, Ecosystems and Environment 119 (2007) 234–248 www.elsevier.com/locate/agee Review Biosaline agriculture for forage and livestock production

David G. Masters a,*, Sharon E. Benes b, Hayley C. Norman a a CSIRO Livestock Industries and Cooperative Research Centre for -based Management of Dryland , Private Bag 5, Wembley, WA 6913, Australia b Department of Plant Science, California State University, Fresno, CA 93740, USA

Received 20 December 2005; received in revised form 1 August 2006; accepted 9 August 2006 Available online 22 September 2006


There are a range of that are capable of growing under conditions of saline and water. Many of these plants represent a feed resource for livestock. At the lower levels of salinity (<15 dS mÀ1) both legumes and grasses with moderate salt tolerance are capable of providing 5–10 t of edible dry matter (DM) yearÀ1, particularly when the availability of water is high. At high salt concentrations (>25 dS mÀ1), production levels drop and the plant options decrease significantly. However, even at these high there are a range of halophytic grasses and shrubs that will produce between 0.5 and 5 t of edible DM yearÀ1. The crude protein and digestible fibre content of these plants is variable but is probably not directly influenced by the salinity level. Importantly though, the mineral composition of the plants may be significantly altered by the concentration and type of salts in the soil and water. For plants with moderate salt tolerance, accumulation of sulfur and selenium has been reported. For the halophytic plants, particularly the chenopod shrubs, sodium, potassium, chloride, calcium and magnesium may all accumulate to be above the maximum tolerable levels for livestock. The high concentrations of sodium chloride in particular will cause depressed feed intake and under some conditions will compromise animal health. It is also not unusual to find that plants growing in saline environments accumulate a range of secondary compounds. These may have beneficial effects on grazing livestock (e.g., vitamin E and betaine) or be may be toxic (e.g., oxalate, coumarin and nitrate). Importantly, these plants can be managed so as to provide a significant contribution to a feeding system for ruminants. Prospects for the future are good, as to date, there has been little effort to improve the feeding value of salt tolerant plants through breeding or selection, or to select livestock that are more capable of tolerating high salt intakes. Crown Copyright # 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Ruminants; Sheep; Cattle; Nutritive value; Salt; Salinity; Salt tolerance


1. Introduction ...... 235 2. Forage plants for biosaline agriculture ...... 235 3. Forage production in biosaline agriculture ...... 235 4. Feeding and nutritive value of salt tolerant and halophytic forages ...... 239 4.1. Energy and protein ...... 239 4.2. Minerals ...... 240 4.3. Consequences of high mineral intakes by livestock...... 240 4.4. Benefits of high salt intakes...... 242 4.5. Other pro and anti-nutritional compounds in salt tolerant plants...... 242 5. Livestock performance on salt tolerant forages ...... 242 5.1. Grazing systems ...... 242

* Corresponding author. Tel.: +61 8 9333 6691; fax: +61 8 9383 7688. E-mail address: [email protected] (D.G. Masters).

0167-8809/$ – see front matter. Crown Copyright # 2006 Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.agee.2006.08.003 D.G. Masters et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 119 (2007) 234–248 235

