Grade Ten Religion – HRE 2O1 “Christ and Culture”

Unit One: Scripture (25 Questions)

The term Catholic means:

a) Holy b) Universal c) Powerful d) Christ-like

Catholic literally means universal. This is the definition of Catholic.

The symbolic expression used by Jesus to speak about God among us is called:

a) A parable b) Revelation c) A new covenant d) The Kingdom of God

Christ used the term Kingdom of God to tell the faithful that God is among us. Revelation is the last book of the Bible. Jesus was the new covenant. A parable is a story with a moral message.

The word incarnation literally means:

a) Instead b) Resurrection c) In the flesh d) On the Earth

Incarnation comes from the Latin meaning in the flesh.

The drinking of three (3) glasses of wine in a Japanese wedding ceremony signifies:

a) The past b) The present c) The future d) All of the above

Each glass of wine represents the couple’s past, present, and future. Treating others how you want to be treated is the:

a) Common Good b) Golden Rule c) Papacy d) Altruism

The answer is the Golden Rule. The Golden Rule promotes the Common Good. The Papacy refers to the Office of the Pope. Altruism is the spirit of goodwill.

For Catholics the greatest example of incarnation was:

a) God b) Jesus Christ c) The Trinity d) Holy Spirit

Jesus Christ is the incarnation of God. God is God. The Trinity defines one God with 3 natures. The Holy Spirit is the spirit of God.

A major stumbling block for faith is:

a) God b) Love c) Suffering d) Religion

Suffering brings a person’s faith into question. God and love promote faith. Religion is the practice of faith.

The first sin was committed by:

a) Eve b) Satan c) God d) Adam

Adam knowingly defied God’s order not to eat the fruit. Eve was unaware of her sin because she was ignorant. Satan (serpent) tempted Adam and Eve. God is without sin.

Positive communication in marriage does not include:

a) Listening b) Nagging c) Arguing d) b & c

Nagging and arguing are negative forms of communication. Listening is a positive action.

To say that God is beyond out usual physical experience is to say that God is:

a) Immanent b) Translucent c) Transcendent d) Transparent

God is transcendent (outside of the physical experience). Immanent means within. Translucent and transparent refer to see through.

The Song of Songs is a book of the Bible which talks about:

a) Love b) Truth c) Music d) Sexuality

This scripture is an account of the love between God and humankind. This is also called the Song of Solomon.

The Book of the Bible that contains the ultimate love song is:

a) Genesis b) Revelation c) I Corinthians d) The Song of Songs

This is the Song of Songs. Genesis is the first book of the Bible. Revelation is the last book of the Bible that deals with apocalyptic images. I Corinthians is a Pauline letter.

Jesus wants our relationship to God to be:

a) Honest and open b) Strong and dedicated c) Without an end d) Like his own relationship to God

Jesus asks for eternal love between humankind and God.

Agnostics say:

a) There is no God b) They do not know if God exists c) They do not want any religious affiliation d) They will believe in God is proof is given that He exists

Agnostics are uncertain of God’s existence. It is usually mistaken with atheism.

What is a sacrament? Is it a(n):

a) Sacred event b) Holy event c) Catholic practice d) All of the above

Sacrament literally means sacred event. It is a Holy Event and a Catholic practice, but other Christian denominations practice these.

Marriage is a ______:

a) Legal contract b) Commitment c) Compromise d) a & b

Marriage is a religious and legal commitment. It requires compromise, but is not a compromise.

Heaven is:

a) The Garden of Eden b) Hell c) Paradise d) The Kingdom of God

Heaven is the Kingdom of God. Hell is eternal damnation. The Garden of Eden is the paradise on Earth described in Genesis. Heaven is a paradise, but Kingdom of God is the best answer.

The Holy Trinity states that:

a) There are 3 Gods b) God has 3 natures c) Jesus rose after 3 days d) God’s favourite number is 3

The Trinity outlined by at the First Council of Nicaea states that God has 3 natures (God, Jesus, Holy Spirit).

From the Bible, who was a person who was good to God but God made him suffer? Was it:

a) Job b) Joel c) Joseph d) Jesus Christ

The Book of Job in the Old Testament outlines this account. Joel is not a Biblical character. Joseph could either be the Old or New Testament person. Jesus Christ is God.

