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1977 The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980

11-11-1977 New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 081, No 60, 11/ 11/1977 University of New Mexico

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Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 081, No 60, 11/11/1977." 81, 60 (1977). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1977/139

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1971 - 1980 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1977 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. 0/JZ;:Jyl_ cu4 31~-'1% ( 3 tJn K.aw Mexico The LOBO will contlnu• con­ ducting /Q •uwey of ..llUIII et­ titudu on Cllmpu• today. If 77 yo~ haven't biHin cont~~eted ~~c'~~ DAILV yet, don't wo,.,, .W•',.gonne' gfltcha'. Friday. Novemb,er 11. 19n . , . . :r GtA~" Andrew·Young Predict$ .C'!'ION\il S. Af'ri.ca's 1fttftter ' Faces Hell' announced at the time of his death. He also predicted that the situ­ NEW YORK (UPI) - .U.N. ·calling Young a "racialist" who Black leader Steve 'Biko, Young ,. However, the South African ation in, South Africa could be Ambassador Andrew Young, an bates White Americans. said, "There is nothing to fear in the ,kind of death that Steve Biko official added, "A man can damage resolved "without massive armed oroained minister I said Pro~estant his brain many ways. I often thin,k conflict." Thursday South African Prime , Also touching on the recent con­ faced." "There is no progress without of banging my own head against a Elsewhere on Africa Young cited Minister John Vorster faces hc:ll for troversial death of S~uth African ·suffering and there is no remission wall.'' "church leadership" as being at the "The sinful ,Jife he has adopted as !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,.!!!!!!!!!!!!!! of sins w~thout the shedding of In his talk, Young referred to forefront of the "liberation of national policy." . · ' Mozambique (where) I saw a deeper JOHANNESBURG, South innocent blood," Young said. Vorster and Rhodesian Prime Minister Ian Smith as ''my strain of humanism and multi­ Young told the governing board Africa (UPI) - Police Thursday Kruger conceded that Biko died ) brothers, however illegitimate their racism than in any country I have l~t of the National Council of a~rested more than 600 Blacks, of brain injuries rather than as a -i policies may be." visited." I Churches the lives of South including 100 children, in a new result of a hunger strike as first )r. Africa's 19 million non-whites 'jare crackdown on Black dissidents and being jeopardized" by Vorster's announced seizure powers unused apartheid policy of racial since World War II to counter tl;le segregation. · U.N. Arms Embargo. rsJ~k... ""iJ., ..;·;;;k;;,g ....i .. ;;obit;;;;;·?"i r In one Black towns!lip police "Lord have mercy on the hell ·opened fire with shotguns ·on a that faces John Vorster an·d the group of Black rioters who threw sinful life he has adopted as rocks at police cars. . national, policy," said Y 9ung, a· Police spokesman Maj. Gen. Then Pick Up the Phone ~ United Church of .Christ minister Dawid Kriel said a gang of about 50 I I who still preaches when he finds the Black youths began stoning police . You have the opportunity to have a say in the committee said an additional meeting will be called .;'!, time~ vehicles in Cardock, a sheep far­ future of UNM parking. All you have to do is pick. if students don't like the 5 p.m. starting time. ;,;.. ming town about 450 miles south of up the phone. So if you don't like the starting time and would y: Young's comments came a day· Johannesburg, forcing police to The Campus Planning Committee makes like. to have another you can do something about it. {":· after South African Police Minister open fire. He said there. were no recomn;endations t? the UNM Board of-Regents Simply call one of the previously-mentioned-tit··~ Jimmy Kruger made a speech injuries. on solymg the atrociOus parking situation at UNM groups by 5 p.m. today and suggest one of the The . committee will be soliciting opinions 0 ~ alternatives~ Alternative l.) 12 noon, Alternative ·, . hI ' parkmg .from the campus community at a meeting 2,) 3 p.m., or Alternative 3.) 7:30 p.m. We'll pass \,, .• c Dept Staff. next Tuesday in the Kiva on campus. . . the results along to Prof. Carney and Prof. ~~

A , t . et . . • · ==_;=~ p.~~e only problem is, the meeting will be held at 5 ~~!~~~:1~~r:;e~i~g~e get a good response, there'll -_====:~ ~ • · ~e at the LOBO, along with ASUNM, the The numbers are: .f' ssues .xp a nations Offlce for Research and Consumer Affairs ASUNM-277-5528. ~ I E I § (ORCA) a?d New Mexico Public Interest Group New Mexico Daily LOBO- 277-5656 § ~ 1 = (PIR~) thmk that's ·a pretty poor time for a ORCA- 277-2336 . S . :J Ac_:ording to fig~ res released. hy ~. · meetmg. We th~nk most students are 'long gone PIRG- 277-2757 ·'. ·• '' ' ~~~ :·'· ,,~,, , .. ,. ..,q~ By JAMES SMITH . the. UNM .Athletic De~artment,. E from campus by' p.m. Remember, if you don't do it, it won'1 get done. E ·. ' 1, LOBO Staff Writer Kn1ght received a pay luke from § Estelle Rosenblum and. John Carn'ey of the It only take a minute to call. § Several athletic staff members (cont. on pogo 6} - 1111111111111 II Ill II IIIII III II I II Ill I IIIII IIIII IIIII ~ 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 lllllllllillllllll I IIIII I II II I IIIII IIIII IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIJIIIIIIIIIIIIIIUIIIIIIII E who received·· substantial salary increases in the Athletic Depart­ ment budget were contacted Their Terms·Just Run Out Thursday for explanations for the hikes. Beverly Quinlan woman's athletic trainer, was given the Senators· Never Die highest salary increase. She said her ·Old salary was raised ·from $3,000 to Bill 15, which would make at­ After the swearing in of 12 newly By D.M. FLYNN The appropriated money will go $12,102 this year because she was tendance by senators to senate and elected senators, senator Anne "certified as an athletic trainer last . Asst. News Edito~ t'o travel expenses of three UNM undergraduate women who will committee meetings mandatory, Dunphy was elected president pro­ April." attend an international women's was defeated by a 5-7-0 vote at the tempore, defeating senator Mimi Quinlan said the job became conference in Houston. The women· Wednesday meeting. In a roll-call • Swanson who held the position available after the job she held as a . The ASUNM Senate ap­ vote, senators Benson, Dunphy, previously. The new senators will field hocky coach at UNM was propriated $180, defeated a cen­ Hernandez, Martin, Martinez, begin action next week. phased out. sorship act and ·elected a new will fly to El Paso and then drh;e to Houston during the weekend of ~oibal and Anaya voted to defeat In other action, Vice President The second largest raise went to president pro-tempore in the last Nov. 18. the bill. Dave Garcia announced that next Bill Silverberg, a track coach, meeting of the session. semester the senate will have its because of a pay loss that he suf­ meetings on Wednesday af­ fered when he fransferred from ternoons, rather 'than Wednesday Eastern New Mexico University in evenings. The· afternoon meetings Portales, he said. will attract more students and "I lost $7,000 in salary when I faculty, Garcia·said. transferred here July of 1976. At University Architect Van Dom · ENMU I was head track coach and Hooker and John Carney of the an assistant professor of health and Campus Planning Committee physical education," he said. presented the senate with a report Silverberg's salary'was increased by the parking subcommittee. from $1.9;ooo to $18,377 by the Hooker and Carney said they were Athletic Department. looking for input from the stuilent Those whose salaries show a body and announced a public ,t' .. .• _ significant hike in the non-revenue hearing on parking. The hearing, is sports catagory have jobs other tentavely scheduled for Tuesday at than just in the athletic department. 5 p.m. in the Kiva. Dick McGuire, director of UNM The appointments of Lanea ,. golf courses and professional Johnson to the Scholarships, golfer, said the salary increases Awards and Prizes and High charted in the tOBQ Thursday School Relations Committee and were misleading. Greg Jones to the Elections .. Dwaine Knight and Henry Commission were passed by a Sandles, both assistant golf in­ unanimous voice vote. structors, earn $6,000 per year for Senator . Phil Hernandez, coaching through the Atbletic representative to the Elections Department: The rest of their Commission, announced campaign income is derived from a second job violations during the Nov. 2 at the South Golf Course," he said. ASUNM general elections. The The golf course operates on a Coalition Party has been fined a budget· separate from the athletic total of $20, United Students for departmenL ASUNM Court Chief Justice Tod Pink (left) swears in newly-elected senators at the Direct Action (USDA) $30 and McGuire said Dwaine knight .ASUNM Senate meeting. From left to right the senators are McCrane, Marc Seid· Tom Fisher was fined $20. All of · worked about 30hours per weelc. at ·man, John Kelso, Stephany LeMay, Pat Toohey, Mimi Swanson, Joe Gorman and Leroy the fines were levied for violations the golf course and Henry Sandles of campaign rules concerning the put in about 40 hol!rs. Warrln. , placement of campaign posters.

