils: jlOIl'(,lW 7-9 111m, long. 011 hiL':-iute pedi('el::; 1~2ll11ll, [ong. insel'ted singly on tht rachis; ('([1,1/,(' H.5 111111, long, denselyfel']'ug-ineolls-canescent-stl'igose, the teeth lan('eolnt'(> to IHlI'I'owly lan('eolat(l. equaling' or sli~htly exC'eedin~ tIll' tube, the upper pail' united to about the middle. bracteoles setaceous, 1 111m. 01' It'ss lOllg-. strig-ose, appr('ss(>(l. inconspicllolls; ('o]'olla purple to hlui;;;h. t-he standard nal'l'owl,r obovate. refll'xed. the oblong wings about 1111111, shorter t-han the standal'(l but l11ueh exceeding the obO\~at(· kepI: pod lineal'. 2,,") (l':trely 1.5) -!Lj elll, long, :3-4 111m, wide, seri('eom;­ strigose, somewhat compressed, and occasionally more or 1ess tOl'ltlo~, ,;- (rarely 2-) to T-::;ee(led: .W'('(/.~ 2,;j-;I.;)x~,;; 111 Ill., short-oblong to qLHldratl', til(' {'Ol'ner:; usually I'o\lnded, Sl1100th and shining 01' Illlll'ieu­ btl', 01 i1'l'-bl'O\\"1l to llark-bro\\-nish purple, fill' s('arious, 1igu lat-e en rUIH'le ('on::;!> iCllOll;;;, XOl'tl1\restel'll ,'ietol'ia, Wl'stern Xl'\\" South "Tall'S. Queensland, CentmI, Xol'th, South, Hnd 'Yestern --,\.ust I'a Iia. Heportl'd to be good fodc1el'. 20 TECH.'

    Fr(;ntE 5.-(llyrin(> tnbn('inn (Lnbill.l BPllth. (C. E. 1l1l/J/lIIl'ti 8.~8..!-K('\\') 1'1:1111 X %. L('an':; X 1±. Flo\\'pr rlNail X 2y:!. Kl'ells X :!. A REVISION OF THE GE~'1JS GLYCIXE AXD ITS Dn.IEDIATE ALLIES 21

    5. (Lubill.) Benth. (Fig. fJ) Glycine tabacinct (LnbiJl.) Benth., Fl. Austral. 2: 2c!4. U:H3+. K ennedyct t{(barilla Labill., Sed. Aust.-Calecl 70, t. 70. 18:2+. Leptolobiwn elongll!1l1ll Benth., .:\1111. 'Viel1 Mus. 2: 125. 1~;}8. L. tabaC'irulln (Labill.) B('nth" Ann, 'Yien Mus,:2: 125, 18;38, LeptoC',lJIlJllllS elongiltllN B('nth" Linll, S(W, London, TraIls" Bot. 28: :WO, 18:3!l, L, Irtli/olhl8 Benlh, in )[itch,••fOlll', Exp('d, 1'rop, ~\lIsn'al. :3Gl. 18+8, De87/lodilllll- nOl'o-llOllal1diculll F, )[lIe]1.. Lillnaen, 2;'): 304-, lSfJ1. Glycine tabarina nn', ?rlti/oliii Bentl!., F1. Austral. :2: 2+;), 1H(;+, G, taoarina \'al', lIn('illata Bentlt" 11'1..\ nstTa I. 2: 2,~:I, UW,1, ?G, koidzlI mii Oh wi. Act. Phytotaxoll, &; Gl'obot. 1:2: UO, 10+0, Stems slender and elongated, lIsnally ('l'e('pil1g or trailing. o('casion­ a lIy twill ing, more 01' less l'etl'Ol'se ly stl'igos(' (r1lr('1,V stl'igose-It i rSlIte) to g1abl'OllS, the \'estme lIsunlly whitl', from a \\'oody. OftC'11 thiekl?np(]. rootstodc 1('(ll't's pinnately trifo.liolate, theil' pptiolps ,i-.:J.,i m1l1, long. the mehis 1-'1 111m, 10ngi,~tiJrllh.~ dl'ltoid to oblong-l:nwpolatl'. 1,;i-3 mm, lon~, obtuse to acuminate, ('oll1'sely s('wral-rihlll'd. S[w.I'sl'ly strigosl' to ghbl'OllSi 7Mjlr>tS thin. generally 11101'1' 01' lpss strigose be­ nl':ttlt, sparingly strigosc to gl:tbl'(HlS :tbo\'l', tltl' tl'l'minal Oft('ll larg('r or longcr than the Inter1l1, thosc of thp 10\\'pl' Il'a\'c::; lIsllally broadly obm'afp to oyal, 10-15X8-14 I11lll .. obtusl' h) tl'un<.:atp, o('('asionally f.'lnarginnte. apiell1:ttc or :teute, tappl'ing al t'lIp basl'. oHpn pl'olllinl'ntly net-\'pillPc1 iJl'nl'atll. Il'aflets of tltl' IIp]lC'I'l('an's lIsually plIipti!'-InIH'l'O­ Jatl' to naITo\\'l), oblong-lan(,polatp 01.' lilll'ar, 7-50 III Ill, long. :3-7 111111, widl', 1I('lItp to blunt anel apiC'ulate, nbl'tlptly tappl"in~ to rouIHIt·(1 at the basl', titl'il' petiollllps l-~ nll11, long, ltiI'SlIfl', tIl(' sf ippls l)('i(,lIlar, 1-1.:i 11111\, long, o('('asionnlly all of th(lll':ln's ()\'al to bl'Oadly oblong.

    20-W 111m, long, 10-20 nll11, \\'iell': /'((('('11/('8 in fhl'lI(lpl'I' axils slencll'l", e 10llgatp, ~-8 ('111, IOllg, loosel,\' 4-12 (2:l) -f1ow('I'pd. on spa I'sl'ly "tTigoSl' to glubrolls pedllllcl('s :2-]:2 ('Ill. Ion,!!: bNl('t/r/s slIIJl[llltl'. :1-2 1111l1,lollg. l'x(,p(,fling the pl'-2 l1un, long, 01' 1'1,(,((lIl'lIll,)' slIiJsp:'sill'. insprfpd singly 011 till' 1':l('lIis, sonletil11l's 2 ('Ill, apart; ('([I,IIx 3-1-.;) lil))l. IOllg. IISlilt II)' SIJtll'Sl'ly st rigosf' to glahl'OlIs. o(,(,Hsiol1ally dpl1sl'ly ;;tr'igo:,p 01' shod-hirsutl'. the' IpNIt from broadly to lHu'l'owly hlllt'poln (r, (>(1 lin Ii 11~ or ~h()l'f{,I' tha 11 till' tuhp. the. UpPl'I' pail' t1l1itl'cl to tlIP l11iddlp or nllo\'p. l>l':lctl'oll':' ;\('leul:u' to Sl'tal'l'OUS~ 1,:)-2 111111, long: ('01'0/111 IllllP t·o \'ioll't or purplish. thl' stanclal'cl obO\'ail', rdlpXl'<1 to :tsf'()I1(1in~. sliglttly 1011~l'1' titan tItt' oboyaf'p-oblollf!' wil1gs which ('onspi('lIousl,\' l'X('N,(j tlw kppl: pori lin('ar, H.-!30 111 Ill, lonp.-. :~-:Li 1l11l1, \ridp, ;;pn rs('ly ;:(rignsf' (hil';:lIt 11.­ Ions O!l the L'idges) to glabl'olls, of'('asiollally It i r""tl" ('olll [In,,,:,('d. till' 22 TECHN~CAL BULLETIN 1268, U.S. DEPT. OF AGHICULTURE

    FtnntE G.-Glycine tOl11elllella Hayata (H. Oldlto/l/1!J(i-Xat1ll'hi;;i'. )111". Yiellll:1) ('IUlll X!':!. LNlfll't X 1. Flowe..,; X :;. I'od X 1. Sped" r 1'.1. :.!:;!{:.!:1S) X :.! 1,h. peJ"sistellt style va J"iom;ly hooked 01' ('uJ"vNl (bllt not t h iekplw(] alid upturned at a right angle as ill J'('I'(t/l1mlo~), ;~- to (l-see(]('d; 8('ed8 1.7:;-3 Xl :7f) mill., oblong to o,"oid, of'!ell t:nllwate at the ('lid:;, l-ll1looth and dull to glossy, IlIUl'i(,lIlate, purplish bla('k, the (Oanuwll' an ereet, s('al"iolls scale. Temperate Au;-;trnlia (YietoJ"ia, Xl'\\" SOllt11 \\'all's, Qnl'PlIsl:uHl, South, and ",,'estern Australia), Soutli l'a(·ifie J:.dall<1s (Tollga, Fiji, A REVISION OF THE GENUS GLYCINE AND ITS IMMEDIA'l'E ALLIES 23

    New Caledonia) and Fukien Province, China. Rocky pastures, clear­ ings, dry hillsides, and sandy slopes. Extremely variable, the two varieties 110menclatorially designated by Benthmll ~l evidently no more consistent or frequent than many others, so that their maintenance seems .impracticable. No material of Olydne koidzwnii Ohwi, described from the Ryukyn Islands, was available for study. From the original description it would appear to be very dose to, if not synonymous "with, the highly polymorphic O. taoar-ina rather than with O. 7Je8cadl'en.~i8 (= a. dande8tina) with which it was thought to be allied by its author.

    6. Haynta (Fig. 6) G7ycine tomentella Hayata, Ic. Pl. Formos. 9: 29. 1920. Leptolooiwn tomento,non Benth. in An11. 1Yien :Mus. :2: 12;3. 18:i8. LeptoC'yrunu8 tomento8It8 Benth. in Linn. Soc. London, Trans., Rot. 18: :209. 18?'9. OlyC'ine tomento8ft Benth., Fl. ~\.ustral. 2: 245. 1864, not. L., Sp. P1.i5·!:. 17:3:3. Stems p r'ost rate, trailing or climbing over slll'ubs, usually stouter (2 mm. in diameter) than those of Clycine tabrwin(t. tomentose-\,illous, the yeshu'e usually tawny; 7crn'e8 pinnately tt'ifoliobte, their villous­ hirsute petioles 1-9 cm. long, the I'Hchis 2-9 mm. long; 8fipule8 onlte to laneeolate, 2-:3 111m. long, coarsely se\'eral-ribbed, densely pubescent too glabra.te; le(fjlet8 oblong, elliptic to 0\'111 or ovate, thin, 14-(j5 mm. IOllg, 8-:15 11 lin. wide, the terminal generally larger than the lateral, obt,use and usually mucl'onate, sometimeg em:u'ginate, abruptly taper­ illg 01.' rOllnded at: the base, more or less I'eh'ety-tomcntose to strigose on both slH'f,lces, theil' petio]ules 0.5-1.5 mm. long, hirsute. the stipels 0.7;3-1.5 111111. long acic'ular: J'f((,(,JIIe.~ in the upper axi Is, O. T;i-?' ('Ill. long, "from compactly to loosely 7- to 15-flowered, on hirsute peduncles :3.5-10 em. 10llg; bmctl('t8 s('tflceolls, 1.5-2 mm. long, exceeding the pedicpls, from d('nsely to sparsely hirsute; flowers freqnently solitary, geminate, 01' in -few-flowered faseicles ill the lower axils; flOW(',I"~ 5-7 n1ln. long, on hir'sute pedicels 0.5-1.5 mill. long, im,erted singly 011 the rachis; ('((ly;r,~ :3.5-(j 111m. long, hiJ'Slite to clellsely hirsute (the hairs sometimes more 01' less appressecl-agcending on the tube) 01' rnl'ely stl'igose, the teeth l:llleeolate and usually n:uTo\\'ly attenuate at the :q)(>x to setaeeous, longer thilll tIl(' tulw (:2.5-:3.:3 111m, long), the upppr pair united to about the middle, bra<:teoles sehlceous, 1.;3-2 mm. long, usually appressecl: ('oJ'oUa purplp to ma u I'e 01' I'edd ish, the st"allda I'd oborat(', ascencling, longer than the ohorate-oblong wings which exceed

    "' H('l' footuote 11, 11. ·L 24 'rECJThlCAL BULLETIN 1268, U.S. DEP~'. OF AGRICULTURE the keel; 2)od linear, 12-23 111111. long, 2.75-3.5 111111. wide, hirsute to glabrn,te, compressed, 3-7-seeded; 8eed8 1:75-2.25 X 1.25-2 111m., sh01"t­ oblong to quadrate, usually tl'tlllcate at both ends, sllbcylimlrical at maturity, smooth or muriculate or papillose and fO\'eolate, purplish­ black (or, when foveolate, dun gray-brown), the caruncle an erect, brownish-orange, scarious scale. North Australia, Queensland, New South 1Vales, New Guinea, , Philjppine Islands (Luzon), southern Ch1l1a (Fukien Province) and Formosa. On river banks, dry slopes, and in open woods. Extremely yariable. Occasional intermediates between this and Glycine tao{{cina. occur which are difficult to refer with certainty to either oue or the other. But as n, rule the divadcate, rather than appressec1, pubescence of G. tomentelZa, particularly on the stems and the teeth of the calyx, its more densely pubescent calyx with more slender teeth that are longer than the tube and the flowers tending to be approximnte townrd the apex of the peduncle readily set it off from G. ta.oacina; and when the latter has de\'eloped its characteristic lance­ olate to linear upper leayes, in addition to the broadly oralIo-weI' leaves com111on to both species, there can be no mistake as the former nre not found in G. tomentella.

    2. Suhgenus Glycine L. Glycine L. (as genus), Sp. Pl., 753. 17:i3, pro 7Jarte. .rotonict ",Yight 8.: .A.m. (as genus), Prodr. 1: 207. 18:3+, nor DC. 18;):1. '!ohnia 'Wight 8.: Arn. (as genus), Proch-. 1: +W. 183-1:, not Roxb. 1832; Taub. (as section) in Engl. 8.: Prftntl, Die XnJi.il'l. Pflanzell-r. :3 (3) : BGO. 189-1:. Ja1'fmi('((p Harms (as section) in Engl., Pflanzenw. Afr. il(l): Gi5±. 1915, P1'O parte. Species of this subgenus are entirely ATrican except for the typienl form of Glycine javanica which is nati\'(~ to southeaste1'll .Asia. They are set ofr from the rest of the genus by the possesflion of a bract at the base of the fascjc1es (Iig. 7), fro111 specjes of the f;lIb­ genus Leptocya71lU8 by haying the flowers in c1usters of two to sev­ eral along the l'aehis of the l'aeemeinstead of inserted singly, and from species of the suiJgenus SoJ(( in hayillg the raC'cl11es not greatly l'cduC'ed and in ha\'ing the mature pods nIUTOW, usually stl'night·, 8- to S-seeclecl and conspicuollsly constricted (a111105t obI iquely septate) hetween the seeds. There are but two spe('ies, with two well-markell subspecies and several Yarieties of G . .im~anica 'which has long beell taken as the type of the genus, A REVISION OF THE GENUS GLYCINE Al.'iD ITS IMl\1:EDIATE ALLIES 25

    Key to Subgenus Glycine

    1a. Fascicle-bract conspicuous, ovate to lanceolate, often incised or parted, usually persistent; flowers lilTge, 8-10 mm. long; pu­ bescence densely velutinous (Ethiopia and Kenya.). 7. G. petitiana 1b. Fascicle-bract inconspicuous (except in the bud), nlll'l'owly linear to setaceous, usually caducous; flowers small, 4-6(7) mm. long; pubescence strigose to hirsute. 2a. OViU'y and pod strigose or hirsute. 311,. Racemes short, stout and congested, many (70-160)-flowered, tapering to an acute apex until the slowly elongating rachis reaches matW'ity; flowers before matW'ity conspicuously overtopped by the long (3.5-5 mm.) fascicle-bract and se­ taceous calyx-teeth; calyx teeth three times the length of the tube (India and Malaya) ______8. G. jamnica 3b. Rncemes elongated, not short, stout or congested, the flowers (20-100) for the most Plll-t blooming at the snme time; flowers not conspicuously overtopped by the short fnscicle­ bract (1.5-2.5 (4) lllm. long) or calyx-teeth; cnlyx-teeth twice the length of the tube or less (Arricn). 'ill,. Flowers mostly 4.5-7 mm. long, the corolla usunlly conspic­ uously exceeding the calyx; l'ncemes not conspicuously slender, or ,videly interrupted; pods mostly 3.5-5 mm. wide, constricted between the seeds but scarcely moniliform. 5a. Racemes simple, nearly always axillary. 6a. Racemes seldom exceeding 20 em. in length; leaflets and petioles genernlly less than 8 CIllo long; flowers 4.5-6 mm. long, the standard suborbicular. 7a. Puhescence of stems, petioles and peduncles np­ pressed, usunlly l'etl'orse; upper surfnce of leaflets sparsely sb:igose, the lower surface pubescent chiefly on the nerves; leaflets acute or ncuminate. 8a. G..iavaniea subsp. miel'antha 7b. Pubescence of stems, petioles nnd peduncles ('om­ pnratively dense, the hairs ereet or nscending; leaflets more or less velu tinous 011 both surfaces; leaflets mostly obtuse. 8b. G..iavnniea subsp. micl'anthn val'. elaessensii 6b. Racemes up to 40 cm. long, the fascicles man~"­ flowered: leaflets and stou t petioles usually more thilll 10 ern. 101l~; flow('l's 6-7 !lI1ll. lOll!!:, the stulHl.ll'(l rhom I>oid. Sc. G. j(lwnica subsp. mic/'(ll/tlw '"iU'. /ilNU'IISd 26 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 1268, U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE

    FlGlJRE 7.-Glycine petitiana (A. Rich.) Schweinf. Z:n Olh·cr. (Adam.50n 678; pods, H. F. Moone!/5062-Kew) Plant X 12. l~lI111rgcd flowering raceme (showing fascicle-bracts) X 2':;. Flower X 2'~. Fruiting raceme X !1. Pod X 1. Seeds X 2. A REVISION OF THE GE}OlJS GLYCINE .-L'iD ITS IMMEDIATE ALLIES 27

    5b. Rncemes compound, terminal, up to 60 cm. long, the brnnches 25-30 cm. long. Sd. G. javanica subsp. micrantha var. paniculata 4b. Flowers 4-5 mm. long; rneemes slender, lnx, elongated (25­ 40 em. long) itnd interrupted. Sn. Plant glilbrescent; leilflets very lnrgc (12-15 cm. long) 11IHI thin. Sc. G. jacanica subsp. micrantha vitro longicauda. Sb. Phlllt cinereous-strigosc; leaflets seldom over {) em. long; corolh, scnrcely exceeding the cnlyx; pods 3 mm. wide, moniliform. Sf. G. jaL'anica subsp. micrantha vnr. monilijormis 2b. O\'ar.r and pod glnbrous or glnbrate. 9a. Hirsute or "illous yine; pedicels 0.75-2.5 mm. long; flowers 4.5-6 mm. long; stnndnl'd suborbicular. Sg. G. j(Lcanica sllbsp. pseudojaranica 9b. Ghbl'(~scent vine; pedicels 1-1.5 mrn. long; £lowers 3.5-4.5 mm. long; standard cuncifol'm to subnuriculnte iLbo\'e the cIiL\\,. Sh. G. jatanica subsp. pseudojavanica ynl'. laurentii