5.2. Intensive feeding systems ...... 243 6. Conclusions...... 245 Acknowledgements ...... 245 References ...... 245

1. Introduction Australia identified 35 different species growing on two highly saline sites (Norman et al., 2003), where the high While the increase in soil and water salinity in many levels of plant diversity were related to spatial variability at agricultural areas of the world has created major challenges the site and indicated that an individual species is unlikely to in the production of food crops, it has also presented some dominate in all functional niches. These niches and complex new prospects for livestock agriculture. There are plants that interactions between plants (such as competition and grow under saline conditions, and historically, they have complementarity) must be considered when evaluating been opportunistically used as fodder for grazing livestock options for saline land. or as components of mixed rations to replace roughage. Limited attempts have been made to make these plants more suitable for animals either through agronomic or genetic 3. Forage production in biosaline agriculture manipulation of the plant or through identification of the species or class of animal best suited to the plants. One of the primary determinants of livestock production in biosaline agriculture is the amount of edible biomass produced. Salinity has both osmotic and specific ion effects 2. Forage plants for biosaline agriculture on plant growth. The high salt environment may cause a loss of water from the cells and a decrease in turgor. At the same There are many plants that grow under saline conditions time, the accumulation of specific ions such as sodium and and are also capable of being converted, by livestock, into chloride within the plant may directly interfere with internal meat, wool and other livestock products. Some of these biochemical processes. Osmotic stress is usually immediate options have been previously described and reviewed and particularly detrimental to seed germination, emergence (Table 1)(Masters et al., 2001; Rogers et al., 2005). In and seedling vigour; whereas specific ions effects are many cases, these plants have been characterised for their cumulative. To deal with these stresses, salt tolerant plants ability to persist and there is limited quantitative information may be able to exclude salt at the root level, limit its transport available on their feeding value for livestock (e.g., Semple to the shoot, move salt ions out of the cytoplasm and into et al., 2003). As a result, the identification of candidate vacuoles, excrete excess salt from the leaves, or utilise a plants for biosaline agriculture is relatively simple, but combination of these mechanisms. Most mechanisms are successful cultivation and production is less so. likely to have a significant energy cost (Barrett-Lennard et al., Biosaline agriculture is a broad term used to describe 2003). Under such circumstances, energy used to adapt to salt agriculture under a range of salinity levels in groundwater, stress is energy that is not available for plant growth. For this , or a combination of both. For example, the saline reason, saline water or soil is usually associated with reduced conditions may include: biomass production (Rogers et al., 1997; Noaman and El- Haddad, 2000). Plants that are sensitive to salt tend to have a decrease in  saline groundwater with non-saline, highly transmissive, À1 permeable soils, as in parts of the Eastern Mediterranean growth of 50% at 4–5 dS m (7–9% seawater). Halophytes are highly salt tolerant and have increased growth rates at 4– (Ghassemi et al., 1995), À1  highly saline groundwater with saline and/or sodic soils, 5dSm and still only have a 50% decrease in growth at 40 dS mÀ1 (87% seawater). Salt tolerant non-halophytes as in Central Asia and Australia (Ghassemi et al., 1995), À1 or maintain growth at low salinity (5–10 dS m ) and gradually  saline waters as in the Colorado River reduce growth rate as salinity rises further (Barrett-Lennard Watershed, USA, or saline drainage waters used for et al., 2003). irrigation on the westside San Joaquin Valley of At low to moderate levels of salinity, plants such as California, USA (Ghassemi et al., 1995). puccinellia (Puccinnelia stricta), tall wheatgrass (Thino- pyrum ponticum), balansa clover (Trifolium michelianum), Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum), salt water couch Even in these few examples there is high variation in the (Paspalum vaginatum) and sweet clover (Melilotus alba) salinity, availability and ionic composition of the saline have been reported to produce 4–10 t dry matter (DM) water, and in the hostility of the soil. No one plant will be haÀ1 yearÀ1 (Warren et al., 1996; Evans and Kearney, 2003). suitable for all systems; in fact saline land is often highly Under abundant irrigation with saline drainage water from heterogeneous, even within a small area. A recent study in the westside San Joaquin Valley of California, USA and 236 D.G. Masters et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 119 (2007) 234–248 , , , , n et al. (1989) n et al. (1989) ´ o ´ o ˜ Rogers et al. (1997) ˜ , Degen et al. (2000) Barry and Kaddah (1962) Dear et al. (2003) Dear et al. (2002) Maran Norman et al. (2002a) Johnston et al. (2005) Maran Evans and Rogers et al. (2005) , , , , , , , , , , , , Rogers et al. (1997) , rou (1986) rou (1986) rou (1986) ´ ´ ´ Marcar et al. (1995) Midgley and Turnbull (2003) Schachtman and Kelman (1991) Rogers et al. (1997) Schachtman and Kelman (1991) Rogers et al. (1997) McNabb (1999) Le Houe Rogers et al. (1997, 2005) Le Houe Kearney (2003) Le Houe Rogers et al. (1997) Fraser et al. (2004) Hill et al. (1996) Rogers et al. (1997) Rogers et al. (1997) Rogers and Noble (1991) Rogers et al. (1997) Rogers et al. (1997) Rogers et al. (1996) Rogers et al. (1996) Rogers et al. (1996, 2005) Ayres and Westcott (1976) well from grazing. Dryintake matter often low, presumably due to its highPotential tannin weed content. countries. High tannins mayprotein reduce degradation in theand rumen have anthelmintic properties. High tannin may also restrict feed intake value. Not tolerant of waterlogging and moderately waterlogged conditions. Contains coumarins which can lead to toxicity saline and moderately waterlogged conditions. Contains coumarins which can lead to toxicity areas of the easternVery Mediterranean. productive of waterlogging and sodicity salt tolerance during establishment. Little seed dormancy forage production. High seed dormancy palatability and nutritive value can be low. Weed potencial waterlogging tolerant