Lyad^urst. Public Llbrtry, VfcUsy Brojk Ave., Lyndhurst. K. J.

C«tly U tlw now Maraa w m tm tken aa tldtr wko a i d not smile a quiet untie u l )oia la tke ioUltj wltk wkick the children freeta* tke taUa? Cortalal; tke; kraofkt kaek memorte* of otktr daya. 1 tke daya when tt wm pouible ta walk aroaad tke eoraer aad ptek a buakei of ktekory auta. 7 .. wkea katel nuU (rew wild alaacaM* tke koine, wkea tkera were miles of opea fields wkere yooBgaten could plat at adTratura to tkeir kaart's delitkt Tkoae an Uin*t which Commercial Xeaber television cannot replace aad wkick tke modem yoatk an ana Tin soi'Til b k r (; f_n r e v i e w fortunately will never know aad wkick tke deep aaow some- how briefly e———— Vol. 37—No. 38 LYNDHl KST. N. J.. WAK< II ’<). I H olidayi d o y GC heer, 200 Attend Testimonial Lyndhurst Will Greet Easier 2,000 Polio Shots B u t a t T h i is T i m e ? Toe much holiday For Three GOP Women proved rm birm inf to a West end housewife on Monday ft MftB IB B m i With Prayor Ami Rejoycing, night. Entertaining company Will Be Given To at her horte. the hour arrived to escort the company lo the door for the good night spiel Churches Announce Services One of the guest* standing on the steps of the home looked IU t IIK IsllV W I \IM I\ Youngsters Free \* lhe c\cr recurring Spring with tt the pr»uui»« im» up at a window and waa I l f , HI t l i o n *,< startled to behold a display of the returning celebration uf the Hesurrecliou ol our !••»>! hr mg* t h r pr* o f n e w L y n d h u rs t sch o o l c h ild re n w ill h a v e n e a rly 2.(HM) Christmas light decorations. I I F F here snd turn, and a continuance »*l that I ill* he*ond th*- « a v e polio shot* ready for them April 10. The guest Immediately began From April 10 lo April 13, the Board of Health ha* to think if it wasn't be who had Hull.- King iliKUMiit donng the Imin w inter month* luir*t f,*rt h i n t o -»«»» w t w n arranped thal the r>hot# will he given without charge to the season* mixed up. But no. Spring arnxe*: the gra*o. the flower* of the held the tree* .*11 g»v r p r .u w ■ f r t t m a a check of the calendar and a hig beauty to add to the |o>. .»f hie. <>r (roil lo «ali*f* hunger 1 h e r e . . > f * r > « n o » r any youngnter who want* them and has pertni*>»i\e papers look at a n y father’s pockrtbook sig n ed . this week will tell you that of fallow ground will. It m at he planted to bring forth I".**•• w h o I . » have nearly J .000 shots promised The housewife, noting the - I . , . » . u to us. We wunt to use every one bewildered look on her guest, thal hr*t I a»ler morning. II, »• r»*en bring* pfomi*« ..I a loll, l i f e fo r o f th e m ." Dance Guests explained it was her doing to accept the forgl\ene»» m ade |M»«*tbh through that »<*.rtti»* The vaccine is being made pos­ leave the Christmas cheer sible because the federal govern­ On April 4. the 215th Armored around. But a spy informed the ment has made the allotment to Infantry Battalion (Passaic Na­ Leader writer that it may be the township. What is more im­ tional Guard unit), will present that the lights are there for a Junior Women Sponsoring portant local doctors, nurses, a dance for all high school stu- ■ reason It may be to remind school officials and the Parent dents in this area. Thus dance is someone that Christmas did ar­ Amputee Fund as Project * Ul Teacher Associations are co-oper­ being presented as a public ser­ rive. - H m ating in the venture. vice and is sponsored jointly by be « illinf ttt *♦»#*» Did you know thal thr Junto* »(t fi give the injections without fare Fund and the 215th Armored New Jei*ey Kedetation of W ir\ttru« tHtn ->f th# ..}« »l-.’,> . f *1 ' « I < tMeaee co st. Infantry Battalion Kiwanians m«jn * Club* i* spnnaoi mg the thi* fw.«ih, u» H* «» »t «>t«pv , we n.eet ter Here is the schedule announced The dance will begin at 7 30 l?pi«*r I'stremitV Ani[' ilr,: a* » m l in te r * h s n g e s h le »%» I , h b y W in g e t: p.m. W ednesday, April 4. and will their spe* i*l pfujert* •« Ksihl, uniiiily ui*o» end m On April 10 at Roosevelt be held in the Passaic Armory Go to Jail These itee* may l e «hil«l ter* h»oge*t‘te n-etolli. I\r,gr»« School pupils from Roosevelt, of the New Jersey National"! I.eft to right: Mrs. Tillle Robert**** Mat«r William tiallagher ten b*un without a l e , i f i n | School, pupils rfom Washington. The main feature of this dance week as guests of Sheriff Martin Some 200 person* jammed *ycry nook and corner of The sforemenlloned amputee them \|>H» t^ St. M ichael’s and Lincoln schools will be a beauty contest with one J F e r b e r San Carlo * Restaurant Saturday night to pa\ tribute to . «*e* t an l*e outflttsd with Sfti- > ••fifttieulisl t‘.•nli*. I \|t*« M *ne will receive the shots. g irl fr o m e a c h o f th e 15 h ig h The Kiwanians ate a jailTum!>e filial aim* of any of three tvt*’* lisflnet gIT ?y»*th avenue tig • On April 12 at Jefferson School schools in this area competing for ham dinner, and toured the cell three l.vndhur*t Kcptihlicun women who together put tu the eotmetli tyf*, to replace * Jll»y f.,t mftv* U ialto ii .u a tS ‘l u * pupils from Jefferson and Colum­ the title of “Miss 215th AIB of block, fingerprinting room and 1 0 0 \car* of lo\al service lo the parly run mal arm which has no me, h i too bUnk* bus schools will receive the shots. 1956". The chosen queen will re­ photographer’s laboratory in the Tlie only «olcinn note of tin e\cuing ua* that the ani«m that would make it uaeful. T h e i u h i w W>*m*o ’* Clv»h ji** On April 12 at the High School ceive a trophy and other prizes county facilities. They also in­ th e m e c h a n ic s ! ty p e m s .tr to of* M>nted an .trigmal I«4ay »'lll»« N» ’h w 4i'*eaS*a gymnasium, students from the of merchandise. health of Mrs. Kate Dickey, on* of the wturn'll honored spected the kitchen and were ac­ r-iate by shoulder shrug i« limited b y » . . ly n S*a- 4 ' < t t ^ » , f w ■ V \ ■ A secondary feature of the High School. Lincoln School, in­ quainted with the problems of prevented her from being present to »|a*» Ial type* of sm|Mitee»'■ V" * cluding the kindergarten, all pre­ dance will be a dance contest preparing a jail menu, said Louis The other two. Mr* Tillie R.d> ] — thr functional type made to re t»bt drams b‘U»r*ameut m ***** ’<«**«• g » M si « school and all non-public school with all those attending eligible Mion, first vice president. ertaon and Mrs Lillian Turnei President F en h c h id f o r produce the motion «»f the not m sl w» i.n Fitdat evening m -h m Aet‘«4 ..**•>■ • H * t children as well as expectant to compete for trophies in the i The planned tour, conducted on weie among those who enjoyed reele* turn, arm aiwt hand They were awarded ae,*«»d s a*- a n y ,*g fox trot, rhumba, waltz and jit- : mothers can have the shots. the same day as the regular the evening thoroughly. It w a* Roacne. P McClsv*. state mm Kui g ei y i* H M * Is te d m th e | ls,e in the p»»—ntath*ne Ian* t doeea *■ «eO»i» te rb u g . The clinics will open at 9 a.m. luncheon meeting of the Kiwan­ o n e o f L y n d h u r s t * m o st gucce*** m il te e m an said that he could prepsrstlon of s . snsl through T»ue». in the Knsl w*» n « ae » 4 HaM*#y 0 f ? n **e,« i and remain open as long as there A large variety 6f refreshments is Club, was part of an o v e r a ll ful Republican affairs in many not remember when these worn th e m u s c le » ele < ted to |fc

ler's theme. Holy Communion. Easter Sunday: 10:30 a.m., “He is Risen”. Holy Communion. Spe­ cial Easter music Easter Sunday at 9:15 a.m , LYNDBURST METHODIST cles of WSCS will meet at homes Sunday School Easter program. CHURCH of members. St. Matthew's Lutheran Church StflTTennt and Tontine Aves. There's a welcome to all on members and the pastor. Rev. ■ w . B arry W. R o sen c ra n t this Sunday when we celebrate Pastor George Muller, wish all a very the Resurrection of the Saviour. blessed Easter. Jt7 Tontine A venae Come, worship the risen Lord. GEneva 8-6928 WESTMINSTER ST. MATTHEW'S T o d a y : 8 p.m.. Communion Ser­ PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH EVANGELICAL LUTHERAN 511 Ridge Road, Lyndhurst vice w ith special m-usic. CHURCH Friday: l p.m.. Union Service Rev. Robert F. Burns, Jr., P a s to r at Reed Memorial United Pres­ Corner Valle> Brook Ave- and Phone WEbs»;-r 9-7920 byterian Church. Traver* Place, Lyndhum t Lvndhurst, N J. Sunday: 8:30 am . and 11 am Rev. George M uller, Paatov Good Friday services. Commun­ Tow identical services with spe­ 295 Travers Place, Lyndhurst io n , 8 p.m . cial music. Sermon by the minis­ W Ebster 9-2134 ter on “No Exit". 9:45 a.m.. Easter Sunday: Services a t 8 Church School. 7:00 p.m., Youth Maundy Thursday, March 29: a .m .a n d 11 a.m. Anthems: Now Fellowship. B OO p.m., Conlessional Prepara­ Sing Your Songs of Easter Knd Monday. April 2 Meeting of tory Service. "I Do Remember of the Church School a! 9 : 3 0 a m Official Board at 8 p.m My Faults This Day". Monday. April 2 Missionary Wednesday. April 4 C o u n tr y Good Friday, March 30: 9 a.m., S o c ie ty . 8 p.m . Auction and sale by Circle Fix a n d 8 p.m., The Crucifiixion”. Wednesday: Choir. of the WSCS. beginning at 7 30 Easter Sunday. April 1. 7,00 Thursday: Ladies Aid. 1 p .m . p.m. The public is invited. ;i m., Easter Dawn Service. “The Wednesday and Thursday Cir­ Resurrection" will be Rev Mul- 8 T . THOMAS EPISCOPAL CHURCH Fnre*t and M uyveaant Avenue*. R e v . C . W e s l e y S h ik e , H l> Rector *54 Stuyvesant Ave I vndhurst GREAT G E n e v a ** M a u n d y T h u rs d a y . M n « h l!'i Follow The Leader PROMISES 8 p.m . Holy Communion. Sei m< i, “Why Did ,J< mis In titule Holy Communion. from the BIBLE Good Friday: 1 p.m . Union .< ■ - vice, Reed Memorial. -I p.m. Children’s service, 8 j> rn . L ita n y and meditation. “The Cross Tra: edy or Triumph Isaiah 41:13 Easter evening: 4 p.m.. Holy Baptism, families invited to ,in­ te n d . Easter Sunday, Apiil I 7 00 a.m., Holy Communion !*'>(> a.m.. Family festival communion. 11 a.m.. Festival Holy Commun­ ion. A dult D ept. Easter Monday Holy Commun­ io n , 10 a.m . I s O o e n : Easter Tuesday Holy Com­ Mondav, Wednesday, Friday m u n io n . 10 a .m . 8 p.m . Woman s H enry P abst, 92, 1 p m . - 9 p.m . A u x ilia ry . Funeral H om es Tuesday, Thursday D ies in H ospital 52 RIDGE ROAD. LYNDHURST, LATTER DAI SAINTS 9 a.m. - 12 Noon Easter Services I p.m . to 6 p.m . W Ebster 9 0490 OF JESUS CHRIST A. E. Starks, Pastor (Continued from Page 1) 489-71 PALISADE AVE.. JERSEY Services Every Sunday " hen thf Youth Cho’»* will <;in«j p h o n e C hildren's Room J O o u r n a J S q u a r e 4-4578 a t th e “Sine Songs of Praise" by Goul. Adoniram Masonic Templi r a t e s a r © Daily J p.m. - 5 p,m. At 1] a m. there will be Festi­ Ui aecond Avenue Tuesday, Thursday v a l H o l,r C o m m u n io n a n d th e Lyndhurst. N. .J 9 a m . - 12 N oon r'hoir will s:ng "Aleluia, Morn of Church School. 10 a m Beauty", by Mueller Peferenee & Young Adult Preaching Service. Il n r "Hie Rertor. Rev. C. Wesley O B o s t o n ...... o o c R o o m - T u e s d a y T h u r s d a y ■^hike " ill nreach at these ser- B D e t r o i t ...... B O o 9 to 1 1 a.m.: 3 to 5 p.m. ■ ires Thf* music is under direc­ M o n ., W e d . F r i. tion of Ernest Lescow, organist ^ tfter 6 PM and 3 * o f> p.m.; 7 to 9 p.m. and choir director •41 day Sunday 3 m a aUtioo DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE Library will be c l o n e d : L u th e r a n O M U a, 10 4* Fad. la s o o t included. Ippolito Funeral Home At St. Matthew's Evangelical Hely Thursday. March 29 Lutheran Church there will be Good Friday. Mar<-h 425 RIDGE ROAD LYNDHURST, N. J, Holv Communion at 9 a.m. and Mrs. A. McGarrigie •i 8 p . m . tomorrow. Good F r i d a y . The pastor. Rev. George F Mul­ Mrs. Alice GaugW McGarrigie. ler. ' ill speak on "The Cruci­ THE M3RACLE SHOP GEneva 8-4664 156 Fern avenue died suddenly fix io n " nn Tuesdav at Passaic General On Easter there will be identi­ RELIGIOUS AIMICI.ES-MI SU \l INSTIM MINTS Hospital, after sufferin'* coronary cal services at 7 a m. and at 10:30 thrombosis She was 55 i m. with sermon bv Pastor Mul­ BRIDAL • COMMUNION - CO.NEIRMATION Born in Switzerland. Mrs. M< ler on “The Resurrection". There ACCESSORIES ~arrfj»|e came t<> the United " ill be srecial mus e under direc­ States 40 years ago, Jiving first tio n n f David L. Craig, organist GIFTS FOR ALL OCCASIONS in New York City and for the und choir director. past five years was a resident of M e th o d is t Daily: 1 30 P.M ,.» P M — S a t. 9 30 A M 6 P M L y n d h u r s t. A Holv Communion service HOWARD J. WELSCH, Pro* KEARNY FEDERAL SAVINGS She leaves her husband. John will be held at 8 p.m today. •J. McGarrigie; two sons. Henrv T h u rs d a v . a t the* M e th o d is t W E . < > .0 6 1 1 J.) ildillirrd THE green watart clote Over Oaqler of New York City, and Church. The senior choir will (Opposite R'tj Theatre) tha divert head; hit leadan- and Loan ASSOCIATION J o h n S M c G a rrig ie , Qf In g le - sing, "Alone" and Brockway toled thoet drag him down thru murky d epth*. In a for- aign. hottile element, Ke da- 80 Ridge Road, Nor'h Arlington pendt on a tlandar tuba to brinq him tha air that it Ma. 6 14-6 16 Kearny Avenue, Arlington Cold Beer-Wine & Liquors You 9'9 assured of a service o f correct appointment*. and COMPLETE SAVINGS SERVICE HENRY \V. VANIIER ri.AAT, JR.. M(>R. well within your meant whan Free Delivery you call on ui >o officiate You will f.nd Ours is an orq«nif«hQ n of unswerving dependability

STIVER Farlier the better — sprint 'p p him, t 9 2S 3 STUYVESANT AVE - N o - - n o t I f rain*carry T urf Bun in a * LYNDHURST*WE. 9*3000 V o y i W A S a down to hungry grass bit gun-ghy! roots. This nutrient packed l»t him tak» grass food costs so little • no t o f u n j»er lawn . . . half as much ia Lafht O t.', does twice job of ordinary m tufd ty US ') fertilizer. feed 5000 sq ft - - - $3.95

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THE BOGLE AGfiNCY INC Okay lo taw Scam Saad right altar Turf Builder Home Made

V N D H U R S T S For easy, lime Suitu* LAW N S E E D KISZKA and KIELBASY saving hwninft, (Choice of 3 blends . . . 9V S< orts Searantas . . . # / .2 5 . . . f / . 6 J bv exery $ 7 . 9 } test, better lawns for less. Hour* Daily: 8 A.M. to 11 P.M. Everythinx You Need to Condition Your law n SUNDAY For Sprint Planting.


Buy Your Fertilizer* here and borrow one ol our spreaders FREE. . Wheelbarrows As Low as $9.95 CARDEN N A Z A R E 1 REAL CFRAM1C TILE See Our Line of DELTA TOOLS Delicatessen M EM ORIAL HOM E In,. Quality Produced By Master Mechanict' 31 Ridcpe Rood Lyndhurst, N. J, 418 PASE AVE. |Cof. Chase) 403 RIME ROAD - LYNDHURST. N. j. LyNDHURST. N. Phon* GEnava 8-7272 1 Air CaaMiaaMl for Yaor Cnalari | G Eneva 8-5045 GEneva 8-2644 • h o w n o o h a o r r i c k (all l i For KUli: DELIVERY W E 9-2950 THURSDAY. MAHi.H 2H. IV.Vj COMMERCIAL LEAlHR A SuUIH BKHi.KN H lY IIS VM.y i n m f