    I. Glycine petitiana (A. Rich.) Sehweinf. in Olil'er (Fil,!.7) Olycine petit;alla (A. Rich.) Schweinf. e;1J Bakel' in Olivet·, FI. Trop. ~\J ... ~: 17!). 1871. .lolmia petitianrt A. Rich., Tent. F1. Abyss. 1: 210, t. 40. ISH. A dimhing I'ine frOI1\ a somewhat woody base; .stems terete to anglllal', often quite stout (the flowering portion nmy be 3.5 mm. in diameter), densely felTugineolls-vel utillous to tomentose: {(,(!I't's pinnately trifoliolate, their petioles 2-{) cll1.lon~. hirsute. to serieeolls­ tomentose, the mchis 1-10 mm. long; lcajlet8 extremely ntriable. in shape, sometimes oblong-ontI with an obtuse, llIucronulate apex and suhcune:Lte. base, sometimes broadly OI'nte, the apex acuminate to ahruptly acute and ll1uC'l'onale, the base rounded, or t he out! inc oc­ easionally ell i ptie-Ianeeohtte, 2.5-7 cnl. long, J-H em. wide, vel uti now; to thillly stL'igos(I abol'e, I'elutinous to sel'i('~'ous-stTil!ose beneath, the IlClTes ferrugineous. on petioluies 1-2.;) mm. long; bmctslnnc('olate to lance-acllminate, :3.;)-0 111m. long, dCIl~ely sf rigose; the jlOIl'(>/w distinctly whol'lcd in axillary, pedullcled, often inf('n:upted, l'[l('cmes, ()-:W em. long, exceeding the Ical'es, each whol'l subtcnded hy an Ol'llte to lanceolate, scriceolls. u:-iually seveml-nel:I'cd, often trifid or incised bract 7-!) nllll. long, :2.5-:Lj 111m. wide; brrtcllet.~ Ii II(>:! r, :3,::;-5 mm. IOllg, serieeolls: pediCf'ls 1-2 (in fl'uit up to :n IIIIll. 101lg', I'clut i nous: ('{fIJl.I! densC'ly scri('eol1s-s( rigose, 5-8 111 Ill. long, i he na l'­ 1'O\\'ly lance-attenuate i(·eth ahout twiee rhe length of the tube, the 28 TECRXICAL BCLLETIX 1268, U.:3. DEPT. OF AGRICCLTURE

    FI(a"nl~ 8.-(;lydIlP jll\'lIni(':\ L. (Bourne 1087-Kc\\") I'I:lIIt X I!. Flu\\"f.'r.~ X ;~I~. Pod X 1. Reeds (llll1ull) X I. A REVISION OF THE GENUS GLYCINE AND ITS LvIMEDIATE ALLIES 29

    lowermost falcate and sometimes distinctly exceeding the straight 1ateral and uppermost teeth, a pair of setaceous, sericeous bract-eoles, 3-3.5 mm. long, at the base of the calyx: COl'Ona reddish violet to yiolet-blne, fading to blue, the standard rhomboid-suborhicular, 8-11 111m. 10ng (the blade neal'1y 3 times the length of the claw) ~ auriculate, 2-3 mm.longel· than the narrowly oblong, obtuse \yings, the very blunt, auriclrJate keel conspi("llonsly shortE'r than the wings; pod linear, 20-27 mm. long, 2:-3 mm. ·wide, dE'nsely YE'lutinous, the indument olil·e.-gmy, somewhat toru1ose, septate and compressed; seeds 5-8, oblong-m·rtl, 2 X 1.5 mm., pale brown, the hilum small, the narrow carnne-Ie white, papyraceous, ered, O.:2;'")-O.,~l11m. wide. Ethiopia. (Addis Ababa and Prm'ince of Bogemedar) and Kenya (:\£t. Kulal, alt. 7,000 ft.). Climbing among bushes, on waste ground and in open woods. As mentioned by Uichard,22 this is one of the most ol'l1anH.'ntal species in the. genus, the flowers bl'ing Ul1I1SIJaIl.\· large and e-olorfnl and the whole plant eOI'el'ed with a. silkY-I-l'h-ety pubeseenee. The plate aeeompanying Riehal'Crs original description of thi,~ species shows the terl11inalleaflet as being se!'silE' like the lateral pilir, and E. G. Bakl'r (p. 3:')7) 23 distinguishes it from Ol!lcine .ial'rtllir(( on the basis of having the tl'rmin,llleaflet more 01' less sessile (in addition to brown-tomento;:e pod::;). .Aetunlly, the lE'n I'PS a re pin natply 1'01 io late, the Potnlk o·f the teL'minal lE'nflet, including petiolu1e and ll'nl'­ mchis, being at lea::;t hyiec as long as those ot' thelateml le'lf\C·t::;, often 5 to 6 timE'S as lonf!'.

    8. Glycine javanica L. (Fig. S) Olydll(, jr{l'(ll!ir(l L., ~p. PI. 7M. 1753. sto.ia .ir(l'{l71i('(( (T..) n. Grall. ill "~all.. Cat. n. :);i~8. 1S~S. Soj([ Idghtii R. Chall. ill "';tIl.. Cal. n. 5;J:10. IH~R. Xotonin /I'ightii ,Yight &: _\ rn.. Pro(h·. ~()H. ]H:~+. ,lo7mir~1.l.rirtlUii Wight &: _hn .. Prodr. ·~~n. IH:3+. G1!lr'ine bu,i,lda Henth., _\ 1111. ,,'iell ~[11::;.:2: 1~(;. 18mt ."'1ude/'k" l'estih" Bentl1-. Linn. Hoe.•Jour. S: :2()7. lB(;:,), not W"ight &: _\.rn. U;:H.

    Climbing, usually twilling. I'ine from a thiek, woody rootstock: stems terete 01.: subterete, sometimE'S woody at the base, 2-:2.5 (occa­ siollally :3 to\\"al'd n1l' bn:;(') 111m. in diallwt(·I·. :2-:i Ill. long, n10l'e or l(',:;{ hirsutE', \\·ith usually rpf\('xpr], ':onH'tiI11Ps HPI)I·l''':'(,(l. tawny 01' fPITlI­ gineoll$ hail's; ierW('8 pinllatply tri foliolate, Ilwir pNiolp" ~-I:2 ('111. long, more or le,,$ sulcate' and 1'l'flexpd-hir"l1tt'. tIl(' rnellis ~"

    :::: HICII.\IW, At'li fI.U':, 'I'I·:"T.\~( ~;x FI,OIl.\(>: AftYiiiil." (('.\E, ·IT:! JlP, 1.':1 I'is. IS·1 7-:; I. "" St't' [ootnote 17, p. ;;, 30 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 1268, U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE

    long, hirsute to glabrate, the stipu!es ovate, 1.2-5 mm. long, strongly several-nerved, strigose; leaflets thin, oval to ovate (the lateral often inequilateral), 3-10 cm. long, 1.5-i cm. wide, acute 01· acuminate or rarely broadly obtuse and mucronate at the apex, abruptly tapering

    FlGt:RE f.l.-Glycinp jtwanica slibsp. micrtllltha (Hoclu:t. ex A. Rich.) F ../.II!'rrn. (Mi.ssion de Wille I077-Jard. l3ot. Hrllxellps; pods and seeds, P. O. Weihe 226- Kcw) Plant X }~. Flowers X ;{)~. Pods X 1. A REVISIOX OF THE GEXDS GLYCIXE AXD ITS DBLEDl:\TE ALLIES 31

    to rounded or almost tI.·uncare at- the base, more or less stl'igose to gla­ bl'Hte abo\'e (the ma I'gins a nc1 yeins someti mes densely sh·igose). generalh' pilose too silky-stl'i/!ose and prominently \'eined benentll. tho serondal'Y wins -1:-:7 pail'sl usually hirtellous 01' stl'i/!ose, the stipels setaceOllS. 1-3.5 mm. IOIl/!; bJ'{(('t8 pel·sistent. onte. 3--+ nun. Ion/!. stri/!ose. to glnbl'ate; j'{(('eJ11('8 axillal'Y, fl'om shol't. Yery rompart~ stout. ohlon/!-o\'oid. often almost headlike. densely (70-1;'JO)-flowel'ed and tapering to HII tleute al)px dUJ'ing the endy stages of anthesis to some­ "'hat intpl"I'llpted as the l'Hchis elon/!ates. 2-18 (·n1. Ion/!. on peduncle,:: :2-10 em. Ion/!: f{(·~('ir7e-bl'((rt8 nan'owly linear-lanreolate to setaceolls. 3.5-:).:1 111m. long. ilpPl'essed-pilose: In'((('tlft., :"etareolls. 2.i".i-3.5 111m. long. hirtellolls; jfOIN'I'8 conspicllously eXC'l'eclecl. hefol'e maturity, by thp lInu:,uall.\' Ion,!! fasciele-bl':l('ts nnd seta('eolls ealyx-teeth, 011 short glahl'OlIS to minlltely seri('eous pedieels. 0.;')-1 mm. long. somewhat 11()(los(> nt the base. ill genel'aII." a PPl'Oximate fa:"('iele:" of 2-7: ('((7.11'/' 3.75-.1.:'5 mm. long. sparsely stJ'igillose to hi I'snte. the snheqna1. s(>taeeons Ol' lanr('olare-:"etaepolls teeth about t-hl'ee. times the length of the tuhe: ('ol'oll(l \\'hite (the wings sonwtimes purple-ringed). heeominl! reddish \\ ith age. usually approximatinp: the ('nlyx in length hilt sometime,:: ('\'en ::;l1ol'tel'. the stanela I'd sllborbieula1'. +-H 111m. long (the ('Ia \\" one­ third the length of the blade), allricHlate. the "'ing,:: oblollg-, 3-:') mm. IOllg, alll'iclllate. with blade alld ('law snbeqllnl. the ('Ia\" of the ::mb­ equal kpell1eal"1y equaling the ontl, b'une-ate-based hlade: pod oblong­ lilleal', 2-:) em. lOll,!!. +-:') mm. \\'ide. tl';lIlsYel'sely i"pprate and 11)0l'e 01.' less eOIl:,;trieted between the seeds. margilled. more ol'l('ss densely hir­ ::lIte 01' :::trigos(" thp gelwl'ally reddish-bl'OwlI hairs ('ithel' spreading 01' a PPI'ps:,;pd: s('('f/8 3-;). short-oblong ro slIbqllnclJ'a ngllla I'l hieonyex with flattem,a sidps. 2.25-3.:') X 1.5-2.:'5 1111ll .. reddish-brown. minutely granulal'. thr eal'une1e ligllliform. seHrious. white. genrl"ally l'pelllTed. Tnelia- and ('eylon: ~ralaya; .Tanl. It is unfoltullate that the 07.11cine j((l'{mi('Cl known to Linnnells came fl'Ol11 Tndia l'athel' t"lJaIl fl"Om .\.fl-i('a,\\·h(,l·e till' sppcip:, is milch more romph'x, more "'iclespread. and 1110re plpntiflll. HpC;llIi'iP of this the pxtensiw, .\'fl'iean pOPlllation, with its manynldants, must be bur­ dened "'ith fTinomials and quaclrinominls.

    Ka. Glycine javanica subsp. micrantha (Hoehsr. (,,)' A.Rieh.) F ..T.TfPl'lll. (Fig. !)) Ol.ll(·ill(' j(ll'{flliN{ subsp, micrantlw (Hochst. (';I} .\.. Ric-h.) F .•T,HC't'l1I .. ('0III h. nO\-. a. micl'OlIl/w Ho('hsl.in Sehil11p., HI>. Allyss. 11. R, (,'I' A. Hie'h., T('nL 1"1. .\.byss. 1: 212. 18+7, Ditl'l'l'ill,!! from thp typic'al slIbSIW('i('s ill h;"'illl! the :-;1 PIllS often 1I111('h IJI";lIl<'lwd: ,'f/("(/IIf'N I11l)l'e OI'!eSS int-eITuph·s or small trees, sometimes c-ompletely cO"ering them, on edges of "'oods or in thiekets, on l'oadsitles, and in grassy 01' fallow fields. The. 1II0St widespread and plentiful 07ychu>. It is extl·emel.,· polymOl'phic, some \'llriants being so difl'erent fl'ol11 othel's in !!eneral aspect that it is diflieult upon Hl'st acquaintance to belien them eon­ speeifie, yet most or the distinctions are connected by an extensiw sel'ies of intel'gmclarions, An exception to this instability is a Tonn in which the pods al'e c-onspicllously and consistently l'etTol'se-hil'slItt' (the puhes('enee being norlllally antrorse), but this ('haraciel'istie is nor ('olTelated ,yith other distinctions, occul'l'ing indiscl'illlinHtely in nIl'S, d{(('.'<8(,1l.,ii and ml·'''·Il.~ii as well as in the typie:t! snbspecies, so that raxonomie dE.'si!!llation is not feasible, _\lthoul!h the Iol\owillgiIlTI'aSpE.'('ifie taxa by no means coyer all of the TOI'l11S, 1101' ill "ome ea"es en~n the 11I0st PI'OIlOUIH'e(l nll'ian,::, yet they are the mo,:t TrNlllellt and relati"ely stahlE.' fOl'ms so that their nOlllenclat-ol'ialreC'o!!lIit-ion isofpra('iical ":lIue, Rh, Glycine javanica subsp. micrantha nIl', c1aessensii ( 11(' "oi Id,) Haumall (;'lycine .iu/'((//ic(l nr', clr{() .....~el!8ii (De ,Yilll.) Halllllall, FI. ('01170 Beige, ~perlllat. (j : !)(), H);)!, a, clO('.'<81'IIsii I>l' Wild" He\'. Zool. .\fricaine ]:2: B7,W:2·L (;., IIlbidifiom Ill' \\rild.. He\". Zool..\fri('fliIlP U: H,i. 1!l:2-L _\. I'ather poorly mlu'ke(l \":ll'il>ty, sonletinlt's qllitl' illtallj:.dlJll'. It di 1'­ fel':; fJ'()111 tire typical ;;ubspC'eiC's in a H'll(lpIH'," of till' PlliJPS('('lIl'(' of I Ill' ::,enls, pptiole:l. Pl'dUIH·l(·,;, lmltts, and ('alyx to be IIHH'P d('lIs(' and les:-: A REVISION OF THE GE~uS GLYCINE AND ITS ThThIEDIATE ALLIES 33

    appressed, of the Ilppel' surface of the leaflets to be sp:u'sely \'elutinous lIlId. the lower surface l'ather copiously so, and of the leaflet-apex to he mOl'e 01' less obtuse or ollly sl il!htly aeullIillate, rl!anelit to Xyasalallcl, In the COllgo it appears to be restricted to the e~lstern portion of the cOllntey wlwre it is snid to be n~ry abulldallt,

    Se, Glycine javanica subsp, micl'antha \'ar, mearnsii (De ·Wild,) Hallman Oly('hu.' j!l1.'anica \'at', IIwlI'mii (De 1Yild,) Hallman, FI. Congo BeIge. :-iperlllat, 6: U(). 1054:, (;. JIINlI'lINii De ""'"ild .. He\'. Zoo!. .AfI'ieaine 12: H15. ]!):2·L A l'obust \'uriety, the petioles beinl! long and stout and the leaflet::; oftell 10 elll, lonl! or 111ore, alld rhe raeemes, in whieh the faseides are mally-flowered. attaininl! 4:0 e111. in lenl!th, The fiowers are somewhat lal'ger, often 1 111m, long, al1(1 the ~talldal'(1 is rhomboid J'atheL' than suiJorlJieular, Hel)..dan ('ongo; rl!anda: alld southel'll Ethiopia,

    He!. Glycine javanica subs». micrantha nil'. paniculata Hallmall O/yr'il/(· jll/'lIllir'{( \·ar. jill/lir'U/(Itll Haulllan~ I<'!. COllgo BeIge, Hpermat. 6: 01. 10:)4:: ,ranl. Bot. de rEt:l( Hl'Ilx. Bul. 25: 04:. 1055. Stt'lllS extensi\'ely brandied: illflorescenee tel'minal, in ample pan­ kl(':; up to no enl.lollg, with fpw, more or les:; fastigiate, loosely flo\\'erecl \)I';lneh(',;, :2;)-!1() elll. 10llg. The lower ealyx-Iobe hag heen clesC' ..ibed as exct'l'ciinj! the tOI'olla: bllt this is so only in ihe blld and i11lmH1111'e HOWt?I', Be·lgian ('ongo. ~aicl to 1)(' \'(,I'Y ('01ll1l1on in j!alle ..y forests. 34 'l'ECHXICAL BCLLETl.t~ 1268) U.S. DEPT. OF :\GIUCCLTCl~E

    \, ! \ :'1

    Plnt"HE IO.-GlycilH' jllVanica subsp. micr:lnthn \"[If. IOI1!-(ic:1udn r:-

    Se. Glycine javanica subs}}. micrantha nu·.longicauda (Schweinf.) Baker. (Fig.ln) Glytilt(! j«l'anic(t val', lOl1giclluda (Schweinf.) lhker in Oliver, Fl. Trop. Afl', 2 : 178. U,Tl. (/-. longit(lllda Schweinf., Zool.-Bot. Gesell. 'Vien '-erhandl. 18: (:i5S. lS()S .

    .'\ well-mtu'ked variety distinguished by its very large (12-15 CIll. long), thin leaflets and its elongated (25-3;) em.), slender, lax raceme,;; with 11101'1.' widely separnted fascicles of smaller (4--5 mm.) flowers. TIll.' whole plant is glabrescl.'nt. Ethiopia, Tanganyika~ and _\ngola.