Today, Jesus Christ reveals God’s love for humanity through:

a) People b) Scripture c) The Eucharist d) All or the above

God’s love is reflected by all of the above.

Christian marriage is where _____ & _____ meet:

a) Eros and Agape b) Friendship and Wealth c) Desperation and Humility d) Happiness and Anxiety

Eros and Agape is fundamental to Christian marriage. This is taken directly from the Christ and Culture text book.

Jesus was born a(n):

a) Jew b) Christian c) Catholic d) None of the above

Jesus was born, raised and died as a Jew. His teachings resulted in Christianity and Catholicism.

The term “liturgy” means:

a) Prayer b) Church c) Public work d) Charitable work

Liturgy literally means public work. Prayer, Church and Charity are aspects if the Catholic faith.

Objects or gestures that express a specific message or meaning are called:

a) Holy b) Signs c) Angels d) Cathedrals

These are signs. Holy refers to blessed. Angels are God’s messengers. Cathedrals are places of worship.

All of the following are images of the Church except for:

a) Institution b) Community c) Reformer d) Transformer

The church is not a reformer. This is taken directly out of the Christ and Culture text book.

Unit Two: Profession of Faith (25 Questions)

Who do all Roman Catholics believe the pope is the successor of? Is it:

a) St. Paul b) St. Peter c) St. Mary d) St. Steven

Jesus selected St. Peter to be the first Pope. St. Paul converted many people to Christianity. The Pope must be male. St. Steven is a martyr.

According to Jean Vanier, belonging is important…:

a) For protection and security b) For inner freedom and maturity c) To prove our worthiness and goodness d) All of the above

All of the following are important to belonging.

The study of origins, development and customs of humankind is called:

a) Biology b) Psychology c) Palaeontology d) Anthropology

Anthropology is this study. Biology studies various life systems. Psychology deals with the mind. Palaeontology studies bones.

B.F Skinner was a(n):

a) Teacher b) Psychologist c) Theologian d) Clergy

Skinner was a psychologist. He looked at human behaviours.

The individual who led the civil rights movement against racism in the United States was:

a) Jean Vanier b) Martin Luther King Jr. c) St. Augustine d) Rene Descartes

Martin Luther King Jr. fought for civil rights. Jean Vanier did not do so in the U.S. St. Augustine was an Italian theologian. Rene Descartes was a French philosopher.

Clergy within the does not include:

a) Pope b) Bishops c) Laity d) Cardinals

The laity are the common people of the church. The other choices took Holy Orders.

The word symbol means:

a) Sewn together b) Thrown together c) Seen together d) None of the above

Symbol represents an item using an image. None of these choices match.

Symbols can be meaningful to a(n):

a) Person b) Family c) Group of friends d) All of the above

Symbols can be meaningful to all of these choices.

According to Jean Vanier, which of these is NOT a principal for becoming human? Is it:

a) All humans are sacred b) Growing and maturing by working independently of others c) We need to seek truth and meaning through our connections d) Humans need to be encouraged to make choices and be responsible

Jean Vanier desires for people to work together.

The two (2) people who caused the East / West Schism were:

a) Michael Cerularius & Pope Leo IX b) Pope John Paul II & Henry VIII c) Jean Calvin and Martin Luther d) Michael Cerularius & Martin Luther

Historically speaking it was Michael Cerularius and Pope Leo IX. The other choices did not match chronologically.

The Ukrainian Catholic Church follows Eastern Rite practices while:

a) Accepting the Pope as leader b) Believing in the same creed c) Allowing marriage of clergy d) All of the above

Ukrainian Catholics follow all of these practices.

Some examples of Eastern Rite Churches are:

a) Russian Orthodox and Greek Orthodox b) Baptist and Lutheran c) Ukrainian Catholic and Anglican d) Roman Catholic and Ukrainian Catholic

It is Russian Orthodox and Greek Orthodox. The other choices are mixes of Protestant and other Christian denominations.

The person who set the events in motion which led to the splintering of the Western Churches into many branches was:

a) Henry VIII b) Martin Luther c) Jean Calvin d) Pope John Paul II

Martin Luther wrote the 95 Theses which were the catalyst for the Protestant .

Which of the following are examples of Protestant Churches? Is it the:

a) Presbyterian and Baptist b) Anglican and Lutheran c) Ukrainian Catholic & Roman Catholic d) a & b

Presbyterian and Baptist, Anglican and Lutheran churches are Protestant. Ukrainian Catholic & Roman Catholic are Catholic.