foot budding while company A »ar owned bv K,. hola* Pa* «at>on t*-r w a r ha»r» thfxmj i i n ran u ot r n r rihih H eavy D am age Name Averill trucks were leaving Tor their ^ale. of Newark, a company dr«v • failure to file claim*. Output of rte»t ■ 11> > fV M vr da if) rounds However Firemen e r, w a* ala»* d e s tro y e d toy t h e A re. Servke .Eiecttw *- .» tU« for-n A t W arehouse hav* not determined any *pet?fH' Levine Mid the insurance (latkf pafii t h e m'#< . Mai Edw ard G Hffoul Star Seller i»u*e for the Are « had expires! IU 23. IM A « * < ■ ■ Fire damage to a Sherman before the fire avenue. North Arlington, ware­ • l**v:n* indicated that a tru. s h-.vur* i * i * t l U fT i All four fire c«*t pames re- In A rm y School tank fire might have taren ^he S.-W w a tt m th e h o u s e . o w n e d b y th e 1- & M E x ­ $|H>rvt«si to t*u- b la a e . an .i » ^ e n t T ro o p 2 worked on its five point pian program and finished press Company, of Lyndhurst ha* cause •’The trucks were lea* ing Army P v Edward II firrff.w*!. ,rvg * e e n * t ag*v. ar> Kin tv sime wt have not yet completed anything he sssd ■ t h e trip . men were uinter the supervision- t h e ” our valuation of what wan lost Four of the fixe truck* bouaed m 4*h fi:«•« rei< a? T ro o p 6 held its meeting Monday afternoon in the Scout House. •*( Jack Clai i a*Ai't#-it fire »,h e f L > 't fb » s t T**xa« said Abe Levine, co owner a I th e in the *areh|.v re a . t( * * le d m express company. a fifth, loaded with wearing ap ing on Backyard Cabper Badge and Campcraft Badge learned J ■.■ -e ■;»«, rw»* u n d e t g«»inf * A fire broke out in the 60 x 200 fit'el. waa destroyed about fire building. Second Class girls worked knots. We ended W ar Damage C l« ‘m* Its with the squeeze, taps and goodnight prayer. Meeting was tn ADVERTISEMENT ADVERTISEMENT M int Be Filed Now i ' . un ■ » !'■ flan* in Sor natwl> charge of Mrs. Blohm, Mrs. Carney and Carol Blahm.—Phyllis I Mariano, reporter. American fdiw n *wffenn« c.-'iffmir a ,*t T*vr Troop 7 met in Franklin School. After opening, most of the » f W orld W ar H ph>|ir ty I*»»*«•* <* ■■■'< '»!>« 1' in * d ' . **»«*• 17t t meeting was given over to the troop birthday observance Rose- *»*»n i«e b a r r e d fv»»>n m «»vr*:ie» T s n x n w*« t(4tH.wnl at 0 c o * l n s o I i l l le M ane Renia. Annette Cucco, Judith Salata. Mary Ellen DeJexsa “Your Health.. Friends then ,» lain»* a e filed » *th 0 t o p h o n o were invested. Membership cards were received by the troop i- I'oceifn Cl* ••*'••'* Settlerweot. w illiam w o n »i: r s , r h u and committee members. For entertainment songs were sung and •inmisaion m Waahington l*s- games were placed. The girls on cook badge baked the refresh­ Sunday is the first of the K^tund* and »*• a « just fo e Sepilenviiei to Kep*>s.-nta • anywhere ments. Candles were lit on individual rakes. The entire troop month Sunday is Ea*ter Sun the- figure *.n the statist■» *1 F r a n k t ' (HlWWi jf . an committee attended Mrs Intindola. Mrs. Fanse, Mrs. Bracco and da\ marks the anniversary of leport of th* tei r t■ *11 lined todav Ctai»r» aga roit thr V hlUl>ur|h OOo Mrs. Tulley were in charge. the day symbolic to the Chris c ancer victims let I'niim for I'-wc-te* « •i e>. .<4*»i 0 Baltimore fifi.a* »«« ao Giuba, Grace Aventa. Sharon Beckmann, Carol Buccino. Linda George Averill, salesman foi t e r life |* * r* o n al m a tte W e d**n t t*- be hle.t with thin Cichino, Sandra Cinardo. Maryjane DiBlasi, Dale Jankowski. Javce Laird-Johnson. Chevrolet deal* It is fitting that Sundav at*■ lieve there ta anyone .in*- \- ! t.. Ma.*»h tl. t »i- «*t Luberto, N?incy McColhgan, Marilyn Miller. Linda Nolle. Marv of Rutherford. wa« awarded the is the start c»f Cancer Month. w here that hasn't had sHiiiimr Ie‘*e\ D stl a t C o n see*-*’’'A!- "v* ' ann Palmer. Patricia Peake, Jniet Scillieri, Karen Stypulkowski. honor of membership in Chevro th. r>onth the American Can m hi* .nan fam f ,v a . lose Potential , lauii n-ent Troop 9 opened its meeting with attendance and collection m ad e . known Out of the four |>er What ran you , t.• aid in of dues We woiked on handicraft Mrs. Meyer discussed the read Following the dinne: ail n < v ho will he tou.hed bV l.'t d . :ilh er badge with us. We also discussed the cookie money and what beis were guests of Chevrolet at the tentfvmg run away ab- « d l.V we are going to do with the money. We evaluated our overnight a Broadway show r im Pi .1 .tlSsn, g o\\ th. two Of t > r l n E hike also and decided we wanted more t xcept it should be out the three who will die have of doors. We c lo.sed ihe meeting w:th Taps.—Virginia Ferrari, re ’’'»• sMr.mutf n-* hop* of life p o r te r . Y outh Council Fot thei! t \ J of iHnrt-r at Troop 13 met at Columbus School. They worked on their nt kn« Faster presents (or their parents. Plans were discussed for a trip P arty A pril 27 to the circus. Some girls made additional returns on their cookie A c a r l j>ar ty w ill !»*• !i« 1>I on T h a i w in th e V,., ictv h as sales. The have been sending letter and cards to Janet A pi il 27 a t th e h i.-h s, h> ...I ,-v • > e\( ended i lose to 35 billions Into your homo Frank durim* her stay m the hospital. We all wish her a speed\ nasium by the W> u ■ •. C lu b • ! .lullai !o- , :m. ei 1 eseaich recovery and hope she will be back with us real soon A few the benefit of the Youth > '..un. tl m the i.a -1 ten ve»rs and ovei games were played and the meeting dosed with Indian Taps. Building Fund it w a.s ...mourned 5 - I H i m in the pa*I fiscal I•• • iim| pi I -ent ev|>ei imenta- F. Stawicki. reporter M is (o iv S . m ill e a a n d w it la new slip co v ers ! Troop 14 met at Washington School. Patrol Two ailed as Tickets may h« purihased from l..,c n . tu p i h ;o i t all i' h.*| v t he ,.fT ring of our i ai «• fen hostesses for the Kith birthday party and the observance of Scout the following committee mem a to m ii w e a i io i s d o m in a tio n , is From $$9 bO and DRAPERIES *o M atch fron> 1^2 1,0 Birthday. Mrs V Bailey was in charge. Patrol 1 held the open bei s \ penw arden (IK H 4361 d is t r i m te d laxl v e a w a s one id the big h-'^'s tovard ing and closing exercises. Patrol 3 collected dues and cookie re­ M rs. A R ic a d e la . GK U iiHutl sir um e n t al in t ie <-a i ! \ .1, ,i f? entual cure of .dl f.uim of turns, supervised by Mrs. Gawley. Mrs. F. Sangirogi received all Mrs. I Faulconet. GK H 5809 and « >oe o . a ili er, of W onderljl Fnhrics Wondi-rful Color. For i Vi RY Mrs. C Strohler, GK 7969. Mrs the malignant tumor* More mothers and guests. K. Dolce, reporter. 8 o f h« Ihca l fri •n K H e m , . T Ferrara. (IH H-7363. Mr- I: m o n ev m u s t i i e x p e n d e d ti / '■!>/. - 1 < .... r Hi,, I,.,,, I,.,, Troop 15 worked on the handicraft for Easter at its meeting b e r, i diM overe 1 in the eaiU Weber. GK 8-4840: Mis A Tu explore this and cdher new on Monday - Michelle Bilach. reporter s ta g e it ia pofivibh to i lire o r coll. G F 8 7697, Mis C Midgett. develoj merits toward the t a in v|w*s iif c a n . n GK 8 9031 eventual wi|a» out of thi* I I M l I u T h i l K* ■n h e a l t h > 1 It 1 - Joanne Villanova. daughter of Judy Anderson. Mrs Charles The Youth Council will meet death dea’inu IxnIiIv disordet if k t»< w n t h a t di •tarv a tu t \ it i ill i i*lloi > i i :: W n i y 1 . 4 ’ in ft r r I IV I » K tO M s Mr and Mrs Robert Villanova. Kirchner, Mrs Frank Trinka and at Mrs Ferrara's home April in It is tcrnfvmtf to leall/e that m m «l*-fi« le n c v , m a v b t ng of Sixth street, was honor guest Mrs. John Anderson, of Lynd­ at H p.m to plan additional ac­ if tho present status quo should S i t w > 1 " m t preean* rs m • *.nd tioiv in celebration of her third birth­ h u rs t. tiv itie s . remain state, your chance of K Earny 2-0111 If are ovet thi tv rtv *■ ' day ,at a party at her home on A public meeting in the conn bein-i stricken is shockingly $ 1 9 5 Monday. Guests included Mrs. Second Lieutenant W alter Frev < .1 room at the Town Hall will loth One m every fwnr.Amer n i ' a! e.sanur at^/aV 'le’/t luNMI Ml t SI K tl IM Albert D’Antorio and children. and Mrs. Frey have established be held April IH at p.m . ii .ms in these enllghtene*! 8 i< e a year, although f six months (,* hiehlv out line w »*rkniait«lup 11 Ridqe Road, North Arlington of New Castle. N. H.. Stephen avenue, while 2nd Lt. Frey is Mr and Mrs John .J Jaug One of f> erv six nersons who ni me ruled Your do. t i ih e IU • «. ie I k - t« * >. Villanova, Karen. Robert and serving in the Army at Aberdeen stetter, «>f Travers place entc die in this countijr will die ! r i anc e r '. in mutt caaea. dia««*vei Proving Grounds, Maryland He tamed on Sunday foi M and u lv s i^ n s o f ( a n e e r a n d in* will spend weekends here. Pie- Mrs Robert Zimmerman and It is a s a d i o m rn en r *t v oh ease the i hanrv of ita cur* C hiropractors viously the couple lived in daughter. Christine, of Cailst.idt, • • i w of llfe that while oyer Charleston. West Virginia, wheie celebrating the birthday ot Mis 2 ’? billion dollar* are squad v • •• dav h •« t*e«m »*•! ode fur the di ive Your Dr. W alter J. Cunningham Mr. Frey wa* then employed Zimmerman, then daughter. e-wi on hors*' rm 'hi? 9 billion. (Over 25 Year*’ Successful 773 mill on *»n uleohniiv *»»v. , im ia h b ttr* «»i».t frM »nd« w tw. Practice) •erag c* * IM ttllllnn rvn toHa**** I v n tt> n to * w 4 •»•* DON'T BE A. \ a n d • srn iking acces .1 let, v ue for th • drive i« «l Dr. Bernard J. Fmerann e i 1 1 /4 billmn on . dm i« - t h* l ' d m t t 1 i a n v . KKarny 2*0136 >n to m*»v e s 2*111 m ill ■ n or| iiiu I ' VIU ie . MOOSE' TELEVISION ew ing u n n and 24 ni illion. ’■•'11 th ** i . : * **■ th e 565 Belgtove Drive a id s . ■11 -ti I... K u n til tt»e K earny, N. J o n p la v r n g Iv $'»:t fl.".0 000 w a s c o liti'l - ■ a i h v f R epairs in Y our H om e I I (Ml I ’ l . i . l * , n . Hours Daily: 9 am. to 9 pm. • I t o w a r d c a n c e r c m t nl it H rn i r n h e r V >>t H t •« Sundays and House Calls TELEVISION 4 R A D IO C O the ,,su:*l idea that mo«t f * ai iclH>n* t :.* f a n i By Appointment C H h a . e t h •*l wr canni .1 ,1 , ■ e | \ |1 • iu' a I|d in • hoi it pi. a s m es i*nd vc tiV j -HUt|b> o r S ,-, ir l \ Its CENTKAL AVENUE NfWAKK, N. J 1 ’ \ al-*» It .ante -ime rmiy. rv mil t id . -m i - m « J o e m a y g*’t it h u t M*‘ o f i a/»i« i i if.. !• ... t I- ■ . F actory A ulharizrti Sal* * nrui S e r i a m DR. I. DANSKY il d i v i n e pmv idetu e pro Aid a n d r e s •a n li h i. Vi ts u s f r or - all types f it s * \ e n t u a l ) v i ti le j: a'** a n . e OPTOMKTRINT Television, Kailio*. (‘layer* and K*«o..let« te r I ’n fu i unately. Ml m a n y d e a t h to a n 1e* Tel. H t’mboldt !-(W0! K s (ifcneva s 1l*» • - 1 nte proves nor n h n d r e a l in t h r d e a t h r a te 1 hr*. Eyes Examined t h.u it ‘ ufii M l < f thi* nan* '

O p p . T o w n Hall 405 Kearny Ave. Kearny Phone KE. Z-M?8

'Churchill's Carpet C apers

S t a r t a

Savings A ccount

it’s a smart move t AIRD JOHNSON P ro m * l«t O^ly One th.e^ O u r R®pu^#t»Or> 1; t o at Tho» Vo*< W i l l A O o o d “I'm not complaining. Mom. Prepare now fof the needs and opportunities of ihe f u t u r e D e # ' And Wn Bad 1 * but couldn't w r have CHOC­ Open your *avingv account al the Kutlicrfotd fruat Company W i t K S o t v ic o T o 0 ‘ * r Y o u R d •*’ j OLATE MILK f« r a changer* and add to it regularly f l e a i u ? e Here wc trv to accomodate you on the most difficult re­ * You’ll get a thrill watching vour am ount giuw quests w'lth speed and dis­ patch. onlv the impossible * Your \aving% account Ik-Ij#* b u ild SEE US TODAY AND LEARN YOU TOO takes us a bit longer. Iu Ol»M*r\a w e of a gcxxl credit ktandmg CAN DO BUSINESS WITH * You te offered com plete b«u*k kcrvicea Churchill's K R i D w "under one roof **// o u x p of Cm rppit* No Hanking 51# Riverside Avenue "SAVI and HAVI Lyndhurst, N. J. ( t*ine m «««i and open v o u r vavmg% account I r aii-a* l* *l \ far al I I Visit our NEW SI.EEP SHOP Jon 17 • 13 Featuring Famous Brands! f»

built around'a Laten motif. Beau­ preme, and Roberto de Vascon- KIDDIE EASTER PARTY Gil Gotham Turns The tiful Pinito del Oro, Spanish mis­ cellos, most famous of all dresS- Tom G ibson W ins AT LINCOLN THEATRE tress of the high trapeze, will be age riders. A t The Rivoli Ring W orth $1,000 A Kiddie Easter Party will be the central figure in this utterly presented at the Linconl Theatre beautiful production, performing Tom Gibson, operator of the in Arlington, Tuesday, April 3 at ot the lilting strains of “Dolor­ Poetry C ontest Tritzel Pretzel Co., Ill Stuyves­ 1:30 p.m. Free tickets can be ob­ Spotlight on Your Stars es" and "My Darling". ant avenue, Lyndhurst, had a tained at the Jack & Jill Youth The remendous finale, entitled A t St. P eter's diamond ring said to be worth C e n te r , 868 Kearny avenue, Ar­ “Hoop Dee Doo”, is a lovely ex­ $ because he remembered lington, and Sun-Dial Shoes, 864 (Special To The Leader) f ation and died. Then Keating j travaganza, a gay peppermint The European Society of Saint 1,000 with fondness two songs of his Kearny avenue. Arlington. found himself in another tough j candy party in the American tra­ Peter's College will sponsor its NEW YORK — There’s a book bachelor days. j spot. The district attorney's office. ! dition. Petty girls revolve in first Modern Language Poetry ,t well worth your reading. It Gibson received the ring on Second Class Radioman David j like the Supreme Court, is sensi- j swings held in the mouths of Contest for the benefit of high tiled "The Man Who Rocked the Guy Lombardo Diamond Ju­ R Mitchell. USN, and Mrs. Mit­ tive to public opinion. It does not ! R iant elephants. Boisterous school students in the metropoli­ •! c Boat" and it is by Bill Keat- bilee Show on Channel 2 Tuesday chell. of Portsmouth, N. H., son like to go into court and fail clowns and hundreds of people tan area Saturday, March 24. in n ig h t. and daughter-in-law of Mr. and to get a conviction. and animals participate in the the Senior Lounge of McDermott K e a tin g is a husky, handsome The Lyndhurst man sent in a Mrs. Thomas Mitchell, 229 Val­ Despite all the double talk to j «tirring music of the marching Hall. Contestants will compete in - !. o f Irish and Lithuanian par­ letter declaring the songs of his ley Brook avenue, are the par­ the contrary, a former district at- i Ringling band. French. Italian, Spanish, and ents who has devoted much of life were “Merry Widow Waltz” ents of a son. Dale Robert, born torney summed up the legal phil- A host of new acts brought to G e rm a n . h: lift* to doing just what the and “The Blue Danube”. on March 21 at Portsmouth. Mrs. | osophy when he said: "When a America for the first time by Cir- Each participant in .the contest title of his book implies, rockinp Gibson appeared on the show Mitchell is the former Miss Shir­ man is district attorney he wants '-us President John Ringling will be expected to recite the t v boat. When he was working convictions; when he is defense to receive the ring. ley Gilris, of Portsmouth. North will th rill and amaze spec­ assigned poetry from memory. w a y through college he served counsel he wants justice." tators this year They should also be prepared to .in orderly in the violent room So Keating, with a signed Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Daiker, of Outstanding among these are discuss points of style with their Read Our Ads o! a n i n s a n e a s y lu m . statement in his pocket, had ' Livingston avenue, and Mr. and Dschapur and Rutha, Asiatic respective judges The decision of In short order Keating began trouble getting Hogan’s office to ' Mrs. Earl H. Greenleaf, 322 W il­ j stars who will be seen in a most these iudges will rest upon the t. 1 : uanize the employees and to move. The DA men weren't cor­ low avenue, had dinner and spent | unusual eouilibristic display; the student's ability to perform both f k h t fo r better conditions for the rupt: they just didn't believe it the evening at the Hotel Roose­ P rivate M usic Five Verdus. balancing wizards these tasks intelligently. [ itientr. He helped Thomas E. possible to get a conviction in the “Sparrow" (Arnold Stans> Frankie’* friend, makes a gallant velt, New York City, on Satur­ [ on giant balls; Les Arturos, m ar­ In addition to prizes and certif­ Dc.vey. when he was governor, case, statement or no statement J effort to keep him from coin* back on thc stuff. Frank Sinatra, day night. They celebrated the L e s s o n s vels of balance, and the Three icates for individual students, the t" put some of thc reforms into But Keating, the boat rocker, Klenor Parker, and Kim Novak, star in “The Man With Tht Golden birthdays of Mrs. Daiker, born j Rebertes, Italian comedians in European Society will award a GATTI, eJT<-( t insisted a conviction was pos­ Arm'' now shouini; at thc Kivoli Theater, thru April 3. March 20, and Mrs. Greenleaf, j acrobatic frivolities. plaque for the most deserving Aceordion Pi;»no S'odio K e a t i n g then did a marvelous sible. And. by golly, a conviction sc h o o l. born March 27 who are sisters. I Titos, who literally walks on Rental on Accordion First t'.:n :. almost unheard of in the was obtained. And Dunn and I his head also is being seen for Oregody Kole, 32 Lafayette 4 Week Free Trial h t n a l world. Keating obtained Sheridan went to jail and to the 1 Mr. and Mis. Oliver Scptt, 530 1 *hc first time in America, as are place, is chairm an of stat sties. ''Iso New Accordions for sale. >b as assistant prosecutor by chair. Before Sheridan died, he Fifth avenue, entertained on Sat­ Circus Prepares for Big | the Canestrellis. astounding foot Name brands. 1-year guarantee •fly writing a letter of appli- made an affidavit about water­ urday evening in celebration of I balancing artists, and the Della Mr. and Mrs. Robert Villanova, front conditions which have the 14th birthday of their daugh­ 'i"H When he was interviewed i '"hiesas, worlds fastest juggling of Sixth street, are the parents WE. 9-7729 - WE. 9-U55 I F r a n k S Hogan, the district nroved the basis for many mov- ; Opening Next Wednesday ter. Karen. Guests included Mr. j tro u p e . of a son. Gerard, born Wednes­ 447 WEART AVENUE les, olavs. novels and short stor­ and Mrs. William Hickey. Miss a t t o r n e y , Hogan looked him over Returning to the circus by poo- day at Hackensack Hospital. He LYNDHURST, N. J. and had only one question. He ies. In fact, the Hintz conviction j The Greatest Show on Earth, hundreds of human and animal Grace Hickey. Miss Joan Phillips ‘ dar demand ai*c thc Great AI- inins a brother, Stephen, and a had more to do with exposing the prennial harbinger of Spring, is performers cavort among a pro­ ,and.M r and Mrs. Henry Frank, across from the High School. iJited to know if Keating had i zanas, high wire wizards su­ sister, Joanne. bfcn recommended by a politi- corruption on the waterfront than moving on Manhattan. fusion of flowery costumes and of Lyndhurst, and Mrs. E. J. in Finding that he had not any single incident Boasting a host of new Euro­ gorgeously animated floats. Troast, of Rutherford. '"■en, Keating was told to report And On Ad On pean and Asiatic acts and more "Ringling Rock n' Roll” is a fo r w o rk . Keatinr* ended his work at the lavishly staged and costumed charming fantasy with the enor­ Mrs. Anthony Restiano, of An Illuminating Story district attorney's office when he than ever before in its history, mous herd of more than 50 ele­ Freeman street, celebrated her ; As an assistant district attor- became cousel for the New York Ringling Bros, and Rarnum & phants as the biggest participants. birthday on Friday with a fam- { MATINEES DAILY- "* Keating advanced to thc Citv Anti Crime Committee, a Bailey Circus oj»ens its annual Forty of the huge pachyderms ily dinner at her home. At 1:30 P.M. During Easter i-' inl v h e r e h e w a s a s s ig n e d to citi/ens-hacked agency which had 40-day Madison Square Garden Rock n' Roll to authentic jungle WEb. »-0u41 School Vacation inve fixation of a longshoreman no official status but which can engagement on April 4 tunes played by an 11 piece baby Last Time Thurs. Mar. 29 Tonite and Fri. Mar. 29-30 named Andy Hintz. kick up quite a fuss about crime. Four magnificent new' specta­ elephant band. Rattalions of Cinemascope Greats! Keating soon learned that a wat- The work done by the commit­ cles highlight the 1!)56 edition of beautiful girls and a troupe of “ROGUECOP” 2 e: front murder is like a murder tee is a by-word among New the Big Show- The most glorious dancing boys make this huge a n d ‘ H U M A N J l.:N G L E ” Saturday—BOTH THEATRES r i i i z i i i i “EAST OF EDEN” nowhere else It is an amazing York newspapermen John M of these is "Say It W ith Flowers", spectacle, this year will feature FREE! FREE! FREE! Rutherford WE »- 1 WW> James Dean - Jo VanFleet !-i' ! that within the narrow area O’Mara, once of the FBI, a pipe- a $300,000 production in which bevies of maraccas-playing swing­ CLOSED FRIDAY, MAH. 30 - 22” Bt'GS BUNNY DOLLS (Academy Award Winner) • ; the waterfront crimes arc com­ smoking young man from Leonia. ing high in the air in a ballet Now thru Tuesday Shown at 10:00 P.M. SATURDAY MATINEE plus “Cartoon-Arama” mitted and go unpunished as they was chief of the office Together and him. Newspaper friends of A b b o tt 8c Costello in (Half Hour of Cartoons) — a ls o — do nowhere else jn the commun­ O’Mara and Keating did a tre­ Wed to Tues. Mar. 28-Apr. 3 Keating got together and held a “ R ID E ’E M C O W B O Y ” Starting at 6:45 P.M. ity mendous job in keeping the eve Frank Sinatra - Kim Novak “BATTLE CRY” dinner for Keating when he j “MASTER PLAN” Van Heflin - Aldo Ray Beat a man on Tenth avenue of the public on the criminal ball. p h o n e FRANK SINATRA •MAN WITH THE emerged from jail to keep the ! 5 C A R T O O N S Shown at 7:30 P.M. and vou will most certainly wind But Keating’s penchant for record straight. Eleanor Parker - Kim Novak GOLDEN ARM" up in durance vile. Beat up a rocking the boat persisted. Sud­ r a te s a r* S a tu r d a y E v e n in g , M a rc h 31 in Sat. thru Tues. Mar. 31 rApr. 3 Keating sat down with a skilled ! — also —■ man on the waterfront, however, denly he found himself un to his newspaperman, Richard Carter. thru Tuesday, April 3 ‘ M A N Vi IT H T i l l : MUSE NT _ _ Kent Taylor - Marian Carr and it is almost certain that noth­ ears in a wiretan case. Keating, ...... Man Who Rocked Now see Anna MAGNANI, ing will i ome of it. The man found out that police had raided LOW GOIDEN \RM” The Boat- to keep the record best actress of the year and Kent Taylor in -GHOST TOWN- Helen ofTroy beaten up will remain silent The a wiretap nest in the east ride of even straight* r Burt Lancaster in in Cinemascope & Color m a n w h o <1 i a name JOE IMIHROWIHJIKI. rrop. Rail and Bu* Terminals. you can depend on for satisfaction! WEbster 9-9881 Inviting Lobbies, an.l Parlor*. Sun Decks Atop 442 Lewandowtki Street, Lyndhurst, N. J. Ail rooms delightfully furnished. American and iut loxi d. T. )/. <&/%oaA. European Plan*. Conducted by Hospitable Ownership Management «**I0«*I A u t e & t that delights in cat.-ing to the wishes ol American ROSfl ^pfflANCM Louis Viola Co. fam ilies. ADMIRAL, RCA. {MfrRSON 1 K " v 111 \ < • I '»N \ \ I M I M || n \ I TELEVI-ZIOM *- APPLIAHCCS ______t o i c t > m c l i l o » Hard and Soft Coal Cinders FETTER FAMILY MANAGEMENT 2 2 7 STu Y VESANT AVE. • •.} j G E . 8 - 9 1 3 4 I V N D H U R 'j T NUtley- rW 8fl-l ATLANTIC CITV. NEW JERSEY THURSDAY. MARCH 29, 1956 COMMERCIAL LEADER & SOCTH BFRCEN RFVTTW Christie’s Column For G lorious The Lefilon Parade E a s t e r Mr. and Mrs. Kail H. Diebold of Riverside avenue, enter­ tained at a family supper on Sunday in celebration of Mr. D.ebold's birthday. Their guests were Mr. and Mrs. Karl A. Diebold with Americanism Chairman Ken Ken Summers reported that the their daughter. Berta, and son. Karl, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. William F e a stin '! Summers announced the names Safety Essay Contest was a huge Stelzenmuller and son. Billy. Early this week the elder Diebolds of the four bo vs picked by his Success. Of 150 essays submitted continued the celebration by going to Radio City and having dinner committee to attend Boys’ State by the schools' 6th, 7th and 8th in New York. at Rutgers University, June 21 grades, there have been 12 s e t aside in the judging to be turned Mr. and Mrs George Vlacich, of Orient Way. entertained, on to July 1 Earl Greenleaf. Ed­ ward W hittman. Michael Moran, over to an English professor at Saturday afternoon in celebration of the third birthday of their Joseph Kelley The alternates Fairleigh Dickmson College Of daughter. Georgeanne. Mickey Mouse decorations were used. The will be Georee Gac.ione, John these final 12 the first 3 places j puests included Franzine Vlacich. Frank. Jr.. Thomas and Donald A vento. W.lliam Gallagher. will be picked. Livelli, David and Elaine Livelli. Joseph Melso Jr., of Lyndhurst, Thomas Carini, and Thomas Frank and Donna Ann Pomposelli, of Clifton. Suzanne Smith and Entertainment Chau man John L o h m a n n . Jam es Cordiee. of Rutherford, Joann and Leo Carlino, Jr.. of Brook­ Hartigan reported that the St j ly n . The occasion also celebrated the birthday of the child's grand­ Ed Quist reported that on Ap­ Patrick Day dinner and dance ! father, August Livelli. Parents of the children were also present r i l 21 a spaghetti and meat ball was a success despite the bad ; dinner and dance will be held v\ e a t h e r Patricia Tewes. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Tewes. 379 at the Legion Hall Tickets will Andy Clough Iv is looking foi < Page avenue, was eight years old on Wednesday. The event was be $1.50. Anyone who can cook Drum Corps members. Anyone < ole brat ed w ith two parties. On Saturday afternoon her guests were spaghetti or help out. see Ed. knowing of toys !3 t«> 16 years 1 inda Wackwitz, Anthonv Rose. Lvnifood D'Quillo. Bobby Pen- I Membership Chairman John i of age that would lik* the thi ill me. Patricia Tremonte, Linda Carr. Linda Nazarro, Rosemary Car­ Geary reported 278 paid up mem­ of playing with a fine Drum rie and Karen Rinaldi. Those present for a family celebration on bers. See John er ston tn at thr Corps please contact him. - Sundav were Mr and Mrs. Joseph Hannen. Mr. and Mrs. L. Finke. Post if you haven’t poiJ yours Dick Lindsay and John Haiti- and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Young, all of Nutley. y et. can have st u ted attending Bet - .•en County nuct.u,,. for Jumot Mrs. George Lippert. 109 Fern avenue, entertained on Sunday B asel v. 11 in celebration of the 88th birthday of her mother. Mrs. Jacob De Mr. and Mis Robert 0*\\ .U. N« A n-emUMs a . Uvtned at our P e w who lives with her. Guests included Mr. and Mrs. Henry of Fifth avenue celebrated Nt: !a.->t meeting weie Anthony Lem M u n t z a n d son. Freddie, and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Muntz and son, Oswald’s birthday on Thursday bo and Patuck Cai'petuiola Ap­ M a r k , of Newfoundland. Mrs. Joseph Jackhtsch, of Brooklyn. N. V. with a family dinner at their plications received f.u member a n d Mrs. Guernsey De Pew, of New York City. home Others present were Mrs. «•: ' ! a ! i-"t :■ .*.«•! Me Sharon Case, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Russell W Case, of Michael Palazzo. . ,•! i.ii U i P * .. e la-m g m a d e Post avenue, was nine years old on March 16. Her sister, Monta- n. to i a. d - u s. t to out iean. was six on Monday of this week. The two birthdays were celebrated at a Saturday party in thpir home Guests included Pa­ Miss A . ne Kane, da ...hlci of p e rfo rm c Cranberry Sauce mela Jones. Donna McMann, Carol Meinsohn, Linda and Nancy Mr and Mis. Eugene Kane < DeJackmo, Linda and Patsv Dasler. Ronnie and Donald Pen warden. weeks vacation from Smith >1 M -hai 1 and James DeBilio, Walter Penwarden. and Elaine Colie. lege. Northampton. Ma.- • , a lu re 2 3 S with Jane and Betty Case of North Arlington. Adults who assist­ >he us a freshman. \ M ' * • % * J -- e d M rs C a s e w e r e Mrs. Donald Penwarden, Mrs Angelo DeBilio 0 cost s so litll* LANCASTER BRAND j I.V -I | a n d Mrs. Norman Penwarden. j ------0 l o p h o n e Crwrthcrrv Sauce 2. 3 3 The Woman's Society of Christian Service of the Methodist W om an H urt in N ew ark ° 7 9 c Ch- r- h ha received a certificate of merit from the Cancer Societ\ J a n y w h e re Boneiess Ham for its work in making hundreds of cancer dressings throughout Mi .tai ion I 4 \ >»i7 Kl.n^sland . venue, u as j |w > d LANCASTtR PRAND OVEN RtADY voar Mrs I.eRov Hassard and Mrs Gus Sellen are co-chair- 1 0 Pittsburgh O O c m- n of this work in the society Those who helped make 175 dress by falling i kle- as she walked am . 0 Halt in ion* B B c mus on Thursday at the home of Mrs M. Wrusht. 327 Livingston past a building at Ranx and Hal- C avenue, were Mrs. Fred Gunersen. Mrs. Charles Lehne. Mrs P jey streets. Newark. # Chapman. Mr-. C Christ. Mrs William Muir. Mr s Anita Whitney. She was taken to the M aitland 3 C Mrs. Clarence A. Smith and Miss Clara Wright. Medical Center, Newark, a. ter Turkeys -r- 49 I b receiving on-the-seen* ti; st aid. Ib The Rosary Society of Sacred Heart Church held a meeting and later released on Friday evening in the parish hall. The Rev. Dennis Powell, of , |h ,n rt-inl> • I’lnrip ..nil lu»l « hul »n liflrr the Marvkooll Fathers, showed a film depicting some of the act ivities at their seminary. Mrs. Salvatore Barbieri was named chair lb s man for the cake sale to be held on April 8 in the parish hall, F R £ S H g r o u n d b e e f 8 5 after morning Mases. Plans were made to attend a performance Ian|jM*nwlrr m n trr ttraiul Itrnni^ * I ■•»> ‘ ' -l‘, ‘ ' *!'*■ ” "** ►i-.M. *" h,‘ I of "Age and Grace” in New York later next month A contribution was voted .to the cancer drive for funds. Mrs. Hugh Woods is the OVEN RfAOY. p re s id e n t. Ib RIBS of BEEF______T C U T 5 9 Election of officers featured the meeting of Pyramid Rebekah \ Hm n lI I'llH i t o r \ Ktnu' llrir'. ^ Km I t I'*-- Lodge. No. 70, IOOF. held on Thursday evening in Adoniram Tem­ OR ple Mrs. Anna O'Connor was elected noble grand to succeed Ms Ib Adela Miller, with Mrs. Mildred DeMarco, vice grand; Miss Alice _ CHUCK STEAK 3 9 Zech. recording secretary; Mrs. Mabel Johnson, financial sercetarv CHUCK ROAST Mis Bertha Soule, treasurer, and Mrs. May Halm, trustee. The Juio ! Iltlliu w ' llrnntimliiil I*m a»lci 111 . n . l I . * new staff will be installed Saturday evening, April 28. Mrs. Flor­ I tm-U t t o t U l * • ence Yordy. of East Orange, district deputy president, will be the I A FEW OF TUE PROMINENT l*EOPL»i V tlU 'LI. Bly H O R M t L Installing officer. '* * - ' in IV. S Q . 9 9 LAS1LK PARADING IS v i l e O Alfred W Gilmore, son of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred C. Gilmore, C a n n e d H a m SHRIMP Jr ' l vndhurst avenue, was eight years old on Friday. The event i HCRMEL w*«s celebrated with two parties. On Saturday afternoon children <■!»> i A - t V who helped celebrate were Christine Lehmkuhl, Richard Petty. SHOES Robert Silva, Steven James, Barbara Fardne, Nancy Ambrose. , C a n n e d H a m Janet Skinner and Susan Bedrick. Dinner guests on Sunday were r T a i it . v t D 9 9 c 1 unanimous! Poemart mid sturdy, iheir C a n n e d H a m and his uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. James Gilmore, and daugh k % **iii 4 ** m a c k e r e l 3 9 ter, Ellen, of Collingswood. b|x-« tally designed la*!* permit normal growing feel t«* I M ir II **-4 » »• »■ •• » ' -4 Mr. and Mrs. Richaid Wilson, d* \cio |> n o rm ally ! Firem en R eady of Feronia wav, Rutherford, for­ Luncheon Meats PERCH 3 9 \ our