    M. Glycine javanica sUb:;p. micrantha \'In'. moniliformis (Hoehst. ('.~' A.Rich) F ..J.Herm. 0I,1/('i]/c jrt/'((IliNl subsp. lIIi('j'(lIItlw nu·. lIIonili/oJ'mi8 (Hochst. ('.1' ..\.H ieh.) F ..T.Herl1l., comb.no\-. (/-. 111oJlilif()},/l1i.~ Ho(·hst. ill S('hilllp., Hb, ~\byss. n. 70:3 f.(? .. \. Hich.. Tent. FI. ~\byss.l: ~ll. 1:"-1:7. ..\ genera]]y distineti.-e Yill'iety in its eineJ'l.'olls-sh'jgose nstme, wI! i(,1t gi \'1.'5 the ",holl' pIa nt a 11 a:,h,\'-!-!Tay a::;pN:t : its.-ery small flowe!':';, tlte ('oJ'olla seldom 0\'1.'1' -I: mm.long and little ex('eeding the calyx; its WI')' sll'ndel', llsua 11y ,,-iclely intel'l'lI pted l'aeernes ~;}-!o em, long; and in its naITO\\' poels p~ 111111, wiele), whi('h :lrl' mol'(> conspicuousl) COIl­ stri(·tl'c\ IJeh\-een thl' :::I.'ed::; than in the othel' Ytlrieties. But inter­ meeliate fOl'ms are not infl'equellt. partielll:l1'ly in Eritrea. Ethiopia and I~ritl'ea, 8g, Glycine javanica snb:;p. pseudojaYanica (Taub,) Hauman (;l!1f'illc ,iw'(mirrt slIbsp, jJM'Ilr/Oj!II'(lIli('(( Hauman, FI. Congo Beige. ~perlllat. (): !)7, l!);H, (~, p.';:i , (~, 1'f:108C'l'cltii Dc "~ild., He\', Zool. Afrieaine 1:2: BIH, l!):2.J., nellerHlIy a robust, hirsute, 01' .-illous vine with pedicels from (),7,J-~,;) III Ill, long. bl'a!'i(lole,.; only Lj nll11, IOllg, flo\\-el'S +,5-(j 111111. long, the standard slIhol'bi('ulal' and onll'i(ls and poels glabrons 01' o('('nsiollally with a tJ'Hec of pllil('s(,(>IH'e, Hl'lginn Congo, rgancla, Kenya, Tanganyika, anel ~\ngola. ~'n\'all- 11a5, fallo\\' lipIds, anel marshes lip to an :lltitllele of ~,O()O m,

    ~h. Glycine javanica subsp. pseudojavanica nil', laurentii (])(' 'Yilcl.) Hnllman (;-1Y('ille jal'flni(,((\·HI'./rllu'(,ltfii (De 'Yilcl.) H:nllnall. FI. Congo He]g('. ~pel'mnt. (;: !)7, 1!);'i4, t/-, trill i'fJ!t ii De 'Yi leT.. Hp\', Zoo!. ,\ hieai III.' ,I ~ : B l:~, 1!)~,L 36 TECHNICAL BULLETL.~ 1268, U."t DEPT. OF AGRICULTl:RE

    G. monilijormis auct., non Hochst.; Bald., Leg. Trop...:Hr. 35!). 1929, TYl'O pa1'fe . .A lnr!!e vine with the glabrous o\"lu'ieR and pods of subspecies pseu(/ojm}anira but the ve!!etntiw P:I1·tR ~labl'e;:;cent and 'with thin, ~lossy leaflets usually only sparsely strig'osp abO\·e. !!Iabrous beneath (>xcept for the sparsely stri~ose ne)TPS, peclic('I;:; 1-1.5 111m. lon~, flowers :3.5-:1:.5 mm. long and standard cnneiform to subauriculate above the (·law. Bel/!ian Con!!o. Second-growth '\yoods. gallpl'Y forests, savannas, fallow and cultinlted fields. 3. Subgenus Soja OIoen('h) F ..T.Rel'm,

    So,iIlJ[oench (as ;:;e('tion), )[eth. J;)~. 170+:. Tanh, in Engl. & PI·nnrl.. Die Xatii1'l. Pflanzpnf. ~(3): 3GO. 1S!)+. Pluw'olu8 L. (as ~enl1':;). Sp. PI. 7:2:). 11,):3. PI'O pal'le. Do7irlL08 L. (as genu;:;). ~p. Pl.7:27. 17;I:~'I))Y) pOi'll'. ,"'o,io Savi (as !!enus). )[e111. Phn::.:2: Hi. lH:2~. Of the two species in thi;; ~tlbgenus. 07yr·iiu' ll'~"'Ul"i('/l8;.,< i~ _\~iati('. and the most no1'thel'11 in its distribution of :\n.\" in the w'nu::. flllll (;', 111ft;!'. known only in C'uitinltion. is a derinltiy(> of (>ither a, IIs.wl';'·iI,,,i,,, 01' ,,0111(\ Asiatic ancestor ('los(>ly l'(>latNl to it. They (lin'l'r fl'om the ;')pecies of the snbgenus (N!I('il1(J in ha"in,!! tIl(> floweI';; in axiilal',\' ('lusters Ot' gl'eatly )'(>(lu('(>(1 l'ac'(>m(>:; without a hl':H't at the ba."(> of rhe fascicles. and in IUl\'ing thl' broad. oftl'n ('tll"'P(\: :2- t·o +-!'(>l'(led pod,:; 1I0t constri(,teel betwe(>ll the ::e(>(1;:, FI'Olll tlH' :'p(>('ieR of th(> Ruh!!l'llllR Lepto('!IrtnWN they ditl'(>l' ill hadllg the (10\\"('1';'; il'l'(>glllnl'ly in;:(>l'tNl (sometilll(>s in pail~'::. sotn(>tim(>s sing-I.'") :lIon,!! tltl' I'ac'hi:: of a ~n'arly )'(>(lueed mecme. in;:;t(>ad of in;::(>rt('d sin,!!I,'·' 01' fn:'('i('l(>d in th(> h';lf­ axil", liB well as in theil' short.lll'oad, f(>\\,-;,,('edpd poc1~, III addition. (;'., ma,l' is the 0111\' 111e111b('1' of the !?:elll1S haYin!! fl norll1alh- l'1'l'1't. illsteild of twining ~I' climbing, habit.' ~ .'

    Key to Subgenus .Soja

    la, Twining, llsually slender, "in(>: 1)1':I('t(>ole:; 1-:2 m1l1, long: flow(>!'s ,!-6 nll1\. long: pod::> 1+-:2·~ 111111. Iong-. :1,1,1-.-; llllll. wiele. dark Ill'own at maturity; seeds of an oblong type, :3-;),:23 X :2,:2:')-:Li 111l11.. c1a I'k hl'O\\"l1 ______D, 0, 1(ioisllr;t )1.'

    lb, Bushy, usually COill'se and Hec't. hP!'b: brn('((>ol(';') :2,:;-:3.:2,> 111111. lonp:: flow(>l's G-I 111m, lOll!!: pods :2,1-7,) llHll. IOllg! ~-1.j mill. wick yellowish bI'O\\'ll at maturity; ."('(>(15 of 11 gloIJosp 01' o'"oid type, 6-11 X 5-8 111m" white to reddish black______Ifl. 0, /rIil,,: A REnsIOX OF THE GENUS GLYCIXE AND 11'S nUIEDIATE ALLIES 37

    .'\ --.... ~~J ,~..>:.Y.;t{Ff ~::jl

    '~\J FI(ll:R~J IL-Glycinc lIsslIriensis Regel & l\fanck. ill Regel. (C(/!'aler£e &: Fortunat 261.9; flower detail, Fal/rie 6;?06-~IlIs. IIist. Nnt. Paris) Plant X I,. Leaf and pod detail X L Flowcrs X 2 1f. Seeds X 2 1'2. D. Glycine ussuriensis Regel & Maack. in Uegel (Fig. 11) (N.lJrille u88lO'iell8i8 Regel & )Ianck. in Uegel, Tent. FI. USSlll'. ;)Il. HiGl. O. j,I/'rOliN! Thunb., Linn. Soc. Trans. 2: 340. 1784, pro pai'tr'. not L. 17;')3. 38 TECIL.'ICAL BULLETIX 1268, U.S. DEPT. OF AGlUGCLTURE

    O..W.ia. Sieb. & ZUCCo in Abh. Almd Muench. 4(2) : 110. IS,W, not Dolichos so.ia. L., Sp. Pl. 727. 1753. O. fOI'1Il08{(?1a Hosolnnnt, Soc. Trop. Agl'. .Jour. [Taiwan] 4: 3(),'i. • H)32. Twining vine: stems slender, subquadrangular to subterete, more 01' less retl'Orsely strigose or hirsute with usnally tawny hairs; Zeave8 pinnately trifoliolate, their petioles 1.5-0 cm. long, more or Jess sul­ cate and retl'Orse-strigose, the rachis 2-15 111m. long, the r,tipules lanceolate to omte-lanceo1ate, strongly several-nerved, strigose: • leaflets membranaceous, oyate to oblong-elliptic or narrowly lam'eo­ late, 1.5-0 cm. long, 0.6-4 cm. -wide, the terminal often somewhat longer than the lateml, the lateral sometimes inequilatera1, acute (rarely obtuse) to abruptly acuminate, mucronate, tapel'inl! to rounded at the base, sparsely s.ilky-strigose (especially on the margins and yeins) on both surfaces or glahrate aboye, tlwir petiolules about - 1.5 mm. long, stipels subnlnte to setaceons, 1-1.7:; mm. Ion/!: bj'({rts deltoid-lanceolate ahout 1.7;') mm. long: },(lcemeN axilhll'y, yery short, f1-21 mm. long. loosely +-7(13)-flowered, on yery slendel', sparsely stt'igillose or puhentlent to /!1abmte peduncles, 0.5-7 111m. long, or the fto\\-ers somet-illleS nonpedunC'nlate insel'l'ed singly 01' in pairs in the axils; OI'aCt7et8 lanceolate 1-1.5 mm. long, strigose. ('ndnc'ous, some­ times obsolete: jlOll'et'8 small, on slender, strigose 01' hirsnte pedicels 1-3 ml11. Ion/!: caly;1.' :J-4 mm. long, strigose or o('casionally hirsnte, the subeqnal lance-subulitte teeth eqnaling or slightly exceeding 1'111~ tuhe, the upper pail' united for half their length or more, the bracteoles lineal' to setaceous, 1-2 mm. long; c01'olla pink, lilac or mauye to pUl'ple, the standard suborbicular-obontte, ereet-aseending, (8) +-G 111m. long, exceeding the oblong wings which are about 1.5 mm. longer than the short, hlunt keel: pod linear-oblollg, suhfaleate, 14-24 mm. long, 3.7il-il (5.5) 111m. wide, more or less stri/!ose 01' h il'slIte to setosp (the stiff hairs often 1.5 111m. long), dark brown at marnrity: 81'Nl8 :2-4, oval-oblong to short-oblong, more or Jess flattened hieoll\'ex to snbcylinch'ical, 3-il.2fi X:2.2fi-:~.5 mm., clark reddish brown to dark brownish purple. sonwtillles mottled, smoothl 01' Illinlltely foveolate, the car1lncle scalelike, chartnC'eolls, mostly erect,l}: to % the width of the hilum. Xortherll and Celltml Chinn, Formosa, Japan, Korea, )fanC'hUl'ia, and adjacent Siberia. III fields, thiekets, and hedgerows, and along roadsides, and l'i\'er­ hanks. Examinatioll of the type collection of G1?lcillf' /O/'IIW8((/U! ITosoka \\'<1 showed it to be merely a forlll of G. 'lI881l1'if1l8is with abnol'nlally nar­ row leaflets. It is a phase Ilot ('onfincd to FOl'l1lOsa but of ocea:-;iollal oeC'IllTl'IlCe thronghont the rallge of G.u88Ul'ieI!8i8. A REVISION OF THE GENUS GLYCINE AND ITS IMMEDIATE ALLIES 39

    FIGl'RE 12.-Glycinc max (L.) Merr. (U.S. Nail. Herb. 402248)-Plant X J·f. Inflorescence X I:',. Flower X 3. Pod X )~. 10. Glycine max (L.) :Merr. Soybean. (Fig. 12) OZycine maw (L.) ~IelT., Interpr. Rumph. Herb. Amboin. 2i4. 1917. Pluuwoltl8 maw L., Sp. P1. 725. 175:->. DoliclW8 so,irtL., Sp. PI. 727. 175;~. 8o;irt hispida Moeneh, :Meth. 153. 1794. 8. :jrtponic(t S:tvi in Nuov. Giorll. Lett. 8: 113. 1824. G:H92S'-(l2-G 40 TEC~""1CAL BULLETIN 1268, U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE

    8.1-·ir·idis Savi, Cose Bot. 9. 1832. S. angustifolia ~fiq., Fl. Ind. Bat. 1 : 2~3. 1851). Glycine hislJida (.Moench) Maxim. in Acad. PCtersb. Bul. 18: 398. 1873. Soia max (L.) Piper, Amer. Soc. AgTon .•Tour. 6: 84. 1914. GZyoine r;1'acili8 Skvortz., Pub. Manchur. Res. Soc., Nat. Hist. Sect., Ser. A., Fasc. 22: 8. 1927; Lingnan Sci. Jour. 6: 213. 1928. Bushy, generally mther coarse, herb: 8te1l18 usually stout (up to 4 mm. in diameter), terete toward the base, more or less angled and sulcate to subquadrangular above, 0.3-2 mill. high, brownish or hnyny hirsute to pilose ,yith pale hairs~ some of the shoots occasionally vinelike; leaves pinnately tl'ifoliolate, their petioles 2-20 cm. long, frolll snbterete and sparsely pilose or glalH'eseent to strongly angled, sulcate and hirsute, the rachis 0.5-3 cm. long, the stipnles broadly ovate, abruptly acuminate, 3-7 111m. long, conspicuously several­ nerved, more or less strigose; leaflet8 membL'anaceous. broadly ovate, suborbicular, o"al or elliptic-lanceolate, 3-14 CI11. long, 2.5-10 CI11. wide, the terminal seldom appreciably larger than the lateral, the lateL'al usually more or .less inequilnteral, generally acute but fre­ quently obtuse and mucronulate. oeeflsionally deltoid-acuminate, tapering to rounded or subtruncate at the base, usually sparsely silky-strigose on both surfaces or g-labrate nbon:', oee:H;ion:tlly ranier densely strigose-velutinous below, their petiolules 1.1)-4 mm. lOllg usu­ ally densely hirsute, stipels !latTowly lanceolnte to setaceolls, 1-3.il 111m. long; omrt8 :from broadly to lHllTowly lnllceolnte -1,.5-5.5 mm. long, seyeral-neryed, strigose; NlCeme8 axillary,irregular, often len:fy, very short, 10-3:) 111m. long, usually mther compnctly few (5-8)­ flowered, the pec1uncle and pedieels o:ften I"(~du('ed all(l concealed by a densely hirsute "esture, the flowPI's sometimes single or pail'eel in the lower axils: b1'{(rtlet8 from brondl." to narrowly lnncpoJate. 2-:1 111.m. long, more 01' less strigose, cadu('ous: f!o/!'eiw on uSllillly densely hirsute (occasionally glabrescent) pedieels 0.2;)-3 mm. long; oaly,r (4) 5-7 111m. long. setose to appressed-hil'SlIt<' or :-;trigose, the j"eeth subequal, lanceolate to lanceolate-attenllate, the tipper pail' !!eneral1y uniteel to above the middle, the bracteoles setaceOllS. npprC';;;;ed, setosp (2) 2.5-;3.25 111m. long; (,Ol'ollr{ whitp. pink, greenish bllle. "iolet or purple, (4.:") 6-7 mm. long, the standard f'uboriJieulnr-obonltp to snbreniform, emarginate, somewbat longer than t.he narrmyly oblon/! \rings whieh much exceed the keel, pOITed 01.' somewhat uptllmed near the apex; 7Jod oblong, subfalcate, pendent, 25-7i:i mm, .long, 8-15 111m. wide. ('onrsely hirsute or setose (flip hristly hail'S up to 2.5 111m. long), yellowish ht'own; g(,Nh 2-3, o,·oid to subsphel'ical 01' irregulady l"llOmboiclitl, 0-11 X 5-8 111111., !!I'een ish crelllll or grayish A REVISION OF THE GENUS GLYCINE Ai~D ITS IMMEDIATE ALLIES 41

    olive to reddish black, smooth, the caruncle scalelike, membranaceous, e.rect or appressed, about lj3 to 1,6 the width of the hilum. 'Videly cultivated; not known in the wild state. It is believed to be a. cultigen derived from Glycine U88'll1ien.:si.'i. Extremely variable. Thirty-six trivial Vltr1ants described and named as subspecies and varieties by SkYortzow 24 do not seem to merit nomenclatorial designation. Horticultuml varieties were eliscussed by Piper and ~Iorse 25 in 1910 and more recently by Nagata.26

    Species Excluded From Glyrlne Glycine abl'u8 L., Sp. P1. 753. 1753 = Abrus precatorius L. G. aby8sinica Juss. ex DC., Prod. 2: 386. 1825 = RhYl1chosia pubes­ censDC. O. ((byss£nica Hochst. e~J A. Rich., Tent. FI. Abyss. 1: 212. 184:i = Teramnus lnbinlis (L.f.) Spreng. G. ambiguct ,Jacq., Fmgm. 84:, t.13;:>. 1809. Not definitely identifiable but .Jacquin·s plate shows the flo\\"ers with a striate corolla, 3 to 4, times the length of the calyx, which excludes Glycine. (J. (lIllei'icana Tenore ex Steml., :xomencl. (ed. 2) 1: 691. 1840. J'())lIenmulwn. ('!. {flllel'iralla, Sessc & )Ioc., PI. X. Hispan. (eel. 1) ]24. 188i. Char­ aetel'ized in the original description as having pendent racemes and tet'ete pods which would eliminate Glyrine. (/. (!JuZongen8i8 'Vel\\". e;c Bale. in Oliver, FI. Trop. Afr. 2: 1i9. lSi1 = Teramnus andongensis (\Yel\\·. eil.~ Bale) Bak.f. O. (lJl[Julrtta Des"., .Jour. Bot. [London] 1: 78. 1814 = TeramlillSi IlI1C'inatus (L.) Sw. (;. /(Il(jlllo.w{ ~[uhl. eJ) 'Yilld., Sp. PI. (ed. 3) 10;)(;. 180:2 = .-';!tI'O­ phostyles hel\'ollt (L.) Ell. (;. ((Jl[!ll.~tifolin .Jacq., Hort. Schoenb. 2: 55. li9i = RhYI1("hosia lIni­ Hom HalT. . (/. aI/onychia ,Valp., Linllaea 13: 532. 1839 = TeJ"alllllllS labialis (L.f.) Spreng. (;. lI/,i08 L., Sp. PI. 75:3. li53 = Apios americana Medi(·. O. I()'/)ol'ea Fiseh., Hort. Gorenk. (eel. 2) 70. 181:2. Xomen nudum. O. {(I'gel/lea Thllnb., Prod. PI. Cap. 131. 1800 = argentea (Thllnb.) HaL'\'.