- ..... "0 ..... "' "' """'..... -" Fund-Raising Dinner -.... Grad Students z World News Regents Eye Fee ;.: Promoted for Loans ·cut "::;· £. AfJo-American ·studies and 0 o" tuition and book expenses, t1 .0 Omega Psi Phi fraternity will hold The UNM Board ofRegents are considering making She said GSA preserited a 15 minute talk at the D el • ....! The Career Ladder their annual National Achievement Bailey said the emergency loan only graduate students who carry six or more hours meeting emphasizing the danger to GSA funding, -7, b Egypt Okays Talk Plans Week banquet on Sunday, Nov. 13, fund is used by the Afro-American pay the $11 graduate student fee said Margaret Moses, which is provided by the $11 fee, if the Regents do ·~ b at 4 p.m. in the SUB ballroom, pro­ Studies to provide student~ with $50 Graduate Student Association (GSA) president. decide to put a cutoff on the fee. o' Cl"' Egypt softened its stand on PLO Israel was doubttul. Begin said he welcomed the latest .0 0 gram director, Harold Bailey said to $100 in short-term loans. "The Regents haven't yet decided where the cutoff She said four major problems WO\lld arise: the GSA 'I (.) representation at Geneva and has In Tel Aviv, Prime Minister Egyptian· peace overtures and if z .. ;1 will be, but they're thinking of exempting those budget would be cut by over third; much of the 0 'R agreed to a new U.S. formula for Menahem Begin said he was not Sadat flew to Tel Aviv. "! will go Is Still Hard Climb Thursday. The fund-raising dinner Keynote speaker for the banquet a The survey's findings bolstered a proceeds will help provide is Edgar Burnett, educator and graduate students carrying Jess thasn six hours from money provided to services such as the Lobo, KUNM ;i ~" reconvening peace talks. Arab and aware of any new U.S. working out myself to Lod (Ben-Gurion) ANN ARBOR Mich. - Despite 3 theory held by many economists emergency loans for students and Omega Psi Phi member. Bailey said paying the fee," she said. Child Day Care Center, etc. would have to be cut; the o' < :;:c Western diplomats in Cairo said paper for Geneva. "I don't think Airport to receive him. We shall affirmative action programs, there At present all graduate students pay the $11 fee. cutoff would hurt departmental GSA's because their ... " Thursday. President Carter this is a truthful piece of informa­ receive him with all honors due a will be a substantial income gap that a dual,labor market exists in scholarships for freshmen. the banquet will have the locally­ "' z She said the Board of Regents hasn't come to a funding comes from the campus GSA; and the campus welcomed the Egyptian stand but tion," he said. president." between young Blacks and young which Blacks tend to be admitted C. J. Jones, amemberofOmega based Jr. Uhuru Sasa dance troop - ' "'. only into less attractive, less Psi Phi and co-chairman of the present a voodoo . dance. Ticket decision on the fee cutoff pending hearing of the other GSA represents all graduate students, but GSA cannot - bll President Carter, warning that The diplomatic sources in Cairo Whites for the next decade, " lucrative jobs, Hoffman said. price also includes a full-course soul side's viewpoint, that is, those students taking less represent those graduate students who do not pay the -._,~ 0.. the Middle East was "teetering" on said Sadat now no longer insists economists said Thursday. banquet, said part of the money '" Covered "People are beginning to argue than six hours who do not want to pay the fee, fee. the brink of a new war, told a news that the PLO be explicitly listed as a A continuing University of will be added to the Student Aids food buffet. 'IIV"agon conference in Washington he was participant at Geneva. Michigan survey that has gauged that it's time to stop government fund and used for scholarships to The banquet is open to the "pleased" with Egyptian President Instead, the said, he accepts the the financial growth of 5,000 U.S. interference," he said. "But this needy Black freshmen by covering public. Makers of Jta"nd Made families for 10 years detected study suggests that affirmative Indian )e~elry Anwar Sadat's statement Wed­ inclusion of "Palestinians" in a single Arab deleg<~tion on the serious obstacles on the career action is clearly necessary - the OLDTOWN nesday that he would be willing to go to Jerusalem to negotiate peace. understanding that a low-level PLO ladder for young Blacks, the problem is not going away and will "I hope that Jordan and Syria representative be present. economists said. not resolve itself." Sliding Through The Ages in Art Library .t<,yeglasses or Contact Lenses and Lebanon will make a similar The sources said the new "The popular belief these days is One day service, quality and response to us," Carter said. American formula calls for the that 'Whites are in trouble (because style at reasonable cost United States and the Soviet Union, of affirmative action) and people Syria was reported to be un­ Rail Rates By ROBERT ALMY grow because of a larger 'budget to photography, American Indian art, in the modern 2-inch square slides. two slide reviewing rooms for as conference co-chairmen, to issue think Blacks, except possibly teen­ Casey Optical Co. decided and the sources said Sadat LOBO Staff Writer· purchase slides. crafts and modern art, but smaller students,;, said Bunting. would soon make a trip to invitations to the countries con­ agers, are doing well. But that just {.\f'l/ door lo ( ·a.H'If Fif•tu/1 JJrug) ,,a Greek sculptor who in the areas of classical sculpture, Bunting said one weakness in the cerned saying the elements of a isn't the case," said Saul Hoffman, Richardson said the library now Lomas at Wa

