Biological Evaluation
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United States Department of Agriculture Forest Service March 2018 Biological Evaluation Prospect Hamby Project Tusquitee Ranger District, Nantahala National Forest Cherokee County, North Carolina For Additional Information Contact: Tusquitee Ranger District 123 Woodland Drive Murphy, North Carolina 28906 (828) 837-5152 2-1 Table of Contents 1.0 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 2 1.1 Proposed Action ......................................................................................................................... 2 1.2 Species Considered ..................................................................................................................... 2 2.0 PROPOSED, ENDANGERED, and THREATENED SPECIES ................................................... 3 2.1 Aquatic Resources ...................................................................................................................... 3 2.2 Botanical Resources ................................................................................................................... 6 2.3 Wildlife Resources ..................................................................................................................... 8 2.4 Effects Determinations for Proposed, Endangered, and Threatened Species ........................... 14 3.0 SENSITIVE SPECIES ................................................................................................................. 14 3.1 Aquatic Resources .................................................................................................................... 14 3.2 Botanical Resources ................................................................................................................. 16 3.3 Wildlife Resources ................................................................................................................... 16 3.4 Effects Determinations for Sensitive Species ........................................................................... 23 4.0 FOREST CONCERN SPECIES ................................................................................................... 23 4.1 Aquatic Resources .................................................................................................................... 23 4.2 Botanical Resources ................................................................................................................. 27 4.3 Wildlife Resources ................................................................................................................... 31 5.0 PREPARERS ................................................................................................................................ 45 6.0 REFERENCES and DATA SOURCES ....................................................................................... 46 7.0 ATTACHMENTS ........................................................................................................................ 52 Attachment 1a: Endangered, threatened, and sensitive aquatic species ......................................... 52 Attachment 2: Threatened, Endangered, Region 8 Sensitive, and Forest Concern plant species in Cherokee County, North Carolina. ................................................................................................. 57 Attachment 3: Federally proposed, endangered, and threatened, Region 8 sensitive, and National Forests in North Carolina forest concern terrestrial animal species ............................................... 59 i 1.0 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Proposed Action The analysis area (AA) encompasses approximately 3,366 acres of National Forest System lands in Compartments 19, 20, and 22. Proposed management activities may include tree harvesting through commercial timber sale, site preparation for forest regeneration, timber stand improvements, prescribed burning, temporary road construction, road system improvement through vegetation removal, and wildlife and fisheries habitat improvements. The project will be designed to accomplish the following objectives: 1) Conduct forest management activities to improve the condition of existing forest stands within the analysis area; provide for a range of early successional habitat through timber regeneration harvesting and wildlife brushy openings, with an emphasis on prescriptions that reestablish vegetation communities within the natural range of historic variation; 2) Provide for a range of stand age classes through timber regeneration harvesting and other activities; 3) Maintain and enhance biological diversity by protecting population viability of rare species which occur in the compartments, focusing treatments to reproduce shortleaf pine (Pinus echinata) dominated and shortleaf pine – mixed hardwood stands to reestablish this native community on appropriate sites within the AA; 4) Restore optimal habitat conditions on existing area wildlife openings, create new grass/forb openings, and create/enhance additional wildlife habitat where practical; 5) Utilize prescribed burns to reestablish fire return intervals within the natural range of historic variation to restore fire-dependent plant communities where practical. The proposed vegetation activities would occur in MAs, 1B, 3B, and 4C. Temporary road construction and reconstruction may need to cross through other management areas, such as at stream crossings (MA 18). 1.2 Species Considered All federally proposed, endangered, and threatened (PET) species, Region 8 sensitive (S) species and National Forests in North Carolina forest concern (FC) species that occur or could occur on the Nantahala and Pisgah National Forests were considered in this analysis. As of March 2018 the Regionally Sensitive species list has been updated with a number of species additions and removals. Due to the late timing of the Regionally Sensitive species update in relation to the timeline of the Prospect Hamby Environmental Analysis (EA), the Prospect Hamby Biological Evaluation (BE) does not reflect these recent changes to the Regionally Sensitive species list. The Prospect Hamby BE will analyze the Regionally Sensitive species updates by the time the final Prospect Hamby EA is released. 2 2.0 PROPOSED, ENDANGERED, and THREATENED SPECIES 2.1 Aquatic Resources Aquatic Analysis Area This analysis addresses project area waters and analysis area waters associated with the Prospect Hamby Project. Project area waters are defined as those in the area of potential site-specific impacts (direct and indirect effects) on aquatic habitat and populations, and do not necessarily overlap effects to botanical and wildlife resources. In addition to project area waters, the analysis area encompasses waters downstream that potentially could be impacted by project activities when considered within the watershed context (cumulative effects). The aquatic analysis areas for the Prospect Hamby Project consist of the following watersheds: Anderson Creek, Rose Creek, North Shoal Creek, and portions of Hiwassee Lake and Appalachia Lake. Existing Conditions Anderson Creek is classified by the North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR) as Class C; Tr waters. North Shoal Creek and Rose Creek are classified as C waters. Class C waters are suitable for aquatic life propagation and survival, fishing, wildlife, secondary recreation, and agriculture. High Quality Waters (HQW) are rated as excellent based on biological and physical/chemical characteristics through division monitoring or special studies, native and special native trout waters, critical habitat areas designated by the Wildlife Resources Commission or the Department of Agriculture. The Tr classification denotes waters suitable for natural trout propagation and maintenance of stocked trout (NCDENR classifications). The aquatic analysis area is characterized as containing habitat for coldwater and cool water fish species. Analysis area waters also provide extensive habitat for macroinvertebrates. Streams within the Prospect Hamby Project aquatic analysis area typically have substrates consisting mainly of boulders, cobble and large gravel. Analysis area streams are currently supporting the designated uses described by North Carolina Department of Environment and Natural Resources (NCDENR 2010). Previous Survey Information: Generally, the distribution and range of rare aquatic species, including threatened and endangered aquatic species is well known in North Carolina. Previous surveys for threatened and endangered aquatic species have been conducted within the Prospect Hamby aquatic analysis areas. These surveys consist of mussel surveys by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS), U.S. Forest Service (USFS), and the North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission (NCWRC). Electrofishing surveys have also been conducted in analysis area waters by the NCWRC and the USFS. 3 No aquatic T and E species have been found during previous surveys within the aquatic analysis area. Furthermore, the analysis area does not provide suitable habitat for any aquatic T and E species. Species Evaluated and Rationale Four aquatic federally threatened or endangered species are either known to occur or may occur on the Nantahala National Forest (Attachment 1a). The North Carolina Natural Heritage Database was queried for occurrences of T and E species in Cherokee County. Two aquatic T and E species remained after this initial filter (Cumberland bean, Villosa trabalis, and little –