Zeitschrift Für Naturforschung / C / 42 (1987)
1352 Notes (Z)-3-TetradecenyI Acetate as a Sex-Attractant species feed on Picea, Rumex and Rubus, respective Component in Gelechiinae and Anomologinae ly, and their relative trap captures greatly varied (Lepidoptera: Gelechiidae) between test sites, depending on host abundance; Ernst Priesner which may explain why one species (A. micella) was missing from the test by Willemse et al. Max-Planek-Institut für Verhaltensphysiologie. D-8131 Seewiesen The outstanding effectiveness of the Z3-14:Ac for Z. Naturforsch. 42c, 1352—1355 (1987); males of these gelechiid species was supported by received August 25, 1987 electroantennogram measurements. These were Sex-Attractant, Attraction-Inhibitor, J3-Alkenyl made from males newly taken in Z3-14:Ac baited A cetates, Chionodes, Monochroa, Argolamprotes, traps (with antennae not yet glued to the adhesive), Aproaerema, Gelechiidae using technical procedures as in other Microlepido- The title compound, unreported as an insect pheromone ptera [3, 4], In the series of (Z)- and (£)-alkenyl ace component, effectively attracted certain male Gelechiidae tates, varied for chain length and double bond posi (genera Chionodes, Monochroa, Argolamprotes) as a sin gle chemical. Trap captures with this chemical decreased tion, the Z3-14:Ac, at the test amount of 1 |ig, elic on addition of either (E)-3-dodecenyl acetate, (£)-3-tetra- ited the greatest EAG response. This was followed decenyl acetate or (Z)-3-tetradecen-l-ol, the sexual attrac- by the geometric isomer (.O-MiAc), the corre tants of other, closely related species. Results on an Aproaerem a test species showing a synergistic attraction sponding alcohol analogue (Z3-14:OH) and some response to combinations of (Z)-3-tetradecenyl acetate positional isomers and shorter-chain homologues with its homologue (Z)-3-dodecenyl acetate are included.
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