Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit Kalady

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Sree Sankaracharya University of Sanskrit Kalady SREE SANKARACHARYA UNIVERSITY OF SANSKRIT KALADY FACULTY OF INDIAN METAPHYSICS DEPARTMENT OF VEDANTA Restructured Syllabus for Under Graduate Courses CONTENTS I SEMESTER Course code –IB111-Ve-CORE I PRELIMINARY SANSKRIT Course Code-IC123 Ve-COMPLIMENTARY I -METHODOLOGY OF HUMANITIES Course Code IC124Ve COMPLIMENTARY II HISTORY OF SANSKRIT LETERATURE II SEMESTER Course Code-IIB112Ve-CORE II METHODOLOGY OF VEDANTA Course CodeIIC125Ve - COMPLIMENTARY III PROSE & POETRY Course Code IIC126 Ve COMPLIMENTARY IV INTRODUCTION OF INDIAN PHILOSOPHY III SEMESTER Course Code III B113Ve -CORE III VEDANTASARA Course Code IIIC127 Ve COMPLIMENTARY V THARKASANGRAHA Course Code-III.C128Ve-. COMPLIMENTARY VI HISTORY OF ADVAITA PHILOSOPHY IV SEMESTER Course Code1V B114 Ve CORE IV ATMABODHA Course Code IVC129 Ve COMPLIMENTARY VII VRTTA AND ALANKARA Course Code IVC130 Ve COMPLIMENTARY VIII MIMAMSA AND VYAKARANA V SEMESTER Course Code V B115Ve CORE V BHAGAVATGITABHASYA Course Code VB116 Ve CORE VI DARSANAMALA Course Code VB117 Ve CORE VII UPANISADS Course Code VB118 Ve CORE VIII ADVAITACINTAVADDHATI Course Code VD--131Ve OPEN COURSE Course Code VP--132.Ve PROJECT VI SEMESTER Course Code V1B119Ve cORE IX BHRAMSUTRASANKARABHASYA Course Code V1B120Ve CORE X UPANISAD BHASYA Course Code V1B121Ve CORE XI CONTRIBUTION OF KERALA TO ADVAITA LITERATURE Course Code V1B122Ve CORE XII MINOR WORKS OF SREE SANKARA (SELECTED SLOKAS FROM BHAJAGOVINTA, DASASLOKI, DAKSHINAMURTI STOTRA, DAKSHINAMURTYASTAKA) OPEN COURSE 1. VD-133-VeYOGADARSANA,AND ITS PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS 2. VD 134 Ve SREE ŚANKARA – LIFE AND PHILOSOPHY 3. VD135 Ve ADVAITA VEDANTA AND KERALA RENAISSANCE 2 4-VD 136 Ve ADVAITA VEDANTA-PHILOSOPHY AND RELIGION 5-VD 137 Ve VEDANTA AND NATIONAL MOVEMENT CHOICE BASED 1. Course Code V1CB138Ve--- INFORMATICS 2. Course Code V1CB139Ve--- BHAKTHIPRASTHANA AND ADVAITAVEDANTA- KERALA CONTEXT Total No of credits for all first and second semester papers and also for open course are three per paper and for all other semesters are four per paper .Total no of contact hours for all first and second semester papers and for open course is 64 hours and for all other semesters 80 hours. For project 16 hours and one credit. On the whole total no of credits are 120 including second language, English and all main papers. SEMESTER I IB111-Ve-CORE I - PRILIMINARY SANSKRIT Aim To introduce the Sanskrit language, its importance and the relevance of study in modern society. Observation To present the peculiar nature of Sanskrit Language. To impart the basic knowledge of Sanskrit language, its structure and other peculiarities. Module-I The alphabets, vocabulary, peculiarities, its relation with our mother tongue Malayalam and he global language English. Ask questions to collect as many Sanskrit words in Malayalam as they could. Let them collect {ÉÖϱ±ÉRÂóMÉ, ºjÉÒ˱ÉRÂóMÉ and xÉ{ÉÖƺÉEòʱÉRÂóMɶɤnùÉ-s as assignments. 3 +IÉ®ú¨ÉɱÉÉ ¨Éɽäþ·É®úºÉÚjÉÉÊhÉ, +VÉxiɽþ±ÉxiɶɤnùÉ& +´ªÉªÉÉÊxÉ, ʱÉRÂóMÉMÉ´ÉSÉxÉÉÊxÉ Ask them to write simple meaningful sentences like ¤ÉɱÉ& {É`öÊiÉ ¤ÉɱÉÉ& {É`öÎxiÉ* ¤ÉɱÉEòÉ {É`öÊiÉ ¤ÉÉʱÉEòÉ& {É`öÎxiÉ* {ÉÖ¹{ÉÆ Ê´ÉEòºÉÊiÉ {ÉÖ¹{ÉÉÊhÉ Ê´ÉEòºÉÎxiÉ* Module-II ʴɦÉHòªÉ& ʴɦÉÊHò|ÉiªÉªÉÉ&, ʴɦÉHòlÉÉÇ& {É®úº¨Éè{ÉnùvÉÉiÉÖ|ÉiªÉªÉÉ& +Éi¨ÉxÉä{Énù vÉÉiÉÖ|ÉiªÉªÉÉ& ¤ÉɱÉ&, EòÊ´É&, MÉÖ¯û&, {ÉÖiÉÞ, ±ÉiÉÉ, xÉnùÒ, ¸ÉÒ& ¨ÉÉiÉÞ ¶É¤nùÉ&, iÉSUô¤nùºªÉ ÊjɹÉÖʱÉRÂóMÉä¹ÉÖ °ü{ÉÉÊhÉ +Éi¨É¶É¤nù&, ={ÉÊxɹÉSUô¤nù&, +º¨ÉtÖ¹¨ÉSUô¤nùÉè B´ÉÆ ¦ÉÚvÉÉiÉÉä& ´ÉxnÂù vÉÉiÉÉä¶SÉ ±É]Âõ, ±ÉRÂó, ±ÉÞ]Âõ, °ü{ÉÉÊhÉ* Give them assignments to collect ®úɨÉ& EÞò¹hÉ& MÉÉäÊ´Éxnù& ®úÊ´É& ½þÊ®ú& ¨ÉÊiÉ& <iªÉÉÊnù ¶É¤nù°ü{ÉÉÊhÉ* Module-III Intensive study of the following subhashitas 1. 