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This Book is brought to you for free and open access by the Xavier Student Newspapers at Exhibit. It has been accepted for inclusion in All Xavier Student Newspapers by an authorized administrator of Exhibit. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Volume CVII Issue 3 April 20, 2020 xaviernewswire.com

Published by the students of Xavier University since 1915 Fiat justitia, ruat caelum Fenwick Hall to be renamed Submissions open for name recommendations from community BY HEATHER GAST Editor-in-Chief Bishop Edward Fenwick Hall will be renamed four years after it was discovered that Fenwick, the first pres- ident of Xavier University, had owned enslaved people. Students, faculty, staff and alumni are able to submit rec- ommendations for a new name on the Stained Glass Initia- tive’s (SGI) page on Xavier’s website. Submissions will be shared with the community at the Day of R.E.A.D. event as part of the Spirit Celebration on Monday, Sept. 15. Dr. Charles Walker Gollar of the theology department presented his research re- vealing the university’s con- nection to slavery in 2016. His presentation was shortly before a string of racial bias incidents rocked campus in a year that was fraught by the killing of unarmed Black cit- izens by police and tension over the presidential election. Walker-Gollar’s later re- search showed that early at- tendees of Xavier were from wealthy families in Louisiana Newswire photo by Desmond Fischer. that maintained their wealth Four years after it was discovered that Bishop Edward Fenwick had owned enslaved people, the residence hall that houses the Hoff Dining Commons through the labor of enslaved will be renamed. Members of the Xavier community can submit name recommendations until Aug. 31. Submissions will be presented on Sept. 15 people. was an opportunity for us to that we don’t put a period all areas of human activity Shahid recognizes that this Father Michael Graham, learn a little bit more about where there should be a com- right so whether we knew it multi-year process has taught president, called for an asso- who we are and how our Je- ma,” she said. or not, all of our lives were al- her a lot about Xavier. ciation of staff, faculty and suit values ought to compel us The conversations around ready being impacted I think “One of the things I’ve students called the Working to participate in racial healing Fenwick’s past have come now more people are con- learned is that Xavier is fertile Group to form in 2017. This and restoration in a way that’s alongside processing the sciously aware of that impact ground; there is room to grow group was created to evalu- more authentic,” Dr. Kyra events of racial injustice since and do a collective desire to and change and evolve,” she ate how the university could Shahid, Director of the Cen- 2016. do something better,” Shahid said, speaking to the generous move toward racial reconcili- ter for Diversity and Inclusion As an administrator and said. support she and her team have ation. The following year, the and Chair of the SGI, said. professor, Shahid is adamant Since the Working Group’s gotten over the past four years Working Group recommend- Just as the changing of about addressing both past recommendations, the SGI from staff. ed that the resident hall be re- Fenwick’s name is not meant horrors and today’s injustices was created and has hosted It’s not only staff ’s contri- named. to erase Xavier’s past, it is not in tandem. and maintained opportunities butions she values, “This year The members of the com- meant to be an end to Xavier’s “It’s not like slavery hap- such as Day of R.E.A.D. and we really want to hear from munity did not agree on this work on racial healing. pened and it was over. There Diasporic Soul for students students... I want to make unilaterally. There was con- As a scholar on anti-Black are some pieces of slavery of African descent. Such sure that there are more stu- cern that removing the name racism and a Black woman, that are still in place right spaces serve as opportunities dent voices involved with SGI would erase the university’s Shahid is keenly aware of the now. What we do in Septem- for students to grapple with specifically... We can create a history. effects that slavery holds over ber (during the Spirit Day) is the meaning of racial recon- space for you to exercise that “It was Father Graham America and institutions of going to be about helping peo- ciliation and restitution as passion.” who said from the beginning higher learning specifically. ple to see the commas more students at a university that Students interested can fill that he wanted this to be about “My approach to this work clearly.” profited off of slavery and as out the contact form on SGI’s more than a name change. It has been about making sure “Race and racism impacts individuals. page on the Xavier website. In this issue... Campus News, Page 2 Op-Eds, Page 4 Op-Eds, Page 4 A&E, Page 7 Xavier has put forth Will Rippey proposes Three intramural ’s new mix- robust contact private shipping com- sports have been tape, BLURR, em- tracing protocols to panies should be na- approved to compete ploies horror-inspired track COVID-19. tionally regulated. this fall. sounds. 2 August 20, 2020 Campus News xaviernewswire.com Tracking COVID-19 among students XU and TriHealth are implementing contact tracing to track COVID-19

