The Cooperative Research Centre for Water Quality and Treatment is an unincorporated joint venture between:

ACTEW Corporation Australian Water Quality Centre Australian Water Services Pty Ltd Brisbane City Council Centre for Appropriate Technology Inc City West Water Limited CSIRO Curtin University of Technology Department of Human Services Victoria Griffith University Melbourne Water Corporation Monash University Orica Australia Pty Ltd Power and Water Corporation Health Pathology & Scientific Services 2004 - 2005 RMIT University South Australian Water Corporation South East Water Ltd

Sydney Catchment Authority Annual Report Sydney Water Corporation

The University of Adelaide CRC for Water Quality and Treatment

The University of New South Wales Private Mail Bag 3 The University of Queensland Salisbury United Water International Pty Ltd SOUTH AUSTRALIA 5108 University of South Australia Tel: (08) 8259 0211 University of Technology, Sydney Water Corporation Fax: (08) 8259 0228 Water Services Association of Australia E-mail: [email protected]

Yarra Valley Water Ltd Web: Mission To assist the Australian water industry produce high quality drinking water at an affordable price.

Vision By 2010, the Australian water industry will have achieved a high level of community confidence in the safety and quality of the country’s water supply systems. Research undertaken by the Centre will have laid a solid foundation for evidence based investment decisions for water infrastructure, as well as providing innovative solutions for achieving enhanced aesthetic water quality that meets community needs.

Objectives • Undertaking a high quality, targeted research program that seeks to provide the knowledge and innovative solutions required to meet national and water industry objectives for drinking water quality in the major urban centres and in regional Australia, including small rural and Indigenous communities. • Building on the success of the existing cooperative activity between the Parties to incorporate evidence- based guidelines into the Australian drinking water regulatory system.

• Involving a high proportion of the water industry end-users in - 2005 2004 the development, conduct and utilisation of the research and other activities of the CRC for Water Quality and Treatment. • Enhancing the strategic international alliances to ensure that CRC for Water Quality and Treatment activities are well founded on the best experience and knowledge already available, and to provide, where appropriate, the benefit of Australian experience and opinion in the formulation of international water quality management strategies and guidelines. • Providing high quality, well trained and informed professionals as future leaders in the industry through an extensive postgraduate student program. • Effectively communicating the outcomes of the CRC for We Received $M Water Quality and Treatment research activity to the industry Cash from Grant $2.50 and the community. Cash from Participants $2.09

In-Kind from Participants $10.22

Other Income $0.96 Total $15.77

We Expended $M Research $12.33

Education $2.33

Administration $1.80 Communication & Commercialisation $0.52

Total $16.98 Our CRC

Introduction by the Chairman 2

CEO’s Report 3

Highlights 5

Research Projects 6

Governance, Structure and Management 10

Commercialisation, Technology Transfer and Utilisation 16


Program Group One: Health and Aesthetics 19

Program Group Two: Catchment to Customer 31

Program Group Three: Policy, Regulation and Stakeholder Involvement 66

Sharing Knowlege

Education and Training 72

Collaboration 79

Specified Personnel 81

Publications 82

Communication Strategy 89

Grants and Awards 92

Performance Measures 94


Budget and Resources 105

Auditor’s Report 125

Abbreviations 127 Report

Annual 2004 - 2005

 am pleased to be able to write an introduction to this tenth annual report from the Cooperative IResearch Centre for Water Quality and Treatment. The report describes the fourth year of the current seven-year agreement with the Commonwealth for the funding and operation of the Centre.

I encourage a careful reading of this report, outlining as it does the Centre’s many achievements during the past year as well as providing a useful summary of the broad range of its activities.

This Centre is an unusual organisation in a number of respects and I believe it is helpful to provide some background right up front. The first agreement with the Commonwealth under the Cooperative Research Centres Program ran from July 1995 to June 2001. Under the terms of that agreement, in a unique collaboration, public health researchers worked with water scientists, technologists, engineers and managers to tackle a portfolio of issues that were impacting upon the quality of the water supplied to Australian consumers. Much was achieved in that time but much remained to be done.

The current Centre still has at its core that same unique collaboration but additional skills have been brought into the mix to tackle new issues facing the industry. The pressure of drought and population growth, the issue of sustainability and the growing customer focus of water authorities have raised additional issues. These have been integrated into the research programs of this Centre.

The current agreement with the Commonwealth will expire in June 2008. In the past year, industry leaders and the Governing Board of this Centre have worked to identify the strategic research needs of the industry beyond that date and to examine the options for future research that will inform the management of water resources.

The activities reported on here reflect the knowledge, experience and effort of many people, the willing collaboration between the parties in the current Centre, and relationships with a range of other organisations, both within Australia and internationally.

All of these activities are aimed at helping the Australian water industry provide high quality water at an affordable price. They benefit this nation through the protection of public health, through saving on infrastructure costs, and through the enhancement of scientific and technological capacity.

During the past year, University of Technology Sydney has become a party to the Centre. In addition, Barwon Region Water Authority, Cairns Water and the Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Mines and Energy have become involved in the Associates Program organised by the Centre.

One of the strengths of the CRC Program is its focus on postgraduate education. I believe the Centre’s Education and Training Program delivers real value for the Australian water industry. This year, the Centre has produced a further seven postgraduates with others awaiting their PhD thesis outcome. Since 1995, thirty-eight postgraduate students have completed their postgraduate degrees through the Centre. These highly skilled professionals have much to offer the nation, now and in the future.

On behalf of the Governing Board, I must congratulate the personnel located in Centre parties around the country for all that has been achieved during the past year.

I acknowledge here the contribution of my colleagues on the Governing Board to the continued success of the Centre. I believe the industry has been very well served by their efforts.

At the June 2005 meeting of the Governing Board, Chief Executive Officer, Professor Don Bursill advised of his intention to step down from the position. A subcommittee of the Board will now manage the task of appointing his successor in this significant role. Let me just state briefly here that he has led the Centre with vision and commitment and that the Board has recognised and appreciated his tireless efforts and prodigious energy in promoting the work of the Centre in this country and overseas. Introduction by the Chairman

I know that the Centre’s continuing research efforts have brought great benefits to the Australian water industry and to Australians generally.

Emeritus Professor Nancy Millis AC MBE, Chairman

 his annual report describes the latest progress of the Cooperative Research Centre for Water Quality Tand Treatment towards its goal of assisting the Australian water industry to produce high quality drinking water at an affordable price. That concise statement of our mission has served us, and the industry as a whole, well over the past ten years. The emphasis on high quality has been a guiding principle. I fondly recall the discussion at Board level about the goals we should aim for back in 1995, in the early days of the original Centre. Our indomitable chairman crystallised the debate with her characteristic forthrightness. As a goal, good was just not good enough and thus the higher benchmark was set. In each area of activity, the Centre has pursued quality for and on behalf of the industry and this has become our mantra. Our collective best could be as good as the best and, in the judgement of our peers internationally, this has frequently proved to be the case.

Continuing with a reflective theme, the water industry of a decade ago was changing rapidly. The structural changes it underwent then have contributed to improved efficiencies and focus. There has also emerged a capacity and a will to respond more positively to the requirements of its customers. On the operational front, the development of the new Australian Drinking Water Guidelines has played a significant part in focusing attention on proactive management of water supply systems from the source to the tap. This process should ensure better water quality outcomes. Certainly, complete adherence to the principles of the Water Quality Management Framework now embodied in the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines would ensure that Australia does not suffer from water quality incidents such as occur all too frequently in many other countries – often with significant adverse health outcomes.

This Centre was just getting underway when the 1996 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, jointly prepared by the National Health and Medical Research Council and the Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand, were published. Delays in their approval process meant that by the time of publication they were already in need of revision. Fortunately, the rolling revision process advocated in the Guidelines themselves got underway shortly afterwards and provided the ideal technology transfer mechanism for the knowledge and ideas that were emanating from this new national collaborative drinking water research effort. The results have been, by any standard, extraordinary. The development of a framework for a preventive strategy for drinking water quality management occurred within this Centre. Its impact has been global, with the World Health Organization adopting its basic structure, albeit with different nomenclature, and with the European Union and even the US regulatory authorities being significantly influenced by it.

In the search for policy responses to the obvious limitations of our available freshwater sources, increasing attention has focused on water reuse. The current development of National Guidelines on Water Recycling, based on good science, has been an important activity. This Centre has been able to contribute to this process. The same proactive risk-based Framework has been adopted as a basis to develop these new draft guidelines, with the attendant benefits of an identical water quality management philosophy for recycled water systems as now applies to drinking water.

The Executive conducted an internal mid-term review of all Centre research programs in February 2005 with a view to preparing for the 5th Year review by the Commonwealth. Particular attention was paid to the milestones in the Commonwealth Agreement and the priorities identified in the Business Plan and the Program Workshops conducted at the beginning of the Centre in 2001. A detailed report was provided on each of the research programs and presentations given to the Management Committee. A summary report was also prepared.

Following the review, a workshop was held at the quarterly meeting of Centre parties in June 2005. To facilitate that discussion the research projects were presented in a matrix of themes and research programs. This approach provided a better appreciation of the linkages across the research programs of the CRC. The six themes were: Aesthetics, Cyanobacteria, Micropollutants, Natural Organic Matter, Pathogens and Sustainability. Particular attention was given to the uptake of research outcomes by industry.

While no major changes were recommended as a result of these reviews, projects involving Report Chief Officer’s Executive virus disinfection, disinfection byproducts and endocrine disrupting chemicals were given added emphasis.

Consideration of desalination has been another policy response to the issue of limited resources. In a workshop convened by the Centre in Adelaide in April, representatives from twenty-one organisations gathered to explore how a collaborative R & D program could support the industry as it further explores desalination as a water resource option. This again underlined the need for and value of a collaborative vehicle to generate strategic knowledge for the industry.

In the past year, the Governing Board of the Centre has been giving consideration to the strategic research and technological support needs of the industry beyond the life of the current Centre; that is after June 2008. There is agreement that this should concern more than drinking water issues and, as the current Centre also does, support a more holistic approach to urban water management. A decision on this matter is near.

At the same time, at the behest of the industry and fully funded by it, a research portfolio in the area of wastewater research, with an emphasis on water re-use issues has been developed and four priority projects have been approved by the Governing Board to date.  On the technology transfer front, just as I was able to report last year on the series of “Pathogen Roadshow” seminars held in various locations around the country, I am now able to report that a similar series of seminars on natural organic matter (NOM), its impact on water quality and what can be done about it, have been developed and are now underway. A series on tools for managing water quality in distribution systems will follow these “NOM Roadshow” seminars.

This will be my final contribution as CEO to the Centre’s annual report. I have held the role for the full ten years of the Centre’s operation. I led two unsuccessful bids for funding under the Commonwealth’s CRC Program prior to the first successful bid in 1994. I then led the successful re-bid in 2000. The current Centre, which got underway on 1 July 2001, will run through to 30 June 2008. This is decision time for the Australian water industry on the type of collaborative arrangements it requires to meet its strategic knowledge needs in relation to drinking water and other urban water issues. I believe this is the time for new leadership, fresh ideas and energy and as a consequence, I shall step down from this position at the end of 2005. I shall, of course, do so with a heavy heart. This venture has been a major focus of my career and my life for the past fourteen years. I have had the privilege of working with an extraordinary and talented group of people. I thank the members of the Governing Board for the opportunity to lead this Centre. I also wish to express my gratitude to Centre Chairman, Emeritus Professor Nancy Millis for her counsel over the years. In addition, the Centre has had excellent support and guidance over its life from former Deputy Chairman Bob Gibbs (now retired from ACT Electricity and Water) and current Deputy Chairman, Jack McKean (SA Water). To Deputy CEOs Professor Tony Priestley and Dr Dennis Steffensen for their support, to the leaders of Centre programs and activities who together constitute the Management Committee of the Centre for their diligence, to project leaders and their teams drawn from industry and research parties for their professionalism, and to the Chief Executive Officer’s Report Chief Officer’s Executive administration team of the Centre without whom nothing runs. I thank them all.

I also thank the many others, located in Centre parties and elsewhere, who have contributed to the achievements described in this report.

Professor Don Bursill Chief Executive Officer

Left to right - Professor Don Bursill, Professor Tony Priestley, Dr Dennis Steffensen and Emeritus Professor Nancy Millis.

 Significant work on the movement of pathogens through catchments and storage reservoirs reached completion during the year. Undertaken in collaboration with the American Water Works Research Foundation (AWWARF), the results of this research have been communicated to the industry through a nation wide series of presentations known as the “Pathogen Roadshow”. Application of this knowledge to system operation will significantly reduce the risk of pathogens being transported to the consumer’s tap.

A large body of research on the characterisation of natural organic matter (NOM) has produced a deeper understanding of removal mechanisms during water treatment and fouling mechanisms on membranes. This knowledge is being used by the industry to optimise treatment processes and reduce membrane fouling.

A computer software package which models coagulation chemistry has been developed and used to provide feed forward control in operating water treatment plants. Field experience indicates that use of the model has improved consistency of plant operation and reduced chemical usage.

Knowledge and understanding about the factors controlling chlorine decay in distribution systems have been incorporated into a computer software tool, which is currently under trial at four water supply authorities around the country. Application of the model will reduce the need for excessive chlorine dosing, thus reducing formation of disinfection byproducts and customer complaints.

The latest revision of the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines was officially released in December 2004 incorporating the Framework for the Management of Drinking Water Quality developed by Centre researchers.

The risk management approach adopted in the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines has been included in the latest version of the World Health Organization (who) Guidelines for Drinking-Water Quality launched in September 2004 at the International Water Association World Congress and Exhibitions held in Marrakech, Morocco.

The Centre continues to be a leader internationally in cyanobacterial research and in the development of improved methods for detection of cyanotoxins. This position has been recognised through a Global Water Research Coalition collaborative project to develop an international guidance manual for blue green algae. Highlights

A Global Water Research Coalition project, Tools for analyzing estrogenicity in environmental waters, is being led by the Centre and involves participants from seven countries. The project commenced in early 2005.

Application of the Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality to small rural and regional communities is been pursued through a series of workshops with the NHMRC and the WHO. An electronic decision support tool is being developed and trialed to support this application.

 RESEARCH DIRECTIONS 2004/2005 RESEARCH STATUS Active Complete Commercial

PROGRAM 1A: EPIDEMIOLOGY Project 1.1.5 Drinking Water Quality Management System • Project 1.1.6 Drinking Water Quality Risk Guidance • Project Acute Skin Irritant Effects of Cyanobacteria (Blue-green Algae) in Healthy Volunteers • Project Norwalk-Like Viruses and its Contribution to Drinking Water • Project Economic Evaluation of Community Gastroenteritis • Project Drinking Water and Melioidosis • Project Case Control Study of Risk Factors for Sporadic Cryptosporidiosis in Melbourne • Project Case Control Study of Risk Factors for Sporadic Cryptosporidiosis in Adelaide • Project Literature Review Endocrine Disrupters • Project National Waterborne Disease Surveillance Database • Project Developing Evidence-Based Strategic Water Quality Monitoring Systems • Project Water Reuse and Alternative Water Sources: Attitudes, Practices, Risk Assesment and Human Health Outcomes • PROGRAM 1B: TOXICOLOGY Project Cyanobacterial Tumour Promotion • Project Akinete Differentiation and Germination in Cylindrospermopsis Raciborski • Project Recreational Exposure to Cyanobacteria • Project Cylindrospermopsin, Carcinogenicity, Genotoxicity and Mechanism of Toxic Action • Project Literature Review Endocrine Disrupters • Project Screening Assays for Waterborne Toxicants • Project Biological Filtration Processes for the Removal of the Cyanobacterial Toxin, Cylindrospermopsin • Project Cyanobacterial Diversity and the Expression of Byproducts in Environmental Blooms • Project Gene Expression Profiling of Cylindrospermopsin in Cultured Intestinal Epithelial Cells • Project Screening Assays for Aquatic Toxins • Project Decomposition and Removal of Triclosan from Reused Water as a Drinking Water Source • Project Effects Induced by pH, Ionic and Osmotic Stress on PSP Toxin Production in Cyanobacteria • Project Investigations of NDMA Formation by Chlorination of Model Compounds • Project Determination of Health Risks from Water Chlorination DBP – Stage I • Project Field and Laboratory Based Investigations of Triclosan - Induced Cross Resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa • PROGRAM 1C: PEOPLE’S PERSPECTIVES Project National Community Survey on Attitudes to Drinking Water Quality, Phase 1 • Project In Theory and In Practice - Attitudes to Potential and Actual Use of Recycled Water In and Out of House • PROGRAM 2A: CATCHMENTS Project 2.2.1 Identification and Control of Sources of Infectious Pathogens in Catchments • Research Projects Research Project Management of Pathogens in Source Waters (Vic) • Project Management of Pathogens in Source Waters (WA) • Project Management of Pathogens in Source Waters (SA) • Project Management of Pathogens in Source Waters (ACT) • Project 2.2.2 Fate and Transport of Surface Water Pathogens in Watersheds • Project Understanding the impacts of Recreational Access on Drinking Water Catchments and Storages in Australia • Project Catchment Risk Management: A Tool to Structure Source Water Protection • Project Development of Pathogen and NOM Modules for Integration into the CRCCH Catchment Toolkit • Project Comparing Cryptosporidium Genotyping Methods • Project Pollutant Source Tracing Tools • Project Obtaining new data for NOM and Pathogens for CRCCH Catchment Toolkit • Project Construction of a Pathogen Model for Drinking Water Catchments - A Tool for Minimising Risks in Human Health • Project Change in Natural Organic Matter (NOM) and Effect of Chliorination on NOM in the Water Supply System •

 RESEARCH DIRECTIONS 2004/2005 RESEARCH STATUS Active Complete Commercial

PROGRAM 2B: RESERVOIR MANAGEMENT Project 2.1.1 Characterisation of Natural Organic Matter • Project 2.1.3 Photochemical Degradation and Remineralisation of Dissolved Organic Carbon in the Warren Reservoir •

Project 2.1.4 Microbial Degradation and Remineralisation of Dissolved Organic Carbon in the Warren Reservoir • Projects Research Project Development of an ELISA Method for Microcystins • Project Genetics of Microcystin Production by Cyanobacteria • • Project Genetics of Saxitoxin Production by Anabaena Circinalis • Project Investigation of Growth Factors Affecting Production of Cylindrospermopsin and other Toxins by the • Cyanobaterium Cylindrospermopsis Raciborskii Project Application of Image Analysis to Cyanobacteria • Project Rapid Methods for the Detection of Toxic Cyanobacteria • Project Identification and Enumeration of Bacteria Using Flow Cytometry • Project 2.5.1 Destratification for Control of Phytoplankton • Project 2.5.2 Short-Term Forecasting of Blue-Green Algal Blooms in Drinking Water Reservoirs by Artificial Neural Network • Project 2.6.1 ARMCANZ National Algal Manager • Project Hydrodynamic Distribution of Pathogens in Reservoirs • Project Investigation of Survival of Cryptosporidium in Environmental Waters • Project Iron Transformations in Drinking Water Supplies and their Effects on the Growth Survival and Toxicity of • Cyanobateria Project Carbon & Nutrient Dynamics: Application to Reservoirs • Project Algal Toxin – Management • Project Algal Toxin - LPS Endotoxins • Project Algal Toxin - Saxitoxin Assays • Project Algal Toxin - Gene Probes • Project Algal Toxin – LC/MS/MS Toxins • Project Algal Toxin – Elisa/PPIA Kits • Project Impacts of De-stratification of Reservoir Waters on the Character of Natural Organic Matter and on the Removal • • of NOM by Water Treatment Processes Project Generation and Transformation of Iron and Manganese in Lake Burragorang • Project Reservoir Management Strategies for Control and Degradation of Algal Toxins • Project Emerging Algal Toxins Prospect Summary • Project The Role of DNA Transposition in the Acquisition and Evolution of Microcystin and Nodularin Toxicology in • Cyanobacteria Project Early Warning for Algal Blooms in Drinking Water Reservoirs by Real - Time Forecasting • Project Criteria for Quality Control Protocols for Various Algal Toxins Methods • Project Effect of Destratification on NOM and its Treatability • Project Intelligent Data Warehousing for Real-time Acquisition, Archiving, Forecasting and Early Warning of Algal • Blooms in the Myponga Reservior by means of JAVA/ORACLE and Evolutionary Computation Project Transcription Regulations of Microcystins • PROGRAM 2C: MEASUREMENT Project The Chemistry of Halophenol Tastes in Drinking Water • Project The Structure and Chemistry of Natural Organic Matter in Groundwaters from the Gnangara Mound • Project The Monitoring of Organic and Biological Contaminants in Reticulated Water by Direct Photochemical • Degradation Project Early Detection of Cyanobacteria Toxins using Genetic Methods • Project Development of an Interferometric Nanoscale Silicon Biosensor for Detection of Contaminants in Drinking Water • Project A Study of Disinfection Byproducts from Chloramination vs Chlorination • Project Development of a Real Time, Rapid and Non-Destructive Drinking Water Monitoring System • Project Dissolved Organic Carbon Detector for Use in Size Exclusion Chromatography •

 RESEARCH DIRECTIONS 2004/2005 RESEARCH STATUS Active Complete Commercial

Project National Low Level Nutrient Collaborative Trial • Project Advanced Characterisation of NOM • Project Development of Biosensors for Analysis of MIB and Geosmin •

Research Projects Research Project Development of Portable Instrumentation for the Measurement of Pesticides in Water • Project Behaviour of XAD8 NOM Fractions on Treatment • Project Thernal Maturation Studies Isotopes for the Characterisation of Natural Organic Matter to Release • Macromolecularly Bound Biomarkers and Investigation of Different Organic Precursors of Aquatic Systems Project The Use of Stable Isotopes for the Characterisation of Natural Organic Matter and Investigation of the Different • Organic Precursors of Aquatic Systems PROGRAM 2D: WATER TREATMENT TECHNOLOGY Project 3.1.4 Novel Methods of Pathogen Destruction • Project 3.2.1 Development of Treatment Systems for Removal of Natural Organics • Project 3.2.5 Regeneration of Activated Carbon • • Project 3.2.6 Optimisation of Adsorption Processes - Stage II • Project 3.2.7 Manganese Workshop/Project Allocation • Project 3.2.8 Automated Control of Treatment Plants • • Project 3.2.9 Development of Biological Treatment System for Concentrated Natural Organics Streams • Project Removal of Manganese from Drinking Water • Project Interface Science in Drinking Water Treatment • Project Development of Combined Treatment Processes for the Removal of Recalcitrant Organic Matter • Project Optimising the Water Treatment and Disinfection Train for Cryptosporidium Destruction • Project Biological Filtration Processes for the Removal of Algal Metabolites • Project Biological Removal of UV-Pretreated NOM from Potable Water • Project Investigation of Advanced Drinking Water Treatment Technologies for Reducing Taste and Odour Problems and • Disinfection Byproducts Project Development of a Combined Membrane Treatment Process for the Removal of Recalcitrant Organic Matter • Project Development of Pre-treatment Strategies to Reduce Flux Loss in Microfiltration and Ultrafiltration Membranes • Project Monitoring for Membrane Fouling Assessment • Project Biological Processes for Dissolved Organic Carbon Removal • Project Management Strategies for Toxic Blue-Green Algae: A Guide for Water Utilities • Project Development of Biological Filter for Removal of Microcystin Algal Toxins • Project Utilisation of Fungi for the Removal of Natural Organic Matter • Project Biological Filtration Processes for the Removal of the Cyanobacterial Toxin, Cylindrospermopsin • PROGRAM 2E: DISTRIBUTION Project 4.1.1 Factors Affecting Biofilm Development • Project Interactions between Cryptosporidium Oocysts and Drinking Water Pipe Biofilms • Project Bacterial Symbionts of Amoeba • Project 4.1.3 Modelling Biofilms and Interventions • Project 4.2.3 Physical and Chemical Effects on Distribution System Biofilms and Incorporated Pathogens • Project 4.3.1 Modelling System Flows, Biofilms and Pathogens • Project 4.3.2 Optimisation of Chlorine Residuals in a Distribution System - Melbourne • Project 4.3.6 Aesthetic Water Quality in Distribution Systems - Melbourne • Project Development of Tools for Improved Disinfection Control within Distribution Systems • Project Understanding Discoloured Water - at the Customer’s Tap and in Distribution Systems • Project Decision Support Systems to Maintain Water Quality • Project Application of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points for Distribution System Protection • Project Triggers to Taste and Odour-Microbial Production of Geosmin & MIB in Drinking Water Distribution Systems • Project Understanding the Growth of Opportunistic Bacterial Pathogens within Distribution Mains •

 RESEARCH DIRECTIONS 2004/2005 RESEARCH STATUS Active Complete Commercial

Project Impact of Cement-Mortar Lined Pipes on pH Variability • Project Consolidation of Modelling Tools in Distribution Systems • Project Development of Guidelines for the Management of Biofilms in Distribution Systems •

Project Control of Disinfection Residual in Water Distribution Systems • Projects Research Project Reliability and Improving Computational Efficiency for WQ Decision Support • Project Optimisation Algorithms and their Calibration for WQ Decision Support • Project Optimisation of Water Mains Flushing Techniques and Development of an Indicator to Determine Mains Cleaning • Frequencies PROGRAM 2F: SUSTAINABLE WATER SOURCES Project Decentralised Urban Water Management • Project Risk in the Governance of Water Reuse • Project Water Quality and Health Risk Analysis of Water from Rainwater Tanks • Project Sustainable Urban Water - Schemes and Technologies • Project Urban Planning and Integrated Water Management - Towards an Alternative Institutional Model • Project Role of Social Processes in Sustainable Urban Water Management • Project An Assessment of Chemical Contamination of Rainwater Tanks in Urban/Industrial Areas of Australia • Project Social Interactions with Rainwater Tank Technologies. • PROGRAM 3A: STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS Project Global Water Research Coalition • Project Establishment of a National Water Laboratory Network • Project Development of a Tool-Box of Robust Biological Methods for the Analysis of Estrogenicity in Environmental • Waters Project Proficiency Testing Workshop/Summit • PROGRAM 3C: REGIONAL AND RURAL WATER SUPPLIES Project Technology Transfer Officer dealing with WQ&T in Indigenous Communities • Project Mutitjulu Rainwater Tank and Point of Use Treatment System Trial • Project Water and Public Health in Regional and Rural Australia • Project Water Consumption Patterns in Remote Communities • Project Remote Community Water Management • Project Mabunji Rainwater Harvesting Management Project • Project Small Town Water Supply Consultation • Note: Four projects with potential commercial opportunities have been identified.

 The Cooperative Research Centre for Water Quality and • Members of the Governing Board serve staggered Treatment is an unincorporated joint venture between 29 three-year terms, with predetermined members up for participants representing government, industry and research re-election or retirement. The Independent Chair has a organisations. The Centre was established in July 2001 casting vote on decisions of the Governing Board. under the Australian Government Cooperative Research • All parties are involved in strategic reviews and program Centres Program. A formal agreement, known as the Centre development. Agreement, between the participating organisations defines • All industry parties may nominate for industry panels the contributions of the parties and the nature and scope of and project advisory groups. the cooperation. The Centre’s head office is located at the • All parties may nominate for committees established by Australian Water Quality Centre in Adelaide, with parties in the Governing Board, eg Commercialisation and Finance all mainland states and territories. and Strategy Committees. As of 30 June 2005, the members of the Governing Board The Centre also operates an Associates Program as a way of were: involving a broader spectrum of the Australian water industry in the Centre’s activities. Amongst a range of benefits, • Emeritus Professor Nancy Millis, Independent Chair associates can be involved in various Centre activities and • Ms Julie McLellan, Brisbane City Council have access to certain of the Centre’s resources. However, • Ms Carol Howe, CSIRO associates have no role in Centre governance. • Ms Jan Bowman, Department of Human Services Victoria The parties and associates are listed in Tables One and • Mr Peter Scott, Melbourne Water Two. During the year the Governing Board admitted one • Professor David Copolov, Monash University new party, the University of Technology, Sydney from 1 • Mr Jack McKean, SA Water Corporation July 2004. Following notice given to the Governing Board • Mr Adam Lovell, Sydney Water Corporation during 2003-04, the Environmental Protection Agency (Qld) • Professor Paul Greenfield, The University of Queensland retired from the Centre as a party to the Centre Agreement • Mr Keith Cadee, Water Corporation on 31 December 2004 and continued a relationship with the • Mr Ross Young, Water Services Association of Australia. Centre as an associate. Two other organisations joined the Associates Program during the reporting period, Barwon The Governing Board met on four occasions in 2004-05. A Water and Cairns Water. meeting of representatives of all Centre parties was held in conjunction with each of those meetings of the Governing Governing Board Board. The Centre is managed by a Governing Board. This sets policy, strategic directions and budgets for the Centre, as Commercialisation Committee well as monitoring the performance and progress of the full range of Centre activities. The Governing Board consists The Commercialisation Committee is comprises of of an independent chairman (Emeritus Professor Nancy experienced personnel drawn from Centre parties. The Millis AC MBE), seven representatives of industry parties, Committee has worked closely with research program leaders three representatives of research parties and the CEO. to ensure the relevance of Centre research. This process Representation on the Governing Board is determined by has been particularly important in refining project approval ballot. The Business Manager is the Board Secretary. processes and providing feedback from end users of Centre research. The Committee reports directly to the Governing The following list of actions has been taken to ensure a high Board and met on three occasions during the year. level of executive involvement from all Centre parties: As of 30 June 2005, the members of the Commercialisation Committee were: • A meeting of representatives of all Centre parties is held adjacent to all meetings of the Governing Board to provide immediate communication between all • Mr Keith Cadee, Water Corporation (Chairman) parties and the Governing Board as well as reporting • Mr Ross Knee, ACTEW Corporation Ltd. on progress and other key issues. An inaugural Annual • Mr Mike Jury, Australian Water Services Pty Ltd General Meeting was also held in September 2004. • Dr Hung Nguyen, Orica Australia Pty Ltd Professor Felicity Roddick, RMIT University • All parties can contribute to the Governing Board • agenda and all parties receive Governing Board papers • Mr Jack McKean, SA Water Corporation for comment prior to meetings of the Governing Board. • Mr Uwe Kaeding, United Water International Pty Ltd Professor Don Bursill, Centre CEO • Any party can call a meeting of representatives of all • Centre parties. • Professor Tony Priestley, Centre Deputy CEO • Mr George Turelli, Centre Business Manager (Secretary).

The Governing Board and

Governance, Structure and Structure Management Governance, Executive Management Committee Front (left to right) - George Turelli (Board Secretary), Adam Lovell, Richard Walker, Dennis Steffensen, Ross Young, Don Bursill. Back - Nancy Millis, Julie McLellan, Carol Howe, Jack McKean, Peter Scott. Absent - David Copolov, Jan Bowman, Keith Cadee, Paul Greenfield, Tony Priestley.

10 The most significant commercialisation activity has been the As an unincorporated joint venture, the Centre uses a centre incorporation of a company, Carbon ReGen Pty Ltd, to further agent for the provision of contractual services and Lee Green & develop and commercialise a process for regenerating activated Co. Pty. Ltd. fulfilled this requirement during 2004-05. Kelly & Co. carbon. A feasibility study for the commercialisation of the provided legal advice to the Centre. technology is currently under review. Chief Executive Officer Planning and Strategy Committee The CEO, Professor Don Bursill, is appointed by the Governing The Planning and Strategy Committee has been set up to assist Board and has delegated to him the responsibility of day-to-day the Governing Board in overseeing the Centre’s financial activities. management of the Centre. The main aims of the Planning and Strategy Committee are: Deputy CEO • to review the level of cash income pledged by participants, A Deputy CEO is appointed by the Governing Board to act in the • to develop a plan for a waste water research activity, absence of the CEO and to exercise such powers and functions • to advise on options for supporting water research past the as the Governing Board delegates. The Governing Board may current seven-year commitment from the Commonwealth appoint more than one Deputy CEO, each with a specific function Government, and set of delegations. • to assist the Governing Board with the Centre’s future strategy planning. Currently the duties are divided between the two Deputy CEOs, Dr Dennis Steffensen and Professor Tony Priestley. Dr Steffensen The Committee reports directly to the Board and met on five is responsible for oversight of Program Groups 1 and 2 Part occasions during the year. A. Professor Priestley is responsible for oversight of Program Groups 2 Part B and 3. (A list of the Programs is provided in the As of 30 June 2005, the members of the Planning and Strategy section Program Structure). Committee were:

• Mr Ross Young, Water Services Association of Australia Executive Management Committee (Chairman) The CEO convenes the Executive Management Committee, • Mr Jack McKean, SA Water Corporation whose membership comprises the CEO and the two Deputy • Mr Adam Lovell, Sydney Water Corporation CEOs. The Business Manager, Project Services Manager and Management and Structure Governance, • Ms Carol Howe, CSIRO Communication Manager provide assistance as required. • Professor Don Bursill, Centre CEO The Executive reviews the strategic plan and makes decisions • Mr George Turelli, Centre Business Manager (Secretary). to ensure satisfactory progress against the plan is achieved.

The Party Representatives (from bottom to top) Greg Ryan, Holger Maier, Ian Davey, George Ruta, Ralph Woolley (resigned in 2004), Tony Priestley, Dennis Steffensen, Gary Bickford, Jack McKean, Nancy Millis, Max Standage, Adam Lovell, John McNeil, Darryl Day, Keith Cadee, Brian Spies, Felicity Roddick, Hung Nguyen, Uwe Kaeding, Steve Fisher, Jan Bowman, Ross Young, Mike Jury, Peter Scott, George Turelli, Nick Ashbolt, Don Bursill.

11 The Committee also reviews the Centre’s financial information. Management Committee The Executive Management Committee met five times in The Management Committee assists the CEO in managing 2004-05. the Centre. This committee is primarily responsible for recommendations to the Board on program policies, priorities CRC Staff, Administration and Head Office and budgets, and plays a key role in reviewing progress of Head Office is at the Australian Water Quality Centre, Bolivar, South projects, ensuring coordination between research and education Australia. Staff based at Head Office are the CEO and Personal and the technology transfer programs and the development of a Assistant, Deputy CEO, Business Manager, Communication corporate spirit within the Centre. The Management Committee Manager and administration support staff. Another Deputy CEO, consists of the CEO, the two Deputy CEOs, Program Leaders, and the Liaison Officer and the Project Services Manager are located Business, Project Services and Communication Managers. The in Melbourne. reporting structures are presented in Figure One.

Program Structure The Management Committee met four times during the reporting There are nine research programs, which fall into two broad period. categories, Health and Aesthetics, and Catchment to Customer. The latter is subdivided into ‘catchment and source waters’ and The Business Manager, Mr George Turelli provides executive ‘treatment and distribution’. A Program Group Leader heads each level support to the CEO and the program management team of these groups of research programs. Program Group 3, Policy, and administers a framework for the Centre’s financial, legal, Regulation, and Stakeholder Involvement, is a grouping of six commercial and administrative requirements. As Secretary further areas of activity. to the Governing Board, Mr Turelli also has a close working relationship with the Chair, Board members and other Program Group 1 - Health and Aesthetics stakeholders. Epidemiology, Toxicology and People’s Perspectives The Communication Manager, Ms Fiona Wellby is responsible Program Group 2A - Catchment to Customer for developing and implementing appropriate communication Catchments, Reservoir Management, Measurement strategies for the Centre.

Program Group 2B - Catchment to Customer The Project Services Manager, Mr Bob Dorrat, provides support

Governance, Structure and Management and Structure Governance, Water Treatment Technology, Distribution, Sustainable Water frameworks for program and project leaders to enable them to Sources meet their reporting requirements, including managing project milestones. He also liaises between the Centre Executive, Program Group 3 - Policy, Regulation and Stakeholder management, personnel and Centre parties, ensuring mutual Involvement commitments are met. Strategic Directions, Policy and Regulation, Regional and Rural Water Supplies, Education and Training, Commercialisation and Communication.

The Centre Management Committee. Front (left to right) – Dammika Vitanage, Naomi Roseth, Robert Kagi, Don Bursill, Judy Blackbeard, Bob Dorrat. Centre– Glen Shaw, Heather Chapman, Martha Sinclair, Dennis Mulcahy, Mary Drikas, Daniel Deere. Back – Fiona Wellby, Dennis Steffensen, Tony Priestley, George Turelli, Gerard Vaughan. Absent Darryl Day.

12 Table 1 - Centre Participants

Organisation Representative Position

ACTEW Corporation Ltd Mr Ross Knee Principal Strategic Planner

Australian Water Services Pty Ltd Mr Mike Jury Operations Manager

Australian Water Quality Centre Prof Don Bursill Chief Scientist

Brisbane City Council Ms Julie McLellan Water Resources Policy & Planning Principal

Centre for Appropriate Technology, Inc. Dr Bruce Walker Chief Executive

City West Water Ltd Mr George Ruta Water Quality Scientist

CSIRO Ms Carol Howe Director, Urban Water Program

Curtin University of Technology Prof Barney Glover Director, Research and Development

Department of Human Services Ms Jan Bowman Manager, Environmental Health

Griffith University Prof Max Standage Pro Vice Chancellor , Health and Science Governance, Structure and Management and Structure Governance, Melbourne Water Corporation Mr Peter Scott General Manager, Research & Technology

Monash University Prof David Copolov Senior Adviser-Special Initiatives, Vice-Chancellor Group

Orica Australia Pty Ltd Dr Hung Nguyen Research & Technology Manager

Power & Water Corporation Mr Darryl Day General Manager, Water Services

Queensland Health Pathology & Scientific Services Dr Peter Lewis-Hughes State Manager

RMIT University Prof Felicity Roddick Head of School, Civil and Chemical Engineering

SA Water Corporation Mr Jack McKean Head of Innovation and Business Development

South East Water Limited Dr Terry Anderson Manager, Research & Resources

Sydney Catchment Authority Dr Brian Spies Manager Science

Sydney Water Corporation Mr Adam Lovell R & D Program Manager Environment & Innovation

The University of Adelaide Prof Graeme Dandy Head of Civil & Environmental Engineering

The University of Queensland Prof Paul Greenfield Senior Deputy Vice Chancellor

United Water International Pty Ltd Mr Uwe Kaeding Research & Development Manager

University of New South Wales Prof Colin Sutherland School of Mathematics

University of South Australia Prof Ian Davey Pro Vice Chancellor (Research)

University of Technology, Sydney Prof Stuart White Director, Institute for Sustainable Futures

Water Corporation Mr Keith Cadee General Manager, Water Technologies

Water Services Association of Australia Mr Ross Young Executive Director

Yarra Valley Water Ltd Mr Sam Austin General Manager, Asset Services

Members of the Governing Board

13 Education and Training Steering Committee Centre Visitor An Education and Training Steering Committee, formed in 1999, The Centre Visitor is Mr Tom Fricke, a consulting engineer and guides the development of all activities in the Education and Manager, Victoria for Gutteridge Haskins and Davey Pty Ltd. In Training Program. Professor Felicity Roddick of RMIT University the past seven years, the Centre has benefited greatly from chairs the Committee. During 2004-05, the Education and Training liaising with Mr Fricke, particularly concerning CRC Program Committee met four times. requirements.

Figure One The Management Structure

Participants’ Forum Governing Board Held adjacent to all Governing Independent chairman, seven Board meetings; provides immediate members from industry parties, three communication between all Parties from research parties and the Governing Board

Deputy Chief Executive Chief Executive Officer Deputy Chief Executive Dr Dennis Steffensen Prof Don Bursill Prof Tony Priestley

Business Manager Communication Manager

Governance, Structure and Management and Structure Governance, Mr George Turelli Ms Fiona Wellby

Project Services Manager Industry Liaison Officer Mr Bob Dorrat Dr Gerard Vaughan

Catchment to Customer: Catchment to Customer: Policy, Regulation and Health and Aesthetics Part A Part B Stakeholder Involvement Prof John McNeil Dr Daniel Deere Ms Mary Drikas Prof Tony Priestley

Epidemiology Catchments Distribution Policy and Regulation Dr Karin Leder Dr Daniel Deere Mr Dammika Vitanage Prof Don Bursill

Toxicology Reservoir Management Water Treatment Technology Stakeholder Involvement Dr Glen Shaw Dr Dennis Steffensen Ms Mary Drikas Prof Tony Priestley

Regional and Rural Water People’s Perspectives Measurement Sustainable Water Sources Supplies Dr Naomi Roseth Prof Robert Kagi Dr Heather Chapman Mr Darryl Day

Education and Training Prof Dennis Mulcahy

Program Group

Commercialisation Program Prof Tony Priestley

Communication Ms Fiona Wellby

14 Table 2 - Associates

Organisation Representative Position

Barwon Water Mr Josh Feldman Water Quality Coordinator

Cairns Water Mr Brian Smyth General Manager

Central Highlands Water Mr Neil Brennan Chief Executive Officer

Department of Sustainability & Environment (Vic) Mr Graham Pooley Manager Innovation Unit, Water Sector Group

Department of Commerce (NSW) Mr John Eslake Principal Engineer Water, Sustainable Water Solutions

Environmental Protection Agency (Qld) Dr Greg Jackson Senior Project Officer, Sustainable Industries Division Governance, Structure and Management and Structure Governance, Esk Water Mr Barry Cash Chief Executive Officer

GHD Pty Ltd Mr Mike Muntisov Manager Water Technology

Gippsland Water Mr John Mitchell Chief Executive Officer

Gold Coast City Council Mr Shaun Cox Director,

Goulburn-Murray Water Mr Pat Feehan Manager Natural Resources Services

Goulburn Valley Water Mr Allen Gale Director of Technical Services

Grampians Water Mr Peter McManamon Chief Executive Officer

Hunter Water Corporation Mr David Evans Managing Director

Lower Murray Water Mr Ron Leamon Chief Executive Officer

Pine Rivers Shire Council Mr Barry Holcroft General Manager Pine Water

Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Energy and Mr Ted Gardner Principal Scientist, Natural Resources Sciences Mines

South East Queensland Water Corporation Dr Mark O’Donohue Water Quality Manager

Townsville Thuringowa Water Supply Board Mr Ken Diehm Chief Executive Officer

15 Commercialisation/Utilistion Strategies and Activities 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. Most water As outlined in last year’s report, technology transfer work is authorities are beginning to incorporate the Framework being conducted within individual projects either through within their operating protocols, while in Victoria it has the production of best practice manuals or direct field trials formed the basis for the recently promulgated Safe Drinking of research outcomes. The number of projects incorporating Water Regulations 2005. technology transfer activities has expanded significantly during the past year. There are now too many projects in A major new initiative during the last 12 months has been this category to practically list in this report. However, two the expansion of the technology transfer workshop concept projects not previously mentioned are illustrative of current to include a traveling roadshow, highlighting the outcomes practice: and products from particular research programs. The prime example here is the ‘Pathogen Roadshow’, which toured • Field trials testing the applicability of a coagulation most state capitals during June/July 2004. This ‘Roadshow’ modeling tool to optimise coagulant addition in consisted of a series of presentations on research outcomes water treatment plants were conducted in four water related to work on pathogens and provided a series of ‘fact authorities – Sydney, Adelaide, Perth and South Esk, sheets’ designed to support application of the Framework. Tasmania. Response from industry parties to this concept was so positive that a series of other roadshows on natural organic A best practice guidance manual on rainwater tanks • matter and management of distribution systems is now is being prepared by Sydney Water Corporation staff, planned for the latter half of 2005. based on input from a number of Centre projects.

The table below lists all technology transfer events which The prime vector for implementation of the Centre’s research were undertaken during the period. output remains the Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality, now incorporated into the recently released

Technology Transfer Events in 2004-05

Title of Event When and where held

June and July, 2004 – Launceston, Adelaide, Melbourne, Perth, Pathogen Roadshow – profiling the CRC’s pathogen research Sydney and Canberra.

Short course in integrated catchment management September 20 to October 1 – Adelaide

Water recycling workshop August 19 – Melbourne

Catchment Management – water quality aspects November 11 – Melbourne

Metabolism of environmental toxins December 14-16 – Brisbane

Management of drinking water sources as business assets January 31 – Brisbane

Water for a sustainable future – the Role of Recycling February 8-9 – Melbourne

National low level nutrient collaborative trials workshop February 10-11 – Melbourne

Geosmin and MIB in Water Supplies Source Water, Treatment March 23 – Brisbane and Distribution

Cryptosporidium– the next steps to achieve safe drinking water June 24 – Melbourne Commercialisation, Technology Transfer and Utilisation and Utilisation Transfer Technology Commercialisation, The Centre continues to provide a service to SMEs in the The company set up to facilitate commercialisation of the water supply industry through its Associates Program. activated carbon technology, Carbon Regen Pty Ltd, is at an Associates to the Centre are generally comprised of smaller advanced stage of negotiations with a potential commercial regional water authorities who do not have the financial or partner, while the flocculation modeling technology has staff capability to engage as full participants. They benefit been successfully showcased at a major North American by being linked to the communication and information water conference. Following successful trials of this latter dissemination activities of the Centre, as well as having technology with four Australian water authorities, it will be limited access to staff members with specialist skills. The made available free of charge within Australia, but will be success of this Program is illustrated by the growth in marketed commercially overseas. members, growing from sixteen to nineteen members during 2004-05. The Commercialsiation sub-committee of the Governing Board continues to oversee these activities. IP Management While no new patentable intellectual property was identified End User Involvement during the year, significant progress was made in projects Table 3, on the following page, summarises the involvement related to the Regeneration of Activated Carbon and the of full industry participants in the activities of the Centre. Modelling of Water Flocculation for Optimum NOM Removal.

16 Table 3 – User Organisations involved in CRC Activity

Organisation Nature of Organisation Involvement in utilising Centre research

Melbourne Water Bulk Water Supplier Active involvement in ten Centre research projects, including management systems, health Corporation (wholesale) studies, catchment surveys, reservoir studies and distribution system monitoring.

ACTEW Corporation Water Supplier Active involvement in three Centre projects, including community attitudes to water supply, Ltd disinfection byproducts and the movement of pathogens in catchments.

Brisbane City Water Supplier Active interest in three research projects including two distribution system projects and a project Council on community attitudes to water supply.

Power & Water Water Supplier Particular interest in six projects related to tropical diseases (Meliodosis) and the challenges Corporation facing rural and regional water supplies.

Sydney Water Water Supplier Active involvement in thirteen research projects related to management systems, catchment Corporation surveys, pathogen survival, modelling coagulation, biofilm monitoring and viruses in distribution systems.

South-East Water Water Supplier (retail) Active involvement in four research projects related to management systems, community attitudes Ltd to water supply and water quality in distributions systems.

City West Water Ltd Water Supplier (retail) New participant in July 2003. Interested in management systems and water quality in distribution systems. Direct involvement in two projects.

Yarra Valley Water Water Supplier (retail) Active involvement in four research projects related to community attitudes to water supply and Ltd water quality in distribution systems. Commercialisation, Technology Transfer and Utilisation Transfer Technology Commercialisation,

SA Water Water Supplier Active involvement in five research projects related to disinfection byproducts, indigenous water Corporation supplies, reservoir management, cyanobacterial toxins and activated carbon in water treatment.

Water Corporation Water Supplier Active involvement in eight research projects related to pathogens in source waters, risk management tools and monitoring and control of water quality in distribution systems.

Sydney Catchment Catchment Management Particular interest and involvement in six projects related to catchment management and source Authority water protection.

Water Services Water industry association Direct involvement in development of industry standards and policy utilising Centre output Association of – a prime vector for communicating with the water supply industry. Direct sponsorship of two Australia research projects.

Dept. of Human Regulation and monitoring Interested in intelligent and cost effective regulation of human health standards and optimum Services (Vic.) of health standards management of water supply systems. Involved in three related projects, including a database on alternative system design.

Orica Australia Pty Chemical and process Interested in commercialisation of CRC research output, especially that related to water treatment Ltd supply and treatment chemicals. Direct involvement in one project.

Australian Water Contract engineering and Interested in commercialisation of CRC research output, but with specific focus on water Services operations services treatment and system operation.

United Water Contract engineering and Interested in commercialisation of CRC research output, but with specific focus on water International Pty Ltd operations services treatment and control of water quality in distribution systems. Direct involvement in four projects.

17 Utilisation of Research – Progress Against Milestones

Progress against Milestone contained in Schedule 6 of the Commonwealth Agreement is summarised in the table below.

Milestone over life of Centre Progress achieved to date Current activities to meet milestones

Results from Epidemiology and WQMS now incorporated within newly approved ADWG – used as a Projects to provide accurate data for risk Toxicology Programs used as basis for water quality regulation in Victoria. assessment for National Water Recycling a basis for ongoing review Specific information on hazard identification and risk management Guidelines approved in June 2005. of Australian Drinking Water provided in Research Report No. 11. Formation of NDMA during chlorination Guidelines and the National Water under investigation. Quality Management Strategy Significance of endocrine disruptors for Australian drinking water (NWQMS) supplies reviewed and reported (Occasional Paper No. 7). Epidemiological studies on DBP health Data on toxicity of algal toxins incorporated into ADWG and WHO effects in preparation. guidelines.

Results from People’s Perspective National survey on community attitudes to water supply completed Project on community views on Program used to gauge community and discussed with industry participants. water shortages and conservation in consultation exercises and gauge Industry participants engaged in debate on community attitudes to preparation. community response to water water reuse. quality issues

Future management of catchments Information on the origins, transport and fate of pathogens in a Comprehensive modelling of pathogens and reservoirs to be based on number of Australian water catchments has been provided to the and NOM movement through catchments information from the Catchment industry through a series of nationwide presentations. in progress. and Reservoir Management A genotyping method for identifying viable Cryptosporidium Parvum Techniques for tracing the origin of Programs has been developed and introduced to the industry. faecal and organic pollution being Destratification techniques for the control of phytoplankton in developed. reservoirs have been developed and demonstrated on operating reservoirs. Advanced analytical techniques developed and applied for detection of a range of algal toxins in water. Hydrodynamic models for distribution of pathogens in reservoirs have been developed and applied at full scale.

Water quality monitoring practices Development of a real time, rapid and non-destructive water quality Low cost on-line monitoring package

Commercialisation, Technology Transfer and Utilisation Transfer Technology Commercialisation, to reflect lessons learnt in the monitoring tool is underway. to improve chloramination control has Measurement Program National low level nutrient trial is encouraging inter-laboratory best obtained Governing Board approval. practice protocols for nutrient analysis.

New approaches to water New process for activated carbon regeneration has been devised Biological approaches to removal of treatment based on output from and a spin-off company formed to licence the technology NOM are being investigated. the Water Treatment Technology A model to predict optimum coagulation conditions for NOM removal Membrane fouling mechanisms resulting Program adopted by water has been field tested with three industry parties. Overseas marketing from NOM are being studied and related authorities of model is being promoted. to process design and membrane Optimal use of activated carbon for algal toxin removal, based on selection. deeper understanding of competitive adsorption mechanisms, has been communicated to industry parties. Guidebook on management strategies for blue-green algae has been produced. The role of natural organic matter in water treatment has been elucidated and implications for plant operation identified.

Distribution system management Risk management tool developed through two field case studies at A decision support system to manage the practices influenced by Katherine and Woronora. risk of water discolouration and linked understanding generated in the A suite of modelling tools to manage chlorine residuals and dirty to implementation of the National Water Distribution Program water events has been developed and tested in four industry Quality Management Strategy is being systems. developed. A guidance manual on the management of biofilms in distribution systems is being produced and will be presented to industry parties.

New sustainable approaches to A database on alternative system designs has been constructed and PhD projects on institutional and social water system design, emanating is being populated with data from a wide range of projects. barriers to new system implementation from the Sustainable Water Data on water quality variations and a best practice manual for are underway. Sources Program, to be tested in rainwater tanks is being produced in close collaboration with real systems industry parties.

18 Program Group Leader Prof John McNeil Monash University Aim This Program Group has as its primary objective the need to thoroughly understand the link between human health and the quality of drinking water. Its programs will focus on microbiological and chemical risks of relevance to Australian water supplies, integrating both toxicological and epidemiological research methods. In addition, research will be undertaken to improve understanding of the factors that affect community perceptions of drinking water quality and safety.


1A Epidemiology 20

1B Toxicology 23

1C People’s Perspectives 29 Health and Aesthetics

19 Program Leader Karin Leder Monash University Program Aim The objective of the Epidemiology Program is to apply epidemiological techniques to characterise human health risks from microbial and chemical contaminants in drinking water. Techniques employed in this research include specific investigations measuring health outcomes in human participants, the development of methods to provide improved estimates of individual exposure levels, and the use of risk assessment for evaluation of perceived health risks. This program provides high quality research outputs, interpretation of health evidence and authoritative evaluation of health risks for industry and regulators. A significant consideration in this work is placing water-associated risks in context with the broader public health perspective in order to ensure cost-effective use of public resources in risk management.

Program OVERVIEW Budget $70,000 (Planning stage) The provision of safe drinking water is acknowledged as an Start Date July 2002 essential requirement for good public health, and remains the primary concern of drinking water quality management. Background and Relevance The focus of the Epidemiology Program on health risks From 1997-1999, the Centre conducted a major study of the from microbial pathogens reflects the recognition that such health effects of microorganisms in drinking water (Project organisms represent the greatest and most immediate Water Quality Study). This study, conducted in potential threat for water supplies. With increased emphasis Melbourne, showed no significant difference in gastroenteritis on sustainability issues in Australia and internationally, rates between people drinking tap water from a functional the substitution of lower quality water sources such as point-of-use treatment device that removed microorganisms recycled water, rainwater and stormwater for non-potable and those who drank tap water from a “sham” point-of-use uses is increasing. As a result, larger numbers of people treatment device. This outcome provided assurance that no of all ages and states of health are being exposed to such additional water treatment was needed for a disinfected but water sources, especially in urban areas. In recognition of unfiltered water supply drawn from a protected catchment. the need to better understand the potential public health At the Epidemiology Planning Workshop held in August 2001, risks from alternative water sources, two new projects have it was agreed that a second study of similar design should be been developed during the past year. These projects will conducted in a water supply with an unprotected catchment provide much needed information to improve health risk and conventional water treatment and filtration. assessment and management of alternative water supplies in Australia. A further project to monitor and compare the During the planning stages of the project, we were aware health of residents in a dual reticulation scheme supplied that a study of this nature was being undertaken in the with recycled water with residents served by a conventional United States. It was therefore decided to defer the second water supply is currently under development. Research Australian study until the outcome of the US study had been on drinking water supplies is also continuing, as is our released and its implications for Australian water supplies involvement in health-related aspects of projects in several assessed. In March 2005 the results of the US study were other Centre programs. published in the peer-reviewed literature. The US study found no significant difference in gastroenteritis rates between Research Collaboration people using real and sham point-of-use water treatment The project Developing Evidence Based, Strategic Water devices, demonstrating that microorganisms in the drinking Quality Monitoring Systems is being carried out in water supply were not making a detectable contribution to collaboration with the University of Alberta, Canada as community gastroenteritis. part of our ongoing relationship with the Environmental Health Sciences unit within the Department of Public Researchers from the Epidemiology Program reviewed the Health Sciences. We are also engaged in the early planning published paper and related information, and concluded that stages of a second collaborative project with this group the outcome was applicable to well operated conventionally on water quality and potential cancer risks. In addition, treated water supplies in Australia. Accordingly, a data from previous Centre projects have been contributed recommendation was made to the Governing Board of to the European Union MICRORISK project on microbial the Centre that the proposed Australian study should 1 A Epidemiology risk assessment for water supplies coordinated by KIWA not proceed. This recommendation was endorsed by the Water Research in the Netherlands. On the local front, the Governing Board and the Commonwealth was notified. development of the project A Series of Exposure Experiments – Recycled Water and Alternative Water Sources has involved NATIONAL WATERBORNE DISEASE SURVEILLANCE the establishment of new linkages with additional research DATABASE groups within existing Centre parties Monash University and Contact Person CSIRO. Recently developed projects on recycled water and Karin Leder (Monash University) alternative water sources have also involved collaboration with state Health departments in South Australia and New Organisations Involved South Wales. Communicable Diseases Network of Australia, Monash University, OzFoodNet Current Project Status Budget NA (pilot phase) Start Date January 2003 WATER QUALITY STUDY 2 Contact Person Background and Relevance Karin Leder (Monash University) This pilot database was established to collate information Organisations Involved from state and territory health authorities on known or Monash University, SA Water, Department of Health, suspected waterborne disease outbreaks from potable or South Australia recreational water sources in Australia. Incidents of this

20 nature are believed to be rare in Australia but to date there has This research has also suggested that there is misinterpretation not been any systematic collation of information or analysis of and misunderstanding in the assessment of monitoring data for the causes of such events at a national level. public health decision-making. Many in the water industry place an unwarranted confidence in monitoring results. Research Approach Discussions were held with the Communicable Diseases Practical examples and realistic scenarios of how to improve Network of Australia and OzFoodNet (the national gastroenteritis water quality monitoring to support better judgement and inform surveillance network) to determine how data collection could risk management are being developed for inclusion in guidance best be matched with existing surveillance systems to avoid documents and instructional resources. Research needs for duplication of effort. A database was subsequently set up and links future development of monitoring methods and tools will also were established to facilitate quarterly reporting of information be identified. from OzFoodNet and state and territory health departments.

Industry Uptake 1 A Epidemiology Outcomes The guidance documents and instructional resources developed Prospective collection of data commenced in 2003 and from this project have the potential to inform the water industry, retrospective reports were sought for 2002. A small number public health practice, regulators and policy makers of the of confirmed or suspected water-related outbreaks have been capabilities, potentials, and limitations of monitoring systems for recorded during this interval. A draft report summarising managing drinking water systems and for guiding appropriate the period 2002 - 2004 is being prepared for circulation to risk management decisions. Strategic principles of monitoring stakeholders. Discussions will then be held regarding the future programs will support more effective monitoring programs, and maintenance of the database. better use of monitoring information to increase understanding and improve management of individual water supply systems.

Industry Uptake EXPOSURE ASSESSMENT FOR URBAN RETICULATION Information from this database has the potential to assist health SYSTEMS regulators, drinking water authorities and recreational water managers to identify and address preventable causes of water- Contact Person related outbreaks. Karin Leder (Monash University) Organisations Involved DEVELOPING EVIDENCE BASED, STRATEGIC WATER QUALITY Monash University, Sydney Water Corporation MONITORING SYSTEMS Budget $141,000 Contact Person Start Date June 2005 Samantha Rizak (Monash University) Organisations Involved Background and Relevance Monash University, SA Water, Sydney Water Corporation, Water An important approach to reducing domestic tap water demand is Corporation, Yarra Valley Water, South East Water, Power and to provide recycled water to households through a separate pipe Water Corporation, University of Alberta (Canada) system (dual reticulation) for a range of indoor and outdoor non- Budget $567,964 potable uses. Two such housing developments currently exist in Start Date July 2003 Australia and several more are in development. Uncertainty over the degree of exposure and the potential health risks associated with recycled water supplies has resulted in the adoption of Background and Relevance intensive recycled water treatment methods in these pioneering This project explores the application of the well-established logic schemes. However, these methods may not be economically of diagnostic screening and evidence based decision making sustainable on a wider scale. There is a need for specific data from the field of medical sciences to monitoring for drinking on exposure frequencies for Australian populations in order to water quality hazards. To date the considerable insights available provide more accurate risk assessment, and allow regulatory from this rationale have not been explicitly recognised, nor authorities to better define the appropriate quality for recycled applied in the environmental sciences. The objectives are to water in urban dual reticulation schemes. adapt an evidence-based approach and provide a rationale for the design of drinking water quality monitoring programs, improve understanding in the meaning of monitoring results, and assist Research Approach in better interpretation and decision-making regarding drinking A survey of the practices of residents supplied with recycled water quality hazards. water via a dual reticulation system will be carried out to determine the frequency and duration of exposure to recycled water, particularly in relation to external household use. A similar Research Approach survey will be carried out in an area with a conventional water This research began with reviewing literature on medical supply to determine if there are any differences in water use diagnostic screening and evidence-based medicine. In particular, practices. The study will also compare and verify the applicability the project investigated how this information can be translated of indoor usage data (laundry and/or toilet flushing) collected for and applied to screening for water quality hazards, as well conventional reticulation systems and dual reticulation systems as reviewing information on current monitoring protocols, throughout Australia. analytical methods, waterborne disease outbreaks, regulatory compliance issues and Bayesian statistics for its application in natural resource management. Information was gathered from Outcomes various water companies on the philosophy and rationale for Information gathered from this project will enable refinement current water quality monitoring programs and how data is of exposure estimates and allow more accurate health risk employed for altering monitoring strategies. A workshop was assessment of the implications of supplying recycled water for held to discuss these issues. A survey was conducted to validate non-potable uses via dual reticulation systems in the Australian understanding of concepts and determine the attitudes and context. perceptions of interpreting monitoring results and appropriate responses/decision-making practices. Analysis of data sets is Industry Uptake now being undertaken to develop appropriate examples and Outcomes from the project will provide information for the practical case studies. Quantitative Microbial Risk Assessment process, which is being employed for the development of the National Recycling Outcomes Water Guidelines. This will assist industry and health regulatory The research has indicated that there is a lack of a fully informed agencies to produce guidelines with an appropriate level of public strategic basis in the design of water quality monitoring programs health protection while avoiding unnecessary over-treatment of or interpretation of monitoring results. This has resulted in the recycled water. collection of large volumes of data that do not create knowledge or improve understanding of a water supply system. Water quality monitoring programs should be changed to include directed, strategic monitoring and make better use of available evidence.