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.. r-..... -"' [1~~[}4~ -.... z - ~[!)CJU'CDC!40AO..~ :;; ..0"' "' ~ ii::: > CDCPa~OCD~~ ro 0 z I ~· 0 ~------~------~ \:) ..0 0 e:. ,...l ·< The Catbird's Seat r' .a 0 ·o;; James Garner and Lou Gossett 8 cr­ 0 p 0 FREE p.m. ch.l3. z ,;,i Dante's. Degree GI Blues, a 1960 Elvis movie where o I' ""' Television he sings, of all things. 10:55 p.m. ~ ::E by Tim Gallagher onl3. cr- ~ Friday \ Biood and Saud, 1941 version of !:1 z"' FOUR YEARS I suff'rd getting through this place, .; I Don't Give Up the Ship, man Ibanez's "Sangre y Arena" with ;:::: But I should have known, the UNM gods held a final ace. overboard at 2:30p.m. on ch. 7. Tyrone Power, Anthony Quinn - m'"' Only one more semester awaits this editor, Intimate ·Strangers, any body's and Rita Hayworth. ll :JS p.m. ;:j 11< yet the gods would ruin a Saturday morning, me they'd tediously guess on this one, 8 p.m. ch. 7. ch. 13. Ole. bore. Seven Lillie Foys, Bob Hope's Charlie Cobb: Nice Night for a One final requirement in order to leave the rest, classic with Milly Vitale 11:30 Hanging, (but aren't they all?) One more annoyance - the 88th hour test. p.m. ch. 13. made for T.V. with Clu Gulagcr, SOME UNIVERSITY big-wig, had been the one to say, Ralph Bellamy and Stella Stevens "Those lay-about seniors, let's make them pay, Saturday 11;30p.m. ch. 4. When I went to college, it was really tough, . Frat parties, goldfish, bobby sox, now that was rough. A double Life, Ronald Coleman's Cultural and Other I knowwhat we'll do, we've got the power, Oscar winning performance with UNM Concert Clloir, directed by We'll give them this test, after the 88th hour, Edmond O'Brien and Shelly John Clark will perform Sun. at and we woo't let them go, 'till it's complete, I '· Winters at noon ch. 13. 7:30 p.m. at the First Methodist Yes, if they don't take it, their diplomas we'll delete. Amateur Boxing, U.S, and Cuban Church, 4th and Lead. What matters their score, who cares if it's blank? pugilists toe to toe at 3 p.m. ch. 7. Guitar recital, by UNM student Don't worry about that, I'm just an old crank." \ The Godfather, Doan toucha that Dale Miller on Fri. 8:15p.m. in AND SO FROM among 21,000, all seniors were plucked, v- dial. Marlon Brande, AI Pacino, Keller Hall. And that test, I'll tell you, it was really · • James Caan and Robert de Niro l11ute recital, by UNM student Did I forget to announce? It was fill in the blank. in Puzo's classic. Part I at 8 p.m. Eileen Doyle 8:15 Sun. in Keller Yes, that vocabulary test was really quite rank. .. ch. 4. Hall. The reading comprehension, my taste it didn't cater, DOONESBURY Monty. Python, English humor with Photography exhibit, by two You see I know nothing, of multi-screen radar. Michael Palin and the gang at Canadian photographers Robert 7:30p.m. ch. 5. The math was no better, calculus always gave me woe, The Iceman Writeth ZONklil?. HARRIS, YOU'Re Gooblar and Philip Bergerson in My answer to the queries, uhhh, "D. There ain't enough info." the ASA Gallery through Nov. tu!P&LY R£13/IROW As Butch Cassidy and the Sundance It's funny how memories, sometimes they fade. AN ASTIJTe 08S&YI31<. 18. Open 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Mon. ., Kid, Newman and Redford shoot But didn't I take this test before, in the sixth grade? OF 71/B LtJCAL. CAM- through Fri. ' BETWEEN EXAMS the tester announced a break, PIJS sCENe .. up in Bolivia 7:30p.m. ch. 7. Paintings and Sculpture by Wilson ·£.. ) But his next proclamation was more than I could take, Losers Unite I Barrier, a Polish fantasy with Hurley and Walt Gonske at the Oh how that announcement brought upon gloom, Joanna Szczerbic and Tadeusz Brandywine Galleries, 120 ' "You can leave your seat, but you can't leave the room." Lomnicki at 10 p.m. ch. 5. Morningside SE. Open 9:30a.m. "Kind sir," I said, as I raised my hand, • by Steve Smith Last Train frorn Gmi Hill, chugga to 5:30 Mon. through Fri: and "I have a slight problem, I'm sure you'll understand, chugga weo woo with Kirk 9:30a.m. to 1:30 p.m. on Sat. 1 heard a news story on the radio this summer about a gentleman in Douglas and Anthony Quinn tied See I left home in a hurry, and that's no bull, Katherine Ross Robert Redford and Paul Newman strike a pose in the box office smash "Q.utch (;ood Time Gallery, presents And now it's my bladder, you see it's quite fJ!II." France who had decided to end it all. down on the right track. 10:30 paintings and drawings by I1 :, Cassidy and the 'sundance Kid." The show begins at 7:30p.m. on ch. 7. See this page for other "No way," he said with a look that was cruel, This unhappy soul apparently tried several unsuccessful methods to n.m. ch. 7. Gledhill through Dec. 3, 3107 complete the deed including washing down his wife's contraceptive weekend ev.ents. "You can't leave the room, a rule is a rule." ! Journey to the Center of the Earth, The Poseidon Adventure, bottoms Eubanck NE Scottsdale Village. pills with a half liter of red wine. · Long Days Journey Into Night, Sunday SO TO MY SEAT I return'd, with two hours to go, an animated version of Jules Reception Sat. 7 to 9 p.m. Finally he decided that turning on the gas in his house would do the O'Neill's classic drama with up with Hackman, Borgnine, Just a trip to the john, would surely make me glow, Championship Wrestling, grap­ Verne's novel at 3 p.m. ch. 13. Winters, Albertson, McDowall Detty J. Pritchard oil and acrylic trick. As he waited to be overcome he decided to have one last Katharine; Hepburn and Jason But I was stuck here, taking this examination, plingmattersat 10 a.m. ch. 7. Monster Zero, Redan and Godzilla paintings at the Jonson Gallery, cigarette, but, as fate would have it, there wasn't a cigarette in the Robards at 11:30 p.m. ch. 13. A and Stevens glug glug at 8 p.m. If only I could spend 10 minutes in blissful urination. Houston at Oakland, NFL action at destroy Japan again, this time 1909 Las Lomas NE through house. . must. ch. 7. "Open your test booklets," the ogre said. 2p.m. ch.4. with Nick Adams at 3 p.m. ch. 7. Skin Game, Civil War satire with Dec. 2. Open Noon to 6 p.m. I crossed my legs and through the test fled. Being in no particular hurry and anxious for a smoke he went to the Mon. through Sun. local tobacconist. By the time he got back home he had forgotten all . 7EU US, 7711311, ZONI