BY ALEX BUDZYNSKI them to self-isolate and moni- reported to Xavier. tor their symptoms. Managing Editor Those identified as close If it is safe and feasible for contacts will be advised to As a part of Xavier’s that student to return to their have a COVID-19 test. The COVID-19 Testing, Treat- home or family, that it will be classmates of the infected stu- ment and Tracing plan, the recommended they do so. dent will also be contacted via university has developed in- Residential students who email. depth contact tracing proto- do not have the ability to re- “Let’s say that someone cols to protect the wellbeing turn to their primary resi- in your class was to be diag- of students who have tested dence will be moved to the nosed COVID-19 positive… positive for COVID-19. isolation spaces on campus -- so far as you have abided by Contact tracing involves the University Apartments or our recommended safe prac- identifying those who are Manor House. tices, remaining six feet apart likely to get sick after being Those who test positive and remaining masked, we around someone who has and anyone who has been in don’t think you’re at signifi- contracted COVID-19. In close contact will likely be cant risk,” Johnson said. “We conjunction with TriHealth, isolated or quarantined for think the campus has been Xavier is prepared to help two weeks. Simultaneously, redesigned in a way to maxi- students recall everyone they COVID-positive students will mize students’ safety.” have come into close contact be contacted by additional re- Along the same lines, stu- with recently, thereby trac- sources, including care man- dent programs are organized ing the spread of the virus on agement officials and contact in a way that abides by social campus. tracers. distancing guidelines, so as to Close contact is defined as Contact tracers are individ- minimize risk at on-campus anyone that has been less than uals from across the Xavier events. six feet apart for more than 15 community trained to support Privacy is a priority of the minutes. students through the tracing university throughout this Associate Provost and process. process. Personal information Photo courtesy of Xavier.edu Chief Student Affairs Officer They will assist students will not be divulged to any The Testing, Treatment and Tracing plan is part of several precautions by Dave Johnson explained the in completing a questionnaire member of the community the university to ensure the fall semester is safe for people on campus. necessity of a robust contact that will determine close con- that is contacted. “We want to support any ritory this pandemic brings tracing program.“A really im- tacts. This list would likely Associate Dean of Stu- student who is or may be im- the university. portant part of the puzzle (of include roommates and close dents Jean Griffin explained pacted by COVID-19,” John- “We have to keep this going returning to campus) is being friends. that each case will have its son said. because it is new to all us, it able to trace and to track the “Our hope is that people own nuances. “The most important thing is hard to process sometimes, engagement of students who won’t have lots of close con- “What we are learning is is that people fully participate so we will see this in an on- might be COVID-19 positive tacts, and if they do, we will that it will be a pretty individ- in these processes,” Johnson going way through posts and so that we can identify anyone capture that and communicate ualized process,” she said. explained. “Contact tracing events,” she said. else who may have been im- with them,” Johnson said. The university is prepared is one of the keys to stopping Information about the pacted,” he said. In the coming days, a to help students through any the spread, so we want to fully Testing, Treatment, Tracing If a student tests positive COVID-19 Dashboard will be sort of academic distress, commit to our Testing, Treat- Plan from the Office of Stu- for COVID-19 they will ini- made available on the Xavier food insecurity, mental health ment, Tracing Program.” dent Affairs is being shared tially be contacted by staff website, which will document problems or other challenges Griffin coupled this by through the @LifeatXU Ins- from health services, advising the number of COVID cases they are facing. speaking to the uncharted ter- tagram page. First week back: anyone know what’s going on? BY EMILIE KRACIK 6WDৼ:ULWHU As we work on getting our academic journeys back on track, things are looking a lot different. We decided to ask fellow Musketeers how the beginning of the semester has been.

“It seems like everyone has “Having to do Zoom last adjusted well to COVID-19 “It’s been di cult getting semester during quarantine “It feels great to be on protocol and wearing masks “e rst week of class- used to the hybrid system made getting used to classes campus and in touch with on campus. es has denitely been crazy. because it’s hard to know this semester much easier. friends and faculty. It’s Hybrid classes have been I’m really happy my clini- which days to go into class I have one hybrid class and denitely dierent though, challenging to get used to, cals and labs are in person, and which days to Zoom, I like it. It’s nice to get back having hybrid classes, less but I have a lot of friends but hybrid classes have but I am happy Xavier is in the classroom instead caf accessibility, and nd- from home who are all on- been pretty tough to gure making it work, and we can of just sitting in my house ing more creative ways to line and can’t go to school, out in such a short period be on campus at least some looking at a Zoom screen socialize. so I’m happy to be here.” of time.” of the time.” all day.” - Sean Trebb - Tommy Gorman - Molly Grimes, - Jimmy Maguire - Ryan Petrunia Junior sports management First-year business unde- Junior nursing major First-year nance major Junior nance major major cided major 3 August 20, 2020 U.S. & World News xaviernewswire.com Photo-op: the Biden-Harris ticket XU students shared their thoughts on Biden’s historic VP announcement BY JOSEPH COTTON Campus News Editor :H DVNHG VWXGHQWV WKHLU WKRXJKWV RQ IRUPHU 9LFH 3UHVLGHQW -RH %LGHQ·V FKRLFH RI  6HQDWRU .DPDOD +DUULV DV KLVUXQQLQJPDWHLQWKH SUHVLGHQWLDO HOHFWLRQ +HUH·V ZKDWWKH\VDLG