21 A SERIES OF EXPOSURE EXPERIMENTS – RECYCLED WATER Research Approach AND ALTERNATIVE WATER SOURCES • Potential exposure to pathogens through use of recycled Contact Person water for laundry purposes will be assessed. Karin Leder (Monash University) • The required withholding periods before public contact after irrigation of parks with Class B and C recycled water will be Organisations Involved evaluated. CSIRO, Department of Human Services Victoria, Melbourne Water • Aerosol exposure from conventional and high efficiency Corporation, Monash University, Power and Water Corporation, spray devices to determine the potential for inhalation SA Water, South East Water, United Water International, Water exposure will be characterised. Corporation, Yarra Valley Water • Preliminary assessment of the bacterial endotoxin content of Budget $595,013 recycled water and assessment of the potential for adverse Start Date June 2005 health effects will be conducted. 1 A Epidemiology

Background and Relevance Outcomes Through our involvement in the development of the National The project will provide relevant data to refine exposure Water Recycling Guidelines for Australia, and discussions with estimates and permit more accurate health risk assessment industry parties to the Centre, a number of information gaps of the implications associated with the supply of recycled and have been identified which currently hamper risk assessment alternative water for a variety of non-potable uses. This will for alternative water sources. Uncertainties about health risks assist health regulators to better determine the required quality mean that regulatory authorities must adopt more conservative of water for the specific purpose, and may enable more broad approaches which may unnecessarily restrict the permitted uses substitution of recycled water for uses where potable water is of recycled water, leading to continuing demand on potable currently employed. water supplies. This project will address data gaps regarding the exposure profile of users of recycled and alternative water Industry Uptake sources in both the domestic and urban context, through the Data from the study will provide input into the future design of conduct of a series of four experimental studies on different Australian National Water Recycling Water Guidelines, and assist aspects of human exposure. water and health regulators to decide on safe uses of recycled water for a variety of purposes.

Summary Of Progress Against Commonwealth Milestones Years 3, 4, 5 COMMONWEALTH SCHEDULE MILESTONES CONTRIBUTION FROM PROJECT MILESTONES Assess results of prior studies and international developments, then review The projects Exposure Assessment for Urban Reticulation Systems and A research priorities and project plans and modify as appropriate. Series of Exposure Experiments- Recycled Water and Alternative Water Sources have been developed in response to industry needs for better risk assessment information for exposure of urban populations to alternative water sources. Further projects are also being developed in this new high priority area. After reviewing the results of a comparable US research study, it was decided not to proceed with the project Water Quality Study 2 as the outcomes of the US research were considered to be applicable to Australian water supplies. Establishment of epidemiological studies on pathogens of concern. A study on Burkeholderii pseudomallei in tropical water supplies has been completed, and further work is underway in another CRC program. A possible study on Mycobacteria has been considered but was deemed not feasible due to low case numbers and bias in testing. No other potential pathogens of concern have been identified to date. Establishment of epidemiological studies of health effects of exposure to Toxicological projects on this topic are still ongoing and have not yet a range of cyanobacterial toxins and/or their disinfection byproducts, as identified compounds of health concern. indicated by the outcomes of toxicological testing. Establishment of collaborative links with relevant organisations to facilitate Evaluation of the outcomes of several large overseas studies on reproductive joint projects on short-term effects of DBP’s on health (adverse reproductive health and disinfection byproducts has not identified a research strategy outcomes). where the Centre would have a significant advantage in terms of methodology or expertise. After consultation with local and international scientific collaborators and stakeholders, it has been decided not to pursue this area of research within the Centres at the present time. Consideration is now being given to the feasibility of an international project on disinfection byproducts and cancer risks, where Australia may have particular advantage due to the diversity of past water disinfection practices. A pilot epidemiological study of reproductive health effects of DBP exposure Our Canadian collaborators have conducted a pilot study on the use of a conducted, and feasibility of a large scale collaborative study assessed. biomarker for exposure assessment and have concluded that although the biomarker is useful, the logistic and cost considerations would preclude application of the method for all participants in large scale studies.

22 Program Leader Glen Shaw EnTox (Queensland Health Pathology and Scientific Services and the University of Queensland) Program Aim The purpose of the Toxicology Program is to produce toxicological information that can be incorporated into Australian Drinking Water Guidelines and used in risk assessments of the human health significance of a variety of chemicals in water. These chemicals are generally toxins and can be natural (eg cyanobacterial toxins) or anthropogenic (eg disinfection byproducts or micropollutants). The Toxicology Program produces research that provides information on safe levels of toxins in drinking water, and this information forms the basis of management strategies to achieve these levels.

The Toxicology Program is of necessity closely linked to the Epidemiology Program to ensure integration of results and produce findings that are truly related to human health. In addition, the program is linked to other Centre research programs especially Sustainable Water Sources, Water Treatment Technology, Measurement and Regional and Rural Water Supplies. This is to facilitate health evaluation of treatment technologies, ensure accurate measurement of toxins and biomarkers for toxins that are present in water, and to aid in the provision of water free of deleterious chemicals to remote and rural communities.

Program OVERVIEW Of particular relevance to the water industry is a test The Toxicology Program conducts research into a number of for unknown toxins in water. This has been previously the issues that have been highlighted as being of importance undertaken using the mouse bioassay. However, this assay is to the Australian water industry. Because toxicology is about not sustainable due to ethical considerations and a project is the determination of the potential health effects of chemicals underway within the program to investigate the use of lower in the environment, two main research themes within the order animals and cell cultures. Results to date suggest that program are cyanobacterial toxins and micropollutants. batteries of tests could provide a suitable alternative to the use of mice. Research within the program therefore continues to provide information on the toxicology of the cyanobacterial Research Collaboration toxin, cylindrospermopsin, so that guidance on the Collaborations in the Toxicology Program relate firstly to management of this common water contaminant can be cyanobacterial toxins and secondly to disinfection byproduct developed. In addition, research on a co-occurring analog research. Research on the toxin, cylindrospermopsin is being of cylindrospermopsin, deoxycylindrospermopsin, is aided by collaboration with researchers at City University of being undertaken to determine the health relevance of this Hong Kong and Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, China. compound in conjunction with cylindrospermopsin. It is also These researchers have expertise and equipment for recognised that benthic cyanobacteria have the potential to mechanistic toxicology investigations. produce toxins that may impact on water sources. To meet this research need, the toxic properties of several freshwater With regard to research on water chlorination and benthic cyanobacteria are being investigated. Recent chloramination disinfection byproducts, the Centre has international research has suggested that the cyanobacterial established collaborative linkages with researchers byproduct, b-methylamino-L-alanine (BMAA) may be at University of Massachusetts and Washington State linked to neurodegenerative disease. A project concept is University in the USA, and University of Alberta in Canada. currently being developed to determine the possible extent These researchers are world experts in determination of the of occurrence of this toxin in source and treated waters. toxicological significance of disinfection byproducts and a Recreational exposure to cyanobacteria and their toxins has joint project is being developed. The Toxicology Program been the subject of a Centre project with positive outcomes leader is also a participant in a Canadian Water Network including incorporation of the results into the NHMRC’s funded project on the health risk associated with disinfection recreational water guidelines. byproducts. The benefit of the collaboration lies in access to research expertise in this field from the world experts. One of the most important areas of research concerning micropollutants in drinking water is the issue of disinfection Recently, the amino acid-based cyanobacterial toxin byproducts of chlorination and chloramination. To meet b-methylamino-L-alanine (BMAA) has been implicated in this research need, the Toxicology Program has undertaken neurodegenerative disease. A project on determining the research on the carcinogenic nitrosamine byproduct significance of this compound in Australian waters is being dimethylnitrosamine (NDMA). To achieve this research, developed in collaboration with colleagues in South Africa. Toxicology 1 B a sensitive analytical method was optimised and studies of NDMA formation from a variety of precursors were undertaken. Through considerable interaction with overseas Current Project Status experts, a project has commenced which aims to determine the presence of selected classes of disinfection byproducts in drinking waters, and the mutagenicity associated with them. CYLINDROSPERMOPSIN MECHANISMS OF TOXICITY This project has been assisted by the provision of water AND GENOTOXICITY samples from a large number of Australian water suppliers. Contact Person Glen Shaw (EnTox (Queensland Health Pathology and Research on other micropollutants is also being undertaken, Scientific Services and the University of Queensland)) including an investigation of contaminants in rainwater. Organisations Involved This project is undertaken jointly with the Sustainable Water EnTox (Queensland Health Pathology and Scientific Services Sources Program. Another joint project with the Sustainable and the University of Queensland), Australian Water Water Sources Program involves developing a battery of Quality Centre, University of Adelaide, Griffith University, tests for environmental endocrine disrupters in water. This Queensland Health Pathology and Scientific Services project is also co-funded by the Global Water Research Coalition (GWRC). Budget $2,224,259 Start Date March 2003

23 Background and Relevance SCREENING ASSAYS FOR WATERBORNE TOXICANTS While sufficient data on the acute and sub-chronic toxicity of Contact Person cylindrospermopsin has been produced in CRC for Water Quality Andrew Humpage (Australian Water Quality Centre) and Treatment research programs and by EnTox, the lack of data Organisations Involved on carcinogenicity, genotoxicity and mechanisms of toxicity of EnTox (Queensland Health Pathology and Scientific Services cylindrospermopsin prevent the establishment of guidelines. and the University of Queensland), Australian Water Quality Preliminary work in Australia by Centre researchers Professor Centre, University of Adelaide, Queensland Health Pathology and Ian Falconer and Dr Andrew Humpage suggest that there is the Scientific Services, Water

B Toxicology 1 B likelihood that cylindrospermopsin is carcinogenic. Budget $1,426,886 This project will produce information on the mechanisms of Start Date October 2003 toxicity and genotoxicity of cylindrospermopsin that can be used to relate toxicological findings to humans. This will in turn Background and Relevance facilitate health risk assessment by health authorities enabling The mouse bioassay has been the mainstay of toxicity screening them to ensure that no deleterious health effects are occurring for many years but, for both ethical and scientific reasons, as a result of exposure to this toxin in water. Another issue to alternatives need to be sought. The research will examine the be determined is the toxicity of the cylindrospermopsin analog, usefulness of a range of toxicity assays in a screening panel deoxycylindrospermopsin, which co-occurs in source water of tests capable of detecting toxicants of concern to the water with cylindrospermopsin. In addition, the data produced will industry (with an emphasis on cyanotoxins). To provide broad be submitted to the NHMRC and the World Health Organization specificity, these assays will be based on a range of mammalian (WHO) to produce guidelines for cylindrospermopsin in drinking cell-lines as well as various invertebrate organisms. water. This project will produce a battery of assays that can replace the Research Approach mouse bioassay, ensuring that protocols for testing of toxins Toxicity study levels are available. Freshly isolated hepatocytes from a range of inbred mouse strains along with various cell lines will be exposed to The assay panel should benefit industry in the toxicity screening cylindrospermopsin. From these experiments, mechanisms of critical control points in a Hazard Analysis and Critical Control of toxicity will be investigated using techniques such as DNA Points (HACCP) context. microarrays to identify genes that are regulated by the toxin. In addition, the in vitro toxicity of deoxycylindrospermopsin Research Approach will be investigated in a range of cell lines using a number of A number of different types of organisms have been used for the different toxicological endpoints. The potential dermal toxicity of purpose of detecting toxins in water, soils and sediments. This cylindrospermopsin will be determined in mice using assays for project will only be assessing the applicability of screening assays irritation and dermal hypersensitivity. In addition, a sub-chronic for toxins in water. A number of different in vivo systems will mouse oral dosing study will be undertaken which aims to be investigated using cyanobacterial toxins and cyanobacterial determine the regulation of multiple genes. extracts from species relevant to Australia. A suite of organisms traditionally used for toxicity screening of wastewaters including Genotoxicity study Daphnia spp. (microcrustacean), Brachionus rubens (rotifer) and larvae of various fish species that occur in the Australian A number of genotoxic endpoints will be investigated in order to environment will be investigated. Dose-response relationships gain an insight into potential mechanisms of carcinogenicity of will be developed for a variety of species and this information will this toxin. An investigation will be undertaken to determine the be used to further evaluate the sensitivity and application criteria presence or absence of mutations in genes specifically related to for selected organisms. Other novel species may be investigated cancer induction and progression. The use of DNA microarrays including insects such as cockroaches. will permit the investigation of the effects of cylindrospermospin and deoxcylindrospermospin on regulation of a large number of More recently, a number of other organisms have been suggested human and mouse genes. for toxin screening bioassays. These include the hydra (Hydra vulgaris), bioluminescent mutants of the nematode Caenorhabditis Outcomes elegans and the ciliated protozoan Tetrahymena. The organisms • Investigations using molecular biological techniques have will be acquired, cultured and dose-response criteria established revealed that cylindrospermopsin has the ability to affect in order to select species for complete evaluation. A commercial tumour suppression genes and oncogenes in a variety of kit (Thamnotoxkit F) involves a 24-hour assay using a freshwater cell types in vitro. anostracan crustacean. This kit will be evaluated for sensitivity • It has been demonstrated that the cylindrospermopsin and reliability with cyanobacterial toxins of Australian relevance analog, deoxycylindrospermopsin is equitoxic to according to the manufacturer’s instructions and compared with cylindrospermopsin in a variety of cell lines in vitro. other assays developed and optimised in this research project. • It was demonstrated that deoxycylindrospermopsin has the same mechanism of toxicity as cylindrospermopsin, namely The in vivo assays considered suitable for screening of toxins in inhibition of protein synthesis. water will be developed into batteries of test systems that will • The dermal irritancy and dermal hypersensitivity of offer rapid and relatively inexpensive screening systems. There cylindrospermopsin has been demonstrated using mice in is considerable potential for these assays to be much cheaper vivo. than mouse bioassays and also potential for higher throughput • Cylindrospermopsin has been demonstrated to be a of samples. genotoxin. Outcomes Industry Uptake • A number of cell lines that correspond to the mechanisms The study is continuing but, upon completion, results will of toxicity of cyanobacterial toxins have been assessed and be provided to government agencies such as the NHMRC found to be sensitive. and the WHO to be used in the production of guidelines for • A protein synthesis assay based on rabbit cells has been cylindrospermopsin and deoxycylindrospermopsin in drinking optimised and is showing promise for use with some water. toxins. • The microcrustacean, Artemia salina is showing good sensitivity for algal toxins. • Passive samplers are being evaluated as a promising method for preconcentration of toxins from water.

24 • Cockroaches are being evaluated as an assay organism and DETERMINATION OF HEALTH RISKS FROM WATER are demonstrating their applicability as a cheap and robust CHLORINATION DISINFECTION BYPRODUCTS organism for bioassays. Contact Person Glen Shaw, EnTox (Queensland Health Pathology and Scientific Industry Uptake Services and the University of Queensland) Once completed, the results will be used to recommend a suite of Organisations Involved bioassays that can be established in a range of water laboratories EnTox (Queensland Health Pathology and Scientific Services and and analytical service laboratories that serve the water industry. the University of Queensland), Australian Water Quality Centre,

Queensland Health Pathology and Scientific Services, Water Toxicology 1 B INVESTIGATION OF NDMA FORMATION BY CHLORINATION OF Services Association of Australia MODEL COMPOUNDS Budget $469,392 Contact Person Start Date April 2005 Glen Shaw (EnTox (Queensland Health Pathology and Scientific Services and the University of Queensland)) Background and Relevance Organisations Involved Water disinfection byproducts have been on the list of chemicals EnTox (Queensland Health Pathology and Scientific Services and of concern internationally for a number of years. More recently the University of Queensland), Queensland Health Pathology and there has been a shift of research focus from the traditionally Scientific Services measured disinfection byproducts such as trihalomethanes and Budget $30,000 haloacetic acids to some of the toxicologically more relevant Start Date April 2004 compounds. These include NDMA and other dialkylnitrosamines, halonitromethanes, haloacetonitriles and chlorinated furanones. Background and Relevance The need to conduct research aimed at determining whether a This research investigates the formation of dimethylnitrosamine health risk to the public may exist from disinfection byproducts (NDMA) in water containing natural chemicals that may be has been recognised by the Australian water industry and precursors to NDMA when treated with chlorine or chloramines health authorities. This project will determine the presence or as disinfectants. The project will also develop a sensitive and absence of the above disinfection byproducts. Any mutagenicity precise analytical method for this disinfection byproduct and will corresponding to these disinfection byproduct classes will investigate NDMA in some distribution systems that have been be determined. This one-year project is designed to be a pilot chlorinated or chloraminated. study to provide initial information for a subsequent larger international study to be co-funded by overseas organisations such as American Water Works Association Research Foundation Research Approach (AwwaRF). The literature indicates that the extraction methods used for NDMA from waters are liquid-liquid, continuous liquid-liquid extractions and a few solid phase extraction methods. These Research Approach methods (liquid-liquid in particular) are both time-consuming Chlorinated and chloraminated water samples will be collected and relatively expensive, and often appear to give poor returns. from a number of water utilities across the country. To date, It is intended that a solid phase extraction method will be the Water Services Association of Australia (WSAA) has been incorporated which would allow rapid testing with relatively instrumental in seeking co-operation from a large number of good extraction returns. Once established, it is envisaged that water authorities. These samples are being analysed for a number testing for NDMA and its quantification will enable the relatively of classes of disinfection byproducts of toxicological interest rapid testing of various suspected NDMA precursors. using the NDMA method optimised in the project Investigation of NDMA Formation by Chlorination of Model Compounds. US Research will continue into identifying the nitrogenous precursors EPA methods will be used for the other compounds of interest. of NDMA, and parameters (such as pH) that may effect NDMA production. This includes further investigation of amino acids, and In addition to the analytical determination of the disinfection other nitrogenous compounds typical to Australian source waters. byproducts, mutagenicity assays and genotoxicity assays are Literature reviews suggest that no research into the presence of being used to determine the level of mutagenicity associated NDMA within Australian drinking water has been performed. The with fractions of the water. This will then be correlated with testing of source and chlorinated/chloraminated water samples concentrations of the selected disinfection byproducts from within Australia for the presence and quantification of corresponding to the fractions with the outcome that mutagenicity NDMA is also proposed. This will help establish if Australian can be either assigned to known disinfection byproducts or to as treated drinking waters are producing this disinfection byproduct yet unidentified disinfection byproducts. and therefore help establish if there is a problem within Australia. Recent research overseas, principally in Europe, the USA and Outcomes Canada, has identified NDMA as a contaminant of concern from • Detectable levels of NDMA are not a feature of many chlorination and it is considered protective of public health to Australian treated waters but that some treatment plants are investigate the extent of the risk in Australia. producing water contaminated with NDMA. • It is expected that the project will determine if there are Outcomes potential health hazards from classes of disinfection • A sensitive analytical method involving GCMS has been byproducts in Australian disinfected waters. optimised and is now capable of detecting NDMA in treated • International collaborative linkages have been developed waters at sub-parts per trillion levels. with disinfection byproduct experts in the USA and Canada. • A number of amino acids have been demonstrated as This will ensure that the research will be internationally being capable of producing NDMA when chlorinated or significant in addition to being strategically relevant to chloraminated. Australia.

Industry Uptake Industry Uptake This study has been strongly supported by the water industry It is expected that the results from this study will lead to future and considerable effort has been made by the water industry internationally co-funded research on determination of health to provide samples for the study. The results of this and other risks from disinfection byproducts of concern. In addition, Centre disinfection byproduct projects will be used by the water the water industry will be able to benefit from linkages with industry in conjunction with health authorities to determine best international studies that define what classes of disinfection practice for reducing the health impact of disinfection byproducts byproducts are of health relevance. in treated water.

25 that it was possible for this chemical to dermally affect humans SAXITOXIN TOXICITY, REMOVAL BY PHOTOCATALYSIS is through hypersensitivity reactions. A mouse in vivo model for Contact Person contact hypersensitivity was used to determine if hypersensitivity Glen Shaw (EnTox (Queensland Health Pathology and Scientific was a possibility with this compound. Services and the University of Queensland)) Organisations Involved Research Approach EnTox (Queensland Health Pathology and Scientific Services and The mouse ear swelling test was employed to determine the University of Queensland) the potential for dermal hypersensitivity. This test involves determining an irritant dose of the test substance, then conducting Budget $1,306

B Toxicology 1 B experiments for hypersensitivity at doses lower than the irritant Start Date January 2005 dose. Hypersensitivity testing involved sensitising mice with a known sensitiser chemical followed by application of doses of the Background and Relevance sodium hexametaphosphate. Hypersensitivity was quantitatively Removal of saxitoxins from drinking water can be problematic. determined by differences in ear thickness of treated mouse ears Research on a consultancy basis for the Water Services Association compared with negative controls. of Australia (WSAA) has demonstrated that all saxitoxins can only be effectively removed by chlorination under conditions Outcomes of elevated pH. While this is feasible for some water treatment Sodium hexametaphosphate was not shown to cause dermal plants, it may be a problem for others. hypersensitivity in this model.

The use of titanium dioxide photocatalysis is a potential removal Industry Uptake technique, especially for smaller water supplies. To this end, The results will be relayed to the industry partner. an investigation will be conducted to determine whether, in principle, saxitoxins could be removed using this technique, and additionally whether any residual toxicity remained after treatment. Student Projects These are postgraduate student projects within the Toxicology Research Approach Program that are not directly linked to a larger project. The efficiency of removal of a number of saxitoxins representing the following classes: saxitoxin, gonyautoxins, AKINETE GERMINATION AND DIFFERENTIATION IN decarbamoylgonyautoxins, C-toxins are being investigated. CYLINDROSPERMOPSIS RACIBORSKII The experimental protocol determines the influence of different Student and Organisation concentrations of titanium dioxide on efficiency of saxitoxins David Moore (University of Queensland) removal and the kinetics of removal. Other parameters Principal Supervisor investigated in a laboratory scale photocatalysis unit are pH, Glen Shaw (EnTox (Queensland Health Pathology and Scientific concentration of saxitoxins, time and light intensity. Services and the University of Queensland)) Start Date July 2001 In addition, an investigation with the use of sunlight as a source of ultraviolet light will be conducted after the conclusion of laboratory studies with artificial light. The possible use of sunlight Project Outline is significant as it may prove suitable as a saxitoxin degradation This project investigates the factors that are responsible system in remote and rural communities in Australia. for the production and germination of akinetes in the toxic cyanobacterium, Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii. Outcomes This research provides reservoir managers with a predictive • A range of saxitoxins can be effectively degraded using a capacity enabling them to reduce potential blooms of laboratory-based photocatalysis unit with UV light and Cylindrospermopsis raciborskii. There is also potential for titanium dioxide as a catalyst. this to be applied to other toxic cyanobacteria by producing • A small photocatalysis unit was developed which utilised conditions that are not conducive to differentiation of akinetes or sunlight as a UV light source. This unit was also capable of their germination. In addition, this information will assist water effective degradation of saxitoxins. authorities in predicting bloom formation before it occurs.

Industry Uptake Project Progress Since it has been shown that simple photocatalysis using A series of laboratory experiments were conducted to evaluate titanium dioxide and sunlight can degrade mixtures of saxitoxins such factors as light, temperature and nutrient status in formation produced by the cyanobacterium, Anabaena circinalis, these of akinetes by C. raciborskii. The investigation of these and other findings will be made available to the water industry, potentially parameters demonstrated the necessity of temperature shocks, enabling production of suitable field systems, especially in adequate light and adequate phosphorus levels in causing remote and rural regions. germination of akinetes. In addition, field sites were investigated using akinete traps and core samplers to determine if the factors HYPERSENSITIVITY OF SODIUM HEXAMETAPHOSPHATE responsible for akinete differentiation and germination in the Contact Person laboratory are applicable to the field situation. Glen Shaw, EnTox (Queensland Health Pathology and Scientific Services and the University of Queensland) RECREATIONAL EXPOSURE TO CYANOBACTERIA Organisations Involved Student and Organisation EnTox (Queensland Health Pathology and Scientific Services and Ian Stewart (University of Queensland) the University of Queensland), Water Corporation Principal Supervisor Budget $16,500 Glen Shaw (EnTox (Queensland Health Pathology and Scientific Start Date March 2005 Services and the University of Queensland)) Start Date July 2001 Background and Relevance Following reports of dermal irritation, including itches and rashes Project Outline associated with some reticulated water supplies in Western The main aim of this project was to investigate the effects of Australia, a project investigating these reports commenced in human exposure to cyanobacteria associated with recreational conjunction with Water Corporation. These supplies had sodium activities in water storages. Current guidelines for recreational hexametaphosphate added in the low milligrams per litre range use of water storages are not adequate for Australian conditions. as an antiscaling agent. At these low concentrations the only way The revisions to the guidelines for recreational exposure to

26 cyanobacteria in water bodies made possible by this project will EFFFECTS INDUCED BY PH, IONIC AND OSMOTIC STRESS ON be of significant industry benefit. PSP TOXIN PRODUCTION IN CYANOBACTERIA Student and Organisation Project Progress Jasper Pengelly (University of New South Wales) The results of this project are complementary to those produced Principal Supervisor in the Centre project Acute skin irritant effects of cyanobacteria Brett Neilan (University of New South Wales) (Blue-Green Algae) in healthy volunteers in the Epidemiology Program. The results of the project Recreational Exposure to Start Date March 2004 Cyanobacteria have been provided to the NHMRC to complement

information obtained from other sources. This project has been Project Outline Toxicology 1 B financially supported by South East Queensland Water and the Paralytic shellfish poison production by Anabaena circinalis is a results it produced will be used to develop recreational use policy public health concern and determination of how environmental for this and other water authorities. factors control the genetics of toxin production gives the possibility of setting strategies to avoid toxin production by this organism. CYANOBACTERIAL DIVERSITY AND THE EXPRESSION OF The study will culture A. circinalis under different environmental BYPRODUCTS IN ENVIRONMENTAL BLOOMS conditions. Genes specific for saxitoxin-producing strains will be Student and Organisation identified and characterised and the response of these genes to Phillip Pope (Griffith University) varying environmental conditions will be investigated. Principal Supervisor Bharat Patel (Griffith University) Project Progress Preliminary results show that paralytic shellfish toxin-producing Start Date January 2003 cyanobacteria of the species A. circinalis and C. raciborskii have higher growth rates at alkaline pH and with the addition of sodium Project Outline chloride to the growth medium. They were also shown to be more The research involves construction of a bacterial artificial resistant to salt stress than non-toxic strains. The intracellular chromosome (BAC) library which contains sequences for concentration of toxins (mainly saxitoxin) was correlated both to all genes in the organisms, followed by library screening. pH and sodium chloride concentration. This phase of the project will determine if specific genes related to toxin production are present in the genetic library. HEALTH EFFECTS OF BENTHIC CYANOBACTERIA Cyanobacterial bloom samples will be collected from reservoirs Student and Organisation and then the samples will be concentrated. DNA sequencing Thomas Pochwyt (Intern from the University of Emden, will be used to determine the genetic makeup of these samples. Germany) Library screening will endeavour to establish links between physiological and phylogenetic information of uncultured Supervisor organisms in cyanobacterial blooms. This will be undertaken Glen Shaw (EnTox (Queensland Health Pathology and Scientific by searching for sequences known to resemble those for toxin Services and the University of Queensland)) production including polyketide synthesis. The intended benefit Start Date March 2005 of this research is production of information that permits an understanding of genetic factors responsible for production of Project Outline metabolites including toxins in the natural environment. Many water bodies including reservoirs can have growths of benthic cyanobacteria. A number of these organisms have the Project Progress ability to produce toxins such as the lyngbya toxins and other Clone libraries have been produced that can be used to investigate toxins whose structures have not yet been determined. In this four- the production of cyanobacterial secondary metabolites. month student project, various species of benthic cyanobacteria will be collected from reservoirs and other water bodies around DECOMPOSITION AND REMOVAL OF TRICLOSAN FROM Australia. Analytical testing of these species will be conducted REUSED WATER AS A DRINKING WATER SOURCE for known cyanobacterial toxins. In addition, bioassays using Student and Organisation cell lines and lower order organisms will be used to determine Shengfu Fang (University of South Australia) toxicity. Principal Supervisor Philip Pendelton (University of South Australia) Project Progress To date, a species of Phormidium from Queensland has been Start Date February 2004 tested using the aquatic microcrustacean, Artemia salina and found to be toxic even though none of the known cyanobacterial Project Outline toxins were found to be present. This project will involve the development of analytical procedures for the detection of triclosan and its oxidised metabolites in low The freshwater benthic cyanobacterium, Lyngbya wollei has ppb and high ppt concentrations, employing GC-MS methods. been shown to exert toxicity in cell-based assays and the toxin, Removal of these compounds by porous adsorbents, such as deoxycylindrospermopsin has been shown to be present at activated carbons, will be investigated via equilibrium adsorption relatively high levels. and kinetics analyses and the modelling of these processes. To appreciate the intermolecular interactions, adsorbent surface chemistry and porosity changes will be induced and further analysed. Triclosan is known to decompose during adsorption and interaction with manganese oxides.These processes will be modelled and nano-sized oxides will be impregnated into the nanoporous adsorbents. Adsorption studies will also investigate the competitive adsorption of triclosan with ionic surfactants typical of additives in personal care products.

Project Progress At this early stage the student is still perfecting analytical techniques for the determination of triclosan.

27 FIELD AND LABORATORY BASED INVESTIGATIONS laboratory experiment and a molecular-biological method will be OF TRICLOSAN – INDUCED CROSS-RESISTANCE IN developed to detect resistant/susceptible strains in wastewater. PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA Finally, an evaluation of triclosan’s effect on bacterial antibiotic Student and Organisation resistance in wastewater environment will be conducted. Xiaoxia Qiu (University of South Australia) Principal Supervisor Project Progress Philip Pendelton (University of South Australia) This project is still in its early stages however it is expected that triclosan-induced resistance in bacteria will be confirmed. Start Date March 2005 B Toxicology 1 B Project Outline The project focuses on the impact of triclosan on the prevalence of baterial antibiotic resistance. The mechanisms involved in cross-resistance induced by triclosan will be investigated in a

Summary of Progress Against Commonwealth Milestones Years 3, 4, 5

COMMONWEALTH SCHEDULE MILESTONES CONTRIBUTION FROM PROJECT MILESTONES Evaluate progress to date in conjunction with industry stakeholders and Toxicology Program meetings have been held to determine research modify program if necessary to maximise outcomes. directions for disinfection byproducts. This has resulted in establishment of a project on NDMA and a one-year project on health risks associated with disinfection byproducts. A workshop on nitrogenous compounds in source waters that may have the potential to act as disinfection byproduct precursors was held in July. An industry focussed workshop featuring international experts was held in late July to determine the best strategies for future disinfection byproduct research in collaboration with international agencies. An industry focussed Toxicology Program workshop is planned for late 2005 to determine other research needs. Commence toxicological investigations of selected chemical micropolutants A project in combination with the Sustainable Water Sources Program that are present in Australian drinking waters. on health risk from rainwater tanks commenced in early 2005 with a PhD student co-funded from both programs. In addition, the Toxicology Program in conjunction with the Sustainable Water Sources Program is co-funding a GWRC project on methodologies for endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs) which commenced in early 2005. The disinfection byproduct, NDMA is being investigated and its formation from chlorination of precursors determined. A research project on selected disinfection byproducts of health concern is underway. Commence toxicological investigations on saxitoxins. A project concept is currently being developed to investigate the toxicity of saxitoxins in water with the outcome being provision of information for establishment of guideline values in drinking water Provide information for formulations of guidelines for cylindrospermopsin The research project Cylindrospermopsin Mechanisms of Toxicity and and saxitoxins in drinking water. Genotoxicity is continuing. The results of this project will be utilised for guideline development. In addition, the cylindrospermopsin analog, deoxycylindrospermopsin which co-occurs with cylindrospermopsin in waters is being investigated to determine its toxicity. The saxitoxin project mentioned in the milestone above will be used in guideline development. Identify toxicological research needs for other cyanobacterial toxins Recently the amino acid-based cyanobacterial toxin, BMAA has been considered relevant to Australian waters. implicated in neurodegenerative disease. A project on determining the significance of this compound in Australian waters is being developed. This project features collaboration with colleagues in South Africa. The benthic cyanobacteria are capable of producing toxins but this is an area of little research effort. A student project has commenced to determine which species of benthic cyanobacteria are toxic and which toxins are produced. Investigate potential biomarkers of exposure or effect for disinfection Biomarkers for exposure or effect from disinfection byproducts will continue byproducts. to be evaluated in future disinfection byproduct research projects as part of the toxicological investigations. Undertake toxicological investigation of selected disinfection byproducts This is currently being undertaken through mutagenicity and genotoxicity that are of relevance to Australia. studies of selected disinfection byproducts in the one-year project Determination of Health Risks from Water Chlorination Disinfection Byproducts. Undertake toxicological investigations on the byproducts from the interaction This information is currently being produced in an EnTox funded student of cyanobacterial toxins with disinfection and water treatment. project. This information will be made available to the CRC. Undertake toxicological studies of dermal, respiratory and gastrointestinal This research has been completed in the project Recreational Exposure to effects of cyanobacteria and cyanobacterial cellular material. Cyanobacteria which was undertaken early due to the availability of water industry funding. The results are being used in the NHMRC recreational water guidelines.

28 Program Leader Naomi Roseth CRC for Water Quality and Treatment

Program Aim The purpose of the program is to develop an understanding of community views, needs, expectations and preferences for water services across Australia. The research will include the views of urban, regional and rural communities as well as people who are more informed about water issues. The program’s specific objectives are to:

• Give the community a voice in the planning of water services. • Measure and understand the drivers of community trust and satisfaction with water services. • Facilitate the development of user-friendly communication materials that address the information needs of the community. • Understand the extent and reasons for which opinions on water-related issues vary across the country. • Provide regulators and policy makers with information on community attitudes, needs, expectations and judgement on standards of service.

The program is integrated with the other Centre research programs in that it looks at issues related to the water industry from the point of view of the customers that the industry serves.

Program OVERVIEW The achievement of a sustainable water supply must be The first planning workshop for the People’s Perspectives based on cooperation between the responsible organisations Program was held in August 2001. About fifty people attended and the community. If the various supply augmentation the workshop. Participants included representatives from strategies are to be achieved, they must be understood other Centre programs, the water industry, industry regulators and supported by the community; likewise for the various and other stakeholders, universities and community groups. demand reduction strategies, to be achieved they must be During the workshop sessions, five broad research themes based on understanding of community concerns, what the emerged for community research, namely: community will accept and the perceived benefits of and barriers to the adoption of water saving behaviour. • Views on water • Trust and its drivers (in water and the authorities that The purpose of the research is to provide water resource deliver it) managers with information about the extent to which • Risk perceptions and related behaviour the community is concerned with water shortages and is • Education and communication willing to act to conserve water. In particular, it will seek • Views on price, value for money, willingness to pay. to understand the perceived barriers to and benefits of adopting water saving practices. The program has successfully completed a survey of the community views on drinking water quality project for the Research Approach capital cities. Following that project a workshop was held to The research will be based on samples of customers in urban review the priorities for the program. The consensus from the areas serviced by the following water utilities: workshop was that the focus should be on the community attitudes to sustainable water resource issues such as water • SA Water (for Adelaide) shortages and use of re-cycled water. The first of the new • Sydney Water (for Sydney) projects is discussed below. • Water Corporation (for Perth) • Yarra Valley Water (for Melbourne) Project In Development The details of the research design are being developed. Community views on water shortages and conservation Outcomes Project Leader As a result of the study the CRC for Water Quality and Naomi Roseth Treatment and its industry partners will be able to: Organisations Involved SA Water, Sydney Water, Water Corporation, Yarra Valley • Better identify and target the water conservation Water practices that the community is likely to adopt. • Better manage the relationship with the community Perspectives 1 C People’s Background and Relevance in matters relating to sustainable water resource Due to the drought and increasing population pressure on management. our potable water supplies, water authorities across Australia • Develop education and awareness strategies that are are publicising the scarcity of water resources and urging attuned to community needs and knowledge. their customers to use it judiciously. • Ensure that community attitudes are factored into the planning of sustainable water resource initiatives.

29 Summary of Progress Against Commonwealth Milestones Years 3, 4, 5 COMMONWEALTH SCHEDULE MILESTONES CONTRIBUTION FROM PROJECT MILESTONES Evaluate progress to date in conjunction with industry stakeholders and Program was evaluated during the Second Year Review. modify the program if necessary to maximise outcomes. Social research on relevant topics among more informed members of The project was not undertaken due to a shift in the Program’s direction. the community such as health professionals, water quality experts and regulators completed. Social research among indigenous communities to explore traditional beliefs The project was not undertaken due to a shift in the Program’s direction. in and knowledge of water completed. Complete community surveys to support the development of sustainable Project is in development. water resources. This would explore issues such as: • Water conservations • Alternative water sources and methods of water supply C People’s Perspectives 1 C People’s

This photo was supplied courtesy of the Queensland Department of Natural Resources and Mines.

30 Program Group Leader Dr Daniel Deere CRC for Water Quality and Treatment

Program Group Leader Ms Mary Drikas Australian Water Quality Centre

Programs Part A

2A Catchments 32

2B Reservoir Management 36

2C Measurement 42

Programs Part B

2D Water Treatment Technology 50

2E Distribution 56

2F Sustainable Water Sources 62 Catchment to Catchment Customer


• Identify and develop effective management processes for the • Assess current desalination technology and develop systems control of problem microorganisms, organic and inorganic and process improvements appropriate to Australian water pollutants within catchments, reservoirs, treatment plants supply needs and opportunities. and distribution systems. • Provide improved technologies and methodologies for • Identify and evaluate alternative approaches to the provision the management of water distribution systems, with of a high quality water supply. special attention to water quality objectives and system maintenance. • Evaluate the effectiveness of current technologies for the removal of contaminants from non-conventional water sources and, if required, develop improved treatment and management processes.

31 Program Leader Daniel Deere CRC for Water Quality and Treatment Program Aim There are two central aims of the Catchments Program. The first is to provide tools to help water utilities set priorities for what to target in catchments by gaining a quantitative understanding of where pollutants arise. The second is to provide a basis to quantitatively design pollution control measures in catchments to help utilities implement catchment management actions to reduce risk. In relation to both of these aims, the research conducted by this Centre has focused on pathogens and natural organic matter. Another Centre, the CRC for Catchment Hydrology, has focused on sediment and nutrients while a third, CRC for Freshwater Ecology, has focused on ecological processes.

The program seeks to enhance catchment modelling tools and pollution source tracing tools that enable the relative significance of various pollution sources to be predicted and measured. The modelling tools also enable changes in catchment activities to be simulated along with the concomitant water quality benefits.

The preventive measures that can be applied in catchments, often called management practices, are various and not all adequately understood in relation to drinking-water-related hazards. This program is developing a quantitative understanding of the effectiveness of a selection of preventive measures that are applied in many Australian catchments. Program Overview Research Approach The Catchments Program of the CRC for Water Quality and Extensive event-based surveys of pathogens were Treatment focused initially on two priority contaminants: undertaken in streams and aquifers from catchments NOM and pathogens. This was because the nutrient and in Victoria, South Australia, ACT and Western Australia. sediment hazards were being researched by our collaborators. Microbial monitoring data was collected during base flow However, more recently the Catchments Program has and storm events in the catchments serving Canberra, begun to expand its scope. One project at an early stage of Melbourne, Adelaide and Perth, the latter case involving a conception involves developing incentive mechanisms for groundwater catchment. Data were interpreted to provide an achieving on ground outcomes in drinking water catchments. indication of pathogen concentrations during baseline and Two other projects that are nearing completion involve the storm conditions for a range of catchment types. development of peer positions on recreational access and risk management. Outcomes • A relational database on pathogens in catchments and Research Collaboration sources waters was complied. • A novel device for collecting event samples in water Collaborative linkages were established upfront with supply catchments was developed. CRC for Catchment Hydrology and CRC for Freshwater • The influence of storm-event runoff on pathogen Ecology following an initial research planning workshop. concentrations and loads in catchments was Other collaborative linkages were established with the quantified. American Water Works Research Foundation (AwwaRF). • Collaborative linkages with other research groups These collaborative arrangements avoided duplication and investigating catchment behaviour were developed. now see this Centre working to add value to established • Improved testing methodologies for pathogens in catchment and river health research programs of our catchments and QA/QC procedures for microbial collaborative partners. Strong linkages are in place with CRC monitoring data were developed. for Catchment Hydrology in relation to modelling aspects Specific industry guidance on pathogens in catchments and with CRC for Freshwater Ecology in relation to ecological • and source waters was generated and delivered via aspects. In addition, extensive collaboration is continuing industry seminars. with AwwaRF. The collaboration with CRC for Catchment Thirteen papers were published. Hydrology is particularly close. Outcomes from this Centre • A decision support system (called FaecalPrint) for faecal are being translated into the CRC for Catchment Hydrology • sourcing was created. national catchment modelling frameworks and into design criteria for management practices. • Pathogen numbers were shown to be significantly higher in run-off from developed catchments than from protected catchments. • Dry weather flow in drinking water catchments was not Current Project Status shown to be a significant contributor of pathogens. • A linked project researching on-site systems provided 2.2.1 INFECTIOUS MICROORGANISMS IN CATCHMENT AND new information on pollutant concentration, disinfection 2A Catchments SOURCE WATERS system performance and subsurface fate and transport Contact Person of pollutants from such on-site systems in catchments. Nicholas Ashbolt (University of New South Wales) Organisations Involved Industry Uptake University of New South Wales (Student involvement), The information has confirmed several important SA Water, Water Corporation, Melbourne Water, ACTEW assumptions used in the management of pathogen risk in Corporation, CSIRO, Sydney Catchment Authority catchments. First, that as rainfall levels increase, pathogen concentrations increase. Second, catchments with more Budget $1,021,391 development have higher pathogen concentrations. Start Date December 1999 Specific examples of industry uptake include: Background and Relevance • Pathogen concentration information from the project The project was undertaken to fill the need for knowledge on has been used directly to support pathogen modelling pathogen concentrations during baseline and storm events by Melbourne Water, South East Queensland Water, in drinking water catchments. This project was conceived Sydney Catchment Authority and SA Water. to gather data from these events as well as to develop and • Outcomes of the studies have informed risk assessment provide guidance on approaches for monitoring pathogens in work for ACTEW Corporation. tributaries and aquifers, accounting for variations expected • Results were presented at a well-attended national series from key events. of seminars known as the ‘Pathogens Roadshow’.

32 2.2.2 FATE AND TRANSPORT OF SURFACE WATER PATHOGENS IN New South Wales, Power and Water Corporation, Department of WATERSHEDS Human Services, Victoria Contact Person Budget $40,000 Nicholas Ashbolt (University of New South Wales) Start Date October 2003 Organisations Involved University of New South Wales (Student involvement), Melbourne Background and Relevance Water, Water Services Association of Australia, American Water This project was developed at the request of Centre parties to Works Association Research Foundation (AwwaRF), Sydney provide a national position, guidance and best practice case Catchment Authority (Student involvement) studies on recreational access in catchments and storages. It Budget $1,100,000 was initially designed to identify pressures on water supply

Start Date February 2001 organisations for access to catchments and storages and to 2A Catchments collate information on the relationship between recreational uses, water quality and catchment health. The project was intended to Background and Relevance develop a national understanding of the impacts of recreational The project was undertaken to fill the need for tools to assist access on drinking water supplies. Over time the project has catchment managers develop better-supported design criteria evolved to provide more than a literature review. The project for management practices to control pathogen release from has also considered appropriate decision-making frameworks landscapes. More broadly, this project was designed to contribute and decision support systems for water supply organisations to to the body of knowledge regarding sources, fate, and transport apply to the management of recreational access in catchments of pathogens in watersheds. The outcomes were to be used to and storages to protect water quality and generally ensure their support the development of rational predictive models capable sustainable management. of describing expected concentrations of waterborne pathogens at critical downstream locations. Research Approach A national workshop was held to collate information and establish Research Approach a consensus on the way forward. An occasional paper will be Pathogens were monitored in laboratory and field scale in soil produced to outline current knowledge, key issues and decision- columns, faecal pats, soil blocks and on in situ plots. Experiments making criteria. This will provide interim advice for the Australian measured survival and transport in these environments for viral, water industry in making decisions on sustainable catchment bacterial and protozoan pathogens. management. The occasional paper will also outline a process for developing a national guideline and a plan of research to fill Outcomes identified knowledge gaps. • Pathogen numbers and viability in faecal sources in water supply catchments were identified. Outcomes • Inactivation rates of pathogens in soil and faeces and during • A national workshop was held in Sydney from 23-25 February hydraulic transport were quantified. 2004. • The extent to which pathogens were transported with • The pressures on water supply organisations for access to larger particles or aggregates was identified, showing that catchments and storages have been identified. pathogens entrained in water tend to move freely through • National and international data and information on the the catchment. relationship between recreational uses, water quality and • Under controlled conditions and with the aid of rainfall catchment health have been collated. simulators, pathogen transport overland and through soil • The efforts of Australian water supply organisations to was quantified. develop a national understanding of impacts of recreational • New methods were developed for detecting Cryptosporidium access on drinking water supplies were coordinated. and E. coli in animal faeces. • Appropriate decision-making frameworks and decision- • Juvenile cattle, pigs and juvenile and adult sheep were support systems for water supply organisations to apply to found to shed the most Cryptosporidium. the management of recreational access in their catchments • Inactivation of Cryptosporidium was found to increase with and storages to ensure their sustainable management have increasing ambient temperature. been developed. • As an example, under one set of conditions, a 1 metre riparian vegetation strip was found to reduce Cryptosporidium transport by 99.99% compared to unvegetated transport. Industry Uptake • Nine research articles have been published in peer-reviewed The draft occasional paper has been used by , journals or are in the process of being published. Sydney Catchment Authority, Water Corporation and ACTEW • The final report, including a CD-ROM of the data and Corporation to inform recreational access management. The fieldwork video footage, was submitted to AwwaRF on1 information contained in the occasional paper can now be used August 2004. as the basis for updating the 1987 Australian Water Resources Council guideline on this issue.

Industry Uptake CATCHMENT RISK MANAGEMENT: A TOOL TO STRUCTURE • Information on pathogen transport in catchments was SOURCE WATER PROTECTION used by South East Queensland Water, SA Water, Sydney Catchment Authority and Water Corporation to inform Contact Person modelling, risk assessment and catchment planning. Bruce Whitehill (Sydney Catchment Authority) • Melbourne Water, Barwon Water and Central Highlands Organisations Involved Water have used results to help demonstrate to land Sydney Catchment Authority, South East Queensland Water, CRC managers and planning agencies the benefits of catchment for Freshwater Ecology, Melbourne Water, Water Corporation protection. Budget $76,000 • Results were presented at a well-attended national series of Start Date October 2003 seminars known as the ‘Pathogens Roadshow’. UNDERSTANDING THE IMPACTS OF RECREATIONAL ACCESS Background and Relevance ON DRINKING WATER CATCHMENTS AND STORAGES IN This project was developed at the request of Centre parties to AUSTRALIA provide a national position, guidance and best practice case studies on risk assessment and management in water supply Contact Person catchments. Whilst much conceptual work had been done on the Judith Birrell (Sydney Catchment Authority) individual components of catchment risk management, work on Organisations Involved these components has not previously been combined to form a Sydney Catchment Authority, South East Queensland Water, management tool for source water protection. This project was SA Water, Melbourne Water, Water Corporation, University of

33 intended to provide processes for catchment risk management in Outcomes the form of a guideline document. • Preliminary NOM and pathogen models have been developed and tested. Research Approach • Two journal articles and two conference papers have been Two national workshops were used to collate information and prepared from this project. establish a consensus on the way forward. An occasional paper • Prediction of NOM in streams at the river basin scale is was used to outline a proposed risk assessment methodology. possible using the models in the EMSS platform. The project used the workshops and position papers to develop and capture the thinking of a multidisciplinary team drawn from Industry Uptake the CRC for Water Quality and Treatment and CRC for Fresh Water • Incorporation of the pathogen and NOM modules into the Ecology. EMSS platform will allow wide uptake of this research by the 2A Catchments Australian water industry. Outcomes • Melbourne Water is using the alpha test version of the EMSS • An introductory workshop was held in Canberra in October NOM and pathogen models in its catchment management 2003 to discuss and confirm the project scope. planning. • A discussion paper was produced investigating the different risk assessment methodologies for catchments COMPARATIVE TRIAL OF CRYPTOSPORIDIUM PARVUM and groundwater areas used by Australian water utilities. GENOTYPING METHODS It detailed the strengths and weaknesses of the different Contact Person approaches and recommended a national approach. Christobel Ferguson (Ecowise Environmental) • A workshop was held in Perth in March 2004 to discuss a Organisations Involved national approach. It was agreed that a two-stage hybrid of Sydney Catchement Authority, Melbourne Water, Monash Risk Management Standards incorporated within Hazard University Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) would be developed. Budget $123,000 • Guidelines were developed for catchment risk management, Start Date April 2003 for identifying hazards and assessing and treating risks to raw water quality in catchments. Background and Relevance • A discussion paper was presented at the 2004 IWA World The project was required to evaluate the range of currently Water Congress in Marrakech, Morocco. available molecular tools for tracing and tracking Cryptosporidium • Guidelines on catchment risk management were developed parvum isolates capable of causing human infection, enabling for use by water management organisations of all sizes. the identification and prioritisation of Cryptosporidium parvum threats to water quality. An objective assessment of the Industry Uptake discriminative ability of the currently available methods had not The risk assessment component of a position paper is now been undertaken and the Centre was viewed as the appropriate being actively used by Sydney Catchment Authority and Water organisation to make this assessment for the Australian water Corporation in their risk management planning. The final paper industry. on risk management in catchments is currently being scoped. Research Approach DEVELOPMENT OF PATHOGEN AND NOM MODULES FOR Isolates of Cryptosporidium parvum from epidemiologically INTEGRATION INTO THE CRC FOR CATCHMENT HYDROLOGY characterised cases of humans and animals were to be typed by CATCHMENT TOOLKIT a range of methods and results compared. Outcomes Contact Person • The trial has been completed and the final report was Shane Haydon (Melbourne Water) submitted. Organisations Involved • The trial revealed that Australian-developed methods Melbourne Water (Student involvement), CRC for Catchment undertaken at Melbourne and Murdoch universities were Hydrology the best methods internationally. Budget $433,750 Start Date March 2003 Industry Uptake • An oral presentation of the preliminary results was given at an AwwaRF/UK Drinking Water Inspectorate/UK Water Background and Relevance Industry Research workshop in Boulder, Colorado in August Using data on NOM and pathogen generation and transport in 2003. catchments obtained from other Centre projects combined with • An international workshop was held at IWA World Water additional data made available by Centre parties, it was thought Congress and Exhibition in Marrakech, Morocco in possible to develop modules for NOM and pathogen transport September 2004. in catchments for incorporation into various existing catchment • The presentations and discussions from the international hydrological models. In particular, data from the Centre projects workshop have been summarised as a paper for the journal Infectious Microogranisms in Catchment and Source Waters and Environmental Health Perspectives. Fate and Transport of Surface Water Pathogens in Watersheds • An Australian workshop was held in Melbourne in June were locally relevant and available. Such models would enable 2005. quantitative assessments of the pollution reductions likely, given • The presentations and discussions from the Australian particular management practices within catchments. Existing workshop are being summarised as a paper for Australian CRC for Catchment Hydrology modelling toolkits, such as the Water Association’s Water journal. Environmental Management Support System (EMSS) model, • Guidance for Australian utilities on when to use which of were to be augmented as they did not consider NOM or pathogens the methods was agreed on as an outcome of the Australian at the time of their development. Two computer modules on NOM workshop. and pathogens were to be developed for attachment to the EMSS model. Research Approach Two computer modules, one for pathogens and another for NOM, will be developed and tested against available data from a range of catchments. The modules will then be made available through an environmental management support system developed within the CRC for Catchment Hydrology.

34 POLLUTION SOURCE TRACING TOOLS Projects in Development Contact Person PATHOGEN MODELLING IN WATERSHEDS Nicki Davis (ActewAGL) This project is being developed as a collaboration between Organisations Involved AwwaRF and the CRC for Water Quality and Treatment. The project ACTEW Corporation, SA Water, Curtin University of Technology, is largely an extension of the work undertaken in four other University of New South Wales Centre projects to develop comprehensive models for movement of pathogens in catchments with general availability and an Budget $402,686 ability to operate at a range of scales and in a range of platforms. Start Date July 2005 Modules will be developed to allow prediction of pathogens in streams at a broad range of scales, depending on data availability. Background and Relevance Modules will work within a broad range of commonly available 2A Catchments The project will develop an approach for determining the source platforms and not be restricted to EMSS. Sydney Catchment of faecal and NOM pollution in catchments. Such an approach Authority and ACTEW Corporation have completed pilot versions would enable catchment managers to most appropriately target of the higher-resolution, pathogen budgeting modules in their their faecal pollution remediation activity. catchment management planning. Melbourne Water is already using the alpha test version of the basin-scale pathogen model in its catchment management planning. Research Approach A web-based guidance and interpretation system for determining DEFINING THE VALUE OF NATURAL ASSETS IN DRINKING WATER the source of faecal and NOM pollution will be developed that CATCHMENTS enables catchment surveys and analytical assays to be combined. This project will develop a national position, guidance and best The approach will be validated using the interpretation system and practice case studies on the value of drinking water catchment the assays through the use of Australian-based case studies. investments to the water utility and, therefore the expenditure that Outcomes should be allocated to their protection. A natural asset valuation Industry collaboration in developing a practical system for system will be developed that recognises the role and value of determining the likely origin of faecal and NOM pollution in natural assets to the water utility specifically, is robust before a catchments is being achieved. utility pricing regulator and informs investment in natural assets in catchments. The intention is that this project will facilitate the Industry Uptake implementation of the Framework for Management of Drinking • SA Water and ACTEW Corporation have indicated interest Water Quality in the catchment/source context, particularly the in undertaking case studies once the project commences. catchment protection barrier which is stated in the Australian Other industry parties are also expected to take part. Drinking Water Guidelines (ADWG) as the being the most • AwwaRF and US EPA have indicated interest in becoming important barrier. Case studies are being scoped in South East part of the project team. Queensland Water and SA Water catchments.

Summary Of Progress Against Commonwealth Milestones Years 3, 4, 5 COMMONWEALTH SCHEDULE MILESTONES CONTRIBUTION FROM PROJECT MILESTONES Detailed research reports and brief industry summaries giving the new Two final AwaaRF reports have been completed along with more than twenty knowledge generated from research activities focusing on source, transport peer review publications. An draft Occasional Paper has been prepared for and inactivation mechanisms of key contaminants. the project Understanding the Impacts of Recreational Access on Drinking Water Catchments and Storages in Australia. Industry and regulator reports describing the management of barriers to Fact sheets were developed from work done so far and used to support a contamination, targets and monitoring protocols. national series of industry seminars. Industry catchment manual describing practical tools for elucidating specific A research planning meeting was held for the project Pollution Source contaminant sources and modes of transport. Tracing Tools to develop the detailed research plan with the intention of developing a manual. A draft research plan is currently being finalised by the project leader. Practical guidance on catchment management techniques for drinking Fact sheets were developed from research to date and were used to support water supply resource managers. a national series of industry seminars known as the ‘Pathogens Roadshow’.

35 Program Leader Dennis Steffensen Centre Deputy CEO and Australian Water Quality Centre

Program Aim The aim of this program is to develop a detailed understanding of how water quality changes occur in bulk water storage reservoirs. The program focuses on water quality enhancements, specifically, the rates and mechanisms of contaminant attenuation and pathogen inactivation in reservoirs. In addition, specific projects examine the impacts of stratification and oxygen depletion, which trigger the release of metals, nutrients and other contaminants from the sediments. Another major focus of the program is phytoplankton growth, especially cyanobacteria which produce taste and odour compounds and in some cases, dangerous toxins.

Program Overview Organisations Involved Australia has a wide range of storage reservoirs which have Australian Water Quality Centre, Curtin University of varying capacities and water retention times. Reservoirs Technology, RMIT University, ACTEW Corporation, University with lengthy water retention times provide the potential for of Adelaide water quality improvement through settlement and die-off of Budget $702,630 microorganisms. However, these reservoirs also provide the Start Date July 2002 potential for water quality deterioration through, for example, the increased opportunity for cyanobacterial growth. Background and Relevance The amount and nature of NOM in the water has significant There are several projects on toxic cyanobacteria, pathogens implications water treatment and disinfection processes. and NOM in progress within the Centre. A further project The physical, chemical and biological processes that occur on management of benthic cyanobacteria will commence in reservoirs have the potential to alter the nature of the shortly. The emphasis for the remainder of the Centre’s NOM which may have significant implications for the down life will be the integration of the specific outcomes into stream processes. The aim of this project is to determine reservoir management models that deal with all aspects the changes in NOM during water storage in reservoirs of water quality. Scientifically based guidance manuals for and the implication of those changes on removal of NOM system operators are being prepared. These models and the by conventional water treatment processes with particular guidance manuals will support a risk-based management reference to: approach for water quality in storages. • Impacts of water storage in reservoirs on the character Research Collaboration of NOM. The American Water Works Association Research Foundation • Impacts of de-stratification of Myponga Reservoir on (AwwaRF) has been a major collaborator and source of the character of NOM. funding to this Program. There are two current projects • The significance of the changes in NOM in relation to being conducted into the determination and significance the capacity of conventional water treatment (using the of emerging algal toxins and quality control protocols coagulant alum) to remove NOM from raw water. for various algal toxin methods. These projects also involve collaboration with one of the USA’s leading toxic Research Approach cyanobacteria researchers, Professor Carmichael from This project utilises the models developed in Centre Wright State University. • projects Hydrodynamic Distribution of Pathogens in Lakes and Reservoirs and Modelling Coagulation to The Centre is currently preparing a joint study on the novel Maximise Removal of Organic Matter. toxic amino acid, β-methylamino-L-alanine (BMAA), with To assess the input of allochthonous (external) NOM leading UK toxic cyanobacteria expert Professor Codd from • into the reservoir, inputs from major sources (stream the University of Dundee in Scotland. flows of the Myponga catchment) will be investigated. Modelling of the Myponga catchment hydrology will be In another international collaboration auspiced by the investigated through RMIT University. Centre, Professor Hsein Yeh from the National Cheng Kung Characterisation of the NOM based on assimilable University in Taiwan spent a four month sabbatical at the • organic carbon content and microbial activities will Australian Water Quality Centre (AWQC) in 2004 working be investigated using extracellular enzyme assays, on algal management issues. An Australian Water Quality biodegradable dissolved organic carbon (BDOC) Centre scientist will spend time at Cheng Kung University

2B Reservoir Management analysis and assimilable organic carbon (AOC analysis late in 2005. incorporating the use of Pseudomonas florescens P17. A range of chemical-structural characterisation The Centre for Water Research at the University of Western techniques will also be incorporated including, high Australia is a party to the project Hydrodynamic Distribution performance size exclusion chromatography, pyrolysis- of Pathogens. The models developed by the Centre for Water gas chromatography-mass spectrometry and C13 Research have been adopted and adapted by the Reservoir CPMAS NMR. Management Program. • NOM in water samples obtained following in situ (mesocosms) and/or laboratory simulated de-stratified Veolia Water provide funding for the project Reservoir and stratified conditions will be characterised using Management Strategies for Control and Degradation of Algal the above methods and concurrently assessed for Toxins. Part of that project was conducted at Eagle Creek treatability with alum. The alum treatment conditions Reservoir, Indianapolis, which is managed by Veolia Water. will be determined using predictions from models developed through the Centre project Modelling Current Project Status Coagulation to Maximise Removal of Organic Matter. IMPACTS OF DESTRATIFICATION ON RESERVOIR NOM Outcomes AND ITS REMOVAL BY WATER TREATMENT • Mesocosm studies indicate that dissolved organic Contact Person carbon (DOC) concentration is more variable in the John van Leeuwen (University of South Australia) bottom waters than in the surface waters.

