Thursday All Saints Brantingham, All Saints, Brough, St Mary Elloughton 22nd November Clergy: The Revd Richard Walker, The Revd Clive Duxbury, The Revd Justine Smith, The Revd Barry Diocese of York Prayer Diary --- November 2012 Cecilia, Diocese of York Prayer Diary --- November 2012 martyr, c.230 Worsdale, Reader: David Bagchi. Give thanks with us as many jobs were recently saved at the local BAE factory, though the future Thursday 1st York Minster isn't certain. Please pray for our congregations as we seek to present Christ's church in a gospel- November All Saints’ Day Canon Chancellor: The Revd Canon Glyn Webster, Canon Precentor: The Revd Canon Peter centred compassionate, generous and innovative way to the community around us. Pray especially for our new curate, the Revd Justine Smith and for the success of a new church plant. Moger Pray for the Moderator of CSI. Bishop Gnanasigamony Devakadasham Join us please in expressing gratitude to God for the growing congregations, especially for the increased number of young families and students, resulting in the growth of the Sunday School Friday 23rd St Oswald, Hotham, All Saints, North Cave, St John, North Cliffe, November and an increasing number of baptisms and adult confirmation candidates. Pray for preparations Clement, Clergy: The Revd Sue Humphries, Children's Helper: Lizzy Wilson, Churchwardens: Beryl Whipp, bishop, to receive the new Dean into the life of the Minster and for the daily round of worship, those who martyr, c.100 Mary White, Carmel Bean, Jack Fisher, Rosemary Hemingbrough . sustain it, especially the choir under the directorship of Robert Sharpe. Please pray for continued Church growth especially for the further development and inclusion of Diocese of Ile—Oluji (Ondo, Nigeria). Bishop Samson Adekunle. young people in our church life and for team work during the forth coming interregnum. Friday 2nd Diocese of Kano (Kaduna, Nigeria). Bishop Zakka Nyam November Bridlington Deanery Commemoratio Rural Dean: The Revd Glyn Owen, Lay Chair: Chaz Walker, Secretary John Triffitt, Deanery Saturday 24th Howden Team, Holy Trinity, Blacktoft, St Michael, Eastrington, St Peter Howden, St Peter n of the Faithful November Departed Financial Adviser: Frank Tuffee. Laxton, St Stephen Newport, St John of Beverley, Wressle (All Souls’ Day) Pray for the Deanery as we work to develop and implement plans to cope with the changing Clergy: The Revd James Little, The Revd Graham Thornalley, Churchwardens: Sarah Falkingham, nature of our Deanery, reductions in stipendiary posts and the need to strengthen our lay Denise Higgins, Hazel Cox, Vivien Hall, Jeremy Timm, Jane Thompson, Jenny Preston, Enid Farmery, leadership development. Ursel Sefton, Keith Gilson. Diocese of Ilesa (Ibadan, Nigeria). Bishop Olubayu Sowale Pray for our newly commissioned Parish Assistants: Jenny Preston, Enid Farmery, Jeremy Timm. Diocese of Karachi (Pakistan). Bishop Saddiq Daniel. Saturday 3rd November St Michael Bempton, St Oswald Flamborough, St Peter Reighton, St Leonard Speeton Sunday 25th St Nicholas North Newbald Richard Hooker, Clergy: Vacancy, The Revd Liz Hassall, The Revd Simon Smale, Authorised Lay Minister: John November priest, Christ the Clergy: The Revd Michael Bushby, Churchwardens: Pauline Cox, Renee Richardson, Trevor Taylor. teacher of the Triffitt, Churchwardens: Doreen Crosthwaite, Pauline Bravey, Andrew Graham, Kate Veitch, King faith, 1600 Please pray for all involved in the life of the parish that we may know Christ and make Him known. Martin of Porres, Tricia Holroyd, Dawn McKie Pray for Falkland Islands (Extra-Provincial to Canterbury) friar, 1639 Flamborough C of E Primary School - Acting Headteachers Mrs Sinclair and Mrs Wardell We pray for the wardens and all others who take responsibility during the vacancy. We give Monday 26th St Mary Broomfleet, St Anne Ellerker, All Saints, South Cave November thanks for the gifts within our congregations and pray for wisdom in using them. This week we The Revd Peter Faulkner pray for all who have been recently bereaved, for the memorial services at All-Souls-Tide, and Please pray for the parishes of South Cave, Ellerker and