IDEAL TRENCH STYLE »•> competition for trophies. The MIL ROSE STU rrtD prizes will be awarded for the I tm . best in fancy dress, regulation 304 VALLEY BROOK AVENUE WE. 9-5300 uniforms, and general condition BOGLK uux: N I'AI.A/.ZO OLIVES 1 0 4 9 of the fire apparatus. BARONESS KOSHER DILL FRUIT STOLLEN The parade will be part of a Doctors' Prescriptions Filled VIM*.IMA » * » 2-day convention of the New !• '**. 3 9 Jersey and New York Volunteer (»1*1 N l \ I M \(,s PICKLES *•' 2 5 A P P L E PIE Firemen's Association to be held (DEAL APRICOT % 1144,1 v i \ 1 » > m Dumont June 29-30. The gath * 1 9 reing will begin with a business ta S| 00 DONUTS 1 session in St Mary's Auditorium. M f *#» HR I I ^ > 'N * » I • I I* R » f Dumont Fire Chief Donald E. NECTAR 3 Meheran has announced that 22 word gets MILROSE PRUNE BREAD 2 29‘ committees are currently work­ SPECIAL M on. & Tues. Only ing on ai rangements Tins will l>e r* « • *100 the fir- * time in years the con­ 4 lo 'tti* ■ vention has been*held in Dumont JUICE AROUND SUNSHINE KRISPY PERMANENT w* IMR 1 1 IN IX H »!*•» "*• 1 * * * • • • '* * 2 1 More mothers CRACKERS B E A N S 2 2 9 give their children WAVES Ittfi Itifiny ri 0*1 C r m m m r n |i«IM lt •?» I BURRY'S COOKIES 57 2 9 ' ICE CREAM • 9 - Hordens Milk than Strawbetnci 2 «« ^5' any other brand! $8.00 STRAWBERRIES 1 9 CALIFCMNIA H iS H ~ B o r d a s C O M P LET E h a i r s t y l i n g i n c l u d e d AT TNI STO ei ASPARAGUS 29‘ Milk M l I OR AT rO U t DOOR MANRICOS B A N A N A S - C - • 2 - 2 5 ‘ E G G S 3 * 1 ” HAPPY KASTI.R FAN CY CARROTS 2 SS 19* m u st or ur.AVTf from lhe IP its Cheese ♦ 59* 2U POtK AVKM I. KI TlltHIOKJl. N J R E D B E E T S 2 — 19" B o r d en s Cracker Barrel , r ‘ r. 3 9 c GEneva 8-2148 POTATOES 25 3 *. 19- . its to be good ■ HORSERAOISH * COCONUTS Ifrr | SWISS CnWSC • 5 9 c —, n u n tn tn p«v.ts cm - ♦’rt Trs?VT-» f> PACE SIX COMMERCIAL LEADER * SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW THURSDAY, MARCH 29. WSt

I ments in both indoor and outdoor athievements. Permits Are Necessary Steven Kolokowsky and Peter K of C Critelli received first class Scout For Heavy Dump Trucks awards: James Zuk and Walter Beverly's Rauner became second class Contractors wh^se heavy dump tain a permit from County Hoad s c o u ts . NOTES trucks travel on County roads to Supervisor Ernest J. Thier. Tem­ Other awards included service stars and perfect attendance for by BILL TROESCIIER transport noil, sand and gravel porary permits for a 5 day period will be required to obtain per­ will cost $10 and Dermits for one year, W qlter R* uner. Thom­ Scrapbook mits under new regulations hauling more than 5 days may be as Pombrekas and Richard La- On April 2, this coming Mon­ adooted by the Board of Free­ o' tained on an annual basis for zure; two years, George Agner; day evening, the officers of the h o ld e rs . $25 three years. Raymond Hopp and Twenty-six years have passed since John Gurstenmier was of­ Council will once again exempli­ The regulations, adopted lart Penalties fer v’Hations, pro­ Thomas Kolokowsky, these two fered a job by the North Arlington Board of Education as cus­ fy the First Degree of our Order week, provide that contractors vided' in the regulations, are a boys also being advanced to the todian, fcr a one year period, of the newly built Thomas Jeffer­ by putting thru ten new candi­ who plan to haul in excess of 500 m ar;m uri Tine of <200 o r ^0 d a v s Explorer group of the Troop; son School. Since then his contract has been renewed annually un­ d a te s . cubic yards of m aterials must o b - in jail. Enforcement will be un­ five years. Roger Schuerman. til this year when regulations will make the retirement of Gur- The meeting will commence at d e r d;r«et on o' the Countv Rmd , A m erit bad^e sash, gift of the stenmier, now 70. compulsory on March 31. exactly 8:00 p.m. at the CYO and the Coijntv PoM-e M otheis’ d id •, was nresen*^d to Though he will be 71 years old in August his much younger Building on Valley Brook ave­ Telenhone Cells Department. A P eoncern* oM *sn- Peter Critelli by Mis. William appearance belies this age and he nue. All members already having -i ' ••erm'ts will b° r«**eon«j-Me S r)f)n- m o o o o e .,b i r v*»rd«* t i n . boys of the troop. Refreshments 1 he will shortly work for the for the affair inasmuch as the F0 per cent above an average *>on n^n e n b ie v a ’-d*. <20 nf>0, were ser-ed i>v the Mothers* Lyndhurst Park and Recreation I«enten season wiM be at an end day and far ahead of the rrevi i ’ ~n :|linn ei.Vic vnrds. t5 ^ - Club, while a ll e n jo y e d a fe l­ Commission: prior to the meeting, so let’s get o s h i ‘/h m a r k o f 12/iOO.OOO se t ii The regulations become ef- January 11, 1954. also during a a . 'r jf i lowship hour. His advice to others who wish out to this one. It was announced hv our M' ~v s n o w s t o r m . TVia oi’ '"'f»*>d o ri" ’*!- to remain active to a ripe old M r. a n d Mrs. Andrew G u irla n d bership Chairman Brother Mike Cal’s to the tel0* hone com­ . C[fr age is, “don't abuse your health. of 38!S Sanford av'-nii" enter­ Carpino that the Council has p a n y 's w e a t h e r r e ’-oi ?in« se**vi -e md Kuhn of Westwood to Get enough rest and don’t over­ tained Friday evening in honor passed its quota both in insur­ w e r e more than three time< '■'» p »'reMm:nfl'-* s*,rvev for eat." His one bad habit, he re­ ance and associate members. The a* o ’--, n o r m 'll. : i « - 'r r)f « ir i# n | w o rk on of their son. Ronnie, who cele­ vealed, is that he smokes heavily. brated hi« third birthdav. Guests entire Order has announced th'd While skeleton force- manned v rfifiip r r ^ ^ d **nd O '4 re c e iv e d w e r e M rs. A r th u r J a c ­ While Gurstenmier has lived at the one-millionth member enter­ m a n v b u s in e s s offi e s :n - l s to r e s •r, rr.^ d in Clo«**er W**c t wo o d 118 Lake avenue, Lyndhurst. for obs. I»rraine Susan Jacobs. Mr. ing, is expected to do so within ( tbrouphout th’e state, and others l Pa-1' The COst the past two years he was, before a n d M rs. F ran c is Kelly and son, ♦ he novt month. It me ht well be closed complep Iv. t*dephone on t n r the qi|n*»v ir 000. T;mm" Miss B e tty M a itla n d , that, a long time resident of this j that this Council will have the j erat 'rs h** one means or another » « pod**] J '"*Or,~ rx-iriv o f T ta c k e n . M rs. V ic to r Thorne. Steve, and borough. He and his wife, the i honor of accept :ne that man Tl’« r«vh«d their :-o-t Seme were i. wr,s a-vnrded a contract to Mark Thorne Mrs. A l b e r t H v n es. f o r m e r Anna Abriance of Brooklyn, whom he married June 28, I now up to the individual brother transported in o>n • t r u e k s -,lv materials for renn rs of P a tr ic k an * Mike Hvnes. and An- 1913, i ame to the borough 39 years ago. The family, for 20 years, ! members to "et out and increase j while other . • I - .-ed through th' i > n ♦ * * roads, nnd Jeh** T o n - drew Guirland, Jr. and Linda lived ui 14)i licudel avenue in a seven-room house Gurstenmier ♦he m^mbershio from the ranks snov/di irts nnd walked to their ■ i (Vmenn" Ine.. of Philadel- built with Ins own hands. (lt is now the home of Mayor I*eonard '»f their friends and a‘*«ociate« sw t eh hoards*. ' u -1. r e.' ;t COnt"'i't to eon. Barnett). When lie sold this house he bought another at 150 Kiv who are onlv known to them. I ■ •• Tif aupmenl t'-e r. • .r o*^-r 1 ■ 6.500 ■>*»Uons r,f w hite traffl erview avenue in whieh they lived for the next ten years. Seven us make this a banner year foi atm - forces m arv r e's w-o> ked • m* a t H?'*fi c e r o a llo n , a n d years ago lie bought a brand new home at 190 Hiverview avenue the Council. o’-e* time and /-len* d employee.- •neon reminds ef glaSS beads at READ OUR ADS which he sold two years ago. His present residence he "bought Ou*- Scrap Drue, un'W th e 'V 'th I''’ " loirs 0!-e| eX* *" I 11;!!1.) f e r p o u n d . outright. 1 didn't want any m o rtg a g e ." •aoable hand and guidance ol ! • n e e to o k p o 'fitin*- at t h e s w itc h Though the Guistenmiers raised seven sons, six of whom are Brother Joe Seels** was a ■ i..- -o '- in i.rder t" handle the r»e still liviii,1,. and a daughter, he does not believe that parents today cess last month. The next date orcl breaking volume of calls Charles Williams o phono should have large families unless they are “very well off " ^et for the tour of the town of " a n f • hi h ftdl intn the r m er a te jo ra te s are Here ore a group of occessoriei by Monhotton* thof in my day it was. much cheaper to raise children,” he ex­ L y n d h u r s t h a s b e e n se t ,*is S a t Gets Scout Honor plained. "Nowadays parents should realize that their children must urdav, April 21. le t’s stnrt sa”- j ore just what you need for o quick pick up for a be given every educational opportunity possible to assure their inp tho-e paners now' so th -»t next th e C< lt h* d * f i in Boy Scout Troop 88 h e ld a LOW dressed up look on Easter! Get everything you n«eJ month’s results will be even success in the business world, and that takes money.” obtaining a pi of th e ir Court of Honor at their meeting For many years now he has been affectionately known as "renter. Anvone interested in as­ with the M anhattan^ label I o w n . •n Thursdav evening at the Jef- 9 Boston . . 6 0 0 sist ini;. olepo^ contact the Com­ -Pops" to the children of Jefferson School. Some of the active ! t T h 1" d*>V ni Ih* 1 ’’erson School. 9 0 0 PTA members today he remembers as youngsters just startingm ittee forout all details. D e tro it . j VFW the Athletic ^on Charles • Williams. Jr.. *on of in sch o o l. Due to tomorrow bein" Good I der the c haivnar hjo e,f Brother Yr nnd Mrs. Charles Wili ams, from Biwn/nn *fter 6 PM and i love children and I'm going to miss the kids and the fac­ all f Lake •■venue received a I ife Lyndhurst Men’s Shop raU a. 10 % h*dUiuoltnc ulty too, who were always so good to me," GurstenmieJ- said. tee has cancelled th^ir usual j in honor of th** Biddv Football Scout award. The presentation Now that his working days at the school are over does he plan meetin" at the CVO The Com­ j team sponsrored hv the Council was made by Scoutmaster Antho- V alley Brook & Sluyvenant Avw. G E . 8-2121 on coming back to visit at the school? “Many times,” he said, "and mittee Chairman Brother Antho­ this past year.’Jac kets were pre I n v M itto>*» w h o c o m n lim e n ts th e JLSLSL thats’ for sure. nv Del 'Tofo has announced that j sented to ra h member at th;- Vouth on his advancement to this th e r e w ill h e a fe*>st to fnt|e»«- | n^eir and o v r BO adults and : rank in less than two years a'ter chortly so nlease keep posted. As j children were present Ihe toast s.. ,.n.inp into thc troop from Cub soon as the huildine has been ; m a s t e r fo r t h e e- • !• ", w a s B n , P ar k 88. neinted and decorated in the j Joe A. Costa and • w o n d e r f u l A I Zuk. who was first cn,nn'»*t- manner nlanned, there wdl l e :» ; t ime was had bv a1’, ■ for Charl«s share '1 in the lov dinner pi"<'n bv th« Committee j Before closin ", th e o'- the presen at on. Mention also U i n ^ a n A D U m I m I a I where he was president of the to start things rolling. was made of the fact that Charles v i n c e n T k . r » a ? a i e iA|Pha si£ma Pi fratermty. b.- the Coun il unde* the So far the attendance at the ‘of Grand Knieht F ttained the life scout rank he- S e r v i n q o n T i n C a n tare entenne the Navy on No- meeting has been very promising wish to extend their best wish t m renchin the a«’e of 13. hav­ ( v e m b e r 22, he was employed by and show that the members of for a Happy Easter ing completed all the rcquire- Vincenl R. Natale of Fern ave­ nue, completed Boot Training at the Naval Training Center. Bain- bridge, Md , in February and is now stationed aboard the des­ troyer USS Caperton as a per s o n n e lm a n . Natale is u gradaute of Snyder High School, J e r s e y City, and an h o n o r graduate of New Y o rk U n i­ versity School o f C o m m e rc e


Ask fur un .Springs' Imume Tax Louks. Il lu> ail llit* an aiu-wers. Nu thartje, of cuursr, m Lili- ihr j lu,t.

D ual S tabilizer A otlon doubles your riding oom fort I

SOUD . . . STIADY. . . ITA «lll T h .0 the fnel of ( )Mcnwil»»ie'* rnle f«»r The duel etabMixer action of (MdnnieliHe * Easter S a fe ty .R nIc (iuaeia fivrn yo»i • new aenae of control a«d aeen rity . F LO W E R IN G Siakilisrr bam. bath front awl rear, bold LOOK and you know . . . Old*. you level even on tbe nharpeat turn*. PLAN TS moIhI*'* aiyliaf i* aa wivimytl a* the Tbe e»tra4»eavy, extra-ripid frw * medumicel feature*. V e have an t lid* A Z A L E A S »Mt* twUtinc and bounce. Thia aerMWta rmdv far Ton . . . oat r«k >.m ll fur t Hdwnuiliilc’a handling atakilite. lno» it*a'|4HH« wMimg . . . mijhty HYDRANGEAS THIS mor* OOT PtlNTY of 'V t u|>- a U r ! Drivr Ml t)Mi I H Y A C IN T H S • s „ n * r d M •** * * •I m m LILIES TULIPS O Lm CI3 S O B I La D A F F O D ILS .— KOOCS7 1WUNB TM« HACK . . . AT YOU* OLDSMOMU BCAWVSI Y'nH Our GreenhouM it Floral REID OLDSMOBILE, Inc. 4tMo«lpw Rd, Ratherford, N: J. WVbstar 94914 ' O U T O f 1 . , . INTO AM OUM! OCT TOT VALUK .... TOP U >AU TOMOBBOW! •'1 - ■ - f*

