“This isthmus of a middle state”. The Suburban Fiction of John Cheever, John Updike and Richard Ford NR 2730 Krzysztof Kowalczyk-Twarowski “This isthmus of a middle state”. The Suburban Fiction of John Cheever, John Updike and Richard Ford Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego Katowice 2009 Editor of the Series: Historia Literatur Obcych Magdalena Wandzioch Reviewer Zygmunt Mazur When sold out, the publication will be available online at: The Silesian Digital Library www.sbc.org.pl Executive Editor: Barbara Konopka Cover Design: Paulina Tomaszewska-Ciepły Technical Editor: Barbara Arenhövel Proof-Reader: Sabina Stencel Copyright © 2009 by Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego All rights reserved ISSN 0208-6336 ISBN 978-83-226-1903-2 Published by Wydawnictwo Uniwersytetu Śląskiego ul. Bankowa 12B, 40-007 Katowice www.wydawnictwo.us.edu.pl e-mail:
[email protected] First impression. Printed sheets: 12,5 Publishing sheets: 15,5 Paper: offset. grade III, 90 g Price 26 zł Computer generated forms: Pracownia Składu Komputerowego Wydawnictwa Uniwersytetu Śląskiego Printing and binding: SOWA Sp. z o.o. ul. Hrubieszowska 6a, 01-209 Warszawa Introduction The present book studies the development of American suburban fiction from its inception in the 1940s to the early twenty first century. The main subjects of inquiry are: 1) portrayal of the suburb from the socio-spatial perspective; 2) investigation of the suburban lifestyle and mentality in the fiction of John Cheever, John Updike and Richard Ford. In order to ensure balanced proportions, I decided to include all of the novels and selected short stories of John Cheever, the Rabbit tetralogy by John Updike and Ri- chard Ford’s Frank Bascombe cycle.