36 • Laboratory studies demonstrated that DOC concentration in INVESTIGATION OF SURVIVAL OF CRYPTOSPORIDIUM IN water from Myponga Reservoir was lowered (approximately ENVIRONMENTAL WATERS 8%) after exposure to UVB for 20 days. Contact person • In this same preliminary study, the NOM exposed to UVB Paul Monis (Australian Water Quality Centre) was less treatable with alum and had higher BDOC than water not exposed to UVB. Organisations Involved Australian Water Quality Centre, Sydney Water

Industry Uptake Budget $890,666 The outcomes will assist in the evaluation of the impact of Start Date October 2002 destratification on the treatability of the NOM. The outcomes will also be relevant to the management of off-take levels to avoid Background and Relevance poor quality water. The Framework for the Management of Drinking Water Quality requires the identification and risk assessment of hazards. IDENTIFICATION AND ENUMERATION OF CYANOBACTERIA Cryptosporidium is recognised as a hazard to water quality and a Contact person potential threat to public health. An understanding of the factors Paul Monis (Australian Water Quality Centre) that influence the survival and infectivity of Cryptosporidium is critical to that assessment of risk. Organisations Involved Australian Water Quality Centre Indicators of viability, such as vital dye staining, have been used

Budget $378,948 but are now known to overestimate infectivity. The infective 2B Reservoir Management Start Date March 2001 phase in the lifecycle of Cryptosporidium are the resistant spores or oocysts. Currently, the only methods that appear to be appropriate for evaluating oocyst infectivity are animal or Background and Relevance cell culture models of infection. This project will investigate the Excessive growth of cyanobacteria is of concern due to their inactivation rates of Cryptosporidium oocysts in environmental production of toxins or metabolites with off-flavours and tastes. waters using a quantitative Cryptosporidium cell culture Semi-automated protocols for the analysis of cyanobacteria infectivity assay. Such information can be used in combination will provide rapid and more reliable quantitative data on algal with hydrodynamic models to estimate the risk of infectious samples (including biomass estimates), while releasing expert oocysts reaching reservoirs off-takes. This is critical for the risk biologists for other tasks such as data assessment and providing assessment of Cryptosporidium in water and will determine advice. The principal aims are to semi-automate the tasks of: the effectiveness of residence in reservoirs as a barrier to this pathogen. • Counting cyanobacteria to estimate population density. • Estimating cell size and biomass. • Acquiring data on shape and size to apply to taxon Research Approach identification and recognition. • The cell culture infectivity assay will be linked with real-time PCR to detect infective oocysts. • Fluorescence microscopy and/or flow cytometry will be Research Approach utilised in the preparation of the oocyst seeds that will be The project involves the development of a preliminary • used in experiments. protocol for producing binary images of phototroph • In all experiments, sufficient numbers of oocysts are used to autofluorescence. The use of autofluorescence will address ensure a 1000 fold reduction can be measured. problems with background debris that arise when using • Laboratory scale studies will be used to examine normally illuminated images. temperature effects; 1,000 litre tanks will be used to study Counting and measurement protocols will be developed and • solar inactivation. validated. The image acquisition procedure will be made semi-automated for counting and measurement by serially linking operations from the Video Pro command menu. Outcomes • Preliminary development and validation of identification • Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) assay has been established criteria via database will be performed. for monitoring energy levels in oocysts. • Development and validate biovolume/biomass computations • ATP and infectivity assays were used to assess the impact will occur. of temperature on inactivation of oocysts. Inactivation rates • Protocols will be investigated and the project reported on. increase with increasing temperature. • Predators of Cryptosporidium oocysts have been identified Outcomes in Hope Valley reservoir water. • Protocols to count and size single-celled Microcystis and • Preliminary solar inactivation studies demonstrated rapid trichomes of Cylindrospermopsis have been developed. (within hours) inactivation of oocysts suspended in tap • Semi-automation of the system has been achieved. water during high UV-index summer days. • Assessment of the efficacy of disaggregation techniques on colonial Microcystis was made using the image analysis Industry Uptake system. • Project results have been presented to WHES committee • Protocols have been developed to estimate biomass from of WSAA, at International Cryptosporidium and Giardia Microcystis and trichomes of Cylindrospermopsis. conference (Amsterdam October 2004) and at a Centre • A technique has been developed to increase sample volume workshop on genotyping and infectivity methods (Melbourne for analysis. June 2004). • A new autofocussing method has been developed to allow • The infectivity method is in use at AWQC and has been the rapid scanning of a whole slide. Autofluorescence has transferred to the Sydney Water Corporation. been successfully used for counting Microcystis cells. • The understanding of the factors influencing survival • The system is being used to count/size cyanobacteria in and infectivity of Cryptosporidium will be applied to risk the Centre projects Early Detection of Cyanobacteria Toxins assessment in the Framework for the Management of Using Genetic Methods and Development of Biosensors for Drinking Water Quality in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Analysis of MIB and Geosmin. Guidelines.

Industry Uptake The system is being used by AWQC for research projects and will be transferred to the operational group for routine analysis.

37 DETERMINATION AND SIGNIFICANCE OF EMERGING ALGAL CRITERIA FOR QUALITY CONTROL PROTOCOLS FOR VARIOUS TOXINS (CYANOTOXINS) ALGAL TOXIN METHODS Contact Person Contact Person Brenton Nicholson (Australian Water Quality Centre) John Papageorgiou (Australian Water Quality Centre) Organisations Involved Organisations Involved Australian Water Quality Centre, EnTox (Queensland Health Australian Water Quality Centre, EnTox (Queensland Health Pathology and Scientific Services and the University of Pathology and Scientific Services and the University of Queensland), University of New South Wales, Wright State Queensland), Wright State University (USA), AwaaRF University (USA), AwaaRF Budget $584,108 Budget $1,630,000 Start Date August 2004 Start Date January 2002 Background and Relevance Background and Relevance A variety of analytical methods are in use to quantify the Algal toxins have been identified as an emerging issue in the USA. increasing number of algal toxins. Reporting of toxin results varies This Centre and AwwaRF have jointly funded research in the USA between laboratories depending on the detection methodology and Australia to determine the significance of algal toxins in water and analytical standards used. Quality control protocols and supplies and refine the methods for their detection. The principal certified standards are required to simplify interpretation and aims are to develop methods for detection of cyanotoxins and avoid ambiguity and potential errors. This project is being fully

2B Reservoir Management to assess the significance of these toxins in water supplies in funded by AwwaRF. Australia and the USA. The project will establish a set of criteria or protocols to be used Research Approach by laboratories providing algal toxin analyses to drinking water The analytical method development will include the following utilities. A quality control/quality assurance (QC/QA) checklist will toxins. be produced for drinking water utilities to assess the applicability and quality of the analytical results they obtain. This project also Microcystins will be analysed using the colorimetric phosphatase aims to isolate, purify and certify various toxin standards. inhibition assay as this assay is available in kit form. It will be compared with existing ELISA methods and validated against Research Approach HPLC-DAD and HPLC-MS/MS. The timing of this work will depend A number of analytical methods will be investigated with a view on the availability of the phosphatase inhibition kit. to establishing optimised procedures and the necessary QA/QC protocols for ensuring reliable and accurate results. These will Lipopolysaccharides (LSP) will be analysed by using extraction, comprise: purification and toxicity techniques. • Chromatographic techniques with mass spectrometric Saxitoxins will be analysed with neuroblastoma assays, the detection for the analysis of saxitoxins, cylindrospermopsin HPLC-MS/MS method using hydrophilic interaction liquid and anatoxin-a. chromatography and existing ELISA kits. • Enzyme-linked immunoassay (ELISA) methodology for microcystin determination Anatoxin-a and cylindrospermopsin will be analysed together • High performance ion exchange (HPIC) based method with using the method (LC/MS/MS) to determine both toxins in the fluorescence detection (FD) for quantitative determination of same run. The feasibility of including saxitoxin analysis in the cyanobacterial saxitoxins in a single chromatographic run. cylindrospermopsin/anatoxin-a method will also be assessed. • HPLC-photo diode-array (PDA) methodology for microcystin and cylindrospermopsin determination. Once the analytical methods have been developed, they will • HPLC-MS/MS based method for the analysis of saxitoxins, be utilised in surveys of selected drinking water supplies in the cylindrospermopsin and anatoxin-a in a single run. USA and Australia. In addition, the existing DNA based-methods for microcystin and cylindrospermopsin production and for The performance of analytical method in terms of linear response saxitoxin-producing species of Anabaena will be applied to field range, precision, accuracy, limit of detection, interferences, user samples that potentially contain these toxins. friendliness, analysis time and cost will also be determined. Sampling, sample preservation, and sample extraction and Outcomes concentration will also be determined as part of the overall • Cyanobacterial LPS appear to have such low toxicity that analytical protocols. Toxin standards will also be isolated and they are not an issue for the water industry. certified. • The neuroblastoma assay has advantages over the mouse bioassay of being capable of higher throughput, being Outcomes cheaper and having greater sensitivity. The project will provide: • There was good agreement between the genetic analysis and the presence of toxin determined by chemical analysis, • Recommendations on suitable methods for the detection of although the number of samples analysed was limited. all cyanotoxins. • The toxins cylindrospermopsin, anatoxin-a, and the • Protocols for conducting the analyses including sample saxitoxins can be quantitatively determined in a single run preparation. using hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography-tandem • Protocols for the determination of the precision and reliability mass spectrometry (HILIC-MS/MS), which is a significant of methods. advance on previous methods. For water samples, preconcentration techniques using carbon-based extraction Industry Uptake cartridges are necessary. Water utilities are increasingly required to test for algal toxins. • ELISA and phosphatase inhibition assays for microcystins The outcomes from this project will provide the quality assurance generally showed significant agreement. They provide good required for confidence to be placed in the results by testing screening assays but more needs to be done to establish agencies and water utilities. them as quantitative analytical methods. • Draft final report was provided to AwwaRF in December RESERVOIR MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES FOR CONTROL AND 2004. DEGRADATION OF ALGAL TOXINS Contact Person Industry Uptake Justin Brookes (Australian Water Quality Centre and University These methods are being adopted by Australian Water Quality of South Australia) Centre and EnTox and it is expected that they will also be taken up by other laboratories that serve the water industry.

38 Organisations Involved use of artificial destratification in Eagle Creek Reservoir. Australian Water Quality Centre, South East Queensland A knowledge exchange and communication strategy is being Water, Veolia Water, Griffith University, EnTox (Queensland developed to assist with further industry uptake. Health Pathology and Scientific Services and the University of Queensland), AwwaRF Student Projects Budget $1,379,040 These are postgraduate student projects within the Reservoir Start Date January 2004 Management Program that are not directly linked to a larger project. Background and Relevance THE EFFECT OF IRON TRANSFORMATION ON Cylindrospermopsis is a major emerging, problem-causing CYANOBACTERIAL TOXICITY toxigenic cyanobacterium. Historically, it has been implicated in a severe intoxication incident in Solomon Dam, Palm Island in Student and Organisation Australia in 1979. Cylindrospermopsis is generally considered Leanne Pearson (University of New South Wales) a tropical species, however, it appears to be invading more Principal Supervisor temperate climates. It has recently been detected in toxic blooms Brett Neilan (University of New South Wales) across a wide geographic area in the US, notably in the south Start Date June 2002 in Florida and as far north as Indianapolis. The potential health significance of toxic Cylindrospermopsis is currently under review by the US EPA. Project Outline 2B Reservoir Management This project investigates microcystin production and export in The project will systematically investigate the environmental the toxic cyanobacterium Microcystis aeruginosa and examines factors contributing to Cylindrospermopsis growth, the the effects of environmental variables such as light and trace mechanism of release of cylindrospermopsin into the metals (eg. iron) on microcystin biosynthesis and export. water column and factors leading to the degradation of Characterisation of a microcystin export pathway and elucidation cylindrospermopsin in the reservoir and treatment processes. of the factors regulating toxin biosynthesis and export will The project will also develop reservoir management approaches enable better prediction and reduced impacts of dangerous algal for the control of toxin production or eventual transport into blooms. treatment plant intakes. Project Progress Research Approach Detailed bioinformatic analyses have been performed for mcyH, • Factors which lead to the growth of Cylindrospermopsis in I and J including structural and phylogenetic analyses. The water supply reservoirs will be examined. corresponding McyH, I and J enzymes have been over-expressed • By experimentation characterization of the light and nutrient in E. coli, purified and characterised biochemically. Deletion and requirements of Cylindrospermopsis and the influence of mutagenic analyses have been performed for mcyH and knock- these on buoyancy regulation will be determined. out constructs have been designed for the future mutagenesis of • Responses of Cylindrospermopsis to artificial destratification mcyI and J. Complementation experiments and detailed kinetic in order to optimise destratification operation to limit growth analyses have been performed for mcyI. Additionally, an anti- will be determined. McyH antibody has been developed and used to investigate the • By literature review, the light, nutrient and buoyancy regulation of McyH. characteristics of the other problem cyanobacteria, Microcystis, Anabaena and Nodularia will be summarised. ROLE OF DNA TRANSPOSITION IN TOXICITY OF MICROCYSTIS • Whether the accumulation of cylindrospermopsin in water AND NODULARIA is due to active export, cell lysis or toxin stability will be Student and Organisation determined. Alexandra Knight (University of New South Wales) • Whether pre-treatment oxidation affects the cell integrity of Principal Supervisor cyanobacteria will be determined. Brett Neilan (University of New South Wales) • Integrated hydrodynamic and kinetic models to describe Cylindrospermopsis growth in response to light, nutrients Start Date March 2004 and mixing will be determined. • Mechanisms for toxin degradation will be determined and Project Outline opportunities for optimising degradation prior to entry to Microcystin and nodularin, produced by cyanobacteria, may treatment plants, by candidate processes such as adsorption, cause liver damage if ingested by animals or humans, and in biodegradation and chemical conversion will be evaluated. extreme cases can result in death. They are considered a serious toxicological and environmental problem worldwide, especially The study sites are be in Queensland, Australia when associated with large-scale cyanobacterial blooms. and Eagle Creek Reservoir, Indianapolis, USA. Understanding the acquisition and evolution of toxicity in cyanobacteria may influence the current methods of monitoring, Outcomes detection and management of toxic blooms. Furthermore, • Model has been developed and validated against historical functional transposases associated with toxin gene clusters may data sets for North Pine Reservoir (Brisbane) and Eagle Creek result in the acquisition of toxicity in presently non-toxic strains. Reservoir (Indianapolis) to determine which factors lead to This could potentially make current toxicity tests even more the growth of Cylindrospermopsis. difficult to interpret. Therefore, an understanding of the potentials • Toxin and geosmin production and degradation model has of toxin gene transfer is essential to the water industry. been developed and incorporated into the process-based ecological model (CAEDYM). Project Progress • Laboratory experiments have been undertaken to determine Expression of transposases putatively associated with whether pre-treatment oxidation affects cyanobacterial cell cyanobacterial toxin gene clusters has been carried out. The integrity/cell lysis. Nodularia spumigena NSOR10 transposase has been successfully • Laboratory experimentation has been carried out to over-expressed for DNA binding activity assays. The Microcystis determine mechanisms for toxin degradation for both aeruginosa PCC7806 transposase has been expressed in the Microcystin and Cylindrospermopsin. insoluble fraction. Optimisation of culture conditions and • Laboratory experiments have resolved the light and nutrient purification parameters has not resulted in soluble protein requirements of Cylindrospermopsis and how these expression. Refolding of the insoluble fraction is currently being influence on buoyancy regulation. carried out in order to determine the activity of the protein. A cyanobacterial transposase known to mobilise in M. aeruginosa Industry Uptake PCC7806 has been successfully cloned and is currently being The modeling results have been used to provide advice on the expressed as a positive control for the activity assays.

39 Amplification of the upstream flanking regions in toxic and • Approaches to artificial destratification and raw water non-toxic Microcystis strains has revealed that the dnaN (DNA withdrawal points (reservoir operation). polymerase beta subunit) is always present in all strains. • Roles of iron and manganese in stimulating algal population Preliminary results suggest that non-toxic species do not have the (reservoir management). n2 region; and that their dnaN gene is not linked to the uma1-6 • Appropriate oxidizing agent dosages (treatment plant and genes. This suggests that the n2 region may be part of the putative distribution system operation). mobile element. In toxic species, the distance between dnaN and mcyJ is relatively conserved, with only ~50bp variation in size. Project Progress Sequencing of this region is required to determine whether the A detailed kinetics model of Fe(II) removal in the presence and sequences are conserved; and to confirm where the boundaries absence of NOM has been developed to describe the lifetime of of the putative transposon lie. Fe(II), its complexes and other important Fe species in aqueous solutions at different pH and NOM concentrations. The model TRANSCRIPTION REGULATION IN MICROCYSTIS is particularly useful for predicting the fate of Fe(II) released in Student and Organisation stratified bottom lake waters. Hannah Root (University of New South Wales) Principal Supervisor The kinetics of Fe(III) precipitation in aqueous solutions has Brett Neilan (University of New South Wales) been investigated over the pH range 6.0-9.5. The results of this study support the existence of the neutral species Fe(OH) 0 and Start Date January 2005 3 (aq) suggest that it is the dominant precursor in Fe(III) polymerization

2B Reservoir Management and subsequent precipitation at around neutral pH. This work will Project Outline allow prediction of the rates of Fe(III) precipitation over a range The aim of this project is to elucidate further the mechanisms of of pH conditions. toxin gene regulation, which in turn may indicate environmental factors able to dictate the production of the toxin. Once the The kinetics of Fe(III) complexation by NOM has been investigated mechanism of gene regulation is known, the role of the toxin across a wide range of pH conditions. This research will provide and the reason for which it is produced may be found, which a way of predicting concentrations of different Fe(III) species in turn may aid in the control of toxic cyanobacterial water in the water column and also in the water treatment plant. It is contamination. In order to further understand toxic cyanobacterial planned to investigate Fe(III) using characterised NOM from Lake blooms, research is needed in the area of toxin regulation as, to Burragorang. date, the precise role of microcystin as a cellular component of M. aeruginosa is unknown. CARBON AND NUTRIENT DYNAMICS: APPLICATION TO RESERVOIRS The mechanism of gene regulation via DNA binding proteins Student and Organisation as transcription factors will be investigated. It has been Todd Wallace (University of Adelaide) hypothesised that regulation via DNA binding proteins is one of several factors that may play a role in toxin synthesis due to Principal Supervisors interaction with the promoter controlling the transcription of the Justin Brookes (Australian Water Quality Centre and University of toxin gene cluster. This study thus combines several fields of South Australia) and George Ganf (University of Adelaide) interest in cyanobacterial research towards the elucidation of the Start Date March 2002 mechanism of toxin synthesis in M. aeruginosa. Project Outline Project Progress Natural organic matter poses several issues for water authorities. Thus far, promoter deletion vectors based on the mcyA/D It requires removal with flocculants, increases the chlorine promoter have been constructed and are grown under varying demand and can lead to the production of disinfection byproducts. environmental conditions. Vectors have been constructed for use In standing waters, the metabolism of labile organic carbon and in E. coli and a cyanobacterial host. The transcription of a marker subsequent de-oxygenation of the water column may actually gene is quantitated using Real-time PCR, showing that various increase the concentration of nitrogen and phosphorus available parts of the promoter allow different transcription efficiencies. to trigger nuisance and harmful algal blooms. In addition, poor Further work will include analysing putative DNA binding sites in water quality limits the reuse potential of urban stormwater, the promoter, using Gel Mobility Shift assays, elucidating which and the rapid and marked decline in water quality following rain transcription factors may bind, and trying to isolate, express and events has a substantial negative impact on the environmental purify these proteins from M. aeruginosa. and social amenity of urban waterways. GENERATION AND TRANSFORMATION OF IRON AND The primary goals of the project are: MANGANESE IN LAKE BURRAGORANG Student and Organisation • To compare the chemical composition and bioavailability of An Ninh Pham (University of New South Wales) the natural organic matter (NOM) in runoff from the rural and urban sub-catchments of the Torrens River Principal Supervisor David Waite (University of New South Wales) • To evaluate multi-pathway processes for the interception of Start Date August 2002 the organic material in the sub-catchments, before it enters Hope Valley Reservoir and Torrens Lake. Project Outline Project Progress This project aims to: • The NOM that is generated in the rural sub-catchment and flows into the Hope Valley Reservoir has been characterized. • Investigate the major factors responsible for the high • NOM that is generated in the urban sub-catchments and concentrations of filterable iron and manganese in bottom flows into the Torrens Lake has an extremely high biological lake waters. oxygen demand • Develop a model that satisfactorily describes the amount and • The role of creek morphology in regulating the concentration form of iron and manganese through the water column. and bioavailability of organic matter entering the Torrens River system has been evaluated. Improved understanding of iron and manganese generation and • Potential improvements in stormwater quality that can be transformation in reservoirs may have a number of implications: delivered by intercepting organic material in structural treatment devices such as detention basins have been • The need to control organic input to the reservoir (catchment assessed. management).

40 EARLY WARNING FOR ALGAL BLOOMS EARLY WARNINGS OF ALGAL BLOOMS IN MYPONGA Student and Organisation RESERVOIR USING REAL TIME DATA ACQUISTITION AND Amber Welk (University of Adelaide) EVOLUTIONARY COMPUTATION Principal Supervisor Student and Organisation Friedrich Recknagel (University of Adelaide) Cheng Shoa (University of Adelaide) Start Date March 2004 Principal Supervisor Friedrich Recknagel (University of Adelaide) Project Outline Start Date March 2005 Algal blooms can cause significant operational problems in reservoirs, especially if there is inadequate warning of the Project Outline threat. This project will develop novel artificial neural network This project aims to establish a pilot solution for on-line water and evolutionary algorithm techniques for real-time forecasting quality monitoring and data warehousing as a prerequisite of algal outbreaks in the Myponga reservoir in South Australia for real-time forecasting of algal blooms in drinking water by exploring historical and real-time water quality data. The reservoirs. An automatic water quality monitoring and project aims to develop and implement predictive models in an telemetry system provided by Hydrolab will be implemented operational mode fed by electronically measurable climate and at the Happy Valley reservoir in South Australia that will send water quality data of Myponga reservoir. The resulting models real-time water quality data to a computer work station in the will allow real-time forecasting of algal blooms one to three School of Earth and Environmental Sciences of the University of

weeks before the bloom is predicted to occur. This will provide Adelaide where the data will be archived in an Ecological Data 2B Reservoir Management the early warning necessary for the reservoir management to Warehouse (EDW) accordingly to meta-information concepts and implement adequate prevention or control measures. compatible with historical water quality data. The EDW will have a user-interface in order to access process-based or data-driven Project Progress modelling techniques and perform both real-time and long-term A framework using both supervised and non-supervised artificial forecasting. neural networks has been developed and applied to Myponga reservoir in South Australia. It facilitates 7-days-ahead forecasting Project Progress of chlorophyll-a and Anabaena abundances as well as ordination The metadata concept has been used to design a highly relational and clustering of long-term water quality patterns regarding data warehouse to be implemented in an object-oriented manner seasons, habitat conditions and management of the Myponga by means of ORACLE and EML. At this early stage of the project, reservoirs been completed. This work has been documented a comprehensive literature review and the detailed research in two conference papers. The same framework will be applied proposal have been prepared. At the same time, a prototype on- to Happy Valley reservoir, also in South Australia, before data line water quality data logger from Hydrolab is being tested and from both reservoirs is merged to develop generic algal bloom implemented at Torrens Lake in South Australia for experimental forecasting models valid for both reservoirs. purposes.

Summary Of Progress Against Commonwealth Milestones Years 3, 4, 5 COMMONWEALTH SCHEDULE MILESTONES CONTRIBUTION FROM PROJECT MILESTONES Detailed research reports and brief industry summaries giving the new Final reports on the AwwaRF-funded projects Hydrodynamic distribution of knowledge generated from research activities focusing on pathogen pathogens in lakes and reservoirs and The significance of emerging algal inactivation, particle settling, degradation and attenuation mechanisms of toxins have been provided to AwwaRF. selected key contaminants in bulk water storages. Industry and regulator reports describing the management of barrier to ‘Pathogens Roadshow’ seminar series presented simplified reports on the contamination, targets and monitoring protocols. pathogen project to well-attended meetings in Launceston, Perth, Adelaide, Melbourne, Canberra and Sydney. Similar information was presented at the American Water Association conference in San Antonio, Texas, USA. Practical guidance on reservoir management techniques for drinking water An operator’s guide for the management of toxic algae in reservoirs is in supply resource managers. preparation and will be completed in 2005. A simplified web-based model has been developed for predicting the fate of pathogens in reservoirs.

41 Program Leader Robert Kagi Curtin University of Technology

Program Aim The aim of the Measurement Program is to develop a range of measurement techniques that will support the multi-barrier concept underpinning the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines, resulting in a more cost-effective and lower risk operation of water systems from catchment to tap. Complex challenges in environmental and water quality monitoring are being addressed by the utilisation and development of advanced methodologies for the detection and assessment of contaminants in water. Biomarkers of exposure and effect for use in health studies represent a particular focus. This program supports the entire Centre research portfolio and works closely with researchers from other programs to establish key research areas.

Program OVERVIEW and, therefore, assist in determining catchment management Measurement issues are at the forefront of most CRC for Water priorities. Quality andTreatment research programs. Close collaboration between analysts with expertise in the identification and Cyanobacteria measurement of different substances in drinking water and A project is currently underway with the American Water toxicologists and medical epidemiologists who can evaluate Works Association Research Foundation (AwwaRF) to the safety of these substances from a human perspective is develop biosensors for the analysis of the taste and odour crucial to understanding the microbiological and chemical compounds MIB and geosmin which are associated with risks of drinking water. There are several priority areas for cyanobacteria. This follows on from a previous collaboration the Measurement Program. These are largely determined by with AwwaRF which developed test strips targeting the the needs of the other research programs within the Centre’s genetic component of cyanobacterial toxins. research portfolio. These areas are briefly described below. Research Collaboration Advanced Methods for Characterisation of Natural Organic During 2004, Professor Jean-Philippe Croué from the Matter (NOM) University of Poitiers in France visited Curtin University NOM studies are a priority issue in several key areas of of Technology for a three month study visit where he Centre research, including reservoirs, treatment, distribution collaborated with Centre researchers. In particular, Professor systems, public perceptions and health issues. A number of Croué provided the impetus to begin an investigation of research projects dealing with NOM issues (e.g. advanced the water quality consequences of the 2003 wildfire in the analytical approaches, the use of stable isotope analysis, catchment areas for Canberra’s water supply. A postgraduate diverse water systems, new treatment processes) are being student from the University of Poitiers is currently spending investigated by the Measurement Program in collaboration with other Centre programs. three months at Curtin University of Technology continuing this work. Sensors Knowledge and technology gaps in the on-line measurement While in Australia, Professor Croué was also involved in the of water quality parameters (e.g. disinfectant concentration, project Advanced Characterisation of NOM in Australian pH, temperature and more exotic parameters) was the Water Systems. He continues to provide valuable advice on stimulus for the Measurement Program to hold a two-day several aspects of this project. workshop dedicated to potable water online monitoring (OM) issues. Several project concepts evolved from that workshop Student exchanges are planned between the Laboratoire de and it is expected that two new projects will begin soon. Chimie de l’Eau et de l’Environnement group led by Professor Croué and the Curtin Water Quality Research Centre. Disinfection Byproducts (DBPs) The presence of disinfection byproducts in drinking water Dr Paul Rochelle from the Metropolitan Water District of poses a public health concern and is an important issue Southern California, Los Angeles is involved with the Centre for both researchers and water utilities. The toxicity effects project Development of Biosensors for Analysis of MIB and of compounds present in water is not well understood Geosmin. Dr Rochelle will provide DNA microarray facilities and regulated protocols are continually under review and for examining toxin genes in cyanobacteria. frequently extended by the addition of new compounds of concern. This study is examining the disinfection byproducts A joint study is being conducted with GreenWater Laboratories/ produced from chloramination and chlorination. CyanoLab, Florida, USA, examining cylindrospermopsin- 2C Measurement producing cyanobacteria. Samples from the GreenWater Taste and Odour Compounds Laboratories/CyanoLab and the University of Central Florida Water utilities in a number of regions of Australia have are being genetically analysed. Microarrays to detect the particular disinfection byproduct and taste and odour genes responsible for cylindrospermopsin production concerns. Research into these concerns is underway within are being developed jointly with researchers from the the Centre. Metropolitan Water District of Southern California.

Contaminant Measurement Current Project Status There is also a need to survey non-target disinfection byproducts, particularly organic nitrogen compounds in EARLY DETECTION OF CYANOBACTERIAL TOXINS USING source and treated drinking waters. Several current Centre GENETIC METHODS projects are addressing this issue. Contact Person Micropollutants Chris Saint (Australian Water Quality Centre) The Measurement Program is supporting a Distribution Program-led research proposal to develop tools that are both Organisations Involved practical and useful in analysing polluted water samples for Australian Water Quality Centre, University of New South information on the likely origin of faecal and other organic Wales, Metropolitan Water District of Southern California contaminants. These tools will help in defining the major (USA), GreenWater Laboratories/CyanoLab (USA) , University contributors to faecal and other organic matter pollution of Central Florida (USA)

42 Budget $982,635 Background and Relevance Start Date September 2002 Based on previous research carried out by the CRC for Water Quality and Treatment, the organic compounds which are not Background and Relevance easily removed by current treatment processes are believed to be Many different species of cyanobacteria populate freshwaters, low molecular weight and hydrophilic neutral compounds. These some producing toxins that are harmful to animals and humans. compounds exhibit little or no UV absorbance properties. Hence, Cyanobacterial toxins are products of enzymatic pathways that they are not efficiently detected by the current commercially available HPSEC detection system. The UV detectors that are are encoded by genes present in the DNA of these organisms. 254 The genes responsible for the production of cyanotoxins are commonly used in HPSEC systems cannot detect all components obvious targets for the detection of toxic cyanobacteria. Large of dissolved organic carbon (DOC). Even for the DOC components multi-gene clusters have been sequenced for numerous toxins, that are detectable, the response is not quantitative. This new including microcystin and nodularin, and sequencing is presently system is potentially a very useful tool to understand organic character in drinking water. In particular, it could assist in in progress for other toxins such as cylindrospermopsin and 2C Measurement anatoxin-a. A variety of DNA or RNA detection methods are identifying changes in organic character after various treatment available to detect these genes and this project is specifically processes. This knowledge can be used to establish relationships examining the utility of real-time PCR and microarrays. between organic character and various parameters such as recalcitrant organics, biodegradable fraction, disinfection The development of rapid screening methods for toxic byproduct formation and bacterial regrowth. cyanobacteria will provide the water industry with important tools to monitor and manage water systems. Research Approach The primary focus of the project is on the development of a Research Approach custom-made DOC detector, and this will then be integrated with • Develop technology for the rapid amplification of the HPSEC (separation) component. cyanobacterial DNA using qPCR. • Identify and report genes related to the production of Outcomes cylindrospermopsin and anatoxin-a. • Two detection systems have been developed. • Develop qPCR detection assays for genes responsible for • The first system has been constructed based on a high power cylindrospermopsin, nodularin, microcystin and anatoxin-a oxidation unit, using a FTIR spectrometer as detector. production • The second system had been made by modifying an existing • Test the assays as an early warning indicator of toxic DOC analyser using off-the-shelf components. The detector cyanobacteria in water systems. selected for this system is a commercial NDIR sensor. • Both systems have been successfully tested using a range Outcomes of water samples. The detection limit of the FTIR-based • Four new genes have been discovered in a putative instrument is less than 1 mg/L DOC. cylindrospermopsin gene cluster. This gene cluster is thought to have been almost completely sequenced. Industry Uptake • A simple, robust and rapid preparation method for field Two functioning DOC detection systems have been developed extraction and amplification of cyanobacterial DNA has from this project. In addition to their use as research tools, these been developed. systems offer a new analytical service to the industry. Many • A polygenic real-time PCR multiplex assay has been requests for analyses have already been received from water developed for cylindrospermopsin producers and is in the industry organisations. There are plans to automate at least development phase for microcystin and nodularin, one of the systems in the short term. This will allow enhanced • Degenerate primers have been designed and are being used sample throughput and improved capacity to offer the service to screen DNA-producing strains, positive strains examined to industry. for candidate genes using single-sided PCR. • Laboratory and environmental samples have been screened NATIONAL LOW LEVEL NUTRIENT COLLABORATIVE TRIAL using real-time PCR assays. Contact Person • Real-time PCR detection has been demonstrated in the field Gary Prove (Queensland Health Pathology and Scientific using portable real-time equipment. Services) • Counting of cyanobacterial cells using real-time PCR has Organisations Involved been investigated for comparison with image analysis and Queensland Health Pathology and Scientific Services, Australian microscopic enumeration. Water Quality Centre

Industry Uptake Budget $218,581 The techniques developed in the course of this project are now Start Date August 2003 available to the Australian water industry. Molecular methods such as real-time PCR are moving from the research sector into Background and Relevance the water industry. Widespread adoption of the technologies The Australian water industry has recognised the need for developed during the course of this project will be contingent on additional quality assurance measures for the analysis of water existing capability (having personnel and equipment to perform samples. real-time PCR) and need (justification for funding such personnel and equipment if not presently available). Water utilities in The existing program is unique to Australia because it uses real- Queensland have shown particular interest in applying this time samples that are collected, stored and distributed using technology. routine preservation procedures. This permits robust evaluation of all the program components. The sensitivity of previous measurements has not been sufficient to detect for key analytes CHARACTERISING NOM: DEVELOPMENT OF A DISSOLVED at the levels at which cyanobacterial blooms, high disinfection ORGANIC CARBON DETECTION SYSTEM FOR SIZE-EXCLUSION byproduct concentrations or other water system problems may CHROMATOGRAPHY start to occur. Moreover, these programs operate only on an Contact Person ephemeral basis and do not use real-time samples. Chris Chow (Australian Water Quality Centre) This project will assist in the attainment of comparative results Organisations Involved generated for routine water quality measurement. The outcomes Australian Water Quality Centre, Curtin University of Technology will be of direct relevance to modelling and research problem Budget $248,000 areas such as toxic cyanobacterial blooms and generation of Start Date November 2003 disinfection byproducts.

Research Approach Questions regarding the analysis of samples used in the trials

43 (on techniques, instrument types, etc) are distributed with the Outcomes proficiency testing samples. Results from these questionnaires Use of the tool-kit to characterise NOM from waters from different are collated and can lead to topics suitable for exploration in a geographical and environmental regions is providing greater workshop situation. insight into the variability of NOM in different Australian water systems. Outcomes • Expansion of an ongoing inter-laboratory comparison Characterisation studies are also providing a better understanding program for the analysis of soluble and total nutrients, of the behaviour of source water NOM during membrane including carbon, in natural waters has been achieved. treatment, particularly with respect to the recalcitrant or • Australia-wide uniform quality as regards sample collection, membrane fouling components of NOM. storage, preservation, analysis and nomenclature of waters for the above parameters. Industry Uptake This project will help establish best practice analytical capability 2C Measurement Industry Uptake for characterising NOM in Australian waters. Understanding the This project has already delivered significant benefits to water behaviour of NOM in conventional and novel water treatment laboratories involved in the analysis of nutrient species. This is processes is also of importance with respect to treatment and demonstrated in improved performances within the proficiency the removal of the problematic moiety of NOM from the potable trials of laboratories who have participated for several rounds. water system. The current activity will focus on membrane Benefits to the water industry and environmental modellers treatment. The characterisation of source and treated waters will include identifying challenges used in comparing data derived help evaluate the efficiency of these treatment processes for from different methods or procedures used for nutrient analysis, removing NOM and minimising its adverse effects on potable such as biases or limitations. supplies. The new information from advanced characterisation will also help catchment and reservoir managers refine strategies ADVANCED CHARACTERISATION OF NOM IN AUSTRALIAN for minimising the NOM loads and the harmful consequences of WATER SYSTEMS NOM. Contact Person Paul Greenwood (Curtin University of Technology) TOWARDS THE DEVELOPMENT OF BIOSENSORS FOR THE ANALYSIS OF MIB AND GEOSMIN Organisations Involved Curtin University of Technology, Australian Water Quality Centre, Contact Person Queensland Health Pathology and Scientific Services, ActewAGL, Chris Saint (Australian Water Quality Centre) Brisbane City Council, Water Corporation Organisations Involved Budget $682,755 American Water Works Association Research Foundation (AwwaRF), United Water International Start Date September 2004 Budget $408,676 Background and Relevance Start Date March 2004 Many of the surface waters and groundwater aquifers in Australia contain elevated levels of NOM which can contribute to various Background and Relevance water quality issues (e.g. disinfectant consumption, disinfection The compounds 2-methylisoborneol (MIB) and geosmin are the byproducts, biofilm growth and the aesthetic quality of potable most common causes of naturally occurring tastes and odours water). Characterisation studies which provide a detailed in drinking water world-wide. At present the most common understanding of the origins, structural features and reactivity of methods for analysis (closed loop stripping or solid phase micro- natural organic matter (NOM) in source waters will help predict extraction followed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry) its impact on potable supplies and allow targeted treatment. The are time consuming, expensive, and require sophisticated analytical challenges of NOM characterisation are compounded equipment and trained personnel. Therefore, a more rapid and by its inherent complexity, wide range of molecular size and type inexpensive method for the detection of these compounds would and the seasonal variation of Australian waters. Furthermore, be of benefit to the water industry. different water bodies can contain very different types of NOM. Benefits would include: The present project aims to build on previous approaches by • Regular monitoring of source water and distribution systems assembling an extended tool-kit of advanced analytical methods - water suppliers could be pro-active in their approach to appropriate for NOM characterisation, with emphasis on novel taste and odour issues by being aware at the beginning of a approaches. A diverse range of analytical tools is imperative problem. for studies of the complex naturally occurring organic materials • Regular monitoring of the removal of MIB and geosmin present in natural waters since the composition can vary through the treatment train - knowledge of the performance considerably between samples and only a subset of techniques of the plant, even when the compounds are at low levels, is may be applicable in any one case. important for plant improvement. • Instant reaction to a taste and odour episode - when taste Research Approach and odour levels begin to rise, adjustments can be made in A tool-kit of advanced analytical methods will be used to powdered activated carbon doses and the episode can be facilitate the characterisation of NOM. Methodology relating monitored in real-time. to isolation procedures, derivatisation methods (e.g., thermochemolysis, chemical and enzymatic degradation) and Research Approach contemporary spectroscopic methods (GC-MS, GC-irMS, NMR, This project aims to firstly isolate bacteria capable of degrading multidimensional LC-MS (including multidimensional and reverse MIB or geosmin. Isolation of these organisms will allow for the phase chromatography)) will be developed and optimised for the genes involved in the degradative processes to be identified and study of various types of NOM. characterised. Following this, key proteins that interact directly with MIB and geosmin will be elucidated. Using this information, This project aims to develop emerging technologies (e.g. liquid a simple biosensor for MIB and geosmin detection will be chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS), stable isotopic developed. In addition, probes for a real-time PCR based assay to analysis, hydrous pyrolysis GC-MS, chemical and enzymatic predict in situ taste and odour removal in a water treatment plant degradation processes) for their suitability to assist in NOM will also be developed. characterisation studies. New operational protocols will be adopted to overcome the technical difficulties encountered with Outcomes several previously trialed techniques (eg NMR spectroscopy). • Successful enrichment of MIB- and geosmin-degrading bacteria from sand filter biofilm. • Culture-independent techniques were used to identify the key organisms involved in the degradation of the taste and odour compounds within the enrichment culture.

44 • Culture-based methodologies were used to successfully THE STRUCTURE AND CHEMISTRY OF NOM IN GROUNDWATERS isolate bacteria that degrade geosmin by a cooperative FROM THE GNANGARA MOUND mechanism. Student and Organisation • Molecular-based methodologies have been planned to Daniel Couton (Curtin University of Technology) elucidate the genes involved for the degradation of geosmin Principal Supervisor by the bacterial consortium. Cynthia Joll (Curtin University of Technology) • Geosmin-degrading bacteria are to be seeded onto sand filters to study any increase in geosmin removal compared Start Date February 2002 to that achieved by the indigenous bacterial population. • Degenerate polymerase chain reaction has revealed that the Project Outline genes involved in camphor degredation in Pseudomonas are Natural organic matter (NOM) can act a precursor to harmful not likely to be involved in the degradation of MIB. This will be compounds known as disinfection byproducts which are further confirmed by Southern hybridization experiments. produced during the disinfection of drinking water. NOM is generally considered to be produced as a result of humification 2C Measurement Industry Uptake of plant material. As a result of its highly varied sources, its A real-time, simple, inexpensive technique for the analysis of structure is highly complex, varied and site-specific. Isolation MIB and geosmin will be of great value to many water suppliers and characterisation of NOM from two sites (i.e., bores) world-wide. representative of diverse environments in the Gnangara Mound, a shallow, unconfined aquifer used for supplying the majority of Student Projects Perth’s northern suburbs with drinking water, may provide further These are postgraduate student projects within the Measurement insights into NOM. An improved understanding of NOM will aid Program that are not directly linked to a larger project. water treatment agencies in preventing water quality issues such as disinfection byproducts. THE CHEMISTRY OF HALOPHENOL TASTES IN DRINKING WATER This research project consisted of two primary objectives: • To investigate the mechanisms of thermochemolysis Student and Organisation reactions by comparison of on-line and off-line experiments Justin Blythe (Curtin University of Technology) with different thermochemolysis reagents and optimisation Principal Supervisor of heating, solvent effect and the basicity of the Cynthia Joll (Curtin University of Technology) thermochemolytic reagent. Start Date March 2001 • To characterise natural organic matter contained within two bore water samples from the Gnangara Mound in Wanneroo, Project Outline Perth. These bores are located below differing vegetation so Bromophenols are the compounds suspected of causing the that the effect of surface vegetation on the shallow aquifer plastic, medicinal or chemical taints in Perth’s groundwater- beneath can be observed. sourced drinking water after boiling. Project Progress The principal aims of this project were to: A novel gas chromatography-mass spectrometric technique has • Develop techniques for the analysis of volatile halophenols. been developed for analysis of complex carbohydrate materials. • Establish rates of formation of bromophenols in waters from The combined use of membrane and resin methods isolated different sources. organic-rich NOM fractions (ie low salt contents) amenable to most spectroscopic analyses. The offline thermochemolysis of • Investigate the effects of various trace components of natural waters on bromination rates. NOM has been completed and corresponding data analysis is underway. Preparation of the PhD thesis has commenced. The research approach involved: DEVELOPMENT OF A RAPID MICROBIAL TOXICITY ASSAY • Optimisation of the purge-and-trap method for maximum EMPLOYING FERRICYANIDE AS AN ARTIFICIAL RESPIRATORY recovery of the bromophenyl analytes. ELECTRON ACCEPTOR • Assess the effects of MIEX on bromophenol formation in waters sampled from both conventional and MIEX Student and Organisation treatments at the Wanneroo Treatment Plant. Kylie Catterall (Griffith University) • Determine the cause/s of the different rates of bromination Principal Supervisor of phenol in different source waters, especially the role of Peter Teasdale (Griffith University) calcium ion in the bromination of phenol. Start Date June 2002

Project Progress Project Outline It has been established that the presence of nitrogenous The use of ferricyanide as an artificial electron acceptor in compounds slows the formation of bromophenols. Seasonal microbial respiration is being investigated with a view to influences on bromophenol formation throughout the Wanneroo developing a rapid microbial-based toxicity assay to overcome groundwater treatment plant is being investigated in both the shortfalls of existing techniques. The principle of this assay summer and winter studies. The rate of bromophenol formation is similar to conventional microbial-based toxicity assays that increased as water travelled through the treatment plant and quantify inhibition of the respiratory process. In this case, dissolved organic carbon was removed. Measurements of DOC, however, rather than monitoring changes in bioluminescence bromide ion and size exclusion chromatography were performed (Microtox) or oxygen (OECD Respirometry) we quantify inhibition to help explain the results for bromophenol formation throughout of microbially produced ferrocyanide using the electrochemical the Wanneroo treatment plant. method of chronoamperometry.

Investigation of bromophenol formation in the kettles of The aims of this project are: customers who complained of taste and odour problems has • To investigate the use of ferricyanide as an artificial revealed that the formations of bromophenols occurred only respiratory electron acceptor for a rapid microbial based after the water had been boiled and had started to cool. This was toxicity assay; determine the extent of inhibition/toxicity of the result of phenol leaching as the temperature, and possibly microbial respiration in the presence of toxic substances. the pH, increased. The concentration of chlorine was found to be • To investigate a series of test toxic compounds and several critical in the formation of bromophenols. microbial species.

The PhD thesis is expected to be completed and submitted in the Project Progress next few months. • Proof of concept experiments using E. coli and 3,5- dichlorophenol as the model microorgansim and toxin respectively have been conducted and the principle behind the ferricyanide toxicity approach validated.

45 • The fundamental experimental parameters of the disinfection byproduct formation. This includes investigation of ferricyanide-mediated toxicity assay have been characterised the formation of chloramination disinfection byproducts through and optimised. a study of factors affecting their formation as well as mechanistic • Four microorganisms have been investigated as possible and kinetic studies of disinfection byproduct formation. biocatalysts in the optimised ferricyanide toxicity assay using a range of organic and inorganic toxins. The outcomes of this project will benefit the water industry by providing a greater understanding of the chemical processes, DEVELOPMENT OF A BIOSENSOR FOR DETECTION OF especially those involved in disinfection byproduct formation CYLNDROSPERMOPSIN in chloraminated systems. This is important for the optimisation Student and Organisation of chloramination practices, which will improve the quality of Rebecca Campbell (University of South Australia) drinking water supplied to areas where chloramination is used, and provide the knowledge required to respond appropriately to Principal Supervisor lower guidelines values for disinfection byproducts in drinking 2C Measurement Chris Saint (Australian Water Quality Centre) water, anticipated in the future. Start Date March 2003 Project Progress Project Outline Improved methods for the analysis of disinfection byproducts This PhD project has two distinct components involving: (trihalomethanes, haloacetic acids, and haloacetonitriles) have been developed and used for routine analyses. 1. Biosynthesis of Cylindrospermopsin • To fully sequence the genes implicated in the biosynthesis of Various trends have emerged from the field distribution system cylindrospermopsin. study and the laboratory-scale disinfection experiments. In order • To identify toxic markers that permit the design of DNA to best understand the various trends of these experiments, as probes that demonstrate unambiguous detection of well as to address the questions arising from these trends, a more cylindrospermopsin-producing cyanobacteria. fundamental study of the formation of disinfection byproducts, • To implement preliminary trials of the DNA probes on a and the factors affecting their formation, is being conducted. suitable, commercially viable biosensor platform. This includes mechanistic and kinetic studies of disinfection byproduct formation from chlorination and chloramination of 2. Biodegradation of Cylindrospermopsin well-characterised NOM isolates and model compounds under • To identify the genes involved in the biodegradation of the various conditions applicable to field situations. toxin cylindrospermopsin from bacteria. • To investigate monitoring the activities of such DEVELOPMENT OF A REAL TIME, RAPID AND NON- genes as an alternative biosensor for the presence of DESTRUCTIVE MONITORING SYSTEM cylindrospermopsin. Student and Organisation • To design suitable DNA probes which indicate the presence Shoshana Fogelman (Griffith University) of the identified biodegrading genes. Principal Supervisor Biosensors/probes will permit rapid detection of either Huijun Zhao (Griffith University) cylindrospermopsin-producing cyanobacteria or cylindro- Start Date March 2003 spermopsin-degrading bacteria in environmental waters, enabling water quality managers to adopt effective treatment Project Outline strategies in dealing with cyanobacterial blooms. Potable water is consistently monitored from the catchment area to the tap to ensure it can be consumed with safety. Current Project Progress water monitoring practices adopt a routine test approach, where • Currently 99% of the genes implicated in the biosynthesis of samples are collected from different locations and transported cylindrospermopsin have been sequenced. back to laboratories for the prescribed standard analysis. Over • Screening for suitable toxic markers has commenced. 200 parameters are monitored either weekly, fornightly, monthly, • A biosensor platform has been selected for trials to commence quarterly or yearly. Economic constraints restrict the number of in the near future. samples that can be processed by laboratory analyses, hence • Bacteria previously identified as having the potential to monitoring is often limited to a few test sites over a large time degrade cylindrospermopsin are being re-examined to better scale. Monitoring of water supplied to small communities can understand their ability to degrade cylindrospermopsin. be particularly infrequent. There is a real need, therefore, for a real-time, on-line, non-destructive monitoring system, to ensure CHEMICAL PROCESSES IN CHLORAMINATED DISTRIBUTION more frequent monitoring of drinking water, particularly in rural SYSTEMS areas of Australia. Student and Organisation Ina Kristiana (Curtin University of Technology) This project aims to develop a universal calibration system that is capable of real-time, on-line monitoring of drinking water Principal Supervisor quality in any water body, without the need for calibration, Cynthia Joll (Curtin University of Technology) reagents and with limited effort. The monitoring system needs Start Date March 2003 to indicate sudden or extreme changes in water quality. It should shift the current reliance on end-point testing to determine water Project Outline problems, to a preventative management approach, where the The formation of disinfection byproducts is of particular concern problems are detected by the management authority, before they due to the potential long-term health effects of some disinfection reach the consumers tap. The project will aim to produce a device byproducts. As a result, the concentrations of some disinfection or protocol which is simple to use and has low maintenance costs byproducts in drinking water are regulated and efforts are made so that it is economically feasible to implement in isolated areas to minimise the concentrations of disinfection byproducts in of Australia. drinking water. Treatment parameters (e.g. disinfectant, the pH, contact time, temperature), source water (e.g. NOM characteristics, Research Progress bromide ion concentration) and distribution system conditions An on-line, real-time software-based monitoring system has been have considerable effects on the concentration, speciation, and developed and optimised for on-line monitoring. The system stability of disinfection byproducts. Chlorine and chloramine are uses artificial neural networks (ANNs) and signals from an optical the two most common disinfectants used in Western Australia sensor (e.g. UV-Vis Spectrometry) and other simple water quality with the latter primarily used in long distribution systems because parameters. of greater stability in a more persistent disinfectant residual. The concept of a universal calibration system has been validated This project aims to study the chemical processes taking place on synthetic samples. in a chloraminated system, with particular focus on processes of

46 Reliable low cost on-line monitoring tools will be of significant optimise treatment processes which will ultimately contribute to economical benefit to utilities required by regulation to monitor the improved quality of drinking water supplied to consumers. for a number of water quality parameters. These tools will also provide for increased safety of water systems supporting small Project Progress communities where less frequent monitoring is an economic A polymeric adsorbant method for fractionating NOM extracted reality. from groundwater has been optimised. Preliminary analysis of source waters has been conducted with water from one particular DEVELOPMENT OF PORTABLE INSTRUMENTATION FOR THE bore identified for further characterisation. One thousand litres MEASUREMENT OF PESTICIDES IN WATER of this groundwater sample has been collected for further Student and Organisation characterisation and treatment. Isolation of NOM from this large David Beale (RMIT University) water sample using a polymeric adsorbant and ultrafiltration Principal Supervisor method has commenced.

Nichola Porter (RMIT University) 2C Measurement The information obtained in this study may assist in optimisation Start Date March 2004 of catchment and treatment practices. Characteristics of the unique local NOM will be related to its potential treatability by Project Outline current and future local water treatment processes. The main objective of the project is to develop an instrument that can be easily transported from site-to-site for rapid in situ determination of agricultural pesticides which have impacted THERMAL MATURATION STUDIES OF NOM TO RELEASE source waters. The occurrence of pesticides in low µgL-1 MACRO-MOLECULARLY BOUND BIOMARKERS AND concentrations can cause devastating effects to wildlife and in INVESTIGATE THE DIAGENETIC PATHWAYS OF MAJOR some cases may affect human health. The onsite determination ORGANIC PRECURSORS of a pesticide will ensure that remediation efforts can be Student and Organisation implemented as quickly as possible at a contaminated site. Lyndon Berwick (Curtin University of Technology) Principal Supervisor This project aims to develop a portable instrument based on Paul Greenwood (Curtin University of Technology) a Sequential Injection Lab-On-a-Valve (SI-LOV) instrument to measure low concentrations of a variety of pesticides in aqueous Start Date February 2005 samples and provide an early alert of contamination episodes. Several pesticides in drinking water and their suitable reagents Project Outline will be tested using the proposed instrument in order to obtain a Elevated concentrations of natural organic matter (NOM) in water measure of the concentration at or below the values stated in the used for water supply purposes, as is the case in many Western 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. Australian groundwaters, can adversely affect water quality and increase the demand for chemical disinfectants (e.g. chlorine). Project Progress • Analysis of hexazinone (Velpar) has been optimised using This research project focuses on the development and the proposed instrument and a detection limit of 4 µg/L has optimisation of thermal and chemical degradation methods for been achieved. analysing the structural and compositional character of NOM, • Atrazine has been detected in the proposed instrument at 10 with a particular focus on micro-scale sealed vessel (MSSV) µg/L. pyrolysis. Such characterisation studies should provide a more • Hexazinone and atrazine are currently being applied with comprehensive understanding of the origins, structural features an online solid phase extraction variation to the proposed and reactions of NOM in source waters and aid the development instrument in order to concentrate the analytes and obtain a of improved and/or targeted treatment methods. detection limit below the Australian Drinking Water guideline value. Project Progress • Preparation of a hexazinone paper is underway, waiting The literature review and candidacy application are almost for completion of online solid phase extraction, which is complete. Preliminary MSSV pyrolysis– gas chromatography- providing promising results. mass spectrometry (GC-MS) analysis has been obtained on • Dicrotophos study was conducted as part of the CRC summer natural organic matter samples, wastewater samples, membrane scholarship project program, where two chemiluminescent foulants, and biofilm and bacterium samples. Some of the sample reagents were compared and a detection limit was achieved has also been analysed by the more traditional flash pyrolysis at 18 µg/L. method for comparative purposes. Initial MSSV parameter • Papers describing the outcomes have been prepared or are in preparation. optimisation has commenced. CHARACTERISATION AND TREATABILITY OF NATURAL THE USE OF STABLE ISOTOPES FOR THE CHARACTERISATION ORGANIC MATTER IN GROUNDWATERS USED FOR DRINKING OF NOM AND INVESTIGATION OF THE DIFFERENT ORGANIC WATER PRECURSORS OF AQUATIC SYSTEMS Student and Organisation Student and Organisation Stacey Hamilton (Curtin University of Technology) Leigh Boyd (Curtin University of Technology) Principal Supervisor Principal Supervisor Cynthia Joll (Curtin University of Technology) Paul Greenwood (Curtin University of Technology) Start Date March 2004 Start Date February 2005

Project Outline Project Outline Natural organic matter (NOM) in source waters can affect various This project aims to develop and test the utility of stable isotopic aspects of water treatment and water quality. If NOM is not analysis for characterising and establishing the main precursors removed effectively, it may provide precursors for disinfection of dissolved organic carbon (DOC) in water supplies. It will be byproducts, taste and odour compounds or contribute to aligned with the Centre project Advanced Characterisation of biological growth and biofilm formation in distribution systems. Natural Organic Matter (NOM) in Australian Water Supplies, which Characterisation studies, providing a detailed understanding of seeks to assemble an extended tool-kit of advanced analytical the origins, structural features and reactivity of NOM in source methods appropriate for NOM characterisation. waters, will also help assess its treatability and possibly identify improvements to treatment processes for the more effective Stable isotopic data of NOM will be obtained on both a whole removal of NOM. sample and a compound specific basis to investigate the utility of stable isotope analysis for studying the source input, temporal This project will conduct a detailed study of the origins, and spatial dynamics (e.g. bioproductivity), transportation and structural features and reactivity of NOM in a selection of fate of organic material in source water systems. Perth groundwaters. The characterisation information may help

47 A range of NOM samples will be studied since the chemical and • Development of a pilot version of the web-based guidance physical nature of NOM is dependent on the source materials and and interpretation system in association with water utilities. surrounding environmental conditions, hence NOM from different • Case studies will be conducted with water utilities to further locations can vary considerably in structure and behaviour. NOM develop the system and to identify the most important gaps fractions will be separately studied to establish the relationship in its capability. between the structural moieties of NOM and specific organic • Refinement of the system in terms of both the analytical precursors. A correlation of the source inputs of organic matter assays, (microbial, molecular and chemical), and the guidance in the source waters with the subsequent occurrence of certain components. disinfection byproducts following treatment may also help identify which precursors are most significant with respect to disinfection FIELD ASSESSMENT OF SCAN SPECTROLYSER – NEW UV ON-LINE byproduct formation. MONITORING DEVICE The aim of this project is to assess various industry application Project Progress of the Scan Spectrolyser – a new fluorescence based on-line 2C Measurement Samples of NOM from different sources and geographical monitoring device. There is wide industry interest in this project locations have been analysed using compound specific isotope with various utilities to successively use a scan spectrometer on analysis (CSIA). Samples include NOM from river water and different applications. Information from all trial studies would wastewater, while samples of water main biofilms have also been then be shared between all participants. The Australian marketers analysed. The NOM samples were prepared for analysis using of Scan Spectrolyser, DCM Process Control, are willing to donate a pyrolysis and the reagents for chemical degradation methods are device to be used in round-robin applications and also to support also being obtained. An offline pyrolysis furnace is also under initial set-up costs. construction. The results from the CSIA are being analysed and, once more detailed information is known about the samples, the NOM OF HIGHLY COLOURED WATER data can be interpreted more clearly. Using these other techniques The aim of this project will be to better understand the natural can yield a better insight into the nature of the NOM and will allow organic matter (NOM) characteristics of highly coloured surface more accurate measurement of the δ13C ratios in the compounds waters. There have been previous investigations of advanced that make up the overall structure. treatment processes for removal of NOM from Australian surface waters with both high NOM and colour, but no general correlation A large sample of NOM, that can be used to test and compare between colour and the origin, properties or variability of NOM different chemical degradation techniques, including, but has been established. The origin, structural characteristics and

not limited to, RuO4 oxidation and desulphurization, is being dynamics of NOM associated with water of consistently high isolated. colour will be investigated. The treatability of the NOM and its relationship to traditional water quality parameters will also be A large sample of water from Adelaide will be treated using XAD8/ assessed. XAD4 resins to extract the NOM. Seasonal sampling of the same water source is also underway. MODELLING THM FORMATION POTENTIAL AND CHLORINE DEMAND OF COCKTAIL WATERS Projects in Development No current scientific or mathematical approximation (ie model), using the characteristics of the individual waters as input DEVELOPMENT OF LOW COST ON-LINE MONITORING PACKAGE TO IMPROVE parameters, is able to estimate the disinfection decay characteristics CHLORAMINATION CONTROL and trihalomethane (THM) formation potential of mixed waters. This proposal emanated from the Centre’s on-line monitoring The proposed project aims to address this knowledge gap by workshop held in Sydney in Feburary 2004. It aims to develop developing mathematical models to characterise the chlorine a low cost on-line monitoring package to assist water operators decay behaviour and THM formation potential of mixed drinking to optimise chloramination and maintain chloramine residual in water. Input to the model would be the parameters of the individual distribution systems by monitoring the ammonia level at several source waters comprising the mixed water. The project will test key locations. and research source water relationships of blends containing up to three source waters. POLLUTANT SOURCE TRACING TOOLS The objectives of this project are to:

• Development of a web-based guidance and interpretation system for determining the source of faecal pollution by combining catchment surveys with analytical assays. • Further development and validation of the system and the assays through case studies across Australia.

48 Summary Of Progress Against Commonwealth Milestones Years 3, 4, 5 COMMONWEALTH SCHEDULE MILESTONES CONTRIBUTION FROM PROJECT MILESTONES Detailed research reports, patents, detailed methodologies, operating New knowledge has been captured in the individual project proposals, procedures and brief industry summaries giving the new knowledge project reports and workshop reports that have been produced. Plans are generated from research activities. underway for a patent application on a new SEC instrument with direct DOC detection capability. Reports targeted at the implementation of developed monitoring protocols The project Characterising NOM: Development of a Dissolved Organic and measurement technologies by industry and regulators. Carbon Detection System for Size-Exclusion Chromatography has provided unique DOC detection capability for HPSEC.

The project Advanced Characterisation of NOM in Australian Waters will 2C Measurement develop a toolkit of advanced NOM characterisation techniques. A project in development will aim to produce an ammonia monitoring device. Other technologies aiding on-line monitoring or assessment of water quality are being developed.

49 Program Leader Mary Drikas Australian Water Quality Centre

Program Aim The purpose of the Water Treatment Technology Program is to identify and/or develop improved engineering and system management of water treatment processes to control problem organisms and compounds. Such improvements will be implemented within the framework of the multi-barrier approach of managing water quality from catchment to customer. This will ensure that improvements implemented as a result of this research program do not adversely impact on water quality within the distribution system.

