lad, and being a clean-living fellow, Cleanses the system NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION—De, Cures Biliousness, Sick pertinent of the Interior, Land 03. 'LATEST SPORTING he has built up a remarkably power- I ful physique. Headache, Sour Stom- thoroughly and clears Iles at Lewistown, Montana, April NE, WS 1 James J. Jeffries today cceifirmed sallow complexions of 11, 1907. Wm. Jenkins, the report taht he is willing to re- ach, Torpid Liver and ORIN Notice is hereby given that the tel enter the riee by announcing that in lowing nemed settler has filed notice The pimples and blotches. three great base ball teams case Bill Squires will "make Chronic Constipation. of his iMention to make final proof representing good" Greater New York, the with his opponents on this side of the tokko Laxative Fruit Syrup It Is guaranteed in support of his claim anti that said Giants, to the Hightanders and the Sup- water, he will give him a chance at Plowsont proof will be made before the register erbas, C. 14. WILLIAMS. are managed by three of the the heavy-weight title. He thinks and receiver at Lewistown, Montana, AND COLD BATHS. HOT greatest base ball generals in the coun- Squires should be matched with the on May 17. 1907, viz: try. Yet the three are entirely un- winner of th Burns-O'Brien bout. tion being furnished by the geological TIMBERLAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1111711.— JOHN S. OLSON, like in their methods. survey, showing known coal fields, and Notice for Publication—U. S. Land who trade Homested entry No. 4888, , of the Brooklyn, is Why is a baseball enthusiast. a entries of such lands will be received Office, Lewistown, Mont., Feb. 26. for the sw% sw%. see 5, n% nw%• as smooth as silk. Every In man—or a woman—who lives and as provided by the regulations of Ap- Edward Brassey '1907. nwe, ne%, sec 8, tp 14 n, r 24 the National league likes Patsy, and talks and eats baseball, Late Reenter 17 e Land Moe Old Stand on Map,' Street sleeps and ril 12, 1907. Lands heretofore with- Notice Is hereby given that in com- e, Mont. M. the Brookiyns don't lose anything called a fan? drawn from coal entry and not re. LAND ATTORNEY pliance with the provisions of the act He planes the following witnesses. through the popularity of their man- "Dunno," says James McAleer, cred- leased will be considered as "coal of congress of June 3, 1878, entitled, to ['rote their continuous residence up- Weal Listato amd Cousualosion ager. Donovan never says anything ited with knowing all there is to know lands." "An gct for the sale of Umber lands on, and cultivation of, the land. viz: harsh, lie is always Office Lana Sundials. on the Job, Yet about baseball. Coal filings made within sixty days Next door to in the states of California, Oregon, Louie Hoveland, Thomas Riesarter, he seldom "makes a holler" to an um- Land ()met "Pass me up," said Charley Comis- prior to withdrawals from coal entry Inquiet's Promptly Settlers Located, Nevada and Washington territory," as of Flatwillow. John Larson, Jens L your patronage is pire. key, who began to forget more base- may be completed within the time pre Answered. extended to all the public land states Nielsen, of Lewistown, Montana. A Share of When he does think it necessary to ball Len years or more ago than the scribed by the statutes less the time Lowiatown. - Montana by act of August 4, 1892, C. E. McKOIN, Register. object to a ruling he approaches the average "fan" knows today. from date of special written notice of MARGARET HUGHEY, First publication April 12. solicited. official with a friendly smile and says: "I'm one of if that gives you of Forest Grove, county of them filing from maps in the local land of- Fergus. CONTEST NOTICE.—Department ot "Excuse me, old man, but don't you any line," says Martin, state of Montana, has this day filed Claude and fice. of Restoration to Settlement the Interior, U. S. Land Office, think you were a little mistaken about there you are. en- NOTICE in this office her sworn statement, Lands not coal lands may be and entry of lands excluded from Lewistown, Montana, April 1, 1907. that? I know you meant well, of There are some strange words in public No. 250, for the purchase of the s% tered under any of the land the Little Belt National Forest, Mon- A sufficient contest affidavit hav- course, but I think your judgment was everyday use in baseball, but perhaps particular tract. ne%. sec 6, sw% nw%, and nw% laws applicable to