Which of these is not related to culture? Is it:

a) The way we greet each other b) The way we elect our government c) The way we celebrate Christmas d) None of the above

The way we elect government is a civil, not cultural matter.

The most consistent view in Catholic thinking about how Christ acts in our culture is:

a) Jesus and culture will always be at loggerheads b) Jesus is at ease in culture c) Jesus transforms culture d) Jesus is against culture

Christ transforms culture. He brought change to the world.

The Reformation is also known as:

a) The calling of Vatican II b) The East / West Schism of 1054 c) The split of the Catholic and Protestant Churches d) The Council of Trent

The Reformation brought about the split of the Church. The East/West Schism created East and Western churches. Vatican II and Trent and Church Councils.

When reflecting on time in modern culture it can be said that:

a) Time moves slowly b) We lose sight of the larger picture c) We lead more fulfilling lives d) All of the above

We lose sight of the larger picture is the answer directly taken from the Christ and Culture text book.

Some of the duties of Catholics to the state are to:

a) Obey civil authority and pay taxes b) Vote and participate in public life c) Defend our country and welcome immigrants d) All of the above

All of these are duties of responsible Catholics.

To express deep spiritual feelings to God is called:

a) Prayer b) Miracle c) Conversion d) Numinous

It is through prayer that we express our deep spiritual feelings. Miracles are extraordinary events. Conversion means change. Numinous means spiritual or supernatural.

Our culture’s thinking that only reason binds us means that:

a) We need evidence to believe what is presented b) Our role is that of observers c) We do not accept things on the basis of authority d) a & c

Reason and logic requires evidence and facts.

People in our culture believe we own our freedom. Jesus however says:

a) Freedom is not a possession b) To be free, we must be set free c) Avoiding sin sets us free d) All of the above

Jesus wants humankind to avoid sin. He died for our sins.

People in our culture act as observers, they tend to be isolated from everything. Jesus however wants us to be:

a) Connected to Him and to each other b) Individuals who care for ourselves first c) Independent d) None of the above

Christ wants us to live in peace with Him and each other. He does not want us to be selfish or alone.

All of the following are titles for the pope except for:

a) Bishop of Rome b) Primate of Italy c) Vicar of Christ d) Father of St. Peter

The Pope is the successor of St. Peter, not the father of St. Peter.

Heart of stone is an example of a(n):

a) Covenant b) Metaphor c) Miracle d) Parable

Heart of stone is a Metaphor. A Covenant is a promise. A Miracle is an extraordinary event. A Parable is a story with a moral lesson.

Unit Three: Christian Moral Development (25 Questions)

Rights apply to:

a) Some people b) All people c) Many people d) None of the above

Rights are for all people without condition.

All of the following are common emotions except for:

a) Hunger b) Fear c) Anger d) Love

Hunger is a physical feeling. Fear, anger and love are emotions.

Which of the following characteristics does a citizen demonstrate? Is it:

a) Pride b) Shame c) Irresponsibility d) b & c

A citizen should be proud of where they are from. Shame and irresponsibility are negative characteristics.

A foolish fondness for another person is called:

a) Eros b) Agape c) Love d) Infatuation

Infatuation is a foolish fondness. Eros is erotic love. Agape is a deep love. Love is a sense of care.

What is the occupation of a person who studies religion? Is it a(n):

a) Archaeologist b) Behaviourist c) Theologian d) Psychologist

A theologian studies religion. An archaeologist studies ancient sites. A behaviourist looks at behaviour. A psychologist studies the mind.

The name of the Roman poet who wrote the “Art of Loving” was:

a) Bono b) Ovid c) Onid d) Enid

Ovid wrote the “Art of Loving”. Bono is a singer. Onid is a made up name. Enid is an old female name.

The best way to avoid media manipulation is by:

a) Asking questions b) Seek out different sources and media to inform ourselves c) Be clear about your own beliefs d) All of the above

All of the choices avoid media manipulation.

Cogito, ergo sum means:

a) I am what I am b) I think, therefore I am c) To be or not to be d) To do is to be

This is a literal translation of Rene Descartes statement.

Moses was given the Ten Commandments on Mount:

a) Oliver b) Everest c) Sinai d) Ararat

God presented the Ten Commandments on Mount Sinai as outlined in the Book of Exodus.