Program Overview granular activated carbon (GAC) is fast becoming a preferred The Water Treatment Technology Program focuses on the treatment option within the Australian water industry, as this removal and/or treatment of natural organic matter (NOM), multi-barrier approach has been shown to be effective against taste and odour compounds, algal toxins, pathogens and a range of problem compounds. The work undertaken in this manganese. In each of these areas, a portfolio of projects project showed that ozone is effective against most algal of strategic significance to the water industry has been toxins, but not effective against taste and odour compounds. developed and undertaken. However, the combination provides effective removal for all algal metabolites tested. More recently, the Australian water industry, in response to droughts and limited water availability, have placed issues Research Approach relating to the use of desalination for water supply purposes The removal of the algal metabolites by PAC was investigated on the research and other agendas. In response to this, a in jar test apparatus. Predictive models were applied for the gathering of representatives of industry and research parties taste and odour compounds and four microcystin variants. met in Adelaide in April 2005 to identify the priority issues for The removals of the tastes and odour compounds MIB and attention. To date, three possible research areas have been geosmin were studied in more detail as these are responsible identified and project development is proceeding. for the majority of earthy/musty complaints in drinking water. Application of PAC for taste and odour control was studied in Research Collaboration the presence and absence of other treatment chemicals such International collaboration is a feature of Centre research in as chlorine and alum. The impact of natural organic matter water treatment technologies. was studied in an attempt to minimise its detrimental effect on adsorption. Ozone and GAC were studied at the laboratory Professor Peter Huck from the University of Waterloo, Canada, and pilot scale for the removal of MIB, geosmin and two spent six months working with Dr Gayle Newcombe at the microcystin variants. Australian Water Quality Centre on the biological degradation of algal metabolites. Professor Huck had valuable input into the project and pilot plant design. Outcomes • Activated carbons with a large volume of very small Recent collaboration has occurred on development of an pores, and some pores in larger size ranges were the organic carbon detector for size exclusion chromatography best for the removal of MIB, geosmin, and saxitoxins. with two groups of German researchers and the University • If possible powdered activated carbon should not of Colorado by researchers based at the Curtin University be applied at the same time as other water treatment of Technology. This improved analytical tool has since been chemicals such as alum and chlorine as these may used in studies of dissolved organic carbon removal using interfere with the adsorption process. MIEX® and enhanced coagulation treatment. • The variants of microcystin display very different removal efficiencies by activated carbon. Following on from the Centre project Management Strategies • The adsorption of microcystins LR and LA can be For Blue Green Algae, A Guide For Water Utilities, a proposal predicted using the homogenous surface diffusion for an international guidance manual, involving collaboration computer model. with South African, German, French and UK groups has been • It appears that ozonation under the conditions usually funded by the Global Water Research Coalition. used at water treatment plants would successfully destroy the toxicity of microcystin variants, but not CURRENT PROJECT STATUS saxitoxins. Taste and odour compounds are also not fully degraded by moderate doses of ozone. The ozonation 2D Water Treatment Technology Treatment Water 2D 3.2.6 OPTIMISATION OF ADSORPTION PROCESSES process is complex due to the effect of the NOM. • Professor Jean Philippe Croue, from the University of Contact Person Poitiers, France stayed at the Australian Water Quality Gayle Newcombe (Australian Water Quality Centre) Centre for two months for a sabbatical visit. Organisations Involved • Dr Zhao Liang, from the Henan Research Institute for Australian Water Quality Centre, University of South Australia Chemistry in China was a Visiting Senior Researcher at (Student involvement) the Australian Water Quality Centre for six months. Budget $838 727 Start Date October 2000 Industry Uptake • Using knowledge generated in this program, water authorities now choose a range of appropriate PACs Background and Relevance for testing in their own waters and are determining the This project focussed on the application of a range of most cost-effective carbon by estimating doses required treatment processes for the removal of algal toxins and versus cost per dose of PAC. tastes and odours, and the effect of natural organic material • The use of ozone/GAC is increasing in Australia for taste on those processes. The application of powdered activated and odour and toxin control. Water authorities are using carbon (PAC), used by most Australian water authorities for comparative tests developed through this project to help the removal of problem compounds during treatment, was with the choice of GAC. a major process studied. The combination of ozone and

50 • As a result of Centre activities, awareness has been achieved into Visual Basic software. This software, now named mEnCo, of the importance of the type of PAC used for effective enables easy selection of the two key options one for dose and removal of the main target compound. pH reagent prediction and one for residual DOC prediction.

3.2.8 MODELLING COAGULATION TO MAXIMISE REMOVAL OF Industry Uptake ORGANIC MATTER- A PILOT PLANT AND LABORATORY BASED • The model and software have been incorporated into the STUDY operations at water treatment plants managed by United Contact Person Water International for prediction of alum doses and for John van Leeuwen (University of South Australia) coagulation pH control at their Adelaide treatment plants. Organisations Involved • Similarly the model has been adopted for prediction of coagulant doses by Esk Water in Launceston, Tasmania. Australian Water Quality Centre, United Water International, Water Corporation has recently conducted a laboratory scale Sydney Water • investigation to evaluate the models suitability for dose Budget $1,045,865 prediction at a water treatment plant in Western Australia. A Start Date October 2001 recommendation for pilot plant studies was recently made as an outcome of the laboratory studies. • Sydney Water Corporation is utilising the DOC residual Background and Relevance prediction model by linking this to chlorine decay and Natural organic matter (NOM) is partially removed by conventional disinfection byproducts (DBP) formation models. treatment using inorganic coagulants. The NOM remaining after treatment can be a substrate for microbial growth and can react 3.2.9 DEVELOPMENT OF BIOLOGICAL TREATMENT SYSTEM FOR with disinfectants causing formation of disinfection byproducts. CONCENTRATED NATURAL ORGANIC STREAMS In recent times there has been a greater emphasis on maximising Contact Person the removal of NOM by the water industry. The treatment of water Technology Treatment Water 2D Jim Morran (Australian Water Quality Centre) using higher coagulant doses to increase the removal of organics is referred to as enhanced coagulation. The ability to predict Organisations Involved coagulant and pH control reagent doses and residual NOM in Australian Water Quality Centre, University of Queensland treated water would assist operators to optimise the performance (Student involvement), Orica of treatment plants. This project aims to develop models that Budget $588,268 have raw water quality parameters as input variables for feed- Start Date December 2002 forward prediction of coagulant and pH control reagent doses for attainment of enhanced coagulation. It also aims to develop models for prediction of residual dissolved organic carbon (DOC) Background and Relevance in treated water over a wide range of coagulant doses and pH Natural organic matter (NOM) has been shown to be one of the key conditions using limited jar testing for model calibration. water quality parameters that affect treatment processes and this has resulted in the removal of NOM from raw water being of prime The expected outcome of this research is the development of concern for water authorities. Many of the processes specifically practical and suitable models which can be applied by water developed for NOM removal such as nanofiltration and ion treatment operators through user-friendly software. exchange produce a waste stream high in NOM and salinity that is difficult to treat or dispose of by conventional practices. Inadequate disposal systems for this waste will hinder further application of Research Approach this new technology. • Models will be developed for prediction of alum and ferric chloride doses to maximise DOC removal based upon raw Research Approach water quality parameters that can be inexpensively and This project is designed to assess the viability of biotreatment for rapidly obtained at a water treatment plant. the disposal of concentrated NOM waste streams resulting from • Models will be developed that enable prediction of the shift potable water treatment processes. The system is applied to waste in pH with application of alum and ferric chloride from raw to from an ion exchange process however, the developed process can treated water. also be applicable for treatment of membrane filtration retentate. • Laboratory and pilot plant studies will be conducted to

validate models over a wide range of raw water qualities. The experimental approach is divided into three stages: • A model for prediction of DOC remaining in water treated • Characterisation of the biodegradability of NOM in a typical using a selected coagulant, dose and coagulation pH will be waste stream. developed based upon the character and concentration of the • Collection of samples of appropriate biological agents DOC. The character of DOC that will be utilised in developing and determine if a suitable biomass can be propagated a model includes the non-polar, polar and non-sorbable to decolour and/or mineralise the NOM with and without fractions. chemical pre-treatment to enhance biodegradability. The model for prediction of residual DOC in treated water • • Develop a salt tolerant biological system for treatment of will also be validated by laboratory and pilot plant testing the concentrated NOM solution generated by the MIEX DOC and established data sets. process into either a NOM-free brine solution for reuse in the • Mathematical models will be incorporated into a software process or acceptable for discharge to the environment. package that enables easy application by operators at conventional water treatment plants. Outcomes • Limitations to analytical methods due to high salt content Outcomes have been identified and addressed. Characterisation of • Feed-forward models for prediction of alum and ferric typical wastes has been completed. chloride doses and for acid and alkali reagents for coagulation • Appropriate inoculum was cultured and is being tested. pH control have been developed. Models include those for • Extent of NOM reduction by biodegradation or adsorption maximising DOC removal and for an estimated percentage has been distinguished by size exclusion chromatography removal of coagulable DOC. and simple UV/colour/DOC methods developed. • The above coagulant dose prediction models have been tested • Enhanced biodegradability of refractory NOM by ozone has in both laboratory and pilot plant studies with capacities of been studied and initial outcomes are encouraging. up to approximately 3,700 L/hr in a range of waters. • A model based on Langmuir Isotherm theory has been Industry Uptake developed for prediction of residual DOC in treated water. Orica Pty Ltd, the developers of MIEX®, are supporting the project A limited amount of jar testing is required to calibrate the financially as successful outcomes from this project have the model. The model has also been validated using jar test data potential to solve the waste disposal issue associated with the use acquired from the USA. of MIEX®. Overcoming these issues would assist the application • The various mathematical models have been incorporated of MIEX® within water industry.

51 THE REMOVAL OF MANGANESE FROM DRINKING WATER • There is strong industry support for evaluation of biological Contact Person treatment of manganese to solve distribution system issues. David Dixon (Melbourne University) INTERFACE SCIENCE IN DRINKING WATER TREATMENT Organisations Involved CSIRO, University of Queensland, Gold Coast City Council Contact Person Gayle Newcombe (Australian Water Quality Centre) Budget $1,340,161 Organisations Involved Start Date November 2002 Australian Water Quality Centre, CSIRO Budget $64,210 Background and Relevance Despite the low concentrations of manganese in drinking waters Start Date March 2002 and the fact that there is little threat to the health of consumers, there has been a recent worldwide upsurge in interest in Background and Relevance manganese-related issues. This is due to the realisation that there All water sources contain minerals, dissolved and particulate, and is a significant cost associated with the handling of customer natural organic material. Also present are microorganisms such as complaints from so-called “dirty water” events, many of which bacteria, algae, protozoa. In many instances, microcontaminants involve the presence of manganese in water supplied to the from human origin are present. These include industrial and household tap. agricultural chemicals, pharmaceuticals and personal care products. The result is a complex ‘soup’ that often requires a Within water treatment plants there are a variety of technologies range of treatment processes for the achievement of water designed to lower the manganese content of the treated water, treatment objectives. Virtually all of these treatment processes however the problem persists. The technologies used are not all involve interfacial phenomena, and the success of the treatment effective within the conditions of the normal treatment plant or process relies on the optimisation of the interfacial interactions 2D Water Treatment Technology Treatment Water 2D for all forms of manganese. The aim of this work was to develop taking place during treatment. This book presents the latest a simple, cost effective technology for the biological removal understanding of interface science and interfacial processes taking of manganese from drinking water and to develop a fuller place during the treatment of drinking water, with an additional understanding of manganese ion adsorption and oxidation upon emphasis on practical applications to the processes involved. It substrates used in manganese removal. is envisaged that the audience will consist of surface scientists, applied scientists, water treatment scientists, as well as interested Research Approach managers and treatment plant staff. Essentially there were three components to this project, each intended to investigate a different method for removing Outcomes manganese from drinking water. First, the commonly used The outcome will be a well-written authoritative book explaining greensand technology was investigated with the intention of in plain language, but with sufficient scientific detail, all interfacial better understanding what occurs at the surface. The second processes taking place during drinking water treatment. Most of component involved the development of the bioreactor that the contributions have been received and edited. The manuscript utilises the bacteria from the reticulation system ahead of the will be submitted to the publishers, Elsevier, in late 2005. treatment plant as a viable alternative process. This required developing a better understanding of the environmental factors Industry Uptake that regulate the oxidation and removal of manganese by bacteria, It is anticipated that many members of the international and optimisation of the configuration of the bioreactor and its water industry will use this book as a reference to aid in the performance on a pilot plant scale under field conditions. The final understanding, and therefore the optimisation, of drinking water component investigated how well the increasingly popular point- treatment processes. of-use (POU) devices remove manganese from the product water at the tap. DEVELOPMENT OF COMBINED TREATMENT PROCESS FOR THE REMOVAL OF RECALCITRANT ORGANIC MATTER Outcomes Contact Person • Suitable quality magnetite carrier could not be sourced. Mary Drikas (Australian Water Quality Centre) An alternative sand carrier has been used and found to be suitable for colonisation by the bacteria, Pedomicrobium. Organisations Involved • Pilot plant studies indicate removal rates on sand are lower Australian Water Quality Centre, CSIRO, University of New South than on magnetite. Wales, University of South Australia, RMIT University, Curtin • Filter Coal has a sustained background chlorine demand. University of Technology (Student involvement) • Detention time prior to entering filter media following Budget $1,849,990 oxidation does not appear to impact performance in Start Date October 2002 manganese removal. Removal of manganese to less than 0.01 mg/L was sustained with both sand and coal media. Background and Relevance • Apparent strong association of manganese removal and The presence of NOM in source water can be problematic for build up of debris on either sand or coal filters. production of drinking water as it reacts with both coagulants • Sodium hypochlorite appears to provide superior performance and disinfectants used in drinking water treatment and can be a to calcium hypochlorite and gaseous chlorine. food source for bacterial growth in distribution systems. Based Increase in NOM did not impact manganese removal on • on previous studies, the NOM remaining after the conventional sand however it did appear to increase removal through treatment process has certain characteristics. It is not easily coal media. There was no apparent impact when dosed with removed by current treatment processes and can also cause chlorine. fouling of microfiltration (MF) membranes. This project has • In the laundry, the normal concentration of soluble manganese adapted simple tools to better characterise NOM and link water (up to 0.1 mg/L) is too low to be of concern for staining, but quality with treatability. A range of treatment options for the particulates are still an issue. removal of recalcitrant natural organic matter and methods to • A simple POU device (eg 5 micron filters) copes with limit its effect on MF membranes are being studied. particulate manganese.

Industry Uptake Research Approach • The microbiological research undertaken has demonstrated In order to understand the impact of the recalcitrant NOM on significant biological oxidation and removal of manganese various treatment processes, a major component of this project can be achieved in an up-flow bioreactor. There is was to characterise the recalcitrant NOM. The techniques selected considerable potential for scale up of the process but more provided better understanding of the impact of the NOM character research is required on the graded sand and gravel bed on treatment processes but are simple enough for treatment operators to understand and apply to optimise treatment configuration and on the degree of sand bed expansion for processes. optimal operation. 52 Treatment processes, including coagulation and adsorption will OPTIMISING THE WATER TREATMENT AND DISINFECTION be the main area of study. This project will assess the ability of TRAIN FOR PATHOGEN DESTRUCTION each process to remove the recalcitrant NOM. The magnetic ion- Contact Person  exchange process, MIEX , has been found to significantly reduce Alex Keegan (Australian Water Quality Centre) trihalomethane formation and will be investigated in more detail. With the current operation of two MIEX treatment plants in South Organisations Involved Australia and Western Australia, better understanding of MIEX Australian Water Quality Centre, CSIRO, Sydney Water effectiveness will be of relevance to the water industry. A major Budget $1,895,469 focus of this project will be research and development of other Start Date November 2002 processes, such as the use of powdered activated carbon (PAC), which may remove the neutral organic components. In addition, Background and Relevance the chemical components of NOM that most significantly foul This project investigates water treatment processes to determine MF membranes will be identified to enable better prediction the effect of these processes on the infectivity of pathogens of membrane fouling rate and to develop methods of reducing including enteric protozoa (eg Cryptosporidium) and viruses (eg fouling. enteroviruses) which are recognised as potential risks to human health. Subsequent susceptibility of pathogens to disinfection Outcomes is being evaluated to determine whether the water treatment • The rapid fractionation technique for NOM was modified to processes impacts on disinfection effectiveness. reduce analysis time. • Advanced coagulants were found to remove more DOC but Research Approach did not necessarily target components of concern, such as • Determine the effects of water treatment processes neutral and biodegradable organics or disinfection byproduct (conventional and dissolved air floatation (DAF) including precursors. alum, ferric chloride and polymers in jar tests on Technology Treatment Water 2D • Application of MIEX® significantly reduces formation of Cryptosporidium oocyst infectivity using cell culture- chlorinated disinfection byproducts and increases the polymerase chain reaction (CC-PCR) and enteric virus chlorine residual within the distribution system. (enterovirus and adenovirus) infectivity using tissue culture • Studies of the MIEX® and enhanced coagulation (EC) process (plaque assay and cytopathic effect). streams at Wanneroo Ground Water Treatment Plant showed • Determine the effects of ageing oocysts at environmental that the MIEX® followed by coagulation removed more DOC temperatures then processing through water treatment in each of the eight separate molecular weight fractions. process with CC-PCR. • The coupling of size exclusion chromatography with • Determine whether the water treatment processes increase multidetection systems was successfully used to characterise susceptibility of Cryptosporidium oocysts and viruses to DOC. disinfection. • Hydrophobic membranes foul more than hydrophilic membranes as do those with smaller pores. Outcomes • The most dominant foulant for microfiltration membranes • The Australian Water Quality Centre and Sydney Water are the hydrophilic organics whilst the least fouling are the completed a two-way trial of virus culture methods. hydrophobic fractions. • Effective removal of Cryptosporidium through optimised • Interactions between organic components were found to water treatment processes. have a major effect on membrane fouling. • Minimal inactivation of Cryptosporidium with exposure to • Regardless of membrane modules and operating conditions, water treatment chemicals (alum, ferric chloride and polymers) high molecular weight (>50,000 Da) colloidal material seems followed by disinfection with chlorine or chloramines. to be responsible for fouling, even though the observed total • Minimal effect of water treatment and disinfection on aged organic carbon (TOC) removal is minimal. oocysts (up to 6 months). • Laboratory demonstration that poly-silicate iron (PSI) is a • Removal of adenovirus and poliovirus with ferric chloride more effective coagulant for reduced membrane fouling than demonstrated more efficient removal of adenovirus under ACH. the same conditions. • Both MIEX® treatment and PAC adsorption prior to membrane filtration reduced organic loading onto the membrane, which directly resulted in mitigation of fouling. Industry Uptake • The flux for a hydrophobic microfiltration membrane was • Technical transfer between Australian Water Quality Centre shown to increase with increasing vacuum UV dose. and Sydney Water - cell culture and PCR methods for Cryptosporidium and viruses. • The industry is now more aware that most Cryptosporidium Industry Uptake oocysts are effectively removed by conventional water • There is increasing awareness within the water industry of treatment processes using coagulation/ sedimentation/ the importance of natural organic matter and the impact on filtration. However, those oocysts that are not removed treatment and disinfection. have been shown to have only minimal inactivation after • A rapid resin fractionation scheme has been developed as an disinfection with chlorination or chloramination. This NOM characterisation technique for the treatability of water reinforces the need for successful application of the multiple and is being offered as a service to industry. A number of barrier approach for the treatment of drinking water. Australian water utilities have utilised this service. • Characterisation techniques developed within this project BIOLOGICAL FILTRATION PROCESSES FOR THE REMOVAL OF are being used to develop effective management techniques ALGAL METABOLITES for distribution system disinfection efficiency. • A case study using United Water water treatment plant Contact Person data showed a good relationship between NOM character Gayle Newcombe (Australian Water Quality Centre) and required alum dose to achieve the same level of NOM Organisations Involved concentration. Australian Water Quality Centre, EnTox (University of Queensland • Poly silicate iron (PSI) coagulant work is moving to pilot plant and Queensland Health and Scientific Services), South East trials, with Memcor agreeing to do 3-4 months of pilot plant Queensland Water, United Water International (Student work and Orica Pty Ltd providing some of the raw chemicals involvement) for making the PSI. Hunter Water will also investigate Budget $1,475,461 coagulation performance. Start Date March 2004

Background and Relevance This project addresses the important issue of biological treatment of algal metabolites, in particular filtration through biologically-

53 active media. With the ongoing concern at the addition of of the existing Modified Fouling Index (MFI). It is expected to give chemicals to our water supply, and the potential byproducts a realistic estimate of fouling propensity of feed constituents. of oxidation processes, biological treatment techniques are In real applications, fouling species with larger sizes contribute becoming more attractive to water suppliers and the general less to membrane fouling due to inertial and shear effects, public. However, for the confident application of biological compared to the smaller particles. A crossflow sampler (CFS) will techniques to the removal of algal metabolites, it is essential that be developed which will preferentially allow smaller particles to the optimum conditions are known and that the complete removal be deposited on a MF/UF membrane. Isoporous membranes will of the potentially harmful organic compounds is guaranteed. At be used in the crossflow sampler to preferentially remove larger present this is not possible, and this lack of knowledge will be particles from the feed solution. Inorganic and organic foulants directly addressed within the project. will be used as model solutes in addition to field samples to obtain experimental data. Successful removal of larger species The major compounds of interest within this project are the from the feed solution will be observed through the Direct algal metabolites, geosmin and MIB, microcystin toxins and Observation Through Membrane (DOTM) and field emission cylindrospermopsin. These are all compounds that are found scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) techniques. The outcome throughout Australia and are problematic for many water authorities. of the project will enhance understanding of the complex interplay of fluid mechanics, operating parameters and fouling propensity on membrane fouling. Research Approach The research approach is based on a series of questions: Research Approach • Can we identify individual bacteria capable of degrading the The research approach involves: algal metabolites? Are they present in a range of waters? • Development of a crossflow sampler and experimental set- • Will there be a ‘lag phase’, or delay, between when the up. 2D Water Treatment Technology Treatment Water 2D biofilm first ‘sees’ the compounds, and when it is capable of • Development of model feed for fouling studies. degrading them? • Evaluation of the efficiency of CFS in isolating larger • Under what conditions is biofiltration likely to be a viable particles and allowing smaller particles for Silt Density Index option for removal of algal metabolites? Can we predict (SDI) and MFI measurement. whether a biological filter would be effective for the removal • Comparison of SDI, MFI and MFI CFS of model and field of a transient episode of the metabolites? samples. • Does ozone pre-treatment enhance the removal of algal • Development of a fouling Index based on MFI CFS. metabolites? • Is it possible to modify the biofilm and/or conditions to Outcomes produce maximum removal of algal metabolites in less than • Dead-end SDI and MFI experiments have been standardised. optimal conditions? • Experimental rig has been successfully designed and installed. A series of laboratory, pilot-scale and full-scale scientific • Crossflow sampler has been developed and incorporated in investigations has been designed to supply the solutions to these the rig. research questions. • Crossflow SDI and MFI methods have been developed. • Zeta potential of different feeds has been studied. Outcomes • Cake structure of feeds has been studied by FESEM. • Biological filtration can be extremely effective for the removal of MIB, geosmin and microcystins, up to 100% at high flow Industry Uptake rates. It is anticipated that the modified MFI will be used to estimate • Temperature appears to have little effect on the degradation the fouling potential of the feed in crossflow mode as occurs in of MIB and geosmin. However, microcystin degradation practice in membrane treatment systems. This is in contrast to the decreases with decreasing temperature. existing dead end fouling indices SDI and MFI. This fouling index • A new microcystin-degrading bacteria has been isolated and will simulate the fouling in industry which is caused by smaller identified. fouling species. • The presence of the microcystin-degrading gene can be measured in biofilm and water samples. MANAGEMENT STRATEGIES FOR BLUE GREEN ALGAE, A • Cylindrospermopsin can be effectively degraded in batch GUIDE FOR WATER UTILITIES experiments experiments and in a slow sand filter by bacteria obtained from North Pine Dam in Queensland. Contact Person • A survey of water supplies in Australia was undertaken to Gayle Newcombe (Australian Water Quality Centre) obtain a better understanding of the issues with taste and Organisations Involved odour and algal toxins in the industry. The results have given Australian Water Quality Centre, United Water International, Veolia the Centre a greater appreciation of the national nature of the Water problem. Budget $142 676 Start Date October 2003 Industry Uptake Strong interest has been demonstrated for the application of low cost biological processes for the treatment of algal metabolites. Background and Relevance Interaction with industry is continuing. The project involves the development of a guide, designed to be used by water utilities world wide. It will consolidate all available MONITORING FOR MEMBRANE FOULING ASSESSMENT current knowledge on the management of toxic blue-green algae (cyanobacteria). The guide will include management strategies for Contact Person source waters and all stages of the treatment process. Dianne E. Wiley (University of New South Wales) Organisations Involved Research Approach University of New South Wales (Student involvement) Over the past 20 years significant research has been conducted Budget $97,500 into the management of cyanobacteria and the toxins they Start Date March 2003 produce, and a wealth of published material exists in the form of scientific papers and reports. A significant proportion of that work has been undertaken within the Centre, where expertise Background and Relevance exists in all areas to be covered by this guide. This guide will This student based project aims to develop a fouling index, which consolidate all of the information produced by Centre research, reflects the effects of feed components that cause fouling in actual and reported in the literature, into an accessible guide, which can membrane treatment systems. This index will be a modification be used in the practical, day-to-day management of algal blooms

54 and the toxins they produce. The guide will cover the following fraction of organics which then can lead to the growth of biofilms topics: health effects, guidelines and standards, sampling and in distribution systems. monitoring programs, risk assessment, alert levels for action, mixing strategies, algicides, conventional treatment, oxidation, The fact that biofilms are growing on this remaining organic activated carbon, biological filtration, UV, membranes, multiple material is a clear indication that at least some of it is barrier options. biodegradable. Therefore, by incorporating a biological step in the water treatment process, it should be possible to remove some of Outcomes these compounds, in particular those that are promoting biofilm • A comprehensive literature survey has been completed and growth in the distribution network. This concept is already being published. applied in the Biologically Activated Carbon process and to some • The final draft of the manual is undergoing final formatting. degree in sand filtration. However, these processes have not been • A proposal for an international guidance manual, involving specifically designed or optimised for biological treatment, and collaboration with South African, German, French and are often used only as polishing steps after the physico-chemical UK groups has been funded by the Global Water Research treatment. Coalition. Research Approach From many other environmental applications, it is well known Industry Uptake that biological processes can remove pollutants very efficiently On the completion of this project the water industry will gain and economically. It is therefore envisaged that the integration of access to this guidance manual. Strong interest is anticipated. a biological unit in the water treatment system could improve the removal of organic matter from the raw water. The extent of the removal, the optimal operating conditions and the limitations and Projects Under Development disadvantages of such a process need to be explored to provide the

relevant design and operating parameters and to give confidence Technology Treatment Water 2D BIOLOGICAL PROCESSES FOR DISSOLVED ORGANIC CARBON in applying such a process in a pilot or full-scale installation. (DOC) REMOVAL The aims of the project are to develop and demonstrate specific Contact Person biological treatment processes for the removal of dissolved Jurg Keller (University of Queensland) organic carbon (DOC) and to complement and improve existing physico-chemical processes. Organisations Involved University of Queensland, RMIT University, Brisbane City Council Status (Student involvement) The project has been approved to proceed. Budget $690,915 Duration 3 years

Background and Relevance Water treatment methodologies have been developed over many decades and are achieving a high degree of removal of pollutants to produce good quality drinking water. Most of the technologies apply physical and/or chemical principles to treat the water. This involves the use of a significant amount of chemicals leading to the production of a large quantity of sludge that has to be disposed. Remaining in the water is a small but significant

Summary Of Progress Against Commonwealth Milestones Years 3, 4, 5 COMMONWEALTH SCHEDULE MILESTONES CONTRIBUTION FROM PROJECT MILESTONES Evaluate progress to date in conjunction with industry stakeholders and A Program review was held in February 2005. This identified the need to modify program if necessary to maximise outcomes. consult the industry regarding their views on research into desalination. Evaluate appropriate intervention technologies for management and control Fresh Cryptosporidium oocysts were shown to be unaffected by water of pathogens. treatment processes of flocculation with alum or ferric chloride or disinfection by chlorine as determined by laboratory procedures. Identify methods of minimising treatment residues. The consensus at the industry workshop held in July 2001 was that minimising conventional treatment residues was not a priority at this time. Project Development of Biological Treatment System for Concentrated Natural Organics Streams is evaluating the biological treatment of regenerant waste from ion exchange processes. Evaluate technologies that lead to a significant reduction in problems A 3-stage MIEX®/Powdered activated carbon/Coagulant treatment was associated with the aesthetic quality of water in distribution systems and found to improve the amount of DOC removed (between 82-96%), decrease improved customer satisfaction. chlorine demand, and significantly decrease trihalomethane formation potential. It appears that bacterial regrowth may increase, however, highlighting the critical difference between using treatment to reduce NOM concentration, and changing NOM character.

The microbiological research undertaken has demonstrated significant biological oxidation and removal of manganese can be achieved in an up-flow bioreactor. In the laundry the normal concentration of soluble manganese (up to 0.1 mg/L) is too low to be of concern for staining, but particulates are still an issue. A simple POU device (eg: 5 micron filters) copes with particulate manganese.

55 Program Leader Dammika Vitanage Sydney Water Program Aim The aim of the Distribution Program is to identify and develop effective management processes for the control of microorganisms, organic carbon and particles within the distribution system. This will result in the provision of improved technologies and methods for the management of water distribution systems with a focus on water quality objectives and system maintenance.

Program Overview Background and Relevance During the past year the Distribution Program has focussed Management of disinfection in distribution systems involves on facilitating the implementation of research results into maintaining sufficient concentrations of disinfectant to industry practice. Conducting case studies within water inactivate microorganisms, while minimising the levels of utilities has been a useful way to transfer knowledge and byproducts generated. The Disinfection Toolkit will be used information. During this reporting period several case to plan and manage disinfection in distribution systems. studies have been initiated with water utilities to test models developed by the Centre. The Distribution Program is also Research Approach concentrating on the development of user manuals and The Disinfection System Management Tool (DSMtool) was reference guides to assist in industry uptake. developed in several stages. The tool began with the consolidation of new models of bulk chlorine decay and Work has progressed with the development of a toolbox effects of pipe surface (including biofilms) with a well- for the management of disinfection. The research effort has known hydraulic network modelling package. Additional focused on validation of the tools, again through the use of models, based on laboratory experiments, were then added case studies. Research into discoloured water progressed to describe byproduct formation associated with chlorine with the successful development of a conceptual model for decay. Finally, an evaluation of reservoir multi-zone models causes and effects of discolouration. This tool has been well was conducted and a probabilistic model of coliform received by the industry and will be further developed into occurrence was evaluated for suitability in network models. a toolbox approach to the management of discolouration. A module to calculate the concentration-time (Ct) product Case studies will be conducted to validate these tools. at any location in a network was also added. The toolkit was then validated against detailed data collected from several connected locations in distribution systems in Sydney, Perth Research Collaboration and Adelaide. Collaboration with the American Water Works Association Research Foundation (AwwaRF) and the drinking water Outcomes research organisation, KIWA, continued during the reporting The DSMtool has consolidated the ‘parallel reaction’ chlorine period. This included success in developing a HACCP model decay model, the simple wall reaction model, and new for distribution systems and the placement of two researchers trihalomethane (THM) and haloacetic acid (HAA) formation at KIWA working on the discoloured water project. There models, with a full hydraulic network model (EPANET). was also a similar placement of a research student visiting Several options for rechlorination were added and tested. Australia from KIWA during the year. The modelling of chlorine decay in two independent stages is a significant advance on the conventional arbitrary A review of the Distribution Program was undertaken by separation between the two sources of decay. It has also Jo Parker, a UK consultant with a great deal of industry allowed the development of a simple model of THM and experience who manages several distribution system HAA formation for the DSMtool. Corrections have been projects for UK Water Industry Research (UKWIR). This made to the multi-zone reservoir models available in the review confirmed the strategies implemented to transfer EPANET software package have been made. the tools developed in this program to the industry through the use of case studies. The review also reinforced the need Industry Uptake to incorporate risk assessment as part of future research The project Consolidation of Modelling Tools for Distribution planning and implementation. The review also suggested

2E Distribution Systems is currently conducting a further nine case studies the strengthening of the link between capital and operational involving Centre parties. improvements in distribution systems. The discolouration research presently in progress was reviewed specifically Water Corporation has integrated the chlorine model into and the approach taken was commended. This review their customised version of the WATSYS network-modelling also focused on the future development of distribution package, for general application in Western Australian operational maintenance strategies. distribution systems.

Current Project Status The toolkit has been successfully applied in the North Richmond system in Sydney to investigate the seasonal 4.3.1 Consolidation of management tools for variations in chlorine dosing required at rechlorination distribution systems points. This will achieve a minimum chlorine concentration Contact Person at the extremities of the system, while minimising the Ian Fisher (Sydney Water) average concentration at routine sampling points. These Organisations Involved efforts will allow the system to meet the aesthetic guideline set for chlorine in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Sydney Water, Water Corporation, United Water International, Guidelines (ADWG). University of Adelaide Budget $ 873,051 Start Date July 2001

56 The potential integration of this model with the coagulation Background and Relevance model developed in the Water Treatment Technology Program Determining the chlorine residual set point for water entering has been discussed with industry parties and US consultants. the distribution system presents a significant challenge for network managers as a balance must be achieved between 4.3.6 Particles in Distribution Systems meeting bacteriological, disinfection byproduct and aesthetic Contact People water quality goals. A number of factors impact on disinfectant Greg Ryan (South East Water) and Asoka Jayaratne (Yarra Valley residual management including chlorine/chloramine instability, Water) water quality variation, hydraulics within the network and the interaction with the pipe wall. Conditions in Australia make Organisations Involved residual control particularly difficult as the natural organic matter Brisbane City Council, CSIRO, Melbourne Water, South East Water, (NOM) concentration in water may be high, providing nutrients 2E Distribution Sydney Water, United Water International, Water Corporation, for biofilm regrowth. Extreme variation in demand flows as well Yarra Valley Water as water temperatures are also experienced in the network. Budget $1,707,735 In Australia and internationally, very few water utilities have Start Date October 2001 managed to cost-effectively solve this problem. This project presents an opportunity to build on previous Centre research and to develop new tools and guidelines that can be practically Background and Relevance applied by water network operators in Australia to manage Particles in distribution systems cause discolouration. How these disinfection. particles behave in distribution systems was not adequately understood. The aim of this project was to determine the origins and characteristics of particulate material within a reticulated Research Approach water system that caused dirty water customer complaints. • Commercially available disinfectant residual sensors will be identified and assessed. • A 24-month water quality case study will be conducted Research Approach using water from various sources (different industry parties) Particles from the distribution systems of six water utilities to develop the concept of rapid assessment of bulk water around Australia were collected and characterised to determine chlorine and chloramine demand. the key components. This investigation confirmed the similarities • Artificial neural network (ANN) models will be developed in physical and chemical properties of particles from different to attempt to predict chlorine/chloramine in distribution distribution systems. systems in advance and to control dosing of disinfection chemicals. Particle movement was studied using two laboratory pipe test • Knowledge gained during this project will be used to loops of ductile iron lined with PVC and concrete respectively. produce a generic Disinfection Residual Control Tool (DRCT) The movement of particles from each water utility was observed Guidance Manual that can be used by industry partners to under different flow conditions to develop equations that would develop DRCT systems for use in any network. describe their movement. The equations developed from the pipe test loop were incorporated into a computer simulation that could predict particle movement within a reticulated water Outcomes supply network. • This study has identified three rapid methods to predict bulkwater chlorine demand and one rapid method has been developed to predict bulk water chloramines demand. The Outcomes use of UV as a surrogate indicator of bulk water chlorine is The similarities between the particles sourced from different 254 particularly attractive. Investigations using the commercial distribution systems around Australia confirmed the usefulness S::CAN analyser are yielding promising results and a number of a modelling approach. The characterisation work also of trials are in progress to evaluate this instrument. indicated that most particles appeared to originate from the • A number of free chlorine, total chlorine and ammonia source water, upstream of treatment. The chemical properties of analysers were evaluated the particles differed between utilities and this difference may • ANN’s are being generated and evaluated as case studies present a challenge for particle modelling if it proves significant at Myponga (Adelaide) and Woronora (Sydney) distribution in affecting particle settling and movement. The laboratory test systems (involving free chlorine and chloramine disinfection, loops investigated the movement of particles in water tested respectively). from different water utilities and observed consistency in several • A follow-on Centre research project is under developement. factors affecting particle movement. These factors included the The project will involve a number of water utilities velocity required to start moving particles into suspension, the investigating the performance of the S::CAN (on-line organic velocity for all particles to move into the water phase, and the scanning) to assess its potential as a tool to measure water effect of constant velocity in allowing particles to adhere to the quality changes in distribution from the water treatment pipe wall. plant to the customer tap. Industry Uptake The computer simulation of particle movement has been Industry Uptake transferred from its original CSIRO-designed platform, which had • Disinfectant Residual Control Tools (DrCT) will be developed limitations on the number of pipes that could be modelled, into as case studies at two operational distributions systems at an EPANET model. Validation of that model is in progress. This Myponga (SA) and Woronora (NSW). work is being undertaken as part of the project Consolidation of • A number of water utilities are planning instrument trials Modelling Tools for Distribution Systems. or considering the purchase of on-line analysers for use in distribution systems. This evaluation of commercial on- Development of Tools for Improved Disinfection line analyser component has raised the importance of Control within Distribution Systems undertaking a rigorous trial to select cost-effective analysers and the potential benefit to be gained by continuously Contact People monitoring disinfectant residual at key locations in the Mike Holmes (United Water International) and Chris Chow distribution system. (Australian Water Quality Centre) • At least one water utility is preparing a desktop study Organisations Involved to develop a concept design for a large operational scale Australian Water Quality Centre, Melbourne Water, Power and Disinfectant Residual Control Tool (DrCT) comprising a Water Corporation, SA Water, Sydney Water, University of South network of on-line residual analysers coupled to an ANN. Australia, University of Adelaide, United Water International, Water Corporation Budget $1,878,758 Start Date July 2002

57 Understanding Discoloured Water at the Background and Relevance Customer’s Tap and in Distribution Systems Water authorities around Australia are faced with numerous water Contact Person quality problems, such as dirty water, bacterial contamination Peter Teasdale (Griffith University) and disinfection byproducts. Determining the most cost-effective combination of water quality improvement measures that results Organisations Involved in the desired water quality levels is extremely difficult. The Brisbane City Council, Griffith University, Power and Water problem is exacerbated by the competing hydraulic, water quality, Corporation, South East Water, Sydney Water, Water Corporation, customer service, environmental and cost objectives that have to Yarra Valley Water be met. Current approaches for meeting these multiple objectives Budget $1,008,123 vary widely, but generally rely on a combination of modelling and experience. The experience referred to can be either that of

2E Distribution Start Date October 2002 individual operators or corporate experience encapsulated in a set of decision-making rules. Background and Relevance Discolouration of water within distribution systems has a number This project aims to develop an optimisation module using genetic of causes. The impacts of dirty water events and the actions algorithms. This has the potential to be linked with commercially taken to rectify them vary. The aim of this project is to develop available hydraulic and water quality models to provide a user- an improved understanding of how dirty water events occur, by friendly decision support system for water authorities. linking water quality parameters with operational protocols and dirty water events. An improved understanding of the causes and impacts of discolouration will allow the development of a set of Research Approach tools to better manage discoloured water. • Compile a literature review and evaluation of the current status of decision support modelling tools worldwide. • Develop an optimisation tool for increasing the speed of Research Approach system hydraulic and water quality models and to enable Implementation of this project has occurred in stages, an optimal solution to hydraulic and water quality analysis incorporating industry feedback through workshops and steering simulations using genetic algorithms. committee sessions. A comprehensive literature review was • Test the optimisation tools using standard modelling conducted on all aspects of discoloured water and an evaluation software optimisation problems. and comparison of data provided by industry parties relating to • Undertake case studies of systems in Melbourne and discoloured water formation was conducted. The second stage Sydney for future system operation and long term planning of the project included undertaking customer surveys, collecting to compare the results of the decision support analysis with and characterising particles at various locations around Australia current operational practices and existing options reports. and the developing a flexible software framework. The third stage • Determine the sensitivity of the modelling tools and their will involve development of a conceptual model in consultation applicability to the determination of least cost options for with water utilities, where it will be applied to several catchment- water quality in terms of discoloured water and chlorine/ to-tap systems. The software may be utilised as a ready reckoner, chloramine residual, infrastructure expenditure and an educational tool, a decision matrix or even to allow mass operational expenditure. balance calculations on the components involved in dirty water events. Outcomes • The literature review of available modelling technology has Outcomes been completed. • A user-friendly conceptual model of discoloured water that • The speed of current hydraulic and water quality models has indicates the causes of dirty water events and the impacts been increased by more than eight times, through the use of on water quality from the catchment to the customer’s tap specific learning algorithms. has been developed. • Genetic algorithms have been successfully developed for • The on-line monitoring capability to predict discolouration optimal solutions to complex situations with outcomes within distribution systems has been improved. equivalent or better than previous simulation tools. • Guidelines to use mass balance to predict the potential • Briefs have been prepared for the two case studies and data for discolouration within the distribution pipes have been collection for the case studies has commenced. developed. • The resupension potential method to predict discolouration has been tailored for Australian distribution systems. Industry Uptake • A decision support system has been developed to better Industry parties are involved in formulating and undertaking manage discolouration within distribution systems. the case studies. Further industry uptake will depend on the outcomes of the case studies. Industry Uptake Application of Hazard Analysis and Critical Control The causes and effects of discolouration were investigated and Point (HACCP) for Distribution System Protection through workshopping with industry personnel a user-friendly conceptual model has been developed. Contact People Melita Stevens (Melbourne Water) and Kathy Martel (AwwaRF) The conceptual model has been recognised as a useful tool Organisations Involved by the industry parties. Case studies are being conducted with Melbourne Water, Sydney Water, South East Water, Yarra Valley Brisbane City Council and Water Corporation. A customised Water, Department of Human Services, Victoria, Power and conceptual model can be expanded and developed into decision Water Corporation, Gold Coast Water, Brisbane Water, Monash support system would then be developed. University, Economic Engineering Services (US) Budget $300,000 (including 150,000 USD from American Water Works Association Research Decision Support System to Maintain Water Quality Foundation (AwwaRF)) Contact People Start Date November 2002 Greg Ryan (South East Water) and Asoka Jayaratne (Yarra Valley Water) Background and Relevance Organisations Involved The aim of this project is to develop practical guidance for water CSIRO, South East Water, Sydney Water, University of Adelaide, utilities seeking to implement water quality risk management United Water International, Water Corporation, Yarra Valley plans incorporating the principles of Hazard Analysis and Critical Water Control Point (HACCP). Three case studies are underway following Budget $586,247 the withdrawal of one of the small United States utilities. Start Date September 2002

58 Research Approach • If opportunistic pathogen growth is shown to be a risk • Modify HACCP model for water distribution systems. for recycled water, this study will provide the information • Conduct desktop analysis of modified HACCP model. guiding a future laboratory study to determine control • Conduct field audits using modified HACCP model. strategies which can reduce this risk. • Integrate HACCP model with existing practices. Industry Uptake Outcomes This project, which is being conducted on operational • Training material generic HACCP for water has been distribution systems of industry parties, will provide an outline developed. of the conditions that may decrease pathogen growth, including • Generic HACCP plan guidance material, including tips and potential biofilm management strategies that can be used by

worked examples, has been developed. water utilities. 2E Distribution • Desktop trials have been used to fine tune the guidance material with descriptions of the case studies presented. Consolidation of Modelling Tools for Distribution • Formal evaluation of HACCP has been completed by nine Systems utilities and the results have been reported to assist other Contact Person utilities in the implementation of HACCP. Dharma Dharmabalan (Central Highlands Water) • Two case study HACCP plans have been completed to illustrate the finished product. Organisations Involved Melbourne Water, Yarra Valley Water, Sydney Water, South East • The final deliverables from the project have been prepared and submitted to AwwaRF. Water, Water Corporation, SA Water, City West Water, Central Highlands Water, Brisbane City Council Industry Uptake Budget $412,400 Utilities around Australia and in the USA are using draft Start Date December 2003 material from this project to assist with the development and implementation of their HACCP plans. Extensive use of the Background and Relevance material is expected once the final report is released. An industry-based review of the distribution modelling research was undertaken to more effectively deliver the outcomes of UNDERSTANDING THE GROWTH OF OPPORTUNISTIC research to industry parties. Fourteen industry parties provided PATHOGENS WITHIN DISTRIBUTION MAINS input to the review. In addition, researchers working within Contact Person the existing projects were also surveyed. Consolidation of all Nick Ashbolt (University of New South Wales) the current modelling tools in the Distribution Program was Organisations Involved recommended. Case studies would be used to evaluate cost/ ACTEW Corporation, Australian Water Quality Centre, CSIRO, benefits of the modelling tools. User groups would be setup Melbourne Water Corporation, Power and Water Corporation, SA to test the software and the tools would be integrated into a Water, South East Water, Sydney Water Corporation, University of common interface. New South Wales, United Water International, Water Corporation Budget $789,260 Research Approach • Develop a common platform for all CRC for Water Quality Start Date January 2005 and Treatment models (Particles, Disinfection, Decision Support System). Background and Relevance • Conduct coordinated case studies around Australia for This project will investigate the possible growth of opportunistic the Particles and Disinfection models to provide industry pathogens in potable water systems in Western Australia and the feedback on the strengths and weaknesses of the model. Northern Territory. The organisms of concern are Burkholderia • Based on the outcomes of the case studies, define pseudomallei, Naegleria fowleri, Mycobacterium spp. and improvements to be made to the models before final uptake associated amoebae. The conditions leading to the growth by industry. of these opportunistic pathogens will also be explored in the • Investigation and analysis of other sediment modelling tools laboratory using biofilm reactors. used within the water industry to assess relative merits or weaknesses. Another area of interest for this project is the possible growth of opportunistic pathogens in recycled water distribution systems Outcomes in most states in Australia. A nearby potable water system will • It has been agreed that a number of issues need to be be used as a ‘control’ for each recycled water system. If growth resolved in both the Disinfection and Particles models before of these microorganisms is shown to be an unacceptable risk, they may be delivered to the industry as a finished product, this information will be used to guide a future project aimed at • It has been agreed by the industry parties involved that the controlling growth of these microorganisms. Particles model should be delivered to the industry as an operational tool. Research Approach • It has been shown that other sediment models available on Planktonic and biofilm samples will be taken on two occasions the market have less rigour and usability than the Centre’s during the year from the distribution system of six recycled water Particle Sediment Model. schemes and nearby potable water distribution systems around • EPANET has been selected as the most accessible and user Australia. The two occasions will reflect seasonal extremes. friendly platform to host existing and future water quality Should any of the targeted opportunistic pathogens be found models. (by culture or direct molecular methods), biofilm sampling devices deployed at the main sites in potable and recycled water Industry Uptake distribution systems will be used to further identify the strains This project included the coordination of industry case studies involved. A study will then commence investigating potential of water quality research models developed in other Centre control strategies. projects. Eight water authorities around Australia trialled the Disinfection model and are providing feedback. Four case studies Outcomes are being conducted for the Particle Sediment Model. • A qualitative assessment of the risks posed by various opportunistic pathogens in Australian potable and recycled water distribution systems will be compiled. • Recommendations will be developed for the management of potable water systems so as to reduce the risk from Burkholderia pseudomallei, Naegleria fowleri and Mycobacterium spp.

59 Development of guidelines for the management of and implement indicators to predict the potential formation of biofilms in distribution systems geosmin and MIB in their distribution systems. Contact Person Paul Nolan (Water Corporation) Project Progress Organisations Involved Methods for sampling geosmin and MIB have been developed Sydney Water Corporation, University of New South Wales, and implemented. The analysis of sample data is underway. Water Corporation, Griffith University, CSIRO Land and Water, Comprehensive laboratory work involving field isolates of the Australian Water Quality Centre organisms capable of producing geosmin and MIB is in progress to investigate physiological triggers and molecular pathways for Budget $65,706 geosmin and MIB production.

2E Distribution Start Date April 2004 OPTIMISATION OF WATER MAINS FLUSHING TECHNIQUES Background and Relevance AND DEVELOPMENT OF AN INDICATOR TO DETERMINE A number of biofilm-related projects have been undertaken MAINS CLEANING FREQUENCIES within the Distribution Program. The impetus for undertaking Student and Organisation these projects was to develop the necessary skills and techniques Usman Pervaiz (RMIT University) to investigate biofilms in drinking water distribution systems and Principal Supervisor hence build this capability within the Centre and participating Nira Jayasuriya (RMIT University) water authorities. A biofilm strategy was developed using the knowledge gathered from the previous studies within the Centre, Start Date March 2005 from published work and industry consultation. In addition to knowledge management, the strategy will focus on delivering Project Outline biofilm impacts related to operational and health aspects for The purpose of this project is to develop a model/framework to reuse and potable water supply systems. The Development improve the determination of when, where and how to clean of Guidelines for the Management of Biofilms in Distribution water mains. This research will assist in the development of an Systems project is one of the recommended activities suggested indicator that will predict when and where particles are likely to by the Centre’s biofilm strategy. accumulate in water mains.

Research Approach The study will be based in Melbourne and investigations will be • Contact Centre parties and organisations known to have conducted on selected water distribution zones of Yarra Valley undertaken biofilm research to provide research outcomes. Water and South East Water. An extensive literature review will • Prepare a draft biofilm quick reference guide and have it be conducted to gain a comprehensive understanding of the reviewed by a technical team comprising key researchers issue. The Particle Sediment Model developed within the Centre from industry and academia. will be utilised to understand the hydraulic and water quality • Conduct an industry-wide review of the draft quick reference characteristics of the zones being investigated. The information guide. collected will be used to inform further investigations into the • Complete and publish a final version of the quick reference re-suspension potential method of determining sediment guide and distribute it to Centre parties and associated behaviour. groups. • If appropriate, conduct a series of presentations on the quick Project Progress reference guide to industry parties at selected venues, and The literature review has been completed. Development of present the guide at a Distribution Program workshop. extensive field investigations, such as flushing all sediments Outcomes from a number of mains and recording the amount of material A draft guideline document has been prepared and is currently removed, will help with the calibration of hydraulic and sediment undergoing review by industry parties and the technical team. models. A range of flow velocities and locations will be used to achieve statistically significant results. A model/framework will be developed to establish the threshold limit of particle Industry Uptake accumulation and better target the water mains that require The guideline document will be presented at a range of industry cleaning before this level is reached. workshops to be held at the end of 2005 and in 2006. Projects in Development Student Projects COUNTERMEASURES FOR CONTAMINATION OF URBAN These are postgraduate student projects within the Distribution WATER SUPPLIES Program that are not directly linked to a larger project. Contact Person Development of triggers for taste and odour Brenton Nicholson (Australian Water Quality Centre) of microbial production of geosmin and MIB in Organisations Involved drinking water distribution systems Australian Water Quality Centre, United Water International Student and Organisation Budget $268,200 Heather Uwins (Griffith University) Start Date July 2005 Principal Supervisor Helen Stratton (Griffith University) Background and Relevance Start Date February 2003 Water supply storage tanks have been identified as a particularly vulnerable component of the water supply system. Many tanks are Project Outline readily accessible and have no security systems. Therefore they The project investigates several groups of organisms capable of are vunerable to intentional contamination. Such contamination producing geosmin and 2-methylisoborneal (MIB) to determine has the potential to cause considerable disruption to the water physiological triggers that cause the release of these compounds. supply system, with the possibility of human harm. Molecular DNA and enzyme techniques will be used to assess biochemical pathways for geosmin/MIB production in a number Research Approach of bacteria and a survey conducted to ascertain the extent of The aim of the project is to model the dissolution and behaviour of taste and odour problems in Australia. Particular attention will be two representative chemicals, cyanide and the organophosphate given to Gold Coast Water’s distribution system. insecticide methidathion, following a one-off dose. Of particular importance is the concentration of the chemical exiting the tank This project will provide improved understanding of precursors of over time. A further aim is to identify and provide the critical taste and odour production in drinking water related to geosmin information required in terms of dealing with such an incident. and MIB. Research is underway with Gold Coast Water to develop Modelling will take into account tank volume, tank dimensions 60 (round, square, rectangular), tank inlet/outlet configurations Industry Uptake (single and dual configurations), tank design configurations It is anticipated that the water industry will incorporate the results (baffled and unbaffled) and operating procedures (fill and draw of this study in their plans for the security of water supplies. rates and cycles).

Outcomes An understanding of the behaviour of chemicals following their deliberate introduction into a water supply storage tank will enable water authorities to better manage any such incidents. The modelling outputs may also serve as the basis for modelling other toxicants. 2E Distribution

Summary Of Progress Against Commonwealth Milestones Years 3, 4, 5 COMMONWEALTH SCHEDULE MILESTONES CONTRIBUTION FROM PROJECT MILESTONES A manual for assessing the impact of natural organic Specific NOM-related distribution projects became a lesser priority for the industry. Significant matter (NOM) on distribution system operations and understanding of NOM-related issues has occurred from work within the Water Treatment related management strategies produced. Technology Program.

Outcomes from the completed biofilm-related projects have provided additional information about NOM issues in a distribution system.

The project Development of Guidelines for the Management of Biofilms in Distribution Systems will provide guidance to the water industry. Operating practices implemented, based on knowledge Particles in Distribution Systems of how particles originate and are transported within Particle Model completed and case studies are being implemented through the Consolidation the distribution system and their impact on health and of Modelling Tools Project aesthetics. Understanding Discoloured Water at the Customer’s Tap and in Distribution Systems Detailed literature review and desk top study completed outlining also the knowledge gaps. A conceptual model developed and a decision support system produced to manage discolouration. Consolidation of Modelling Tools for Distribution Systems Case studies evaluating a number of different particle/discoloured water related models underway Particle model incorporated into the EPANET software platform. A Phd project has commenced on the Optimisation of Water Mains Flushing Techniques and Development of an Indicator to Determine Mains Cleaning Frequencies. Decision-making support systems to manage particles Understanding Discoloured Water at the Customer’s Tap and in Distribution Systems in distribution systems implemented. The conceptual model will be developed into a decision support system for discolouration with the implementation of two case studies. A collaboration is underway with KIWA to develop further techniques to assist in the decision- making process for particle management within the total system. Particles in Distribution Systems Completion of the characterisation of the particles in distribution systems. Decision Support System to Maintain Water Quality Two case studies have commenced including one involving particles in distribution systems. A Phd project has commenced on the Optimisation of Water Mains Flushing Techniques and Development of an Indicator to Determine Mains Cleaning Frequencies. Management strategies and system designs adopted Consolidation of management tools (chlorine decay model trialled by industry). based on an improved understanding of the deterioration Melbourne study on modelling chlorine decay to improve system performance completed. of water quality within distribution service reservoirs. Validation of the chlorine decay model within the Richmond System in Sydney. Completion of the PhD project on modelling service reservoirs for chlorine decay. The Disinfection model is being trialled and assessed in eight water authorities around Australia. PhD project on modelling chlorine decay in thermally stratified reservoirs completed. Techniques extended to improving reservoir models in EPANET in project Consolidation of Management Tools for Distribution Systems. Further extended to chloramine decay (including nitrification) in large stratified reservoirs by major internal Sydney Water project. Strategies for optimal maintenance of appropriate Case studies are being conducted to improve disinfection management. disinfection levels in distribution systems applied. Chlorine and chloramine demand assessment complete. Assessment of the disinfection monitoring in real system underway. A case study on neural network modelling for chlorine has been completed and a chloramination case study has commenced. A technological transfer plan has been developed to validate tools improve disinfection strategies. Toolkit (DSMtool) developed and validated and being tested by numerous partners in additional case studies through the Consolidation of Management Tools for Distribution Systems project.

61 Program Leader Heather Chapman CRC for Water Quality and Treatment Program Aim The major capital cities of Australia are currently facing water supply issues. The ability of water authorities to build new dams is limited, demand management has a limited ability to accommodate future water demands and the current droughts have reduced yields from catchments. Other pressures on water supplies arise from population growth, increased uncertainty about rainfall and a changing culture towards resource management. These factors are forcing an examination of alternate water systems. The use of water conserving strategies such as water recycling and rainwater tanks are likely to become more common.

The aim of the Sustainable Water Sources Program is to develop water supply systems based on alternative water cycle management practices that are sustainable from economic, environmental, health and social points of view.

Program Overview water. There have been many studies which examine the Over the last century the way water and wastewater services hydrological, design and economic aspects of using rainwater have been provided to larger communities has remained tanks for outdoor uses and toilet flushing. However, there relatively unchanged. While the types of treatment equipment are very few intensive studies which provide baseline data and associated processes - pumps, pipeline materials and on rainwater quality in urban areas of Australia and explain control systems - have undergone incremental improvement how that relates to health risk assessment. over time, drinking water is still mostly provided direct to the houses in pressurized pipes, and human wastes are The main aims of this project are: taken away by a mostly water based gravity system. While • To provide data and establish whether water quality in these systems have served well to date, they are expensive urban rainwater tanks is appropriate for various end to maintain and replace and can have major adverse effects uses. on the environment. The community is beginning to accept • To detect and enumerate physicochemical variables that there may be more appropriate and more sustainable and microbiological contaminants which may cause systems of water cycle management. poor water quality in rainwater tanks in urban/industrial areas. This program seeks to identify alternate water resources • To monitor and review critical control points (first available to urban communities and study how the rate and flush devices, UV disinfection and hot water units) for method of use, community perceptions and environmental effectiveness in pathogen removal. conditions impact on the sustainability of these alternate sources. Research Approach National Survey - Urban Water Quality Monitoring Two new PhD students have joined the Sustainable Water A survey of chemical pollution and microbial activity is to Sources Program in the past year. Their projects are be undertaken for water quality in rainwater tanks in several addressing different aspects of rainwater tanks. One project urban areas of Australia. Rainwater tanks will be located at examines social interactions with rainwater tank technology sites with known or suspected chemical pollution. Sampling and the other project is researching chemical water quality in will be conducted in Broken Hill, Melbourne, Sydney, rainwater tanks in industrial/urban areas of Australia. Wollongong, Brisbane, Canberra and Adelaide.

In June 2005 the project Benchmarking Water Sensitive Monitoring and Evaluation of Devices Urban Development - Cluster Housing was approved by The basis of this study will be in applying the Framework for the Governing Board. This project will monitor and interpret the Management of Drinking Water Quality in a catchment the water use and energy requirements of an urban to tap scenario (ie from roof to final end use). This stage will subdivision in Queensland which has rainwater tanks and focus on verifying the critical control points in removing on-site grey water reuse on each lot. Other projects are organisms, including first flush devices, hot water systems progressing well. and possible physical disinfection technologies such as UV. Data will be collected from several projects involving urban Research Collaboration rainwater tanks. A collaborative project Water Quality And Health Risk Assessment From Urban Rainwater Tanks – Stage 2 is being Best Practice Manual undertaken with the Department of Health NSW. This project A best practice manual on the design and installation of is detailed in the following section. rainwater tanks in the urban context will be developed.

Current Project Status Outcomes 2F Sustainable Water Sources 2F Water Sustainable A draft literature review was completed in December 2003. WATER QUALITY AND HEALTH RISK ASSESSMENT FROM The monitoring and analytical data for the national survey URBAN RAINWATER TANKS – STAGE 2 was completed by June 2005. A report on the project will Contact Person contain outcomes from the national survey and from other Tony Cartwright (Sydney Water Corporation) studies conducted in Australia where information has been made available to the project. The interim Best Practice Organisations Involved Manual is due to be completed in September 2005. ACTEW Corporation, Brisbane City Council, Department of Human Services, Victoria, Melbourne Water, Monash Industry Uptake University, Queensland Health Pathology and Scientific There is strong industry support for and involvement in Services, SA Water, Sydney Water, Water Services Association this project. Rain water tanks are being included in urban of Australia, Yarra Valley Water, Department of Health NSW, Natural Resources and Mines, Queensland developments without adequate knowledge of what constitutes good practice in their design, operation and Budget $181,249 management. Data to informa policy is being actively sought Start Date February 2004 by public health regulators and government agencies.

