State of the World 2010: Transforming Cultures

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State of the World 2010: Transforming Cultures 2 0 1 0 STATE OF THE WORLD Transforming Cultures From Consumerism to Sustainability THE WORLDWATCH INSTITUTE 2 0 1 0 STATE OF THE WORLD Transforming Cultures From Consumerism to Sustainability Other Norton/Worldwatch Books State of the World 1984 through 2009 (an annual report on progress toward a sustainable society) Vital Signs 1992 through 2003 and 2005 through 2007 (a report on the trends that are shaping our future) Saving the Planet Who Will Feed China? Beyond Malthus Lester R. Brown Lester R. Brown Lester R. Brown Christopher Flavin Gary Gardner Sandra Postel Tough Choices Brian Halweil Lester R. Brown How Much Is Enough? Pillar of Sand Alan Thein Durning Fighting for Survival Sandra Postel Michael Renner Last Oasis Vanishing Borders Sandra Postel The Natural Wealth of Nations Hilary French Full House David Malin Roodman Eat Here Lester R. Brown Brian Halweil Hal Kane Life Out of Bounds Chris Bright Power Surge Inspiring Progress Christopher Flavin Gary T. Gardner Nicholas Lenssen 2 0 1 0 STATE OF THE WORLD Transforming Cultures From Consumerism to Sustainability A Worldwatch Institute Report on Progress Toward a Sustainable Society EriK Assadourian, Project Director Mona Amodeo Joshua Farley Pamela Miller Robin Andersen Susan Finkelpearl Kevin Morgan Ray Anderson Kate Ganly Peter Newman Cecile Andrews Gary Gardner David W. Orr Judi AubeL Amy Han Michael Renner Albert Bates Jim Hartzfeld Jonah Sachs Walter Bortz Toby Hemenway Ingrid Samuelsson Robert Costanza Yoshie Kaga Juliet Schor Cormac Cullinan Ida Kubiszewski MichaeL H. Shuman Jonathan Dawson Susan Linn Roberta Sonnino John de Graaf Johanna Mair Wanda Urbanska Robert Engelman Michael Maniates Linda Starke and Lisa Mastny, Editors W . W . NORTON&COMPANY NEWYORKLONDON Copyright © 2010 by Worldwatch Institute 1776 Massachusetts Avenue, N.W. Suite 800 Washington, DC 20036 All rights reserved. Printed in the United States of America. The STATE OF THE WORLD and WORLDWATCH INSTITUTE trademarks are registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office. The views expressed are those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of the Worldwatch Institute; of its directors, officers, or staff; or of its funders. The text of this book is composed in Galliard, with the display set in ScalaSans. Book design, cover design, and composition by Lyle Rosbotham; manufacturing by Victor Graphics. First Edition ISBN 978-0-393-33726-6 W. W. Norton & Company, Inc., 500 Fifth Avenue, New York, N.Y. 10110 W. W. Norton & Company Ltd., Castle House, 75/ 76 Wells Street, London W1T 3QT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0 This book is printed on recycled paper. Worldwatch Institute Board of Directors Tom Crain James Cameron Akio Morishima Chairman UNITED KINGDOM JAPAN UNITED STATES Cathy Crain Sam Myers, MD, MPH Robert Charles Friese UNITED STATES UNITED STATES Vice-Chairman James Dehlsen Ajit Nazre UNITED STATES UNITED STATES UNITED STATES Geeta B. Aiyer Treasurer Christopher Flavin Izaak van Melle UNITED STATES THE NETHERLANDS UNITED STATES Nancy Hitz Ed Groark Wren Wirth SecretarY UNITED STATES UNITED STATES UNITED STATES Satu Hassi Emeritus: Ray Anderson FINLAND Øystein Dahle UNITED STATES Jerre Hitz NORWAY L. Russell Bennett, Esq. UNITED STATES AbderrahMaN KheNe