´ +DUULV ZDVDSLFNWKDWSHR- SOHH[SHFWHG6KHZDVDIURQW- UXQQHU LQ D FRQWHVWHG YLFH SUHVLGHQWLDO UDFH EHWZHHQ DW OHDVWWKUHHZRPHQ+DUULV·H[- ´,W·VDJUHDWLGHDIRU-RH%LGHQ SHULHQFHDVDQDWWRUQH\JHQHU- JLYHQWKDWVKHLVDZRPDQRI  ´, EHOLHYH VKH FRQWULEXWHG D DOZLOOZRUNIRU'HPRFUDWVEXW FRORU ,W·V JRRG IRU SHRSOH WR ´ 7KH SLFN  LV SUREDEO\ D V\VWHP RI  RSSUHVVLRQ E\ GH- QRWVRPXFKIRUSURJUHVVLYHV KDYHVRPHRQHZKRUHSUHVHQWV VPDUWPRYHEHFDXVHRI DOOWKH KXPDQL]LQJ WUDQV ZRPHQ LQ 6KHKDVDUHSXWDWLRQIRUEHLQJ WKHPLQWKHLUPRUDOYDOXHVDQG VWXII  KDSSHQLQJ LQ WKH 86 ´, ZDVQ·W WKULOOHG DERXW WKH WKH SULVRQ V\VWHP ,·P QRW KDUVK DQG WRXJK RQ FULPH , LQWKHZD\VKHORRNV6KHFDQ LQFOXGLQJ %ODFN /LYHV 0DW- SLFN EXW , NQRZ ZK\ KH GLG DIDQRI KHUDVDSHUVRQEXW WKLQN SURJUHVVLYHV  ZLOO JHW EHDJUHDWUROHPRGHOIRUSHR- WHUSURWHVWVDQG&29,', LW,·PJODGKHSLFNHGDZRPDQ , ZLOO VWLOO EH YRWLQJ IRU WKH RQ ERDUG EXW WKH\ ZRQ·W EH SOHZKRORRNOLNHKHULQWKHLU WKLQNLWVKRZVWKDW %LGHQ LV RI FRORUDQG,ZLOOVWLOOHQGXS %LGHQ+DUULVWLFNHWEHFDXVH, KDSS\µ IXWXUHVXFFHVVµ LQYROYHGZLWKWKHWKLQJVWKDW YRWLQJIRUKLPµ GRQ·WOLNH7UXPSµ   DUHKDSSHQLQJµ  $QGUHZ*HUDJKW\ -HUHP\%ODWW *DEE\6WUDXE (PLO\+RRVH -XQLRU 3KLORVRSK\ 3ROLWLFV -XQLRU 3KLORVRSK\ 3ROLWLFV 0LFKHDO6XOOLYDQ )LUVW\HDU*HUPDQPDMRU -XQLRUFKHPLVWU\PDMRU DQGWKH3XEOLFPDMRU DQGWKH3XEOLFPDMRU )LUVW\HDUDFFRXQWLQJPDMRU Week in Review Medical WAP, ethics and NFL disguises ‡ $IWHU FRQVHUYDWLYH SR- DV6WDWH 6SHDNHU RI  WKH OLWLFDO FRPPHQWDWRU %HQ +RXVH DIWHU UHDQ LQGLFW-     6KDSLURUHDGWKURXJKWKH PHQW VXUURXQGLQJ UDFN- O\ULFVWR´:$3µE\&DUGL HWHHULQJ DQG EULEHU\ %DQG0HJDQ7KHH6WDO- FKDUJHV EXW ZLOO UHPDLQ XUPD Chief Robert which officers could iden- OLRQ KH TXHVWLRQHG WKH RQ WKH 2KLR -RLQW /HJLV- Warfel has taken a role    tify the owner, in order to KHDOWK RI  ZRPHQ ZLWK ODWLYH (WKLFV &RPPLWWHH of the COVID-19 Task reduce risk of transmis- ´ZHW DVV SXVVLHVµ +H $XJ  Force as the Director of sion of COVID-19.   VKDUHG WKDW KLV ´GRFWRU Public Safety. He has been Officer Bill Smith was ZLIHµ GLDJQRVHG ZRPHQ ‡ 0LVVLVVLSSL RIILFLDOV QDU- involved with the Task integral to connecting XUPD recommends ZKR UHTXLUHG ´D EXFNHW URZHG GRZQ WKH OLVW RI  Force since its creation a string of Norwood, that found clothing be DQGDPRSµZLWKEDFWHULDO FLWL]HQ VWDWH IODJ GHVLJQ last school year. Cincinnati and Northern dropped off in the St. YDJLQRVLVDQG\HDVWLQIHF- SURSRVDOV DIWHU DQQRXQF- Kentucky robberies of Vincent DePaul box be- WLRQVDPRQJRWKHUFRQGL- LQJWKDWWKH\ZLOOUHPRYH XUPD has adapted to which one Xavier stu- hind the Kuhlman Hall, WLRQV'-L0DUNNH\]FUH- WKHLU FXUUHQW GHVLJQ the pandemic by utilizing dent was a victim. The and that found phones be DWHG D UHPL[ RI  ´:$3µ ZKLFKGHSLFWHGD&RQIHG- protective barriers while perpetrator of these rob- donated in the donation ZLWKWKHDXGLRRI 6KDSLUR HUDWH IODJ 2IILFLDOV DFFL- fingerprinting and using beries allegedly forced boxes located in Gallagh- UHDGLQJ WKH O\ULFV $XJ GHQWDOO\LQFOXGHGRQHGH- an open-air golf cart for victims to go to an ATM er Student Center.   VLJQ ZKLFK SURPLQHQWO\ medical escorts. to withdraw money, GLVSOD\HGDODUJHSL[HODW- which Officer Smith rec- Visitor parking passes ‡ )RUPHU 2KLR +RXVH HGJUDSKLFRI DPRVTXLWR Due to financial rea- ognized as similar to the will no longer be issued 6SHDNHU /DUU\ +RXVH- DW WKH FHQWHU RI  WKH IODJ sons brought on by the Xavier case. The case is at the XUPD station on KROGHU ZDV UHPRYHG $XJ  pandemic, Xavier Uni- now closed. campus. versity offered employees also worked on park clean- a voluntary separation. up and beautification at one Chief Mike Couch ac- Four XUPD employees park in the Evanston com- cepted a voluntary sep- opted for the voluntary munity. aration and will now be separation. working part-time as an Lt. Shaun Bryce left the officer with the XUPD. Over the summer, XUPD and took a job as a XUPD completed en- police captain at the Uni- XUPD received a new hanced training and versity of Utah. fleet of police cruisers, community service. The including three Chevy department assisted in XUPD is no longer ac- Tahoes, one Dodge Char- transporting over 5,000 cepting low-value items for ger and one Ford Explor- meals for Freestore Food- their lost and found. They er. These cars will be de- bank at the Evanston Rec- encourage students only to signed with new graphics Photo courtesy of Twitter reation Center. Officers bring high-value items with and will be all-white. Cardi B and Megan Thee Stallion’s song “WAP” sparked online disputes. 4 August 20, 2020 Opinions & Editorials xaviernewswire.com Please don’t make me go home To any first-years read- tre Dame are schools with Xavier allows it. be face to face. hood bedroom for another ing this, welcome to Xavi- significantly more students Studies have shown ‡ Please open windows six months. Sharing a room er, and to everyone else, than Xavier, what happened COVID-19 spreads whenever possible. with your little brother and welcome back. We’ve been there can and will happen at easily during indoor The more air cirula- dealing with parents who given a gift in being al- Xavier. We will have cases. dining. Both Rhode tion, the safer a room won’t let you drink. Being lowed to return, a gift we We will be sent home. Un- Island and Michigan is. If possible, run at miles away from all of your can easily squander. less we can make some sac- saw cases increase least one fan in your friends. Needing to Zoom The University of rifices. following the open- room. for every single class. Being North Carolina at Chapel Below are a list of ac- ing of indoor dining ‡ Please stay at least hospitalized, or intubated Hill (UNC), the state’s flag- tions we must take lest we and cases decrease six feet apart from or dying. Being the reason ship campus, announced want to be sent home. following the prohi- other people, even if you need to bury a loved that it would move to an ‡ Wear a mask, pref- bition of indoor din- you are outside, even one. entirely online format this erably one without ing. if you are masked Everything sucks right week. The announcement vents. ‡ Don’t go to bars. For and even if you have now. Wear a mask, be smart came after 135 of UNC’s ‡ Don’t take off your the same reasons you hung out with them and lets make this suck a students tested positive mask in public. should not eat in- before. little bit less. for COVID-19. The posi- ‡ Don’t pull your mask doors at Currito or ‡ Do not share juuls, tive tests were composed away from your face Canes, you should or drinks, or cigs, or of four clusters. A virus to speak or yell. It not be inside Lister- pens or joints. This cluster is defined as five or must be snug on your mans or Dana’s. should be obvious. more positive cases with- face, over your nose ‡ Don’t