Background and Relevance In the urban environment, rainwater tanks have the potential to supplement mains water as a supply of potable water and thereby conserve and reduce the demand on mains

62 SUSTAINABLE URBAN WATER – SCHEMES AND Industry uptake TECHNOLOGIES Naiad™ will shortly be available and accessible to industry Contact People parties and others. It will assist those involved in the planning Gunnar Kirchhof (University of Queensland) and Stephen Gray and implementation of alternative water scheme projects. (CSIRO) Organisations Involved BENCHMARKING WATER SENSITIVE URBAN DEVELOPMENT- CSIRO, University of Queensland, Water Corporation, South East CLUSTER HOUSING Water Contact person Budget $323,287 Ted Gardner (Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Start Date January 2004 Queensland) Organisations involved Background and Relevance Department of Natural Resources and Mines, Brisbane City Council, Drought, continued strong population growth in urban centres, Environmental Protection Agency (Qld) and record low water storage levels have made sustainable water management a national priority. A shift toward water recycling Budget $40,000 and source substitution has led urban planners and practitioners Start Date September 2005 to look for alternative solutions. Consequently, the Australian water sector is rapidly developing into a large community of Background and Relevance practice, where sharing information and lessons learned drive Urban hydrology is an applied science that will have an increasing innovation. role to play in the sustainability of human societies. Growth in Sources Water Sustainable urban populations and increasing difficulty in finding new sources There now are a number of projects that serve as a testing of drinking water are driving the need for better urban hydrology 2 f ground for new technologies, management approaches and and water management. Growth of urban areas brings significant institutional frameworks and are generating valuable experience changes in the physical properties of the land surface, increasing and insight. In the past, this knowledge was largely shared in an the vulnerability of inhabitants and ecological systems that support opportunistic, uncoordinated fashion. As a result, planners and them. Knowledge of future new urban systems needs to focus on practitioners often found it difficult to gain access to information new technology, transfer of knowledge, innovation, social equity about existing innovative water schemes that could benefit the and other considerations. development of their own project. An ecosensitive subdivision of twenty-two homes is being The principal aim of this project is to develop the computer constructed in Queensland which incorporates major innovations program Naiad™, a knowledge repository to facilitate the in the delivery of water and sewerage services, stormwater sharing of information among water professionals and planners. treatment and energy consumption. The innovations include It allows users to rapidly access information about innovative rainwater tanks on each house linked to a large (150kL) community water schemes of interest. It also includes a library of guidelines tank to provide fire fighting flows and trickle top-up supplies; onsite and standards, and an interactive illustrated encyclopedia about greywater treatment and irrigation systems and bioretention water technologies and terminology. The information contained basins to reduce the frequency and peak discharge of storm flows in Naiad™ will help users make informed decisions and avoid and contaminant export. The twenty-two architecturally designed the repetition of mistakes, thus propagating innovative water homes in the subdivision incorporate features of low embodied management. energy and low operational energy.

Research Approach The main objective of this project is to benchmark the water An integrated knowledge management system is being developed savings, energy savings, stormwater quantity/quality behaviour, containing information about projects implementing avoided waste discharge, and residents satisfaction/behaviour of • water recycling an ecosensitive subdivision and compare the results, wherever • water sensitive urban design possible, with a business-as-usual scenario with a view of giving • resource substitution confidence to developers and regulators that alternative urban • innovative treatment technologies water development models work on environmental, technical • demand management solutions. and consumer acceptance criteria. The data available from this project will also contribute to the project Sustainable Urban Water- The information gathered on these projects covers a Schemes and Technologies. comprehensive range of issues, including project objectives, treatment technologies used, risk management, participatory Research Approach planning, etc. Information available in the public domain is being • To investigate whether rainwater tanks can make a substantial collected about a variety of schemes, including large-scale and and safe contribution to satisfying urban demand for potable smaller projects, including decentralised schemes. The focus is water. on projects with an urban component. • To quantify the costs associated with rainwater tanks and determine if the technology is cost-effective compared with The final step will involve presenting this information to project traditional ‘big pipe’ solutions. owners for review, completion and consolidation. Once approval • To examine and quantify the water and energy usage that for publication is received, the information will be made available is achieved by sensitive terra-forming, responsive house to the intended users of Naiad™. design, use of solar energy for heating, low water plumbing (aerated faucets, low flow shower roses, etc), recycled water Outcomes and rainwater tanks. Three monitoring sites have been identified and monitoring of • To examine whether sensitive urban design can provide a two of these sites is complete. The results of the third site will be safe, cost-effective and sustainable marketable alternative to available by the end of 2005. Previously collected data has also traditional urban solutions. being entered into the database. The following activities have • To demonstrate if the urban metabolism of a largely been completed. conventional urban community can be reduced using a suite • A successful planning workshop with stakeholders was of relatively simple existing technologies in an integrated conducted in March 2005. manner. • An oral presentation about Naiad™ was given at the Ozwater conference and a paper has been published. Outcomes • A working version of Naiad™ was completed in mid 2005. Project outcomes will include rigorous benchmarking of alternative • To date, preliminary information about approximately 40 water/energy/waste technologies. schemes available in the public domain has been entered into the Naiad™ knowledge base. Credible benchmarking will provide information to the development industry, regulators and governments on the acceptance of the

63 technology by consumers and the safety and economic and Project Progress environmental sustainability of this type of housing development. The major milestones have been completed for this project including field work, data analysis, case studies and several Industry uptake conference papers. The final chapters of the thesis focussing A documented development such as this has the potential to on the research findings and conclusions are being finalised. become an icon development, a concept identified by the recent A journal paper has been accepted for publication in 2006. National Water Initiative to provide a role model for sustainable change in urban water form and function for the whole of URBAN PLANNING AND INTEGRATED WATER MANAGEMENT: Australia. TOWARDS AN ALTERNATE INSTITUTIONAL FRAMEWORK Student and Organisation Student Projects Jodi Dong (Griffith University) These are postraduate projects within the Sustainable Water Principal Supervisor Sources Program that are not directly linked to a larger project. Brendan Gleeson (Griffith University) DECENTRALISED URBAN WATER MANAGEMENT Start Date April 2004 Student and Organisation Project Outline Daniel Livingston (University of New South Wales) Most of Australia’s urban areas are experiencing drought, Principal Supervisor ageing infrastructure, environmental degradation and significant Nick Ashbolt (University of New South Wales) population growth. Therefore, the sustainable management of Start Date September 2002 the water cycle in Australia’s cities is an important goal. Sustainable Water Sources Water Sustainable Project Outline Much of the institutional response to this situation has been

2 f In recent years significant research and innovation has occurred focused on technological solutions (grey water reuse, rainwater in the areas of decentralised technologies for the supply of tanks), demand management (education and consumptive water, disposal of wastewater, and management of stormwater. restrictions) and best management practices in development Such approaches have been widely demonstrated to perform (Water Sensitive Urban Design). favourably against commonly used sustainability criteria. But there are relatively few instances of implementation of such While these are all important strategies, they will not address all approaches. aspects of the problem. There are broad trends that are taking place in cities worldwide that need to be considered to better The specific objectives of this project are: inform the debate. These trends are encapsulated in the concept • To analyse the governing of the urban water cycle, taking an of Splintering Urbanism that has been forwarded by Graham and institutional approach. Marvin, which employs a multidisciplinary approach to explore • To determine whether and how institutional factors help to how the complex social, economic and political shifts that are explain why discourse and practice focuses on centralised occurring intersect with evolving technologies, and result in rather than decentralised approaches to water cycle the social and ecological fragmentation and splintering of management. metropolitan areas. • To identify the institutional implications of decentralised options and develop an institutional framework for pursuing The purpose of this research is to inform and enhance decentralised options. ie identify what institutional factors approaches to sustainable urban water management in Australia are important for enabling decentralised innovations. by answering the question: ‘To what extent and in what way has • To explore possible links between localised user involvement Splintering Urbanism influenced the possibility for sustainable in water management and sustainable outcomes. urban water management in Australia?’ It will also provide a mechanism for critical reflection on the theory itself. Project Progress • Field work has been completed. Project Progress • Several conference papers have been published, and two During the first year a comprehensive literature review was journal papers have been submitted. conducted on water management, urban planning, institutional theory and approaches to sustainability. This investigation RISK IN THE GOVERNANCE OF WATER REUSE assisted in the development of the research question. In the second year, the empirical component will be implemented, by Student and Organisation undertaking the case study research, via interviews with key Nyree Stenekes (University of New South Wales) informants and analysing primary documents. The final year will Principal Supervisor see the compilation of results, conclusions and the writing of the David Waite (University of New South Wales) thesis. Start Date April 2001 ROLE OF SOCIAL PROCESSES IN SUSTAINABLE URBAN Project Outline WATER MANAGEMENT While there is a general consensus that smarter water uses, Student and Organisation including reuse and recycling, would improve urban water Vicki Ross (CSIRO Land and Water) sustainability, such schemes have not been widely implemented Principal Supervisor in Australia. In the pursuit of sustainability, water authorities Blair Nancarrow (CSIRO Land and Water) at the local and metropolitan government level in Australia have attempted to introduce innovative water and wastewater Start Date April 2004 management practices. The outcomes of many of these initiatives have been mixed, especially those involving personal uses of Project Outline the water produced. One of the main issues complicating the Australia is the world’s driest inhabited continent, with a highly implementation of water recycling has been the reaction of the variable climate, and at the same time Australian’s are amongst the public. However, there are other issues including the regulatory highest consumers of water in the world. This makes sustainable environment, decision-making processes, funding sources, water use one of the nation’s major challenges. Expectations organisational cultures and broader societal expectations which in lifestyle, varying cultural experiences, and socioeconomic are important in governing the outcomes of sustainable water differences will affect how communities respond to the issues and initiatives. to the acceptability of proposed policy and management options. A basic research and policy question to consider is how best to The principal aims of this project are: involve people so that their preferences, values and constraints • To explore the role of stakeholders in the development of upon their actions are incorporated in policy formulation. This water recycling projects from an institutional perspective. process should utilise their awareness and knowledge about • To suggest ways that institutional capacity could be sustainable water use to assist informed debate on strategic improved to promote the development of sustainable urban issues and their participation in decision making. water systems in Australia. The principal aims of the project are: • To assess the processes needed to engage the community in long-term planning for urban water supply.

64 • To examine the role of trust in community acceptance of Principal Supervisor water management strategies. Roy Rickson (Griffith University) Start Date March 2005 As well as exploring the relationship between risk and trust, the study aims to develop and test a social-psychological model for Project Outline the characteristics of trust and the factors that determine trust. This The household use of rainwater tanks to supplement mains supply model will be applied to both a low perceived risk situation (drinking in South East Queensland has technical merit, community support water quality in Perth) and a higher perceived risk situation (non- and improved environmental impacts. Within these communities potable reuse on the Gold Coast). some local authorities have mandated rainwater tanks, others offered rebates for voluntary installation of rain-tanks both new Project Progress and retrofitted, whilst others are provided by developers as a The literature review and PhD confirmation document have been marketing hook. Across these communities, there is little research completed. Preliminary studies were conducted in Perth and on the into the experience, challenges and solutions of rainwater supply Gold Coast in March 2005, while the large Perth study was conducted at the household level. Patterns of rainwater use, overall water in June 2005. Data from the Perth study is being analysed and will consumption, prevention of risk, maintenance procedures be presented to Water Corporation in October 2005. It is expected and compliance with guidelines and regulations needs to be that data collection for the large Gold Coast study will be conducted investigated. Understanding the social impacts within and beyond in November 2005. the household and identifying the conditions relating to systematic variation in households, if any, informs risk assessment, monitoring AN ASSESSMENT OF CHEMICAL CONTAMINATION OF and compliance. RAINWATER TANKS IN URBAN/INDUSTRIAL AREAS OF

AUSTRALIA Survey and interview of households will be developed to establish Sources Water Sustainable Student and Organisation a case study encompassing a plural community. Fieldwork for in-

Rob Huston (Griffith University) depth case studies will be finalised over the next twelve months. 2 f Principal Supervisor Glen Shaw (University of Queensland) Project Progress • Secured demonstration project design and regulatory Start Date March 2005 approval. • Engaged project support from Ipswich City Council and Ipswich Project Outline Water. The contamination of potable water supplies from air-borne particulate and soluble pollutants has been identified as a potential Projects In Development source of potable water quality reduction. Aerosol pollutants at sufficient concentrations may result in the non-compliance of Best practice cost analysis methodology for domestic water tank supplies with drinking water guidelines. sustainable urban water systems Contact Person This project will assess rainwater quality, from a chemical perspective Stuart White (University of Technology, Sydney) focussing on chemical contaminants. This will be achieved by measuring both metals/metalloids and organic contaminants in Organisations Involved water. Innovative techniques will be used to ensure that sensitivity University of Technology, Sydney, Sydney Water, Hunter Water is maximised. These include the use of passive samplers for both Corporation, Melbourne Water, Environmental Protection Agency the organic and inorganic components sited in tanks. Advanced (Qld) analytical facilities are available and include ICP-MS for metals and GC-MS and HPLC-MS/MS for organic compounds. Background and Relevance The interest in sustainable urban water in recent years, including To determine the potential human health impact of the contaminants water sensitive urban design, total water cycle management and detected, probabilistic health risk assessment will be undertaken water conservation, has seen a significant number of studies using the results of this project for the exposure assessment and conducted which assess the cost effectiveness or life-cycle costing literature data for the dose-response assessment. of alternative strategies or systems. There has been wide variation in the approaches taken to these costing studies. An agreed Project Progress methodology is needed as it is evident that there is a large variation The literature review is underway and research conducted in in assumptions underpinning the work. Centre project Water Quality and Health Risk Assessment from Urban Rainwater Tanks – Stage 2 is helping to define the chemical Research Approach contaminants that need to be measured or that are of concern. This project aims to facilitate the inclusion of sustainable urban water strategies and systems into utility planning, through providing Over 60 volunteers for rainwater tanks and/or deposition a guide to best practice in determining the cost effectiveness of experiments have replied to requests for recruits and a database these strategies and systems. Its key objectives are: has been compiled with relevant details. • Promote consistency and transparency in cost analysis and A prototype deposition gauge sampler and stand has been life-cycle costing of sustainable urban water alternatives. constructed and the second sample is about to be collected. • Allow a true comparison at a given location of the cost of Trial extraction and analysis will commence shortly to gauge the sustainable urban water alternatives to the cost of servicing necessary volumes needed and sensitivity attainable with the via existing systems or conventional alternatives. current equipment. • To place selected existing costing studies of sustainable urban water into context, thereby making these studies and their SOCIAL INTERACTIONS WITH RAINWATER TANK TECHNOLOGY results useful to urban water planners. Student and Organisation Ian White (Griffith University)

COMMONWEALTH SCHEDULE MILESTONES CONTRIBUTION FROM PROJECT MILESTONES Methodologies for assessment of health risk The project Water Quality And Health Risk Assessment From Urban Rainwater Tanks – Stage 2 is in associated with alternative water systems tested progress. and confirmed. The project Water Reuse and Alternative Water Resources: Attitudes, Practices, Risk Assessment and Human Health Outcomes is underway in the Epidemiology Program. Methodologies for assessment of social and Several PhD projects are underway which address specific issues relating to this milestone. environmental costs associated with alternative The project Benchmarking Water Sensitive Urban Development- Cluster Housing will commence soon. water systems tested and confirmed. The project Best Practice Cost Analysis Methodology for Sustainable Urban Water Systems is in development. Reliability of pollutant removal from conventional Several projects are underway in this area. and advanced treatment technologies understood and quantified. Pilot plant studies underway.

65 Program Group Leader Prof Tony Priestley Centre Deputy CEO and CSIRO


3A Strategic Directions 67

3B Policy and Regulation 68

3C Regional and Rural Water Supplies 69

3D Education and Training 72

3E Commercialisation 16 see Commercialisation, Technology Transfer and Utilisation

3F Communication 89 see Communication Strategy Policy, Regulation and Stakeholder Involvement Policy,

Aims This program brings together the output of the research programs • Provide education and training for the industry future leaders, and emphasises the uptake of research outcomes by end-users. with a strong emphasis on developing postgraduate students The program will: with industry focus and experience. • Coordinate water industry involvement in policy and regulatory • Identify and exploit the intellectual property developed by the activities. Centre. • Direct industry involvement in forums to consider alternative • Maximise industry involvement in all aspects of the Centre’s approaches to the future provision of water services and the activities. best use of the significant investment in water infrastructure in Australia. • Examine treatment technologies for small systems, the water supply and health needs of indigenous communities and the issues associated with water supplies in tropical Australia.

66 Program Leader Tony Priestley Centre Deputy CEO and CSIRO

Program Aim The Strategice Directions Program seeks to identify ‘over the horizon’ water quality issues and develop strategies to address emerging issues before they become of major public concern.

Program Activity drawn from seven countries and is a prime vector for As is implied by its title, this program was designed to communicating knowledge and information about emerging influence the direction of new research projects across the water research issues. As a direct result of this activity, entire spectrum of activity of the Centre. The identification of the Centre is involved in international research initiatives emerging issues requires excellent communication linkages targeting endocrine disrupting chemicals, disinfection with the international water research community, as well as byproducts and algal toxins. an ongoing dialogue with industry practitioners. A Global Water Research Coalition project, Tools for analyzing Dialogue with members of the water industry has continued estrogenicity in environmental waters, commenced within on a regular basis through research planning workshops and the Strategic Directions Program in March 2005. Dr Heather discussions at the quarterly participant meetings. Workshops Chapman from the Sustainable Water Sources Program is the have continued to consider long term strategic issues and project leader. This project is building strong links to several incorporate these within the existing research program. GWRC members from the USA, UK, France, Netherlands, Germany and South Africa. It has the potential to establish A major review of research priorities was undertaken at the further networks within the GWRC and in particular March and June 2005 meetings of representatives of centre strengthen Australia’s involvement in the coalition. parties. While no major changes were recommended as a result of these reviews, projects involving virus disinfection, In direct response to an identified strategic concern of the disinfection byproducts and endocrine disrupting chemicals industry the strategic directions program is funding an were given added emphasis. investigation into the establishment of a national water laboratory network for the Australian water industry. Strong linkages with the international water research community have been established through the Centre’s leading role in the establishment and operation of the Global Water Research Coalition (GWRC). The GWRC has a membership of twelve leading research organisations

Summary Of Progress Against Commonwealth Milestones Years 3, 4, 5 COMMONWEALTH SCHEDULE MILESTONES CONTRIBUTION FROM PROJECT MILESTONES 3 A Strategic Directions Further research programs identified as a result of continuing foresighting Projects on sustainability of water supplies, endocrine disrupting exercises. chemicals, social attitudes and disinfection byproducts identified. At least two research programs underway in response to issue Specific projects underway on viruses in biofilms and catchments identification. and sustainable water supplies. Communication of research program outputs established with Centre A series of travelling ‘roadshows’ on Pathogens, NOM and parties. Distribution Systems are being held to communicate research outcomes.

67 Program Leader Don Bursill Centre CEO and Australian Water Quality Centre

Program Aim The main objective of this Program is to apply the collective knowledge and experience of the Centre’s key staff, supplemented by Centre research and international developments, to the on-going refinement of the Australian policy and regulatory framework for urban water systems. This Program will also provides coordinated, industry-wide input into the processes for changing drinking water policy and regulation and, more recently for revision of national water recycling guidelines. The outcome for Australia should be systems and standards for urban water system regulation that are intelligently directed at achieving public health or other benefits. The aim is also to ensure that public health is able to be protected in ways that avoid overly restrictive standards that result in significant and unnecessary public cost.

Program OVERVIEW These Guidelines include the provision of Water Safety The Centre’s involvement in the on-going refinement of Plans which borrow heavily from the ADWG Framework the Australian policy and regulatory framework for public concepts. The European Commission has clearly indicated water supplies is intended to promote a better basis for that it is including a risk-based approach in its current review setting guidelines, by promoting a more credible, logical of drinking water regulations for the European Union. These use of scientific data to deliver an intelligent and appropriate developments make it clear that the work undertaken in the regulatory system. The Centre has available the necessary ADWG, an effort led by the Centre with the support of key scientific, technical and managerial resources to play a industry and health agencies, has strongly influenced this central role in developing and implementing a rational and new direction internationally. scientifically based approach to regulation. The Centre is significantly involved in the review of the The logical and systematic approach to the upgrading of the National Water Recycling Guidelines being undertaken under Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (ADWG) lead by the the direction of a Joint Steering Committee established by Centre with the support of key industry and health agencies the Environment Protection and Heritage Council and the is providing a better basis for regulation of water quality in Natural Resources Management Ministerial Council. Three Australia. The Centre has also worked with organisations working groups have been covering the risk management, such as the World Health Organization (WHO) to introduce public health and environmental aspects of the review. Centre these advances to international guidelines and will continue staff are involved on the Joint Steering Committee and the to do so. working groups. The Framework developed by the Centre for the ADWG has been used as the basis for the development of a risk framework for the water recycling guidelines. When Milestones Achieved the process is completed, this development will provide The draft version of the revised ADWG, incorporating the the benefit of a consistent management approach to water Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality (the quality guidelines and regulations across drinking water Framework) that was developed within the Centre, has and recycled water applications. It is anticipated that the received excellent national and international acceptance. draft recycling guidelines will be released for general public The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) comment in October 2005. approved the ADWG revision in April 2003 and approval of the Natural Resources Management Ministerial Council The Centre has also had an involvement in the development (NRMMC) was finally achieved in November 2004; the latter of a computer-based decision support tool that can be approval process having been held up by bureaucratic used by smaller system operators to develop water quality delays within the NSW Government. The NSW Government management plans for their smaller systems. This decision eventually formally endorsed the new Guidelines in early support tool seeks to facilitate the appropriate use of the 2005. extensive information and guidance available in the ADWG. Work on this decision support tool has been funded by WHO formally released its most recent revision of its NHMRC. Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality in September 2004. B Policy 3 B and Policy Regulation

Summary Of Progress Against Commonwealth Milestones Years 3, 4, 5 COMMONWEALTH SCHEDULE MILESTONES CONTRIBUTION FROM PROJECT MILESTONES Finalise the best practice guide to drinking water regulation following Completed. In addition, a computer-based decision support tool has consultation been produced by the NHMRC (with Centre support) on drinking water quality in rural and remote communities. Adoption by WHO of risk based water quality management processes Completed. Revised WHO Guidelines for Drinking-water Quality were as a key aspect of the WHO drinking water guidelines published in September 2004.

68 Program Leader Darryl Day Power and Water Corporation

Program Aim This program aims to address key issues that affect the provision of good quality drinking water to regional and rural communities in Australia, identify research that will provide affordable and sustainable solutions to water supply problems and assist with representation of regional and rural areas in industry policy, regulation and strategic directions.

In particular, the Regional and Rural Water Supplies Program aims to: • Establish and maintain effective communication across industry and research parties in water related activities in rural communities. • Identify water issues for research that will provide better, appropriate and more affordable water supply solutions to Indigenous communities. • Develop and maintain an Australia-wide network of key stakeholders involved in regional and rural water supplies.

Program OVERVIEW ‘Soaking up the Future’. This strategy outlines the research Regional and remote communities experience many areas which should be targeted to help improve water challenges in providing and maintaining good quality supplies in remote Indigenous communities. In general, drinking water. Remote Australian communities can be research projects are developed from direct interventions in impacted by distance, climate variability, service difficulties Indigenous communities. Interventions are an opportunity and sometimes limited available expertise on water to immediately address water quality issues on the ground availability when compared to large cities and towns. This and identify areas for further research. The research process has broad implications for the management of water supply involves working with communities through participative quantity and quality. To address these issues, the Regional processes to facilitate knowledge exchange on appropriate and Rural Water Supplies Program identifies and bridges water management and technologies. gaps in technical water infrastructure design, information and support to remote, often largely Indigenous communities. Outcomes • Liaison has occurred with over twenty-two Indigenous Research Collaboration communities and responses to community concerns The Remote Community Water Management project is a have been provided in the form of technical support, Desert Knowledge CRC project, in collaboration with the water quality testing, water management and technology CRC for Water Quality and Treatment. The Department of and infrastructure. Family & Community Services (FaCS) and the Centre for • A strong advisory role has been provided to remote Appropriate Technology are also core partners in the project. communities in the area of risk management strategies. The project aims to identify methods for small remote • The technology transfer officer had been a key focal Indigenous communities who self manage their water point for researchers, service providers and government supply to implement the Framework for Management of agencies for information and resources on appropriate Drinking Water Quality in the 2004 Australian Drinking Water water quality and treatment methods. Guidelines. • Knowledge and experience have been gained through working with water supplies in remote Indigenous Current Project STATUS communities and in the application of the Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality contained in the TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER OFFICER DEALING WITH 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines. WATER QUALITY AND TREATMENT IN INDIGENOUS • Workshops have been conducted in Alice Springs and COMMUNITIES Adelaide, and also with AusAID in Canberra, to share Contact Person the experiences and knowledge gained though the Nerida Beard (Centre for Appropriate Technology) technology transfer role. • Best practice information has been provided and Organisations Involved influenced positive shifts on the approach to water Centre for Appropriate Technology quality risk management framework by community Budget $600,000 members, health agencies and service providers. Start Date June 2001 • In addition to community water interventions, research projects have been established. The project, Improving

Background and Relevance Water System Reliability in the Kimberley, has been Supplies Water 3 C Regional and Rural It is widely recognised that Indigenous Australians have funded by the Indigenous Coordination Council (ICC) much higher rates of morbidity and mortality than non- in Western Australia and another project, Rainwater indigenous Australians. The lack of access to adequate Harvesting at Alpurrurulam, has been intiated by the water supplies is associated with a range of health impacts Alpurrurulam Community in collaboration with Central including infectious diseases and water borne disease. Land Council and Centre for Appropriate Technology. Many remote communities have inadequate water supplies that are prone to system failure and water shortages. With Industry Uptake 70% of the Northern Territory’s Aboriginal population living • Appropriate water supply system designs have been in remote areas and significant numbers in remote areas developed and implemented in a range of communities. interstate (northern WA, SA, NSW, QLD) there is a need for • Relevant information has been provided so that research into improving water system security and water Indigenous people can make informed choices, availability in these environments. regarding securing sustainable water supplies in their communities. Research Approach • Direct uptake of critical information .from Indigenous This project aims to provide a source of water quality and policy organisations. treatment knowledge to support the needs of Indigenous people. with the capability of pursuing world-class research into water supply improvements in Indigenous communities. The research program is guided by a strategy called

69 information and resources for the replication of management MUTITJULU RAINWATER TANK AND POINT OF USE plans in other remote Indigenous communities. The project will TREATMENT SYSTEM TRIAL contribute to an initiative of the National Health and Medical Contact Person Research Council (NHMRC), the trial of the Australian Drinking Robyn Grey-Gardner (Centre for Appropriate Technology) Water Guidelines: Electronic Decision Support Tool for the Management of Drinking Water Quality in Rural and Remote Organisations Involved Communities. Centre for Appropriate Technology Budget $286,991 Research Approach Start Date June 2002 The project uses an ‘action research’ methodology and the holistic Sustainable Livelihoods approach to trial the applicability Background and Relevance of the Framework for the Management of Drinking Water Quality This project was initiated as a result of expressed Indigenous (contained in the ADWG) for drinking water in small remote community need for the development of robust water harvesting Indigenous communities. The trials will be conducted in five and treatment systems for small remote communities. The communities situated in SA, WA, NT and Qld. The trial sites are project is trialling a rainwater harvesting system and a point-of- settlements where the community has a population less than 50 use filtration device on nine houses in the Mutitjulu settlement and manage their own water supply. near Uluru. The aim is to provide a well designed, robust and reliable system for rainwater harvesting suitable for use in Outcomes remote communities. • The outcome of the trials will be the identification of factors which enable or hinder the adoption of the Framework Research Approach for the Management of Drinking Water Quality and the This project illustrates the demand-responsive approach to development of resources and tools to support the broad community water supply improvements. It has involved the application of appropriate risk management approach on appropriate design and installation of rainwater tank infrastructure, the targeted small communities. a community training program in water system maintenance, • These resources are likely to benefit both communities production of an operation and maintenance video featuring as well as institutional and government service providers community members speaking local Pitjantjatjara language, and will include the identification of model processes, ie

C Regional and Rural Water Supplies Water 3 C Regional and Rural implementation of maintenance and monitoring schedule and stakeholder engagement, water management planning and sampling and testing of supply. Ongoing monitoring of system integrated service delivery. performance, including temperature profiling of the rainwater tanks will continue until June 2006, to inform risk management Industry Uptake initiatives and infrastructure choice. It is envisaged that the outcomes of this project will lead to the uptake of this approach and key outcomes will be available for Outcomes use by the following organisations: • The rainwater tank infrastructure and the treatment system • Community councils, individuals, families, households and are functioning. other organisations in remote communities. • Sampling and water quality testing has been completed. • Department of Family & Community Services (FaCS), • A maintenance and monitoring schedule has been government bodies concerned with the housing and health implemented. infrastructure in Indigenous communities. • A community training program has been completed. • State and Territory and Commonwealth Government • Resources have been produced to support a maintenance Departments with a role in regulating or provision of water program. supplies. • Extension of project to profile water temperature is under • Health Departments (usually the environmental health development. section). • Water suppliers including utilities, community councils, local Industry Uptake governments. • Communities are becoming the managers of their own • EnHealth Council, National Health Medical and Research rainwater supply. Council (NHMRC) and the Australian Water Association. • There is potential for further rainwater harvesting initiatives using the knowledge generated from the project. Several MABUNJI RAINWATER MANAGEMENT PROGRAM enquiries and requests for plans have been received. Contact Person Alyson Wright (Centre for Appropriate Technology) REMOTE COMMUNITY WATER MANAGEMENT Organisations Involved Contact Person Centre for Appropriate Technology, Department of Family & Robyn Grey-Gardner (Centre for Appropriate Technology) Community Services (FaCS ) Organisations Involved Budget $274,767 Centre for Appropriate Technology, Desert Knowledge CRC, Start Date January 2004 Department of Family & Community Services (FaCS) Budget $196,925 Background and Relevance Start Date April 2004 This project draws on outcomes from the project Mutitjulu Rainwater Tank and Point of Use Treatment System Trial, current Background and Relevance international evidence and community participation with The project aims to identify methods for small remote Indigenous Mabunji residents and resource centre staff about community- communities who self manage their water supply to implement based management for sustainable water supplies for Mabunji the Framework for Management of Drinking Water Quality in outstations. The development of this community-initiated water the 2004 Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (ADWG). This is management plan provides the basis for a unique research a Desert Knowledge CRC project, in collaboration with the CRC opportunity to explore and build on a demand-response process for Water Quality and Treatment. The Department of Family & in the Indigenous context and to research the potential of this Community Services (FaCS) and the Centre for Appropriate approach for the sustainable management of remote community Technology are core partners in the project. water supplies.

Case studies will be conducted with five remote communities Research Approach in different States/Territories. The researchers will work closely Centre researchers will work in conjunction with environmental with the community members involved in the case studies as health officers, architects and the community to further refine the each community is different as is their water supply and source. infrastructure design developed in the project Mutitjulu Rainwater Using the Framework on a case-by-case basis will deliver the Tank And Point Of Use Treatment System Trial. Implementation most appropriate management regime, suited to the needs of and maintenance of the operating systems will be examined, each community. Lessons learnt from the process will provide along with cost-benefit analysis and system sustainability.

70 Outcomes Background and Relevance • The project will contribute to understanding the mechanisms This project was funded by the Victorian Department of for achieving improved water supplies in remote outstations. Sustainability and Environment to support North East Water and • Analysis of a refined model of replication for research programs Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water with problems in their water linked to service delivery programs will be conducted as part supply systems. North East Water had problems of biological of this project and processes will be identified to link research regrowth in their distribution systems, particularly those with to housing project outcomes in a streamlined approach. no residual disinfectant or where the disinfectant was rapidly • Water quantity and quality results will be monitored and consumed. The project reviewed their current practice and community risk management and householder engagement investigated treatments that may increase their ability to manage processes will be identified and implemented. regrowth in their distribution systems. Biological water treatment • A triple bottom line economic analysis that measures the was shown to lower the biological regrowth potential and costs and benefits of using rainwater as a potable water reduce the rate of disinfectant decay although it removed less supply for remote communities will provide insight into the organic material than other treatments. The second component value of this approach to community members. of this project focuses on the delivery of potable water to small, • The analysis will provide information for community isolated communities. Many of the small towns in the Grampians members, program managers, industry and government Wimmera Mallee Water and Central Highlands Water regions agencies to make informed choices about future water and are supplied with a non-potable water supply, and this project is infrastructure projects. investigating the ability of point-of-entry or point-of-use device to • The paradigm of current water supply projects is that they deliver potable water. are supply driven. It is suggested that the demand-response approach will yield technical design improvements that Research Approach will inform robust rainwater harvesting design in a Top End The North East Water component of this project investigated the environment and provide improvements to community water ability of various treatment processes to reduce the biological access. regrowth potential of water and to lower the rate of disinfectant decay in laboratory based trials. This involved a student Industry Uptake undertaking experiments under the supervision of North East The design of infrastructure and the approach used to manage Water and guidance of CSIRO. Data for the point-of-entry and community resources utilised in this project is likely to point-of-use treatment systems for the delivery of potable water

influence: will be collected from mobile treatment systems with on-line data Supplies Water 3 C Regional and Rural • The Department of Family & Community Services (FaCS) collection. Water quality parameters that cannot be measured which has overall responsibility for policy relating to on-line will be measured from a regular sampling regime. community investment and service delivery to Indigenous Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water and Central Highlands Water people living in remote areas. are undertaking the experimental program with guidance from • Individual people, families, households in the outstations in CSIRO. GHD has been employed by Central Highlands Water to which the project is being undertaken. assist with collation and analysis of the data. • Indigenous Resource Centres and their staff. • Government Departments that have a role in planning, Outcomes housing, infrastructure and service delivery such as Territory Slow sand filtration (biological treatment) was the most effective Health Services, Environmental Health Officers. process for lowering the biological regrowth potential and the disinfectant decay in water delivered by North East Water. SMALL TOWN WATER SUPPLY CONSULTATION Contact Person Industry Uptake Stephen Gray (CSIRO) Slow sand filtration–UV treatment was identified as being the most appropriate for distribution systems with no residual Organisations Involved disinfectant, while slow sand filtration was also appropriate for CSIRO, Grampians Wimmera Mallee Water, Central Highlands systems where the rate of disinfectant decay was very rapid. Water, North East Water, GHD Pty Ltd Budget $140,000 The project will potentially demonstrate the ability of Start Date November 2002 point-of-entry/point-of-use treatment technology for delivery of potable water. If this is possible, then it may provide a more economic option for potable water deliver in remote communities.

Summary Of Progress Against Commonwealth Milestones Years 3, 4, 5 COMMONWEALTH SCHEDULE MILESTONES CONTRIBUTION FROM PROJECT MILESTONES Further research projects identified as a result of continuing foresighting • Development and implementation of “Soaking up the Future” strategic exercises. direction. • Collaborative research on risk management strategies for outstations and small Indigenous communities is being negotiated. • There will be a continuation of interventions with a focus on measured outcomes. • Establishment of the Rural and Remote Water Quality Network (water industry and health agencies). • Development of Small Water Systems – their management and operation newsletter At least two research projects underway in response to issue identification. • Three projects identified and underway, Mutitjulu, Mabunji, Community Water Management Project. Input into industry policy, regulation and strategic direction facilitated on an • Researched and developed the implementation of the Water Quality ongoing basis. Framework in Small Communities. • Development of protocols for effective consultation on water quality and treatment issues. • Key industry involvement in investigation of improvements to remote community water. supplies. • Darryl Day and Robyn Grey-Gardner are members of the NHMRC Rural and Remote Water Quality Working Group.

71 Program Leader Dennis Mulcahy University of South Australia

Program Aim The Education and Training Program aims to provide specialist undergraduate and postgraduate experience in water science and technology.

The Program encompasses: • PhD and Masters research projects • Coursework postgraduate activity • Honours scholarships • Summer Research Scholarships and some undergraduate project activity • Postgraduate Student Conferences and other support for conference attendance, including international conferences • Participation in the CRC Water Forum's Young Water Scientist of the Year competition • Involvement of researchers in coursework postgraduate and undergraduate lectures • State node meetings • Staff training activities.

2004 / 2005 ACTIVITIES Visit of Students from Technical University of Delft, The Summer Research Scholarships Netherlands Fourteen Summer Research Scholarships were awarded over A group of fourteen students and two staff from the Faculty the 2004/05 long vacation. Students were able to select from of Geosciences and Civil Engineering, Technical University twenty-two projects promoted via the CRC website. There of Delft, visited CRC researchers at the University of were twenty-nine applications for the program. South Australia and the University of Adelaide as part of an Australian study tour in July 2004. Centre personnel Industry parties Central Highlands Water, Power and Water facilitated this visit. Corporation, SA Water, United Water International and Yarra Valley Water either hosted or supported Summer Scholars Overseas Conference Presentations/Exchange Student in this round. For the first time a student was placed at the Placements Centre for Appropriate Technology (CAT) in Cairns. As part of the postgraduate PhD program, the Centre supports student attendance at overseas and interstate The Summer Research Scholarship Reporting Seminar conferences. Details of students who atteneded conferences was held over two days, 17 and 18 February, 2005 at the are listed below. Technology Park Conference Centre, Mawson Lakes, South Australia. Sixty people attended the seminar over the two Christobel Ferguson and Christine Kaucner (University of New days. South Wales) attended the IWA World Water Conference in Marrakech, Morocco, from 19-24 September 2004. Christobel Honours Scholarships presented the paper: A Deterministic Model to Quantify This was the fourth year in which Honours Scholarships Pathogen Loads in Drinking Water Catchments - Pathogen were provided. There are currently six Honours students. Budget for the Wingcarribee, and Christine presented their Four of the Centre’s member universities are participating joint paper: Evidence for the Existence of Cryptosporidium in this scheme. The purpose of these scholarships is better Oocysts as Single Entities in Surface Runoff. articulation between Summer Research Scholarship activities and the Centre’s postgraduate research training program. Amber Welk (University of Adelaide) attended the 4th Conference of the International Society for Ecological Postgraduate Students Informatics in Pusan, Republic of Korea, from 24-28 October The Centre is pleased to report seven more graduates: 2004. She presented the paper: Explanation of Processes Lionel Ho, Daniel Hoefel, Andrew Lee, Rodney Magazinovic, Determining Phytoplankton Abundance and Succession Ian Stewart, Shaun Thomas and Hugh Wilson. A further six in Two Lakes with Different Trophic States By Means of students are awaiting their thesis examination outcomes. Long-Term Data Patterns and Non-Supervised Artificial Neural Networks. Node Meetings for Students An Adelaide Node Meeting was held on 18 February, 2005 Christobel Ferguson (University of New South Wales) at the Technology Park Conference Centre, Mawson Lakes, presented three papers at the American Water and

Education and Training Program Training Education and SA, following the Summer Research Scholarship Reporting Wastewater Association Water Quality Technical Conference Seminar. Several Melbourne students also attended, yielding in San Antonio,Texas, 14-18 November 2004. The first was a total of thirty participants. Each student displayed a poster delivered in a workshop session: Molecular Detection on their current research. The program included a mock job Techniques - Current Status and Limitations and the other interview of one of our postgraduate students to provide two were given in a special session: Quantifying Pathogen students with guidance on how to prepare for a job interview Fate and Transport in Watersheds and Reservoirs. and demonstrate the best way to respond to questions during the interview. Anna Hurlimann (University of South Australia), and her principal supervisor Professor Jennifer McKay, presented a Program Retreats and RMIT Workshop paper: Contingent Valuation by the Community of Indirect The Toxicology and Sustainable Water Sources research Benefits of Using Recycled Water: An Australian Case Study, programs each organised student retreats this year. The at the IWA International Conference on Efficient Use and latter was a “mini retreat” and a longer one is planned. RMIT Management of Urban Water Supply. The Conference was organised a Postgraduate Student Workshop around a visit held in Santiago, Chile from 14-18 March 2005. from Professor Peter Huck of the University of Waterloo, Canada. During his time with the CRC for Water Quality Kylie Catterall (Griffith University) presented her work on and Treatment Professor Huck was also able to attend the Development of a Rapid Microbial Toxicity Assay Employing Summer Research Scholarship Reporting Seminar. Ferricyanide as an Artificial Respiratory Electron Acceptor, at the 12th International Symposium on Toxicity Assessment, held on Skaithos Island, Greece, from 12-17 June 2005.

72 Leon Linden (University of Adelaide) attended the American reported very positively on the experience. Rebecca, Rob and Society for Limnology and Oceanography Summer Meeting Todd provided an interactive session on Team Player Profiles at in Santiago de Compostella, Spain from 19-23 June 2005 and the Adelaide Node Meeting for Centre postgraduate students. This presented the paper: Changes in Microbial Substrate Degradation served to broaden the impact of the training they had received. and Assimilation During an Inflow Event in Myponga Reservoir, South Australia. Two single-day technical writing workshops were held in Melbourne and Sydney in October 2004. The presenter was Ann Exchange student activities continued in this reporting period. Grant, formerly editor of several CSIRO journals. The Melbourne With the assistance of the Centre, four students from the Georg- workshop was hosted by RMIT University. There were twenty-one Simon-Ohm University of Applied Sciences, Nurnberg, Germany, participants, including staff from Melbourne Water andYarra Valley participated. Lea Fiedler and Bianca Schertenleib were placed at Water and several of the Centre’s postgraduate students from the Australian Water Quality Centre, Danilo Bobe at University Adelaide. The Sydney workshop was hosted by Sydney Water. of South Australia, Mawson Lakes and Mario Kaiser at the Ian There were twenty-three participants including Sydney Water Wark Research Institute. Claudia Janosch from the University and Sydney Catchment Authority staff and some of the Centre’s of Duisberg, Germany, was also placed at the Australian Water postgraduate students from Queensland. Detailed feedback from Quality Centre. All these students made strong contributions to the participants revealed that publication in journals and thesis research projects during their five to six month stays. writing had been well covered but that for the industry staff there Training Education and were other aspects of technical writing which needed attention. Coursework Masters, Undergraduate and Other Teaching Therefore, two further Workshops have been planned for 2005. Activities Professor Nicholas Ashbolt of the University of New South Wales Excellent Publication Award again presented postgraduate course material on Microbial Risk This award, started in 2003, was for the second time awarded Assessment, focussing on its application to the drinking water to Daniel Hoefel (University of South Australia/Australian Water industry and, in particular, to the Framework for Management of Quality Centre) for a publication in the Journal of Microbiological Drinking Water Quality contained in the 2004 Australian Drinking Methods. The standard of the publications submitted was very Water Guidelines. high and this award continues to be very competitive.

Involvement of Centre researchers in the presentation of the Environmental Engineering Research Events Masters in Hydrology and Water Resources at the University of The Environmental Engineering Research Event (EERE) was South Australia continued. The 2004 intake included nine students held from 6-9 December, 2004 at the University of Wollongong, from the Yellow River Conservancy Commission (YRCC) in China Wollongong, NSW. The CRC for Water Quality and Treatment was and a student from Sri Lanka. There was similar involvement in the again a Gold Sponsor. The 2005 Event (retitled ERE) will be held presentation of the final year undergraduate course in Civil and from 29 November-2 December in Hobart, Tasmania, again with Water Engineering, Water Quality Processes at the University. Centre sponsorship.

The Centre was involved in hosting three visits from Chinese Young Water Scientist of the Year (YWSOTY) delegations. A party of senior officials from the Yellow River Ian Stewart (National Research Centre for Environmental Conservancy Commission, including Commissioner Guoying Toxicology/University of Queensland) is the CRC’s candidate Li, visited their students and University of South Australia in for this year’s Young Water Scientist of the Year competition of November 2004. The YRCC students also participated in visits the CRC Water Forum. The presentations will take place at the of delegations from the Huai River Conservancy Association RiverSymposium in Brisbane in the first week of September, 2005. (September 2004) and the Ministry of Water Resources, Beijing Unfortunately Ian will be unable to attend. He has been invited (December 2004). to participate in a US Interagency International Symposium on Cyanobacteria in Durham, North Carolina. His principal The Masters, Graduate Diploma and Graduate Certificate supervisor, Dr Glen Shaw will present his YWSOTY paper. programs of the International Centre of Excellence in Water Resources Management, Water Ed Australia, will commence Fresh Science in 2006 with Centre involvement. A Professional Doctorate Centre postgraduate student Katrina Charles (University of New submission is in preparation. South Wales) was one of sixteen finalists in the Australia - wide Fresh Science competition. The contestants spoke in Melbourne Centre researcher Mr Peter Baker again presented a small on 17 and 18 August, 2004 to coincide with National Science undergraduate unit at the University of Adelaide. It covered the Week. identification, enumeration and ecology of phytoplankton. Links with Other CRC’s Integrated Catchment Management Short Course The CRC Water Forum’s Young Water Scientist of the Year A two-week short course on Integrated Catchment Management competition is one of our best linkage activities. The 2005 was established under the auspices of the University of Adelaide competition was opened up to all CRC’s and a candidate from and the Centre in 2003, Designed for both undergraduate students CRC Cotton is amongst the finalists. The CRC for Freshwater and external candidates it was conducted at the University Ecology was again the organiser. of Adelaide, from 19-30 September 2004, where a total of 42 students completed the course. The Centre was represented at the most recent annual Education and Training Managers Satellite Workshop at the CRC Association Indigenous Student Mentoring Conference which proved to be a particularly valuable interaction Centre sponsorship of Angela Flynn, an undergraduate student experience. in Chemical Engineering and Science at University of Adelaide, continued in 2004. In 2005, the Centre supported Brad Moggridge, NSW Water Education Plan a student in a coursework Master of Science program in The Program Leader participated in a Workshop set up by the Hydrology and Groundwater Management at the University of NSW Council for Environmental Education and the Sydney Technology, Sydney, in the completion of his research project: Catchment Authority to progress the NSW Water Education Plan. Aboriginal People and Groundwater. Brad responded to our call The Workshop was convened at Australian Technology Park, for expressions of interest for the Indigenous Student Scholarship Sydney from 24-25 February 2005. Scheme on the CRC website. Graduate Employment Action Group Internal Training The Mentoring Scheme flagged in the 2003/2004 Annual Report Three Centre postgraduate students, Rebecca Campbell, Robert was established with the 2004 postgraduate student intake as the May and Todd Wallace attended the BHERT-Melbourne Business target group. Its effectiveness will be assessed in late 2005. School Leadership and Career Development Course in August/ September 2004. Dr Greg Ryan of South East Water attended Education and Training Steering Committee for the Stakeholders Panel Session at the end of the Course. All This Committee, which drives the Centre’s Education and Training

73 Program, met quarterly during 2004/2005 with Professor Felicity Communication with supervisors of postgraduate students will Roddick (RMIT University) as Chair. continue to be a special focus.

Future Plans The Centre’s fifth Postgraduate Student Conference will be held A new intake of postgraduate students has been scheduled for in 2006. 2006. This is an extension of the CRC’s postgraduate research training program in response to a recommendation of the Governing Board.

Summary Of Progress Against Commonwealth Milestones Years 3, 4, 5 COMMONWEALTH SCHEDULE MILESTONES CONTRIBUTION FROM PROJECT MILESTONES Education and Training Education and At least 30 PhD students engaged in CRC Research Thirty-two students were enrolled in Year 2. There are currently fifty-four students. It has been decided that there will be a further intake of ten students in Year 5. At least three training programs run for students and CRC staff Currently sending three people each year to the BHERT– Melbourne Business School Leadership and Career Development Course for CRCs. A Commercialisation/IP Workshop was held at the Second Postgraduate Student Conference in 2004. A mock job interview was incorporated into the Adelaide Node Meeting in February 2005. Two Technical Writing Workshops were held in 2004. Two more are planned for late 2005/early 2006. All students to have industry co-supervisor Good progress being made. Guidelines for Industry Supervisors have been produced. Also an Industry Mentoring Scheme is currently being triailed. Second PhD student conference run in Year 4 This was advanced to Year 3. The Third Conference is in the preliminary planning stage. It will be run early in Year 6.

Summer Scholarship Students 2004/2005


Ben BAKER University of Adelaide Simplified Methods for Optimal Control of Water Quality in Distribution Systems

Michael CURSARO Australian Water Quality Centre, Adelaide Is the Algal Toxin Cylindrospermopsin an Antibiotic?

Peyi Pey GUO Australian Water Quality Centre, Adelaide Reservoir Stratification Modelling

Susan HOSKING Power and Water Corporation & Charles The Effect of Fire Regimes on Stream Water Quality in Darwin River Darwin University, Darwin Dam Catchment

Merene HWANG Ian Wark Research Institute, University of Removal of Natural Organic Matter Using Organic Self-Assembled South Australia, Monolayers Australian Water Quality Centre, Adelaide

Karyn JARVIS Australian Water Quality Centre, Adelaide Development of a Simple and Rapid Organic Characterisation Technique to Predict Disinfectant Demand

John MILES Curtin University of Technology, Perth Leaching Experiments to Distinguish the Terrestrial Precursors of Phenolic and Other Aromatic Compounds in Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC)

Rebecca NAUGHTON CSIRO, Melbourne Novel Coagulant for Improved NOM Removal and Membrane Performance

Thi Bich Van NGUYEN Australian Water Quality Centre, Adelaide A New Analytical Technique to Assist In the Study of Natural Organic Matter in Drinking Water

Tam QUACH Yarra Valley Water, Melbourne Consolidation of Water Quality Modelling Tools in Distribution Systems

Meivy RATANACHAITHONG RMIT University, Melbourne Pesticide Detection in Water, An Illuminating Technique

Torbjorn University of Adelaide Investigation of the Mechanisms Governing the Coagulation and VAN HEESWIJCK Flocculation of Algae

Alice WEATHERFORD Centre for Appropriate Technology, Cairns Design Guidelines for Household-Scale Water Supply Systems from Surface Water Sources Using Solar Pumpsˆˆ

Nasreen YAGHOUTYFAM University of New South Wales, Sydney Investigating the Effects of Environmental Stress on Wild-type Versus Mutant Strains of Microcystis aeruginosa

74 Postgraduate Students


Javeed ABDUL UNESCO Centre for Membrane Science & Monitoring for Membrane Fouling Assessment ( (started March 2003) Technology, University of New South Wales PhD (CRC Support)

Brad ALLPIKE School of Applied Chemistry, Curtin University Improved Drinking Water Quality: Investigation of Advanced Drinking (started July 2002) (APA (I) and CRC Support) Water Treatment Technologies for Reducing Taste and Odour PhD Problems and Disinfection Byproducts (

Peter BAIN School of Biomolecular & Biomedical Science, Gene Expression Profiling of Cylindrospermopsin Toxicity in Cultured (started April 2003) Griffith University, Nathan Campus Intestinal Epithelial Cells ( PhD (CRC Support)

David BEALE School of Applied Science, RMIT Development of Portable Instrumentation for the Measurement of

(started March 2004) (APA and CRC Support) Pesticides in Water ( Training Education and PhD

Lyndon BERWICK School of Applied Chemistry, Curtin University Thermal Maturation Studies of Natural Organic Matter to Release (started February 2005) (APA and CRC Support) Macro-molecularly Bound Biomarkers and Investigate the Diagenetic PhD Pathway of Major Organic Precursors (

Sean BLASDALL School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Molecular Typing of Cryptosporidium parvum (2.2.1) (started January 2000) University of New South Wales PhD (UNSW Postgraduate Award and CRC Support)

Sandy BRINKMANN AWMC, University of Queensland and Development of a Biological Treatment System for Concentrated (started March 2003) Australian Water Quality Centre Natural Organics Streams (3.2.9) M Phil (CRC Research Officer)

Justin BLYTHE School of Applied Chemistry, Curtin University The Chemistry of Halophenol Tastes in Drinking Water ( (started July 2001) (APA and CRC Support) PhD

Leigh BOYD Water Quality Research Centre and Centre for The Use of Stable Isotopes for the Characterisation of Natural (started February 2005) Applied Organic Geochemistry, Curtin University Organic Matter and Investigation of the Different Organic Precursors PhD (CRC Support) of Aquatic Systems (

Darren BROAD Department of Civil & Environmental Decision Support System to Maintain Water Quality in Water (started March 2003) Engineering, University of Adelaide Distribution Systems ( PhD (University of Adelaide Scholarship and CRC Support)

Sam BROOKE Australian Water Quality Centre and School of The Destruction of Cyanobacterial Toxins in Drinking Water by Ozone. (started August 1999) Pharmacy & Medical Sciences, University of (3.2.6) PhD (converted from M App South Australia Sc) (AwwaRF, SA Water and CRC Support)

William BUCHANAN School of Civil & Chemical Engineering, RMIT Biological Removal of UV-Pretreated Natural Organic Matter ( (started February 2002) (APA and CRC Support) PhD

Rebecca CAMPBELL Australian Water Quality Centre and School of A Biosensor to Detect Cylindrospermopsin ( (started March 2003) Pharmacy & Medical Sciences, University of PhD South Australia (CRC Support)

Kylie CATTERALL School of Environmental & Applied Sciences, Development of a Rapid Microbial Toxicity Assay Employing (started June 2002) Griffith University, Gold Coast Campus Ferricyanide as an Artificial Respiratory Electron Acceptor ( PhD (APA and CRC Support)

Katrina CHARLES School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Risk Assessment of On-Site Sewage Systems in Sydney’s Drinking (started April 2001) University of New South Wales, Water Catchments (2.2.2) PhD (Sydney Catchment Authority Support)

David COOK Australian Water Quality Centre and School of Optimising Powdered Activated Carbon (PAC) Dosing to Remove (started August 2000) Pharmacy & Medical Sciences, University of Unpleasant Taste and Odour Compounds in Water Treatment (3.2.6) MAppSc South Australia (CRC Research Officer)

Daniel COUTON School of Applied Chemistry, Curtin University The Structure and Chemistry of Natural Organic Matter in (started February 2002) (APA (I) and CRC Support) Groundwaters from the Gnangara Mound PhD (

Jodi DONG School of Environmental Planning, Griffith Urban Planning and Integrated Water Management : Towards an (started March 2004) University, Nathan Campus Alternative Institutional Model ( PhD (CRC Support)

Shengfu FANG School of Pharmacy & Medical Sciences, Decomposition and Removal of Triclosan from Reused Water as a (started February 2004) University of South Australia Drinking Water Source ( PhD (UniSA Postgraduate Award and CRC Support)

75 Postgraduate Students


Christobel FERGUSON School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Construction of Pathogen Budgets to Minimise Health Risks in (started July 2002) Science, University of New South Wales Drinking Water Catchments (2.2.2) PhD

Shoshana FOGELMAN School of Environmental & Applied Sciences, Development of a Universal Calibration Ssytem for the On-line (started March 2003) Griffith University, Gold Coast Campus Analysis of Drinking Water ( PhD (CRC Support)

Matthew GIBBS Department of Civil & Environmental Decision Support System to Maintain Water Quality in Water (started March 2003) Engineering, Distribution Systems ( PhD University of Adelaide (APA and CRC Support) Education and Training Education and Stacey HAMILTON Department of Applied Chemistry, Curtin Characterisation and Treatability of Natural Organic Matter in (started March 2004) University Groundwaters Used for Drinking Water ( PhD (CRC Support)

Melissa HEWETT Australian Water Quality Centre and School of Characterisation of Bacterial Symbionts of Amoebae ( (nee Todd) Pharmacy & Medical Sciences, University of (started February 2000) South Australia PhD (APA and CRC Support)

Lionel HO Australian Water Quality Centre and School of Removal of Taste and Odour Compounds and Algal Toxins from (started August 1998) Pharmacy & Medical Sciences, University of Drinking Water Using Ozone and Granular Activated Carbon (3.2.2) PhD South Australia (University of South Australia Postgraduate Award and CRC Support)

Daniel HOEFEL Australian Water Quality Centre and School of Identification and Enumeration of Bacteria Using Flow Cytometry (started February 2001) Pharmacy & Medical Sciences, University of ( PhD South Australia (APA and CRC Support)

Anna HURLIMANN School of Commerce, University of South In Theory and In Practice – Attitudes to Potential and Actual Use of (started March 2004) Australia Recycle Water In and Out of House ( PhD (CRC Support)

Robert HUSTON Australian School of Environmental Studies, An Assessment of Chemical Contamination of Rainwater Tanks in (started March 2005) Griffith University, Nathan Campus Urban/Industrial Areas of Australia ( PhD (CRC Support)

Graeme JABLONSKAS Department of Soil & Water, University of Photochemical Degradation and Remineralisation of Dissolved (started October 1996) Adelaide Organic Carbon in the Warren Reservoir (2.1.3) PhD (SA Water and CRC Support)

Christine KAUCNER School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Surface Properties and Transport of Pathogens in Runoff (2.2.2) (started July 2002) University of New South Wales M.Sc (part time) (CRC Research Officer)

Alexandra KNIGHT School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular The Role of DNA Transposition in the Acquisition and Evolution of (started March 2004) Sciences, University of New South Wales Microcystin and Nodularin Toxicity in Cyanobacteria ( PhD (APA and CRC Support)

Ina KRISTIANA School of Applied Chemistry, Curtin University Chemical Processes in Chloraminated Distrbution Systems ( (started March 2003) (CRC Support) PhD

Andrew LEE School of Chemical Engineering & Industrial Effect of Floc Properties on Water Treatment Using Membrane (started January 1999) Chemistry, University of New South Wales Filtration (3.1.3) PhD (CRC Support)

Eun Kyung LEE School of Chemical Engineering & Industrial Development of a Combined Membrane Treatment Process for the (started February 2003) Chemistry, UNSW and Australian Water Quality Removal of Recalcitrant Organic Matter ( PhD Centre (UNSW Faculty of Engineering Scholarship and CRC Support)

Leon LINDEN Dept of Environmental Biology, University of Impacts of Reservoir Storage on Natural Organic Matter and its (started July 2002) Adelaide and Australian Water Quality Centre Treatability by Conventional Water Treatment Processes ( PhD (CRC Support)

Daniel LIVINGSTON School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Decentralised Urban Water Management for Sustainability: Frames (started March 2002) University of New South Wales and Change Pathways for a Socio-technical Problem ( PhD (APA and CRC Support)

Bridget MC DOWALL Australian Water Quality Centre and Development of Biological Filter for Removal of MIB and Geosmin (started February 2004) Department of Chemical Engineering, University ( PhD of Adelaide (University of Adelaide and CRC Support)

76 Postgraduate Students


Rodney MAGAZINOVIC School of Pharmacy & Medical Sciences, Effects of Halide Species on Disinfection By - Product Formation (started March 1997) University of South Australia and Australian (3.2.3) PhD Water Quality Centre (CRC Support)

Farhana MALEK School of Civil & Chemical Engineering, RMIT Development of Pretreatment Strategies to Reduce Flux Loss in (started March 2003) (CRC Support) Microfiltration Membranes ( M.Eng

Robert MAY Department of Civil & Environmental Tools for the Improved Control of Disinfection Residuals within Water (started March 2003) Engineering, University of Adelaide Distribution Systems ( PhD (CRC and United Water Support) Education and Training Education and David MOORE EnTox (Queensland Health Pathology and Ecology and Health Implications of Potentially Toxic Cyanobacteria in (started March 2001) Scientific Services and the University of Queensland ( PhD Queensland), University of Queensland (NRCET Scholarship and CRC Support)

Joanne O’TOOLE Department of Epidemiology & Preventive Water Reuse and Alternative Water Sources : Attitudes, Practices, (started March 2004) Medicine, Monash University Risk Assessment and Human Health Outcomes ( PhD (CRC Support)

Leanne PEARSON School of Biotechnology & Biomolecular Characterisaion of Microcystin Tailoring Enzymes fro the mcy Gene (Started February 2002) Sciences and School of Civil and Environmental Cluster of Microcystis aeruginosa ( ) PhD Engineering, University of New South Wales (APA and CRC Support)

Jasper PENGELLY School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Effects Induced by pH, Ionic and Osmotic Stress on PSP Toxin (started March 2004) Sciences, University of New South Wales Production in Cyanobacteria ( PhD (APA and CRC Support)

Usman PERVAIZ School of Civil and Chemical Engineering, RMIT Optimisation of Water Mains Flushing Techniques and Development of (started March 2005) (CRC, South East Water and Yarra Valley Water an Indicator to Determine Mains Cleaning Frequencies ( PhD Support)

An Ninh PHAM School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Generation & Transformation of Iron & Manganese in Lake (started August 2002) University of New South Wales Burragorang ( PhD (CRC Support)

Phillip POPE School of Biomolecular & Biomedical Science, Cyanobacterial Diversity and the Expression of Byproducts in (started January 2003) Griffith University, Nathan Campus Environmental Blooms ( PhD (APA and CRC Support)

Xiaoxia QUI School of Pharmacy and Medical Sciences, A Study on the Mechanisms of Triclosan Resistance and Impact of (started March 2005) University of South Australia Triclosan in Wastewater Environment on the Prevalence of Bacterial PhD (IPRS and CRC Support) Antibiotic Resistance in Pseudomonas aeruginosa (

Meivy RATANACHAITHONG School of Civil and Chemical Engineering, RMIT Change in Natural Organic Matter (NOM) and effect of Chlorination on (started March 2005 and Melbourne Water NOM in the Water Supply System ( PhD (Melbourne Water Support)

Hannah ROOT School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Transcriptional Regulation of Microcystin Production ( (started January 2005) Sciences, University of New South Wales PhD (APA and CRC Support)

Victoria ROSS School of Psychology, University of Queensland The Role of Social Processes in Sustainable Urban Water (started March 2004) (CRC Support) Management ( PhD

David RUEBHART EnTox (Queensland Health Pathology and Investigation, Optimisation and Validation of a Range of Bioassays (started October 2003) Scientific Services and the University of using Lower Trophic Level Organisms for the Testing of Aquatic Toxins PhD Queensland), University of Queensland ( (CRC Support)

Cheng SHAO School of Earth and Environmental Sciences Intelligent Data Warehousing for Real-time Acquisition, Archiving, (started March 2005) and School of Computer Sciences, University Forecasting and Early Warning of Algal Blooms ( PhD of Adelaide (University of Adelaide Faculty of Science and CRC Support)

Jonathan SOH School of Civil and Chemical Engineering, RMIT Effects of Destratification on NOM and its Treatability ( (started July 2004) (RMIT and CRC Support) PhD

Nyree STENEKES School of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Risk in the Governance of Water Reuse: The Case for the Reuse of (started February 2002) University of New South Wales Wastewater ( PhD (APA (I) and CRC Support)

77 EducationPostgraduate Students and Training Program


Ian STEWART EnTox (Queensland Health Pathology and Freshwater Cyanobacteria: Epidemiology of Recreational Exposure (started January 2002) Scientific Services and the University of and Their Dermal Toxicity ( PhD Queensland), University of Queensland and Queensland Instititute of Medical Research (NRCET Scholarship and CRC Support)

Sylwia SOLARSKA Department of Civil and Chemical Engineering, Utilisation of White Rot Fungi for the Removal of Natural Organic (started March 2004) RMIT Matter from Potable Water ( PhD (CRC Support)

Shaun THOMAS School of Pharmacy & Medical Sciences, The Role of Natural Organic Matter in Flocculation with Inorganic

Education and Training Education and (started March 1998) University of South Australia and Australian Coagulants (3.2.1) PhD Water Quality Centre (CRC Support)

Heather UWINS School of Environmental Engineering, Griffith Triggers for Taste and Odour- Microbial Production of Geosmin & MIB (started February 2003) University, Nathan Campus in Drinking Water Distribution Systems ( PhD (APA and CRC Support)

Jon VARCOE Department of Soil & Water, University of The Influence of Natural Organic Matter on the Movement of (started May 1999) Adelaide and Australian Water Quality Centre Phosphorus in Soils (2.1.2) PhD (CRC Support)

Todd WALLACE Department Environmental Biology, University Carbon and Nutrient Dynamics: Application to Reservoirs ( ) (started March 2002) of Adelaide PhD (APA and CRC Support)

Amber WELK Department of Environmental Biology, Early Warning for Algal Blooms in Drinking Water Reservoirs by (started March 2004) University of Adelaide Real– Time Forecasting ( PhD (University of Adelaide and CRC Support)

Ian WHITE Australian School of Environmental Studies, Social Interactions with Rainwater Tank Technologies ( (started March 2005) Griffith University, Nathan Campus PhD (CRC Support)

Shiromi WIJESUNDARA EnTox (Queensland Health Pathology and Biological Filtration Processes for the Removal of the Cyanobacterial (started March 2003) Scientific Services and the University of Toxin, Cylindrospermopsin ( PhD Queensland), University of Queensland (CRC Support)

Hugh WILSON Departments of Environmental Biology and Soil Forecasting of Blue-Green Algal Blooms in Australian Drinking Water (started April 1996) & Water, University of Adelaide Reservoirs and Implications for Real Time Monitoring and Control PhD (SA Water and CRC Support) (2.5.2)

Graduated Awaiting Thesis Outcome Awaiting Conferral of Award


Wai Sum CHAN Modelling of Microcystin Dynamics in Lake Suwa School of Earth and Environmental Sciences Adelaide (Japan) by Bio-inspired Computation and Implication on University Torrens Lakes (SA)

Dane HANSEN Validation of UVQ an Urban Water and Contaminant School of Applied Science Model RMIT

Arron LETHORN The Effect of Alkaline Earth Metals on Disinfection School of Applied Chemistry Byproducts of Water Curtin University

John MILES Characterisation Studies to Investigate the Origin of School of Applied Chemistry Aquatic Biopolymers Curtin University

David STORK VUV Degradation of NOM by TiO2 School of Applied Science RMIT

Nasreen YAGHOUTYFAM Understanding the Proteomics of Salt Adaptation of School of Biotechnology and Biomolecular Sciences Microorganisms Living in an Environment of Varying University of New South Wales Salinity

78 Linking the Water Industry All projects have active industry participation and some of The Centre links water suppliers, water regulators, and the Centre’s Programs are managed by staff from industry water researchers across the country and internationally. parties. The Centre has twenty-nine parties and nineteen associates, representing the water industry in every state and territory Cooperation in Technology Transfer in Australia. Cooperation is an essential component of effective technology transfer. The Centre fosters cooperation by The Associates Program provides a vehicle for small to involving end-users and researchers in research projects medium enterprises to benefit from Centre activities. In the from planning through to packaging of outputs for industrial past four years the number of associates has increased from application. nine to nineteen. The Centre holds regular issue-based technology transfer Strategies for Cooperation seminars and workshops to share research outcomes with Cooperation between Centre parties is a vital component of all stakeholders. An excellent example of cooperation in the Centre. A broad range of strategies have been adopted technology transfer within the Centre was the ‘Pathogen to strengthen cooperation. Roadshow’ seminar series. The final group of these seminars was conducted in July 2004. Industry feedback on these • The Centre held strategic planning workshops for all events was highly complimentary. was received from the Programs in year one. All stakeholders contributed final three events. There was a strong demand from industry to the identification of priority issues and to the for the fact sheet booklets that were produced to accompany development of collaborative research plans to address the ‘Pathogen Roadshow’. those issues. All parties and associates are invited to research planning workshopsThese planning workshops Planning is underway for a series of ‘NOM Roadshows’ that continue as required. In the past year, workshops were will be held in seven locations around Australia in August held to review the priorities for the Epidemiology and 2005. ‘Distribution Roadshows’ are planned for October and People’s Perspectives Programs resulting in a shift of November 2005. Similar fact sheet booklets will be produced focus to issues arising from water reuse. A workshop to accompany both of these seminar series. was also organised by the Water Treatment Technology Program to determine industry priorities for research Links with Other CRCs into desalination. The Centre has been an active member in the Water Forum, a group consisting of the five CRCs involved in water-related • Involvement in research projects by more than one research. The Water Forum has undertaken joint education research node is encouraged and the direct participation and training and promotional activities. Recent changes to of industry is promoted. In several cases, industry parties the membership of the Water Forum have occurred with the have provided addition funds to extend or accelerate CRC for Catchment Hydrology and the CRC for Freshwater projects of particular interest. Ecology evolving into the eWater CRC from June 2005. With the anticipated closure of the Coastal CRC in June • The Centre holds regular issue-based technology 2006, the aim and structure of this group will need to be transfer seminars and workshops, to share research re-evaluated. outcomes with all stakeholders. The Centre is involved in ongoing relationships with the • Representatives of all Centre parties meet quarterly, in Australian CRC for Renewable Energy, the CRC for Aboriginal conjunction with a meeting of the Governing Board. and Tropical Health and the Desert Knowledge CRC to Briefings on the progress of particular research projects develop new ways of meeting the essential service needs of form part of the agenda at these meetings. small and remote indigenous communities.