Plant type Comments References d ) 1 À Salt tolerance (dS m c A/B/P P 5–12 Legume Variation within the species a,b ) 1 À name Golden wreath wattle P 8–16 Shrub legume Fast growing and recovers Birdsfoot trefoil P 5–12 Legume Used in grazing systems in many Burr medic A 13 Legume High seed dormancy. Good feeding LucerneSweet white clover A/B P 10 2–17 Legume Legume Highly productive in mildly saline Not tolerant of waterlogging King Island melilot A/B 10–13 Legume Highly productive in mildly Berseem clover A 2–6 Legume Forage crop in moderately saline Caucasian clover P 6–8 Legume Slow to establish and not tolerant Strawberry clover P 6–15 Legume Stoloniferous. Tolerates waterlogging Balansa clover A 9 Legume Very waterlogging tolerant, but low Persian clover A 8–13 Legume Highly waterlogging tolerant Sea clover A 13 Legume Low forage production Woolly clover A 12–13 Legume Waterlogging tolerant, low-moderate Curley windmill grass P 18 Grass Low forage production Weeping lovegrass P 13–18 Grass Good biomass production however Tall fescue P 10–12 Grass Good forage quality, moderately A 10 Cereal crop Acacia saligna Lotus tenuis Lotus corniculatus Medicago polymorpha Medicago sativa Melilotus alba Melilotus indicus Trifolium alexandrinum Trifolium ambiguum Trifolium fragiferum Trifolium michelianum Trifolium resupinatum Trifolium squamosum Trifolium tomentosum Enteropgon acicularis Eragrostis curvula Festuca arundinacea Hordeum vulgare Table 1 Plant options for livestock in biosalineSpecies agriculture Common Moderate salt tolerance (5–25 dS m D.G. Masters et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 119 (2007) 234–248 237 , , , , Angus (2000) , , , Colmer et al. (2005) , Rogers et al. (2005) , Qureshi and Miyamoto et al. Suyama et al. (2006) Smith et al. (2004) Aswathappa et al. Moxley et al. (1978) Bouma et al. (2001) Rogers et al. (1997) , , , , , , , , Rogers et al. (2005) Muscolo et al. (2003) Brown and Grant , , , Barrett-Lennard et al. (2003) , rou (1986) rou (1986) rou (1986) Karda and Dryden (2001) Akhter et al. (2004) ´ ´ ´ n et al. (1989) ´ , , o ˜ Warren and Casson (1992) Barrett-Lennard et al. (2003) Suyama et al. (2006) Hoffman and Shannon (1986) Aronsen (1989) Le Houe Robinson et al. (2004) Forti (1986) McDonald et al. (2001) Russell (1976) Le Houe Barrett-Lennard et al. (2003) Barrett-Lennard (1998) Ben-Ghedalia et al. (2001) (2000) Semple et al. (2003) Rogers et al. (2005) Rogers et al. (1996) Dear et al. (2003) Maran Barrett-Lennard et al. (2003) Barrett-Lennard et al. (2003) Russell (1976) Sandhu et al. (1981) (1994) Rogers et al. (1996) Le Houe Ansari et al. (1994) (1987) considered to be an invasive weed but low forage quality. Warm season nutritive value if managed poorly, but high nutritive value alsoSummer reported. active. Does notprolonged tolerate waterlogging Poor biomass production andnutritive poor value when dry by runners required, highlyto tolerant waterlogging and soilspoor in physical condition value. May be consideredweed a in some areas tolerant of waterlogging. Prefers alkaline soils quality. Warm season. May be difficult to establish acceptable forage quality, high Se accumulation and salinity. Stoloniferous waterlogging. Rarely sets seeds but nutritive value can beGrazing low. management is very important to improve productivity waterlogging and alkali may not tolerate hot, dry conditions Small tree used forand forage fuel production legume P 10–12 Grass Good biomass production, P 15–25 Grass Produces little seed so propagation B 5 Grass Good nutritive value P 10–13 Grass Rhizomatous, high biomass production, B/P 30 Legume Tolerates arid, saline environments ) 1 À Fat hen or lambs quarters A 9 Forb Contains oxalates and often Tall wheatgrass P 13–25 Grass Tussock-forming. Low Sea barley grass A 15–25 Grass Good waterlogging tolerance. Kikuyu grassPuccinellia P P 21.5 20 Grass Grass Branching rhizomes. Good feeding Tussock-forming. Moderately Alkali dropseed or alkali sacaton Paspalum or salt water couch Bermuda grass P 8–25 Grass Stoloniferous. Relatively good forage Perennial ryegrassItalian or winter-active ryegrass P 13–18 Grass Good nutritive value Corn melilot A 26 Legume Potentially waterlogging tolerant Saltgrass P 31 Grass Highly tolerant of waterlogging Marine couch P 25–30 Grass Highly tolerant of salt and Rhodes grass P 25 Grass Generally good biomass production Kallar grassAltai wild ryegrass P P 18 10 Grass Grass From Productive cool-temperate and regions tolerant and of Creeping (or beardless) wildrye Salt wattle P 17–65 Shrub 25 dS m > ) Agropyron (formerly elongatum Chenopodium album Thinopyrum ponticum Hordeum marinum Pennisetum clandestinum Puccinellia ciliata Sporobolus airoides Paspalum vaginatum Cynodon dactylon Lolium perenne Lolium multiflorum Melilotus segetalis spicata Sporobolus virginicus Chloris gayana Leptochloa fusca Leymus angustus Leymus triticoides Acacia ampliceps Hedysarum carnosum High salinity tolerance ( 238 D.G. Masters et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 119 (2007) 234–248 , , Attia et al. (1997) Rankins , Alicata et al. (2002) Barrett-Lennard et al. Malcolm , , , , Rogers et al. (1996) Swingle et al. (1996) , , Barrett-Lennard et al. (2003) , rou (1986) rou (1992) rou (1992) rou (1992) Norman et al. (2004) ´ ´ ´ ´ , Blank et al. (1994) Knowles (1987) Hoffman and Shannon (1986) Barrett-Lennard et al. (2003) Le Houe Le Houe (2003) Le Houe Swingle et al. (1996) Noaman and El-Haddad (2000) Flowers (1972) Le Houe and Pol (1986) Barrett-Lennard et al. (2003) Madrid et al. (1996) and Smith (1991) Barrett-Lennard et al. (2003) Glenn (1987) e tolerances reported to saline water (ECw) and soil en approved by the relevant authorities and have passed Grows on the edge of saltpans tolerant, palatable and recovers well from grazing efficiency, low productivity when compared to oldand man river saltbushes habit and intolerant ofVariable waterlogging. palatability. Difficult to establish from seed of biomass under irrigationseawater. with Used for oilrich production and in linoleic acid. High crude protein considered highly palatable heavy grazing. Establishes readily from seed other saltbushes with moderateheat salt, and drought tolerance Contains alkaloids and oxalate of both salinity andAccumulates waterlogging. high salt concentrations remains palatable to sheep. Not tolerant of waterlogging. Volunteers easily by seed Plant type Comments References d ) 1 À 50 Shrub Woody, not very palatable. 