the tana. Department of the Interior, ing beret-Med in this office by a little off." the most peculiar of them all is ap- sw1,4, sec 4, tp 14 n, r 21 e, Mont. F. C. Stuart and A. J. Thucher have General Land Office, Washington, D. ALFRED N. SURPRENANT, Then he retires with the smile still plying the word "fan" to a follower of guards begin- P. M., and will offer proof to show that been appointed forest C., March 23, 1907. Inpursuance of contestant, against Homestead entry in working order. An umpire can nev- the game. to the land sought is more valuable for ning May 1 and are assigned duty *le proclamation of the President of No. 3115, made May 6, 1903, for a% QUALITY er reverse a decision, of course, but But one explanation of the word has national forest. Its timber or stone than for agricultur- FIRST in the Big Belt the United States, dated February 15, swia, and swia sela, sec 17, and nw% Donovan's methods are so different to sounded plausible. Baseball is al purposes, and to establish her played James Galloway, G. I. Porter and 1907, excluding from the Little Belt ne%. sat 20, tp 16 n, r 18 e, Mont. those usually indulged in by players in the summer time, and it often claim to said land before the register hap- E. L. Brundigee have been appointed National Forest, Montana, sections P. M., by Charles Y. Erickson. contes- with a grievance that the umpire is in- pens that it gets so hot only the and receiver of this office at Lewis- REISTLES PLATES ARE RIGHT that guards in the Bitter Root reserve. one (1), two (2). three (3), sections tee, in which it is alleged that the clined to give his team the best of the dyed-in-the-wool followers of the town, Mont., on Saturday, the ilth sport to fifteen (15), both inclusive, said Charles Y. Erickson has wholly RICHT next close decision just to show his are willing to risk a sunstroke. ten (10 day of May, 1907. REI5TLE5 RAILS ARE ELKS' CONVENTION FEATURE. sections twenty-two (22) to twenty- abandoned said homestead for more appreciation. By the dyed-in-the-wool She names as witnesses: followers is five (26), both inclusive, and section than six months last past, that he John McGraw is exactly the oppo- meant the true lovers of the game— Louis Kindlier, of Forest Grove; Visitors Will be Taken Through the thirty-six (36), in township thirteen never did establish residence upon site of Donovan in his methods. Mc- the ones who sit in the bleachers over George W. Phillips, Alice O'Hara, Ed- north, range eleven (11) east, said land, nor improve the same ex- Graw is one of those scrappy fellows beyond base or still Largest Park In the World. (13) gar G. Worden, all of Lewistown, third farther away Montana Principal Merdian, and re- cept to build some fencing. who can't smile and keep when if they Philadelphia, May 2.—A feature of Mont. still happen to be too late. This storing to settlement the public lands Said parties are hereby notified to he thinks he is getting the worst of it. doesn't in the with 75 Any and all persons claiming ad- take plutocrats the convention and reunion of the Be- In said sections, notice is hereby giv- appear, respond and offer evidence Mac waltzes up with a string of stren- of versely the above described lands are cents' worth shaded seat in the nevolent and Protective Order of Elks, en that the said public lands will be- touching said allegation at 10 o'clock uous remarks. He doesn't hesitate. stand. requested to file their claims in this grand which is to be held in this city during come subject to entry, filing and selec- a. m. on May 7, 1907, before the reg- He whoops out whatever Is in his office on or before said llth day of Well, when it gets hot, good and hot, the week of July 15th next, will be tion, under the usual restrictions, at ister and receiver at the United. mind. And the result is usually the May, 1907, a and sun is coming down and the an extended trip through Fairmount the United States Land Office at Lew- States Land Office In Lewistown, scrap. C. E. McKOIN, Register. thermometer is getting up around 110 Palk on Wednesday, July 17th. istown, Montana, on July 8, 1907. R. Montana. Donovan has never been ruled off the is First publication March 3. fan right there. He has his This park "embraces within its do- A. Ballenger. Commissioner, Approv- The said contestant having, in a the field during his with connection coat off like the leader of the band main 3,341 acres, with unsurpassed ed: James Rudolph Garfield, Secre- TIMBER LAND, ACT