'. ----~------~------~-// .... By UNM Researchers -"' Graduate Program Uranium De_posits Sought -.... Three New Mexico schools have Dr. Brookins said. ''lf New Mexico In addition, the study would About Peopl.e--. ~ ::; .0" combined efforts to evaluate the is to coqtinue to play a major role provide information about the <" s Offered Nights possibility of scattered uranium and in terms of the U.S. energy supply, geothermal potential of the area. Hearings Methods Probed ;> [ "0 thorium deposits related to the Zuni new sources of uranium must be Dr. Brookins said scientists are Beauty Queen Busted missions and records at UNM, who Whenever a person is denied un­ (ESC) and the state Health and z Working persons in the Albu­ and Florida Mountains in the found," he added. unsure if high hear-flow readings HOLLYWOOD (UP!) - Miss Universe for 1961, Constance querque Legal Aid Society has only 8 0 noted that more than 70 per cent of employment insurance or welfare Social Services Dept., the .0 querque area can now pursue a southern part of the state, from the area are due to the Meyer, was arrested late Wednesday by police who allegedly found. been able to represent people from ~ 0 the University's students are over The study is also geared to benefits, he or she is entitled to researchers are now collecting data ....l master's degree in history parttime Working with a $61,497 grant radiation emitted from such cocaine, marijuana and the hallucinogenic drug PCP, or "angel nearby areas, mainly in Bernalillo ~ 21-years-old. The average student appe;U the decision to an admini­ >. through a UNM program offering from the State Energy Resources provide data about the abundance minerals as uranium and thorium dust," in her apartment. on current costs involved in the fair County. If these hearings could b :a special late afternoon and evening age at UNM is 25, he said. Board, the study is being conducted of thorium, which i's used in or whether their source is from strator who constantly travels hearing process, successfully be conducted over the 0' Q Miss Meyer, 36, was booked on suspicion os possession of cocaine 9 courses. by the UNM department of converter reactors. If the study around the state to hold hearings in "The ESC has eight agents who phone, it may enable lawyers from 0 The University has always of­ geothermal energy from deep and ordered held ori $50,000 bail. The higher bail was set because Miss .~ "This i.~ one of the first graduate geology, Eastern New Mexico shows the mountains have· con­ within the earth, various towns. travel around the state right now," Legal Aid to represent many more ~ fered some courses in the late after­ Meyer was already free on bail in connection with a Nov .3 narcotics programs in the humanities con­ Univesity (ENMU) and the New centrations of uranium, charge. The tremendous costs involved in says Corsi, "and the agency people in the fair hearing process." ~ :E""' noon and evening, he said, but only sciously designed to reacb out to the Mexico Institute of Mining and "presumably, this area will be The grant will fund the project this method of conducting fair estimates that travel costs alone are After the current process is 0' ;:: in the last year has there been a Police said Miss Meyer called officers to complain about a former working community," said Dr. Technology (NMIMT). thorium-rich as well," he said. through Aug. 14, 1978. hearings is being evaluated by a equivalent to one agent's yearly evaluated, researchers will begin to ::!; " push to expand them, This fall boyfriend who was bothering her. Officers noticed the drugs in the z Gerald D. Nash, history dept. Dr. Douglas G. Brookins, group of UNM researchers. Jerome salary." experiment with hearings con­ v5 UNM took several steps to focus apartment and arrested the woman. ! chairman. He added that the kinds chairman of the UNM geology Corsi of UNM's public administra­ At the same time this financial ducted through conference tele- - attention on its non-traditional The exact amount of each substance was not disclosed. "~ of individuals he hopes to attract dept., said the mountains could tion dept. is heading up the study (analysis) is being conducted, the phone calls, Telephone hearings, j p... offerings, he said, including: with the new program are primarily provide information for future under a grant from the National group is also collecting baseline both with and without legal -Increasing the number of late Beatles Statue Ok'd Royal Kiss-Off employed college graduates over sources for uranium and thorium Science Foundation. data on the dynamics of the present representaiton, will be tape­ afternoon and evening courses ADELAIDE, Australia (UP!) ·- The girl who stole a kiss from 25-years-old. supplies. "Our goal," says Corsi, His to hearing process. Transcripts of recorded and the types of com­ available (about 550 classes fell into Britains Prince Charles came back for seconds Thursday at the airport "We're trying to overcome the The Grants Mineral Belt, which determine whether or not these previous hearings are being munication will then be compared this category this semester); when the heir to the British throne departed. hesitation older people, and house­ in 1975 accounted for ap­ Despite Their/mage administrative fair hearings could examined and with the aid of video­ with that in the face-to-face hearing -Issuing a separate catalog for But this time, Sylvia Cresnar, a 28-year-old model who says she wives in particular, may have about pr~ximately 45 per cent of the be just as effectively conducted taping equipment, they will record procedure. such classes; and LIVERPOOL, England (UPI) - The city council has decided to poses nude for magazines, was kept away from the prince by a burly attending graduate school," he nation's total domestic production · over the telephone, and how the various hearings and later evaluate "We won't begin this second -Placing advertisements and erect a statue of the Beatles, four of its most famous sons. policeman and a policewoman, said. Special counseling along with of uranium, is expected to remain a costs of that method would com-. the interaction and levels of com­ phase of the study untillhe fall of public service announcements in the The council's action reversed the decision of a council committee Miss Cresnar, who lined up at the airport with roses, a:greeting card the times the classes are to be of­ major source for future uranium pare to the costs of sending admini­ munication between the parties 1978," says Corsi, "but throughout media about the courses. which earlier vetoed the statue proposal on grounds that the Beatles and a friendship ring for the prince, was told by the policeman: "Put involved in the hearings. fered will mean these students supplies. strators from town to town con­ the course of our research, we will deserted Liverpool as soon as they became popular and in any case did your toes over the grass edge and they'll be trodden on." ducting the hearings in person." "We will also be comparing the "won't have to sacrifice current But, "projected uranium not set a good example for youth. be reporting our findings to the Both Weaver and Nash noted Miss Cresnar, who lined up at the airport with . "About a year ago," he says, effectiveness 'or the hearing process activities to continue their studies," requirements are such' that known agencies involved and be writing that ·there has been an increasing The full council decided during a one-hour debate Wednesday nigh( Miss Cresnar nearly wept with frustration. "I've fallen in love WJth in terms of whether or not the I he said, and postulated deposits of the "the state agencies in California articles on the study for. various interest in non-traditional students that a statue was merited because the group's talent had given Liver­ him," she said. started conducting hearings over applicant is represented by .legal The program was applauded by (Grants) region will be insufficient pool international recognition. publications." l Robert M. Weaver, dean of ad- nationally because of declining Charles Strode purposely past the girl and talked to others in the the phone, but so far no one has counsel," says Corsi. "People who traditional student enrollments. to meet demand by 1990 to 2000," line before taking a flight to Alice Springs. He was adamant he did not scientifically tested the cost­ request a hearing are entitled to CONTACT LENS SPECIAL Nash said he was also aware of 1------1 kiss tshe girl ort arrival Wednesday but said it was the girl who kissed. effectiveness, and effects upon legal counsel, usually from the . New tint enhances eyes the needs· of senior citizens. "We the women's department to him twice, sources close to the prince said. hearing quality of his new Le&al Aid Society." Call us for price had one Ph.D. candidate who' got Women's Athletic Director Linda method." "However," he adds, "because • • • Athletic Dept. Estes. He said he receiv~d the C_asey Optical Co. his degree at age 66," he said. "He · . $5,220, ~rooks said he earned Working with the New Mexico that agency cannot afford to send (rrexl door to Cosey Rerall Drug) ' (cont. from page 1) minimal raise for coaching the got it mostly for his own $2,720 from coaching the men's And He Didn't Bump His Head Employment Security Commission lawyers around the state, the Albu- Lomas at Washington men's team because they did not satisfaction." $6,000 to $12,000 and Sandles from program and earned $2,500 from PORTLAND Ore. (UPI) - Former President Gerald Ford 255-8736 • think coaching was a 9 or 12 month $11,637 to $15,006. coaching the women's ski team. Thursday dedicated a $6.8 million, 200-bed addition to Emanuel · Men's and women's skiing coach job. = = said the men's athletic· Lavon McDonald, UNM Athletic Hospital, calling it "a great tribute to the people of the City of Geocge Brooks said most of $3,663 budget raised his salary to $2,883 Director, said the salary listed for Portland" because the hospital chose to ~xpand in the inner city. to $8,883 raise came from the this year for coaching the men's Rusty Mitchell, a gymnastics in-' On a tour of the hospital before the dedication, Ford greeted women's athletic budget. Brooks team and he got a $3 ,500 raise for patients, signed the cast of patient Larry Quinlan of Beaverton and said he made $5,220 last year, yet coaching the women's team which structor, did not indicate that he held' two different jobs. "He earns discussed skiing for several minutes with Tom McAllister, outdoor the athletic department reported raised his salary to $6,000·this year. editor of the Oregon Journal, who is in the hospital recovering from $9,391 coaching and the other Sat. Nov. 12 is New Mexico that he made $2,883. Of that Brooks credited the raise from auto accident injuries. $9,450 teaching gymnastics in the P.E. Department." Athletic Oirector McDonald said most of the salary increases in the Tito's Okay various departments are based BELGRADE Yugoslavia (UP!) - President Josip Broz Tito is primarily on an automated feeling well and is carrying out domestic state activities, a Yugoslav minimum increase (which is 5 per government spokesman said Thursday. cent for football and basketball The spokesman, Mirko Kalezic, said Tito, 85, was resting at doctors coaches, for instance) in com­ advice because" of fatigue but the "president's health ,condition is 'o pliance with regular university good." policy. . When asked about Tito's wife, J ovanka Broz, Kalezic told his ' Pat King, assistant basketball weekly news conference, "It is not nice to ask such a question." coach, could not be reached for his Tito's wife has not been seen in public since June and rumors in imput. His salary is listed as a hike Belgrade said she was in a political disgrace with the president. "It is a Decriminalization Day ·------.---from $6,000 to $9,090 this year. private affair of the president and his wife," Kalezic said. 1. PERSONALS Watergate and God DON'T GO HOME FOR THANKSGIVING without knowing if you are one of the following crowd: Toby Allcncio, Mc\anle Carver, Dorothy Feinberg, NEW YORK (UP!) - Faith healer Ruth Carter Stapleton, the Tina Medina, Jon Tuttle. Elizabeth Budd, Alan President's sister, said Thursday that Watergate opened the way to the Dumas, David Shaw. Contact Classified Advertis­ Ing, Marron Hall, Rm. 105 or ca11277-S6S6. 11116 healing of the United States' collective spirit. This ·Saturday you can do your ACCURATE INFORMATION ABOUT contraccp· "Watergate was the one thing that opened the United States to the tion, sterilization, abortion. Right lo Choose, 294- collective consciousness of all of our sins," she told a news con­ 0171. 12/3 ference. part to decriminalize marijuana Arlen Asher Jau Quartet every Friday, 5:30 to 7:30 Citing a list of the country's "sins" that ranged from the Vietnam The hustle at p.m. at Ned's! ' 11/10 CONTACTS?? Polishing & solutions. Casey Optical War to the treatment of American Indians, Mrs. Stapleton said, "All in Albuquerque. Marijuana the. hard stuff. Company, 255-8736. tfn the negative emotions that were there were brought out in to the open SIBERIAN HUSKY NEEDS good loving home with (with Watergate)." · . . Wtthout the lotsdfroom. Call arter6 a.m. 26a-IOB2. II/II initiative petitions will be PASSPORT, IMMIGRATION, 1.0. photos. Lowes( Mrs. Stapleton, who is completmg a seven-mo.nth tou; promotmg hassle! prices in lown. Fast, pleasing. Call 265-2444 or her faith work and her two books, also said she d1d not disapprove of cometoi717Gira!'dNE. 11/18 her brother Billy Carter's free-wheeling ways. , available at both General Stores GAY LIBERATION CLUB starting Thurs. 7-12 "Billy is not an embarassment. He is one of those people who lives p.m.; Sun. 2-10 p.m. Gays only. 255-4409. 11/22 ELVIS WADE re-lives Elvis Presley in concert: Fri­ life to the fullest." The last time I said anuthing nice about Billy he day, December 2, 1977, 7:30 p.m.;- Albuquerque called me up and said, 'You're ruining my reputation." locations. Also, lOc out of every Civic Auditorium. Tickets available at all Tlckcl­ mastet outlets. 11/15 All natural GIRLS! Interested in having a nice night ottl1 Call dollar spent at the General KID,266-8179. 11/11 flavors! DESPERATELY NEED old-fashioned Tiffany toke gla~s from Whatabo.rger to complete my set! Will Stores this Saturday "'rill be pay $1.50. Karen, 277-4278. 11/14 GROOVE TO THE SPACEADELIKS, Saturday IN THE night at the SubwnySta!ionf t 1/14 Lt::SBIANS intcre~tcd in playing volleyball there GREAT donated to will be a game(\) Sunday, Nov. 13th, Morningside f'ark, (Lead and Morningside) nt 2 p.m. 11/11 NOW! NUNZIO's ha!i. whole wllcilt piua ...terrific BUY'N'BUY... cru~t! Sicilian piwl •. ,ic, a slice of delight! Rcgulilr S€ Wine Cocktails isrcgularlnuperb.I07 CorncllSE. I 1/17 JUAREZ is the perfect "angel" ROSEBUD THANKYOU PHIL ll/11 An idea wl)ose time has come! Ann, .latH~. Maria, Diane: Cri~l"' and 1!01:}' day~ ahcnd. for entertaining friends. It just Ready-to-serve cocktails ... HnvC:'t!o!OOd winter, IIIli tiptoes through the cocktails ... only they're made with Califor­ SINGLE? Meet sincere member-;: of the oppo~ite .~.:x. mixes so quietly you scarcely nia white wine instead of the Be cool! Wear The Cube! Call DA 'rELINE toll· free: S00-4S 1~3245. 11/28 hard stuff to be lighter, more know it's there. refreshing. All-natural flavors! Get this beautiful Ice House necklace by DuBarry 2. LOST AND FOUND Fifth Avenue for $3.50, includes:tax, postage. Cube, A heavenly )largain too! And Chi Chi taste.s jus! like a Pina tongs on 24" chain. Mail check/money order to: FIND YOURSELF in the Peace Corps. Or!cga 233. your local liquor merchant will assure Colada. 277-5!Xl7. fs Strawberry Senorita tastes just ICE HOUSE NECKLACE • P.O. BOX 9 • BROOKLYN, NY 11232 LOST: reversible jacket beige ennvas, brown-bclgc you that , . , you~ take it with you. wool plaid. Elasticized wnist belt. $20.00 reward. GENERAL like a Sirawberry Margarita. Name ______266·9415. Just want the jacket. 11/11 Senorita tastes just like a FOUND: ncar bookstore, man's jacket. Claim Rm.