    " HK\·OItT..:o\\r, B. 'v. NEW PLAXTS FnO)[ XOIITIT )CANCIIUlIU, CHINA. LiUI,'1WII :;;('i. .Tolll·. (it 3) : 21:3-21(;' 1!J::!8. ::; PWEII, C. V., 1lI1(1 )[OItSE, 'IY. J. THE SOY IIEAN: 1/ rSTOIIY, \'AltIETY, AXil FmL!J !iTt·lImS. ('.S. HllI·. PIllnt Illelus. Hul. ]!)7, 7S Jlp.• illm;. ]010. ,. X.\GATA, ~'. S'ITIHES ON 'rilE IHFFEllf:S·I'I.\TIOX OF SOYBf:,niS IN .T.\PAN """!J 1'111, woltr.ll. IIyngo ('IIi\'. Agr. )fclIl. 3(2). Agron. SCI'. 4: 0:1-102. 10(;0. 42 TECHXICAL BULLETL.~ 1268, U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE

    G. atomm'/a "~i1ld. e.v Spreng., Systemn 3: 19(t 1826. Type not seen, and original description too brief for identification but the phrase ':leaflets black-punctuate" eliminates Glycine. G. al/'m'ubm Regel, Cat. P1. HOI't. Aksakov. 65. 1860. Nomen nluZwn. G. (UI/'Ut 'Vllld., Ges. Naturf. Fl'. Neue Scln·. 4: 218. 1803 = Rhyn­ chosin. aul'ea (,Villd.) DC. G. ((;dlliflo1'((' Kotschy, Acad. del' 'Viss. 'Vien, )Iath.-Nat. K1. Sitzber 51, Abt. 2: 366. 1865 = Teramnlls axilliflol'US (Kotschy) Bak.f. G. barldwusiana Regel, Cpt. P1. Hort. Aksakov. 65. 1860. Nomen nudum. G. bequaatii De Wild. in Fedele, Repert. 11: 5'17. 1913 = Pseudoerio­ sema. bequaertii (De'Vilcl.) Hauman G. biflo/'{( Schum. &, Thonn., Beskr. Guill. Pl. 345. 1827 = Dolichos biflol'us L. G. biloba Lind1., Bot. Reg. 17, t. 1+18. 1831 = Phaseolussp. G. binwC'ulata Curt., Bot. )fag., t. :W:1. 179-1 = Hardenbergia lllono­ phylla. Benth. G. vim{((,1l1ata )Ioenrh, l\feth. Supp1. ..J-6. 1802. Described as a shrub "'ith simple IE'tl\'es wliicil would exclude Glycine. O. hitlimino"'fI L .. Sp. P1. 7:)-1. 1753 = Fagelia bituminosa (L.) DC. O. bm'ianii (Seh\\'einf,) Baker in Oli\'er, F1. Trop. Afr. 2: 180. lS7I = P:3E'lldoel'iosema bOI'ianii (Schweinf.) Hauman G. botl'ydiwn "ralp., Rep. 1 :760. IH-12 = TeramnllS uncinatus (L.) S\\'o G. 01'{(c/tyOotri((. Hort. e;i: Pasq., Cat. Odo Bot. :Nap. 49. 1867. Nomen nudum. G. 7nYlC'terd({. L., fip. P1. 75+. 175:3 = Amphicarpa. bmeteahl. (1..) Fern. O. ouettl1ei'i Harms in En:.rl, .Tallrb. :W: :302. 1899 = Tenunnus buctt­ neri CHarms) Bald. O. ('(lei"u/ert. Sal i:;b.~ Prod. :3:35. 17!1() = 'Yisteria SPN'.iOSil X utt. G. (,(lja'loide8 1,Yalp., So\,. ..\eL Sat. CIlI'. 19, Sup. 1: ;3:2-1. 1843 Daqmodium quinqueperalum (Blaneo) )fel'r. O. ('(tnr(, 'Yilld., Sp. P1. (cd. :}) IOn:>,. IHO:2 = Rhynehosia cana (Willd.) DC. O. capitata Heyne in Roth. Sov. PI. Sp. :1-1(;. 1H:21 = Hhynehosi:L a.urea nVilld.) nco O. cCli'ioaea Jaeq., 1(', ]>1. Har., t. l..J-fi, ColI. 1 : (;7. 178fi = Hhynelll)sifL caribaea (.Ttteq.) nco G. cw'olinimw SpI'png.. Systpllla :~: IH7. 1H:2H = Hhynchosia tornen- tOS;l, (L.) Hook. &: .\1'11. O. ('hillen,~i,~ Sims, Hot. )[ag. t. :2oF;:t 181!) = 'Visteria ::;inensis (Sims) S\\,pct A REVISION OF THE GENUS GLYCINE AND ITS IMMEDIATE ALLIES 43

    O. co('cinea CUI't., Bot. Mag. t. 270. 1794 = Kennedya prostl'abt R.lk O. CO'IIW8(l, L.. Sp. PI. 1M. li5:3 = Amphic!lrpa bmcteata (L.) Fel'll. O. ('olnptonia1!a ._"-nelr., Hot. Rep. t. 602. 1810 = Kennedya, comp­ tonian:L CAnell'.) Link O. ('ol'allil/(l Salisb., Prod. 3340. 1796 = Rhynehosia phaseoloieleR (S\\'.) D(,. O. conN/olia Harms in EIlg-I.. .T!lhrh. 49: 4'1:1. 11)13 = DesmodiUlll conlifoliull1 (Harms) Sehindl. O. ('rinita H. H. K .. SOL Gen. & Sp. 6: 421. 182;3 = Eriosema cl'initum (H. B. K) G.Don a. ('J/anea De 'Wild., Re\-. Zool. Africaine 12, 8uppl. Rot. 8. 1924 = Temlllnlls mi('ans \'ar, eyallen:;; (De 'Vild.) Hauman O. ('J/7indriflol'((, 'YaH., ('at. n. £);)16. 1828 = Shuteria ferrug-ine:tBak. O. d((7b(,l',qioide,~ Zipp, e,~' Span., Linnll.ea :25: l!I(), 18+1. N()7Jlf'/l nudulil. O. debilis ,,:\it.. Holt. Kew (ed. 1) :3: :i4o. 1789 = TerflmllUS labialis (L.f.) Spreng-. O. dellsif/ol'a. Roth, SO\'. PI. Sp. :1-1:H. 18:21 = Hhynehosia clensiflora (Hoth) DC. O.~dentata Yahl e,!' Schum. & Thonn., Besh. Guill. Pl. 2: 12~. 1827 = Doliehos argentells Willd. O. ditlllS(c n. B. K. S (j\'. Gen. & Sp, 6 :420. t. 572. 1823 = JDl'iosenw . 182(i = 'ferallllllls labial is (L.f,) Spl'l'n~. O. dubhc COII:1, Hol'!. Hipul. App, ;1:;~T, 1H:2:i = Galaetia sp. 0. ('le[lrf/1s Hoelt;.:t:,. Flora 24, 1. Intell. 4:2. 18+1 = HhYI1('hosia (.Ieg-ans (Hoeltst.) ,\. Hi(·It. O. e1lipti('a ~rari". & Gal.. in Bl'ux. _"-t·ad. Bul. 10(:2) : 100. 18,~:~ = TcmJl1nlls IIn('inatlls (L), S\\'o O. dlipti('(( Sill. il/ .\.bbot &: Sill,. Xat. Hisi. Lepidop!. Insects neoq:~ia, t. 21. 1TnT = .\J1l pit icarpl~ hra('t('ata (L.) 1"('1'11. (/-. eloll,q([/{1 Hoth, SO". PI. Sp. :1-1:T, lH:H = T:hYII('hosia :llll'l'a (Willd.) DC. 44 TECHNICAL BULLETI~ 1268, U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE

    G. emargina!(t Desv., Jour. Bot. 1: r8. 1814 = Galactin. tenuiflora val'. villosa Benth. G. en.'si/01'mi8 Sesse & )Ioe., Pl. Xoyae Hispaniae (eel 1) 124. 1880. Descdption inadequate for identilieatioll but the p!!mt's scimitar­ shaped pods and droopin~ l':Ieemes with Yery lal'ge flowers, as well as country of Ol'i~ill (Mexiro), would exelude Glycine. G. el'ectCt Thunb., Prod. P1. Cap. 131. 1800 = RhYllchosia clll'ysoscias Benth. G. Nwta Sut-t., Gen. _\mel'. :2: 114. 1818 = Rhynchosia, tomentosa (L.) H. &A.

    0. /el'1'uginect RGrnh. ill ",Yal1. l Cat. n. 5514. 1828 = Shuteria fer­ I·u~inea. (RGrah.) Hak. 0. jili/onni.s Des,'.. _\1111. de::: Sci. XaL Bot. (Ser. I) 0: 415. ]826. The type of this specieR eQuId not be 10cilted at Paris. The descrip­ tion is inadequate for identiflC'arion. C. jili/ol'mi8 Wall.. Cat. 11. :;;')10. 1:-;:28 = Teramnus hbialis (L.f.) Spreng. 0. ji/o.«(( Hornem.. Horr. lfafniensis 2: 68:2. 1815 = _A.mphicarpa bracteaht (L.) Fern. O. jfaccida. ",,,"all., ('at. n. ;;;)17. 1828 = .Ar~yrolobinm flaeeiclull1 .Taub. &; Spach a. jfprciliR R.Gmh. ill 'Y;dl., Cnt. 11. 5521. 1828 = Termllus flexilis (R.Gl'ah.) Bpnth. G. j{ol'io1l1ulll8 ,Yilld., Sp. PI. (ed. 3) 1066. 1802 = Wisteria flol'i­ bnncla ("rillcl.) DC. G. jortunei ()[;\xill1.) .T.B. Xorton, Bio1. Soc. "~ash. Proe. :38: 88. If)25 = Api05 fOI'IUllei )faxim. G. jl'idel'jcirul{( "rpinm., Flora -:1:: :20. 1821 = Rhynehosia- fl'ideL'i­ eiana (\Yeilll11.) DC. O. jl'llte.seen8 L., Sp. PI. r5:~. 175:3 = ,Yisteria fl.·lltesc-cns (L.) PoiL'. O. grilact1ct TJ., Syst. (ed. ]()) 117:3. 17;,)!) = Galaetia ]wllclllla PPI'5. O. gfl7actioides H.B.K., X 0'". Gen. l~ Sp. 6: -:1:27. 182:3 = Calopo~o- nium galaC'tioicies (II.B.K.) Bt'nth. O. rllllllpSOII!rliill "Talp., LillllllP:t 1:): ;,):3:~. 1830 = Tel'amnns labia.lis (hf.) Spl'pn~. G. gilletii De"rilcl., )(lIS. du COli go Bplgc, ~\nn. Bot. (SCI'. 5) 5(1): ];')0. 1!)()'!' = Teranmlls andongcn;;is t",Yclw. f;C Bale) Bak.f. O. glrlbl'(( Spl'l'ng., XC-lit' Enrcleek. :j: ;).1.. IH~~ = HItYllchosi;t glan­ <1uI05:t (Thllllh.) DC. O. glrtomta RtClltl., Somene1. (ed. :2) 1: 601. 1841 = Shuterin ,"est-ita (R.Grah.) 1Y. l'L\. O. glalldu/o8(t Thunh., Prod. PI. Cap. 131. ISUU = UhYIJt"hosia glan­ dlllosa (Thunb.) DC. A REVISION OF THE GENUS GLYCINE A...~D ITS IMMEDIATE ALLIES 45

    G. [/7utin08(£ Hoffm~~., Preisverz. 78. 1841; cf. I,innaea 16, Litt. 268. 1842. Nomen nudUlIL. G. [/1'rtlwmil1Yal1., Cat. n. 5513. 1828 (nom.en); Benth. in )Iiq., PI. .Tlln~h. 2:13. 1852 = Gmnil ~l'aham.ii (1YaU. ex Benth.) Bellth. C. [/llillee1l8i.<; G.Don, Gen. Syst. 2: 221. 18:32 = Teramnus Iabialis (L.r.) Spreng. a. hainanen8is )Ien". &- )IetcaH, I,ingnan Sci. .Tont'. 16: 194. 1937 = Teyleria kool'del"si i (Baeker) Backer G. hedy8a/'oide8 1Villd.. Sp. PI. (I'd. 3) 1060. 1802 = Pamglycine ht:'dYiial'oides nVilld.} F ..J. lIeI'm. G. he7l'07a (L.) El1., .Tollr..\(·ad. Sci. Philadelphia 1: 326. 1818 = Stl'ophostyles heh'ola (L.) Ell. G. hete)'ONlI'l)(l Hegpt>,ehw.~ Comm. Bot. 9, t. 5. 1813 = Amphiclll'pa Jwncteata (1...) Fpt·n. fJ.. l/del'opllylla Thunh.. Prod. P1. Cap. 131. 1800 = Rhyneho,:;ia gbndlllosa (Thunb.) DC. a. /wloph.lflltl. (Bald.) Taub. in Ell~l., Saheb. 2;3: 19:1:. IBD6 = Psclldoeriosema andoJ1aellse (W·l'lw. ('w Bak.) Haumall a. J/Olmbei DI'1Yilc1. jn F~<1de, R('pe)·t. 13: 115. 1D14 = Pscllcloerio­ sl'mnhoJmbei lDeWilcl.) HallJllan 0. hamijlwi Willcl., Enum.llort. Herol. '756. ISOV = Rothi(\" trifoli­ rthL (Roth) Pel's. O. ill l'Ol1l('l'Ilftl 1Yall., PI. .As. Rar. 3: 22. 1832 = Shllt(,l·jn. \'('~tita (RGrah.) 1Y. &A. r;. i,-/~osp('f'lI/(/ HOn'Ill.!!~ .. Y(,I·Z. PH. Xa('hlTnge i: 12;3. IH:W. Till' n'l'Y brief original description H>'eril)(,s yiSC01IS se('ds to the. species. This, as \\'ell as its Brazilian ol'igin, ('lil11inates (Ny('ine. 0. jamai(,pnis Utlss. NC Colin, Hod. Hipul. App.:3: ;)7. 1825. SOli/en nudum. ~\ species of (ienll'o8enw. r;. .7 r1 l'fllli('([.•\Ul't.. non L. = Tel'a III 11 liS mie;)n:o; (1Yelw.) Bnk.f. a. ki,wmlll(,71.~i8 De1Yild.. ~[1I~.

    G. {(mcifolia. Lag:lsttl: Gen. &: Spec. SOY. 2±, 181G. Tfype destroyed and deseription illsufiieient for identification. De.';crihed from a cultivated plant thought to IHl\"e come from the Cantu'y Islands, which is \"N')" improbable if it "'as a h'ue Gly('ine. and unless it waR introduced there. The only specimen seen labeled G. l((nei/oli{( (with Gussone as author rather tha.n Lngasca) is in the Colla Her­ barium at the "(7niversity of Turin. It is G. clande8tina ntr. f.;fl'irert Benth. and the data gi\'en are: "ex semin. Gnssone 1862, fl. in H. Rip. 18i9 ~far'. O. lrmtzii Baill. (ns "]anztii"-sphalm). I,;1nn. Soc. P:u'is Rul. ]: 382. 1883 = Pseudoglycine lYRllii (Renth.) F,.T.Herll1. O. lrwtiffL Gagnep. in Lecomte, Sot. Syst.:1: 10(\. 101G "''' Parag:lycine laotic:\ (Gngnep.) F .•T.lIel'm. a. leptoNI1'pa. RGmh. in 1Yall., Cat. n. 5;)15. 1800 = Rothia tri­ folittbl (Roth) Pel's. O. lew'o8pel'ma Des"., .Tour. Rot. Appl. :1: is. ISH = Galacria lellco­ cal'p:\, Desv. G. li.qno8a Turpin e,1) Pel's., Syn. :!: :\01. 1819 = Galnctla lil!110Sa (Tut'p. ej' Pet·s.) {~rh. G. littol'alis Vah1 ('.1' DC.. Pl'Odl·. :!: :18:), Hi:!5=RhyndlOsia millima (L.) DC. C. lOl1gipes Hal'IllS ill Eng-I.. .Talll·b, :~;~: 1/,). l!lO:2 == PSetldoel'ios('fWI lon~ipes (Harms) Hallman O. llif'idrt FOI·St.f., Peod. FI. fll". _\11SI1·1\1. :n. liR6 = Stron~yl()\l()1l I ueidus (FOI'St.f.) Se('l1l. G. ludd" RG-mh. ill "'-all., Cat. n. ;'i11. 1.'·){)fl = Galactin tenuiflol":l nY-ilId.) 1V. &: A. ri. 7llfid{f. Hl:lllco, FJ. Filip. (ed. 1) 5/R. U:;:~j = DoliC'1lOS lahlab L. ri. Iytlllii Bent1!., .Toul". Lilln. SoC'. R: :2(i(i. lsfj:; = Ps('udop-IY('iIH' Iyallii (Bellth.) F ..LITel'm. (i. maelll1'ei Metcitlf. Lingnan Sci..Toul'. 10: ;).)/. I!HO = PII('l'Hl'ia maclurei (Metc:tlf) F ..J.Hl'\'m.~ comh. nOL 'I'll{' vel',\' IOllg ('n I,\'x­ lobes, \';i tIl f'eel't-b"isf'l,v plI hpS('PIlC(' it nd f'1l~' 1OI1P- ('ol'Olla ( I I - 1:2 /l1lll.) eliminate the species I'm!)) (jl!/f'hu'. The papillose' seed illdkatl' ('hat it i,,:\. PUP/'(lI'ill. O. II/!(fl'ophylla H.B.K.. XoY. Gl'll. &: Sp. (i :-J-:W. UI:2:$ = Hh,\'l1('hosia t't'ticulata (S\\".) DC. 0. lI/((cl'F)pliylla Tholll1. in S{'hUIIL 8: ThollIL. Hp;-;kr. Guin. 1'1. ::-ki. lH2/ = Hh'ylI('ho~ia I\lHlIlIii H:lk. 0. malw'()flhyllil :-iPl·('lig., Sy8t. +. ('UI'. 1>0';(' :liU. IH:!/ = Hhyn(,\\O:,ia earibaea (.Jncq.) DC', A HEnSION OF THE GEX{;"S GLYCINE AXD ITS BThfEDlATE ALLIES 47

    O. 71wJ'(Inguen8i8 Taub. in Engl., PAanzenw. Ost-Afr. C. 220. IHO;") = Dolichos taubertii Bak.f. O. I/uu'momfn R.Br, e,r: Bentll., :Fl. Austral.:2 ::l6:3. 186-1: = C'antlmro;;­ pet'mum mat'mOl'atum (Benth.) Taub. (i. JI1.C'mnonia Delile, FI. d'Egypte 100, t. ;3S, f. ;J. un:>, = Hhynchosiit meml10nia (Delile) DC. ('!-. lI1C'nispel'lIloidl'8 (DC.) Spreng., Systema -1-, CUl'. Post:. 270. IH27 = HhYI1C'hosia menispermoides DC. (i-. me,lJl'ri Benth., .Ann. 1Vien )[us. :2: 126. 18m:; = Tt'raml1US labiali,.; (L.f.) Spreng. (/.. mir-([1I81Velw. 6L' Bali:. in Oliver: FI. Tro)>. _HI'. 2: 17!). 1871 = Tel'amnus micnns (1Velw.) Bak.f. (i-. miNo/)tem Zipp. e;l: Span., Linnaen 15: 105. 18-11 = Hhynchositl lllinima (L.) DC. ~ ri. lIIoe}'eIl8i.~ De 1,rild., in Fedele, Hepert. 12: 2!)-1. Ul1:3 = Pseudo­ el'iosema moel'em;is (De 1Yilel.) Hauman O. moUls 1Villd., Sp. PL (e(l :~) 10(i2. IS02 = Hhyn('hosia molli:-: (1Yilld.) DC. ri-. molli8 Hook., Exot. FI. :3, t. :WI. 1827 = Hhynchosia ('arihtH'tl (:Jaeq.) DC. (/. 1I1011i.<:! 1Yight & -"un., Pl'Odt·. 20S. 18:H = Teralllnus lalJialii' (T~.f.) Spreng. (/-. molli88ima ElL, Sketch 2: 2:3-1. 182+ = Hhyrl('hosia lllollissinlH (1