UNITED STATES Jeffrey Lipton ALGERIA Marcel Brenninkmeijer UNITED STATES Andrew E. Rice SWITZERLAND UNITED STATES Worldwatch Institute Staff Erik AssadouriaN Yingling Liu Mary RedferN Senior Researcher China Program Manager Director of Institutional Relations Benjamin BlocK Trudy Loo Staff Writer Director of IndiVidUal GiVing Michael Renner Senior Researcher Amanda Chiu Lisa Mastny Project Associate Senior Editor, World Watch Lyle Rosbotham Art Director Juliane Diamond Alice McKeown Development Assistant Vital Signs Online Director Janet Sawin Assistant to the President Senior Researcher JohN Mulrow Robert Engelman MAP Sustainable Energy Patricia Shyne Vice President for Programs Fellow Director of Publications and Marketing Barbara FalliN Danielle Nierenberg Director of Finance and Senior Researcher Molly Theobald Administration Research Fellow Alexander Ochs Christopher Flavin Director of Climate and Julia Tier President Energy Communications Associate Gary Gardner Thomas Prugh Senior Researcher Editor, World Watch Brian Halweil Darcey Rakestraw Senior Researcher Communications Director Worldwatch Senior Fellows Zoë Chafe Mia MacDonald Payal Sampat Anna da Costa Eric Martinot Molly O’Meara Sheehan Hilary French Sandra Postel Acknowledgments This book was conceived in the falL of 2008 as well, which complement the longer articles duriNg a coNversatioN over diNNer with forMer and add more voices and views to the report. WorLdwatch Board Chair ØysteiN DahLe. Over Many thanks to these authors as well for their pasta in Oslo, the two of us discussed how tiMe aNd thoughtfuL coNtributioNs: YaNN much consumer cultures will need to change Arthus-BertraNd, Eduardo Athayde, ALMut for the human species to truly thrive. UpoN BeriNger, MichaeL BrauNgart, RaJ CheNgappa, returNiNg to WashiNgtoN, I proposed the idea PatricK Curry, ØysteiN DahLe, ANNe H. EhrLich, of coNfroNtiNg this issue head-oN iN State of the PauL R. EhrLich, Gregory C. FarriNgtoN, Satish World 2010. SoMewhat to My surprise, the KuMar, Serge LaTouche, WiLLiaM McDo- WorLdwatch staff aNd Board of Directors gave Nough, JuLie OzaNNe, Lucie OzaNNe, aNd me the green light to proceed. First, a thank Alexander Rose. you to aLL of theM for trustiNg that such a Those who heLped with the research over topic would be a valuable theme for our flag- the past year deserve speciaL atteNtioN here. I ship pubLicatioN, eveN if it proves coNtroversiaL. aM gratefuL for the ideas shared aNd the assis- ThaNKs especiaLLy to WorLdwatch PresideNt taNce giveN iN MaKiNg this booK possibLe. Christopher FLaviN for trustiNg Me to ruN with ThaNKs to FraNNy ArMstroNg, DiaNe this idea. AssadouriaN, ANdrew BaLMford, MarK BeaM, After that brief MoMeNt of eLatioN, the LoNg Guy P. Brasseur, GeNe BrocKhoff, BriaN BurKe, process of buiLdiNg this booK begaN. A State of ToNy Carr, Robert CoreLL, JoeL CowaN, Scott the World coMMittee was forMed aNd the couN- DeNMaN, NaNcy DurKee, DuaNe ELgiN, HiLary seL of its MeMbers proved esseNtiaL throughout. FreNch, JiM FreuNd, NiNa FrisaK, MarciN Ger- MaNy thaNKs to aLL of you for the hours speNt wiN, ALex HaLLatt, Harry HaLLoraN, Jody Hey- discussiNg the Newest ideas as they deveLoped, MaNN, Yes¸Ne IreN, Chris JuNg, HayrettiN for suggestiNg authors aNd topics, aNd for heLp- Karaca, WiLLiaM KiLbourNe, LyNNe LaCar- iNg the proJect Move forward. rubba, ShawNa LarsoN, KaLLe LasN, ANNie Much of Last spriNg was devoted to recruit- LeoNard, LiNg