Margarita. 105 1 Marro11 Hall. 11/11 Sunburst tastes just like a Address ------LOST: thin gold chain, vicinity Jo.hnson Gym. Sunrise. Reward. 268-7264. . 11/14 Orange Smash tastes just like a LOSL: 12-wcck orange striped male cat. On STORES Wallbanger. --~-----~Zip ____ Columbia SEt Call 255·8872: owner suffering 1 Kona Tal tastes just like a Mal Tal. Allow 4-6 weeks for delivery. ·severe depression: 1 ' ' .t Calypso tastes just like a Daiquiri. Classifieds ~~~,g~,l;__,i!;~~~v 111 Harvard SE • 8117 Menaul NE TEQUIIAJALISCO S.A. • ' sr. LOUIS, MO., SO PROOF Ale. 14%, by volume. A product of Trojan Continue rEDUILA Wine Specialties, Los Angeles, California. - On page 16

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MARVELOUS MARANTZ This weekend is the time to buy that new stereo system, or add the rest of your set-up. It's a weekend event on the finest in SENSATIONAL SYSTEM ALL PRICES LISTED . stereo equipment. Choose from hundreds of incr~dible buys on ARE CASH PRICES ONLY such names as Marantz, Sansui, Pioneer, ECI and many others. Remember: WE'VE GOT YOUR STEREO, WE'VE GOT YOUR $299 Power and performance from the com­ PRICE! PERIOD! Quantities limited on some items. pany reknowned for excellence. The Marantz 2238 AM/FM Receiver brings FREEWAY SERANADE. *SANVO g:;r;~,~~-'fi'~i(.,~~$' t THE great Nothing fills a home with more joy th~n great stereo. g Custom Hi-Fi Knows! Sanyo's 2100K AM/FM Stereo Receiver brings hlgh technology home, reasonably. Power and flexibility abound. With BSR's 2260 Total Turntable complete 27 with base, dustcover and cartridge, and ECI's Profile 400 _...... :.. .. BARGAIN BASEMENT Speakers, you're talking great!

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• / r- • "',..., 'U "'. ~ -.... A~WI U:[!)IJ1JCJJ~ - 0 ~ z ">< 0 r;· .0 Compiled by GEORGE (lESNER your eye you could see him 'sadism (The Decameron) his All 0 0 smiling while your nerves reacted ....l and DAN HUMENICK main cinematic concerns were seats tl .Q like water on a hot greasy skillet . "' Heroes Ate Hatd to Find Valentino Vivid Damnation Alley: George Peppard ."ultra-terrestial and meta­ 94c '< 'til Jog over to the Galeria Twin at 7 physical apparitions," "Con­ t"'"" Q and Jan-Michael Vincent (of the and 9:30p.m. • FM94ROCK 0 0 summate idyllic considerations of r::r u society once they return, and Jack Dunn, a sweetly crazy vet who Banana Splits) trek through a Heroes: This road picture deals '>( "Heroes," directed by Jeremy Paul "Va/efl(ino," directed by Ken nalists into revealing aspects of the prostitution," and possibly his MIDNITE SHOW .0 u whether these veterans will want to has escaped from a mental hospital Russell, is showing at the Louisiana phony looking low-budget with the attempts of a lunatic Kagan, is now showing at the Los actor's life, or offer them up in favorite theme, "unique tbioanti­ 0z ::E become part of society. Heroes' in New York City and travels across futuristic landscape. Everywhere Vietnam vet to become a farmer . Friday Umes: < ti: Altos. Blvd. Cinema. gross tributes to their own ex" monious reversal ffows, rever­ College studQnts

