Current, July 03, 2017
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University of Missouri, St. Louis IRL @ UMSL Current (2010s) Student Newspapers 7-3-2017 Current, July 03, 2017 University of Missouri-St. Louis Follow this and additional works at: Recommended Citation University of Missouri-St. Louis, "Current, July 03, 2017" (2017). Current (2010s). 287. This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at IRL @ UMSL. It has been accepted for inclusion in Current (2010s) by an authorized administrator of IRL @ UMSL. For more information, please contact [email protected]. Vol. 51 Issue 1534 The Current July 3, 2017 UMSL’S INDEPENDENT STUDENT NEWS Sobolik New Provost and Vice UMSL Student Chancellor for Academic Affairs Named Pat Tillman Kat Riddler Managing Editor Scholars Recipient ristin Sobolik joined the Uni- Kversity of Missouri-St. Louis as provost and vice chancellor for academic affairs on June 1. Sobolik was previously dean of the College of Liberal Arts at Wright State Uni- versity in Dayton, Ohio. At Wright State, she oversaw a college with 11 departments, one school, two institutes, one center, and eight interdisciplinary pro- grams. Sobolik was a dean and pro- SOBOLIK OF KRISTIN COURTESY fessor of anthropology there since Kristen Sobolik joins UMSL after four years at Wright State University. 2013. sor and later full professor and chair Research Institute (APRI) and for- Her new duties at UMSL in- of the Department of Anthropology mation of the School of Public and JENNEWEIN OF AUGUST COURTESY clude leading academic operations, in 2006. She then became the asso- International Affairs (SPIA), as well Heath McClung is the second UMSL student to receive the Pat Tillman Scholars honor. research, and student affairs and ciate dean in the College of Liber- as the Center for Liberal Arts Stu- Kat Riddler tuition and textbooks through the reporting directly to the chancellor. al Arts and Sciences in 2011. While dent Success (CLASS), that focuses Managing Editor end of their academic career. Sobolik replaced Glen Cope, who there, she was also the Associate on student retention and workforce “The Pat Tillman Scholars pro- retired in June 2016. Sobolik re- Director of the world-renowned development. n June 29, Heath McClung, se- gram is one of the most prestigious ceived her bachelor’s degree in bi- Climate Change Institute. While Sobolik said, “The University Onior, engineering, was named awards for our nation’s student vet- ology from the University of Iowa at Wright State, Sobolik helped of Missouri–St. Louis has some of one of two from the University of erans,” said Mun Choi, president and master’s and doctoral degrees bring to fruition the moderniza- the nation’s leading scholars who Missouri System to receive the Pat of the UM System. “This year, 60 from Texas A&M University in an- tion and expansion of the Creative are truly committed to education, Tillman Scholars honor. McClung scholars were named from an appli- thropology. Sobolik contributed to Arts Center, including the Robert research, and serving a diverse, vi- is the second University of Missou- cant pool of thousands. As Tillman the fields of archaeobiology and pa- and Elaine Stein Art Galleries, the brant community. I am excited by ri-St. Louis’ student to receive this Scholars, Paul and Heath are repre- leonutrition with over 100 publica- Tom Hanks Center for Motion Pic- the opportunity to engage with fac- honor. The scholarship will pay for continued on page 3 tions, books, and presentations. tures, and the New Media Incuba- ulty, staff, and students to help har- Prior to her time at Wright tor. She guided the development of ness and focus campus resources to State, Sobolik was at the Universi- an area of excellence in Policy with ensure our continued growth trajec- ty of Maine as an assistant profes- the re-envisioned Applied Policy continued on page 3 UMSL Assumes Control of KMST President Choi Addresses Book Kat Riddler cellor Christopher G. Maples said, Managing Editor “This arrangement with St. Lou- Prices via Open Textbook Program is Public Radio will ensure that ffective July 1, the University KMST’s loyal listeners will contin- Kat Riddler be able to afford the textbooks but line at a lower cost than traditional Eof Missouri-St. Louis assumed ue to benefit from quality public ra- Managing Editor our faculty will be able to develop learning resources. According to the the operational and programming dio programming for many years to the material with new innovations New York Times article “Putting a duties of the Missouri University of come.” pen source textbooks might that are occurring in a very timely Dent in College Costs With Open- Science and Technology’s public ra- St. Louis Public Radio gener- Obe a new source for saving for fashion.” Source