IN LATIN AMERICA AND THE CARIBBEAN: A comparative analysis of population-based data from 12 countries in Latin america and the caribbean: a comparative analysis of population-based data from 12 countries Sarah bott aLessandra GuedeS mary Goodwin Jennifer adamS mendoza A collaboration between the Pan American Health Organization and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, with technical input from MEASURE DHS, ICF International PAHO HQ Library Cataloguing-in-Publication Data ****************************************************************************** Pan American Health Organization; Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Violence Against Women in Latin America and the Caribbean: A comparative analysis of population-based data from 12 countries. Washington, DC: PAHO, 2012. 1. Violence Against Women. 2. Domestic Violence. 3. Sexual Violence. 4. Gender and Health. 5. Human Rights Abuses. 6. Epidemiologic Studies. I. Title. II. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. ISBN 978-92-75-11718-7 (NLM classification: WA309 DA1) The Pan American Health Organization welcomes requests for permission to reproduce or translate its publications, in part or in full. Applications and inquiries should be addressed to Editorial Services, Area of Knowledge Management and Communications (KMC), Pan American Health Organization, Washington, DC, U.S.A. The Area for Sustainable Development and Environmental Health/Intra-Family Violence - Alessandra Guedes, Regional Advisor on Intra-Family Violence: guedesal@
[email protected] will be glad to provide the latest information on any changes made to the text, plans for new editions, and reprints and translations already available. © Pan American Health Organization, 2012. All rights reserved. Publications of the Pan American Health Organization enjoy copyright protection in accordance with the provisions of Protocol 2 of the Universal Copyright Convention.