/ / '· ", ·. .\ / - ..... : 0\ VInyl Tracks rtt~ "tl -. . ' """'0 -.... w~ ,.0" J~ ~ 5 ~ ;.. On Top of the Wotld 0 ;s: z ~. 0 n ,0 0 0 ....l No.zo.teth-Scotland Lucio Kit Carson Rifle at Stake 0 !!!. "fl'xpecl No Mercy" I Nazareth/A &M Records Sl'-4666 .:;; ~ t"' Cl By Dan Humcnick Bnttisti 0 0' 8 Nazareth is one group that is never boring. Unlike most other prac­ _o '5 titioners of hard rock music, such as Thin Lizzy and Bad Company, they ~ -~tnly Lobos Face Arizona Showdown ~ il: are consistently listenable to. ;i Dan McCufferty, , and are By PETER MAD~ID night's game wi~h identical 1-3 "!hey (Arizona) use ~ lot of Ellis, ~nd Dave Wyrick. with his passing game, UNM will 3 "' C' z highly expert craftsmen, and together they have formed one of the most LOBO Sports Ed1tor Western Athletic Conference motion, and sweep plays, ·· Mondt . Belund the passing game will be have no one finer toting the ball ,_, .... "Images"!Lucio Battisti . UNM footba~l coach Bill Mo~dt records.' On ~he s.eason, UNM is 4-5 said, "and also like to throw the the arm of C.J. Jones. Jones will than junior Mike Williams. " solid sounding and commercially successful power-rock groups currently RCA TFLI-1839 "'" in existence. Chronicle d1dn't take a nfle out to practice andAnzona IS 2-6. ball. ~hey have two fine quarter- start at the helm for Mandt but . , .- ~ one day because the-Lobos were on Mandt said, "Arizona's team is backs m Marc Lunsford and Jim Mondt said he will play Noei The b_ulhsh fullback had hrs best p.. For those interested in hard rock and in Nazareth, this new album is ~ By GEQRGE GESNER the firing line. But he did take it out better than their 2-6 record shows," Krohn who like- to throw, use the Mazzone. game tins season against UTEP last ..... highly recommended. Not one song is weak, and each one delivers the there tci remind them of th·e The Lobos picked up their first option, and sprint outs." weekend, rushing for 236 yards in listener what Nazareth hs promised: no mercy. This is a relentlessly pound­ Chtonicle-Japnn Arizona game Saturday night in WAC win last week~nd by downing Of the teams who have beaten the "C,J. will start but I expect to 47 carries. ing, high voltage collection that contains not one quiet moment (unless one Italy has a true pop hero. His Tucson. Texas-El Paso 33-17 and Arizona Wildcats, a passing game seemed to play both he and Noel. Noel is counts the pauses between songs), name is Battisti, Jn Images, Battisti "Like a Message From the Stars "/Chronicle/All Ears CH 11477 Leading the Lobo defense this The ri fie, a I 0-pound, four-foot lost by a 35-14 score at the hands of be the element that did the 'Cats in. feeling better this week, last week The best cut is "Expect No Mercy," which, because of,its superfast pace has his first American release-which By GEOIWE (;ESNER weekend well be sophomore long 1865 Springfield muzzle Colorado State. Mondt said, "Arizona plays a 5-2 he was sick." Mondt said. Charles Baker with 99, followed by and shrieking vocals, will probably become a hit the size of Nazareth's includes some cuts previously The orient has always been called the mystical east. loader, is the Kit Carson rifle UNM Commenting on the UTEP game, defense, which is tough against the Robert Rubmaugh with 78, and previous smash, "." recorded in his native language. In sense the far east has remained distant to our borders, musically, a. and Arizona have played for the Mondt said, ~'In the first half we run. They have a good secondary Should Jones mix running plays Marion Cham pan with 73. He has a tender voice and good and tlus All Ears debut release of Like A Message from the. Stars by the musical sense but it wears thin on past 36 years. had lots of problems, but we won' in but they only have three men in #*****fr****************************~ four-man Japanese group Chronicle should at least cause a ripple in UNM has held the rifle the past the second half. We dominated the there. They use five men on the some of the cuts. Best cuts are: "To American music circles. ; NFb ...... Feel in Love," "Song to Feel two years although the Wildcats second half and it sure makes me line, commit the two outside men, Something New We have little somethlngs FL ; This album is a dream. If you could imagine a Japanese Moody•Biues or hold a 21-14-1 edge in the series. feel good. My coaches made the and putthree in the short zone." that you can afford ~ ,0'~\'Hf();t- ..... 1: Alive" and "Keep on Cruising." B Frijid Pink, then Chronicle lives up to those titles on this.LP . in Old Town ...,.. ~ ~ ~}. ..,.- minus. Saturday night's game will mark right adjustments." · · If UNM does come out passing, I Vocals are not as strong as I'd like, but one must take into account the the last time both teams will play Mondt said Arizona runs out of a Mondt will have fine receivers in ~ ~~~.r~ Football ~ difficult texture and intricate patterns of the Japanese language. The in­ for the rifle. power 'I' formation, much like Preston Dennard , Chris Combs, • 14 kt chain bracelets struments. make up for the vocal deficiencies, especially the guitar wizardry Both teams go into Saturday what Colorado ran out of. Ricky Martin, Walt Arnold, Keith under$9.00 * * ofNobuo Hotchi. • Turquoise, diamonds, * •..:ii.. Follies * Chronicle has given me a refreshing look at Japanese rock which is " . , "....:* ;t . r,;:' ,.,~··, -" :J1 - ·~ ... ·;., chains ~ ·~ ~ similar yet different in many ways to the music you hve been exposed to in ilik.l{<,¥ ....._ J'~ ~ •.-· --. __ fir.·:·~~'- ·.. _;·-- • -' 1 lf '." '1 . +· . . the states. .. . o/1 ~~: . .~.~. 't. t: ~ ·...... ··. """ .d.~~ .. ~ ;,~~~ On Video TQpe ~ 'f. ' 'f/( ~. '<1, .,.4, . . '• . ,;": 'fl, ,. "'. 'loli\,c .~ 400 San Felipe NW E2 Best cuts are "Ai Ni Tsutsumare (It Always Is)," "Yume Kara Samete 242·0211 II (Then Dream Again)," "Tashikematai (I'd Like To Make)," "Hikarini .') ,;("'. ' . . , .,.lf,. . ' *~ 10-3pm Do.ii.Y ~* Tsutsumare (Wrapped in Sunlight)" and the all time cut is "Like a """ * * Message from the Stars." A minus .±~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ Nov. 14-18 ~ Caldern-Latin Ametica ~ • DO.nce to • 'it'• • • *~ In mesa Lounge in the *~ "Sky ls/antls "!Caldera/Capitol ST-11658 N.E. corner of the By BRIAN MATTHEWS ! TRAVELLER : * * Caldera is seven people. They spread their origins from California to * SUB across from Prontos * Argentina. Their music is a conzlommeration of Latin (salsa), progressive • • rock and jazz-and on Sky Islands it comes off very well. : FREE in the Hokono. Cellar : *~ · Sponsored b_y *~ Individually, Caldera (sp. melting pot, volcanic crater) have been in­ ~FREE studentactivities FREE~ volved in several different JUUSical mediums. The leader George Struniz, : Tonite from 9pm-lo.m : was ~ pr~fess!onal flamenco.guitarist at 17; Mike Azevado (percussionist) • • ~**********************************l Lucio Battisti put t1me m :v1th the Paul Wmter Consort, Gato Barbieri and the Rolling • • Stones;. bass1st Dean Cortez has played with Willie Bobo. Manhattans and • • #1e Dr,j.f4ers; ,and drummer Carlos Vega kept time with JohnJ(lemmer and • • Mark/Almond. • • In Caldera's music you can hear pieces of Herbie Hancock, Chick • • C,2r:a, ~eatlter Report, Eberhard Weber, Santana and Earth, Wind and • • !tre. But, Caldera must be listened to as a group. All the exposure, all the • • mfluence1(come together on the record. Sky Islands is well produced- the • • quality stand out. . • • The operrilrg cut· and title track (written by co-producer Larry Dunn, • • keyboardist of Earth, Wind and Fire) takes off, soaring with the group's • • staccato vocals on a heavy rhythm line, much like Maurice White's "Sun • • Goddess." ( • • •• '\, • • Caldera has also included a vocal track that is extremely fulfilling en­ ..., • • • titled "Ancient Source." Another favorite of mine is "Seraphim" which UNM. quarterback C. J. Jones will start against Arizona Saturday night although Coach Bill Mon­ • • features Dunn on keyboards. · t~: sa1d Noel Mazzone will play. • • Anyone into progressive jazz knows Caldera will be around for some • • time. Sky Islands, (their second album) like lava, is hot and it flows. • • Another Hot Weekend In The • • Conference Leaders Meet : Sponsored b_y RHSA /ASUNm : Western Athletic Conference Tempe, Ari. Saturday night to play. IIJI1fl! 111!111 Sensation's Flx-ltnly leader Brigham Young takes its tangle with the number two Sun­ • • Arizona State pulverized the devils, also undefeated in WAC In The Student Union Building Basement ' unblemished . league mark to Utah Wyoming Cowboys last ······························~ "Vision's Fugitives"!Sensations Pix/Ail Ears Records SF 11478 weekend in Tempe by a score of 45- By DAN HUMENICK 0. Friday, November 11. The notes on the back·cover of this album describe Sensation Fix as a Christmas PSSST% The Word's Ont About One Of "driving force in the realm of alternative musical thought. ,-I have no idea Linkers Sixth In other WAC games this what that means. Vague classifications such as this always strike me as Lobo golfer John Fields shot a 221 to finish among the top 10 linkers to weekend, Utah plays host to the Portrait The Hottest Bauds Around entirely meaningless, especially when groups and artists as. diverse as David lead UNM. to a sixth-place finish at the Harvey Penick invitational Texas-El Paso Miners and· UNM Bowie; Gentle Giant and now Sensations Fix are lUmped together in the collegiate golf tournament Wednesday in Austin, Texas, and Arizona square off in Tucson 5x7 same field. · Fields, a freshman on coach Dwaine Knight's squad, has been the low for their last game against each CDL IIIII Sensations Fix does not deserve to be mentioned in the same breath as Lobo the last two tourneys. other. ($10.00 Value) Gentle Giant ~nd Bowie •. A popular rock group in Italy, SF does not live up "We haven't finished lower than sixth in any tournament this fall," In non-conference games, and to the preten~~ous ~rom1ses of the cove: blurb writer. Buyers succumbing Knight said. "This was the toughest competition we've faced." Colorado State travels to West t~ t~e hype ( .Insp1red by t?e book~ of Kurt " and "this group Golf powerhouses Houstion and Oklahoma State competed in the Texas State and.Wyoming travels to d1sp.ays that Immaculate vtrtue wh1ch has sadly become a vice on these tourney. The OSU Cowboys took the team title. Utah State. "!1°!UW ll I&.- BIIJI •1)1(JldDJR ·I' shores: musical talent") will be disappointed and perhaps outraged by this ABSOLUTELY album. ~~~;•a umcs:Lob;sp;;f~i~· NO STRINGS Saturday, November 12 A ITACHED .Ch ieftains-lteland ' Cosmic lnterplanetaJ.•y F ..uk lVitb, Ali Men & yvomen Now $9.00 "The Chieftains LiveJ"/Tize Chieftains/ Island Records ILPS 9501 reg. -$2G:6fJ Sunday November 13 By ROBERT SPIEGEL Superstar wool blend Pullover's . Irish mus~c lo~ers arise. For that matter, even non-Irish music lovers Men & women wool blend Now $16.00 IPICI-IIUCI ar.1se. Th~ Chteftams have released a beautiful live album of traditional 10 o.m to 4 pm onl_y Insh mustc. HOLLYWOOD (UPI) Cardigan's & Pullovers r~g.-$29.00- ·.Using s~ch instrume~ts as penny wistles, Irish harp, tiompan, bodharm, Heavyweight champion white, red green camel navy A Christmas offer to UNM, U of A and TV! Students, ~!dleann pipes, c_oncertma, flute and fiddle, the Chieftains perform reels Muhammad Ali will make his debut only 21 remain First come first buy Faculty & Staff and immediate family: wife, husband, Jigs and lovely Insh ballads. ' as a dramatic television star in children, mother, father. The recording of this .Irish group was made at the Symphony Hall in "Freedom Road," a six-hour mini­ Friday & Saturday Only Admission Pt·iccs Boston and Massey Hal11n. T?ronto. For a live recording, the sound is very series based on Howard Fast's best- The Garret Dress warm. outdoor light will be used Stndeuts $:1.00 eaclJ. full and clear, but the music Itself, all instrumental, contains the beauty of . ·selling novel, NBC announced. Dogs. cats, pets welcome 265-2444 (With I.D., J•lns One Guest) the album. Whet~ler you are familar with Irish music or not, this album is John J. McMahon, a network 619 San Mateo, N.E. 268-0040 extre.mely acccss1?le. The warmth of the intricate musical dynamics program executive, said Ali will P1tblic $2.00 each dommate, preventmg th~ musi,c from ,sounding the least bit foreign. many other items 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. play a slave who becomes a U.S. come by before you buy A - Photographer For a record collect1on frlled w1th Fleetwood Mac Frampton and Senator in the production 1717 Girard NE North of Indian Rd) Ronstadt, The Chieft.ains Live would be a beautiful diverslon, scheduled for next year.