go to parties. ‡ Wash your masks in close proximity to each and under your chin. Yes, that includes regularly. Masks can other. ‡ Cover your nose outdoor parties. No be breeding grounds Similarly, the University with your mask. gatherings of more for bacteria. Not of Notre Dame announced COVID-19 can still than 10 people are COVID-19, but still Charlie Gstalder is the they would cease in person spread through your remotely safe. not fun. Opinions and Editorials classes following 147 posi- nose. ‡ Don’t have random Do all of these rules for the Newswire. Charlie tive cases. Both announce- ‡ Don’t eat indoors. hookups. If you do suck? Absolutely. You know is an English and philos- ments came eight days into It does not matter choose to have casual what would suck more? ophy double major from the fall semester. that Ohio allows in- sex, wear a mask, use Going home and spending Westchester, N.Y. While UNC and No- door dining or that a condom and don’t day and night in your child- Seize the postal services Lately, the United States ous Chinese firms. The al companies would great- range of essential services domestic and global mar- Postal Service (USPS) has study found that state ly benefit sellers and con- already publicly owned in ket, shipping is becoming been getting a lot of at- owned enterprises exhib- sumers as well. Compared the United States. a vital utility for both con- tention. The USPS has ited productivity rates to its private competitors, Eighty-seven percent sumers and businesses. been under attack from 68% higher than that of the USPS is much cheaper of water suppliers in the Online sellers and, by ex- the Trump administra- their private counterparts. for individuals and corpo- United States are munic- tension thier customers, tion, which has been de- Furthermore, a study by rations. ipally owned as of 2019 rely just as much on ship- funding it and removing Greenwich University in Individual shipping according to the Univer- ping as they do on elec- mailboxes in major cities. found that na- costs with USPS are any- sity of Greenwich study. tricity. This sparked conversa- tionalizing utility compa- where from $8 to $70 Greenwich also found that Nationalizing shipping tions of what the future of nies would save the UK cheaper than private com- municipally owned elec- would guarantee stable the agency will be. In the approximately 7.8 billion panies. Additionally, ma- tricity agencies provide service, lower prices for wake of the COVID-19 GBP per year. jor retailers such as Ama- power to approximately businesses and individuals pandemic and the agency’s If the USPS were pri- zon still rely on USPS for 49 million people even in and secure jobs for USPS financial losses, many have vatized, our mail infra- deliveries to rural areas. major urban centers such workers whose livelihoods advocated for the privat- structure would become USPS also delivers far as Los Angeles. are directly threatened by ization of the USPS. less efficient and more more packages than UPS There have been 70 right-wing attempts to I would like to propose expensive. Conversely, if or Fedex each year, at 143 cases of water re-munici- dismantle it and privatize an alternative plan for the UPS and FedEx were na- billion compared to UPS’s palization since 2003, and the industry entirely. future of mailing in the tionalized, both compa- 4.7 billion and Fedex’s 3 research in the city of San United States. Rather than nies would become more million. Francisco found that pub- privatizing the USPS, I efficient. Privatizing the USPS lic ownership of its power believe it would be much This would obviously would increase costs of grid will have long term more beneficial to nation- be a costly measure as the shipping, thereby leading financial benefits for the alize the privately-owned fifth amendment requires to less revenue for retail- city. shipping companies that the owners of any seized ers and more expenses for Many would argue already exist. property to be compensat- individuals. that these services are far This may seem like ed for their losses. How- While nationaliza- more important than mail harmful government ever, the University of tion seems scary to us as and that they should not overreach, but there are Greenwich also highlights Americans who are al- be compared. I, however, Will Rippey is a staff two major effects of na- the fact that the cost of ready conditioned to vom- would argue that mail, writer for the Newswire. tionalization which would compensation would be it at the thought of the water and electricity are Will is a sophmore Philos- greatly benefit our mail paid off in under 10 years government intervening equally important to our ophy Politics and the Pub- infrastructure. if the nationalizations in the free market, UPS infrastructure. lic major from Bowling In 2018, Stanford con- were to occur. and FedEx are actual- As electronic commerce Green, Ohio. ducted a study of vari- Nationalization of post- ly exceptions to the wide continues to dominate the Mission Statement For Your Information THE STAFF Sports Editor Online Editor The Xavier Newswire is com- The Xavier Newswire is pub- Editor-in-Chief Joe Clark Mya Priester mitted to reporting the news lished weekly throughout the Heather Gast DV ZHOO DV H[SODLQ LWV VLJQLÀ- school year, except during Arts & Entertainment Multimedia Manager cance to readers. In addition, YDFDWLRQV DQG ÀQDO H[DPV Managing Editor Editor Hunter Ellis through publishing opposing by the students of Xavier Alex Budzynski Kate Ferrell viewpoints and opinions, the University, 3800 Victory Multimedia Editor Newswire hope to foster a Parkway, Cincinnati, OH Head Copy Editor Back Page Editor Will Pembroke dialogue on campus, among 45207. One copy is free per Tess Brewer, Maggie Schro- Aidan Callahan students, faculty and staff. person per week. eder Photography Editor Copy Editors Desmond Fischer Advertising Campus News Editors Alex Ackerman, Ben Thomp- All inquiries should be di- Joseph Cotton son Distribution Manager rected to the Editor-in-Chief, Mo Juenger Joseph Cotton Heather Gast, at 513-745- Staff Writers 3561, by email