State-of-the-Art Review of Field Perrformance Metrics in support of the Soldier System Effectiveness (SoSE) Project

Edward T Nakaza

David W Tack and Jarrett Evans HumanSystems Incorporated

Prepared by: HumanSystems Inc. 111 Farquhar Street, Guelph ON PSPC Contract Number: W7719-135235/001/TOR Task Authorization Number: 5235-11 Technical Authority: Linda Bossi, CD Contractor's date of publication: March 2018

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© Her Majesty the Queen in Right of Canada (Department of National Defence), 2018 © Sa Majesté la Reine en droit du Canada (Ministère de la Défense nationale), 2018




Edward T. Nakaza, David W. Tack, Jarrett Evans HumanSystems® Incorporated 111 Farquhar Street Guelph, ON N1H 3N4

HSI® Project Manager: David W. Tack (519) 836-5911

PWGSC Contract No. W7719-135235/0011/TOR Task Authorization No. 5235-11

On Behalf of Department of National Defence As represented by DRDC Toronto Research Centre 1133 Sheppard Avvenue West Toronto, ON, M3K 2C9 Project Scientific Authority: Linda Bossi, CD (416) 635-2197

December 2015 Updated March 2018

 HER MAJESTY THE QUEEN IN RIGHT OF CANADA (2018) as represented by the Minister of National Defence

SA MAJESTE LA REINE EN DROIT DU CANADA (2018) Défense Nationale Canada

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Two project aims were undertaken and are reported; 1) State-of-the-Arrt-Review (SoAR), and 2) Conduct a preliminary analysis of options for development of a field experimentation capability. The first aim of this project was to undertake a SoAR of inndividual and team performance measurement, in the context of Soldier Systems. Seven coommon task groupings based on the Soldier Information REQuirements Technology Demonstration (SIREQ-TD) project Cognitive Task Analysis (CTA) (Tack and Angel, 2005) were used to define the inndividual soldier and team tasks and their associated performance metrics. Each of the task groupings were decomposed into categorical descriptions, and correlated with 145 Measures of Effectiveness (MOEs). Based on the characterization of individual soldier and team tasks and the comprehensive review of studies investigating soldier system effectiveness during Phase I, 130 tools (instruments/products and in some cases methodologies) available for monitoring, capturing, storing and live-time transmission in laboratory and field environments were reviewed. Although these technologies have advanced rapidly since the completion of the SIREQ-TD, the findings from this paper showed that the Measures of Performance (MOPs), MOEs and the paradigm for human systems integration testing have remained the same. It was therefore recommended that future human system integration studies adopt the approach that was taken during the SIREQ TD project. The second aim of this project was to conduct a preliminary analysis of options for development of a field experimentation capability to support Canadian Soldier Systems science and technology (S&T) projects of today and the future. A review of Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) capabilities was undertaken, and a matrix of individual soldier and team tasks and associated MOE against each requirement and CAF capability and state-of-the-art technology/methodology was created. Based on this options analysis, recommendations are made with resspect to Location, Instrumentation Technologies, Physiological Monitoring Equipment, Subjjective Assessment, and General Instrumentation.



Deux objectifs du projet ont été entrepris et sont signalés; 1) Examen de l'état de l'art (SoAR), et 2) Mener une analyse préliminaire des options de développement d'une capacité d'expérimentation sur le terrain. Le premier objectif de ce projet était d'entreprendre un SoAR de mesure de la performance individuelle et d'équipe, dans le contexte des systèmes de soldat. Sept groupes de tâches communs basés sur le projet SIREQ (Soldier Information REQuirements) Cognitive Task Analysis (CTA) (Tack et Angel, 2005) ont été utilisés pour définir les tâches individuelles des soldats et des équipes et leurs mesures de performance associées. Chacun des groupes de tâches a été décomposé en descriptions catégoriques et corrélé avec 145 mesures d'efficacité (MOE). Sur la base de la caractérisation des tâches individuelles des soldats et des ééquipes et dee l'examen complet des études sur l'efficacité du système des soldats pendant la phase I, 130 outils (instruments / produits et, dans certains cas, méthodologies) disponibles pour la surveillance, la capture, le stockage et la transmission en temps réel en laboratoire et les environnemments sur le terrain ont été examinés. Bien que ces technologies aient progressé rapidement depuis l'achèvement du SIREQ-TD, les résultats de ce document ont montré que les mesures de performance (MOP), les MOE et le paradigme des tests d'intégration des systèmes humains sont restés les mêmes. Il a donc été recommandé que les futures études d'intégration du système humain adoptent l'approche adoptée lors du projet SIREQ TD. Le deuxième objectif de ce projet était de mener une analyse préliminaire des options de développement d'une capacité d'expérimentation sur le terrain pour soutenir les projets scientifiques et technologiques (S&T) des systèmes de soldats canadiens d'aujourd'huii et de demain. Un examen des capacités des Forces armées canadiennes (CAF) a été entrepris, et une matrice des tâches individuelles des soldats et des équipes et du MOE associé à chaque exigence et à la capacité des CAF et à la technologie / méthodologie de pointe a été créée. Sur la base de cette analyse des options, des recommandations sont faites concernant l'emplacement, les technoologies d'instrumentation, l'équipement de surveillance physiologique, l'évaluation subjective et l'instrumentation générale.


Executive Summary

State-of-the-Art Review of Field Performance Metrics in Support of the Soldier System Effectiveness (SoSE) Project Edward T. Nakaza, David W. Tack, Jarrett Evans, HumanSystems® Incorporated; Contractor Report submitted to DRDC Toronto Research Centre in partial fulfillment of PWGSC Contract No. W7719-135235/001/TOR TTask Authorization No. 5235-11; December 2015, updated in March 2018.

Aim. Two project aims were undertaken and are reported; 1) State-of-the-Art-Review (SoAR) of individual and team performance measurement, in the context of Soldiier Systems, and 2) Conduct a preliminary analysis of options for development of a field experimentation capability to support Canadian Soldier Systems Science and Technology (S&T) projects of today and the future. Background. The Soldier REQuirements Technology Demonstration (SIREQ TD) project was Canada’s cornerstone project for the development and validation of both individual and team requirements for information. Throughout the course of SIREQ TD, Canada developed and applied innumerable metrics to characterize, capture and compare soldier and team tasks, workload, situation awareness and performance in order to identify what information technologies or capabilities would offer the most “bang for the buck” for future Canadian Soldier Systemms investment. More than a decade, however, has passed since SIREQ TD and technologies available for monitoring, capturing, storing and live-time transmission of soldier and team performance and characteristics have advanced rapidly. For this reason, the Soldier System Effectiveness (SoSE) project is interested in re- examining the state-of-the-art in individual soldier and team measurement in both the laboratory and field. Because the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) have also acquired or are acquiring simulators and instrumentation to simulate weapons effects and to monitor and provide After Action Review (AAR) for field individual and collective training purposes, it is also time for the Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC) to conduct a review of current and planned CAF capabilities. Methods. Two phases were employed in support of the SoSE SoAR; 1) Characterize the individual soldier and team tasks, measures of effectiveness (MOE), and dependent variables (measureands), 2) Conduct SoSE SoAR. Two phases were also employed for the preliminary analysis of options for development of a field experimentation capability. Phasee III involved the analysis of CAF Individual and Collective Training Capabilities. Phase IV consolidatted the findings from Phases I – III, into a high-level requirements and options analysis for a future field experimentation capability to support S&T. Results. In Phase I, seven common task groupings basedd on the SIREQ Cognitive Task Analysis (Tack and Angel, 2005) were used to define the individual soldier and team tasks and their associated performance metrics. Each of the seven task groupings were decomposed into categorical descriptions, and correlated with 145 MOE. Based on the characterization of individual soldier and team tasks and the comprehensive review of studies investigating soldier system effectiveness during Phase I, 130 tools (instruments/products and in some cases methodologies) available for monitoring, capturing, storing and live-time transmission in laboratory and field environments was carried ouut during Phase II. An analysis of CAF Individual and Collective Training Capabilities was conducted during Phase III investigating Canadian Force Bases and Training Centres, Range and Training


Areas, and Simulation (Live, Virtual, Constructive). For PPhase IV a high-level options analysis was systematically derived from a matrix that consolidated alll of the MOE, CAF capabilities, and SoAAR of instrumentation technologies and methodologies. Discussion. In support of the first project aim (Phase I and II), this SooAR found that although measurement technologies have advanced rapidly since the completion of the SIREQ-TD, the Measures of Performance (MOP), MOE and the paradigm for human systems integration testing have remained the same. Based on this information, new measurement tools and technologies should be adopted but the systematic approaches in identifying and characterizing methods and metrics for assessing and reporting on soldier system individual and team objectives, as followed during SIREQ TD, should be continued for future human system integration studies. In support of the second project aim (Phase III and IV), a review of CAF capabilities was undertaken, and a matrix of individual soldier and team tasks and associated MOE against each requirement and CAF capability was created. Based on this options analysis, the following recommendations are made: - For Force-on-Force studies, CFB Wainwright – Canadian Maneuver Training Centre (CMTC) is recommended - For Operations in Urban Terrain, CFB Edmonton - Urban Ops Training System (UOTS) is recommended. - Further recommendations are made with respect to technologies used to assess force-on-force engagement or large scale missions and experimentation metrics in laboratory and field environments, as well as technologies used to asseess marksmanship performance, individual and team communication, physiological monitoring equipment, subjective assessment and general instrumentation.


Table of Contents

ABSTRACT ...... I RÉSUMÉ ...... II EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ...... III TABLE OF CONTENTS ...... V LIST OF FIGURES AND TABLES ...... VII ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS ...... VIII 1. BACKGROUND ...... 9 2. METHODS ...... 10 2.1 PHASE I: CHARACTERIZATION OF INDIVIDUAL SOLDIER AND TEAM PERFORMANCE METRICS ...... 10 2.2 PHASE II: STATE-OF-THE-ART REVIEW ...... 10 2.3 PHASE III: REVIEW OF CAF CAPABILITIES ...... 10 2.4 PHASE IV: PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS OF OPTIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF A FIELD EXPERIMENTATION CAPABILITY ...... 11 3. RESULTS ...... 12 3.1 PHASE I: CHARACTERIZATION OF INDIVIDUAL SOLDIER AND TEAM PERFORMANCE METRICS ...... 12 3.1.1 Mission planning ...... 12 3.1.2 Orders/briefing ...... 14 3.1.3 Visualize ground ...... 14 3.1.4 Information exchange ...... 15 3.1.5 Control of movement ...... 16 3.1.6 Control of fire ...... 17 3.1.7 Information collection ...... 18 3.1.8 Comprehensive review of studies investigating soldier system effectiveness...... 19 3.2 PHASE II: STATE-OF-THE-ART REVIEW ...... 23 3.2.1 Subjective Assessmentn ...... 25 3.2.2 Perception (Situational Awareness) ...... 30 3.2.3 Communication ...... 32 3.2.4 Positional Information ...... 41 3.2.5 Marksmanship Systems ...... 47 3.2.6 Motion Capture Tools ...... 50 3.2.7 Miscellaneous Measurement Tools ...... 51 3.3 PHASE III: REVIEW OF CAF CAPABILITIES ...... 53 3.3.1 Canadian Force Bases and Training Centres ...... 53 3.3.2 Cost Analysis ...... 71 3.4 PHASE IV: PRELIMINARY ANALYSIS OF OPTIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF A FIELD EXPERIMENTATION CAPABILITY ...... 83 3.4.1 Location of Field Experimentation Capability ...... 84 3.4.2 Instrumentation technologies ...... 86 3.4.3 Subjective Assessmentn ...... 93 3.4.4 General instrumentation ...... 95 4. DISCUSSION ...... 124 4.1 STATE-OF-THE-ART-REVIEW ...... 124 4.2 DEVELOPMENT OF A FIELD EXPERIMENTATION CAPABILITY ...... 124


5. REFERENCES ...... 127 ANNEX A: STATE-OF-THE-ART REVIEW ...... 134 5.1.1 Subjective Assessmentn ...... 135 5.1.2 Perception (Situational Awareness) ...... 157 5.1.3 Communication ...... 161 5.1.4 Positional Information ...... 219 5.1.5 Marksmanship Systems ...... 254 5.1.6 Motion Capture Tools ...... 272 5.1.7 Miscellaneous Measurement Tools ...... 290


List of Figures and Tables





The authors would like to thank the following individuals for their contribution in helping to compile this report. Major Bruno Di Ilio (DLR) for providing valuable information regarding CAF Live Sim capabilitiess including Urban Operations Training System (UOTS), Weapons Effects Simulation (WES), Direct Fire Targetry (DFT), Live Fire Monitoring Equipment (LFME); Major McQueen (CADTC) and Captain Marsh for discussing the Canadian Forces Range Information System (CFRIS); Major Morin and Master Warrant Officer Snow (Tactics School, AArmy Simulation Centre – Gagetown) for discussing CAF Virtual and Constructive Sim capabilities including the Small Arms Trainer (SAT), 3-Dimentional Dismounted Training System, Unit Weapons Training System (UWTS), Land Vehicle Crew Training System (LV CTS), Interim Crew Gunnery Simulator (ICGS) and Virtual Battlespace (VBS) 2. Last but not least to Linda Bossi and the dedicated work in improving soldier system effectiveness over the last 30 years, her insight intto past research, as well as her vision in capturing and characterizing soldier and team performance in the future.


1. Background

The vision for the Soldier System Effectiveness (SoSE) prroject is to improve soldier effectiveness by decreasing burden (physical and cognitive) and increasing resilience, protection, and mobility in an integrated, human-centric soldier system. Whereas much of the project is focussed on the individual soldier system, it is essential to consider the soldier system within the broader context of the team. The soldier team encompasses a wide gamut of alternatives, increasing in complexity from assault group to deployed Battle Group operating in the JIMP context (Joint Inter-agency Multi-national Public). The Soldier REQuirements Technology Demonstration (SIREQ TD) project was Canada’s cornerstone project for the development and validation of both individual and team requirements for information (who needs what information, when, and how best should that information be acquired and displayed). That project was limited to considerationn of the team at the Platoon level in the Company context. Throughout the course of SIREQ TD, Canada developed and applied innumerable metrics to characterize, capture and compare soldier and team tasks, workload, situation awareness and performance in order to identify what information technologies or capabilities would offer the most “bang for the buck” for future Canadian Soldier Systems investment. More than a decade has passed since SIREQ TD. Technologies available for monitoring, capturing, storing and live-time transmission of soldier and team performance and characteristics have advanced rapidly. SIREQ TD was limited to exploring informationn capabilities, and current interests in Soldier Systems are recognizing the importance and interplay of both physical and cognitive domains. For this reason, the SoSE project is interested in re-examining the state-of-the-art in individual soldier and team measurement in both the laboratory and field. Because the Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) have also acquired or are acquiring simulators and instrumentation to simulate weapons effects and to monitor and provide After Action Review (AAR) for field individual and collective training purposes, it is also time for the Defence Research and Development Canada (DRDC) to conduct a review of current and planned CAF capabilities. The intent is to determine the requirements for future Soldier system (individual and team) task characterization, analysis, and performance measuring, by leveraging the full suite of CAF capabilities. Follow-on work might include design and/or build of a “field-able” experimentation capability if capital resources are made available and brought to beaar. The following technical report provides a State-of-the-Art Review (SoAR) of individual and team performance measurement, in the context of Soldier Systems, and a preliminary analysis of options for development of a field experimentation capability to support Canadian Soldier Systems Science and Technology (S&T) projects of today and the future1. Results may be used to guide DRDC capability review, development and investment decisions.

1 “Soldier System 2030 will leverage projected advancements in dismounted combat technologies from projects as varied as the Integrated Soldier System, Future Combat Uniform, Sniper Systems and Smaall Arms Modernization. These capabilities will be considered as the baseline and their high-level mandatory requirements will be updated to reflect technological developments since their conception to match available technology in the projected timeframe. It is anticipated that soldier technology research efforts into such areas as exoskeletons and energy harvesting will be developed into commercially-viablle products by the defence industry to meet the challenges of the future operating environment.” (National Defence and the Canadian Armed Forces, 2015) HSI SoSE SoAR DRAFT Page 9

2. Methods

Prior to conducting a SoAR on individual soldier and team performance measurement, it is essential to define what the metrics are that need to be collected. That is, one needs to first define the individual tasks and the associated performance metrics, and only then can one begin to list the measurement technologies. Therefore, two phases were employed in support of the SoSE SoAR; 1) Characterize the individual soldier and team tasks, measurres of effectiveness (MOE), and dependent variables (measures), 2) Conduct SoSE SoAR. A preliminary analysis of options for development of a field experimentation capability was also conducted to support Canadian Soldier Systems S&T projects of today and the future. This third phase involved the analysis of CAF Individual and Collective Training Capabilities. All three phases were then incorporated into a high-level requirements and options analysis for a future field experimentation capability to support S&T. This traceable, systematic approach is discussed in more detail below.

2.1 Phase I: Characterization of individual soldier and team performance metrics The SIREQ Cognitive Task Analysis (CTA) (Tack and Anngel, 2005) was used to define and organize the individual soldier and team tasks into common task groupings. Each of the task groupings were decomposed into categorical descriptions, and MOE were identified. A comprehensive review of studies investigating soldier system effectiveness was then undertaken to define all possible performance metrics that could be collected, and these performance metrics were mapped against the SIREQ CTA MOE.

2.2 Phase II: State-of-the-Art Review Based on the characterization of individual soldier and team performance metrics in Phase I, a literature review and SoAR were conducted to identify and characterize methods, metrics and technologies used or suitable for use for soldier system inndividual and team measurement. As stated in the SOW, the focus of the literature and SoAR was on oobjective measurements.

2.3 Phase III: Review of CAF capabilities During Phase III, an analysis of CAF individual and colleective training capabilities was undertaken. Several DND stakeholder consultations were carried out in performing this analysis as well as the review of available documentation (SORs, specifications, product literrature, website), to determine what data collection capabilities exist among CAF resources or are planned for acquisition and implementation (e.g., Integrated Soldier System Project – ISSP, Weapons Effects Simulation – WES, Urban Operations Training System – UOTS). A review of CAF capabilities was also carried out using the Canadian Forces Range Information System (CFRIS).


2.4 Phase IV: Preliminary analysis of options for development of a field experimentation capability Based on the activities executed during Phase I, II, and III, a high-level options analysis was undertaken for a future DRDC field experimentation capability. This options analysis was systematically derived from a matrix that consolidated alll of the MOE, CAF capabilities, and SoAAR of instrumentation technologies and methodologies. Recommendations are made with respect to Location of field experimentation capability; Instrumentation technoloogies; Subjective assessment; and General instrumentation.


3. Results

The following section presents the results from the four phases.

3.1 Phase I: Characterization of individual soldier and team performance metrics Seven common task groupings based on the SIREQ Cognitive Task Analysis (Tack and Angel, 2005) were used to define the individual soldier and team tasks and their associated performance metrics. These task groupings consisted of; Mission Planning, Orders/Briefings, Visualize Ground, Information Exchange, Control of Movement, Control of Fire, and Information Collection. Each of the task groupings were decomposed into categorical descriptions, and correlated with MOE. Each of the task groupings, their respective categories, and MOE as taken directly from the SIREQ CTA are discussed below.

3.1.1 Mission planning The mission planning task grouping consists of three categgories; route planning, siting for surveillance and weapons, and prepare orders. Categorical descriptions and their associated MOE are outlined below. Route planning Route planning consists of two sub-tasks; plan navigation route, plan track. For plan navigation route, soldiers need to determine mission route that provides greatest tactical concealment within efficiency constraints of imposed timings (including analyses of terrain, vegetation, danger areas (e.g. roads, high features, populated areas), likely enemy OPs and ambush sites); record details of route. MOE for plan navigation route include:  Time to prepare route plan  Time to record and display route plan  Speed of route navigation  Route distance  Visual and auditory detectability  Effective use of dead ground and natural cover For plan track, soldiers need to determine efficient routes between defensive trenches, OPs, ammo points and platoon HQ; minimize detectability of route by enemy air and ground surveillance; mark and brief section members on track location. MOE for plaan track include:  Speed of movement between positions and points  Accuracy of maintaining track (day and night)  Detectability of track by enemy air and ground positions Siting for surveillance and weapons Siting for surveillance and weapons consists of three sub--tasks; plan treench siting, range card, plan OP siting. For plan trench siting, soldiers need to determine trench location and orientation to optimize observation and coverage of arcs of fire and section firepoweer (based on key terrain features,


section boundaries, dead ground, likely axis of enemy advance, overlapping intra- and extra-section arcs of fire, platoon and company fire plans, distance and line of sight limitations on section comd maintaining command and control); brief section members on trench siting. MOE for plan trench siting include:  Time to site trenches  Time to communicate plan  Accuracy of plan implementation  Kill zone coverage  Effectiveness of overlapping arcs of fire  Weapon siting effectiveness  Communications effectiveness of sites for command and control For range card, soldiers need to prepare sketch of fire position with reference to key features, trenches, RVs, and reference points (including range and bearing); identify primary and secondary arcs of fire, tracks and lanes, and barriers (e.g. trip flares, mines, wire); integrate trench range cards into Section range card and Section cards into Platoon card. MOE for range card include:  Time to prepare card  Accuracy of recorded information  Ease of updating  Time to integrate range cards into a fused card  Accuracy of range card fusion  Usability of information for directing and engaging targets  First round hit probability  Time to adopt secondary arcs  Accuracy of secondary arc boundaries  Awareness of ground, features, and Section assets For plan OP siting, soldiers need to determine OP location to optimize observation and surveillance arcs while minimizing detectability by the enemy (OP siting plan based on key terrain features, section boundaries, dead ground, likely axis of enemy advance, tactical positioning to achieve early warning without compromising location of other friendly positions, concealed track to and from OP, safety and security for sentry challenge). MOE for plan OP siting include:  Surveillance effectiveness (coverage, effective disstance)  Time to plan OP site  Detectability of site  Detectability of track Prepare orders Prepare orders consists of two sub-task; time appreciation, orders prepaaration. For time appreciation, soldiers need to determine timings (durations and milestones) for all mission tasks, within the imposed timings from Platoon orders (time appreciation for prepare orrders, issue orders, battle preparation, drills and rehearsals, feeding and forced rest, mission phases (e.g. movement, actions, crossings)). MOE for time appreciation include:


 Time to estimate timings  Accuracy of appreciation (duration, milestone) For orders preparation, soldiers need to identify mission objective(s), enemy and friendly situation, mission timings, radio frequencies, codes, and passwords; determine mission execuution (i.e. detailed tasks and responsibilities), actions on, and activities on objective; determine requirements for resources (e.g. clothing, equipment, ammo, rations, camouflage), weapons, special equipment, drills and rehearsals; for patrolling, determine main and alternate ORV, LZ, and PZ, and chain of command in patrol. MOE for orders preparation include:  Time to prepare orders  Quality of orders (accuracy, completeness, tactical effectiveness)

3.1.2 Orders/briefing The orders/briefings task grouping consists of two sub-tasks; provide information, receive information. Providing or presenting the information includes orders (e.g. Wng, Op, Occupation, Frag, and Confirmatory Orders) transfer information pertaining to a mission plan) which require the soldier to describe mission intent, execution, actions on, objective(s), enemy and friendly situation, mission timings, routes, radio frequencies, codes, and passwords; describe requirements for resources (e.g. clothing, equipment, ammo, rations, camouflage), weeapons, special equipment, drills and rehearsals; assess and confirm the comprehension of the section members receiving the orders; receive orders from higher including receiving the information, identifying and recording key information, comprehending the information. MOE for providing information include:  Time to provide information  Accuracy of information  Completeness  Complexity (salient cueing, spatial orientation, content density, content integration) Receipt and comprehension of the information includes briefings whicch are used to transfer information pertaining to ongoing mission status. MOE for receiving information include:  Time to receive information (note: since H-hour is imposed, the time to receive the information is critical to determining the amount of time available to the section for battle preparation.)  Accuracy of comprehension  Situational awareness measures (local, navigational - if Unit movement is involved, global)  Cognitive workload for comprehension  Cognitive fidelity  Attentional demands of acquiring information  Memory demands  Knowledge acquisition  Knowledge retention

3.1.3 Visualize ground Tasks related to the visualize ground task grouping include local, navigational, and global. Local visualization typically includes tasks involving actions and surveillance within the section’s HSI SoSE SoAR DRAFT Page 14

immediate area of influence (e.g. fire and movement, adopting assault formations, assaulting an objective, immediate use of ground, FIBUA fighting within and between structures; field movement and navigation within immediate area of influence (i.e. limits of vision, hearing); surveillance of ground and features within the section’s immediate area of influence, typically within the limits of vision and hearing, siting of defensive positions, preparing range cards, siting of Ops. Navigational visualization typically includes tasks involving actions and surveillance within and beyond the section’s immediate area of influence, typically in the context of group movement within a 10km area (e.g. route planning, following and altering a route plan in open country, following and altering a route plan in FIBUA). Global visualization typically includes tasks involving mission planning, receipt of orders, comprehending enemy and friendly status, etc. beyond the section’s immediate area of influence, but typically within the Company to Brigade area of influence (e.g. route planning, time appreciation, map appreciation; orienting mission orders to the groundd; providing orders briefings to the platoon or section). MOE foor visualize ground include:  Situational awareness measures (local, navigational, global)  Timeliness of awareness  Accuracy of awareness  Cognitive workload of visualization  Attentional demands of acquiring situational information  Attentional demands of visualization  Memory demands of retaining awareness knowleddge  Decision-making performance (timeliness, number of decisions or processing steps required, decision quality or effectiveness)  Cognitive fidelity  Spatial orientation

3.1.4 Information exchange Tasks related to the information exchange tasks grouping include control; coordination; request for information; provision of information. Control includes simple control of field formations, gross section movement and actions, and general fif re control; complex control of tactical movement, actions and fire control of one or more groups or individuals with detailed commands and direction during a phase of battle. Coordination includes direct, onne-to-one interaction to coordinate the timing and order of actions (e.g. fire team fire and movement); indirect, one-to-many coordination of complex, integrated timings and actions (e.g. assaulting with covering fire). Request are typically communicated with simple cue words (e.g. SITREP, LOCREP) for information about locations of enemy and friendly forces, equipment, objects, etc.; status of enemy and friendly forces and materiel; detection and identification. Provision of information can include both simple and complex information such as locations of enemy and friendly forces, equipment, objects, etc.; status of enemy and friendly forces and materiel; detection and identification. MOE for information exchange include:  Time to prepare communication  Time to provide information  Attentional demands of sending information  Completeness


 Complexity (salient cueing, spatial orientation, content density, content integration)  Modality resource loading  Time to detect arrival of communication  Time to receive information  Accuracy of information communication  Intelligibility of verbal communications  Attentional demands of receiving information  Time to comprehension  Accuracy of comprehension  Cognitive workload for comprehension  Cognitive fidelity  Situational awareness (local, global)  Memory demands during sending and receiving  Knowledge acquisition  Knowledge retention  Time for sender to confirm communication receippt  Accuracy of receipt confirmation  Visual, aural, or other detectability of sender and receiver by the enemy

3.1.5 Control of movement The control of movement task grouping consists of three categories; direct command for control of movement, navigation (individual/local), navigation (group/distant). Direct command for control of movement involves simple control of field formations (i.e. gross section movements and formations), and complex control of tactical movement (i.e. controlling one or more groups or individuals with detailed commands during a phase of battle). MOE for direct command for control of movemennt include:  Time required for all section members involved to receive command  Soldier comprehension of control command  Individual soldier reaction time to perform command  Time required to achieve group formation or movement  Attentional demand on soldiers  Accuracy of formation or movement response  Section Comd time to determine, communicate, and confirm control  Time for Section Comd to confirm control execution  Accuracy of Section Comd confirmation of control execution Navigation (individual/local) involves dismounted traverse of ground; obstacle traverse; identification of best route to limits of vision (i.e. accessible terrain, limited exposure to enemy detection, minimal obstacles). MOE for navigation (individual/local) include:  Speed of traverse


 Ease of traverse  Effective use of dead ground  Obstacle avoidance  Auditory and visual detectability For navigation (group/distant), soldiers are required to determine own location; determine location of landmarks (e.g. terrain features, structures); determine bearing to objective; determine distance to objective; perform unplanned adjustments to route. MOE for navigation (group/distant) include:  Speed of navigation  Distance traveled  Time to determine location of self and/or landmarks  Complexity of location determination of self and/or landmarks  Accuracy of location determination  Accuracy of navigation (to destination, maintaining route)  Difficulty in maintaining route (attentional demands on NAV, task complexity)  Ability to meet timing objectives

3.1.6 Control of fire The control of fire task grouping consists of two categories; individual control of fire, control of section fire. Categorical descriptions and their associated MOE are outlined below. Individual control of fire Individual control of fire consists of three sub-tasks; engage targets, fire team coordination, survivability. For engage targets, soldiers are required to detect targets (i.e. locate the enemy); recognize/identify targets; acquire targets with weapon sight; suppress targets; hit static targets; hit moving targets; acquire feedback on fall of shot; adjust fire; track personal ammunition use. MOE for engage targets include:  Time to target detection  Time to target identification  Accuracy of target identification  Time to target engagement  Time to target suppression  Accuracy of fire  Grouping or consistency of fire  Individual awareness of fall of shot  Individual awareness of ammunition usage For fire team coordination, soldier are required to maintain awareness of fire team partner location and movement; designate targets; maintain awareness of fire team partner firing activities; coordinate covering fire and team arcs of fire. MOE for fire team coordination incclude:  Timeliness of team movement and covering fire  Effective coverage of team arcs of fire


 Time to designate targets  Awareness of fire team partner status For survivability, soldiers are required to avoid detection bby enemy; minimize time of personal target presentation; minimize amount of personal target presentation. MOE for survivability include:  Detectability of individual soldier by enemy  Detectability day vs night  Casualty probability (i.e. exposure time and targeet size) Control of Section fire For control of section fire, soldiers are required to control timing of section fire assets; control selection of fire assets and sequence of firing; control rate of section fire; tactical positioning of fire assets; control target designation of individual and grouped weapons; determine effectiveness of section fire; maintain awareness of section strength; mainnttain awareness of Section ammunition state. MOE for control of section fire include:  Time to achieve effective fire  Time to achieve enemy suppression  Effectiveness of section fire (e.g. enemy casualties and materiel kills; degree of suppression; outcome vs type and amount of ammunition usedd)  Economy of ammunition usage  Fire control precision  Time to designate targets  Timeliness of control for individual weapons  Timeliness of control for group weapons  Soldier comprehension of fire control orders  Accuracy of Section Comd awareness of section fire effectiveness  Timeliness of Section Comd awareness of section fire effectiveeness  Section Comd awareness of section strength  Section Comd awareness of ammunition state

3.1.7 Information collection The information collection task grouping consists of three tasks; OP surveillance, sentry, detailed recce. For OP surveillance, soldiers need to observe withhin arcs and detect any activity; determine location of targets; identify any targets (e.g. soldiers, vehicles, and objects) that are detected; determine strength, weapons, intent of targets, and observe patterns of behaviour; communicate important observations to higher; minimize detectability of OP location from enemy ground and air surveillance. For sentry, soldiers need to observe within arcs and detect any activity; identify any soldiers that are detected as friend or foe; detain and engage enemy soldiers; communicate SITREP to higher; minimize detectability of sentry location from enemy ground and air surveillance. For detailed recce, soldiers are required to determine best obseervation vantage points for detailed reccce data collection; determine most expedient route to vantage points while remaining concealed from enemy detection; move stealthily to a position of observation; observe within arcs and detect targets


(e.g. soldiers, structures, weapons, vehicles, objects); identify any targets; record observations; minimize detectability. Each of the above tasks requiring the collection of information involves the sub-tasks of detection, identification, recording and informing. The MOE for these sub-tasks are listed below: Detect  Time to detect target  Accuracy of detection  Time to determine location  Accuracy of location determination  Detectability by enemy Identify  Time to identify target  Accuracy of identification Record information  Time to record information  Accuracy of recorded information  Completeness  Detectability by the enemy during recording  Usability of comprehending recorded information Transfer information  Time to transfer information  Ease of transfer  Detectability by the enemy when transferring information

3.1.8 Comprehensive review of studies investigating soldier system effectiveness Following the above analysis, a comprehensive review of studies investigating soldier system effectiveness and corresponding performance metrics was undertaken. This review consisted of over 70 different experiments, including those conducted during the SIREQ Technology Demonstration (TD) experimentation campaign, Future Small Arms Research (FSAR), Soldier Integrated Headwear System (SIHS) TD project, Integrated Soldier System Project (ISSP), Load Effects Assessment Program (LEAP) and other soldier-related research (e.g. US Land Warrior, US Nett Warrior). Although more than a decade has passed since the completion of the SIIREQ TD, and the technologies available for monitoring, capturing, storing and live-time transmission of soldier and team performance have advanced rapidly, this review found that the MOP, MOE and the paradigm for human systems integration testing have remained the same23.

2 Human Systems Integration Test and Evaluation Methodology (2007) is the mmost recent Human Engineering Test Operations Procedure (TOP) published by the Army Test and Evaluation Command (ATEC) which provides a capstone overview of Human Systems Integration testing and provides a background to other HSI related TOPs such as MIL Handbook 759: Handbook for Human Engineering Design Guidelines, MIL-STD 1472: Human Engineering, DTC TOP 1-2-610: Human Factors Engineering. 3 NATO Dismounted Soldier Systems Measurements for Analysis (NATO Land Capability Group 1, 2011), is a framework for trials, modelling and simulations to quantify the performance of individual soldiers and groups of soldieers for dismounted tasks. HSI SoSE SoAR DRAFT Page 19

For instance, some of the more recent and systematic approaches in identifying and characterizing soldier system individual and team objectives include experiments conducted by the Maneuver Battle Lab (MBL) in Fort Benning, Georgia. These experiments investigated the operational effectiveness of a baseline infantry platoon compared to a Nett Warriorr enabled platoon, where the Nett Warrior system was distributed to the Squad Leader, or Team Leadder. Metrics included assessment of pllatoon formation and synchronization of movement, frequency of head mounted display referrals, time to negotiate an urban individual movement task/obstacle course, as well as subjective data such as ratings of Mission Success, Lethality, and Survivability; survey post obstacle course; and participant comments (MBL 2009 as cited by Rosen and Walsh 20111). Most approaches however, appear to be less systematic but are more in-situ. The U.S. Army Test and Evaluation Command (ATEC) which is responsible for all Army developmental and operational testing is currently undertaking a multiyear, multi-faceted, assesssment (including human systems integration evaluations) of the NNett Warrior dismounted leader situational awareness system4 for use during combat operations. As part of the Network Integration Evaluations (NIE)5, these large scale exercises6 incorporate operational and live fire test and evaluations. Although not clearly documented, metrics collected during these evaluations appear to have included interoperability (i.e. transmit/receive messages), system reliability (i.e. operating hours), operational range (i.e. “the infantry company was hampered by the short range of the SRW on the AN/PRC-155 Manpack radio in woodland terrain”), and battery life (i.e. 2 – 6 hours). Subjective comments through observation, surveys and interview type questions, however, seem to account for the largest proportion of information (e.g. “use of the Nett Warrior improved situational awareeness at the platoon level and continues to enhance pre-mission planning tasks, land navigation, and command and control”; “the infantry company did not have complete situational awaarreness because the Manpack radio did not transmit position location information in a coonsistent manner”; “leaders stated that voice communications were good until a terrain feature blocked line-of-sight”; “soldiers experienced discomfort from hot batteries”; and “screen brightness can inadvertently disclose the user’s location to the enemy”). Other metrics collected include complexity of use, mission success based on After Action Reporting such as time and position tracking and casualty calculations through the use of Real-Time Casualty Assessment (RTCA) Instrumentation and Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System (M.I.L.E.S) (Director Operational Test and Evaluation, 2014; 2015). Human systems integration evaluations have also been conducted in theatre (i.e. In Theater Assessments or ITAs). For example, prior to the Nett Warrior system evaluation, the Land Warrior – Manchu system was assessed for performance in combat. Functional needs analysis were conducted based on a “combination of operational lessons learned, United States AArmy Infantry Center student surveys, subject matter expert input, and experimental results” (Rosen and Walsh, 2011). Metrics gathered during these ITAs included the number of captured targets, mission time, and system features used (e.g. digital chemlights and breadcrumbing)). Once again however, subjective comments through observation, surveys, interview type questions, and After Action Review (AAR) seem to account for the largest proportion of information (e.g. “[Land Warrior system] enabled precise navigation, fratricide mitigation, collaborative operations, and…allowed for greater

4 Nett Warrior system consists of a smartphone end user device, AN/PRC-154A rifleman radio, conformal battery, and connecting cables 5 NIE: “A series of semi-annual evaluations designed to establish a Network Baseline and then rapidly build and mature the Army’s tactical Network…The NIE will provide a means to evaluate relevant capabilities in parallel and make incremental improvements based upon a disciplined and professional feedback cycle [i.e. what can be learned when the capabilities are put in the hands of Soldiers in the field].” (Brigade Modernization Command, September 2015). 6 “NIE 16.1 consisted of over 9,000 Soldiers, 14 partner nations including a United Kingdom brigade headquarters, 300 platforms and 20 command posts…including an opposing force” (Jones-Bonbrest, September 2015). HSI SoSE SoAR DRAFT Page 20

situational awareness and faster decision-making up and down the chain of command” (TCM–S, 2008 as cited by Rosen and Walsh 2011). Based on this comprehensive review of studies investigating soldier system effectiveness, the resulting performance metrics were mapped against each of the MOE outlined above. In total 22 performance metrics were identified to effectively characterize both individual and team soldier system effectiveness. The 22 performance metrics were further categorized based on three domains7; cognitive, physical, and physiological/metabolic. Discrete metrics in the cognitive domain included variables such as vision, auditory, perception, communication, memory, vigilance, decision- making / executive function, cortex blood oxygenation, electrical activity of the brain, and subjective assessment. Discrete metrics in the physical domain included variablees such as anthropometry, force, motion (local), dextx erity, reaction time, time to complete, distance, modeling and simulation, positional information (global), marksmanship (e.g. precision, accuracy), and soldier load vs. operational task performance. And discrete metrics in the physiological/metabolic domain included variables such as temperature, cardiac activity, respiration, ocular, stress, body water content, metabolic ratio, perfusion index, and electrodermal activity (EDA) (a.k.a. galvanic skin response). These performance metrics are presented in Table 1. In and of itself, discrete metrics such as visual acuity will provide insight into the visual performance of an individual. In order to quantify individual soldier and team performance, however, a number of discrete metrics will need to be combined. For example, performance and behavioral measures of enggaging targets will be based on Detect targets (e.g. visual performance, auditory performance, viigilance, range estimation)), Recognize/identify targets (e.g. memory, cognitive workload, decision-making/executive function), Acquire targets with weapon sight (e.g. visual performance, breathing, cognitive workload, physical fatigue), Suppress targets (e.g. visual performance, accuracy, precision, breathing, cognitive workload, physical fatigue, force – recoil management), Hit static targets (e.g. accuracy, precision, reaction time, range of motion, force – recoil management), Hit moving targets (e.g. accuracy, precision, reaction time, range of motion, force – recoil management), Acquire feedback on fall of shot (e.g. visual performance, decision-making/executive function), Adjust fire (e.g. force – recoil management, visual performance), and Track personal ammunition use (e.g. memory, auditory performance) as a function of internal and external factors such as knowwledge, skills and attributes, equipment and environment. Similarly performance and behavioral measures of navigation (individual/local) will be based on speed of traverse (e.g. time to travel route), ease of traverse (e.g. subjective assessment), effective use of dead ground (e.g. duration of exposure relative to enemy position, visibility/percentage of body exposed to enemy, SME evaluation), obstacle avoidance (e.g. track deviation, root mean squared), auditory and visual detectability (e.g. target detection, reccognition, identification from enemy point of view).

7 It should be noted that although listed, not all of the variables within each of the three domains were identified within the 70+ studies investigated.


Table 1: Individual soldier and team performance metrics

Domain Performance Metric Occurrence Cognitive Visual performance 19 Cognitive Auditory performance 10 Cognitive Vigilance 9 Cognitive Subjective assessment 23 Cognitive Perception (SA) 29 Cognitive Workload 117 Cognitive Memory 114 Cognitive Communication 108 Cognitive Decision-making/ executive function 110 Cognitive Detectability 2 Physical Time 48 Physical Distance 4 Physical Positional information 71 Physical Mission outcome - actual event vs. intent 14 Physical Accuracy 24 Physical Precision 5 Physical Area 9 Physical Casualties 1 Physical Ammunition usage 2 Physical Anthropometry 7 Physical Weight, bulk, stiffness 3 Physiological/metabolic Physiological output measures (e.g. heart rate) 6

A frequency count on the relative occurrence of the various individual soldier and team performance metrics showed that workload (117), memory (114), decision-making/executive function (110), and communication (108) were the top metrics that were collected for the 70+ studies that were reviewed. The oto her performance metrics that were frequently collected included positional information (71), time (48), perception (situational awareness) (29), accuracy (24), subjective assessment (23), visual performance (19), and mission outcome - actual event vs. intent (14). This information was leveraged during Phase II: SoAR.


3.2 Phase II: State-of-the-Art Review Based on the characterization of individual soldier and team tasks and the comprehensive review of studies investigating soldier system effectiveness during Phase I, the metrics required to measure performance were defined. A subsequent analysis was conducted to group these performance metrics, relative to technologies (and in some cases methodologies) available for monitoring, capturing, storing and live-time transmission in laboratory and field environments. These consisted of the following seven groupings: - Subjective Assessment o Tools/methodologies for quantifying cognitive workload, and subjective assessment - Perception (SA) o Tools/methodologies to assess situational awareness (SA) - Communication o Tools/methodologies for auditory performance, vigilance, perception (SA), workload, memory, communication, decision-making/executive function, time, positional information, mission outcome - actual eveent vs. intent, accuracy, precision, casualties, ammunition usage - Positional Information o Tools/methodologies for perception (SA)), memory, decision-making/executive function, detectability, time, distance, positional information, missiion outcome - actual event vs. intent, accuracy, precision, area - Marksmanship Systems o Tools/methodologies for vigilance, perception (SA), decision-makiing/executive function, time, mission outcome - actual event vs. intent, accuracy, precision, casualties, ammunition usage - Motion Capture Tools o Tools/methodologies for quantifying phyysical movement - Miscellaneous Measurement Tools o Tools/methodologies for visual performance, auditory performance, time, distance, positional information, accuracy, precision

Furthermore, physiological measures of mental and physiical load (e.g. electrocardiogram, photo plethysmography, electrodermal activity sensor, thermometer, respiratory inductance plethysmography, eye-tracking, electromyography, accelerometer, global positioning system, electroencephalography, functional near-infrared spectrometry), and physical ergonomics (e.g. accelerometry, anthropometry, data acquisition, EMG, force plates, motion capture systems, pressure mapping, range of motion, environment scanning, handheld laser scanners, 3D point measuring, headforms/dummies/mannequins, material testing machines, analytical biomechanics, digital human modeling, video analysis for time and motion studies) were not pursued during this current SoAR, as comprehensive reviews have been carried out in these areeas within the past five years. The reader is referred to the following documents: - Tack, D. W., McKee, K. W. (2011). Warfighter Inteegrated Physical Ergonomics Tool Development: Needs Analysis and State Of The Art Review. Defence Research and


Development Canada – Toronto. It should be noted that this SoAAR also covered aspects of soldier performance measures. - Gagnon, J-F., Lafond, D. (2015). Thales - Physiological measures of mental and physical load: a review and integration. 1990C.008-REP-01_AT8 Revv. 01. Defence Research and Development Canada – Valcartier. o There are literally hundreds of physiological monitoring devices that can be used to track individual performance. These devices monitor physiological responses such as cardiac, skin, respiratory, muscular and metabolic activity. The report by Gagnon and Lafond (2015) reviewed physiological measures of mental and physical load therefore these topic areas will not be covered in the currentt SoAR. Three physiological monitoring devices however, will be discussed: one to demonstrate how physiological data can be monitored as a standalone system for one up to 50 individuals, while the other two demonstrates how similar technology can be integrated to track physiological measures of an individual relative to positional data. These three technologies are discussed in section of this report.

The following section provides the SoAR. The section is organized under the seven groupings as discussed above (Subjective Assessment, Perception (SA), Positional Information, Communication, Marksmanship Systems, Motion Capture, and Miscellaneoous Measurement Tools). Within each of these groupings, a summary of the review is presented below and the detailed review is provided in Annex A: State-of-the-Art Review.


3.2.1 Subjective Assessment Although the scope of this SoAR was limited to soldier system individual and team objective measurement, two metrics related to subjective assessment (i.e. Cognitive Workload and Subjective Assessment) were reviewed as a result of the grouping annalysis and the prevalence of these assessments. The following section discusses these two metrics. Cognitive Workload In general terms cognitive workload can be characterized as a mental construct that reflects the mental strain resulting from performing a task under speciific environmental and operational conditions, coupled with the capability of the operator to respond to those demands (Cain, 2007)). Cognitive workload cannot be detected directly; it can only be measured indirectly through some other variables which are thought to correlate highly with cognitive workload, such as subjective ratings, performance, or some physiological variables (Xiie and Salvenddy, 2000). Seven (7) of the more prevalent techniques to measure cognitive workload are listed below and discussed in more detail in Annex A: State-of-the-Art Review.

Tool (instrument/product) Summary Description NASA-TLX (NASA Task NASA-TLX consists of six subscales that can be divided into three groups: Load Index) Characteristics of the task: Menttal, Physical and Time Demands. Behavioural characteristics: Performance and Effort. Individual characteristic: Frustration. Each of the bipolar subscales of the NASA-TLX consists of 20 five-point steps from 0-100, with verbal descriptor endpoints. In the first phase the subject rates the task with regard to workloadd. In the second phase each subject makes a paired comparison, deciding with all 15 possibble pair combinations of the 6 dimensions, which pair element is more important with regard to workload in the rated task. From the results, a rank order of the dimensions from 0-5 is derived by which the individual subscale scores of the rated task are weighted (Human Performance Research Group (nn.d.). MCH (Modified Cooper- The Cooper-Harper Scale is a 10-point scale that is accompanied by verbaal Harper) Scale, descriptors, with the descriptorss being worded in terms of the mental effort required to perform tasks. The original Cooper-Harper Scale was modified so that it could be utilized with tasks other than aviation, containing characteristics of modern systems. The derived Modified Cooper-Harper (MCH) Scale retains the decision tree of the original scale but has changed the wording. The authors assume that the scale gives a reliable overall assessment of workload at leeast on a relative basis (Megaw, 2005). SWAT (Subjective Workload This instrument was developed by Gary Reid at Wright-Patterson Air Force Assessment Technique) Base, and has been used in a number of aircrew studies. It includes scales for time load, mental effort load, and psychological stress load, each scale having three levels. Participants are askked to rank the 27 possible combinations of levels on the three scales before providing ratings for particular tasks or events (Farmer and Brownson, 2003). ISA (Instantaneous Self- Instantaneous Self-Assessment (ISA) was developed as a simple tool with which Assessment) an operator can estimate perceived workload during real-time simulated or actual tasks. The operator is required to give a rating of perceived workload on a scale from 1 (very low) to 5 (very high) (Farmer and Brownson, 2003). SWORD (Subjective In contrast to most other techniques (which are based on absolute comparisons, Workload Dominance without referring to the other task conditions), SWORD uses relative Technique) comparisons, i.e., each task is individually compared to all other tasks. The SWORD technique involves three stages: (1) Collecting raw judgement data; (2) Constructing a judgement matrix; and (3) Calculating the SWORD workload ratings. The creators of this technique were particularly interested in using


SWORD as a projective or predictive technique (NATO, 2001). DRAWS (DRA Workload These scales were developed by the Defence Research Agency (DRA), a Scales) predecessor of QinetiQ. They were based on factor analysis of a large body of performance and workload dataa, and were subjected to validation studies during their development (Farmer and Brownson, 2003). Bedford Rating Scale The Bedford Rating Scale was developed for application within the flight environment, using 10 workloadd level descriptors from the Cooper-Harper Scale that have been modified. A majority of the descriptors make reference to spare capacity rather than, or as well as, effort investted (Megaw, 2005).

HSI SoSE SoAR DRAFT Page 26 Subjective Assessment Fifteen computer/digital-based survey tools for quantifying subjective assessment are listed below and discussed in more detail in Annex A: State-of-the-Art Review.

Tool (instrument/product) Summary Description Magpi: Mobile Data Collection “Magpi (formerly DataDyne) is the leading provider of configurable, cloud-based mobile collection and communication applications that eenable users in the field to quickly and easily collect data and create broadcast messaging campaigns. Magpi enables organizations across various industries to easily and cost- effectively develop flexible and robust mobile forms, real- time data, and generate outgoing SMS and voice messaging campaigns.” Polldaddy “Polldaddy is tooll used to create surveys and polls. While it is primarily an online service, it is capable of collecting survey data offline through iPaad and iPod apps. Polldaddy offers three account levels that vary in the features they offer and cost. However, all three account levels are allowed unlimited surveys and unlimited responses.” SurveySwipe “SurveySwipe is an online mobile savvy research app powered by a dedicated team at Survey Analytics. The app is intended to collect survey data from specific participants as opposed to creating a large data set. The SurveySwipe developer kit allows users to integrate surveys into existing mobile apps, create a branded white labeled app, or use the standard SurveySwipe app. The app supports collecting survey data, multichannel panel management, gammification and engagement tools, passive data collection, and moobile ethnography.” Survey Analytics “The Survey Anallytics Enterprise Feedback Platform is a one-stop solution for managing feedback. It includes a suite of different including the mobile app SurveySwipe. The software includes tools for creating surveys, sending email invitations, and analyzing survey data.” Fluid Survey/Survey Monkey "SurveyMonkey is an online survey development cloud-based ("software as a service") company. SurveyMonkey provides free, customizable surveys, as well as a suite of paid back-end programs that include data analysis, sample selection, bias elimination, and data representation tools. In addition to providing free and paid plans for individual users, SurveyMonkey offers more large-scale enterprise options for companies interested in data analysis, brand management, and consumer-focused marketing." RemotePoll “RemotePoll distance learning solution allows a presenter to poll audiences using ResponseCard hardware or ResponseWare software in multiple remote locations and immediately display the results in conjunction with those of the hosting site. RemotePoll provides instantaneous feedback for the presenter and helps keep the remote audiennce engaged by displaying their input.” TurningPoint/TurningPoint Cloud “TurningPoint/TurningPoint Cloud enables the presenter/experimenter to poll their through PowerPoint. The PowerPoint poll can be easily integrated with other applications or tests. TurningPoint software allows the presenter/experimenter to manage users, participant lists annd provide feedback to participants. Results of polls can be shown in real time as part of the Power Point presentation allowing for


instantaneous discussion of the results and improving participant engagement withh the material.” Survey Gizmo “SurveyGizmo is a powerful survey tool that offers a large number of features with a significant degree of customization. One of the major selling points of the software is the number of survey features it supports. Furthermore, custom content can be created upon request by the SurveyGizmo team. As their website explains: "If you need it, we have it or we’ll do our best to build it for you." SoGoSurvey “SoGoSurvey is a jack of all trades survey tool that offers a wide variety of features. SoGoSurvey is designed to be user friendly and cost effective relative to the number of features it offers. The tool is able to brand work, utilize mobile devices, create reports, and share results.” Typeform “Typeform is a forrm creation tool that relies heavily on visual material in order to create a more engaging survey experience and therefore boost survey completion rates. As a result many of its options are geared towards creating a more aesthetically pleasing survey.” Amazon Mechanical Turk "Mechanical Turk gives people a new way to work or find workers online. The site is designed to streamline the process of freelancer and client finding one another. Through Mechanical Turk, individuals and companies that need tasks done can submit a HIT or Human Intelligence task. All they have to do is fund the job, submit the task then wait for a worker to do it. On the other end of that transaction, the workers can locate HITs. Once they find one they want to do, they complete tthe work, submit it and collect payment. The process is relativeely simple." Forms Google Forms is a free to use method for planning events, making a survey or poll, creating a quiz, or collect other information in an easy, streamlined way. Google Forms is capable of creating a form from Google Drive or from an existing spreadsheet that can record the responses to your form. Client Heartbeat "Amazon’s Mechanical Turk is not a standard freelancer website. The site is intended to help with large projects that have a lot of volume. Mechannical Turk lets users tap into the power of many to get the job done. Meanwhile, the workers are given another opportunity to make money by helping out with a manageable portion of the enormous project they otherwise could not have taken on alone." SurveyPro5 (Apian) "SurveyPro 5 is a comprehensive survey software suite. It includes polished questionnaire design, an integrated database, and a sophisticateed reporting and analysis engine. All this, and it's easy to use, with friendly graphic interfaces, unparalleled technical support, and multiple training options. Truly a multimedia sollution, SurveyPro lets you distribute surveys on the web, via paper, on your local area network (LAN), or at a kiosk. You can also create scannable surveys.” CapturX Digital Pen and Mobile Forms "Capturx converts handwritten forms, field jourrnal notes, sketches, Solutions and map annotations into digitaal data. Your team doesn’t have to change the way they have always worked with pen and paper— with Capturx, they get the added benefits of collecting handwriting and sketches digiitally and the ability to share that data in real time… The digital pen records what is written and drawn, and all this data is then stored in the pen’s memory until you upload it into a HSI SoSE SoAR DRAFT Page 28

Microsoft Windows®-based computer or server. Uploading is done via Bluetooth and a smartphone, or by docking the digital pen via the USB port on a PC."