    O. nummulw'ia I ... , :Mantissa 1: 5i1. 1Hn = Hhynchosia nUlI1l11ulal'ia. (1...) DC'. n. oblollg(t Benth., Bot. Yoy. Sulph. 8±. 18il = Temmnus volubilis (1...) Sw. n. oblongifolia (E. Mey.) Hat'ms in EngL Pflanzenw. _Hr. :1(1): 655. 1915 = T~phrosia oblongifolia E. )ley. G. o~l'yphy71(t RGmh. in'Vnll., Cat. n. 5522. 1828 = Gitladia oxy­ phylh (RGrah.) Benth. n. pallen8 RGrnh. in 'Vall., Cat. n. 5518. 1828 = Temnmlls labial is (T~.f.) Spreng. O. p(()'~~ifioJ'a Zol1. e:t' :Miq., F1. Ind. Bat. 1: 2:H. 18:i5 = DlImasia glaueescens J[iq. O. pm'l'ijfoi'(( Lam., Eneycl. 2: 3i8. 18T() = Tel'all1nlls labial is (L.f.) Spreng. ri. pNlw/('ulal'i8 )[uhl., ('at. M. 1813 = SITnphostyles 11eh'ola (1...) Ell. G. pedUIlC1l1081l Haf., )led. Hepos. X. York ij: ?,(j0. 1808= StropllO­ styles heh'ola (1...) Ell. (i. pr>nrilllct BJume e,1] )[iq., F1. 11\(1. BaL 1: 22+. IH;)::; = Teral11nlli' sp. O. pentancim Spreng. in Sehrad., .TOIII·. 2: 107. IROO = TeI'amnlls labiaIis (L.f.) Spreng. (i. Pf'l1twu/m Spreng.. System:1 3: 2:15. 18:W = Paragl~'('ine heel,\'­ saroicles C\Villc1.) F .•T.ITel'ln. (/-. pf'lltaplty71a Dalz. in Hook., Kew .Tour. ±: 34+. IB5~ = Pal'Hgly­ ('ine pentaphy\la (Dalz.) F .•T. Herlll. (;. 1'1/f1,~('()loide8 Sw., Proch. 10::;. 1781-1 = HhynC'hosia pha,:eoloiclc·:; (S,,'.) DC. (i. pirtll Yahl, SYlllb. Hot.:2: HI. IT!H = Eriosellm yiOltl('PlIlll (AlIhl.) n.l)on ri. pinna/a )[e1'l·.. Li ngll:t.n S('i . .Tou r. H: IiJ. In:1;\ Paraglycin(l pillnata (Merr.) F ..I.I Terlll. (;. pond if'/tf'l'i('lIsi.~ SP)'(lllf!'., Sy;;t ('lila :1: 1!In. 1H~G = H h.\'!H'ho:-,ia 1'1IfpSC(,IIS nYi11tl.) PC. (;. PI'('{'(tfol'ill Hllmb. & BonpJ. (',1' "~i11d .. EIIUIll. I Ton B('I'OI. 7;')5= Hh~'Il!'llOsia phm:(loIoid(·;; (S \\'.) D( '. ri. Jli'tN'I/I/I1 (Hohinsoll) HI·ilt. ill Britt. & Brown, III. FI. (('d. 2) ~: ·~ls. Wi:: = .\.pios pl'i('(,tlIIH i:oilin:-'oll (i. I'I'()(,IIIII/J('IIS '\'i11 tI. (',J' :-4(('11(1.. X()IIH'lId. led. 2) J: !i!l!. IX-Ill '-"" I:h.nH'ltosia dilJ'lI:-'a (II. H. K.) J)C. A REVISIOX OF THE GEXCS GLYCIXE AXD IT:5 BBIEDIATE ALL[ES 49

    O. pl'o8tl'ata BmIl1.f., "FI. Cap. Prod. :21:' 17(;8. XeitheL' type nOL' descl"iption located. 'rhe page gi"en in the Index Kewensis citation pedains to Cyperllsand SeirplIsonly. O. pube8cem Halb. e.(' DC.: Prodr. 2: :18G, 1825 = Rhynchosia pllbescens (Halb.) DC, O. pllbe8cen8 Bert. e.~· DC., Proch. 2: 2-1::1. 1825 = Chaetocalyx pnbescens (Bert.) DC. O. pllrJiu71C1I7u8 De.',,-., ..:\nn. des Sci. Xat., Bot. (sel·. 1) 0: -1:14. 1826 = Centl'Osema \'ir'ginianlllll (L.) Henrll. O. pulc7tella H. B. K.. X 0\'. Gell, &- Sp. 6: +:2:2. 1823 = Eriosema pnlehellulll (H. H. K.) G.Don O. pul('ltpl'I'ilila "\Yilltl. P.l' Spreng., Systell1ll :~: 2-:I:(i. 18:26 =Robinia aturensis Humb. e.i' Spreng. O. /Jullctat(( "~illd .. Sp. PI. 3: lOGG. 180:2 = Poiretin punetata CWi lid.) Des\,. a, mr/ic08Ct CA.. Hi('h.) Bald., Legum. Trop. Afr. 3:38, 1020 = Pal'aglyeine !"atIi('o:"a C\. Hieh.) F ..r.nel·m. a. iwlucta De ,Yild.. He\·. Zool. ~\fl'iciline 1:2. SI1J>pl. Bot. 16. 102-1: = Temnlllus axilliflonl:; (Kotsch.) Haulllan O. }'ej!r,I'1/ Xlltt.. nl'n. X, ~\meL'. PI. :2: l1;i, 1818 Rhynchosia minima, (1..) DC. a. /'ellijo/'mi8 PUI·"lt. 1'1. ~\l1ler. Sept. :2: kG. 1816 RhynC'hosin tomentos:! (L.) ] r. c~ ~\. a. }'epllllda Spn>ng., )[ant. F1. Hal. ·~i. lHO'. PL'obably a l.'h.'/lI· r:/w8i{{. DesC'l'ib('d as llll\'ing pUIH'rat(' I(';l\'es so C'0111d not be a Olyrh(e. O. l'epe1l8 Tauh. ill Enf!l.. Pflallzen\\". O",t,-_Hl'. (': 2:20. IS!);) = Tel':\llll1l1i'i r('pel1s (T1Ulh.) Hak.f, O. /'r/icul(//rt S\\-.. PI·()(1. y(,:,:, Ind. 0('(,. 10:1. I iSH = HhYI1('ho::;ia ('etiC'lllata (S\\".) DC. (/-. l'('licltla/(/ Yah!, Sylllb.:1: SR. li!)+ = HIt."Ilt'hositll'ctiC'ulnht (S\\".) DC. (/-. i'etll.~(l SolaJl(l. (".1' Hl'llth.. FI. .\II"tml. :2: ~·ri. lHGj = Hal'd('l1­ bergia I.'pt u:-:a (Solalid.) Hl'lIt h. (i. 1'IwII/7J1([ Sclllllll. & TItOIlI1., I {P;-h. Ullin. PI. !1·!G. 18~i = Hhyn­ ('ho:-,ia III i ni ilia (L.) 1)('. O. j·/tomlJijolill n('rlJ. ~Ltdr. (,,' "'all.. ('at. n..i·I!l~. 181, = Hhyn­ ehosia d('ll:,itlol'a (Hotlt J [)( '. (/-. /'/tontliijolitl "\rilllL. Sp. PI. :\: W(i;J. ]::-;tJ:2 = Hh,nH'hosia lIlinilllll (L.) D(,. 50 TECHXICAL Bl'LLET.IX 1268. U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICl'LTUlU~

    G. 1'ingoetii De 'Vild. in Fedde: Hepert. 12: 2!);). 1913 = Temllllllls andon!!ellsis nYel\,;,. e./.' Bak.) Bnk.f. G. l'o.~ea Forst.f., Prod. 50. 178() = Canayalia obtusifolia (Lam.) DC. G. 1'nbir'llnrla Sehnee,'., Ie. Pl. Hal'. t. 28. 1705 = Kennedya. ruhi­ cund:l (Schnee,'.) Yent. G. "/l/a H. B. K., XO\'. Gen. &: Sp. 6: 42:3. 182:3 = E1'iosema 1'11fllJl1 (H.B.K.) H.Don G. 'I'u/a Sehum. &: '1'lIonn., Besk\'. (Jilin. P1. :H4. 1827 = Eriosema glomemtum Hook.f. O. j'ulescens WTllc1 .. (ies~ Xaturf. Fr. Xeue. Sell1'. -1: 22:2. lRO:1 = Rhyn{'hosi~L \'ufes('ens nVi11d.) DO. a. 8agilt((i(t Hnmh. &: Bonp1. &.1.' W'illc1., Ennm. Hort. Bero1.757. ISO!) = Cent1'osema sa!!ittatnm (Humb. &: Bonpl.) Brande!!. e.'/' Riley G. s(mnento8(( Roth. ('atnlecta. fasc. 2: 87. 1S00 = Amp1Iie~u'pa hraeteata (T.....) Fe1'11. O. 8Ntnflens Lam.• Ill. t. 60fl. f. 2. H!)i = Poiretia scanc1ens (Lam.) Yent.

    G. 8('((1'((baeoide8 (L.l Roberry (ns "G. SC({J'{(blleoid l ., L."). Petite Flore (le l"O\lest. ,A,irieain 325. 11)34 = Canthal;OSperll1l1ll1 scal'tl­ bneoideum (L.) Baill. O. 8c1dmpel'i Ho('hsr. &: Steu(l. e,)! Steud., Xomenc1. (ed. 2) 1: ()01. 18+0 = Rhyn{'ho:3i~l memnonia (Delile) DC'. O. 8chlil'bel1ii Harms. Xotizhl. Bot. Glut. Berlin 11: 814. 1!)33 = Pttl'aglycine I'ndicosa (A.Rieh.) F .•T.Hel·ll1. O. 8chliebenii val'. ennNm(,ll)'{{ H~luman, Brussels .Tal'd. Bot. de l"Etat Bu1. 2;): n5. 10;);) = Pal"ll!!lycine radicosa val'. enn('aIH~III'a (Han­ Illan) F.oT.Hem1. O. 8chliebenii "~1I'. 1'11/('8('('118 Hauman, Bl'II5sels .Jant Bot. de l"Etal Bul. 25: D5. 1055 = Paraglycine radicosa nU·.rufeseens (Halllltan) F .•J.Herm. O. 8N'unda Thunb.. Prod. Pl. Cap. 181. 1800 = RhYl1ehosia 5e(,lIl)(l:l (Thullb.) ]~('k1. & Zeyh. G. Renegalemi8 DC.: Pro(h-. 2:2-+~. 1825 = Tel':llllllllS labiali5 (L.) Spreng. O. 8e'l'i('ea W'illc1 .. ~p. Pl. (ed. :3) 105!). 1802. Origi 11:1 1 de:'f"ri pI ion inadequate fOI' identific·atioll. The only ;;pe('illlells ~e('n so nallH'l!. one at Copellhagen and allot11el' at TIII'in, are not (;/.I/('ill.f'. 1)(> Candol1e. (Prodr. 2: :U:2) des(Tibes it as 1l:LVing flo\\'('rsof ~t (lii/ori(/. A REVISION OF THE GENUS GLYCINE Ao.~D ITS IMMEDIATE ALLIES 51

    pink and with n. reflexed keel, aU of which characters would e~clude Gl:1Jalne. G. 8implicijolict H.B.K., Noy. Gen. & Sp. 6: 419. 1823 = Eriosemn. simplicifoliul11 (H.B.Ie.) G.Don G. sinen8i8 Sims, Bot. :Mag., t. 2083. 1819; Line11., Rot. Reg., t. 650. 1822 = Wisteria sinensis (Sims) Sweet G. specios(l, Soland., Prim. FL Ins. Pacif. 288. 17()!) = Cl11avH,lia sericea, A.Gray G. stJ'iaf(t Jacq., Hort. Vindob.l: 32. 1770 = Galactin. stl'iata (.Jaeq.) l-;"rb. O. stricta. Hook., Compo Bot. ~fag. 1: 22. 1835 = Galactia el'ectn, ("Walt) Vail G. 8uaveoZens L.f., Supp1. 326. 1781 = Rhynchosia sWl\'eolells (L.f.) DC. G. 8uoZooata Schum. & 1'honn., Reskr. Guin. Pl. 347. 1827 = Rhyn­ chosia snblobata, (Schum. & 1'hol1n.) :Meikle O. 8uoone118i8 Hayata, Ie. PI. Formosa, 9: 27. 1920 = 'l'er'amnus sp.; probably 1'. angustifolius ~ferr. O. '~llbte],l'(/Ilen L., Sp. PI. (ed.2) 1023. 1763 = Voander.ia subtel'­ ranea, (L.) Thou. O. 8ufluZtct Wal1., Cat. n. 5507. 1828 - Shuteria sulfuIta C\YnII.) Benth. G. tellel'ri171.(t R.Gmh. in Wall., Cat. 11. 5520. 1828 = Temmnu;.; labial is (L.f.) Spreng'. a. tenuijlol'(l. Klein ill "rilld., Sp. Pl. (ed.3) 105!). 1H0:2 = Galactia tenuiflora (Klein) 'Y.&A. G. tomento8(t L., Sp. PI. 754. 1753 = RhYllchosia tOl1len tosa (L.) H.&.A. a. toment08(t val'. ereetCt (lValt.) ~Iichx., FI. Bor. Amer'. 2: ():3. 1803 = Rhynchosia tomentosn (L.) 'Y. & A. O. tomento8{(. \'1U·. mOllophy71r{ ~richx., FI. 1301'. Amer. 2: G:l. IHO=3 = Rhynchosi:~ simplieifolia. ('.,ralt.) ,Vood O. tomento8(G VtH'. I'olllbilh Jfi('hx., FI. BOI'. _\ mer. 2: G:',. IHO:3 =­ Hhynchosia, (litl'ormis (I~II.) DC. O. tottn Thunb., Proclr. PI. Cap. 131. IRon = Hhyneho:"ia totta (Thunb.) DC. G. tJ'ilobn BUl'm.f., Fl. Ind. 162. llGS = Phas('olus atoll itifol illS .TH('ft., pro pai'fe mll.rhn. O. tuOel'(J8(6 Salisb., Prock 3:35. 17!)() = Apios ,lIllel'i(,Hlla .'[(·die. 0. umbellaln )fuhl. e.?' ,Villd., Sp. PI. (('(/. ;3) LO,iH. lS{):2 = 811'0­ pho::ltyles hch'ola- (L.) Ell. 52 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 1268, U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE G. wnainatCt (L.) Macbride, Field Mus. Nat. Hist., Bot. Ser. Pub. 13 (3) : 350. 1943 = Teramnus uncinatus (L.) S\\". G. 1tniflora (Lam.) Dalz., Linn. Soc. London, .J our. 13: 146. 1873 = Dolichos biflorus L. G. 1mifoliolata Bak.f., Jour. Bot. 66, Suppl. 1: 144. 1928 = Para­ glycine unifoliolata (Bald.) F.J.Herm. G. 1tpembae Hauman, Brussels Jard. Bot. de PEtat Bul. 25: 94. 1955 = Paraglycine upe111bae (Hauman) F .•T.Herm. G. vandel'ystii De 'Yild. in Fedde, Repert. 12: 295. 1913 = Teramnus andongensis ('Yelw. em Bak.) Bald. G. vel'lttina Bert. em DC., Proclv. 2: 239. 1825 = Galactia striata (Jacq.) Urb. G.vestita R. Grall. in ·Wall., Cat. n. 5512. 1832 = Shuteria vestita (ll. Grah.) 'Yo & A. ~. G.1!illosct Thunb., FI. Jap. 283. 1784 = Dunbaria yj]]osa (Thunb.) Mak. G. 'l!incenti1Ut Lincll., Bot. Reg. t. 799. 1824 = Chaetocalyx vincentina (Linc11.) DC. G. vioZacea Schneev., Ie. PI. Rnr. t. 29. 1795 = IIardenbergia mono­ phyl1a (Vent.) Beuth. G. vil'ens Soland. em Stend., Nomencl. (ed. 2) 1: 692. 1840 = Harc1en­ bergiamonophylla (Vent.) Benth. G.vi7'ginic([ Spreng. in Schmd., .Jour. 2 :198. 1800 = Strophostyles helvola (L.) Ell. G. viscicZ({, Wr illc1., Ges. Naturf. Fr. Neue Schr. 4: 209. 1803 = Pseu­ clarthria viscicla C'Vi11cl) ,Yo &A. G.vi8cos(t:;\loench, :i\[eth. Supp!. 46. 1802 = Fagelia. bituminosa (L.) DC. G. Vi8COSCt Roth, Nov. PI. Sp. 349. 1821 = Rhynchosia viscosa (Roth) DC. G. 'lo(t1'bul'gii l\Ierr., Philippine .Jour. Sci. 3: 231. 1908 = pulcherrima. (Koord.) MelT. ex Koord. G. 'loa1'l'ensis Dalz. in Hoole, Kew Jom·. 3: 210. 1851 = Teramnus 1abialis (L.T.) Spreng. G. (nll'ilmsii Harms in Eng-I. . .Talu·b. 26: 302. 1896 = Orphrestin oblougifolia (E.l\ley.) H. :;\1. Forbes Paraglycine F.J.Hel'm. Paraglycine F ..J.Herm., gen. nov.: a. genere Glycine L. sensu stricto c1iffert foliis 1-7-foliolatis, inflol'escentia. saepe gemilHlllta, co­ rolla vexillo saltem ('xtliS sE'l'iceo-strigosa, hila seminis "il'ophiolo cartilagineo ari11oideo praeclito. A REVISION OF THE GENUS GLYCINE AXD ITS IMMEDIATE ALLIES 53

    Hel'bae vo1ubiles raro ± erectae hil'sutae; folia 1- to 7-foliolata ; intlol'escentine simplices axillal'es plus minusve nodosae; flores pilrvi bibracteolati secns rachin racemorum pednnculatorum (raro sessi­ limn) fasciculati; calyx 5-dentatus; corolla calycem vix usque ad c1up1um excedens extus vexillo saltem sericea, vel strigosa; stamina 10, c1iade1phia; o\'al'ium 2- to 8-ovulatum stylo haud persistenti; legumen oblongum vel lineari-oblongum compressum aliquantlllum margina­ tum; semina 2-8 oblonga hilo mediano brevi strophiolo cartilagineo al'illoideo intel'dulll et cilruncula squnmiformi praedito, Species t.ypica: p, heclyscu'oides (1Yilld.) F.J.Hel'll1. Differing :from Glycine in ha\ring an incrassate, cartilaginous, a1'11­ loid stl'ophiole (similar to that of the Australian genus Kennedya) ; corolla (at least the standard) sericeous-stl'igose without; inflorescence o:ften geminate; leaflets (always 3 in Glycine) :fl'onl 1 (in P((/'(lglyc:ine unifoliolatn) to 3 or ~7 (in P. digitata. P. 2)entaphyZl(t, P. 7)innata. and sometimes in P. herZysCll'oide8) : yestnre often bt'ist1y-spreading; pod often only 2-seec1ed ( in P. digitata, p, unifoliolata and probably P.1.lnico8tata,) and fL'equently margined: and standard often panduri­ form. In most of these characteristics iti.s closer to P8C1.ldoerio8em([. Hanman (which, like Pamg7ycine. was included by Harms in his Section El'iosenwtoideae of Glyci1w) , hut few of tlle species of P(tl'Ct­ glycine possess more than one or two of the features that differentiate Pseudoel'iose11l{{ [rom Glycine. p({.l'(tglyrine di frers :from Pseudoeriose7n(l in comprising usually twining ,~ines rather than erect herbs or subshrubs, in its racemose (and usually nodose), rather than capituliform, inflorescence, in its nonaccrescent, more or Ipss deciduous, bmct and bractlets, in some of its species (Para,r;lyrine itedysa/'oirh'8, P. 7({otic(t~ p, -madag((R('(o'en.sis, P. pentapity71a, and P. lJinnata) IllH'ing only the standard, rather than the whole corolla, pubescent; in most of its species possessing elongate, more than 2-seec1ecl, pods, and half the species in having 5-7 leaflets, The 10 species of Pal'aglycine known at prpsent may be readily divided into t\\·o groups except that P. 1'adicos{( of the first group is somewhat tTansitionn1. The first group, Section Digitatae (Olyrine, Sectioll 'l.'eph1'o8ioideae Hal'ms, 1)1'0 pai'te) * comprising P([;'(lgiycille di,rlitllta, p, unico8tata. P. 'llnifoliolalll, P. 1.lpemV(W, and p, l'adir'oMI shows a e10se nllinity with P.~elldoeJ·i08em(l. in ha:ving all the pehtls bl'istly-strigose withou!',

    *~l'('ti() Digitatae, F ..T.IIC' l'Ill. ~e("t. 1I0\". COl"ollat' v('tala t'xtus Olllllia SITigoSll, P. /"(u/ir·o.w ('Xelll":t illfl()l"e;;(,(~lItia ;;('tost! OYlUiUlll!llle iJiovulatullI. TYVllS: P. diUitlltli (Harllls) l!~.,r,llerl1l, 54 TECHNICAL BULLETIN 1268, U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE

    in the vesture of the infloreo,tence as a whole being of erect bristles and in the ovttry (except in P. mclico8a) being 2-(}vulate and the pod (unlmown in P. 'lbpmnbae) short, 2-seeded and br.istly (again except­ ing. P. 1'adicosa). The second group, Section Hedysaroides,** including Paraglycine hedysaroides, P. laotica. P. 1n(ulaga.~('((1·(,1l-~i8. P. pentaphylla. and P. 'pinnata, is closer to Glycine in having glabrous petals, except fOl' the. standa,rd, the vesture not bristly, and an elongated, 3- to 8-seeded pod.