/ / ,!.··~· \ ,f " • ~...... For Harriers at WAC Meet .....

1z Last Chance to CatCh Miners B By Jm JOHNSON chance to keep their NCAA crown ners, Koroso, Sammy Kipkurgat, .3 I,OBO Sports Writer as well, Nov. 21. and Stan Waquie, are freshman. » The last time anybody beat But a scrappy Lobo team will be The other two, Santa Fe's David '8 Texas-El Paso in the WAC cross­ giving e'\erything it has to make the Segura and Canadian Peter Butler, ~ ···country championships, McGovern top four which would qualify them are sophmores. ·~ was trying to beat Nixon for the for the national meet. UTEP has one senior, two Mel Practiss ~ presidency. "Everyone looks very strong juniors, and two freshmen in their The last time UNM won the right now,'' UNM coach Bill ~ top five. The top five runners are z Western Athletic Conference Silverberg. said of his runners. the only ones who figure in the .; championships, Nixon defeated "If one guy lets up now, we'll be team score .. Pre-med. Student ..... Humphrey. in trouble," he said. "Harrison will be in contention ~ In fact UTEP has not been UNM's Harrison Koroso should for first place," Silverberg p.. defeated in a meet since 1974, when make a strong bid for the individual predicted. they finished third in the NCAA title as he ran right with UTEP' s "Peter has been doing real well. meet. best runners in a dual race earlier It was frustrating for him when he Saturday, UTEP Jed by three of this year. was doing so well in workouts and its last year's four All-Americans, is UTEP' coach Ted Banks said, then having a poor race. He's expected to not only win their fifth "Our kids are coming along real trained awfully hard," Silverberg consecutive WAC title, in Salt Lake well." said. . , City, Utah, but to have a good Three of UNM's top five run- Butler is "very confident that he'll do well Saturday," Silverberg said. Brigham Young, Wyoming and Arizona are expected to give UNM a tough battle for one of the four invitations to the nationals in Washington. · "BYU isn't as strong as they Harrier Peter Butler and his teammates travel to Salt Lake City, . thought the)' would be at the Utah to compete in the conference m~et. BOOTS beginning of the season," Silverberg said. UTEP's top four runners have 10,000 meters in 30:34. Wyoming defeated· BYU in a managed ti!l)e of 28:32 or better Teams from the Big Sky Confer­ Ladie's Men's dual meet last week. with James Munyala finishing a ence will also try to qualify as one & BUYU's Benton Hart has the fast six miles in 28:14. of the four teams from this region best time on the Cougar team with a UTEP has 10 runners who have. along with independents Utah State 30-minute six-mile time. been timed withip I: 15 of each and Air Force. The top four Lobo runners have other. Silverbuerg said, "We haven't picked up times of 29:55 and better Arizona won the Pac-8 Southern really put any pressure on winning with Koroso leading the way with a Division meet behind the running any of our meets this year because 20o/o 28:35 over a six-mile course. of Thorn Hunt, who covered the we've been getting ready for thif," Final Fall Intramural Off Recreation Results The Chemistry Dept. defeated but Cabarrus used his quickness Jim Rodriquez, Lmabda Chi the previously undefeated HPER and superior shooting to win 10-7. Alpha, beat Greg Gomez, Baptist team to take first place honors in Jerry Gregory, Fiji won fraternity Student Union, to win a first place men's faculty-staff noon hour volleyball honors by beating Tom Knauber, T-shirt as all-University champ in 2120 Central S.E. • 243-6954 completed last week. The chemistry Sigma Chi, in a very close 10-9 intramural billiards .• team, behind the spiking of Tom game. There was a total of 73 in­ shop Neimczyk and brilliant team play of dividuals entered in this year's Jim Kiley, Terry Lyle, Frip competition. Coleman, Marty Jones and Mike Diane Schutz, Alpha Chi Omega, Nokela won the championship bowled a 183-176-182, 541 total to What does apartment match with scores of 15-11, 8-15, beat out Colette Robertson, Delta, 15-14. rting the tournament with Delta Delta, 127-213-189,529 total, only one win, Sig Ep and Co. put it in the women's bowling tour­ .living have that The all together for three games to win nament held earlier this week at Joe Cabarrus from the Law the IM Co-Ree softball tournament Holiday Bowl. College Inn doesn't? School swept through his com­ last week. Sig Ep and Co. was made In men's competition, Dino petition to take first place all­ up of Sigma Pi Epsilon fraternity Catsovio, an independent" entry, University honors this past week in and a group of women from the bowled a five round' of 201-17 5- one-on-one basketball. Cabarrus tennis and basketball teams. Jean 203, 579 total to win the tourney. houseeleaning who stands 5' 10" beat 6'3" Kevin Rostermundt, Susie Schuster along Jay Gragg, Sigma Chi, had 174- Clancy in the finals. with Meg and Beth Born helped the 176-207 to finish with a 557 to dish washing Clancy had a fine otitside shot Sig Eps capture the crown. scrubbing capture second place honors. dusting grocery shopping ~Bomber' Recovering cooking HOUSTON (UPI) - Former Louis was admitted to Methodist eight days hospitalized in intensive commuting Heavyweight Boxing Champion at 2 a.m. Saturday after a flight coronary care after suffering chest Joe Louis Thursday underwent from Las Vegas, where he spent pains. surgery for a ballooned blood vessel at Methodist Hospital and was said Compare the high cost of buying food, to be in stable condition. apartment rent and utility charges with Dr. Michael E. Debakey per­ Lobo Activities ,,. formed the repair of a "dissecting our room and board rates. aneurysm of a descending thoracic VOLLEYBALL - The Lobo Women travel to Colorado for their final aorta" on Louis, 63, the "Brown two conference matches of the season. The Lobos of coach Barbara Bomber" of the 1930's and 1940's. Butler failed to win last weekend against New Mexico State and Texas-EI ' The Paso so . they will not qualify for regionals. UNM will play against 303 Ash St., N .E. "He tolerated the operation Colorado State and Northern Colorado. College well," a hospital spokesman said. I 243-2881 "His condition is stable. He is TENNIS -The Lobo women's squad is finished with conference play for 100 resting comfortably.'' the semest~r, but coach Larry Lindsay has scheduled a non-conference m.atch agrunst the Albuquerque Indoor Tennis Club team. The match wtll take place Saturday at the club. can't miss him on campus, always wears white. the ASUNM Speakers Committee presents Constontly being sought after by freshmen and transfer students who mistake him for ice-cream man. autho.,!",. educator~ goet, essayist BASKETBALL - The Women cagers will play a scrimmage game Mel drinks Life Beer from Miller because it's less filling. Can't afford to get filled up. Dr. 1'11. Scott Momaday Saturday at 1 p.m. in the Arena against an Alumni team. At last count he was in charge of 114 mice, 137 frogs and 240, uh .. .480 rabbits . Winner of the Pulitzer Prize in Fiction for House Made Of Dawn . The men's baske~ball team, in preparation for their season opener agamst ~he Cuban Nattomtl 'Team Nov. 18, will play an intra-squad game Spends spare time in library analyzing stitching on medical books. Voted Indian of the Year in 1969 Sunday m Santa Fe at the College oF Santa Fe gym. Author of The· JourneY. Of Tai-Me and The Way To Rainy Mountain Lite' Beer from Miller. Topic: "Tribalism and Modern Society" GY~NASTICS - Lobo gymnasts Perry Genovese and Jim Thompson · Everything you always wanted in a beer. And less. Tuesday Nov. 15, 8:00pm *Woodward Hall wtll be me~bers of the U.S. team Saturday in the Arcan who will compete the <;:zechoslovakian National Team in a gymnastics Tickets: In advance $3.00 & 11.50 at all ~gamst. meet at 7.~0. Fnday n.tght are t~e complusories at Johnson Gym. UNM ,, Ticketmaster locations students w~th.an ID wtll be ~dmttted free. Saturday night UNM students '------