Broomfleet as they prepare to face the we pray that the churches will respond to the needs of those who are grieving. opportunities of an interregnum. Diocese of Indianapolis (V, The Episcopal Church). Bishop Catherine Waynick Diocese of Karamoja (Uganda). Bishop Joseph Abura Tuesday 27th St Helen, Welton w Melton & Training Officer Sunday 4th Emmanuel Bridlington, Skipsea and Barmston w Fraisthorpe November November 4th Sunday Clergy: The Revd Chris McCarthy, Retired clergy: The Revd John Jordan, the Revd Derek Smith Clergy: The Revd Canon Elaine Bielby, The Revd Angela Schrimshaw, Churchwardens: Roger before Advent Peacock and Jackie Naidoo Please pray for Jean Fowler, training for Lay Readership and for those exploring ordination. Pray Please pray for Children’s Church, Thursday Tinies and the First Wednesday Group, also for the for our house groups, that they continue to flourish. ABC, children and young families work. The Emmaus Lifestyle course beginning soon. Please also give thanks for the faith and witness of the Emmanuel Gospel Singing Group which meets weekly. The plans for the forming of a Girls congregation in these village communities. Brigade and the re launch of the Youth Club. Our work amongst among men and women. Pray Please pray too for all those involved in the IME4-7 training of Curates. that the benefice will continue to grow and work together. Work that is developing in two Diocese of Karimnagar (South india). Bishop Perumalla Prakash schools. Pray too for Trisha Wick our CMS missionary, our Residential Homes and the continued Wednesday Dulverton Hall Supported Housing Scheme for Retired Clergy development of the Lay ministries in all of the parishes. 28th Pray for Bermuda (Extra-Provincial to Canterbury). Bishop Patrick White November Please pray for residents and staff, that those who have given much in ministry may find refreshment here. Pray too for those who have been and are involved in the Missionary work of the Monday 5th November Holy Trinity Bridlington, St John Sewerby Church. Diocese of Karnataka North (South India). Bishop Jeedipalli Rao Clergy: The Revd David Mather We give thanks for the Church being open and for all who make it possible. Please pray that Holy Thursday HM Prison Wolds 29th Trinity may be a place where people come to know the peace and grace of God. November Anglican Chaplain: The Revd Barry Worsdale Diocese of Irele—Eseodo (Ondo, Nigeria). Bishop Felix Akinbuluma Day of Intercession Pray that the bidding current process results in the Chaplaincy remaining as it is. Any change could and Tuesday 6th Christ Church Bridlington Quay held in plurality with Bessingby Thanksgiving result in a severe reduction in chaplaincy staff and activities. Pray for all chaplaincy staff and November for the Leonard, hermit, Clergy: The Revd Jonathan Couper, The Revd David Chislett, The Revd Peter Hallsworth, Missionary volunteers. For the spiritual growth of those offenders who attend and for others to come and 6th cent. Work of the receive. Also pray for all staff and managers who are doing a difficult job well. William Temple, Readers: Roger Gale, Michael Hart, Dinah Rogers, Margaret Walker. Church archbishop, Diocese of Katakwa (Kenya). Bishop Zakayo Epusi teacher of the Please pray for the music festival which begins in November which is for the whole of faith, 1944 Bridlington. Pray for our “Saved over Christmas” network scheme. Please pray too that the Friday 30th Bishop of Beverley November new Christ Church Network will grow. Andrew the Pray for all who look to the Bishop of Beverley for extended Episcopal care in, what for them, is a Apostle Diocese of Isial-Ngwa South (Aba, Nigeria). Bishop Isaac Nwaobia time of considerable uncertainly as to their future. Please pray for the Rt Revd Martyn Jarrett in his retirement and for the Revd Canon Glyn Webster as he prepares for this ministry. Should you have any queries regarding the Prayer Calendar please do not hesitate to contact the Reverend Diocese of Katanga (Congo). Bishop Muno Kasima Richard Carew via email: [email protected] or phone: 01904 707021