, - THURSDAY. MARCH 29. 1936 com tracnt i fader a soith bfrcfn review p a c e ^ r r n

sponsor a roller skating party to a n d flowers speaker* a n d m e m - #d »« for at least th hour take place in Hackensack A fash b«n of the tvnvrtnttee I U * * e th « ll ion show is in the making far M ety W e e * Ba.saets.Msd has at tha Sacrid Heart the May meeting along with a Moat, if not all, know t t h e RaoSevelt gym AU who rame High School Notes thought d was' ew th getting and dam e instruction to follow. The changes to be trade tn the bturgy fashion show will be open for all SL Michael’s H i|| VNm llria m , we hope to agam get at tar M - C Y O to attend and an admi***» of 50 men have volunteered fo r ad*>-r ’ e*>m-hg year cents will be charged. Further de auoea on THursday after the : uo l i * M e n ta l tails of this event will be printed • ihek n-a» Friday and Satur­ as soon as received H. N. Notes d a y . There are eight men in ail It a n t jMi* »«* n w d # * t t h a t n s News being rebeved by two* every one * hat John Moke got The Girl Scouts held their h,»ur W e d like t o h a v # m »re at tha ■ H# Communion breakfast on March The Annual Retreat for the part; ct at ton if pwewbie AU 4eee't want any.-roe ta know-. 3 followed by a very succeasful members ot the CVO ended this ! iloly Name members are obl.gsi They mat get s little too happy. cookie sale On March 11* Girl past Sunday morning with a mg bark to yoa dursCtly *»# indi* Scout Sunday, over MO members Sorry we couldn’t write an* Communion Breakfast following reetl> For year tonven.enre Ed and their parents were present thing in the H ' N Notes last the 9:30 o'clock Mass at Sacred Thursday We sincerely a.xdogue Sugalski is srndlng the boo** by for the festivities April 7 will be Heart. The members attending mail, ehd its up to yens to make Communion Saturday for the but of course it rami be excuse by TINA L(JCA«lELLO and ROBERTA SCHRORDRR the Retreat numbered over 150 able, for the white suff was com­ it sn enoimoua stsccesa t ro o p Congratulation on a job well ing down rather heavily M a rs h a l * Announcement d o n e. Post 86 of the Explorers Club S o cial 1* John Al*s*e receiving a Kathy Paternostro and Eddie will have a ramping trio to Tam- Hi Everyone! John Siura and h .\ Mel Chords badge and guns* No, John is too Kohler placed second in Uie fin­ arack Camp on April 13, 14 and Orchestra will play at our annu Utgkj lies fpkltg t“ gft i i an t I ..r t!»e »»»ti\ rniriM-- of oitr iium |» Wasn’t it fun having those few days off last week? We both als of the Bergen Cuunty CYO I15. A h ik e to C a m p Y a u P a w is al social May 26 !‘mvu r« k lUfcrtr enjoyed that vacation as much as all of you did. Let's get to some came last yeai can tell you of 1 . an just see now that pcpp** n e w s . n o w . tions At this writi.ig both Al Do and Son Bowling da> has been the wonderful time they had Just up usual spat Hie m hi* eye* when a t i l i t Kn*f h A***«i»r, will renism »»f*e*» mam.o and Veronica Cowell s*'t for April 9 and a Skating Each year the American Legion Post 139 sends representatives imagine all that fun. eats, ami he * rgrfpm f hu new Ihmg- Wa were giving their all at the fin Party with dates for the 20th- Do until U |* M Moiwla> thru lrt4»* nitul from our high school to attend the summer session of New Jersey drinks for only $2 50 per person. w oulJ new like to thank societies als in the Archdiocesen Oratorical not forget tt: get your rearrva Boys’ State. The junior class is fortunate this year because the post from whi h we have borrowed fur.her ttoine. Contest. The results of this con in e a r ly Youth Raftle has selected four delegates as the chosen ones to learn about tho | flag* and a ’M»tu»0' fo r t h f fk h * * d famed LHS basketball player, and Earl Greenleaf. an outstanding of Recollection was on March 18 mtght like it. it Isn't that «t Nil be held in While Stadium on Ap labcarjf N u t also a>kev| if any student, will represent the school this summer. May we extend at Villa Mane Claire in Saddle The so|r put pose of it is to raise ril 29 please contact John Aventu o n e h a d a l>at*jr g i« m d p ta n o th ey our heartiest congratulations. River An inspiring talk was money to buy needed <*qui;.«iient Any Scout who wishes tu attend would like tv* contribute And, of course, We mustn't forcet the important part women given by Father Path and u din­ for the various sports we »p<*> contact Scoutmaster Charles F a* ! I « m e u s ln n H « ea* l« M have in the government today. So. the American Legion Auxiliary ner followed the ejHMcises A tilp sor Some goes to buying of ban Halk. The Cubs see Cubmaster In a report furn t»y torn Post 139 is planing also to sponsor a junior girl to attend the 1956 to the l«odi Orphanage is planned ners and flags for the IV>> Sh ih iI v George Graffam. Sr , as soon as session of New Jersey Girls' State Only one girl will be chosen. ' 'or the month of April and it is some towards obtaining baseball llayea it m i »tat* d that m«« p o .v ib lc bi<>Kr i veil On*e again 1 b ite Competing for this honor are Marian Frank. Pat Grant, Katherine i hoped that a huge turnout *an e q u ip m e n t fo r b o th II \ *p«-n All entries must be in by April t • ih «nk all wh-> pidifiivilnl Gaffney. Good lurk to your girls. We will keep you posted as to i he bad in order t<> insure this sored teams 1 he jk ire of this KE. 3-45*5 18 so that the schedule may H tU ni^d Wt«S»rak. who ho t lh** who the lucky delegate will be. worthy undertaking raffle is a tup to Floi tda fo- t* • set in motion. Transportation will o' i *atd juinlH Strn |Vi»- Last night the Teen Canteen sponsored another one of its all expenses paid It * poi t»' be provided to and from the st.» Last Monday evening the Adult n a »' -o It • ir* I. if- l i ‘or dances in the gym. The reason for the huge amount of teen-aget> mmh asking you to t<4kt one dium so let's get aboard foi this Adv isory Bo.i.d held their m onth book of tbailees .is t> ie.»ll> , t v o a . n a tts t t.-M- : a * who come is mainly because of the informality of these affairs, o n e. i ly meeting at tlie CYO and dis­ and of course, the very low admission price—nothing! Any member of the basketball cussed the problems of the groups The Junior Red Cross has done another wonderful job of mak squad who has not as yet turned 1 at Sacred heart The meet in-; Was ing tray favors for the Easter holidays. These favors will be sent in h s uniform is asked to do so well attended and it is felt that to such institutions as Hasfcrouck Heights Hospital, Hackensack immediately so that they i an be thru thei: untiring effoits that Hospital and the American Legion Hospital. Keep up the good cleaned and stored for next sea Sacred Heart will be ,»t the t«*p w o r k . so n in Bergen County within a shoit The Safety Poster Contest will officially dose on Monday. On April 23 the Katens will lime Congratulations A p r il 9. All finished work must be taken to Room 29 on or before t h a t d a te . Representatives from the various phases of American careers will be at Lyndhurst High School shortly for our annual Career Day. This is an opportunity for the students to hear talks and take part in discussions about the field they plan to enter. One Week More! School closed at the end of the session on Wednesday, and wc are all looking froward to a happy and sunny Easter. We both want to wish all our readers a Happy Easter and a well-earned vacation. See you on April 9. Roberta and Tina

W e'rs o u t t o m uks t h i *

77% F-D Students Own ths b*t! tolst psnod And Drive Own Cars WRITE in our hittory Fill i n t h i t

A conspicuous characteristic of their classes A hardy 4 per cent ticks! Snng It lo Out the Fairleigh Dickinson student spend more than 1*4 hours' trav­ is his mobility. In the survey re­ el time to come \ o co lle g e . ikow isom W s'll bsnd cently conducted, it was found All the percentages, of course, t h a t 8 per cent of the students include day and evening students 3 Good Reasons To o v s i bockw ardt t o g i v a came to college by bus, train, on the tw'o campuses at Ruther­ or on foot; 15 per cent ride with ford and Teaneck. Save At EQUITY you tk* dsal you w ant. someone else; and 77 per cent Fairleigh Dickinson students drive their own cars. are not only on the move, going * INSURED SAVINGS YOUR Of the students, a fortunate 18 back and forth from home to per cent can reach the college in c la ss e s , b u t m o re t h a n 71 p e r * AVAILABILITY cent of them have done traveling I would lik s lo fiay $ less than 15 minutes, while the W ithdrawals Paid on Request vast majority, 71 per cent, take around the United States, beyond p f »l m o n th from 15 to 44 minutes to get to the local area of New York, New Jersey and a couple of neighbor­ * MAXIMUM EARNINGS ing states. Sixty-six per cent of I would lik# $ lor R utq them have, in addition, traveled Current Rate 3% jars' Newark to countries beyond the United my pf#»«nt «* I • I < by plans to raze the center's for­ dents in all divisions of the col­ m er site at 33 Washington street lege are veterans, and that a to­ TICKET to prepare for the erection of the ta l o f 66 per cent have traveled Rugers Law School Building. beynnd the boundaries of the At the present time offices of United States. the Adult Center, which conducts evening nondegree courses in a wide range of personal interest Mr. and Mrs. Fred Pfrimmer. and professional subjects for ma­ 539 Fifth avenue, celebrated their and make big savings on THE BIG JS/1 ture men and women, are located 15th wedding anniversary on Sat on the second floor at 53 Wash­ urday at the Diamond Horseshoe ington street. in New York City. Spring Specials * a Combination Going t o f t e S o o n ...

10 Windows 1 5 9 -9 5 y o u r n i w IM% Extruded Aluminum Aajr Sit* NOT A THREE WAY — THESE ARE TELEPHONE DIRECTORY TRIPLE TRACK! Uuiim ntrrd 10 V nr* W ill Not Ru»l. Pit or Corrwlr. All W indowi CtiMom M adr IF you want any tlitngr in your preicnt Custom Made luung in ihe Telephone Directory . . . Aluminum Door IF you want an tx lrs lining—either for Come in today I S MASONS WHY YOU U M 1 someone el*e in your home or hiiintii, P0 KTTII IMAM THI Mi M or lor >uurulf in a ncirbj Diretiory . .. See why your big buy »•

VENETIAN BUNDS . ALUMINUM AWNINGS Please Gel Io Touch With Your Tele­ Hsw Itlcak i w i •*«•« ««« *1 RADIATOR COVERS WROUGHT IRON RAILINGS phone Business Office As iuoo As Possible No Down Payment . . . Up ts 3 Yean to P « j THE BIG PS-To Businessmen*

North American The Classified Directory (Yellow Pages) alao closes soon Make sure your ad»sf* M e r c u r y Aluminum Company tisem cni is in Uk<»"Wbcrc-to-b


W Ebster 9-3M0 - GKaeva M 743 TftlFM O N I COMPANY visit mm showtoon RIDGE MOTORS nc We Da Not Use Fabe A*rerttie| m R M f a Homd ( R t . 17) Pfcoao W E kstar f4 71S Lyadhw rst. N . I. PAGE EIGHT COMMERCIAL LEADER A SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW THURSDAY, MARCH 29. 1956

KLEVER KLAD DRESS SHOP ARNOLDS BAKERY JEAN TITIAN, PEOP. Wedding and Birthday Cakes Visit Your Church This Easter! B loutet - Handbags • Hosiery Our Specialty Costume Jewelry - Coats and Suits Orders Taken For 306 Stuyvesant Avenue All Occasions At Eastertide Resolve To Visit Your GEneva 8-3508 242 Stuyvesant Avenue GEneva 8-4684 Church-And To Continue The Prac­ S. P O L LI N A BARGAIN STORE tice. WATCHMAKER 231 Stuyvesant Avenue AND JEWELER CE. 8-9023 FAMOUS BRAND The Parents Who Fear For The W el­ Use Our Budget Plan MERCHANDISE 238 Stuyvesant Avenue CEneva 8-9421 AT fare Of Their Children Will Find That CUT RATE PRICES TOWN MARKET If They Go To Church Regularly They 229 Stuyvesant Ave. FREE DEUVERY Will Be Setting An Example Which Phone WE. 9-6759 Meats • Groceries Support the Youth Center Fresh Vegetables W ill PayOff Handsome Dividends In Frozen Foods Building Fund “The Littl* Man With Better Children. The Big Heart” Churchly Children Are Good Child­ KARL S MEAT MARKET ren. PARK CLEANING COMPANY FINE MEATS Same Day Dry Cleaning Service

AND GROCERIES i IM I I D IM . SA I I HIlA'i J!. \\mue, I \mUmr-t. \ J FREE DELIVERY Churchly Parents Are also Good Par­ 207 Stuyvesant Avenue WE DO OUR OWN CLEANING W Ebster 9-0929 ents. SAN CARLO RESTAURANT A u th o rized K O D A K D e a le r W e Of The Stuyvesant Avenue Mer­ FACILITIES FOR BANQUETS F a s t COLOR S e rv ic e AND PARTIES SAMF. DAY FILM DEVELOPING chants Association at This Time of the EXCEPT SATURDAYS BEFORE 9:30—READY 4:30 P.M. Featuring Sizzling Steaks CAMERA HOUSE Year Salute The Reverend Men of This 300 Copeland Ave. (cor. of Stuyvesant) WE. 9-9083 213 Stuyvesant Ave. WEbster 9-4260 Community. SPINAS FLORIST CARLIN S SHOE STORE They Have Done Much For Its Better­ Fresh Cut Flower* Children -Teen A ger a • Big Boy» ■v Potted Plants Women a Casual a ment. Our Debt To Them Can Never Funeral Design Uur Specialty Featuring Buster Brown Shoes J 221 Stuyvesant Avenue GEnrva 8-1234 223 Stuyvesant Avenue GEneva 8-8263 Be Paid.

EDNA MAE SHOPPE LEDERMANS | For Your Shopping Needs LADIES’ AND CHILDREN’S CARROLL S WINE & LIQUORS ( F o r m e r ly G o o d y ’s) WEAR Wines - Liquors - Beer Visit Our New Modern Store Cold Beer - Wines - Liquors | Shop On Stuyvesant Avenue Miat Swank — Luxite — Barbizon BEST IN COLD CUTS & HOME MADE SALADS Free Delivery For tuna FREE DELIVERY Official Girl Scouts Headquarter a / A 299 Stuyveaant Avenue WEbster 9-5975J ▲ND SAVE 214 Stuyvesant Avenue WEbster 9*8121 236 Stuyveaant Avenue GEneva 8-7714

FELDMAN CLEANERS Lyndhurst Recreation Center STUYVESANT LAUNDRY A . C H A S A R & SO N 12 AIRGONDITIONED DRIVE IN AND SAME DAY SERVICE ELECTRICIANS A L L E Y S S A V E 2 0 % Air Conditioning 0 150 Seating Capacity for Public Visit Our Modern Plant CASH & CARRY Home and Commercial Wiring 222 Stuyveaant Avenue 6-Hour Service on Request Fans and Appliance* G E n e v a 8-9780 200 Stuyveaant Avenue WEbster 9-4113 163 Stuyvesant Ave. GE. 84)879 237 Stuyveaant Avenue GEneva 8-4505

F o o tste p s GEneva 8-8903 WE OUTFIT TEAMS STUYVESANT PHARMACY >5 STUYVESANT AVENI’E WE. 9-3100 T PRESCRIPTION S, o t A , FINE SHOES LYNDHURST SPORTS CENTER CHILDREN ^ M William Richter, B.S.-Ph.G., Prop. I L E V Y ’S ( J k m t e * WE CAMT A COMPLETE LINE OT PHARMACY TEEN-AGERS “YOl’R HEALTH FRIENDS" BOYS A R C H E R Y - G O L F • T E N N IS • BASEBALL EQUIPT. De*l(ne4 to K m » < # • Full Line Of Modern Drugs FRESH AND SALT WATER TACKLE SAosi Little Feet Noraul • Free, Prompt Delivery Service SKIN DIVING EQUIPT., OUTBOARD MOTORS • Zenith Hearing Alda I not a sideline- Men * Women WE 9 5300 a p • Batteries For All Hearing Aids 1*4 Valley Brook NeU K racer II* STVYVUAMT AVENUE W i N. PALAZZO OPEN SUNDAYS—9 A.M. to 1 P.M. & 4 P.M. to i P.M . j COMPLETE LINE Of SICKROOM SUPPLIES' Av... Bofle Bid* Jack K r a n r LTNDHJM T, N. J. I - E K E DELIVERY ~ Doctor’s Prescriptions Filled 299 8TTYVESANT AVENUE GEnewa t- lltt „ HARRY'S HARDWARE ODETTE S BEAUTY SALON VERA S SPECIALTY SHOP » RENTAL SERVICE t 212 Stuyveaant Avenue DONS BARBERS Expert Hair Shaping end Tinting Floor Polisher, Sander, Edger Large Selection of DON - AL . JOH N Permanent Wave Specialist The Ultra Modem Shop V Lawn Roller, Staple Gun, Wallpaper 291 StuyraMBl A t Expert Hair Styling (or Sprayer, Smoother, Belt Sander M en , Women and Children Lyndhunt, N. J. 237 Stuyveeaat Avenue Open Sunday!— 9 A.M. to 12 N o o n GEneva M SI? 230 Stuyr«ant A v e n u e WEbater 94)251 LADIES' HATS • HANDBAGS Lvadhurrt, N. J. & HOSIERY • LINGERIE ACCESSORIES Stuyvesant Avenue Merchants AssociationGEiwva 8-8007 THURSDAY, MARCH 29. 1956 COMMERCIAL LEADER a SOUTH BFRr.FN REVIEW ______P\C.E MNt

Mi$s Majkowski ' Oeters. brother of the bride-elect. Gardens. North Arlington M wi'l, Jersey C*ty. attends Rut­ Rutherford Girl Hold Shower For land ' Sonny Turner, of Jersey Oeters ii a graduate of Lyndhurst *ers Unrv*r*it> He nerved m the Barbara Cameron Bride of To Wed Local Man It On Vacation .City, will usher. Sdnw and ta with tha pay- Army as a lieutenant H* « as Miss Elirabeth Ann Majkow­ Miss Roselondo The couple are planning •• VpartmeM of Kopper s Coke K o untant with the Dr mi Roberta Reid. »of Oriental Stahl, 2162 Stecher avenue, Un­ tered by an orchid. Many special events have place, w ho will be one of her ion, on Saturday. marked a busy and successful Her attendants wore cocktail bridesmaids at her forthcoming The ceremony was performed length dresses of taffeta, blue for winter at Traphagen Conducted sweater pump patents at 4:30 p.m. at the Second Pres­ visits to long established houses W e d d in g the honor maid and rose petal for Assisting hostesses were Miss byterian Church, Newark, by the in the trade have proved thrilling the bridesmaids. They wore Barbara Jeckert, of Garfield, who Rev. Charles Eashardt. minister matching headdresses and carried as well as educational Heniy w dl v>e m a id o f h«>n<»r, a n d M iss The reception was held at fhe Rosenfeld and Jack Horwitz As v. in three heel heights bouquets of spring flowers. Josephine Celh bridesmaid Dec­ M ilitary Park Hotel. Newark. sociates showed the students ora tiu ns were in pink and white Miss Isabelle McWilliams, of After a motor trip to Florida what soes on in showroom, de­ Guests included Mrs Louis Kearny, was maid of honor the couple will live in Union, signing, cutting and factory de­ Bridesmaids w'ere the Misses Mrs. Stahl is a graduate of Kear­ Jeckert. of Garfield Mrs Rose partments At Tennessee Eastman n»«**e a>f|, clinging patents 6t like Jeanne Rattray, of Kearny, and ny Hi ,h School and the Wash­ they were welcomed to see the Rerahat-t and Mrs. Anna Gaik?, Barbara Eggelston. of Westfield. ington School for Secretaries and cf J« >ey Cit\ Mrs K R Retd. new fabrics coming up and a tour cashlfTf «*»ntff* IV Kite! o i t h e Frederick Staiger. of Union, vs with the Pennsylvania Rail­ at the New York Times revealed M rs T. 1 1 ,,n ■ Mrs G I Dav enp !t M- H T. Cheevers Mrs served as best man. Frank Man- road in New York Citv Her hus­ how a newspaper and all its fa*h lit ia tlie m>/|, elasteased iiJIar white nylon tulle over satin, gineering and is associated with of 289 Washington avenue. Ruth­ from the trade include Mis lads TT>e aevret of its o»m (nri is the tu/l with lace panel trimming. Her his father, an electrical contrac­ erford. announce the engagement Martin of EveriJaze and Jody Gtnr J« kei t dnd the Misses bodice was fashioned with an il- t o r of their daughter. Eleanor, to Auerswald of the Silk and Ray«m Ft hel Reid aii.I Jennie Celli . of lo< aiui rliatnoM Hift lining Thomas A Gibbons, son of Mrs Print Institute In Traphagen^s I) nd hurst Sl’SAN BLAKESI FF C.t’FST Alfred Ludwig. 300 Valley Brook fraihion Clinic, they ha\e already M s* R-welsnd.* .‘I become AT BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION Lincoln Programs avenue. Lyndhurst. and Mr Da­ beard Mrs Miriam C .dwell a*- t ;•[ ide of Alter, .latest ot i s a m ..s L iD it'T NOM l JOl R.' il Susan Blakeslee, daughter of Star Kindergarten vid Gibbone of North Arlington. I osted by her daughter who t* a ii a: field at j .eiem om to be pr* Mr and Mrs. John Blakeslee, of Miss Merck is a laboratory as­ • Trarhagen alumna speak on t i • e d a t 4 SO p m n A I'M 11 1 1 Ridge road, was guest of honor, a! Sacred Heart K i' Chmch Children of the afternoon kin­ sistant in the dispensary of Hof! styling and grooming r. beauty in celebration of her third birth­ dergarten class of the Lincoln m ann-lj Roche and an engineer- 1 —Mrs Coi dwell o i day, at a party given at her School took part in an assembly ig student at Fairleigh Dickinson the National Hai die and home on Saturday. Janice Oeters procram at the school Thursday College Mr Gibbons, an army ! Cosmetologists W k mIi .md Her guests were Linda Meola. afternoon and Tuesday, also. veteran is attending Newark I for two years past than man of Mark Sauto. Karen and Joanne Chooses Date Songs, recitations and dances College of Engineering j the Official Hair F.-, . : c Sozzio, Paul Pesile. Phyllis and. featured the program. Mrs. M ar­ A December wedding is being nilttee After the Ka !. \a,a!:oii >* Janue Oeters,- daughter of Leonard Ministero, Ann and Nan- p la n n e d ion Kellow, teacher of the class, | is over. Miss Majkow.*i and the ^ : Mr* William W Oete • cv Burns and William and Ellen | ( lass look (oiward lo a UU l>\ ,, B la k e s le e . d ire c te d . R.:therfurd avenue. ha* Cynthia Crisafulli was the an­ Marian Stehlik membei f the The celebration was continued •ii A >riI 21 *» thr date foi nouncer. Albert Hilderhof played I Society of Arne: u an Fash. -;i Pe h on Sunday with a family gather­ DONNA IIIND RICK SON ... i . to J o s e p h W D o ta the tom-tom. Solos were sung by .signers, one of New \ „ , ad ing, Mr and Mrs. Harry Hansen, MARKS NINTH BIRTHDAY .. r. . f Mr ami Mr* J -ej»h ' Frank Orefice. Dennis Vizaro and ing fashion creat.-i* ..i t d i . ~ s the child's grandparents, of ;,.s:k K50 H u tiie if in d av« ' Allan Nasta Donna DiNisco. Lin­ Donna Hendrickson, daughter Traphkgen alumna Lyndhurst; Mr. and Mrs. Ken­ da Ann Pancaro, Deborah Bas­ of Mr and Mrs Donald Hendrick­ The climax of the dim , wdl neth Whipple, of Allwood; Mr o*’ |HM set and Kathleen Pellitieri sang son. 138 Post avenue, is nine years come after Easter too tin u,n f he F ll» t and Mrs. James Pelkanon and duets Recitations were given by old today She will celebrate by ion show when feminine '.i t. !-!■> , children, Marian and Teddy, of hei f o id Donald Cherichella, John Oddo entertaining eight girls from her try out their knowledge o-t ti t a t th . Jersey City: and Mr. and Mrs. and Eric Rail. Violet Schrecken- third grade class in Franklin to wear when and h> what tM>. Robert McGuffcy and daughters. stein, Carol Zkutvnski and Janet S ch o o l. w o m a n ." Both and Jane, of Sayreville. u i Certosimo. Mary Ann Tenero- On Sunday there was a family Miss Majkowski will rH u.n ? « wicz sang a song and danced. W il­ celebration Guests were, het Traphagen April 2 when if,. ^ Mo J>'-vn Pantoliano Mrs. Harry Eistnger of Post liam Marra, Frank Scardino and garndparents, Mr and Mrs Mai school reopens foi the conimu i fo: d, w dl U- biidetm a avenue, marked her birthday on Louis Talarico were cowboys tin Cree. of Cranford. Mr and ance of the term, Dav I* m.- '• ■ f tiu- pi Sunday. Her son. Jack, marked The see-saws were presented by Mrs. M artin Cree. Jr , and child his on Tuesday. The two were Philomena Carrano. John Snyd­ ren. Mary Lee and Robert of Ralph Youngs Had celebrated on Sunday at the home er, Albert Hilderhof. Terrence Tom's River Mr and Mrs Hen­ • • ||:,In. ■ In m- . i‘itv ry Kupper. of Cliffside Park. Mr. of Mr and Mrs Jack Eisinger Maguire, Georgette Mastriani, Reids as Guests ifl »j i v e a s t m s t man Wallace June Kunz, John Oddo and Frank and Mrs. Robert Kupper. of Gar­ and children, James and Deborah, Mr and Mrs. Ralph Young. , ! field Miss Bertvne Hendrickson, of Denville. Local guests were S c a rd in o . Jay avenue, have had a> their of Brooklyn. N Y and her SHOP IN Y fttl Mr. and Mrs Eisenger and Kathy guests for two weeks then son- grandparent*. Mr and Mrs Her­ T a m k e . in-law and daughter. M an OW N HOMF FOB man Hendrickson, and her sister. fy^litul^eu Mrs Robeit Reid of B runei k. S e le c t M iss Ripo Linda Hendrickson, of Lyndhurst Ga They are returning l<> thi ,i SLIPCOVERS On College Unit home by way of FJorudo. Ill Jean Domalewski where they will visit iclat; . C t'S T O M tlie shoe with tlie beautiful lit Miss Babette Joan Ripp of M i R eid Lyndhurst. a student at Steph­ Becomes Engaged Another sun-in lav and daug*> DRAPERIES their daughter. Charlotte Ann, . . te riu ty . whg have t m »l Butchwnod. at Call aa ur w rtti aai w r HARRISON SHOES nounce the pngt|M n«nl of tfecir 1 r*w nl«tU « will «*a»» ai fa n Miss Ripp was selected for this daughter, Jeftn T, to Tdward J. •so were guests at tne Young*: home with a full tine of 224 l!.irn»oii \ir II \ tt I i'*#i 11 a rt U .m honor because of her outstanding C e l i ! i ion of Mr and Mrs. Vic home They have now li ft f >i his art work and her high scholastic M itiplr fabrtea t hv«wv J im r tor A Ccbula, 163 Tonnele ave­ next navy assigment at Hi un* ftltrHs in y.iur own home record. The purpose of Tau Sfgma nue. Jersey Citv wick, Maine W .triable and Hunfast ma Tau, besides honoring outstand A dinner for the immediate ■ Other week end guests mriud I r r U h ing art students, is to promote family, on Faster Sunday, at the ed another ion in law and daugh­ a greater appreciation of art on home of the bride-elect's parents, ter, Mr and. Mrs Dean W Pat­ NO IXTR4 ( IIAKfil the part of the campus as a will honor the couple- erson and Mr and Mrs Mill,, i I OK t M h * I.K V I( ft w h o le. An early fall wedding is Young and son, Ralph, all of Lm Miss Ripp is the daughter of p la n n e d den. for a family dinner cele Harry B. Mr and Mrs. Russell Henry Ripp brating Mr Peterson's birthda> of 555 Fifth avenue She is a PARENTS OF DAlTillTFR On Saturday avening the Pet Ackcrson member of the Prince of Wales Mr and Mrs, Julius Accardi, ersons and the Reids went to riding club and was recently ap of Newark, formerly of Lynd­ New York City and enjoyed in lid II \< KI NS \t K ST pointed art editor of "Standard '. hurst .ire the parents of a daugh | ner and a show, in fuithei cele E a t t f o r the Stephens literary and feature ter. Rose Ann. born March 15 bration of Mr Peteison's birth I AK1 SI U ll. N J m a g a z in e . She joins a brother, Julius. Jr d a y . P liour U llr.I.-r 9-2111

i Vaur Informal W adding i s a Foriralta ... of oourae t SUITS and TOPCOATS M * a r a t i v . . • Admiration for the maids, Ity furt-mo.l m;ik.-r-: compliment* for the wed­ ding ... T hat's what you’ll Itiifirrial (.roii|> fr.tin I9.7.» hear for the wonderful, in­ formal photograph- we w ill Hart ScliafTnrr & Marx frmn 69.50 make of every detail of your wedding. T im e ly fri,n i (Ml !**• f + i.n g a f r * a a Yes, it nilT lie beautiful 0 j . . . j u s t c o m e in , o r p h o n e K ld n ra d ii fro m H .OO a* d o fl'*f.l*«ii» |l i «ha the » g f h * « il, fhe for your appointm ent. S ilto n fro m 6 5 0 0 . ft « t h a n*m ka< Vi o r* lrd -T i f r o m 6 5 . 0 0 / TU a r m i a a / t n * « U target • ’h ih--** llM» the ka»»fe«veM f . W k > | Wi # a - - r% h photos , . . a* d *h« g«at|fie#ti«n THIS YEAR. I.OOK FOR NEW STYLINli . . g a t ff**» §•>••■ g 27<> MAIN STREKT f 1 « a«*l * •#»*»».M ha world fc linj! i. i \|iri--«.il In the colum n thin . . . . r VfTUR yj A FAJIAJ'fc Diamond 2*7300 linr. of Ivy Lraftu<- .tylitiK, and the rlrgann- of rna.trr tailoring. Complete Albums w ith THIS YEAR, 1.

C an d id s from the fin.--t m ill, on both lonlinrnl. rom r. thf new and in falirir* . . m ohair, *J**? *40. and tw rrd., darron. and dacron hlrnd.. .ilk ‘n‘ P o rtra its wor.tcd*, and tin- luxury of \irgin woolen.,


JU U E 'S look for the new light, bright .hade, and m uted tone. . . . look for tweed effect* and .m art uiiunat G IF T S H O P geometric deign.. TOYS unit

CERAMICS THIS YEAR, LOOK TO a > • # COSTUME a «asr avtM «V 90t • Jarm an and Nunn Bulk a •. >• ia aakH M foa S H O ES a I m I'H O avilf JEWELRY tm m erm a n 's Stefion 4nd M allory • < • • < .* * a o f 8 1 1 V « U < 7 Brook At*. & FOR THE FINEST IN MEN S APPAREL H A T S • a i a t t ia r a * o a* LTndbunt, N. J. 74 PARK AVENUE, RI THERFOtl). N, J Manhattan and Enley t • * 'ae C E bft. 84301 O fm tmUf to « lay aaa m iar 1 11 • r JL SHIRTS PACE TEN COMMERCIAL I.EAhER A SOTTTH RF.RCEN REVtEW THURSDAY. MARCH 29, 1956 Andy Renz Hits Bowling's Hall Of Fame With Perfect 300 Game Renz Find Alleys To His Liking With An 8 0 3 Series County Jamboree Scores 1 HAWK’S CORNER , | |. By W a ite r “ H a w k ’" K ow e a 618 on 199, 205 and 214. Best an upset when the last place G ar * j noise al the I.yndhurst Recreation Center’s (or the losers was George Mor­ den Delicatessen interrupted Willi Fans and At Gate rell with games of 202 and 212. the winning ways of the first By Walter “Hawk" Rowe howling emporium wan ihf (Community League's meeting The crazy pace setting tactics place Amvets Pe»st 20 by taking The 1956 Bergen County Bas- School of Ramsey, although not IMPORTANT NEWS IH E FROM WILLIAMSPORT evening Over at the south end of the build of the Paul Beatty Painters con­ two games. This was accomp­ ketball Jamboree had a record entered in the Jamboree, sold the paid attedance of 4,210 fans and surprising total of 275 tickets. A Good half dozen local citizens, instrumental in the operation j ing oil alleys I I a n d 1 2 the league was making history a tinued ' as they won a double lished despite a neat 654 series from the Park View House. The by Sal Roselli, the Amvets’ cap­ gate receipts totaling $3,038 50, it Total expenses for this year’s of Little l^eaeu«? activities, will be seated near telephones tonight j Andy Ren*, howling for Charlie'* Delicatessen, became t h ' was revealed by Clarke Folsom, event came to $1,524.56. This in­ They will be awaiting a long distanced call from Williamsport, Pa. | *• , , , . . ’ , Painters rolled 953 and 956 to tain. Roselli noured out games of Sometime in the early evening the National board of Directors up p m n e r ill that loop to record both a .Sill) gam e a?»n win the first two contests while 231, 211 and 212, but it wasn’t permanent secretary-treasurer of eludes rental of gymnasiums, spe- the Park Viewers w’ere having the tournament. cial policemen, trophies, indivi­ in the Dutch Colony will be winding up a three-day meeting. | an 800 or better series. Renz. the Stuyvesant avenue “hutch- quite enough to avoid the upset. identical 914 efforts. In the finals Mike Latorraca had games of 205 Folsom released the figures to dual awards, programs, and game The importance and «*d for a Ions d,stance call has came j „ b o y ” wa* m ipcrb as l.e ot.ene.l with a 2 4 7 R a il..-, fo llo w e d the Park View boys broke loose members of the Bergen County officials. about following the hrst annual UtUe League Baseball Congress , wjth hi, f e e l whk.h ho . . and 206, Frank Pogoda blasted with a 1060 "am** to salv*’«*» ^ 245 and Bill Gedrimas a 211 for Coaches Associate,n’s Jamboree Regarding plans for the 1957 which was held la^t weekend in Chicago. Ihe field men, Lynd- had und,.r control ,11 tin- wiv Tommymmy "Tonto”“Tonto" Rowe had a 233 , , ,, had under control all the way game for the victory column. Committee and representatives of edition of the Jamboree, Folsom hurst was represented by Dr. Albert Hegovsky of Carlstadt, the' ^ flna, garoe of (h,. serie, waH the winners. and Bobby Dohmyer, Jr., had a Frank Lembo. anchor pinner for area newspapers at a dinner held said there is a possibility of in­ district leader, rr.e t and discussed and formulated rule changes. If ;ust informal im. th.. n ii , < John L. Burks picked up a 222 for the Tavern Boys. the league leaders was outstand­ at Badini’s Restaurant. creasing the field from eight to 12 a.rcjitablG ro the *.,.1 uf I. . tor, maftv of the rules w il go C e debT S local ^pie ful game on the circuit leaders and ing with a 684 on scores of 255. Dumont High School. teams, providing there are "ito effect im iriediateli. Ihat one means so much to Lyndhurst and ; lowers were. rootinB ,iem m wMh Universal Service was also a moved to within three games of triple winner as they setback Stel- ?.?.S f»nd 204 For th® losers Fd- the top by winning a double of the 1956 event, and runnerun ene>ugh clubs available with rec- other towns of the same population which will allow six teams in a chance at setting a record for m.e k’s in three. Eddie Boughton, die , Masters had a 657 on . 212. 189 from Pasquin Motors. Standing I^odi each received $371.62. Third ords that warrant their inclusion. league even .though, the population is over 15,000. the entire country for the 1955 56 fill-in pmner for the Truckers, i and 256 and Henn.. Candta came out for the Undertakers were place Englewood and fourth If the 12 team field pans out, The localite to receive.fhe call tonight will be Mayor Gal- : season. As Renz. continued his I through with a 618 on 204, 196 Tohnny Licitra with a 211, Billy North Arlington came out of the next year’s tourney will onen on lagher so politicians- keep the line open. And Gallagher knows pin-slauphter the records showed a n d 21& Lnndells with a 202 and Henny tourney with $265 apiece, while Saturday, February 16. with af­ what this rule change will mean to Lyndhurst. Kvhen the Little. that 837 is the national high. Renz Levy’s Pharmacy upset Pasotcn Candia with a 200. For the Mo­ Ridgewood, Ramsey. Bogota, and ternoon and night doubleheaders. League was started here m 1950 there was one, six-team league. fashioned a neat 256 finale for an Motors in a pair. The D ruP^i^ tormen. Terry Kearney had a 208 St. Cec'lia of Englewood, each It would continue on Februar> Before 1952 season arrived tin1 popular game was increased to two, 1 803 m a rk . took a 2-0 lead on «ames of 970 and Jack Colonie a 207 received $106.20 as their part of 18 19, 21 a n d 23. six-team league;. With two 1 >.i 11 parks. River Road, and penick Renz’s quintet, Charlie'. Deli­ *nd 959 cornered to a •'air of The Gallagher Associat;on th e p u rse . Folsom expresse*d the he>pe that Helds, the . t tup w as fine. The National League would play its catessen rolled a 2997 series in fl41’s *or the Motormen The vet­ failed in their bid to move into P a id a tte n d a n c e w*es b ro k e n the ’57 tourney will be olayed in first half at River Road and the Second part of the schedule at winning all three games from e r a n P a s q u in c o m b in e th*>n r a m P second place as they were inter- down this wav; 2.343 student one gymnasium rather than split Penick Field. The American League would do the opposite and j Ritacco’s Bar. 'fhe- winners had in with a 1063 to win the finale rupted. wi*h a two game loss in­ ticket® and 1,867 adult tickets. on various courts as was the case a fine organi/taion ran smoothly. games of 985, 1088, 924 L e n d in g Tr>ek Borrituk of the Pnsoui"1 wa* flicted bv Vinnie's Dairy. With Folsom ar"'"unced that I odi this year. There are fev/ gyms in But in the minds of the “biggies” at Williamsport they de- I a helping hand in the victorv hi-h with a 667 '*n 216,217 and the mat h up sticks, the Milk­ sold the mos* * dent ti kets, 698. »he area, however, that have the tided some changes had to be made. Territorial rules were estab- was Charlie Laiesl.i with a 653. 234 while Gene Morgan of I.e- m e n earne*d the* v e r d ie 4 w ith a while Dumont had the se nnd seating facilites necessary te* 11shed and a rule came out saying that towns over 15,000 popu- 1 series on games of 210. 27H a n d W g had a 622 on 191. 221 and 926 finale which saw Lem Annitti greatest sale, 438 Don Bosco Hirh house the event, he added lation colld no longre have six team leagues. The problem here on 165 For the losers, Blase Ritacco 210. Angelo Simone h-.d a 60? get a 216. Phil Pignnelli a 221 what to do wa: .- tilved by organizing three, four-team leagues: h e I a 234 for the winners and Bill Dacosta and Vince Baldino a 204 the Eastern, Western, and Central. But the problem of breaking Klse where in C o m m u n t - so ­ a 601 fe^r th e lo s e rs . All Window Product* moved the township into three territories was unsolved whieh resulted ciety the league leading Hilltop Antoni no Roeco 4+h Grcde Stages B o g le A g e n e v w o n twi<*e fro m to within a half game of third in a complaint to national headquarters which brought about Lynd- Service Station won a pair of Three Acre Grill with the third nlae*e bv winning two from Reiy- hur.-t's inehgibiliU foi participation in the all star, post season game s from Brookdale- Bev e rages. W restles Friday Play at Lincoln fame deciding the match. George d H a w a iia n P a lm s . The* le»ss s e n t p la y . Jew M i/.zi le*el the* w a y w i t h a 606 Gabriel anchored the Realtors 1 the* H a w a iia n s b a c k in to fifth The most amazin" per^orme*r Lincoln Scboe»l was entertained The three leagues and the boundai ies set up have operated for o n '>00, 203 a n d 203, with Billy vi' torv with a 649 setto on 216 olace Joe Perello was the hi in wrestling Antonino Rocca - on Thursday. March 22, with a Lar lells cheeking in with a 217 several seasons. It has proven dull, uninteresting and monotonous 1**6 and 237. For Don Cerrito’- sticker wih i 636 series on 212. will display his wares before the pi'ey presented by Mr Shera’s F xwell Garage rolled H40. After a long survey the boundaries are arrived at and the boys Three Acre aggravation And' 205 and 219 An" Simone had local public for the third time fourth grade. The plav was en­ 1003 a n d 922 in winning three are signed Tiyouts are held and team organized. With only two C-’-eco turned iid with a re«»nect- games of 206 and 208 Johnnv Fu- this year when he meets Lennv titled “Our School Day" and con­ game*s from K« llv' , "5" J-irk So- parks the operation of three leagues becomes a problem. One loop al »e on 237 213 and 203 gare> had a 226 and Mil e "Black Montana, the rou«h grappler sisted of four se-enes, depicting a eienski starred for tin- G u a W m becomes a "roving1’ circuit and plays a rough schedule. They get Joe Mizzi’s 655 ser ies was re- Beauty" Polito a 201 all for the from the West, in Friday’s fea- day at Lincoln School. The class men with a 6 4 0 s e t o n 17:5. 202 to play on the same night, for instance the four teams play all A N D V R E N Z "onsible for Po’lina’s Jew elers in victors. Top Hawaiian was Jason ture at Laurel Garden. Newark. featured four flutophone selec­ a n d 265, while John "Snarky" their games on the same night throughout the season. That has co-ninp the odd "ame from Ar­ Licitra w'ho led off with a 613 It unusual for Rocca to make tions an instrum ent which they’ve Czarnecki had a 249 and AI Ged showe.*d thc* w a y w ith a 614 s e r ie s been the discouraging part here in Lyndhurst. nold's Bakerv. Mizzi had a trio on the power of a 244 closing so many appearances here so just learned to play this year. rim a s a 201. Tony Cammarata hael o n s c o re s o f 236, 187 a n d 191 Whatever the decision from Williamsport it will not hinder o ' p-ores which included a 246 game. early in the vear. A' a rule Roc- The cast included Russell Stel­ a 604 w ith a 22 5 h ig h g a m e foi Ge ne* M orlini had a 214 and Dom the local program which begins tryouts this Saturday at the high 2'»8 a n d 201 Ar« 0 * » 0 h a d a g o o d San Carlo’s Restaurant man- ca is such a sought-after perform- lato, leader. Gwendolvn Gaugler, the Lawyerr.iem who also had Al De-Luca a 200 for -the winner, school field. The schedule will start with the W estern League trials i i«.ht for 'he Bakers with a 625 aged to tally the lone three game er that he can hardly give any Maureen Phelan, Richard Crisa- Whitehead shooting a 211 a n d while* Dick Higgins had a 223 for from 9 a.m until II 'a.m.; the Central League from 11 a.m. until on 202. ‘>43 r»nd 180. win of the evening’s activities as single promoter rm>re than three Dan Zirpoli a 207 the Cushion boys. fulh Jennifer Settembrino, Su­ 1 p.m . and the I. i tem League from 1 until 3 p.m. That schedule Carroll’s Wines A Linuors ral­ Price Chevrole t swept pa.-1 the the y swept past Trenchers Weld- «howings in an entire vear. Thus san Rizzolo and Lois Menta. will be in efTeet on March 31, April 7 and 14. The practice times The defending champion Fcrtir lied to win a double from the Garden Spot Inn in all three* tilts ing. The f »p score of the match he snreads these appearane*es out. Others in thc cast were Gerard for Apnl 21 will l»- announced, as that is the date for the annual Feirty Club featured the* weekly Garden Spot Inn in a le»w scoring as Al Fuscarino had game of was a 225 l«y Chet Wysinski of But the tremendous crowd which Carlucci, Ralph DeNisco, M atthew auction. In a two-day registration period the players’ agent signed i’e*t togethe-r of the Frielay night match. A 214 yame* bv Brownie* the winners. attended his last lex*al showing Duda, Paul Farmer. Robert Hero, 202 and 213. Buddy Sauer had a up 210 boys between the ages of 9 and 12. Any boy living in the M a jo r L e a g u e a s th e y w e re the* Regotti and a 200 by Doc Lozier 244, Johnny Fuscarino a 212 an d Alumaroll Awnings took a pair ’ nronmted the barefooted South Robert LaGuardia, Leonard township who was unable to sign up at that time must do so this able to register a thre was best for *he wdnners. The Johnny Cordone* a 203. from Soremen s Real Estate with American to make a quick re O’Kunak, Dennis Restiano. John Saturday at !) a.m. at the high school field if he is desirous in ply victory. The Four Forty Club Garden Spotters rolled 1006 in Koltzbier having a 216 and Grant t u r n h e re . Villano, Jo Ann Carlucci, Angela Northern Iron and Steel took trying out for a team. rolled a 2993 series on games e»f winning the first '-ar-ie which saw Hook a 209, each coming in the Montana, who combine* rlcv- Della Volpe, Geraldine Geraci, three from Sirl’s Tavern as K I lie 995. 994 and 1044 in winning all Carl Penney exnlode with a 234 victorious contests. For the Real­ er with vilb»inov« Work, bas b^en Linda Krzvzaniak, Nadine Mar- Dawson continued his hot tieak thiee* from Brookdale Beverages. CALI. FOR AMERICAN LEGION CANDIDATES Clint Hughes a 215 and Eddie De­ tors. Mike Dielei had a 217 and away from Newark for more than e*tte, Carol Miede, Marion Moder- w ith a 645 o n 213, 202 a n d 230. Johnny Jaget was the top scorer The Baringer Walker Post 139. American Legion, once a pow­ laney a 214. Fred Remhoff a 206. both back a year. Better known as th° 7~- elli. Annette Pollara, Frances Joe Alon/o had a 244 a n d N a te with a 623 em 212. 197 and 211. er in both county and state Legion junior baseball circles, will T h e Ree* J u n i o r L e a g u e , p i n ­ to back in the winning second bra Kid. Montana is on*' n f th e r cardina, Jo Ann Speyer, Pa­ M y re a 201 f o r th e w in n e r s While* with Chippy Christ contributing again go all out in giving local teen-agers a chance to play base­ ning on Wednesdays witnessed g a m e . game’s big attractions. He is re­ tricia Vigilant, Laura Yurkie- ball. The post will sponsor a team in the Bergen County Ameri­ garded as the owner of the big w icz and Nancy Pironti. can Legion League The Barnnger-W alker Bdllets has issued a gest pair of hands in the game call for candidate . plus eligible veterans from last year's team. The oooular team of Lou Scar A meeting will l>e held a week from tomorrow, Friday evening, DeRoma Sets New Biddy League Record 216 Points pa and Tonv M artinelli will bat­ P.S. Honors Drivers April 6 at 7 p.m. The affair will take place at Ihe Legion Home 1 lie* 1 <>r»6 111 Ihe* C o m m e rc ia l L e a d e r t a i n so m e s a tis fa c tio n as the* a m o n g 121 P u b lic S e r v ic e d r i v e r s Simon mingles with Kenny Any bov in the township bet we* 15 a n d 17 is e lig ib le to trv - sports dcparlnie'iit - Imws that a new individual scoring rec- records show that the Setomans honored last week for completion out. John O'Hartigan, who ..avs the A c k le s. proof that the family «>r«l w as se*t th is sea son. Ih'hhv Delbuna. stellar S**t'iu Hall scored 414 points on 168 goals o f 10 s u c c e s s iv e y e a r s o f b u s originated in County Clare, will again be the chairman. Ray Mor and 78 feiuls. the same amount driving without a chargeable ac­ performer estuhli'l lie* gash will again manage* the* club. e el a w mark hy scoring 216 peiints that Notre Dame tallied. The Ir­ LYNDHURST GIANTS c id e n t. in ten games f o r a 21 (t pouls per game average. I)*-Roina ish had 174 goals and 66 fe»uls TO HOLD TRYOUTS TIIE NAMES WILL CHANGE BUT THE FACES ARE THE SAME b e c o m e s the* t h i r d lo cal p la y e r in . oo . o-r Bradley, the third place finisher, The Lyndhurst Giants will hold Mrs. V G. Barley and Mrs. Eg­ The Municipal Softball League originally stated that March B td d y h is to r y to ta lly o v e r the* turdham by one, 38 to 37 lrad 3,5 ints (ol)owed b st trvouts Saturday mominp, March bert Gawley. assistant leaders, 15 would be the deadline in securing a franchise for the 1956 Sea­ double century mark. In the in­ Ihe popular basketball pro- John.s with 265 pnmelon \ vlth ion > I :• 11 31, at 10 a m. n‘ *he Countv Park and Mrs. Enzio Sangeorgi, lead- son. lt seems someone heard about it after the date so President fram for boys between the ages 255 and Fordham with 249. t Malt itia l s e a s o n a t the* R oose-velt ir.- I»n m*> in I yndhurst. The* Bergen Conn- er of troop 14. Brownies, met on Pat Carucci, in order ><» be fair, extended the deadline two weekF. School gymnasium. M itty ’’Lef­ n nin e a n d 12 y e a rs a n d u n d e r .... , , tv league* is composed of six Friday afternoon at the home of The circuit meets tonight at the Town Hall at 8. Whatever te^ms ty” Tam aro scored 202 jnunts ami S feet fi inches tall, was spoil- | . A,.totf of 7 1 ,W « •«* Part teams, Lyndhurst Passaic, Du- Mrs. Clarence Doud, Fourth I by the Department of Parks i the E“e P1^ 53 are represented tonight will comprise the full membership for at the High School last ye ar Tom tnem able to dent thc scoring mont, Glen Ridge, Allendale and street, where they worked e*n and Playgrevunds under thc direc­ this season. To date seven teams are in. They hope that no more Longo hr ought it up to 204 Hackensack Tlie first game will puppets, preparing to tea h the tion of Yl.tvoi William F. Gal- I column Following is the individ­ come in. The reason being that the less amount means a bigger Both Taniaro and L«>ngo played be on May 6. Brownie's bi>w to make them. lagher. 'Ihe* league was super­ ual scoring records for the 1056 schedule and more games. They aren’t being selfish, it’s just that on th*-* championship St John s seaso n vised by Police Lt. Richard the seven already "in" tike to play liall. Six of the seven are vet teams, thus DeReima becomes the erans of the local order. A team represent mg the Bilka Bar & “Murph" Coughlin and was firs t playe r tei w in th e in d iv id u a l I >«■ Ktinu Grill and coached by Bobby Guida. will have new fares. The cfoftm coached by a volunteer corps con- j Hr-1 on M ill scoring title who was not a mem­ sistirig of Earl Hanley, Floyd X.linsk N'** Ituint) pion Renauer Oilers will aagin be under the same banner, as b e r o f the* title* clu b . De-Ron a Wl'llHM . Kordhimi VanNoi t v. ick, Frank Lowcter, j III > WlM lirxellvy J o e & Ange’s Tavern, Amvets and Hawaiian Joes. The club rop played under -Coach Bill Bello Hrt sl.ii Ntiir*. t in in.- resenting Speedway Cariers in '55 will play under the colors of Chai It . Williams, Bradley and i A Ab.i. S i Joint s w ith S e to n H a ll The* H a lle r s fin ­ B ello. • f*i in.-fUat Lyndhurst Plastics, while the Garden Spot Inn will switch tp the ished wllh a 7 3 ree ord as Coach , , MttMllo, KI John's 1 h e g at wearing of the green and will be known as the Gallagher Asso Joe* $ r a d le y 's N o tre Dame* q u i n ­ veto plaved on ' K«*tly. Kordham ciation. Last call tonight. tet raged through the exposition V * ...... to compile an unheal* n 10-0 rec rsci.eie.i g y m n a s iu m . 1 h r e e g a m e s [ wm«*rff. i * r i i . . n DOTS AND DASHES o rd . we'll* sche*duled each Saturday j £lM Did you know that two Lyndhurst High School varsity ath- and the- complete schedule took j i'uietnrtiT'si joLn " De-Roma, besides having the letes wear contact It'Vises'.’ Lyndhurst was ottuiallv accepted into ten weeks to complete. With si* , *?!'* s,*v» , the Passaic Valley Conference on March 5 lt will take 21 buses best jKiirit output, also tallied the m in u te q u a r te r s t h e 30 c ir c u it ‘ i ‘«iatH i».<‘ NM in” l>uin.- to transport the baseball and track teams at LHS to their "away” most field goals and eonve rteel tilt toe/k 720 minutes of actual J t*1 /oh" “ engagements this spring Although the high school baseball team the most foul chances. With 8H plavng time* The youngsters in telX ^"adk-?-1^ opens its season on April 10 the School Board did not issue base­ g o a ls h e w a s six a h e a d of Mike* that alloted tune scored a grand ' I*»-Im«'*ton Zelinsky e>f Notre Dame . the run I T , ball equipment bids until bet night’s meeting The Barringer total of 1.922 fxiints on 49 field ttapi.i.ri. Srton ll.n Visit Lyndhursf’s Fastest Growing Sports Shop For Your Walker Post's Junior Duin A: Bogle Corps, who volunteer their nejr-up and e»n the foul line- lie- goal and 424 fouls. That figures J r*' edged out Charley William . «>f services for the annual Little league Opening Dav parade as well to .i i average e.f 2.67 points tal- Km 'i'oI. ‘n rn d lry as other township functions will hold a gala statewide competi­ PISHING, CAMPING, BOATING and Other Sports Needs. tion on the high school field on Sundav, July 22 They will lead the 7th Little League opener on Sunday. May 6 The local s«hpol TROUT SEASON SEE US NOW FOR YOUR TROUT coaching corps which consists of Coaches Harold Brown, Eddie Robinson In Paterson Show Zak, Bill Libera. Frank Ruggerio fcrtd Tommy G ab. attended the FISHING TACKLE AND SUPPLIES New Jersey State Interscholastic Athletic Association’s spring clinic Bv AL NITTO at the Hotel MeAlpin last week. Jay Eckert's Krueger Brewery B o x in g P r o m o te r L o u D u v a is R e d Worms — Night Crawlers — Flie s team won the Atlantic Seaboard Classic bowling title last Sunday. a start from the top kind of guy. Duva is going to put on an­ Strea m ers — Plugs, etc. other one of his boxing shews at OPENS R o d s Reels and Lines the Paterson Armoiy April 14 c P O R T S — Dave Jacobs A-Fishing Went He is busy rounding up a <-1 a k e i ja c k c a rd SPINNING OUTFITS from $8.99 Many a veteran salt-water aboard the "Cartune" wih Cant, But he* has already h I u p a sportsman were slightly green Paul Carr in the heart of the Vli's cn' Thai CASTING OUTFITS from $5.99 champion to headline the sh o w i u «*m. tfrneial man^rer with envy when David Jacobs of Florida Keys at Marathon, Fla. Ray Robihson. Rubmse >11 h a- C H ILD R E N S O U T FITS fom $2.98 Then envy was juftifled, for Mr. 11 m l'% erw Internstloaal agreed to apiH-ar in an exhibi «* lrnh». «ai “Kxecvtlvc a t FLY ROD OUTFITS Jacobs catch was slightly phc tio n b o u t. from $9.99 (h r .e-ar” In tt>'4 « l k Indlan- nomenal, to say the least! On hjs lt will be his fir-* start in . The rloHfil lhln| u a first trip in salt water for game New Jersey since he defende*d his t.o rld Mr. les g a m * earn* U» l irliiti)!. Hunting and Bow unit Arrow l.iet tt! **Ut*il fish, he hooked and landed after title in Jersey City with Chari*** almost an hour’s battle, a 54 U>. nlten Kd Rrufharh. pltctilng Fusaii He got $l’for that fight, fur ie Chlca-a Nutteaala again* aailflah on a 10 lb. test line with a turning the rest over to charity TRADE-INS Accepted On JOHNSON OUTBOARD MOTORS Ihe hleato White got crr^tl spinning reel outfit! Truly a fish Robinson visited Paterson Ar story but tfVie. for ■ ii>refill gun* wMch waa later We Buy Used Outboard Motors. mory for Duva’i last show At e d o i tr.i « he ii Ih * U V W that time he* agreed to make* a Mr Jacobs was a guest at ftuc- dal - fj that the «c-o-rkrrper hag boxing appearance Duva - aid he- eancer Lodge, well known resort ovi*:'milit.t one bit In Ida game will line up a good boy t<» help at Marathon, owned by Mr. Rob­ tally . . The game aI S m an font-' IIK e.tSO K .NOW— Be eligible for |iri*e. for tile^e-t Irani. |>ukerel Robinson exhibit w hat has again ert Conahav, III, of Morristown, hr II w ra Invented hy Stephen E . made him middleweight cham Mew Jersey. F i l e r w hile K p le r w aa c-«a*-hln« at o r Iwips e a u g lit in fre s h w a te rs in N ew J e r - e v in |y.">6 pion of the World. Chrairr (Neh i high arhaol In About that Fusan fight in Jer t93t. Ity l*»5.t ever SO.en teama sey City. Robinson went the full w ee pl'vlng the* game F|»lar de- Mr and Mrs. Bruno Valante. ! 15 rounds with the Irvington lad. alrnel fur junior collegea. high ¥ ! ') Roosevelt avenue, entertained In many quarters it wfts aid that ae he*, la. i r a m m ir arhanla and on Sunday in celebration of the he could hive knocked Fusan h«> a' I tuba . . T h e Irlah a re see ond birthday af their elatifh- out if he had opened up But Rav FOB BBAVKBT . . Jim Pear- generally errdft-d nlth Invention Lyndhurst Sports Center tar, Susan I.ynn Guests inefdoed is never one to have said that a a ll. M. Boatun Bed Sum outfield­ of Ihe tim e of handhall. aomettme bn»- grandmothers, Mrs. Samuel He is too much of a sportsman er. waa vated “moat e-oarageona altoul the 11 tb Century. The Irtah Va'ent** nnd Mrs. Samuel Galle, f o r t h a t atM e W mt ISSS" for hla vletorv r.iH p .1 the gam# ••'‘vea" preihablv 1 both of Newark, also other rela- * He is interesting to watch, if over mental gtaord^r and hla In rrfe* rne e to Ibe five linger a 2 1 9 927 Lake avenue,- j a m - exhibited . tives from Newark, friends (rum ' he is on exhibition or fighting figbl U»* | |ita l p.J>er. Stuyvesant Ave. Lyndhurst, N. J. of the band. catch for the day while fishing Clifton and local neighbors. f o r re a l. SUPER-RIGHT" AND OTHER TOP-GRADE SMOKED HAMS C ustom ers' C orner II U S OF Ft . .'. that'* the react ion lo \& l'\ lM»kriful «*f budget vahifi! Shank |fc C ,h ^ ^ C W te it u tiller ik \ n d n u m l u h i . . . Jo n jj a f t e r th e K .in lrr p a r a d e I».m m a n lie d I n . Halt - fall Cat A tk !*’• parjile of low prices u ill Im* idling fttrong! Vt h e n s o u la k e s o u r p l a r e o n the* «a% iiiK »*»i«lrlinr« i «!«• it e n o n ' 1, 23* *^33 sou II aee why millions have joiueil HHing to Dm # Ready-to-Eat Hams E 2 9 * »!r« * 3 9 * bottom-rung price* on top-drawer quality fooele v»ilt hair yon toouas sour hat into the air. too . . . new Master chapeau or no! (A im e s e e . . . y o u ’l l naxe

CUSTOM£K KK! \TlONS I)KI’\IMMK\T R E A D Y -T 0-C 00K — Jejii Rijehl Oailiti - II J ( i i h m h i Ii i d i i i I ASP Food Stores, 420 Irvington Asenut*. New ^ ork 17, N V, Corre ice . . . you’ll sove at AbF Sites ik. YOU GET M O R E LOW FRICES ON M ORE ITEMS... MORE DAYS OF THE WEEK. AT A lP! 4 to 12 lbs. TURKEYS 5 3 SWEET PEAS r r . 2 V™ 35< i v o r y s n o w r . 3 0 c Sirloin Steaks - > 5 9 c You 'I netd Jo** P t r l t r Stuffing Bread T * ? ™ ? .. » * KETCHUP » 19. COLGATE'S FAB 2 S. 57c Porterhouse Steaks * 6 5 c Stuffing Mil BAKED BEANS - 2 43< S.0.S..XPA D S 2 : 4 1 c Ribs of Beef r *45 ' ; > 53‘ Rib Veal Chops o ' ‘ 5t REYNOLDS JHif- ” --23< SANI-FLUSH - 21c Ribs of Beef S T J ^ ,.,> 53' > » r* L Chicken of the Sea 7 oz. Boneless Yeal Roast SaewMe >4* luna riSft White meat can il Cranberry Sauce ° -* p- 235' Chuck Steaks or Roast j--- “-35 Star-Kist T^na F ishch " ^* 6 ::;35c Junket Rennet Powder 3 *•■■35* Pot Roast r - . c * >49 Rib Lamb Chops * - * -vt Smoked Ham Slices *% Bon Olive Oi! Imported ^**'75^ Doq Yummies 2 *2“ 19 Top Round Roast or Steak . > 73' w Sliced Bacon Vfw i fM • ib Burry's Cookies 'XW Sage Air Refresher » 2 bottles & Ground Beef < v ^ - 29c b 85 HI 21 Ik Sunshine 12 CA| ( U a n U ia Inotant soap granules O 2 M/j o*. iQc Smoked Pori Butts 55 Hydrox Cookies cello pkg.35‘ IC lb na()inO IZcenheHw^er t pk9i. *90 Tatty. Thrifty Fish Nabisco FIa III* Sunny field lb39c 10 Ib Premiums Plain or Salted I lUUl All-purpose bag5 bag n DOUBLE YOUR MONEY BACK Sunshine ^ 16 oi. Art varieties 11 1 02. Fancy Halibut Steaks . . * 4f If YOU A il NOT COMPUTIIY Krispy Crackers pu ^ ’sld 2 '£ 45 Pillsbury Cake Mixes Pk9 S A T I^ IIO IN I VI 8 V W A Y 1 Ann Page Sparkle Fresh Codfish Steaks . . • 33‘ 1 ...... <* ' A»’ a * ■■■** * Green Lima Beans A&P brand 2 c6.;: 39c Gelatin Desserts 8 fruit flavors 5 pi9> 27' Fresh Smelts 37 Brill’s Spaghetti S a u c e ’"‘ir 13' Heinz Soups Plain or lodi2ed Morton's Salt 2pC 1 0 c Cream of Green Pea Vegetable or Vegetarian 2 - 25c REFRESHING BEVERAGES ! ASP DAIRY CENTER VALUESI A&P’s EASTER CANDIES! Color ‘*m for loitor , . . Yukon Club ;i“ 2ZZ2V Worthmore 2 lb or t trvo for tm»t«r trooklait rS llIl Dry, Hoffman'i. •) large ^ r t Jelly Eggs S B * Danish Blue Cheese 1 ^ • i ,b 75 4«e • • *» • t~4 ** ■ «3UUQ White Rock—plus dep. •• bottles *w Marshmallow Eggs Multi-colored * * °* 29' Muenster Cheese - 49 r APft CanadaDry;Hoffmdri'*. 0 A C t pkg UKItJU MIC White Rock — plus dep. L bottJes Chocolate 6 oi. Ginger A!e Root Beer. 12 02. Marshmallow Eggs covered pkg. ]f Sliced Natural Swiss 37 CSC Sisper Grape — no deposit cat 2 9 1 24 02. K[^ Cream, BHckb'vry, Lemon, 16 c Easter Gum Eggs pkg. 21 Sharp Cheddar Cheese^ 63‘ n U 'v ttl Cola, Ginger Aie — no dep. L bottles 6 or ^ c, W h ite Eggs 6 3 c Cream Eggs tr“.',25' Borden s Heavy Cream . ^ Kruetjcr's Root Beer. !',;’, 6 37'■ 6 ot Marshmallow Rabbits . . fr;2 5 ' Borden's Milk — 2 r .’ 47‘ !.r. 4S‘ Hedick’s Orange Drink £ 4 37‘ Pm Iu lyit T, I S * mj ; j » *

f r o z e n f o o d V A L U E S ! Peak freshness at c? Thrift arid tup taite *i What . in a name JANE FARKSR EAKERY PRODUCTS AiP br«nd — p«« conc»n*'**« ‘ ’ 4 55‘ SW*«ckenJr«f»s M.U Spinach.—L J- 2S EuS:e?Egq Cakes W Cod Fillet- Cap n JoWn s p*i • * 3- yifom id Oranges AlP 1 IO oi ^ New Green Cabbage 10 e CocoanaiLa^tCake jreaded Shrimp Cap n JoKn l P*« Grapefruit w . »-n u i aoeiwost *090 e< t«M « * “ • s * 3? Kst Cross Bims .P .. ^ J oiis Apples * Luscous r»pe berries 40< ICE CREAM -- 2 *• 2V Strawberry Pie ^ terxjer. flaky crust • ^ca! Celery V u *i »»a« MrMI ^uper JvJarkets ?7 rl^> r:2 5 « .i . 8 9 c +1 2 9 c X' 9 9 c loot «•(!! **va*a'< a F*(tf4 Ma (OMMr ,•>1 rfir« l a U*»' «•-*< t - p » ln> M • N « e . a **►»••** V«e*> MtrSoti **4 V««* !•••-•

Sw ift’s M oots Ee*ch-N ut Baby Food ChiM Boaety K r a f t ' i 1 K roH 's V oltoeta K r o H s ^ K r o H ' s O i l s*fia*»>*a c <&ppm4 Chow M oil D iioors D eluxe Slices . »*. • • « » « • . »e f o r B a h f o s Ckoose Spread M a y o n a i s o M ill A a^lifier C»k#»» *r»e5# p* 1 A^e**** a ■>»■«» 5 6 * 8 9 = 1 M M | 2 * 4 5 ‘ > M i > 1 5 c «• '■> H * C •■*»<« M l ™ W w#i : n * v » • : » • r $ s *

H e i n z H e i n z K l e e n e x S w a e o e > Lifebuoy Seap L i f e a u , S p ^ 8 m Aiii C leaiser TMi S w A a I C V a a » L 1m « Tom ato Kotokvp OWU1I WWfHVIVi Footel Tisanes Tiilot T isiM .

“ • ■ M e i 1 , w . H 9 * * ' H i i 2 1 ~ 2 5 * | 2 S 7 ’ — r r * f t * »t eoc - * rr» * a ^ l. PACE TWELVE COMMERCIAL LEADER A SOOTH BERGEN REVIEW THURSDAY, MARCH 29, 1956

{schools in 1956. er Newark Science Fair at New­ without the outstanding cooper­ 1 The goal for this year’s effort is Newark College Sponsors | One student last year was a ark College of Engineering on ation of the avenues of public in­ $700,000, to finance the New Jer­ Building and Loans to top winner at the 6th National Saturday, April 14. formation," said Loughlin, him­ sey Heart Association’s year- Science Fair in Cleveland. Every self a former Woodbury news­ round program of profession and Science Fair April 14 student, however, who has shown p a p e rm a n . lay education, operation of heart Mark 125th Anniversary | his science project at these exhi­ Newspaperssp ap e rs Are “The press of the state, and the clinics m hospitals throughout Increasingly, with each passing week, the press, radio bitions has come away with an G iv e nn H igh P ra is e radio stations as well, cooperated the state, and a share in the Plans for the observance of the observance of the founding of the and television have heen alerting the Ameriean people to | increased understanding of his splendidly and thus performed a American Heart Association’s na­ 125th anniversary of the found­ savings and loan business, now own worth and of the opportuni- notable public service. We appre­ tional research program to devel­ ing of the savings and loan bus­ one of the nation's financial < The newspapers of the state the nerd for physicists, engineers and other qualified sci­ I ties that lie ahead of him in some ciate their help in an endeavor op new ways of treating cardio­ iness were announced today by g ia n ts . were commended today by J. entists. The shortage is the result of many causes: expand­ j branch of scientific endeavor. that will, I am convinced, serve vascular diseases. i W. P. Vogt, Jr., president of the Carroll Loughlin, president of The business got its start in As a growing institution, estab­ the best interests of our com­ This year’s campaign was high­ j Boiling Springs Savings and Loan ing industry, greatly expanded needs 011 the part of the the New Jersey Association of 1831, when a small group of peo­ lished to seek out and encourage m unities and all our citizenry.” lighted by a “Heart Sunday” res­ * Association. armed forces, a tidal wave of college-age students requir­ Real Estate Boards, for their co­ ple organized the Oxford Provi­ our best scientific talent for the idential canvass on February 26, operation in the recent observ­ i Vogt said that the celebration dent Building Association in ing increased faculties in our colleges and universites. the future, the Greater Newark Sci­ ' when over 30.000 volunteers rang ance of Realtor Week. would extend throughout the Philadelphia. Thii was the first mushrooming growth of our i “ ence Fair has proved itself one Heart Fund doorbells in virtually every com­ The purpose of the occasion, month of April. savings and loan association or­ s r a d e and high schools, which al J ,,as(. a dangerous situation. I of the best democratic answers munity of the state. Coffin said Loughlin said, was to emphasize The institution will mark the ganized in the United States. require science teachers to the totalitarian threat of tech­ Hits New High that persons who may not have One thing all of us c a n d o is to the public the role of the celebration by having an open well as teachers in other subjects. nological superiorly posed by' been contacted personally during to give our full support to the Realtor and Realtor boards in The 1956 New Jersey Heart h o u s e o n A p ril 14. P la n s h a v e The greatest growth of the bus­ F a c ts released by the E n g i n e e r ­ Russia and her satellites. that campaign may make a con- high school students a n d t h e i r eleviating standards of real estate Fund has reached $605,067, close iness has occurred since the close ing Manpower Commission show tribtuion simply by mailing it to been made to show moving pic­ teachers who will exhibit at the Over a third of a million boys practice in the public interest. At to the all-time record for fund­ of World War II. Assets of the I hat this shoitage is most serious “Heart” in care of the local post­ tures, in addition to awarding Greater Newark Science Fair on and girls in 15,000 high schools the same time, emphasis was raising of the New Jersey Heart business nationally totalled $6 u hen compared with the strides master Such contributions will prizes. Refreshments will be A p ril 14. across the nation will participate placed on the importance of re­ Association, it was announced to­ served during the open house. million then; now they are near­ being made b y Russia and hei be credited to the county or or­ in science fairs this year. This habilitating housing, and in the day by C. W. Floyd Coffin of ing the $40 million mark. satellites, who are producing This will be the third annual ig in . Boiling Springs’ interior will be j total effort is only the sum of its value of home ownership as a Englewood, general chairman of li amed scientists so fast that by Fair since the general c o m m it­ transformed into the style o f th e Boiling Springs Savings and tee of 31 educators, industrialists parts, of which the G reater New- bulwark against socialism and the annual appeal. Joann Damiani, daughtei of Gay 90’s, in keeping with the 1 ''t>U they m ay pass us by. What c o m m u n is m . Loan Association has been among and representatives of civic and i ark Science Fair is one im portant Mr. Coffin, pointing out that Mr. and Mrs. Dominick Damiani, observance. this means to the balance of the associations responsible for , , . . , religious groups h a v e g ro w n s e g m e n t. “Our boards throughout the final tabulations will not be com­ 527 Fern avenue, had as dinner Participation of the Boiling " nrld P°*«- * sufficient to make fn(* havin£ BI. students from 38 1 We hope that you will take the State co-operated splendidly in pleted for some time, expressed guestr on Saturdav. in celebration Springs Savings and Loan Asso­ this growth. Since World War II. very thinking American wish to high schools in 1954 to a n e x - time to show vour interest by at­ this unified effort, but their work confidence that last year’s record of her 12th birthday. Rose Marie ciation in the anniversary cele­ its assets have climbed from $7.- i>> something, however small, to pec ted 225 exhibitors fr o m 140 tending the third annual Great­ would have been unavailing flrure of $608,890 will be eclipsed. Gallo and Linda Gozdeski. bration is part of a nationwide 000.000 to $13,000,000.



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La Faso Bulking Gets Facelifting the Ittirl Psalm by Leo Sewer gf-arr Mr Greene, a member el Cab Pack 89 Holds Dinner Local Singers by the Easter cantsti The the (>r*ter«e Varurtr, ia inteetm Dcwnanico. Roger Guidetti Jame* Green lUs t* Riarth' fey Sea le tor ot ta.** Shetfty luneerf. Cub Peck W held their Father l.lnkley. Allen Hopf. James La- In Chorus Wr.„ht and the premier per? h i'*'- ng Vf eho eili aonwne a n d S o n dinner o n Sunday a t th e Russ. David Livelli. Frank l.o~ th e fnm i organist and mualr di Sacred Heart Parish Hall with anor nl Thiee E*Jv.«etaT»*m » pintu. M uhtel Ma rone. Jlobert Miss U n Rw* of 328 Pont ave i-st. r at tai*gv* »*l Gerdet» near John Rubuvetti. chairman of the work f.if choriaiL. trm»f ».*t preaent < its third to B**> S outs. Robert M ustardo, k mtjre wtll v«-wd*a\t Chett . th e e- * d l 's>e n*> r a r r v e d te a ts . guests The program o»* enter­ and ftnal concert of the 1 M w ith E d ^ . t d H *v ^e m ured trleph*>n*ng John Regan and Dennis Menta sea* >n on Sunday April £*> at tainment was presented by Con- lireeoe. . targanwt and .-Mr-'? 4i M - M iVt tt the Society's Ifrtt-1 Th-ee men also received awards, 8 p rii at the Hiilsnkr S h>*d -nd Wovre and his purpet show. re tor at CaK a y |..athrran an at (il I Whi Mrmm thiee year pm*. Anthony Restt .Hillside avenue Mon! lai‘ Several den* assisted in enter h . ■ V* M 4 ' ' • *' 11' o t; *»na *»< 11 a® f**r «»’ Al Hopf and Guy M enu ta in m e n t. h o r e l X* nda.. a* Se Smeietar'i pritHatl ^Harter for the coming s i ' t s*n m as *1*' he *<*«’ to II's year was presented by Mt% . :i t’*' B et fa^ and PnnctUiQ Un.lver»ifHr« -n Vtulertt *t the'eOosre akireM be* Jamer La Russo, to whom it had Holds Meeting a! l e D e o m \u . tvhg Ke rfmaindec ? th • f * e A r r f d 1 previously been presented a* The C«Hin»il of Church Wo­ president of the sponsoring or men met on Wednesday after gamzation of the pack, the Col­ noon at the Reed Memorial Unit­ umbus PTA Steohen Bvrne had ed Presbyterian Church \* hen a rart in the presentation. plans for coming event* were As* st nr Mr Ryhmetti m pre­ n-.«de paration of the meal were Mrs Mrs Lyman R Powell and Mi» Caesar Guidetti. Mrs James I.a- lames H Liopiocott co-chairmen, Russo. Mrs L. J Buntin. Mra. e iomr1etin>* plana for the May Dnvid Livelli Mrs. Fred Pfnm- pe% M ay 4 mer, Mrs A F Toaca Mrs E G. will be held at the Reed Memon H ink lev Vrs Anthonv Restienn. a 1 h u r . h Mrs John Rubinetti. Mrs l attend the state meetine /' s , • • a • * 'Ihe La Faso Building, one of tonan style, is believed to have of Rutherford contracted to re­ vice pins The bow who received »t O.-ean Grove on June 7 and h {< tl.r landmarks oi Lyndhurst, has been built early in the 19th cen­ move the long series ot window.s them were Les’ie Buntin. Lvnn K It I* expected that . ther- wilt if she insists A v - . , undergone a drastic facelifting, tury. It was purchased by Joseph on the third tl«*>r and to replace Buntin. I.arry Buntin. Stephen ai ompanv h< r under the direction of its owner, La Faso about 1940. Mr. La Faso them in the manner shown in the Bvre. James Cahill. Bernard Cro- M in Arnold Staublet and Mrs un style i'f . ...anil //<*// Mrs. La Faso. Known to be over ran his Lyndhurst Men’s Shop picture. Mrs. La Faso says that gan, Jamec Croean I/iuis Man Charles Vogel were named oo ;*bmrmen (or the annual full cake a century old. the building for business in that location until he the third floor, which is now com­ ganaro. Ga: v DeFrino Alt>ert in sist on /it died several years ago His wid many years housed a grocery pletely closed off contains 21 store on the corner run by Steg- ow. Mrs. La Faso, has been oper­ rooms and it is thought that at meyer and Cummings and Traut ating the business successfully To Hold Auction weins Drug Store. : sin ce. one time in the history of this Please Return The building, in an early Vic- The Brooks Roofing Company building it was used as a hotel. i The Sunbonnet Girls of Circle I Six of WSCS of I vndhur>l Meth and Mrs. Theodore Servideo, of City, will leave by plane this Those Chairs v\ , odist Church un ite you to at ) > . J * Holds Meeting L y n d h u rs t. evening from Newark Airport, ' tend their big country auction If anv of you f„|k» h.\e tor for hi Lauderdale, Fla. where ! and sale to be held m the » hurch Columbiattes of Regina Coun­ lowed chans from your h»eal fu Miss Kitty Cifune, of Park ave­ they will spend their Easter va­ J hall. Stuyvesant and Tontine cil No. 1688, Knights of-Colum­ neral director foi nune affaw and nue. entertained last evening for cation. They will stop at the West I av enues, next Thursday begin h a v e fa ile d to r e tu r n th e n ' plea*-* bus .held their regular meeting Miss Lea Robertello. Mrs. Louise Incites Hotel Miss Caputo is a I ning at 7 30 pm at the Clubhouse. Rutherford last ; it 'h e m in th e ha< k o f v o u i c a r Carbone, Mrs. Salvatore La Vec- nurse and her lour companions Auction and sale will include Thursday and had Father Fabian an 1 get them back at om e chia, Mrs. Frank Scara and Mrs. on the trip are teachers. The paner bargain*, house plants, Flynn of East Rutherford as their Funeral dire»t. is in town have trfu m e s its Samuel Troncone, of Lyndhurst, Misses Carella and O’Dea teach i hrie-a-grac treasurers cer tain guest speaker, who spoke on the a ked the cooperation of the and Mrs. Bart Sciaino, of Passaic. in W e stw ■* strange item- tow looking for life of the Franciscan Fathers ■Leader in getting ba< k mans new owners, homemade cakes. and the love of Christian charity, chairs borrowed bv well inten SP/3 Bruce Sthuerman. USA, ; handmade buv . w hite elephants. which makes life worthwhile. Edward Mazilr, son of Mr and tioru'd people who ha\« f-u^. tt. r and Mrs. Sthuerman, and their Mrs. John M a/ur. of Fifth street, ■ lothmg. novelties and glasi t>. utuiii them 6 9 S Mrs. Leo Setcavage reported on son. Jean Jacques, have returned has completed his boot training item s ♦ o 8.95 the excellent work of the Youth from France, where Bruce served at Bambrdige, Md.. and will be I Y<>u can't afford to miss it Committee in their canteen work three years. He is now at Ft. home on Saturday on a 14 day Come' The public is invited Mrs. The Mothers' Club of Bm According Iu uif in the Knights of Columbus. Hamilton. N Y.. and Mrs Schu- lea v e. Glenn Sumpman Mrs Arthur Si out Troop Hit m et Tu***d .v rve Flans were completed for the pro­ erman and son are stopping with Hruder and Mr* A'mas Hendela ning at the home yf Mrs Valeri gressive card party May 4 at St. his parents. Mr and Mrs. Wil­ Miss Lillian Nash, daughter of • r« the committee in charge tim- Hremmer m Jauncey ave Mary's School with Mrs Kay liam Schutrman, of Third ave­ There will he refreshments and nue Plans were made f>: Pando Shoes Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Nash, of Ritchie and Mrs. Josephine Pairo nue, until his forthcoming dis­ Roosevelt avenue, student at Wo- a Bather Shop Quartette will t h r a t e i p a r ty in New Y -’tk oi as chairladies. and the Merchan­ charge after a total of four years v College, Philadel sin g A | i ll l« 2 .11' . KI VI!N> \\ I M l KI UIN\ \ I dise Club with Mrs. Jane Olm­ , of service. phia, spent this week at home sted in charge. oh .nej ,Frank Nash, student Day of Recollection. Arril 21. Mrs. Samuel Feldman, of L v at the University of Detroit, De will be held at Villa Marie Cla re mgston avenue, entertained on troit. Mich., will be hum? today in Saddle Brook Township with Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. Harold for hw vacation, and another ei* Wa in v ito you to try GMC't Father David Pathe. Brown, of Newark. Later in the ter. Miss Ellen Nash, of Irving­ day the group went to the home ton House, Irvington, N Y , w ill Mrs. Frank Servideo of Cope­ of her son and daughter-in-law, he home for the weekend. land avenue, was guest of honor Mr and Mis. Larry Feldman, m at a stork shower given on Mon­ I P a s s a ic . Mi and Mis John Garcions, day evening at the home of Mrs. of Castle terrace. Mi und Mrs. George Hardy, also of Copeland The Misses Elaine Carella of Joseph Melillo, of Stuyvesant avenue Other guests were Mrs Second avenue and Joan Caputo avenue, and Mr and M-s. Thom great new RSD ride Charles Robertella and Mrs Wil­ of Lake avenue. Lyndhurst. with as Cirrincione, nf New York ave­ liam Karatz. of Belleville. Mrs Anna O'Dea, of Westwood. Pa­ nue. are back from their vara Daniel Servideo. of Fast Ruther­ tricia K« Uy. nf Brooklyn, N Y . tions spen at the Hotel DuBarry ford. and Mrs. Angelo Servideo . ml Barbara Bean of New York at Miami Beach. Fla

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N o longer nrrj vou slow down for rough gotn|* VS heel hop * rn-led Travel is safe^ —steering easier —ilrteer *af»|fue grea • d u - e d A n d KM.*.. fragile loads » ' t protr ted from l*reakaj»e

Only an a<».,al rule can show vou what s sens.t»o# KsD Su»pen%-ion is XVr invite vou to try it — uvet t you know C i.m r in ttKlav tor a iicm«»natfat?on


O u tj fklvfi «Mi Smm Mm 0 # !"* « « . Srm ig«. % f Vi fa fiM i V K I -Sf *»§#»■ aa * S » * • »n-! Wi«*v Y m - ' Sfaertaf . S>« k -4a • » T wfafiSSS **• 4 n a r e sre *ta*- . 4 a j f f i ai.

• $*t oi, tm, f<* Tntli CV» kti mtJ tr»- *

S p o i l e o n t r i b u f d

t o H o d C r a w b y FRANK S GARAGE

Public Sarvica w u s a r A '** *• 217 Rklqe Rood WE. 9-7790 Lyndhurst, N. J. c o m i : w a m > s k e a .s i » wm i n m int oH > IV IM M ,! I M IL ■» I* M PACr FOt'RTFKN COMMERCIAL IEADFR SOITTT1 RERCEN REVIEW Thursday, m a*cr 2 0 , t a w Ik - - » 1J r ■ —

and Mrs. Grace R jeschke, school j The Mothers' Club of Boy The Mothers' Club of Boy ' Local Dorsey Alumnus Recalls p r i i c j p a l . Scout Troop' te met on Tuesday Scoot TroOp 89 met at the home NN\\M»! >'/>/ yV l./, /,// A social hour, followed the evening at tbe home of Mrs. Don­ 1 of Mrs. Robert Becker of Cope­ Ixpcrisnces in Big Time Band -net tint'. ald V^ilson on R utherford avenue, land avenue on Tuesday f wih 17 members present. Plans i Plans were made for a By AL PKIGGE leave Dorsey in 1945 and came were made to *erve refreshments father and son dinner to be I Charles Frazier of 42 Hedden bark to live in North Arlington at the Court o f Honor of the at the East End Democratic f i terrace. North Arlington, has with his wife and children. This troop which wa* held on Thurs­ on April 22. Mrs Ruddlph i c o m e a lo n g w a y b..iwfc *»«; ^tai . . a d d not quell his interest in mu­ day evenmfe at /eflferson School. der Mast is president ; playing saxa.;horte and clarinet sic for from 1J>47 to 1953, he | professionally some 30 years ago. worked as a music instructor at lie now works as a inusic in­ the GI School of Music in New­ TO North Arlington and Arlington structor at Billy Dorn's music ark. In I."53, the school closed s hool in NewaiK, but his past is down, so Frazier opened his own S e v e r f M N EW HOMES filled with colorful experiences studio at Billy Dorn’s music Mowixs while on the road with Jimmy s hool, where he is presently em­ SHM»PK?*Kt> BEN'S DELICATESSEN^ RESIDENTIAL family. Ruth*'r- D,visey and company. p lo y ed . •V mtlCIUOW MACHINE Take* another swat af A l l in ^orfh ArErngtan A lt. i Fia. icr's family moved to Everyone in Frazier’s house­ A H / ■ -A- ■ . . ./« Ncv.fcr.v iii 1051, he got a juo hold plays a musical instrument. mdWfr KrvtfMl. r'paMed or High Prices pla^in^ sax and at tho wife Edna, plays piano, aioni » -» ' * p e r t * , f>0.\ 100 if.i i;. X. . llf-n t te r m ? . VV? JOHNSON C orm f*** Thi« Item i.• • ■ i uious Blue Hills Planta- v itr. their oldest daughter, Judy ><>r> Modtrti hit - FAMILY SIZE * Hilly tu«rl:»>. ,|. . .. in l p e r lo r m o n W \SH li^O H IA Sv.i <>*>L Refrigerator A ITERATIONS l u v U i, ■ cro ;y la.tio show. Dur- !!\S PAKKNTS’ MEETING ^ 3f>l Fern Ave.. Lyndhurst in# d .»i, tiii' ijorsey band S e r v k e 'iked in tl.' Cotton Ciub, and 'Ihe parents of the children in G,Ent;va 8-0352 i ra ve­ «ii .. 1 o v e r tn u c o u n try . the exceptional classes at Wash- in ;:jli tne band appeared, in mgton School attended a meet- w \ « ii MAktC* ii.ti.ii picture "ihe Fleet's mg in the auditorium last even- Iu ..t .* 11-111 * H ope am i u o i - O 'C O N N O R A G E N C Y Gibbs Offerings , n w ith M ss Mary Bello, school T. J. NAULTY • l»H I, 1/1. \ II V llU T U A D I IV I'T D V : li L im o u - T h i m y fa v - 600 KIlH.i; KiiAll NORTH ARLINGTON, N. j !>: ■/ hologist, as chairm an. 2 - 7 000 RIJTH r »» ORD d e s I hariio, 2M Park Avenue id fun and Miss Vincent/. Cianci, County O p e n Fa and Sunday Aftenoons 2 to 5 P M. Rulherford. N. /. n in g W ith Supervisor of Special Education, was guest speaker; her topic was T .O OIRL". . . Th»t'« Uie IHU Phone- WiKhm-r W-6Q» awarded actress Mara f'orday [ill, Ihe Growth of Special Educa­ ii- in '42. by ^3rd Marine Air Wine at KI tion and its Services in New w h e n I m ;ey Lund was fea- Toro. Calif. Mara wear*- jet pi­ TO?S IN VALUE!! t u ie d J ills In A J e e p ” .Jersey ." lot’* headscar and Mae West life Rug Cleaning w ith D ick Haynies and Betty ’Ihe croup voted to form a unit Jac k et. i Gr'u.Je. Dunn;: that year Fraziel' of its own to meet with the teach­ | *4iso p.ayeJ with Jiininy Dorsey ers to discuss common problems. The Past Grands of Harrison , Dom Rosa Shampooed ta Oar Owa Flaat oa sax in the Red Skelton-Elea- GSBB 5 AGENCY Others present were Edwin C. Rehekah Lodge No. 12. I.O.O.F., j Plumbing & Heating A Special Service f o r i.oj Powell musical comedy “I Olson, superintendent of schools; will meet Monday evenin ', April i 1 H1DGEIE HD LYNDIIUK.SJ Altrratinne - Repairs Uuod It "inniy \v uoil Canteen Philip Paul. Board of Education 2 at 8 p.m. at the home of Mrs. ! W K . i i ame in 43 with Bette Davis and nresident: George Haviland and A le x a n d e r R u s t II of 31 Stuyves- , ■WE. 0-7.115 E v e ry R iif Repairing, Packiag, Rtoraga j i i a ll s lu r iii:.*. I d lo v .e d by " L o s t William Bello, board membeis, ant avenue, Kearny; 7.10 LOUISE COURT l.i A liaiem" s«u:-ing Bud Ab­ LYNDHURST. N. J. bott. Lou Ci.,U-llo, Maiilyn Max HAROLD a ALBRIGHT NORTH ARLINGTON well and Jiichaid Conte. Fiazier *3 K IP AVE. WE. 9-5111 re..his that whue making this : movie sune of t.«e boys in the INCOME TAX RETURNS FILED Cleaning Rags for SI Yeaf* Insured from Pick up to Delivery oand .iiKiudiny inmseii. got lost D oy during lunth period when "we M arietta LHberli WE IIA\ L MAM oTHLK I A 2 FAMILY LISTINGS wandered oil on the jungle set Oualitied Tax and In urance Con ultant N ig ht te le p h o n e t» L n e v a 8-84<>4 and couldn t (Ind out way back Diamond 2-5341 to w h e re tlie c a s t vv..., s h o o tin g a u m r a y T V S E R V IC E Joseph R. Pclito Agency, Inc. tlie s^ene! 3 1 1 Livingston Avenue. Lyndlitcsl. N . J. 304 RIIMiK KOAII I.VNDIH'RST. N. J. "Some of our most famous rec­ For Appointment Call TELEVISION ord* were ‘Green Eyes ' featur­ OPEIM SVlii.iNGS UNTIL ft P.M .. 6UNOAYS UNTIL o P.M. J O H N S ing Bob Eberly and Helen O’Con­ (vEneva 8-3086 or GEneva 8-4633 SERVICE nell, "Amapoia , 1 Understand.' ■ten R ad io - T V S e rv ic e ■joim Sinei . "I* lngeruustin’ . Continuing the business of her father, thr late Paul Liberti Robert Haves o f PaL-.e a v e n u e , a r e th e p a r e n ts Uhnntoi-y ta thl» Ana and “Flight of tin* Bumble Bee’ . M rs. F r a n k Ha< of a daughter, Elaine Janet, born G E . 8 -0 1 2 0 We made over . hundred and CJI nue. has com J h.s boot on Sunday at St. Barnabas Hos­ John Bonanno eighty records.” trainin nat Can J e u n e . u n d pital, Newark. Mrs. Messing is p .p l.ra (.nerkHriiera KEarny 2-3060 309 Chase Ave.. LradborM t razier became Jimmy Dor­ was home foi I the former Miss Joan W illett, the A ll \h i • N v u \ ( s* a sey S | :m ;iam a>u-i.tor and assist- j or W Ebtler 9-4769 | daughter of the late Mrs. Bertha ant leader in 1942. directing mu- | R semary Ch W ille tt Don i Miss That Lata. Lata 1 sic lor people like Dons Day, Jer- Mr. and M; >. : The Time Nowl Show—Call ITa-We WelsaaM V ry 1.ester and Milton Berle. Is Now! Valley Bio-nt .. \ Mr. and Mrs. William U Kelly Vra tie wn. re SATISFACTION Night Calla > 1 Because of illness, he tia.l to For Quick, Reliable ten days from St. Colcttu and daughter. Patricia, of Second flU A h A NTTr.'KI School at Hai M asr. S h e ( avenue, are spending two days at Service On All Makes VEI.TRE T-V REPAIRS w ill f l y {m k t- ol April 7. l the home of their daughter and Income Tax Tabes Tested froa ti ip‘ |s taken in celebration of Prepared ARLINGTON j son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Mrs. Kelly's birthday, which she I t BERGEN ATKN17R Mr. and Mrs. L. Myers at Alexandria, Va The niarks today. TELEVISION NORTH ARLINGTON. SERVICE KEarny 3-4267 Henry R. Koziol 72< K e a r n y a v e . A W tfN r.T O N NOTARY PUBLIC T ru c k s ('all Us To Multiple List W Ebster 9-7790 For 4pfH>intment ('all Y o u r H o m e Auto Part* 33 Offices, With Over 100 FRANK'S GARAGE G E . 8-9995 Auto Tools Salesmen, Will Effect GENERAL MOTO*8 TRUCK* Auto Paints A Quirk Sale 335 Post Avenuo, Lyndhurst, N. J. SALES ANT SERVICE Corner Post and Weart Avenues Quality Parts Only 267 Ridge Rood Lyndhurst, N. J Multiple Lint! Sell in Machin# Shop Sarvice Servica to th« trad* Vacuum Cleaners - ^ r v v i r w ) Better Driveways M iflsr A lto G«ar SALES AND SERVICE Asphalt Blacktop M l Flits 60. SprcUlltlni la Dome, 64 tJalsa Attatii Premier, O t. u i U »rt Parking Lot*, Curbs and Cement Work Hutherford, Nt J. A . V. Sandberg Proper Planning, ("rrrit Foundation and All Matrriah «M IhtlM w k SL, Cttktill Plus Effirlrnt and Tralnrd Men. ftrsult In a Perfect Drive. GEneva 0-5470 GEneva 1-1117 WE TRY TO MAKE THEM BETTER THAN THE 15 Yr«. In Hasbrouak Helfhti BEST AND DIFFERENT FROM THE REST CEMENT MIXERa FOR HIRE WAITS FOR STRIKE . . . Fetch- | ln«ly garbed for deep »ea Ash- NUtley 2-8977-8842 INDUSTRIAL HAULAGE CORF. *872 W a tso n A v e. Is th<“ a d d re s s . And It is a See this lovely 0 room, two f.Tmilv we Int. him ar trend Marla Fnsll'h r o o d c n e . 'I he neiKhhorhood is o n e of the finest have close to the beautiful tree-lined park at ■hows how to land a big one at j And very oonvenirnt tdo. Tnls is a sturdy h u n p VIOLA CONTRACTING CO. the Town Hall. 5 cheerful rotfm*. til* hath on - Baa Francisco sport show. 2 IS Washington Avanwa and will be ol kikhI value many, many y e a rs the first floor; 4 lovely rooms and tile bath on heme. An extra feature is the beautiful w a ll the second fiber; rented at S75.90. Full base­ NuHay, N» 1 to wall carpeting. First floor has lovely living ment. Home fully insulated. Oarage, large room, dining room, kitchen, full basement. plot. Close to shopping, transportation, rharch Seeond floor has three bedroom i and bllH, plus Old Fashioned Country es and school*. Only si.non cash for vets. Ask­ a full attic. Steam oil is the heating system. ing $17,990. Why not ina-pect this today. NUthy 2-8080 An excellent hack yard extendin' back 150 Auction And Sale VIOLA BROTHERS, INC feet gives you oodles of rerreaton area. A de­ How about a hrand new eight room, twd-faml- tached one car garage with a new b h r k to p ily with a $100.«H) rental assist frohi Ihe sec­ LYNDlllRST METHODIST Indus trim W att. Removal driveway completes Ihe picture. Small down ond floor? Beautiful constntrtioa. eaeh floor M O S ASHINOTON AVENUE. NULEY. Ni J. paym ent for vet or civilian. Why not ask to has tile bath, modrrn kitchen with exhaust CHURCH see it today. Priced right. fan. fitish mahogany doors, double slidlns door Phone NUtley 2-7000 closets. Mtdein windows which ghre oodles ol A five year, new 6-room bungalow. First floor Barber Shop Quartet has four rooms, tile bath. Seeond floor has two Wore room, the b»st hot water heat, and only $19,900. 8ee it today. Refreshments finished rooms, full basement, with oil heat SAVE ON FUEL BILLS Check these extras: One tar garage, $1249; Have ?«m looked at the 6 room beauty at 571 $250: COMPI.ETE LINE OP black top driveway. combination screens Chase avenue. Lyndhurst? Neat as a pin. cheer­ Wodneiday, April 4 storm windows, and a front and side door, $4M; two finished rooms in the second floor. ful and With wall to wall carpetlrg. How nice. BUILDING MATERIALS BUY NOW S lf iM ; Venetian blinds, m o o . And the total price Why not Inspect thisl ovely three bedroom 7:30 P.M. IB only $13,900! $300 cash for a vet. Don’t wait home today. We will be happy to PREMIUM QUALITY COAL m b t h i a . appointment for you. PHeed tighL Admission Free Insulation WOOL end BOARD Satisfaction S H E E T R O C K - - R O C K L A T H •aa lit cuNsn • tist cum We Deed your listing. Let us multiple list ytfdr home. Our multiple listing fystetn bao been hq^tJy M irtrniul, A quirk sale of your home is assured. Nut of Itov* «•» $ l2 j» luck W heat100 $16.00 yt ALlTY TELEVISION S E R V I C E Paa Coal Stoktr Rica •“ $15.00 113 Qiiincy \vr., Krarn Ffintcoke Asphalt Roof Shingles iwm te ait M ica tkt Ora soson SAVINO AGENCY Far I, Dop. inlulile Service k t t On All Make> A Mod

TO HOMI OWNIRI tVmpare *w HEIJ» WANTED y*b-«a sa d aa. ,e» a . av -»t A u to G lo ss Incom e T o x krado » t ai a**. mupwatty rooting, utlwg > and N-TICI To Jstlt AFI*l.»CA\T* a » rk At The Paramus Drive-In 1 • o.ihi I..W..alMW «k M>t JOSSFH OBNSRAi. CONTRACTONS W l b it t r •■•141 INCOME TAX RETURNS ‘tfye ctitte tfrfvetU tiH Q »II»«I\ a .v e p t Help M ante.l ad age.a, i HR • i „ m |. Ii.nn III M>« .»>»«i .d fc» S IS I f Bergen County Glass PREPARED W*»» and lt<*ar l a a il h v . P .r b-»» ibat> i»w lml' a u t o 8 a f * t v g l a s s i n s t a l l c d PATKK K J CLANCEY Nowhere els* you col iSe conccr.?ri!;d Cuder iba ixteral Rtf* SA1S — TINIIS FURNITURE TOPS »>.d Hoar I- a nn»*» >-> s* s d in ««. W YORK ROAD NO ARLINGTON 1 K »t^te lo tH m rr.» ur la Ihe pt,<4wr- LAWN MOW ERS Glass For Every Purpose K * . M f t l edverlising of Tha Leader Clets'.Iicds. Your 1. i. s «'mI» f»i «inihi,fi> ntaat ie>*«r 4-16 '*■' »< le-a-i |] ae |*ei hour an d l i a r rrrtisM* Ihsrprosd and MS RIvM M Avt. Lyndhurot. N. d. •*-> ** t.ek I' ina are offered Repaired ! > • ' • r»d grata . r If >.ai h at* every week in Lyndliursf, t-JoiIh ArlinnJon, ,e-u n* 4 -s e ra tn g tb* p>-4l»titeio n/ DEL SklDMOKt In su rance I- !• Hu:*ou* ,rf I*te |T <« Igfcbr » A* ope Read I iMa»«d Chiropractor * I 1 » -e'es ,f *,Ht write .'all M . Rulheriord, Eos' Rutlioiford and CarlslaJl I s |let*artilirpt Ot l^bwr al *i«i.i • Rh • 'n,! 11 Slbri N- aoth N i t. le GEO. ZIMMERMANN i'll* l.e M!t. bei! b y T h e A T T 8N t lON l i s t m » - a . a H . S WATTER. D.C. NUF AANTIO MAil Hu ,u « s s . iaaarstlM t INSURANCE Cdll betaaea 1 ond t p ta UF Chiropractor I SIS* -a a i «a» • —— in ail its phases @ 6cti;tie:tuU ^ceutc.t »» KEARNY AVI AKL1NG10<> REAL ESTATE Arlington Professional Bldg. • «> l e ,i aim b*)‘>iaue ■ M E M B E R of M ultiple Li*tm g rfxlutyictt Jiczcici l» A 0 * n lln a s l l 70 Y ear• of Depend «Die Service Ratnerforg Call * R. 33b Hackensack St Carlstadt. N. J

