Five Critical Things Every Copywriter Must Know to Make High Profits NOW

By Kelly Robbins, MA The Institute

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Welcome. I’m glad you made it!

You have taken the first step into learning about how you can create more of what you want in life, particularly when it comes to making money, creating balance and living on purpose. Odds are you are here because you:

 Dream about living your life on your terms

 Feel stuck

 Want to make more money in your business

 Are looking for ways to add or strengthen your skill sets

 Want change

Change is good and is a requirement for your growth in creating prosperity and abundance in your life. And, while not usually easy, the best thing you can do to start creating your life on your terms is to embrace change. Deciding what you want in life, learning from experienced mentors and coaches, and then taking the leap into that desired life with concrete faith and determination that you will succeed is how it’s done.

Whether planning your transition from employee to entrepreneur, looking to jump-start your existing business to the next level, or adding additional training to your toolbox – you’re in the right place!

As a single mother of three daughters that has created exactly what I want in life, I’m a firm believer that anyone can create the life they want. It’s actually the reason I started The Copywriting Institute in the first place – I wanted a safe place for people to step into creating their life on their terms, like I did.

A little bit about me, Kelly Robbins, MA. I started my entrepreneurial journey back in 2000 when my third daughter was born. I quit my corporate J-O-B because I was literally sick to my stomach every day not being home with my kids and struggled to take them to brownies and soccer and cello lessons. I quit because I wanted to create a specific lifestyle that allowed me to the involved parent I wanted to be and still, somehow, keep my identity as a career woman at the same time.

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Once I quit I really didn’t know what to do. I bought a book ‘101 Ways for Mom’s to Make Money at Home’ or something similar and saw freelance copywriting as one of the options. I thought to myself “I bet I could do that” – and my freelance copywriting business was born. 

As it turns out, freelance copywriting was the first in a series of steps for me on my journey to living my life my way. I went from being a general copywriter and doing work for anyone I could get to hire me to specializing in healthcare and targeting hospitals and large physician groups across the US, to adding training and consulting to the mix of offerings. I then transitioned into working with alternative healthcare providers such as acupuncturists, chiropractors, massage therapists, energy workers, etc. I learned how to create products and sell them online as well work with people on business strategy and planning.

As my business grew I started having aspiring copywriters contact me to learn and mentor with me – Voila! The Copywriting Institute was conceived in 2005.

Today, The Copywriting Institute helps people just like you Create Your Life on Your Terms. We offer training and mentoring on marketing and individual copywriting courses to more comprehensive programs on starting your own freelance copywriting business to private coaching and consulting programs for those businesses beyond our introductory courses.

I believe we all have a purpose and/or a calling in our life. For many, it starts with taking that first step into copywriting, for others it’s something else. Sometimes we know what that calling is – other times we stumble into it (like I did)!

Regardless of where you are at on your journey there Five steps to Creating Your Life on Your Terms. Let’s take a look at them now:

You move forward creating your business or more money or your lifestyle one step at a time. To learn more about this five step process watch our founder, Kelly Robbins, MA discuss this topic more in-depth in our YouTube video here.

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Five Steps to Creating Your Life on Your Terms…

1. Declare the lifestyle you want to create 2. Answer the questions: a. How do I help people? b. What problem do I solve? 3. Know how much money you need to make. 4. Determine where you are at and where you want to go. 5. What is your next step? Hint: This is usually a decision.

If you KNOW you want to learn more about this process of creating your life on your terms, sign up right now for our no-cost consultation and receive feedback on what YOUR next steps are to creating your life on your terms (a $199 value).

Be sure to schedule your personal review NOW so you are in Kelly's schedule by clicking here

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The Steps in Your Journey

Copywriting is often a stepping stone to your next adventure

You may be in a place where you know you want to create a specific lifestyle, yet you aren’t sure exactly what your purpose is or how you can best help people. If you are in this position the best advice I can give you is to start moving. Your life and business are built one step at a time. You might not know what you want to do yet, but sitting there thinking about it is not going to bring about any changes.

