Tourism Agency P Resents • Agenția Turism Ului P Rezintă • Агентство По
tourism agency presents • agenția turismului prezintă • агентство по туризму представляет Dear friends, The Republic of Moldova attracts visitors not only to its picturesque landscapes and natural beauties, but also to the variety of tourism activities worth tourists’ attention. These include monasteries, rock caves, historic and archaeological monuments, festivals and celebrations, museums, waterfalls and cascades, forests, vaults and wineries and many other places of interest. Our country is enchanting and cognitive for people of diverse age and liking. Devotees of arts may take part in the cultural life of the country: concerts of classic and folk music, jazz and rock, abundant museums and exhibitions. Hearty-eaters will be enthused either: our country sees vast networks of restaurants to offer national cuisine with high quality of service. Rural tourism represents a new yet deploying realm for our country to receive our guests at tourism complexes that offer not only acquaintance with indigenous folklore and customs, artisan crafts (visitors can create by themselves souvenirs or objects for household use), but also penetration into the open and sincere character of the Moldovan nation, its every day living and holidays. Picturesque landscapes, sights and attractions, historic monuments, gastronomic traditions, hospitality of the Moldovan nation—all the aforementioned is going to make your sojourn in Moldova unforgettable! You are welcome to Moldova! Liudmila Dumitras, Director General of Tourism Agency of Moldova 2 Moldova Turistică Dragi prieteni! Дорогие друзья! Republica Moldova este atractivă pentru vizitatori Республика Молдова притягательна для nu doar prin locurile pitoreşti şi peisajele гостей не только живописными пейзажами и încântătoare, dar şi prin diversitatea destinaţiilor красивейшими местами, но и разнообразием şi obiectivelor turistice care prezintă un interes туристических направлений, заслуживающих deosebit.
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