at newswire@ Opinions & Editorials Emile Kracik , Will Rippey, Adviser xavier.edu or at www.xavier- Editor Ben Thomson, Andrew Zer- John Stowell newswire.com Charlie Gstalder man @xaviernewswire Opinions & Editorials August 20, 2020 5 Just have a little fun wit’ it Let me start off with a harsh on my family. I actu- But you know who else antine, but she made the applies to you, dear reader: warning: I’m not usually ally ended up having a lot had absolutely no interest most of it and had a great This isn’t the semester any one to write opinion pieces. of fun with them. Quar- in being there? The kids. time. I didn’t want to work of us wanted, especially if I’m not usually one to write antine is a fantastic time They were miserable. They at a Jewish summer camp, you’re a first-year. But if anything serious at all. The to discover just how much had no interest in sitting in but I turned it around and you just sit around dwelling only opinion piece I’ve ever your parents drink. the hot sun learning about learned not just a lot about on how it could have been written was one that made I mean, I suppose there’s the better, you’ll never enjoy it fun of other opinion piec- no better time to down five I suppose there’s no better time to down five state for what it is. So take this es. So don’t expect some glasses of wine than on a glasses of wine than on a Monday board game of Is- weird semester and have as life-changing revelation at Monday board game night night with your children when you don’t have to go rael, much fun with it as you can. the end of this. with your children when into work the next morning, but that’s not a lesson b u t To quote Sherly Crow, I know that’s usual- you don’t have to go into I thought I’d learn from my mom. also “It’s not having what you ly what you want from an work the next morning, but a lot want, it’s wanting what opinion piece, but hasn’t that’s not a lesson I thought about you’ve got.” the whole theme of this I’d learn from my mom. Israel all day, and I couldn’t life as a whole. year been not getting what I actually learned a lot blame them. But I could So how’s this for a you want? Even though the of lessons this quarantine blame them for one thing: twist ending: There is a writing was on the wall by from unexpected sources. they weren’t even trying. life-changing revelation February that we’d be sent Particularly Jewish chil- This one boy would beg me at the end of this opinion back, everyone was still dren. to play sports, and then one piece! shocked when it happened. This summer, I wanted day I said to him, “Guess But it’s as simple as can I think that’s because deep to work at a job that would what? We’re playing ten- be: just have fun with what- down no one wanted it to be relevant to me and my nis today!” and his response ever you’re doing. I’m a happen. future career. I ended up was, “Tennis isn’t a real goofy guy and I was told I love sitting inside sport.” to write a serious opinion only finding work at a Jew- Aidan Callahan is a junior watching TV all day, but ish summer camp, despite That’s when it all became piece. So what did I do? I clear: these kids are hav- english major from Wil- that wasn’t enough to com- the fact I am not Jewish nor had fun with it! I brought ton, Conn. Aidan is the pensate for only being able do I have any intentions to ing a terrible time because my back page energy to the they’re refusing to adapt. backpage editor for the to hang out with my family. work in childcare. Opinions page. Newswire. Maybe that’s a little My mom didn’t want quar- Here’s the obvious way it Let people pick their futures I remember the day schools or community col- schools offer a vastly dif- holders. So, they essentially have clearly. May 1, 2018. The leges for two-year degrees. ferent approach than a col- According to glassdoor. less debt than the typical college counselors beamed While my school had lege environment, as they com, an entry level weld- college student, and as with joy because every good intentions, students tend to be more hands-on er for Ohio would make trade professions are al- single one of the nearly should be with around $40,000 for a year. ways in dire need of peo- four hundred seniors had encour- According to glassdoor.com , an much An entry level plumb- ple, they are also likely matriculated to a college. aged to entry level welder for Ohio would small- er would make around to get into the workforce After all, I attended a col- make the make around $40,000 for a year. er class $50,000. This is as much quicker. lege prep school, so I en- decision An entry level plumber would make sizes as, if not more than, an So, what exactly would tered as a first-year know- they feel around $50,000 to start off. This than entry level journalist, make attending a trade ing the end goal. is best for is as much as, if not more than, an the teacher or social worker school or two-year col- But during my first year them. entry level journalist, teacher or so- cours- would make. lege inferior to attending of college, I found out Other cial worker would make. es you That is not to brand a four-year college? Is it that some of my former options, would those professions as infe- the “majority rules” prem- classmates dropped out such as trade schools, typical- rior, but to show that as- ise, which is based on the of college to attend trade should be destigmatized ly see at a college. sociating the worth of a notion that since more and should not be viewed The stigma of trade profession with money is people go to four-year col- as lesser than a four-year school is in part due to not always valid. leges than trade schools, university. viewing jobs such as weld- It is correct that those the former must be supe- The college education ing and plumbing as in- in trade schools and those rior to the latter? system may be for me, ferior to college degree seeking two-year degrees There once was a time but it is definitely not for professions. But in what would have less “educa- not so long ago when col- everyone. It is not an in- manner would they be in- tion,” as the typical col- leges were not viewed as sult to those who work in ferior? lege experience is four or a “rite of passage” into higher education; it is just A common argument more years. Their curric- adulthood. I hope we can Andrew Zerman is a ju- the way it is. is that you would make ulum consists solely of revert back to that as peo- nior English major. He is a We all have different far less without a college the field that they want to ple should not rack up five staff writer for the News- abilities and talents, and degree. While that is true enter and core classes that figures in debt for some- wire from Cleveland, Ohio. trying to shove college to an extent, some trade can take up to two years thing that is not their call- down everyone’s throats school professions make of a college students’ ca- ing in life. simply ignores that. Trade more than college degree reer are non existent. 