La Crida Envia Una Carta a Tajani, Tusk I Junker Denunciant El Cop a La Democràcia Perpetrat Per La JEC

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La Crida Envia Una Carta a Tajani, Tusk I Junker Denunciant El Cop a La Democràcia Perpetrat Per La JEC La Crida envia una carta a Tajani, Tusk i Junker denunciant el cop a la democràcia perpetrat per la JEC La missiva rep les firmes de l’ANC, Òmnium, AMI, Plataforma per la Llengua, Associacions de Juristes, ADIC en Xarxa i Associació CLAM. També la signen personalitats públiques i polítiques catalanes i d’arreu, especialment de Portugal La Crida ha impulsat una carta dirigida a Jean-Claude Juncker, President de la Comissió Europea, Antonio Tajani, President del Parlament Europeu i Donald Tusk, President del Consell d’Europa denunciant la vulneració de drets i el cop d’Estat a la democràcia que ha representat la decisió de la JEC d’impedir en l’últim moment que Carles Puigdemont, Clara Ponsatí i Toni Comín puguin participar com a candidats a les pròximes eleccions al Parlament Europeu des d’Espanya. La missiva assegura que la determinació de la JEC es basa en motius polítics i el seu únic objectiu és impedir que exerceixin plenament el dret fonamental de participar com a candidats a les eleccions al Parlament Europeu i recorda que Clara Ponsatí pot participar en les eleccions municipals. A més de protestar, el text demana que des de les institucions europees s’exigeixi al Govern espanyol que corregeixi immediatament la decisió injustificada i antidemocràtica de la JEC i que prengui les mesures oportunes per revertir-la. La carta compta amb el suport de les principals entitats cíviques del país, l’ANC, Òmnium, AMI, Plataforma per la Llengua, Associacions de Juristes, ADIC en Xarxa i Associació CLAM. També la signen personalitats públiques i polítiques catalanes i d’arreu, especialment de Portugal Tothom qui ho desitgi pot firmar la carta en aquest enllaç: Contacte premsa Gerard Sesé: 653 38 57 28 / [email protected] Pilar Calvo: 607 95 25 95 / [email protected] Barcelona, 2n May 2019 Mr. Jean-Claude Junker, President of the European Commission, Mr. Antonio Tajani, President of the European Parliament, Mr. Donald Tusk, President of the European Council, We, the undersigned, are writing to you to draw your attention to the fact that the Spanish Central Electoral Commission has denied, without comprehensible and sustainable legal grounds, the possibility for Mr. Carles Puigdemont, Mrs. Clara Ponsatí and Mr. Toni Comín to participate as candidates in the forthcoming elections to the European Parliament in Spain. We are convinced that the action taken by the Spanish Central Electoral Commission against these three free European Citizens is based on political grounds and its only aim is to prevent them from fully exercising their fundamental right to participate as candidates in the elections to the European Parliament. Actually, in this context, we draw your attention to the fact that in the forthcoming local elections Mrs. Clara Ponsatí participates as a candidate and her candidacy has been accepted by the Spanish Electoral Commission without any problem. This circumstance stresses the fact that the decision taken in the case of the European elections hides an undeniable political motivation. We are deeply shocked and worried by this new step taken by the Spanish State, through the Central Electoral Commission, to limit and arbitrarily restrict the rights and freedoms of Catalan politicians who legitimately and like any other free citizen of the European Union, want to develop their political project which is democratic, peaceful and represents thousands of Catalans. We therefore address to you our strongest protest and ask you to request the Spanish Government to immediately correct the unjustifiable and undemocratic decision of the Central Electoral Commission and to take the appropriate and necessary measures to enable Mr. Carles Puigdemont, Mrs. Clara Ponsatí and Mr. Toni Comín to take part, in their indisputable condition of free European citizens, as candidates in the forthcoming elections to the European Parliament. Signed Quim Torra i Pla, 131st President of the Generalitat de Catalunya Artur Mas, 129th President of the Generalitat de Catalunya Jordi Sànchez, Chairperson, CRIDA NACIONAL PER LA REPÚBLICA Tiago Barbosa Ribeiro, Partido Socialista, Member of the Portuguese Parliament Isabel Pires, Bloco de Esquerda, Member of the Portuguese Parliament Elsa Artadi i Vila, Member of the Catalan Parliament, JxCat Albert Batet i Canadell, Member of the Catalan Parliament, JxCat Laura Borràs i Castanyer, Member of the Catalan Parliament, JxCat Eusebi Campdepadrós i Pucurull, Member of the Catalan Parliament, JxCat Narcís Clara i Lloret, Member of the Catalan Parliament, JxCat Josep Costa i Rosselló, Member of the Catalan Parliament, JxCat Francesc de Dalmases i Thió, Member of the Catalan Parliament, JxCat Lluís Font i Espinós, Member of the Catalan Parliament, JxCat Josep Maria Forné i Febrer, Member of the Catalan Parliament, JxCat Marta Madrenas, Member of the Catalan Parliament and Mayor of Girona, JxCat Anna Erra, Member of the Catalan Parliament and Mayor of Vic, JxCat Imma Gallardo i Barceló, Member of the Catalan Parliament, JxCat Gemma Geis i Carreras, Member of the Catalan Parliament, JxCat Anna Geli i España, Member of the Catalan Parliament, JxCat Lluís Guinó i Subirós, Member of the Catalan Parliament, JxCat Saloua Laouaji Faridi, Member of the Catalan Parliament, JxCat Montse Macià i Gou, Member of the Catalan Parliament, JxCat Aurora Madaula i Giménez, Member of the Catalan Parliament, JxCat Antoni Morall i Berenguer, Member of the Catalan Parliament, JxCat Jordi Munell i García, Member of the Catalan Parliament, JxCat and Mayor of Ripoll Teresa Pallarès i Piqué, Member of the Catalan Parliament, JxCat Eduard Pujol i Bonell, Member of the Catalan Parliament, JxCat Xavier Quinquillà i Durich, Member of the Catalan Parliament, JxCat Araceli Esquerra, Chairperson of Junts per la República Albano Dante Fachín, Front Republicà Mabel Rodriguez, Front Republicà Gorka Knörr, former MEP Isaac Peraire, Vice Secretary General, Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya, ERC, Mayor of Prats de Lluçanès Xavier Trias, former Mayor of Barcelona David Saldoni, Chairperson of the Association of Catalan Municipalities, Mayor of Sallent Josep M. Cervera Pinart, Chairperson of the Association of the Municipalities for the Independence (AMI), Mayor of El Port de la Selva Annabel Moreno, Mayor of Arenys de Mar Joan Rabasseda, Mayor of Arenys de Munt Montserrat Fornells, Mayor of Vilanova de l’Aguda Josep Andreu, Mayor of Montblanc Carme Freixa, Mayor of Vallfogona de Ripollés Albert Miralda, Mayor of Sant Salvador de Guardiola Eudald Calvo, Mayor of Argentona Rosa Vestit, Councilor of the Municipality of Sant Quirze de Besora Marcel Mauri, Vice-Chairperson, Òmnium Cultural Elisenda Paluzie, Chairperson, Assamblea Nacional Catalana (ANC) Guillem Fuster, Member of the Council for the Republic Associació AdicEnXarxa, Catalan Public Servants Association Núria Camps, Chairperson, Association Clam per la Llibertat Salvador Cardús i Ros, Sociologist, journalist and writer. .
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