W/C 6th July 2020 Art LO: To create an image using an iPad.

To be successful I must...

I can create an image based on Hockney’s iPad art. I can represent Summer in an image. I can use an iPad program to create an image.

What you will need:

• An iPad/ tablet, phone or laptop • Last week's landscape photo Today we are going to create iPad artwork in the style of David Hockney.

Who was David Hockney again? Artist Study: David Hockney

David Hockney was born in Bradford on 9th July 1937 and is a British painter, draftsman, printmaker, stage designer, and photographer. As an important contributor to the pop art movement of the 1960s, he is considered one of the most influential British artists of the 20th century. Hockney wanted to give pleasure to the people looking at his paintings and other works. He does this by using very bright and vibrant colours within his paintings, as well as using a cartoon-like style to portray an almost childlike perception of the subject. Free art applications Here's a list of free art apps. Pick your favourite to download for today's lesson! General Adobe Illustrator Draw Sketch MyPaint ArtFlow Autodesk Windows/ Mac Artweaver Free Microsoft Create your design Using your landscape photo from last week, can you recreate the photo/ your painting using technology?

What will be the positives/ challenges of this? Hints and tips

Revisit Albert van Der Zwart on recreating Hockney's work to remind yourself of winning techniques!

Bold colours

Dots & lines

Trees Plenary

Consider whether you found it easier or harder to create your image using paint or technology. Why?

Save your final image so that we can screenshot and print them all to create a whole class piece!