6 August 20, 2020 Sports @NewswireSports Three intramural sports o ered Sand volleyball, softball, and kickball will be available for students this fall

BY ANDREW ZERMAN “There will be managers 6WDৼ:ULWHU out in the intramural pro- gram who will be making As the 2020-2021 school sure that spectators are not year starts, many things re- gathering because that will main uncertain. One thing make things [following poli- that is not is that fall intramu- cies] difficult, she said. ral sports will occur this year. “They will also be mak- Intramural sports are slat- ing sure that everyone on the ed to start in late August and roster is playing and that so- conclude by the middle of cial distancing is being main- September. tained,” she continued. Sports to be offered include Despite a far different en- softball, sand volleyball, and vironment than previous kickball. seasons, it is envisioned that However, this intramu- there will not be much of a ral season is not going to decline in intramural partici- be without modifications, as pation. safety is a primary focus. “Our real habitual team The typical fall sports of players play for more than flag football and soccer will just the sport,” Dulle said. “It not be offered this year be- is also a great social activi- cause they involve frequent ty and a great way to get to contact among players. In- know people.” stead, intramural sports will “I’m hopeful that people be offering the other sports. Photo Courtesy of Xavier Intramural Sports will play sports that are being “These were sports that Softball will be one of the three intramural sports offered by Xavier this fall. Students do not have to wear masks offered this fall, even if they we could still do while main- when playing due to the nature of the sports offered, but will have to remain socially distanced on the bench. are not the ones that we typi- taining social distancing. We but for the sake of having offer only co-ed teams for quirement to wear a mask cally offer,” she said are also going to be making enough sports to offer this sand volleyball, which devi- when playing, since all of the In addition to pariticpat- the sand volleyball matches fall, it was moved up. ates from past years where sports offered this fall will ing in sports, students are four against four only,” Recre- “Sand volleyball is one of there were gendered leagues be outside and socially dis- encouraged to check out the ational Sports Director Leslie our most popular sports,” offered in addition to co-ed tanced. Those who want to intramural sports pages on Dulle said. Dulle said. “With the excep- leagues. wear one, however, can do so. social media @xuimsports Sand volleyball and soft- tion of basketball, it is our Unlike working out inside Dulle noted that there will for updates on the status of ball have both historically most popular sport.” the Health United Building be rule enforcers throughout intramural sports and any been spring sports at Xavier, This semester will also (HUB), there will be no re- the games. changes that may occur. Blazers, Nuggets try to stay hot in the bubble Both teams are looking to go on a playo run after early rst round wins the Blazers’ defensive back- BY JOSEPH COTTON bone with great instincts and Campus News Editor athleticism, and CJ McCo- The unprecedented NBA llum has been a solid option “bubble” is moving into its as well. Carmelo Anthony, second phase as eight teams acquired earlier this season from each conference are pre- as a free agent, has also been paring for the playoffs. clutch for the Blazers. While the top contenders All these factors make are still the Clippers, Bucks them a nightmare match up and Lakers, several teams for the No. 1 seed Lakers, have made their case for why and with the Blazers winning they shouldn’t be left out of Game one, the series will defi- the public imagination. nitely be one to watch. Chief among these teams It’s a classic “David and is the Denver Nuggets. In last Goliath” situation with the year’s playoffs, the Nuggets Lakers and Lebron James as had a solid run in the playoffs the assumpted kings of the that ended in a second round league and the Blazers and exit after a hard fought seven Damian Lillard as the red-hot game series to the Portland underdogs. Trail Blazers. Another matchup to keep This year’s playoff pic- an eye on is the Houston ture is looking quite different Rockets and the Oklahoma from last years, however, with City Thunder. two breakout additions to the The Rockets traded Chris Nuggets’ lineup: Bol Bol and 3KRWRFRXUWHV\RI%OHDFKHU5HSRUW Paul and draft picks to the Michael Porter Jr. 