Wednesday 7th Bridlington Priory Church (St Mary) Thursday 15th St Margaret, Aislaby, St John, Sleights, All Saints Ugglebarnby, St Hilda Sneaton, November Clergy: Vacancy, The Revd Jeanette Oates, The Revd Andrew Moreland, Churchwardens: Anthony November Clergy: The Revd David Cook, Reader: Jane Macfarlane, Churchwardens: John Coxon, Irene Willibrord, bishop, 739 Halford , Helen Hughes, Ian Holland. Reader in training: Elizabeth Moreland. Williams, Ron Brooke, Dorothy Hall, Andrew Weston, Anne Roe, Wendy Campbell, Headmistress: Please pray for us as we continue to encourage each other and grow together in the interregnum. Sleights C/E Primary School: Caroline Spencer Pray also for the Priory 900 events organised for next year, when we will be celebrating God's Slowly but surely the Benefice is beginning to realise that no Parish is an entity unto itself and faithfulness and goodness over the last 900 years. Pray that the people of our parish will be able to each needs the other. However the Revd David Cook’s decision to retire after many years of engage with God's love through the celebrations. ministry in the Diocese must not give rise to fear. God will raise up those whom he calls to Diocese of Isikuato (Aba, Nigeria). Bishop Samuel Chukuka continue the ministry and encourage others in the faith. Diocese of Kadugli and Nuba Mountains (Sudan). Bishop Andudu Elnail Thursday 8th St Cuthbert, Burton Fleming, St James Fordon, St Nicholas Grindale, All Saints Wold November Newton Friday 16th Saints and November St Stephen , All Saints, Hawsker, Fylingdale School martyrs of Clergy: The Rev Glyn Owen, The Revd Barbara Hodgson. Retired clergy: The Revd David Wakefield. Margaret, Clergy: Vacancy, Retired clergy: The Revd Michael Waters, The Revd Canon Patricia Davies, The queen, Please pray for the increasing numbers of people seeking baptism for themselves and their philanthropist, Revd Steve Foster, The Venerable Bob Langley, Churchwardens: Ruth Foster, David Goldsbrough 1093 children, that the church will meet their needs. Edmund Rich, Pray for: wisdom and discernment in finding a new House for Duty Priest for the two small Diocese of Jamaica and the Cayman Islands (West Indies). Vacant archbishop, 1240 congregations and for all those involved in continuing mission and ministry during the Friday 9th St Andrew Boynton, St John the Baptist Carnaby, All Saints Kilham, All Saints Rudston interregnum, not least the PCC Members. We pray for our two Church schools at Hawsker and November Margery Clergy: Revd Glyn Owen, Retired clergy: The Revd Raymond Eveligh, The Revd Tony Kidd. Fylingdales and for our close links with Fyling Hall School. Kempe, Diocese of Kagera (Tanzania). Bishop Aaron Kijanjali mystic, Readers: John Walker, Roger Askham. c.1440 Pray for all our benefice churches along with the Burton Fleming benefice as we consider how we Saturday 17th November Distinctive Youth Evangelism Conference should work more closely and grow together. Pray for our church school at Kilham especially as it Hugh, bishop. Please pray for all those attending the Distinctive Youth Evangelism Conference taking place at 1200 takes steps to become a Fairtrade School. The in York at which the Archbishop will be speaking. Please pray that Diocese of Johannesburg (Southern Africa). Bishop Brian Germond those attending may be encouraged and equipped to make Jesus known in their schools. Saturday Diocese of Kajo Keji (Sudan). Bishop Anthony Dangasuk 10th Mothers Union November President: Janet Andrews Sunday 18th Leo the November St Hilda, Hinderwell, St Nicholas Roxby, Staithes, St Oswald, Lythe, St Mary Sandsend, Great, York Mothers' Union will begin a new Triennium in January 2013. We ask for prayers for all new 2nd Sunday Christ Church Ugthorpe bishop, before Advent teacher of Trustees and officers throughout the diocese, especially for Olwyn Cooke who will be our new the faith, 461 Clergy: The Revd Barry Pike, The Revd Josephine Evetts-Secker, Reader: Sally Jones. President. Please pray for our Link Dioceses in Shyira, Rwanda; Ibba in Southern Sudan; Awka, Please pray for the mission of the Church across the parishes that we might be faithful Enugu and on The Niger; all in Nigeria and Gambia in West