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Wrestlers capture ECC crown By KELLEY COFFEy . The Broncs also set an ECC points in the ECC's set last year by in his six years as the Rider coach. remrd by sending six wresders to Hofstra University. After· finishln. in second place ' " People think it's amazing that the natioriaJ championships. "The whole weekend at the 'He had six ECC dlampioris last '0 of the Ii"" years, the three oUt last . The Bronc wrestlen who took ECC's is a '!ribute to Coach Cary .J!lder:" -wrestling team linally wont weekend," Coffey added, "but a . _ - the top and won the East home cold medals were: Sophomore Taylor" Coffey said, " The BuY is a big part of the reason this happen Mike Prire (118 Ibs.l, senior co- """"""'lie. He is oonstantly study- - floist ~ ChampionshIP on' ed is because we had a big captain - Cotin 0Jffey (142 Ibs.), ing our wrestling films and working advantage even before we were on '~Y ' sophomore Alan Pasual (150 Ibs.), with us on our weak points." the mat. The advantage I'm talking - The ECC- auwn waS' the first won junior StM RDmesburg (158 Ibs.), Taylo< was selected "Coach-of the about is Coach Taylor." !fi; . a 'Rider ieom in the 10 years fre5hman John Bot! (167 Ibs.), and Year" in the ECC after guiding the Price, a former "Freshman AII the conference has existed. Eleven ' seni9r co-captain, Gerry Volm (190 Broncs to a 13-3-' regular season. American," was the first Bronc to - years i!IO the Bronc wrestlers won Ibs.J. Taylor has ooached four Freshman take the winners' stand Saturday by the . old Mid-Atlantic Conference The Broncs totaled 87'1\ team All-Americans, 14 Conlerence winning his fina] match 12-10. ~shlp points tyinl the .reoord for team dlampions, and No All-Americans (Continued. on pilie 11) "' - . ·7he Rider News Vol. L No. 14 LAWRENCEVILLE, NJ PHONE: 8'if,.52S6 0< 5337 March 2, 1984 Student charges College for breach of contract BY BARBARA BOYER ~ to move off<ampus. His our best judgement," the nurse he was still permitted to have .... , As the r:esutt of a dispute request was denied unless there said . meals at Macke. '''I asked him bet-. the CoIIeae and a student, were extenuating drrumstances, he When Residence life did not (N\cROOerts) 'what are you going to that student is in the process of sard. release him from his contract, do about the Macke situation?' and 5Oin. the CoI'- for bread! of WaJlitt said over the Interim Wallitt said he met with !V.c:Roberts. · he (fvkRoberts) said, 'That's none mntract. Study Period he had seen a Aocording to Wallitt, I\.1c:Roberts of your business,' " Wall itt said. physician who sent a note to the . said the decision was up to The next day WaJlitt said 'he was A was contract sianed bet-. Collese infirmary .stating that he Friedman-Krupnik, but a contract informed at f\.iacke that he could no Steven resident of tonne. should see!< "SO<ne type of off..,..". was later signed betWeen McRoberts longer eat there, and that he was M.-., pus _ housing in a more relaxing and Wall itt to resolve the matter. requested to see McRoberts in his ~; I~~~~--;' ~~~~ environment due to fatique and The oontract required WaJlitt to office at which time NlcRoberts other medical reasons." pay one-hail the total amount due asked Wallitt to remove the Macke 'fQr sprin, term room and board, to decal from his identification card. - dtedc:- out of '-his-·room·+tol"'" tlbsent .. • Wallitt ... sai.Q .be refuse9 tp :. ~ 50 and himsetf entirely from ~pus resi· and left McRobert's office. A note signed by McRoberts was F~~~I<ru'~ik., ~~ ~ dence halls and fraternity and sent to Wallitt feb. 14 Stating, "no Residence Ufe, "di5aJSsed the mat sorority houses during the spring refund or resolution at hiS release ter. Friedman Krupnik \WUld not semester of 1984, and not to oomment . on the specifics of the from his room and board contract . said he never paid - his case because . of the legal issues ~y for on~pus houSing dur for the spring semester should be involved, but she said Wallitt was mg the remainder of his undergrad made until Mr. Wallitt surrenders .c!oPosn for 'housing, and .,.",. ISP uate years. he ,signed a lease for an _ not released f.rom his mntract his decal." - In Yardley. The contract was signed on Feb. 8 W"lIitt said he is now receiving because he did not meet the criteria at wtiich time Wallitt said he . ·WaUitt requested at the bea:innina legal counseling and he intends to that has been established by Resi moved out of his room within two sue the College and possibly tv\acke ·::ot -sprini semester to tenninate his Life. "We reviewed the dence days. When the contract was signed Food Service if his lawyer deter· ~ with Residence Life in information and made a decision in Wallitt said he asked McRoberts if mines Macke is also at fault. Inside ... Soror ities celebrate Bid Day. page 6 Drinking age effects local schools, pageE1 "The School for Scandal" performs opening night. pageE3 Weekend Weather ... Partially cloudy and breezy tcr with a possibility of douds tomor SISTERS OF ZETA TAU ALPHA, _ Watson, left, and Usa Mendleson, day, high.!! of 3S to 40. Fair rO'fV and Sunday. lows tonight near riBh~ ...eImme .