Arthur Schopenhauer believed that:

a) Everyone is good b) Women were important c) Love is central in life d) The ultimate reality is one universal will

Schopenhauer believed in one universal will. He was a pessimist who was hostile towards women.

Nietzsche proclaimed which of the following statements. Was it:

a) “I think therefore I am” b) “God is dead” c) “Free at last” d) “This is a giant leap for mankind”

Nietzsche said “God is dead”. “I think therefore I am” was said by Rene Descartes. “Free at last” was said by Martin Luther King. “This is a giant leap for mankind” was said by Neil Armstrong.

One (1) way in which aggression is minimized in humans is through:

a) Anger management b) Defining territories c) Screaming d) Fighting

Anger management teaches people to deal with anger and aggression.

The special relationship between God and the Chosen People is known as a(n):

a) Bond b) Covenant c) Marriage d) Sacrament

Covenant is the relationship between God and the Chosen People. A bond is a good choice, but not the best. Marriage is the union of man and woman. A sacrament is a sacred event.

All of the following are threats to self-respect except for:

a) Drug abuse b) Promiscuity c) Self-mutilation d) Self-esteem

Self-esteem promotes self respect.

A paranoid personality involves:

a) A disorder that causes a person to act overdramatically b) A person who is constantly in need of attention and admiration c) A disorder that makes a person constantly distrustful and suspicious d) A disorder that causes a person to be non-verbal

Paranoia is defined as feelings of distrust and suspicion.

Thou shall not covet thy neighbour’s goods means:

a) Not desiring things that belong to others b) Not desiring another person’s spouse c) Not taking things belonging to another d) None of the above

We are not to desire what is not ours. This is one of the Ten Commandments.

An awareness of one’s own worth is called:

a) Individualism b) Self esteem c) Self understanding d) None of the above

This is self esteem. Individualism looks out for the individual. Self understanding is closely related, but is not the best answer.

Which of the following people was an influential scholar in the development of humanism? Was it:

a) b) St. Augustine c) Jesus Christ d) Machiavelli

Erasmus developed humanism. St. Augustine developed the doctrine of sin. Jesus is the Lord and Saviour. Machiavelli authored The Prince.

A strong affection for another person is called:

a) Eros b) Agape c) Love d) Infatuation

Love is a strong affection for another. Eros is erotic love. Agape is the love of Christ. Infatuation is lustful.

What is the basis of all verbal communication? Is it:

a) Sin b) Language c) Sociology d) Anthropology

Language is required for communication. This is fairly obvious.

The study of the language is called:

a) Sociology b) Psychology c) Anthropology d) Linguistics

Linguistics is the study of language. Sociology studies human interaction. Psychology studies the mind. Anthropology studies cultural development.

The first civilization developed in:

a) China b) Mesopotamia c) India d) Egypt

The first organized civilization grew in Mesopotamia in the fertile crescent. This is historically accurate.

The study of the human beings is called:

a) Sociology b) Psychology c) Anthropology d) Linguistics

Sociology studies human interaction. Psychology studies the mind. Anthropology studies human cultures. Linguistics studies language.

From which country was Doctor Faust from? Was it:

a) Switzerland b) Germany c) Austria d) Ireland

He was from Germany. This is the setting of the play or Opera.

The expectation that if I do something for someone else, this person will at some point do something in return for me is called:

a) Trust b) Reciprocity c) Emancipation d) The Golden Rule

This is the definition of reciprocity from the Christ and Culture text book.

Unit Four: Prayer and Sacramental Life (25 Questions)

The highest dignitary in the Church after the Pope is the:

a) Archbishop b) Bishop c) Cardinal d) Deacon

It is from the College of Cardinals that the Pope is elected.

Short stories that are often about ordinary events, but that give a glimpse into the mystery of the Kingdom of God, are called:

a) Parables b) Metaphors c) Parallels d) Creeds

These are parables. Christ used parables to teach the people.

Sacrificing of oneself is called:

a) Self-love b) Selfishness c) Selflessness d) Egoism

This is selflessness. Selfishness, self-love and egoism preserve the individual.

Mary Magdalene did not recognize the risen Jesus until:

a) He called her by name b) He revealed who he was c) She called him Rabbouni d) He broke bread

From the Gospel tradition, it was not until she called him Rabbouni (teacher).

