Hungarian National Seismological Bulletin
K¨ovesligethy Rad´oSeismological Observatory HUNGARIAN NATIONAL SEISMOLOGICAL BULLETIN 2011 MTA CSFK GGI - BUDAPEST - HUNGARY Hungarian National Seismological Bulletin 2011 Authors: Zolt´anGr´aczer Tibor Czifra M´artaKiszely P´eterM´onus Tibor Zs´ıros MTA CSFK GGI K¨ovesligethy Rad´oSeismological Observatory Budapest, Hungary 2012 Reference: Gr´aczer,Z., Czifra, T., Kiszely, M., M´onus, P., Zs´ıros,T., 2012. Hungarian National Seismological Bulletin 2011, K¨ovesligethy Rad´oSeismological Observatory, MTA CSFK GGI, Budapest, 357pp. Publisher: Dr. J´ozsefZ´avoti ISSN 2063-8558 This work is licensed under a Creative Commons License. cbed Contents 1 Local earthquakes 9 2 Focal mechanisms 129 3 Macroseismic data 131 4 Regional and teleseismic earthquakes 143 5 References 355 5 Foreword This publication reports the results of the seismological routine work performed at the K¨ovesligethy Rad´oSeismological Observatory. The Observatory belongs to the Geodetical and Geophysical Institute, Research Centre for Astronomy and Earth Sciences, Hungar- ian Academy of Sciences (MTA CSFK GGI). Until the beginning of the year 2012 the Observatory was part of the Geodetical and Geophysical Research Institute of Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA GGKI), but because of the structural reform at the Hungarian Academy of Sciences the Institute joined to the new research center, MTA CSFK and has changed its name to MTA CSFK GGI. The Institute will be referred as GGI throughout the Bulletin. The main objectives of the Observatory are operating the Hungarian National Seismo- logical Network and conducting seismological research for the better understanding of the seismicity and structure of the Pannonian basin.
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