For many, a freelance copywriting career is the stepping stone to their true purpose. It may be that you run across a client and you discover you LOVE their industry and what they do. This is what happened to me with the healthcare industry. I wrote for the lifestyle of working from home and having a flexible schedule to raise my kids. I never would have imagined years later I own a coaching and training business and literally help thousands of people change their lives by starting and growing a business! The bottom line is you have to start moving to find out what you do and don’t want to create.

Is professional copywriting the first step on your journey?

It’s easier to have a profitable business as a freelance copywriter today than at any time in history. Why? Because there is more demand for professional than ever before, the economy is set up for and accustomed to contract employees that work from home, you can work from anyplace in the world and businesses enjoy outsourcing activities such as copywriting to contract employees to save overhead and expenses.

Freelance copywriters have a truly enviable lifestyle! With the flexibility to work when you want, the ability to choose clients you desire and pick the types of copy you love to write, it’s hard to go wrong with professional copywriting if you enjoy writing and marketing. Copywriting is also THE highest paid niche of all types of writing, on average earning between $50 and $150 an hour depending on the industry you work in and your level of experience. Freelance copywriting is truly a win-win for both writers and employers.

What does a copywriter do?

A copywriter writes and creates marketing materials. Copywriters write to sell or persuade their readers to take an action or change a viewpoint. Copywriters can be expected to write (of course), do research

©The Copywriting Institute All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form 303-460-0285 5 over the internet, and interview people over the phone. Freelance copywriters can work for clients that are all over the globe – no need to worry if you live in a small town or travel frequently, copywriters are truly mobile as long as you have the right tools and set your business up properly.

Here is the job outlook for writers and editors, straight from the US bureau of labor and statistics:

of authors, writers, and editors is expected to grow 8 percent, about as fast as the average for all occupations, from 2008 to 2018…Companies in a wide array of industries are using newer multimedia technologies and online media to reach a more technology friendly consumer and meet the growing demand for Web-based information. Online publications and services are growing in number and sophistication, spurring the demand for authors, writers, and editors, especially those with Web or multimedia experience. Businesses and organizations are adding text messaging services to expanded newsletters and Web sites as a way of attracting new customers.”

There are about 152,000 writers and authors in the US, with about 70% of those freelance writers. With the rise of usage in the past several years professional copywriters are in even more demand than ever before!

We know there are plentiful opportunities for copywriters, but how hard is it to break into the field? The great thing about starting a freelance copywriting career is you don’t need any fancy degrees or credentials.

You need three things to be successful as a professional copywriter.

1. You just need to be able to write 2. Have a good understanding of sales and marketing basics 3. Entrepreneurial skills to run your business.

Take our self-assessment and see where you stand on these three areas now:

You can schedule time to review this with Kelly here:

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What types of things do copywriters write and what jobs are available?

Copywriters can work for a business as a salaried employee, as a freelance copywriter (at home or rent your own office space) or at an agency (which hires both salaried and contract copywriters).

Here is a mere sampling of what freelance copywriters are hired to write today:

 Social Media posts  Blogs  White papers  Email Campaigns  Free reports  Books, workbooks, handouts, eBooks  SEO for websites  Sales and Landing pages  Annual Reports  Websites  Brochures  Press Releases  Business plans and Marketing plans  Newsletters  Advertorials  Flyers  E-zines (electronic newsletter)  Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn posts  Ghost writing  Speeches  Videos and Podcasts  Advertisements  Scripts  Presentations – PPT  Sales letters  Direct Marketing  Post cards/mailings  Radio

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Income opportunities

The sky is truly the limit for making money when you own your business – I deeply believe that. Odds are you are not going to make millions of dollars your first year copywriting, but it is possible over time if you choose to consciously expand and grow your business. $30-$40K is a good starting point to aim for your first year (depending on your time commitment and past experience) with incremental increases after that.

What many copywriters find is once they get their business going they discover many more opportunities to help clients that complement writing copy. It’s easy to add marketing consulting to your mix of offerings as well as create training products or packages you sell online. Do-it-yourself products for clients in a specific niche that either can’t afford to hire you or want to give it a try themselves is an easy extension for copywriters too.