Africa. ambassadors of Christ. Pray for all those who visit the churches in this beautiful part of the world Diocese of Jalingo (Jos Nigeria). Bishop Timothy Yahaya that they may find sanctuary and be refreshed in the peace of God. Sunday 11th Armistice Day Pray for The Reformed Episcopal Church of Spain (E-P to the ). Bishop November Carlos López-Lozano 3rd Sunday Pray for all those serving in our Armed Forces and for their families. Pray for those who serve as before Advent Chaplains, that they may bring hope and comfort. Pray for the peace of the world. Monday 19th Remembran November St Hilda Egton, St Thomas, Glaisdale, St James, Lealholm, St Mary Goathland, St ce Sunday Pray for The Lusitanian Church) (E-P to the Archbishop of Canterbury). Lusitanian Church Hilda, abbess, Matthew, Grosmont (Portugal). Bishop Fernando Soares 680 Mechtild, Clergy: The Revd Christine Haddon-Reece, Retired clergy: The Revd John Beech, Readers: David beguine, Monday 12th mystic, 1280 Haddon-Reece, Stuart Turner November Deanery Rural Dean: The Revd David Cook, Lay Chair: David Haddon-Reece Give thanks for fruitful relationships with village primary schools in Egton, Goathland, Lealholm Age has caught up with many, if not all, of our retired clergy for whose ministry the Deanery is so and Glaisdale. Pray for vision and faith in outworking of Parish Plans. For outreach to children, grateful. Uncertain times for the Deanery as retirement for some clergy, including the Rural especially in Goathland; for active participation in churchyard bird-box and wildlife project. That Dean, looms on the horizon giving rise to anxiety about the future. There are however, glimmers of creation of a quiet space for prayer at Egton will help our growth in Holiness and that imaginative light beginning to break through as congregations begin to understand better what it means to be re-ordering at Grosmont will lead to greater community involvement. Diocese of Kaduna (Kaduna, Nigeria). Bishop Josiah Idowu-Fearon. the Body of Christ; fear is overcome by faith, anxiety gives way to hope. Diocese of Jebba (Kwara, Nigeria). Bishop Timothy Adewole Tuesday 20th November St Bartholomew, Ruswarp, St Hilda Whitby, St John Whitby, St Mary Whitby Tuesday Edmund, king, The Revd Canon David Smith 13th St Michael and St George, Castleton, St Peter, Commondale, St Hilda Danby, Christ martyr, 870 November Church Westerdale, St Mary Moorsholm Priscilla Lydia Please pray for our schools, our communities and church congregations as we seek to work Charles Sellon, a Simeon, The Revd Dr Michael Hazleton restorer of the through the problems we face in our society in this time of recession. We remember the decline priest, religious life in evangelical Please pray for the successful outcome of our building plans for the development of Danby and the Church of of the fishing industry and those affected. Pray that those who visit may be influenced by the divine, 1836 Castleton churches. Pray too for Sally Wilson, our newly-licensed Reader and for the continued England, 1876 heritage of the Church, and know with their lives the prayers of St. Hilda and all the Celtic Saints. growth of ecumenical cooperation between the Methodists and ourselves. Diocese of Kajiado (Kenya). Bishop Jeremiah Taama Diocese of Jos (Jos, Nigeria). Archbishop Benjamin Kwashi Wednesday 21st Howden Deanery Wednesday Order of the Holy Paraclete November Rural Dean: The Revd James Little 14th November Prioress: Sr Dorothy Stella Please pray for the Revd Sue Humphries and the Revd Peter Faulkner as they begin retirement; Samuel Please pray for the work of the Order in UK, Ghana and Swaziland giving thanks for our mission, for the coming vacancies and for the right people to fill them. Pray for the appointment of a new Seabury, bishop, 1796 ministry and hospitality; for OHP Tertiaries; for the work of The Sneaton Castle Centre and staff. Deanery Lay Chair and a new Deanery Financial Advisor. Pray for the successful implementation Diocese of Kabba (Lokoja, Nigeria). Bishop Steven Akobe of newly agreed ways of apportioning Parish Share across the deanery. Diocese of Kansas (VII, The Episcopal Church) Bishop Dean Wolfe