3.2.2 Perception (Situational Awareness) As stated by Endsley et. al, (1998), '"Measures of workload can be very useful, however, they only capture half of the picture: How hard the person is working - not what benefit they are gaining for their efforts. Measures of situation awareness provide an index of how well operators are able to acquire and integrate information in a complex environment where a lot of data may vie for their attention." Where Situation Awareness (SA) is defined as; The perception of environmental elements with respect to time or spacee, the comprehension of their meaning, and the projection of their status after some variable has changed, such as time, or some other variable, such as a predetermined event. It is also a field of study concerned with understanding of the environment critical to decision-makers in complex, dynamic areas from aviation, air traffic control, ship navigation, power plant operations, military command and control, and emergency services such as firefighting and policing; to more ordinary but nevertheless complex tasks such as driving an automobile or riding a bicycle. As outlined below, three facets of SA have been in focus in research, namely SA States, SA Systems, and SAS processes. SA States refers to the actual awareness of the situation. SA Systems refers to the distribution of SA in teams and between objects in the environment, and to the exchange of SA between system parts. SA Processes refers to the updating of SA States, and what guides the moment- to-moment change of SA. (Accessed 15 July 2015 from Several methodologies for measuring situational awarenesss have been developed, but the most widely used and validated are the Situation Awareness Global Assessment Technique (SAGAT) developed by Endsley, and the Situation Awareness Rating Technique (SART) developed by Taylor (Endsley et. al, 1998). These two methodologies are summarized below and discussed in more detail in Annex A: State-of-the-Art Review. In addition, the importance of incorporating performance measures is discussed.

Tool (instrument/product) Summary Description Situational Awareness Global Assessment "The Situation Awareness Global Assessment Technique Technique (SAGAT) (SAGAT) is a globbal tool developed to assess SA across all oof its elements based on a comprehensive assessment of operator SA requirements (Endsley, 1987b; 1988b; 1990c). Using SAGAT, a simulation employing a system of interest is frozen at randomly selected times and operators are queried as to their perceptions of the situation at thhat time. The system displays are blanked and the simulation is suspended while subjects quickly answer questions about their current perceptions oof the situation. As a global measure, SAGAT includes queries about all operator SA requirements, including Level 1 (perception data), Level 2 (comprehension of meaning) and Level 3 (projection of the near future) components. This includdes a consideration of system functioning and status as well as relevant features of the exteernal environment." (Endsley, 2000) Situation Awareness Rating Technique "SART provides an assessment of the SA provvided by some (SART) system based on an operators' subjective opinion. SART has a total of 14 components which were determined through analysis with pilots to be reelevant to SA. Operators rate on a series of bipolar scales the degree to which they perceive (1) a demand on operator’s resourrces, (2) supply on operator resources and (3)


understanding of the situation. These scales are then combined to provide an overall SART score for a given system. SART ratings have been found to be correlated with operator performance in evaluations of cocckpit designs (Selcon and Taylor, 1990), and subjective measures of workload (Selcon, Taylor, and Koritsas, 1991).” (Endsley et. al, 1998) Performance measures "Using performance measures to assess SA involves measuring relevant aspects of participant performance during the task under analysis. Depending upon the task, certain aspects of performance are recorded in order to determine an indirect measure of SA. For example, in a military infantry exercise, performance measures may be ‘kills’, ‘hits’ or mission success or failure." (Salmon et. al, 2009)


3.2.3 Communication Collecting, systematizing, and analyzing communication ((e.g. voice, text, picture, video - VTPV) between individual soldiers, sections, and platoons, such as patterns of information exchange, quantity, duration, information type/content, is required to assess soldier and team performance. This information can be used to assess metrics such as situational awareness, workload and the impact on mission performance. For example, for the SIREQ TD Intra-Section Voice Communications laboratory-baased experiment, a computerized communications Local Area Network (LAN) was developed to track and log all radio voice communications activity in each experimentation session. A micro-processor driven switchboard unit detected, captured, transferred, and digitally logged voice communication traffic for further analysis. Voice communication was analyzed for type, function, and message duration. This system was only able to track and log voice communication (not non verbal communications such as faial expressions, posture, hand gestures, etc.).

Figure 1: SIREQ TD Intra-Section Voice Communications experimental set-up [non- commercial use images]

The following section provides an overview of hardware platforms to send, receive, track and log communications (e.g. smartphone, data logger, and satellite communication), smart phone software applications (apps), as well as software to assess communication (e.g. ssocial network analysis, graph database, and software to assess aspects of command and control). Thhere are literally thousands of hardware and software platforms and only a representativve sample are provided below. Communication – hardware platform Depending on the application, several different hardware platforms are available to send, receive, track and log communications. These hardware platforms include deviices such as smartphones, data loggers, digital radios and satellite communications. Several of these hardware platforms also have the capability to track positional information and are included in section 3.2.4. Nine of these communication hardware platforms are listed below and discussed in more detail in Annex A: State- of-the-Art Review.

Tool (instrument/product) Summary Description Smartphone Communication Devices - Smartphones (e.g. Android/iPhone) may be employed for Overview communication devices, however, due to the sheer number of different smartphoone devices and apps, this SoAR will not focus on any one smartphone technollogy. Soldier Information REQuirements (SIREQ) For the SIREQ Intra-Section Voice Communications experiment, a Technology Demonstration (TD) Intra- computerized communications LLAN was developed to track and log all radio voice communications activity in each HSI SoSE SoAR DRAFT Page 32

Section Voice Communications experiment experimentation session. A micro-processor driven switchboard unit detected, captured, transferrred, and digitally logged voice communication traffic for further analysis. Voice communication was analyzed forr type, function, and message duration. Single Channel Military Comm Recorder “Evaluate and train operators. Improve command and control. Save critical communications for instant recall. Archive recordings accurately. Convert military audio into G.711 RoIP compatible format.” Multi-Channel Military Comm Recorder “Record everything - radios, intercoms, ground and air communications. Evaluate and train. Improve command and control. Save critical communications for instant recall. Archive recordings accurately.” NexLog 740 Communications Logging "Eventide's NexLog mission-critical communications logging Recorder systems reliably capture, store, protect, reproduce, and help you manage important interactions and critical data. NexLog logging systems have beeen designed to help you securely document and retrieve incidentss, comply with regulations, and improve your facility’s operations.” AN/PRC-152 Type-1 Handheld Multiband "The Falcon III® AN/PRC-152 single-channel multiband, multi- Radio mission handheld radio is providing the optimal transition to JTRS technology. Already in use by all branches of the U.S. Department of Defense, many of its allies, and U.S. federal agencies, the software upgradeable AN/PRC-152 satisfies thhe evolving mission requirements of warfighters by delivering secure, real-time information and communication at all points of need during coordination, combat, and crisis." Mobile Satellite Communications - Fixed "The all-new EXPLORER 710 provides on-demand streaming Terminal: Broadband Global Area Network rates at 650 kbps out of the box. As the world’s smallest (BGAN) service () Class 1 BGAN teerminal and thee first to take advantage of Inmarsat’s new sttreaming service (High Data Rate), the EXPLORER 710 will deliver high-speed, ultra-portable satellite streaming for brooadcasting and other IP-based industry applications.” Mobile Satellite Communications - Low "Extend the reach of a surveillance network into areas where Profile Terminal: Low Profile Broadband manned observation posts would be impractical, unsafe or not Global Area Network (BGAN) - (inmarsat) cost-effective with Low Profile BGAN. The unique, rapidly deployable lie-flat antenna and robust remotely operated BGAN terminal supply the hhigh-speed IP communications needed to make electronic surveillance and intelligence a powerful force multiplier in coverrt or discreet operations.” Mobile Satellite Communications - Vehicle “The Wideye Safari connects to the Internet at broadband speeds Mounted Terminal: Broadband Global Area (464 Kbps down, 448 up) and is ideal for professionals that Network (BGAN) - (inmarsat) require a no-hassle mobile office. As long as line-of-sight to a geostationary satellite exists, connectivity is assured”

HSI SoSE SoAR DRAFT Page 33 Communication - smart phone software application As of July 09, 2015, 180 record phone call apps were available in the Google Play App Store (Android) (, while 100 record call apps were available in the Apple itunes iPPhone app store. Due to the sheer number of different smartphone devices and apps, this SoAR will only focus on the following three apps for Android/iPhone devices. These apps are discussed in more detail in Annex A: State-of-the-Art Review.

Tool (instrument/product) Summary Description Automatic Call Recorder Pro Record any phonne call you want and choose which calls you want to save. You can set which calls are recorded and which are ignored. Listen to the recording, add notes and share it. Integration with Google Drive™ and Dropbox allows calls to be saved and synchronized to the cloud as well. TapeACall Pro Record phone calls. Call recorder for interviews on Android and iPhones Google Voice “Google Voice gives you one number for all of your phones — a phone number that is tied to you, not to a device or a location. Make and pick up calls, send and get texts, and read and listten to voicemails on your phone, tablet, or computer.”

HSI SoSE SoAR DRAFT Page 34 Communication - social network analysis software The information on Social Network Analysis provided below, is taken directly from Wikipedia (( :

Social network analysis software (SNA software) is software which facilitates quantitative or qualitative analysis of social networks, by describing feattuures of a network either through numerical or visual representation… Networks can consist of anything from families,[1] project teams, classrooms, sports teams, legislatures, nation-states, disease vectors, membership on networking websites like Twitter or Facebook, or even the Internet. Networks can consist of direct linkages between nodes or indirect linkages based upon shared attributes, shared attendance at events, or common affiliations.[2] Network features can be at the level of individual nodes, dyads, triads, ties and/or edges, or the entire network. For example, node-level features can include neetwork phenomena such as betweenness and centrality, or individual attributes such as age, sex, or income.[3] SNA software generates these features from raw network data formatted in an edgelist, adjacency list, or adjacency matrix (also called sociomatrix), often combined with (individual/node-level) attribute data.[4] Though the majority of network analysis software uses a plain text ASCII data format, some software packages contain the capability to utilize relational databases to import and/or store network features. Some SNA software can perform predictive analysis.[5] This includes using networkrk phenomena such as a tie to predict individual level outcomes (often called peer influence or contagion modeling), using individual-level phenomena to predict network outcomes such as the formation of a tie/edge (often called homophily models[6]) or particular type of triad, or using network phenomena to predict other network phenomena, such as using a triad formation at time 0 to predict tie formation at time 1. Network analysis software generally consists of either packages based on graphical user interfaces (GUIs), or packages built for scripting/programming languages. In genneral, the GUI packages are easier to learn, while scripting tools are more powerful and extensiblee. Widely used and well- documented GUI packages include NetMiner, UCINet, Pajek (freeware), GUESS, ORA, Cytoscape, and Gephi (opensource). Private GUI packages directed at business customers include: Orgnet, which provides training on the use of its software, Polinode, Keyhubs, KeyLines, KXEN and Keynetiq. Other SNA platforms, such as Idiro SNA Plus, have been specifically developed for particular industries such as telecoms and online gaming where massiive data sets need to be analyzed. The following section lists network analysis software based on GUI and packages built for scripting/programming languages.


Graphical User Interface (GUI) social network analysis software packages

Seven social network analysis software packages driven by Graphical User Interface (GUI) as well as two JavaScript based visualizations are listed below. These software packages are discussed in more detail in Annex A: State-of-the-Art Review. The nine tools include:

Tool (instrument/product) Summary Description NetMiner “NetMiner is a premium software tool for Exploratory Analysis and Visualization of Network Data. NetMiner allows you to explore your network data visually and interactively, and helps you to detect underlying patterns and structures of the network” UCINet “UCINET 6 for Windows is a sofftware package for the analysis of social network data. It was developed by Lin Freeman, Martin Everett and Steve Borgatti. It comes with the NetDraw network visualization tool..” Pajek (freeware) Pajek is a program package forr Windows 32 and 64, which enables analyses of large networks. Program is freely available at: GUESS “GUESS is an exxploratory data analysis and visualization tool for graphs and networks. The system contains a domain-specific embedded language called Gython (an extension of Python, or more specifically Jython) which supports the operators and syntactic sugar neecessary for working on graph structures in an intuitive manner.” ORA “ORA is a dynamic meta-network assessment and analysis tool developed by CASOS at Carnegie Mellon. It contains hundreds of social network, dynamic network metrics, trail metrics, procedures for grouping nodes, identifying local patterns, comparing and contrasting networks, groups, and individuals from a dynamic meta-network perspective.” Gephi (opensource) “Gephi is an open-source network analysis and visualization software package written in Java on the NetBeans platform,[3] initially developed by students of the University of Technology of Compiègne (UTC)[4] in France..” Cytoscape “Cytoscape is an open source software platform for visualizing molecular interaction networks and biological pathways and integrating these networks with annotations, gene expression profiles and other state data. Altthough Cytoscape was originally designed for biological research, now it is a general platform for complex network analysis and visualization.” D3.js "D3.js is a JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data. D3 helps you bring data to life using HTML, SVG, and CSS. D3’s emphasis on web standards gives you the full capabilities of modern browsers without tying yyourself to a proprietary framework, combining powerful visualization components and a data-driven approach to DOM manipulation.” vis.js “A dynamic, browser based visualization library. The library is designed to be easy to use, to handle large amounts of dynamic data, and to enable manipulation of and interaction with the data.”


Scripting/programing language social network analysis software packages Four social network analysis software packages driven by scripting/programing language are listed below. These software packages are discussed in more detail in Annex A: State-of-the-Art Review. The four packages include:

Tool (instrument/product) Summary Description NetMiner with Python scripting engine See NetMiner desscription above Statnet suite of packages for the R “Statnet is a suite of software packages for network analysis that statistical programming language implement recent advances in the statistical modeling of networks. The analytic framework is based on Exponential family Random Graph Models (errgm). statnet provides a compprehensive framework for ergm-based network modeling, including tools for model estimation, model evaluation, model-based network simulation, and network visualization.” igraph “igraph is a collection of network analysis tools with the emphasis on efficiency, portability and ease of use. igraph is open source and free. igraph can be programmed in R, Python and C/C++.” Stanford Network Analysis Platform (SNAP) "Stanford Network Analysis Platform (SNAP) is a general purpose, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks. Graphs consists of nodes and directed/undirected/multiple edges between the graph nodes. Networks are graphs with data on nodes and/or edges of the network.”

HSI SoSE SoAR DRAFT Page 37 Communication - graph database In addition to conducting social network analysis, graph databases are frequently used in conjunction with social network analysis software. According to Wikkipedia a "graph database is a database that uses graph structures for semantic queries with nodes, edges and properties to represent and store data. A graph database is any storage system that provides index-free adjacency. This means that every element contains a direct pointer to its adjacent elements and no index lookups are necessary. General graph databases that can store any graph are distiinct from specialized graph databases such as triplestores and network databases." (Accessed 14 July 2015 from Although not an inclusive list, three example graph databases are discussed below. A more detailed review is provided in Annex A: State-of-the-Art Review. These three databases are:

Tool (instrument/product) Summary Description Neo4j "A highly scalable open source graph database that supports ACID, has high-availability clustering for enterprise deployments, and comes with a web-based administration tool that includes full transaction support and visual node-link graph explorer. Neo4j is accessible from most programming languages using its built-in REST web API interface. Neo4j is the most popular graph database in use today." ArangoDB “A distributed free and open-source database with a flexible data model for documents, graphs, and key-values. Build high performance appplications using a convenient SQL-like query language or JavaScript extensions” OrientDB “The first Multi-Moodel Open Source NoSQL DBBMS that combines the power of graphs and the flexibility of documents into one scalable, high-peerformance operational database.”

HSI SoSE SoAR DRAFT Page 38 Communication – command and control software and simulation Several software packages have been developed to simulate various asppects of battle for military training such as the battlespace itself (e.g. environment, eqquipment, weapons effects), to practicing the art of battle command in complex counterinsurgency and stability operations, and interacting with the indigenous population. Several simulation (virtual and live) training systems have also been developed for the purposes of command and control and improving tactics, techniques and procedures. Seventn een of these software and simulation training tools are discussed below and a more detailed review is provided in Annex A: State-of-the-Art Review.

Tool (instrument/product) Summary Description Virtual/Constructive Simulation – command and control Virtual Battlespace 3 (VBS3) - Bohemia "VBS3 simulates all aspects of the modern battlespace including Interactive Simulations human entities, surface vehicles, maritime vessels, rotary and fixed wing aircrafftt, and subsurface vehicles.” Virtual Battlespace 2 (VBS2) - Bohemia "VBS2 offers realistic battlefieldd simulations and the ability to Interactive Simulations operate land, sea, and air vehicles. Instructors may create new scenarios and then engage the simulation from multiple viewpoints. The squad-manageement system enables participants to issue orders to squad members.” Unreal Engine - Epic Games "The Unreal Engiine is a development engine created by Epic Games in 1998. It was originally developed for the game Unreal, which is where the engine gets its name. Nowadays, the Unreal Engine is not only used by Epic Games, but by many licensees to creatte 3D games for PC (Windows and Linux), Macintosh and various other coonsole platforms such as Xbox 360 and PS3.” America's Army: Proving Grounds "America’s Army:: Proving Grounnds (AA:PG) is a first-person shooter computerr/video game created using Unreal Engine 3, and is the most current game of the America’s Army FPS series.” Bilateral Negotiation Trainer (BiLAT) "BiLAT is a 3-D software simulation designed to provide an immersive and compelling trainiing environment to practice skills in conducting meetings and negotiations in a specific, cultural context. Students virtually assumme the role of a U.S. Army officer to conduct a series of bi-lateral meetings with local leaders to achieve mission objectives.” UrbanSIM "UrbanSim is a PC-based virtual training application for practicing the art of battle command in complex counterinsurgency and stability operations. UrbanSim consists of a game-based practice environment, a web-based multimedia primer on doctrinal concepts of counterinsurgency and a suite of scenario authoring tools. The practice environment allows Soldiers to take on the role of an Army battalion commander and to plan and execute operations in the context of a difficult, fictional training scenario.” Intelligent, Immersive Training - SRI "SRI Sarnoff is a world leader in real-time video processing, International introducing augmented reality innovations that led to the virtual first down marker.” Immersive simulation - Organic Motion "Organic Motion LIVE has forever changed livve training for (markerless motion capture) warfighters. Now they can interact with digitally animated characters in live training scenarios in a natural and intuitive way. LIVE introduces a greater level of realism into urban warfare and special ops training by inserting live role-players into training exercises in a connvincing manner.”


Virtual Role Player (VRP®) MIL “VRP® MIL makees it possible too train and rehearse nonlethal missions within a virtual training context. Trainees communicate with VRPs using spoken language, for greater realism.” Zero Latency “Virtual reality immmersive simulator (VR entertainment facility) that can be used for raange practices to individual and team engagements (up to six players immersed in a simulation)” VIRTSIM “VIRTSIM is a motion-capture immersive virtual reality simulation system that allows up to 13 people to train together virtually. The virtual reality system allows trainnees to perform law enforcement and military combat exercises and move tactically as they would during a live operation. Any location or tactical scenario can be simulated by the software with incredible realistic details. The 3D AAR then provides playback of all actions and shots from every angle, as well as from each parrtticipant's indiviidual perspective for feedback and analysis.” Intelligent Decision (ID) “ID has developeed a fully immersive virtual simulation training for U.S. soldiers. This cutting-edgee system enables soldiers, leaders and units to train in a virtual training environment and will be used by the U.S. Army’s Program Executive Office ffor Simulation, Training and Instrrumentation to increase the quality of instruction and combat prepaaredness. Ourr simulation engineer team utilized cutting-edge technology to develop this dynamic, interactive, team building experience, providing complete training and rehearsal systems enabling the warfighters to train as if they were in battle. Microsoft – HoloLens "Microsoft HoloLens is the first fully untethered, holographic computer, enabling high-definition holograms to integrate with your world. Unlocck all-new ways to connect, create, collaborate, and explore." Live Simulation – command and control Cubic – Live Simulation (Weapons Effects “The system enables “live” force-on-force collective training Simulation (WES)) exercises to take place using laasers and radio signals instead of real munitions. Ellectronic compponents integrated into every soldier's equipment and onto all vehicles give participants instant feedback on the results of each laser or radio-based engagement. All activity is captured and recorrded at an Exercise Control (EXCON) center for objective evaluation during after-action reviews (AARs).” Rheinmetall Defence - Live Simulation “The LEGATUS® system is a faamily of modular live training (LEGATUS) systems.” SAAB - Tactical Engagement Simulation "Saab Defense and Security USA - Training and Simulation (TES) supports the U.S. Warfighter by developing, manufacturing, and supporting world-class training systems for the United States Military, Foreign Military Sales, and Homeland Security in the Live, Virtual, and Constructive domains." Lockheed Martin - Multiple Integrated Laser "The Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System or MILES is Engagement System (MILES) and adaptive used by the U.S. military and other armed forces around the world Urban Operations Training System (UOTS) for training purpooses. It uses lasers and blank cartridges to simulate actual baattle.”

“UOTS” prepares Warfighters to engage in the complex and constantly changing urban envirronment. UOTS develops Warfighters’ intuitive decision making skills so that they have the confidence to act decisively and appropriately.


3.2.4 Positional Information The ability to track the positional information of various entities including their current location, where they have come from, and where they are going, is a fundamentaal requirement to effectively characterize both individual and team soldier system effectiveness. Knowledge of positional information can be used to assess the MOE through performance metrics such as perception (SA), memory, decision-making/executive function, detectability, time, distance, positional informatioon, and mission outcome - actual event vs. intent, accuracy, precision, and area. For example, and as previously discussed, performance measures of navigation (individual/local) can be based on speed of traverse (e.g. time to travel route), effective use of dead ground (e.g. duration of exposure relative to enemy position, visibility/percentage of body exposed to enemy, SME evaluation), and obstacle avoidance (e.g. track deviation, root mean squared), all whhich require the ability to track positional information. Within the context of future soldier systems, a requirement for the CAF might be to track positional information in order to assess how much the ISSP improves individual soldier and team performance (i.e. Tactics, Techniques and Procedures – TTPs; navigation; mission effectiveness). In the following section positional information related to smart phone software applications, and standalone handheld devices is listed and a more detailed review is provided in Annex A: State-of- the-Art Review. Fleet management service is also discussed briefly. Positional Information - smartphone software applications (apps) As stated in section 3.2.3 Communication, the use of smarrtphones as a data collection tool is advantageous, and there are many software applications (apps) available to track positional information. As of June 30, 2015, 180 navigation apps were available in the Google Play App Store (Android), while 240 "popular" navigation apps were avaiilable in the Apple App Store. Due to the sheer number of different smartphone devices and apps, this SoAR will only focus on the following ten apps for Android/iPhone8 devices. These ten apps are:

Tool (instrument/product) Summary Description MilGPS - Tactical GPS Navigation and “MilGPS is an MGRS/USNG focused premium navigation tool MGRS Grid Tool for Land Nav trusted by soldiers, search and rescue personnel and other professional naviggators around the world. View your current location and naviggate to a waypoint in seconds. Or plan and organize your navigation using tthe powerful annd intuitive mapping and overlay capabilities.” Tactical NAV - GPS Navigation App For “Created by a U.S. Army soldierr, Tactical NAV is a GPS Military and First Responders (v3.5.2) navigation app built specifically for military personnel, first responders, searrcch and rescue and law enforcement." GPS Kit - Offline GPS Tracker “GPS Kit is a full-featured GPS system for the iPhone that combines all the ffunctionality of expensive handheld units with the power of wireless technology. Using advanced technology optimized for the iPhone, GPS Kit offers a superbly easy-to-use system that puts data from a wide range of sensors at your fingertips." MotionX GPS “The #1 multi-sport application for the iPhone. Great for biking, hiking, skiing, snowboarding, running, paddle boarding, sailing, rowing, flying, geoocaching, and more"

8 Although smartphones using the Android are recommended, iPhone apps arre also included in this SoAR due to the app availability and feature set. HSI SoSE SoAR DRAFT Page 41

Map My Hike GPS Hiking “Map My Hike – GPS Hiking, Walking, Running, Tracking Workouts and Calorie Counter" Sports Tracker Running Cycling “Turn your mobile into a social sports computer with Sports Tracker for running, cycling, waalking, hiking, mountain biking, skiing and all your sports activities. Track and analyze your performance, share workout datta and photos wwith your friends, and most of all – get fit and stay healthier.” Primordial – Ground Guidance "Ground Guidance is patented software that plans fast and concealed routes on- and off-rooad for dismounted and mounted soldiers.” Google Maps for mobile “The Google Maps app for Android phones and tablets [and iPhone and iPad]] makes navigating your world faster and easier. Find the best spots in town and the information you need to get there.” Navigator for ArcGIS "Navigator for ArcGIS is a mobile app that gets your field workforce where it needs to be, unlocking efficiency and improving reliability. Use the daata provided or your own data to search and navigate directly to your organization's assets. Interact seamlessly with Collector for ArcGIS and other apps, and get reliable directions even when disconnected.” Explorer for ArcGIS “Explorer for ArcGIS lets you interact with your organization's maps and data no matter where you are. Whether you are a seasoned GIS prroofessional or have no prior GIS knowledge, you can become immediately productive with the app to make more informed decisions.”


As previously stated, there are also literally hundreds of physiological monitoring devices that can be used to track individual performance. These devices monitor physioloogical responses such as cardiac, skin, respiratory, muscular and metabolic activity. The report by Gagnon and Lafond (2015) reviewed physiological measures of mental and physical load therefore these topic areas will not be covered in the current SoAR. Three physiological monitoring devices however, will be discussed and included in this section: one to demonstrate how physioloogical data can be monitored as a standalone system for one up to 50 individuals, while the other two demonstrates how similar technology can be integrated to track physiological measures of an individual relative to positional data (GPS) with smartpt hone devices. These technologies are summarized below and a more detailed description is provided in Annex A: State-of-the-Art Review.

Tool (instrument/product) Summary Description BioHarness 3 - PSM Training ECHO - "The BioHarness 3 is an advanced Physiological Monitoring Assessment Kit (1 Person) Module that incorporates class one BlueTooth technology, has a smaller form factor, and provides heart rate, breathing rate, and 3- axis accelerometeery…BioHarness 3 enables the capture and transmission of coomprehensive physiological data on the wearer via mobile and fixed data networks - enabling genuine remote monitoring of human performance and condition in the real world - with an unmatched 1000ft range" HxM Smart – Heart Rate Monitor for iPhone Born from the HxxM BT and the BioHarness, the HxM™ Smart and Android 4.3 with Bluetooth Low-Energy gives you Heart Rate and R-R Interval with Bluetooth Smart (4.0) – allowing you to connect easily wth iPhone 5, iPhone 4s, iPod Nano and other Bluetooth Smart Ready devices. Apple Watch - Heart rate monitor "Apple Watch measures your heart rate continuously during the workout. This information, as well as other data it collects, helps Apple Watch estimate how many calories you’ve burned. In addition, Apple Watch attempts to measure your heart rate every 10 minutes, but won't record it when you're in motion or your arm is moving. Apple Watch stores all your heart rate measurements in the Health appp.”

HSI SoSE SoAR DRAFT Page 43 Positional Information - standalone handheld devices The following section lists 18 commercial-off-the-shelf handheld devices and associated software packages, as well as devices available only to federal agencies (e.g. public safety, military).

Tool (instrument/product) Summary Description DeLorme AG-008727-201 InReach "Navigate, create waypoints, log your trip and find your way back. Explorer Two Way Satellite Communicator Send and receive text messages. Trigger an innteractive SOS. with Built in Navigation Plan, track and shhare your journey. You can do all of this from one rugged handheld device with 100% global coverage from Iridium. You can also pair it with your mobile device to access topographic maps and U.S. NOAA charts." Explore and MapShare software for “InReach service includes Explore and a nifty little feature we call InReach MapShare. It’s an interactive space that you can share with others so that they can be part of your journey. Whether it’s to track your progress or send you messages, they’ll have total peace of mind knowing that you’re always in reach.” Rino 655t “With a 5 W FRS/GMRS radio, 2.6" glove-friendly color touchscreen GPS with preloaded TOPO 100K maps, barometric altimeter, 3-axis electronic comppass, NOAA weather radio and 5- megapixel camera, Rino 655t is a jack-of-all-trades.” Garmin Rino 650 "Rino 650 combines a 5 W FRS/GMRS radio with a 2.6"" glove- friendly color touchscreen GPS packed full of powerful features like a barometric altimeter, 3-axis electronic compass and NOAA weather radio.” Garmin GPSMAP 64st "Rugged, Full-featured Handheld with GPS, GLONASS and Wireless Connecctivity" Garmin Oregon 650t Canada "With high-sensitiivity GPS and GGLONASS satellite tracking, preloaded TOPOO Canada maps, worldwide basemap with shaded relief, and customizable buttons for 1-touch image capture and waypoint marking, Oregon 650t opens a new world of GPS mapping and positioning." BaseCamp Software “Bundled with Garmin products, use BaseCamp to plan your next hiking, biking, motorcycling, driving or off-roading trip. You can view maps, plan rroutes, and mark waypoints and tracks from your computer and then transfer them to your device.” Tactical Video Capture System (TVCS) - L3 “Tactical Video Capture System (TVCS) fuses video images from GS&ES multiple camerass into a single three-dimensional view.” Motorola and TRX systems indoor location "The TRX NEON Indoor Location System tracks and monitorrs (a.k.a deadreckon, inertial navigation location of personnel in indoor settings when outdoor GPS is system) unavailable. NEON is a compact and portable solution providing the ability to quickkly model buildings in 3D, view personnel location in real time, and review activities thoroughly after an event or operation is complete.” Astro 25 location tracking solutions “Personnel Location Tracking Solution allows for the tracking of XTS™ 5000 portable radios equipped with a GPS Remote Speaker Microphone.” Position Location Information (PLI) "The Exelis RT-1947A/U software based situational awareness Receiver-Transmitter RT-1947A/U - Exelis tool allows the user to set up and configure the RT-1947A/U, to view PLI information on a local area map...The RT-1947A/U also provides Radio Based Combat Identification (RBCI) functionality via Interrogator, Responder and Range Extension Relay (RE) capability. RBCI functionality dispenses PLI updates in less than five seconds."


StreamCaster tactical radio - SILVUS “Silvus leads the Mobile Networked MIMO (MN-MIMO) waveform technologies revolution with a ffamily of mesh radio products specifically designed to address the growing demand for distributing video and other high bandwidth data in harsh tactical environments. StreamCaster radios, featuring MN-MIMO at the core, join together to form a robust, self-healing, self-forming fluid mesh network. From underground tunnels to Unmanned Surface Vehicles, to Airborne ISR, and everywhere in-between, StreamCaster provides high banndwidth, reliable wireless video and data communnications wherre traditional radios fail.” SpearNet-EVO - Exelis "The Exelis SpearNet-EVO is a 21st century communications system bringing voice, situational awareness (SA) and inter- networking access that surpasses traditional point-to-point communication syystem limitations on range and data rate. Small and lightweight, every SpearNeet-EVO broadcasts its unique location via GPS coordinates. When used in conjunction with any command and control software/display, SpearNet-EVO radios allow mapping and visual tracking of friendly forces, enhancing situational awareness on the battlefield and beyond." ST@R MILLE UHF Handheld Soldier Radio The handheld solldier radio is a key enabler for soldier modernization programs and soldier C4I urgent operational requirements. Rheinmetall Soldier System "Rheinmetall Canada’s soldier systems use specialized BMC4I software to provide a common operating picture with important mission informatioon, such as friendly positions, enemy positions, and terrain overlaid on tactical maps. Voice and data are rapidly exchanged between soldiers and their commander, resulting in an overall increase in team mobility, lethality, sustainability, and interoperability. Wearable electronics are ergonomic and reduced to a minimum. The easy-to-use interface ensures that soldiers remain focused on the mission. " AN/PRC-154A Rifleman Radio (Joint "The AN/PRC-1554A Rifleman Radio provides situational Tactical Radio System - JTRS) awareness at all levels of the battlefield, allowing voice, data, and GPS information to move seamlessly across the Soldier Radio Waveform (SRW) network.” Nett Warrior "The Nett Warrior (NW) is an integrated dismounted situational awareness (SA) and mission command (MC) system for use during combat operations." Combat Team ISR System Tactical video, meessaging, voice and data transmission system

HSI SoSE SoAR DRAFT Page 45 Fleet Management Services Designed to track vehicles, ships, and other large assets, fleet management services are not suited to track human performance and will not be pursued in this SoAR. A brief description of fleet management services is provided below for information purposes only. "The most basic function in all fleet management systems is the vehiclle tracking component. This component is usually GPS-based, but sometimes it can be based on GLONASS or a cellular triangulation platform. Once vehicle location, direction and speed are determined from the GPS components, additional tracking capabilities transmit this information to a fleet management software application. Methods for data transmission include both terrestrial and satellite. Satellite tracking communications, while more expensive, are critical if vehicle tracking is to work in remote environments without interruption. Users can see actual, real-time locations of their fleet on a map. This is often used to quickly respond on events in the field... Fleet management software enables people to accomplish a series of specific tasks in the management of any or all aspects relating to a company's fleet of vehiccles. These specific tasks encompass all operations from vehicle acquisition to disposal. Software, depending on its capabilities, allows functions such as driver and vehicle profiling, trip profiling, dispatch, vehicle efficiency, etc. It can provide remote control features, such as Geo-fencing and active disabling. "" ("

Figure 2: Fleet management services schematic. [This image is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported, 2.5 Genneric, 2.0 Generric and 1.0 Generic license.]


3.2.5 Marksmanship Systems Target systems that collect shooting information are also referred to ass electronic scoring systems, electronic targets, and/or location of miss and hit (LoMAH) systems. These systems can capture and record data for live/non-live fire applications such as time, muzzle track, trigger pull, shot placement, velocity of round, follow through and this information can be used to calculated marksmanship performance (e.g. accuracy, precision, mean point of impact or MPI, track length). Trigonometric equations such as sound triangulation9 and/or light triangulation10 are used to triangulate the position of bullet impact. Several examples of these systems are discussed below separated into two categories; LoMAH, optical electronic. A third category, mechanical infantry target systems is also briefly discussed. Location of Miss And Hit (LoMAH) The Location of Miss And Hit (LoMAH) systems consists of an array of acoustic sensors located near the target. This sensor array detects the passing supersonic projectile and calculates the resulting shot hole (coordinates on the x and y- axis) through trigonometric equations. Six types of these systems are summarized below and a more detailed review is provided in Annex A: State-of-the-Art Review.

Tool (instrument/product) Summary Description LoMAH - Theissen Training Systems "This infantry precision target system allows the correct detection of the location of the hit on the target and is even able to detect the exact location of near misses.” SIUS Electronic Scoring Systems - Single "The SIUS Single Infantry Target (SIT) system is a state-of-the-art Infantry Target (SIT) System intelligent system for Live Fire Training where immediate shot locations, scores and other data are desired.” SIUS Electronic Scoring Systems - Moving "The SIUS Moving Infantry Target system is a highly mobile Infantry Target (MIT) System electronic target and scoring syystem.” Zen Smart Target System (ZEN STS) "Zen Smart Target System (LOMAH™) is an electro-mechanical, software-driven, acoustical projectile detection and reporting system designed to be used at outdoor ranges for live Small Arms firing. FPE displays and records the shot location on the target and miss location within the detection zone, nuumber of shots fired, and type of exercise in progress, the size of the group of bullets, the score, rating and the lane opperation status. These features help impart real-time instructional and corrective measures to the firers.” Air Target "SASS-4/9 is a calibration free acoustic scoring system. The scoring algorithm depends on precise measuring of Mach cone time of arrival in 4 pressure transducers.” Kongsberg Target Systems "Kongsberg Target Systems offers a simple and robust portable system based on wireless communication and is battery powered."

9 Sound Triangulation: “Sound-chamber targets is the oldest type of electronic targets, and uses the Mach wave of the bullet to determine its position as it passes through the target.” (Accessed 14 July 2015 from 10 Light Triangulation: “In 2010 Sius Ascor released Laserscore, the first electronic target system using lasers, being able to read with a claimed accuracy of a few hundreds of a millimeter by using three infrared lasers. Since the measuring method is optical and there's no moving parts, the target is almost free from wear and maintenance.” (Accessed 14 July 2015 from HSI SoSE SoAR DRAFT Page 47 Optical Electronic The following eight different types of optical electronic systems are summarized below. A more detailed review is provided in Annex A: State-of-the-Art Review.

Tool (instrument/product) Summary Description SCATT WS1 “Used for fixed target training at distances from 5 to 10 meters and imitates shooting up to 10000 meters.” SCATT MX-02 "Electronic compuuter trainer intended for shooting practice with fixed targets. The unique featurre of this system is the ability to train either in the dry fire mode or in live fire, using real ammunition. The trainer is also designed to be used both indoors and at open shooting ranges.” Noptel Expert "Multi-operable and robust unit for simulated training and real training with ring targets and silhhouettes up to 75 meters using a single prism only - and with extra reflectors up to 150 meters.” Noptel NTM-10 Target Hit Indicator and "Noptel NTM-10 is an easy-to-use active target system that can Flash be used with Noptel Expert Shooting skills training device…When the Noptel Expert training device detects a hit, it sends an optical hit beam to the target. Target receiver detects it and gives a bright flash. The hit couunter is increased by one hit.” FitLight Trainer "The FITLIGHT Trainer™ is a unique wireless reaction system comprised of 8 RGB LED poweered lights contrrolled by a tablet. The lights are used as targets for the user to deactivate, and can be adapted and configured for all sports and training regimes. The system is versatile and dynamic, with the ability to capture various attributes of human performance such as reaction time, speed, agility, coordination" PSATS - Military Portable Small Arms "The PSAT-MIL is an ultra-portable, fully contained firearms Training Simulator - Laser Shot training simulator for units and individuals where space is limited. All critical system hardware (hit detection camera, computer, keyboard, mouse, and speakers) are mounted in fixed positions inside the hard pllastic carrying case on a slidinng rack for easy accessibility." Tactical Weapons Simulator – Deployable "Laser Shot’s Tactical Weapon Simulator (TWS) enables firearms Trainer (TWS-DT) - Laser Shot instructors with a flexible training solution to meet a multitude of training needs. Thhe Tactical Weapons Simulator is compatible with all Laser Shot marksmanship, judgmental and tactical courseware enabling various typpes of training opportunities. Combined Arms Collective Trainer - Laser "The Combined Arms Collective Trainer is a comprehensive Shot marksmanship and tactical training system that supports a wide assortment of weapon systems for individual, crew, and collective task training."

HSI SoSE SoAR DRAFT Page 48 Mechanical Target System The following section summarizes three different types of mechanical target systems; Stationaryy Infantry Target (SIT), Moving Infantry Target (MIT), robotic moving infantry target. A more detailed review is provided in Annex A: State-of-the-Art Review.

Tool (instrument/product) Summary Description Stationary Infantry Target (SIT) "The Multi-Function Stationary Infantry Targett (MF-SIT) exposes and conceals a Figure 11, 12, US Army standard E, F or 3-D target. Quick connect hardwaree allows the target head to be easily interchanged to accommodate various target presentations including pop-up target movement, swing-out, slice/slash/scissor, vertically rise and pop-up turning/judgmental target actions." Moving Infantry Target (MIT) "The Moving Infantry Target (MIT) is a cable-driven rail system that travels between attack and retreat positions at varying speeds. The MIT travels at three distinct speeds that replicate an individual walking (4-6kph), jogging (8-10kph), and running (12- 14kph) on flat terrrain." Marathon Targets – Robotic moving “Robots can be used effectively and repeatedly in marksmanship infantry target training and evaluation – simulating lateral, oblique, or custoom and unpredictable movements.”


3.2.6 Motion Capture Tools The following section lists a cross section of equipment used to capture movement data. A more detailed review is provided in Annex A: State-of-the-Art Review. Nineteen pieces of equipment were included in total.

Tool (instrument/product) Summary Description Catapult OptimEye S5 5th generation GNSS device that tracks real time micro-movements Noraxon MyoMOTION IMU based tracker of body segment 3D angular orientation XSENS MVN Full body motion capture system with inertial sensors on each body segment to track real time 3D motion Synertial IGS-Cobra Suit Full body inertial suit for tracking skeletal motion I2M Inertial Motion Tracking Full body motion capture using inertial sensors on individual body segments to track real time 3D motion Motion Node Wearable inertial measurement units that capture motion in 3 DOF Perceptual Neuron Full body wearable ineertial measurement units that capture motion Shadow Motion Capture System System of 17 precision inertial sensors to capture full body human motion Zephyr Performance System Straps and shirts, BiooModules and GPS units provide six inputs that allow for the recording of over a dozen biomechanical and physiological measurements ProAnalyst Software package for measuring moving objects using many different types of videos Qualisys Oqus Optical motion capture system that is compatible with both active and passive markers OptiTrack Passive optical motion capture system that uses reflective markers to reflect back infrared light at the cameras in order to track motion PhaseSpace Active optical motion ccapture system that uses active LED technology to track motion Phoenix Technologies Incorporated Active optical motion ccapture system that uses active LED technology to track motion Vicon Passive optical motion capture system that uses reflective markers to reflect back infrared light at the cameras in order to track motion NDI Optotrak Certus Active optical motion ccapture system that uses active LED technology that allow trackers to emit their own light track motion Fastrak Electrommagnetic systems calculate position and orientation by the relative magnetic flux of three orthogonal coils on both the transmitter and each receiver Hidalgo Equivital EQ LifeMonitor "Multi-parameter, ambulatory mintoring device". Recordds human condition and performance through physioloogical and body positional data


3.2.7 Miscellaneous Measurement Tools The following section lists a cross section of specialty tools/methodologies for gathering/measuring miscellaneous data such as environmental conditions, visual performance, time, and distance. A more detailed review is provided in Annex A: State-of-the-Art Review. Note: common tools/methodologies for gathering/measuring data such as time (e.g. stopwatch), auditory performance (e.g. sound level meter), photograph/video (e.g. digital cammera) and meteorological (e.g. WBGT, anemometer) conditions are omitted from this review. Thirteen specialty tools/methodologies were identified:

Tool (instrument/product) Summary Description Hoffman TSP-410 "Measure unfilterred night sky radiation…in both the visible and night vision spectrums" Hoffman ANV-410 "Measure unfilterred night sky radiation…in both the visible and night vision spectrums" Digital Lux meter (daylight) Device measures illuminance/light from 0 – 200,000 Lux FitLight Trainer "The FITLIGHT Trainer™ is a unique wireless reaction system comprised of 8 RGB LED poweered lights contrrolled by a tablet. The lights are used as targets for the user to deactivate, and can be adapted and configured for all sports and training regimes. The system is versatile and dynamic, with the ability to capture various attributes of human performance such as reaction time, speed, agility, coordination" Trident timing systems TM Pro-XWR is a timing system…”Includes Bluetooth, USB, Ethernet & Wi-fi communications with integrated 3G Comms and SIM card for webb connectivity and radio modem for mesh networked remote split or spotter systems. Also has DHCP (dynamic host coonfiguration protocol) allows network devices to automatically obtaain a valid IP address.” Optec 5500 Vision Screener Vision screener (vvision testing slides library of more than 150 test slides). Vector Rangefinder Binocular (Vector IV, “VECTOR is an easy-to-use multifunctional optronic device that 21, 23) – Vectronix replaces four separate devices. The reduced weight and voluume translate into greater mobility, agility and operational readiness.” Vector Rangefinder Binocular Nite (Vector “VECTOR IV and 21 Nite integrates Vectronix' unrivaled day IV, 21) – Vectronix optics with superiior image intensification technology. The handheld ranges to 6 km (VECTOR IV) and 12 km (VECTOR 21) and contains Vectronix' industry-leading 3-dimensional, 360° digital magnetic compass. The llaser in VECTOR IV and 21 Nite is a 1550 nm wavelength laser and is consequently undetectable by other night vision devices. Additionally, like all Vectronix products, the handheld contains a Class I Eye-Safe Laser.” MOSKITO Compact Day & Night "MOSKITO includes all the essential day/night viewing, measuring Observation and Location Unit - Vectronix and geo-location functions in a most compact and user-friendly package. Like the highly successful VECTOR Rangefinder Binoculars, MOSKITO measures range, azimuth, and vertical angle. In additionn, it incorporates the latest image intensifier technology for night- time viewing." MOSKITO TI Lightweight Multi-Purpose "The MOSKITO TI combines higher usability, lower weight and Target Locator - Vectronix broader capabilities than any device in its class. Incorporating Vectronix performance history, it is reliable in all conditions and gives dismounted infantry and special forces exactly what they need for full 24-hoour situational awareness.


3 viewing modes: - Premium Optical Day View, day operation without power consumption - Thermal Imaging for detection and situational awareness day or night (wide field of view) - Low Light Imagiing for positive identification - SMART design for recording, editing, live strreaming" JIM LR Long-Range Multifunction Infrared "The dual-field-of-view cooled thermal imager allows search and Binoculars - Sagem rescue teams an unprecedented ability to detect and retrieve survivors of earthquakes, hurricanes or blizzards. With its separate visible color channel, eye-safe laser range finder, laser pointer, integrated GPS and Digital Magnetic Compass, the JIM LR provides unsurpassed perfoormance." JIM Protector Medium - Range "Thermal and day image fusion option, integrated LRF, GPS and Multifunction Uncooled Infrared Binoculars DMC, JIM Protector enables target acquisition and detection – Vectronix capacities during observation phhases." MAX360 Capture and Streaming Device – "With the MAX3660, recording and streaming becomes easy Vectronix without the need for additional software (browser based application, IE9 or higher).”


3.3 Phase III: Review of CAF capabilities To determine what data collection capabilities exist among CAF resouurrces or are planned for acquisition and implementation, an analysis of CAF individual and collective training capabilities was undertaken during Phase III. Several DND stakeholder consultations were carried out in performing this analysis as well as the review of available documentation (e.g. SORs, specifications, product literature, website). Stakeholders included Canadian Manoeuvre Training Centre (CMTC), Director of Land Requirements (DLR) – Live Sim User Requirements, Defence Research and Development (DRDC) – Human Systems Integration, Doctrine and TTraining Centre (CADTC), and the Combat Training Centre (CTC) – Infantry School. For detailed information on CAF capabilities (i.e. ranges, training areas, and facilities) the reader is referred to the Canadian Forces Range Information System (CFRIS11). A cost analysis of CAF capabilities is included in this section.

3.3.1 Canadian Force Bases and Training Centres Eleven bases and training centres are allocated for the Canadian Army, and an additional six (including National Defence Head Quarters) are shared amongst the services. These are listed below. Canadian Force Bases and Training Centres (Canadian Army) o CFB Edmonton, Alberta o CFB Gagetown, New Brunswick o LFAATC Aldershot, Nova Scotia o CFB Kingston, Ontario o CFB Montreal, Quebec o CFB Petawawa, Ontario o LFCATC Meaford, Ontario o CFB Shilo, Manitoba o CFB Suffield, Alberta o CFB Valcartier, Quebec o CFB Wainwright, Alberta Canadian Force Bases and Training Centres (shared all services) o Department of National Defence Headquarters, Ottawa, Ontario o CFB Borden, Ontario o CFS Leitrim, Ontario o Connaught Range and Primary Training Centre (CRPTC)), Ottawa, Ontario o CFNA HQ Whitehorse, Yukon o CFNA HQ Yellowknife, Northwest Territories

11 CFRIS is an information management system for all facilities (ranges and traaining areas) in the Canadian Armed Forces. It includes information for the Army, as well as for land based ranges and training areas for the Royal Canadian Navy and Royal Canadian Airrforce. For example, this database contains information on bases and training centres (e.g. CFB, Peace Support Training Centre – PSTC, Land Forces Training Area – LFTA), ranges (e.g. live fire ranges, gas huts), and other resources (e.g. SAT, classrooms). Detailed information is included such as range dimensions, danger area template, usability and sustainability of range (e.g. information on what is licensed to be used on the range, ammunition expenditures), pictures, as well as map loccation. (Personal communication Major McQueen, 07 October 2015). HSI SoSE SoAR DRAFT Page 53

Several types of ranges and training areas are located within these bases and training centres, and are discussed in the following section in more detail. CAF capability for live and virtual simulation is also reviewed and its data collection potential for a future DRDC field experimentation capability. Range and Training Area Several types of ranges and training areas are common to Canadian Force Bases and Training Centres. These include entities such as live fire ranges for rifles, pistols, grenaddes and shoot houses; urban village; sea container village; gas hut; NATO standard obbstacle course; and open and wooded area terrain. Canadian Force Bases and Training Centres also maintain unique ranges and training facilities. For example the Canadian Manoeuvre Training Centre (CMTC) is located at CFB Wainwright and delivers collective training within a realistic and immersive operating environment. Information such as positional information, orientation and movement of all entities (including friendly and enemy, vehicle and dismounted infantry soldier movement), ammunition usage, engagement, as well as the number of casualties can be captured. These common and unique ranges and training facilities are detailed in the CFRIS. Additionally the CAF also maintain training establishments (e.g. Peace Support Training Centre (PSTC) and Canadian Forces Fire and CBRN Academy (CFFCA)) whhich are beyond the scope of the SoAR and will not be covered. Simulation In addition to training and capability development for the CAF, there is an enormous amount of potential for DRDC to use simulation tools for research and development, and for data collection to support a future DRDC field experimentation capability. Simulation can be used to safely supplement live fire and field firing exercises and “allows soldiers the freedom to train in complex, challenging environments and hone skills without risking loss of life or equipment” (Capuano, 2015). Simulation also gives the defence scientist the ability to systematically evaluate soldier performance in a controlled and repeatable environment through the maanagement of numerous variables (e.g. mission scenario; environment; ambient lighting; number of enemy, friendly, neutral elements; equipment configuration). A review of CAF live and virttuual simulation tools was undertaken for currently existing capabilities, as well as those that are planned for acquisition and implementation in the near future. According to Capuano (2015), CAF simulation is categorized into three areas: - Live simulation - Virtual simulation - Constructive simulation

The following section discusses the associated simulation tools within each of the three categories. The simulation tool is presented in a table, along with a summary descrription and image (where available), environment (laboratory/field), “Pro’s” and “Con’s”, “Cost” (where available), and “Reference”.

