THE 1936 ELIM MINISTERIAL CONFERENCE (See Pages 629, 635, 637) Cover Ii
T h .._• " Elim Evangel and Foursquare Revivalist," October 2nd, 1936. THE 1936 ELIM MINISTERIAL CONFERENCE (see pages 629, 635, 637) Cover ii. THE ELIM EVANGEL AND FOURSQUARE REVIVALIST October 2nd, 1936. The Elim Evangel AND FOURSQUARE REVIVALIST (Editor: Pastor E. C. W. Boulton.) Official Organ of the Elim Foursquare Gospel Alliance. ExEcvT1vE CouNcn.: BATTERSEA, September 24-0ctober 1. Unity Hall, Falcon Grove. Principal George J•lfreys (President) Youth Campaign by Evangelist D. Vanstone. Pastors E. J. Phillips (SecretaryrGencraI), E. C. W. Boulrun, BELFAST. Commencing September 20. Elim Hall, Beersbridge Road. P. N. Corry, R, E. Darragh, W. G. Hathaway, J. Mc\Vhirrer, Evangelistic Campaign by Miss N, Kennedy. J. Smith & R. Tweed. BIRMINGHAM, PERRY BAR, Regular meetings are now held in the Community Hall, Witton Lodge Road. General Headquarters 1 BIRMINGHAM, SPARKBROOK. Now in progress. Elim Tabernacle, ~o, Clarence Road, Clapham Park, London, s. W .4,---- Golden HH!ock Road. Revival Campaign by Pastor W. E. Smith. CATERHAM. October 16, 23 1 30; November 6 and 13. Co-operative Vol. XVII, October 21 1936 No·, 40 Hall, Upper Caterham. Special series of addresses on The Holy Spirit, by Pastor E. C. W. Boulton. CONTENTS CLAPHAM. October 8. Elim Tabernacle• Park Crescent. London Crusader Choir, 7.30 p.m. :\ Pageant of 20th-Century Miracle 625 CROYDON. October 4. Elim Tabernacle, Stanley Road. London Crusader Choir, 6.90 p.m. (Maidstone Prison, 2.90 p.m.). Conference Group of Elim Ministers 628 ELIM WOODLANDS, September 26. Open Saturday 3 to 9 p.m. " This Movement is an Eye-Opener " 629 Meeting in evening.
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