• A fortnightly e-mail newsletter, Neon, is sent to all The Centre also actively participates in the activities of the Centre personnel. Neon facilitates cooperation and CRC Association. The CRC Association Annual Conference, knowledge sharing between individuals from different CRCs: Driving Australia’s Economic Growth through parties, promotes Centre events, and raises awareness Innovation. held in Melbourne from 18-20 May 2005, was amongst Centre participants of current issues in the attended by several members of the Executive Committee. Australian and international water industries. Members of the Governing Board were also in attendance at several of the sessions and adjoining workshops. • The Centre maintains several electronic mailing lists to encourage information flow, including one for all International Links personnel connected in some way to Centre activities, The Centre maintains its strong commitment to collaboration one for Centre postgraduate students and another for with other leading drinking water research centres around postgraduate student supervisors. the world.

• The Centre produces an electronic newsletter, Water The Centre is a founding member of the Global Water Collaboration Quality News, for the water industry. This provides Research Coalition (GWRC), established in Melbourne in information about current Centre research and April 2002. The Centre is responsible for the management technology transfer activities. of two international research topics – Algal Toxins, and Water Quality in Distribution Systems. A Global Water • Postgraduate students and their supervisors meet Research Coalition project, Tools for analyzing estrogenicity biannually for a two-day student conference, which in environmental waters, commenced within the Strategic encourages the sharing of cross-disciplinary knowledge Directions Program in March 2005. Dr Heather Chapman and the building of networks across parties. Planning from the Sustainable Water Sources Program is the project has commenced for the next student conference which leader. This project is building strong links to several GWRC will be held in July 2006. members from the USA, UK, France, Netherlands, Germany and South Africa. There is potential to establish further networks within the GWRC and, in particular, to strengthen Cooperation in Research Australia’s involvement in the coalition. The Centre places a high priority on maximising collaboration in research projects, linking PhD students with Centre The Centre has commenced a number of major joint research projects and involving industry parties in research research projects with one of the world’s most influential planning and implementation. drinking water research centres, the American Water Works Association Research Foundation (AwwaRF). These projects include work on pathogens in catchments, management

79 of algal toxins in reservoirs, chemical and genetic methods Professor Steve Hrudey, from the University of Alberta, Canada, for detecting algae and their toxins. These projects include also visited the Department of Epidemiology at Monash collaboration with researchers and water utilities in the USA and University in November 2004. While he was there he participated Canada. A new AwwaRF grant has recently been awarded to the in a workshop for the CRC project Developing Evidence-Based, Centre to conduct the project Watershed Pathogen Model. Strategic Water Quality Monitoring Systems. Professor Hrudey is a collaborator on this project. Collaboration between the CRC for Water Quality and Treatment, AwwaRF and with the Dutch research organisation, KIWA In February 2005, a review of the Distribution Program was continued during the year, with success in development of a undertaken by Jo Parker a UK consultant who manages several

Collaboration risk management model for distribution systems. In addition, distribution system research projects for UK Water Industry two researchers from the Centre spent three months in The Research. During her time in Australia she also visited a number of Netherlands at KIWA and a KIWA-based researcher has visited Centre parties and associates to discuss collaborative activities. Griffith University in Queensland where the project is based. During the reporting period, Professor Peter Huck from the During August and September 2004, two Deputy Directors from University of Waterloo, Canada, spent six months working with the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) Centre personnel at the Australian Water Quality Centre (AWQC) Office of Ground Water and Drinking Water visited the Centre on the biological degradation of algal metabolites. and were hosted by Centre parties and associates during this time. Eric Bissonette, Deputy Director, Technical Support Center, Professor Hsein Yeh from the National Cheng Kung University Cincinnati and Phil Oshida, Deputy Director, Washington DC, in Taiwan spent four month sabbatical at the AWQC in Adelaide were visiting to gain an understanding of the regulatory and during 2004 working on algal management issues. Continuing operational aspects of water quality risk management systems this collaboration, a Centre researcher will spend time at Cheng in Australia. Kung University later this year.

In September 2004, Ms Gretchen Rupp, Director of the Montana Water Center visited CRC researchers at the Department of Epidemiology, Monash University to discuss risk management for small water supplies, development of computerised support tools and industry staff training.


% Time Name Title and Organisation % Time Actual Agreement

Prof D Bursill CEO, AWQC 80 80

Prof A Priestley Deputy CEO, CSIRO 80 80

Dr D Steffensen Deputy CEO, AWQC 60 81

Mr G Turelli Business Manager, AWQC 100 100

Mr R Dorrat Project Services Manager, CRC 100 100

Ms F Wellby Communication Manager, CRC 100 100

Prof J McNeil Program Group Leader, Monash University 25 24

Dr D Deere Program Group Leader, CRC 25 19

Ms M Drikas Program Group Leader, AWQC 60 65

Dr K Leader Program Leader, Monash University 40 87

Dr G Shaw Program Leader, Queensland University 60 100

Dr N Roseth Program Leader, CRC 50 50

Prof R Kagi Program Leader, Curtin University of Technology 50 47 Specified Personnel

Mr D Vitanage Program Leader, Sydney Water Corporation 50 46

Dr H Chapman Program Leader, QHPSS 100 100

Mr D Day Program Leader, Power and Water Corporation 10 10

Prof D Mulcahy Program Leader, University of SA 70 100

81 Paper in refereed journal Davies CM, Altavilla N, Krogh M, Ferguson CM, Deere DA and Ashbolt NJ (2005) Environmental inactivation of Adams PJ, Monis PT, Elliot AD and Thompson RC (2004) Cyst Cryptosporidium oocysts in catchment soils. Journal of morphology and sequence analysis of the small subunit Applied Microbiology 98 (2): 308-317. rDNA and ef1alpha identifies a novel Giardia genotype in a quenda (Isoodon obesulus) from Western Australia. Davies CM, Ferguson CM, Kaucner C, Krogh M, Altavilla N, Infection Genetics and Evolution. 4: 365-370. Deere DA and Ashbolt NJ (2004) Dispersion and transport of Cryptosporidium oocysts from fecal pats under Akter KF, Owens G, Davey DE and Naidu R (2005) Arsenic simulated rainfall events. Applied and Environmental Speciation and Toxicity in Biological Systems. Reviews Microbiology 70 (2): 1151-1159. of Environment Contamination and Toxicology 184: 97- 149. Fabris R, Chow CWK and Drikas M (2004) Practical application of a combined treatment process for removal of Allpike BP, Heitz A, Joll CA, Kagi R. Brinkman T, Abbt-Braun recalcitrant NOM – alum and PAC. Water Science and G, Frimmel F, Her N and Amy G (2005) Size exclusion Technology: Water Supply 4 (4): 89–94. chromatography to evaluate DOC removal in drinking water treatment processes. Environmental Science and Falconer IR (2005) Is there a Human Health Hazard from Technology 39: 2334-2342. Microcystins in the Drinking Water Supply? Acta hydrochimica et hydrobiologica 33 (1), 64-71. Antenucci J, Brookes JD and Hipsey M (2005) Strategies for determining pathogen transport and dilution through Falconer IR and Humpage AR (2005) Health risk assessment lakes and reservoirs. Journal of the American Water and of cyanobacterial (blue-green algal) toxins in drinking Wastewater Association 97 (1): 86-93. water. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2 (1), 43-50. Becker NSC, Bennett DM, Bolto BA, Dixon DR, Eldridge RJ, Le NP and Rye CS (2004) Detection of polyelectrolytes at Ferguson CM, Ashbolt NJ and Deere DA (2004) Prioritization trace levels in water by fluorescent tagging. Reactive & of catchment management in the Sydney catchment - Functional Polymers 60: 183-193. construction of a pathogen budget. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply 4 (2): 35-38. Bernard C, Monis P and Baker P (2004) Disaggregation of colonies of Microcystis (Cyanobacteria): efficiency of two Fisher I, Kastl G, Sathasivan A, Chen P, van Leeuwen J, Daly R techniques assessed using an image analysis system. and Holmes M (2004) Tuning the enhanced coagulation Journal of Applied Phycology 16: 117-125. process to obtain best chlorine and THM profiles in the distribution system. Water Science and Technology: Bolto BA, Dixon DR and Eldridge RJ (2004) Ion exchange Water Supply 4 (4): 235-243. for the removal of natural organic matter. Reactive & Functional Polymers 60: 171-182. Gray SR, Ritchie CB and Bolto BA (2004) Effect of fractionated NOM on low-pressure membrane flux declines. Water Breitfuss MJ, Chapman HF, Dale PER and Thomas P (2004) Science & Technology: Water Supply 4 (4): 189-196. Salt-marsh habitat modification for mosquito control and the impacts on grapsid crab populations. Wetlands Hipsey M, Antenucci J, Brookes JD, Burch M, Regel R Australia, 22 (1):1-10. and Linden L (2004). A three-dimensional model for Cryptosporidium oocyst dynamics in lakes and Broad DR, Dandy GC, and Maier HR (2005) Water Distribution reservoirs. Journal of River Basin Management 2 (3): System Optimization Using Metamodels. Journal of 180-192. Water Resources Planning and Management - ASCE, 131 (3): 172-180. Hipsey MR, Antenucci JP and Brookes JD (2005) Decision support tools: Managing microbial pollution in Lakes Brookes JD, Antenucci J, Hipsey M, Burch MD, Ashbolt NJ and Reservoirs. Lakeline. A publication of the North and Ferguson C (2004) Fate and transport of pathogens American Lake Management Society 24 (4): 25-28. in lakes and reservoirs. Environment International 30 (5): 741-759. Humpage AR, Fontaine F, Froscio S, Burcham P and Falconer IR (2005) Cylindrospermopsin genotoxicity and Brookes JD, Burch MD and Regel RH (2005) Cyanobacteria in cytotoxicity: Role of cytochrome P-450 and oxidative Australia. Lakeline. A publication of the North American stress. Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, Lake Management Society 24 (4): 29-32. Part A Current Issues 68 (9) 739-753. Buchanan W, Roddick F, Porter N and Drikas M (2004), Jayaratne A, Ryan G, Grainger C, Wu J and Noui-Mehidi MN, Enhanced biodegradability of UV and VUV pre-treated (2004) Modelling of particles in water supply systems. natural organic matter, Water Science and Technology: Water 31 (8): 30-36 Water Supply 4 (4): 103-111. Joll CA, Couton D, Heitz A and Kagi R (2004) Comparison Buchanan W, Roddick F, Porter N and Drikas M (2005) of reagents for off-line thermochemolysis of natural Fractionation of UV and VUV pre-treated natural organic organic matter. Organic Geochemistry 35: 47-59. matter from drinking water. Environmental Science and

Publications Technology. 39 (12): 4647-4654. Krewski D, Balbus J, Butler-Jones D, Haas C, Isaac-Renton J, Roberts KJ and Sinclair MI. (2004) Managing the Burns KA, Greenwood PF, Benner R, Brinkman D, Brunskill microbial risks from drinking water. Journal of Toxicology GJ, Codi S and Zagorskis I (2004) Organic biomarkers for and Environmental Health Part A 67(20-22): 1591-1617. tracing carbon cycling in the Gulf of Papua. Continental Shelf Research 24: 2373-2394. Långmark J, Storey MV, Ashbolt NJ and Stenström TA (2005) Accumulation and fate of microorganisms Chalmers R, Ferguson CM, Caccio S, Gasser R, Abs EL-Osta and microspheres in biofilms formed in a pilot-scale Y, Heijnen L, Xiao L, Elwin K, Hadfield S, Sinclair M and water distribution system. Applied and Environmental Stevens M (2005) Direct comparison of selected methods Microbiology 71(2): 706-12. for genetic categorisation of Cryptosporidium parvum and Cryptosporidium hominis species. International Leder K, Sinclair M (2005) Safe drinking water: lessons Journal for Parasitology 35 (4), 397-410. from recent outbreaks in affluent nations. Book review. Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health 29 Cook D and Newcombe G (2004) Can we predict the removal (2): 190. of MIB and geosmin by using water quality parameters? Water Science and Technology 4 (4): 221-226. Linden LG, Brookes JD, Burch MD and Lewis DM (2004) Interannual variability in rainfall and its impact on Davies C, Kaucner C, Altavilla N, Ashbolt N, Hijnen W, Medema G, Deere D, Krogh M and Ferguson C (2004) nutrient load and phytoplankton in Myponga Reservoir, Pathogen fate and transport in surface water flow.Water South Australia. Journal of River Basin Management 2 31 (3), 57-62. (3): 168-179.

82 Livingston DJ, Stenekes N, Colebatch HK, Waite TD and Ashbolt Thompson RC and Monis PT (2004) Variation in Giardia: NJ (2005) Governance of water assets: A reframing for implications for taxonomy and epidemiology. sustainability. Water 32 (8): 19-23. Advances in Parasitology 58: 69-137. Magazinovic RS, Nicholson BC, Mulcahy DE and Davey DE (2004) Thomson J, Roddick FA and Drikas M (2004) Vacuum Ultraviolet Bromide levels in natural waters: its relationship to levels of Irradiation for Natural Organic Matter Removal. Aqua 53 both chloride and total dissolved solids and the implications (4):193-206. for water treatment. Chemosphere 57 (4), 329-335. Törökné A, Asztalos M, Bánkiné M, Bickel H, Borbély G, Carmeli Maier HR, Morgan N and Chow CWK (2004) Use of artificial S, Codd GA, Fastner J, Huang Q, Humpage A, Metcalf J, neural networks for predicting optimal alum doses and Rábai SE, Sukenik A, Surányi G, Vasas G, Weiszfeiler V (2004) treated water quality parameters. Environmental Modelling Inter-laboratory comparison trial on cylindrospermopsin & Software 19 (5): 485-494. measurement. Analytical Biochemistry 332: 280-284. Monis PT, Giglio S and Saint CP (2005) Comparison of SYTO9 Van Leeuwen J, Daly R (2005) Modelling the treatment of drinking and SYBR Green I for real-time polymerase chain reaction water to maximise dissolved organic matter removal and and investigation of the effect of dye concentration on minimize disinfection byproduct formation. Desalination Publications 2004/5 amplification and DNA melting curve analysis. Analytical (177):81-89. Biochemistry 340: 24-34. Westrell T, Schönning C, Stenström TA and Ashbolt NJ (2004) Morran JY, Drikas M, Cook D and Bursill DB (2004) Comparison QMRA (quantitative microbial risk assessment) and HACCP of MIEX treatment and coagulation on NOM character. Water (hazard analysis and critical control points) for management Science and Technology: Water Supply 4 (4):129-137. of pathogens in wastewater and sewage sludge treatment and reuse. Water Science and Technology 50 (2): 23-30. Newcombe G and Burch M (2004) Toxic blue-green algae: coming to a neighbourhood near you? Water 31 (7): 56-58. Newcombe G and Nicholson B (2004) Water treatment options for dissolved cyanotoxins. Aqua 53 (4): 227-239. Paper in unrefereed journal Pollard P, Leeming R, Bagraith S, Greenway M and Ashbolt NJ Charles K (2004) YRC 2004: Youth Revelry Netherlands Style. (2005) Impacts of sewage overflows on an urban creek. Water 31 (5): 16. Water 32 (2): 41-46. Davies CM (2005) The terrestrial fate of Cryptosporidium in Ptacnik RG, Jenerette D, Verschoor AM, Huberty AF, Solimini drinking water catchments. Microbiologist 6 (2): 38-39. AG and Brookes JD (2005) Applications of ecological stoichiometry for sustainable acquisition of ecosystem Deighton-Smith R, Labza B (2005) Determining Benefits of a services. Oikos 109: 52-62. Regulatory Framework for Drinking Water Quality. Water 32 (20): 94–102. Ring E, Samblebe M, Leak M and Gray S (2004) NOM removal for extension of chlorine dioxide residuals and lower biological Dong J (2005) Splintering Urbanism: A Review. Queensland regrowth potentials. Water Science and Technology: Water Planner, 45 (2): 18-21. Supply 4 (4): 251-254. Grey-Gardner R (2004) How to look after your bore, Poster, Our Robins-Browne RM, Bordun, A, Tauschek M, Bennett-Wood V, Place, 21. Russell J, Oppedisano F, Lister NA, Bettelheim KA, Fairley Maier HR and Dandy GC (2004) Artificial neural networks: A CK, Sinclair MI and Hellard ME (2004) Escherichia coli and flexible approach to modeling. Water 31 (8): 55–60. Community-acquired Gastroenteritis, Melbourne, Australia. Emerging Infectious Diseases 10 (10): 1979-1805. Rojek K, Roddick F and Parkinson A (2004) Effect of environmental conditions on NOM decolourisation by Phanerochaete Authorship of books or chapters of books chrysosporium. Water Science and Technology: Water Supply Atanasova N, Recknagel F, Todorovski L, Džeroski S and Kompare 4 (4): 175-182. B (2005) Computational Assemblage of Ordinary Differential Ryan UM, Monis P, Enemark HL, Sulaiman I, Samarasinghe B, Equations for Chlorophyll-a Using a Lake Process Equation Read C, Buddle R, Robertson I, Zhou L, Thompson RC and Library and Measured Data of Lake Kasumigaura. In: Xiao L (2004) Cryptosporidium suis n. sp. (Apicomplexa: Recknagel F (ed.) Ecological Informatics. 2nd Edition, Cryptosporidiidae) in pigs (Sus scrofa). Journal of Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, pp. 330-342. Parasitology 90: 769-773. Burch MD and Humpage AR (2005) Regulation and Management Sathasivan A, Fisher I and Kastl G (2005) A simple method for of Cyanobacteria in Australia. In: Current approaches to measuring microbiologically assisted chloramine decay in cyanotoxin risk assessment, risk management and regulations drinking water. Environmental Science and Technology 39 in different countries. Series: WaBoLu 02/05. Compiled and (14): 5407-5413. edited by Ingrid Chorus. Publisher: Umweltbundesamt, Dessau, Germany. ISSN: 0175-4211. Sinclair MI and Rizak S (2004) Drinking Water Quality Management: The Australian Framework. Journal of Toxicology and Cao H, Recknagel F, Welk A, Kim B and Takamura N (2005) Hybrid Environmental Health Part A 67 (20-22): 1567-1579. Evolutionary Algorithm for Rule set Discovery in Time-Series Data to Forecast and Explain Algal Population Dynamics in Storey MV, Ashbolt NJ and Stenström TA (2004) Biofilms, Two Lakes Different in Morphometry and Eutrophication. thermophilic amoebae and Legionella pneumophila – A In: Recknagel F (ed.) Ecological Informatics. 2nd Edition, quantitative risk assessment for distributed water. Water Springer-Verlag Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, pp. 330-342. Science and Technology 50 (1):77-82. Cox P, Hawkins P, Warnecke M, Ferguson C, Deere DA, Bustamante Storey MV, Långmark J, Ashbolt NJ and Stenström TA (2004) H, Swanson P, Griffith M, TamsittL and Nicholson C (2004) The The fate of legionellae within distribution pipe biofilms: risk of Cryptosporidium to Sydney’s drinking water supply. measurement of their persistence, inactivation and In Cryptosporidium: from molecules to disease, Thompson A detachment. Water Science and Technology 49 (11-12): 269- (ed), pp. 323-38. Elsevier. 275. Davey D (2005) Electrochemical Measurements. In: Sydenham Storey MV, Winiecka-Krusnell Y, Ashbolt NJ and Stenström PH and Thorn R (ed) Handbook of Measuring System Design, TA (2004) The efficacy of heat and chlorine treatment John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. ISBN 0-470-02143-8. against thermotolerant acanthamoebae and legionellae. Scandinavian Journal of Infectious Disease 36 (9):656-662. Falconer IR (2005) Cyanobacterial Toxins of Drinking Water Supplies : Cylindrospermopsins and Microcystins. CRC Press. Boca Raton, Florida, USA, pp. 279. ISBN: 0-415-31879-3.

83 Ferguson C, Medema G, Teunis P, Davison A and Deere DA (2004) Cunliffe D, Bursill D and Hooy T (2005) Developing National Microbiological health criteria for Cryptosporidium. In Guidelines on Water Recycling. Proceedings of the Cryptosporidium: from molecules to disease, Thompson A International Conference on Integrated Concepts in Water (ed), pp. 293-99. Elsevier. Recycling. February, Wollongong, NSW, Australia. Horrigan N, Bobbin J, Recknagel F and Metzling L (2005) Patterning, Davies C, Ferguson C, Kaucner C, Altavilla N, Krogh M, Deere D prediction and explanation of stream macroinvertebrate and Ashbolt N (2004) Fate and transport of Cryptosporidium assemblages in Victoria (Australia) by means of artificial oocysts in watersheds: a key component of AwwaRF Project neural networks and genetic algorithms. In: Lek S, Scardi M, 2694. Proceedings of Water Quality Technology Conference, Verdonschot PFM, Descy J-P and Park Y-S (Eds.), Modelling American Water Works Association, November, San Antonio, Community Structures in Freshwater Ecosystems, Springer- Texas, USA. Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, pp. 235-252. Deere DA, Davison AD and Ferguson CM (2004) Implications for Newcombe G and Ho L (Editors) (2004) Proceedings of NOM pathogen TMDLs and risk management plans. Proceedings Research: Innovations and Applications.Water Science and of Water Quality Technology Conference, American Water

Publications Publications 2004/5 Technology 4(4). Works Association, November, San Antonio, Texas, USA. Recknagel F (editor) (2005) Ecological Informatics. Scope, Drikas M, Morran JY, Cook D and Bursill D (2004) Operating Techniques and Applications. 2nd Revised and Extended the MIEX process with Coagulation or Microfiltration, Edition. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York, 1 - Separations Technology V1, New Perspectives on Very Large- 495. Scale Operations, Fraser Island, Queensland, Australia. Recknagel F, Welk A, Kim B and Takamura N (2005) Artificial Falconer IR and Humpage AR (2005) Cyanobacterial (blue-green Neural Network Approach to Unravel and Forecast algal) toxins in water supplies: Cylindrospermopsins. 12th Algal Population Dynamics in Two Lakes Different in International Symposium on Toxicity Assessment, June, Morphometry and Eutrophication. In: Recknagel F (ed.) Skiathos, Greece. Ecological Informatics. 2nd Edition, Springer-Verlag Berlin, Ferguson CM, Croke B, Ashbolt NJ and Deere DA (2004) A Heidelberg, New York, pp. 310-329. deterministic model to quantify pathogen loads in drinking water catchments: Pathogen budget for the Wingecarribee. In Proceedings of the 4th International Water Association World Congress and Exhibitions. International Water Association, Conferences: International with Proceedings Marrakech, Morocco. CD-ROM. Altavilla N, Davies CM, and Ashbolt NJ (2004) Abiotic inactivation Ferguson CM, Croke B, Ashbolt NJ, Davies CM, Kaucner C, Krogh of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts in gamma-irradiated M and Deere D (2004) Quantification of pathogen loads in bovine faeces. In Proceedings of the 4th International Water the Wingecarribee watershed: A verification of pathogen Association World Congress and Exhibitions. International transport rates at field-scale. Proceedings of Water Quality Water Association, Marrakech, Morocco. CD-ROM. Technology Conference, American Water Works Association, Ashbolt NJ, Petterson SA, Roser DJ, Westrell T, Ottoson J, November, San Antonio Texas, USA. Schönning C and Stenström TA (2004) Microbial risk Gibbs MS, Dandy GC, Maier HR and Nixon JB (2005) Selection assessment tool to aid in the selection of sustainable urban of Genetic Algorithm Parameters For Water Distribution water systems. Proceedings of 2nd IWA Leading-Edge System Optimization. Proceedings of the 7th World Water Conference on Sustainability: Sustainability in Water Limited And Environmental Resources Congress, May, Anchorage, Environments - LES2004, November, Sydney, Australia, USA, CD-ROM. CD-ROM. Gray SR, Tran T, Bolto BA and Ritchie CB (2005) NOM Berwick L, Greenwood PF and Kagi R (2005) The use of micro composition – effect on microfiltration fouling. Proceedings scale sealed vessel (MSSV) pyrolysis to thermally release of the American Water Works Association Membrane biomarkers from natural organic matter. Proceedings EMSI/ Technology Conference, Phoenix, Arizona, USA. North Central NOM Workshop, June, Columbus, Ohio, USA. Haydon S and Deletic A (2004) Development of a Coupled Broad DR, Maier HR, Dandy GC and Nixon JB (2005) Estimating Pathogen-Hydrologic Catchment Model. Proceedings of the Risk Measures for Water Distribution Systems using 8th International Conference on Diffuse/ Non-Point Pollution, Metamodels. Proceedings of the EWRI World Water and IWA, October, Kyoto, Japan, CD-ROM. Environmental Resources Congress, May, Anchorage, Alaska, USA, CD-ROM. Heinicke G, Långmark J, Rydberg H, Persson F, Hedberg T and Storey MV (2004) Significance of dosage point for challenge Brookes JD, Lewis DM, Linden LG, Burch MD (2004) Predicting, tests. 11th Gothenburg Symposium, September, Orlando, detecting and managing cyanobacteria in source water. Florida, USA. Proceedings of the New Zealand Lakes management Symposium, September, Rotorua, NZ. Hipsey MR, Antenucci J, Brookes JD, Burch MD and Regel RH (2004) Simulation Tools For Minimizing Pathogen Risk In Brookes J, Hipsey, M, Antenucci, J, Burch M, Regel R, and Drinking Water Reservoirs. Proceedings of 6th International Steffensen D (2004) Pathogen in reservoirs: developing Conference on Hydroinformatics - Liong, Phoon & Babovic tools to support risk management. AWWA Water Quality (Eds.), Singapore. Technology Conference, November, San Antonio, Texas. Holmes M, Chow CWK, May RJ, Badalyan A, Fitzgerald F, Nixon Chung J, Hijnen W and Ashbolt NJ (2004) Potential JB, Dandy GC and Maier HR (2005) Disinfection Residual Cryptosporidium oocyst surrogates for sand filtration and Control Tool: Developing tools for improved disinfection the importance of their surface properties. Proceedings control within water distribution systems. Proceedings of of Giardia/Crypto Conference, September, Old Church, Disinfection 2005—Sharing Disinfection Technologies: Water, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Wastewater, Water Reuse, and Biosolids, February, Mesa, Arizona, USA. Chung J, Vesey G, Ashbolt NJ (2004) Surface properties of potential surrogates for Cryptosporidium oocysts behaviour Holmes M, Chow CWK, May RJ, Badalyan A, Fitzgerald F, Nixon JB, during filtration. Proceedings of Enviro 4, AWA Convention, Dandy GC and Maier HR (2005) Disinfection residual control Australian Water Association, March-April, Sydney, tool: Developing tools for improved disinfection control Australia. within water distribution systems. Proceedings of Disinfection 2005—Sharing Disinfection Technologies: Water, Wastewater, Colebatch HK (2005) Governing the use of water: the institutional Water Reuse, and Biosolids, February, Mesa, Arizona, USA. context. Proceedings of the International Conference on Integrated Concepts in Water Recycling. February, Wollongong, NSW, Australia.

84 Holmes M, Heidenreich CA, Walsh BK, Daly R, van Leeuwen J, Watkinson A and Costanzo S (2004) Human and veterinary Hochman P and Pelekani C (2004) Aphanacapsa- Slippery antibiotics in the aquatic environment. Proceedings of the Algae for Water Treatment Operators. NZWWA 46th Annual Fourth SETAC World Congress. November, Portland, USA. Conference and Expo, October, Christchurch, New Zealand.

Kaucner C, Davies CM, Ferguson CM and Ashbolt NJ (2004) Conferences: International without Proceedings Evidence for the existence of Cryptosporidium oocysts as single entities in surface runoff. In Proceedings of the Aldridge KT, Ganf GG and Brookes JD (2005) Chnages in stream 4th International Water Association World Congress and phosphorus dynamics and benthic metabolism along a Exhibitions. International Water Association, Marrakech, rural urban gradient. American Society of Limnology and Morocco, CD-ROM. Oceanography, June, Santiago de Compostella, Spain. Långmark J, Storey MV, Ashbolt NJ and Stenström TA (2004) Beale D, Ratanachaithong M, Porter N and Roddick F (2005) Biofilms in an urban water distribution system: Measurement Comparison of two luminescent reagents for the detection of biofilm biomass, pathogens and pathogen persistence of dicrotophos. International Conference of Flow Injection

within the Greater Stockholm Area, Sweden. In Proceedings Analysis, April, Las Vegas,USA. Publications 2004/5 of the 4th International Water Association World Congress Brookes JD, Lewis DM, Linden LG and Burch MD (2004) and Exhibitions. International Water Association, Marrakech, Detecting, predicting and managing cyanobacteria in source Morocco, CD-ROM. water. New Zealand Lakes Water Quality Society, September, Långmark J, Storey MV, Ashbolt NJ and Stenström TA (2004) Rotorua, New Zealand. Health-Related Water Microbiology Symposium. In Brookes JD, Regel RH and Ganf GG (2005) Vertical migration, Proceedings of the 4th International Water Association World entrainment and photosynthesis of the freshwater Congress and Exhibitions. International Water Association, dinoflagelate Peridinium cinctum. American Society Marrakech, Morocco, CD-ROM. of Limnology and Oceanography, June, Santiago de Livingston D (2004) Developing a Sustainable Water Management Compostella, Spain. Paradigm for Remote and Developing Communities. In Falconer IR (2004) Health risk assessment of cyanobacterial Ho G and Mathew K, Sustainability of Water Resources: (blue-green algal) toxins in drinking water. First International International Conference, Western Australia, November Symposium on Recent Advances in Environmental Health 2002, IWA Publishing, London. Research, September, Jackson, Mississippi, USA. Livingston DJ, Stenekes N, Colebatch HK, Ashbolt NJ and Waite Falconer IR and Humpage AR (2004) Cylindrospermopsin toxicity TD (2004). Water recycling and decentralised management: and potential health impacts. XI International Conference on The policy and organisational challenges for innovative Harmful Algal Blooms, November, Cape Town, South Africa. approaches. Proceedings of International Conference on Water Sensitive Urban Design - Cities as Catchments, Falconer IR and Humpage AR (2005) Cyanobacterial (blue-green Australian Water Association, November, Adelaide, Australia, algal) toxins in water supplies; Cylindrospermopsins. 12th CD-ROM. International Symposium on Toxicity Assessment, June, Skiathos, Greece. Maheepala S, Evans M, Sharma A, Gray S and Howe C (2004) Assessing Water Service Provision Scenarios using the Ferguson C, Davies C, Kaucner C, Ashbolt N and Deere D (2005) concept of sustainability. IWA Sustainability Conference, Catchment Research at the Cooperative Research Centre November, Sydney, Australia. for Water Quality and Treatment. In American Water Works Association Annual Conference and Exhibition. AWWA, San Miller R, Whitehill B and Deere D (2004) A National Approach to Francisco, USA. Risk Assessment for Drinking Water Catchments in Australia. In Proceedings of the 4th International Water Association Keegan AR, Daminato D, Monis PT, Saint CP (2004) The effects World Congress and Exhibitions. International Water of water treatment processes on Cryptosporidium infectivity Association, Marrakech, Morocco, CD-ROM and disinfection. International Giardia and Cryptosporidium Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Mitchell VG, Bui E, Diaper C, Grant A, Gray SR, Sharma A and Toze S (2004) Delivering planning and performance assessment Linden LG, Brookes JD, van Leeuwen JA and Ganf GG (2005) tools for integrated urban water management. Proceedings Changes in microbial substrate degradation and assimilation of the International conference on Water Sensitive Urban during an inflow event in Myponga Reservoir, South Australia. Design, November, Adelaide, Australia. American Society for Limnology and Oceanography, June, Santiago De Compostela, Spain. Roser DJ and Ashbolt NJ (2004) Source water quality assessment and the management of pathogens in tributaries. Proceedings Monis PT (2004) Emerging technologies for the detection and of Water Quality Technology Conference, American Water genetic characterisation of Cryptosporidium and Giardia. Works Association, November, San Antonio, Texas, USA. International Giardia and Cryptosporidium Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Signor RS, Roser DJ, Ashbolt NJ and Ball JE (2004) Quantifying the impact of runoff events on Cryptosporidium Monis PT, King BJ, Keegan AR, Saint CP (2004) Investigation of entering drinking source waters. Proceedings of the survival of Cryptosporidium in environmental waters. 4th International Giardia/Cryptosporidium Conference, International Giardia and Cryptosporidium Conference, September, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Steffensen DA (2004) Introduction to pathogen studies by the Newcombe G (2004) Toxic Cyanobacteria: A Global Research CRC for Water Quality and Treatment: Introduction to the Perspective. Chinese National Conference on Water Pathogen Roadshow. AWWA Water Quality Technology Treatment, September, Jinan, China. Conference, November, San Antonio, Texas. Read CM, Ryan UM, Monis PT, Cox PT, Thompson RCA (2004) Stenekes N, Livingston D, Colebatch HK, Waite TD and Ashbolt Development of an RT-PCR method for the detection NJ (2004) Sustainable water management in Australia: an and differentiation of Cryptosporidium species of public institutional analysis. Proceedings, Good Water Governance health concern. International Giardia and Cryptosporidium for People and Nature: Water Roles for Law, Institutions & Conference, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Finance, August-September, Dundee, Scotland. Recknagel F, Welk A, Kim B and Takamura N (2004) Explanation Warton B, Heitz A, Joll C, Kagi R, Zappia L and Masters D (2004) of Processes Determining Phytoplankton Abundance and Removal of NOM and improvement in drinking water quality Succession in Two Lakes with Different Trophic States by by treatment with MIEX® anion exchange resin. Proceedings Means of Long-term Data Patterns and Non-Supervised of Water Quality Technology Conference, American Water Artificial Neural Networks.International Society for Ecological Works Association, November, San Antonio, Texas, USA. Informatics (ISEI4), October, Pusan, Republic of Korea.

85 Conference: Domestic with Proceedings Flapper T, Chapman HF, Guang-Guo Y, Khan S and Dennis S (2005) EDC’s Associated With Effluent Reuse Schemes And STP Ashbolt NJ (2005). Bacteria, viruses and other pathogens. Effluent. Proceedings of Contaminants of Concern in Water, Proceedings of Contaminants of Concern in Water, June, June, Rydges Lakeside Hotel, Canberra, ACT, CD-ROM. Rydges Lakeside Hotel, Canberra, ACT, CD-ROM. Gray S, Tran T, Bolto B and Johnson W (2005) Natural organic Beale D, Porter N and Roddick F (2004) Detection of pesticides matter and low pressure membranes – A review. Proceedings by SI LOV bead analysis. Proceedings of 12th Annual RACI of the Ozwater Convention, May, Brisbane, Queensland, CD- Analytical and Environmental Topics, December, University ROM. of Melbourne. Gray SR, Tran T and Bolto BA (2005) Natural organic matter and Buchanan W, Roddick F and Porter N (2004) Hazardous byproducts low-pressure membranes. Proceedings of the Ozwater associated with drinking water treatment using UV and VUV Convention, May, Brisbane, Queensland, CD-ROM. irradiation. Proceedings of 12th Annual RACI Analytical and Environmental Topics, December, University of Melbourne. Greenwood PF and Miles J (2005) Continued structural investigation of natures most highly branched alkanes Publications Publications 2004/5 Bursill D (2004) Our Public Water Supplies How Science Makes – interpretation of recent gc and ms data. Proceedings a Difference. Proceedings of the Environmental Engineering 20th Meeting Australian and New Zealand Society of Mass Research Event (EERE), December, Wollongong, NSW. Spectrometry, February, Glenelg, South Australia. Bursill D (2004) Some Views on the Key Issues for the Future. Greenwood PF, Croue JP, Pritchard D, Grice K and Wade A (2005) Proceedings of the Water Industry Operators Association The impact of the 2003 Canberra wildfire on the natural Conference, September, Wodonga, Victoria. organic matter in ACT source waters. Proceedings of the Bursill D (2004) The Role of the Australian Drinking Water Ozwater Convention, May, Brisbane, Queensland, CD-ROM. guidelines in the Protection of Public Health. Proceedings Haydon S and Deletic A (2004) Trial of a Coupled Pathogen- from the Australian Society for Microbiology Conference, Stormflow Model. Proceedings of the 29th Hydrology and October, Sydney, NSW. Water Resources Symposium, Engineers Australia, February, Chapman H, Gardner E and Cartwright A (2004) Presentation Canberra, ACT, CD-ROM. entitled Water Quality Research on Rainwater Tanks – The Ho L, Meyn T, Keegan A, Brookes J, Saint C and Newcombe G (2005) Way Forward. AWA Ozwater Watershed Convention, May, Biological treatment of microcystin toxins. Proceedings of Brisbane, Queensland. the AWA Ozwater Convention and Exhibition, May, Brisbane, Chapman H, Leusch F, Lim R, Tremblay L and Shaw G (2005) Queensland, CD-ROM. An international approach towards hazard assessment of Leonard M, Maier HR, Simpson AR, Zecchin AC, Roberts AJ, estrogenicity in water. Proceedings of Contaminants of Berrisford MJ and Nixon JB (2004) Hydraulic risk assessment Concern in Water, June, Rydges Lakeside Hotel, Canberra, of water distribution systems. Proceedings of the 8th National ACT, CD-ROM. Conference on Hydraulics in Water Engineering, July, Surfers Cumming J, Hawker D and Chapman H (2005) Polyquaternium Paradise, Queensland, CD-ROM. ammonium salts: Using data obtained in the study of water Leusch FDL, Tan BLL, Tremblay LA and Chapman H (2005) treatment polyelectrolytes in the risk assessment of cosmetic Endocrine disruptors in sewage: Perception vs reality. polymers. Proceedings of Contaminants of Concern in Water, Proceedings of the Ozwater Convention, May, Brisbane, June, Rydges Lakeside Hotel, Canberra, ACT, CD-ROM. Queensland, CD-ROM. Daminato D, Keegan AR, Monis PT, Saint CP (2004) Tracking the Linden LG, Regel RH, Hipsey M, Brookes JD, Burch MD, Antenucci Survival of Cryptosporidium Through the Water Treatment J. and van Leeuwen JA (2004) Short circuiting of pathogens Process. Proceedings of the South Australian Regional and organic carbon in Myponga Reservoir. Proceedings Conference of the AWA, August, Glenelg, South Australia, of the South Australian Regional Conference of the AWA, CD ROM. August, Glenelg, South Australia, CD ROM. De Souza MJM and Jayasurya N (2005) Movement of Natural Loetscher T, Gray S, Kirchhof G and Dart P (2005) Naiad: Sharing Organic Matter from a Catchment to a Reservoir via Surface Lessons Learned from Innovative Urban Water Schemes. Runoff. Proceedings of the Ozwater Convention, May, Proceedings of the Ozwater Convention, May, Brisbane, Brisbane, Queensland, CD-ROM. Queensland, CD-ROM. Dreissen H (2005) The effect of calcium ions on halogenation Malek F, Harris JH and Roddick FA (2004) VUV photooxidation as reactions in drinking water treatment. Proceedings of the a pretreatment for flux improvement in the microfiltration Ozwater Convention, May, Brisbane, Queensland, CD-ROM. of potable water. Proceedings Chemeca 2004, September, Drikas M, Morran JY, Cook D and Bursill D (2005) Operating the Sydney, CD-ROM. MIEX Process with Microfiltation or Coagulation.Proceedings Ryan G, Jayaratne A, Wu J, Grainger C, Nugyen B, N- Mehidi N, of the Ozwater Convention, May, Brisbane, Queensland, CD- Mathes P (2005) Particle movement and accumulation in the ROM. distribution system. Proceedings of the Ozwater Convention, Fabris R, Chow C and Drikas M (2005) Evaluation of Alternative May, Brisbane, Queensland, CD-ROM. Coagulants for Removal of Problematic Natural Organic Solarska S, Roddick F and Lawrie A (2004) Utilisation of white rot Matter in Drinking Water, Proceedings of the Ozwater fungi for the removal of natural organic matter from potable Convention, May, Brisbane, Queensland, CD-ROM. water. Proceedings of 12th Annual RACI Analytical and Fabris R, Chow C and Drikas M (2005) Evaluation of Alternative Environmental Topics, December, University of Melbourne, Coagulants for Removal of Problematic Natural Organic Victoria. Matter in Drinking Water Treatment. Proceedings of the Tan BLL, Hawker DW, Tremblay LA and Chapman HF (2005) Ozwater Convention, May, Brisbane, Queensland, CD-ROM. Endocrine disruptors in sewage effluent: the effects of Falconer IR (2005) Toxins and Toxicants in Drinking Water. formaldehyde preservation and the handling of sewage Proceedings of Contaminants of Concern in Water, June, samples. Proceedings of Contaminants of Concern in Water, Rydges Lakeside Hotel, Canberra, ACT, CD-ROM. June, Rydges Lakeside Hotel, Canberra, ACT, CD-ROM. Fitzgerald F, Chow CWK and Holmes M (2005) Development Watkinson A and Costanzo S (2004) A review of human & of disinfectant demand sensor—An attempt to predict veterinary antibiotics in the aquatic environment: do disinfectant demand. Proceedings of the Ozwater they pose a risk in recycled wastewater? Proceedings of Convention, May, Brisbane, Queensland, CD-ROM. Contaminants of Concern in Water, June, Rydges Lakeside Hotel, Canberra, ACT, CD-ROM.

86 Watkinson A, Murby J, Micalizzi, G and Costanzo S (2004) Lundie S, Ashbolt NJ, Livingston DJ, Lai E, Kärrman E, Blaikie J, Antibiotics as Pollutants: Do they pose a risk to the Anderson J (2005) Sustainability Framework: Methodology environment and recycled water? Proceedings of for Evaluating the Overall Sustainability of Urban Water Contaminants of Concern in Water, June, Rydges Lakeside Systems. Centre for Water and WasteTechnology (commercial Hotel, Canberra, ACT, CD-ROM. report for Water Services Association of Australia), University of New South Wales, Sydney. Wilkinson K, Chow C, Fabris R and Drikas M (2005) Organic Characterisation Tools for Drinking Water Treatment: A O’Toole J, Sinclair M, Leder K (2004) Hot Water Services Issues Summary of Applicability. Proceedings of the AWA Ozwater Paper. August, An internal report for the CRC for Water Convention, May, Brisbane, CD-ROM. Quality and Treatment Project Sinclair MI, Leder K and Chapman HF (2005) Public Health Aspects of Rainwater Tanks in Urban Australia. CRC for Water Quality and Treatment Occasional Paper No 10. Conferences: Domestic without Proceedings Stubbs W, Brookes JD and Regel RH (2004) Evaluation of Water Publications Publications 2004/5 Fitzgerald F, Buff J, Holmes M and Badalyan A (2005) Online Quality Changes at various sites in Torrens and Patawalonga disinfectant residual analyser evaluation. In 1st Annual Catchments. Prepared for the Torrens and Patawalonga South Australian Water Industry Engineers and Operators’ Catchment Water Management Boards, pp 1-167. Conference, April, Adelaide, South Australia. Warton B, Heitz A, Zappia L, Masters D, Alessandrino M, Fogelman S, Blumenstein M, John R, Zhao H (2004) A Simple, Franzmann P, Joll C, Allpike B, O’Leary B and Kagi R Non-Destructive Rapid Method For Monitoring Organic (2005) Natural organic matter budget through Wanneroo Pollution in Water and Wastewater. Interact 2004, July, Gold groundwater treatment plant: MIEX and enhanced Coast, Queensland. coagulation process streams – Comparison of ‘summer’ and Keegan A, Monis P and Saint C (2004) Survival of Cryptosporidium ‘winter’ blend waters. A report prepared as part of the ARC in the environment. Australian Society of Microbiology SPIRT collaborative project, March. Annual Conference, Sydney, Australia. Warton B, Zappia L, Franzmann P, Alessandrino M, Allpike B, Labza B (2004) Update on the Safe Drinking Water Legislation Masters D, Raine A and Heitz A (2005) A report on laboratory for Victoria. Australian Water Association Victorian Regional testing of biofiltration and enhanced coagulation for the Conference, October, Beechworth, Victoria. removal of THM precursors from Harris River water. Curtin Water Quality Research Centre. April, pp 1-9. Lewanowitsch T, Burcham P, Falconer IR and Humpage AR (2004) Characterisation of cylindrospermopsin induced cell death in primary mouse hepatocyte cultures. Australian Society for Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Toxicology, Workshops – International Regional Toxicology Symposium, November, Melbourne, Australia. Ashbolt N (2004) Risk Assessment and Health-based Targets for Microbial Water Quality. December, Institute for Medical Linden LG, Regel RH, Hipsey MR, Brookes JD, Antenucci J, Research, IMR, Kuala Lumpur. van Leeuwen JA and Burch M (2004) Short-circuiting of pathogens and organic carbon at Myponga Reservoir. AWA Ashbolt N (2005) Microbial Source Tracking in Aquatic SA Branch Regional Conference, August, Adelaide, South Ecosystems: The State of the Science and an Assessment Australia. of Needs Environment. Canada, National Water Institute, March, Toronto, Canada. Roddick FA and Harris JL (2005) New membrane opportunities. RMIT-UCLA Workshop Water for a Sustainable Future- the Ashbolt N (2005) Microbial Source Tracking Workshop. Water Role of Recycling, February, RMIT University, Melbourne. Environment Research Federation (WERF), February, San Antonio, Texas. Ashbolt N (2005) UNSW – Singapore Research Workshop. February–March, Institute of Materials Research and Reports Engineering, Singapore. Ashbolt NJ, Petterson SA, Stenström TA, Schönning C, Westrell Berwick L, Greenwood P, Kagi R (2005) The use of micro scale T and Ottoson J (2005) Microbial Risk Assessment (MRA) sealed vessel (MSSV) pyrolysis to thermally release Tool. Urban Water Report 2005:7. Chalmers University of biomarkers from natural organic matter. Environmental Technology, Gothenberg, Sweden. Molecular Science Institute / North Central NOM Workshop, June, The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA. Davies C, Kaucner C, Altavilla N, Ashbolt N, Hijnen W, Medema G, Deere D, Krogh M and Ferguson C (2005) Fate and transport Chapman HF, Tremblay L, Collier T, Addison R, Lim R, Lam P, of surface water pathogens in watersheds. Project 2694 Ryoung J, Aminin D (2004) Modern approaches to linking Report, American Water Works Research Foundation, Denver, exposure to toxic compounds with biological responses. Colorado, USA. Where from and where to next? Proceedings of APEC Workshop No MRC02/2004 Workshop on the Modern Greenwood PF (2005) The composition of unique highly Approaches to Linking Exposure to Toxic Compounds branched C alkanes in Cretaceous sediments (Qld) 3n and Biological Effects. Workshop No 2, July, Gold Coast, and surface and ground water of the Clare valley (SA) Australia. Final Reporrt – 2004 Curtin Strategic Grant, March, pp 1-14. Ferguson C, Deere D, Chalmers R and Stevens M (2004). Application of Cryptosporidium genotyping methods in the Grey-Gardner R (2005) How to look after your rainwater. water industry. In AWWA Water Quality Technical Conference, The rainwater tank maintenance manual for Mutitjulu November, San Antonio, Texas, USA. Community. Fisher I (2005) An Australian view of indicators and indices. United Kärrman E, Söderberg H, Lundie S, Ashbolt NJ, Kazaglis A, Lai Nations Environment Programme GEMS/Water Programme: E, Livingston D and Anderson J (2005) Literature Review. Expert Workshop On Global Water Quality Indicators & Indices, Methodology for Evaluating the Overall Sustainability May, International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, Austria. of Urban Water Systems. Centre for Water and Waste Technology, University of New South Wales, Sydney. Levine AD, Bolto BA and Dixon DR (2004) Reactions of polyelectrolytes with other water treatment chemicals. Final AwwaRF Report, American Water Works Association Research Foundation, Denver, Colorado, USA.

87 Leusch, FDL, Chapman HF, Gooneratne SR and Tremblay LA Newcombe G (2005) Tastes and odours in water treatment: (2004) Use of bioassays in the study of endocrine disruption: methods currently employed, alternative methods of a case study with sewage. Proceedings of APEC Workshop treatment and optimisation of treatment processes. No MRC02/2004 Workshop on the Modern Approaches CRC Workshop on Geosmin and MIB in Water Supplies: to Linking Exposure to Toxic Compounds and Biological Source Water, Treatment and Distribution, March, EnTox, Effects. Workshop No 2, July, Gold Coast, Australia. National Research Centre for Environmental Toxicology, Queensland. Newcombe G (2004) Australian Water Quality Centre and CRC for Water Quality and Treatment current research directions. Newcombe G (2005) Treatment options for cyanobacteria and Seminar, September, Henan Institute for Chemistry, their toxins. Treating Algal Toxins Workshop, March, SEQ Zhenzhoa, China. Water, Brisbane. Newcombe G (2004) Taste and odour and algal toxins – CRC for Sheehan D (2005) Overview of Drinking Water Regulation in Water Quality and Treatment current research directions. Victoria. The Journey to Safe Drinking Water CRC for Seminar, July, National Water Research Institute, Canada. Water Quality and Treatment Workshop. May, Alice Springs,

Publications Publications 2004/5 Northern Territory. Newcombe G (2004) Toxic cyanobacteria: A global research perspective. NSERC chair in Water Treatment, Algal/ Sinclair MI (2005) Water quality and health risks Workshop on Cyanobacterial Toxins and Taste and Odour Workshop, July, Rainwater Tanks – The Way Forward, Ozwater Convention. University of Waterloo, Canada. May, Brisbane, Queensland. Roddick FA (2005) UV Pretreatment: Its influence on the Steffensen DA (2004) Introduction to pathogen studies by the biodegradability of NOM. Advanced Oxidation Processes CRC for Water Quality and Treatment: Introduction to the Workshop, LET 5, IWA Leading Edge Conference, June, Pathogen Roadshow. CRC for Water Quality and Treatment Sapporo, Japan. Pathogen Roadshow seminar series. July, Sydney. Stevens M and Ferguson CM (2004) Application of genotyping Stevens M, Ferguson C, Deere D, Cox P, Keegan A, Saint C, Monis methods to assess pathogen risks from Cryptosporidium in P, Ryan U and Gasser R. (2005) CRC for Water Quality and drinking water catchments. In IWA 4th World Water Congress Treatment/WSAA/AWA Workshop Cryptosporidium – the and Exhibition, September, IWA, Marrakech, Morocco. next steps to achieve safe drinking water. Eden on the Park Tan BLL, Hawker DW, Muller JF, Tremblay LA and Chapman Hotel, Melbourne. HF (2004) A review of the effects and mechanisms of endocrine disruptors from sewage effluent, estuarine and marine environments. Proceedings of APEC Workshop Theses No MRC02/2004 Workshop on the Modern Approaches Bock F (2005) Biological Filtration Processes for the Removal to Linking Exposure to Toxic Compounds and Biological of Algal Metabolites. Diploma Thesis. Georg-Simon-Ohm Effects. Workshop No 2, July, Gold Coast, Australia. University of Applied Sciences, Nuremberg, Germany. Ho L (2004) The removal of cyanobacterial metabolites from Workshops – Domestic drinking water using ozone and granular activated carbon. PhD Thesis, University of South Australia, Adelaide. Ashbolt N (2004) Baseline storm event export patterns. CRC for Water Quality and Treatment Pathogen Roadshow seminar Hoefel D (2005) Rapid detection and molecular profiling of water- series. July, Sydney and Canberra. borne bacteria. PhD Thesis, University of South Australia, Adelaide. Brookes JD (2004) Pathogen fate and Transport. CRC for Water Quality and Treatment Pathogen Roadshow seminar series. Lee A (2004) The effect of floc properties on the performance of July, Sydney and Canberra. microfiltration membranes for water treatment. PhD Thesis, University of New South Wales, Sydney. Bursill D (2004) Future Challenges for Water Quality Management. Goulburn Valley Water, Board and Executive Strategic Magazonovic R (2004) The Interaction of Ozone with Natural Planning workshop, October, Golburn, NSW. Organic Matter (NOM) in Australian Drinking Water Treatment and Its Effect on the Formation of Bromate and Bursill D (2004) The Importance of Research and Development for Assimilable Organic Carbon (AOC). PhD Thesis, University Water Quality. Joint AWA/CRC Workshop on water quality South Australia, Adelaide. management, July, Launceston, Tasmania. Meyn T (2004) Biological Removal of microcystin LR and LA: Bursill D (2005) The Need for PT in the Water Industry. CRC Laboratory studies to Assess Filtration, Degradation Kinetics Workshop on Laboratory Proficiency Testing, February, and Microbiological Characterisation. Diploma Thesis. Melbourne Airport, Melbourne. Technical University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany. Charles K (2004) Pathogen attenuation in aquifers and Stewart I (2004) Recreational exposure to freshwater groundwater. Western Australian Department of Health cyanobacteria: epidemiology, dermal toxicity and biological Workshop on Water Recycling and Aquifer Recharge, Perth. activity of cyanobacterial lipopolysaccharides. PhD Thesis, Charles KJ (2004) Movement from onsite sewage systems: University of Queensland, Brisbane. implications for managers. CRC for Water Quality and Thomas S (2004) A study of Aluminium, its Indirect Treatment Pathogen Roadshow seminar series. July, Sydney electrochemical Detection and Interaction with Natural and Canberra. Organic Matter in Water Treatment. PhD Thesis, University Ferguson C (2004) Fate and transport of pathogens in catchments. of South Australia, Adelaide. CRC for Water Quality and Treatment Pathogen Roadshow Wilson H (2004) Short Term Forecasting of Algal Blooms in seminar series. July, Sydney and Canberra. Drinking Water Reservoirs using Artificial Neural Networks. Loetscher T (2005) Sustainable Urban Water - Schemes And PhD Thesis, University of Adelaide, Adelaide. Technologies: Planning Workshop and Stakeholder Consultation. Report on Workshop Outcomes. The University of Queensland, May, Brisbane, Queensland. Newcombe G (2005) Removal of toxic algae and dissolved toxins from drinking water. Seminar for Operators and Water Quality Managers, May, Thebarton, South Australia.