HSI SoSE SoAR DRAFT Page 54 Live Simulation Live simulation consists of “real people in a simulated environment ussing real equipment but with simulated effects (e.g. soldiers in full battle dress with actual tank or gun at an outdoor training environment with [usually simulated] ammunition)” (Capuano, 2015). Three live simulation capabilities are summarized. - Weapons Effects Simulation (WES) - Urban Operations Training System (UOTS) - Direct Fire Targetry (DFT) - Although part of the CAF live simulation portfolio, thhe following live simulation capability is beyond the scope of the dismounted infantry soldier aand will not be reviewed. o Live Fire Monitoring Equipmentn 12 (LFME)

12 “Live Fire Monitoring Equipment will allow a qualified gunnery instructor to reemotely monitor armoured fighting vehicle crews performance on live fire ranges for corrective actions and post-fire debriefs.” ( guide-2015/ HSI SoSE SoAR DRAFT Page 55

CAF Capability: Weapons Effects Simulation (CWES)

Summary Description:

“Canadian WES, or CWES, delivers a highly realistic training experience. It enables senior commanders to prepare and confirm that their troops have reached the highest levels of readiness prior to deploying on actual operations. The system enables “live” force-on-force collective trraining exercises to take place using lasers and radio signals instead of real CUBIC Defense munitions. Electronic components integrated into every soldier's equipment Applications of San Diego and onto all vehicles give participants instant feedback on the results of each laser or radio-based engagement. All activity is captured and recorded at an Exercise Control (EXCON) center for objective evaluation during after- action reviews (AARs) [Able to capture positional information, orientation and movement of all entities (friendly and enemy, vehicle and diismounted infantry soldier movement), ammunition usage, engagement (whom, with what, when, how, and with what effect), number of casualties].

The Cubic contract called for the Army's principal training facility to be a permanent, fully instrumented, installation located at Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Wainwright, Alberta. Deliverables included an EXCON Building, a Logistic Support Building, WES equipment for soldiers and vehicles, and a radio Communications and Information System [three large communications tower that capture all information within the training area and sends that information to EXCON for real time and post-hoc analysis]. Controlled by the training staff of the new Canadian Manoeuvre Training Centre, military exercises can involve Army Battle Groups of more than 1500 soldier and 700 vehicle players.

The contract also provides for a subordinate capability, complete with another logistics support building, to support the Combat Training Center at CFB Gagetown, New Brunswick. This facility is designed to suppport Combat Team training of up to 500 soldier and vehicle players. Army traiining schools will use this equipment to dramatically enhance individual and loow-level collective training courses using Direct Fire WES lasers and dettectors, and Observer Controller devices.

Finally, 13 additional dismounted infantry company suites, each with enough simulation equipment for 150 soldier players, have been procured for deployment across the country as needed. The Army allocates these suites to Regular and Reserve Force units to enhance home-station training, and to prepare for higher unit formation training prior to visiting CFB Wainwright” (Accessed 05 October 2015 from [Limitations of these additional infantry company suites include: - Unable to capture all information within the training area foor real time and post-hoc analysis (i.e. lack of communication tower infrastructure and EXCON) - Vehicle WES systems (e.g. LAVIII, Leopard tank) are not included - Akin to laser tag o Able to download data post mission, but limited in functionality. o Able to capture metrics such as ammunition usagge, engagement (whom, with what, when, how, and with what effect), number of casualties but unable to track individual and team movement in real-time]


WES Mid Life Upgrade The Project will upgrade or replace the current hardware and software used by the Weapons Effects Simulation (WES) systems at Canadian Army bases. The Project will augment instrumentation and simulation equipment to increase the realism of joint collective training exercises. The Project will take advantage of technological advances to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of training and the AAR process. (Accessed 05 October 2015 from Pro: Coon: - GPS-based instrumentation for soldiers and vehicles - No physical feedback is provided. - Laser- and radio-based weapons simulations - Heavy, bulky (SMEs) - Range instrumentation system - Batteries die quickly (SMEs) - Exercise control (EXCON)/AAR system - System problems such as lasers shooting if they are - “Hit data is collected in real-time and transmitted struck against something (SMEs) over our player radio and microwave network to a - Tree brush or other obstructions block the laser remote EXCON computer where it is recorded and which is not representative of bullets processed for evaluation and AAR. Our AARs - Not representative of a real danger situation provide reporting that enables commanders to make - Feedback is only a buzzing and sound comparisons between combat plans and combat execution, evaluate tactical engagements as a - Can teach dangerous behaviours consequence of maneuver, and assess adherence - Harnesses are not compatible with current load between actions taken and doctrinal procedures.” carriage systems (Accessed 05 October 2015 from - Outside of Wainwright, after action is problematic beyond who is dead and alive and-Services/Ground/Ground-Combat-Training- - It takes approximately half of a day to be trained on Systems) this system. Kit must be issued prior to each exercise - Retaining the essential individual, crew and unit (Papaz, I., Angel, H., Thomson, M. 2013) skill-sets to meet the standards for operationally assigned roles and missions. - Maximizing the value of resources devoted to training, particularly to field training exercises, by preparing participants for the field events through procedural training and the achievement of skill “gateways” prior to live training. - Maintaining skill-sets that might otherwise be unaffordable. - Confirmation and validation of training. - Achieving savings in O&M (operations and maintenance) costs by replacing resource-intensive activities with simulation. - Measure/ record performance. (National Defence, 2001) - Increased safety as compared to shooting live ammunition - Can initiate combat first aid. Training (system will say if the hit was a wound and where) - WES provides the following feedback: • Event time • Event location • Shooter’s identification • Shooter’s weapon type • Shooter’s ammunition type


• Number of shots fired • Virtual ammunition remaining • Hits and misses • Location of hit (lethal versus wound) (Papaz, I., Angel, H., Thomson, M. 2013)

Weapon Effects Simulation Mid Life Upgrade Potential project requirements and deliverables could include: improvements to soldier and vehicle WES equipment, integration of air assets, improved exercise control software and communications networks, expansion of communications coverage zones, integration with constructive and/or virtual simulations, and instrumentation at urban training sites.

Anticipated Timeline - 2017 Options Analysis - 2019 Definition Approval - 2020 Request for Proposal Release - 2021 Implementation Approval, Contract Award - 2025 Final Delivery ( guide-2015/ Cost: “In 2003, Cubic Defense Applications of San Diego won the $92 Lab: Field: x Million Canadian Weapons Effects Simulation (WES) contract. The contract delivered approximately 1,665 soldier systems, 600 vehicle systems, a state of the art after action capability and Integrated Logistics Support (ILS).” (Papaz, I., Angel, H., Thomson, M. 2013)

Preliminary estimate (WES Mid Life Upgrade) $100 million to $249 million Reference: Point of Contact (WES Mid Life Upgrade) Director Land Requirements Phone: 819-994-4225 Training-Systems Personal communication Major Di Ilio, 05 October 2015. Papaz, I., Angel, H., Thomson, M. (2013)


CAF Capability: Urban Operations Training System (UOTS)

Summary Description:

“Called the Urban Operations Training System (UOTS), it consists of six life- sized villages on Canadian military bases including Edmonton, Shilo, Petawawa, Valcartier, Gagetown and Wainwright…. When completed, it will have between 18 and 23 full-scale buildings. The purpose-built structures are from one to three storeys tall, are outfitted with a variety of electronic instrumentation and include a town hall, a government building, townhouses, a school, warehouses, a police station, a bank, a religious structure, a service station, apartment houses and factories.” ( publications/ six-the-canadian-army-urban-operations-training-system/id92u2256)

“The networked structures reside in a two square kilometre training footprint and will contain variable lighting, the ability to inject odours and sounds, and a camera system to capture events as they unfold. UOTS will employ an indoor ultra-wideband network for positional awareness and tracking of both friendly (including civilians) and enemy forces.” ( operations-training/)

“UOTS is part of a larger simulation system known as Weapons Effects System (WES), parts of which are delivered by Cubic Defense Application.” ( urban-operations-training-system/id92u256) Pro: Coon: - Ultra-wideband network for positional awareness - “The largest UOTS installation is schedulled for and tracking of both friendly (including civilians) and completion in the fall of 2017 in Wainwright, enemy forces (accuracy estimated to be better than representing 50 per cent of the basic infrastructure 0.5 m (Di Ilio, 2015)) budget, not including speccial effects equipment.” - Ability to integrate all types of explosive devices ( such as grenade and improvised explosive device publications/ (IED) simulators takes-a-village-or-six-the-canadian-army-urban- - Ability to inject sights, sounds and smells through operations-training-system/id92u256) the use of special effects generators - Projected project completion date 2018 (Di Ilio, - Video equipment will allow the events to be captured 2015) and stored and retrieved from video servers - Software and instrumentation will allow building properties to be manipulated. “Although they will look like concrete, we can emulate the properties of wood or structures so that the resultant effects by rifle fire or explosive devices are patterned to better reflect live fire.” ( ardizing-urban-operations-training/) - UOTS facilities are designed for use by opposing teams totalling up to 250 soldiers with their vehicles and equipment at a time ( ardizing-urban-operations-training/) - Simunition use will also be integrated into UOTS through the Direct Fire Targetry (DFT) program (Di


Ilio, 2015)

Cost: $140 million was approved for the implementation of the UOTS Lab: Field: x Reference: takes-a-village-or-six-the-canadian-army-urban-operations-training-system/id92u256 Deliver-Urban-Operations-Training-Solution-for-the-Canadian-Department-of-National-Defence Personal communication Major Di Ilio, 05 October 2015.


CAF Capability: Direct Fire Targetry (DFT)

Summary Description:

DFT program will be integrated into the UOTS (Di Ilio, 2015)

“The Lockheed Martin Direct Fire Targetry [DFT] system is a suite of interoperable, remotely controlled, static and moving targets operated at Canadian Forces Bases Gagetown, Valcartier, Petawawa and Wainwright. The targets simulate vehicles, infantry, hostile fire and a wide raange of artillery and other weapons and threats. The system extends beeyond Non-commercial use image conventional weapons training by providing a target system that utilizes live ammunition in a controlled environment.” ( releases/2011/march/LockheedMartinCanadaAward.html) Pro: Coon: - DFT includes the use of pop-up targets that can be used in windows, for jungle lanes, etc. - Simunition use will also be integrated into UOTS through the Direct Fire Targetry (DFT) program (Di Ilio, 2015) Cost: Lab: Field: x Reference: Personal communication Major Di Ilio, 05 October 2015

HSI SoSE SoAR DRAFT Page 61 Virtual Simulation Virtual simulation consists of “real people, operating simulated equipment, in a simulated environment, generating simulated effects (e.g. video game)” (Capuano, 2015). Three virtual simulation capabilities are summarized. - 3-Dimentional Dismounted Training System - Small Arms Trainer (SAT) - Unit Weapons Training System (UWTS) - Although part of the CAF virtual simulation portfolio, the followinng two simulation capabilities are beyond the scope of the dismounted infantry soldier and will not be reviewed o Land Vehicle Crew Training System13 (LV CTS) o Interim Crew Gunnery Simulatoro 14 (ICGS)

13 The LV CTS Project will provide Crew Training Systems for the Light Armoured Vehicle (LAV) 6.0 and Leopard 2 fleets with the Tactical Armoured Patrol Vehicle being desirable. The LV CTS, including all variants, will be a system of networked simulators that will not require the use of any operational vehicle. (PWGSC. Request for Price and Availabilittyy. March 27, 2015 DF ) 14 Simulation for the LAV 6.0 new fire control system. “Testing of the ICGS is tentatively scheduled to take place in February [2014] concurrent with the TF 1-15 LAV 6.0 Initial Cadre Training in Valcartier. Full scale production and implementation will potentially occur as early as summer 2014.” (Watson, 2013.) HSI SoSE SoAR DRAFT Page 62

CAF Capability: 3D Dismounted Training System

Summary Description:

This project will deliver a dismounted virtual/simulated training environment to allow for tactical training up to Company level at each of the fiive main 3D Dismounted Training Canadian Army garrisons. System

Pro: Coon: The Canadian Army requires the ability to provide - Anticipated timeline is 2023 for the Options Analysis repetitive, realistic and progressive dismounted soldier out to 2026 to 2035 for definition approval and final training in a garrison environment, in conjunction with the delivery new Land Vehicles Crew Training System. This project is expected to complement the individual marksmanship and dismounted Section skills acquired through the Unit Weapons Training System and will network to the Land Vehicle Crew Training System that will provide the Army's common virtual environment. The dismounted virtual training system will provide a 3D/immersive sensors environment where the soldiers will be able to perform their essential dismounted individual and collective battle tasks, including but not limited to, taking proper firing positions, manoeuvring tactically and assaulting an objective.

Anticipated Timeline - 2023 Options Analysis - 2026 to 2035 o Definition Approval o Implementation Approval o Request for Proposal Release o Contract Award o Final Delivery Cost: Preliminary estimate $250 million to $499 million Lab: x Field: Reference: Point of Contact – Director Land Requirements Phone: 819-994-4225 Personal communication Major Morin and MWO Snow, 03 November 2015


CAF Capability: Small Arms Trainer (SAT)

Summary Description:

“The Small Arms Trainer (SAT) simulator system supports both individual and collective training throughout the full spectrum of military, paramilitary and security operations. A single system provides five individual firing lanes and can be networked together with additional systems for up to fifteen firing lanes. The SAT comes loaded with a standard set of courseware to support training without any authoring required.”

( Trainer-SAT)

“The Canadian Army operates the Small Arms Trainer (SAT) to support the use of infantry weapons. As a simulator, the SAT has characteriistics such as low operating cost, instructional aids, and automated performance measurement that suggest it assists considerably in the acquisition and maintenance of small arms skills…SAT users fire simulated weapons, including the C7A1, at targets projected on a screen. When fired, the simulated weapon produces recoil and report similar to the firing of the actual weapon. A laser beam emitted from the weapon and detected by a shot camera is used to determine whether the firer would have hit the target during live fire. The system displays imagery that depicts a variety of targets at whatever range is required.” (Grant, 2013)

There are several different types of weapons and systems currently being used in the CAF and there are a total of 250 SAT systems in the CAF

(Morin and Snow, 2015) Pro: Coon: - Supports both individual and collective training - Realism throughout the full spectrum of military operations o The recoil is not completely accurately - Low operating cost represented in the weapons (e.g. C7, C8 - Instructional aids recoil not as strong), and back blast from - Automated performance measurement tube launched weapons is not accurately represented. - When fired, the simulated weapon produces recoil and report similar to the firing of the actual weapon. o Low quality of onscreen visual graphics A laser beam emitted from the weapon and detected o Stationary shooting (i.e. run-down drills by a shot camera is used to determine whether the cannot be undertaken) firer would have hit the target during live fire o - Weapon type/ancillary device for the SAT includes o C7A2, M203, C6 general purpose machine gun, C9, M72, 84 mm Gun Infantry Anti- Tank, .50 calibre heavy machine gun, Remington 870 shotgun, Sig Sauer 226, 9 mm browning pistol, C8, 81 mm mortar o Laser range finders (for call for fires) currently being used for the 81 mm mortars - Weapons are all “Blue Fire” (i.e. the weapons are a tether-less system where air from tank is filled in the magazine of the weapon). - “Blue Fire” also allows the capability to do stacks outside of the room and come into the SAT - SAT tracker program started last July (SAT accountability and training tracking program). All


SAT systems used in the Army now have a tracking program. Each time training is done on a SAT, Soldiers are required to fill out information such as: o What training was undertaken o How often they use the system o And the SAT logs information such as the type of weapon, number of rounds expended. - CANSOFCOM has recently purchased several mobile SAT systems. These mobile systems allow for the use of additional weapons such as the MP5. - Scenarios; fixed and operator-developed o All listed SOP shoots for the C7 as listed in the CFOSP can be undertaken in the SAT o Anti-armour, machine gun o Jungle lanes o CGI shoots - voice command and react to orders (e.g. VCP scenario) o Fire planning (currently on the J7 there are approximately 40 scenarios) o Night shooting is also capable with NVG (image intensification) where a filter is applied on the system o Maps from GEO TECHs can be incorporated into the SAT. - The following data/information can be collected on the SAT o Soldier’s name, service number, unit/sub- unit, and date o Data from firing practices: PWT 1 -4 marksmanship scores, accuracy, precision; point of aim from 2 sec. before, at, and for 2 seconds after firing; weapon type; number of rounds and number of hits per practice; overall score for the practice; average grouping size for the practice o Breathing pattern of the firer for a period of 3 sec. prior to, at, and for 2 sec. after firing o Operation of the safety catch o Trigger pull - squeezing o Effects of weapon cant angle - sensors in the butt o Butt pressure applied from the weapon to the shoulder o Natural alignment o Display fall of shot for each weapon as a group and display the mean point of impact of the group o Calculate, display and record the size (radius in millimetres) of each grouping o Training feedback through re-play, marksmanship feedback and scenario summary - Plans for future upgrades and acquisition


o All weapons will now be upgraded from C7A1 to C7A2 (Blue Fire) tether-less o New sensor to sense the butt pad o C16 Close Area Suppression Weapon (CASW) grenade launcher will be integrated into SAT o 3 year plan is to network all the systems in different locations. Will allow the ability to create fire effects from different locations Cost: Lab: x Field: Reference: Grant, S. C. (2013). Small Arms Trainer Validation and Transfer of Training: C7 Rifle. DRDC Toronto TR 2013-085. Defence R&D Canada Project L2624 Unit Weapons Trainers (UWT): Statement Of Reequirement (SOR) Small Arms/Direct Fire Weapons Trainer (SAT) - 1994 Personal communication Major Morin and MWO Snow, 03 November 2015


CAF Capability: Unit Weapons Training System (UWTS)

Summary Description:

The project will provide the virtual simulation baseline for training dismounted soldiers up to section level to include all in-service small arms, Unit Weapons Training dismounted crew served weapons and be ready to integrate Forward Observation Officer and Forward Air Controller and mortar detachments. System (UWTS) The Unit Weapons Training System will be interoperable with the Land Vehicle Crew Training System virtual world enabling the dismounted soldiers, crews and detachments to conduct section/detachment operations in a platoon/troop context.

Pro: Coon: The project will procure modern high fidelity simulators Anticipated timeline is four years out for the Options with the required network and visual capabilities to analysis interact/integrate with the LVCTS virtual world for up to section level training in a platoon/troop context. All UWTS virtual simulators should, where possible, re-use and/or adapt the existing infrastructure space currently used by the Small Arms Trainers and Indirect Fire Trainers across Canada. The UWTS will address all individual and section level weapons training requirements from marksmanship to section assaults. The integration of other Army dismounted assets including but not limited to: FOO/FAC, dismounted reconnaissance and observation posts will be addressed under separate Service Level Agreements with other dismounted training systems requiring access to the common virtual world, as required. The high fidelity expected of these simulators will be focused on the individual weapons handling and firing competencies and dismounted section tactical operations.

Anticipated Timeline - 2019 Options Analysis - 2021 Definition Approval - 2022 Request for Proposal Release - 2023 Implementation Approval, Contract Award - 2026 to 2035 Final Delivery Cost: Preliminary estimate $100 million to $249 million Lab: x Field: Reference: Point of Contact – Director Land Requirements Phone: 819-994-4225

HSI SoSE SoAR DRAFT Page 67 Constructive Simulation Constructive simulation consists of “real people controlling simulated units, platforms or systems with simulated equipment, in a simulated environment gennerating simulated interactions and effects (e.g. soldiers in full battle dress controlling a simulated battle via a virtual battlespace that can include aspects of land, sea and air)” (Capuano, 2015). One constructive simulation capability is summarized.

- Virtual Battlespace (VBS) 2


CAF Capability: Virtual Battlespace (VBS) 2

Summary Description:

"VBS2 offers realistic battlefield simulations and the ability to operate land, sea, and air vehicles. Instructors may create new scenarios and then engage the simulation from multiple viewpoints. The squad-management system enables participants to issue orders to squad members. VBS2 was designed for federal, state, and local government agencies and can be specifically tailored to meet the individual needs of military, law enforcement, homeland defense, loadmaster, and first responder training environments. VBS2 may be used to teach doctrine, tactics, techniques, and prrocedures during squad and platoon offensive, defensive, and patrolling operations. VBS2 delivers a synthetic environment for the practical exercise of the leadership and organizational behavior skills required to successfully execute unit missions. VBS2 is suitable for training small teams in urban tactics, entire combat teams in combined arms operations or even non-military usage such as emergency response procedures in lethal and non-lethal environments or terrain visualization. VBS2 is based on the VBS2Real Virtuality 2, also used in the video game Arma 2. (Accessed 13 July 2015 from"

CAF Tactics School – Army Knowledge Environment Administrator Army Learning Support Centre (ALSC) utilizes VBS2 for creating animations for training (e.g. Section/Platoon attacks). Pro: Coon: "- Currently employed by the CAF, U.S. Army, U.S. "For use only by government and military organizations. Marine Corps as a platform to train small unit tactics, (Commercial customers can gain access to VBS3 through techniques and procedures in decisive actions. Also part purchase of a VBSDN subscription). of the DoD Games For Training (GFT) initiative. - DRDC and the CAF currently own seats to VBS2 and Cost (USD) actively use the software suite VBBS2 - License Fee + software assurance and suppoort fee = VBS2 supports large multiplayer network sessions $2900 allowing join-in-progress and improved administrator functionality. VBS2 provides improved simulation of complex urban areas, including destructible buildings, VBBS2Fires or VBSS2Strike round penetration through walls and operable and - License Fee + software assurance and suppoort fee = destructible doors. Weapon platforms are capable of $16500 thermal imaging, simulation of fire control systems and turret override. Multiple vehicle turrets are possible. VBBSDN Weapon ballistics have been improved. - Small Business ($27500), standard ($53000), Enterprise The After-Action-Review module allows detailed review of ($136000) a completed training mission, with every player, AI, vehicle movement being recorded, as well as any bullet Multi-Channel View Clients path and any destruction to objects or terrain. - Per channel license fee = $500 The VBS2 terrain editing tool, Visitor 3, will support direct import of terrain and shape data to recreate any area of operation in the simulation. VBS2 also includes real-time VBBSWorlds command and control functionality for large numbers of AI - Seat License + Support Fee = $3000 or human participants. (Accessed 13 July 2015 from VBBSDN Renewals

HSI SoSE SoAR DRAFT Page 69 - Small Business ($19400), Standard ($37000), Enterprise ($102000)" VBS2 U.S. Army is a 3-D, first-person, games-for-training platform that provides realistic, semi-immersive environments, dynamic terrain areas, hundreds of simulated military and civilian entities, and a range of geo-typical (generic) as well as actual geo-specific terrains. U.S. Army, U.S. Marine Corps and multinational equipment is modeled. Over 100 users can join the same exercise on a network. A 3-D scenario editor is included (Accessed 13 July 2015

Games For Training (GFT) is a suite of training software applications installed on PC-based, networked, multiplayer training environment using the Commercial and Government Off-the-Shelf (COTS/GOTS) gaming technology, Virtual Battlespace 2 (VBS2), BiLAT, Tactical Iraq, Tactical Pashto and Tactical Dari. GFT enables the Army to leverage and influence gaming technologies in order to rapidly deliver relevant training capabilities to support current and future Soldier, leader, and collective training and mission rehearsal. GFT is readily available and facilitates the Army's ability to fill operational capability gaps required for training current/future forces. It provides units with the capability to rapidly introduce lessons learned from combat into a realistic virtual environment to develop tactics, techniques, and procedures. (Accessed 13 July 2015 from"

Aside: The ICGS currently uses VBS2

Plans for future upgrades and acquisition - Leopard 2 simulator is going to be using VBS2 - VBS2 is going to be switched to VBS3. There is a transition plan currently in place over the next year to make this switch. - VBS Tactic will allow the CAF to train at a Platoon/Troop level.

Cost: CAF asset Lab: x Field: Reference: "" Personal communication Major Morin and MWO Snow, 03 November 2015


3.3.2 Cost Analysis A cost analysis is provided for the following scenarios and listed in the tables below (Papaz et. al, 2013). This information was derived using information from the Canadian Forces Cost manual (2011-2012) and information found on the internet. It should be noted that these are general costs and are provided for estimation purposes. Actual and out of pocket project costs will depend on specific resources needed for a study (e.g. past studies have required SAT operrators to be inncluded in project costs). - In-service dry fire training - Small Arms Trainer (SAT) - Live-fire training - Advanced electro-optic dry-fire training 9 - CEASS or Simunition™ training - Canadian Weapons Effects System (CWES) training - Immersive simulation training


Table 2: In-Service Dry-Fire Training Cost Estimate

Annual Qty Relative Total Salary / weight Initial Cost for 1 day Facility Costs Training room 20m x 15m (185.21 per m per year) x 4 185.21 1200 0.004 889.01 classrooms

Total Facility Costs 889.01 Dry-Fire Tool Costs (amortized over 3 year with 120 training days in each) Aiming disc/Target box paddle x 8 80 6 1.33 Rifle bench (x 8) 1,000 6 16.67 Shadow box (x 8) 200 6 3.33 Total Equipment Costs 21.33 Personnel Supporting Training PY Costs Dry-fire instructor training (assume MCpl) 76,730 4 0.004 1227.68 Total Training Cadre 1227.68 Personnel Conducting Training PY costs (1 day for each) Capt 88,381 1 0.004 353.524 LT 60,807 0.004 2LT 52,967 1 0.004 211.868 MWO 78,882 1 0.004 315.528 WO 73,342 2 0.004 586.736 SGT 66,517 5 0.004 1330.34 MCpl 62,517 0.004 CPL 57,820 10 0.004 2312.8 PTE 41,616 30 0.004 4993.92 Total Personnel Costs 12,560.08 Dry-fire consumable and weapon cleaning materials costs Paper 40 Total Consumables Total 40.00 Total for 8 hrs dry trg for 50 pers $13,849.09 Assumption: Acquisition of dry-fire systems amortized over 3 years annd used 120 days of the year Assumption: Mix of Dry-fire tools Assumption: 50 pers conducting dry training (48 shooters with Capt and MWO supv) Assumption: 4 classrooms needed Assumptions: 249 working days in a year. Assumptions: Ref: Cost Factors Manual 2011-12, A-FN-007-000/AG-001


Table 3: SAT Training Cost Estimatte

Annual Qty Relative Total Salary / weight Initial Cost for 1 day Facility Costs Training room 30m x 15m (185.21 per m per year) x 2 185.21 900 0.004 666.756 Total Facility Costs 666.756 SAT Costs SAT (12 lane) amortized over 10 years with 120 training 464,522 2 774.2 days SAT maintenance costs (estimated at 2.5 % of initial cost) 19.35 Total SAT Equipment Cost 793.55 Personnel Supporting Training PY Costs Scenario programming costs (assume 1 x MCpl) 62,517 1 0.004 250.068 SAT Operator Training Costs 2 MCpls x 5 days) 62,517 10 0.004 2500.68 SAT operator costs (assume 2x MCpl) 62,517 2 0.004 500.136 Primary Marksmanship Instructor (one instructor for every 76,730 6 0.004 1841.52 fourshooters – assume 6x MCpl ) costs

Range Officer in Charge (OIC assume 3 x LT) costs 60,807 2 0.004 486.456 Total SAT Operating Personnel 5578.86 Personnel Conducting Training PY costs Capt 88,381 1 0.004 353.524 2LT 52,967 1 0.004 211.868 MWO 78,882 1 0.004 315.528 WO 73,342 2 0.004 586.736 SGT 66,517 5 0.004 1330.34 MCpl 62,517 0.004 CPL 57,820 10 0.004 2312.8 PTE 41,616 30 0.004 4993.92 Total Personnel in Training Costs 9,751.19 SAT consumable and weapon cleaning materials costs Nitrogen 125 Total Consumables Total $125.00 Total 8 hours SAT Trg for 50 pers $16,915.36 Assumption: 12 lane SAT x 2 Assumption: 50 pers conducting SAT PWT 3 (48 shooterrs with Capt and MWO supv) Assumptions: 249 working days in a year. Assumptions: Ref: Cost Factors Manual 2011-12, A-FN-007-000/AG-001


Table 4: Live-Fire Training Cost Estimate

Annual Qty Relative Total Salary / weight Initial Cost for 1 day Range Costs LOMAH Control Room? 5m x 5m (185.21 per m per year) x 185.21 25 0.004 18.52 2 Total Range Costs 18.52 Personnel Supporting Training PY Costs Scenario programming costs (assume MCpl) 76,730 1 0.004 306.92 LOMAH operator costs (assume MCpl) 76,730 1 0.004 306.92 Primary Marksmanship Instructor (one instructor for every 76,730 5 0.004 1534.6 five shooters – assume 4 x MCpl on a 20 lane range) costs

Range Safety Officer (RSO assume 1 x Capt) costs 106,171 1 0.004 424.684 Safety flagman (1 x Cpl is assigned flagman duty) costs 72,974 1 0.004 291.896 Range Officer in Charge (OIC assume 1 x LT) costs 78,701 1 0.004 314.804 Ammunition point NCO (assume 1 x Sgt) costs 81,376 1 0.004 325.504 Ammunition point helpers (assume 2x Pte) costs 55,885 2 0.004 447.08 Range Control (inspection of range on completion - assume 88,826 1 0.001 88.826 1 x WO) costs (2 hrs)

Bus transport (assume 1 x Cpl) to the range costs (2hrs) 72,974 1 0.001 72.974 Transport of Range stores (assume 1 x Cpl) driver costs 72,974 1 0.001 72.974 (2hrs)

Ammunition pick up and return (assume 1 x Cpl) driver 72,974 1 0.001 72.974 costs (2hrs)

MLVW x 1 (total of 40km) 4.32 40 172.8 LSVW x 1 (ammunition pick-up) (total of 60km) 5.00 60 300 LSVW x 2 (range staff and safety vehicle) (total 40km) 5.00 80 400 Van .5 to 1.5 ton (range staff) (total 40 km) 5.16 40 206.4 Range control 0.39 40 15.6 Bus 50 pax (total 40km) 1.47 40 58.8 Total Range Support Staff 5413.756 Personnel Conducting Training PY costs Capt 88,381 1 0.004 353.524 2LT 52,967 1 0.004 211.868 MWO 78,882 1 0.004 315.528 WO 73,342 2 0.004 586.736 SGT 66,517 5 0.004 1330.34 MCpl 62,517 0.004 CPL 57,820 10 0.004 2312.8


Annual Qty Relative Total Salary / weight Initial Cost for 1 day PTE 41,616 30 0.004 4993.92 Total Personnel Costs 10,104.72 Consumables Meals on the range costs ($13 per box lunch x 65 pers) 845 Ammunition ($.75 per rd x 250 rds x 50 pers) 9375 Range consumable and weapon cleaning materials costs Cleaning materials 50 Fig 11 targets x 100 50 Target patches x 12,500 120 Total Consumables Total 10,440.00 Total 8 hrs range for 50 pers $25,976.99 Assumption: 1 x 25 lane LOMAH Range Assumption: 50 pers conducting PWT 3 (48 shooters with Capt and MWO supv) Assumptions: 249 working days in a year. Assumptions: Ref: Cost Factors Manual 2011-12, A-FN-007-000/AG-001


Table 5: Advanced Dry-Fire Training Cost Estimate

Annual Qty Relative Total Salary / weight Initial Cost for 1 day Facility Costs Training room 20m x 15m (185.21 per m per year) x 4 185.21 1200 0.004 889.01 classrooms

Total Facility Costs 889.01 Dry-Fire Tool Costs (amortized over 3 year with 120 training days in each) Dry-Fire Tool Costs Aiming disc/Target box paddle x 8 80 6 1.33 Rifle bench (x 8) 1,000 6 16.67 Shadow box (x 8) 200 6 3.33 Total Equipment Costs 21.33 Personnel Supporting Training PY Costs Dry-fire instructor training (assume MCpl) 76,730 4 0.004 1227.68 Total Training Cadre 1227.68 Personnel Conducting Training PY costs (1 day for each) Capt 88,381 1 0.004 353.524 LT 60,807 0.004 2LT 52,967 1 0.004 211.868 MWO 78,882 1 0.004 315.528 WO 73,342 2 0.004 586.736 SGT 66,517 5 0.004 1330.34 MCpl 62,517 0.004 CPL 57,820 10 0.004 2312.8 PTE 41,616 30 0.004 4993.92 Total Personnel Costs 12,560.08 Dry-fire consumable and weapon cleaning materials costs Paper 40 Total Consumables Total 40.00 Total for 8 hrs dry trg for 50 pers $13,849.09 Assumption: Acquisition of dry-fire systems amortized over 3 years and used 120 days of the year Assumption: Mix of Dry-fire tools Assumption: 50 pers conducting dry training (48 shooters with Capt and MWO supv) Assumption: 4 classrooms needed Assumptions: 249 working days in a year. Assumptions: Ref: Cost Factors Manual 2011-12, A-FN-007-000/AG-001


Table 6: CEASS Training Cost Estimate

Annual Qty Relative Total Salary / weight Cost for 1 day Range Costs Total Range Costs Simunition Kit Costs amortized over 10 years with 120 training days per year Simunition Kit Costs (10 rifles) $35,550.00 6 177.75 Total Simunition Costs 177.75 Personnel Supporting Training PY Costs Opposing force OPFOR leader(assume MCpl) 76,730 1 0.004 306.92 Enemy force 76,730 5 0.004 1534.6 Range Safety Officer (RSO assume 1 x Capt) costs 106,171 1 0.004 424.684 Transport Bus transport (assume 1 x Cpl) to the range costs (2hrs) 72,974 1 0.001 72.974 Transport of Range stores (assume 1 x Cpl) driver costs 72,974 1 0.001 72.974 (2hrs)

Ammunition pick up and return (assume 1 x Cpl) driver 72,974 1 0.001 72.974 costs (2hrs)

MLVW x 1 (total of 40km) 4.32 40 172.8 LSVW x 1 (ammunition pick-up) (total of 60km) 5.00 60 300 LSVW x 2 (range staff and safety vehicle) (total 40km) 5.00 80 400 Van .5 to 1.5 ton (range staff) (total 40 km) 5.16 40 206.4 Bus 50 pax (total 40km) 1.47 40 58.8 Total Range Support Staff 3623.126 Personnel Conducting Training PY costs LT 60,807 1 0.004 243.228 2LT 52,967 1 0.004 211.868 MWO 78,882 1 0.004 315.528 WO 73,342 1 0.004 293.368 SGT 66,517 2 0.004 532.136 MCpl 62,517 3 0.004 750.204 CPL 57,820 10 0.004 2312.8 PTE 41,616 30 0.004 4993.92 Total Personnel Costs 9,653.05 Consumables Meals on tin the field costs ($13 per box lunch x 65 pers) 13 57 741


Annual Qty Relative Total Salary / weight Cost for 1 day Ammunition ($.98 per rd x 250 rds x 56 pers - includes 1 14000 13,720 OPFOR)

Range consumable and weapon cleaning materials costs Cleaning materials 50 Total Consumables Total 14,511.00 Total 8 hrs range for 50 pers $27,964.93 Assumption: OPFOR of 6 personnel and a Friendly platoon of 50 persons Assumption: 50 pers conducting tactical training (4 sections) plus a MWO supv Assumptions: 249 working days in a year. Assumptions: All pers are issued with 250 rds of simunitiion Assumption: Simunition systems last 10 years Assumptions: Ref: Cost Factors Manual 2011-12, A-FN-007-000/AG-001


Table 7: CWES Training Cost Estimate

Annual Qty Relative Total Salary / weight Cost for 1 day CWES Kit Costs amortized over 10 years with 120 training days per year CWES Kit Costs (including umpire guns, harnesses, $5,000.00 56 233.33 weapon transmitters, batteries, etc.)

Total Simunition Costs 233.33 Personnel Supporting Training PY Costs Opposing force (including.2 hrs of training on CWES) OPFOR leader(assume MCpl) 76,730 1 0.005 383.65 Enemy force 76,730 5 0.005 1918.25 Range Safety Officer (RSO assume 1 x Capt) costs 106,171 1 0.004 424.684 Umpires MWO 78,882 1 0.005 394.41 WO 73,342 1 0.005 366.71 Transport Bus transport (assume 1 x Cpl) to the range costs (2hrs) 72,974 1 0.001 72.974 Transport of Range stores (assume 1 x Cpl) driver costs 72,974 1 0.001 72.974 (2hrs)

Ammunition pick up and return (assume 1 x Cpl) driver 72,974 1 0.001 72.974 costs (2hrs)

MLVW x 1 (total of 40km) 4.32 40 172.8 LSVW x 1 (ammunition pick-up) (total of 60km) 5.00 60 300 LSVW x 2 (range staff and safety vehicle) (total 40km) 5.00 80 400 Van .5 to 1.5 ton (range staff) (total 40 km) 5.16 40 206.4 Bus 50 pax (total 40km) 1.47 40 58.8 Total Range Support Staff 4844.626 Personnel Conducting Training (including 2 hrs of training on CWES) PY costs LT 60,807 1 0.005 304.035 2LT 52,967 3 0.005 794.505 SGT 66,517 3 0.005 997.755 MCpl 62,517 3 0.005 937.755 CPL 57,820 10 0.005 2891 PTE 41,616 30 0.005 6242.4 Total Personnel Costs 12,167.45 Consumables Meals on tin the field costs ($13 per box lunch x 60 pers) 13 60 780


Ammunition ($.70 per rd x 250 rds x 56 pers - includes 0.70 14000 9,800 OPFOR)

Range consumable and weapon cleaning materials costs Cleaning materials 50 Total Consumables Total 10,630.00 Total 8 hrs range for 50 pers $27,875.41 Assumption: Cost for individual CWES is approximately $5000 Assumption: OPFOR of 6 personnel and a Friendly platoon of 50 persons Assumption: 50 pers conducting tactical training (4 sections) plus a MWO supv Assumptions: 249 working days in a year. Assumptions: All pers are issued with 250 rds of blank ammunition Assumption: CWES systems last 10 years Assumptions: Ref: Cost Factors Manual 2011-12, A-FN-007-000/AG-001


Table 8: Immersive Simulation Trraining Cost Estimate

Annual Qty Relative Total Salary / weight Initial Cost for 1 day Facility Costs Training room 30m x 30m (185.21 per m per year) x 2 185.21 1800 0.004 1333.51 Total Facility Costs 1333.51 Estimated Immersive Simulator Costs (amortized over 10 years with 120 training days) Tracking System 43000 24 860.00 HMD (1280 x 1024) 26000 24 520.00 Targeting/ Augmented Display 5000 24 100.00 Sound system 3,000 24 60.00 SIM maintenance costs (estimated at 2.5 % of initial cost) 0.00 Total SAT Equipment Cost 1540.00 Personnel Supporting Training PY Costs Scenario programming costs (assume 1 x MCpl) 62,517 1 0.004 250.07 SIM Operator Training Costs 2 MCpls x 5 days) 62,517 10 0.004 2500.68 SIM operator costs (assume 2 x MCpl) 62,517 2 0.004 500.14 Primary Marksmanship Instructor (one instructor for every 76,730 6 0.004 1841.52 fourshooters – assume 6 x MCpl ) costs

Total SAT Operating Personnel 5092.40 Personnel Conducting Training PY costs Capt 88,381 1 0.004 353.52 2LT 52,967 1 0.004 211.87 MWO 78,882 1 0.004 315.53 WO 73,342 2 0.004 586.74 SGT 66,517 5 0.004 1330.34 MCpl 62,517 0.004 CPL 57,820 10 0.004 2312.80 PTE 41,616 30 0.004 4993.92 Total Personnel in Training Costs 9,751.19 SAT consumable and weapon cleaning materials costs Nitrogen 125 Total Consumables Total $125.00 Total 8 hours Immersive Simulation Trg for 50 pers $17,842.11 Assumption: 24 x Immersive simulators Assumption: 50 pers conducting immersive Simulation PWT 3 (48 shooters with Capt and MWO supv) Assumptions: 249 working days in a year.


Assumptions: Ref: Cost Factors Manual 2011-12, A-FN-007-000/AG-001


3.4 Phase IV: Preliminary analysis of options for development of a field experimentation capability Based on the activities executed during Phase I through III, a high-level options analysis was undertaken for a future DRDC field experimentation capability. This options analysis was systematically derived from a matrix that consolidated alll of the MOE, CAF capabilities, and SoAAR of instrumentation technologies and methodologies. This matrix is included at the end of this section. For a future DRDC field experimentation capability, the following global assumptions were also made: - Soldier system individual and team objective performance measurement needs to be captured - Soldier system evaluations will include both mounted and dismounted operations - Force-on-force engagements or large scale missions and experimentations will be at the Platoon level in a Company context - Mission outcome (actual event vs. intent) metrics will be captured through positional information, orientation and movement of all entities (friendly and enemy), ammunition usage, engagement (whom, with what, when, how, and with what effect), number of casualties - For force-on-force engagements or large scale missions and experimentations, instrumentation to include a minimum of 30 participants (up to 100 inclluding OPFOR), and vehicles. - Instrumentation will need to be scalable, mobile, and with consideration to operations in signal denied environments such as dense wooded and mountainous terrain and urban environments. - Aside: as identified by Bossi (2012), “All data should be exportable to a simple ubiquitous program such as Excel for further analysis. Data should be stored along with exercise plans and descriptions to enable post-hoc analysis of large data sets (for research and development purposes).”

Based on these global assumptions and CAF capabilities and options analysis, the following recommendations are made for a future DRDC field experrimentation capability grouped by: - Location of field experimentation capability - Instrumentation technologies o force-on-force engagement or large scale missions and experimentations o marksmanship performance o communication - Subjective assessment - General instrumentation

For groupings where the SoAR did not provide a clear reecommendation, a way ahead for further evaluation of tools is proposed.


3.4.1 Location of Field Experimentation Capability Based on the review of CAF resources and individual and collective training capabilities (existing and/or planned for acquisition and implementation), the following recommendations for the location of a field experimentation capability (Battle Lab) are made. These recoommendations are summarized in Table 9.

Table 9: Options for Battle Lab location

Options Analysis Comment Cost estimate Force-on-Force Primary Location CMTC encompasses large training areas and varied CAF owned asset and CFB Wainwright – Canadian terrain (TBC) to conduct Section and Platoon attacks capability Maneuver Training Centre (mounted and dismounted), ass well as navigation and (CMTC) wayfinding tasks. Furthermore through the Canadian Additional cost Weapons Effects Simulation (CWES), CMTCC associated with provides a fully instrumented caapability to capture contractors to operate force-on-force engagement in real-time and for post- CWES, SAT and range hoc analysis. Missions can be at the Platoon level in facilities a Company context for both mechanized and dismounted operations.

Training areas and facilities also include thosse common to CFBs and Training Centres. Theese include entities such as the following (TBC): - Live fire ranges for rifles, pistols, grenades and shoot houses - Urban village - Sea container village - Gas hut - Open and wooded area terrain Secondary Location CTC provides for a subordinate WES capability Seee above CFB Gagetown – Combat (Direct Fire WES lasers and detectors, and Observer Training Center (CTC). Controller devices). This facility is designed to support Combat Team training of up to 500 soldier and vehicle players.

Training areas and facilities also include thosse common to CFBs and Training Centres. Theese include entities such as the following: - Live fire ranges for rifles, pistols, grenades and shoot houses - Urban village - Sea container village - Gas hut - NATO standard obstacle course and - Open and wooded area terrain - Small Arms Trainers (SAT) Alternate Location Another CFB location may be suitable provided that a Seee above Another CFB such as WES system capability be deployed (Cubic Edmonton, Shilo, Petawawa, dismounted infantry company suite) and a thiird party or Valcartier, (or CFB Borden engineered solution with the ability to capture (TBC), or Land Force Training positional information, orientation and movement of all entities (friendly and enemy, vehicle and HSI SoSE SoAR DRAFT Page 84

Centre Meaford (TBC),) dismounted infantry soldier movement) be integrated.

Training areas and facilities also include thosse common to CFBs and Training Centres. Theese include entities such as the following: - Live fire ranges for rifles, pistols, grenades and shoot houses - Urban village - Sea container village - Gas hut - NATO standard obstacle course and - Open and wooded area terrain - Small Arms Trainers (SAT) Operations in Urban Terrain Primary Location To capture and characterize dissmounted soldier CAF owned asset and CFB Edmonton - Urban Ops operations in an urban environment future capability Training System (UOTS) UOTS will be an instrumented urban village able to capture dismounted soldier operations at a Company level (Level 4, level 5 operations) in real time and for post-hoc analysis. CFB Edmonnton is also in close proximity to CMTC. Alternate Location - Similar urban training area and facility as above are Seee above Another CFB required as well as a WES capability - System with the ability to captture positional information, orientation and movement of all entities (friendly and enemy, vehicle and dismounted infantry soldier movement) required


3.4.2 Instrumentation technologies In order to assess force-on-force engagement or large scale missions and experimentation metriccs, the ability to track the positional information, orientation and movement of all entities (friendly and enemy), in real time, in all environments, including in/outside structures (e.g. buildings) and signal denied environments, as well as the ability to track ammunition usage, engagement (whom, with what, when, how, and with what effect), and number of casualties will be required. Other metrics that may also need to be collected is individual and collective marksmanshiip performance and communication. To achieve this, the following combination of instrumentation technologies is recommended for field and laboratory environments.

Table 10: Instrumentation technologies for force-on-force engagement or large scale missions and experimenntations – field

Options Analysis Comment Cost estimate Field environment Canadian Weapons Effects - Integrated positional tracking and capability to track CAF owned asset and Simulation (CWES) weapons effects current and future - Integrate simunition with WES capabilities to capability introduce realistic combat stress and integrate realism into scenarios. Additional cost - Future Capability: Direct Fire Targetry (DFT) associated with program will allow soldiers to achieve this and will contractors to operate also be integrated into UOTS CWES and range facilities Urban Ops Training System - Instrumented urban village able to capture CAF owned asset and (UOTS) dismounted soldier operations at a Company level future capability (Level 4, level 5 operations) Additional cost associated with contractors to operate CWES and range facilities Android smartphone - Android operating system is recommended due to $850 (e.g. Samsung open architecture. Galaxy 5 note) - Recommend further investigation Garmin Rino 650 - For simple positional tracking of individuals and $500 teams (i.e. navigation and wayffinding) (mobile network infrastructure is not required)

- Use in conjunction with BaseCamp software DeLorme AG-008727-201 - Positional tracking capability bbased on Iridium $469 (+$16.95 to InReach Explorer Two Way satellite (mobile network infrastructure not required) $69.95 CAD per month Satellite Communicator with - Ability to pair system with mobile device (Bluetooth) global subscription) Built in Navigation to access topographic maps and U.S. NOAA charts StreamCaster tactical radio15 - COTS digital radio with the ability to create an Cost will vary adhoc self-healing, self-forming mesh network, and depending on number

15 Commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS) digital radio: features include ability to creeate an adhoc self-healing, self-forming mesh network, and ability to add multiple third party components such as smartphone display, GPS module, inertial/dead reckoning instrumentation for use in signal denied environments, voice tx/rx radio, video. Digital radio can be soldiier worn, and also structure/vehicle/aerial mounted to extend range. Radio can also be network configured to track in real time and store data for analysis. HSI SoSE SoAR DRAFT Page 86

ability to add multiple third party components such as of systems, integration smartphone display, GPS module and inertial/dead of various components, reckoning instrumentation for use in signal denied engineering integration environments for positional tracking and situational services and rental vs. awareness, voice tx/rx radio, viideo. purchase of tactical - Price for each MN MIMO radio alone is $10kk+ radio (rental agreement can be arranged) - Engineering integration firm will be required to Crude cost estimate: create a custom data capture solution (e.g. MN MIMO several tens of radio plus: data/voice logging, vvideo configuration, thousands of dollars positional tracking software, etc.) upward of a million - Recommend further investigation dollars Tactical Video Capture For use in urban settings. Similar system is adopted Unknown System (TVCS) in the U.S.M.C. Expeditionary Rifle Squad (MERS) Gruntworks facility. - Recommend further investigation


Table 11: Instrumentation technologies for force-on-force engagement or large scale missions and experimentations – laboratory

Options Analysis Comment Cost estimate Laboratory environment Immersive simulation - Capability to generate and manipulate virtual civilian Up to $1 million Organic Motion (markerless enemy force/neutral actors to enhance realism, and depending on motion capture) incorporate decision making taasks (threat vs. no configuration (TBC) threat). System is adopted in the MERS Grunntworks facility - Recommend further investigation First person gaming software Similar to the experimentation eexecuted during the Acttual software based on Unreal Engine SIREQ TD, first person gaming software can be used product is dependent to conduct studies to assess force-on-force on DRDC needs engagement, collaboration within teams, Tacctics, Techniques and Procedures (TTPs), mission rehearsal, etc. - Recommend further investigation Virtual Battlespace 3 (VBS3) - VBS3 may be used to teach doctrine, TTPs during CAF asset (VBS2) Bohemia Interactive squad and platoon offensive, defensive, and DRDC asset (VBS2) Simulations patrolling operations. VBS3 maay also be used in Alternatively VBS2 assessing aspects of command and control (e.g. planning - digital sandbox; orders; AAR), and for For VBS2 pricing, mission rehearsal. reference Annex A - Recommend further investigation Microsoft - HoloLens "Microsoft HoloLens is the first fully untethered, $3000 USD holographic computer, enabling high-definition holograms to integrate with your world. Unlock all- new ways to connect, create, collaborate, and explore." HoloLens could be used in assessing aspects of command and control (e.g. planning - digital sandbox; orders; AAR), mission rehearsal, recce, as well as to teach doctrine, tactics, techniquues, and procedures during squad and platoon offensive, defensive, and patrolling operations (e.g. in conjunction with first person gaming software and/or VBS) - Recommend further investigation Canadian Load Effects Scientific tool used to objectively quantifying combat DRDC asset Assessment Program (CAN performance due to weight, bulk, and stiffness LEAP) Intelligent Decision (ID) "A fully immersive virtual simulation training for U.S. $56M USD soldiers. This cutting-edge system enables soldiers, leaders and units to train in a virtual training environment…Our simulation engineer team utilized cutting-edge technology to develop this dynammic, interactive, team building experience, providing complete training and rehearsal systems enaabling the warfighters to train as if they weere in battle.” - Recommend further investigation Unit Weapons Training Future capability will provide the virtual simulation CAF future capability System (UWTS) baseline for training dismounted soldiers up to section level to include all in-service small arms, dismounted crew served weapoons…The UWTS will


be interoperable with the Land Vehicle Crew Training System virtual world Marksmanship performance In order to assess the marksmanship performance, the ability to measure the accuracy and precision of weapons firing in all environments (live fire, simunition, and under laboratory conditions) will be required. Marksmanship performance will potentially need to be assessed in the day and night, against static targets at known and unknown distances, jungle lane shooting, as well as while engaging moving targets. To achieve this, the following combination of instrumentation technologies is recommended for field and laboratory environments.