45 Shrub Can produce very large quantities > > Salt tolerance (dS m c A/B/P A forb Low metabolisable energy. A ). name Iodine bushRiver saltbush P P 40 Shrub Sensitive to the cold, waterlogging Western wheatgrass P 25 Grass Drought tolerance, high water use Mediterranean saltbush P 30–60 Shrub Relatively high in vivo digestibility Old man saltbushCreeping saltbush P 25–50 P Shrub 25 Drought tolerant, upright Shrub growth Short-lived and may contain oxalates Wavy-leaf saltbush P 25–50 Shrub Palatable. Not tolerant of repeated Quailbrush P Shrub Rapid growth compared to Small-leaf bluebush P 33 Shrub Contains nitrates and oxalates but Masters et al., 2001 ) spp. Samphires P 48 Shrub Slow growing but very tolerant spp. P 50 Shrub Saltmarsh species, Continued Plants in this list may be declared weeds in some countries or in someModified regions within from countries. They ( should only beAnnual considered for (A), use where biennial they (B) have be Salinities or at perennial which (P) plants lifecycle. have been grown without severely limiting dry matter production. Results were compiled from a number of sources and includ a c Allenrolfea occidentalis Atriplex amnicola Pascopyrum smithii Atriplex halimus Atriplex nummularia Atriplex semibaccata Suaeda Atriplex undulata Atriplex lentiformis Kochia scoporia Halosarcia Maireana brevifolia Salicornia bigelovii b d a weed risk assessment. (ECe). Table 1 ( Species Common D.G. Masters et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 119 (2007) 234–248 239 growing in saline-sodic soils with tough surface crusts, Collectively, the results above indicate that the oppor- creeping wildrye (Leymus triticoides cv. Rio) had high tunities for forage production are high when water and soil productivity (10–13.8 t DM haÀ1 yearÀ1) at soil salinities salinity are low to moderate, or when the availability of averaging 13.1 dS mÀ1 ECe and at higher soil salinity saline water and soil infiltration rates are both high. (18.4 dS mÀ1 ECe), tall wheatgrass had reasonably good By far the highest proportion of saline areas of the world production (5.9–8 MT haÀ1 yearÀ1). Alkali sacaton (Spor- are found in arid and semi arid environments (FAO/AGL, obulus airioides) and tall fescue (Festuca arundinacea cv. 2000). The halophytic shrubs from the Chenopodiaceae Alta) also produced 6.7 and 4.5 t DM haÀ1 yearÀ1 at soil family are particularly well adapted to this environment; salinities of 12.4 and 12.1 dS mÀ1 ECe, respectively they are perennial, drought resistant and tolerant of grazing. (Suyama et al., 2006). This biomass production is sufficient These shrubs that include the saltbushes, small-leafed to support reasonable levels of livestock production, bluebush (Maireana brevifolia), Kochia spp., Tamarix spp., particularly if grazing is managed to improve the nutritive glassworts (Salicornia spp.) and Suaeda spp., are all drought value of the plants. and salt tolerant and have been used for grazing and forage In experiments where forages were grown in indoor production in both saline and non-saline environments (Le sand tanks and irrigated with synthetic drainage water of Houe´rou, 1994; Masters et al., 2001). Edible biomass 25 dS mÀ1, forage production of 9.4, 10.5, 7.8, 8.8, 6.6, production is highly variable and may be as little as 10% of 5.9, 5.6, 5.6 and 4.6 t DM haÀ1 in less than 12 months total biomass (Barrett-Lennard et al., 2003). Management of were reported for Bermudagrass (Cynadon dactylon cv. the stand, however, also influences the amount of edible Tifton), Paspalum (Paspalum vaginatum cv. Duncan and biomass. Cutting or heavy grazing of woody shrubs such as cv.Polo),kikuyugrass(Pennisetum clandestinum cv. saltbush encourages new growth that is less woody and more Whittet), tall wheatgrass (Agropyron elongatum [now digestible. Knowledge of the appropriate cutting height is Thinopyrum ponticum], cv. Jose), narrow leaf trefoil critical to avoid die-off of the existing plant material. (Lotus glaber), alkali sacaton (Sporobolus airodes), Le Houe´rou (1992) reported that edible forage production lucerne (Medicago sativa cv. SW9720 and cv. Salado) from a range of saltbush species to be 5–10 kg DM respectively (Robinson et al., 2004; Grattan et al., 2004). haÀ1 yearÀ1 for each mm of rainfall in areas with low Importantly, the ionic composition of the saline drainage salinity. This means that with favourable soils and rainfall water used in these experiments was dominated by between 200 and 400 mm, yields of 2–4 t DM haÀ1 yearÀ1 sulfates. Other researchers have shown that plants are would be expected. Under more saline conditions such high significantly more tolerant of salinity where sulfates, levels are rare, with production more likely to be 0.5– rather than chlorides, predominate as the major salts 1 t DM haÀ1 yearÀ1 (Warren et al., 1994; Morecombe et al., (Rogers et al., 1998). 1996). Other glasshouse experiments have identified a range of In summary, the production of dry matter is a function of grasses and legumes with moderate salt tolerance (Rogers the interaction between the genotype and the environment. A et al., 1996, 1997). Further field studies on these plants are plant that grows well in one climate/soil/plant/animal justified to provide information on their potential to produce combination may not be successful in another. enough total biomass to justify commercial evaluation under grazing. At much higher levels of salinity, saltbush (Atriplex spp.) 4. Feeding and nutritive value of salt tolerant and irrigated with saline drainage water has also been reported to halophytic forages produce forage yields of 2.2–5.3 t DM haÀ1 yearÀ1 (Watson and O’Leary, 1993). In other experiments, a broad range of Within this review, a distinction is made between the halophytes from the genera Atriplex, Salicornia, Distichlis feeding value and nutritive value of feeds as defined by Cressa and Batis have all been shown to produce high levels Ulyatt (1973). Nutritive value is the animal production of biomass even under hypersaline irrigation water response per unit of feed intake, feeding value takes into (approximately 70 dS mÀ1). While some of these plants account factors that limit intake. The nutritive value is required special care during propagation, Atriplex lentifor- frequently a function of, and is characterised by, the mis, Batis maritima, Atriplex canescens, Salicornia bigelovii digestible energy and protein provided by the diet, but is also and Distichlis palmeri all produced the equivalent of over influenced by other dietary components with pro- or anti- 10 t haÀ1 yearÀ1 following successful establishment (Glenn nutritional properties. and O’Leary, 1985). More recently, highly saline groundwater (30 dS mÀ1) 4.1. Energy and protein hasbeenusedtoproduceupto45tDMhaÀ1 yearÀ1 