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Reference Texts Samskrtaprakasika,Dr E.P.Aravindaksa Pisharadi,Sahithi Books Ernakulam Surabharatiprakasam,Prof.R.Vasudevan Potti,Sukrtindra Oriental Research InstituteKochi Core text Sriramodanta IC123 Ve- METHODOLOGY OF HUMANITIES Course outline Module I - Understanding the Humanities. Introduction, differences between the Natural, Social and Human Sciences, Facts and Interpretation, History as Fiction, Study of the Natural world as compared to the subjective, Study of tastes, values and belief systems, The question of ideology. Module II – Language, Culture and Identity. The relation between Language; Culture and Subjectivity; The question of Agency in Language; The social construction of Reality; Language in History; Language in Relation to class, caste, race and gender; Language and colonization. Module III – Narration and Representation 7 Reality and/as representation; Narrative modes of thinking; Narration in Literature, philosophy and history; Textuality and reading. Module IV – Indian Philosophy Origin and development of Indian philosophical systems; What is knowledge?; Concepts of knowledge in the Indian tradition; Methodologies of the Indian knowledge systems; Indian theories of knowledge. Reference Books: 1. The Humanities: Methodology and Perspectives, Abhijit Kundu, Pramod K. Nayar & Shweta, Dorling Kindersley India Pvt. Ltd., Licensees of Pearson Education in South Asia, Knowledge of Boulevard, Noida, India. IC124Ve COMPLIMENTARY- II HISTORY OF SANSKRIT LITERATURE No of credits: 3 No of contact hours: 64 Aim of the course Introducing the relevance of Sanskrit in modern studies as well as in ancient studies Objectives of the Course 1. To create awareness of the wealth of knowledge in Sanskrit Vedic and other early texts. 2. To provide the students with a brief knowledge of rich classical literature in Sanskrit. 3. To introduce the students the contribution of Kerala to Sanskrit literature. 4. To familiarize the contemporary knowledge production in Sanskrit. Course outline Module- I History of Vedic literature (A brief history of Vedas, Vedangas and Smrti texts) History of Drsana literature (Introducing different schools of ancient Indian philosophy) Module- II History of classical Sanskrit literature (An introductory study of epics and Puranas and introducing some famous literary works such as five major Kavyas, prose works of Bana and Dandin, dramas of Bhasa, Kalidasa and Bhavabhuti and literary works of Sri Sankara, Narayana Battadri and Uddanda Sastri. ) Module- III Historical kavyas-Devotional lyrics-Didactic poems- Sanskrit poets and works from Kerala (Sankara-Kulasekhara-Bilvamangala-Narayana Bhatta-Manaveda- UddandaSastri-Ramapanivada-ChattampiSwamikal-Sree Narayana guru.) 8 Module- IV Contemporary works in Sanskrit (Introducing journals, periodicals and contemporary works in Sanskrit) Core text A short history of Sanskrit literature by T.K.Ramachandra Aiyer Texts for reference- 1. History of Sanskrit literature by Winternatz. 2. Indian kavya literature byA.K.Warder. 3. Modern Sanskrit literature –Tradition and innovation by S.B.Raghunathacharya. 4. Arvachina Samskritam a journal by Ramakant sukla. 5. Samskrita sahitya charitam (Mal)-2 vol by K.Kunjunni Raja & M.S.Menon 6. and many other such books. 7. The Contribution of Kerala to Sanskrit Literature by K.
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