JUNE 3, 1378— affidavit, flied April 1, 1907, PRICE the Proper > Superbas. McGraw has seen on opening a inspired FAIR day, handkerchief re- has ar- natural scenery that tary of the Interior. Notice for Publication. United set forth facts which show that after scores of games from bench or the ev- places ihs collar, if le is replaced at tists from every corner of the world. First publication April 5. States Land Office, Lewistown, due diligence personal service of this en through a knothole. is McGraw all, and to keep as cool as possible Hundreds of monuments are within its Montana, April 3, 1907. notice cannot be made, it is hero honest in his actions, but too out- he carries a palm leaf fan. is that mag- NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION— CROSS T. I. TUBS environs, chief of which Notice hi hereby given that in com- by ordered and directed ths• such KIRKWOOD spoken to get along even with an um- once that pertinent of the- Interior, 1Aild Of- Somebody said fan was nificent work of art, the bronze eques- pliance with the provisions of con- notice be given by due sad proper pire. an abbreviation of word fanatic, George fice, Lewistown. Mont., March 29, the trian statue of Washington gress of June 3, 1878, entitled "an act publication. CROSS di TUBB has an entirely dif- but that doesn't sound as good as the erected by the State Society of the Cin- 1907. for the sale of timber lands in the given that the fol- C. E. McKOIN, Register. ferent style of placing a kick. Clark other explanation, does it? cinnati at a Cost of $250,000. It is one Notice is hereby States of California, Oregon, Nevada filed notice First publication April 6. AINCHITZCTS walks up close to the official and • of the moat imposing monuments in lowing-named settler has and Washington territory," as ex make final commu- FOR PUBLICATION.—De starts a tirade of personal abuse in America. Then there are the Lincoln of his intention to tended to all the Public Land States NOTICE of his claim, pertinent of the Interior, Land Office, Letweistowax„ Pliestasaa, such a low voice that no one but the monument, Grant's cabin, Memorial tation proof in support by act of August 4, 1892. EXPERIMENT will be made be- at Lewistown, Montana, April 8, victim can hear a word of it. GHff Hall, a $1,500,000 reminder of the cen- and that said proof SOPHIE ANDERSON, isn't outspoken like McGraw, but he tennial of 1876; marvelous horticul- fore the register and receiver, at LAW- Range, Fergus, 1907. specifications furnished of Grass county of Notice is hereby given that the fol- Plans and has a wonderful flow of language. He tural hall, with Its collection of rare istown, Mont., on Thursday, May 9, of has STATION LAW state Montana, this day filed lowing-named settler has flied notice for buildings of all kinds, with super- can sting an umpire into a frenzy, but exotics and its famous and wonder- 1907. viz' in this office his sworn statement No. of his Intention to make final five- vision, if desired. he does it in such a way that the um- ful "sunken gardens," and then the TORVALD NYBRO, 263, for the purchase of the w% 9879 and year proof in support of his claim, pire can hardly show a reason fee bestrttftrt Wiseatitckon, -where nature who made H. B. Nos. 4897, nvirrATIAV nw%, sw% ne%, sec 27, APPROPRIATION MAISE BY LEG- and that said ..proof will be made be- sending him off the field. Grit isn't rims riot. No other great- city in the for lots 2, 3 and 4, sec 7, tp 12 a, tp n, P. M., and will 15 r 24 e. Mont. fore Fred W. Handle, U. S. commis- bounced as often as McGraw, but he ISLATURE 18 AVAVLIABLE world can boast of such A park. r 22 e, lot 4, sec 12, tp 12 n, r 21 e, proof to that the offer show land sioner, at Musseltshell, Mont-, on June is even less popular among the poor AFTER ALL. At 11 a. m. of the same day a mass- Mont. P. M. sought is more valuable for Its tim- witnesses 14, 1907, viz: maligned umpires. ed band parade of 3,000 musicians will He names the following ber or stone than for agricultural JAMES A. WATTERSON, take place, each lodge having a band to prove his continuous residence up- purposes, and to establish his claim & BARBER Jim Corbett, like the close followers of thirty or more pieces entered in on and cultivation of said land, viz: who made Homestead entry No. 2275. Contrary to reports, the small sum to said land before the registet and ne%, of the game, takes no stock in the this feature and in the general parade Scott St. Germain, Nelson St. Ger- for the ea% se%, sec 21, nte 0 SHOP appropriated by the last legislature receiver of this office at Lewistown. 