of hay from irrigated and intensively managed inland salt grass Most of the moderately salt tolerant forage plants have a () and marine couch (Sporobolus virgi- limited ability to regulate the uptake of salt and prevent nicus)(International Center for Biosaline Agriculture, accumulation in the tissues. The primary consequence of 2004). high concentrations of salt in water or soil for these plants is 240 D.G. Masters et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 119 (2007) 234–248 reduced growth or survival rather than a change in nutritive compounds such as betaine, proline, oxalates and tannins value. In the sand tank experiment described earlier, (Masters et al., 2001) that may be digested or absorbed but Robinson et al. (2004) compared the nutritive value of 10 do not contribute to the metabolisable energy of the diet. forages irrigated with saline drainage water of 15 or Because salt tolerant plants have been a small component 25 dS mÀ1. While there were some significant differences of the landscape, grazing has tended to be opportunistic with between treatments, the differences in nutritive value were few attempts to improve feeding value. Selection for usually small and variable. Tall wheatgrass provided one nutritive value in traditional pasture species is still a new exception with a consistent increase in crude protein and concept but is now being included in some plant breeding decrease in neutral detergent fibre (NDF) at the higher programs (see Coleman and Henry, 2002). With the salinity level. availability of near infrared spectroscopy (NIRS) to rapidly Conversely, at a lower range of salinities (1.4– scan plants for digestibility and crude protein, selection is 9.8 dS mÀ1), others have reported an increase in organic now a practical option. Many of the plants used to revegetate matter digestibility and water soluble carbohydrates and a saline land are wild types and show a broad range in biomass decrease in NDF as the salinity of irrigation water for Italian production, palatability, digestibility and protein content ryegrass increases (Ben-Ghedalia et al., 2001). (Norman et al., 2004). Significant improvements in potential There is limited data available on the nutritive value of livestock production should be possible through a systematic the highly salt tolerant shrubs. The published information process of plant selection. that is available often overestimates nutritive value through misinterpretation of dry matter digestibility (DMD) and 4.2. Minerals crude protein (CP) measurements. Most of the chenopod shrubs contain high concentrations of salt (up to 30% of dry Saline soils are defined by the presence of a range of salts, matter) and therefore, much of the apparently digestible in particular, sodium, potassium, calcium or magnesium as material in these plants is salt and has no energy value. The chlorides, sulfates or bicarbonates. Sodium and chloride are organic matter digestibility (OMD) or digestible organic usually in the highest proportions. Saline water may occur matter in the dry matter (DOMD) of the plant material are with saline soils or in some cases independently of saline more useful indicators of available energy (Masters et al., soils. Saline waters range from simple sea water intrusion in 2001). coastal areas, with a composition similar to sea water, Crude proteins levels can also be misleading. These are through to underground water or contaminated saline usually calculated from nitrogen analysis and assume all drainage water with a far more complex composition. nitrogen in the plants is in the form of protein. In reality, Saline drainage waters, for example, may contain high levels many salt tolerant plants contain high levels of non-protein- of molybdenum, selenium, sulfate, boron, arsenic, uranium nitrogen. For example Benjamin et al. (1992) reported that and vanadium, as well as the macro minerals (Retana et al., 42% of the nitrogen in Atriplex barclayana was non-protein 1993). Livestock grazing in salinised agricultural areas will nitrogen. This nitrogen will only be available for conversion therefore often be exposed to high concentrations of various to microbial protein in the rumen if a good supply of minerals in either feedstuffs or drinking water or both. metabolisable energy is available or if added to a protein deficient feed (Masters et al., 2001). 4.3. Consequences of high mineral intakes by livestock Where reliable estimates of nutritive value for halophytes have been published, they are variable. Measurements of in There are specific problems for livestock associated with vivo OMD for saltbush range from 34.2 to 66.3% (Benjamin consumption of salt in feed and water, for most salts, but et al., 1992; Atiq-ur-Rehman et al., 1994; Alicata et al., particularly sodium, potassium and chloride. The body has 2002; Van der Baan et al., 2004; Abu-Zanat and Tabbaa, little or no capacity to store excess electrolytes or to actively 2006). Not all of the halophytes in these studies were grown excrete through the faeces. Acute excess of sodium has been on saline land. OMD for S. bigelovii is higher than saltbush associated with lower rectal temperature, raised pulse and at 67.3–75.3% (Glenn et al., 1992; Abouheif et al., 2000). respiration rates and water retention (Marai et al., 1995). Watson and O’Leary (1993) reported that saltbush irrigated Digestive function is also changed with an increase in the with saline drainage water contained crude protein ranging rate of passage of feed through the digestive tract, reduced from 6 to 12% with ADF ranging from 26.0 to 37.3% and concentrations of protozoa and selenomads in the rumen and NDF from 40.5 to 60.5%. Similar values have been reported decreased OMD (Weston et al., 1970; Hemsley et al., in other experiments where saltbush has been grown under a 1975b). High levels of sodium in the diet also depress range of different saline conditions (Warren et al., 1990; appetite (Wilson, 1966b) and the efficiency of energy use for Swingle et al., 1996; Norman et al., 2002b). Although these production (Arieli et al., 1989). values are within the range found for many grass and A summary of results from a range of experiments lucerne-based hays (Ministry of Agriculture Fisheries and indicate that sheep and cattle are able to tolerate 7–10% of Food, 1992) caution in interpretation is necessary. Even with sodium chloride in the diet before feed intake is depressed adjustment for ash, the plants may contain organic (National Research Council, 2005), deer can tolerate at least D.G. Masters et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 119 (2007) 234–248 241