Table 12: Instrumentation technologies for marksmanship performance – field and lab

Options Analysis Comment Cost estimate Marksmanship – Field Live Fire Ranges - Automatic Targeting System ((ATS) CAF asset - Mechanical Target Range SIUS Location of Miss and Hit A sensor at the target end of the range detects the DRDC asset (LoMAH) portable system passage of the projectile through a target and feeds back an “X / Y” coordinate to a video display screen at the shooting station. SIUS Electronic Scoring Benefit includes ability to installl as an Unknown Systems - Moving Infantry attacking/withdrawing (retreating) target and a target Target (MIT) System that moves laterally across the shooter’s front in either direction and or as alternating movements. SCATT MX-02 Electronic computer trainer intended for shooting $2000 practice with fixed targets. Thee unique feature of this system is the ability to train either in the dry fire mode or in live fire, using real ammunition. The trainer is also designed to be used both indoors and at open shooting ranges. Marathon Targets Robots can be used effectively and repeatedlly in Unknown marksmanship training and evaluation – simulating lateral, oblique, or custom and unpredictable movements. - Recommend further investigation Marksmanship – Laboratory Small Arms Trainer (SAT) “Users fire simulated weapons…at targets projected CAF asset on a screen. When fired, the simulated weapon produces recoil and report simiilar to the firing of the actual weapon. A laser beam emitted from the weapon and detected by a shot camera is used to determine whether the firer would have hit the target during live fire. The system displays imagery that depicts a variety of targets at whatever range is required.” (Grant, 2013) SCATT WS1 Wireless optical sensor fixed on the firearm, DRDC asset accurately measures the weappon’s alignment during aiming and actuation of the trigger mechanism. Fitlight trainer Wireless reaction system comprised of LED powered DRDC asset lights controlled by a tablet. The lights are used as targets for the user to deactivatte, and can be adapted and configured for all sports and training regimmes including tactical marksmanship training. 3D Dismounted Training Future capability that will deliver a dismounteed CAF future capability System virtual/simulated training environment to allow for tactical training up to Company level at each of the five main Canadian Army garrisons.

HSI SoSE SoAR DRAFT Page 90 Communication In order to analyze individual and team communication during force-onn-force engagements, or during large scale missions and experimentation, the ability to collect, store, and access the data exchanged (e.g. verbal, text, hand signals), in real time, and geo referenced, in all environments, including in/outside structures (e.g. buildings), and laboratory settings will be required. To achieve this, the following combination of technologies is recommended.

Table 13: Instrumentation technologies for communication – field and lab

Options Analysis Comment Cost estimate Field environment StreamCaster tactical radio - Price for each MN MIMO radio Cost will vary depending on alone is $10k+ (rental agreement number of systems, integration of can be arranged) various components, engineering - Engineering integration firm will integration services and rental vs. be required to create a custom data purchase of tactical radio capture solution (e.g. MN MIMO radio plus: data/voice logging, Crude cost estimate: several tens video configuration, posittional of thousands of dollars upward of a tracking software, etc.) million dollars - Recommend further investigation NexLog 740 Communications A communication logging recorder $17000 USD Logging Recorder is required Actual logging recorder is - Recommend further investigation dependent on the final system configuration (i..e. digital radio). The NexLog 740 is included only as a placeholder Lab environment First person gaming software Similar to the experimenttation Actual software product is based on Unreal Engine executed during the SIREQ TD, dependent on DRDC needs first person gaming software can be used to conduct studies to assess communication such as use of communication, coding type and amount of information exchanged, and network usage. - Recommend further investigation Virtual Battlespace 3 (VBS3) - VBS3 may be used to teach CAF asset (VBS2) Bohemia Interactive Simulations doctrine, tactics, techniques, and DRDC asset (VBS2) Alternatively VBS2 procedures during squad and platoon offensive, defenssive, and patrolling operations For VBS2 pricing, reference Annex A - Recommend further investigation Intelligent Decision (ID) "A fully immersive virtual simulation $56M USD training for U.S. soldiers. This cutting-edge system enables soldiers, leaders and units to train in a virtual training environment…Our simulation engineer team utilized cuutting-edge technology to develop this dynamic, interactive, team building experience, providing complete


training and rehearsal systems enabling the warfighters to train as if they were in battle.” - Recommend further investigation Social network analysis software - Recommend further investigation Actual software product is dependent on DRDC needs


3.4.3 Subjective Assessment In order to understand and report on subjective assessment of the topic being tested, the ability to administer, collect, store, access and analyze the data will be required. Currently subjective assessment is undertaken in the form of a paper based questionnaire which has limitations (e.g. once data is collected it needs to be manually input into a database; limitation to the use of dynamic questions and multimedia content). To achieve this, the fofollowing combination of technologies is recommended.

Table 14: Options for subjective assessment

Options Analysis Comment Cost estimate General Android smartphone Alternatively portable $850 (e.g. Samsung Galaxy 5 note) tablet/computer to adminiister surveys and collect information in real-time in the field Magpi: Mobile Data Collection - Configurable, cloud-based mobile $0 - $10k per year collection and communication applications that enable users in the field to quickly and easily collect data and create broadcast messaging campaigns - Alternatively, use paperr based questionnaire Survey Gizmo - Offers a large number of survey $22 per month up to $95+ per features with a significant degree of month, depending on features customization. Ability to work (may be customizable to work off-line - TBC) - Alternatively, use paperr based questionnaire Turning point participant polling For focus group DRDC asset system CapturX Digital Pen and Mobile "Capturx converts handwritten $300 USD Forms Solutions forms, field journal notes,, sketches, and map annotations into digital data. Your team doesn’t have to change the way they havve always worked with pen and papper— with Capturx, they get the added benefits of collecting handdwriting and sketches digitally and the ability to share that data in real time… The digital pen records what is written and drawn, and all this data is then stored in the pen’s memory until you upload it into a Microsoft Windows®-based computer or server. Uploading is done via Bluetooth and a smartphone, or by docking the digital pen via the USB port on a PC."


- Recommend further investigation Cognitive workload NASA-TLX (NASA Task Load Paper based (use computer based Index) software if possible) Alternatively paper based survey in conjunction with Capturx digital pen can be used Perception (Situational Awareness) Situational Awareness Global Paper based Assessment Technique (SAGAT) Alternatively paper based survey in conjunction with Capturx digital pen can be used


3.4.4 General instrumentation

Table 15: Options for general instrumentation

Options Analysis Comment Cost estimate Android smartphone16 For instrumentation (e.g. GPS $850 (e.g. Samsung Galaxy 5 note) tracking, physiological monitoring) - Recommend further investigation Optec 5500 Vision Screener To characterize vision of soldier $3,343.00 participants through the standard vision testing slide package. Vector Rangefinder Binocular - Multifunctional optronic device (7x CAF asset (Vector IV, 21, 23) - Vectronix magnification, LRF, DMC DRDC asset capabilities) - Measured data is displayed in the field of view and simultaneously can be sent to a computer, data terminal or GPS receiver. JIM Protector Medium - Range Allows for the capability of target Unknown Multifunction Uncooled Infrared acquisition and detection through Binoculars - Vectronix thermal and day image fusion option, integrated LRF, GPS and DMC, - Recommend further investigation Fitlight trainer To capture various attributes of DRDC asset human performance such as reaction time, speed, agillity, coordination

16 Many benefits including SWaP, relatively low cost, mature and robust embedded instrumentation including positional tracking, GPS, accelerometer, GUI, thousands of apps, ability to fill out surveys/questionnaires, open architecture, ability to capture timing data, ability to pair with third party devices (physiological monitoring, external radio, instrumentation to track location in signal denied environments, etc.) Cons: will need to establish own network coverage due to weak cell phone signal, engineering integrator may be required to configure smartphone to digital radio solution. HSI SoSE SoAR DRAFT Page 95

Table 16: MOE vs. CAF Capabilities and SoAR Matrix Location of Field Experimentation Tool (instrument/product) Capability

Subject Subject ive ive assess assess ment - Subjective ment - percept General Instrumentation technologies assseessment - general cognitiv ion instrumentation e (situati workloa onal d awaren ess)

Operati Force-on-force engagement or Force-on-force engagement or Marksmanship Force-on- ons in Marksmanship Communic Communication large scale missions and large scale missions and performance - Force Urban performance - field ation - field - laboratory experimentations - field experimentations - laboratory laboratory Terrain

ss Global Assessment ss Global Assessment


- stem stem



S ) )

Measures ture p

of MIT ( et et

Task Sub- Effectiven ine ine gae g g g stem stem ndroid smartphone smartphone ndroid smartphone ndroid lternate CFB lternate CFB lternate smartphone ndroid y Groouping Category Task ess (MOE) CAN LEAP En Bohemia Interactive - 3 (VBS3) Battlespace Virtual Simulations - HoloLens Microsoft Program Assessment Program Assessment Canadian Load Effects Canadian Load Effects ( Decision (ID) Intelligent (UWTS) System Weapons Training Unit Ranges Live Fire Ranges Live Fire portable Miss of (LoMaH) Location and Hit SIUS s Moving Infantry - Scoring Systems Electronic SIUS Tar SCATT MX-02 Targets Marathon Small Arms Trainer (SAT) SCATT WS1 trainer Fitlight System Training 3D Dismounted radio tactical StreamCaster Logging Recorder NexLog 740 Communications based on Unreal gaming person software First En Bohemia Interactive - 3 (VBS3) Battlespace Virtual Simulations Simulations Decision (ID) Intelligent analysis software Social network A Mobile Data Collection Magpi: Gizmo Survey system polling participant point Turning Pen Solutions Digital and Mobile Forms CapturX Index) Load (Task NASA-TLX Awarene Situational Technique (SAGAT) A 5500 Vision Screener Optec 23) - IV, 21, (Vector Binocular Rangefinder Vector Vectronix Range Multifunction Medium - Protector JIM Vectronix - Binoculars Uncooled Infrared trainer Fitlight CFB Wainwright - CMTC CFB Wainwright CTC - CFB Gagetown A CFB Edmonton CFB Edmonton A Simulation (CWES) Effects Canadian Weapons (UOTS) System Ops Training Urban (UOTS) System Ops Training Urban A Rino 650 Garmin InReach Explorer Two Way Satellite Communicator Communicator radio tactical StreamCaster (TVCS) System Video Capture Tactical (markerless Motion Organic - simulation Immersive ca motion based on Unreal gaming person software First

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Time to prepare route plan

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Time to Plan record and Mission Route navigati display planning planning on route route plan


x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Speed of route navigation

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Route distance

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Visual and auditory detectabilit y

Effective use of x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x dead ground and natural cover

Speed of movement between x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x positions and points Accuracy of maintainin x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x g track (day and night)

Detectabilit x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x y of track by enemy air and Plan ground track positions


x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Time to site trenches

Time to x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x communic ate plan

Accuracy of plan x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x implement ation

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Kill zone coverage

Effectivene ss of overlappin x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x g arcs of fire

Weapon siting x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x effectivene ss Communic ations effectivene ss of sites x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Plan for trench command siting and control

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Time to prepare card

Siting for Accuracy surveillanc of x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x e and Range recorded weapons card information


x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Ease of updating

Time to x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x integrate range cards into a fused card

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Accuracy of range card fusion Usability of information for directing x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x and engaging targets

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

First round hit probability

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Time to adopt secondary arcs


Accuracy of x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x secondary arc boundaries

Awareness x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x of ground, features, and Section assets Surveillanc e effectivene ss x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x (coverage, effective distance)

Time to x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x plan OP site

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Detectabilit y of site

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Plan OP Detectabilit siting y of track


x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Time to estimate timings

Accuracy of x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x appreciatio Time n appreci (duration, ation milestone)

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Time to prepare orders

Quality of orders (accuracy, completen x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x ess, Orders tactical Prepare preparat effectivene orders ion ss)

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Time to provide information

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Provide Accuracy Orders/bri informat of efings ion information


x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Completen ess Complexity (salient cueing, spatial orientation, x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x content density, content integration) Time to receive information (note: since H- hour is imposed, the time to receive the information is critical to x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x determinin g the amount of time available to the section for battle preparatio n.)

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Accuracy Receive of informat comprehen ion sion


Situational awareness measures (local, navigation x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x al - if Unit movement is involved, global)

Cognitive workload x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x for comprehen sion

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Cognitive fidelity

Attentional x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x demands of acquiring information

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Memory demands

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Knowledge acquisition

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Knowledge retention


Situational x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x awareness measures (local, navigation al, global)

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Timeliness of awareness

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Accuracy of awareness

Cognitive workload x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x of visualizatio n

Attentional demands of x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x acquiring situational information

Attentional demands x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x of visualizatio n Memory demands of retaining x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x awareness knowledge Decision- making performan x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Visualize ce ground (timeliness


, number of decisions or processing steps required, decision quality or effectivene ss) Cognitive x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x fidelity

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Spatial orientation

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Time to prepare communic ation

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Time to provide information

Attentional x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x demands of sending information

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Informatio n Completen exchange ess


Complexity (salient cueing, x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x spatial orientation, content density, content integration)

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Modality resource loading

Time to x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x detect arrival of communic ation

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Time to receive information

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Accuracy of information communic ation

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Intelligibilit y of verbal communic ations


Attentional demands x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x of receiving information

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Time to comprehen sion

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Accuracy of comprehen sion

Cognitive workload x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x for comprehen sion Cognitive x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x fidelity

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Situational awareness (local, global)

Memory demands during x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x sending and receiving


x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Knowledge acquisition

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Knowledge retention

Time for sender to x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x confirm communic ation receipt

Accuracy x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x of receipt confirmatio n Visual, aural, or other detectabilit x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x y of sender and receiver by the enemy

Time required for all x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Direct section command members for control involved to Control of of receive movement movement command


x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Soldier comprehen sion of control command

Individual x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x soldier reaction time to perform command

Time required to x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x achieve group formation or movement

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Attentional demand on soldiers

Accuracy x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x of formation or movement response

Section Comd time to x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x determine, communic ate, and confirm control


Time for x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Section Comd to confirm control execution

Accuracy x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x of Section Comd confirmatio n of control execution

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Speed of traverse

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Navigation (individual/ Ease of local) traverse


x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Effective use of dead ground

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Obstacle avoidance

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Auditory and visual detectabilit y

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Navigation (group/dist Speed of ant) navigation


x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Distance traveled

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Time to determine location of self and/or landmarks

Complexity x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x of location determinati on of self and/or landmarks

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Accuracy of location determinati on

Accuracy of navigation x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x (to destination , maintainin g route)


Difficulty in maintainin g route (attentional x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x demands on NAV, task complexity )

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Ability to meet timing objectives

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Time to target detection

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Time to target identificatio n

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Accuracy of target identificatio n

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Time to Individual target Control of control of Engage engageme fire fire targets nt


x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Time to target suppressio n

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Accuracy of fire

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Grouping or consistenc y of fire

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Individual awareness of fall of shot

Individual x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x awareness of ammunitio n usage


Timeliness x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x of team movement and covering fire

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Effective coverage of team arcs of fire

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Time to designate targets

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Fire Awareness team of fire team coordin partner ation status

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Detectabilit y of individual Surviva soldier by bility enemy


x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Detectabilit y day vs night

Casualty x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x probability (i.e. exposure time and target size)

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Time to achieve effective fire

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Time to achieve enemy Control of suppressio section fire n


Effectivene ss of section fire (e.g. enemy casualties and materiel kills; x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x degree of suppressio n; outcome vs type and amount of ammunitio n used)

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Economy of ammunitio n usage

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Fire control precision

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Time to designate targets


x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Timeliness of control for individual weapons

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Timeliness of control for group weapons

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Soldier comprehen sion of fire control orders

Accuracy of Section x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Comd awareness of section fire effectivene ss


Timeliness of Section x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Comd awareness of section fire effectivene ss

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Section Comd awareness of section strength

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x Section Comd awareness of ammunitio n state

Informatio n x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x collection (wrt OP surveillanc e, sentry, Time to detailed detect recce) Detect target


x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Accuracy of detection

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Time to determine location

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Accuracy of location determinati on

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Detectabilit y by enemy


x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Time to identify target

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Accuracy of identificatio Identify n

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Time to record information

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Accuracy Record of informat recorded ion information


x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Completen ess

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Detectabilit y by the enemy during recording

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

Usability of comprehen ding recorded information

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x s s x x x x x x x x x x x x

Transfer Time to informat transfer ion information


x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x s s x x x x x x x x x x

Ease of transfer

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x s s x x x x x x x x x x x Detectabilit y by the enemy when transferrin g information


4. Discussion

4.1 State-of-the-Art-Review The first aim of this project was to undertake a SoAR of inndividual and team performance measurement, in the context of Soldier Systems. Seven coommon task groupings based on the SIREQ CTA (Tack and Angel, 2005) were used to define the individual soldier and team tasks and their associated performance metrics. Each of the task groupings were decomposed into categorical descriptions, and correlated with 145 MOE. Based on the characterization of individual soldier and team tasks and the comprehensive review of studies investigating soldier system effectiveness during Phase I, 130 tools (instruments/products and in some cases methodologies) available for monitoring, capturing, storing and live-time transmission in laboratory and field environments were reviewed. Although these technologies have advanced rapidly since the completioon of the SIREQ-TD, the findings from this paper showed that the MOP, MOE and the paradigm for human systems integration testing have remained the same. Based on the above information, one can therefore argue, although biased by the authors, that the systematic approaches in identifying and characterizing methods and metrics for assessing and reporting on soldier system individual and team objectives during SIREQ TD, may have been one of the more comprehensive approaches which were backed by scientificallly validated results, and that this paradigm should be continued for future human systeem integration studies.

4.2 Development of a Field Experimentaation Capability The second aim of this project was to conduct a preliminary analysis of options for development of a field experimentation capability to support Canadian Soldier Systems S&T projectss of today and the future. A range of state-of-the-art technologies and options were reviewed and a high-level cost- benefit analysis was carried out where possible, and a matrix of individual soldier and team tasks and associated MOE against each requirement and CAF capability was created. Based on this options analysis, the following recommendations are made:

Location For Force-on-Force studies, CFB Wainwright – Canadian Maneuver Training Centre (CMTC) is recommended. CMTC encompasses large training areas and varied terrain to conduct Section and Platoon attacks, as well as navigation and wayfinding tasks. Through the Canadiann Weapons Effects Simulation (CWES), CMTC provides a fully instrumented capability to capture force-on-force engagement in real-time and for post-hoc analysis. Missions can be at the Platoon level in a Company context for both mechanized and dismounted operations. For Operations in Urban Terrain, CFB Edmonton - Urban Ops Traininng System (UOTS) is recommended. UOTS will be an instrumented urban village able to capture dismounted soldier operations at a Company level (Level 4, level 5 operations) in real time and for post-hoc analysis. The timeframe for UOTS completion is in-line with the tiimeline for SoSE baseline studies. CFB Edmonton is also in close proximity to CMTC.


Instrumentation Technologies To assess force-on-force engagement or large scale missions and experimentation metrics, a combination of instrumentation technologies is recommended for field environments. The Canadian Weapons Effects Simulation (CWES) will enable positional tracking with the capability to track weapons effects. A future capability (Direct Fire Targetry and UOTS) will allow the CWES to be integrated with simunition to introduce realistic combat stress and integrate realism into scenarios. An additional suite of complementary instrumentation technologies is aalso recommended, which need to be reviewed depending on the specific performance metrics being collected. These include Android smartphones, Garmin Rino 650, and StreamCaster tactical radio. The DeLorme InReach Explorer Two Way Satellite Communicator and Tactical Video Capture System (TVCS) is also included should CFB Edmonton and CMTC locations become unavailable. For laboratory environments the following instrumentation technologies are recommended. The Unit Weapons Training System (UWTS) is a future capability that will provide the virtual simulation baseline for training dismounted soldiers up to section level to include all in-service small arms, dismounted crew served weapons, and interoperability with the Land Vehicle Crew Training System. However, as the anticipated timeline for final delivery is projected to be between 2026 and 2035, the following instrumentation technologies are recommended for the near term. First person gaming software based on Unreal Engine to conduct studies to assess force-on-force engagement, collaboration within teams, Tactics, Techniques and Procedures (TTPs), and mission rehearsal; Virtual Battlespace 3 (VBS3) for assessing aspects of command and control (e.g. planning - digittal sandbox; orders; AAR), and for mission rehearsal; and Immersive simulation to generate and manipulate virtual civilian enemy force/neutral actors to enhance realism, and incorporate decision making tasks (threat vs. no threat) in urban environments. HoloLens, Canadian Load Effects Assessment Program (CAN LEAP), and Intelligent Decision (ID) are also recommended for further investigation. The following technologies are recommended to assess marksmanship performance. For live fire assessments, the Automatic Targeting System (ATS) installed at CAF mechanical target ranges as well as continuing utilization of the SIUS Location of Miss and Hit (LoMaH) portable system. The ability to assess marksmanship performance with moving targets is also recommended using systems such as the SIUS Electronic Scoring Systems - Moving Infantry Target (MIT) Systeem and Marathon Targets. For assessments conducted in the laboratory, the Small Armss Trainer (SAT), SCATT WS1, Fitlight trainer, and 3D Dismounted Training System is recommended. To analyze individual and team communication during force-on-force engagements, or during large scale missions and experimentation, the StreamCaster tactical radio annd a tool such as the NexLog 740 Communications Logging Recorder is recommended. For laboratory studies, First person gaming software based on Unreal Engine, Virtual Battlespace 3 (VBS3), Intelligent Decision (ID), and social network analysis software is recommended for further investigation.

Physiological Monitoring Equipment Physiological monitoring equipment, as reviewed by Gaggnon and Lafond (2015), is recommended to be used as part of the larger suite of instrumentation technologies to asssess soldier system performance.


Subjective Assessment The following technologies/methodologies are recommended for admiinistering, collecting, storing, accessing and analyzing subjective assessment data. Geneeral tools incllude Android smartphones; Magpi: Mobile Data Collection software; Survey Gizmo; Turning point participant polling system; and CapturX Digital Pen and Mobile Forms Solutions. Methodologies to assess cognitive workload include the NASA-TLX (NASA Task Load Index) and Situational Awareness Global Assessment Technique (SAGAT) for assessing situational awareness.

General Instrumentation Recommendations for general instrumentation technologiies include the Android smartphone for the ability to track positional data, measure speed, capture orientation, network capability, and also the ability to pair with various sensors such as physiological monitoring devices, cameras, as well as software apps. Other instrumentation technologies include Optec 5500 Vision Screener to characterize vision of soldier participants; Vector Rangefinder Binocular for LRF capability; JIM Protector Medium - Range Multifunction Uncooled Infrared Binoculars for the capability of target acquisition and detection through thermal and day image fusion option, integrated LRF, GPS and DMC; and the Fitlight trainer to capture various attributes of human performance such as reaction time, speed, agility, and coordination.

It is intended that this preliminary analysis of options for development of a field experimentation capability will be used to support Canadian Soldier Systems S&T projects of today and the future (guide DRDC capability review, development and investment decisions).


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Tack, D.W., and Colbert, H.J. (2005). Alternative visualiization methods for high density urban operations. CR-2005-013. Defence Research and Development Canada. Tack, D.W., and Colbert, H.J. (2005). Evaluation of three NVG mounts for infantry soldiers. CR- 2005-029. Defence Research and Development Canada. Tack, D.W., Colbert, H.J., and Bos, (2005). Investigation of a helmet mount system for the AN/PVS 504 night vision goggles. CR-2005-051. Defence Research and Devellopment Canada. Tack, D.W., Colbert, H.J., and Kumagai, J.K. (2004). Alternative visualization methods in urban operations: in-building terrain environment. CR-2004-175. Defence Research and Development Canada. Tack, D.W., Colbert, H.J., and Kumagai, J.K. (2004). Investigation of alternative visualization methods in urban operations: urban streets terrain environment. CR-2004-174. Defence Research and Development Canada. Tack, D.W., Kumagai, J.K., and Bos, J.C. (2005). Alternaative methods for providing survey and route information during open country terrain navigation ((Phase I). CR-2005-015. Defence Research and Development Canada. Tack, D. W., McKee, K. W. (2011). Warfighter Integrated Physical Ergonomics Tool Development: Needs Analysis and State Of The Art Review. Defence Research and Development Canada – Toronto. Tack, D., McKee, K., Kelly, A., and Nakaza, E. T. (2010). SIHS TDPP: Final Functional Phase Summary Report. PWGSC Contract No. W7711-037880//001TOR. Report prepared for Defence Research and Development Canada – Toronto, Toronto, ON. Tack, D., and Nakaza, E. (2005). Evaluation of the Marconi Personal RRole Radio. CR-2005-0311. Defence Research and Development Canada. Tack, D., and Nakaza, E. (2005). Investigation of weapon-mounted off-bore systems using alternative visual displays. CR-2005-040. Defence Research and Development Canada. Tack, D., and Nakaza, E. (2005). Using monocular and biocular head mounted displays with weapon-mounted off-bore systems. CR-2005-036. Defence Research and Development Canada. Tack, D.W., and Nakaza, E.T. (2005). Investigation of navigation systems using alternative visual displays. CR-2005-041. Defence Research and Development Canada. Tack, D.W., and Nakaza, E.T. (2005). Investigation of navigation systems using alternative visual displays. CR-2005-041. Defence Research and Development Canada. Tack, D., Nakaza, E., and Thompson, L. (2005). Off-bore camera display characterization study. CR-2005-025. Defence Research and Development Canada. Thompson, L., and Tack, D.W. (2005). Voice controls and displays for the dismounted soldier. CR- 2005-033. Defence Research and Development Canada. United States Census Bureau (July 22). U.S. and World Population Clock. Retrieved 22 July 2015 from Vilhena, P., and Angel, H.A. (2005). Impact of night vision devices on individual and group movement and separation on the battlefield. CR-2005-059. Defence Research and Development Canada.


Vilhena, P., and Angel, H.A. (2005). Investigation of information exchange alternatives in support of platoon tactics. CR-2005-046. Defence Research and Development Canada. Watson, J. M. G. (2013). LAV 6.0 Simulation Solutions – ICGS. Armour Bulletin. Pg. 14.


Annex A: State-of-the-Art Review

The following Annex provides the SoAR. The section is organized under the seven groupings as discussed above (Subjective Assessment, Perception (SA), Positional Information, Communication, Marksmanship Systems, Motion Capture, and Miscellaneoous Measurement Tools). Within each of these groupings, the Tool (instrument/product) is presented in a table along with a summary description and image, environment where it can be used (laboratory/field), “Pro’s” and “Con’s”, “Cost” (where available), and “Reference”.


5.1.1 Subjective Assessment Cognitive Workload The information in the following tables was taken largely from “Revieew of Workload Measurement, Analysis, and Interpretation Methods” (Farmer and Brownson, 2003) and was also previously reported by Angel, Nakaza, Tack and Kelly (2012).

Tool (instrument/product): NASA-TLX (NASA Task Load Index)

Summary Description:

NASA-TLX consists of six subscales that can be divided into thrree groups: Characteristics of the task: Mental, Physical and Time Demands. Behavioural characteristics: Performance and Effort. Individual characteristic: Frustration. Each of the bipolar subscales of the NASA-TLX consists of 20 five-point steps from 0-100, with verbal descriptor endpoints.

In the first phase the subject rates the task with regard to workload. In the second phase each subject makes a paired comparison, deciding with all 15 possible pair combinations of the 6 dimensions, which pair element is more important with regard to workload in the rated task. From the results, a rank order of the dimensions from 0-5 is derived by which the individual subscale scores of the rated task are weighted (Human Performance Research Group (n.d.). Pro: Coon: Selection Criteria Applied to the NASA Task Load Index See Pro (NASA-TLX) [both Pro and Con are listed]

Reliability: High reliability Validity: Extensively validated Sensitivity: High sensitivity Diagnosticity: Multidimensional: six scales (Mental, Physical, Temporal, Effort, Performance, Frustration); differentially diagnostic; global score can also be calculated Practicality: Two steps: event scoring and paired comparison weighting process to determine the importance of each factor for the task in question (the latter not necessarily required) Intrusiveness: Takes 1 or 2 minutes to complete, off-line Summary: A very well-established, widely used test Cost: n/a Lab: x Field: x Reference: The information in the following tables was taken largely from “Review of Workload Measurement, Analysis, and Interpretation Methods” (Farmer and Brownson, 2003) and was also previously reported by Angel, Nakaza, Tack and Kelly (2012).


Tool (instrument/product): MCH (Modified Cooper-Harper) Scale

Summary Description:

The Cooper-Harper Scale is a 10-point scale that is accompanied by verbal descriptors, with the descriptors being worded in terms of the mental effort required to perform tasks. The original Cooper-Harper Scale waas modified so that it could be utilized with tasks other than aviation, containing characteristics of modern systems. The derived Modified Cooper-Harper MCH (Modified Cooper- (MCH) Scale retains the decision tree of the original scale but has changed Harper) Scale the wording. The authors assume that the scale gives a reliable overall assessment of workload at least on a relative basis (Megaw, 20005).

Pro: Coon: Selection Criteria Applied to the Modified Cooper-Harper See Pro (MCH) Test [both Pro and Con are listed]

Reliability: Dependent on operator acceptance; generally high reliability Validity: Highly correlated with task performance and other workload measures Sensitivity: Sensitive to variations in task difficulty. Monotonic relationship with loading level Diagnosticity: Not diagnostic Practicality: Easily administered. Decision tree-based, but tree only initially consulted. Subject provides a rating between 1 and 10 Intrusiveness: Low intrusiveness Summary: Useful as a simple measure of overall workload, but not diagnostic Cost: n/a Lab: x Field: x Reference: The information in the following tables was taken largely from “Review of Workload Measurement, Analysis, and Interpretation Methods” (Farmer and Brownson, 2003) and was also previously reported by Angel, Nakaza, Tack and Kelly (2012).


Tool (instrument/product): SWAT (Subjective Workload Assessment Technique)

Summary Description:

This instrument was developed by Gary Reid at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, and has been used in a number of aircrew studies. It includes scales for time load, mental effort load, and psychological stress load, each scale having three levels. Participants are asked to rank the 27 possible SWAT (Subjective combinations of levels on the three scales before providing ratings for particular tasks or events (Farmer and Brownson, 2003). Workload Assessment Technique)

Pro: Coon: Selection Criteria Applied to the Subjective Workload See Pro Assessment Tool (SWAT) [both Pro and Con are listed]

Reliability: Reliable, even if reporting delayed by up to 30 min Validity: Underlying dimensions not empirically validated Sensitivity: Generally less sensitive than NASA-TLX, but still highly sensitive and extensively tested Diagnosticity: Multidimensional: three scales (time load, mental effort load, and psychological stress load). These have been found to be differentially diagnostic Practicality: Two steps: scale development (scale ranking of 27 scale combinations); event scoring. Intrusiveness: Slightly more demanding than other subjective measures (Step 1 can take up to 45 min. Lower user acceptance than NASA-TLX. Completed offline Summary: A test that provides useful data, but requires more effort than some other multi-dimensional scales Cost: n/a Lab: x Field: x Reference: The information in the following tables was taken largely from “Review of Workload Measurement, Analysis, and Interpretation Methods” (Farmer and Brownson, 2003) and was also previously reported by Angel, Nakaza, Tack and Kelly (2012).


Tool (instrument/product): ISA (Instantaneous Self-Assessment)

Summary Description:

Instantaneous Self-Assessment (ISA) was developed as a simple tool with which an operator can estimate perceived workload during real-ttime simulated or actual tasks. The operator is required to give a rating of perceived workload on a scale from 1 (very low) to 5 (very high) (Farmer and Brownson, 2003). ISA (Instantaneous Self- Assessment)

Pro: Coon: Selection Criteria Applied to the Instantaneous Self- See Pro Assessment (ISA) Technique [both Pro and Con are listed]

Reliability: Reliable if operators report ratings accurately Validity: Highly correlated with NASA-TLX and other workload measures Sensitivity: Moderate sensitivity, limited by 5-point rating scale Diagnosticity: Not diagnostic Practicality: Very practical measure, with minimal equipment required Intrusiveness: Lowest intrusiveness of all subjective measures Summary: Useful for a rough indication of workload, particularly in dynamic environments Cost: n/a Lab: x Field: x Reference: The information in the following tables was taken largely from “Review of Workload Measurement, Analysis, and Interpretation Methods” (Farmer and Brownson, 2003) and was also previously reported by Angel, Nakaza, Tack and Kelly (2012).


Tool (instrument/product): SWORD (Subjective Workload Dominance Technique)

Summary Description:

In contrast to most other techniques (which are based on absolute comparisons, without referring to the other task conditions), SWWORD uses relative comparisons, i.e., each task is individually compared to all other tasks. The SWORD technique involves three stages: (1) Collecting raw SWORRD (Subjective judgement data; (2) Constructing a judgement matrix; and (3) Calculating the SWORD workload ratings. The creators of this technique were Workload Dominance particularly interested in using SWORD as a projective or predictive Technique) technique (NATO, 2001).

Pro: Coon: Selection Criteria Applied to the Subjective Workload See Pro Dominance (SWORD) Technique [both Pro and Con are listed]

Reliability: Very highly reliable Validity: High validity Sensitivity: Good sensitivity to workload variations Diagnosticity: Not diagnostic, as SWORD is unidimensional Practicality: SWORD is not as practical as other unidimensional workload measurement methods, especially when there are many experimental conditions. Data collection with SWORD takes more time than with other unidimensional workload measurement methods Intrusiveness: Does not interfere with the main task as the rating cannot be done during task completion Summary: Applicable when not too many tasks, experimental conditions etc. have to be compared in respect to workload, as all tasks have to be compared with each other Cost: n/a Lab: x Field: x Reference: The information in the following tables was taken largely from “Review of Workload Measurement, Analysis, and Interpretation Methods” (Farmer and Brownson, 2003) and was also previously reported by Angel, Nakaza, Tack and Kelly (2012).


Tool (instrument/product): DRAWS (DRA Workload Scales)

Summary Description:

These scales were developed by the Defence Research Agency (DRA), a predecessor of QinetiQ. They were based on factor analysis of a large body of performance and workload data, and were subjected to validation studies during their development (Farmer and Brownson, 2003). DRAWS (DRA Workload Scales)

Pro: Coon: Selection Criteria Applied to the DRA Workload Scales See Pro (DRAWS) [both Pro and Con are listed]

Reliability: Good reliability established Validity: Validated Sensitivity: Shown to be sensitive in several studies Diagnosticity: Provides information on the four dimensions of workload recovered from empirical data: input demand, central demand, output demand, and time pressure Practicality: Easy to administer: only four ratings required Intrusiveness: Takes about two minutes; less after familiarization Summary: Based on a slightly different factor structure from the NASA-TLX, but has similar properties Cost: n/a Lab: x Field: x Reference: The information in the following tables was taken largely from “Review of Workload Measurement, Analysis, and Interpretation Methods” (Farmer and Brownson, 2003) and was also previously reported by Angel, Nakaza, Tack and Kelly (2012).


Tool (instrument/product): Bedford Rating Scale

Summary Description:

The Bedford Rating Scale was developed for application within the flight environment, using 10 workload level descriptors from the Cooper-Harper Scale that have been modified. A majority of the descriptors make reference to spare capacity rather than, or as well as, effort invested (Megaw, 2005). Bedford Rating Scale

Pro: Coon: Selection Criteria Applied to the Bedford Rating Scale See Pro [both Pro and Con are listed]

Reliability: Database for reliability is insufficient Validity: Database for validity is insufficient Sensitivity: Database for sensitivity is insufficient Diagnosticity: Not diagnostic Practicality: Easy to administer Intrusiveness: Not seen to interfere with the participant’s primary task Summary: Limited usefulness for non-flight environments Cost: n/a Lab: x Field: x Reference: The information in the following tables was taken largely from “Review of Workload Measurement, Analysis, and Interpretation Methods” (Farmer and Brownson, 2003) and was also previously reported by Angel, Nakaza, Tack and Kelly (2012).

HSI SoSE SoAR DRAFT Page 141 Subjective Assessment

Tool (instrument/product): Magpi: Mobile Data Collection

Summary Description:

Magpi (formerly DataDyne) is the leading provider of configurable, cloud- based mobile collection and communication applications that enable users in the field to quickly and easily collect data and create broadcast messaging campaigns. Magpi enables organizations across varrious industries to easily and cost-effectively develop flexible and robust mobile MAGPI Mobile Data Service forms, access real-time data, and generate outgoing SMS and voice (formerly DataDyne) messaging campaigns.

Pro: Coon: - Compatibility with iOS, Android, and Symbian systems - Frree servers are only located in the US - SMS and web-entry data collection - Use of the software without restrictions can be - Real-time and offline data capture expensive (up to 10k per year) - Form sharing via email and SMS - Requires participants/administrators to download app on - Multiple question types (text, numbers, multiple choice, smmart phones geo-location, cascading, and sub-forms) - SMS functionality is limited to paid accounts - Photo Capture - Requires wireless reception or internet to function - Instant data analysis and publishing of data sets and maps - Import/export of forms, data and contacts - Forward/backward movement through questionnaire - Forms in any language in any alphabet - Integrated Geographic Information System (GIS) - Audit log - Form export in codebook and field ready format - Logical checks - Automatic calculations - Customizable form roles and privileges - Servers can be located anywhere for a fee - Eliminates cost and logistics issues associated with paper - Free technical support via email - Access to the survey can be controlled Cost: Ranges from $0 - $10k per year Lab: x Field: Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Polldaddy

Summary Description:

Polldaddy is tool used to create surveys and polls. While it is primarily an online service, it is capable of collecting survey data offline through iPad and iPod apps. Polldaddy offers three account levels that vary in thee features they offer and cost. However, all three account levels are allowed unlimited surveys and unlimited responses. Crowd Signal (formerly PollDaddy)

Pro: Coon: - Feedback can be collected from web, email, iPad, or - Reports that it has been hacked to alter votes in the past social media - Frree account must use Polldaddy branding -No limits on content creation or votes - 24/7 email support only comes with paid accounts - Payments can be made monthly or yearly - Survey restrictions (i.e. passwords) are only available - Able to generate and share reports based on the survey with paid accounts data - Can only send participant invites via email with a paid - Paid accounts allow you to use your own branding on account surveys - Responses to survey can only be exported with paid - Surveys can integrate images, video, and content from accounts YouTube, Flickr, and Google Maps - No response filteering in free account - Survey can be branded and customized (extent - Results cannot be shared without a paid account dependent on account type) - Requires an internet connection for full functionality - Survey URL can be customized with paid account - Survey can be embedded in a website - Responses can be collected offline using iPad/iPhone app - Email, RSS, and HTTP POST notifications for new survey responses - Survey aesthetics are somewhat adjustable Cost: Free - $900 per year Lab: x Field: Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): SurveySwipe

Summary Description:

SurveySwipe is an online mobile savvy research app powered by a dedicated team at Survey Analytics. The app is intended to collect survey data from specific participants as opposed to creating a large data set. The Survey Analytics SurveySwipe developer kit allows users to integrate surveys into existing mobile apps, create a branded white labeled app, or use the staandard (formerly Survey Swipe SurveySwipe app. The app supports collecting survey data, multichannel and now partnered with panel management, and engagement tools, passive data collection, and mobile ethnography. QuestionPro)

Pro: Coon: - Can conduct geolocation based surveys - Users must download the app to fill out surveys - Over 30 question types available - SurveySwipe has an internal reewards system that may - Is capable of capturing images pressure the survey administrattor to provide incentives - Can utilize images, audio and video in survey questions - Location based surveys may drain phone batteries - Can create a custom white label app rapidly - Access to surveys is controlled through an access code - Limited set of community engagement tools - Can be integrated with an existing mobile app - Documentation and help files are lacking - Provides summary reports and custom dashboard views - Developer tools for quick analytics - Compatible with 40 different languages - Works on iOS and Android devices - Can use location based surveys, QR codes, push notifications, and geofence triggers to collect data when and where you want it in real-time - Data can be exported to a number of file types (xls, csv, ppt, doc, sav, google docs, dropbox) Cost: $8000-23,000 annually with a $2000 one time seet-up fee Lab: x Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Survey Analytics

Summary Description:

The Survey Analytics Enterprise Feedback Platform is a one-stop solution for managing feedback. It includes a suite of different software including the mobile app SurveySwipe. The software includes tools for creating surveys, sending email invitations, and analyzing survey data. Survey Analytics (now partnered with QuestionPro)

Pro: Coon: - Collaborative features allow sharing of surveys, results, - Requires an internet connection for full functionality survey style sheets, and survey templates - Capable of building customized, integrated, company specific data collection systems using various development platforms and languages - Add ons allow for in-depth data analysis -Unlimited surveys and responses - Panel management software included - Multi-channel delivery - Mobile survey apps (SurveySwipe) - Conjoint analysis, MaxDiff, TURF - Mobile survey SDK - Real-time data - Interactive dashboards - API to Salesforce, Google Analytics and more - White-labeling options - Dedicated support team - Multilingual survey capabilities - Over 50 question types - Branching and skip logic - Data segmentation - Data visualization - Adheres to high levels of security including SOC-2, PCI DSS and CloudFlare - Granted an 853 (a low risk certification to work with government agencies in the US and around the world) - Online and offline survey capabilities Cost: Starting at $500 per month Lab: x Field: Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Fluid Survey/Survey Monkey

Summary Description:

"SurveyMonkey is an online survey development cloud-based ("software as a service") company. SurveyMonkey provides free, customizable surveys, as well as a suite of paid back-end programs that include data analysis, sample selection, bias elimination, and data representation tools. In addition to providing free and paid plans for individual users, SurveyMonkey offers more large-scale enterprise options for companies interested in data analysis, brand management, and consumer-focused marketing."

[non-commercial use image]

Pro: Coon: - Over 15 question types - Surveys and responses are limited for non-paid - Custom logo and branding enabled accounts - Page, question and skip logic - Feeatures limited to paid accounts appear available to - Mobile app available free users until thhey try to send a survey - Surveys can be conducted via mobile, web, or social - Limited flexibility with pre-constructed question media templates - Integrated with partners including MailChimp, Eventbrite - Frree account maay offer limited functionality compared to and many more the free accounts of competitors - Real-time results - Requires internet/reception for full functionality - Text analysis - SPSS integration - Custom reporting - Filter and cross-tabbing - Selectable target audience - Consolidated account management - Business class support - Data ownership - 24x7 email and telephone support - Tutorials provided - Hundreds of survey templates - HIPAA compliant features - Data is protected by Norton and TRUSTe - SSL encryption Cost: Free to $65 per month Lab: x Field: Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): RemotePoll

Summary Description:

RemotePoll distance learning solution allows a presenter to poll audiences using ResponseCard hardware or ResponseWare software in multiple remote locations and immediately display the results in conjunction with those of the hosting site. RemotePoll provides instantaneous feedback for the presenter and helps keep the remote audience engaged by displaying Turning Technologies their input. (formerly RemotePoll)

Pro: Coon: - Compatible with TurningPoint - Requires internet connection for all remote users - Combines results from all locations for analysis - Requires ResponseCard keypads to respond - Employs ResponseWare web-based polling application - Host and satellite locations must have a TurningPoint - Allows for the use of clickers in conjunction with receiver participants responding via web Cost: Starting at $1599 for remote set and software, specific inquiries Lab: x Field: need to be made to sales department for exact pricing Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): TurningPoint/TurningPoint Cloud

Summary Description:

TurningPoint/TurningPoint Cloud enables the presenter/experimenter to poll their audience through PowerPoint. The PowerPoint poll can be easily integrated with other applications or tests. TurningPoint software allows the presenter/experimenter to manage users, participant lists and provide feedback to participants. Results of polls can be shown in real time as part of the Power Point presentation allowing for instantaneous discussion of the Turning Technologies results and improving participant engagement with the material.

Pro: Coon: - Only requires internet connection for initial set up. - Requires TurningPoint hardware for all users as well as - Results can be integrated with presentation in real-time a receiver - Data is encrypted - Participants must be co-located with - Allows HTML content in polling experimenter/presenter - Compatible with PC and Mac - Question types limited (must be multiple choice) - Capable of creating reports and exporting in different - Software must be run from a computer connected to formats (.CSV, .XLS, .PDF) receiver - Dashboard interface for easy content management - Available in no-install version Cost: Starting at $1599 for remote set and software, specific inquiries Lab: x Field: x need to be made to sales department for exact pricing Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Survey Gizmo

Summary Description:

SurveyGizmo is a powerful survey tool that offers a large number of features with a significant degree of customization. One of the major selling points of the software is the number of survey features it supports. Furthermore, custom content can be created upon request by the SurveyGizmo team. As their website explains: "If you need it, we have it or we’ll do our best to build it for you." Survey Gizmo

Pro: Coon: - Unlimited surveys and questions - Frree version only offers 50 respondents - Option to export to CSV - Requires internet for full functionality (may be - Survey tools can be custom built to suit needs customizable to work off-line - TBC) - Advanced survey logic and branching - Client has brand and design control - Real-time updates and notifications regarding data - Advanced reports are simple to create - Multiple question types (multiple choice, Likert scale, open text, etc.) - Surveys can be distributed via email or various types of social media - Online support available - Software meets international accessibility and usability standards - Can be integrated with most web applications Cost: Starting at $22 per month and up to $95+ per month, depending on Lab: x Field: features (10% off if paid annually, 25% off for non-profit organizations and educators) Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): SoGoSurvey

Summary Description:

SoGoSurvey is a jack of all trades survey tool that offers a wide variety of features. SoGoSurvey is designed to be user friendly and cost effective relative to the number of features it offers. The tool is able to brand work, utilize mobile devices, create reports, and share results.

[Non-commercial use image]

Pro: Coon: - Mulitlingual surveys available (with auto-translate - Requires an internet connection and/or wireless features) reception for full functionality - Branching/skip logic - Pre-defined survey templates available - Variety of question types available - Spell check integrated - Can set mandatory answers - Surveys are created in a printable format - Real time updates on survey completion - Secure survey URLs - Firewall security - SMS functionality - Custom branding features available - Variety of reports available - Reports can be exported to social media and programs such as MS Word and Excel - Secure data storage (Tier One, Class A data centre) - 24/7 customer support Cost: Price ranges from free for basic accounts to $99 per month for Lab: x Field: enterprise accounts. Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Typeform

Summary Description:

Typeform is a form creation tool that relies heavily on visual material in order to create a more engaging survey experience and therefore boost survey completion rates. As a result many of its options are geared towards creating a more aesthetically pleasing survey.

[Non-commercial use image]

Pro: Coon: - Provides a lot of options in terms of survey aesthetics - Relies on an internet connection for full functionality - Plenty of selection in terms of form formats and question - Survey designs in Typeform can be graphically types overwhelming - Mobile app available - Thhe number of visual options can make survey/form - Questions can be delivered one by one to focus a creation more complex participants attention Cost: Basic membership is free, with pro features availaable for $20 per Lab: x Field: month, Pro + accounts will be available in the future but are not currently priced, yearly subscriptions save 20% Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Amazon Mechanical Turk

Summary Description:

"Mechanical Turk gives people a new way to work or find workers online. The site is designed to streamline the process of freelancer and client finding one another. Through Mechanical Turk, individuals and companies that need tasks done can submit a HIT or Human Intelligence task. All they have to do is fund the job, submit the task then wait for a worker to do it. On the other end of that transaction, the workers can locate HITs. Once they find one they want to do, they complete the work, submit it and collect payment. The process is relatively simple."

"Amazon’s Mechanical Turk is not a standard freelancer website. The site is intended to help with large projects that have a lot of volume. Mechanical Turk lets users tap into the power of many to get the job done. Meanwhile, the workers are given another opportunity to make money by helping out [Non-commercial use image] with a manageable portion of the enormous project they otherwiise could not have taken on alone." Pro: Coon: - Have access to a global on-demand 24/7 workforce - Survey completion is paid for per survey - Get thousands of human intelligence tasks completed in - Feeatures that allow you to pay users to clean, verify or minutes categorize data could not be used for defense projects - Only pay if satisfied with the results - Requires internet connection to function - Can be used to verify and clean data - Subjects and administrator must have an account - Has a subject pool of over 500,000 workers from 190 - Difficult to assign the survey to specific individuals countries - Can select subject pool by experience/education or proficiency in past tasks (workers can be pre-qualified) - Multiple types of human intelligence tasks including surveys Cost: Cost is dependent on amount of money offered per survey Lab: x Field: (minimum $0.01 per survey) Reference: Amazon Mechanical Turk Requester UI Guide: MTurk Requester User's Guidee.pdf


Tool (instrument/product): Google Forms

Summary Description:

Google Forms is a free to use method for planning events, makiing a survey or poll, creating a quiz, or collect other information in an easy, streamlined way. Google Forms is capable of creating a form from Google Drive or from an existing spreadsheet that can record the responses to your form.

[Non-commercial use image] Pro: Coon: - Can add collaborators to have multiple people - Requires an internet connection for full functionality constructing the same survey - Can add media content including images and youtube videos - Large number of aesthetic design features to alter the appearance of the survey - Can be used to plan trips, manage registrations, collect email addresses and create surveys - Can randomize questions - Can utilize page branching and question skip logic - Unlimited number of respondents - Survey can be embedded in emails - Real time responses are collected and organized - Can create charts to display response data - Can create 9 different survey question types Cost: Free Lab: x Field: Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Client Heartbeat

Summary Description:

Client Heartbeat is primarily used in order to measure customer satisfaction. It is particularly adept at measuring changes in participant responses over time when the same survey is administered at set intervals. Clieent Heartbeat advertises itself as "A simple customer feedback tool that surveys your customers, measures satisfaction and identifies those that are unhappy." Client Heartbeat

Pro: Coon: - Allows you to create recurring surveys and sends out - Requires an internet connection for full functionality reminders to administer a survey and to participants that haven't completed them - Provides information on how participant’s scores have changed over time. - Exports report data into excel - Browser and mobile functionality - Allows custom branding - Automatically collects testimonials from clients/participants completing surveys - Automatically flags negative responses on surveys - Provides the user with benchmarking data for satisfaction ratings in a given industry - Real time updates on survey status through an activity feed - Can set up filters to look at desirable data only Cost: First 21 days are free, membership costs range from $29 per Lab: x Field: month to $449 per month. Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): SurveyPro5 (Apian)

Summary Description:

SurveyPro 5 is a comprehensive survey software suite. It includes polished questionnaire design, an integrated database, and a sophisticateed reporting and analysis engine. All this, and it's easy to use, with friendly graphic interfaces, unparalleled technical support, and multiple training options. SurveyPro5 Truly a multimedia solution, SurveyPro lets you distribute surveys on the web, via paper, on your local area network (LAN), or at a kiosk. You can also create scannable surveys. You can combine multiple media in a single project, and even do the analysis together.

Pro: Coon: Web Surveys - Requires an internet connection for web survey mode Your organization's online presentation is important, and (TBC) your surveys should reflect the same level of - Kiosk mode can be used on a laptop/PC (smartphone or sophistication and professionalism as your website. tablet not specified) SurveyPro offers you both ease of use and detailed custom control. Create your survey, publish it to the web, and download your data for detailed analysis and reporting in SurveyPro. Web features available for use on your Windows server (ASP), or hosted on ours. - Integrated emailer - Use your branding - Integrates with other media - Instant feedback

Paper Paper questionnaires are the best solution in many situations: hotel comment cards, training class feedback forms, or any situation where not every respondent will have immediate access to a web-connected computer. SurveyPro's powerful features can help you create forms and process information effectively.

Kiosk/LAN/Telephone The DirectCollect module, included with SurveyPro 5, will create an independent executable version of your survey. This mini-program can be run on a kiosk, a laptop, your local area network, or the desktops of telephone interviewers. The data files are then imported back into SurveyPro for analysis together.