    Key to Paraglycine la. Petals all strigose on the back; inflol'eseence usually mor'e or lef setose; pod often short-oblong and 2-seeded. (Section Digitatae.' 2a. Leaflet 1 (Belgian Congo; Angola) ______l. P. unijoliolaf 2b. Leaflets 3-5. 3a. ?o.Iidrib of leaflets stout and conspicuous, secondnry vei·· finely reticulate, inconspicuous. 4a. Petioles 1-1.7 elll. long; leaf-rachis 0-2 mm. long; leafle 2-10 em. long, 2-10 mm. wide, revolut(·-margined; nlcemr 2-20 em. long, usuaUy branched, 4- to 25-flowered; caly teeth innceoll1te, equaling the tube (Rhodcsia), 2. P. W~ico8ta 4b. Petioles 2-3 em. long; leitf-rachis 5 mill. long; lenf' 3-6 cm. long, 5-7 mm. wide, not revolute; r'ileCIllC'S :5 crn. long, unbmnched, 4- to G-flowcred; ealyx-teeth o\'ate, shorter than the tube (Belgian Congo) _____ 3. P. llpembac 3b. ~[idrib of leaflets not disproportionntely stouter than tbe prominent secondflry veins. 5it. Leaves digitately 5-, infrequently 3- Or 4-, rolioltlte (Tanganyika) _~_. ______4. P. di[Jitata 5b. Leaves pinnately 3-foliolnle. GIL Calyx sparsely strigosc with hn.irs mostly 0.25 mrn. long 01' less; cor'olla sholt, gcnendly 4.5-5.5 Illm. long: p('dicels YOI',\' slender, mostly 2 111m. long 01' 1l10re; Icaflcts gIn brat(' to splll'sely short-pilose ______5. P. /'ac/icosa 6b. Calyx morc dcnsely strigosc or selose \\-ilh longc'l' hairs; co 1'011a mostly longer; p('diecls l'('li1lively stout, usually lcss than 2 mm. long; I('aflets rnoclcl'ittcly to ra.thc'l· copiously hirsute or strigosc, at ICilst bcnen.th.

    **~cctio Hedysaroides F ..T.fICI'III., ;;c('t. no\'. ('ol'oll:w '"('xilllllll ;;nhlllI l'xtll;; ;;N·ieco·stl'igo:m. illfioJ'e:;('(,lItill n·lutill:l. itiJ':"uta \'('1 :

    7a. Corolllll11ostly 5.5-6.5 111m. long; calyx usually densel.y ferrugineous-hil'sute 01' strigose with stiff hairs 0.5-1 mill. long; raCel11es usunJly ('om pnCU}T flowered; leaflets oblong 01' IlfLlTowly elliptic, n.bout three times us long as wide, usually hirsute beneftth; pubescence of stems, petioles and peduncles gl'nf'r!LLly erect-ascending, mther dense and reddish-brown. 5a. P. radico.sa val'. n~fescen8 7b. Cowlla mostly 6.5-9 mm. long; ealyx modemtely strigose with pale-brown to whitish. IiLX hiLirs Itbout 0.5 111m. long; racemes loosely flowered; leaflets oval 01' obon.l, scarcely twice as long as wide, usually strigos(' beneath; pubescence of stems, petioles and peduncles genernlly n,ppressed, less dense ftnd fulvous­ bro\\l1- ______5b. P. radicosa ViU·. enneaneUI'(L II. Petals glabrous except the st nndard whieh is 1110re or less sericeous on lht' b!LC'k; inflo['('sC'l'nee strigose; pod clongitted, 3- to 8-seeded. (S('ction Hl'dysilroid(>s.) ik L('afl('ts:3 (nu'P]Y 5 in P. hed?Jsaroide.s). 9a. Rnc('n1('s sC'ssile or subst'ssiiC'. itbout 1 el11. long in anthC'sis. dC'nsC'ly fl 0 \\'(' 1'('(1 , en.pit ulifonn or fltseiculifonl1; IC'!1fl('ts f'llipti('., su\)('orirt(,C'ous, 2-6 em. long; twinillg \·i 11 (' (Tropi('al AfrictL) ______._.... _. ______fi. P.ltedysal'oid('s 9b. HacPIllC's 10ng-pC'ol'hicuiar or broadly C'llipti(', 1l1C'l11bran­ ne('OllS, {)-12 ('111. long; ('rC'et shrub or subshl'ub (Laos). 7. P. [aolien 8h. L('afl('ts 5-7. 10il. Lpgull1C' short-obtong, 3-4 (nU'C'iy 5)-sC'C'dp(\ ;tC'aflC'ts bl'oudly C'lIiptic-obiong to I'llipti('-ilLl1C'('oiftlC' «,hilla ILnd IndillL U:t. Pod dpnR('ly hinmtC' or strigosp; h:lirs of IC':.f-nlf'his imll'orseonly abo\Tp thC' uppC'r pair of tC'afiets; nlcel11C's 2-9 ('Ill. long ill ltntile"is ((,hinn.) ...8. P. pinnain l1b. Pod glabl'Oui>; hilirs of lC'af-nwh is all t rorsp through­ out; rn.eC'n1es 4-28 ('Ill. lOllg ill n.llthC';.;i;.; ([Ildilt). 9. P. pUllnphylla lOb. Legume lin('ar, 7- to 8-8('(>(1('(1; It':tfl('ts lI:lrrowly oblong­ lan('C'oln.l(' C~Jndag:l:;('aI'L__ __ .10. P. ff/orla(f(lSC(ld'en8is 56 TECHXICAL BULLETIN 1268, U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICLLTl:RE

    FIGl'RE 13.-PimlglyeiIH· 1Illifoliola\rl (B:tk. L) 1~ ..r.H('rm. (lJ. G. Faulkner .'1-192: s('ed~, f). B. Fall.~ll(ll(· F,'J(JIl-I';:pw) Plant ~.r I~. L(·(lf;.r I. Pod (InrgC') X 1. A REVISION OF THE GENUS GLYCINE AND ITS E\I;\IED[A'l'E ALLIES 57

    1. Paraglycine unifoliolata (Bald.) F .•f.Herm. (Fig. J:3) P(tmg7ycine ~mifoliolat(t (Bak.f.) F .•f.Herm., comb. nov. Olycine unijolioZatct Bak.f., .Jour. Bot. [London] 6(;, Sup.I, 114. 1028. Twining or pl"Ocnmhent vine, the stemB herbaceous, terete, retrot"Sely hirsute, GO-DO em. long: le({~"e.'f unifoliol:tte, their.' stipules setaceous, rigid. 3.5-5 mm. long, theit" petioles densely hirsute, 3-3.:3 mm. long, the blade elliptie-oblong to narrowly oblong-bnceolnte, :3.5-D ("111. long, 4-18 mm. wide. ehnrtaceous, sparsely hirtellous above, moderately so beneath, especially on the \'eins, the apex obtuse to acute, nmcro­ nate, the base rounded or abruptly tapering, withl-!) pairs of prominent secondary veins beneath: )'(£cemes axillary, slend!.'r\ lax, mOre or less hirtellous, :3-15 em. long. fl"Om equaling to much exceed­ ing the lett\'es, interruptedly 1- to 1G-flowered, the flowers inserted on half to three-qllal1:erS of the rachis in fascicles of 2 Or :3; bmctlet8 (lnd bra('teoles minute (0.5-1 111m. long), acicular, hirtellous, cadueolls; pedice18 shOtt (1-2 mm. long. beeoming:3 111 III , in fruit), :;elo,;(>, artic­ ulate and somewhat nodose at the base; {){[lY.J} campanulate, 2.5-3 111m. long, fernrgineous-setose, the teeth about 1 mm. long, lltuTowly lanceolate-setaC'eons except fOt" the upper pail' which are trianguhu­ lallC'eohlte and partly united: ('ol'ollnreddish \'iolet to pink Ot· pal!.' pm'ple, the petals felTugineolls-stri~ose on the back, the standard pandlll'ifol"l11, -:1:,5-6 mm. long, conspi('uollsly exceeding the wing:; and keel, the win~s nalToldy oblong, auriculate, the keel broadly oblon~, ,;horter than the win~g: o/'(()'.'! hirtellous: JiOd8 (irllllJatllre) oblollg. Ii mill, lon~, 5 III 111. wiele, ('omprcssed, sp,ll'sely st"igose, setose on the t·hiek('n(ld l1Jal'~il1s, 2-seedec1, the short style indurated and persistent. _\ngola: in !frill'elly, red, sandy, day ::;oil, in sllnny, hot siruation neal' Ft. Pl'ill(,(,Z:L _\lI1elia, Cllbango, Ganguel]a::;: fairly (,01ll1l10n at· ~[e'llba,;s()('o, Culm!' XOL'fh(>L'n Hhodesia; III plateau-woodland, Xdola. 58 TECIL,\ICAL Bl'LLETL,,\ 126S, u.s. DEPT. OF AGH1CCLTUHE

    FW\'nr: 1..j.~Parnglyeillr l1nie()~t:tta F../.f!PrIll.

    (ll. Jl. Richard" l2ijJ (Typ['.l- l\:ew,t PI:lIIt /' l~, L('lIf dC'taii ,- 3,1, Flo\\'!'!' X :{I t • A REVISION OF THE GENUS GLYCINE k~D ITS IMMEDIATE AI,LIES 59

    2. Paraglycine unicostata F .•J.Herm., sp. no\'. (Fjg. 14) Herba vel sufrrutex ut videtut" el·ecta caulibus teretibus patentiIn hir:mtis foliis :3-foliohttis, foliolis anguste elliptico-ublongis vel oblongo-Iinearibus subcoriaceis marginibns L"eyolntis valde unicostatis leviter ret.iculatis obtusis apiculatis supra, sparse hirtellis subtus hirsutis; bmcteis persistentibus lineari-setaceis; inflorescentiis axi11i­ aI"ibus eloll~atis tenuibus laxissimis ferrugineo-setosis saepe compositis aliquantulum nodosis laxe 4-25-floris; calyce cy1indrico-campanulabt feITu~ineo-setosa c1entiblls tubo sllbaequilongis lnncpolatis: cOI·olla lilarina extns dense albo-strigosa vexillo panduriformi alis angnste oblongis ad apicem abrllpte obovatis valde tluriculatis earina breve 1l1lriclllata: (n-ario stl·igoso; legumine immaturo elliptico-oblongo setoso (01 igospermo ?). E\-idently an erect or semierect herb, 1.5 to 4: dm. or more high, ht'("ol11ing :-lufl'rnti('ose and the taller plants prohably more or less twining, the 8tenM terete, hirsute, the pubescence iulvous to ferrugin­ eous, 1110r(' dense nbo\-e; leave8 digitately tt·ifoliolate (the terminal I(>aflpt ra.rely raised above the lateral on a rudimentary \"achis up to ~ mill. long), their stipules linear-sublate, 4-5 mm. long', I-nelTed, I"hei I" petioles hirsute, channeled, 1-1.7 cm. long; leaflets narrowly elliptic-oblong to oblong-linear, 2-10 cm. long, 9-10 mill. wiele, sub­ t·oriaceol!s, the margins I110re or less revolute. finely I·etielliate-\·eined except fOI" the stout, stramineons midrib which is strongly raised be­ Ilpatll Ilnd depl·essed nJ)o\-e, sparsely hirtellous to glabmte abo,·e, hil"­ rmt"o helo\\- especin lly aiong the midrib, tapering at the bllR!', obtuse and apicnlate at thE' Ilpex, on densely hirtel1ou:'i pE'tiolnles 1-:2 111111. long; bl'llct,~ linear-setaceous, 2-3 111111. long, persistent: jloll'eiW in elongated, s1endel· \'('ry lax, often compound, loosely 4- to 25-flo\\'(~red raeel11C's. :.!-90 Clll. long, llrising £I"om the axils sometimes of en~n the ]0wp rill o;:;t lean's, the some\yhat nodose rachis rather densely fer­ rugineous-seto:'>e on hirsut"e peduncles :2-6 cm. long: bmctl('t8 Ianceo­ late, 1-1.;) mm. long, sparsely setose; pedice18 1-2 mm. long feITugineous-setose: Nilll'!' cylindric-calllpanulate, 4.5-6 11 IIll. long, fer­ rugineolls-setose, thr teHI! slIbeqnal, lanceolate. pCfn:tling the tlllH' or slightly shorter, the upper pttir united for about haH their length, the setaecous bracteoles 1-:2 ml11. long, setose, tlsually appressed: ('ot'Olla. libe to deep m:lll\·e. the standard panch.riform, R.5 I11m.lollg', the ("law :1 111111., the blade ('l11arginflt(>, densely white-sh·igose on the back, the \\-ings llalTowly oblong, aIH·upt'ly obo\'ilte townrc1 the apex. deeply aut·iC"lIlalp, whil"c-strigo::e on the bnek, slightly (·x('f'pding th(' kf'd hUl" shorter than till' standard, the keel shallowly alll·iclIlILte, \\'hite-::trigosf' wilhout: style silol't, stif!l1la capitate, o\,:Iry :.;t:l"igose; pod (immatllre) l'II iptie-obIQng', :,(>tos(>-h i1·:ilIte. 60 TECHXICAL BCLLETL'< 1268, U.S. DEPT. OF AGRIC"LLT(,RE

    Northel'll Rhodesia: In sflnc1y soil in open bush, firebreak above Chisllngn near Aberrol'n, alt. ;),000 ft., .111'8. fl. Jf. Ri('/utl'(ls ][263. April 3, 19i)2 (Type-Kew); among scattered trees in yellow soil in fil·ebl'eak. top escal'J)ment aboye n'hulm ite: neal' .Abercorn, aIt. 5,100 ft., Jfl's. fl. .If. RirlulI'(18 !,tHZ,j. ~Iar('h 14, 19:);) (Ke,,'). :Searest allied to P((J'{{,q7y('ine 1Ij1('7IIU(((' or t11l' Bel!!inn Congo 'which it resembles in its lltll'l'OW, ('ol'iaceons, reticulate, conspicuously costate leaflets ,yith somelyhnt re,'olute margins, in its bro"'n-setose enlyx­ teeth, pandul'iforl11 stnn<1al'd and petals ,rhite-stl'i!!ose without. It dill't'rs, howeYeI', in IHn'ing petioles only 1-1:7 (not 2-!i) cm. long, leaf melds only 0-2 (not i)) 1111l1, long, leaflets up to 10 (not (j) rm. long and 2-10 (not ;1-7) III 111. wide. l1lu('h long!:'I' (up 1:0 :lO, insi('ac1 of (j, cm.) usnall)' brnnell('cl racemes. oft(,11 ('x('('ecling the lean's and up to 20 (not G) em. lon!!~ 4-2:') (not: 4-n) -flowered, Oil p('tlnn('le,:; one-half tll('il' length 01' less (rnther than :;:iJ, anclhuH'('olnt(', rather than shol't-ontte. ('alyx-t(>eth which C'Oll1prise half,instettd of a third, the len!!tlt of tlIP (·ttlyx. The Yesture, too, js nlllch more copious and not of l'etrOl'se hairs. PIII'(/,ql,IJ('iJl(, uni('ostata is closely allied also to p, llnifo7ioltlfa. in its setos(' ('alyx, in its IHtndlll'ifol'l1I standard and stl'i{!o:-:e petals (whieh, 11oll"en'1', al'e fel'l'ngill('olis-stl'i)!ose in P. unifoliolatlll'atll('l' than whitl'­ stl'igose), but the :-:inJ!le, bl'(lil<1el'. nOIll·t'yolllte leafll't of tIl(' Inrtel', "'i!:1t its H-8 pail'S of pl'ollliJU'.IIt seeOndltl·y n:~ins, sels it olf nt one'e from P,uni('oNlata,

    3. Pal"aglycine upembae (Hallman) F,.T.Hel'llI. Prtrll{ll,IJ('ill(' II/I( ml}(fe (HallI1Htll) F ..T.TTl'I·IlI .. ('omb. no,', 07!1r'hl(, lIpemblle HaUl11an. 1'1. Congo Ht']g£" ~pl'I·Jllat. n: !In. l!l;)·k .Tard. Bot. de ri<:tat BI'tlx. HlIl. ~i): 9J. 19;);1, .\ climbing Ill'l'h, till' 8/r'IlIR :-:h'll(lPI', tI]> to 1 mm, long, O.. i-O./Illlll. ill cliamet('l', {!laIJl'olls: lr'ON'.'i pinnatl'ly tl'ifoliolate, tlll'ir petiol('s ~-;l ('111, lOll!!, tIl(' I'a('his i"i llIlIl. long; 11'((t'I'f,~ ohlong-liMal', !~-() ell1. long, ;')-/ mill, "'ide, sOllle,yhat ('ol'iu('pons, the npl'x acute and 1l1\1<'I'OlHt(e. the' bast' I'otludt'd, the lIIal'!!iIlS re,'olllte, glosf;y alld fin£'l,\' I'PI'i(,lIhlt£'-'-£'inl'tl ahove, sparsely stl'igose beneath 1I"1Iel'e only til(' midl'ib .is pl'ol1linl'lIt, on petiolllh's 1 mill. long: /'(/(,I//I('.'{ axill:lI'Y, slpl1d£'r, oft£'1l gc·1I1inat(·. one of them :2- to :l-floI\'PI'Nl :lIld slI!JseHsile, the otlH'1' {).7~-L:; ('m. Ion!! 011 a, ::;1('11(1('1' (>(>(lul)('l(' :2.~;'j--L.'j ('Ill. lOll,!!;, ·I··~(j-flo\\"l'l'(,([: 1)J'II('lltls amI hl'adeolef; linPfll', ypry short: jlN/iNls s('an·ply 1 IIIIll, long; ('111/1.1' Call1(>aIl1lIatl', i) mill. lOll!!, hl'OIl'Il-H'l'i('P()IIS, t lit' ("('('til ~lIlJeq\lal, ontl­ :H'lIlllillntp, l.;') llllll, lOll!!. till' 1I1>P(,I' pail' llllih'(] 0111,\- tOlral'd tll(· bast': petal.,; white-st l'igo::e Oil the lJ:u'k, Ihr ::huldnrd [lall(ltll'il'(Jl'm~ 0-7 J1l1l1. A REnSION OF THE GENUS GLYCL"E A,\D.. ITS BBIEDIATE ALLIES 61

    Frnnu; 15.-Parn.glyeim· rlihri(nta (1Iann>' in Engl.) F.,LlIprlll. (Fl. E. ElI1son ,,78-1\:('wI Plant )« l~. Lpaf d!'lail X 1. lo'l()lI"pr-; x: aLi. lonJ,!, the ("law n>l"y :;]}()!'t (1 111111.), \yin!!:; lill('(n', tllll'ic'ulntp, oiJtu:"p, nea!'ly ('<[\UlIill!! til(> "talHlnl'(l anrl eOllspinlOusly ('s('('('dill!! til(> oblollJ,! kpe]: o/'cu'y aud :;tyl(' dllou:-:: I)(}d noi known. Bpl!!ia.ll COI1!!o: .Sanllllla,;;, Lusill!!