- p/ed/les 10 the sorority on Bid Day in Iron! of 20. Highs tomorrow around 40, and weather- tonight throuah Sunday, . ~/Ija)J on Fe/> . .24. Sunday ~S . .... - , 2 RIDER NEWS March 2, " 984 .. ' 'I, . ,'~ ~~.:... ' ..... :. , ••, '" .'~ Readin:g Clinic taps tutoring ta1enls Law tightens ' . By BOBBI WE.<. VER they have always had particular Student tutors are paid for their state offensive The Reading Oinic Academic troubre, said Huslin. services unless other financial aid Skill s Center provides student tutors " Before students seek tutoring provisions make them ineligible for 10.- other students seeton, help in assistance, they should first go to employment by the Center, Huslin against drunks academic subjects, said Ronald A. their professors for additional help," said. Huslin, the Center's director. Huslin said. Relearning knowledge from pre By HOWARD POPPEL ., If a student is having difficulty Huslin said that students havina vious courses and gaining YoOrk In a recent Letlislative move, New in a course, sometimes the tutoring difficulty in a particular course experience are some other benefits Jersey drinking and driving laws service can be a great assistance in should seek tutorina assistance early of being a student tutor, said have been stiffened. In the past, a getting through the course," Husli" in the semester. Huslin. person . aa:used of Driving While said. He added that, because the "Students shouldn't wait until the "Education majors are especially Intoxicated (OWl) could have their money for tutoring services is . last few days of the semester and interested in tutoring because it license revoked for 30 days. provided by federal and 'state expect a tutor," he said. provides teaching experience," Hus Now, with the new law, first Educational Opportunity Funds, stu lin said. a' OWl offense will result in license dents Kim Greer, a junior accounting involved in the EOF program 'Students should suspension for one year. are entitled to free tutoring as part major who has tutored at the of their educational package. seek tutoring help Center for tv.o semesters, said she The law, which was passed on However. he also said the Center finds the job gives her a " sense of Jan. 17, was established to protect tries to recruit work-study students when they cannot accomplishment." the sober drivers on the road by who are qualified fo tutor so the "It's neat when they (the stu taking the drunk ones off of it," Center will be able to provide some seem to get the help dents) do well. You really get a said a . New Jersey legislati~ aid. free tutoring to students not in good feeling. It's nice to know you volved in the EOF Pl'OIram. they need from their can _help somebody," Greer said. Tlie law change does not end If the Center cannot provide free professors... ' Creer said she feels that the there. According to the bill , the tutoring to a student, the student is experience she has gained by punishment for lending someone your identification card for buying referred to a tutor whom he or she To be a tutor, students must tutoring wi ll be useful in her .future alcohol has also been toughened. If can privately a>ntact, HusHn said. have attained an A or B in the career. a person is caught using your 10, Gladys Miller, tutoring ooordi course they want to tutor, and must " It tei!.ches you to work with you will be charged with a mis natar, said private tutors recom have an overall cumulative averase people. It teaches you to explain demeanor, you will be fined a mended by the Center usually pay of at least 2.5, Huslin said. Tutors things well . It makes you able to and sum from Sl00 to S300 or sentenced between $3 .50 and $5 per hour. must also attend a four-hour work clarify yourself, to get people to up to 60 days imprisonment. In Hustin said, " Even if they (stu shop on tutoring skills, he said. understand," said Greer. addition, your drivers license will be dents requesting tutors) have to pay The Center provides tutors tor all Miller also coordinates a tutoring revoked for six months. S3.3O out of their own pockets, it's academic areas, and there is a need referral service for area high a bargain." for tutors in all academic areas, schools .