Some copywriters add live teaching events and training employees at corporations to write better copy and make a nice profit from that. Other copywriters add marketing coaching in addition to the writing they do for their clients. Others just like writing copy and stick with that and make more than enough to support themselves and a family and live the lifestyle they choose. It’s really up to you. What are you comfortable doing, how much you want to make, and how do you vision your life in 10 years? How big do you want to play?

Tools needed to get started

Getting a freelance copywriting business started is relatively easy. You will need a computer with internet service, a phone line, and Microsoft word or similar software for working with client documents. That’s really it! Copywriting is a uniquely easy business to start from scratch because there is almost zero investment and very little risk compared to starting other types of businesses. No franchise fees, no space to rent, no equipment or product to purchase to get started.

If you have all these tools in place you simply need to go find clients and you are in business! 

Three things to look at before taking the big leap into entrepreneurship:

 Do I need sales, marketing or copywriting training?  Would guidance from someone who’s done this before help me start attracting clients and making money faster?  Are you unsure of your next step?

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How to get started

Starting and growing a business doesn’t have to be expensive and mistake-ridden if you know what you’re doing. While everyone has their own unique journey (particularly when starting something as personal as your own business) we recommend you generate a clear idea of who you want to work with and how you can best help them. Our Bite Size Marketing coaching program walks you through starting and marketing a business step-by-step in manageable chunks. One tip a week for 47 weeks in fact. In addition to the weekly email training, most weeks include a recorded audio training on the topic too.

5 Steps to Getting Started…..

1. Deciding who you want to work with (a niche) is the first of five steps we recommend when starting any type of business… 2. The second step is to create a list of clients you would like to work with (a dream client list) and then identify opportunities to meet with key players at these companies. 3. The third step is creating your marketing materials, systemizing them and having “a process” clients go through before they work with you. The fact is people will learn about your services but not have a need to hire you immediately. It’s important you have a way to keep in touch with them and to keep your name top of mind for when the need arises. 4. The fourth step for new businesses is to bring clients and prospects in the door on an ongoing basis. We call this feeding the funnel (the marketing funnel). You’ll need to set this up for yourself - which is a great thing to do because you may find yourself setting these up for your clients as well. This can include writing articles and press releases and them, speaking to groups of your target market, establishing an ongoing internet presence, etc. 5. Your fifth step is putting your business systems in place. Invoicing, accounting, assistants, editors/proofreaders, etc. It’s important these systems are looked at when you start your business so that when you do become busy you don’t have to waste time scrambling to find a proof reader or forget to invoice a client because you don’t have a system in place.

The great thing is we walk you through all of five of these steps in our 10K a Month Copywriting Program, which helps aspiring new copywriters start a freelance business from scratch. The program includes:

 Six one-on-one coaching calls with the company founder and master copywriter Kelly Robbins, MA  Copy critiques of your own marketing materials - which you create in the course ©The Copywriting Institute All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form 303-460-0285 9

 Build confidence writing and selling the six most in-demand, high-paying types of copy needed today.  Six comprehensive writing modules with customized coaching and feedback  Six business-building modules where you create your own freelance copywriting business – including your website, free report, e-zine, blog, social media presence, etc.

Setting up your business and attracting clients is just one aspect of setting up shop as a business owner. There is also the fact that you need to be adept at writing copy.

Writing copy

You don’t need to be the best in your city to be a professional freelance copywriter – you just need to be pretty good at it. What I have found more than anything is many good writers I coach ARE good writers but they lack confidence in their skills. Also they are inexperienced. It’s not that most of us can’t write a brochure from scratch, we just haven’t done it before. Once you’ve got one under your belt your confidence sky rockets and you feel much more confident to say “yes, I can help you with that” when a client asks.

This is why we created Copywriting training individual copywriting courses. To give marketers experience writing different types of copy in a safe learning environment.

What happens to some of us is we get busy and focused on putting our business together and attracting clients and bringing prospects into our marketing funnel … and then you get a client! This is a great thing and you may jump for joy and yell and holler with pure excitement. You did it!

Then the reality sets in. You need to actually write something for someone else’s business and you haven’t done that before! This shifts everything. The 10K a Month Copywriting Program (there are 6 different courses ranging from blogging to writing websites and social media) is designed to help you become familiar with and have experience writing a variety of types of copy. We strongly believe you learn to write by writing, not by reading about how to write.