Scanning How scanning with SurveyPro works: 1) Create Survey in SurveyPro and Print Questionnaires, 2) Scan questionnaire using Remark Office OMR or use the SurveyProScan Service, 3) Analyze Results and Create Reports in SurveyPro. Cost: $1295 — single-user license Lab: x Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Capturx Digital Pen and Mobile Forrms Solutions

Summary Description:

"Capturx converts handwritten forms, field journal notes, sketches, and map annotations into digital data. Your team doesn’t have to change the way they have always worked with pen and paper— with Capturx, they get the added benefits of collecting handwriting and sketches digitally and the ability to share that data in real time. The digital pen looks and feels like a regular ballpoint pen—but contains an integrated digital sensor, an advanced microprocessor, and a mobile communications device for wirelesss connection. As you write, the digital pen scans your writing in conjunction with the digital watermark that is printed by Capturx software when you print the visual information in your form, map, notebook, or PDF file. The digital pen records what is written and drawn, and all this data is then stored in the pen’s memory until you upload it into a Microsoft Windows®- based computer or server. Uploading is done via Bluetooth and a smartphone, or by docking the digital pen via the USB port on a PC." (Accessed 20 October 2015 from pen.pdf) Pro: Coon: "- Share and act on data faster (from virtually anywhere in - Special paper is required for the digital pen to “read” the near real time) data - Eliminate the cost and delays of data entry - Digital data is accessible via handwriting or can be converted as digital text using advanced character recognition - Reduce the risks from missing documents - Forms can easily be created using MS Excel - Works with the familiarity of writing with a pen, finger, on paper and/or tablets using applications that you normally use (MS Exel, OneNote, Sharepoint, etc.)” (Accessed 20 October 2015 from forms-solutions) Cost: $300 USD Lab: x Field: x Reference:


5.1.2 Perception (Situational Awareness)

Tool (instrument/product): Situational Awareness Global Assessment Technique (SAGAT)

Summary Description:

"The Situation Awareness Global Assessment Technique (SAGAT), is a global tool developed to assess SA across all of its elements baased on a comprehensive assessment of operator SA requirements (Endsley, 1987b; 1988b; 1990c). Using SAGAT, a simulation employing a systemm of interest is frozen at randomly selected times and operators are queried as to their perceptions of the situation at that time. The system displays are blanked Situational Awareness and the simulation is suspended while subjects quickly answer questions about their current perceptions of the situation. As a global measure, Global Assessment SAGAT includes queries about all operator SA requirements, including Level Technique (SAGAT) 1 (perception data), Level 2 (comprehension of meaning) and Level 3 (projection of the near future) components. This includes a consideration of system functioning and status as well as relevant features of the external environment." (Endsley, 2000) aside: SA Technologies Inc. have developed software based training to improve infantry SA (Strater et. al, 2004) Pro: Coon: "SAGAT queries allow for detailed information about “The main disadvantage of SAGAT is that it requires subject SA to be collected on an element by element freezes in the simulation." (Endsley et. al, 1998). That is basis that can be evaluated against reality, thus providing as SAGAT requirees task interruption, therefore it can only an objective assessment of operator SA. This type of be used in simulated environments (e.g. lab/field assessment is a direct measure of SA - it taps into the experiments vs. operations). operator's perceptions rather than infers them from behaviors that may be influenced by many other factors "Situational Awarreness Global Assessment Technique besides SA. Furthermore it does not require subjects or (SAGAT) is widely considered the best method for observers to make judgments about situation knowledge measuring situational awareness. However, research on on the basis of incomplete information, as subjective situational awareness is largely focused at the command assessments do. By collecting samples of SA data in this post level and above, and implementations of SAGAT do manner, situation perceptions can be collected not address operations at the small-unit level." (Bew et. immediately (while fresh in the operators' minds), al, 2015) reducing numerous problems incurred when collecting data on mental events after the fact, but not incurring intrusiveness problems associated with on-line questioning. Multiple "snapshots" of operators' SA can be acquired in this way, providing an index of the quality of SA provided by a particular design. By including queries across the full spectrum of an operator's SA requirements, this approach minimizes possible biasing of attention, as subjects cannot prepare for the queries in advance since they could be queried over almost every aspect of the situation to which they would normally attend. The method is not without some costs, however, as a detailed analysis of SA requirements is required in order to develop the battery of queries to be administered." (Endsley, 2000)

"SAGAT is an objective measure of SA. SAGAT employs periodic, randomly-timed freezes in a simulation scenario during which all of the operator's displays are temporarily blanked. At the time of the freeze a series of queries are provided to the operator to assess his or her knowledge of what was happening at the time of the freeze...The


queries typically cover SA elements at all three levels of SA (perception, comprehension and projection)." (Endsley et. al, 1998).

“The main advantage of SAGAT is that it allows an objective, unbiased index of SA that assesses operator SA across a wide range of elements that are important for SA in a particular system.” (Endsley et. al, 1998).

"The SAGAT technique has thus far been shown to have a high degree of validity, sensitivity and reliability for measuring SA." (Endsley, 2000) Cost: n/a Lab: x Field: x Reference: - Endsley, M. R. (2000). Direct measurement of situation awareness: validity and use of SAGAT. In Endsley, M. R., Garland, D. J (Eds), Situation Awareness Analysis and Measurement. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. - Strater, L. D., Reynolds, J. P., Faulkner, L. A., Birch, D. K., & Hyatt, J. (2004). PC-Based Training To Improve Infantry Situation Awareness (No. ARI-TR-1146). SA TECHNOLOGIES MARIETTA GA. - Endsley, M. R., Selcon, S. J., Hardiman, T. D., CCroft, D. G. (1998). A comparative analysis of SAGAT and SART for evaluations of situation awareness. 42nd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors & Ergonomics Society. Chicago, IL - October 1998. - Bew, G., Baker, A., Goodman, D., Nardone, O.,, Robinson, M. (2015, April). Measuring situational awareness at the small unit tactical level. Systems and Information Engineering Design Symposium (SIEDS), pp.51 – 56. Charlottesville, Virginia.


Tool (instrument/product): Situation Awareness Rating Technique (SART)

Summary Description:

"SART provides an assessment of the SA provided by some system based on an operators' subjective opinion. SART has a total of 14 commponents which were determined through analysis with pilots to be relevant to SA. Operators rate on a series of bipolar scales the degree to which they perceive (1) a demand on operator’s resources, (2) supply on operator Situation Awareness resources and (3) understanding of the situation. These scales are then Rating Technique (SART) combined to provide an overall SART score for a given system. SART ratings have been found to be correlated with operator performance in evaluations of cockpit designs (Selcon and Taylor, 1990), and suubjective measures of workload (Selcon, Taylor, and Koritsas, 1991).” (Endsley et. al, 1998)

Pro: Coon: "The main advantages of SART is that it is easy to use "Potential limitations of SART have been asserted to and can be administered in a wide range of task types. It incclude (Endsley, 1995): (1) the inability of operators to does not require customization for different domains and rate their own SA (without knowing what they don't know can be used in real world tasks as well as simulations." or what errors there may be in their own internal (Endsley et. al, 1998) representations), (2) the possible influence of performance on their ratings (Operators may make such ratings based on [how] well they think they are doing, as opposed to how good their SA is), and (3) possible confounding with workload issues (supply and demand of attention), while SA may operate as an independent factor from workload in many situations (Endsley, 1993).” (Endsley et. al, 1998) Cost: n/a Lab: x Field: x Reference: Endsley, M. R., Selcon, S. J., Hardiman, T. D., Croft, D. G. (1998). A comparative analysis of SAGAT and SART for evaluations of situation awareness. 42nd Annual Meeting of the Human Factors & Ergonomics Society. Chicago, IL - October 1998.


Tool (instrument/product): Performance Measures

Summary Description:

"Using performance measures to assess SA involves measuring relevant aspects of participant performance during the task under analyssis. Depending upon the task, certain aspects of performance are recorded in order to determine an indirect measure of SA. For example, in a military infantry exercise, performance measures may be ‘kills’, ‘hits’ or mmission success or failure." (Salmon et. al, 2009)

Pro: Coon: "In conclusion to their SA methods review, Salmon et al (2006) reported that, of the measures available in the literature, none were suitable for using (in isolation) in the assessment of individual and team SA in command and control environments." (Salmon et. al, 2009) A combination of dependent variables were recommended; time taken to complete the task, participant SA, mental workload, and situational overlay accuracy. Furthermore social network analysis may also be incorporated to assess the communication of SA- related information between agents. Cost: n/a Lab: x Field: x Reference: Salmon, P. M., Stanton, N. A., Walker, G. H., Jenkins, D., Ladva, D., Rafferty, L., & Young, M. (2009). Measuring Situation Awareness in complex systems: Comparisson of measures study. International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics, 39(3), 490-500.


5.1.3 Communication Communication – hardware platform

Tool (instrument/product): Smartphone Communication Devices - Overview

Summary Description:

Due to the sheer number of different smartphone devices and appps, this SoAR will not focus on any one smartphone technology. If one wwere however to choose, smartphones running on the Android operating system is recommended over iPhones because of its open architecture.. The U.S. Army Nett Warrior program have adopted this rational by employing the Samsung Galaxy Note II running the Android O/S as the tactical BMS/display.

According to, there were over 7.5 billion mobile devices as of 22 July 2015 ( To put it into context, there are now more mobile devices around the world thhan there are people (according to the U.S. Census Bureau, the world population currently stands at 7.26 billion people) ( In terms of market share, in Q1 2015, Android accounted for 78.0% of the worldwide smartphone OS, followed by Apple (18.3%), Windows Phone (2.7%), BlackBerry OS (0.3%), and other (0.7%) (IDC Smartphone OS Market Share, 2015). According to a 2012 article by there [Non-commercial use image] were a total of 3997 distinct Android devices in the world (signall data was collected from 195 countries over a six month period). And since the 1st generation iPhone was released in 2007, there have been a total of 10 different iPhone models. Pro: Coon: Smartphone devices are now ubiquitous around the - Smartphone required world, thereby well developed, technologically advanced - Access to mobile network infrastructure required if (e.g. voice/data communication, GPS, GUI, inertial smmartphone is to be used in a traditional capacity. If tracking capability), easily networked, compact, smmartphone is to be used as a standalone system, thousands of software applications, easily paired with extensive systemm integration (e.g. pairing to network third party devices (e.g. heart rate monitor), and low cost. backbone, radio, software) may be required. The use of smartphones as a data collection tool is therefore advantageous. Cost: ~$850 Lab: x Field: x Reference: gray- 2014?wid=478&hei=595&fmt=jpeg&qlt=95&op_ssharpen=0&ressMode=bicub&op_usm=0.5,0.5,0,0&iccE mbed=0&layer=comp&.v=1411520743411


Tool (instrument/product): Single Channel Military Comm Recorder

Summary Description:

Evaluate and train operators. Improve command and control. Save critical communications for instant recall. Archive recordings accuratelly. Convert military audio into G.711 RoIP compatible format.

[Non-commercial use image]

Pro: Coon: Links to your COTS PC - System is only able to track and log voice Just snap a cable to your Windows PC and you'll be communication recording everything via USB. All modern military radios - Analogue signal only are compatible, including Sincgars, Have Quick, Harris Falcon (e.g. PRC-117), Motorola and intercoms

Scan Calls Instantly Scan through thousands of recordings in seconds. Search by time and date, operator, etc. Copy, email, save or encrypt recordings with just a mouse click. All the software you need is included.

Live Remote Monitoring Tap in on distant communications. Tunnel in securely over the LAN or WAN to listen in live. Cost: Unknown Lab: Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Multi-Channel Military Comm Recorder

Summary Description:

Record everything - radios, intercoms, ground and air communications. Evaluate and train. Improve command and control. Save critical communications for instant recall. Archive recordings accurately. Multi-Channel Military Comm Recorder

Pro: Coon: Links all Radios to Your Server - System is only able to track and log voice A single cable to your server links all your radios together, communication storing every communication with accurate time and date - Analogue signal only stamps. All modern military radios are compatible, including Sincgars, ASIP, Have Quick, Harris Falcon (e.g. PRC-117) and JTRS.

Scan Calls Instantly Scan through thousands of recordings in seconds. Search by time and date, operator, etc. Copy, email, save or encrypt recordings with just a mouse click. All the software you need is included.

Live Remote Monitoring Tap in on distant communications. Tunnel in via secure LAN or WAN to listen in live.

- Recording quality and format supports third party speech-to-text and keyword-spotting applications. - Calls from each line and day are organized in separate directories for quick access. Every recording includes a digital signature with time and date stamps for traceability. - Calls are recorded in standard .wav VoIP compatible (u- law G.711) format for playback on any PC, Mac, Ipaq, Blackberry or VoIP device. No proprietary playback software is required. - USB plug-and-play operation supports COTS and military builds of Windows 7, Vista, 2008, 2003, XP, or .NET. W2000 is no longer supported. Cost: Unknown Lab: Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): NexLog 740 Communications Logging Recorder

Summary Description:

- Eventide's NexLog mission-critical communications logging systems reliably capture, store, protect, reproduce, and help you manage important interactions and critical data. NexLog logging systems have been designed to help you securely document and retrieve incidents, comply wiith regulations, and improve your facility’s operations. - Eventide NexLog communications logging systems offer outstanding flexibility and ease of use, with a choice of advanced capability remote software or convenient touch-screen front panel operation. Call records are stored in a state-of-the-art SQL relational database, and NexLog logging systems feature an embedded Linux operating system for maximum [Non-commercial use image] reliability and compatibility with your existing Windows infrastructure. Pro: Coon: P25 Radio Recording - NexLog communications logging -Mission-Critical Logging for P255, NG911, Telephones, systems support the recording of P25 Trunked and P25 Dispatch, and LMR (currently contacting tech support to Conventional radio traffic. An integrated recording see if they have any systems that can log military radio solution is available for Motorola's ASTRO 25 system transmission) equipped with Archive Interface Server (AIS). In addition, NexLog recorders optionally support call recording for the EF Johnson ATLAS P25 radio system.

NXDN Radio Recording - NexLog communications logging systems support the recording of NXDN digital radio traffic. Integrated recording solutions are available for iCOM's IDAS conventional system and Kenwood's NexEdge trunked and conventional systems.

DMR Radio Recording - NexLog communications logging systems support the recording of DMR Tier3 (trunked) radio traffic. An integrated IP-based recording solution is available for the Tait DMR Tier 3 radio system.

MPT Radio Recording - NexLog communications logging systems support recording of Fylde MPT1327 trunked radio traffic including metadata integration. In addition, an integrated IP-based recording solution is currently available for the Tait MPT-IP trunked radio system.

NexLog 740 Communications Recording Loggers include a standard multidrive for DVD-RAM archiving (1540 hours @13kbps). Upgrade options available.

Eventide's MediaWorks Plus software can display (via Google Maps) the location of wireless 9-1-1 calls, based on latitude and longitude data that is delivered from the 9- 1-1 system's ANI/ALI CAD Spill. MediaWorks Plus software with this optional geo-location capability also permits convenient map-based searching for wireless 9- 1-1 calls, based on a user-defined "geo-fence". Cost: $17000 USD Lab: x Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): AN/PRC-152 Type-1 Handheld Multiband Radio

Summary Description:

The most widely deployed SCA-compliant Type-1 multiband, multimission handheld radio in the field today—the Harris AN/PRC-152

The Falcon III® AN/PRC-152 single-channel multiband, multimission handheld radio is providing the optimal transition to JTRS technology. Already in use by all branches of the U.S. Department of Defense, many of its allies, and U.S. federal agencies, the software upgradeable AN/PRC-152 satisfies the evolving mission requirements of warfighters by delivering secure, real-time information and communication at all points of need during coordination, combat, and crisis.

[Non-commercial use image] Pro: Coon: - Currently in-service with the CAF - 30-512 MHz multiband handheld - High Band option extending frequency range coverage to 30-520 MHz and 762-870 MHz - Sierra™ programmable encryption - Supports SINCGARS, VHF/UHF AM and FM, and optional HAVEQUICK - Optional APCO-P25 waveform for interoperability with civilian authorities - Robust satellite tactical communications capability with advanced SATCOMS waveforms: SATCOM HPW messaging with (optional) IP data, JITC certified 181B up to 56 kbps, 182A/183A DAMA - Hardware configuration option, including embedded GPS receiver for situational awareness on the battlefield, and 20m Maritime versions (with or without GPS) Cost: Lab: Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Mobile Satellite Communications - Fixed Terminal: Broadband Global Area Network (BGAN) service (inmarsat) Summary Description:

The all-new EXPLORER 710 provides on-demand streaming rates at 650 Mobile Satellite kbps out of the box. As the world’s smallest Class 1 BGAN termminal and the first to take advantage of Inmarsat’s new streaming service (Higgh Data Communications - Fixed Rate), the EXPLORER 710 will deliver high-speed, ultra-portable satellite Terminal: Broadband streaming for broadcasting and other IP-based industry applications. Global Area Network (Accessed 16 July 2015 from (BGAN) service

Pro: Coon: The new flagship in the EXPLORER series introduces - inmarsat subscription service Smart Phones to the world of BGAN, enabling users to connect their own devices for controlling the terminal and - BGAN Streaming Services - CIR 1:1 Connectivity for voice calling and connectivity. Unshared Channeels Over The Inmarsat Satelliite Network Other features includes a USB host interface, hot- Terminal Class swappable batteries, a large easy-to-use

LED display and multiple interfaces to support a wide range of applications. Cost In U.S. Dollars Dimensions: Total H /W/D = 332 / 279 / 54 mm (13.07 / - BGAN HDR Full Channel Symmetric (650 Kbps up x 10.98 / 2.13 inches) 650 Kbps down) Total weight = 3.5 kg / 7.7 lbs (incl. battery) Terminal Class Explorer 710 & BGAN 9211 - Antenna = 1.9 kg / 4.2 lbs $32.20 per minute - Transceiver (incl. battery) = 1.6 kg / 3.5 lbs - BGAN HDR Full Channel Asymmetric (650 Kbps up x 64 Kbps down)

Terminal Class Explorer 710 & BGAN 9211 Global Services $27.10 per minute - Voice = 4 kbps AMBE+2 - BGAN HDR Hallf Channel Symmetric (325 Kbps up x - Premium voice = 3.1 kHz audio, 64 kbps 325 Kbps down) - Standard IP = Up to 492 kbps Terminal Class Explorer 710 - Streaming IP = 32, 64, 128 kbps (256 kbps & BGAN X- $23.78 per minute Stream) - BGAN HDR Hallf Channel Asymmetric (325 Kbps up x - High Data Rate Streaming = Min. 600 kbps, Min. 300 32 Kbps down) kbps (Half-channel HDR) Terminal Class Explorer 710 - ISDN = UDI 64 kbps / RDI 56 kbps $17.55 per minute - SMS = Supported (Accessed 16 July 2015 from Interfaces s.hhtm) 1 x Analogue RJ-11 phone/fax interfaces 2 x LAN interface 1 x USB host interface 1 x ISDN interface 1 x Transceiver / Antenna interface 1 x BGAN SIM-Card slots WLAN Access Point = Standard: IEEE 802.11 b/g

Inmarsat frequencies


1518.0 - 1525.0 MHz (Rx) (EMEA) 1525.0 - 1559.0 MHz (Rx) 1626.5 - 1660.5 MHz (Tx) 1668.0 - 1675.0 MHz (Tx) (EMEA)

(Accessed 16 July 2015 from a_sheet.pdf) Cost: $5250 USD w service plan Lab: Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Mobile Satellite Communications - Low Profile Terminal: Low Profile Broadband Global Area Network (BGAN) - (inmarsat) Summary Description:

Extend the reach of a surveillance network into areas where maanned observation posts would be impractical, unsafe or not cost-effective with Low Profile BGAN.

The unique, rapidly deployable lie-flat antenna and robust remotely operated BGAN terminal supply the high-speed IP communications needed to make Mobile Satellite electronic surveillance and intelligence a powerful force multiplier in covert Communications - Low or discreet operations. Profile Terminal: Low Profile Broadband Global The antenna is built around a solid-state multi phased array that provides a 30 to 60 degree view angle when laid flat. The lie-flat capability iis generated Area Network (BGAN) by the use of an advanced solid-state phased-array antenna, differentiating Low Profile BGAN from all other terminals. (Accessed 16 July 2015 from bgan/)

Pro: Coon: Satellite TX Frequency @ 1626.5 – 1660.5MHz - inmarsat subscription service Satellite RX Frequency @ 1525 – 1559 MHz - Sttreaming 450 Kbps - BGAN X-Stream info GPS Frequency @ 1574.42 – 1576.42 MHz (Guaranteed rate will be no less than 384 Kbps) Class 1 BGAN Terminals Modem Weight: < 2 Kg $26.99 per minute Modem Dimensions: 253.5 mm x 176.5 mm x 53 mm - Sttreaming 256 Kbps Class 1 BGAN Terminals Antenna Weight: < 5kg $16.99 per minute Antenna Dimensions: 240 mm x 240 mm x 29 mm - Sttreaming 176 Kbps Class 1 BGAN Terminals (Accessed 16 July 2015 from $14.69 per minute - Sttreaming 128 Kbps Class 1 & 2 BGAN Terminals content/uploads/2015/07/LPBGAN-Tech-Specs.pdf) $9..99 per minute - Sttreaming 64 Kbps Class 1, 2 & 3 BGAN Terminals $5..99 per minute - Covert: With built-in GPS, Low Profile BGAN reduces - Sttreaming 32 Kbps Class 1, 2 & 3 BGAN Terminals the exposure of personnel to unnecessary risks and can $2..99 per minute be used for discreet and sensitive operations (Accessed 16 July 2015 from


- Simple to use: The easy-to-use unit reduces the need for trained manpower and is simple to install without a s.hhtm) PC. - Remote management: Low Profile BGAN’s sophisticated power management capability includes remote controlled wake-on-SMS or local automatically trigged power-up. This allows the system to operate for extended periods in stand-by mode, which enables ultra- low power consumption and thus extended battery life. - Global Coverage: Low Profile BGAN is available across the globe, with the exception of the extreme Polar Regions, providing connectivity wherever your operations take you. - Reliable network: The service is delivered over the Inmarsat-4 network, with 99.9 percent satellite and ground network availability. - Secure: Low Profile BGAN meets military and government requirements for security and supports all major VPN products and encryption standards. (Accessed 16 July 2015 from Cost: $17800 USD w service plan Lab: Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Mobile Satellite Communications - Vehicle Mounted Terminal: Broadband Global Area Network (BGAN) - (inmarsat) Summary Description:

The Wideye Safari connects to the Internet at broadband speeds (464 Kbps down, 448 up) and is ideal for professionals that require a no-hassle mobile Wideye Safari Broadband office. As long as line-of-sight to a geostationary satellite exists, connectivity is assured ...everywhere. (Accessed 16 July 2015 from Global Area Network (BGAN)

Pro: Coon: Wideye Safari In-Motion BGAN Features - inmarsat subscription service - Easy to use and operate by anyone - No certification - Sttreaming 450 Kbps - BGAN X-Stream info required. (Guaranteed rate will be no less than 384 Kbps) Class 1 - Can be used globally with the same BGAN Service BGAN Terminals Plan. $26.99 per minute - Easy to use and operate. Simply turn the unit on to - Sttreaming 256 Kbps Class 1 BGAN Terminals create wireless broadband Internet hotspot. $16.99 per minute - Up to 464 Kbps download, 448 Kbps upload Internet - Sttreaming 176 Kbps Class 1 BGAN Terminals speeds. $14.69 per minute - Wireless hotspot can connect any for any in-range - Sttreaming 128 Kbps Class 1 & 2 BGAN Terminals device, laptop, smartphone, iPad... $9..99 per minute - Wi-Fi range up to 100 meters (or more). Great for parked Wi-Fi hotspot for any event. - Sttreaming 64 Kbps Class 1, 2 & 3 BGAN Terminals - Connectivity can be via Ethernet cable, and/or wireless. $5..99 per minute - Simple 3 piece design - Roof- mount antenna (w/10 - Sttreaming 32 Kbps Class 1, 2 & 3 BGAN Terminals meter cable), controller & handset phone. $2..99 per minute - Easy to transport. Place system in a small suitcase for (Accessed 16 July 2015 from use anywhere. - Weather resistant - Even the in-car controller is rated for s.hhtm) limited external use - IP 44 Ingress. - Internet service can be usage based, or pre-paid using standard BGAN Service Plans. - Directly connect any standard corded or cordless phone into the RJ-11 phone jack. - Calls are $0.99 cents per minute to any standard phone worldwide. Free incoming calls. - SMS messages are $0.50 cents w/free incoming messages (iPhone texts are not charged). - Phone voicemail, phonebook, web portal for customization. - Fax (Group 3) capable. - Domed antenna available in white or tan colors (please specify preferred color on ordering). - Includes GPS output for GPIO's for external applications. - Onboard router includes port forwarding, MAC filtering, Firewall tasks. - Remote access of system - Capable of tracking and HSI SoSE SoAR DRAFT Page 170

fleet management applications. more - Integrated web console for system status, parameters. - Ports include 2 Ethernet (RJ-45), 2 phone (RJ-11), 1 GPS interface (RJ-11), 1 GPIO port. - Works with any standard corded phone (battery powered). - Includes Ground Control BGAN Security Firewall protection - no additional charge. - Streaming IP services available 32, 64, 128 Kbps CIR 1:1 BGAN Streaming Services. (Accessed 16 July 2015 from minal.htm)

Dimensions (W x H x D) and weight - Terminal 340 x 253 x 61mm, 3.5kg - Antenna 252 x 191mm, 1.9kg

Standard IP Up to 448 / 464kbps (send / receive) Streaming IP 32, 64, 128kbps Voice and fax 2 RJ-11 ports for voice or fax Other data interfaces 2 x Ethernet, WLAN, Wi-Fi Ingress protection = IP 44 (terminal), IP 56 (antenna) (Accessed 16 July 2015 from content/uploads/2013/10/Inmarsat_BGAN_Terminal_Com parison.pdf) Cost: $5500 USD w service plan Lab: Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): BioHarness 3 - PSM Training ECHO - Assessment Kit (1 Person)

Summary Description:

The next generation of Zephyr's BioHarness technology. The BiooHarness 3 is an advanced Physiological Monitoring Module that incorporates class one BlueTooth technology, has a smaller form factor, and provides heart rate, breathing rate, and 3-axis accelerometery. Built to meet the neeeds of Zephyr bioharness Professional Athletes, NASA and U.S. Special Operations, the BioHarness 3 is so technologically advanced that other systems were based on it.

BioHarness 3 enables the capture and transmission of comprehhensive physiological data on the wearer via mobile and fixed data networks - enabling genuine remote monitoring of human performance and condition in the real world - with an unmatched 1000ft range! Pro: Coon: - Each kit contains: 1 ECHO Bio harness, 1 Machine Washable Strap (Adult),1 USB Charging Cradle with Data Download Capability**, 1 ECHO radio Gateway for a data transmission range of up to 1000ft - Measures: Heart Rate, R-R Interval, Respiration, 3-Axis Accelerometry, Posture, Activity Level, Peak Acceleration, Temperature, Calories - Comes with OmniSense Software, Cables and Documentation - Can be scaled to measure dozens of people simultaneously (BioHarness 3 - PSM Training ECHO ADVANTAGE 10 - 50 person systems are also available but pricing information was not available) Cost: $ 1,099.95 Lab: x Field: x Reference: Person/dp/B009XE1EF4 Tool (instrument/product): HxM Smart – Heart Rate Monitor for iPhone and AAndroid 4.3 witth Bluetooth Loow-Energy

Summary Description:

Born from the HxM BT and the BioHarness, the HxM™ Smart giives you Heart Rate and R-R Interval with Bluetooth Smart (4.0) – allowing you to connect easily wth iPhone 5, iPhone 4s, iPod Nano and other Blluetooth Smart Ready devices. HxM Smart bioharness

Pro: Coon: - Uses Bluetooth Smart (Low-Energy) to provide heart - Smartphone required rate, RR Interval to your iPhone 5, iPhone 4s - More of a fitness app (similar apps include Endomondo, - Machine Washable strap that offers both comfort and Sports Tracker, etc.) accuracy - Unsure if you could download maps and use this app - Long transmission range (~10m) off-line - Water Resistant up to 1m


- Supported by dozens of Apps with no subscriptions required! - Works with iPhone 4S, iPhone 5, iPod touch (5th generation), iPad (3rd & 4th generation), iPad mini and iPod Nano (7th generation), Android 4.3 (where available) Measures - Heart Rate - Heart Rate Variability - R-R Interval - Stress Level - Activity Level - Peak Accel. - Calories

Specifications HR Range: 25 – 240 BPM Battery Type: CR2032 Transmit Range: 10m Frequency: 2.4 – 2.4835GHz Garment Washes: 50 Operating Limits: Temperature: -10 – 50°C Humidity: 5 – 95%

Paired with a smartphone and app (e.g. Sports Tracker, Endomondo), location data relative to physiological measures can be tracked Cost: $45 USD Lab: x Field: x Reference:

HSI SoSE SoAR DRAFT Page 173 Communication – smart phone software application

Tool (instrument/product): Automatic Call Recorder Pro Summary Description:

Android app

Record any phone call you want and choose which calls you want to save. You can set which calls are recorded and which are ignored. Listen to the recording, add notes and share it. Integration with Google Drive™ and Call Recorder Pro Dropbox allows calls to be saved and synchronized to the cloud as well.

Pro: Coon: - Google Drive integration works on Android versions 3.0 - Smartphone required and above. - Call recording does not work on certain handsets and - Recorded calls are stored in the Inbox. You can change can result in inferior quality recordings. We therefore the destination recordings folder to an external SD card suggest that you try the free version before purchasing as well. You can set the size of the inbox. The number of the paid app. saved calls is limited only by your device memory. If you decide that a conversation is important, save it and it will be stored in the Saved Calls folder. If not, old recordings will automatically be deleted when new calls fill up the inbox. - You can enable a Call Summary Menu with options to appear immediately after a call. - Search for recordings by contact, phone number, or note. - There are 3 default settings for automatic recording: Record everything (default) – This setting records all calls except for contacts pre-selected to be ignored. Ignore everything – This setting records no calls except for contacts pre-selected to be recorded. Ignore contacts – This setting records all calls with people who are not contacts, except for contacts pre-selected to be recorded. - In the Pro version only: You can set calls from particular contacts to be automatically saved, and they will be saved in the cloud. - 4.2/5 (564k reviewers) Cost: $8.99 Lab: x Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): TapeACall Pro

Summary Description:

Android/iPhone app Record phone calls. Call recorder for interviews on Android and iPhones TapeACall Pro TapeACall, a #1 business app in The United States, Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Denmark, Chile, Croatia, Czech Republic, Dominican Republic, El Salvador, Estonia, Finland, France, Hong Kong, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Panama, Peru, , Portugal, Romania, Singapore,, Slovakia, Slovenia, South Africa, Spain, and Sweden!

Pro: Coon: - Record your incoming calls - Smartphone required - Record your outgoing calls - No limit on how long you can record a call for - No limit on how many recordings you make - No per minute or monthly fees! - Transfer recordings to your new devices - Easily download recordings to your computer - Upload your recordings to Dropbox! - Upload your recordings to Evernote! - Upload your recordings to Google Drive! - Email recordings to yourself in MP3 format - Share recordings via SMS, Facebook & Twitter - Label recordings so you can easily find them - Recordings available as soon as you hang up - Play recordings in the background - Access to call recording laws - Beautiful easy to use interface - Push notifications take you to the recording Cost: $11.99 Lab: x Field: x Reference: itunes store


Tool (instrument/product): Google Voice Summary Description:

Google Voice gives you one number for all of your phones — a phone number that is tied to you, not to a device or a location. Make and pick up calls, send and get texts, and read and listen to voicemails on your phone, tablet, or computer. Google Voice

Pro: Coon: - Text from your computer: Send text messages to up to - Google Voice is only available to U.S. Google Account five contacts at a time, straight from your computer's users browser. - Google Voice can only record incoming calls - Make voicemail as easy as email: Read transcriptions of - Smartphone or computer with internet access required your voicemails, add notes, download, and share voicemails. - Customize your callers' experience: Screen calls and create personalized greetings for family, friends, or coworkers. - Pick up calls from any phone: Choose to receive calls at home, work, or on your , based on who's calling or when. - Talk the way you want to: Make international and conference calls, block unwanted callers, and listen in on voicemails Cost: Free Lab: x Field: x Reference:

HSI SoSE SoAR DRAFT Page 176 Communication – social network analysis software Graphical User Interface (GUI) social network analysis software packages

Tool (instrument/product): NetMiner

Summary Description:

NetMiner is a premium software tool for Exploratory Analysis and Visualization of Network Data. NetMiner allows you to explore your network data visually and interactively, and helps you to detect underlying patterns and structures of the network

[Netminer non-commercial use image] Pro: Coon: 1. Expressive and Systematic Network Data Model NetMiner has the comprehensive data model expressing various types of nodes, links, node attributes and link attributes. Through its data model, NetMiner is able to represent most social, natural and physical phenomena as network data.

2. Standardized Option and Output of Process All option items of any data transformation, analysis or visualization process are placed into few standardized categories in NetMiner. And diverse results of its processes are classified into four formalized types of report, i.e. main report, table, map and chart report. Due to the standardization, users can understand the characteristics of analysis well, furthermore, they can expect or find the position of results after executing their tasks.

3. Session-based Execution of Process Analysis modules in NetMiner are executed by session- based method. When the module is selected, the corresponding session is opened, which contains input data, processing options, execution activities, and results related to module. By the session-based structure, NetMiner remembers all procedures executed by user, and enables its innovative functions, e.g. exploratory or what-if analysis.

4. Mix and Match of Numerical and Graphical Output NetMiner produces the both of numerical and graphical HSI SoSE SoAR DRAFT Page 177

form at the same time in each execution of analysis module, which fit for each other.

5. Interactive Visual Exploration of Map NetMiner supports the additional exploratory operation in an instant point-and-shooting style on the map without opening new session. The visual interactivity or visual exploration is one of the key features that differentiate NetMiner with other SNA software since its birth.

6. Integrating Output into Dataset Usually there are needs to use output data as input data in the analytical tasks. But this job is used to accompany a lot of burdensome operations. NetMiner has the systemic way and internal structure to use data recursively in every phase of analysis.

7. Managing Data and Process History The session-based structure of NetMiner enables analysts to manage many variations of dataset and task processes efficiently. So users can track the records of executed processes and the history of data transformation easily, and reuse them.

8. GU-and-Script-based Software with WYSWYG Script Python-based script engine makes NetMiner to be programmable. By this new feature, batch-processing and generating users' own algorithms are possible. As well as this, user's own algorithm or logic can be compiled as plug-in program and inserted to the main pull-down menu of NetMiner. Additionally, for a person who is inexperienced in a programming field, the automatic script generator based on GUI mode is supported. Cost: Lab: x Field: Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): UCINet

Summary Description:

UCINET 6 for Windows is a software package for the analysis of social network data. It was developed by Lin Freeman, Martin Everett aand Steve Borgatti. It comes with the NetDraw network visualization tool. (Accessed 13 July 2015 from

[UCINet non-commercial use image]

Pro: Coon: Methods include centrality measures, subgroup identification, role analysis, elementary graph theory, and permutation-based statistical analysis. In addition, the package has strong matrix analysis routines, such as matrix algebra and multivariate statistics. (Accessed 13 July 2015 from ware)

The program can be downloaded and used for free for 90 days. In addition, students can purchase the downloaded program for $40. Faculty and government can purchase the downloaded program for $150, and all others pay $250. Site licenses and extremely generous volume discounts are available. (Accessed 13 July 2015 from Cost: $150 Lab: x Field: Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Pajek (freeware)

Summary Description:

Pajek is a program package for Windows 32 and 64, which enables analyses of large networks. Program is freely available at:

[Non-commercial use image] Pro: Coon: Analyses in Pajek are performed using six data structures: 1. network – main object (vertices and lines): graph, valued network, 2-mode or temporal network 2. partition – nominal property of vertices (gender); 3. vector – numerical property of vertices; 4. permutation – reordering of vertices; 5. cluster – subset of vertices (e.g. a cluster from partition); 6. hierarchy – hierarchically ordered clusters and vertices.

The power of Pajek is based on several transformations which support different transitions among these data structures. Besides its own input formats, Pajek supports several other formats: UCINET DL; GED [19], genealogies can be read either as Ore-graph or p-graph [21, 16, 17]; and some molecular formats: BS (Ball and Stick), MAC (Mac Molecule) and MOL (MDL MOLfile). (Accessed 13 July 2015 from http://vlado.fmf.uni- Cost: Free Lab: x Field: Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): GUESS

Summary Description:

GUESS is an exploratory data analysis and visualization tool for graphs and networks. The system contains a domain-specific embedded language called Gython (an extension of Python, or more specifically Jython) which supports the operators and syntactic sugar necessary for working on graph structures in an intuitive manner. An interactive interpreter binds the text that you type in the interpreter to the objects being visualized for morre useful integration. GUESS also offers a visualization front end that supports the export of static images and dynamic movies. (Accessed 13 July 2015 from

[Non-commercial use image] Pro: Coon: - GUESS is a database driven system that allows nodes and edges to include attributes beyond basic display features (we support continuous, categorical, and binary attributes). The Gython language gives you access to these properties without typing in database queries, For example: - Color all people in the HR department blue: (dept == 'HR').color = blue - Find all communication edges between HR and Finance and color them red: ((dept == 'HR')-(dept == 'finance')).color = red - Or hide all edges corresponding to two-hybrid protein interactions: (interaction == 'two-hybrid').visible = false - General Public License (GPL) - The GUESS visualization component is a zoomable interface to large graphs allowing for the visualization of graphs and networks on an infinite plane with infinite (smooth) zoom. Try the applet to get a sense of this. The (recommended) interface is based on Piccolo, but you can also swap the interface with others systems (initial support for Prefuse and TouchGraph). - GUESS supports dynamic and time sensitive data and allows you to animate graph states (see the movie pages for an example). Complete cinematographic control over nodes, edges, and the camera for more powerful dynamic graph visualization. - Using GUESS you can import standard formats (Pajek, GML) and export a wide variety of image types (GIF,PNG,EPS,PDF,JPG,SVG) - By making use of JUNG, as well as other systems, we support various layout algorithms and graph analysis commands (including some unique to GUESS). - For those interested in more extended statistical support, GUESS also talks to R. (Accessed 13 July 2015 from Cost: Free Lab: x Field: Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): ORA

Summary Description:

ORA is a dynamic meta-network assessment and analysis tool developed by CASOS at Carnegie Mellon. It contains hundreds of social network, dynamic network metrics, trail metrics, procedures for grouping nodes, identifyying local patterns, comparing and contrasting networks, groups, and individuals from a dynamic meta-network perspective. *ORA has been used to examine how networks change through space and time, contains procedures for moving back and forth between trail data (e.g. who was where when) and network data (who is connected to whom, whho is connected to where …), and has a variety of geo-spatial network metrics, and change detection techniques. *ORA can handle multi-mode, multi-plex, multi-level networks. It can identify key players, groups and vulnerabilities, model network changes over time, and perform COA analysis. It has been tested with large networks (106 nodes per 5 entity classes).Distance based, algorithmic, and statistical procedures for comparing and contrassting networks are part of this toolkit. (Accessed 13 July 2015 from [Non-commercial use image] Pro: Coon: - Free software license for RESEARCH ONLY. Commercial licensing of the software is available by contacting Dr. Kathleen M. Carley ([email protected]). Cost: Free Lab: x Field: Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Gephi (opensource)

Summary Description:

Gephi is an open-source network analysis and visualization softtwware package written in Java on the NetBeans platform,[3] initially devveloped by students of the University of Technology of Compiègne (UTC)[4] in France. Gephi has been selected for the Google Summer of Code in 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013.

Gephi has been used in a number of research projects in acadeemia, journalism and elsewhere, for instance in visualizing the global connectivity of New York Times content[5] and examining Twitter network traffic during social unrest[6][7] along with more traditional network analysis topics.[8] [Gephi non-commerical use image] (Accessed 13 July 2015 from

Pro: Coon: Applications - Exploratory Data Analysis: intuition-oriented analysis by networks manipulations in real time. - Link Analysis: revealing the underlying structures of associations between objects, in particular in scale-free networks. - Social Network Analysis: easy creation of social data connectors to map community organizations and small- world networks. - Biological Network analysis: representing patterns of biological data. - Poster creation: scientific work promotion with hi-quality printable maps.

Metrics ready - Centrality: used in sociology to indicate how well a node is connected. Available: degree (power-law), betweenness, closeness. - And more: density, path length, diameter, HITS, modularity, clustering coefficient.

Technology - Ergonomic interface: based on NetBeans UI - High-performance: built-in 3D rendering engine. - Native file formats: GDF (GUESS), GraphML (NodeXL), GML, NET (Pajek), GEXF and more. - Customizable by plugins: layouts, metrics, data sources, manipulation tools, rendering presets and more. - Runs on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. Gephi is open- source and free.(Accessed 13 July 2015 from Cost: Free Lab: x Field: Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Cytoscape

Summary Description:

What is Cytoscape?

Cytoscape is an open source software platform for visualizing molecular interaction networks and biological pathways and integrating these networks with annotations, gene expression profiles and other state data. Although Cytoscape was originally designed for biological research, now iit is a general platform for complex network analysis and visualization. Cytoscape core distribution provides a basic set of features for data integraation, analysis, and visualization. Additional features are available as Apps (formerly called Plugins). Apps are available for network and molecular profiling analyses, new layouts, additional file format support, scripting, and connection with databases. They may be developed by anyone using the Cytoscape open API based on Java™ technology and App commmunity development is encouraged. Most of the Apps are freely available from [Cytoscape non-commercial use Cytoscape App Store. image] (Accessed 13 July 2015 from Pro: Coon: - Lesser General Public License (LGPL)

Cost: Free Lab: x Field: Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): D3.js

Summary Description:

D3.js is a JavaScript library for manipulating documents based on data. D3 helps you bring data to life using HTML, SVG, and CSS. D3’s emphasis on web standards gives you the full capabilities of modern browsers without tying yourself to a proprietary framework, combining powerful visualization components and a data-driven approach to DOM manipulation. (Accessed 07 August 2015 from

[Non-commercial use image] Pro: Coon: D3 allows you to bind arbitrary data to a Document Object Model (DOM), and then apply data-driven transformations to the document. For example, you can use D3 to generate an HTML table from an array of numbers. Or, use the same data to create an interactive SVG bar chart with smooth transitions and interaction.

D3 is not a monolithic framework that seeks to provide every conceivable feature. Instead, D3 solves the crux of the problem: efficient manipulation of documents based on data. This avoids proprietary representation and affords extraordinary flexibility, exposing the full capabilities of web standards such as HTML, SVG, and CSS. With minimal overhead, D3 is extremely fast, supporting large datasets and dynamic behaviors for interaction and animation. D3’s functional style allows code reuse through a diverse collection of components and plugins.

Other pros: - Selections - Dynamic properties - Enter and exit - Transformation not representation - Transitions (Accessed 07 August 2015 from Cost: Free Lab: x Field: Reference:,

Example projects Social network = Social network =


Tool (instrument/product): vis.js

Summary Description:

A dynamic, browser based visualization library. The library is deesigned to be easy to use, to handle large amounts of dynamic data, and to enable manipulation of and interaction with the data. The library consists of the components DataSet, Timeline, Network, Graph2d and Graph3d. (Accessed 10 August 2015 from

[Non-commercial use image] Pro: Coon: The vis.js library is developed by Almende B.V, as part of CHAP. Vis.js runs fine on Chrome, Firefox, Opera, Safari, IE9+, and most mobile browsers (with full touch support). This site contains documentation, downloads and live examples of vis.js. The source code of vis.js is available at Github.

Network: Display dynamic, automatically organised, customizable network views. Timeline: Create a fully customizable, interactive timeline with items and ranges. Graph2d: Draw graphs and bar charts on an interactive timeline and personalize it the way you want. Graph3d: Create interactive, animated 3d graphs. Surfaces, lines, dots and block styling out of the box. DataSet: Manage unstructured data using DataSet. Add, update, and remove data, and listen for changes in the data. (Accessed 10 August 2015 from Cost: Free open source project (Apache 2.0 and MIT license) Lab: x Field: Reference: Example projects: Dynamic Data: Cluster: Network examples: Scripting/programing language social network analysysis software packages

Tool (instrument/product): NetMiner with Python scripting engine


Summary Description:

See NetMiner description above

[Netminer non-commercial use image] Pro: Coon: See NetMiner description above - Scripting/programing language knowledge required

Cost: See NetMiner description above Lab: x Field: Reference: See NetMiner description above


Tool (instrument/product): Statnet suite of packages for the R statistical programming language, igraph, which has packages for R and Python, the NetworkX library for Python, and the SNAP package for large-scale network analysis in C++ and Python Summary Description:

Statnet is a suite of software packages for network analysis that implement recent advances in the statistical modeling of networks. The analytic framework is based on Exponential family Random Graph Models (ergm). Statnet provides a comprehensive framework for ergm-based network modeling, including tools for model estimation, model evaluation, model- based network simulation, and network visualization. This broad functionality is powered by a central Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm. (Accessed 13 July 2015 from

[Non-commercial use image] Pro: Coon: - Statnet has a different purpose than the excellent - Scripting/programing language knowledge required packages UCINET or Pajek; the focus is on statistical - Sttatnet has a command line interface, not a GUI, with a modeling of network data. The statistical modeling syntax that resembles R. (Accessed 13 July 2015 from capabilities of statnet include ERGMs, latent space and latent cluster models. The packages are written in a combination of (the open-source statistical language) R and (ANSI standard) C, and are called from the R command line. And because it runs in the R package (, you also have access to the full functionality of R, including the packages "network" and "sna" written by Carter Butts. statnet has a command line interface, not a GUI, with a syntax that resembles R. (Accessed 13 July 2015 from

- Software is distributed under the GPL-3 license Cost: Free Lab: x Field: Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): igraph, which has packages for R and Python

Summary Description: igraph is a collection of network analysis tools with the emphasis on efficiency, portability and ease of use. igraph is open source and free. igraph can be programmed in R, Python and C/C++. (Accessed 13 July 2015 from

Pro: Coon: - igraph is open source and free. igraph can be - Scripting/programing language knowledge required programmed in R, Python and C/C++.

Cost: Free Lab: x Field: Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Stanford Network Analysis Platform (SNAP): packkage for large-scale network analysis in C++ and Python Summary Description:

Stanford Network Analysis Platform (SNAP) is a general purposse, high performance system for analysis and manipulation of large networks. Graphs consists of nodes and directed/undirected/multiple edges between the graph nodes. Networks are graphs with data on nodes and/or edges of the network.

The core SNAP library is written in C++ and optimized for maximum performance and compact graph representation. It easily scaless to massive networks with hundreds of millions of nodes, and billions of edges. It efficiently manipulates large graphs, calculates structural properties, generates regular and random graphs, and supports attributes on nodes and edges. Besides scalability to large graphs, an additional strength of SNAP is that nodes, edges and attributes in a graph or a network can be changed dynamically during the computation. [SNAP non-commercial use image]

SNAP was originally developed by Jure Leskovec in the course of his PhD studies. The first release was made available in Nov, 2009. SNAP uses a general purpose STL (Standard Template Library)-like library GLib developed at Jozef Stefan Institute. SNAP and GLib are being actively developed and used in numerous academic and industrial projects. (Accessed 13 July 2015 from Pro: Coon: - Complete source code for the core SNAP and GLib - Scripting/programing language knowledge required libraries is available under the BSD license (This means that it is free for both academic and commercial use. Note however that some third party components in SNAP require that you reference certain works in scientific publications). - SNAP works on Windows with Visual Studio or Cygwin with GCC, Mac OS X, Linux and other Unix variants with GCC installed. SNAP is largely self-contained and has minimal dependency requirements on other packages (Accessed 13 July 2015 from Cost: Free Lab: x Field: Reference:

HSI SoSE SoAR DRAFT Page 190 Communication – graph database

Tool (instrument/product): Neo4j

Summary Description:

"A highly scalable open source graph database that supports ACID, has high-availability clustering for enterprise deployments, and comes with a web-based administration tool that includes full transaction support and visual node-link graph explorer. Neo4j is accessible from most programming Neo4j languages using its built-in REST web API interface. Neo4j is the most popular graph database in use today." (Accessed 14 July 2015 from

Pro: Coon: - Programing language = JAVA - Software licence: GPLv3 Community Edition. Commercial & AGPLv3 options for Enterprise and Advanced editions Cost: Free Lab: x Field: Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): ArangoDB

Summary Description:

A distributed free and open-source database with a flexible data model for documents, graphs, and key-values. Build high performance applications using a convenient SQL-like query language or JavaScript extensions AramgoDB

Pro: Coon: Multi-Model Database Model your data using flexible combinations of keye -value pairs, documents and graphs... ArangoDB is a “document-oriented database”; it basically provides access to documents which are stored in collections. If you are new to NoSQL databases, think of documents as rows in a non-normalized table and of collections as tables for the time being. There is no need to define a schema beforehand. Therefore these kind of databases are often called schemaless... Documents in ArangoDB are uniquely identified by keys, allowing key/value storage. They can be connected, allowing you to treat and query them as graphs. (Accessed 14 July 2015 from

Joins Using documents or aggregates in a schemaless document database is a big plus of NoSQL. Sometimes it would be nice to combine data from different collections as easily as in SQL. ArangoDB’s powerful query language AQL offers you just this. (Accessed 14 July 2015 from

- Programing language = C, C++ & Javascript Cost: Free Lab: x Field: Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): OrientDB

Summary Description:

The first Multi-Model Open Source NoSQL DBMS that combines the power of graphs and the flexibility of documents into one scalable, high- performance operational database. (Accessed 14 July 2015 from OrientDB

Pro: Coon: OrientDB was engineered from the ground up with performance as a key specification. Its fast on both read and write operations. On writes, it can store up to 400,000 records per second*. The OrientDB time series module can insert 120,000 records per second*, while keeping the time graph synchronized for real-time analytics. OrientDB can embed documents like any other document database, but also supports relationships. It doesn’t use the costly JOIN. Instead, OrientDB uses super-fast, persistent pointers between records, taken from the graph database world. You can traverse parts of or entire trees and graphs of records in just a few milliseconds.

OrientDB is written entirely in Java and can run on any platform without configuration and installation. It’s a drop in replacement for the most common existing graph databases in deployment today. The Full Server distribution is about 2MB without the demo database. Do you develop with a language other than Java? No problem. Take a look at the Programming Language Bindings for additional options.

There is absolutely no cost associated with using OrientDB Community Edition. OrientDB is distributed with only one license: Apache 2 Open Source. This is one of the most liberal licenses available, allowing you to use OrientDB FREE for any purpose.

(Accessed 14 July 2015 from orientdb/)

- Programing language = JAVA Cost: Free Lab: x Field: Reference:

HSI SoSE SoAR DRAFT Page 193 Communication – command and control software

Tool (instrument/product): Virtual Battlespace 3 (VBS3) - Bohemia Interactive Simulations

Summary Description:

VBS3 simulates all aspects of the modern battlespace including human entities, surface vehicles, maritime vessels, rotary and fixed wing aircraft, and subsurface vehicles.