6% (Ru et al., 2004) and chickens only around 3% (National Grazing ruminants can tolerate at least 1% sodium Research Council, 2005). Based on these and other studies, chloride in drinking water before there is a depression in the National Research Council (2005) define the ‘‘maximum feed intake and growth. A level of 1.5–2.0% has been tolerable levels’’ of sodium chloride in the diet (i.e., the reported to cause a depression in feed intake, loss of body levels that will not impair health and performance), as 3–6% weight, general weakness and emaciation in sheep, goats for ruminants and 2–3% for swine and poultry. Studies on and cattle (Peirce, 1957; Weeth and Haverland, 1961; sodium chloride in drinking water indicate the order of McGregor, 2004). Of critical importance is the combination tolerance as camels > sheep = goats > cattle > horses > of salt in feed and water. When the high salt intake comes pigs > poultry (Marai et al., 1995; Assad et al., 1997; Ru from feed alone, and there is an unlimited supply of fresh et al., 2000; McGregor, 2004). This order of tolerance is water, the animal can cope by increasing water intake and consistent with an interrelationship between genetically therefore increasing the salt excreting capacity of the determined low water turnover and salt tolerance suggested kidneys. This cannot be done if the salt is present in both by Squires (1988). Similarly, the high tolerance by sheep is feed and water. This has significant practical consequences, consistent with high renal secretory power reported for this Wilson (1966a) reported that sheep fed oldman saltbush species (McDonald and Macfarlane, 1958). Atriplex nummularia (containing 8.2% sodium, 2.7% Under practical conditions sheep and cattle grazing a potassium and 10.7% chloride) ate 554 g digestible DM mixed bladder saltbush (Atriplex vesicaria) and volunteer dayÀ1 and gained weight when given fresh water. A understorey pasture showed no differences between species comparable group ate only 202 g digestible DM dayÀ1 and in body weight production per ha over a 4 year period lost weight when the water supply contained 1.2% sodium (Wilson and Graetz, 1980). Similarly, Meyer et al. (1955) chloride. Even 0.9% sodium chloride in the drinking water reported that sheep and cattle were both unaffected by caused a 50% reduction in feed intake. Any level of salt in addition of up to 9.4% sodium chloride to a feedlot diet. drinking water will compound the effects of a high dietary Within species, it would be expected that livestock salt intake. Such an interaction is likely to be more important breeds originating from arid environments would be better during the hotter, dry periods of the year, when livestock able to conserve water and manage high salt intakes. For have an additional requirement for water for thermoregula- cattle this would suggest Bos indicus would be better tion than during colder, wetter times of the year when suited to high salt diets than Bos taurus. Similarly sheep evaporative cooling is less important and fresh water intake adaptedtoaridenvironmentssuchasMerinoshavebeen may increase through the ‘‘contamination’’ of feed by rain shown to approach camels in their ability to conserve (Weeth and Haverland, 1961; Wilson, 1975). water and concentrate urine (Macfarlane et al., 1956). The primary focus of most studies on livestock Direct comparative studies do not appear to have been production in saline environments has been sodium, chloride published. Even within breeds there may be high and occasionally potassium. Other elements may also be variability in the ability of individual animals to tolerate important, either through the high concentrations in salt high levels of salts in the diet. tolerant plants or through interactions between minerals or There is some indication that reproducing livestock are between minerals and other dietary components. For more susceptible to high salt intakes than non-reproducing example, Tomas et al. (1973) reported that consumption livestock. Meyer and Weir (1954) reported increased weight of water containing 0.8 or 1.2% sodium chloride not only losses during lactation in ewes consuming 13.5% sodium increased excretion of sodium and chloride, but also chloride in the diet compared to similar sheep consuming calcium, magnesium, potassium and phosphorus. Such 9.1% or less. The same authors (Meyer et al., 1955) reported changes may be due to specific effects of high sodium in the no detrimental effects when 12.8% sodium chloride was fed kidney or may be related to the increased consumption and to growing lambs. A number of reports indicate that excretion of water alone. The increased excretion of other reproducing ewes are less tolerant of high salt in drinking essential elements has the potential to cause depletion and water than wethers, with consequences including occasional deficiency and may be particularly important in young or decreases in lambing percentage and increased lamb reproducing livestock with higher requirements for calcium mortality (Peirce, 1968a,b; Potter and McIntosh, 1974). and phosphorus. While differences in species, breed and physiological The highly salt tolerant, halophytic plants may also state need to be considered when managing livestock that are accumulate other minerals. Norman et al. (2002b) reported grazing salt tolerant pastures, possibly of more significance that potassium, calcium and magnesium can be above or close is the ability of livestock to adapt. Squires (1993), concluded to the maximum tolerable levels of 2, 1.5 and 0.6% there was no evidence of adaptation of micro-organisms in respectively for ruminants (National Research Council, the rumen, whereas, Potter (1968) observed that sheep 2005). Accumulation of sulfur is also a consideration. The accustomed to drinking saline water were better able to margin between adequate and harmful intakes of sulfur is withstand loading with sodium chloride. If this is the case, small for ruminants. Bird (1972), recommended that sulfur grazing management may be more important than the class intakes for sheep should not exceed 4 g dayÀ1 (equivalent to of animal. 0.4% in a sheep consuming 1 kg DM dayÀ1). Higher levels 242 D.G. Masters et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 119 (2007) 234–248 result in excess sulfide production in the rumen and depressed protein by microorganisms in the rumen and therefore more appetite. Sulfur concentrations in halophytes and in other undegraded protein available for absorption in the small forage plants grown on saline drainage waters are frequently intestine. The result reported by Hemsley was from feeding above 0.5% (Grattan et al., 2004). In the case of halophytes, sheep high salt levels in a diet made up of 89% protein the accumulation of sulfur is not necessarily caused by high concentrate. More recently, Masters et al. (2005b) reported levels of sulfur in the soil or water, whereas sulfur that the amount of wool grown per kg of organic matter intake accumulation in forage plants irrigated with saline drainage increased by up to 50% when sodium and potassium chloride may result from the high levels of sodium sulfate in the water. were included as part of a normal roughage based diet at Sulfur also interacts with molybdenum in the rumen to reduce 25% of the dry matter. From the point of view of a specialist the availability of copper (Suttle, 1991). Under conditions of wool-growing enterprise, this result is highly significant. It low to moderate copper intakes, high sulfur and molybdenum indicates that total wool production per kg of available can cause severe copper deficiency resulting in anemia, fragile organic matter could be increased by including plant material bones and reproductive disorders. High molybdenum has also with a high salt concentration. been reported in some salt tolerant plants (Retana et al., 1993; There are also reports of improvements in carcass quality Grattan et al., 2004). in sheep consuming moderate amounts of sodium chloride. Potentially toxic levels of selenium can also be a problem Increased intake of sodium chloride in either drinking water in forages irrigated with saline drainage water over the long or feed has been associated with a reduction in fat and an term. Selenium accumulated to 10.7 mg kgÀ1 DM in the increase in protein in the carcass (Walker et al., 1971; herbage of creeping wildrye when irrigated with saline Kraidees et al., 1998). drainage water for 5 years (Suyama et al., 2006). Sheep and cattle are at definite risk from selenosis when the diet contains 4.5. Other pro and anti-nutritional compounds in salt more than 6 mg kgÀ1 DM (Underwood and Suttle, 1999). tolerant plants In addition to the impacts of mineral imbalances on animal metabolism, a recent publication indicates that It is not unusual to find that plants that grow in increasing sodium chloride in irrigation water (i.e., in the inhospitable environments contain secondary compounds root zone of the plant) of river saltbush (Atriplex amnicola) that play a role in their survival. These may enable the plant significantly reduces the concentrations of a range of cations to tolerate the soil, water and climatic stress (e.g., salt, in the plant (Masters et al., 2005a). These include potassium, betaine, antioxidants) or may act as deterrents to grazing calcium, magnesium, copper and zinc. These results, herbivores (e.g., tannin, oxalate, coumarin and nitrate). A together with similar observations in non-halophytic plants summary of these compounds and their potential effects on grown at increased salinity levels (de Dios Guerrero- animal production and health is given in Table 2. In addition Rodriguez et al., 2004) indicate the possibility of specific to the compounds in the table there are likely to be a range of mineral deficiencies or imbalances in salt tolerant plants that others that are less well characterised but may influence both may subsequently produce deficiencies or imbalances in palatability and nutritive value. These include triterpenoids, grazing livestock. steroids, glycosides, saponins and alkaloids (Gihad and El The nature of saline agriculture is that there is high Shaer, 1994). As with nutritive value, the identification of variability in the level and type of salts contributing to secondary compounds, together with the development of salinity, these in turn have a critical effect on the types of techniques for measurement and rapid screening will plants that can be grown, the composition of those plants and provide an opportunity to select plants with lower levels the quality of the water supply. For these reasons, the of anti-nutritional compounds. management of mineral nutrition in grazing livestock will need to be site specific with full consideration of the potential impact on productivity. 5. Livestock performance on salt tolerant forages