88 Communication Manager Fiona Wellby CRC for Water Quality and Treatment

The Centre’s mission is to help the Australian water industry provide high quality water at an affordable price. Effective communication between researchers, research users, governments and the general community is critical in achieving this mission.

Communication strategy Over the past year the CRC for Water Quality and Treatment The Communication Strategy outlines the major has provided expert comment for media personnel on the communication goals of the Centre for 2004-05: following issues:

• Ensure effective two-way communication within the • Water reuse Centre, so that knowledge flows between researchers • Rainwater tanks and industry and across projects and programs. • Water quality • Implement strategies to facilitate the uptake of Centre • The aquatic weed Cabomba caroliniana in the Darwin research outcomes in the Australian water industry. River • Build a strong corporate culture within the Centre, • Bacteria levels in the Yarra River to strengthen staff and student commitment to the organisation and foster collaborative work between The Centre participated in two formal media releases during participants. this period: • Raise awareness of, and build support for, the Centre, its role and its achievements amongst the Australian water • Wastewater reuse: are Australian children at risk from industry, water regulators, the research and education playing in their own backyard? communities and the broader public. • Scientist reveals the hidden world of microbes. • Work with decision-makers within the Australian water industry to understand their needs and provide Publications scientific information that will assist them supply high The Centre has produced a number of publications over the quality water to Australian communities. year. • Work with policy makers to develop a scientifically based water quality regulatory environment that meets The following Occasional Papers were produced: the needs of Australian communities. • Raise awareness, and improve understanding, of water Occasional Paper 9: Biological Filtration, Ozone and Activated quality issues amongst the Australian community. Carbon • Promote the CRC Program and its objectives. Occasional Paper 10: Public Health Aspects of Rainwater Tanks in Urban Australia. During the reporting period the Centre has focused on increasing the number of activities and publications aimed The following Research Report was produced in an electronic at industry uptake and dissemination of research results. format:

Communication activities Research Report 23: Evaluation of Treatment Systems for The Centre uses a variety of tools to achieve the goals Removal of Natural Organics. outlined in the Communication Strategy, including: These papers and reports are distributed to all Centre parties and associates and have been made available for sale via the • Workshops, seminars and meetings. Australian Water Association bookshop. All titles are available • An information-rich, frequently updated website. in full in the Participants area of the Centre website. • Frequent personal contact between parties, associates and Centre management. To aid in the transfer of research outcomes to industry

• Mass, specialist and trade media. Strategy Communication the Centre is developing a series of fact sheet booklets to • Industry-focused Occasional Papers. accompany their technology transfer seminars. During this • Research Reports. period the following booklet was produced: • Publications for the general public. • A quarterly external newsletter, Health Stream, with a Pathogen movement and survival in catchments, groundwater circulation over 3500, reaching more than 50 countries. and raw water storages. • An internal e-mail newsletter, Neon, that keeps Centre parties and associates up to date with Centre activities Fact sheet booklets on natural organic matter and distribution and research. systems are planned for the coming year.

An internal Centre report, know as the Research Themes Media Relations Report, has been provided to all Centre parties in response The Centre has continued to build effective relationships to the challenge presented by a comprehensive research with key media over the past year, briefing journalists and program and the consequent complexity involved in editors on emerging issues, participating in public debate as understanding the research being conducted in any one area appropriate, and raising the profile of the Centre, the CRC or specific issue. Program and drinking water issues in general.

89 Associates Program The report provides an overview of Centre research structured The Associates Program was established by the Centre to enable into a themes/research programs matrix. The six themes have small to medium enterprises to participate in Centre activities. been chosen to span all of the research programs and provide a There are now nineteen organisations participating in the better perspective on the topics of research covered and actual Associates Program (see Governance, Structure and Management projects being undertaken in the Centre. The six themes are: for detail), up from sixteen last year. Aesthetics, Cyanobacteria, Micropollutants, Natural Organic Matter (NOM), Pathogens and Sustainability. The document has Amongst a range of benefits, associates can be involved in been well received by all parties and additional copies have been various Centre activities and have access to certain of the Centre’s requested. A presentation, along with a copy of the report, will resources, but have no role in Centre governance. The Associates also be given to the members meeting of the Water Services Program is managed by Dr Gerard Vaughan, the Centre’s Liaison Association of Australia in July 2005. Officer.

The Centre produces a quarterly newsletter called Health Stream. Public Presentations It presents relevant health research in an accessible form, and provides informed comment on the implications of research Bursill D (2004) Helping the Australian water industry provide findings for the water industry. The publication has achieved a high quality water at an affordable price: Overview of the high international profile among water quality researchers. It CRC. Presentation to Barwon Water, November, Victoria. Communication Strategy currently has a circulation over 3500. Bursill D (2004) Your Public Water Supply How Science Makes a Difference. SA Superannuates Meeting, November, The Centre previously produced a quarterly hard-copy newsletter, Adelaide. Water Quality News, to provide information about current Centre research and encourage participation in relevant projects. During Bursill D (2005) Your Public Water Supply, Where Does it come this reporting period, Water Quality News was re-launched in a from and some of the Issues. Thornton Park Probus Club new electronic format. presentation, May, Adelaide. Charles K (2004) Pathogen attenuation in aquifers and See the Publications section in this Annual Report for detail on groundwater. Invited speaker, Western Australian scientific publications and presentations. Department of Health Workshop on Water Recycling and Aquifer Recharge, October.

Events Charles K (2005) Onsite sewage management: Technical Transfer Session. Sydney Catchment Authority Technology Transfer The CRC for Water Quality and Treatment sponsored one Day, March, Penrith. conference and four workshops over the year. Charles K (2005) QMRA: a catchment management tool for the • Environmental Engineering Research Event (EERE) delineation of buffer distances for onsite sewage systems. • Nutrient Collaborative Trials (NLLNCT) Workshop Robens Centre for Public & Environmental Health, University • Proficiency Testing Summit of Surrey, April, Guildford, UK. Metabolism of Environmental Toxins • Daly RSA (2005) Investigating water quality problems using Applying the Framework for Managing Drinking Water • pilot plants, Centre for Water Science and Systems, March, Quality to Regional and Rural Water Supplies Mawson Lakes, South Australia. Workshops for Centre parties and associates play a vital role in Daly RSA (2005) Investigating water quality problems using pilot Centre research planning and technology transfer. plants, United Water Research and Development Seminar, April, South Australia. The Centre held ten workshops in 2004-05–of these eight were Fisher I (2005) Enhanced coagulation and disinfection modelling conducted solely by the CRC and two of these were held in to meet water quality guidelines at customers’ taps. Seminar partnership with other organisations. at School of Civil Engineering, University of Budapest, May, Hungary. CRC Workshops • Movement of Pathogens in Catchments seminar series held Humpage AR and Fanok S (2005) Comparison of methods for in Sydney and Canberra PSPs. AWQC Seminar Series, June, Adelaide. • People’s Perspectives Planning Workshop Labza B (2004) Safe Drinking Water Regulations for Victoria. • Epidemiology Program Recycling Workshop Presentation to the Department of Human Services workshop • Management of Drinking Water Sources as Business Assets on the proposed Safe Drinking Water Regulations for Victoria, • Desalination Workshop October, Melbourne, Victoria. • Geosmin and MIB in Water Supplies Source Water, Treatment and Distribution Leder K (2005) Update in Research Activities of the Infectious • Cryptosporidium- the next steps to achieve safe drinking Disease Epidemiology Unit: Focus on Water Recycling water? and Use of Alternative Water Sources. Presentation to the Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, March, Melbourne. Joint Workshops • Integrated Catchment Management Course. Livingston D (2005) Decentralised innovations for managing A joint initiative with the University of Adelaide. urban water: An institutional perspective. Water Research Symposium – PhD Researchers, University of New South • Water for a Sustainable Future – the Role of Recycling. Wales, July, NSW. This workshop was jointly presented by the Centre, the School Miller R (2004) Catchment and source water protection and of Civil and Chemical Engineering, RMIT University and the management, Victorian catchment management seminar, Institute of Environment at the University of California. November, Melbourne. Miller R (2005) Catchment Management Practice. AWA/AWWA Joint Summit, March, Honolulu, Hawaii. O’Toole J (2004) Water Reuse: Potential Research Directions. Presentation to the Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Monash University, August, Melbourne.

90 O’Toole J (2005) Water Reuse and Alternative Water Sources: Risk Priestley AJ (2005) Water and Sustainability. A lecture at RMIT Assessment and Human Health Outcomes. Presentation to University, June, Melbourne. the Department of Epidemiology and Preventive Medicine, Priestley AJ (2005) The Future of Water. Presentation given to Monash University, February, Melbourne. Australian Water Association Young Professionals, Victorian Priestley AJ (2004) Water and Urban Communities. Presentation Branch, June, Melbourne. at a public forum on the Future of Water, RMIT University, Sinclair MI (2004) How safe is the water we drink? Lecture July, Melbourne. to Master of Public Health students, Monash University, Priestley AJ (2004) Water and Sustainability. A lecture at RMIT September, Melbourne. University, July, Melbourne. Sinclair MI (2004) Waterborne disease: past, present and future. Priestley AJ (2004) Selection of Water Treatment Technologies. A Lecture to undergraduate Microbiology students, Department lecture at RMIT University, September, Melbourne. of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Melbourne, September, Melbourne. Priestley AJ (2005) Principles of Water Treatment Process Selection. Presentation at the RMIT-UCLA Water Recycling Sinclair MI (2005) Water quality and public health. Lecture to Workshop, RMIT University, February, Melbourne. undergraduate Engineering students, University of South Australia, March, Adelaide. Communication Strategy

Above - Photos taken before and after the construction of a well in the village of Okoto, Northern Uganda. Construction of the well was funded by the Environmental Research Event (ERE) Conference and associated events. The CRC for Water Quality and Treatment was a sponsor of the conference.

91 A number of Centre personnel received recognition for their During the reporting period centre researcher Ian Falconer was achievements during the year. appointed to membership of the Murray-Darling Ministerial Council Community Advisory Committee for a period of 4 Centre researcher Brett Neilan was presented with the years. This committee advises The Ministerial Council on 2005 Fenner Medal for his outstanding contribution to the natural resource management issues referred by Council, on biological sciences. The Fenner Medal is awarded annually Basin community views, on community engagement issues, by the Australian Academy of Science for research in biology, and as requested on policy development processes. excluding the biomedical sciences. Centre research team of Alexandra Keegan, Paul Monis, Darryl Day, Program Leader for the Centre’s Regional and David Daminato and Chris Saint from the Australian Water Rural Water Supplies Program was elected president of the Quality Centre, plus Peter Cox and Heriberto Bustemante Australian Water Association (AWA) in 2005. from Sydney Water have been selected as the recipients of the Guy Parker Award which is given by the AWA for the PhD student Hannah Driessen was winner of the Western best paper published in its journal Water in the past year. Australian Branch of the AWA Undergraduate Water Prize The paper was titled Environmental and water treatment 2004. She also received third prize in the national AWA processes that contribute to microbial destruction - Hidden Undergraduate Water Awards in 2004. sources of disinfection.

Elsevier BV Amsterdam has appointed Centre researcher Centre postgraduate student Daniel Hoefel won the United Friedrich Recknagel as Editor-in-Chief of the international Water International Postgraduate Award at the AWA South journal Ecological Informatics that will be launched at the Australian Branch awards night for the paper Rapid detection end of 2005. of active bacteria in drinking water.

The Centre project Mutitjulu Rainwater Tank and Point External Research Funding of Use Treatment System Trial won a Northern Territory External research grants provide additional support for Environmental Excellence Award in June 2005. projects within the Centre. The table on the following page outlines the external research funding achieved by Centre Centre researcher Brian Bolto was awarded Honorary Life personnel. Membership of the Royal Australian Chemical Institute.

PhD student Katrina Charles was a finalist in the 2004 Fresh Science competition. This event offers the opportunity for young scientists to interact with the media and coincides with National Science Week. Grant and Awards

92 . The South Management Construction of ) to a number of catchments in the collation of data on taste and odour or projects. Grants and Awards . It extends the Centre’s research program on algal . It extends the Centre’s Brief Description of relationship to the Centre’s research programs Brief Description of relationship to the Centre’s This project links with the AwwaRF/Centre funded project This project links with the AwwaRF/Centre Toxins Determination and Significance of Emerging Algal (Cyanotoxins) toxins. The Centre will be involved in the issues in Australian water supplies. This grant allows the extension of Centre project Utilities Strategies For Blue Green Algae, A Guide Water GWRC project will involve collaboration with researchers in African, German, France and the UK. This project will test and calibrate the application of a catchment pathogen model (developed in Centre project for Catchments- A Tool a Pathogen Model for Drinking Water Minimising Risks to Human Health USA, UK and Australia. ($) 16,000 55,896 261,300 1080,000 1,413,196 Total Value Value Total ($) 16,000 55,896 195,405 295,000 562,301 2004-05 Value 2004-05 Value Period 2004-06 2005-07 2005-2006 2005-2006 AwwaRF AwwaRF AwwaRF Granting Body Coalition (GWRC) Global Water Research Global Water Project Title Criteria for Quality Control Algal Toxin Criteria for Various Project Methods AwwaRF #2942. Decision making tools for the treatment of MIB and geosmin. International guidance manual for the management of cyanobacteria. Pathogen modelling in #3124 Watersheds Organisation Australian Water Australian Water Quality Centre Australian Water Quality Centre Australian Water Quality Centre Ecowise Environmental (ACTEW) Researcher B Nicholson G Newcombe G Newcombe C Ferguson Total

93 Performance Indicators 2004-05 In order to achieve its goals, the CRC for Water Quality and Treatment must look for high degrees of efficiency and effectiveness.

• Efficiency measures the extent to which the resources are utilised optimally to produce the service. • Effectiveness measures the extent to which the targeted objectives are achieved.

A performance indicator is a quantitative or qualitative indicator, related to a particular aspect of performance or standard of service that essentially enables the efficiency and effectiveness of the CRC to be determined. It expresses the level of actual performance achieved in respect to one of the objectives simplifying an otherwise complex evaluation.

Targets and Goals for the Current CRC The major performance measure for the CRC Water Performance 2004-05 forum held adjacent to each quarterly Participant’s Governing Board meeting. Management and Executives meetings to reviews strategic priorities held each quarter. An internal mid-term review was carried out in February 2005. The Governing Board has been advised of the revised priorities. Australia formally adopted the revisions to Australian Guidelines in December 2004. Drinking Water The National Reuse Guidelines are currently being developed using the Framework concept contained in ADWG. On 15 April 2005 the various ministerial councils involved approved a process for the draft national Recycling. Guidelines on Water Quality and Treatment is the degree of adoption of the research outcomes and their influence on the Australian Water industry.

The tables that follow show the Centres performance against the currently approved performance indicators listed in the Schedule 6 of the Commonwealth Agreement. These indicators are grouped into six categories:

• Centre Objectives Performance 2003-04 forum held each Participant’s Program leaders quarter. presented their program reviews to members in September 2003. Second year review completed in August and October 2003. Quality of research endorsed by the second year technical review panel in August 2003. The CEO has ongoing chairmanship of the rolling review of ADWG guidelines. NMRC revision of the Framework is to be released for targeted consultation in August 2004. • Quality and Relevance of Research Program • Strategy for Utilisation and Commercialisation of Research • Education and Training • Collaborative Arrangements • Resources, Management Structure and Performance Evaluation. Performance 2002-03 Participants Forum held adjacent to each quarterly Governing Board Meeting. Research Presentations made during year. See next section. NHMRC completed public consultation and approved Framework. adoption by Waiting NRMMC (NSW yet to accept). Performance 2001-02 Participants Forum implemented prior to each quarterly Governing Board Meeting. See next section. NHMRC adopted Framework for Management of Quality Drinking Water and started public consultation. Performance Measures Performance Key measurement parameters Acceptance of key objectives by Centre parties and review panels. See next section. Inclusion in Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (ADWG). Target over life of Centre Target Maintain clarity of definition. See next section. Quality Australian Water Management Framework adopted by all elements of industry. Performance indicator Centre Objectives Clarity of objective definition. Undertake high quality research program. Evidence based Australian water regulatory system. N L UATIO PERFORMA N CE EVA

94 University of Ottawa and also Performance Measures Performance Performance 2004-05 forum held adjacent to each quarterly Participant’s Governing Board meeting. Management and Executives meetings to reviews strategic priorities held each quarter. An internal mid-term review was carried out in February 2005. The Governing Board has been advised of the revised priorities. Australia formally adopted the revisions to Australian Guidelines in December 2004. Drinking Water The National Reuse Guidelines are currently being developed using the Framework concept contained in ADWG. On 15 April 2005 the various ministerial councils involved approved a process for the draft national Recycling. Guidelines on Water Performance 2004-05 All research projects have industry party involvement and now place greater emphasis on sourcing of support. We external funds. Health Organization formally released their risk World management framework, based on the ADWG Framework, at an international water conference in Marrakech, Morocco in September 2004. The memorandum of understanding with Sheffield University for the prediction of discoloration in distribution systems is being finalised. The Centre CEO was elected as Deputy Chair of the Global Research Coalition (GWRC) in April 2005. Water Collaborative project development progressed with the University of Alberta, Canada. Centre researchers in the Department of Epidemiology at Monash University hosted visiting specialists from the Center. the Montana Water 76% (29/38) of graduates are employed in the areas environment or health. Sixty-five students are water, currently active in the postgraduate research training program. Six Honours students sponsored at four universities. Letters sent to parties outlining their participation statistics after three years. Follow up interviews held with each party by Deputy CEOs. Performance 2003-04 forum held each Participant’s Program leaders quarter. presented their program reviews to members in September 2003. Second year review completed in August and October 2003. Quality of research endorsed by the second year technical review panel in August 2003. The CEO has ongoing chairmanship of the rolling review of ADWG guidelines. NMRC revision of the Framework is to be released for targeted consultation in August 2004. Performance 2003-04 All research projects have industry party involvement and support. Attended GWRC Board meeting April 2004 in Hosted two GWRC Italy. workshops: Distribution Systems in Sydney September in 2003 and Algal Toxins Adelaide May 2004. Collaborative projects identified and submitted to GWRC. The Centre led the preparation of a background paper for the GWRC Board on concerns raised by recently published research work on copper in drinking water and Disease. Alzheimer’s 81% (21/26) graduates employed in the areas of environment or health water, related industries. Sixty-one students currently active in PhD program. Five Honours sponsorships at four universities. Developed policy for Transfer. Technology Knowledge Transfer workshops held on completed projects. Survey now planned for late 2004. Performance 2002-03 Participants Forum held adjacent to each quarterly Governing Board Meeting. Research Presentations made during year. See next section. NHMRC completed public consultation and approved Framework. adoption by Waiting NRMMC (NSW yet to accept). Performance 2002-03 All project commenced with multi-industry party involvement. Attendance at GWRC Board meetings alternated with WSAA. workshop Algal Toxin planned for June 2003 postponed to February 2004. Planning completed for Distribution Workshop in Sydney September 2003 74% of completed PhD students now employed environment or in water, health related industries. Fifty-seven postgraduate students currently active Honours students sponsored in six universities. Survey deferred until after the year 2 review. Performance 2001-02 Participants Forum implemented prior to each quarterly Governing Board Meeting. See next section. NHMRC adopted Framework for Management of Quality Drinking Water and started public consultation. Performance 2001-02 All approved projects have at least 1 industry party involved. Research Global Water Coalition (GWRC)formed in Berlin October 2001. Centre to manage 3 international research topics. 54% (12 out of 22) PhD graduates are now employed within the or Environmental Water Industries. Another three are currently seeking employment. Survey planned for 2002-03. Key measurement parameters Acceptance of key objectives by Centre parties and review panels. See next section. Inclusion in Australian Drinking Water Guidelines (ADWG). Key measurement parameters Number of projects with direct industry party involvement. Number and size of collaborative agreements. Number of graduates who obtain employment in industry. Survey of industry to quantify degree of research adoption. Target over life of Centre Target Maintain clarity of definition. See next section. Quality Australian Water Management Framework adopted by all elements of industry. over life of Centre Target Direct involvement of water industry parties in majority of Centre research projects. Create an international network of collaborating water research institutions. Significant proportion of Centre postgraduate students to enter technical and managerial positions in industry. industry to be fully Water utilising Centre research output. Performance indicator Centre Objectives Clarity of objective definition. Undertake high quality research program. Evidence based Australian water regulatory system. Performance indicator Close involvement of water industry in research activities. Strong international alliances. Provision of high quality future industry leaders. Centre research outcomes effectively communicated.

95 being 3124) AwwaRF Performance Measures Performance Performance 2004-05 A revised report outlining the benefits of CRC research Quality against the Framework for Drinking Water Management was presented to the Governing Board. public health incidents by implementation of CRC Avoiding research outputs is seen as one of the major benefits research. the Centre’s A paper on benefits to industry developed (see above). Commenced negotiations with industry regarding a CRC re-bid or independent research body funded by participants. Carbon regeneration project advancing to commercialisation. $3.1M of $661K of external funds received this year. external funds received in the first four years with $1M due in subsequent years including a new project Pathogen Mode ( Watershed developed. Sourcing external funds for all new projects is now a priority. Projects completed this year are: - Comparing cryptosporidium genotyping methods. - Akinete differentiation & germination in Cylindrospermopsis raciborski. - Construction of Pathogen Model for Drinking for Minimising Risks to Human Catchments - A Tool Water Health. - Hydrodynamic distribution of pathogens in reservoirs. 3.2.6 - Optimisation of adsorption processes Stage II. - Removal of manganese from drinking water. The total Performance 2003-04 Independent experts gave good report at the second The value year review. to industry of completed research to be quantified in more detail. A value plan based on the Framework was presented to June 2004 Governing Board. Commenced a process of valuing the benefits selected completed projects. Five projects identified for initial benefits review in 2004. $1.029M external funds received this year. committed external funds for life of Centre is now $3.885M of which $1.39M is due in subsequent years. Additional research funds to be sourced for new projects by all programs in coming years. Projects completed this were: 1.1.6,,,, yr review scheduled nd Performance 2002-03 2 for 4-8 August 2003. Quality of research to be assessed by independent experts. Benefits to industry now part of the summary text in the Project Information Management System each reported and (PIMS) quarter to the Governing Board. External funds received this year were $1.248M. committed external Total funds for life of CRC is now $2.74M. This exceeds the target for life of the Centre. Projects completed were: 3.1.4, 4.1.1,,,,

nd yr reviews. th Performance 2001-02 First year review completed March.2002, depending on CRC Secretariat. Assessment of economic, social and environmental benefits of Centre projects to be carried out prior to 2 and 5 External income budget over 7yrs is $2.8M. $218.782 of external funds received in year 1. The total committed so far for the life of CRC is $2.48M. No Projects assessed Completed in first year. projects were: 1.2.6,,,,,, 3.1.2, 3.2.1 Key measurement parameters Assessment of economic, social and environmental benefits of Centre projects – to be carried out prior to 2nd Reviews. and 5th Year Demonstrated application of Centre IP to water supply problems. of external R&D Value contracts – evaluated at 2nd and 5th Year Reviews. Assessment of value of particular Centre projects to participants – evaluated at project completion Target over life of Centre Target Actual and future benefits more than five times resources committed. Adding value to intellectual capital at least equal to CRC Commonwealth funding. Additional income of at least $2.4 million from outside contracts for R&D. Actual and future benefits worth more than three times resources committed Performance indicator Benefits to Australia. Benefits to the Centre. Benefits to participants

96 Watershed Pathogen Watershed Performance Measures Performance Current AwwaRF funded projects:- Current AwwaRF of Pathogens. 2.2.2 Fate and Transport Hydrodynamic Distribution of Pathogens. Emerging Algal Toxins. Algal management in reservoirs. QA protocols for algal toxin analysis. Early Detection of Cyanobacteria Toxins. Develop Biosensors for analysis MIB. HACCP in Distribution Systems. Performance 2004-05 In total 23 Research Reports have been published. Two new Occasional Papers and one technology transfer booklet were published. 57 refereed publications in Journals and 6 non-refereed. 10 papers presented and 37 proceedings at International and 11/36 National Conferences. 26 presentations at CRC workshops. New project application for Model. All projects continue to have active industry participation with greater emphasis on external funding for new projects. AwwaRF funded projects are AwwaRF listed in 2004-05. Performance 2003-04 23 Research Reports published and 4 Occasional Papers. 58 refereed publications in Journals and 3 non-refereed. 9 papers presented and 59 proceedings at International and 2/49 National Conferences. 34 presentations at CRC workshops. A list of possible joint projects prepared and forwarded for funding to AwwaRF consideration. All projects continue to have active industry participation. Performance 2002-03 22 Research Reports published. 57 refereed publications in Journals and 8 non- refereed. 11 papers presented and 38 proceedings at International Conferences and 12/68 at National Conferences. 31 presentations at CRC workshops. funded project AwwaRF commenced. ( - Application of HACCP for distribution system protection). PhD project ( initiated with Penta Party. 100% of projects have active industry participation. Review of modeling projects completed in Distribution Program. Performance 2001-02 12 Research Reports published. 33 refereed publications in Journals and 9 non- refereed. 8 papers presented and 97 proceedings at International Conferences and 5/16 at National Conferences. 63 presentations at CRC Workshops. 4 projects: AwwaRF: Catchments, Reservoirs, Algal Toxins, Cyanobacteria. Global Research projects Coalition: Two as lead agent. 100% of projects have active industry participation. Programs managed by Industry parties (Distribution, Rural & Regional, Sustainable Water Sources, People’s Perspectives). Key measurement parameters Number of publications in refereed journals, international and national conferences. Number of research projects involving international collaboration. Number of research projects involving industry participant collaboration. Target over life of Centre Target High peer recognition of research output including 100 publications in refereed journals 100 papers in international conferences 100 papers in national conferences. Close industry involvement in all research projects. Successful reviews of scientific quality research. Performance indicator Quality and Relevance of Research Program Scientific status of research output and user acceptance.

97 health priorities genotyping was found to be the most water recycling. Performance Measures Performance August 2004) resulted in the revised priority area of Performance 2004-05 An internal mid term review of progress against the Commonwealth Agreement held in February 2005. Some modifications required to the agreed commonwealth Perspectives milestones for Epidemiology and People’s Programs. Fifth year review planned for April 2006. Review of the Epidemiology Program research ( effects of Guidelines. Support to new National Recycled Water the incorporating Guidelines Water Drinking Australian The Quality Framework for the Management of Drinking Water have now been approved by all states and territories in Australia. Perspectives Program was reviewed at a The People’s workshop in July 2004. The research focus was changed by the representatives of CRC parties from water quality to water scarcity. ‘Pathogens Roadshow’ technology transfer seminars were completed around Australia. This revealed that good design and maintenance of agricultural riparian regions and effluent discharge from onsite systems in rural areas were the top priorities for catchment management attention across Australia. Cryptosporidium valuable tool internationally for providing information on genotype and potential infectivity in oocysts isolated from faecal samples. Performance 2003-04 The second year technical held in August 2003, review, received excellent feedback. The administration review, completed in October 2003, also received an excellent Additional activity will review. be undertaken with regard to valuing the benefits of completed research. International water agencies approach adopt the Centre’s to risk management from source to tap (ie Canada and WHO). The Australian Framework approved by all States and Territories NHMRC has except NSW. adopted the Framework for Management of Drinking Quality. Water The national review of community attitudes in major capital cities was completed. Each participating water business received feedback on customer attitudes in their region. The Hydrodynamic Distribution of Pathogens in Reservoirs ( has provided models that enable the passage of pathogens through reservoirs to be accurately predicted. This allows for the identification of high risk periods and for more meaningful and cost effective monitoring. yr technical review nd Performance 2002-03 2 planned 5-8 August 2003. Revisions to the Australian Drinking Water Guidelines including the Framework approved by NHMRC in April 2003. The Natural Resources Management Ministerial Council to consider in September 2003. Research activities completed for the national community survey of attitudes to drinking water in major capital cities. Presentations to participants progressing. Fate and transport of pathogens in surface watersheds (2.2.2) has provided results that indicate the design criteria adopted for phosphorus and sediment removal are likely to be effective for pathogen entrapment, further supporting the importance of riparian buffers in catchment management. Performance 2001-02 NA Development of risk management procedures by major parties. Certification by major parties in HACCP. First project on community views planned for November 2002. Identification and Control of Pathogens (2.2.1) has changed the priority of catchment management strategies from human faecal sources via septic tank effluent to pathogens from animals (cattle). Key measurement parameters Qualitative and quantitative measurement of outcome of scientific reviews in years 2 and 5. Qualitative and quantitative assessment of impact on water quality regulation. Number and scale of community consultation exercises affected. Number and scale of catchments and reservoir management plans affected. and nd Year Reviews. Year th Target over life of Centre Target Projects prior to 2 5 Results from Epidemiology and research Toxicology basis a as used programs for the ongoing review of the Australian Drinking Guidelines and Water the National Water Quality Management Framework. Results from the People’s Perspective program used to guide community consultation exercises and gauge community response to water quality issues. Future management of catchments and reservoirs to be based on information from the Catchment and Reservoirs Programs. Performance indicator Strategy for Utilisation and Commercialisation of Research research of Adoption outputs by industry or community generally. research of Adoption outputs by industry or community generally.

98 Performance Measures Performance Performance 2004-05 for Development of an electronic Decision Support Tool Quality in Rural and the Management of Drinking Water Remote Communities (a collaboration with the Desert Knowledge CRC). A genetic technique applied to water and biofilm samples can detect the presence of microcystin-degrading bacteria. Biological sand filtration can remove MIB and geosmin (100 ng/L) to below detection. Rapid fractionation technique has been used by a number of utilities to assist them in characterisation natural organic matter in their waters. Coagulation alone has been show to be insufficient provide significant removal of NOM for some waters. Biological manganese removal technology was successfully scaled up from the pilot plant bioreactor to a demonstration plant with the assistance of Gold Coast City Council. Laboratory demonstration that poly-silicato iron (PSI) is a more effective coagulant for reduced membrane fouling. transfer and uptake projects are being Technology conducted via case studies from the Consolidation of project. Modeling Tools to incorporate the particle together with USEPA Working software. model to the EPANET A Decision Support System has been developed for discoloured water management in distribution systems. A reference guide is being produced to manage biofilms in distribution systems. Completion of the particle and disinfection models distribution to the industry participants with workshops and visits. was presented at Performance 2003-04 Dr Steve Hrudey from the University of Alberta, Canada, is actively participating in this project. A paper on Improved Understanding of Quality Monitoring Water Evidence the Canadian Drinking Water Conference, Calgary April 2004. The models and software to maximise removal of organic matter during coagulation have been adopted by some industry partners and are currently being evaluated for commercial value. Strategic reviews were carried out on research themes for discoloured modeling and biofilms. water, technological transfer Two projects for modeling and biofilms were initiated to enhance the uptake of research by industry. Model on chlorine decay, project 4.3.1 was distributed to members for their use. Performance 2002-03 Approved new project Developing evidence-based strategic water quality monitoring systems. This will move towards more directed, strategic monitoring and making better use of available evidence. The optimum conditions for removal of NOM using alum, ferric chloride and poly aluminium chlorohydrate were determined and this information will be used to assist water treatment plant operators. Biofilm Research strategy initiated to produce guidelines for the management of biofilms in distribution systems. Model for predicting chlorine decay being trialed in three States. have been  Performance 2001-02 long proposed Turbidity, as a surrogate of indicators for pathogens was shown to be of limited value. Storm event grab sampling may actually be cost effective for estimating pathogens (2.2.1). Enhanced coagulation implemented by a number of water utilities. Ozone/granular activated carbon has been installed in at least 3 WTPs. Two plants incorporating MIEX commissioned. Improved understanding of biofilms their control and prediction of chlorine demand. Key measurement parameters Qualitative assessment of impact on water quality monitoring practices. Number and scale of new approaches to treatment adopted. Qualitative assessment of impact on distribution system operating practices. Target over life of Centre Target quality monitoring Water practices to reflect lessons learnt in the Monitoring program. New approaches to water treatment based on output from the program Treatment adopted by water authorities. Distribution system management practices strongly influenced by understanding generated in the Distribution program. Performance indicator

99 Performance Measures Performance Performance 2004-05 Three new PhD projects commenced: - Urban Planning and Integrated Water Management: - Assessment of Chemical Contamination Rainwater tanks - Social Interactions with Rainwater Tank Technologies. Recycling Guidelines planned released for public consultation in July 2005. Seven new graduates and a further six are awaiting their thesis examination outcomes. Fifty-four students are listed in the Postgraduate (Ph D) of these were appointed 4. Ten Program at the end of Year in the 2004-05 period. Rebecca Campbell (UniSA), Robert May and Todd of Adelaide) attended the BHERT - Melbourne Wallace(Uni Business School Leadership and Career Development Course in August/September 2004. Planning has commenced for the next Postgraduate Student Conference (our third in the CRC) mid-2006. Node Meeting held in Adelaide February 2004. Industry sponsorship of annual Excellent Publication 2005); (South East Water, Award Graduate Employment Action Group and Industry Mentoring Scheme working. Industry funding of some Postgraduate Scholarships and Summer Research Scholarships. Dr Ian Stewart (UQ) is our candidate for 2005. udent Performance 2003-04 Project Sustainable commenced Urban Water with strong links to CSIRO’s Healthy Country program. National Health and Environment Recycling Guidelines steering group chaired by CEO. First meeting held February 2004. Eight new graduates and a further four awaiting conferral of their awards. Sixty-one students are listed in the Postgraduate (Ph D) of these Program. Twelve were appointed in the 2003-04 period. Katrina Charles (UNSW) and Ina Kristiana (Curtin) attended the BHERT residential course at Melbourne Business School in September 2003. Postgraduate St Conference held in Noosa, Queensland in 14-16 April 2004. Node meetings in Perth 30 June-1 July 2003 and Gold Coast 4-5 September 2003. Node meetings interfaced with representatives from local water business. David Moore was nominated Water to present at the Young session Scientist of the Year at the River Symposium in Brisbane in early September 2004. Performance 2002-03 New Program Leader for was Sustainable Water appointed. Commenced New project quality on Water and health risks from rainwater tanks. Six new graduates and three awaiting conferral of their awards. A further five are awaiting their thesis examination outcomes. Fifty-seven students are listed in the PhD program. of these were Twenty appointed in the 2002-03 period. Conference held at Old Reynella Winery SA, from 17-19 October 2002. Node meetings held in Melbourne 14 May 2003 The first formal CRC Node Meeting was held in Melbourne on 14May2003. Candidate submitted. Performance 2001-02 Program development has identified research themes. Program Steering Committee formed June 2002. Nine new graduates and two awaiting conferral new of awards. Twelve postgraduate students enrolled this year, ten on scholarship supplements, the other two independently supported. Forty nine active at present Planning for first conference in late 2002 complete. NA Invitations to student conference. Winner of 2002 Young Scientist of the Water Kim Ferguson. Year: Key measurement parameters Number of new approaches identified and trialed. Enrolment and completion of PhD theses. Successful staging of conferences. Node meetings in years between student conferences Attendance of industry partners at the student conference. Submit candidate in the annual CRC Water Water Young Forum’s Scientist of the Year competition. Target over life of Centre Target New sustainable approaches to water supply system design, emanating from the Sustainable Water Sources program, to be tested in real systems. Offer ten new postgraduate scholarships per year in years 1-4 30 students enrolled at peak. Postgraduate student conference every 2 years. Development of links with industry. Performance indicator Education and Training Postgraduate student training and mentoring.

100 Performance Measures Performance Performance 2004-05 Submitted two entries in 2005. Widespread industry supervision; guidelines for supervisors produced. Offered 22 Summer Scholarships for 29 projects applications in 2005. A two-day reporting seminar was held in Adelaide February 2005. Industry funding of some Summer Research Scholarships. Six Honours scholarships were provided in 2005. The Epidemiology Program review identified new research needs in the health affects of water reuse. The People’s Perspectives Program had in a change of focus to community attitudes of drinking water scarcity. Industry collaboration as well additional cash funding for all new projects. All projects have industry participation. Summer Research Performance 2003-04 Daniel Hoefel was selected to present in the Showcasing PhD students session at the CRC Association Conference in Adelaide June 2004. Joint industry and university supervision in the majority of student projects. Thirty-four applications were received for twenty- two Scholarship projects. Fifteen projects were completed. A two-day reporting seminar was held in Melbourne February 2004. Four universities had honors scholarships during the year.. Program reviews initiated Perspective and in People’s Epidemiology Programs. Planning workshops to be held in early 2004-05. Greater emphasis this year to ensure active involvement by parties. PIMS used to assist with project communication. Performance 2002-03 Showcased Dr Michael Storey at the May 2003 CRC Association conference. Industry supervision continues. Summer Research Ten Scholarships were offered and completed at the reporting seminar in Adelaide. Twenty- three applications were received for the program. The second year in which Honors Scholarships were provided at six eight of the Centre’s member universities. Program workshops not required as implementation of new projects was the main focus. Distribution program commenced review of industry benefits to existing long running projects. 100% of all projects have involved. directly partners Performance 2001-02 NA Widespread industry supervision. Nine summer research scholarships completed at reporting seminar in Melbourne. Forty- eight applications were received. Six honors scholarships taken up six of the eight member Centre’s universitie.s All programs completed industry planning workshop (except Policy and Regulation). 100% of all projects have partners directly involved. Key measurement parameters Showcasing postgraduate students at the annual CRC Association conference. Direct involvement of staff from outside the universities in thesis supervision. Number of summer projects completed. Numbers of scholarships taken up. Number and success of project development workshops. Number of partners involved in each project. Target over life of Centre Target Offer nine summer scholarships per year. Introduce scholarships for honors students. All projects to be developed jointly between researchers and industry. 80% of all projects have more than one partner directly involved. Performance indicator Undergraduate student training. Collaborative Arrangements Development of projects. Collaboration within projects.

101 five Executive Committee and four Management Performance Measures Performance Performance 2004-05 A mid-term review on research programs was carried out in February 2005. Nine management meetings held during the year including Committee meetings. Four Governing Board meetings held. Formal collaborative linkages with CRCFE in terms of risk assessment and CRCCH in terms of catchment modeling in terms of pathogen fate and transport and with AwwaRF modeling. computer modules that allow pathogen and NOM Two estimates to be made in catchments will a part of the CRCCH modeling toolkit CRC, Formal linkages being sought with the eWater Australia and a number of other primary Land and Water industry R&D Corporations and the USEPA. GWRC agreement resigned for further three years to May 2008. for analysing estrogenicity The GWRC Project Tools in environmental waters managed by the CRC commenced February 2005. Collaboration has been established with WRC (South Africa), TZW (Germany), Anjou Recherche (France) and UKWIR (UK) to develop an International Guidance Manual Algae, funded by the GWRC. for the Management of Toxic particle related research projects from the Two Distribution Program are in progress collaboration with KIWA. Performance 2003-04 Cooperation on strategic research across programs ie with rainwater tanks, pathogens, NOM, recycled water and drinking projects. Eleven management meetings held during the year including five Executive and Finance Committee meetings and six Management Committee meetings. The CEO was on organising committee for CRC Association Conference held in Adelaide June 2004. Joint project with CRCCH progressing with the development of a “testbed” to refine the model before it is incorporated into the CRCCH toolkit. GWRC workshops Two held. Distribution Systems (September 2003) and Algal toxins (May 2004). Three research concepts from Distribution submitted to GWRC Board in April 2004. Three potential Algal projects identified for further development. Centre asked to develop an endocrine disruptor project for GWRC. Continued extensive international working visits by Centre representatives. Performance 2002-03 Management meetings held during year: Four Governing Board meetings, Four Commercialisation, Six Management Committee Meetings, Five Executive & Finance Committee (new initiative). Participate in Water Forum. Collaborative project commenced with CRCCH, Pathogens and NOM modules in CRCCH Catchment tool kit. PhD project initiated with Penta Party. Active participation in Research Global Water Coalition (GWRC). Centre taking lead role in developing a more detailed research strategy on Algal Toxins Quality in and Water Distribution Systems. Continued extensive international working visits by Centre representatives. Performance 2001-02 Management meetings held during the year: Four Governing Board, Four Commercialisation Eight Management Committee meetings. CRCWQT hosted meeting of Forum in Adelaide on 5 June 2002. Pathogens modeling potential collaboration with CRC Catchment Hydrology (CRCCH) Penta Party MOU signed off in Berlin October 2001 AwwaRF, with KIWA, TZW and UK Water Research. The Global Water Research Coalition (12 international partners) had first Board meeting in Melbourne during March 2002. international Twenty visits by Centre representatives Key measurement parameters Number of full management meetings per year Number of meetings Forum. the Water Number of joint projects forum. with the Water Signed agreements on research collaboration Number of working visits between the Centre and overseas research agencies. Target over life of Centre Target Involvement of all Program Group Leaders and Program Leaders in the management decisions. At least six full management meetings per year. Maintain links to other water based CRCs through the Water Forum. Consolidate the linkages with the leading water research centres in USA France The Netherlands Germany and South Africa by signing a formal agreement on research collaboration. Continue linkages with overseas researchers. Performance indicator Development of a collegiate management culture Development of external links. Promotion and extension of international linkages.

102 Performance Measures Performance Performance 2004-05 Reuse The Centre contributed to the GWRC Water Foundation sponsored workshop on new research initiatives in water reuse. Continued leadership of risk management framework for drinking water quality with WHO and Canadian authorities. Formal management committee meetings held each Mid-term review of research projects in February quarter. 2005. Formal meetings of the Centre Executive also held quarterly. Access to protocols available on Website. Listed benefits of each project listed in PIMS database. A theme report outlining the interaction of research themes across the programs was initiated. The project objectives/ outcomes and industry uptake are outlined. implemented. All data now held by Centre. New ACCPAC Cash summary PFR completed. Discussions held with an organisation to determine if their services might be of value in facilitating the commercialisation of Centre IP. Performance 2003-04 Active foundation member of GWRC. The Centre is managing Distribution and Algal toxins research initiatives. Continued leadership and active participation in risk management approach to drinking water regulation at international forums (ie Bonn (II) and USA). Management committee met on six occasions during the Regular communication year. between Deputy CEOs and program leaders. Performance evaluation at the program level and project level now in PIMS reports. during protocols to Alterations year for funding support and holding event applications. Monthly reporting of all projects and performance against milestones in PIMS. Auto e-mail reminders for non compliance of reports initiated in June 2004. Management now able to determine all project status on-line via internet. New improved reporting of project expenditures developed and approved for implementation of own accounting system ACCPAC in 2004-05. Intellectual property training given to students at student conference in Noosa, Queensland in April 2004. Performance 2002-03 Participate as member of GWRC. Maintain involvement with WHO. Review of distribution projects with industry parties. Completed review of modeling projects. Protocols reviewed and hosted on website. project Web-based management. Information Management System (PIMS) implemented March 2003. Adherence to milestones and exception reporting automatically collated for all management meetings. Centre cash flow system Expenditure implemented. lower than budget due to slower startup of new projects. Policy continued to have all IP agreements signed before commencement of projects. Performance 2001-02 Signed agreement with GWRC. Regulation Water to Eight workshop in Bonn. Participants in working groups and water safety plans. All programs completed planning workshops. Steering Committee formed for Sustainable Sources Program. Water Protocols reviewed and updated to reflect new Centre. Review of current project management systems and appointment of Project Services manager project Web-based management systems identified. Budget for 2002/03 approved by Governing Board. Seven year cash- flow and budget review process initiated. All IP agreements signed before commencement of projects. Key measurement parameters Number of projects supported through the Diffusion Technology Program. Number of Centre staff involved with WHO. Number of full management, and industrial committees per year. Operating protocols in place. Adherence to the project milestones. Adherence to budget. IP clauses signed by all parties prior to commencement of any project. Target over life of Centre Target Continue to be directly involved with the water quality guideline development process Health with the World Organisation (WHO). Establish a management committee with representation from research and industrial partners. Establish an industry based review committee for each Research Program Group. Revise and up date the existing Operating Protocols. completion of all Timely projects. All projects to operate within the approved budgets. All IP developed within the projects fully protected. Performance indicator Resources, Management Structure and Performance Evaluation Development of a collegiate management culture. Development of clear operating guidelines. Project Management. Budget control. Protection of intellectual property.

103 Performance Measures Performance Performance 2004-05 Negotiations are continuing regarding a commercial offer to the Centre on Carbon regeneration. Coagulation Software model displayed at the AWWA Conference in San Antonio (USA). Technology Water Actions commenced to market and distribute the software to try penetrate the USA market. through the AWWA The appearance on the market of a number ELISA based kits for microcystin detection have thrown some doubt onto the commercial value of further research on test strips for field analysis of microcystins. Centre’s Annual review of plan completed. Executive committee reviews business plan actions each quarter. Performance 2003-04 Carbon Regeneration project continuing with due diligence investigations. Projects identified for cost benefit evaluation: 2.2.1 Identification & control of sources infectious pathogens in catchments. 2.5.1 Destratification for control of phytoplankton. 3.2.2 Optimisation of Adsorption processes - Stage 1. 3.2.8 Modeling coagulation to maximize removal of organic mater – A pilot and laboratory based study. 4.3.2 Optimisation of chlorine residual in a distribution system – Melbourne. 4.3.6 Understanding particles in distribution systems – Melbourne. Executive committee reviews business plan actions each quarter. Performance 2002-03 Carbon Regeneration project continuing. Four projects identified as potential projects for commercialisation. Modeling project being actively considered for commercialisation. Annual review of strategic plan completed. Performance 2001-02 Carbon Regen Pty Ltd formed to comercialisation carbon regeneration process. Reactivation of Carbon in progress. Draft Plan submitted to Board June 2002. On- going annual review of Strategic plan. Key measurement parameters Number of patents obtained. Number of commercialised projects. Completion of the strategic plan. Target over life of Centre Target Maximum commercial benefit obtained from IP developed during projects. Strategic plan developed in year one. Performance indicator Commercialisation. Planning.

104 George Turelli Business Manager CRC for Water Quality and Treatment

Aim The Centre’s Governing Board and Management recognise that effective management of financial and other resources is essential for the delivery of world-class research. To achieve this, the Centre has established systems and frameworks to ensure efficient project and financial management.


Appendix A – Research Staff Resources

Research Staff - In-Kind Contributions 106

Research Staff - CRC funded resources 112

Summary of Contributions

Table 1. In-kind Contributions from Participants 115

Table 2. Cash Contributuions 121

Table 3. Summary of Resources Applied to Activities 123

Table 4. Allocation of Resources between Categories of Activities 124 Budget and Resources


Organisation: ACTEW Corporation Ltd % Allocation of Time Spent Research Program

Main Total % Name Sub program Education Commercialisation CRC Communication Activity of time Total Administration 1 2 3 Research Ms C Ferguson R 13.1 13.1 13.1

Dr T Flapper R 3.5 0.1 3.2 3.3 0.2

Ms T Whiteway R 1.0 0.0 1.0

Ms Z Moore R 0.3 0.3 0.3

TOTAL 17.9 0.1 16.6 0.0 16.7 0.2 1.0 0.0 0.0

Organisation: Australian Water Quality Centre % Allocation of Time Spent Research Program

Main Total % Name Sub program Education Commercialisation CRC Communication Activity of time Total Administration 1 2 3 Research Dr J Papaegeorgiou R 95.0 95.0 95.0

Dr C Chow R 79.1 79.1 79.1 Appendix A Research Staff Resources Appendix A Research Dr D Steffensen R 76.3 76.3 76.3

Mr M Burch R 65.4 65.4 65.4

Ms M Drikas R 64.7 64.7 64.7

Dr A Keegan R 64.0 64.0 64.0

Dr A Humpage R 62.2 54.3 7.9 62.2

Dr P Monis R 55.9 55.9 55.9

Dr G Newcombe R 46.8 46.8 46.8

Dr B Nicholson R 44.4 44.4 44.4

Dr C Saint R 20.5 20.5 20.5

Ms S Fanok R 16.8 16.8 16.8

Mr J Morran R 14.4 14.4 14.4

Mr D Cook R 8.0 8.0 8.0

Mr P Baker R 2.8 0.4 0.4 2.4

TOTAL 716.3 71.1 642.8 0.0 713.9 2.4 0.0 0.0 0.0

Organisation: Brisbane City Council % Allocation of Time Spent Research Program

Main Total % Name Sub program Education Commercialisation CRC Communication Activity of time Total Administration 1 2 3 Research Mr B Phillips R 2.1 2.1 2.1

Mr P Belz R 0.4 0.4 0.4

Mr R Gray R 0.4 0.4 0.4

TOTAL 2.9 0.0 2.9 0.0 2.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Organisation: Centre for Appropriate Technology Inc % Allocation of Time Spent Research Program

Main Total % Name Sub program Education CRC Communication Activity of time Total Commercialisation Administration 1 2 3 Research Ms R Grey-Gardner R 15.6 15.6 15.6

Ms A Wright R 8.8 8.8 8.8

Mr S Fisher R 5.7 5.7 5.7

Ms K Rea R 4.5 4.5 4.5

Ms N Jones R 2.5 2.5 2.5

Mr S Boyce R 0.9 0.9 0.9

TOTAL 38.0 0.0 0.0 38.0 38.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

106 Organisation: CSIRO % Allocation of Time Spent Research Program

Main Total % Name Sub program Education Commercialisation CRC Communication Activity of time Total Administration 1 2 3 Research Prof T Priestley R 50.0 0.0 50.0

Dr B Bolto R 41.4 41.4 41.4

Dr S Gray R 27.4 27.4 27.4

Dr D Dixon R 18.6 18.6 18.6

Mr N Anderson R 0.5 0.5 0.5

TOTAL 137.7 0.0 87.8 0.0 87.8 0.0 0.0 50.0 0.0

Organisation: City West Water Ltd % Allocation of Time Spent Research Program

Main Total % Name Sub program Education Commercialisation CRC Communication Activity of time Total Administration 1 2 3 Research Mr G Ruta E 7.1 0.4 6.7 7.1

TOTAL 7.1 0.4 6.7 0.0 7.1 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Organisation: Curtin University of Technology % Allocation of Time Spent

Name Main Total % Research Program

Activity of time Sub Total Education Commercialisation CRC Communication program Appendix A Research Staff Resources Appendix A Research 1 2 3 Research Administration

Prof R Kagi E 47.4 22.9 22.9 24.4

Dr C Joll E 28.1 5.9 5.9 22.2

Dr A Heitz E 21.2 0.0 21.2

A/Prof K Grice E 2.8 1.5 1.5 1.3

TOTAL 99.5 0.0 30.3 0.0 30.3 69.2 0.0 0.0 0.0

Organisation: Department of Human Services (Vic) % Allocation of Time Spent Research Program

Main Total % Name Sub program Education Commercialisation CRC Communication Activity of time Total Administration 1 2 3 Research Mr B Labza R 26.2 26.2 26.2

Mr J Siapantas R 1.7 1.7 1.7

Ms S Phillips R 1.5 1.5 1.5

TOTAL 29.4 0.0 1.5 27.9 29.4 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Organisation: Griffith University % Allocation of Time Spent Research Program

Main Total % Name Sub program Education Commercialisation CRC Communication Activity of time Total Administration 1 2 3 Research Dr T Greene R 11.7 0.0 11.7

Dr P Teasdale R 5.0 0.0 5.0

Dr H Zhao R 5.0 0.0 5.0

Dr B Gleeson R 5.0 0.0 5.0

Dr H Stratton R 5.0 0.0 5.0

Dr J Tisdell R 5.0 0.0 5.0

Dr R Rickson R 5.0 0.0 5.0

A/Prof B Patel E 10.0 0.0 10.0

TOTAL 51.7 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 51.7 0.0 0.0 0.0

Organisation: Melbourne Water Corporation % Allocation of Time Spent Research Program

Main Total % Name Sub program Education Commercialisation CRC Communication Activity of time Total Administration 1 2 3 Research Mr S Haydon R 63.6 63.6 63.6

Dr M Stevens R 37.6 37.1 37.1 0.4

Ms K Hunter R 1.8 1.8 1.8

Ms K Cinque R 1.6 1.6 1.6

TOTAL 104.5 0.0 104.1 0.0 104.1 0.0 0.4 0.0 0.0

107 Organisation: Monash University % Allocation of Time Spent Research Program

Main Total % Name Sub program Education Commercialisation CRC Communication Activity of time Total Administration 1 2 3 Research Dr K Leder R 46.5 39.8 39.8 6.7

Dr M Sinclair R 43.4 18.8 1.3 5.0 25.1 9.2 9.2

Prof J McNeil R 24.3 19.3 19.3 5.0

Mr R Wolfe R 0.3 0.3 0.3

Dr A Forbes R 0.2 0.2 0.2

TOTAL 114.8 78.5 1.3 5.0 84.7 20.8 0.0 0.0 9.2

Organisation: Orica Australia Pty Ltd % Allocation of Time Spent Research Program

Main Total % Name Sub program Education Commercialisation CRC Communication Activity of time Total Administration 1 2 3 Research Mr T Scott R 7.9 7.9 7.9

Mr G Vero R 2.3 2.3 2.3

Mr S Harrison R 1.5 1.5 1.5

Dr H Nguyen R 1.3 1.3 1.3

Ms P Smith R 0.6 0.6 0.6

Mr M Slunjski R 0.3 0.3 0.3

Appendix A Research Staff Resources Appendix A Research TOTAL 13.8 0.0 13.8 0.0 13.8 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Organisation: Power & Water Corporation % Allocation of Time Spent Research Program

Main Total % Name Sub program Education Commercialisation CRC Communication Activity of time Total Administration 1 2 3 Research Ms A Dysart R 27.2 27.2 27.2

Mr L Miles R 19.4 19.4 19.4

Ms S Powell-Harbour R 10.6 10.6 10.6

Mr D Day R 9.8 9.8 9.8

Mr S Plant R 8.8 8.8 8.8

Mr N McCarthy R 5.2 5.2 5.2

Mr A Mills R 3.3 3.3 3.3

Ms K Clarkson R 3.2 1.2 1.2 0.8 3.2

Dr D Page R 2.4 1.5 0.9 2.4

Ms K Green R 2.3 2.3 2.3

Mr A Donald R 2.1 2.1 2.1

TOTAL 94.3 1.2 43.8 49.3 94.3 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Organisation: Queensland Health Pathology & Scientific Services % Allocation of Time Spent Research Program

Main Total % Name Sub program Education Commercialisation CRC Communication Activity of time Total Administration 1 2 3 Research Mr G Prove R 100.0 100.0 100.0

Mr G Eaglesham R 18.5 15.4 3.2 18.5

Dr R Sadler R 13.7 13.2 0.5 13.7

Prof M Moore R 9.6 9.6 9.6

Mr D Wruck R 8.3 8.3 8.3

TOTAL 150.2 38.2 112.0 0.0 150.2 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Organisation: RMIT University % Allocation of Time Spent Research Program

Main Total % Name Sub program Education Commercialisation CRC Communication Activity of time Total Administration 1 2 3 Research Prof F Roddick R 64.9 6.0 6.0 57.2 1.7

Dr J Harris R 11.2 2.8 2.8 7.3 1.1

Mr F Younos R 20.2 0.0 20.2

Dr N Jayasuriya R 6.6 1.6 1.6 5.0

Dr N Porter E 24.0 1.2 1.2 22.8

TOTAL 126.9 0.0 11.5 0.0 11.5 112.5 2.8 0.0 0.0

108 Organisation: SA Water Corporation % Allocation of Time Spent Research Program

Main Total % Name Sub program Education Commercialisation CRC Communication Activity of time Total Administration 1 2 3 Research Ms K Billington R 6.0 6.0 6.0

TOTAL 6.0 0.0 6.0 0.0 6.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Organisation: South East Water Ltd % Allocation of Time Spent Research Program

Main Total % Name Sub program Education Commercialisation CRC Communication Activity of time Total Administration 1 2 3 Research Mr G Ryan R 10.6 10.6 10.6

Mr T Anderson R 1.4 1.4 1.4

TOTAL 12.0 0.0 12.0 0.0 12.0 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Organisation: Sydney Catchment Authority % Allocation of Time Spent Research Program

Main Total % Name Sub program Education Commercialisation CRC Communication Activity of time Total Administration 1 2 3 Research Mr B Whitehill R 11.7 11.7 11.7

Ms C Ferguson R 9.5 9.5 9.5 0.0

Ms J Birrell R 6.3 6.3 6.3 Appendix A Research Staff Resources Appendix A Research Dr B Vigneswaran R 6.1 5.9 5.9 0.2

Ms B Bennett R 4.0 4.0 4.0

Mr P Patterson R 2.5 2.5 2.5

Mr R McInnes R 2.0 2.0 2.0

Mr M Krogh R 1.7 1.7 1.7

Dr R Banens R 0.8 0.0 0.8

TOTAL 44.6 0.0 43.6 0.0 43.6 1.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Organisation: Sydney Water Corporation % Allocation of Time Spent Research Program

Main Total % Name Sub program Education Commercialisation CRC Communication Activity of time Total Administration 1 2 3 Research Mr A Cartwright R 49.9 49.9 49.9

Ms D Vitanage R 45.7 45.7 45.7

Mr G Kastl R 20.3 20.3 20.3

Ms M Riley R 19.8 19.8 19.8

Dr I Fisher R 19.3 19.3 19.3

Dr M Angles R 16.0 16.0 16.0

Dr H Bustamante R 11.2 11.2 11.2

Dr P Cox R 9.2 9.2 9.2

Mr D Corben R 4.2 4.2 4.2

Mr D Cooper R 3.5 3.5 3.5

Ms C Doolan R 2.8 2.8 2.8

Ms J Hu R 2.8 2.8 2.8

Mr P Duker R 2.5 2.5 2.5

Mr P Chen R 2.1 2.1 2.1

Ms M Mulder R 1.5 1.5 1.5

Ms M Logan R 0.7 0.7 0.7

Mr S Sushil R 0.6 0.6 0.6

Dr P Hawkins R 0.6 0.6 0.6

Mr C Fry R 0.4 0.4 0.4

Mr P Broad R 0.4 0.4 0.4

Mr A Venturino R 0.4 0.4 0.4

Ms V Rothwell R 0.2 0.2 0.2

TOTAL 213.9 0.0 213.9 0.0 213.9 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

109 Organisation: United Water International Pty Ltd % Allocation of Time Spent Research Program

Main Total % Name Sub program Education Commercialisation CRC Communication Activity of time Total Administration 1 2 3 Research Mr M Holmes R 41.3 41.3 41.3

Mr U Kaeding R 14.8 0.8 14.0 14.8 0.0 0.1

Dr J Nixon R 10.0 10.0 10.0

Dr S Rinck-Pfeiffer R 1.1 1.1 1.1

TOTAL 67.2 0.8 66.3 0.0 67.1 0.0 0.1 0.0 0.0

Organisation: University of Adelaide % Allocation of Time Spent Research Program

Main Total % Name Sub program Education Commercialisation CRC Communication Activity of time Total Administration 1 2 3 Research A/Prof H Maier R 43.2 3.3 3.3 40.0

Prof G Dandy R 34.1 4.1 4.1 30.0

A/Prof F Recknagel R 33.5 3.5 3.5 30.0

A/Prof G Ganf R 20.0 0.0 20.0

Dr D Lewis R 5.0 0.0 5.0

TOTAL 135.8 0.0 10.8 0.0 10.8 125.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Organisation: University of New South Wales

Appendix A Research Staff Resources Appendix A Research % Allocation of Time Spent Research Program

Main Total % Name Sub program Education Commercialisation CRC Communication Activity of time Total Administration 1 2 3 Research Prof N Ashbolt R 36.9 21.9 21.9 15.0