The parable of the Good Samaritan is a good example of:

a) Altruism b) Egoism c) Conscience d) Violence

The Good Samaritan is a story of altruism and charity.

The gathering of various Church Councils (called by the pope) resulted in:

a) The Nicene Creed b) Mass being said in common language c) Changes in the number of Cardinals d) All of the above

All of these changes in the Church occurred after various Church Councils.

The Nicene Creed was a(n):

a) Prayer created by Martin Luther b) Statement of what Catholics must believe c) Encyclical issued in 1054 d) None of the above

The Nicene Creed was a statement of belief established at the First Council of Nicaea in 325 CE.

The philosopher who wrote about the “Madman” was:

a) Rene Descartes b) Jean Vanier c) Friedrich Nietzsche d) Sigmund Freud

Nietzsche wrote about the “Madman”. Descartes philosophized about God. Freud studied the psyche. Jean Vanier founded L’arche.

Courtly love occurred between a knight and a ______? Was it a(n):

a) Young girl b) Portly woman c) Married woman d) None of the above

It was a forbidden love between a knight and a married woman.

Arthur Schopenhauer was a(n):

a) Optimist b) Idealist c) Pessimist d) Realist

Schopenhauer proposed a philosophy of extreme pessimism.

During which sacrament is oil and touch through the laying of hands and the presence of the Holy Spirit most symbolic? Is it:

a) Baptism b) Confirmation c) Marriage d) All of the above

It is through the sacrament of Confirmation that this occurs. Water is the main symbol of Baptism. The symbol of Marriage is the ring.

Sigmund Freud was a(n):

a) Philosopher b) Poet c) Theologian d) Psychoanalytic theorist

Freud studied the mind and the psyche.

Which of the following did Jesus not tell his disciples to go out and do? Is it to:

a) Tell people that the kingdom of God is at hand b) Heal the sick c) Build churches to worship in d) Bring people to those they encountered

Christ did not instruct the Apostles to build churches. This occurred during Early Christianity and Constantine.

Vows taken during the Sacrament of Holy Orders include all except for:

a) Chastity b) Silence c) Poverty d) Obedience

Nuns and priests are not required to be silent. Monks take all these vows.

The term that describes God’s kind, merciful, and absolutely generous love for us is called:

a) Poverty b) Justice c) Grace d) Agape

This is God’s grace. Poverty is a lack of worldly goods. Justice is a sense of right. Agape is Christ’s love.

Who said, “The desire for God is written in the human heart”? Is it:

a) Saint Paul b) Saint Peter c) Jesus Christ d) Saint Augustine

This was stated by Saint Paul. He also believed that conscience is the law written on the human heart.

Which Old Testament prophet was not known for mincing words? Is it the:

a) Prophet Isaiah b) Prophet Elijah c) Prophet Jeremiah d) Prophet Ezekiel

It is the Prophet Jeremiah. This is taken directly from the Christ and Culture text book.

The name that Jesus revealed for God is:

a) Yahweh b) Allah c) Abba d) None of the above

It is Abba. This meant daddy. It is a very personal name. Yahweh is the Hebrew name for God. Allah is the Muslim term for God.

Jesus taught with:

a) The Bible b) Metaphors c) Miracles d) Parables

Jesus taught with parables. The Bible was not yet written. Metaphors were used in parables. Miracles are extraordinary events.

When people set unrealistic standards, what is probable to happen? Is it:

a) Success b) Happiness c) Prosperity d) Failure

It is failure. Success, happiness and prosperity come from realistic standards.

All of the following are methods of self-reflection except for:

a) Journals b) Diaries c) A Mirror d) a & b

Journals and diaries are reflective practices. A mirror is a physical reflection.

The call to become a member of the clergy is called a(n):

a) Job b) Vocation c) Profession d) None of the above

Vocation is a call. Being a member of the clergy is not a job or a profession.

Sunday is:

a) The Lord’s Day b) The Sabbath c) The 7th Day d) All of the above

All of the following choices are correct.

Those who “sleep in the peace of Christ” are:

a) The Saints b) Angels c) Tired d) a & c

The Saints in the Communion of Saints sleep in the peace of Christ. Angels are God’s messengers. Tired is a physical state of fatigue.

A moral value is a(n):

a) Vice b) Sin c) Virtue d) All of the above

It is a virtue. A sin and vice are practices that take you out of God’s grace.