    ·k Paraglycine digitata (1Ial'lll'; ill EnJ,!!.) 1".. /. II ('I'm. (Fig. !.i) P'lJ'll[ll.'lrine 11/'('1111)(/(' (IItllllllnll) F ..J.IIpl·lll .. (·ollib. 110\'. (NY('illl' di[litll/rlllal'lll" i/l Ell!!!', .Jaltl'l>.:2S: .!O~. l!)()(l. ('I'pepin!! 01" IH'()('lllllIJPnt "inl' lip to l!l dill. lOll!!. tIl(' sit II", HlI!!:ll'(l. hil':;ute: lWl'C.¥ di!!ita((>l.r J (illfl'P(1lIl'lltly:3 01' ·~)-f()li()IHtl'. flwil' ,;;tip­ 62 TECHXICAL BULLETIN 1268, U.S. DEPT. OF AGHICCLTlJRE

    FI(WIl~] !6.-PnrnglyciIlP radic()sn (A. Rich.) F..J.1ll'rlll. (D. B. F(lIt.~/ww 21 B7-Kcw; ;;('cds, D. F. Frolllenl J75-.fnrcl. B()L. Brux.) Plant ;.' I~. P()ds X I~. Fl()wer and ~('('ds X .1. ules lineal', hirsute, tlH'ir petio\(>s \'(1 IT short (1.;-)-:2 1111ll. long), hirsutt', channeled: 1('{(lhlo~ elliptic-lallceolatr to oblalH'polate. :L'j-,I (0 Ill. lOll!!. ;1-11) III 111. ",.ide', fiJ'lll, J'atlll'l' sparin!!ly Itirsutp :lhO\'!' lIlllL IJ('IH'lI(1t (the mill'gins usually strigose-ciliat(l), the primary and seeolldar.v A HEYISION OF THE GENt:S GLYCINE AXD ITS nlMEDIATE ALLIES 63

    yeins prominent beneatl, and more densely hirsutel acute at the apex and base. on stl'igose-hirsute petiolules 0.5-1 111m. long; Ol'([cts nal'­ 1'o,,,ly lineal', -l mm. long, setose: racemes short (1.5-2.5 em. long), densely many-flowered, on long (!3-l: em.). slender, hirsute pedunc'les about eqnaling the leans; bi't(('tlets setaeeous, 2.5 mm. long, wry bristly; p('direlB minute, 0.5 mm. 01' less long, hirsute i cal!p-' eampanu­ late, !3,;"i-4 mm. long, fel'l'ugineous-setose, the teeth subequal, somewhat exceeding the tube, setaceous except for the upper pail' which are hnceolate and united to about the middle, the setaceons braeteoles ~ 111m. long, setose: cOl'olla purple. the petals rerrugineous-strigose on the back, the sta.nc1itrd panclnriform, 6-7 mm. long, exceeding the wing;,; and keel, the blade shallowly emarginate, the wings obovnte­ obIon!!, lon!!-aurieulate, exceeding the oblique-oblong, obtuse keel: ,,·t.'l7£, ~hOlt, thiek; O/·t(I',1/ 2-ovulate, strigose; pod not seen. Tanganyika Cnll'he and Tan!!tt Province), grassy hillsides.

    5. Paraglycine l'adicosa (A. Rich.) F .•T.IIerl11. (Fig. 16) Pa),II{;ly('in(' I'Ilr/icON(( (~\. Rich.) F .•T.Herm., comb. noy. E"io.wlllrt J'([dir'o,~llJJ1 ~\.. Rich.. Tent. F1. .\byss. 1: 228. 18,1,7. (;ll/f'i7l(, l'Ildi('oWt (~\. Rich.) Bnk.f., Legum. Trop. ~\fl·. ~:iR. w~o. (;l,1/('illf ,~('Itlitbl'nii Harms, Xotizbl. Bot:. Gnrr. Berlin 11: RH. W:1:1. Twining or pl'ocumbent "ine, the "t('IIIS slender, terete, tinyny ret­ \'orf;c-hirsute 01' iitrigose. up to 5(,\'('1'111 IlIplel'S long: 1NI/'('S pinnately tl'ifoliolate, their petioles retror:'ely hirtellous 01' stL·igose, 2-5.;) em. long, ('hanneled n!JO\'e toward the f1P(,X, the rachis deeply channeled. :~-H 111111. long; l('(/ti(-l.~ oblong to elliptiC', 2-"7 em. long, 1-:1 em. "'ide, ehartaeeous. glnbrate to H'l'y sparsely short-pilose abo\'e, more densely so beneath ('~pe('ially on the ,·eins. the hairii l11(lre 01' less apprcssed, till' apex obtll~e to abruptly aCllte, mucronate, the base rounded, with iJ-!) pairs of pl'ol1linent secondary ycins beneath, the pctiolules stout, 2-2.:; mm. long, s('tose. the stip('ls setaceous, nearly 1 mm. long, stTi­ gOf',c: J'{1(,(,lIleS axillary. slender, loosely 5- to !30-f1owel'ed, mostly exceedin!! the leayes, often long-peclllllcl('(], the pedunele and raehis -from :3-1;') elll. long: lJl'(!(>/ll'{R very sma11 (1 mm. 01' 1(,5s long), neicula 1'. cn)'ly cadll('ouSi f/0111C1'8 on ,'er), sh'ndel' pedieels (b('eoming stoul' ill fruit), 1.;')-2 ..') nll11. long. sparsely stl'igillose. nodose at the base: ('aly.1' eal1lpallulale. :~-:~.;) 111m. long, sparsely strigillose with hail'S mostly 0.2;') mm. lon!! 0)' 1(':;;.:. tll(' t('('tl, "bout half the length of thl' (111)('. Il}(, up]>pr pail' (I'iangulal',lalll'l'olat(', \Il1itl'd toward the basC'. til(' lO\\'PI' thl'pl' Illore lllll'I'owly iaIH'(>olntc, till' Imlct('oles s(·tuecOllS, ;;tri~il- 64 TECfDnCAL BT:LLETIX 1268, U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICT:LTURE

    F lG!"In; I {.-I':trup;lyei1If' 1H'r1.r~nroirlp" (""illd. 'j F.. l. Ifprll1. (Warl/('('/'-I' 2.)'8-:''[1)''. I[i~t. Sal. Pari-;) I'lullt / '2. FI(Jw('r /' a. p()r1~ unrl 1 ]('uv(>s X l. :-;ppd / 2 0_ A HE\'IRlOX OF THE GEXVt:i GLYCIXE A~D IT!:) L\ll\lIWIATE ALLIES 65 lose, about 1 mm. long; ro)'oUa blue,lilae 01' lllUUV<.> to red(li:;h plll'ple Ot' rose-colored, sericeotls on th(' back. tl\(' standal'd pnlHhu'ifoL'll1, +.il-(; mm. long, ex[tllriC'ulate. sornewha t ('xeeeed i np: the wi ngs and 1\:('('1, the wings nanowl), oblonp:,long-a UL'iclllate, the ke('l oblong, shorter and ",jdel' than the wings, allrielllate; pod oulonp:, 2-2.5 em, lollg~ G--'i mm, wide, spal's<.>ly strigose, milrp:ines in elearinp:s, 5n. Paraglycine radicosa mI'. rufescens (Hallman) F,.J.H(> I'm , Pal'flglyC'ill(, )'(((ZiC08(£ yal'. 1'llje8Ce7!8 (Hauman) F,.J.HHm" comb, nov. Ol,1J('ill(, 8('/tli('/)('nii nil'. 'l'llj(,R('('718 Hallman, Fl. Con!!o Bel{.!E'. Spel'mat. G: 98. 1954: i .Jard. Bot. de nttat Brus. Bul. 25: 95. 195:3. St <.> 1118. petioles and p<.>dullcles rMher densely reddish bl'own hir­ sute: l('afl('fs oblonp: or 1UllTO\\'ly elliptic, ahout: thl'ee tinws as 10ll{.! 1l,; wick, usually hirsute b~n<.>ath, \\'it'h gPlwmlly (i-7 pairs of :'lPCoIHlary llPL'I·P:';: l'i\('(,1lJ(,S ll,;lmlly ('o1l1paetly f1o\\'erely ferrup:i ll<'>oll:3-h iL'SUt<.> OL' strigose, the hai 1'5 0,5-1 nl111. long: ('Ol'olla p:£>n<.>mlly :i.i)-IL,) l1ll1l, IOIlP:, KortlwL'1l Rhod(':-:ia, B(>lp:ian Congo, Hllanda-rl'undi. rganda, find Kenya, In \\'ood~(l gl'a::slnnds. OJ' sal'allnas alld L'ocky ;:;Iope::. 01>, Paraglycine radicosa \'ar, enneaneura (Hallman) F,.T.Hcrl1l. PUJ'({{;l!1cine j'adi('os(t, Yar, ('IUZ('(IIICUlYL (Hallman) F ,.T.IT(> I'm., comb. nOI·. (il,1!('ine~('h1i('ben ii 1':1L'. ('I!II('III(('U Nt Hau mall, Fl. Con!!o H(' Ige', S p<'>I'1ll at , (j: VB, 10,H: .Tal'(1. Bot. de rEtat Bt'us. Blll. :2;): !);), In,,),).

    G. Paraglycine hedysaroides nVilld,) F,.T.IT<.>rl1l. (Fig. 17) PIU'(f{11.1J('illf hedy.W1roides (\Vill(1.) F ..T.TT~rm., cOlllh, 110V. OI/1('il1(, hCrl!JN(ll'oirll',~ ,Villd., :-ip,Pl., ('(I :~, lOGO, lK02. 0, p('nllllldl'ft Spreng., Sy::t. !3: 2:3:'). 182G. .rolli/iII ll'illrlenOlf'ii Ilook.L if! I rook., Fl. Nigr. :30:i. 1.'Wl. Climbing h('I'b~ oft<.>n d('('i(ledly woody at the lms<.>. 01' n shrllb frOl1l (},;J-!) Ill, lonp:: '~/('1I18 tt'l'e!('. ~ 1l11ll.in tlialllct(,I', yc'llltinOlI:-'. lip to :-;('1'­ cI'al Ill(>tPl'S inlpngth. lIlt(('h bl'nlH'hNI: Nfipllh's :,('I':1('('OU:', ahollt :2 lIlll!. lonp:; lc(/I'('.~ pinllatply ;~- (il)-i'oliolat<.>, thpi!' p(·tiol(':, 1.5-:2 ('111. lOllg. 66 TECHNICAL BULLETJN 1268, U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE

    FIGnm IR.-l'araglycillC' InoU(':! ((;ngIiPp. in L('cOJl1l!') r ..1.11 prill. (l/armonr! ill lS7~-75 (TypC'); ;;('('(1", ThoT(,/ ill IS(;(j-(lS-:'.fu,;. lli-t, XaL Pari,,) Plallt X 1:\. Flower;; X :!I~. Pod;; X 12. Sl'P";; X -I. A REVISION OF 'l'HE GENUS GLYCINE A.c~D ITS IMMEDIATE ALLIES 67

    velutinous; leaflets elliptic, subcoriaceous, 2-6 cm. long, 1-3.5 cm. wide, glabrous above, sedceons-strigose and prominently veined be­ neath, the apex genera,lly mucronu]nJe, obtuse to retuse, petiolules 1-1.5 111m. long, the rachis 2-9 mm. long; 1Y(Cemes axillary, sessile or subsessile, congested but few-flowered, mostly about 1 cm. long (in fruit lengthening to 20 cm. or morc); bl'{lctlet8 lineal' to setaceous, strigose to hirsute 1.5-2 mm. long; flOl.t'el's on densely pubescent pedicels about 1.5 mm. long; caly.v 5-0 111m. long, white-hirsute, con­ spicuously netTed, the lanceolate-attenuate teeth 3-4 mm. long, ex­ ceeding the tube, usually more or less pubescent within; corolla white to pale yellow or pinkish, the standard suborbicnlar, 1 mm. long (the cla,\\' one-third (he length of the blade), s.i1ky-strigose on the back, the wings and keel 6-7 111m. lonp:, sometimes sparsely htl iry to\\"arc1 the ti Pi 7JOCZ linear, 30-60 mm. long, 6-8 111m. wide, non-septate, strollgly compressed, strigose, becoming glabrate i seeds '1-6, oval or oblong-O\oal to sllborbi('ular, D-(;X;t5-1- mill., reddish bl'own to purplish black, the strophiolc inel'lIssnte, striLw-colorcd, tTanslllcent, l\,rilloid, the ridge compamtively narrow, forming a low collar around the hilum. Guinea to Tangal1yikfL and Angola. MOI'e Ot' less twining on low ,regetation in grasslands and abandoned fields, uswtlly in sandy but sometimes clay soil.

    7. Paraglycine laotica (Gagnep, in Lecomte) F,.T.Her'm. (Fig, 18) Paraglycine laotieel (Gagnep. in Lecomte) F .•LTIerm., comb. nOI'. Glycine laoNca Gap:nep. in Lecomte, NoL Syst. 3: 106. lO1fi. Erect shrub or shrubby perennial herb from a woody I.'oot; 8telll8 terete, gmyish hirtellous, about 40 em. high, f1orifel'ous from the base or· a little abo\'ei leaves pinnately trifoliolate, their' petioles antr'orse­ hi !'tel1ons, channeled, 5-Hi cm. long, the mchis about ;3 (U':, long: leaf­ lets bl'oadly elliptic to suborbiclllar, :>-12 CIll, long, 4--11 com. \\·ide. '. rounded at both ends or the apex emarginate and mucronate, thiit, pale green (almost glaucolls beneal'h), minutely and spal'sC'ly :tp­ pressed-pilose, the hairs more abundant on the nel'\'es beneath, with 7-8 pairs of conspicuous veins, the petiolules 3-'1 mm, long, hir'slIte, the conspicuous stipels setaceolls, ·1-5 mm. long, stl.'igo:.;e: J'([ccmes axill:u'y, slender, ,1-18 em. long, strigose, loosely flowered front abont the middle, often pttired (sometimes one of I'Ile pail' gn~af'l'y l'C'dllced) jn the axils, the bmcts firm, persistent, from hl'oadly l:lIlceolate in the lower axils to line:u'-attenllal'e ill the upper', 4--7 IIIIll. long; bl'actlet8 small, 1--2 111111. long, setaceous, hi I'tellolls, mOl'e 01' less (,:I(111(,00s; fio/rel's 011 slender, hirtellous pedicels about 2 mm. long, articulate :It the base and gelllinatc; crtlyw broadly campannlale, ;1.5--~ II 1Ill. long, densely apprcssec1-pilose, the lof)(ls ,.I, (the two lIPP(ll'lrlOst fused into 68 TECHNICAL BULLETL."V 1268, U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE

    FrrWRE 19.-PurnglycillC' pinnalu (:-rprr.) r ..l.llprm. (S. K. Lntl 2839; inflorcscencp, C. I. Lei /OOS-Am. Arl>. II prb.; s('C'ds, fl. l'. Linny 66036-1\.c\l') Plfmt X !{. Inflorescence X :1 12. Pod X J. :4('('(I;;.{-I. A REVISION OF THE GE~ruS GLYCIXE AXD I1'S B:IMEDBTE ALLIES 69 n. single lobe) short (mostly 1 mm.long), deltoid, obtuse but the lower­ most acute to acuminate and sometimes nearly as long as the tube, the bracteoles minute (1 mm. long or less), acicular, strigose, ap­ pressed, caducous; cOl'Olla pale, the standard reniform, 6.5-8 mm. long, oericeous on the back, exauriculate, erect, exceeding the wings an(l keel, the wings oborate, somewhat falcate, anriculate, obtuse, the keel obovate, auricnlate, broadly obtuse; pod linear, 4-6 cm. long, 7-9 mm. ,,-ide, compressed, margined,finely appt'essed-pilose~ attenuate at the base, scarcely depressed between tIle seeds; seeds 5-6, obliquely sub­ orbic-ular, compressed, -!X 5 mm., chocolate brown, smooth, with an indurated, cartilaginous, cushionlike strophiole surmounted by a scarions. squamiform caruncle. J.JHOS (Bassac, and between :Mekong and HenS).

    8. Paragiycine pinnata ()Ierr.) F ..J.Herm. (Fig. 19) P((mglycine pinnata (:Merr.) F ..J.Herm., comb. nov. Oly('ine pinnata )Ierr., Linf..'1um Sci. ,Toul". 1-1-: 15. In::}5. A climbing vine, the stems herbaceous to woody, rilther coarse, up to 2.5 mm. in diameter, terete. shallowly striate aboye, "etrorsely hit'sute; leaves pinnately 5 (infrequently 7)-folioIate, their petioles densely retmrse-hirsute, ;3-5 cm. lon~, the rachis ehanneled, retrorsely hi'rsute below the upper pair of leaflets, Hntl"Ol"sely so abo,-e the upper pair: leaflets oblong-elliptic to elliptic, :3-8.:> C111. long, 14-:38 mm. wide, oliye-~reen above, paler beneath, the apex obtuse to acuminate, mueronate, the base rounded to abruptly tapering, glabrnte to minutely and Ye1")' sparingly strigose above l1l0l'e densely so beneath, especially on the nen-es, with 7-0 pairs of lateral Yeins, the petiolules U5 111m. lon~, densely hirsute, the stipels acicular, minute (0.5-1 mm. Ion/!) Or obsolete; 1Ylcemes axillary, rathe,· slender, shorter than the lea,-es.4-!) em. long, retrorse-birsute, usually flo\yered nearly to the base, the bracts small, setaceous: bl'{[('tlets aeicular, very small (1111m. lon~), hirsute, early-cadueous: jfoll'e/'8 on short (1 mm.long), hir­ »ntt', mostly geminate pedicels which are nodose and :uticulate at the base but with the ealyx often persistent on the L'aehis after the fall or the pods; ('all/X ea111panulate, 2.:)-;~ mm. long, densely Jlil"­ sut:e, the upper pair of teeth united into a trial\~ular-ontte lobe, the lower three lanceolate, all about 1 111111. long, shorter than the tube, the bracteoles acieular, 1 mm. long strigose: corol/a reddish plll'ple to pink, the standard panduriforl11, :).f)-(; 111111. lon~, sericeol1s Oil the baek at least' toward the apex, the wings and keel sl1beqnal, shol.ter than the standanl: po(l oblong, 3-:3.5 em. long, 7 nun. wide, densely bro,,-n-hil'::illte-tomentose to hirsute-strigose, ll111rgined (but the thickened mtlr~il1 hidden by the dense pubescence), somewhat depressed between the seeds, the nth-es stt'ongly spiraled upon dehi­ 70 TECfu~ICAL BULLETIN 1268, U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE

    FlccnE 20.-Purilglycinc pcntuphylln (Dalz. ill Hook.) P.J.H(·rlll. (W. A. Talbot, Rcpt. ISS 1; Illature pod:;, S;.J("k.~, s.n.-Kew) Plant X %. Pods X l~. Flower X 4. Immature ~ccd X 2!t A REVISION OF 'l'HE GENUS GLYCINE AXD ITS IMMEDIATE ALLIES 71 scencej seeds -!:-5, oblong-oval, -!:-5X3,5-1: 111111., C'ompressed, reddish brown to chocolate brown, smooth, with UII indurated strophiole in the form of a cartilaginous hilum-collar, s\ll'l1lolluted by a scarious scalelike eunmcle. China (Fung I ..eng, Ngai District, Kn, Chik l?han, Ch'ang-kiang District and Pak Shik Ling, Ching Mai District, Hninan, in thickets Oil slopes).