A/Prof B Neilan R 20.0 0.0 20.0

Prof D Waite R 16.8 0.0 16.8

Dr D Roser R 13.6 3.6 3.6 10.0

Mr H Colebatch R 10.0 0.0 10.0

Mr A Feitz R 5.0 0.0 5.0

A/Prof V Chen R 5.0 0.0 5.0

Prof T Fane R 5.0 0.0 5.0

Prof D Wiley R 5.0 0.0 5.0

Dr C Davies R 0.4 0.4 0.4

TOTAL 117.8 0.0 25.9 0.0 25.9 91.8 0.0 0.0 0.0

Organisation: University of Queensland % Allocation of Time Spent Research Program

Main Total % Name Sub program Education Commercialisation CRC Communication Activity of time Total Administration 1 2 3 Research Mr D Richards R 80.5 58.3 22.2 80.5

Dr B Molaee R 65.0 65.0 65.0

Dr G Shaw R 60.0 20.5 19.5 40.0 20.0

Prof B Noller R 58.5 58.5 58.5

Prof A Seawright R 52.5 52.5 52.5

Dr I Stewart R 50.0 50.0 50.0

A/Prof B Chiswell R 37.5 37.5 37.5

Dr G Kirchoff R 25.2 25.2 25.2

Dr P Dart R 8.3 8.3 8.3

TOTAL 437.6 304.8 112.8 0.0 417.6 20.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

110 Organisation: University of South Australia % Allocation of Time Spent Research Program

Main Total % Name Sub program Education Commercialisation CRC Communication Activity of time Total Administration 1 2 3 Research Dr A Badalyan R 28.0 28.0 28.0

Dr G Klass R 8.8 0.0 8.8

A/Prof J Brookes R 24.0 22.3 22.3 1.7

Prof M Barton R 1.7 0.0 1.7

Prof P Majewski R 1.3 1.3 1.3

Prof D Mulcahy E 100.0 0.0 100.0

A/Prof P Pendleton E 17.3 0.0 17.3

Prof J Mckay E 15.2 0.0 15.2

A/Prof D Davey E 10.0 0.0 10.0

Dr S Andrews E 8.8 0.0 8.8

TOTAL 214.9 0.0 51.5 0.0 51.5 163.3 0.0 0.0 0.0

Organisation: Water Corporation % Allocation of Time Spent Research Program

Main Total % Name Sub program Education Commercialisation CRC Communication Activity of time Total Administration 1 2 3 Research Mr P Engler R 6.3 6.3 6.3

Mr D Masters R 2.9 3 2.9 Staff Resources Appendix A Research

Mr K Xanthis R 2.5 2.5 2.5

Mr R Walker R 0.8 0.8 0.8

TOTAL 12.5 0.0 12.5 0.0 12.5 0.0 0.0 0.0 0.0

Organisation: Yarra Valley Water Ltd % Allocation of Time Spent Research Program

Main Total % Name Sub program Education Commercialisation CRC Communication Activity of time Total Administration 1 2 3 Research Mr A Jayaratne R 19.8 0.4 16.0 16.4 3.1 0.2

Mr M Bruno R 0.2 0.2 0.2

Mr D Snadden R 1.6 1.1 1.1 0.5

Mr P Ralph R 1.3 0.7 0.7 0.6

Mr S Pearce Higgins R 3.8 3.8 3.8

TOTAL 26.6 0.4 21.7 0.0 22.1 3.7 0.7 0.0 0.0

GRAND TOTAL 2986.7 495.1 1645.5 120.3 2260.9 661.7 5.0 50.0 9.2

111 Research Staff - CRC funded resources % Allocation of Time Spent

Research Program

Sub program Main Total % Total Name Activity of time 1 2 3 Research Education Commercialisation Administration Communication

Ms S Rizak R 100.0 100.0 100.0 MONASH UNI

Mr R Fabris R 100.0 100.0 100.0 AWQC

Dr H Chapman R 100.0 100.0 100.0 QHP&SS

Mr R Daly R 100.0 100.0 100.0 AWQC

Dr P Greenwood R 100.0 100.0 100.0 CUT

Dr A Wickramasinghe R 100.0 58.4 41.6 100.0 UQ

Mr M De Souza R 100.0 100.0 100.0 RMIT

Dr T D Nguyen R 100.0 100.0 100.0 RMIT

Dr L Ho R 91.7 91.7 91.7 AWQC

Appendix A Research Staff Resources Appendix A Research Dr T Tran R 89.6 89.6 89.6 CSIRO

Mr D Daminato R 83.3 83.3 83.3 AWQC

Ms Ying Cheng R 76.2 76.2 76.2 SWC

A/Prof J Brookes R 76.0 76.0 76.0 AWQC

Mr T Loetscher R 68.3 68.3 68.3 UQ

Ms K Wilkinson R 66.7 66.7 66.7 AWQC

Dr S Froscio R 66.5 66.5 66.5 AWQC

Mr M Bruno R 63.0 63.0 63.0 YVW

Ms C West R 59.1 59.1 59.1 UQ

Ms E Young R 53.3 53.3 53.3 CAT

Ms M Smith R 51.4 51.4 51.4 UQ

Dr C Bernard R 51.0 51.0 51.0 AWQC

Dr N Roseth R 50.0 50.0 50.0 CRC

Ms F Fitzgerald R 49.6 49.6 49.6 AWQC

Dr M Sinclair R 43.5 43.5 43.5 MONASH UNI

Dr G Shaw R 40.0 40.0 40.0 UQ

Mr C Kapralos R 37.9 37.9 37.9 AWQC

Ms R Miller R 37.1 37.1 37.1 SCA

Prof I Falconer R 35.8 35.8 35.8 UNI OF ADEL

Mr S Ye R 34.5 34.5 34.5 SWC

Dr M Storey R 33.3 33.3 33.3 CSIRO

112 Research Staff - CRC funded resources % Allocation of Time Spent

Research Program

Sub program Main Total % Total Name Activity of time 1 2 3 Research Education Commercialisation Administration Communication

Mr T Hurse R 32.6 32.6 32.6 UQ

Mr D Hogan R 32.5 15.0 15.0 17.5 MONASH UNI

Mr T Tam R 31.1 31.1 31.1 SWC

Mr N Anderson R 30.8 30.8 30.8 CSIRO

Ms R Grey-Gardner R 30.0 30.0 30.0 CAT

Ms J House R 29.6 29.6 29.6 AWQC

Mr A Grant R 28.6 28.6 28.6 CSIRO

Ms L Franklin R 25.8 25.0 25.0 0.8 MONASH UNI

Mr F Busetti R 24.9 24.9 24.9 CUT

Ms S Brinkman R 23.8 23.8 23.8 Staff Resources Appendix A Research AWQC

Mr B Allpike R 23.5 23.5 23.5 CUT

Mr B Budanovic R 20.7 20.7 20.7 SWC

Dr D Deere R 18.6 18.6 18.6 CRC

Ms L Hamilton R 17.3 17.3 17.3 GRIFFITH UNI

Mr D Richards R 16.7 16.7 16.7 UQ

Ms N Beard R 16.7 16.7 16.7 CAT

Ms K O’Halloran R 15.9 15.9 15.9 GRIFFITH UNI

Dr T Lwin R 13.5 13.5 13.5 CSIRO

Dr J Blackbeard R 13.3 13.3 13.3 CSIRO

Dr M Angles R 10.9 10.9 10.9 SWC

Mr C Ritchie R 8.3 8.3 8.3 CSIRO

Mr O Hussain R 6.4 6.4 6.4 CSIRO

Dr D Steffensen R 5.0 5.0 5.0 AWQC

Dr P Teasdale R 3.4 3.4 3.4 GRIFFITH UNI

Ms C Kaucner R 3.3 3.3 3.3 UNSW

Dr S Toze R 3.2 3.2 3.2 CSIRO

Mr A Sathasivan R 2.1 2.1 2.1 SWC

Mr G Chidlow R 1.7 1.7 1.7 CUT

Dr S Gray R 1.6 1.6 1.6 CSIRO

Ms X Shen R 1.5 1.5 1.5 UNI OF ADEL

113 Mr P Chen R 1.0 1.0 1.0 SWC

Ms N Davis R 0.5 0.5 0.5 SWC

Ms C Bellamy E 60.0 0.0 60.0 UNI SA

Dr A Heitz E 2.5 2.5 2.5 CUT

Ms F Wellby C 100.0 0.0 100.0 AWQC

Dr G Vaughan C 75.7 0.0 75.7 CSIRO

Prof A Priestley C 30.0 0.0 30.0 CSIRO

Ms P Lightbody C 5.6 0.0 5.6 MONASH UNI

Mr G Turelli A 100.0 0.0 100.0 AWQC

Mr B Dorratt A 100.0 0.0 100.0 YVW

Mr F Fleuren A 100.0 0.0 100.0 AWQC Appendix A Research Staff Resources Appendix A Research Prof D Bursill A 80.0 0.0 80.0 AWQC

Ms S Spragg A 60.0 0.0 60.0 AWQC

Ms J Fox A 53.6 0.0 53.6 AWQC

GRAND TOTAL 3330.0 452.4 1969.5 114.9 2536.8 60.0 30.0 493.6 199.6

114 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,401 6,581 1,443 8,024 76,692 48,835 11,680 18,081 19,382 252,987 272,369 (27,857) (50,635) (71,379) (255,745) (122,014) 2,609,743 2,353,998 7 YEARS DIFFERENCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 31,390 43,610 75,000 182,350 167,650 350,000 200,522 219,478 420,000 131,505 177,686 309,191 4,022,577 5,644,506 9,667,083 7 YEARS AGREEMENT GRAND TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,401 11,680 18,081 37,971 45,053 83,024 154,493 244,342 398,835 149,887 148,099 297,986 150,887 430,673 581,560 TOTAL 3,766,832 8,254,249 7 YEARS 12,021,081 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,278 8,722 26,050 23,950 50,000 28,646 31,354 60,000 21,938 29,642 51,580 15,000 577,390 810,196 1,387,586 YEAR 7 2007/08 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,278 8,722 26,050 23,950 50,000 28,646 31,354 60,000 21,938 29,642 51,580 15,000 577,390 810,196 1,387,586 YEAR 7 2007/08 BUDGET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,278 8,722 26,050 23,950 50,000 28,646 31,354 60,000 21,938 29,642 51,580 15,000 577,390 810,196 1,387,586 YEAR 6 2006/07 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,278 8,722 26,050 23,950 50,000 28,646 31,354 60,000 21,938 29,642 51,580 15,000 577,390 810,196 1,387,586 YEAR 6 2006/07 BUDGET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,278 8,722 26,050 23,950 50,000 28,646 31,354 60,000 21,938 29,642 51,580 15,000 577,390 810,196 1,387,586 YEAR 5 2005/06 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,278 8,722 26,050 23,950 50,000 28,646 31,354 60,000 21,938 29,642 51,580 15,000 577,390 810,196 1,387,586 YEAR 5 2005/06 BUDGET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 95,800 65,691 88,760 12,556 17,444 30,000 104,200 200,000 114,584 125,416 240,000 154,451 2,290,407 3,213,918 5,504,325 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 TO DATE 6,401 76,343 11,680 18,081 63,949 54,037 85,073 19,137 18,887 38,024 172,492 248,835 117,986 341,747 426,820 CUMULATIVE TOTAL CUMULATIVE 2,034,662 5,823,661 7,858,323 ACTUAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,278 8,722 26,050 23,950 50,000 28,646 31,354 60,000 21,938 29,642 51,580 15,000 577,390 810,196 1,387,586 YEAR 4 2004/05 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 433 2,336 2,769 5,410 20,100 29,530 49,630 12,324 17,734 45,820 12,399 12,844 25,243 601,449 111,097 156,917 1,883,821 2,485,270 YEAR 4 2004/05 ACTUAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,278 8,722 26,050 23,950 50,000 28,646 31,354 60,000 21,938 29,642 51,580 15,000 574,487 806,126 1,380,613 YEAR 3 2003/04 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,088 3,504 1,692 5,196 9,280 4,648 6,738 6,043 29,384 33,472 13,928 23,331 12,781 529,498 117,507 140,838 1,238,649 1,768,147 YEAR 3 2003/04 ACTUAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26,050 23,950 50,000 28,646 31,354 60,000 21,815 29,476 51,291 569,492 799,115 1,368,607 YEAR 2 2002/03 AGREEMENT EXPENDITURE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,504 2,894 6,398 14,239 77,864 92,103 22,622 18,864 41,486 15,922 506,839 113,143 129,065 1,276,759 1,783,598 YEAR 2 2002/03 ACTUAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 26,050 23,950 50,000 28,646 31,354 60,000 569,038 798,481 1,367,519 YEAR 1 2001/02 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,336 1,382 3,718 37,916 35,714 73,630 19,723 25,115 44,838 396,876 1,424,432 1,821,308 YEAR 1 2001/02 ACTUAL PARTICIPANT Table 1. IN Table - KIND CONTRIBUTIONS FROM PARTICIPANTS ACTEW Corporation Ltd Salaries Capital Other TOTAL Australian Water Quality Centre Salaries Capital Other TOTAL Australian Water Services Pty Ltd Salaries Capital Other TOTAL Brisbane City Council Salaries Capital Other TOTAL Centre Inc. for Appropriate Technology Salaries Capital Other TOTAL City Water West Ltd Salaries Capital Other TOTAL

115 0 0 0 0 0 0 942,831 855,986 104,657 121,563 226,220 (86,845) (79,416) (75,880) (85,384) (358,998) (191,941) (550,939) (155,296) (131,484) (216,868) (284,512) (211,151) (495,663) 7 YEARS DIFFERENCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 89,117 91,860 120,883 210,000 150,726 147,987 298,713 132,170 224,030 708,547 881,874 1,438,808 1,870,337 3,309,145 1,284,479 1,524,222 2,808,701 1,590,421 7 YEARS AGREEMENT GRAND TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 686 6,476 7,162 71,310 72,107 925,481 193,774 242,446 436,220 143,417 424,035 670,723 TOTAL 1,351,963 2,813,168 4,165,131 1,332,281 2,257,762 1,094,758 7 YEARS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,731 17,269 30,000 205,544 267,191 472,735 183,497 217,746 401,243 101,221 125,982 227,203 YEAR 7 2007/08 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,731 17,269 30,000 205,544 267,191 472,735 183,497 217,746 401,243 101,221 125,982 227,203 YEAR 7 2007/08 BUDGET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,731 17,269 30,000 205,544 267,191 472,735 183,497 217,746 401,243 101,221 125,982 227,203 YEAR 6 2006/07 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,731 17,269 30,000 205,544 267,191 472,735 183,497 217,746 401,243 101,221 125,982 227,203 YEAR 6 2006/07 BUDGET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,731 17,269 30,000 205,544 267,191 472,735 183,497 217,746 401,243 101,221 125,982 227,203 YEAR 5 2005/06 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,731 17,269 30,000 205,544 267,191 472,735 183,497 217,746 401,243 101,221 125,982 227,203 YEAR 5 2005/06 BUDGET 0 0 0 0 0 0 50,924 69,076 91,860 822,176 733,988 870,984 120,000 150,726 147,987 298,713 132,170 224,030 404,884 503,928 908,812 1,068,764 1,890,940 1,604,972 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 TO DATE 686 6,476 7,162 71,310 72,107 735,331 374,990 679,043 155,581 190,639 346,220 143,417 120,372 292,777 413,149 CUMULATIVE TOTAL CUMULATIVE 2,011,595 2,746,926 1,054,033 ACTUAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,731 17,269 30,000 13,122 18,881 32,003 205,544 267,191 472,735 183,497 217,746 401,243 101,221 125,982 227,203 YEAR 4 2004/05 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,200 1,200 99,697 17,651 20,656 38,307 59,169 92,143 465,262 564,959 121,690 241,932 363,622 151,312 YEAR 4 2004/05 ACTUAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,731 17,269 30,000 50,242 49,329 99,571 26,246 37,763 64,009 205,544 267,191 472,735 183,497 217,746 401,243 101,221 125,982 227,203 YEAR 3 2003/04 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 476 686 1,162 56,415 70,009 27,708 96,665 186,842 541,839 728,681 127,287 259,746 387,033 126,424 124,373 YEAR 3 2003/04 ACTUAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,731 17,269 30,000 50,242 49,329 99,571 26,246 37,763 64,009 205,544 267,191 472,735 183,497 217,746 401,243 101,221 125,982 227,203 YEAR 2 2002/03 AGREEMENT EXPENDITURE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,400 2,400 68,943 73,262 90,929 24,863 22,313 47,176 30,099 210,324 491,288 701,612 112,293 181,236 164,191 102,843 132,942 YEAR 2 2002/03 ACTUAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,731 17,269 30,000 50,242 49,329 99,571 26,246 37,763 64,009 205,544 267,191 472,735 183,497 217,746 401,243 101,221 125,982 227,203 YEAR 1 2001/02 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,253 9,045 2,400 2,400 3,396 1,126 4,522 57,070 65,072 17,298 46,447 49,794 96,241 238,468 513,206 751,674 122,142 YEAR 1 2001/02 ACTUAL PARTICIPANT Table 1. IN Table - (Cont.) KIND CONTRIBUTIONS FROM PARTICIPANTS CSIRO Salaries Capital Other TOTAL Curtin University of Technology Salaries Capital Other TOTAL Department of Human Services (VIC) Salaries Capital Other TOTAL EGIS Consulting Australia Pty Ltd Salaries Capital Other TOTAL Environmental Protection Agency (QLD) Salaries Capital Other TOTAL Griffith University Salaries Capital Other TOTAL

116 0 0 0 0 0 3,829 82,769 68,449 68,340 79,219 83,048 79,226 99,950 45,292 386,258 229,278 172,842 (82,878) (37,555) (57,110) (94,665) (93,616) (54,658) (156,980) 7 YEARS DIFFERENCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 701,344 933,513 163,502 209,280 372,782 481,677 602,196 675,248 760,662 1,634,857 1,270,311 1,742,993 3,013,304 1,083,873 1,616,818 2,292,066 1,028,629 1,789,291 7 YEARS AGREEMENT GRAND TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 82,769 618,466 125,947 152,170 278,117 485,506 681,415 581,632 706,004 TOTAL 1,001,962 1,703,197 1,113,331 2,129,251 3,242,582 1,166,921 1,789,660 2,371,292 1,128,579 1,834,583 7 YEARS 0 0 0 0 0 0 26,750 34,240 60,990 68,811 86,028 96,464 100,192 133,359 233,551 181,473 248,999 430,472 154,839 230,974 327,438 108,666 146,947 255,613 YEAR 7 2007/08 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 26,750 34,240 60,990 68,811 86,028 96,464 100,192 133,359 233,551 181,473 248,999 430,472 154,839 230,974 327,438 108,666 146,947 255,613 YEAR 7 2007/08 BUDGET 0 0 0 0 0 0 25,750 32,960 58,710 68,811 86,028 96,464 100,192 133,359 233,551 181,473 248,999 430,472 154,839 230,974 327,438 108,666 146,947 255,613 YEAR 6 2006/07 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 25,750 32,960 58,710 68,811 86,028 96,464 100,192 133,359 233,551 181,473 248,999 430,472 154,839 230,974 327,438 108,666 146,947 255,613 YEAR 6 2006/07 BUDGET 0 0 0 0 0 0 24,438 31,280 55,718 68,811 86,028 96,464 100,192 133,359 233,551 181,473 248,999 430,472 154,839 230,974 327,438 108,666 146,947 255,613 YEAR 5 2005/06 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 24,438 31,280 55,718 68,811 86,028 96,464 100,192 133,359 233,551 181,473 248,999 430,472 154,839 230,974 327,438 108,666 146,947 255,613 YEAR 5 2005/06 BUDGET 0 0 0 0 0 0 86,564 400,768 533,436 934,204 725,892 995,996 110,800 197,364 275,244 344,112 619,356 385,856 923,896 434,664 587,788 1,721,888 1,309,752 1,022,452 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 TO DATE 82,769 49,009 53,690 317,890 601,885 568,912 102,699 279,073 423,331 702,404 292,240 380,006 687,738 CUMULATIVE TOTAL CUMULATIVE 1,002,544 1,382,254 1,951,166 1,096,738 1,388,978 1,067,744 ACTUAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 23,250 29,760 53,010 68,811 86,028 96,464 100,192 133,359 233,551 181,473 248,999 430,472 154,839 230,974 327,438 108,666 146,947 255,613 YEAR 4 2004/05 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 99,250 15,896 18,713 34,609 84,369 189,848 289,098 135,157 337,920 473,077 104,224 188,593 110,415 479,828 590,243 147,779 244,363 392,142 YEAR 4 2004/05 ACTUAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 22,126 28,320 50,446 68,811 86,028 96,464 100,192 133,359 233,551 181,473 248,999 430,472 154,839 230,974 327,438 108,666 146,947 255,613 YEAR 3 2003/04 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 82,769 15,579 17,432 33,011 84,114 79,414 85,171 155,148 340,689 578,606 123,351 308,059 431,410 102,252 186,366 419,923 499,337 136,498 221,669 YEAR 3 2003/04 ACTUAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 21,125 27,040 48,165 68,811 86,028 96,464 100,192 133,359 233,551 181,473 248,999 430,472 154,839 230,974 327,438 108,666 146,947 255,613 YEAR 2 2002/03 AGREEMENT EXPENDITURE 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,690 6,453 50,512 61,552 12,143 63,487 79,762 85,859 74,219 112,064 120,796 341,379 462,175 143,249 164,687 250,546 161,916 236,135 YEAR 2 2002/03 ACTUAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 20,063 25,680 45,743 68,811 86,028 96,464 100,192 133,359 233,551 181,473 248,999 430,472 154,839 230,974 327,438 108,666 146,947 255,613 YEAR 1 2001/02 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 9,796 12,980 22,776 11,844 11,092 22,936 47,103 16,552 32,300 48,852 72,837 189,608 394,896 584,504 137,093 184,196 144,961 217,798 YEAR 1 2001/02 ACTUAL PARTICIPANT Table 1. IN Table - (Cont.) KIND CONTRIBUTIONS FROM PARTICIPANTS Melbourne Water Corporation Salaries Capital Other TOTAL Monash University Salaries Capital Other TOTAL Orica Australia Pty Ltd Salaries Capital Other TOTAL Power and Water Corporation Salaries Capital Other TOTAL Queensland Health Pathology & Scientific Services Salaries Capital Other TOTAL RMIT University Salaries Capital Other TOTAL

117 0 0 0 0 0 42,536 25,921 68,457 73,178 36,566 97,767 89,436 482,933 377,618 143,197 724,473 867,670 104,733 202,499 297,934 387,370 (24,112) (12,500) (105,315) 7 YEARS DIFFERENCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 50,000 156,491 191,259 397,750 753,571 228,662 271,530 500,192 568,155 890,057 1,610,000 1,610,000 1,020,929 1,774,500 1,509,074 1,911,011 3,420,085 1,458,212 7 YEARS AGREEMENT GRAND TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 42,536 37,500 132,379 264,437 434,316 648,256 326,429 376,263 702,691 657,591 TOTAL 1,635,921 1,678,457 1,503,862 2,152,118 1,652,271 2,635,484 4,287,755 1,187,991 1,845,582 7 YEARS 0 0 0 0 0 0 24,728 30,222 54,950 32,666 38,790 71,456 81,165 230,000 230,000 107,653 145,847 253,500 192,290 243,507 435,797 127,151 208,316 YEAR 7 2007/08 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24,728 30,222 54,950 32,666 38,790 71,456 81,165 230,000 230,000 107,653 145,847 253,500 192,290 243,507 435,797 127,151 208,316 YEAR 7 2007/08 BUDGET 0 0 0 0 0 0 23,892 29,200 53,092 32,666 38,790 71,456 81,165 230,000 230,000 107,653 145,847 253,500 192,290 243,507 435,797 127,151 208,316 YEAR 6 2006/07 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23,892 29,200 53,092 32,666 38,790 71,456 81,165 230,000 230,000 107,653 145,847 253,500 192,290 243,507 435,797 127,151 208,316 YEAR 6 2006/07 BUDGET 0 0 0 0 0 0 23,083 28,212 51,295 32,666 38,790 71,456 81,165 230,000 230,000 107,653 145,847 253,500 192,290 243,507 435,797 127,151 208,316 YEAR 5 2005/06 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 23,083 28,212 51,295 32,666 38,790 71,456 81,165 230,000 230,000 107,653 145,847 253,500 192,290 243,507 435,797 127,151 208,316 YEAR 5 2005/06 BUDGET 0 0 0 0 0 0 84,788 50,000 920,000 920,000 103,625 238,413 430,612 583,388 932,204 130,664 155,160 285,824 324,660 508,604 833,264 1,014,000 1,180,490 2,112,694 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 TO DATE 42,536 60,676 37,500 945,921 988,457 176,803 274,979 325,297 228,431 259,893 488,323 414,096 806,538 CUMULATIVE TOTAL CUMULATIVE 1,066,321 1,391,618 1,075,401 1,904,963 2,980,364 1,220,634 ACTUAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 22,304 27,258 49,562 32,666 38,790 71,456 81,165 230,000 230,000 107,653 145,847 253,500 192,290 243,507 435,797 127,151 208,316 YEAR 4 2004/05 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 10,973 15,275 34,168 49,443 79,290 68,055 70,524 239,277 250,250 172,493 251,783 203,779 331,495 535,274 138,578 151,687 285,953 437,640 YEAR 4 2004/05 ACTUAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 21,549 26,336 47,885 32,666 38,790 71,456 81,165 230,000 230,000 107,653 145,847 253,500 192,290 243,507 435,797 127,151 208,316 YEAR 3 2003/04 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 4,533 8,324 14,283 12,857 46,955 60,983 82,479 94,041 99,143 239,510 253,793 107,938 278,877 452,976 731,853 176,520 202,324 301,467 YEAR 3 2003/04 ACTUAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 20,819 25,000 25,446 71,265 32,666 38,790 71,456 81,165 230,000 230,000 107,653 145,847 253,500 258,757 327,674 586,431 127,151 208,316 YEAR 2 2002/03 AGREEMENT EXPENDITURE 0 0 0 0 0 9,216 22,889 37,500 68,580 48,698 47,928 54,759 65,472 234,127 243,343 128,969 439,901 488,599 280,215 523,027 803,242 102,687 152,122 217,594 YEAR 2 2002/03 ACTUAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 20,116 25,000 24,585 69,701 32,666 38,790 71,456 81,165 230,000 230,000 107,653 145,847 253,500 288,867 365,802 654,669 127,151 208,316 YEAR 1 2001/02 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,064 17,979 65,731 83,710 57,151 29,969 40,569 70,538 97,794 233,007 241,071 486,147 543,298 312,530 597,465 909,995 166,139 263,933 YEAR 1 2001/02 ACTUAL PARTICIPANT Table 1. IN Table - (Cont.) KIND CONTRIBUTIONS FROM PARTICIPANTS SA Water Corporation Salaries Capital Other TOTAL South East Water Ltd Salaries Capital Other TOTAL Sydney Catchment Authority Salaries Capital Other TOTAL Sydney Water Corporation Salaries Capital Other TOTAL United Water International Pty Ltd Salaries Capital Other TOTAL University of Adelaide Salaries Capital Other TOTAL

118 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,927 64,196 64,196 33,040 41,967 396,552 352,904 216,235 181,452 130,433 203,138 333,571 (43,648) (34,783) (64,700) (15,568) (80,268) 7 YEARS DIFFERENCE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 48,000 48,000 767,697 1,199,331 1,967,028 1,798,104 2,790,655 4,588,759 1,098,076 1,703,569 2,801,645 7 YEARS AGREEMENT GRAND TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,927 33,040 41,967 724,049 112,196 112,196 130,433 203,138 333,571 TOTAL 1,595,883 2,319,932 1,763,321 3,006,890 4,770,211 1,033,376 1,688,001 2,721,377 7 YEARS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,000 12,000 109,671 171,333 281,004 256,872 398,665 655,537 156,868 243,367 400,235 YEAR 7 2007/08 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,000 12,000 109,671 171,333 281,004 256,872 398,665 655,537 156,868 243,367 400,235 YEAR 7 2007/08 BUDGET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,000 12,000 109,671 171,333 281,004 256,872 398,665 655,537 156,868 243,367 400,235 YEAR 6 2006/07 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,000 12,000 109,671 171,333 281,004 256,872 398,665 655,537 156,868 243,367 400,235 YEAR 6 2006/07 BUDGET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,000 12,000 109,671 171,333 281,004 256,872 398,665 655,537 156,868 243,367 400,235 YEAR 5 2005/06 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,000 12,000 109,671 171,333 281,004 256,872 398,665 655,537 156,868 243,367 400,235 YEAR 5 2005/06 BUDGET 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,000 12,000 438,684 685,332 627,472 973,468 1,124,016 1,027,488 1,594,660 2,622,148 1,600,940 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 TO DATE 8,927 76,196 76,196 33,040 41,967 395,036 992,705 562,772 957,900 130,433 203,138 333,571 CUMULATIVE TOTAL CUMULATIVE 1,081,884 1,476,920 1,810,895 2,803,600 1,520,672 ACTUAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 12,000 12,000 109,671 171,333 281,004 256,872 398,665 655,537 156,868 243,367 400,235 YEAR 4 2004/05 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,260 2,898 76,196 76,196 23,511 27,232 50,743 11,158 150,737 232,474 383,211 419,814 953,467 199,444 354,972 554,416 1,373,281 YEAR 4 2004/05 ACTUAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 109,671 171,333 281,004 256,872 398,665 655,537 156,868 243,367 400,235 YEAR 3 2003/04 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9,577 7,080 2,064 9,144 88,808 13,304 22,881 105,216 205,293 310,509 256,945 345,753 161,554 277,072 438,626 YEAR 3 2003/04 ACTUAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 109,671 171,333 281,004 256,872 398,665 655,537 156,868 243,367 400,235 YEAR 2 2002/03 AGREEMENT EXPENDITURE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9,440 1,533 65,997 67,839 89,104 10,973 264,448 330,445 209,645 403,522 613,167 106,533 184,815 291,348 156,943 YEAR 2 2002/03 ACTUAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 109,671 171,333 281,004 256,872 398,665 655,537 156,868 243,367 400,235 YEAR 1 2001/02 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 8,260 2,432 73,086 95,241 25,779 77,225 10,692 379,669 452,755 274,438 196,961 471,399 141,041 236,282 103,004 YEAR 1 2001/02 ACTUAL PARTICIPANT Table 1. IN Table - (Cont.) KIND CONTRIBUTIONS FROM PARTICIPANTS University of NSW Salaries Capital Other TOTAL University of Queensland Salaries Capital Other TOTAL University of South Australia Salaries Capital Other TOTAL Sydney University of Technology, Salaries Capital Other TOTAL Water Corporation Salaries Capital Other TOTAL Water Services Association of Australia Salaries Capital Other TOTAL

119 0 73,252 70,269 395,185 468,437 7,057,270 5,955,692 7 YEARS (1,171,848) DIFFERENCE 0 0 0 0 50,000 7 YEARS 19,264,455 28,700,173 48,014,628 AGREEMENT GRAND TOTAL 0 73,252 395,185 468,437 120,269 TOTAL 7 YEARS 18,092,608 35,757,443 53,970,320 0 0 0 0 0 2,707,564 4,053,481 6,761,045 YEAR 7 2007/08 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 2,707,564 4,053,481 6,761,045 YEAR 7 2007/08 BUDGET 0 0 0 0 0 2,705,728 4,051,179 6,756,907 YEAR 6 2006/07 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 2,705,728 4,051,179 6,756,907 YEAR 6 2006/07 BUDGET 0 0 0 0 0 2,703,607 4,048,511 6,752,118 YEAR 5 2005/06 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 2,703,607 4,048,511 6,752,118 YEAR 5 2005/06 BUDGET 0 0 0 0 50,000 11,147,556 16,547,002 27,744,558 AGREEMENT 0 TO DATE 73,252 395,185 468,437 120,269 CUMULATIVE TOTAL CUMULATIVE 9,975,709 ACTUAL 23,604,272 33,700,250 0 0 0 0 0 2,714,762 4,064,918 6,779,680 YEAR 4 2004/05 AGREEMENT 0 0 29,159 245,813 274,972 3,039,888 7,171,783 YEAR 4 2004/05 ACTUAL 10,211,671 0 0 0 0 0 2,773,346 4,114,697 6,888,043 YEAR 3 2003/04 AGREEMENT 0 17,470 27,963 45,433 82,769 2,437,646 5,528,793 8,049,208 YEAR 3 2003/04 ACTUAL 0 0 0 0 25,000 2,826,686 4,180,795 7,032,481 YEAR 2 2002/03 AGREEMENT EXPENDITURE 0 20,706 37,500 102,617 123,323 2,328,158 5,643,494 8,009,152 YEAR 2 2002/03 ACTUAL 0 0 0 0 25,000 2,832,762 4,186,592 7,044,354 YEAR 1 2001/02 AGREEMENT 0 0 5,917 18,792 24,709 2,170,017 5,260,202 7,430,219 YEAR 1 2001/02 ACTUAL PARTICIPANT Table 1. IN Table - (Cont.) KIND CONTRIBUTIONS FROM PARTICIPANTS Yarra Valley Water Ltd Valley Yarra Salaries Capital Other TOTAL IN - TOTAL KIND CONTRIBUTIONS Salaries Capital Other (IN GRAND TOTAL KIND) (T1) Basis of Valuation 1. Salaries have been valued at actual cost based on time spent relevant activities. shown in the 2. Participants contributions have been valued seperately for each paticipant organisation utilising the multiplier was applied. Quality and Treatment the average multiplier for CRC Water Commonwealth Agreement. For participants without a derived multiplier, 4 amounted to $4,260 3. Non - participant contributions in Year contributions including Note 3 total $10,215,929 4. Total

120 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 YEARS SEVEN DIFFERENCE 0 0 50,000 350,000 140,000 441,000 350,000 250,000 105,000 350,000 700,000 350,000 280,000 350,000 420,000 350,000 350,000 105,000 350,000 700,000 210,000 700,000 350,000 350,000 200,000 770,000 350,000 YEARS 1,900,000 1,400,000 1,050,000 1,225,000 SEVEN 14,496,000 AGREEMENT GRAND TOTAL 0 0 50,000 350,000 140,000 441,000 350,000 250,000 105,000 350,000 700,000 350,000 280,000 350,000 420,000 350,000 350,000 105,000 350,000 700,000 210,000 700,000 350,000 350,000 200,000 770,000 350,000 TOTAL YEARS 1,900,000 1,400,000 1,050,000 1,225,000 SEVEN 14,496,000 0 0 0 0 50,000 20,000 63,000 50,000 50,000 15,000 50,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 50,000 50,000 15,000 50,000 30,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 100,000 175,000 110,000 2,028,000 YEAR 7 2006/07 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 50,000 20,000 63,000 50,000 50,000 15,000 50,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 50,000 50,000 15,000 50,000 30,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 100,000 175,000 110,000 2,028,000 YEAR 7 2006/07 BUDGET 0 0 0 0 50,000 20,000 63,000 50,000 50,000 15,000 50,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 50,000 50,000 15,000 50,000 30,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 100,000 175,000 110,000 2,028,000 YEAR 6 2006/07 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 50,000 20,000 63,000 50,000 50,000 15,000 50,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 50,000 50,000 15,000 50,000 30,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 100,000 175,000 110,000 2,028,000 YEAR 6 2006/07 BUDGET 0 0 0 0 50,000 20,000 63,000 50,000 50,000 15,000 50,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 50,000 50,000 15,000 50,000 30,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 100,000 175,000 110,000 2,028,000 YEAR 5 2005/06 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 50,000 20,000 63,000 50,000 50,000 15,000 50,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 50,000 50,000 15,000 50,000 30,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 100,000 175,000 110,000 2,028,000 YEAR 5 2005/06 BUDGET 0 0 80,000 60,000 60,000 50,000 50,000 200,000 252,000 200,000 100,000 200,000 400,000 350,000 160,000 200,000 240,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 120,000 400,000 200,000 200,000 700,000 440,000 200,000 1,150,000 8,412,000 AGREEMENT 0 0 TO DATE 80,000 60,000 60,000 50,000 50,000 200,000 252,000 200,000 100,000 200,000 400,000 350,000 160,000 200,000 240,000 200,000 200,000 200,000 800,000 600,000 400,000 120,000 400,000 200,000 200,000 700,000 440,000 200,000 CUMULATIVE TOTAL CUMULATIVE 1,150,000 8,412,000 ACTUAL 0 0 0 50,000 20,000 63,000 50,000 50,000 15,000 50,000 50,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 50,000 50,000 15,000 50,000 30,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 100,000 175,000 110,000 2,078,000 YEAR 4 2004/05 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 62,500 20,000 63,000 50,000 50,000 15,000 50,000 50,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 50,000 50,000 15,000 50,000 30,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 100,000 175,000 110,000 2,090,500 YEAR 4 2004/05 ACTUAL 0 0 0 0 50,000 20,000 63,000 50,000 50,000 15,000 50,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 50,000 50,000 15,000 50,000 30,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 100,000 175,000 110,000 2,078,000 YEAR 3 2003/04 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 37,500 20,000 63,000 50,000 50,000 15,000 50,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 50,000 50,000 15,000 50,000 30,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 100,000 175,000 110,000 2,065,500 YEAR 3 2003/04 ACTUAL 0 0 0 0 0 50,000 20,000 63,000 50,000 15,000 50,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 50,000 50,000 15,000 50,000 30,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 100,000 175,000 110,000 2,028,000 YEAR 2 2002/03 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 0 50,000 20,000 63,000 50,000 15,000 50,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 50,000 50,000 15,000 50,000 30,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 250,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 100,000 175,000 110,000 2,028,000 YEAR 2 2002/03 ACTUAL 0 0 0 0 50,000 20,000 63,000 50,000 15,000 50,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 50,000 50,000 15,000 50,000 50,000 30,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 400,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 100,000 175,000 110,000 2,228,000 YEAR 1 2001/02 AGREEMENT 0 0 0 0 50,000 20,000 63,000 50,000 15,000 50,000 40,000 50,000 60,000 50,000 50,000 15,000 50,000 50,000 30,000 50,000 50,000 50,000 100,000 100,000 400,000 200,000 150,000 100,000 100,000 175,000 110,000 2,228,000 YEAR 1 2001/02 ACTUAL Board CSIRO Services RMIT University Griffith University Water Corporation Water Monash University City West Water Ltd Water City West South East Water Ltd South East Water Brisbane City Council University of Adelaide SA Water Corporation SA Water Yarra Valley Water Ltd Water Valley Yarra Orica Australia Pty Ltd ACTEW Corporation Ltd University of Queensland Sydney Water Corporation Sydney Water Power & Water Corporation Power & Water University of South Australia Sydney Catchment Authority Melbourne Water Corporation Melbourne Water University of New South Wales Curtin University of Technology Australian Water Quality Centre Australian Water Egis Consulting Australia Pty Ltd University of Technology Sydney University of Technology Australian Water Services Pty Ltd Australian Water United Water International Pty Ltd United Water Department of Human Service (VIC) Townsville Thuringowa Water Supply Thuringowa Water Townsville Environmental Protection Agency (QLD) Water Services Association of Australia Services Association of Australia Water Queensland Health Pathology & Scientific Table 2. CASH Table CONTRIBUTIONS TOTAL CASH FROM TOTAL PARTICIPANTS PARTICIPANTS

121 0 55,684 147,500 318,428 524,234 316,535 186,150 YEARS 1,527,305 2,573,151 6,013,151 1,038,328 3,294,945 4,804,377 SEVEN (1,695,582) DIFFERENCE 0 0 0 690,000 350,000 (464,000) YEARS 2,400,000 3,440,000 SEVEN (394,000) 16,750,000 34,686,000 34,756,000 17,724,300 17,031,700 AGREEMENT GRAND TOTAL 55,684 837,500 668,428 644,328 186,150 (147,465) TOTAL YEARS 1,527,305 2,924,234 6,013,151 SEVEN 16,750,000 37,259,151 38,050,945 22,528,677 15,336,118 0 0 0 50,000 100,000 400,000 550,000 2,344,000 4,922,000 5,130,000 2,578,500 2,551,500 YEAR 7 2006/07 (186,000) (394,000) AGREEMENT 0 0 0 50,000 100,000 400,000 550,000 852,328 644,328 2,344,000 4,922,000 5,130,000 2,578,500 2,551,500 YEAR 7 2006/07 BUDGET 0 0 0 50,000 100,000 400,000 550,000 2,500,000 5,078,000 5,120,000 2,573,500 2,546,500 YEAR 6 2006/07 (144,000) (186,000) AGREEMENT 0 0 0 50,000 100,000 400,000 550,000 894,328 852,328 2,500,000 5,078,000 5,120,000 2,573,500 2,546,500 YEAR 6 2006/07 BUDGET 0 0 0 50,000 100,000 400,000 550,000 2,500,000 5,078,000 5,120,000 2,573,500 2,546,500 YEAR 5 2005/06 (102,000) (144,000) AGREEMENT 0 0 0 50,000 100,000 400,000 550,000 936,328 894,328 2,500,000 5,078,000 5,120,000 2,573,500 2,546,500 YEAR 5 2005/06 BUDGET 0 0 0 0 390,000 200,000 222,000 1,200,000 1,790,000 9,406,000 9,998,800 9,387,200 19,608,000 19,386,000 AGREEMENT TO DATE 55,684 537,500 518,428 186,150 CUMULATIVE TOTAL CUMULATIVE 1,527,305 1,724,234 4,363,151 9,406,000 8,126,025 7,626,231 7,691,618 ACTUAL 22,181,151 22,680,945 14,803,177 0 0 0 0 50,000 100,000 400,000 550,000 2,500,000 5,128,000 5,230,000 2,678,500 2,551,500 YEAR 4 2004/05 (102,000) AGREEMENT 1,623 81,169 209,377 175,000 123,581 451,818 961,399 936,328 2,500,000 5,551,899 2,276,284 6,891,855 4,881,187 1,929,499 YEAR 4 2004/05 ACTUAL 0 0 0 0 50,000 100,000 400,000 550,000 (52,000) 2,500,000 5,128,000 5,180,000 2,628,500 2,551,500 YEAR 3 2003/04 AGREEMENT 0 53,631 650,803 150,000 150,944 382,863 1,388,241 2,500,000 5,953,741 3,019,903 2,276,284 6,697,359 4,540,411 2,156,949 YEAR 3 2003/04 ACTUAL 0 0 0 0 50,000 100,000 400,000 550,000 (92,000) 2,500,000 5,078,000 5,170,000 2,598,500 2,571,500 YEAR 2 2002/03 AGREEMENT 0 88,631 562,125 122,500 138,661 775,771 1,599,057 2,500,000 6,127,057 1,393,716 3,019,903 4,500,870 2,526,798 1,885,442 YEAR 2 2002/03 ACTUAL 0 0 0 0 0 90,000 50,000 140,000 468,000 1,906,000 4,274,000 3,806,000 2,093,300 1,712,700 YEAR 1 2001/02 AGREEMENT 430 90,000 16,350 105,000 105,242 113,782 414,454 1,906,000 4,548,454 1,436,122 1,393,716 4,590,860 2,854,782 1,719,728 YEAR 1 2001/02 ACTUAL (Cont.) Table 2. CASH Table CONTRIBUTIONS OTHER CASH Participants (Note 1) Associates Interest Sundry income Contract Research (Note 2) TOTAL OTHER CASH TOTAL FUNDING FROM THE CRC GRANT CASH CONTRIBUTION CRC (T2) TOTAL Cash carried over from previous year LESS Unspent Balance TOTAL CRC CASH TOTAL EXPENDITURE (T3) OF CASH EXPENDITURE BETWEEN HEADS ALLOCATION Salaries Capital Other Note 1 : Year 1 : Melbourne Water $50,000: WSSA $50,000 and Power & Water $5,000. $50,000: WSSA $50,000 and Power & Water 1 : Melbourne Water Note 1 : Year Corporation $15,000: $23,149: Sydney Catchment Authority $100,000: Water $39,457: South East Water $15,000: SA Water $144,993: Orica Australia $15,000: Power & Water $15,000: Melbourne Water Services $15,000: Brisbane City Council $2,500: Department of Health 2 : ACTEW $33,846: Australia Water Year $21,000. Water Valley Corporation $43,847: WSAA $73,333: and Yarra $5,000: Water United Water $39,252 and WSSA $79,500. Corp $73,000: United Water $6,000: Sydney Water $35,177: South East Water $10,000: SA Water $250,000: Power & Water $6,000: Department of Health $124,874: Melbourne Water Water 3 : ACTEW $6,000: Brisbane City Council $21,000: West Year $40,177: WSAA $53,400. 4: Brisbane City Council $15,800: Department of Health $50,000: Orica Australia United Water Year $73,782. 1 : Funds contributed by ARMAHNZ $40,000 and AWWARF Note 2 : Year $45,000. Management Board $23,849: and WTA Catchment Water $6,000: Torrens $140,000: Gold Coast City Council $20,000 Hobart Water $520,922: Department of Health NSW $20,000: DNRE (Vic) 2 : Funds contributed by AWWARF Year $45,000. $30,000 and WTA $6,000: South East Queensland Water Qld $15,000: Hobart Water $271,863: Department of Health & Ageing $15,000: EPA 3 : Funds contributed by AWWARF Year $7,500. Water $15,500: Gold Coast City Council $20,000: Veolia $408,818: CSIRO Land & Water 4: Funds Contributed by AWWARF Year 4. 3, but at 30 June 2004, they had not been formally admitted as a new party to the Centre by Commonwealth. Approval from Commonwealth received in Year Ltd was approved by the Governing Board to join CRC in Year Water 3: City West Note 3 : Year 3. SUMMARY OF TABLE RESOURCES APPLIED TO ACTIVITIES PARTICIPANTS

122 256,419 YEARS 6,060,410 3,294,945 9,355,355 3,709,059 5,464,877 9,430,355 SEVEN DIFFERENCE 50,000 YEARS SEVEN 48,014,628 34,756,000 82,770,628 36,927,477 45,718,151 82,695,628 AGREEMENT GRAND TOTAL 306,419 TOTAL YEARS SEVEN 54,075,039 38,050,945 92,125,983 40,636,537 51,183,028 92,125,983 0 6,761,045 5,130,000 5,286,064 6,604,981 YEAR 7 2006/07 11,891,045 11,891,045 AGREEMENT 0 6,761,045 5,130,000 5,286,064 6,604,981 YEAR 7 2006/07 BUDGET 11,891,045 11,891,045 0 6,756,907 5,120,000 5,279,228 6,597,679 YEAR 6 2006/07 11,876,907 11,876,907 AGREEMENT 0 6,756,907 5,120,000 5,279,228 6,597,679 YEAR 6 2006/07 BUDGET 11,876,907 11,876,907 0 6,752,118 5,120,000 5,277,107 6,595,011 YEAR 5 2005/06 11,872,118 11,872,118 AGREEMENT 0 6,752,118 5,120,000 5,277,107 6,595,011 YEAR 5 2005/06 BUDGET 11,872,118 11,872,118 50,000 27,744,558 19,386,000 47,130,558 21,085,078 25,920,480 47,055,558 AGREEMENT TO DATE 306,419 CUMULATIVE TOTAL CUMULATIVE ACTUAL 33,804,969 22,680,945 56,485,913 24,794,138 31,385,357 56,485,913 0 6,779,680 5,230,000 5,393,262 6,616,418 YEAR 4 2004/05 12,009,680 12,009,680 AGREEMENT 81,169 6,891,855 7,921,075 9,105,541 YEAR 4 2004/05 ACTUAL 10,215,930 17,107,784 17,107,784 0 6,888,043 5,180,000 5,340,568 6,652,473 YEAR 3 2003/04 12,068,043 11,993,041 AGREEMENT 82,769 8,149,668 6,697,359 6,993,309 7,770,950 YEAR 3 2003/04 ACTUAL 14,847,027 14,847,027 25,000 7,032,481 5,170,000 5,425,186 6,752,295 YEAR 2 2002/03 12,202,481 12,202,481 AGREEMENT 126,131 8,009,152 4,500,870 4,854,956 7,528,936 YEAR 2 2002/03 ACTUAL 12,510,022 12,510,022 25,000 7,044,354 3,806,000 4,926,062 5,899,294 YEAR 1 2001/02 10,850,354 10,850,356 AGREEMENT 16,350 7,430,219 4,590,860 5,024,799 6,979,930 YEAR 1 2001/02 ACTUAL 12,021,079 12,021,079 TABLE 3. SUMMARY OF TABLE RESOURCES APPLIED TO ACTIVITIES (IN KIND) GRAND TOTAL 1 (T1) from TABLE GRAND TOTAL (CASH) GRAND TOTAL 2 (T3) from TABLE RESOURCES TOTAL TO CRC AVAILABLE RESOURCES APPLIED TO ACTIVITIES OF CENTRE BETWEEN HEADS EXPENDITURE OF TOTAL ALLOCATION SALARIES TOTAL (CASH AND IN - KIND) CAPITAL TOTAL (CASH AND IN - KIND) TOTAL OTHER TOTAL (CASH AND IN - KIND) ALLOCATION TOTAL PARTICIPANTS

123 0.6 0.3 4.9 2.0 25.4 33.2 by CRC (2) Staff Funded 6.5 0.0 0.5 0.1 22.6 29.7 Staff Contrib. (2) 4,921 824,391 215,901 RESOURCE USAGE 7,420,309 1,750,408 10,215,929 $ In - kind 57,793 576,259 973,486 237,272 5,047,045 6,891,855 $Cash (1) Table 4 . OF RESOURCES Table OF ALLOCATION BETWEEN ACTIVITIES CATEGORIES PROGRAM PROGRAM Research Education Commercialisation Administration Communications TOTAL (1) Cash from all sources, including CRC Program. (2) Person years, professional and support staff. 4 is unaudited. (3) Table

124 A Member Firm of PKF International




We have audited the financial information of the Cooperative Research Centre for Water Quality and Treatment, as set out in Tables 1, 2 and 3 of the Annual Report for the year ended 30 June 2005, together with having addressed the specific contractual requirements of the Cooperative Research Centre under the Agreement with the Commonwealth of Australia dated 18 July 2001 (the Commonwealth Agreement) as specified by the Commonwealth of Australia’s representative the Department of Education, Science and Training. The parties to the Cooperative Research Centre are responsible for the preparation and presentation of the financial information and for its adherence to the Commonwealth Agreement. We have conducted an independent audit of the financial information and of the specific contractual requirements of the Cooperative Research Centre under the Commonwealth Agreement as specified by its representative the Department of Education, Science and Training, in order to express an opinion on the financial information and on those specific contractual requirements of the Cooperative Research Centre under the Commonwealth Agreement to the Department of Education, Science and Training.

The financial information has been prepared for the purposes of fulfilling the Cooperative Research Centre’s annual reporting obligations to the Department of Education, Science and Training under Clause 14(1)(e) of the Commonwealth Agreement. We disclaim any assumption of responsibility for any reliance on this report, or on the financial information to which it relates, to any person other than the Department of Education, Science and Training or for any purpose other than that for which it was prepared.

Our audit has been conducted in accordance with Australian auditing standards to provide reasonable assurance as to whether the financial information is free of material misstatement and to address the specific contractual requirements of the Cooperative Research Centre under the Commonwealth Agreement as specified by its representative the Department of Education, Science and Training. Our procedures included examination, on a test basis, of evidence supporting the amounts and other disclosures in the financial information and the evaluation of accounting policies and significant accounting estimates, together with addressing the specific contractual requirements of the Cooperative Research Centre under the Commonwealth Agreement as specified by its representative the Department of Education, Science and Training. These procedures have been undertaken to form an opinion whether, in all material respects, the Cooperative Research Centre’s sources of funding and the application of that funding for the year ended 30 June 2005 and its financial position as at 30 June 2005 are presented fairly in accordance with Australian accounting concepts and standards and the Commonwealth Agreement and that the Cooperative Research Centre has complied with the following specific contractual requirements of the Cooperative Research Centre under the Commonwealth Agreement as specified by the Department of Education, Science and Training:

• Contributions, both cash and in-kind, have been made and recorded in accordance with the Budget, being Schedule 4 to the Deed of Variation, approved for execution by the Department of Education, Science and Training on 30 June 2005, to the Commonwealth Agreement;

• Cash contributions have been paid into and expended from the Cooperative Research Centre’s account as required by Clause 12.4 of the Commonwealth Agreement; • The application of Commonwealth Funding and Contributions for the Activities of the Cooperative Research Centre has been as specified in Schedule 1 to the Commonwealth Agreement; • The Cooperative Research Centre has met its obligations in relation to the treatment of Heads of Expenditure and Capital Items under Clause 5 of the Commonwealth Agreement and Intellectual Property under Clause 9 of the Commonwealth Agreement; and • In accounting for Commonwealth Funding and Contributions the Cooperative Research Centre has exercised proper accounting standards and controls as required under Clause 12.2(a) of the Commonwealth Agreement.

The audit opinion expressed in this report has been formed on the above basis.

125 Audit Opinion In our opinion, the financial information presents fairly, in accordance with Australian accounting concepts and standards, the Cooperative Research Centre for Water Quality and Treatment’s sources of funding and the application of that funding for the year ended 30 June 2005 and its financial position as at 30 June 2005.

It is further our opinion, in relation to the specific contractual requirements of the Cooperative Research Centre under the Commonwealth Agreement with the Commonwealth of Australia as specified by the Department of Education, Science and Training that:

Amount Amount Organisation Committed Contributed $ $ Brisbane City Council 110,000 67,734 Curtin University of Technology 451,243 413,622

The State of Queensland, acting through the Environmental Protection Agency 82,003 51,200 Griffith University 267,203 191,312 Orica Australia Pty Ltd 103,010 84,609 South East Water Limited 99,562 99,443 Sydney Catchment Authority 453,500 451,783

• Contributions, both cash and in-kind, have been made and recorded in accordance with the Budget, being Schedule 4 to the Deed of Variation, approved for execution by the Department of Education, Science and Training on 30 June 2005, to the Commonwealth Agreement, with the following exceptions where the Contributions were below the amount committed:

• Cash contributions have been paid into and expended from the Cooperative Research Centre’s account as required by Clause 12.4 of the Commonwealth Agreement; • The application of Commonwealth Funding and Contributions for the Activities of the Cooperative Research Centre have been as specified in Schedule 1 to the Commonwealth Agreement; • The Cooperative Research Centre has not met its obligations in relation to the treatment of Heads of Expenditure under Clause 5.2 of the Commonwealth Agreement in that the Researcher’s allocations of the budgetary resources between the Heads of Expenditure has been lower or higher than the allocation in the budget by $100,000 or 20%, whichever is the greater amount, without the prior approval of the Commonwealth. The variations relate to salaries expenditure, where actual expenditure of $4,881,187 exceeded budgeted expenditure of $2,678,500 by $2,202,687 and other expenditure, where actual expenditure of $1,929,499 was less than budgeted expenditure of $2,551,500 by $622,001. The Cooperative Research Centre has met its obligations in relation to the treatment of Capital Items under Clause 5.3 of the Commonwealth Agreement in that Capital Items acquired from the Grant and Contributions have been vested as provided in the Joint Venture Agreement, and in relation to Intellectual Property under Clauses 9.1 and 9.5 of the Commonwealth Agreement in that we have seen a statement by the Chief Executive Officer to the effect that Intellectual Property in all Contract Material is vested as provided in the Joint Venture Agreement and no Intellectual Property in any Contract Material having the potential for Commercialisation has been assigned or licensed without prior approval of the Commonwealth; and • In accounting for Commonwealth Funding and Contributions the Cooperative Research Centre has exercised proper accounting standards and controls as required under Clause 12.2(a) of the Commonwealth Agreement.

PKF Chartered Accountants

I J Painter Partner

Signed at Adelaide, this 23 day of August 2005.

126 ATP Adenosine triphosphate

ADWG Australian Drinking Water Guidelines

AOC Assimilable organic carbon

AFM Atomic force microscopy

ANN Artificial neural networks

ARMCANZ Agriculture and Resource Management Council of Australia and New Zealand

AwwaRF American Water Works Association Research Foundation

BAC Bacterial artificial chromosome

BDOC Biodegradable dissolved organic carbon

BMAA b-methylamino-L-alanine

CC-PCR Cell culture-polymerase chain reaction

CDNA Communicable Diseases Network of Australia

CFS Cross flow sampler

COD Chemical oxygen demand

CRC Cooperative Research Centre

CSIRO Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation

DOTM Direct Observation Through Membrane

DSMtool Disinfection System Management Tool

DRCT Disinfectant Residual Control Tools

DAF Dissolved air floatation

DBP Disinfection byproducts

DOC Dissolved organic carbon

DSS Decision support system

EC Enhanced coagulation

EMSS Environmental Management Support System

EDC Endocrine disrupting chemicals

EERE Environmental Engineering Research Event

ELISA Enzyme-linked immunoassay

Abbreviations EPA Environmental Protection Agency

FESEM Field emission scanning electron microscopy

FD Fluorescence detection

FTIR Fourier transform infra red

GAC Granular activated carbon

GC-MS Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry

GWRC Global Water Research Coalition

HAA Haloacetic acids

HACCP Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point

127 HPIC High performance ion exchange

HPSEC High performance size exclusion chromatography

HILIC Hydrophilic interaction liquid chromatography

IWA International Water Association

LPS Lipopolysaccharides Abbreviations LWA Land and Water Australia

MF Microfiltration

MFI Modified fouling index

MIB 2-methylisoborneol

MW Molecular weight

NDMA Dimethylnitrosamine

KIWA Netherlands Water Treatment and Water Quality Research Institution

NHMRC National Health and Medical Research Council

NOAEL No observable adverse effect level

NOM Natural organic matter

NRMMC Natural Resources Management Ministerial Council

OM Online monitoring

S::CAN On line organic scanning

PSM Particle Sediment Model

PDA Photo diode-array

POU Point-of-use

PCR Polymerase chain reaction

PAC Powdered activated carbon

QC/QA Quality control/quality assurance

QHPSS Queensland Health Pathology and Scientific Services

SBSE Stir bar sorptive extraction

SDI Slit density index

SME Small to medium enterprise

MS/MS Tandem mass spectrometry

TOC Total organic carbon

THM Trihalomethanes

UKWIR United Kingdom Water Industry Research Ltd

UDS Unspecified DNA synthesis

WHO World Health Organization

WQ Water Quality

WSAA Water Services Association of Australia

WTP Water Treatment Plant

128 Mission To assist the Australian water industry produce high quality drinking water at an affordable price.

Vision By 2010, the Australian water industry will have achieved a high level of community confidence in the safety and quality of the country’s water supply systems. Research undertaken by the Centre will have laid a solid foundation for evidence based investment decisions for water infrastructure, as well as providing innovative solutions for achieving enhanced aesthetic water quality that meets community needs.

Objectives • Undertaking a high quality, targeted research program that seeks to provide the knowledge and innovative solutions required to meet national and water industry objectives for drinking water quality in the major urban centres and in regional Australia, including small rural and Indigenous communities. • Building on the success of the existing cooperative activity between the Parties to incorporate evidence- based guidelines into the Australian drinking water regulatory system.

• Involving a high proportion of the water industry end-users in - 2005 2004 the development, conduct and utilisation of the research and other activities of the CRC for Water Quality and Treatment. • Enhancing the strategic international alliances to ensure that CRC for Water Quality and Treatment activities are well founded on the best experience and knowledge already available, and to provide, where appropriate, the benefit of Australian experience and opinion in the formulation of international water quality management strategies and guidelines. • Providing high quality, well trained and informed professionals as future leaders in the industry through an extensive postgraduate student program. • Effectively communicating the outcomes of the CRC for We Received $M Water Quality and Treatment research activity to the industry Cash from Grant $2.50 and the community. Cash from Participants $2.09

In-Kind from Participants $10.22

Other Income $0.96 Total $15.77

We Expended $M Research $12.33

Education $2.33

Administration $1.80 Communication & Commercialisation $0.52

Total $16.98 The Cooperative Research Centre for Water Quality and Treatment is an unincorporated joint venture between:

ACTEW Corporation Australian Water Quality Centre Australian Water Services Pty Ltd Brisbane City Council Centre for Appropriate Technology Inc City West Water Limited CSIRO Curtin University of Technology Department of Human Services Victoria Griffith University Melbourne Water Corporation Monash University Orica Australia Pty Ltd Power and Water Corporation Queensland Health Pathology & Scientific Services 2004 - 2005 RMIT University South Australian Water Corporation South East Water Ltd

Sydney Catchment Authority Annual Report Sydney Water Corporation

The University of Adelaide CRC for Water Quality and Treatment

The University of New South Wales Private Mail Bag 3 The University of Queensland Salisbury United Water International Pty Ltd SOUTH AUSTRALIA 5108 University of South Australia Tel: (08) 8259 0211 University of Technology, Sydney Water Corporation Fax: (08) 8259 0228 Water Services Association of Australia E-mail: [email protected]

Yarra Valley Water Ltd Web: