Lyad^urst. Public Llbrtry, VfcUsy Brojk Ave., Lyndhurst. K. J. C«tly U tlw now Maraa w m tm tken aa tldtr wko a i d not smile a quiet untie u l )oia la tke ioUltj wltk wkick the children freeta* tke taUa? Cortalal; tke; kraofkt kaek memorte* of otktr daya. 1 tke daya when tt wm pouible ta walk aroaad tke eoraer aad ptek a buakei of ktekory auta. 7 .. wkea katel nuU (rew wild alaacaM* tke koine, wkea tkera were miles of opea fields wkere yooBgaten could plat at adTratura to tkeir kaart's delitkt Tkoae an Uin*t which Commercial Xeaber television cannot replace aad wkick tke modem yoatk an ana Tin soi'Til b k r (; f_n r e v i e w fortunately will never know aad wkick tke deep aaow some- how briefly e———— Vol. 37—No. 38 LYNDHl KST. N. J.. WAK< II ’<). I H olidayi d o y GC heer, 200 Attend Testimonial Lyndhurst Will Greet Easier 2,000 Polio Shots B u t a t T h i is T i m e ? Toe much holiday For Three GOP Women proved rm birm inf to a West end housewife on Monday ft MftB IB B m i With Prayor Ami Rejoycing, night. Entertaining company Will Be Given To at her horte. the hour arrived to escort the company lo the door for the good night spiel Churches Announce Services One of the guest* standing on the steps of the home looked IU t IIK IsllV W I \IM I\ Youngsters Free \* lhe c\cr recurring Spring with tt the pr»uui»« im» up at a window and waa I l f , HI t l i o n *,< startled to behold a display of the returning celebration uf the Hesurrecliou ol our !••»>! hr mg* t h r pr* o f n e w L y n d h u rs t sch o o l c h ild re n w ill h a v e n e a rly 2.(HM) Christmas light decorations. I I F F here snd turn, and a continuance »*l that I ill* he*ond th*- « a v e polio shot* ready for them April 10. The guest Immediately began From April 10 lo April 13, the Board of Health ha* to think if it wasn't be who had Hull.- King iliKUMiit donng the Imin w inter month* luir*t f,*rt h i n t o -»«»» w t w n arranped thal the r>hot# will he given without charge to the season* mixed up. But no. Spring arnxe*: the gra*o. the flower* of the held the tree* .*11 g»v r p r .u w ■ f r t t m a a check of the calendar and a hig beauty to add to the |o>. .»f hie. <>r (roil lo «ali*f* hunger 1 h e r e . > f * r > « n o » r any youngnter who want* them and has pertni*>»i\e papers look at a n y father’s pockrtbook sig n ed . this week will tell you that of fallow ground will. It m at he planted to bring forth I"<mI to «*tiI » . | * t h , « t . o f i h r Clifford Winget, president of Easter S u n d a v b this coming h o , I n the Board of Health, .said: "We S u n d a y . April 1. Students to Be S o t h r K e * u r r e « |i . » n o f t h e c r m ill, d V i m u t w i t h t h , n o •'>.**•• w h o I . » have nearly J .000 shots promised The housewife, noting the - I . , . » . u to us. We wunt to use every one bewildered look on her guest, thal hr*t I a»ler morning. II, »• r»*en bring* pfomi*« ..I a loll, l i f e fo r o f th e m ." Dance Guests explained it was her doing to accept the forgl\ene»» m ade |M»«*tbh through that »<*.rtti»* The vaccine is being made pos­ leave the Christmas cheer sible because the federal govern­ On April 4. the 215th Armored around. But a spy informed the ment has made the allotment to Infantry Battalion (Passaic Na­ Leader writer that it may be the township. What is more im­ tional Guard unit), will present that the lights are there for a Junior Women Sponsoring portant local doctors, nurses, a dance for all high school stu- ■ reason It may be to remind school officials and the Parent dents in this area. Thus dance is someone that Christmas did ar­ Amputee Fund as Project * Ul Teacher Associations are co-oper­ being presented as a public ser­ rive. - H m ating in the venture. vice and is sponsored jointly by be « illinf ttt *♦»#*» Did you know thal thr Junto* »(t fi<tsl (lltfri, tt» i t r * 1 Lyndhurst doctors have agreed the Passaic Armory Station Wel­ Memt«-i*hi|i Drpai linvnt »t the i« |# ifrtlrit Ih • sto-g*-- 1 * '1 |»* h » I|1 t<> give the injections without fare Fund and the 215th Armored New Jei*ey Kedetation of W ir\ttru« tHtn ->f th# ..}« »l-.’,> . f *1 ' « I < tMeaee co st. Infantry Battalion Kiwanians m«jn * Club* i* spnnaoi mg the thi* fw.«ih, u» H* «» »t «>t«pv , we n.eet ter Here is the schedule announced The dance will begin at 7 30 l?pi«*r I'stremitV Ani[' ilr,: a* » m l in te r * h s n g e s h le »%» I , h b y W in g e t: p.m. W ednesday, April 4. and will their spe* i*l pfujert* •« Ksihl, uniiiily ui*o» end m On April 10 at Roosevelt be held in the Passaic Armory Go to Jail These itee* may l e «hil«l ter* h»oge*t‘te n-etolli. I\r,gr»« School pupils from Roosevelt, of the New Jersey National"! I.eft to right: Mrs. Tillle Robert**** Mat«r William tiallagher ten b*un without a<ms i i-unt* »s * Franklin and River Road schools Guard. The Armory is located Mayor William F Gallagher, lUckev was m ublr t«» be and Mrs. Lillian Turner Mrt Kate pre* <»? sun*. »»r sdults or thildren 1 » t.» ♦ I Ji will, receive shots. across River drive from the Pas­ along with 26 other Kiwanians. ent photo waa taken w h o h a v e to s t s r m s oi jM»it» .if ( ‘Jut* o ew K»» * On April 11 at Washington s a ic Y M C A . visited Bergen County Jail last them In s, i id e n t* Iton t. U n St f.i i i u d i h > l e , i f i n | School, pupils rfom Washington. The main feature of this dance week as guests of Sheriff Martin Some 200 person* jammed *ycry nook and corner of The sforemenlloned amputee them \|>H» w.il t^ St. M ichael’s and Lincoln schools will be a beauty contest with one J F e r b e r San Carlo * Restaurant Saturday night to pa\ tribute to . «*e* t an l*e outflttsd with Sfti- > ••fifttieulisl t‘.•nli*. I \|t*« M *ne will receive the shots. g irl fr o m e a c h o f th e 15 h ig h The Kiwanians ate a jailTum!>e filial aim* of any of three tvt*’* lisflnet gIT ?y»*th avenue tig • On April 12 at Jefferson School schools in this area competing for ham dinner, and toured the cell three l.vndhur*t Kcptihlicun women who together put tu the eotmetli tyf*, to replace * Jll»y f.,t mftv* U ialto ii .u a tS ‘l u * pupils from Jefferson and Colum­ the title of “Miss 215th AIB of block, fingerprinting room and 1 0 0 \car* of lo\al service lo the parly run mal arm which has no me, h i too bUnk* bus schools will receive the shots. 1956". The chosen queen will re­ photographer’s laboratory in the Tlie only «olcinn note of tin e\cuing ua* that the ani«m that would make it uaeful. T h e i u h i w W>*m*o ’* Clv»h ji** On April 12 at the High School ceive a trophy and other prizes county facilities. They also in­ th e m e c h a n ic s ! ty p e m s .tr to of* M>nted an .trigmal I«4ay »'lll»« N» ’h w 4i'*eaS*a gymnasium, students from the of merchandise. health of Mrs. Kate Dickey, on* of the wturn'll honored spected the kitchen and were ac­ r-iate by shoulder shrug i« limited b y » . ly n S*a- 4 ' < t t ^ » , f w ■ V \ ■ A secondary feature of the High School. Lincoln School, in­ quainted with the problems of prevented her from being present to »|a*» Ial type* of sm|Mitee<i atul tu Nowhere' at th* eieveoth A.* -4 sm* >»'■ V" * cluding the kindergarten, all pre­ dance will be a dance contest preparing a jail menu, said Louis The other two. Mr* Tillie R.d> ] — thr functional type made to re t»bt drams b‘U»r*ameut m ***** ’<«**«• g » M si « school and all non-public school with all those attending eligible Mion, first vice president. ertaon and Mrs Lillian Turnei President F en h c h id f o r produce the motion «»f the not m sl w» i.n Fitdat evening m -h m Aet‘«4 ..**•>■ • H * t children as well as expectant to compete for trophies in the i The planned tour, conducted on weie among those who enjoyed reele* turn, arm aiwt hand They were awarded ae,*«»d s a*- a n y ,*g fox trot, rhumba, waltz and jit- : mothers can have the shots.
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