    0. Paraglycine pentaphylla (Dalz. in Hook.) F.,LReI'm. (Fig. 20) P(O'Clglyci1le pentaphylla (Dnlz. in Hook.) F ..T.Herm., comb. nov. (,'ll/('ille pentaphl/lla, Dalz. ill Hoole, .ToUl'. Bot. 4:: :54+. 18:)2. Twining or creeping vine, the ,~t('7128 terete, strigose: lerll'(,8 pin­ nately 5- to 7-'[01 iolate, thei r petioles YeL'Y spa L'sely retrorse-strigose, :3-() cm. long, the rachis mOl'e OL' less antrorsely strigose, channeled, ;>'-6 em. long: leaf/ets elliptic-Ianeeolate, :3-11 em. long, 12-:1-.1: mm. wide, the tlpex from obtuse to uC'ul11inate, lllucl'Onate, the base rounded to abru ptIy tapeL'ing, 111 i n II tel}' and spill'sely wh i t'e-strigose nho\'e, more densely so beneath, with 5-8 pairs of !:ttel'lll veins, the petiol nIl'S h irsute, 1.5-~ 111m. long, the stipels greatly reduced (abollt 0.:) mm. long). i nconspicllous, fuguciolls, OL' sometimes obsolete: J'({('eJl!e8 axillary, slender (becoming stout in fruit), ,J.-~8 cm. long, sometimes geminate, finely stl'igose, loosely to interl'1lpteclly flowered nearly from the base, the bracts fi 1'111, set":lc'eous. :Li-+ rIlm. long: bi'arllet8 acicular, strig05e, 1-1.5 III 111. long, endllC'{)us: jfoll'el's on slen­ der. strigose, gel1l i nate pedicles, l-~ mm.long which a I'e llodost, nnrl art'ic'lIlnte nt the base: ('((ly,i' eampanulate, :Ui-!3 III 111. long, ralhpl' densely appressed-pi losp, 5-too/heel, the II ppel.' pn iI' of teeth fused Ileal'ly or quite to the tip, thp teeth deltoid, acute, nlllc\t shOrl('1' (O.il-l nllll. long) than the tube, the braC'teoleR millute, ilH'Ollspiell­ OUR, aciculal', strigose, cadllcous; cOl'Olla apparently I'eddish. the standal.'d panclurifol'm, f)-T I1UIl. long, sericeouR on the /)nek, ;lsC'end­ ing or CL'l'C't, cOIIRpicuOllSly ex('eeding the RniJNJllH1 wings and keel, the wings nano",ly oblong, the keel nalTowly o!>O\'il!"P, obtuRe: l)or! oblong-lineal', =1-1: CI1I. long,7-S 111111. wide, eOl1lpl'C'SSC(\, margined, apiculate, finely and sparsely strigose at rnatllrity to glahrate, little depressed betwcen thc seeds: 8('('(18 (n'ry inllnatul'e) :~, stL'OphiolatC'. India (Khasia and Konkan, alt. ~,O()() 10 il,OOO :ft.) 72 TECHNICAL BULLE'rIN 1268, U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE


    Fw tOng 2 L.- ParflglyeillP macl:lg:l~rllr(,ll~is F ..J .11 prm. (P. de La Urilhie 184 (TYJlC')-:\Ius. l.li~t. Xut. Pari:-) Plaut and pods X I~. Flo\\-­ ('rs X·l. ::-:l'l'd (irnmnturt') X 2 1,. A REVISION OF THE GEl';ruS GLYCIXE A_\n res L\nIEnIATE ALLIES 73

    10. Paraglycine madagascal'ensis F.J.Herm., sp. no,". (Fig. 21) Herbn yolubilis caulibus patentim vel retrorsum hirsutis, ioliis 7­ ioliolatis, ioliolis anguste oblongo-1anceolatis hiL"teUis apice breve ltcuminntis yel abrupte acutis apiculatis; bmcteis sublllatis cnducis; inflorescentiis nxillaribus noelosis ioliis brevioribus; flol.·ibus brevipec1i­ cellatis, calyce campanulata ierrugineo-strigostL clentibus tubo subae­ ([uilongis c1e1toic1iis (jnlil11a lanceolato-acuminata) maq.!inibus saepe plus millus"e glnbratis; vexillo corollae ovato-oblongo auricl11ato­ hastato extus sericeo, carino quam alis oblongis longiore plus minusve ialcata; on-trio glabro; leguminibus lineari-oblongis valde compressis; seminibus 7-8, e11iptieo-oblongis, compressis glabro strophiolo inc1urato arilloicleo praeclitis. A twining vine, the stems terete, more or less hirsute to tomentose; lral'f'8 pinnately 7 (rttrely ;j)-ioliolate. their pet-iolrs 1.5-1- em. long, hirtellous; lcajlet8 narrowly elliptic- to oblong-lnnceolate 2-7 em. long, 0-18 111m. wiele, hirtellous on both suriaces, sometimes rather spflr:;ely so above anel copiously so beneath, short-ncuminate to abruptly acute and apiculate, rounded ltt the base, the midrib and 5-7 secondal"y wins pl"Ominent beneath, on densely hirtellollS petiolllles 1-2 mm. long; bJ'((ct8 subulate, 2-::\ mm. long,mol"e or less strigose, oiten eacluCOllS: j!Olcel'8 itl axillary racemes, 1-G cm. long, shorter than the lean:,s, on peduncles 3-10 111m. long; bl'({r-tlet8 snbulate, 1 mill. long, strigose, fugaeious; pedice18 0.25-1.::; HI Ill. long, sparsely strigose, str'ongly nodose at their j ullction with the raeh is; ('!IIi/X earn pan!Ilate, 3-5 111111. long, densely iel'l'ugineOlls-st"igose, the teeth, except the lowermost, broadly deltoid, abruptly attenuatc-anrn' inate, equal ing Or sl ightIy shorter than the tube, oiten glabrate tow:u'cl tl,e ma"gins and the ('(lge~, white-sC"'i("eons-eiliate, the Ilpper pail' united for about hall' their length, the lowenn0st tooth lane(>olate-neuminnte, the seta(,C'O!lS bmdC'olC's alJOut 1 111m. 101lg, sp:u'sC'ly strigose: corolla e"idently whitish, the stfllldarcl onlte-oblong, :i-fi 1lI111. long, the blade Hur'ieulnte­ hnstate, 3.2:)-3.::; mill. Ion!!, serieC'o!ls on the baek at lC'ast toward the apex, the wi ngs oblong, alll'ic'ulatC' and, I ike the ('onspiellousl.r 10ngC'r keel, somewhat ialcate; 0I'(tI'i/ p:labrous; pod linear-oblong, 4.7S-i5.:1 eHI. long, G.;3-7 nnn. wiele, glabmus, stTonfdy coIII ]l"C'ssC'd, sl ightI.)' C'UlTC'cl tomu'cl the a pex, not sC'ptate no,' i 111 1)1"('SS('<1 bC't\l"C'C'n the seeds: 8('('(18 (not fully mature) 7-H, elliptic-oblong, :LiX2.:2;"; 'lim., ("Olll­ pressC'cl, sl11ooth, reddish brown, with an indl1ratC'd, cartilaginous, arilloicl sh'ophiok AlixC'ville, )fadagasear, II. Pei'j'ier de la, /]fltltie /8/" Uareh UiD7 (TypC'-I[erb. ~(llti. Pa,·is). DislTib!ltpd as OI//('il1(, I//I/I/ii BC'lllh. A speei('s strikin::dy "C'sC'l1lbling 1)8(,Ilr/og7!1(>ine Ii/allii (\\"hieh is npparC'lll-ly lik('wi:-;C' I'rstr'ic-t('(] to ~fadagns('ar IHlt ll111eh Illore ph-nl-i­ illl) ill 1ll:11IY eharaetel"isties, indlLcl.illg the I!(>'\l"'al ll:-:pect (cxerpt 74 'l'ECHXICAL BULLETL.~ 1268, U.S. DEPT. OF AGRICULTURE for the consistently narrow, oblong-lanceolate leaflets, the conspicu­ ously nodose Tachis of the raceme and the lack of Hident gradual anthesis of the racemes), and in the te1ldency toward /!labrate mill'gi1ls hl the calyx-t<:!eth, but it is completely eli f1'erentin its pods, seeds, hastate-aul'iculate standard and shod ,,'ing petals. The collection by PelTier de In, Bftthie in 18D7 (hyo sheets in the Paris :Museum) is the only material that has been seen. Pseudoglycine F ..J.Hel'll1. Pseudoglycine F.;T.Herl11" gen.nov: a. genem (Ilycine L. sensu stL·ict.o differt fol iis 5- to 7-fol iolatis, calycis lobis obtusis petaloidiis late marginatis, \'exillo corollae extus ad apicem sericeo, stylo per­ sistenti fl'uctu indurato, hilo semin is caruncula membrtmacea cir­ cUl11dato. Genus l1t videtllL' l110notypicus: herba voll1bilis vel scanclens fulvo­ l'ufo-hirtella : call1es tenlles; folitt 5--:7 (raro 3)-foliolata foliolis di­ .mol'phis, nunc oblongis yel ellipticis, nunc elliptieo- \'el lalleeolato­ ovatis: flores palTi bibracteolati in racemis axillaribus secus rachin fascieulati; calyx 5-elentatus tuba basi plus minus"e aSYll1l1letri('o lobis infimo excepto petaloic1iis obtusis late I11lll'giniltis: corolla albolutesC'ens ealyce fere duplo longior yexillo extns ad apieern serieeo: alae ca1'i­ naque oblongae snbaee Illonotypic and r('st I'ictcd to )[adagase:tr.

    Pseudoglycine lyallii (Bellth.) F ..T.II('I·II1. (Fig. :2:2) PS(,Ilr/ogl,1/rill(! I.l/Illlii (Bentil.) F ..LITel·IlI., comb. no\'. Ol,l/('in('; l!Jallii Bentl1., Linll. Hoc. LOllcion, .JOUI'., Bot. K: :2(i/j. 1t)(ii). O. llllllzii (sphallll: "Illllztij") Bttill., Blll. )[en:;;. Ho{', Linll. Paris 1 : :38:2. 1HH:3. A REnSION OF THE GENUS GLYCIXE AXD ITS nlWmIATE ALLIES 75

    Flf:l·R~; :!:!,--I'"PlHlol-(lyt'i!II' I>'allii (Bvllth.) 1....J.Ill'flll. (Ureon 2.'" habit tlnd pod':; [/JlllllwrlllJl;i, uhlonl-( 1{,lLfI{'h; P. r/,. /a iNilhi{' 11.m, elliptic-Inllct'olnte I!'aflpts; P. Ocnllud IS, flowPI" dptnil-..\Ius, Sat. lIi~t. I':ll"i,,: seeds, i.yall 222-1\:('11') rLtlJit und pod,;, X '';, FlowN r1f.·tail ;£·L ~('!'d,;.' 1'~. 76 TECHXICAL BCLLETIX 1268, U,S, DEPT, OF AGRICLTLTLTRE

    A twining 01' climbing yine, the 8fems subte1'ete, slender, rather densely hirtellolls with usually 1'etl'01'se reddish 01' yello\\'ish hail's: 7e{(l'e8 pinnately (;3) 5- to 7-foliolate, their petioles 0,5-3 em, long: 7eajlet8 dimorphic, sometimes oblong to elliptic: (inl'reqnently elliptic­ la.neeolate) 1.5-2,5 (7) cm, long, 5-8 (18) 111m, ",ide, ('ol'iaceolls, densely hit'tellous 011 both sUl'fares, obtuse Ot' abruptly a('ute and apiculate. the \-eillS stont and raised beneath, sometimes o\-nte-l:u1C'eo­ late, :),5-8 em, long, 20-JO 111m, '.dde, thin-111em]H'ltntl('(>Ous, spal'sely strigose abo\'(:', model'ately so beneath, (lcuminltte, the Yeins, except the midrib, not conspicuolls, the hase rounded 01' abruptly t'npel'ing, on hirtellous petiol111es (1.~i)-2 111m, long; bl'flcts sublllate, 2-:3 111111, long, stl'igose: jloll·elw in axillary, mthel' dense. I'aCe111eS 2-8 cm, long which equal 01' exceed the leaves, on peduncles 10---40 111m, long, the anthesis gradual (uppel' huds opening Illu('h l[lter than the lo\\'el'): bl'rtrtli'18 setaceous, J.25-~ 111m, long, densely strigose, fllgaciolls befot'e tU1thesis: pedi('dN 1-2 mnl. long. s!Tigose-i1il'tellous, mmally elwt along the 1'[l('his and bent at

    FIC:l'R~J 23...... :.TC'ylC'ria koordcrsii (Backl'r) Backer. (8. K. Lan 3035-Arn. Arb.) Plaut X !~. Flower X 5. Pod X 1 J~. ;;(,l'

    Teyleria koordersii (Backel') BackeI.' l'e,l/leria koo1'del'sii (Backer) Backer, Jarc1. BoL Buitenzol'g Bul. (ser. a) 16: 108. 1!)3!). Olycine l..'oo)'{Zersii Backer, Schoo1flom \"001' ,Taxa 358, 1!)11. O. /lIlinanensis Merrill &. :Metcalf, Lingnan Sei. ,Jour. Hi:] JL 1!):37.

    A climbing ,'ine; 8tem8 mlher stout, abollt: :2 mm, in dianwtc'r, 1'1101'(' ol'less angular, densely hirsute on the angles with appreii~(>(l. l'etro)':,l' hnil'S, the. uppet' part often sul('ate: lelll'eN pinnately tl'ifoliolate, tlwit' petioles 4-6 C111. long, sparingly l'etrol'se-stl'igoii(' and more or less I"1l1.­ cate, t he rachis 1.:2-:2 en1. long; leaflets chartae(>olls, glabrous or H~I'j' sparingly l'enex(>d-hirsllt(>~ tlte yeins prominent, I'aised hellen.th. onltl'­ It('tllninn.te Ol' nbrllptly Heute, rounded at the bflse, on pet'iolules 3-1 mm. Jong, the two latel'al \('aflets ineqllilat'eral and somewhat smallel' than the terminal, the tel'minalleaflet equilatt'I'al, (;-1+ ('m.long, :2.;i-i em. wide,with :3 Ol.·,~ pair:'; of Iateml vein;:;: /)1'11('18 pl'l':-li::tent, coria­ CCOllS, lanceolatl', !3-11111l1. long, stl'ongly ribbed, mOrt' 01' I('::s hir,.:ute: N(f'I'IIU'8 axilhlry, oft('n ineglllal'!y lmmehed, I·lte rachis shul'ply :tngn­ l:u', from ]oos('ly to dcn:'ely flowel'ed, :2.0-J (in fruit-H) elll. long. on qlla<11'llngular peduncle;; O.;)-lK !lllll. Io.ng, r('('I'ol's(>ly s('abl'ous on the nngles; bJ'lll'tlet8 pel';:;i,;!pnf, eUITl'd, S('t;tl'(>(lU';, :2.;:;-:3.:3 mm. long, :iparsely stl'igo::e Or hispid; fJ('di('c/.~ 1-:2 (in fl'uit-!3) 111m. long, gln­ 1)I'ate, sonlPlilllPS swoll(·n hplo\\' Ill(' eal.yx: ('Itil/d' ii-i).:; n1l11. long. tlte t uile (,ylintlrie-L'ampanulate, abruptly truncate 01' even inflcxed at the ba::t>, glabmte to sp;ln:ply HPIH·(·,;sl'd-ltin.;uIP. ill(' ieptil n:u'l'()\\'Iy lall­ ('('olatl'-:t('ul11inal'e, equaling 01' somewhat px('c(>ding the tuhe, sel'i­ ('eOW:5 \dlllin, llsually ::pnl',.:"ly .;;tl'igost' without ex('('pt fOI' tlte hea\-ily ::e,o;:;e-slL'igos(> ma rgi n;:;, the Ic)\rl' I' tooth so n1(> \\'ha f ('xt'('(>(Li n,!! tIll' rcst, the uppel' pail' uuilNl tOwtU,(l;:; tile bas(', the ::ptnel'OllS 1ll':lcteoles:2 mill. long, spaL'in,!!ly :-ltrigose; ('ol'ollu whitl', (j-i Inm. long, (,<[Imliug' Ot· sl ightly exee(,di ng I he en I)'x, the llH 1'1'0\\'1), ohlonp: wi llll'S and hpl \-iolet-tippe(l, ,;ulJequal, ":lightly shoL'lel' than tlil' POtT('('t to as('en(ling, oi>onllt', CXtt ul'inda te ;:In nda1'(l: pods u":I11\\'p('1I tlte' ,.:('p<1::, bl·i;:;ll." hil';:;lIt'l' \\'ith sordi

    (For names not included here see Exchlded Species, pAl. Xe\\' taxa, IIt'W eOIll­ binations, ami new names appl'ar in bold-face type, other accepted IItlIll('S ill ronulII. synonyms in italics.)

    Page l'nge Desmodium 'Ilo:'o-hollandielwl______21 G. 'IIlom'llJormis ______85 Digitatae (section) ______5-1 G. pentandra______65 Dolichos soja______3n G. pellllLphylla______71 Eriosema radicoslIIIL______6:3 G. pescadrensis ___ .. ______18 Glycine (genus) ______9 O. petitinna______27 Glycine (subgellu:;) ______24 G. pinnata ______60 Glycine albidijlorcL ______:32 G. pselulojauanica______:35 G. bujacia____ .. ______• ____ _ 26 G. radicosa______63 G. canescens ______• ______1!) G. roosel'eUIL ______35 G. claessensii______• ____ • ______:32 G. schliebenii______6:3 O. clandestina ______13 G. sehliebenil: val'. ennealleura ____ _ 65 O. clanciestinll val'. sericea ___.____ _ 14 G. schliebeni-i Vllr. rufeseclls _____ .. _ 65 G. cligilala______' ______61 G. sericea______.. ______19 G. falcata ______15 G. sericea var. ortholricha______, If' G. forlllosalla______38 G. soja______38 G. gral'iUs ______- __ 40 G. tabucina______21 G.lwilwnenst's ______7\) G. t(lbacina vur. laliJoli(l __ .. ______21 G. hed!/8aroide.s ______65 G. tabachla vur. l/1l.C'iI!(/la_ .. ______21 G. hispiilcL ______-10 G. tomentellu______2:) O. ja\'l\tdca L ______• ______26 G.lomenlo.sa ______23 G. jat'CIuica Thunb. _____ .. 37 G. llnijoliolala ______57 O. javauien nIl'. clnl'R:

    Page· Page L. tomentos1t1n ______23 Pseudoglycine (genus) ______74 Nolonia wiyhtiL ______26 Pseudoglycine lyaIliL______74 Paraglycine (genus) ______52 Pueraria maclureL______46 Paraglycine digitata _____ ~ ______61 Shuleria vestila______26 P. hedysaroides______65 Soja (subgenus)______36 P. laotica______67 Soja anyustifolia______40 P. madagascarensis______73 S. hispida______39 P. pentaphyila______------71 S. japonica ______39 P. pinnata______-- 69 S. jauanica______26 P. radicosa______.------~~ S. max______40 P. radicosa vur. enneaneura______65 S. uil'idis ______P. radicosa var. rufescens______40 P. unicostata______59 S. wiyhtii______26 P. unifoliolata______---- 57 Teyleria (genus)______77 P. upembae______60 Teyleriu koordersiL ______79 Phaseolus 1IZax______39 Zichya latl'obeana ______------17

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