C a rp e n te rs Day: WEbster 9 1676 deader 'Ptcc-Ptcs* ’'III* WAN Tti) ItM A iC Night: GEneva 8 2409 Margo Helen Qur.n al h|sail4 Kikmm fadrdi %% • y i H a r « i A. TURIELLO & SON Tor Three Line* of Action-Peeked A J.x :!i Ttw* In « scene |fe« Hrhn «| Irsi in ahMh .he be« baa a CARPENTERS & BUILDERS La u n d ry 75 Cent* Firs! Insertion D re sse s Vesrued Ifaan Iba t.rrrks b« l »n. I, b V ia n |n. t lO'flUMops Repairs and Alterations a u a i l P l a e i t u I m rp *. w j k m »t ihr F.. l» m i I John Carucci A'I K F inn 2 domi Mt TUFR|t»|lt* D a irie s >« |l»a»|. t Frai Hla lia .e . H i ■ 113 RIDGE ROAD iM.I-.MAN M„,., . •..rn a n .».« F t - a * H I 1 Hr \ IA W I . . - M asons LYNDHURST, N. J. I » ,.r,.t U.- i . K .i.O U m p i 'H*!*’** I Volt J« . Sn>»rt* ulus-.. HOCKING HORSt a n ti r«-i * \ „ g '>.to|. m If Its bottled at WELSH FARMS ROOFING AMI SIDINO i tr* le tl Jtdw . i j ii. , i | if,, j . In Long Valley, N. J.. it is the Tel. WEbster 9-1204 a. M il l tX»MF4NV Il..|» >,| |S » 1 , IllAtHlr . ?. I - i a... . ia > • a l i n i n g >roi I He (i l ) . « H | * ie ', best Convince yourself — Try L. Marinaccio “ I So tne i * r t **>»ae> • " • bottle of our Extra Rich Milk S7 Eagle Street t r a i n s aad ..att» r* »-*e« kfato .*1 ••IfWrf. W«ir i U>l I.* ^ ■ I today. North Arlington. N. 1. M ..rg M oadlSO aaMl h raa iiS ^ | Mr C'pi n.«■ du-4 i.„ I.-.,, I.m .r BRICK WORK-GLASS BLOCKS John Calabrese MIN OR WOMI N a..»k a Mb et|« l dlM M.LA M u I h PLASTERING - CONCRETE Hot Roofh - Shingle Hi.of. n aab- N I IMI ...rtvu or i. ■ M ilky W a y . [ ■ * r . .!!*. u . ' T , , N. tb Ahwtba SMALL REPAIRS •l -ie U v i fm > n 4 t h t Page Dairies Leailer* . Gutters Al..r»tmm> I O Mia ei . .\n ll(« aiy M *'.Ot «< 1' *. -I . Call i-iddea Mala aod lp|<»Ola I *a » a*.4 ufmmsndn liotib Dealers tn Quality Milk Only K fp a irs - R e n e w a ls »bl naraeO. I R a| KEarny 3-9587 C LE R K S II iob dt a* .11 pn»e J.ierjdt (.‘pr4, • GE. 8-0468 - WE 9 8875 General Sheet Melal Work a».gg II II Pdiotsnl H E4wv»i»f| Ha-41. » LYNDHURST. N. J 1:1# C a ll BILLING CLERKS ART C llllll, life »«d ittai sflpi Ifrd tt jilt af ,^itniiao. j*- ine Selection of \* pre beneAU. paid MMivi * ' ** 1 **r Wad. Till » P.M. - or V IS I O N SHOWS I PM M irciiry, cluh coupe By Appointment Modem f orm-had Rooms lor jnd vacdtiun Som» of hi* pupil* hnv.* perform ed Ford. Stall..n H'Niriin luinenm in and Vls.l«>« GueetS With V » uk tin M unr.r, <'he rile A u i • mm i !< • i rn n • ri il Hnion AN ENGINEER7 AH ll>dern Im proven.. n|e I unvenient to moR^ buo lin e s BUDGET PLAN Hpix ale. NVi'iiJy lii rrriHn. \ In.-ent Ford, Aulo Irene la lading Al» «“«>nd t i ulna Given I.-"!<••*. p l u s a h o s t o f o th e r * Chevron t fully equipped V E R Y IlK lS if N A H i F H A T i.M Apply in pemon • Ford I deal location for all tiantpur tat.on i h y« s i th e N V M l HI Hie pupils that are now teaching i h e.rolel pi. nr I T lU .k ere- Eirtifiip M< i 'or nin-k, F lo r­ If I NOS I r G KN • Draperies * S lip Covers ence Millet Ai Okutskl Norma I i,Ml VIKING TOOL Murtogllo. Marilyn S-h lller l»o- I» Vi i j i a l M t m j H s c o m i *o r a t h »n • Bed S e t s * Cornice B o a r d s lores T u r ilr k . Kllim at Ihe 'me*i r>*«111mi m u ArlinKton I)t*r«*raliir- L m m m id Ihm|\ walk i oinpirle motor )«>l>* modern Par in town T»d» -no ef MACHINE CORP. Ha.-h«lt>f i»t M e « h a n i« a i EflgtR 1 Jtrf r t . I 4*0 River Rd. North Arlington I Car* made ready lor inspection doiiciaua grill spec auras. -♦ring degree* pt GFNEItAl M il ' Wo Specialise in Hydramot.r units thing* m il Ina> (iiiii « Phone WEbster 9-0644 20 MAIN STREET TIIKS’ own engineering inllrgr I (IGNORE BROS GARAOB M V lN t I m Urge «!»* * ?4 Hour Towing Service T rv it At HI LI I VILt j:. N # in Flint HhhigdR Ttw*ae aeKal D riv e w a y s or WKIifter 9.22.r»6 Join Oar Towing Club IS Far Year LACKAWANNA art U h thin five yeSi ro»«t*eiativs W h e l t ir , tMM * w ELM AUTO SALES U A H A G R IL L HELP HANTED MALE 'pJOgien' Spend sit'rnpfr right IrsvFl, a tat or a I , w e ek |» erio d o IR F liR t Atwl H iiffl GABRIELE BROTHERS Oil Burners 25 ELM ST KEARNY. N R id g e K n a 11 and trrrm an Sl trarHed fa te r by > i - I *1 |> efc«»e 811 Kighth btrwt Lyndhurst, N. d. NgWS BOVS WANTgOIO J'all «'• * i r s#»n i-n « IS4*r«MMri s n d In -p lan t j I.t mtlinrst. N. J. UK '•**r»n-s N rfi a*-.I I * >*** | | re u t n e v i S• 4802 KEarny 3 2391 IH if !|rsinin«r. and are ps*d while ihr1 . Ill -Mr .1 4 I f Phone REurny 2-.V.27 .U1CK Tel. GEneva 8 97 IS learn Upon grsdustn‘ri tHey )«or> Arohtlt Driveways Power Rolled d ennd 111< f * R |R i|N ( IO . altera »nd mar* Ptrkini I»la - Concrete Sidewalk* Uie engineering sto^ of th . r « pH * % n * A n . | * , ,.U a l K«iulprn«nl Rental ate Aih»! - I b d f .w d I -ad*»0Ara»**.is- FULLY INSURBD Welt* Fuel Oil «Rr Valle> Mt veeaol A LrudHwr»i TOOLROOM If you srr interested .in Uatning W iO ’ / Complete Automatic (Ml more olami this Ufyortmnty mm B A H T < 'I t IH Electricians Heating Installations p u t r a n LAROC FRONT ROOM d • MILLING MACHINE OPERM f o u r High RrHial OutdaNre Oil Burner Efficient* H i ' H A l K ► u.aie rwinm kii'h^n putiieg. LATHE OPERATOR* Counselor m cooto 1 R f MAN (« wm a«ll to rannna« direct froan fa< t ler A m Art.n. •,»*. . MACII REPAIR MACMINIKTM TIN Etiii.k'inypni M o m ^ r f VAL C. COLOMBO and paneia, adtuetatde aprlnga two Me lie»III* Tun.p'k. K F > Sl*J TOOL GRINHRRM IIVATT HEARINGS DIVISION ^ jiK'tVij\’A V 821 Prospect Ave., No. Arlington drop aides Crib »rV*e. ||3 go, SFT KLrCTMr.l8.SI G M C A * i c r e J I-U>r 1 JI B,’ $Tl » ,,H lX l« . EURNUHfO AOOM T<»F R A T E S M a r ti - 'Ni N J ot messdeouai - Industrial Wtrtns SiSf. l*oll» in-ludtnr Sni » . m m •••« r«od*nu.i - V X< El'TKJNAL HENEHTS 1’iH A rhnttnft Hlvri P a in te rs 4 p m Kve M W r . T-* p m F.w **•»•• 1 g*a«>»»*MM. »*• . HUtfOiOiii I 8U0U ilir.-< ilorte end Infarmetlnn. lit llr-prillga D ivialull S e p te m b e r o f * * » h i ea t r.M ttig AUTOBOBILS INSURANCE. Install NORTH ARLINGTON * Painrin? and lh*rorating ment payment run now be arranged Gath. lies Bpaite-. Redafii. l.m t-r*! M i"ft O fi. A . Chosar & Son Sash Ropes Repaired '•n oii Slner>.*». ■ •rrlng Mei Dutch Bov Paint Products aide aleai.i radia'. r ia Ueaatlfel rw.tor, vet* eeir» » * m a r bath, »*'• jA N I TOR ao».i»d i a .k ta .. b-*«a' ! 4 luat the thing pjr the afcb room. l»ai»» b..t wafer li>«"%r-i teM»- ■ *, ■ r i.. i * * ea,»> »* * ■ m m i rmlni «r a»y% l . . . ------a< *«».!-.i hnxd Hue i*wa .1 Mwaari Al. «i.ath; Ardagttaa I R * U l FOREST AVENUE )o« want H*at |E»aithiiHIS. l»ilT. ad atatbm r ^l:»‘'ae-*«i..blr oo<^viU-al oteam haai I* a In W ll m i age P A R T r*M g *4*gh Wp tot* a e n t a d I Adequate Wirinq LYNDHURST. N. I. Rons all aa? far l»s than l# . «*» b- a <«.-.« am p »nd . » « 19 I O te f SS0 hours td «pef» tli* i yN ta4 l.ia Pa. Ml ZIP-GRIP Automatic Clothesline B an tt* MW IM A a*. «M V«M Phone: G E . 8-6201 water need he srtd-d nanafa. tur*d ms M I I p* n a j fdb*e Tt-ado Mb", I by the fam asa Fi<. trl-ieam i ' t t r u II , * . • k : l i H i.* ! r»ad X r» t : t j m t- AN.ON t «*-*-b-ew*e **• MPa ia i GROSSO ELECTRIC •CONJMUt AOKfU'T, 4*0 I ^ . lit* * U . t-U4l • aa MM “ • vos w - r i \ SERVICE LOVRL8 a-.4 ’ »-ar aid *4Md «ff • 6‘ fYW ST Fle*^r»e»l ror*'.a* MPAAAAMAAARAAPRPRP IIM B V B B N C %|»n ly nead 4 ar V ra^fna P%»m> tr* 4 . taa» ' I X* US IIDUt BO AO Hvsti Itiann** IhfM M Clothes la HoH Thc T im e L I U H D U I . N. 4. ROOFING • .SIDING . T l f l g g A O O l T S e o p i »• *W| de,aF Ra« *a«i M« a* * M I »**n* r *1 M o ier* GUTTERS - LEADERS a« BfP, > «wt I R Clothes Pins Forover HtTI ATMIN WANTRH RemmleliaK Hw nm ijer*O OV •»*!* trwr' * GEaaran 4-0844 ta il adh t%|| p i M W I W For Life NO DOWN f a y h e n t HA MOV MAM 3 YEARS TO PAT i n o u » u H O T N I R wwmM Wh* la epoa bar «SdM All Work li—ru m il - T i ’ • a FREE ESTIMAT» O. »a- Loer **Wn o mw we l t h d w u b st flo o b B 7 & H 3 H u R& , ^ w w r ' o p v n u w c w L + m s«V%Jmm tl Mares5P I^ ee^a^^aa* SpSs tSi M J* PACE SIXTEEN COMMERCIAL LEADER & SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW THURSDAY, MARCH 20. 19.'>6

John Bayliss, son of Mr. and included Mrs. Louis Ferreira and Mrs. Richard Bayliss, of Living- daughter. Gail and Susan, of THE TRUE MESSAGE OF EASTER ston avenue, was guest of hpnor North Arlington, Mrs. Selma Commercial Xeaiicr at a party given at his home on O'Brien, Morgan O’Brien, Linda Wednesday afternoon in celebra- Kurz, Christine . and Robert AND THF. SOUTH BERGEN REVIEW tion of his fifth birthday. Guests Lehmkuhl, Glenne, Lynne Established 1921 Official Newspaper of The Township of Lyndhurst

Published every Thursday by The Commercial Leader Printing Company at 2”>1 Kiud. Lyndhurst. N. J. Telephone GEneva 8*8700-8701 Superstition

Editor J o h n S a v i n o Business Mgr. E r n e s t J . D a b i n e t t Advertising Mgr. S a m u e l C . P i e r s o n Throughout all ages, false beliefs have been the greatest Entered as second das f matter April 7. 1938 at tin* Post Office of Hutherford, N. under the Aet of March 3, 1879 enemies of medical progress. Subscription $2.50 Per Vt Seven Cents Per Copy Manq people believed that

Lvndhurst. N. March 29. 1956 witchcraft performed miracles through mqth and medicine— The fledgling Planning Board, oj whom Thank You, Ed Murrow! about the former theij knew much. great speed will be asked, will make inon Those who had the pood fortune to watch speed by moving slowly, l he little commu­ but about the latter thet* knew the Ed Murr >w television program "Person nity group which finally recommend d and to Person las: Friday night received ;i mag­ little! W hen uou feel ill or run-down put through the Planning I I lard prep «' I nificent. full-dimensional picture ef a great itself new at the bu-in *-s. Th- n w ! .an! for some unknown reason, man. \dmiral Byrd v\a- \i-ited in his Bos­ will be ev n newer. I lu re is much )<• b« forget the idea of talcing either ton home. 1 lie great * xpi rcr. who*e nam weighed, much to be learn* d. mm Ii prep has been to all oi us for ni.ny a patent medicine or a home aration to be made. years, in person proved to be a man of tre­ The Planning Biard will be doing inilcl rem edy. Instead, visit qour mendous impact. < ne graced with both to defeat it* own objectives if it fails to courage and humility. doctor. He alone can diagnose it-eve with the kind of soundness which in­ Admiral B\rd climaxed the visit by read­ sures success and inspires confidence. Be the cause and prescribe the ing a few passages fr mi the diary he kept cause the confidence of the whole region is medication required. If medicine when he spent so many lonely nights in the going to be essential to its success. Antarctic. His quiet but complete attesta­ Is needed, depend upon us tc supplq it. tion of faith was a compelling demonstra­ tion of a sharp but humlde mind. It was Own W orst Enemies a rewarding experience, that visit, and for Sometimes there is real reason to believe it. Ld Murrow and the CBS network de­ P h o n e the teachers* worst enemies are themselves. G E 81026 serve all of our thanks. It i* true that they have a real gripe on the the narrow view a m i accept the re- in which America has seized the blueprints leyy * ' & PHAD U A DRM ACY ,INC. pay situation although this has been im­ of the situation. Evervthing on thi- of the early patriots who demanded equali­ fr ee del I very Planning Board proved to the point that their complaint planet is short of perfection: • h ool ty of opportunity for all and have worked In a short time the mayors of the ridge are in many cases no longer valid but they systems, certainly. t.» build the structure according to its con­ 1 joooooooooooooooo oooooooooooooooc communities. Caristadt to North Arlington, do not have to tear the buildings down But let u- also be thrilled bv ll.e c e p tio n ! shall begin appointing members to the Ke- around their own heads to prove their point. Rototilling - Lawn Care gional Planning Board recently approved by There is a widespread belief that much Story of Cerebral Palsy the officials of the five communities. that is wrong with our children risen from Lawn Equipment - Sales & Service Iu short, the Planning Board will com­ inadequate schools" and poor teaching. The Q What is Cerebral Palsy? impairments that result in Cere- prise 25 members, five from each inunici- I bral Palsy? Lawnmowers Sharpened teachers, with their constant complaints A—Cerebral Palsy is a general ! A—All of the precise causes are pality. and a majority of the appointees are about their charges, give substance to that name for a group of neuro-mus- not exactly known as yet, but not to be officials or employees of the com­ b e lie f. Dear Editor: ( ular disorders, caused by im- they include faulty development , pan ment of brain cells, particu- brain cells before birth, phys- | Plan For Spring munities which they represent. The plan­ Tlie fact, is. however, that the teacher- As chairman of the Lyndhurst larly those in the motor center. jcaj Jnjury, and prolonged high j n e rs w ill Im* non-salaries, although expenses and the schools do a magnificent job today Heart Fund Campaign I wish to It is neither contagious nor her- fever ■ ditary. incurred will be paid and the communities and that they are turning out children who thank the residents of our com­ Q—Does Cerebral Palsy occur See or Call Us Now munity for their response to the only during infancy? will finance the new operation on the basis have a greater appreciation for life, a great­ Q What causes the brain cell appeal for support of the Heart I A—No. While the majority of oi the size of the meadowland in the re­ er awareness of what life is about and a p ro g r a m . ! cases occur during infancy, Cere- Agents for Pennsylvania and Reo Lawn Mowers spective areas. sharper perception of the needs of society The financial aid which we i Mrs. Emil Kozlowski, of 604 bral Palsy can happen to anyone. The Regional Board is the outgrowth of have provided will assure the Fourth street, entertained on at any time, before, during or af- CALL NOW FOR FREE ESTIMATES than ever before- continuance of research., educa­ a campaign initiated by The Leader news­ Friday evening for Mrs. Victor ter birth. It is true that the grammar and the de­ tion. and community services in Basinski, Mrs. John Domalewski Q—Where can I learn more papers years ago 1 hese newspapers, which portment of many of the children could heart disease. The greatfM part Mrs Gutkowski. Mrs. Felix Ja- about Cerebral Palsy? THOMAS E. ACCARDI of each contribution dollar re­ have a vital interest in South Bergen, have sland improvement. But when was this nv : true that the South Bergen communities teachers had college degrees, today few <1 cis Kelly, Timmy Kelly. Miss Bet­ complete covewite in tlie canva ty Maitland Mrs Victor Thorne. have a great area of meadowland at stake, not have them. Our training schools are nf om municipality, and th Steve, and Mark Thorne. Mrs. AI it is equally true that they are but small far superior to what they were in the pa* many civic minded citizens v.1 segments of a vast whole. nut the Townshr of Lyndhu: .bert Hynes, Patrick anti Michael that the teachers they produce are far bet­ J Hynes. Linda Puleo and Andrew Other communities have lands which arc m the ranks of the Heart Arrm ter for their jobs than their .sisters were. Joseph Melillo : Guirland. Jr. going to be developed. Near Hackensack (riving point t«» this was the musical? Overpeck Creek will become one of the held last week in Lyndhurst High School country's great parks. This fact should have by nearly 20(1 children, ranging in ages a hearing ou how our lands will be devel­ 9 to high school seniors. The children, most j Harry's Hardware o p e d . of whom had seen a musical for tiu* first ; Then. Ill Lli/.ahcth the Port of New \ ork tim e \i? school, played with excellence and Authority is purchasing hundreds of acres w ith zeal. of meadowland for the establishment of a In charge were three teachers who are new seaport That has a direct hearing on hired for mmic instruction. what happens to our land. That very afternoon hundreds of students As one explores the situation one be­ from this area attended ii special perform­ comes more conscious of the enormity of ance of *'Kigoletto' at the Metropolitan the task presented by the meadows. It is Opera House- The Metropolitan Opera our own belief that the master plan should Cuild sponsors tin* performance during tiu j ^ o c r i f c h i v a / t £ , not be undertaken until the Port of New regular opera season so that school children York Authority has been contacted and may attend at reduced prices. GUARANTEED AGAINST BREAKAGE asked to lend its expert ad\ice on the situa­ And all last week at the International tio n . Business Machine Auditorium on East 57th The Port Authority has a vital stake in S pt M fvkt for 2 only Street, was an exhibit of art work done bv TROUT SEASON South Bergen. It owns Teterboro Airport. if porfect, would bo S.40 children from St. Mary’s High School. It has plans for the airport. On those plan- Opens April 7th Hutherford. Montclair High School, and Mar* it on Outstanding "factory run" our own plans depend. other places. value fully guaranteed. Distinctive mod­ Crertainly. the first thing the new board ern shape, rkh weight, lustre and colors. See Our SPECIALS The presence of the children at the op­ must do is to sit down with the Porth Auth­ Washes easily by hond—takes a dish- era— about 3.200 attend each of the perfor­ ority and find out its plans. There is little washer s hottest water. Supply Is limited. On All Brand Names of mances and the display of their art work Get 2 or more sets today. Mi* or match doubt the PA, anxious for a proper devel­ RODS, REELS, CREELS, NETS, at IBM plus musicaies such as the Lynd­ colorv opment of lhe meadowland, may be induced FLYS, and LINES - hurst High School Auditorium housed last I pc. service for 2 contains 2 each at: lo finance at least a portion if not all of 10" dinner plates, S 4 M brood and Friday was dramatic proof of the quality of f i s h i n g LICENSES ISSUED th e s tu d y . butter*. the education available to our children to- j The Regional Plan Association, which Colors. Seafoom Green, Fore# Gripe, bus conducted studies over the metropoli­ d ay . Copper Rose, Stone Gray. JOHNSON OUTBOAR D MOTORS — Sales and Service ta n area* is engaged right now in making There is no doubt that America does a study of the growth pattern of North Jer­ wonderfully well hy the children: there are j 12, 14 and 18 Foot Boats Now On Display sey. Undoubtedly, the Regonal agency is do- some who carp and say that the teaching , ing work which is going to be essential to can be belter and lhe schools can be new­ the deliberations of the South Bergen er and the classes can be less crowded. board. Blit nowhere in history has so much been Paul's Hobby and Sport Shop In Washington, Representative O w n e rs is made available for so many, wnere so many forking diligently to promote the reclaim .- have contributed to make as much as is hu­ 30A Union A v * . G E . M 1 H R u th e rfo rd , N . J . lion of the area* manly possible in this period of our civilisa­ HARRY'S HARDWARE tion for the children. 230 STIJYYKSANT AVENUE, LYNDHURST, N. J. In Trenton, Joseph McLean, the com - OPEN EVERY DAY 9 A. M. to 9 P. M. OUMioner of economic deveJepmenl. W “ Instead of criticism of our schools all the Pbonr WE. 9-02.11 ifcatp eye ea Ibe meadowbnd. time it is necessary that we put our head*