4.4. Benefits of high salt intakes 5.1. Grazing systems

Although excessive salt intakes depress feed intake, While there are many publications that provide quali- digestibility and the growth of ruminants, moderate levels of tative information on performance of salt tolerant pastures salt have been shown to have benefits to production. Hemsley and some quantitative information on plant growth and (1975a) reported an improvement in wool growth efficiency nutritive value, information on the performance of grazing in sheep fed an oilseed based diet and drinking water high in livestock is scarce. Table 3 provides a summary of published sodium chloride. Wool growth is highly responsive to reports on the stocking rate, growth and grazing times of protein available for absorption in the small intestine and sheep on a range of saline sites in Australia. This table this result may be a consequence of the higher water intake provides a range of results under different conditions. At low leading to an increased rate of passage of nutrients. to moderate levels of salinity (<15 dS mÀ1), particularly Increased rate of passage will mean lower degradation of where water availability is high (as a result of seasonal or D.G. Masters et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 119 (2007) 234–248 243

landscape conditions), there is good potential for livestock

, production in biosaline agriculture (Thompson et al., 2001; Lee et al., 2002; Fenton et al., 2004). This could be further enhanced by appropriate grazing management. For example, tall wheatgrass and puccinellia are known to go rank when Degen et al. (1995) , ndez et al. (1998)

´ overgrown and lightly grazed and also tend to be low in Waghorn et al. (2002)

, crude protein. Regular grazing together with incorporation Ferna , of a legume into the sward can increase liveweight gain

Rankins and Smith (1991) (Warren et al., 1996). Timing of feed availability is also , important in gaining value from saline pastures. In seasonal environments that are characterised by periods of low quality feed, the saline areas may still have subsoil moisture Arnold and Hill (1972) Davis (1981) Waghorn et al. (2002) Norman et al. (2002b) Pearce et al. (2005) Storey et al. (1977) Barry and McNabb (1999) and a capability to produce feed out of season. Thompson et al. (2001), for example, achieved far higher stocking rates on saline land sown to sweet clover and tall wheatgrass over summer than in adjoining non-saline areas. The arid and semi arid areas that are more suitable for the salt accumulating shrubs require a different management system. The plants still have the ability to provide green feed, often during the dry season, at a time of feed scarcity, but livestock production is limited by the low feed intakes associated with high salt content. Prior to the research of Warren and Casson (1994) and Morecombe et al. (1996) in the 1990s there were optimistic expectations on potential for livestock performance on halophytic shrubs. Much of this optimism was based on the performance of similar shrubs grown in non-saline environments (Le Houe´rou, 1992). It is now clear that the limited edible biomass available from these shrubs grown in saline soils, together with the effects of high salt concentrations on voluntary feed intake and OMD, means that liveweight gain is unlikely, even at low stocking rates. Conversion to highly toxicof dicoumarol plant during spoilage material in bad weather kidney damage, rumen stasisReduced and feed gastroenteritis. intake haemoglobin to methaemoglobin andMay cause also anoxia. cause reduced feed intake and improves shelf life of meat content of tissues. Major role in osmoregulation inon plants concentration. Low concentrationsprotein (2–4%) availability, improve high concentrations (4–10%) depress intake Comments References However, significant opportunities still exist in the design and management of livestock feeding systems that maximise the feeding value of these plants and integrate them with other available feed resources. For example, providing a source of metabolisable energy to ruminants consuming chenopods with high levels of non-protein-nitrogen improves microbial a

spp. May decrease palatability or cause taint in milk or meat. protein production, liveweight gain and protein retention spp. Antioxidant that protects sheep against nutritional myopathy spp., many legumes May be beneficial or detrimental to ruminants depending (Benjamin et al., 1992). Conversely, salt tolerant plants may improve the intake and utilisation of poor quality dry pastures Melilotus Many chenopods Binds to calcium to decrease availability. Possible Atriplex and Maireana spp. Converted to nitrites in the rumen, converts Many halophytesAcacia May improve methionine use in ruminants and lower fat Atriplex or crop residues (Le Houe´rou, 1992; Warren and Casson, 1992; Nawaz and Hanjra, 1993; Chriyaa et al., 1997) and it may be that the greatest value of these shrubs is in the improvement in utilisation of low quality pasture (or understorey) and crop residues, particularly in mixed farming

) nutritional Plant sources enterprises. Heavier rotational grazing of salt tolerant shrubs À has also been reported to rejuvenate the plants and produce more palatable new growth with lower salt levels in the leaves (Le Houe´rou, 1992; Schultz, 1996). À À À À À 5.2. Intensive feeding systems