' ' '·

DJAL·O·MATIC zig-zag .sewlns machine, makes EKTA-SOUND CAMERA & PROJECTOR,, Never CHELSEA STREET PUB BEATS the new minimum RIDES TO L.A. &. SAN FRANCISCO weekly. Classifieds buttonholes, sews on buttons, monograms, wilhout used, S250.00 ror both. Call265-4836, 11/30 wage. Kitchen help startinll pay $2.65/hr. Waller & $39.00, lTC, 255·6830. II/II anachments. $27.00 and lake machine, 268-4393, wail res$ openings available, super pay- super tips. TICKETS to Elvis Presley's number one impression· G()ING PLACES" fOR THANKSGIVING OR 11115 ist "Elvis Wade" in concert Friday, December 2, Apply in person, Coronado Center, Part or full ~ Began On time, day or night shifts. 12/1 CHRISTMAS? Advertise your destination in the "' ' SONY C-60 cassene tapes. Unheard ot" value, 12 for 1977, 7:30 p.m.; Albuquerque Civic Auditorium, LOBO's Travel section. 2.77·5656 11111 ] Page 6 $12.00, Hi-Fl House, 255·1694, 3011 Monte Vista Tickets available at all Tic~etmaster outlets, 11/15 TEMPORARY PART TIME ~mployment: Slay-In­ NE. 11111 EPIPHONE HOLLOW-BODY ELECTRIC School Program, Kirtland AFB, Jobs include: engineering aides, math aides, physical science ~ FOUND: keys in ash lrny in Mitchell Hall, (!i7': NEW SONY TRINATRON. Unclaimed lay.a-way. GUITAR. $150.00. 255·014$, 11/16 Claim Marron Hall, Rm. JOS. 11/16 Color TV, brand new, guarantee, no down pay. aides, clerk6 & elerk·typ)sts. Pay: $2.30/hr. • 8. MISCELLANEOUS MARANTZ STEREO AMPLIFIER, 35 watts per $4.28/hr •. Apply through Work-Study Office, Mesa ~ LOST: notebook in phone booth, Yale & Central mcJJI, $7.75 per month till balance Is paid orr. 266· channel. Pristine, $125.00.294-8841, 6·9 p.m. 5871, IJ/15 Vista Hall. Kirtland is an Equal Opponunlty Em· o 817177. Plcasccal1294·8186or345·7828. 11/16 Jl/16 pioyer. 12/2 .g I,OST: male Malamute/collie. Answers to Kilo. 247· DUE TO DJVOIICE. Will sacrifice equity. Red HP 21 CALCULATOR, Never u.1cd; includes op­ WEAVE your own X·mas gifts- quick, inexpensive, Clas•lc Ill and allachmcnts. Assume payments of PART TIME HELP NEEDED. $400.00 monthly . o-l 3116. Wht .. brn., blk. Reward. 11/17 tional applications book. $75,00. Call after 6:00 or Call881·4585, 1·3 p.m. only, 11/14 unusual, 3 week cour~e-the Weaver'sStudio, 205 $7.00 month, new guarantee. 266·5872. ll/15 weekend,!, 268·2339. II/ 16 Stanford SE, 265·9100. Ul23 PART TIME WO.RK- can be arranged· around your · ~ 3. SERVICES PIONEER . REPOSSESSED STEREO. Complete FREE! FREEl FREE! Outdoor portrait, Sx7 double· 1976 YAMAHA DOHC-500, $1300.00.5000 mi. 897· schcdul~. Lunch hours required 11:30·1:30, Apply stereo sYstem, full sized turntable, bl~; speakers, big 0350aftcr3 p.m. 11/16 weight. Absolutely no strings altachedl UNM stu· C) QA TYPING SERViCE, A comrlete typing and AM/FM stereo, tape player. Assume payments, DcrWienerschnllzel, 6901 Lomas NE, 11/14 MERCEDES·IlENZ - ,1960, 220, Leaving town. dents, faculty, staff or immediate family {J.D. 8 editorial system. Technical, general, legal, medical, $7.82 per month. 26R·4l94. II/I~ MARRIED STUDENT to live at motel as nite $300,()0 firm. 277·2278. 11/11 • required), Sunday, November 13, 10 a.m. to4 p.m. ·~ scholastic. Charts & tables, 345:2125. t2/2 manager in exchange for apt. Frontier Lodge, 6300 Come to A-Photographer, 1717 Girard lllvd. NE, · """ LSAT·MCAT REVIEW COURSES, Prepare now, !lEST FOR LOWEST. Hitachi D-220 cassette deck 1960 TRAVELAJ:1. with '74 engine. New tires and ('•ntral SE. 256·3576, tl /17 just north of lnidan School Rd., opposite the Albu· ~ Call PENM 842·5200. tfn w/Dolby, Superior specs, $159,99. Hi·l'i House, battery, $400~00. 268-7309, 11/11 querque Tennis Club. Dogs, cats, pets welcome. 255· I694, 30 II ,Monte Vist~ NE. 11/11 7. TRAVEL ~ TYPING: MA, English, on-campus. 296-8564, fs 1062 VW VAN; mechanically sound, cwned by VW . 11/11 USED STRAJGHTGRAIN BRIARS: better than mechanic. $55o.oo. 255·4692. 11/11 2 ADORABLE KITTENS. Free to loving owner(s). Z SERVE In the Peace Corps, Ortega 233. 277·51)(!7, fo RIDES TO NYC weekly. $55.00. lTC, 255·6830, newl l'incst hand·craflsmanship by Europe's best. 247-3493.· 1115 vi EDITORIAL ASSISTANCE on dlsscrtati