'DPLDQ/LOODUGKDVEHHQRQÀUHIRUWKH%OD]HUVLQWKH1%$%XEEOHDQGKHOSHGOHDGWKHPWRD*DPHRQHXSVHW Thunder in return for Russell The contributions from ZLQRYHUWKHKHDYLO\IDYRUHG/RV$QJHOHV/DNHUV/LOODUGDYHUDJHGSRLQWVSHUJDPHGXULQJWKH1%$UHVWDUW Westbrook this offseason. these two will make them a shown a knack for good posi- Michael Porter Jr. also had 2020 playoffs. Despite barely The matchup will have hard match up for the Utah tioning, rebounds and blocks, a string of breakout games af- holding onto the final eighth some intriguing storylines Jazz in the first round, as well as well as scoring in transi- ter an admittedly bad opening seed spot in the playoffs, the and passion as Chris Paul as any team they meet after. I tion. performance in the bubble. Blazers have been on fire as might have a bit of bad blood can see the Nuggets making a Bol has also been scorch- Porter ended the bubble of late due to the insane con- with his former team. deep playoff run and making ing the net from behind the regular season averaging 26 tributions coming from Da- Besides the drama, the it to the Finals. Bol, the son three point line in the bubble, points and nine rebounds per mian Lillard. matchup will be a clash of of former NBA star Manute shooting at 44.4% from be- game all while shooting an Lillard averaged 37.3 styles, pitting the fairly bor- Bol, was drafted earlier this hind the arc. efficient 58.7% from the field. points per game and 9.6 as- ing style of play the Thunder year to further his develop- While Bol didn’t play in Look for both of these young sists. Lillard also shot 49.7% have utilized this year against ment after missing most of the Nuggets’ Game one over- up-and-comers to contribute from the field and 43.6% from the modern, smallball three- his only college season due to time win, there’s a chance he at both ends of the floor. three. point heavy attack the Rock- a knee injury. could see some run down the The Trail Blazers are also In addition to Lillard, Ju- ets have used under coach Bol is a 7’2” center who has stretch this postseason. a must-watch team for the suf Nurkic has proven to be Mike D’Antoni. @xaviernewswire Arts & Entertainment August 20 , 2020 7 Opinion: the end of Hollywood? While at first glance cases BY BEN THOMSON like Tenet are a bad look for 6WDৼ:ULWHU Hollywood, there’s not much else they can do. It’s import- In 2019 the big movie ant to remember how much event of the summer was un- money these summer releases doubtedly Avenger’s: Endgame, need to make in order to be a massive three-hour super- profitable. hero epic. In 2020, the big A movie like Tenet needs to movie event of the year was make at least $800 million to a four-year-old Hamilton per- make back its budget of $200 formance. million (plus however much The future of Hollywood was spent on marketing). has never been more uncer- So, while it’s easy to say tain than it is right now. Near- studios should release to ly six months after theaters streaming services, in reality shut down, major studios have it would be a financially sui- been forced to rethink their cidal move that could have di- release strategy and adapt to sastrous effects. And the ones the new world ushered in by that are taking that chance are COVID-19. doing so at the risk of alienat- So far, the film industry has ing their audiences. been struggling to see past Disney, for instance, faced the short term, underestimat- harsh criticism when it an- ing how long the pandemic nounced Mulan would be on Photo courtesy of Wikipedia.com will actually last. Look no fur- Disney+ for a fee of $30, a )LOPVKDYHWDNHQDKDUGKLWGXHWRWKHJOREDOSDQGHPLFVSDUNLQJIHDUVWKDWWKHÀOPLQGXVWU\DQG+ROO\ZRRG ther than Warner Bros.’ han- model that, on paper, is suc- may never return to its state before the start of 2020 and that we may lose theatres entirely in the near future. dling of Christopher Nolan’s cessful and would make up for that will determine the future Even if its current model of a ripple effect that’ll have Tenet. the lost sales that a digital re- of Warner Bros.? Absolutely. works, a theater with limited through Hollywood and the Warner Bros. initially re- lease usually comes with. But The big one is internet pi- capacity means fewer tickets rest of the film industry. fused to delay the film, con- if nobody’s willing to buy, the racy. Suppose the yanks get will be sold. It’s a game of At the very least it’s com- fident it would still be profit- model isn’t going to work. their hands on a Canadian trial and error, and the stakes forting to know that at least able during a pandemic. Then, So, what’s the solution? bootleg of Tenet before it even have never been higher. one studio will be around to a few days before the film was That’s difficult to answer. gets a chance to release in the For now, Hollywood’s fu- release movies. supposed to come out, War- At the moment, Tenet is U.S. Why should they wait for ture is up in the air. Nobody At this point I don’t care ner Bros. pushed the release releasing later this month theaters to reopen if they can can say for sure what direction who makes the movie and back two weeks. everywhere but the United just watch the movie for free? the industry will choose. where they decide to make it This would happen two States. Is this move poten- Sure, theaters are begin- The only real winner of available. As long as they’re more times before Tenet was tially profitable? Possibly. Are ning to open back up, but how 2020 is going to be Netflix, being made, I think we’ll be officially delayed indefinitely. there still devastating risks long is that going to last? but who knows how much okay. Hip-hop group wows audience with new mixtape

BY WILL RIPPEY “Navigate,” another very 6WDৼ:ULWHU industrial song, is much more chaotic with extra noise and The Newark underground distorted screamed vocals. hip-hop group Ho99o9 (pro- The most interesting part nounced “horror”) dropped of this song was the sample their latest EP, Blurr, last at the end discussing various Thursday. types of vaccinations and an- Their unique brand of ti-viral drugs, as if to suggest fused with in- that the sonic hellscape this dustrial hip-hop first caught album creates is a reality we the public eye in 2014, with currently live in. their release of Bone Collector. The final track, “Firefly Described as horror rap by Family,” is an absolute punk critics, the group draws in- anthem, featuring very little spiration from horror movies, synthetic interference. With , the exception of some clip- and black metal to create a ping on the vocals, the song is sound unparalleled by any of 3 minutes and 52 seconds of their contemporaries. low fidelity noise. Blurr immediately kicks I was extremely impressed the listener into the deep end Photo courtesy of Flickr.com by Ho99o9’s performance