VBS3 simulates any environment for military training so users can learn how to think, communicate and make decisions in a wide range of scenarios. The Virtual Battlespace series is an industry standard in game-based military simulation and its predecessor VBS2 has been used by the majority of NATO partners for more than five years.[4]

The software is primarily used for tactical training and mission rehearsal, though VBS3 can be used for a wide range of training tasks. The U.S. Army has accredited VBS3 for training on more than 100 combined arms tasks.[5] These tasks include entering and clearing a building, conducting an attack, conducting convoy security and more.[6] The U.S. Army also is incorporating VBS3 into other simulators including its Close Combat Tactical Trainer simulator and Dismounted Soldier Training System. (Accessed 13 July 2015 from Pro: Coon: VBS3 features: For use only by government and military organizations. - Operation from the first-person perspective (Commercial customers can gain access to VBS3 through - High-fidelity physics purchase of a VBSDN subscription). - Fully immersive, life-like virtual environment - Detailed improvised explosive device (IED) simulation See VBS2 to get an idea of costing - Advanced infrared simulation - Airborne and ground-based unmanned vehicles - Interactive command and control (C2) interface - Optimized for large networked scenarios (100+ participants) Comprehensive content library includes: - A wide range of high-fidelity land, sea and air vehicles - High-fidelity and life-like destruction of physical models - Full spectrum of weapons and weapon platforms - Advanced thermal modeling - Ability to interact with content library during training After-action review features: - Accurate replay in 2D and 3D - Easily adjustable timeline - Cut and edit AARs - Readily measure training effectiveness Two powerful built-in scenario editors allows for: - Offline mission editor to prepare training scenario - Real-time editor to influence scenario during training Cost: See VBS2 'Con' below Lab: x Field: Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Virtual Battlespace 2 (VBS2) - Bohemia Interactive Simulations

Summary Description:

"VBS2 offers realistic battlefield simulations and the ability to operate land, sea, and air vehicles. Instructors may create new scenarios and then engage the simulation from multiple viewpoints. The squad-management system enables participants to issue orders to squad members. VBS2 was designed for federal, state, and local government agencies and can be specifically tailored to meet the individual needs of military, law enforcement, homeland defense, loadmaster, and first responder training environments. VBS2 may be used to teach doctrine, tactics, techniques, and prrocedures during squad and platoon offensive, defensive, and patrolling operations. VBS2 delivers a synthetic environment for the practical exercise of the leadership and organizational behavior skills required to successfully execute unit missions. VBS2 is suitable for training small teams in urban tactics, entire combat teams in combined arms operations or even non-military usage such as emergency response procedures in lethal and non-lethal environments or terrain visualization. VBS2 is based on the VBS2Real Virtuality 2, also used in the video game Arma 2. (Accessed 13 July 2015 from" [VBS2 non-commercial use image]

CAF Tactics School – Army Knowledge Environment Administrator Army Learning Support Centre (ALSC) utilizes VBS2 for creating animations for training (e.g. Section/Platoon attacks). Pro: Coon: "- Currently employed by the CAF, U.S. Army, U.S. "For use only by government and military organizations. Marine Corps as a platform to train small unit tactics, (Commercial customers can gain access to VBS3 through techniques and procedures in decisive actions. Also part purchase of a VBSDN subscription). of the DoD Games For Training (GFT) initiative. - DRDC and the CAF currently own seats to VBS2 and Cost (USD) actively use the software suite VBBS2 - License Fee + software assurance and suppoort fee = VBS2 supports large multiplayer network sessions $2900 allowing join-in-progress and improved administrator functionality. VBS2 provides improved simulation of complex urban areas, including destructible buildings, VBBS2Fires or VBSS2Strike round penetration through walls and operable and - License Fee + software assurance and suppoort fee = destructible doors. Weapon platforms are capable of $16500 thermal imaging, simulation of fire control systems and turret override. Multiple vehicle turrets are possible. VBBSDN Weapon ballistics have been improved. - Small Business ($27500), standard ($53000), Enterprise The After-Action-Review module allows detailed review of ($136000) a completed training mission, with every player, AI, vehicle movement being recorded, as well as any bullet Multi-Channel View Clients path and any destruction to objects or terrain. - Per channel license fee = $500 The VBS2 terrain editing tool, Visitor 3, will support direct import of terrain and shape data to recreate any area of operation in the simulation. VBS2 also includes real-time VBBSWorlds command and control functionality for large numbers of AI - Seat License + Support Fee = $3000 or human participants. (Accessed 13 July 2015 from VBBSDN Renewals

HSI SoSE SoAR DRAFT Page 195 - Small Business ($19400), Standard ($37000), Enterprise ($102000)" VBS2 U.S. Army is a 3-D, first-person, games-for-training platform that provides realistic, semi-immersive environments, dynamic terrain areas, hundreds of simulated military and civilian entities, and a range of geo-typical (generic) as well as actual geo-specific terrains. U.S. Army, U.S. Marine Corps and multinational equipment is modeled. Over 100 users can join the same exercise on a network. A 3-D scenario editor is included (Accessed 13 July 2015

Games For Training (GFT) is a suite of training software applications installed on PC-based, networked, multiplayer training environment using the Commercial and Government Off-the-Shelf (COTS/GOTS) gaming technology, Virtual Battlespace 2 (VBS2), BiLAT, Tactical Iraq, Tactical Pashto and Tactical Dari. GFT enables the Army to leverage and influence gaming technologies in order to rapidly deliver relevant training capabilities to support current and future Soldier, leader, and collective training and mission rehearsal. GFT is readily available and facilitates the Army's ability to fill operational capability gaps required for training current/future forces. It provides units with the capability to rapidly introduce lessons learned from combat into a realistic virtual environment to develop tactics, techniques, and procedures. (Accessed 13 July 2015 from"

Aside: The ICGS currently uses VBS2

Plans for future upgrades and acquisition - Leopard 2 simulator is going to be using VBS2 - VBS2 is going to be switched to VBS3. There is a transition plan currently in place over the next year to make this switch. - VBS Tactic will allow the CAF to train at a Platoon/Troop level. Cost: CAF asset Lab: x Field: Reference: "" Personal communication Major Morin and MWO Snow, 03 November 2015


Tool (instrument/product): Unreal Engine - Epic Games

Summary Description:

The Unreal Engine is a video game development engine created by Epic Games in 1998. It was originally developed for the game Unreal, which is where the engine gets its name. Nowadays, the Unreal Engine is not only used by Epic Games, but by many licensees to create 3D gamees for PC (Windows and Linux), Macintosh and various other console platforms such as Xbox 360 and PS3. The Unreal Engine is free to anyone andd can be used to create a variety of games and on any platform.) (Accesssed 13 July 2015 from

- Unreal Engine 4 is a complete suite of game development tools made by game developers, for game developers. From 2D mobile games to console blockbusters and VR, Unreal Engine 4 gives you everything you need to start, ship, grow and stand out from the crowd. (Accessed 13 July 2015 Unreal Engine non-commercial use from image Pro: Coon: - Unreal Engine 4 was released March 2014 - The Unreal Engine is free to anyone and can be used to create a variety of games and on any platform.) (Accessed 13 July 2015 from Cost: Free Lab: x Field: Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): America's Army: Proving Grounds

Summary Description:

America’s Army: Proving Grounds (AA:PG) is a first-person shooter computer/video game created using Unreal Engine 3, and is the most current game of the America’s Army FPS series. AA:PG was released in open beta on August 29, 2013. The game brings back many features from previous AA games and stresses small unit tactical maneuvers and training to reflect the current day U.S. Army. As with previous versions, AA:PG was designed with certain principles and ideals in mind including Army Values, Soldier’s Creed, teamwork, training and completing the objective. Gameplay scenarios included Battle Drill Exercises and Forward Line Operations. Battle Drill Exercises (BDX) are fast-paced and meant for small engagements of 6 vs. 6 players. BDX maps focus on the basic movements and maneuvers, allowing players to quickly learn how opposing forces play and adjust their strategy for future engagements. Forward Line Operations (FLO) are larger 12 vs. 12 mission-based exercises allowing players to use the skills learned in their Battle Drills to achieve success.

The game is branded as a strategic communication device, designed to allow young Americans to virtually explore the Army at their own pace and according to their interests to determine if soldiering matches theeir needs, interests and abilities. America's Army represents the first large-scale use of game technology by the U.S. government as a platform for strattegic communication and the first use of game technology in support of U.S. Army recruiting.

(Accessed 13 July 2015 from [Non-commercial use images]

Pro: Coon: In AA:PG, players can use weapons new to the series such as the Remington 870 MCS shotgun and M14 EBR- RI Designated Marksman Rifle, in addition to weapons like the M9 pistol, M4/M4A1 and the M249 light machine gun which had been in previous AA games. Gameplay features include situational awareness for spotting the enemies, effects of weapon suppression, a supported fire system for steadying or resting weapons to help with aim, self-aid where players can stabilize themselves, revival of incapacitated teammates, securing the enemy and a more advanced hard-core mode. The game also features updated versions of Hospital and Bridge, two maps that have been popular with AA fans.

Set in a fictional story line in the Republic of the Ostregals, players assume the role of an 11B Infantryman practicing combat maneuvers at Joint Training Center Griffin (aka The Proving Grounds), a MOUT (Military Operations on Urban Terrain) training environment quickly assembled using existing building infrastructure, Conex shipping containers and local materials. This training is crucial to the player’s success as part of the Long Range Combined Arms – Recon (LRCA-R) team, a


full spectrum capable unit for doing special operations missions deep behind enemy lines. (Accessed 13 July 2015 from

- Built using the Unreal Engine 3 Cost: Free Lab: x Field: Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Bilateral Negotiation Trainer (BiLAT)

Summary Description:

BiLAT is a 3-D software simulation designed to provide an immersive and compelling training environment to practice skills in conducting meetings and negotiations in a specific, cultural context. Students virtually assume the role of a U.S. Army officer to conduct a series of bi-lateral meetinngs with local leaders to achieve mission objectives. ELECT BiLAT is a part of the Learning with Adaptive Simulation and Training (LAST) Army Technology Objective (ATO), a collaboration between the University of California’s Institute for Creative Technologies (ICT), U.S. Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences (ARI), U.S. Army Research Laboratory Human Research and Engineering Directorate (ARL-HRED) and U.S. Army Research, Development and Engineering Command’s Simulation and Training Technology Center (RDECOM STTC). BiLat v2.1 is available for download from the Milgaming web portal, (Accessed 13 July 2015 from Pro: Coon: - Currently deployed at over 60 battle simulation and training centers throughout the Army.

The student must gather information on the social relationships among the characters in the scenario. Students must also establish their own relationships with these characters and be sensitive to the character’s cultural conventions. Any misstep could set the negotiations back or end them completely. Students must also apply sound negotiation strategies such as finding win-win solutions and properly preparing prior to the meeting. The BiLAT social “simulation” was developed through a collaborative, multi-disciplinary approach. USC’s Game Innovation Lab was involved in the game design as well as creating a compelling set of scenarios with realistic characters that would be appropriate for the training objectives identified. To represent and model the social and cultural elements, the BiLAT infrastructure uses research technologies including a dialogue manager, SmartBody animation technology and the PsychSim social simulation system from ICT’s virtual human research project, as well as an intelligent coach and tutor to provide the student with run- time coaching and in-depth feedback during after action reviews. (Accessed 13 July 2015 from

Games For Training (GFT) is a suite of training software applications installed on PC-based, networked, multiplayer training environment using the Commercial and Government Off-the-Shelf (COTS/GOTS) gaming technology, Virtual Battlespace 2 (VBS2), BiLAT, Tactical Iraq, Tactical Pashto and Tactical Dari. GFT enables the Army to leverage and influence gaming technologies in order to rapidly deliver relevant training capabilities to HSI SoSE SoAR DRAFT Page 200

support current and future Soldier, leader, and collective training and mission rehearsal. GFT is readily available and facilitates the Army's ability to fill operational capability gaps required for training current/future forces. It provides units with the capability to rapidly introduce lessons learned from combat into a realistic virtual environment to develop tactics, techniques, and procedures. (Accessed 13 July 2015 from Cost: Unknown Lab: x Field: Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): UrbanSIM

Summary Description:

UrbanSim is a PC-based virtual training application for practicing the art of battle command in complex counterinsurgency and stability operations. UrbanSim consists of a game-based practice environment, a web-based multimedia primer on doctrinal concepts of counterinsurgency annd a suite of scenario authoring tools. The practice environment allows Soldiers to take on the role of an Army battalion commander and to plan and execute operations in the context of a difficult, fictional training scenario. After developing their commander’s intent, identifying their lines of effort and information requirements, and selecting their measures of effectiveness, Soldiers direct the actions of a battalion as they attempt to mainttain stability, fight insurgency, reconstruct the civil infrastructure and prepare for transition. UrbanSim targets Soldiers’ abilities to maintain situatiional awareness, anticipate second and third-order effects of actions aand adapt their strategies in the face of difficult situations. UrbanSim is driven by an underlying socio-cultural behavior model coupled with a novel story engine that interjects events and situations based on the real-world experience of former commanders. UrbanSim v1.011 is available for download from the Milgaming web portal, (Accessed 13 July 2015 from Pro: Coon: Games For Training (GFT) is a suite of training software applications installed on PC-based, networked, multiplayer training environment using the Commercial and Government Off-the-Shelf (COTS/GOTS) gaming technology, Virtual Battlespace 2 (VBS2), BiLAT, Tactical Iraq, Tactical Pashto and Tactical Dari. GFT enables the Army to leverage and influence gaming technologies in order to rapidly deliver relevant training capabilities to support current and future Soldier, leader, and collective training and mission rehearsal. GFT is readily available and facilitates the Army's ability to fill operational capability gaps required for training current/future forces. It provides units with the capability to rapidly introduce lessons learned from combat into a realistic virtual environment to develop tactics, techniques, and procedures. (Accessed 13 July 2015 from Cost: Unknown Lab: x Field: Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Intelligent, Immersive Training - SRI International

Summary Description:

SRI Sarnoff is a world leader in real-time video processing, introducing augmented reality innovations that led to the virtual first down marker seen by millions of football fans. Exclusive SRI Sarnoff technologies supplement or replace human role players with computer-generated actors and objects—avatars— superimposed onto the real scene. In this way, Intelligent, Immersive Training promises to transform the way we teach everything from Military Operations on Urban Terrain (MOUT) to forward artillery spotting and vehicle repair. And instead of flying trainees to a central facility, the facility can come to them. SRI Sarnoff has developed prototype systems for three areas of Intelligent, Immersive Training: - Mixed Reality - Augmented Reality - Behavior Analysis

All three combine exclusive SRI Sarnoff technology with readily deployable, commercial off-the-shelf components to dramatically lower costs while boosting proficiency. (Accessed 17 July 2015 from Pro: Coon: Scenario-based, closed loop training - Avatars react to trainee actions through artificial intelligence - Repeatable and scriptable, with unlimited variation - Degree of difficulty automatically adjusts as performance improves

Helmet-based tracking of trainees for day/night, indoor/outdoor operations - Automatically tracks trainee position, accurate to 5 cm using exclusive SRI technology - Tracks trainee pose, accurate to 0.1 degree of angle, with unique SRI technology - Wireless transmission of helmet video and audio - Easy mounting on any night vision goggle (NVG) helmet mount

Weapon tracking - Exclusive SRI technology automatically estimates weapon pose via external markers or weapon mounted camera - Accurately determines hits and misses through tight coupling between weapons shots and avatars, using technology developed by SRI

Mixed Reality from SRI Sarnoff uses video projection to place computer-generated people, objects and effects onto the walls of indoor training facilities. The system HSI SoSE SoAR DRAFT Page 203

accurately tracks both trainees and their weapons throughout the facility, capturing video from a network of pan-tilt-zoom cameras and recording their behavior for after-action review (AAR). - Accurate tracking of trainees and weapons - Comprehensive real-time video monitoring - Mixed reality environment

Behavior Analysis provides real-time sensing and automated analysis of trainee actions, for powerful, closed-loop training exercises. The system automatically categorizes individual and team behaviors, enabling you to track the states and tasks of trainees in real-time. At the end of the exercise, the system automatically generates a list of items for debriefing and after-action review. (Accessed 17 July 2015 from gent_training.pdf) Cost: Unknown Lab: x Field: Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Immersive simulation - Organic Motion (markerless motion capture)

Summary Description:

Organic Motion LIVE has forever changed live training for warfighters. Now they can interact with digitally animated characters in live training scenarios in a natural and intuitive way. LIVE introduces a greater level of realism into urban warfare and special ops training by inserting live role-players into training exercises in a convincing manner. It increases the authenticity of digital characters when they interact with trainees while decreasing the many costs associated with live role-players. (Accessed 17 July 2015 from

Pro: Coon: Human Intelligence and Interrogation Training - Two dimensional avatars - LIVE can be scaled for use in non-combat scenarios like interrogations, organizational crisis management, and leadership training.

Real-time Training with LIVE Digital Characters - The role-player steps into a capture portal and is projected as a high definition LIVE digital character into a live training scenario in real-time. No need to pre-record branching video or animated scenes. The digitally animated character’s movement, speech and gestures exactly mimic the role-player and facilitate an interactive two-way dialogue in a natural and intuitive manner. This is not a recorded character but an actual live person interacting with trainees who view that person as any intended digital character. LIVE uses the latest voice modulation software, projection and targeting technology to create a completely immersive training capability.

Increased cost efficiency = Increased training value - In any realistic training scenario, a LIVE digital character is much more effective than an artificial intelligence character, and undeniably more cost-effective than multiple human actors.

Train anywhere in the world – instantly - LIVE provides the ability to project digitally animated characters securely into the next room or anywhere in the world. The live role-player can walk into a system in Virginia and instantly show up in a room in Germany as a different character. (Accessed 17 July 2015 from Cost: Up to $1 million depending on configuration (price TBC) Lab: x Field: Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Virtual Role Player (VRP®) MIL

Summary Description:

"VRP® MIL augments virtual training scenarios with Virtual Role Players representing host nationals. VRP® MIL makes it possible to train and rehearse nonlethal missions within a virtual training context. Traainees communicate with VRPs using spoken language, for greater realism.” (Accessed 20 October 2015 from

Pro: Coon: "- Key Leader Engagement (KLE) Non-native English - Two dimensional avatars (NNE) demonstration scenario incorporated as a plug-in into Bohemia Interactive® Simulations’ VBS3 mission rehearsal training program - Train without teams of live role players, at home station – this saves personnel and travel costs. - Trainees focus on training – they are not called on to act as role players in training exercises. - Support for mission planning, rehearsal, and after-action review. - Fully compatible with Bohemia Interactive® Simulations’ VBS3. - VRP® MIL behavior is culturally accurate – based on cultural research that is cross-validated and approved by the US Defense Language and National Security Education Office (DLNSEO). - Trainers populate scenarios with Virtual Role Players, without specialized programming knowledge or cultural expertise. - Utilizes Alelo’s patented Virtual Role-Play technology for cross-cultural dialog with speech and gesture.

(Accessed 20 October 2015 from" Cost: Plug in module in VBS3 Lab: x Field: Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Zero Latency Summary Description:

Virtual reality immersive simulator (VR entertainment facility) that can be used for range practices to individual and team engagements (up to six players immersed in a simulation) Zero Latency VR immersive simulator

Pro: Coon: "- Up to 6 player co-op will be available, but you can play - Atttraction is located in Melbourne Australia and single player too. technology is currently not a COTS product - Every part of the system is designed to give you an immersive experience without any of the motion sickness typically associated with virtual reality systems. In our testing, out of over 400 people only 1 has had to stop playing due to motion sickness. - You will have 400 square metres of game space, but the virtual space is much larger. We reuse the space with some nifty tricks we have developed. (accessed 20 October 2015 from

- All 400 square metres (4,300 square feet) are covered in a white grid pattern to aid camera rigs mounted above the playing area in monitoring each player's movements. Covering the entire play space are 129 Sony PlayStation Eye cameras driven by the team's proprietary software. They're arranged in circular rings that cover a 360-degree view, each ring with its own dedicated controller PC.” (accessed 20 October 2015 from revolution-begins-melbourne-australia/) Cost: Unknown Lab: x Field: Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): VIRTSIM

Summary Description:

"VIRTSIM is a motion-capture immersive virtual reality simulation system that allows up to 13 people to train together virtually. The virtual reality system allows trainees to perform law enforcement and military combat exercises and move tactically as they would during a live operation. Any location or tactical scenario can be simulated by the software with incredible realistic details. The 3D AAR then provides playback of all actions and shots from every angle, as well as from each participant's individual perspective for feedback and analysis.

(Accessed 20 October 2015 from"

Pro: Coon: "- Simulation system that allows up to 13 people to train together virtually - VIRTSIM trainees experience realistic feedback as they interact with live or artificially intelligent (AI) characters and other virtual objects. - The VIRTSIM trainee gear kit is designed to be worn over existing issue equipment such as plate carriers, chest rigs and belts. - The VIRTSIM replica rifle provides realism in weight and dimensions. The replica rifle provides the trainee with recoil, and limits the number of rounds to the magazine capacity before reloading is required. If elected, random malfunctions can be wirelessly introduced, increasing realism and stress and requiring trainees to perform immediate action drills to clear the weapon under combat conditions. - VIRTSIM After Action Report (AAR) capability addresses trainees’ performance ranging from basic individual maneuvers to the more complex nature of team and squad maneuvers and mission rehearsals. This 3D AAR provides playback of all actions and shots from every angle, as well as from each participant’s individual perspective. All trainee body motions and all shots fired by every participant are recorded and displayed, and every training session is automatically catalogued and stored in an accessible database. These sessions are available for replay at any time.

Trainers can evaluate weapon discipline, sector responsibility, use of cover, and every shot a trainee has fired, allowing them to address safety concerns and tactical errors throughout the process.” (Accessed 20 October 2015 from Cost: $1M + (TBC) Lab: x Field: Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Intelligent Decision (ID)

Summary Description:

"ID has developed a fully immersive virtual simulation training for U.S. soldiers. This cutting-edge system enables soldiers, leaders and units to train in a virtual training environment and will be used by the U.S. Army’s Program Executive Office for Simulation, Training and Instrumentation to increase the quality of instruction and combat preparedness. Our simulation engineer team utilized cutting-edge technology to develop this dynamic, interactive, team building experience, providing complete training and rehearsal systems enabling the warfighters to train as if they weere in battle.” (Accessed 20 October 2015 from areas/simulation-training)

Pro: Coon: "- The goal of ID’s integration efforts is to provide the - Cost most realistic, immersive training ever delivered to a soldier, agent or officer. - From maintaining familiar actions such as reloading an M4, taking a knee, or going prone, to giving the squad or platoon leader a full after action review (AAR) suite to supervise and inspect the actions of the people training, ID’s Immersive Training programs go beyond a first person view of the world, ranging from sounds familiar to anyone who has served overseas, to providing a bird’s eye view of the entire scenario. In addition, the full immersion can be expanded through additional components, such as an incoming fire haptic feedback system, while still giving the scenario composers the ability to customize terrain, weather, enemy forces, and every other aspect of the mission. (Accessed 20 October 2015 from training?q=simulation-training/immersive-training) - With the Dismounted Soldier Training System (DSTS), a Program of Record with the , Intelligent Decisions is developing a virtual training system that uses a combination of sensors on the soldier’s body and on a realistic weapon to convert movements into the virtual training scenario. Squads of 9 soldiers work together through a world that can be converted into any terrain, weather, or combat scenario. Squads can also be networked together for larger, more robust scenarios. (Accessed 20 October 2015 from studies?q=simulation-training/case-studies/soldier- training-system) - Our solutions combine technologies such as man- wearable, untethered hardware with state of the art commercial game engines.”


(Accessed 20 October 2015 from device-integration)

Cost: $57M Lab: x Field: Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Microsoft – HoloLens Summary Description:

"Microsoft HoloLens is the first fully untethered, holographic computer, enabling high-definition holograms to integrate with your world. Unlock all- new ways to connect, create, collaborate, and explore." (watch the video for more information) (Accessed 21 Oct 2015 from hololens/en-us)

[Non-commercial use images] Pro: Coon: - Navigate and manipulate with gestures and voice, and - Microsoft HoloLeens devices will begin shipping in the interact in a more dynamic play space firsst quarter of 2016 to developers in the United States - Designed for comfort (weight distribution and balance) and Canada [to accepted applicants] - Adjustable fit for range of adult head sizes - Revolutionary technology with little development (i.e. - Containing more computing power than the average third party developers are getting involved in developing laptop, Microsoft HoloLens is passively cooled without this applications for this technology - ""we are looking for fans. With no wires, external cameras, or phone or PC a wide spectrum oof developers to create diverse apps and connection required, you can move freely and untethered. experiences.”) - Microsoft HoloLens has advanced sensors to capture (Accessed 21 Occt 2015 from information about what you're doing and the environment you’re in. us/developers) - See-through holographic high-definition lenses use an advanced optical projection system, generating multi- dimensional full-color images with very low latency so you can see holograms in your world. - The HPU is custom silicon that processes a large amount of data per second from the sensors. Microsoft HoloLens understands gestures and where you look, and maps the world around you, all in real time. - Built-in speakers: A precise audio experience without headphones that is immersive, yet won’t block out the real world. - Spatial sound: Using a scientific model that characterizes how the human ear receives sound from a specific location, Microsoft HoloLens synthesizes sound so that you can hear holograms from anywhere in the room. (Accessed 21 October 2015 from us/hardware) Cost: $3000 USD (to accepted applicants) Lab: x Field: Reference:


CAF Capability: Weapons Effects Simulation (CWES)

Summary Description:

“Canadian WES, or CWES, delivers a highly realistic training experience. It enables senior commanders to prepare and confirm that their troops have reached the highest levels of readiness prior to deploying on actual operations. The system enables “live” force-on-force collective trraining exercises to take place using lasers and radio signals instead of real munitions. Electronic components integrated into every soldier's equipment and onto all vehicles give participants instant feedback on the results of each laser or radio-based engagement. All activity is captured and recorded at an Exercise Control (EXCON) center for objective evaluation during after- action reviews (AARs) [Able to capture positional information, orientation and movement of all entities (friendly and enemy, vehicle and diismounted infantry soldier movement), ammunition usage, engagement (whom, with what, when, how, and with what effect), number of casualties].

The Cubic contract called for the Army's principal training facility to be a permanent, fully instrumented, installation located at Canadian Forces Base (CFB) Wainwright, Alberta. Deliverables included an EXCON Building, a Logistic Support Building, WES equipment for soldiers and vehicles, and a radio Communications and Information System [three large communications tower that capture all information within the training area and sends that information to EXCON for real time and post-hoc analysis]. Controlled by the training staff of the new Canadian Manoeuvre Training Centre, military exercises can involve Army Battle Groups of more than 1500 soldier and 700 vehicle players.

The contract also provides for a subordinate capability, complete with another logistics support building, to support the Combat Training Center at CFB Gagetown, New Brunswick. This facility is designed to suppport Combat Team training of up to 500 soldier and vehicle players. Army traiining schools will use this equipment to dramatically enhance individual and low-level collective training courses using Direct Fire WES lasers and dettectors, and Observer Controller devices.

Finally, 13 additional dismounted infantry company suites, each with enough simulation equipment for 150 soldier players, have been procured for deployment across the country as needed. The Army allocates these suites to Regular and Reserve Force units to enhance home-station training, and to prepare for higher unit formation training prior to visiting CFB Wainwright” (Accessed 05 October 2015 from [Limitations of these additional infantry company suites include: - Unable to capture all information within the training area foor real time and post-hoc analysis (i.e. lack of communication tower infrastructure and EXCON) - Vehicle WES systems (e.g. LAVIII, Leopard tank) are not included - Akin to laser tag o Able to download data post mission, but limited in functionality. o Able to capture metrics such as ammunition usagge, engagement (whom, with what, when, how, and with what effect), number of casualties but unable to track individual and team movement in real-time]


WES Mid Life Upgrade The Project will upgrade or replace the current hardware and software used by the Weapons Effects Simulation (WES) systems at Canadian Army bases. The Project will augment instrumentation and simulation equipment to increase the realism of joint collective training exercises. The Project will take advantage of technological advances to increase the effectiveness and efficiency of training and the AAR process. (Accessed 05 October 2015 from Pro: Coon: - GPS-based instrumentation for soldiers and vehicles - No physical feedback is provided. - Laser- and radio-based weapons simulations - Heavy, bulky (SMEs) - Range instrumentation system - Batteries die quickly (SMEs) - Exercise control (EXCON)/AAR system - System problems such as lasers shooting if they are - “Hit data is collected in real-time and transmitted struck against something (SMEs) over our player radio and microwave network to a - Tree brush or other obstructions block the laser remote EXCON computer where it is recorded and which is not representative of bullets processed for evaluation and AAR. Our AARs - Not representative of a real danger situation provide reporting that enables commanders to make - Feedback is only a buzzing and sound comparisons between combat plans and combat execution, evaluate tactical engagements as a - Can teach dangerous behaviours consequence of maneuver, and assess adherence - Harnesses are not compatible with current load between actions taken and doctrinal procedures.” carriage systems (Accessed 05 October 2015 from - Outside of Wainwright, after action is problematic beyond who is dead and alive and-Services/Ground/Ground-Combat-Training- - It takes approximately half of a day to be trained on Systems) this system. Kit must be issued prior to each exercise - Retaining the essential individual, crew and unit (Papaz, I., Angel, H., Thomson, M. 2013) skill-sets to meet the standards for operationally assigned roles and missions. - Maximizing the value of resources devoted to training, particularly to field training exercises, by preparing participants for the field events through procedural training and the achievement of skill “gateways” prior to live training. - Maintaining skill-sets that might otherwise be unaffordable. - Confirmation and validation of training. - Achieving savings in O&M (operations and maintenance) costs by replacing resource-intensive activities with simulation. - Measure/ record performance. (National Defence, 2001) - Increased safety as compared to shooting live ammunition - Can initiate combat first aid. Training (system will say if the hit was a wound and where) - WES provides the following feedback: • Event time • Event location • Shooter’s identification • Shooter’s weapon type • Shooter’s ammunition type


• Number of shots fired • Virtual ammunition remaining • Hits and misses • Location of hit (lethal versus wound) (Papaz, I., Angel, H., Thomson, M. 2013)

Weapon Effects Simulation Mid Life Upgrade Potential project requirements and deliverables could include: improvements to soldier and vehicle WES equipment, integration of air assets, improved exercise control software and communications networks, expansion of communications coverage zones, integration with constructive and/or virtual simulations, and instrumentation at urban training sites.

Anticipated Timeline - 2017 Options Analysis - 2019 Definition Approval - 2020 Request for Proposal Release - 2021 Implementation Approval, Contract Award - 2025 Final Delivery ( guide-2015/ Cost: “In 2003, Cubic Defense Applications of San Diego won the $92 Lab: Field: x Million Canadian Weapons Effects Simulation (WES) contract. The contract delivered approximately 1,665 soldier systems, 600 vehicle systems, a state of the art after action capability and Integrated Logistics Support (ILS).” (Papaz, I., Angel, H., Thomson, M. 2013)

Preliminary estimate (WES Mid Life Upgrade) $100 million to $249 million Reference: Point of Contact (WES Mid Life Upgrade) Director Land Requirements Phone: 819-994-4225 Training-Systems Personal communication Major Di Ilio, 05 October 2015. Papaz, I., Angel, H., Thomson, M. (2013)


Tool (instrument/product): SAAB - Tactical Engagement Simulation (TES) Summary Description:

"Saab Defense and Security USA - Training and Simulation supports the U.S. Warfighter by developing, manufacturing, and supporting world-class training systems for the United States Military, Foreign Military Sales, and Homeland Security in the Live, Virtual, and Constructive domains." (Accessed 22 October 2015 from SAAB Tactical "Live laser training systems are known as Tactical Engagement Simulation Engagement Simulation (TES) systems. There are two main elements to a TES system: the laser transmitter, detector, and weapon effects system, and the instrumentation (TES) and tracking system that provides detailed After Action Reports (AAR). Exercises can either be conducted within a fixed Combat Training Centre (CTC) area, with a permanent communications and instrumentaation infrastructure, or by using mobile data communications systemss that achieve the same result but in different areas." (Accessed 22 October 2015 from training/manpack300/tes-takes-training-to-the-next-level.pdf) Pro: Coon: - "Substituting lasers and laser detectors for live - Cost ammunition enables realistic force-on-force training and if - Similar to LEGATUS/Multiple Integrated Laser the actions of the players are tracked and Engagement System (MILES)/Tactical Engagement monitored...Target systems within the area evaluate the Simulation (TES) capability impact data and determine the battle damage or near - Note: "Saab is not the only manufacturer producing TES miss, as the case may be, by using a detailed equipment. In the US, Lockheed Martin, and particularly vulnerability model. Detector prisms mounted on the Cubic Defense Applications are the major players, with target provide a return to the laser transmitter, enabling substantial domesstic and overseas contracts. Most range to target to be determined. This range data is used recently Cubic seems to have emerged as Saab's major in the simulation of tracer and burst-on-target visual competitor in the US, winning the second phase of the simulation in the gunner's sight." USMC I-TESS programme. However, the two work - Uses OSAG 2.0 (Optical Interface Definition) open together in the UK where both sets of equipment are in standard (vice Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement use on the Salisbury Plain Training Area. System (MILES) laser code). "The new standard provides Rheinmetall is the main supplier for the an increased number of simulated ammunition types for and has recently rebranded its entire TES equipment more realistic target engagement effects; uses range under the Legatus name. It won the contract for the engagement distance to the target, enabling lethality to provision of CTC equipment in the UAE, which includes be calculated according to the effective range of the fixed, mobile, and MOUT facilities. It had also been in the ammunition; and supports indoor positioning systems middle of developing a major facility for the Russian Army where GPS is unavailable (achieved with infrared diode at Mulino, which could have led to contracts for further transmitters). Laser pulse wave lengths and laser similar CTCs elsewhere in Russia, when the situation in detector characteristics and geometry are standardised, the Crimea and Eastern Ukraine brought the programme and the codes are transmitted by modulating the laser to an abrupt halt. pulse intervals." Switzerland's RUAG has been itts main domestic supplier - "Saab is a major provider of TES systems and supplies for some time for both fixed CTC and MOUT equipment. its equipment on a large scale to the US Army, US Marine It has recently developed a new version, Gladiiator, as Corps (USMC), and British Army as well as to a number well as a mobile CTC with different ranges and of other armies worldwide." capacities. There are also a number of other smaller - Integrated with crew-served and large calibre platform plaayers in the market, both in the US and Europe. mounted weapons (BT46), and small arms (BT47) as well There is likely to be fierce competition in India soon, as vehicle or bunker target systems where Zen Technologies is the domestic incumbent but - "When a dismount enters a vehicle or bunker wearing a which lacks the experience of some of the international PDD, the wearer is 'associated' so that the level of competition. And a competition for an additional major protection afforded is recognised; the dismount is also MOUT facility in the UAE is still in progress." visualised in the communications system to exercise HSI SoSE SoAR DRAFT Page 215

control (EXCON) as being inside. Should the host vehicle (Access 22 October 2015 from or bunker be seriously damaged by an engagement or improvised explosive devices (IEDs), the blast effect is and-simulation/live-training/manpack300/tes-takes- transmitted to the PDD, resulting in a simulated wound or training-to-the-next-level.pdf) kill. This capability provides even greater battlefield realism: if a PDD wearer is next to an armoured vehicle which is hit, the PDD will react to reflect the likely effect of being near to the impact." - Medical treatment simulator capability is also incorporated (Accessed 22 October 2015 from and-simulation/live-training/manpack300/tes-takes- training-to-the-next-level.pdf) Cost: Millions Lab: Field: x Reference: takes-training-to-the-next-level.pdf


Tool (instrument/product): Lockheed Martin - Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System (MILES ) and adaptive Urban Operations Training System (UOTS) Summary Description:

Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System (MILES): "The Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System or MILES is used by the U.S. military and other armed forces around the world for training purposes. It uses lasers and blank cartridges to simulate actual battle. Individual soldiers carry small laser receivers scattered over their bodies, which detect when the soldier has been illuminated by a firearm's laser. Each laser transmitter is set to mimic the effective range of the weapon on Lockheed Martin - Multiple which it is used. When a person is ""hit"", a medic can use the digital readout to determine which first aid method to practice." Integrated Laser (Accessed 22 October 2015 from Engagement System (MILES) m)

Urban Operations Training System (UOTS): "Lockheed Martin’s adaptive Urban Operations Training Systemm (UOTS) prepares Warfighters to engage in the complex and constantly changing urban environment. UOTS develops Warfighters’ intuitive decision making skills so that they have the confidence to act decisively and apprropriately. Supporting Mission Command UOTS supports the full range of operational planning, preparing, executing and assessing – whether it is traditional warfighting tactics to overseas contingency operations. It uses commercial- off-the-shelf technology, making it simple and affordable to quickly tailor training scenarios to dynamic operating conditions." (Accessed 22 October 2015 from systems-.html) Pro: Coon: Multiple Integrated Laser Engagement System - Cost (MILES): - MILES system is similar to LEGATUS/Weapons Effects - "MILES XXI is a family of infantry, vehicle, antitank and Simulation (WES)/Tactical Engagement Simulation (TES) independent target systems tested and proved in the field capability by the armed forces of numerous countries. The laser training system furnishes real-time feedback on the result of weapon engagements so players can duplicate the stress and lethality of actual combat in a variety of battle scenarios." (Accessed 22 October 2015 from

Urban Operations Training System (UOTS): -"Enables customers to design and validate their own training range virtually through the use of Perspective scenario planning software - Incorporates comprehensive instrumentation and data processing as tactical systems evolve - Supports integrated live, virtual and constructive training to optimize planning time - Integration capability across geographic sites at commanders’ fingertips - Operates in both permanent and mobile facilities


Supports the inclusion of enhanced battlefield effects including smoke, smell and sound - Through UOTS, Lockheed Martin can provide integrated Military Operations on Urban Terrain (MOUT) training systems, mobile MOUTs and Combat Training Center MOUT Instrumentation Systems." (Accessed 22 October 2015 from operations-training-systems-.html) Cost: Millions Lab: Field: x Reference: 015_newest.pdf


5.1.4 Positional Information Positional Information – smartphone software applications (apps)

Tool (instrument/product): MilGPS - Tactical GPS Navigation and MGRS Grid Tool for Land Nav Summary Description: iPhone App MilGPS is an MGRS/USNG focused premium navigation tool trusted by MilGPS - Tactical GPS soldiers, search and rescue personnel and other professional navigators Navigation and MGRS Grid around the world. View your current location and navigate to a waypoint in seconds. Or plan and organize your navigation using the powerful and Tool for Land Nav intuitive mapping and overlay capabilities. application

Pro: Coon: - Cell phone coverage not required - Requires smartphone - Supports MGRS - Note that only waypoints can be shared at present. If - Unlimited way points there is route or track information in your GPX file it will - Import and export waypoints via the standard GPX file be ignored (therefore cannot conduct post hoc analysis format (routes and tracks not currently supported) such as travel distance, area, etc.). - 4.8/5 (179 reviews) - Does not support off-line maps (google or apple mapping function requires a data connection) - Unknown if location sharing with others is possible Cost: $9.99 Lab: Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Tactical NAV - GPS Navigation App For Military and First Responders (v3.5.2) Summary Description: iPhone/Android App Created by a U.S. Army soldier, Tactical NAV is a GPS navigation app built specifically for military personnel, first responders, search and rescue and Tactical NAV - GPS law enforcement. Navigation Application For Tactical NAV is an indispensable tool that enables users to map and plot Military and First waypoints and military graphics with pinpoint accuracy. Users can share Responders (v3.5.2) location and waypoint information with each other using email, teext and Facebook using encrypted security, and even take photographs stamped with GPS coordinates, which are stored in the phone’s memory which can be shared at a later date.

Pro: Coon: - Military quality GPS tactical navigation system - Requires smartphone - WGS 84 standard and includes MGRS, UTM, BNG and - Does not support off-line maps USNG - Cannot enter grids - Sandtable drawing mode (In app purchase) - Unknown if data can be exported (therefore cannot - Tested in combat to ensure utmost accuracy and conduct post hoc analysis such as travel distance, area, reliability etc.) - 1:50,000 map scale overlay (1km by 1km grid squares) - Waypoint plotting functionality with military graphics - Location and waypoint sharing via email, text and Facebook with other users - Compass “FastLock” function for capturing quick azimuths - Quickly swipe between various types of coordinate and location data - Camera mode with heads-up data displayed in real-time and photo stamping functionality - One-button night mode function for low-light situations - "Go to Grid" option for pinpoint planning - Measurement tool: calculates both distance and direction between any two points on the map using the optional drawing mode - 4.1/5 (148 reviews) Cost: $5.99 Lab: Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): GPS Kit - Offline GPS Tracker

Summary Description: iPhone App Designed for outdoor activities such as: hiking, hunting, camping, skiing, cycling, geocaching, mountain biking, motorcycling, off-roading, fishing, and other romping in or out of the backcountry—ANYWHERE IN THE WORLD.

GPS Kit is a full-featured GPS system for the iPhone that combiines all the functionality of expensive handheld units with the power of wireless technology. Using advanced technology optimized for the iPhone, GPS Kit offers a superbly easy-to-use system that puts data from a wide range of sensors at your fingertips.

Pro: Coon: Highest Quality Mapping - Requires smartphone - Fastest maps in the App Store - Sharing location information "Squawk" requires internet - Smooth, elegant interaction connection (e.g. data usage) - Offline Mode enables use out of cell range - Some bugs thatt need fixing - No data connection required if map is cached - 2.5 to 3/5 rating (215 ratings) - Use your own map sources

Real-Time Friend Tracking with "Squawk!"* - Only app to show others' position, speed, & track - Web viewer to share location with anyone - Meet up with people on channels - Use the friend system for enhanced privacy - Chat system included at no extra cost - Unlimited range--works across the entire world! - Personalized colors - Meet up at the game, hunt, or while traveling - Track your loved one's adventures LIVE - Free subscription for a limited time

Simple, Powerful Data Handling - Mail links for Google Earth & map viewing - Full-color thumbnails of data sets - Group tracks and waypoints together - Most options for export and import of data - Open KML, KMZ, & GPX from Mail & Safari - Attach KML & GPX files to email - Export GPX & KML through iTunes - Share your adventures on Facebook and Twitter


Powerful Waypoints - Add photos and notes to waypoints - Drag map to reposition as coordinates update - UTM, USNG, MGRS - Long-press to quickly drop a waypoint - Navigate to waypoints using compass - Magnetic compass (3GS, 4, iPad) - Option to use current travel direction on compass - See distance to waypoint update in real-time

Intelligent Data Collection - Uses maximum GPS accuracy - Real satellite positioning even without cell signal (only on 3G, 3GS, 4, 4S, 5 iPad 3G, iPad LTE) - Auto-segmentation of tracks for clean tracks

Fully Customizable Dashboard - Gorgeous high contrast display - Huge variety of parameters and units - Time, Trip Time, Track Time - Elevation Change - Formatted Position (Lat/Lng, UTM, MGRS, USNG) - Accuracy, Speed, Odometer, Avg Speed - Max Speed, Pace, Avg. Pace - Moving Time, Stopped Time, Direction - 3-Axis Inclinometer and Glide Ratio - Customizable cell on map

Loaded with Related Utilities - LED Flashlight (iPhone 4 only) - Background mode (iOS4+ with 3GS,4,or iPad) - Proximity sensor usage for battery saving - Elevation and speed graphs - On-map tracking controls and timer - On-map ruler - Multi-touch area measurements - Full retina interface (iPhone 4 only) Cost: $11.99 Lab: Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): MotionX GPS

Summary Description: iPhone App - The #1 multi-sport application for the iPhone - Great for biking, hiking, skiing, snowboarding, running, paddle boarding, sailing, rowing, flying, geocaching, and more - Free downloadable maps worldwide! Including MotionX Road and Terrain maps, and NOAA marine charts - Over 5 million users, top rated around the world

[M_GPS non commercial use image]

Pro: Coon: - Most accurate iPhone GPS - Smartphone required - Best map selection: choose from 14 different sources - More of a fitness app (similar apps include Endomondo, including road, terrain, satellite, and marine map types Sports Tracker, etc.) - Map storage onboard: unlimited downloading of maps - Unsure if you could export the data for analysis later for use offline - Save up to 300 tracks & 2500 waypoints - Facebook & Twitter integration - Advanced interactive stopwatch with live voice coaching - 3.5/5 (14740 reviewers) Cost: $0.99 Lab: Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Map My Hike GPS Hiking

Summary Description: iPhone/Android/Blackberry App Map My Hike – GPS Hiking, Walking, Running, Tracking Workouuts and Calorie Counter Start hiking with the MapMyHike community. Log over 600 different types of workouts; record GPS-based activities to view detailed stats; connect with 400+ devices to import and analyze all your data in one place.

Pro: Coon: - 600+ Activities - Log and record workouts with the - Smartphone required largest selection of activities, including running, cycling, - More of a fitness app (similar apps include Endomondo, walking, gym workouts, cross training, yoga and tons of Sports Tracker, etc.) others. - Unsure if you could download maps and use this app - Workout Stats - Record GPS-based workouts with off-line customizable voice feedback for precise stats like pace, - Unsure if you could export the data for analysis later route, distance, calorie burn, elevation profile and more. - Monthly subscription costs USD 5.99 per month while - Share Data - Sync your account with other health and the yearly subscription costs USD 29.99 per year or USD nutrition apps like MyFitnessPal and Google Fit. 2.50 per month. Subscription renews automatically unless cancelled at least 24 hours prior to the end of the current - Go MVP - Be a premium member for an ad-free period. There is no increase in cost when renewing. experience and access special features like heart rate analysis, personal training plans, audio coaching, and Live Tracking.

JOIN THE COMMUNITY - Activity Feed - Share your progress and see what friends are doing on your Activity Feed. Whether you’re a beginner, casually active, looking to rededicate yourself to fitness or an athletic enthusiast, you’ll fit in perfectly with our 30+ million member strong community. - Social - Share your progress and workouts with friends on social media.

MORE FEATURES ON THE WEB - 24/7 Activity Graph - Connect devices to view steps, sleep, workouts and more, all in one expertly designed graph. - Import Data - We make it easy to connect and import data from the best activity tracking devices in the industry. Connect devices from Jawbone, Misfit, Fitbit, Garmin, Withings and more (Bluetooth Smart™ and ANT+™). - 4/5 (5k reviewers) Cost: $30/year Lab: Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Sports Tracker Running Cycling

Summary Description: iPhone/Android/Windows/Blackberry app TOP RATED HEALTH & FITNESS APP WITH MILLIONS OF USERS! Turn your mobile into a social sports computer with Sports Tracker for running, cycling, walking, hiking, mountain biking, skiing and all your sports activities. Track and analyze your performance, share workout data and photos with your friends, and most of all – get fit and stay healthier.

Pro: Coon: APP FEATURES - Smartphone required Sports Tracker for Android comes with powerful social - More of a fitness app (similar apps include Endomondo, features in addition to the award-winning tracking Sports Tracker, etc.) capabilities, making it the most feature-packed and - Unsure if you could download maps and use this app professional sports tracker app: off-line - Track and analyze your performances, monitor your progress - Store all training data in your personal workout diary - Keep track of everything from calories burned to average training speed, running pace and altitude - Use maps, time and distance calculators - Get voice feedback during training - Share running, cycling and other workouts and photos with other trackers on Sports Tracker, Facebook and Twitter - See your friends' profiles and comment their workouts and photos - Explore the globe to discover new routes, trails and adventures worldwide

HEART RATE MONITORING Take your training to the next level with the Sports Tracker Bluetooth Heart Rate Monitor – available separately at

FREE ONLINE SERVICE AT WWW.SPORTS- TRACKER.COM Automatic backup of your workouts, detailed maps and analysis views, friends' workouts and lots more – together with the full-featured online service the Sports Tracker is the most powerful social sports tracking solution available for Android. Join the growing global Sports Tracker community and have fun getting fit! - 4.5/5 (120k reviewers) Cost: Free Lab: Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Primordial - Ground Guidance

Summary Description:

Developed as a computer software program (described below), Android app is also available Ground Guidance is patented software that plans fast and concealed routes on- and off-road for dismounted and mounted soldiers. Primordial developed Ground Guidance under contracts with the Army Geospatial Center (AGC); Communications-Electronics Research, Development, and Engineering Center (CERDEC); Product Manager (PM) Movement Tracking System (MTS); Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency (DDARPA); and others. (Accessed 17 August 2015 from Pro: Coon: What can it do? - Primordial does not currently maintain a routable Fast route. Ground Guidance generates the fastest route Ground Guidance map covering Canada (TBC) between two points. - Outside of the United States, developer licenses are Movement projection. Movement projection enables one $5,,000 per seat. to predict the likely location of an entity (e.g. a downed - Runtime licenses are $500 per seat for 1 to 99 seats, pilot or sniper fleeing an area) given a last known $100 per seat for 100 to 999 seaats, and $50 per seat for location, travel duration, and transportation mode. 1,000+ seats. Urban routing. In addition to routing in mountainous and - Primordial also offers enterprise license agreements woodland terrain, Ground Guidance supports urban (ELA) that enable an entire organization or program to routing. use Ground Guidance without the need to track individual Alternate routes. Ground Guidance supports planning any user licenses. number of alternate routes between two points. This (Accessed 17 August 2015 from facilitates planning primary, alternate, contingent, and emergency (PACE) routes before or during a mission. military_datasheet.pdf) Intervisibility. Ground Guidance analyzes man-made and natural features to calculate accurate view sheds. Ground Guidance is unique in that it incorporates an optical vegetation penetration model to perform its analysis. Road routing. In addition to off-road routing, Ground Guidance supports performing state-of-the-art on-road routing for tactical and logistical vehicles. Ground Guidance supports displaying turn-by-turn directions and preferentially routing along main supply routes (MSRs) and alternate supply routes (ASRs). Randomized routes. Ground Guidance supports generating randomized routes to reduce predictability during patrols and commutes. Multi-resolution routing. To achieve rapid rerouting on resource-constrained handheld platforms, Primordial developed a patent-pending multi-resolution routing algorithm that starts with a coarse map and refines routes over time. Differential routing. In addition to fast and concealed routes, Ground Guidance supports maximizing relative advantage along a route. Route check. Similar to Microsoft Word’s spell check, Ground Guidance’s route check highlights potential dangers along a route (e.g. steep terrain, marshy areas, and exposed positions).


Graphic processing unit (GPU) routing. To leverage the hundreds of GPUs present on modern graphics cards, Primordial developed a GPU-based routing algorithm that is 22X faster than the CPU-based equivalent.

What maps are available? United States map. Primordial maintains a routable Ground Guidance map covering the continental United States (CONUS). Map sources include Intermap, National Elevation Dataset (NED), National Hydrography Dataset (NHD), National Land Cover Dataset (NLCD), and Open Street Map (OSM). Afghanistan map. Primordial maintains a routable Ground Guidance map covering Afghanistan. Map sources include Buckeye, Consolidated Afghanistan Feature Dataset (CAFD), Digital Globe, Digital Terrain Elevation Data (DTED), Geo Cover Land Cover (GCLC), Intermap, and Urban Feature Database (UFD). Global map. Primordial is currently in the process of creating a global-coverage map expected to be completed in 2013. (Accessed 17 August 2015 from guidance) Cost: - Developer licence = $5,000 per seat Lab: x Field: x - Runtime licenses = $500 per seat (1 to 99 seats) Reference: Ground Guidance: Route Analysis and Selection. Ground Guidance: Load Analysis and Distribution.