Intensive livestock production, integrated with mixed feeding of formulated rations offers other opportunities for

Examples only, limited information on most salt tolerant plants. the use of salt tolerant forages. Glenn et al. (1992), Abouheif a Table 2 Some of the nutritional and anti-nutritionalCompound compounds found in salt tolerant plants Pro- (+) or anti-( Coumarin Oxalates Nitrate Vitamin EBetaine + Tannins + or + or et al. (2000) and Kraidees et al. (1998) all included 244 D.G. Masters et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 119 (2007) 234–248 ) and subterranean clover Norman et al. (2002c) Norman et al. (2004) Edwards et al. (2002) Morecombe et al. (1996) Morecombe et al. (1996) Morecombe et al. (1996) Warren et al. (1996) Warren et al. (1996) Warren et al. (1996) Warren et al. (1996) Warren et al. (1996) Lee et al. (2002) Fenton et al. (2004) Fenton et al. (2004) Warren et al. (1996) Warren et al. (1996) Warren et al. (1996) Thompson et al. (2001) Thompson et al. (2001) References Trifolium fragiferum ) 1 2 À 44 10 71 71 21 À 105 140 140 À À À À À À À À Liveweight change (g d Stocking rate (sheep/ha) Grazing period (days) ). Annual legumes include balansa clover, strawberry clover ( Lolium perenne Sheep age (years) ), perennial ryegrass ( Time of the year Autumn 1 48 31 77 Phalaris aquatica ) Summer 0.5 56 10 48 ) Summer 2 56 10 18 unless otherwise specified. ), phalaris ( Table 1 ) Summer 0.5 56 8 43 ) Summer 2 56 8 18 a b Lolium multiflorum Lolium multiflorum ). Festuca arundinacea Puccinellia stricta Puccinellia stricta spp./balansa clover Summer/autumn 1 19 8 80 spp. Autumn 1 50 13.3 15 spp./small leaf bluebush/volunteer grasses Autumn 3 42 15 spp./small leaf bluebush/volunteer grasses Autumn 3 42 15 spp./small leaf bluebush/volunteer grasses Autumn 3 42 15 Genus/species as shown in Tall fescue ( a ryegrass/annual legumes b T. subterraneum Atriplex Atriplex Puccinellia/balansa clover Summer/autumn 1 63 10.5 Atriplex Atriplex Atriplex Puccinellia ( Balansa clover/ryegrass ( Tall wheatgrass Summer 0.5 56 10 Sea barley grass Summer 0.5 56 9 Table 3 A summary of sheep production onPredominant saline pasture sites species Sea barley grassPuccinelliaSea barley grassBalansa clover/ryegrass ( Tall wheatgrassPuccinellia ( Winter/spring Summer Winter/spring Summer 1.5 1.5 2 227 2 227 56 56 2 5 9 10 66 83 ( Sweet clover/tall wheatgrassTall wheatgrass/tall fescue/phalaris/perennial Summer 1 28 75 80 Tall wheatgrass/sea barley grass Summer 1 52 10 D.G. Masters et al. / Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment 119 (2007) 234–248 245 salicornia (S. bigelovii) in mixed rations as a substitute for water may provide an opportunity for a significant out-of Rhodes grass (Chloris gayana). With salicornia stems at up season feed supply. At higher salinity in soil and water, to 30% of the total ration and 50–60% of the roughage particularly in the semi-arid and arid climatic zones, component of the diet fed to young goats or rams, digestion production potential is low, although, even in these regions, and growth were not adversely affected. Similar observa- salt tolerant plants may provide a valuable complementary tions were made when salicornia was substituted for Rhodes feed source for use with crop residues or grain supplements. grass in camel diets (Al-Owaimer, 2000). The results The forage plants used for biosaline agriculture have had indicated that dried salicornia is a suitable substitute for very little selection for improved feeding value. Selection forage in mixed rations. Similar results have been reported and management for improved metabolisable energy and for a range of other halophytes. Inclusion of A. barclayana, protein, together with the identification of plants that Suaeda esteroa or S. bigelovii straws at 30% of a diet based accumulate less salt and anti-nutritional compounds, will on grain, cottonseed meal and cane molasses, further improve prospects for profitable livestock systems. allowed rapid daily gain (>200 g dayÀ1) when fed to wether At the same time, there appears to be potential to select lambs (Swingle et al., 1996). In the same study, replacement livestock that are more capable of tolerating high salt intakes of cottonseed meal (at approximately 10% of the diet) with within and across species, breed and class to improve the salicornia meal did not depress production. More recently, conversion of organic matter into livestock products. Atriplex halimus and A. nummularia have been fed as part of a mixed concentrate/forage ration to pregnant and lactating ewes. While substitution of barley straw with dried saltbush Acknowledgements (either partially or completely) had no effect on milk production or lamb weight and growth, saltbush fed ewes The preparation of this review was partially supported by lost significantly more body weight through lactation (Abu- Land, Water and Wool, an initiative of Australian Wool Zanat and Tabbaa, 2006). These studies indicate that the Innovation Ltd. (AWI) and Land and Water Australia. high concentrations of salt in some halophytes can be managed through ration formulation for some classes of livestock. Feeding a diet with 100% halophyte does not References allow growth. Warren (Warren et al., 1990; Warren and Casson, 1993) fed Merino wethers a mixture of stem and leaf Abouheif, M.A., Al-Saiady, M., Kraidees, M., Tag Eldin, A., Metwally, H., 2000. Influence of inclusion of salicornia biomass in diets for rams on material from either A. undulata, A. lentiformis, A. amnicola digestion and mineral balance. Asian–Aust. J. Anim. Sci. 13, 967–973. or A. cinerea. Organic matter intakes were below 800 g Abu-Zanat, M.M.W., Tabbaa, M.J., 2006. Effect of feeding Atriplex browse 1 1 dayÀ and the sheep lost between 162 and 225 g dayÀ to lactating ewes on milk yield and growth rate of their lambs. Small during the experiment. Importantly in this experiment, when Rumin. 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