Ellsworth American : August 17, 1876
Cbf £llsiP0rty Kates of Advertisi^f. Li ^nrriran lwk. Swltn. 3 mos. Omoi. I TV. 1 $160 00 $«00 $10 00 IB PCBLISBBD *T inch, $100 $4 3 inches. 3 CO 4 60 ON 15 00 25 0$ 0$ U T 4 column, 8 03 13 00 80 00 48 00 85 i: I.LSWO H, M E, 1 column. 14 0$ 22 00 50 00 86 0$ 100 00 BT TH* Special Notices. One square 3 weeks, $2.00 Each additional week, 50 cents iaacock County Publishing Co moan j Administrator’s and Kxeeutor’s Notices, 1 50 Citation from Probate Court, 8 uO Commissioner’s Notices, 2 8$ T«m« at Messenger’s and Assignee’s Notioti, t-00 SaburiylioB. Editorial Notices, per Tine, -1® Notices, *1® n« copy, n paid within three month*.•'^tK Obituary per line, No charge less than •*w i>»: within three month*,.. if st the end ©t the One inch space will constitute a square. paid year.2 j< Advertisements to be in advaoco. r*ill be discontinued nntil all Transient paid arrear No advertisements reconed less than a *re paid, except at the square. publisher** option— and Deaths inserted free. » person wishing his Marriages sad paper stopped, must to loti'-e thereof at the 1 early advertisers pay quarterly. ( expimtion of the tern • ictner previous notice has been given or not ME., THURSDAY, A.TTCHJST 17, 1870. ELLSWORTH, Tol. MlIdUM-No. 33. Imsiness It was not long after Hus I « (him; which Miss Moggaridge did with her •Aud when It Is all gone/ coutinued Miss expostulation through these Luke Moggaridge* that’1 her willing hands; by the calls of Master i|arbs.
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