30 e, boasts of the present-day scrappers receiving $100 besides having a chance main, Herbert W. Chase, of Pine syria ne%, sec 28, tp 14 n, r for the establishment of a sub Montana, on Thursday, the 6th day of that they have invented a new punch. -exper- to win the special first prize 8300 Grove; Louis Kindler, of Forest Mont P. H. of June, 1907. following witnesses The Neatest Tonsorial Parlors Corbett says: "I fail to find anyone imental station in this county will be for the largest and best appearing Grove, Mont, He names the He names as witnesses: his continuous residence upon., and Bath Rooms in Lewistown who can show me anything that I available, whatever loCation may be hand, or the second prize of 8150. C. E. McKOIN. Register. to prove Ole Vinger, Ole Stanhean, Thor said land. viz: have not done, The pugilistic time In the afternoon a trip to Willow First publication April 5. and cultivation of chosen by Profs. Atkinson and Lin- MMoanrttanina.G eavl all of Grass Byron piece has been turned back twenty- the moot pleasure Angelo Watterson, of Weede, field for the farm. As originally in- Grove, magnifitient Notice to Creditors. Range, Montana, five years. We are moving along in the world. The Victor Her- V. Dunn, Gust Anderson, Serge W. troduced, the bin contained a provis- resort in of the Tenth Ju- Any and all persons claiming ad- the days of Joe Goss, Paddy Ryan and fisiebeen especially en- In the district conrt Weede, of Musselshell, Montana. ion to the effect_ that the farm should bert orchestra dicial district of the State of Mon- versely the above-described lands are men of that type Marvin Hart, Mike gaged to play during the reunion week, C. E. McKOIN, Register. be located within three miles of Lew- tana, in and for the County of Fer- requested to file their claims In this April 19. Schreck, Tommy Burns and other and this day the fannies Straw- Firet publication istown. Fapresentative Rufus Thomp- on gus. office on or before said 6th day of heavyweights now in the ring are of bridge & Clothier chorus of 1,000 NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION.—D•- son afte rds had this provision In the matter of the estate of Christ June 1907. Coanty Building the class that performed ring service voices will sing. partment of the Interior, Land Of- Bank of Forges stricken 'out, or supposed he had tic- King, deceased. C. E. McKOIN. Register. a quarter of a century ago. A lull evening grand band concerts • %rice at Lewistown, Montana, April complished it, but as printed since the In the Notice is hereby given by the un- First publication April 5. is on. Somewhere a new man is be- be Independence and City 5, 1907. adjournment of the legislature, it was will held in dersigned, Joseph King, executor of ing developed. He will appear sud- LAND, FINAL PROOF.— Notice is hereby given that the fol- found that the measure still contain- Hall Squares, will and testament of Christ DESERT denly. In my opinion Jeffries will box the last Notice for publication—Unites lowing named settler has filed notice ed that clause. Mr. Thompson was deceased to the creditors of dtt . ,IVeNt; hrda, when In con- Strayed. King, States Land Office, Lewistown, of his intention to make final proof right, however. The provision was all persons having claims agakiat dition, is the best big man of his time. and Montana. April 11, 1907. in support of his claim, and that said stricken out. The Argus has Cattle strayed from range on to exhibit them with However, I never saw Burns, but I secured. said deceased, Notice Is hereby given that proof will be made before the regis- through Prof. ',Infield, of Bozeman, a Judith River at Samples' cross- the necessary vouchers within ten take it for granted that Jack O'Brien, ERNEST G. SCHNEIDER, ter and receiver at Lewistown, Mont.,. certified copy of the measure, which ing. Deerfield. Montana, branded months after the lit publication of who is a really clever man, and a has filed notice of Intention to make on Thursday, May 9, 1907, -viz: reads, in fuill, as follows: on left ribs, also have two un- this said executor or to 0. brainy one, has Burns up when notice to proof on his desert-land claim No JOHN FRANCIS ABLE. sized Text of the Law. derbits under each ear; W111 pay attorney at law, at his of- he declares that he can defeat Burns. W. Beiden, 2493, for the ela ne%, ela se%, sec for the e% ne%, sec 13, tp 15 n, r 17 liberal reward for inlorrnation fice in the Bank of Fergus County I figure that if O'Brien did not have it House bill No. 406.