Textbooks,” author Ann Car- dio station KMST 88.5 FM in Rolla, al manager Tim Eby said, “Public UMSL students. University of Mis- The initiative takes advantage of rns wrote, “Open-source textbooks Missouri. radio is a vitally important asset to souri System President Dr. Mun Open Educational Resources (OER), are created under an open license, UMSL already oversees St. Lou- the many communities it serves, so Choi made an announcement on or class materials that are free for so they can be downloaded free is Public Radio | 90.7 KWMU and it is important to us to ensure that June 21, 1 p.m. at the Mizzou Store students, and AutoAccess, which or printed at low cost; instructors Quincy Public Radio | WQUB 90.3 KMST will continue serving the on the University of Missouri-Co- is a program that makes textbooks can even rearrange the sequence and will broadcast St. Louis Pub- Rolla area.” lumbia campus about changes in and class materials available on- continued on page 3 lic Radio’s current program sched- KMST is a 100,000-watt UM System initiative towards text- ule with the exception of retaining non-commercial public radio sta- book price for students. Bluegrass for a Saturday Night for tion that broadcasts on 88.5 FM in “It is estimated that annually Rolla listeners. Rolla and 96.3 FM in Lebanon, Mis- students in higher education spend UMSL’s Chancellor Thomas souri. KMST broadcasts are also about $1,200 per year on textbooks,” George said, “St. Louis Public Ra- streamed online at President Choi said. “I’m very hap- dio is one of the best public radio St. Louis Public Radio is locat- py to announce that we will be mak- stations in the country – consis- ed in Midtown at 3651 Olive. The ing a very significant investment in tently winning national accolades KWMU building, built in 2012, was open source material. So what this and new audience share. We look a collaboration between the Nine means for our students and facul- forward to partnering with Mis- Network of Public Media, UMSL, St. ty is that by using books and other souri S&T to provide the Rolla and Louis Public Radio, and Grand Cen- materials that our faculty members Phelps County area superior news- ter, Inc and houses the radio station will be developing as part of the cur- RIDDLER / THE CURRENT KAT talk programming.” as well as classrooms. riculum, not only will our students President Choi speaking on June 21 at the Mizzou Store. Missouri S&T interim Chan- What’s Inside: State Budget Cuts, pg. 3 Soccer, pg. 4 ‘47 Meters Down,’ pg. 5 Greitens & Education, pg. 7 2 May 1, 2017 CURRENT STAFF EDITORIAL Editor-in-Chief Michael Plumb Managing Editor Kat Riddler News Editor Now hiring! Features Editor WE’RE HIRING Lydia Hardy Sports Editor Roderick Wilbon A&E Editor Chris Zuver Opinions Editor Bryan Sherrill Copy Editors Now hiring! Staff Writers WRITERS Ryan Obradovic Jorge Jones Mike A. Bryan DESIGN Production Editor Giuseppe Vitellaro Photo Editor COPY EDITORS Now hiring! Web Editor Emma Castellari Multimedia Editor Aleeah Harden Cartoonist/Artists Now hiring! PHOTOGRAPHERS BUSINESS Business Manager Cassandra Filip Advertising Director Now hiring! Ad Representatives Now hiring! Distribution Manager Now hiring! Social Media Director PHOTO EDITOR Now hiring! Archivist Nathan Watson ARTISTS CONTACT US 388 MSC, 1 University Blvd St. Louis, MO 63121-4400 [email protected] Newsroom 314-516-5174 [email protected] Business/Advertising AD DIRECTOR 314-516-5316 [email protected] Fax 314-516-6811 Editor-in-Chief [email protected] Internships and Volunteer Positions [email protected] SEND RESUMES TO Letters to the Editor [email protected] Twitter @UMSLTheCurrent Facebook /TheCurrentStudentNews [email protected] MON 93 TUE 90 WED 87 THU 87 FRI 94 SAT 87 SUN 85 72 73 72 72 71 65 65 May 1, 2017 news 3 Choi Announces Open UMSL Student Named Pat Textbook Program Tillman Scholars Recipient continued from page 1 affordable education.” continued from page 1 of material, to suit their prefer- The system-wide initiative is senting our nation’s very best, right ence. There’s a movement to make launching this summer. “The is- here in Missouri.” faculty-written, peer-reviewed sue of textbook prices is part of a McClung graduated from Lafay- open-source textbooks available larger national conversation that is ette High School and briefly attend- to professors and students, to help happening in universities through- ed Truman State University before keep a lid on the cost of textbooks.” out the country,” said Scott Curtis, joining the Army. He served three Nathan Willett, president of the learning and research librarian at years. During his 2011 deployment Missouri Students Association said, the University of Missouri-Kan- to Afghanistan, he suffered injuries “Some students don’t purchase re- sas City Libraries.