February 26, 1996
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Rivermen swimmers EDITORIAL The Student Voice What happens when the #ghts go out achieve personal highs of UM -St. Louis at night? in Mideast Classic. Page 2 SeePageS FEATURES UM-St. Louis Senior 17m Ennenbach sets University debate and forensics win record. Page 3' SPORTS Rivermen basketball advances to playoffs. Page 5 Issue 850 UNIVERSITY OF MISSOURI-ST. LOUIS February 26,1996 ·Despite istractions, curators approve re ovation of uilding for fine arts by Susan Benton homophobe?" Hutchinson asked. go from there." of The Current staff Representatives from each of the Possible 1996 debt issues for UM four campuses in the UM system were ' St. Louis facilities revenue bonds in The University of Missouri Board presenL The Physical Facilities Com clude a new parking garage ($20 mil of Curators metat UM-S 1. Louis Thurs mittee focused on eight major points lion) and the proposed Student Center day and Friday and approved a $1.39 regarding each of the UM campuses. ($25 million). Both are contained in the I million contract to be awarded to Orf Included in the presentation and UM-St. Louis Master Plan. Construction for the renovation of the relevant to the UM-St. Louis campus "We still do not have the go-ahead Cardinal Newman from the central ad BuiIding to house the ministration [regard fme arts program. ing the new Univer Some student Possible 1996 debt issues for UM-St. sityCenter],"UM-St protestors at the Louis facilities revenue bonds include a Louis Chancellor meeting quietly dis Blanche Touhill said. played signs, while new parking garage ($20 million) and the "It moves us closer, others vocalized proposed Student Center ($25 million). but we don't yet have complaints to mem the 'yes' that we bers of the Board, need." interrupting two hours into the pro were issues concerning a lease agree Touhill said she is eager to hear a ceedings. ment for property located at 7806Natu response from the administration, "The students want to know why rnl Bridge Road and the aforemen though she said she has no idea when [UM-system President] GeorgeRussell tioned construction contract for the that will be. took sexual orientation out of the stu renovation of the fine arts building. "When they go out for the bond dent discrimination policy," said UM The Finance Committee discussed issue they'll go out for as much money St. Louis student, Tonya Hutchinson. anticipated debt issuances for the fiscal as possible," she said. "So if the answer After refusing to leave when asked year 1996. Also presented were medi is yes, it will be big." by officials, 1. Police Chief cal insurance reviews and plans for The Academic Affairs Committee UM-S Louis Photo: Monica Senecal Robert Roesler escorted Hutchinson future medical instrraIlce. discussed the development of coopera- from the meeting. While in the chiefs "[The university] has a three-year Chief of Police Robert Roeseler escorts Tonya HU1chlnson from the curators meeting following grasp, Hutchinson launched a verbal cont:roct with Gen9l!:e that expires in SEE CURATORS- her outburst. Hutchinson had called The Current moments before she disrupted the meet1ng. assauit at Russen. · - December," Curator James McGill "Are you a bigot? Are you a said. "We just need to know where to PAGE 8 Lights go out (%frican-Americ n staff member • discuss struggles of community on evening byMlct.lO·SrIan UPS member Angela Hornaday said. "For me,becoming an ad- mize ourselves by minimizing cof,The Current staff moderated the sympOsium, but ministrator was a dear goal." the abilities of others." college students tile event was.hostedby Kel Ward Wright said that his future goal After the speakers made "DuringBiackHlstoJyMonth for.mer:UM-Sl.l.,ooisStudehtGov- was to become tllepresidet:lt or a their presentations, the floor by Scott Lamar wi th emergency flood lights. weglorjfyoufooAtnbuf.iOfisand eml1'.ent vice president. chancellor of a Class I university. was opened for discussion. of The Current staff Director of University Commu qurleaders," PrisciHa DOWden ' Ward. now a graduate with a OeLoach-Packnett was the Angela Hornaday moderated nications Bob Samples said an audit said 'al~sympos-iumsponsored B. S.in Criminology. was recently 'closing speaker. She recom- the discussion period. A power outage at approximately will be conducted by the Deparunent by tile University Program named fegionaf director of the mended that students utilize her During the discussion, stu 5:27 pm. Tuesday left Evening Col of Institutional Safety on all build 8Oard.aoo.theA,ssppialedatack ClintGoI<2Iore ·catnPaign. In be- ofiicewhich caters to assisting the dents brought "Up the issue of lege students in the dark-literally. ings to detennine where emergency Coilegians. "BUt ~ need ~o " twe~nttie varidtis Spe.al<ers, Ward ,African-American student popu spirituality, the rote of the Afri Theb~koutoccurredwhenacable back-up systems are needed. He said lOOK at 00(, SQCial(?rogr:esS dur~ offered inspitatipn, to (~crOyVd- tatlononcampus. She said that of can-American in a capitalistic at Union Electric's Page Avenue sub the audit will be complete in two jAg ttiiS period of suooeSs.