Tool (instrument/product): Google Maps for mobile

Summary Description: iPhone/Android/Windows/Blackberryr App "The Google Maps app for Android phones and tablets [and iPhoone and iPad] makes navigating your world faster and easier. Find the best spots in town and the information you need to get there." (Accessed 21 October 2015 from s&hl=en)

[Non-commercial use image]

Pro: Coon: - Comprehensive, accurate maps in 220 countries and - Smartphone required territories - Unsure if you could download maps and use this app - Voice-guided GPS navigation for driving, biking, and off-line walking - Transit directions and maps for over 15,000 towns and cities - Live traffic conditions, incident reports, and automatic rerouting to find the best route - Detailed information on more than 100 million places - Street View and indoor imagery for restaurants, museums, and more (Accessed 21 October 2015 from .android.apps.maps&hl=en) Cost: Free Lab: Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Navigator for ArcGIS

Summary Description: iPhone App "Navigator for ArcGIS is a mobile app that gets your field workforce where it needs to be, unlocking efficiency and improving reliability. Use thhe data provided or your own data to search and navigate directly to your organization's assets. Interact seamlessly with Collector for ArcGIS and other apps, and get reliable directions even when disconnected." (Accessed 21 October 2015 from pages/navigator)

[ArcGIS non-commercial use image]

Pro: Coon: "- Use the data provided or your own custom data to - Navigator for ArcGIS is currently available on iOS search and go directly to your organization's assets, even devices if they are off the commercial street network. - Subscription to ArcGIS Online and Navigator for ArcGIS - Work seamlessly with ArcGIS apps like Collector for required. ArcGIS, as well as with your organization's other apps, all - Smartphone required on one single device. - Find addresses, search your organization’s assets, and get driving directions even when you're offline, so you can stay productive.” (Accessed 21 October 2015 from Cost: Unknown Lab: x Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Explorer for ArcGIS

Summary Description: iPhone/Android App "Explorer for ArcGIS lets you interact with your organization's maps and data no matter where you are. Whether you are a seasoned GIS professional or have no prior GIS knowledge, you can become immediately productive with the app to make more informed decisions." (Accessed 21 October 2015 from arcgis)

[ArcGIS non-commercial use image]

Pro: Coon: "- Find, use, and share maps from your Mac, Android, or - Map authoring and data editing will be available in future iOS device. releases. - Search for places and features in your map. - To use your maps in Explorer, you must have an ArcGIS - Access and use maps authored by you or others within organizational acccount. Your maps can include data from your ArcGIS organization. ArcGIS Online, Portal for ArcGIS, and ArcGIS for Server. - Sketch on top of maps to highlight and share ideas with - Smartphone required others. - Tell stories and brief stakeholders with interactive map presentations.” (Accessed 21 October 2015 from Cost: Unknown Lab: x Field: x Reference:

HSI SoSE SoAR DRAFT Page 230 Positional Information – standalone handheld devices

Tool (instrument/product): DeLorme AG-008727-201 InReach Explorer Twoo Way Satellite Communicator with Built in Navigation Summary Description:

Navigate, create waypoints, log your trip and find your way back. Send and receive text messages. Trigger an interactive SOS. Plan, track and share your journey. You can do all of this from one rugged handheld device with 100% global coverage from Iridium. You can also pair it with your mobile device to access topographic maps and U.S. NOAA charts.

[Delorme non-commercial use image]

Pro: Coon: - 100% global coverage from Iridium satellite (mobile - inReach two-way satellite communicator with global network infrastructure not required) subscription required ($16.95 to $69.95 CAD per month) - Dimensions: 114 mm, 4.5” H (148 mm, 5.83” including - Unless paired with a mobile device, the InReach do not antenna); 63 mm, 2.46” W; 26 mm, 1.04” D (34 mm, 1.34” show topographical maps including belt clip). - Mobile option (requires mobile phone/tablet): pair it with - Ruggedized (waterproof, dustproof, impact resistance) your mobile device to access topographic maps and U.S. - GPS accuracy +/-5 m NOAA charts (Made for iPhone 6, 6+, 5s, 5c, 5, 4s, 4, - Weight: 190 g, 6.7 oz. (with internal lithium polymer iPad air, iPad mini with retina display, iPad (3rd and 4th battery). generation), iPad 2, iPad, iPad mini, and iPod touch (4th, and 5th generation). Compatible with android 2.2 and - Battery life (sending one track point every 10 minutes): later.) 100 hours with internal lithium polymer battery - Create or view a route, drop waypoints, see your tracks, and navigate with the on-screen map view - View route details such as trip distance and bearing to destination. Equipped with a digital compass, barometric altimeter and accelerometer - Plan your route online ahead of time using the Explore portal, including waypoints, and share it with family and friends to follow along and watch your progress (MapShare) - Share your planned route, actual tracks and waypoints (MapShare) - Multiple devices can be associated with one account - You can communicate directly with other inReach users who are in your Contacts list - Log positional information onto the device every 1s to 10 min. Transmit your tracking data to the Iridium satellite HSI SoSE SoAR DRAFT Page 231

every 10 min to 4 hours. Upload your log data to your Explore account by syncing your device via your computer after your trip. - Export tracking info (CSV, KML and GPX format) - Send and receive 160-character text messages with GPS coordinates to cell numbers or email addresses worldwide and post updates to social media - Trigger an SOS, receive a delivery confirmation, and communicate back and forth with our 24/7 search and rescue monitoring center - Pair it with your mobile device (Bluetooth) to access topographic maps and U.S. NOAA charts (note: InReach only pairs with one device at a time). - Once downloaded, topographical maps are available through the Earthmate app throughout your trip. - Compatible with iPhone (4 and higher), iPad, and Android (2.2 and later) Cost: $469 (+monthly/yearly subscription) Lab: Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Explore and MapShare software for InReach

Summary Description:

InReach service includes Explore and a nifty little feature we call MapShare. It’s an interactive space that you can share with others so that they can be part of your journey. Whether it’s to track your progress or send you messages, they’ll have total peace of mind knowing that you’re always in reach.

Pro: Coon: Use the Explore web application to: - Limited software functionality (basic features). Tracking - Web based information will need to be exported (CSV, KML and GPX - Set up and manage your inReach format) for post-hhoc analysis. - Address books and message book content - Emergency contacts - Social media connections (Facebook & Twitter) - Devices associated with your account (yes you can have multiple devices) - Create multiple logins to your account if desired - Access your message and tracking history and view on a web-based map - Export your message and tracking info (CSV, KML and GPX format) - Setup and manage MapShare to share your journey without having to share access to your account - MapShare visitors can request a location update for your inReach devices or message you anywhere on Earth Cost: Software included with InReach device Lab: Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Garmin Rino 655t

Summary Description:

With a 5 W FRS/GMRS radio, 2.6" glove-friendly color touchscreen GPS with preloaded TOPO 100K maps, barometric altimeter, 3-axis electronic compass, NOAA weather radio and 5-megapixel camera, Rino 655t is a jack-of-all-trades.

[Non-commercial use image] Pro: Coon: - Mobile network infrastructure not required - Only available in U.S. - Position Reporting capability lets you send your exact - Line of sight required for radio comms (FRS//GMRS location to other Rino users so they can see it on their limited range) map page. Plus, improved audio performance means it’s - Trracking information is not shared automatically (user easy to communicate with any other conventional needs to send/ping location) FRS/GMRS radio in the area. - Rino 655t lets you send unit-to-unit text messages to other Rino users in your area. It also lets you share your waypoints, tracks, routes and geocaches wirelessly with other compatible Garmin handheld devices. - Rino 655t’s built-in 5-megapixel autofocus camera, you'll be able to capture the highlights of your outings. Each photo is automatically geotagged with the location of where it was taken, allowing you – or those you share your photos with – to easily navigate back to that spot in the future. - BaseCamp, software lets you view and organize maps, waypoints, routes, and tracks. This free trip-planning software even allows you to create Garmin Adventures that you can share with friends, family or fellow explorers. BaseCamp displays topographic map data in 2-D or 3-D on your computer screen, including contour lines and elevation profiles. It also can transfer an unlimited amount of satellite images to your device when paired with a BirdsEye Satellite Imagery subscription. - The all-new BaseStation lets you turn your laptop (loaded with BaseCamp) into a field command center for tracking multiple Rino units. View real-time GPS information on the larger display of your computer with Rino serving as a router/antenna. And because it’s Garmin GPS-based, safer, more effective search and rescue operations are in your control, even where Internet and cell phone service isn’t. Cost: $599.99 USD Lab: Field: x Reference: 655t/prod82799.html#TB_inline?height=425&widdth=680&inlineId=video01


Tool (instrument/product): Garmin Rino `650

Summary Description:

Rino 650 combines a 5 W FRS/GMRS radio with a 2.6" glove-friendly color touchscreen GPS packed full of powerful features like a barometric altimeter, 3-axis electronic compass and NOAA weather radio. Physical dimensions 2.4" x 7.5" x 1.8" (6.0 x 19.0 x 4.5 cm) Display size, WxH 1.43" x 2.15" (3.6 x 5.5 cm); 2.6" diag (6.6 cm) Display resolution, WxH 160 x 240 pixels Display type 2.6" transflective, 65K color TFT Weight 11.3 oz (320 g) with battery pack Battery removable, rechargeable lithium-ion battery pack Battery life 14 hours (up to 18 hours with optional AA battery pacck)

[Non-commercial use image] Pro: Coon: - Mobile network infrastructure not required - Line of sight required for radio comms (FRS//GMRS - Position Reporting capability lets you send your exact limited range) location to other Rino users so they can see it on their - Trracking information is not shared automatically (user map page. Plus, improved audio performance means it’s needs to send/ping location) easy to communicate with any other conventional FRS/GMRS radio in the area. - Rino 650 lets you send unit-to-unit text messages to other Rino users in your area – it's ideal for loud or windy conditions, or just when you don't want to disturb the wildlife. It also lets you share your waypoints, tracks, routes and geocaches wirelessly with other compatible Garmin handheld devices. - BaseCamp, software lets you view and organize maps, waypoints, routes, and tracks. This free trip-planning software even allows you to create Garmin Adventures that you can share with friends, family or fellow explorers. BaseCamp displays topographic map data in 2-D or 3-D on your computer screen, including contour lines and elevation profiles. It also can transfer an unlimited amount of satellite images to your device when paired with a BirdsEye Satellite Imagery subscription. - The all-new BaseStation lets you turn your laptop (loaded with BaseCamp) into a field command center for tracking multiple Rino units. View real-time GPS information on the larger display of your computer with Rino serving as a router/antenna. And because it’s Garmin GPS-based, safer, more effective search and rescue operations are in your control, even where Internet and cell phone service isn’t. Cost: $499.95 Lab: Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Garmin GPSMAP 64st

Summary Description:

Rugged, Full-featured Handheld with GPS, GLONASS and Wireless Connectivity

GPSMAP 64st features a 2.6” sunlight-readable color screen and a high- sensitivity GPS and GLONASS receiver with a quad helix antenna for superior reception. GPSMAP 64st includes a 3-axis electronic compass with barometric altimeter, wireless connectivity, and preloaded TOPO Canada maps plus a 1-year BirdsEye Satellite Imagery subscription.

Physical dimensions 2.4" x 6.3" x 1.4" (6.1 x 16.0 x 3.6 cm) Display size, WxH 1.43" x 2.15" (3.6 x 5.5 cm); 2.6" diag (6.6 cm) Display resolution, WxH 160 x 240 pixels

Display type transflective, 65-K color TFT

Weight 8.1 oz (230 g) with batteries

Battery 2 AA batteries (not included); NiMH or Lithium recommended [Non-commercial use image] Battery life 16 hours specs: 64st/prod140024.html Pro: Coon: - Mobile network infrastructure not required - Trracking information cannot be shared in real time - 2.6" sunlight-readable color screen (post-hoc analysis can be done using Basecamp - High-sensitivity GPS and GLONASS receiver with quad software) helix antenna - Only a handheld GPS (no radio) - Preloaded TOPO Canada maps plus a 1-year BirdsEye Satellite Imagery subscription - 3-axis compass with barometric altimeter - Wireless connectivity via Bluetooth® Smart technology or ANT+® - BaseCamp software lets you view and organize maps, waypoints, routes and tracks. This free trip-planning software even allows you to create Garmin Adventures that you can share with friends, family or fellow explorers. BaseCamp displays topographic map data in 2-D or 3-D on your computer screen, including contour lines and elevation profiles. It also can transfer an unlimited amount of satellite images to your device when paired with a BirdsEye Satellite Imagery subscription. Cost: $459.99 Lab: Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Garmin Oregon 650t Canada

Summary Description:

With high-sensitivity GPS and GLONASS satellite tracking, preloaded TOPO Canada maps, worldwide basemap with shaded relief, and customizable buttons for 1-touch image capture and waypoint marking, Oregon 650t opens a new world of GPS mapping and positioning. Physical dimensions 2.4" x 4.5" x 1.3" (6.1 x 11.4 x 3.3 cm) Display size, WxH 1.5"W x 2.5"H (3.8 x 6.3 cm); 3" diag (7.6 cmm) Display resolution, WxH 240 x 400 pixels Display type transflective color TFT touchscreen Touchscreen Weight 7.4 oz (209.8 g) with batteries Battery rechargeable NiMH pack (included) or 2 AA batteries (not included); NiMH or Lithium recommended

Battery life 16 hours

[Non-commercial use image]

Pro: Coon: - Mobile network infrastructure not required - Trracking information cannot be shared in real time - 3" sunlight-readable touchscreen display with dual (post-hoc analysis can be done using Basecamp orientation software) - Preloaded TOPO U.S. 100K maps with shaded relief - Only a handheld GPS (no radio) basemap - 8 MP autofocus, digital zoom camera with flash/torch - 3-axis compass with accelerometer and barometric altimeter sensors - Dual battery — 2 AAA batteries or included rechargeable internal NiMH pack - 8MP digital camera (geotagged) - BaseCamp software lets you view and organize maps, waypoints, routes and tracks. This free trip-planning software even allows you to create Garmin Adventures that you can share with friends, family or fellow explorers. BaseCamp displays topographic map data in 2-D or 3-D on your computer screen, including contour lines and elevation profiles. It also can transfer an unlimited amount of satellite images to your device when paired with a BirdsEye Satellite Imagery subscription. Cost: $649.99 Lab: Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): BaseCamp Software for use with Garmin products

Summary Description:

Bundled with Garmin products, use BaseCamp to plan your next hiking, biking, motorcycling, driving or off-roading trip. You can view maps, plan routes, and mark waypoints and tracks from your computer and then transfer them to your device.

Pro: Coon: - Track Draw feature lets you trace your planned route - Trracking information cannot be shared in real time and view elevation changes, helping you estimate the (post-hoc analysis can be done using Basecamp difficulty of a hike or bike ride. software) - Plan the perfect scenic route for your next road trip, - Only a handheld GPS (no radio) making sure your navigator takes you through certain waypoints. - Play back your routes and tracks over time and save and share your adventure. - BaseCamp displays your topographic map data in 2-D or 3-D on your computer screen, including contour lines and elevation profiles. Load map data from your handheld device, or import maps you've downloaded or purchased on DVD or microSD™ card. Consider our TOPO series maps, which offer detail on a scale of either 1:100,000 or 1:24,000. - In conjunction with the Garmin Rino, the all-new BaseStation lets you turn your laptop (loaded with BaseCamp) into a field command center for tracking multiple Rino units. View real-time GPS information on the larger display of your computer with Rino serving as a router/antenna. And because it’s Garmin GPS-based, safer, more effective search and rescue operations are in your control, even where Internet and cell phone service isn’t. Cost: Included with Garmin product Lab: Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Tactical Video Capture System (TVCS) - L3 GS&ES

Summary Description:

Tactical Video Capture System (TVCS), fuses video images from multiple cameras into a single three-dimensional view.

The TVCS allows trainees to look around corners or behind buildings, fly from rooftop to street level, and even review pre-recorded video from different perspectives. Operating it is like playing a video game, except the scene is of real events in real time. The operator grabs the joystick and flies down hallways and around buildings, immersing himself in the scene.

The system is derived from technology that the Office of Naval Research developed under a “Video Flashlight” program. It stitches multiplle video and sensor data feeds into a single-screen and record all aspects off a training evolution action and replay scenarios as a virtual display to evaluate the effectiveness of training and tactics. Users say that TVCS can process streams of disparate video and audio into an easy-to-understand, actionable format to be immediately available for review. Users can evaluate threats [L3 non-commercial use logo] and surveillance information directly or from a mobile device, and can move around to view what is going on throughout a training facility. The Marine Corps program manager for training systems (PMTRASYS) is rolling out TVCS at training areas. (Accessed 17 July 2015 from rinesFieldNew%E2%80%98Smart%E2%80%99VideoSystemforUrbanComb atExercises.aspx) Pro: Coon: “ONR’s close cooperation with PMTRASYS, Marine Corps Training and Education Command, and industry developers has resulted in advanced technologies that empowers and enhances the training of Marines and Sailors,” said Deputy Chief of Naval Research for Expeditionary Maneuver Warfare and Combating Terrorism Science & Technology (EMWCT) George Solhan.

Successfully commercialized by L-3 GS&ES, the originating technologies were developed by Sarnoff Corporation under ONR sponsorship in the early 2000s. Solhan started the program as “Video Flashlight” in 2002. “It’s gratifying to see that this small research program we started is making such a huge impact on future USMC live training,” Solhan said.

The first TVCS became operational in May 2010 at Camp Pendleton, Calif.

In the area of video-based training technology, ONR also funded the development of the automated performance evaluation and lessons learned (APELL) program. Sarnoff Corp. used video technology to automatically flag infantry exercises to assist instructors. Instructors can specify what they want their trainees to do, and the system will automatically alert when those predefined conditions are


met or violated. If the instructor wants each squad member to remain a certain distance apart from each other, APELL will let him know if they successfully carried out his orders.

The APELL system is a mixed reality, closed-loop training system, where the system controls the actions of wall- projected computer-generated role players based on the real-time actions and performance evaluations of the Marines in the exercises. PMTRASYS is currently fielding APELL systems at two urban combat training locations. (Accessed 17 July 2015 from cember/Pages/MarinesFieldNew%E2%80%98Smart%E2 %80%99VideoSystemforUrbanCombatExercises.aspx) Cost: Unknown (custom solution) Lab: x Field: x Reference: 8Smart%E2%80%99VideoSystemforUrbanCombatExercises.aspx)


Tool (instrument/product): Motorola and TRX systems indoor location (a.k.a deadreckon, innertial navigation system)

Summary Description:

The TRX NEON Indoor Location System tracks and monitors location of personnel in indoor settings when outdoor GPS is unavailable. NEON is a compact and portable solution providing the ability to quickly model buildings in 3D, view personnel location in real time, and review activities thoroughly after an event or operation is complete.

With the NEON solution, public safety agency supervisors and incident commanders have access to a rapidly deployable solution showing where [Motorola non-commercial use logo] their teams are at all times. NEON improves tactical training effectiveness (police, military, & fire), enhances VIP and event security, increases efficiency of CBRNE operations, records crime scene forensics activities, supports enhanced search and rescue, and delivers improved situational awareness for underground operations. Equipped with a gyroscope, accelerometer, pressure sensor, compass, and ranging sensors, and complemented by sophisticated location and mapping algorithms, these smart devices are worn by personnel to provide continuous tracking information to the incident commander or disspatch communications site. The TRX NEON Tracking Units connect to Motorola’s APX™ P25 Portable Two-Way radios via Mission Critical Wireless Bluetooth which serves as a communications device to send tracking information over an ASTRO® 25 Integrated Voice and Data System. Pro: Coon: NEON Tracking Units combine sensor, RF, and map - Avvailable to federal agencies (i.e. P25 APX radio) only information to calculate personnel location. The system (TBC) functionality allows commanders and supporting - Not sure of costt personnel to: 1. Model target building(s). NEON delivers easy to use, integrated software tools which allow personnel to quickly map out buildings so that commanders can visualize them in 3D (including no. of floors, key building features such as stairwells & elevators, & floor plans, if available). 2. Initialize personnel locations. Because GPS is not accessible indoors, NEON Tracking Units deliver location relative to a starting point. The NEON system enables accurate location “initialization” or starting locations through effective placement of NEON Multi-Sensor anchors, which can be placed outside of a building or in any location where tracked personnel gather prior to an operation or event. 3. Monitor real-time location of personnel operating indoors. NEON delivers location of personnel both in 2D and 3D views, based on the building model created prior to deployment. 4. Review personnel activity via after action review. NEON provides a playback capability, enabling detailed review of operational activities and increased training effectiveness. Cost: Unknown Lab: x Field: x Reference: x_neon_indoor_location_data_sheet.pdf


Tool (instrument/product): Astro 25 location tracking solutions

Summary Description:

'Personnel Location Tracking Solution allows for the tracking of XTS™ 5000 portable radios equipped with a GPS Remote Speaker Microphone.

[Motorola non-commercial use logo]

Pro: Coon: The Personnel Location Tracking Solution utilizes the - Avvailable to federal agencies only (TBC) XTS 5000 radio and a GPS Remote Speaker - Not sure of costt Microphone. - Motorolla Astro Infrastructure may be required (towers, Features repeaters, command post, software, etc.) - TBBC - 16-position channel selector knob - Emergency button - 2 Programmable buttons - Full-range volume control - Fully submersible housing* - Display GPS position updates on the XTS 5000 portable radio (Model II and III)

The dispatcher receives GPS position update when the radio user initiated, location request upon radio power-on, emergency alarm location request or emergency push-to- talk location request. In addition the dispatcher can initiate GPS position update by: location polling, periodic location request or distance-based location request. Cost: Unknown Lab: Field: x Reference: _solution/astro_25_location_solutions/_documents/static_files/location_tracking_solutions.pdf


Tool (instrument/product): Position Location Information (PLI)) Receiver-Transmitter RT-1947A/U - Exelis Summary Description:

The Exelis RT-1947A/U software based situational awareness tool allows the user to set up and configure the RT-1947A/U, to view PLI information on a local area map. This is a valuable resource for first responders or stand- Exelisinc Solutions alone units not equipped with SINCGARS for voice communications. The RT-1947A/U also provides Radio Based Combat Identificatiion (RBCI) functionality via Interrogator, Responder and Range Extension Relay (RE) capability. RBCI functionality dispenses PLI updates in less than five seconds.

Pro: Coon: - Size: 3.08 in wide x 5.66 in high x 2.15 in deep - Military/first responder use only (7.82 cm wide x 14.38 cm high x 5.46 cm deep) - SINCGARS waveform only (currently) - A 2320-channel, VHF FM tactical military radio providing PLI beacons over distances of 3 to 5 miles (5 to 8 km) - Operates in the 30.000 to 87.975 MHz frequency band, providing frequency-hopping (FH) operation in plain text (PT) mode - Interoperable with SINCGARS VHF ground radios operating in UNSA mode - Provides an external control interface port via RS-232 - Operates via rechargeable Lithium Ion battery, 14.8V, 2.2AH in a manpack configuration or with a power supply adapter in ground vehicle or aircraft - Complies with MIL-STD-810 requirements for vibration and shock and MIL-STD-810F requirements for immersion - Component weight: 1.2 lbs. (.544 kg) - Operating Temperature: -4°F to +140°F (-20°C to +60°C) - Storage Temperature: -22°F to +160°F (-30°C to +71°C) Cost: Unknown Lab: Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): StreamCaster tactical radio - SILVUS technologies Summary Description:

Silvus leads the Mobile Networked MIMO (MN-MIMO) waveform revolution with a family of mesh radio products specifically designed to address the growing demand for distributing video and other high bandwidth data in SILVUS Technologies harsh tactical environments. StreamCaster radios, featuring MN-MIMO at the core, join together to form a robust, self-healing, self-forming fluid mesh StreamCaster tactical radio network. From underground tunnels to Unmanned Surface Vehicles, to Airborne ISR, and everywhere in-between, StreamCaster provides high bandwidth, reliable wireless video and data communications where traditional radios fail.

Pro: Coon: - True 2x2 MIMO diversity (4x4 also available) - Price for each MN MIMO radio alone is $10k+ (but a (Spatial Multiplexing for enhanced throughput) rental agreement can be arranged with Lakeshore (Space Time Coding for enhanced robustness) Communication in Toronto) (RX Eigen Beamforming for enhanced range and - An integration firm will be required to create a custom reception) data capture soluution (e.g. MN MIMO radio plus: data/voice logging, video configuration, positional tracking software, etc.) - Data Rates up to 85Mbps UDP / 70Mbps TCP - Dynamic Link adaptation to optimize throughput depending on channel conditions - Single frequency transmit and Receive (TDD) - Self-healing, self-forming flexible mesh network - Each radio supports 2 user-defined frequency bands (licensed and unlicensed) (Low bands available from 400MHz - 2.7GHz) (High bands available from 4 - 6GHz)

- 5MHz, 10MHz and 20MHz Bandwidth Modes - Ultra-low Latency (<10mS per hop) - Up to 500mW Transmit Power - Ethernet (x2), USB, and RS232 data interfaces - Ruggedized IP67-rated Construction Cost: $10k + per system. See notes in ‘Con’ cell Lab: Field: x Reference: YouTube: Silvus - Silvus Citywide demo Digital Range Training System AMA Pro motorcycle demo


Tool (instrument/product): SpearNet-EVO – Exelis Summary Description:

Today’s dismounted Soldier needs compact and secure networked communications not limited by traditional radio frequency line of sight. The Exelis SpearNet-EVO is a 21st century communications system bringing Exelisinc Solutions voice, situational awareness (SA) and inter-networking access thhat surpasses traditional point-to-point communication system limitations on SpearNet-EVO range and data rate. Small and lightweight, every SpearNet-EVO broadcasts its unique location via GPS coordinates. When used in conjunction with any command and control software/display, SpearNet-EVO radios allow mapping and visual tracking of friendly forces, enhancing situational awareness on the battlefield and beyond. Pro: Coon: Enhanced Video Onboard - SpearNet-EVO has embedded video capabilities that no other tactical radio in the world can offer. Customers can directly connect virtually any type of video device available with absolutely no additional equipment. SpearNet-EVO’s onboard video capabilities and market leading data throughput provide commanders a powerful tool to acquire real-time video-based battlefield intelligence. - SpearNet-EVO also provides real-time video streaming of satellite or aerial imagery to soldiers using display devices connected to their radio, enabling rapid tactical decision making when timing is critical.

Wireless Integration - The SpearNet-EVO mobile ad hoc network provides voice, integrated GPS with SA reporting, and data transfer (100-3000 Kbps) across dismounted networks spanning more than 6 km. SpearNet-EVO maintains voice and data communications within difficult environments such as tunnels, ship cargo holds, fast moving vehicles and buildings.

Mobile Ad Hoc Networking (MANET) - SpearNet-EVO is a MANET radio, which maximizes net coverage at all times, especially in urban environments and conditions where normal one-hop/point-to-point radios are unable to maintain coherent network coverage. Being a low latency multi-hop radio means that the range is only required to the next Soldier (network is self-healing and rapidly updates the network as connectivity changes) Cost: Unknown Lab: Field: x Reference:!prettyPhoto


Tool (instrument/product): ST@R MILLE UHF Handheld Soldier Radio - Thales

Summary Description:

The ST@R MILLE UHF Handheld Soldier Radio byb Thales provides a key enabler for soldier modernization programs and soldier C4I urgent operational requirements

Non-commercial use logo

Pro: Coon: - Low UHF band (325-470 MHz) - Simultaneous voice and data services - High data throughput capacity (1 Mbps over the air) - Dual-net services - 0.4 W (intra-squad) and 2 W (intra-platoon) (RF output power) - Automatic splitting and merging - Dual Push To Talk - Built-in AES-256 encryption vehicular version Cost: Unknown Lab: Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Rheinmetall Soldier System

Summary Description:

Rheinmetall Canada’s soldier systems use specialized BMC4I software to provide a common operating picture with important mission information, such as friendly positions, enemy positions, and terrain overlaid on tactical maps. Voice and data are rapidly exchanged between soldiers and their commander, resulting in an overall increase in team mobility, lethality, sustainability, and interoperability. Wearable electronics are ergonomic and reduced to a minimum. The easy-to-use interface ensures that soldiers Non-commercial use logo remain focused on the mission.

Pro: Coon:

Cost: Unknown Lab: Field: x Reference: systems.php .php


Tool (instrument/product): AN/PRC-154A Rifleman Radio (Joiint Tactical Radio System - JTRS)

Summary Description:

JTRS radio is the backbone of Nett Warrior (GD/Thales) The AN/PRC-154A Rifleman Radio is designed to be carried by leaders needing secret access to platoon, company or other systems operating on the same network. The radio can be used by any squad member on the battlefield, regardless of security clearance. The non-CCI radio can either be keyed Secret to allow leaders to send and receive information or Sensitive- but-Unclassified to connect leaders to their uncleared squad members, and the squad members to each other. One single radio that supports both classified and unclassified information enables leaders to carry fewer radios. The AN/PRC-154A radio is designed to operate with the AN/PRC-155 radio thus allowing the ability to route to other systems via the 2 channel manpack. The Rifleman Radio provides situational awareness at all levels of the battlefield, allowing voice, data, and GPS information to move seamlessly across the Soldier Radio Waveform (SRW) network. Suitable as a body worn device or with vehicular applications, such as the Sidewinder Vehicle Mount, the Rifleman Radio is the one common thread that ties everyone to the battlefield network. Pro: Coon: - Frequency Range: 225-450MHz, 1250-1390MHz, 1755- - Military only 1850MHz - $110k+ per system - Size: < 32 cu. in. with battery and antenna (7.5”h x 2.5”w x 1.7”d) - Communication Range: >2 km (depend on environment) - Continuous transmission of Position Location Information (PLI)enables situational awareness and blue force tracking - Interfaces to GPS SAASM - Supports hands-free display and external computer interface - User-friendly audible HMI (i.e., audio indicators for preset, GPS position, software version, & batt status) - Actively participates in one voice talk call group while simultaneously monitoring up to two other talk groups - Software programmable/upgradeable - Easy channel reprogramming and presets - Easy frequency and talk group selection with presets - Operates with a commercial batt and charger - Small, rugged, lightweight chassis (EMI/EMC compliant) - Operates with standard USB and RS-232 devices for display use and radio control - Interoperable with platoon or squad networks - Access to other networks when used with the AN/PRC- 155 2-Channel radio - Compatible with Sidewinder vehicular mount for jerk- and-run scenarios Cost: $10k+ per system Lab: Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Nett Warrior

Summary Description:

The Nett Warrior (NW) is an integrated dismounted situational awareness (SA) and mission command (MC) system for use during combat operations. Designed as a tool for leaders, NW provides unparalleled SA and MC capabilities to the dismounted leader, permitting faster and more accurate decisions during the tactical fight. With advanced navigation and information sharing capabilities, leaders are able to avoid fratricide and are mmore effective and more lethal in the execution of their combat missioons. The NW program delivers a SA and MC system, which has the ability to graphically display the location of an individual leader’s location on a digital geo-referenced map image. Additional Soldier, platform and unit locations are also displayed on the digital user interface. NW is connected through a radio that will send and receive information from one NW to anoother, thus connecting the dismounted leader to the network. These radios will also Nett Warrior non-commercial use connect the equipped leader to higher echelon data and information image products to assist in decision making and situational understanding. Soldier position location information will be added to the network via interoperability with the Army’s Rifleman Radio capability. All of this will allow the leader to easily see, understand, and interact in the method that best suits the user and the particular mission. NW will employ a system-of-systems approach, optimizing and integrating capabilities while reducing the Soldier’s combat load and logistical footprint. Pro: Coon: Army leaders exclusively run the phones on the Android - Military only operating system because of its open architecture. The - $110k+ per system Army plans to field 600 Nett Warrior systems in each Infantry Brigade Combat Team to be worn by squad leaders. This will give squads access to Blue Force Tracking and connect them to the Tactical Ground Reporting (TIGR) system to report what they see in the field, like enemy positions, biometrics, and weapons caches.

In July 2013, the Army installed the Samsung Galaxy Note II into Nett Warrior as the system's end user device. Each Galaxy is bought at the commercial price of $700 per phone, substantially lower than if the Army had to procure devices from contractors who would develop their own original devices. Once acquired, the phones have their commercial features including cellular antennas, Wi- Fi, and Bluetooth wiped out by Army engineers, and the Nett Warrior software is installed on the National Security Agency-approved Android operating system. The smartphones communicate through a USB connection with the hip-mounted, data-capable Rifleman radio for network connectivity. Because commercial products are being bought, a new smartphone will need to be acquired once the Note II production stops. Nett Warrior is currently fielded by the U.S. Army Rangers and members of the 10th Mountain Division.[5][6]

On 14 October 2014, the U.S. Army Geospatial Center recommended AFRL's Android Tactical Assault Kit (ATAK), over the world-leader Esri's Commercial Joint


Mapping Tool Kit (CJMTK), NASA's World Wind, and the Army's Globe Engine (AGE) for map engine driving the Nett Warrior End User Device. ATAK was selected due to similar capabilities with CJMTK, similar risk, and less than one-third the total cost. ( Cost: $10k+ per system Lab: Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Combat Team ISR System (tactical video, messaging, voice and data transmission system) – Harris Summary Description:

The system provides real-time video streaming from front-line soldiers to commanders at fixed headquarter sites, tactical operating centers, or command and control vehicles. (Accessed 17 July 2015 from

The real-time dissemination of data (such as messaging) both to and from the soldier and command and control facilities has become an essential requirement on the military and homeland defense battlefields. With soldiers now exchanging vast amounts of data within the tactical environment, enormous demands are placed upon the deployed communicatiions Non-commercial use logo infrastructure.

In addition, the video data that is becoming prevalent in many application domains is creating a further need for wideband data disseminattion from the soldier in the field to the commander at headquarters. A real-time video capability, along with other tools to support situational awareness and battle management, permits timely and accurate decision-making based on the correlation of all relevant information. This also requires an infraastructure capable of high bandwidth and low end-to-end data latency.

Harris provides a solution to these critical needs with its Combat Team ISR System. Our pre-engineered, integrated system provides real-time voice, data, and video between front-line forces and their commanders for improved mission planning and execution. Situational awarenesss data such as the common operational picture (COP) also can be sent back down to deployed troops to increase their effectiveness.

The system can support a variety of missions ranging from border patrol activities to military applications such as combat operations, reconnaissance, and peacekeeping. In fact, this economical system solution is effective across the breadth of scenarios that government forces might face where high-speed, low-latency, and secure data communication is crucial to successful and safe mission execution. (Accessed 17 July 2015 from Pro: Coon: A standard Combat Team ISR System includes sufficient - Harris wideband Falcon III radio systems required in equipment sets and software to configure the equivalent order to enable a tactical video capability of a single battalion with four companies (with each company comprised of four platoons, and each platoon including three squads). - Each ten-member squad is provided: Secure Personal Team Radio (SPR) for each member, single helmet- mounted camera and tactical video processor for streaming live video - Each platoon is provided: Vehicular SPR radio for communications with the squads, Multiband Networking Radio (MBNR) for communications with adjacent platoons and company, rugged PC with situational awareness and video management software


- Each company in the battalion is outfitted with capabilities similar to the platoons, except the SPR is replaced with an additional MBNR to provide long-range, high-bandwidth connectivity both up and down echelon. - The battalion is similarly equipped, except that it has only one MBNR for communications down to its assigned companies. (Standard system can be delivered in 4 months)

- Instead of designing a unique system for every customer, Harris has developed a comprehensive family of preconfigured systems. Each system is fully integrated and includes all equipment, cables, software, and manuals, with training and installation available. Every system has undergone extensive testing and can be relied upon to meet its objectives. - Low Risk – Field proven and comprehensively tested systems provide existing, cost-effective solutions - Fast Delivery – Complete systems can be delivered in a matter of months to meet urgent operational needs - Simplified Procurement – Systems can be purchased as off-the-shelf items, eliminating long system definition and development phases - Phased Implementation – Packaged systems form building blocks that enable the incremental acquisition of capability, protecting current investment and supporting future goals - Flexibility – Systems are readily customized and can be integrated by in-country partners - Real-Time Situational Awareness — Soldiers in the field can access situational awareness data in real time, enhancing their fighting capabilities and reducing fratricide - Real-Time Command and Control — Broadband data radios support a higher resolution and frame rate which enables real-time video dissemination for timely command and control - Video Streaming — User-to-user anywhere on the network, providing a particularly valuable link from the dismounted soldier to the battalion headquarters - Mobility and Rapid Deployment — System equipment is deployed in vehicles and carried by squad members, so it can be rapidly emplaced where no existing communications infrastructure is present - Scalability — The Combat Team ISR System is modular and easily scaled to meet a customer‘s deployment scenario (Accessed 17 July 2015 from 18150.pdf) Cost: Unknown Lab: Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Apple Watch - heart rate monitor

Summary Description:

You can check your heart rate any time using the Heart Rate Glance. And when you're using the Workout app, Apple Watch measures your heart rate continuously during the workout. This information, as well as other data it collects, helps Apple Watch estimate how many calories you’ve burned. In addition, Apple Watch attempts to measure your heart rate everry 10 minutes, but won't record it when you're in motion or your arm is moving. Apple Watch stores all your heart rate measurements in the Health app. (Accessed 10 August 2015 from

[Non-commercial use image]

Pro: Coon: The heart rate sensor in Apple Watch uses what is known Appple Watch can be used untethered but it must be as photo plethysmography. This technology, while difficult paiired with an iPhone 5 or later running iOS 8.2 or later if to pronounce, is based on a very simple fact: Blood is red the watch must interact with iOS functions such as the because it reflects red light and absorbs green light. fitnness app to track heart rate, e-mail, phone, Calendar, Apple Watch uses green LED lights paired with light‑ Messages, Maps, Music, Photos, Reminders, Remote, sensitive photodiodes to detect the amount of blood Stocks and Wallet. (Accessed 10 August 2015 from flowing through your wrist at any given moment. When your heart beats, the blood flow in your wrist — and the green light absorption — is greater. Between beats, it’s less. By flashing its LED lights hundreds of times per second, Apple Watch can calculate the number of times the heart beats each minute — your heart rate. In addition, the heart rate sensor is designed to compensate for low signal levels by increasing both LED brightness and sampling rate. (Accessed 10 August 2015 from Cost: $520 Lab: x Field: x



5.1.5 Marksmanship Systems Location of Miss and Hit (LoMAH)

Tool (instrument/product): LoMAH - Theissen Training Systems

Summary Description:

This infantry precision target system allows the correct detection of the location of the hit on the target and is even able to detect the exxact location of near misses.

The LOMAH system (Location of miss and hit) or sometimes callled AMS [Non-commercial use image] (Automatic Marking System) is designed to register the position of the hit on the target or the position of the miss graphically as well as x - y co-ordinate. The location of the actual hit or miss is registered independent of the used target material. There is no need of special targets, thus the customers standard target can be used. The shooter and the supervisor get immediated performance feedback of the position of the shot on their screens. Registration is feasible for single shots as well as bursts of automatic weapons. The TTS LOMAH system is designed to bee used as a stand - alone unit or as an add-on unit for existing stationary or moving target appliances.

The Location of Miss and Hit - Infantry is also referred to as AMS, LoMAH, PLS, Projectile Location System, Automatic Marking System. (Accessed 15 July 2015 from ndard_pi1[target]=51&tx_mibthstandard_pi1[detail]=full) Pro: Coon: - Can be added to any existing target system - Immediate and detailed performance feedback - Rate of use of the training area can be increased - Special target material is not required - Omits the need of scoring personnel in the fire field

Dimensions with Frame - Width 760 mm / 29.92 in - Height 165 mm / 6.5 in

Hit Sensoring - 99 % - Width 5 m / 16.4 ft - Height 5 m / 16.4 ft - Sensored Ammunition Supersonic Ammunition (> Mach 1.3)

(Accessed 15 July 2015 from che=1&tx_mibthstandard_pi1[target]=51&tx_mibthstandar d_pi1[detail]=full) Cost: Unknown Lab: Field: x Reference:[target]=51&tx_m ibthstandard_pi1[detail]=full


Tool (instrument/product): SIUS Electronic Scoring Systems - Single Infantry Target (SIT) System Summary Description:

The SIUS Single Infantry Target (SIT) system is a state-of-the-aart intelligent system for Live Fire Training where immediate shot locations, scores and SIUS Electronic Scoring other data are desired. Systems - Single Infantry (Accessed 15 July 2015 from Target (SIT) System

Pro: Coon: - DRDC-V currently has several SIUS LoMAH systems - Thhe accuracy of the SIUS LOMAH system depends on being used for the FSAR program the location of the hit reference on the acoustic sensor - Uses acoustic detection sensors to detect projectile bar and the orientation of the target (SIUS, 2012). location and hit. Accuracy varies from less than 10 mm in Zone 1 to up to - RF (wireless) or hard wire Stationary models available. 55 mm at the periphery in Zone 3 - Used for all Live Fire Training/Qualification requirements - Maximum allowable crosswind is 14.4 km/h when immediate shot by shot location feedback desired. - Used in single shot/rapid/automatic burst fire modes. Cyclic rate of fire is 650 - 950 rds/min (11 – 15 rds/sec). - Any supersonic projectile firing weapon can be used as long as the projectile remaining velocity is at least 450m/sec (1,476 ft/sec). - Each lane is a stand-alone-intelligent system capable of operating independently of “other” firing lanes and with/without a central computer control system. - Detects, records, and displays on a shooter’s monitor (FPE-06,) - Records the graphical target shape, the location of each shot on and off the target surface, the shot number, score for each shot, aggregate score, pass or fail qualification indications, cross shots, moving target engagements and other data as desired. - Can also be furnished as a contact hit sensor SIT. - Can be provided with an optional visual night effects simulator (TEG) and with the standard curved target holder and/or the curved 3-D target holder. - Target holders accept, without use of tools, the standard “E” Kneeling Man and “F” Prone Man silhouettes including the Ivan 3-D silhouettes. (Accessed 15 July 2015 from Cost: Unknown Lab: Field: x



Tool (instrument/product): SIUS Electronic Scoring Systems - Moving Infantry Target (MIT) System Summary Description:

The SIUS Moving Infantry Target system is a highly mobile electtronic target and scoring system. Easily adaptable, the SIUS MIT can meet any number SIUS Electronic Scoring of customer demanded scenarios. Systems - Moving Infantry (Accessed 15 July 2015 from Target (MIT) System

Pro: Coon: - Can also be furnished as a contact hit sensor MIT. - Thhe accuracy of the SIUS LOMAH system depends on - Inherits all the performance capabilities of the the location of the hit reference on the acoustic sensor LOMAH/Non-LOMAH stationary infantry target system. bar and the orientation of the target (SIUS, 2012). - Moves along a rail system having the capability of a +/- Accuracy varies from less than 10 mm in Zone 1 to up to 100 meter target exposure distance. 55 mm at the periphery in Zone 3 - Has standard selectable speeds of 1 – 6 mph (1.6 – 9.6 - Maximum allowable crosswind is 14.4 km/h Km/hr) on level ground and/or on a 10% slope, however, a 1 – 9 mph (1.6 – 14.5 Kmph) can be achieved. - Can be installed as an attacking/withdrawing (retreating) target and a target that moves laterally across the shooter’s front in either direction and or as alternating movements. - Can be provide as an RF or hard-wired system. - Can be provided with an optional visual night effects simulator (TEG) and with the standard curved target holder and/or the curved 3-D target holder. - Target holders accept, without use of tools, the standard “E” Kneeling Man and “F” Prone Man silhouettes including the Ivan 3-D silhouettes. (Accessed 15 July 2015 from Cost: Unknown Lab: Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Zen Smart Target System (ZEN STS)

Summary Description:

Zen Smart Target System (LOMAH) is an electro-mechanical, software- driven, acoustical projectile detection and reporting system designed to be used at outdoor ranges for live Small Arms firing. The equipment is rugged, Zen Smart Target System (ZEN STS) light-weight, easy to assemble and operate. It is available in wired and wireless configurations. The system can be operated with 230V AC 50 Hz or with DC battery power.

Actions associated with day and night firing, such as, time taken for erecting targets, physical movement to check results and repair the targets, crossfire and safety-related issues, are all addressed by ZEN STS™.

LOMAH consists of a Pop-up Target (PT) with acoustical sensors mounted on a frame at the Target End, Firing Point Equipment (FPE) for iindividual lanes at the Firer’s End for instant display of location of bullet hit and a central Master Control Station (MCS) to monitor and record the results of all firing lanes.

FPE displays and records the shot location on the target and miss location within the detection zone, number of shots fired, type of exercise in progress, the size of the group of bullets, the score, rating and the lane operation status. These features help impart real-time instructional and corrective measures to the firers.

The immediate recording of results in the MCS database can be accessed at any time later thus eliminating the time consuming and laborious process of manually recording details. The firing exercises and exposure time of the targets can be set from FPE as well as MCS. (Accessed 15 July 2015 from electronic-target-system.php) Pro: Coon: Zen STS is a Location of Miss and Hit (LOMAH) system

LOMAH Key Features: - Shows shot location on the target and miss location within the detection zone - Displays the group size and Mean Point of Impact for accurate zeroing of weapons - Indicates the lane operation status and allows the control operator to adjust the target exposure time between two and six seconds. Target can be operated in static or up-hold mode - Records single shot slow fire, single shot rapid fire and fully automatic fire - Allows independent operation of each lane without MCS - Comes in both wired and wireless configuration - Contains night-illumination facility at each target - Operates between 0-50°C - Detects projectiles having a residual velocity of 450 m/sec or more at the Target End, irrespective of the firing distance


- LOMAH includes option for zooming in and zooming out and panning of the target on the screen - Allows operator to designate the firing exercise to be fired i.e., Lane 1-2 for Grouping/Zeroing exercises, Lanes 3 and 4 for Application/Classification and so on - Stores all training (firing) data collected and allows printing the data at any time - Provides at each target and firing point a Lane Number Recognition (LNR) Unit - All components of LOMAH are rain and rust proof (Accessed 15 July 2015 from target-system.php) Cost: Unknown Lab: Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Air Target Summary Description:

SASS-4/9 is a calibration free acoustic scoring system. The scorring algorithm depends on precise measuring of Mach cone time of arrival in 4 pressure transducers. Military Systems The use of a scoring system will increase the throughput and make the validation of the gunners efficient and very cost effective. Technology SASS-4/9 One basic SASS unit comprises one Beam Sensor Unit BSU-4/9, one Target Processor Unit TPU-2, a set of cables and the Visual Display Unit VDU-1. The Beam Sensor Unit BSU-4/9 is placed below and in front of the target. The Target Processor Unit TPU-2 is connected via a cable to the BSU-4/9. The VDU-1 is connected to the TPU-2 via a cable. The VDU-1 and TPU-2 are supplied from 12 VDC, or can as an option be supplied from 110/230 VAC. (Accessed 15 July 2015 from http://www.militarysystems- Pro: Coon: The firing result is presented on a Visual Display Unit SCORING ACCURACY (VDU-1) placed close to the gunner. 10 mm within a scoring area of 1 x 1 m. Several target figures are available, such as half and full size soldier figures, or a ten ring standard target. The firing result, i.e. salvo center, standard deviation, tabulated rounds, points etc. are presented on the VDU-1. Lane/Target and target (TPU-2) status are also presented. The firing result can be printed on a printer as well. A sun protection hood covers the VDU-1 TFT display. Up to 10 ea. lanes each containing several SASS units can be connected to a Range Office Presentation Unit (ROPU) for presentation of the firing result. The result can be printed as well. The ROPU is an excellent tool to monitor all targets at the shooting range.

Beam Sensor Unit BSU-4/9 Weight Approx. 3.1 kg

Visual Display Unit VDU-1 Dimensions (D x W x H) = 270 x 400 x 290 mm Weight Approx. 6.4 kg Cost: Unknown Lab: Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Kongsberg Target Systems (formerly Kongsberg Mikroelektronikk) Summary Description:

Kongsberg Target Systems offers a simple and robust portable system based on wireless communication and is battery powered Kongsbeerg Target Systems (Accessed 15 July 2015 from http://www.kongsberg- (formerly Kongsberg Mikroelektronikk)

Pro: Coon: - High brightness, 10,4 inch display. - Steel case. - Quick power connection. It take seconds to plug the system - Shortcuts for the most used functions - Dynamic menus - Display of relevant information to the shooter: height, dispersion, average center point. - Coordinates and points - Waterproof casing - Battery powered - Wireless communication - Wide range of available targets for different shooting distances - Both sub- and supersonic bullet detection (Accessed 15 July 2015 from http://www.kongsberg- Cost: Unknown Lab: Field: x Reference:

HSI SoSE SoAR DRAFT Page 260 Optical Electronic

Tool (instrument/product): SCATT WS1 Summary Description:

SCATT WS1 — is used for fixed target training at distances from 5 to 10 meters and imitates shooting up to 1000 meters. Using pneumattic, small SCATT shooter training and large caliber sharpshooter weapons, archery bows, crossbows and systems other types of weapons. (Accessed 15 July 2015 from

: Coon: - DRDC-T currently has multiple SCATT WS1 systems Electronic targets can be used at ranges from 5 to 10 meters, which allows to train in different locations, using one electronic target. - To target the top and bottom are the LEDs red and green, designed for training with limited time on the shot (e.g. sport pistol). The target has a built-in wireless connectivity, and can be used with wireless optical sensors SCATT. Target is made of durable ABS plastic and can withstand bullets from hitting air rifle. - Wireless optical sensor (Model: WS-03) fixed on the firearm, this highly accurately measures the weapon’s alignment during aiming and actuation of the trigger mechanism. Metal fasteners of different dimensions, for use with various diameter barrels, allow the sensor to be fixed to the barrel or gas cylinder. Use collet framing to fix the sensor to the barrels of different pistol calibers. Optical sensor automatically measures the distance to the electronic target. The program allows you to automatically calibrate the sensor relative to the sighting of weapons, so there is no need for an amendment to the sights of weapons. Sensor automatically compensates for the “blockage” of weapons! For the convenience of an optical sensor has a convenient system mounting on the weapon, which allows you to vary the sensor position with respect to weapons. Optical has two-way infrared connection to electronic target. - USB connector of optical sensor may be connected SCATT WTS trigger sensor. - Sensor has a built-in battery and can be recharged from the USB port of your computer. To fully charge requires 1.5 hours. Battery life approximately 30 hours of sight (about 10,000 shots with an average time of sighting 10s.). In case of non-use, the sensor automatically switches to low power mode. Weight 30g. (Accessed 15 July 2015 from systems/20/scatt_ws1/) Cost: $1700 Lab: x Field: Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): SCATT MX-02 Summary Description:

SCATT MX-02 — is an electronic computer trainer intended for shooting practice with fixed targets. The unique feature of this system is the ability to train either in the dry fire mode or in live fire, using real ammunition. The SCATT shooter training trainer is also designed to be used both indoors and at open shooting ranges. systems

Another standout feature of this model in comparison to other SCCATT systems is the lack of an electronic target. Which means that now you will be able to train by simply using a paper target or a standard target installation (i.e. SIUS). In live fire training you don’t have to worrry anymore about damaging the expensive device. (Accessed 15 July 2015 from

Pro: Coon: - Optical Sensor – (model: MX-02) mounted on a gun and connected to the USB port of your PC. The sensor registers with high precision all movements of your weapon during aiming and at the moment of the shot (trigger release). - The sensor weighs only 36 grams (1.2 oz) with the mounting kit, and therefore does not offset the balance of the weapon. - The optical sensor fit for training on distances from 2.5 meters and above. - The SCATT Software allows automatic calibration of the sensor in relations to the gun’s sighting axis, therefore, there is no need to make any adjustments to the weapon’s sights. The sensor also automatically compensates for the gun’s canting. - Diaphragm 4.2 mm for MX-02 Iris diaphragm — this part mounted on the lens for outdoor practice with strong sunlight conditions. - Mounting parts set for SCATT MX-02 Mounting kit for the optical sensor — includes allen key, mounting prism with adjusting and metal strip with screw that are used for fixing the sensor on the barrel of different diameters and cross sections. - USB A-mini B cable Optical sensor’s interface cable — used to connect the optical sensor to USB port of your computer, has a length of 3m. - Software — SCATT Professional software has all the necessary features for efficient training and overall analysis of shooting results. Results are displayed in both digital and graphic forms and can be saved onto disk for further analysis (aim trajectory, shots and graphics, etc.). (Accessed 15 July 2015 from Cost: $2000 Lab: x Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Noptel Expert Summary Description:

Noptel offers the latest technology based on years of experience with military users. Noptel training systems can be used in the class room, indoor Noptel Shooter Traininng range, out-door shooting range or in the field. The system and the units are Systems fully portable and can be set up anywhere in a short time. The operation does not require special expertise. The shooting instructor can handle the whole process together with the trainees. - Noptel Expert is the latest product for military marksmanship training. It is a multi-operable and robust unit for simulated training and real training with ring targets and silhouettes up to 75 meters using a single prism only - and with extra reflectors up to 150 meters. - Noptel Expert is rugged and portable, which can be used both stand-alone or with wireless Bluetooth connection. - Display at the back of the Noptel Expert device provides shootter instant feedback when Noptel Expert is operated as a stand-alone device. During stand-alone use shots are stored into an internal memory of the device

Pro: Coon: - The Noptel Expert is an optical multi-functional shooting - Rifle needs to simulate firing (e.g. firing pin hitting round) training device for shooting skills training. It measures rifle to trigger the Noptel Expert system (e.g. blanks, recoil kit movement, detects the shot, shows the location of both required) the hit and miss, and analyses the shooter’s performance. It can be mounted onto most rifles, either to the barrel or the Picatinny rail. - Targets are equipped with a prism reflector. At short distances and with scaled targets a reflective foil sticker is used, and at longer distances a prism unit is used for lifesize targets. - The expert unit works from 10 – 300m in classic mode, in dynamic mode up to 75m. At 150m you need 2x4P38 prism group attached to target to have good results. For dynamic shooting up to 75m one P38 prism is enough. - NOS Expert Application software shows the rifle movement during the aiming and triggering, the score and the three key factors right after the shot in a simple, graphical and numerical way.