on with one of my favorite songs Underground hip-hop group Ho99o9’s new and unique EP is titled Blurr. This punk-infused industrial hip-hop this record. I had never heard on the album, “Beneath the mixtape has a number of standout songs that feature a variety of one-of-a-kind synthetic vocals and sounds. of them up until now and Earth’s Crust.” rie unsteady -es- The lyrics in this section have a song that I can listen their willingness and ability Following a sampled news que beat with gangsta rap are fantastic; they remind me to on impulse. “Hardcore” to push boundaries with their report on the rising popu- vocal delivery and incredible of something your friends tell is immediately followed by music is incredible. larity of heavy metal music production. you will summon a demon if “Dog Sh*t,” “Movie Night,” That being said, this is defi- amongst the youth, a wall of “Flesh and Blood” is an- you chant it into the mirror at “Navigate” and “Firefly Fam- nitely not an easy listening distorted guitar immediately other standout track for me, summer camp. Immediately, ily,” all of which feature the album, and anyone listening crushes the listener as ghostly featuring a punk song struc- the song abruptly transitions overwhelming harshness the should expect a fair amount lyrics embellish the noise. ture and vocals but with hip- to manic lyrics about violence record has conditioned us too. of noise. The heavy guitar distor- hop production. and money. “Dog Sh*t” has a very Black I would highly recommend tion, coupled with the vocal My favorite song on the The song “Hardcore” is Flag vibe to it with the fuzz this album to anyone who likes samples, could easily serve as record by far is “Sleep Paral- another highlight of the mix- guitars and shouted vocals, punk, Death Grips or is in the the opening track for an ‘80s ysis.” The song initially ap- tape. It’s a great combo break- but also features many of the process of planning their Hal- sci-fi horror movie and in my pears to be a bit of an adren- er from the rest of the album, strange synthetic embellish- loween warehouse . eyes (or ears) is a perfect open- aline killer after the first four featuring noticeably softer ments of the other songs. er for the album. songs. It continues the scary production and lyrics than the “Movie Night” is a sparse, The mixtape phases into production of the first few rest of the record. atmospheric track with metal- Total score: a more hip-hop oriented seg- tracks, but tones it down a bit On an album where so lic production and reminds me ment following the first track. while a sample from A Night- much of the music is hard- a lot of the primitive industri- “Lex Luger” features an ee- mare on Elm Street plays. core , it’s nice to al acts of the ‘80s. 8 August 20, 2020 The Back Page xaviernewswire.com Get to know the Class of 2024 BY CHARLIE GSTALDER 2SLQLRQVDQG(GLWRULDOV 6WDৼ:ULWHU (GLWRU A new semester has arrived and so has the class of 2024. We at the Back Page decided we wanted to get to know these little rascals, so we rounded up as many as we could (six) to ask them the most re- vealing question we could come up with: “At least three because “100,000 because many “10,000 because beavers “One beaver because every- Exactly how many three is better than two.” small enemies are bigger are pretty small, so it would thing’s kinda falling apart beavers would it take to Aaron Ripley than one big one, and require a lot.” right now.” overthrow the United First-year computer science beavers are kinda cute so Michael Sullivan Hannah Parker States government? major that’s their advantage.” First-year accounting major First-year biomedical Benjamin Seibert sciences major First-year biology major

“A couple thousand at least “If they’re a close relative of because we are one of the Perry the Platypus, about strongest governments in  v e .” the world.” Caiden Young Kenzie Cester First-year sports manage- First-year psychology ment major major

Leo: Soon all classes will be online, Sagittarius: Go to the caf this Aries: You’ve got a worse case of and the only purpose of coming to week and enter a bizarro world two-facedness than the Blue Blob’s campus will have been to move to a where the pizza line is longer than Diner Burger 513. quarantine where your mom doesn’t the pasta line. do your dishes. Virgo: The reviews are in, and Taurus: You won’t be lucky in critics think the horoscopes were too Capricorn: Don’t be afraid to love this week. The object of your PG last year. So from now on, Virgos repeat yourself! The Newswire had affection will studentzone you — will always receive a condom recom- three photo-ops this week, and just like they always do! mendation. This week, it’s Trojan we’re not ashamed of it! Ultra-Thicks.

Gemini: Your mask can say a Libra: The stars have been sending Aquarius: Carefully consider lot about who you are as a per- Zoom bombs to Xavier classes to how you present yourself in Zoom son, so maybe don’t just wear the lighten up the mood. They haven’t classes. Are you wearing pajamas in school-provided one. Ya cheapskate. sent any to your classes because bed, or are you boring? they hate you.

Cancer: Try a fun new game this Scorpio: Getting written up during Pisces: Don’t fall for Xavier’s “Test, the first week back is a fantastic idea week: guess exactly how many guys Treat, Trace” scheme; it’s just a if you’re trying to set a new world ploy so Father Graham can plant a in your Zoom class are ignoring the record for the “Getting Expelled lecture and playing Fall Guys. from Xavier” speedrun. microchip in your brain.

The Return of Fictionary the Word Search Your weekly well of wacky words™ Return BY TESS BREWER Maxperated 6WDৼ:ULWHU Beaver Maxperated (mask-PER-ate-ed): Annoyance one feels when seeing another without their Cheapskate GOVERNMENT MANDATED FACE COV- ERING on in a public place. Maskthmatic Rascal Maskthmatic (mask-MAH-dick): e loss of breath one experiences while exerting them- Condom selves with a face covering. Formaskities

Formaskities (for-MASK-ih-tees): e basic Platypus politeness of mask wearing. Ex: Formaskities maketh the man. Bizarro