Our courses consist of short case studies with 20-30 pages of basic explanation of key terms, reasons why a business may hire a professional copywriter to write for them, and tips/best practices for writing that particular type of copy. You write it, we give you specific feedback on what you did great, what could be improved and why. Then you rewrite it. We keep going until you’ve mastered the topic. We feel it’s important you understand the marketing thought processes that go behind good copywriting so

©The Copywriting Institute All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form 303-460-0285 10 we have you answer questions, ask us specific questions (like you would when interviewing a client), and point out how you can help the client make their sale.

Copywriting requires you to have good writing skills but you also must know some selling skills. This is what sets us apart from other types of writers. Part of writing copy is understanding the marketing and sales that is happening both behind the scenes and subtly in the copy itself.

An example is writing for blogs. As a freelance copywriter you may be hired to blog for a financial planning company. You will need to know how to be educational in your posts so readers are consistently learning new things while also selling the companies service at the same time. Everything you write comes back to making a sale (or moving a prospect closer to making a sale) for your client. Businesses are hiring you to help their sales process. This is one big way copywriters are set apart from other types of freelance writers such as technical writers, journalists, feature writers, etc. You have to know your marketing! We master these skills in each of our Copywriting Courses.

Choosing a career as a freelance copywriter is a smart choice for many. It’s not for everyone though. Like any entrepreneur that works from home you must have self-discipline, be comfortable selling your services, and be willing to work ON your business as well as IN it. It requires dedication, commitment and the ability to continually learn and grow both personally and professionally.

The Copywriting Institute is here to help your growth and expansion internally and externally. Contact us anytime [email protected].

Not sure about your next step? Schedule your no-cost consultation with Kelly now:

Please complete this self-assessment and get it back to us before we talk:

Happy Copywriting!

Kelly Robbins and The Copywriting Institute Team

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Kelly Robbins, MA, is an award winning author, business coach and speaker and is the founder of Kelly is the author of Trust Your Next Step: Creating the Confidence to Cut Fresh Tracks, and a columnist for the American City Business Journals.

Kelly also publishes The Edge, a free e-zine on marketing and business building tips that ultimately helps you discover the confidence to cut fresh tracks in your life and business.

Kelly made the tough decision over 15 years ago to quit her corporate J-O-B and begin to create her own Fresh Tracks by starting a business and working from home. Kelly Robbins Coaching is her fourth successful business and she now helps others create the same results in their lives.

Kelly believes that by living your divine purpose, approaching life as a fun adventure, and knowing how to lead the right clients do your door consistently we can all achieve this goal.

Author of Trust Your Next Step: Creating the Confidence to Cut Fresh Tracks, Marketing 101: Why Successful Alternative Health Practitioners Specialize and the Clients on Purpose training program, Kelly helps others create the confidence to cut Fresh Tracks. Kelly proudly produces the Fresh Tracks with Kelly Robbins podcast, which has featured guests such as Bob Burg, Robert Fritz and JV Crum III. Kelly was also featured in the best-selling book “101 Ways to Improve Your Life”, with authors such as Jack Canfield (Chicken Soup for the Soul), Dr. John Gray (Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus), and Richard Carlson (Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff).

A member of the Leadership Team for e-Women Network of Colorado, Kelly also holds a Masters in Applied Communication with an emphasis in Marketing and from the University of Denver.

Recipient of the “40 under 40” award given annually by the Denver Business Journal, Kelly was recognized as a leader in the Denver business community for her contributions to business, her entrepreneurism, and her dedication to the community.

Kelly often speaks and conducts interactive workshops on copywriting, marketing, and business building techniques across the nation as well as does personal coaching and consulting. Contact us at mailto:[email protected] or 303-460-0285.

Find out how to expand and grow your business today by scheduling a complementary marketing review (a $299 value) now: ©The Copywriting Institute All rights reserved, including the right of reproduction in whole or in part in any form 303-460-0285 12

Get more marketing tips from Kelly Robbins here: (Podcast)

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