- Ready to use in minutes by any shooter - Fully portable, training anywhere and anytime - Wireless operation - Rugged construction, indoor and outdoor use - Indoor training at simulated distances - Outdoors at real shooting distances - Ring or silhouette targets - Single or multiple targets - Passive and active targets Cost: ~$7000 Lab: x Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): FitLight Trainer Summary Description:

The FITLIGHT Trainer™ is a unique wireless reaction system comprised of 8 RGB LED powered lights controlled by a tablet. The lights are used as targets for the user to deactivate, and can be adapted and configured for all FitLight Trainer sports and training regimes. The system is versatile and dynamic, with the ability to capture various attributes of human performance such as reaction time, speed, agility, coordination – all measured for immediate performance feedback. FITLIGHT can also be used for tactical marksmanship training. (Accessed 15 July 2015 from trainer/)

Pro: Coon: - Simple set up & recharging system - Equipped with standard routines or user defined routines for training sessions - Programmable audible signal to accompany multiple colour light capabilities - 3D training system, versatile in configuration abilities: can be mounted and configured anywhere (floor, wall, outdoors) - Captures and measures user performances for improvement analysis - Single user or multiple users for more dynamic competitive training - Portable/mobile system for indoors/outdoors and all seasons - Water & impact resistant - Automatic ambient light adjustments even in bright sunshine for ease of recognition (Accessed 15 July 2015 from

Benefits for Tactical applications include: - Reaction & Response Training - Human Performance Analysis - Dynamic Target Training - Improve Decision Making under Stress - Engaged Focus Training with Real-Time Measurements (Accessed 15 July 2015 from Cost: ~$4000 (x1 PDA, x8 Fitlight) / ~$8800 (x2 PDA, x24 Fitlight, fig 12 Lab: x Field: x targets) Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Noptel NTM-10 Target Hit Indicator and Flash Summary Description:

The Noptel NTM-10 is an easy-to-use active target system that can be used with Noptel Expert Shooting skills training device. It allows a simple and fast Noptel NTM-10 Target Hit setup for many types of training scenarios indoors and out of dooors. Indicator and Flash NTM-10 consists of Prism, Target receiver, Led hit flash, Hit counter and connection to target lifter. The unit is water tight and can be used indoors and out of doors. When the Noptel Expert training device detects a hit, it sends an optical hit beam to the target. Target receiver detects it and gives a bright fflash. The hit counter is increased by one hit. (Accessed 15 July 2015 from

Pro: Coon: - Simple operation and set-up - System needs to be used in conjunction with the Noptel - Battery operable Expert training device - Operates with Noptel Expert unit - Rifle needs to simulate firing (e.g. firing pin hitting round) - Rugged Construction, indoor and outdoor use to trigger the Noptel Expert system (e.g. blanks, recoil kit required) - Flash on hit - NT12 plywood taarget and standing target pole can be - Hit counting purchased for 370 Euros - Operation distance 5-75m - Electronic target (pop-up) activation on hit - Stand alone on light weight foot - Can be used indoors or outdoors (Accessed 15 July 2015 from 14b.pdf) Cost: $1800 Lab: x Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): PSATS - Military Portable Small Arms Training Siimulator - Laser Shot Summary Description:

The PSAT-MIL is an ultra-portable, fully contained firearms training simulator for units and individuals where space is limited. All critical system hardware (hit detection camera, computer, keyboard, mouse, and speakers) PSATS - Military Portable are mounted in fixed positions inside the hard plastic carrying case on a sliding rack for easy accessibility. The PSAT-MIL system includes Course of Small Arms Training Fire, Shapes and Colors, Running Man, M4/ M9 Marksmanship Training Simulator - Laser Shot Software, and Small Unit Marksmanship Interface. M9 Inert Simmulated Weapon and M4 Inert Simulated Weapon and 6'x8' cinefold screen are included.

(Accessed 16 July 2015 from 02F-0207P_AUTHORIZEDFSSCONTRACT.PDF) Pro: Coon: - Improved marksmanship, judgment, gun handling, and - Pricing is basedd on GSA schedule. Price may vary mindset skills - Realistic size, weight, and feel of actual weapons - Recoil and inert weapons purchase options for virtually all modern small arms weapons - Immediate feedback - Customizable simulated ranges and targets - Virtual bullets allow necessary trigger time without added ammunition costs - Doctrine-based course ware - Trainers can observe and help improve shooters’ skills during all facets of training (Accessed 16 July 2015 from marksmanship-systems/portable-small-arms-training- simulator.html) Cost: $10000 Lab: x Field: Reference: 0207P_AUTHORIZEDFSSCONTRACT.PDF


Tool (instrument/product): Tactical Weapons Simulator – Deployable Trainer (TWS-DT) - Laser Shot Summary Description:

Laser Shot’s Tactical Weapon Simulator (TWS) enables firearms instructors with a flexible training solution to meet a multitude of training needs. The Tactical Weapons Tactical Weapons Simulator is compatible with all Laser Shot Simulator – Deployable marksmanship, judgmental and tactical courseware enabling various types of training opportunities. Trainer (TWS-DT) Laser Shot The TWS is available in convenient platforms configured to meet specific training environments, the Classroom Trainer (CT) and the Deployable Trainer (DT).

The TWS Deployable Trainer (TWS-DT) is Laser Shot’s ultra-portable training solution. The overall size and hardware configuration of the TWS- DT is designed specifically with mobility in mind. All core system hardware is conveniently stowed in form-fitting protective compartments inside a weather-tight, ruggedized wheeled case. (Accessed 16 July 2015 from systems/tactical-weapons-simulator.html) Pro: Coon: -Ultra-portable design ideal for training “on-the-go” - Laser Shot’s Series One training weapons and devices - Entire unit easily fits in a standard four door sedan required - Quick and simple setup – ready for training in 15 (M4 Simulated Recoil Weapon is a tether less rifle that minutes recoils by filling Co2 in a barrel reservoir. Is an additional - No dedicated operator required for operation $5,,237.10) - msetdt2Only needs are: electricity and a projection - Pricing is basedd on GSA schedule. Price may vary surface – completely deployable to forward operating bases for firearms simulation training (Accessed 16 July 2015 from marksmanship-systems/tactical-weapons-simulator.html) Cost: $7500 Lab: x Field: Reference: 0207P_AUTHORIZEDFSSCONTRACT.PDF


Tool (instrument/product): Combined Arms Collective Trainer - Laser Shot Summary Description:

The Combined Arms Collective Trainer is a comprehensive marrksmanship and tactical training system that supports a wide assortment of weapon Combined Arms Collective systems for individual, crew, and collective task training. Trainer - Laser Shot (Accessed 16 July 2015 from systems/combined-arms-collective-trainer.html)

Pro: Coon: - Large immersive displays with individual eye-point controls per weapon for tactical training or views for crew and squad training maneuvers - Unique use of VBS2 for both “lanes” training and tactical scenario based military training - Scalable to accommodate team, squad, company or battalion training elements - Compatible with indirect fire weapons and optics to train student in Forward Observer (FO), Forward Air Control (FAC), Fire Direction Control (FDC) and mortar crew skills proficiency - Use with any of Laser Shot’s inert or simulated recoil, laser-based training weapons (Accessed 16 July 2015 from marksmanship-systems/combined-arms-collective- trainer.html) Cost: Unknown Lab: x Field: Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Multi-Function (MF-SIT) and Statioonary Infantry Targets (SIT) Summary Description:

"The Multi-Function Stationary Infantry Target (MF-SIT) exposes and conceals a Figure 11, 12, US Army standard E, F or 3-D target. Quick Meggitt Trainign Systems connect hardware allows the target head to be easily interchanged to Multi-Function (MF-SIT) accommodate various target presentations including pop-up target movement, swing-out, slice/slash/scissor, vertically rise and pop-up and Stationary Infantry turning/judgmental target actions." Targets (SIT) (Accessed 20 October 2015 from

Pro: Coon: "- Similar systems are currently installed in CAF bases - Sttationary and training centres - The MF-SIT has the unique ability to expose from multiple angles with a friend or foe target. Target movements are precise, dynamic and respond quickly to commands of expose, conceal, slice, and turn in any combination. In addition, the MF-SIT will rotate a regulation infantry target through 360 degrees at multiple angles. It can respond to hits, automatic triggers activated by soldier movements, or a pre-programmed scenario, ensuring that the trainees do not anticipate target actions, providing a realistic environment for MOUT and specialized training. To enhance realism, the MF-SIT will initiate simulators such as muzzle flash, sound effects, and MILES® Laser Target Interface (LTID) and is capable of powering and controlling thermal targets/heat pads. - The Stationary Infantry Target (SIT) offers the same training value and options as the MF-SIT, but in a fixed (static) target head configuration. Both target systems are operated through radio frequency, hardwire, or Ethernet controls which allows great flexibility in range design and usage.” (Accessed 20 October 2015 from training/Infantry-targets) Cost: CAF asset Lab: Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Moving Infantry Target (MIT) Summary Description:

"The Moving Infantry Target (MIT) is a cable-driven rail system that travels between attack and retreat positions at varying speeds. The MIT travels at Moving Infantry Target three distinct speeds that replicate an individual walking (4-6kph), jogging (MIT) (8-10kph), and running (12-14kph) on flat terrain." (Accessed 20 October 2015 from

Pro: Coon: “All of the standard target commands such as expose, - Location of track and travel path of the target are always conceal, hit fall, hit hold, hit bob, and selectable number the same of hits to kill are performed by the MIT. The target actuator is equipped with a highly accurate hit sensor that detects, responds to, and reports hits. All motor and target control commands pass through a bunker box mounted within the MIT emplacement.

An infantry target, either an MF-SIT or SIT is mounted to the carrier. The elevated two-rail track system, available in 50-foot, 80-foot, and 100-foot lengths, is easily assembled with ordinary hand tools, making it ideal for deployment. The stanchion track supports can be placed directly on the ground or anchored to concrete pads for a more permanent installation.

Extremely reliable and rugged, Meggitt Training Systems' infantry field range targets perform in the harshest climates and do not contain hydraulic fluids, contaminants, or hazardous toxins capable of being released into the environment" (Accessed 20 October 2015 from training/Infantry-targets) Cost: Unknown Lab: Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Moving robotic target (Marathon Targets) Summary Description:

"Robots can be used effectively and repeatedly in marksmanship training and evaluation – simulating lateral, oblique, or custom and unpredictable Marathon-targets - Moving movements." robotic target (Marathon (Accessed 20 October 2015 from Targets)

Pro: Coon: "- Optimised for use in urban environments – robots can navigate inside and outside of buildings to provide an unparalleled urban training experience. - Designed for off-road operation – robots move at speed on uneven, unsealed, and significantly inclined terrain, around the clock and in all weather. - Robots can be used effectively and repeatedly in marksmanship training and evaluation – simulating lateral, oblique, or custom and unpredictable movements.” (Accessed 20 October 2015 from http://marathon- Cost: Unknown Lab: x Field: x Reference:


5.1.6 Motion Capture Tools

Tool (instrument/product): Catapult OptimEye S5

Summary Description:

- Most used athlete monitoring device in elite sports - 5th generation GNSS device that tracks real time micro-movements - 3D accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer

Catapult OptimEye S5

Pro: Coon: - Uses a Inertial Movement Analysis algorithm to track - None found on initial review real-time micro-movements - Position - Velocity - Acceleration/Deceleration - Portable with wireless transmission - Water-resistant - Functional outdoors - One device that straps onto the user's back - GNS allows access to double the amount of satellites that GPS has, reducing the frequency of a lost signal - No line-of-sight restrictions - Heart rate strap integrated into the garment - Compatible with Catapult's customizable analytics platform, Openfield - Lithium ion rechargeable battery that lasts 5 hours

Cost: 2 units for $15,845 Lab: Field: x 8 units for $45,550 Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Noraxon MyoMOTION

Summary Description:

- Compact IMU's placed on any body segment tracking 3d angular orientation. From one single joint to a full body analysis, the software provides orientation and linear acceleration data. -Integrated accelerometer, rate gyro, magnetometer (all tri-axial) - Movement captured with 3 DOF - 2 to 36 IMU sensors - Wireless System - Sample Rate: 200Hz

Pro: Coon: - Can observe one single Joint or a simultaneous full - None found on initial review body measurement - Angular velocities available post hoc - Portable system that can be used indoors or outdoors - Wireless - Wireless with no line-of-sight restrictions - Magnetometer can be disabled in high-magnetic environments - Capable of accessing raw sinals for the accelerometer and rate gyro - Live streaming of data and on-body data logging - No measurement space calibration required - MyoMotion sensors can be placed on objects as well, as long as they are linked to a body segment also being tracked - Interfaces with other Noraxon systems such as myoVideo 2D Video Analysis

Cost: Must contact Lab: x Field: Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): XSENS MVN

Summary Description:

- Full body motion capture with inertial sensors on each body segment to track real time 3D motion - 3D kinematic data obtained through MVN Studio BIOMECH software - 17 batteries required for the MVN Awinda (6 hours), while only one battery XSENS - Full body motion required for the MVN Link (9.5 hours) capture with inertial - Output Rate: sensors - Awinda- 60Hz - Link- 240 Hz

Pro: Coon: - Tracks real time 3D production-ready motion data - Possible issues with signal drift - MN Studio BIOMECH allows for real-time 3d animation, - Cost graphs, data streaming, video as well as 3D outputs including: - Joint angles - Segment kinematics - Segment global positions - Body center of mass - Portable in a suitcase (MVN Link) or in a backpack (MVN Awinda) - Ultra-small trackers that are designed to withstand high impact - Functional outdoors - MVN Awinda consists of 17 wireless strap-based trackers - MVN Link is a lycra suit (5 sizes available) with 17 trackers wired throughout - "Superior algorithms" allow for measurements to be made in all conditions, even with magnetic interference - No line-of-sight restrictions

Cost: Biomech Awinda $32k Lab: x Field: Biomech Link $38k Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Synertial IGS-Cobra Suit

Summary Description:

- Full body inertial suit, with the option of adding gloves. The staandard system has 22 sensors in total, with the option of expanding to up to 54 sensors (by adding sensors on the gloves). Uses Kinexact software to calculate measurements for the body's skeleton to produce accurate skeletal motion. Contains on-board gyroscope, accelerometer and magnetometer Synertial IGS-Cobra Suit

Pro: Coon: - Tracks real time 3D motion and kinematic data from on- - None found on initial review board accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer - Easy to bring outdoors, quick set-up, wired or wireless connectivity -Waterproof, functional outdoors - Small, light sensors, built for better comfort during rolling -Wired connectivity using 2m USB cable or wireless connectivity in 20m range with provided router - No line-of-sight restrictions - Self-calibrating sensors that can adapt to magnetic environments - 20m range with provided router

Cost: Must contact Lab: Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): I2M Inertial Motion Tracking

Summary Description:

- Full body motion capture using inertial sensors on individual body segments to track real time 3D motion. - HM-Analyzer is able to map each sensor to a segment of the body and obtains joint angles Nextgen Ergo - I2M Inertial Motion Tracking

Pro: Coon: - Captures full body motion orientation information and - Potentially damageable by simunition obtains joint angles - IMU Markers are strapped onto individually to each body - Data from built-in accelerometer, gyroscope, segment and may be susceptible to sliding/moving magnetometer - May be suscepttible to maganetic disturbances - Portable in a carrying case - Functional Outdoors - No line-of-sight restrictions - Can use any number of sensors as required - Large capture area

Cost: $37,500 (includes 16 SXT IMU kit. HM analyzer software) Lab: x Field: Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Motion Node

Summary Description:

- Wearable inertial measurement units that capture motion in 3 DOF - 1 to 20 sensors supported

Motion Node - wearable inertial measurement units

Pro: Coon: - Captures real-time 3D orientation and data from built-in - Potentially damageable by simunition accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer - IMU Markers are strapped onto individually to each body - Portable in a carrying case segment and may be susceptible to sliding/moving - USB or wireless connectivity - May be suscepttible to maganetic disturbances

Cost: Prices dependent on unit quantity Lab: x Field: Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Perceptual Neuron

Summary Description:

- Full body wearable inertial measurement units that capture motion - Built-in accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer Perceptual Neuron - wearable inertial measurement units

Pro: Coon: - Captures real-time 3D orientation and data from built-in - Potentially damageable by simunition accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer - IMU Markers are strapped onto individually to each body - Portable in a carrying case segment and may be susceptible to sliding/moving - USB or wireless connectivity, or onboard micro-SD card - May be suscepttible to maganetic disturbances recording - Potentially damageable by simunition - No line-of-sight restrictions

Cost: Full Body 32 sensors: $1,499.00 USD Lab: x Field: 18 sensors: $999.00 USD Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Shadow Motion Capture System

Summary Description:

- Uses 17 precision inertial sensors to capture full body human motion - 3-axis accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer and 2 paairs of pressure insoles Shadow Motion Capture System -precision inertial sensors

Pro: Coon: - Uses 17 precision inertial sensors to capture full body - Durable, but potentially damageable by simunition human motion - IMU Markers are strapped individually onto each body - 3-axis accelerometer, gyroscope, and magnetometer segment and may be susceptible to sliding/moving and 2 pairs of pressure insoles - Records or live streams 3D orientation data - Data from accelerometer, gyroscope and magnetometer - Light weight and portable, can easily fit into a backpack or small bag - Functional outdoors - No line-of-sight restrictions - Wireless - Can connect via Wi-Fi or USB - 1000Hz internal update rate - 3.5 hour battery life

Cost: Must contact Lab: x Field: Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Zephyr Performance System

Summary Description:

- Straps and shirts, BioModules and GPS units provide six inputts that allow for the recording of over a dozen biomechanical and physiological measurements that are transmitted onto OmniSense Live Softwware for display and analysis Zephr Performance System

Pro: Coon: - Biometrics that are recorded include: - None found on initial review - Posture - Accelerometry - Training loads and intensity - GPS speed and distance - Portable system with data transmitted from sensors to a display via ECHO or Bluetooth Low Energy - Functional Outdoors - Wearable sensors designed for comfort and compactness. Can customize sensor configurations with different straps and garments - No line-of-sight restrictions - Also includes a number of physiological measurements - OmniSense Live Software is customizable, includes readiness app for iOS and Android devices

Cost: Must contact Lab: x Field: Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): ProAnalyst

Summary Description:

- Software package for measuring moving objects using many different types of videos. Provides real-time data and measurements for a variety of characteristics

Xcitex - Proanalyst

Pro: Coon: Allows users to measure and track: - Line-of-sight restrictions - Size - Multiple cameras may be required for different viewing - Location angles - Position - Velocity - Acceleration - ProAnalyst is a software package that allows any video camera to be used as the data collection instrument - Software only requires a video camera as a non-contact test instrument - Can track features in 1D, 2D and 3D - Can create 2 or 3-axis graphs

Cost: Must contact Lab: Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Qualisys Oqus

Summary Description:

- Optical motion capture system that is compatible with both active and passive markers. Passive systems use markers that reflect back infrared light produced by the camera, allowing the camera to track 3D kinematics of those markers on the body segments of the participant and/or other objects. Active systems function in a similar fashion, however, the markers emit their own light towards the camera to track 3D kinematics, as opposed to the Qualisys Oqpus reflection of an externally generated light.

Pro: Coon: - Captures the 3D Kinematics of the markers placed on - Able to be brought outside, however set up may take the body segments of the participant longer than other systems - Functional outdoors - Line-of-sight restrictions present - Water resistant housing on cameras - Markers required for motion capture data to be captured (works with both passive and active markers) - Passive markers do not require wires, while active markers may be wired or may require a wired strober unit - Active filtering increaes ability of cameras to capture passive markers outside - 12 MP @ 300 fps, or 3 MP @ 1,100 fps (full FOV) - Field of view of up to 70 degrees - High speed

Cost: Must contact Lab: x Field: Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): OptiTrack

Summary Description:

- Passive optical motion capture system that uses reflective markers to reflect back infrared light at the cameras in order to track motion

OptiTrack motion capture

Pro: Coon: - Captures 3D Kinematics of markers - Able to be brought outside, however set up may take - Motive motion capture software supports numerous longer than other systems biomechanics marker sets and kinematic labelling - Markers required for motion capture data to be captured - Functional Outdoors (specific model) - Line-of-sight restrictions present - Markers required for motion capture data to be captured - Native support for Visual3D and the MotionMonitor

Cost: Pricing varies depending on camera model and amount (30 day Lab: x Field: money back guarantee included) Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): PhaseSpace

Summary Description:

- Active optical motion capture system that uses active LED technology to track motion

PhaseSpace active motion capture

Pro: Coon: - Tracks high speed motion - Markers required for motion capture data to be captured - Portable system enabling indoor and outdoor motion - Line-of-sight restrictions present capture - Functional Outdoors - 60 degree field of view - 960Hz capture rate - Unique ID for each marker - Scales from 2 cameras to 48+ cameras

Cost: Must contact Lab: x Field: Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Phoenix Technologies Incorporated

Summary Description:

- Passive optical motion capture system that uses reflective markers to reflect back infrared light at the cameras in order to track motion Phoenix Technologies Incorporated – passive optical motion capture

Pro: Coon: - Real-time 3D positional data - Markers required for motion capture data to be captured - Functional in almost any environment (indoors and - Line-of-sight restrictions present outdoors) - Can be used with multiple programs such as Matlab, Python, Visual3d, LabView, ProCalc and BodyBuilder

Cost: Must contact Lab: x Field: Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Vicon

Summary Description:

- Passive optical motion capture system that uses reflective markers to reflect back infrared light at the cameras in order to track motion

Vicon – motion capture

Pro: Coon: - Real-time 3D positional data - Able to be brought outside, however set up may take - Functional in almost any environment (indoors and longer than other systems outdoors) - Markers required for motion capture data to be captured - Can be used with multiple programs such as Matlab, - Line-of-sight restrictions present Python, Visual3d, LabView, ProCalc and BodyBuilder

Cost: $25,000 per camera (HSI® 2011) plus software and accessories Lab: x Field: (Prices vary with different system arrangements) Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): NDI Optotrak Certus

Summary Description:

- Active optical motion capture system that uses active LED technology that allow trackers to emit their own light track motion

NDI Optotrak Certus – motion capture

Pro: Coon: - Real-time 3D positional data - Markers required for motion capture data to be captured - 6 DOF dynamic tracking - Line-of-sight restrictions present - Size and weight makes the system portable with a variety of stands and mounts to customize configurations - Smart Markers consist of inline wiring to allow better freedom of movement - No false signals created by reflections - Maximum marker frequency of 4600Hz - Can track up to 512 markers

Cost: $45,000 per camera bank (HSI® 2011) plus software and Lab: x Field: accessories Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Fastrak

Summary Description:

- Electromagnetic systems calculate position and orientation by the relative magnetic flux of three orthogonal coils on both the transmitter and each receiver. The relative intensity of the voltage or current of the three coils allows these systems to calculate both range and orientation by meticulously mapping the tracking volume (HSI® 2011) Polhemus – fastrack motion capture

Pro: Coon: - Position and orientation data in 6 DOF - Potentially damageable by simunition - Portable system - Large metallic objects close by may limit the - No line-of-sight restrictions performance of the system - Wireless capability - Standard kit comes with one receiver and you can add up to 3 more to expand the system's capabilities - Update Rate: 120 updates/second divided by the number of receivers

Cost: $60,000 (HSI® 2011) Lab: x Field: Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Hidalgo Equivital EQ LifeMonitor

Summary Description:

- "Multi-parameter, ambulatory monitoring device". Records human condition and performance through physiological and body positional data

Pro: Coon: - Accelerometer X,Y,Z - None found on initial review - Body position; motion status; fall alert - ECG, Heart Rate, Respiratory Rate, other physiological outputs - Portable, waterproof system - No markers required - No line-of-sight restrictions Cost: Must contact Lab: x Field: Reference:


5.1.7 Miscellaneous Measurement Tools

Tool (instrument/product): Hoffman TSP-410 Summary Description:

Measure unfiltered night sky radiation

Hoffman Engineering has developed a series of portable, battery operated, Hoffman Engineering – silicon photometers/radiometers with precision ranges and senssitivity to portablee battery operated, measure night sky illuminance in both the visible and night vision spectrums. Identified as ANV-410A, ANV-410B, and TSP-410, these instruments are silicon photometers designed for use in the field to measure ambient illuminance and assist in NVD mission planning.

Pro: Coon: The TSP-410 is photopically filtered and calibrated to measure and display in lux. The ANV-410A is filtered and calibrated to match the class ‘A’ response identified in MIL-L-85762A. The ANV-410B is fitted and calibrated to match the class ‘B’ response identified in MIL-L-85762A. The ANV-410X series of radiometers is calibrated to and display units which can be characterized as NVIS lux. All three instruments operate on four decade ranges of amplification with selection controlled by the front panel range switch. A cover is provided for the detector, permitting the user to zero/null the instrument prior to use.

- $3500/unit USD if purchased - Used to record light levels (photometric data) - Range = .001999 lux to 1.999 lux Cost: Borrow from DRDC-T Lab: Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Hoffman ANV-410

Summary Description:

Measure filtered night illumination

Pro: Coon: See above for more information

- $3500/unit USD if purchased - Used to record light levels (photometric data) Cost: Borrow from DRDC-T Lab: Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Digital Lux meter (daylight) (Mastech Digital Illuminance/Light Meter LX1330B , 0 - 200,000 Lux Luxmeter) Summary Description:

The Digital Light meters are used in the fields of cinematography and scenic design, in order to determine the optimum light level for a scenee. They are used in the general field of lighting, where they can help to reduce the amount of waste light used in the home, light pollution outdoors, and plant Mastech Digital growing to ensure proper light levels. Illuminance/Light Meter

Pro: Coon: - Display: 3-1/2 digit 18mm LCD - For general purpose use. For scientific applications, - Power: 9V battery more precise equipment may be required (e.g. - Ranges: 0.1-200/2,000/20,000/200,000 Lux light-uva-solar-power-meter.html) - Accuracy: ±3% ±10 digits (0-20,000 lux) / ±5% ±10 digits (over 20,000 Lux) - Repeatability: ±2% - Temperature Characteristic: ±0.1%C - Photo detector type: Silicon Photo Diode with Filter - Operating temperature: 32-104 degrees F (0-40 degrees C) - Sampling rate: 2-3 times per second - Battery life: 200 hours (estimate) - Dimensions: 149 x 71 x 41 mm - Photo Detector Dimensions: 100 x 60 x 28 mm Cost: $100 USD Lab: x Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): FitLight Trainer

Summary Description:

The FITLIGHT Trainer™ is a unique wireless reaction system comprised of 8 RGB LED powered lights controlled by a tablet. The lights are used as targets for the user to deactivate, and can be adapted and configured for all FitLight Trainer sports and training regimes. The system is versatile and dynamic, with the ability to capture various attributes of human performance such as reaction time, speed, agility, coordination – all measured for immediate performance feedback. FITLIGHT can also be used for tactical marksmanship training. (Accessed 15 July 2015 from trainer/)

Pro: Coon: - Simple set up & recharging system - Equipped with standard routines or user defined routines for training sessions - Programmable audible signal to accompany multiple colour light capabilities - 3D training system, versatile in configuration abilities: can be mounted and configured anywhere (floor, wall, outdoors) - Captures and measures user performances for improvement analysis - Single user or multiple users for more dynamic competitive training - Portable/mobile system for indoors/outdoors and all seasons - Water & impact resistant - Automatic ambient light adjustments even in bright sunshine for ease of recognition (Accessed 15 July 2015 from

Benefits for Tactical applications include: - Reaction & Response Training - Human Performance Analysis - Dynamic Target Training - Improve Decision Making under Stress - Engaged Focus Training with Real-Time Measurements (Accessed 15 July 2015 from Cost: ~$4000 (x1 PDA, x8 Fitlight) / ~$8800 (x2 PDA, x24 Fitlight, fig 12 Lab: x Field: x targets) Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Trident timing systems

Summary Description:

The TM Pro-XWR is the professional reader with all the bells and whistles. We’ve added enhanced features by working closely with our professional race timers so everything you need is built into a lightweight ergonomic case weighing in at only 7kg. Trident timing systems

Includes Bluetooth, USB, Ethernet & Wi-fi communications with integrated 3G Comms and SIM card for web connectivity and radio modem for mesh networked remote split or spotter systems. Also has DHCP (dynamic host configuration protocol) allows network devices to automatically obtain a valid IP address.

The standard system supports 4 x Ultra ProMats or Ultra ClubMats. - Power efficiency is up to better than Legacy Readers! - Start time is less than 1 second with system instantly ready froom power up.

Enhanced Communications: - X = eXtended router functions (Wifi & DHCP (dynamic host connfiguration protocol) - W = Web enabled with integrated 3G Comms and SIM card for web connectivity - R = Radio Modem communications (Accessed 15 July 2015 from readers/) Pro: Coon: Next generation timing chip (Tri-Frequency chip vs. RFID - Each reader can accept up to four timing mats chip)

Reader: - Robust, waterproof, small (L27 x W24 x H18 cm) durable plastic, latching case - Supports four (3M or 6M) Timing UltraMats - 12VDC, 9Ah internal battery - Power monitoring system with LED battery level indicator - Fully digital receiver technology - Instant-ready system from power up. Start time is < 1 second. - Color LCD display showing key information - Robust connectors - Can support active transponders, with very large receive loop dimensions (up to 20m x 1m coverage, per loop, using standard hookup wire). - Internal Beeper (can be disabled by configuration) - Trigger Timestamp Input (Accessed 15 July 2015 from systems/timing-readers/)

Timing mat: - Robust water resistant PVC coil construction with sewn HSI SoSE SoAR DRAFT Page 294

edges - Non-slip nodules to minimise movement in heavy traffic - Compliant with USA, European, Australian, and RSA spectrum allocations when used with the Trident TimeMachine Club and TimeMachine Pro readers - Suitable for use with all Trident and IPICO Sports tags - No need to for colour coding. Cannot be incorrectly connected - No need to mix tail lengths. Every tail is a standard 10 meter length and length is customizable. - Supplied complete with tough carry bag with rugged zips - Self-tuning to optimize read rates reducing the chance of missed tag reads (Accessed 15 July 2015 from systems/ultra-mats/)

TF tags may be active or passive depending on requirements Cost: $5,000 Lab: Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Optec 5500 Vision Screener

Summary Description:

While the Optec® 5500 is easier to use than ever before, it retaiins the trusted accuracy it is known for. Among the features that make the Optec® 5500 so user-friendly are a remote control and use of color-corrected light. This model weighs less than 15 pounds, is portable, and requires a mere Optec 5500 Vision two square feet of space. The package includes 12 test slides and a choice Screener of the standard vision testing slide packages, as well as the option to create a vision testing slides library of more than 150 test slides.

Pro: Coon: - A simple test sequence that requires less than five minutes to administer. - Standard test packages with vision testing devices and accessories that are designed to apply to multiple specialty areas, including optometry, ophthalmology, public health, schools, pediatrics, clinical trials, general medicine, driver licensing, industry, and military. - Test slides that are manufactured on high-quality photographic film and then sealed between two glass plates, ensuring that the images will last for years. - Scratch-resistant, washable surface made of Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS) plastic. - Two independent viewing ports for precise distance and near visual screening. The distance lens system tests at 20 feet and the near lens system tests at 16 inches. Testing between near and distance is also available from 20 inches to 40 inches.

Standard slide packages include: Ophthalmic Prescreening, Driver Rehabilitation, Medical with H.O.T.V., Medical with Michigan Preschool, Industrial with Purdue Job Standards Book, and the International with Job Standards Book. Cost: $3,343.00 Lab: x Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): Vector Rangefinder Binocular (Vector IV, 21, 23) – Vectronix

Summary Description:

VECTOR is an easy-to-use multifunctional optronic device that replaces four separate devices. The reduced weight and volume translate into greater mobility, agility and operational readiness.

[Non-commercial use image] Pro: Coon: Range - Military/government use only Vector IV = 5 m to 6000 m - Vector is subject to export control Vector 21 = 5 m to 12000 m Vector 23 = 25 m to 25000 m

Magnification = 7x (Vector IV, 21, 23) Optional 10x for Vector 23 Field of View = 120mil / 6.75° (Vector IV, 21, 23) Dimensions (L x W x H) mm = 205 x 178 x 82 (Vector IV, 21, 23) Weight (with battery) < 1.7 kg / 3.75 lbs (Vector IV, 21), < 1.8 kg / 3.97 lbs (Vector 23)

Essential capabilities - A 100 % eyesafe laser rangefinder: VECTOR IV (diode laser), VECTOR 21 (diode laser), VECTOR 23 (fibre laser). These technologies provide the longest service life and consume the least energy. - Two seven times (7 x) magnifying eyepieces. The large exit pupils of 6 mm diameter are extremely easy to place so that both eyes receive as much light as possible. - Two 42 mm objectives with extended contrast and resolution characteristics. This wide aperture produces images that are clear and bright – even when scene illumination is not ideal. - A digital magnetic compass (DMC) incorporating magnetic and gravitation sensors for azimuth, bank and inclination (±45°). Full three dimensional capabilities ensure correct readings even in inclined and tilted positions.


Handling - Two-button control reduces the training and retraining effort allowing new users to operate quickly and correctly in any situation. - Digital output via RS232 port for instant, error free data transfer.

Communication - Wired data-transfer via RS232 - Optional Bluetooth wireless technology eliminates cables for data transfer between VECTOR and peripheral devices - Measured data is displayed in the field of view and simultaneously can be sent to a computer, data terminal or GPS receiver. Cost: ~$14000 - $24000 Lab: Field: x Reference: night/binoculars/vector-iv-nite?pid=425


Tool (instrument/product): Vector Rangefinder Binocular Nite (Vector IV, 21) - Vectronix

Summary Description:

VECTOR IV and 21 Nite integrates Vectronix' unrivaled day optiics with superior image intensification technology. The handheld ranges to 6 km (VECTOR IV) and 12 km (VECTOR 21) and contains Vectronix' industry- leading 3-dimensional, 360° digital magnetic compass. The laser in VECTOR IV and 21 Nite is a 1550 nm wavelength laser and is consequently undetectable by other night vision devices. Additionally, like all Vectronix products, the handheld contains a Class I Eye-Safe Laser.

[Non-commercial use image] Pro: Coon: Range Night - Military/government use only Vector IV = 2 km - Vector is subject to export control Vector 21 = 3 km

Magnification Night = 4.5x (Vector IV, 21) Field of View = 125mil / 7° (Vector IV, 21) Weight (with battery) < 2.0 kg / 4.4 lbs (Vector IV, 21)

In addition to above specs Cost: Unknown Lab: Field: x Reference: night/binoculars/vector-iv-nite?pid=425


Tool (instrument/product): MOSKITO Compact Day & Night Observation and Location Unit – Vectronix

Summary Description:

A radically new design from Vectronix offers security forces a universal optronic device to support them through the full spectrum of a 24/7 MOSKITO Compact Day & deployment. Night Observation and MOSKITO includes all the essential day/night viewing, measuring and geo- Location Unit – Veectronix location functions in a most compact and user-friendly package. Like the highly successful VECTOR Rangefinder Binoculars, MOSKITO measures range, azimuth, and vertical angle. In addition, it incorporates the latest image intensifier technology for night- time viewing. Rapidly varying light conditions demand an optical day viewing channel plus a quickly activated night channel. MOSKITO’s night channel uses an autogated image intensifier tube which dynamically adjusts itself to different levels of brightness. Pro: Coon: Laser Rangefinder - Military/government use only - Outstanding performance based on Vectronix leadership - Vector is subject to export control in laser range finding. Ranges 5 m to 10 km and more, with low divergence for best performance in harsh environmental conditions (dust, humidity).

Magnification = 5x (day), 3x (night) Field of view = 6° / 107 mil (day), 10.5° / 187 mil (night) Dimensions (L x W x H) 130 x 185 x 80 mm Weight < 1.2 kg

Data transmission - Error-free data transmission to command post, PDA and other peripheral devices is established via cable or Bluetooth.

Digital Magnetic Compass - High performance, low weight, low power consumption. Includes inclinometer.

GPS receiver - built-in C/A code GPS receiver - connection to an external military GPS device such as the Rockwell Collins PLGR, DAGR Cost: Unknown Lab: Field: x Reference: night/monoculars/moskito


Tool (instrument/product): MOSKITO TI Lightweight Multi-Purpose Target Locator – Vectronix Summary Description:

The MOSKITO TI combines higher usability, lower weight and broader capabilities than any device in its class. Incorporating Vectronix performance history, it is reliable in all conditions and gives dismounted infantry and MOSKITO TI Lightweight special forces exactly what they need for full 24-hour situational awareness. Multi-Purpose Target 3 viewing modes: Locator – Vectronix - Premium Optical Day View, day operation without power consumption - Thermal Imaging for detection and situational awareness day or night (wide field of view) - Low Light Imaging for positive identification - SMART design for recording, editing, live streaming Pro: Coon: Laser Rangefinder - Military/government use only Outstanding performance based on Vectronix leadership - Vector is subject to export control in laser range finding. Ranges 10 m to 10 km and more, with low divergence for best performance in harsh environmental conditions (dust, humidity).

Dimensions (L x W x H) 130 x 170 x 80 mm Weight < 1.3 kg

Optics Day Magnification = 6 x Field of view = 6.25° / 111 mil

Optics TI Sensor Resolution = VGA, 640 x 480 pixels Field of view = 12° / 213 mil

Optics Low Light CMOS Sensor Resolution = SXGA, 1280 x 1024 pixels Field of view = 6.25° / 111 mil

Low Light Imager 1280 x 1024 (SXGA), Low Light Imager (LLCMOS) – enhances users’ ability to detect (> 4 km) and identify objects in conditions from twilight to half-moon. The Low Light Imager is designed to process the inhomogeneous light conditions (dynamics) of urban terrain such as passing cars, streetlights or similar. Unlike with image intensifier tubes, no damage occurs.

Thermal Imager Very wide 12° FOV, wider than any other comparable device on the market. Enables screening of areas in just seconds. 640 x 480 (VGA) resolution, continuous zoom.

Laser Pointer


Invisible eyesafe class 1 Laser Pointer provides easy target handover capabilities to the user / operator.

Digital Magnetic Compass High performance, low weight, low power Modular GPS solution consumption. Includes inclinometer.

Slot accommodates commercial GPS or military GPS receiver.

Image/Video Outstanding recording and processing capabilities day and night, in Thermal and Low Light Imaging modes.

Standard Interfaces USB OTG / Ethernet / Bluetooth / RS-232 enable easy integration into higher-level systems. Cost: Unknown Lab: Field: x Reference: devices/moskito-ti?pid=722


Tool (instrument/product): JIM LR Long-Range Multifunction Infrared Binoculars – Sagem

Summary Description:

The JIM LR is designed for military and civilian applications and is fully qualified according to the most stringent standards. It is key to the success of any large-scale infantry modernization program, and is a valuable tool in rescue operations. JIM LR Long-Range The JIM LR is especially useful for infantry platoon leaders, and is ideal for Multifunction Infrared Special Forces operations. When integrated into the GonioLightt TI or Binoculars – Sagem GonioLight G-TI systems, it serves as a force multiplier, enhancing the capabilities of forward observers, and ensuring accuracy in even the harshest of visibility conditions. In addition, the JIM LR is a tremendous asset during recovery efforts after natural disasters. The dual-field-of-view cooled thermal imager allows search and rescue teams an unprrecedented ability to detect and retrieve survivors of earthquakes, hurricanes or blizzards.

With its separate visible color channel, eye-safe laser range finder, laser pointer, integrated GPS and Digital Magnetic Compass, the JIM LR provides unsurpassed performance. Pro: Coon: - Over 6,000 JIM LR binoculars already sold - Compact, robust design - Reliable, easy to use - Image fusion - Photo/video recording/USB port - High-performance pointer - High resolution sensor (VGA)

Physical (without battery) - Weight JIM LR / HR: < 2.8 kg - Weight JIM Observe: < 2.5 kg

Observation Thermal imager - Waveband: 3 - 5 μm (cooled) - NFOV: 3° x 2.25° - WFOV: 9° x 6.75° - Detector: QVGA: 320 x 240 pixels & 384 x 288 pixels (JIM LR / JIM Observe) VGA: 640 x 480 pixels (JIM HR)

Visible color channel - FOV: 3° x 2.25°

Image processing & storage - Stabilization - Digital zoom - Image fusion


- Local contrast enhancement - Photo/video recording (internal & USB)

Location Laser Range Finder - 1.54 μm, eye-safe - Ranges: from 10 m up to 10 km Digital Magnetic Compass - Azimuth range: 360° - Elevation range: ± 40° Global Positioning System - Internal C/A type - Accuracy: 3 m CEP (typical value) - Connection with external GPS Laser pointer 0.8 μm Class 1 pointer - Power: 0.4 mW - Range: 300 m Class 3B pointer (HPD option) - Power: 15 mW - Range: 2,500 m Interfaces - Analog and digital I/O - Power supply: external or rechargeable battery - Autonomy: ≥ 5 hours Environmental - Climatic: -32°C to +55°C - MIL-STD 810 & MIL-STD 461 Cost: Unknown Lab: Field: x Reference:


Tool (instrument/product): JIM Protector Medium - Range Multifunction Uncooled Infrared Binoculars – Vectronix

Summary Description:

Based on the same interfaces as the JIM LR family (batteries, coonnectors, accessories, etc.), JIM Protector combines instantaneous operaational JIM Protector Medium - capacity, silent operation and extended autonomy. Range Multifunction JIM Protector is particularly suited to military and security operations: Uncooled Infrared infantry section and special forces’ missions, intelligence-gathering, for the Binoculars – Vectronix contact units, infrastructure and border surveillance, etc.

Thanks to its thermal and day image fusion option, integrated LRF, GPS and DMC, JIM Protector enables target acquisition and detection capacities during observation phases. Pro: Coon: Weight - Military/government use only - JIM Protector: < 2.3 kg, not including battery - Vector is subject to export control - JIM Sentinel: < 2 kg, not including battery

Observation Thermal (infrared) channel - Bandwidth: 8-14 ùm (uncooled) - Detector: 640 x 480 pixels - Field-of-view: 8.6° x 6.45° and 3° x 2.25° (digital zoom) Color daytime channel - Field-of-view: 3° x 2.25° Image processing and recording - Stabilization - Digital zoom - Image fusion (optional) - Photo and video recording (internal and USB)

Positioning Laser rangefinder - 1.54 μm, eyesafe - Range: 10 m to 10 km Magnetic compass - Azimuth : 360° - Elevation : ± 40° Global Positioning System - Internal, C/A - Accuracy: 3 m CEP (typical) - Connection with external GPS

Interfaces - Analog and digital I/O - Power supply: battery or external - Run time: ≥5 hours, with rechargeable battery


Environment - Operating temperature range: -32°C to +55°C

Cost: Unknown Lab: Field: x Reference: protector


Tool (instrument/product): MAX360 Capture and Streaming Device – Vectronix

Summary Description:

With the MAX360, recording and streaming becomes easy without the need for additional software (browser based application, IE9 or higher).

Audio-In MAX360 Capture and - Recording and /or streaming of Audio Streaming Device – Vectronix Status LEDs (with slider) - With only two LEDs the current status of the device can be dispplayed

One Port for All (19-pin) - MAX360 comes with one port for USB and Ethernet, allowing the user to choose according to requirements

Image/Video - Standard JPEG/MPEG - Easy post-processing

Tool Free Mounting - Mushroomhead Velcro allows easy and reliable fixation (e.g. commercial camera, JIM LR/LRTV) - MAX360 can be mounted to a host system (e.g. JIM LR/LRTV)

Life-Line (5-pin) - MAX360 can be powered by the JIM LR/LRTV (backup batteries 2xCR123 optional) - Remote control via the built-in web interface is enabled in combination with the JIM LR/LRTV Pro: Coon: - Standard Interface Type Ethernet 10/100, USB 2.0 OTG - Optional (upon request) Wi-Fi (with external Router) - Power Supply: Optional 2 x 3V CR123 Lithium - Memory Type 8 GB built-in Micro-SD - Capacity approx. 4.5 hrs video recording *mpeg approx. 1,500 pictures *jpeg - Dimensions (LxWxH) 127 x 79 x 31 mm / 5 x 3.1 x 1.2 in - Weight (excl. batteries) ~210 g / 0.46 lbs - Weight (incl. batteries) < 250 g / 0.55 lbs - Housing aluminium black anodized

Environmental conditions tested to MIL-STD-810 - Waterproof 1 meter, 30 min - Operational Temperature - 33° C to + 55° C Cost: Unknown Lab: Field: x Reference: devices/max360


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3. TITLE (The document title and sub-title as indicated on the title page.)

State-of-the-Art Review of Field Performance Metrics in support of the Soldier System Effectiveness (SoSE) Project

4. AUTHORS (Last name, followed by initials – ranks, titles, etc., not to be used)

Nakaza, E. T.; Tack, D.W.; Jarrett, E.

5. DATE OF PUBLICATION 6a. NO. OF PAGES 6b. NO. OF REFS (Month and year of publication of document.) (Total pages, including (Total references cited.) Annexes, excluding DCD, covering and verso pages.) March 2018 310 100

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Contract Report

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DRDC – Toronto Research Centre Defence Research and Development Canada 1133 Sheppard Avenue West Toronto, Ontario M3K 2C9 Canada

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02ab - Soldier System Effectiveness (SoSE)

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Public release

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12. KEYWORDS, DESCRIPTORS or IDENTIFIERS (Use semi-colon as a delimiter.)

networked soldier; Human/Soldier Performance; Network-Enabled Soldier; Soldier Burden (Physical & Cognitive); dismounted soldier system; Cognitive performance; individual performance; team effectiveness; measures of performance; MOP; measures of effectiveness; MOE; measures of outcome; MOO

13. ABSTRACT/RÉSUMÉ (When available in the document, the French version of the abstract must be included here.)

Two project aims were undertaken and are reported; 1) State-of-the-Art-Review (SoAR), and 2) Conduct a preliminary analysis of options for development of a field experimentation capability. The first aim of this project was to undertake a SoAR of individual and team performance measurement, in the context of Soldier Systems. Seven common task groupings based on the Soldier Information REQuirements Technology Demonstration (SIREQ-TD) project Cognitive Task Analysis (CTA) (Tack and Angel, 2005) were used to define the individual soldier and team tasks and their associated performance metrics. Each of the task groupings were decomposed into categorical descriptions, and correlated with 145 Measures of Effectiveness (MOEs). Based on the characterization of individual soldier and team tasks and the comprehensive review of studies investigating soldier system effectiveness during Phase I, 130 tools (instruments/products and in some cases methodologies) available for monitoring, capturing, storing and live-time transmission in laboratory and field environments were reviewed. Although these technologies have advanced rapidly since the completion of the SIREQ-TD, the findings from this paper showed that the Measures of Performance (MOPs), MOEs and the paradigm for human systems integration testing have remained the same. It was therefore recommended that future human system integration studies adopt the approach that was taken during the SIREQ TD project. The second aim of this project was to conduct a preliminary analysis of options for development of a field experimentation capability to support Canadian Soldier Systems science and technology (S&T) projects of today and the future. A review of Canadian Armed Forces (CAF) capabilities was undertaken, and a matrix of individual soldier and team tasks and associated MOE against each requirement and CAF capability and state-of-the-art technology/methodology was created. Based on this options analysis, recommendations are made with respect to Location, Instrumentation Technologies, Physiological Monitoring Equipment, Subjective Assessment, and General Instrumentation.

Deux objectifs du projet ont été entrepris et sont signalés; 1) Examen de l'état de l'art (SoAR), et 2) Mener une analyse préliminaire des options de développement d'une capacité d'expérimentation sur le terrain. Le premier objectif de ce projet était d'entreprendre un SoAR de mesure de la performance individuelle et d'équipe, dans le contexte des systèmes de soldat. Sept groupes de tâches communs basés sur le projet SIREQ (Soldier Information REQuirements) Cognitive Task Analysis (CTA) (Tack et Angel, 2005) ont été utilisés pour définir les tâches individuelles des soldats et des équipes et leurs mesures de performance associées. Chacun des groupes de tâches a été décomposé en descriptions catégoriques et corrélé avec 145 mesures d'efficacité (MOE). Sur la base de la caractérisation des tâches individuelles des soldats et des équipes et de l'examen complet des études sur l'efficacité du système des soldats pendant la phase I, 130 outils (instruments / produits et, dans certains cas, méthodologies) disponibles pour la surveillance, la capture, le stockage et la transmission en temps réel en laboratoire et les environnements sur le terrain ont été examinés. Bien que ces technologies aient progressé rapidement depuis l'achèvement du SIREQ-TD, les résultats de ce document ont montré que les mesures de performance (MOP), les MOE et le paradigme des tests d'intégration des systèmes humains sont restés les mêmes. Il a donc été recommandé que les futures études d'intégration du système humain adoptent l'approche adoptée lors du projet SIREQ TD. Le deuxième objectif de ce projet était de mener une analyse préliminaire des options de développement d'une capacité d'expérimentation sur le terrain pour soutenir les projets scientifiques et technologiques (S&T) des systèmes de soldats canadiens d'aujourd'hui et de demain. Un examen des capacités des Forces armées canadiennes (CAF) a été entrepris, et une matrice des tâches individuelles des soldats et des équipes et du MOE associé à chaque exigence et à la capacité des CAF et à la technologie / méthodologie de pointe a été créée. Sur la base de cette analyse des options, des recommandations sont faites concernant l'emplacement, les technologies

d'instrumentation, l'équipement de surveillance physiologique, l'évaluation subjective et l'instrumentation générale.