~ , "YOU. have: tG~xcel;H he s~id : the 1500 African-AmeriCan stu- society and resolving local station failed- This caused all the lights weeks. Samples said stairwells will 'Oawden, UM-St. Louis le:c.- ~Ooti't let ,any,qJleta,:U' you what ,clentson campus, one third of problems such as teen-age on North Campus to goout.ln addition, be gi ven top priority. turarln hiSt~ry . was'one ofsev- yOtU~aJH)'r can't 00." ihem received a 3.00 grade,pojnt pregnancy and the recent out everyone working on a computer lost The sudden power outage was a eralMtiCan-Amerlcans who [jowden ta;iked about an edi- .. average or better. bUrst of fires in the city of St. what they hadn't saved. scary experience for many students, spokecturlogthe symposium ,tona.l thafNews Channel 4 an- ~Oon;t major in minors: Louis_ The event was catered A few classes convened in the especially those in the elevators. ray Senior Ladonia Payne-Naxon said titled ':'The African-American <;hQrmanJuli~s Hu~erwrofe for Deloach-Pad<nettsaid. "We mini- by AramaTk. quadrangle until the last of sun she was getting into an elevator when Strug~ie for Equality in. 2Qtfi the SI-. Louis PoSt -QiSpatcl): In ·it, light was gone-around 6 p.m. Most , Century AmeriCa:" I'le recOmmendea :that African classes, however, were immediately the lights when oul. ThEf. evoot was atiendeci by ' .. American HistPry Month bedis-' called off. "Everything was pitch-black," History professor feels Payne-Naxon said. "It was like expe a wh6~s whQof 'CairiptJS ~r~ banded,., . Emergency back-up lights went sonaliti~s including Vice'Cnan- ''Wecanoot dO .aw:ay. With Biack on in Benton, Stadler and the Re riencing blindness. I'm glad I didn't cellar af AGadem'ic Affair.s · History Mooth," Oo'Nden said. it more should be done search wing, but failed to activate in park in the garage." .~ RPOs,eVEtft: ' Wright, DiredPr of . isstiM,r~~$$ar:y. We·. ..;.~lostsome ' the Computer Center Building (CCB). Other students were angered thaL tAa Offi<re of Equal Opportunity grbiJnd. We an~ lfying in troubled An investigation is underway to de NannanSeayandCoordinator times.~ . to combat racism termine the cause of the failure. SEE LIGHTS None of the other academic build - .. fot . Aoademic · Affairs Dowden loci!s.ed GO the raoe- by Scott Lamar PAGES GV,renc;iOlynOeLoach-Padmett related covena'nt.s , ~tfiat wer~ . of The Current staff ings on North Campus is outfitted . passedbetwe,sil 1916 and 1948 Over the past 10 years, Priscilla which r.elegated Dowden has viewed racism from Afric<;ln-Anietic.ans the perspective ofboth a student and Student senate ' to certain proper a teacher. ties and areas, She As a student at UM-St. Louis in said it wiittake.tirne the early '80s, Dowden was the issues 'call to action' . fa . rec.over ·from president of the Association ofBlack by Susan Benton Pierce stressed thaL il is imperative those covenants . Collegians. She also chaired a com of The Current staff to get students involved. "Although we mittee on cultural affairs. She re Priscilla Dowden "It's importanL to have all the seats . had . cohesiof'\'," ceived a BA. in history in 1985. The 1996-97 filing deadline for full," Pierce said. "The more we have, Q~wden said refer Sheretumed to UM-S LLouis in ness of the problem of racism. sllldent senators is drawing near. More the bener representation students have criilg tQ"thatperlod.. 1990 as a member of the history Unfortunately, she said, the cam participation than in years past is an on campus." "It was 'fon;'ed 00- , department pus-wide meeting to address the ticipated for this school year. Studentsenators attend senate meet ~ f1e&i6P," From the time she came to UM incidents is nothing more than a "In the past there has not been an ings and serve on a number of subcom Wright talked StLouis as a student in 1982 until public relations maneuver un enormous student response ," said Lois mittees. ' abOuigfqwing liP the present, Dowden says not much less something more substantia Pierce, chairperson of the University "We have fraternity members, we . m a 'i<>w- ·incOme has been done to change the percep tive is done. Senate. have members from LitMag, and many 1amiiy ah,Cl his per- .' tion among African Americans that "We need to meet and clear The election of student members of other organizations." said Bruce to · UM-SL Louis is a racist campus. the air," Dowden said, "but we the 1996-97 senate will be on Wednes Wilking, chair of the Senaie Student Dowden said the events that oc day, March 6 and Friday, March 7, Affairs Committee.