Li, Lisa Lucero, JaN LuNd- iNg the highLy taLeNted group of authors who are berg, Mia MacDoNaLd, MichaeL MaNiates, Listed oN the CoNteNts page. I waNt to especiaLLy SusaNNe MartiKKe, Marc Matthieu, JiM thaNK these iNdividuaLs—aLL of whoM agreed to McDoNough, KrystaL McKay, BiLL McKibbeN, freeLy share their KNowLedge aNd iNsights with OLivier MiLhoMMe, MoLLy O’Meara SheehaN, State of the World readers. Without their geN- Pete PaLMer, NadiNa Perera, Barbara Petruzzi, erosity, this booK wouLd Not have beeN possibLe. ANdrea Prothero, PauL ReitaN, JoaN Roberts, This year we have a NuMber of short Boxes RegiNa RowLaNd, Peter SawteLL, VerNoN Scar- BLOGS.WORLDWATCH.ORG/TRANSFORMINGCULTURES vii Acknowledgments STATE OF THE WORLD 2010 borough, BLair ShaNe, David Stoesz, Robert Helene Gallis—interN of many countries, WeLsch, aNd, at UNESCO, ALiNe Bory-AdaMs, caNdid, aNd creative—started wheN this proJect BerNard CoMbes, HaNs d’OrviLLe, MarK Rich- was stiLL forMLess aNd pLayed aN iMportaNt MoNd, aNd AriaNa StahMer. I aM gratefuL to earLy roLe iN MoLdiNg it. She theN coNtiNued to aLL of you! prove herseLf iNvaLuabLe as she heLped out to the I’d also like to thanK Muhammad Yunus, very eNd, researchiNg, reviewiNg, aNd writiNg. who kindly shared his wisdom and his story Eddie KasNer, wheN Not studyiNg pubLic with us iN this year’s Foreword. His support for heaLth aNd farMers’ use of pesticides iN ChiNa, our humble book is quite an honor. heLped recruit severaL authors aNd research One other special contributor I’d like to sustaiNabLe dietary NorMs aNd heaLth care. acKNowLedge is artist Chris JordaN, whose AMy HaN was truLy a “JiLL-of-aLL-trades,” cheer- beautiful image graces our cover. Gyre is one fully becoming the creator and Webmaster of of the Most striKiNg portrayaLs of the threat of the TraNsforMiNg CuLtures Web site, doiNg coNsuMerisM aNd the possibiLity of this research, writing blog posts, and finishing off MoMeNt to chaNge course that I have seeN, aNd with a captivating article on music’s role in we are very happy to have the chance to dis- building sustainable societies. play it on the cover. Valentina Agostinelli of Italy also enthusi- BehiNd the scenes, there were three special asticaLLy assisted with research aNd assiduousLy people without whom this project would not monitored the year of environmental events, have succeeded. First aNd foreMost, LiNda helping to produce this year’s timeline. Kevin Starke, editor extraordinaire and State of the Green was a data-finding machine, which at a World elder, who was a joy to work with and place like Worldwatch is a compliment of the seLfLessLy put this proJect over herseLf tiMe aNd highest order. Without KeviN’s diLigeNt again. She was an exemplar of calm through- research, the overview chapter wouLd Not be so out the stressfuL coNcLudiNg MoNths aNd, coN- chockful of useful information. sideriNg the chaLLeNges, was truLy a roLe ModeL MaMi ShiJo, coMiNg froM our partNer orga- for me. Thank you, Linda. nization Worldwatch Japan, played an impor- A Large thaNKs aLso to Gary GardNer for taNt roLe iN fiNdiNg severaL bits of data aNd heLpiNg to iMprove severaL of the coNtributioNs, heLpiNg to expLore the JapaNese bLogosphere— iNcLudiNg My owN. WhiLe sureLy a thaNKLess Job a project interN Emiko Akaishi expanded fur- at times, I appreciate the many hours of the ther in her month here.
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