—"An act to es- 13 tp 16n. r 16e, and e, lots 1 and 2, sec IS. tp 16 n, r leading to their recovery. E. in Lewistown, Montana, the same be- on Burns he would not meet him in tablish a sub-experimental station in ELIZABETH SCHNEIDER. 18 P, Mont. P. M. Mathias, Lewistown, Mont. 2-1-tf ing the place for the transaction of the ring Again. Burns, probably, has Fergus county, Montana, and providing of Lewistown, Montana. has _feed no Ile names the following witnesses - the busieess- of Mad estate in the not given- fEe outcome the serious con- fot the acquisition or acceptance of dee of intention to make proor on to -prove his continuous residence up- Colinty of Fergus and state of Mon- sideration O'Brien has given It. title to the land for the same and the his desert-land claim No. 2494, for on and cultivation of said land, viz: O'Brien tana. believes that the blow dealt to him direction thereof, and appropriating l'OLEIMIIONEYANTAR the se1 sw%, sec 12, e% nw%, ne% Julius Petersen. William M. Abel, Dated this 17th day of April, 1907. 4 by Burns in the Angeles fight was money therefor." for Waldron,safe. ewes- .0/0 sedates sec 13, tp 16 n, r 16 e, Mont. John A. Learn, Howard H. Whipple,. Los JOSEPH KING, a 'lucky punch.' You know Burns had Be it enacted by the legislative As- P. M., before the register and re- all of Lewistown, Montana. — Executor of the last will and testa- O'Brien in distress at one time. Jack sembly of the State of Montana: ceiver at Lewistown, Montana on Mon- C. E. McKOIN, Register. es- ment of Christ King, deceased. theorizes that this will not occur again. Section 1. That there Is hereby day, the 20th day of May 1907. First publication April 5. tablished, to be located in Fergus 0. W. BELDEN, attorney for executor. If O'Brien had more weight he would They name the following witnesses NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION-4* county, Montana, on such land as may be a top-notch heavyweight. Joe Gans to Prove the complete irrigation and partment of the Interior, Lead Of. donated to the state of Montana JOHN DUGGAN Notice to Creditors. is the best lightweight, though he is be Tenth Ju- reclamation of said land: flee at Lewistown, Montana, April governor and In the district court of the gradually slippng back. No boxer of and accepted by the Chris King, Henry E. Shipman, 25, 1907. for the dicial district of the State of Mon- his class has it on him. I never saw secretary of state as suitable Experienced funeral Director sad August Tognettl, David Trepp, all of Notice Is hereby given that the fol- agricul- tana, in and for the Courtly of Fer- Battling Nelson." purpose, a sub-station of the I nobaliner. Lewistown, Montana. lowing-named settler has filed notice experiment station provided for gus. Famous at home for tural estate of Wil- C. E. McKOIN, Register. of his intention to make final commu- in section 7 of an act of the legisla- In the matter of the Joe Cantillon, Clark Griffith and Tip Open Day and Night. liam A. Forsyth, deceased. First publication April 12. tation proof in support of his claim, Generations past; tive assembly of the state of Mon- O'Neill, president of the Western lea- Notice is given by the un- and that said proof will be made be- tana, entitled, "An act providing for Mutual Tel. No. 13.5 hereby PUBLICATION.—Do Famous now all gue, will, it Is said, go into partner- Bell Tel, No. 25, William Henna, admini- NOTICE FOR fore the register and receiver at Lew- the location and establishment of the dersigned, pertinent of the Interior, Land Of ship in the sheep raising business in strator of the estate of William A. istown, Montana, on May 28. 1907, via: over the World. agricultural college of the state of flee at Lewistown, Montana, April this state, O'Neill to look after the - - - Mont. Forsyth, deceased, to the creditors SAMUEL ANWORD, Montana, and an agricultural experi- Lewistown, 4, 1907. ranch in the summer. This being the all persons having claims who made Homestead entry No. 4131, mental station in connection therewith, of and Notice is hereby given that the fol- ease Griff and Cantillon between them said deceased, to exhibit them Dec. 29, 1905 for the s% nw%, nw% enumerating its objects and purposes, against lowing named settler has filed notice ought to be able to ram home a pen- with the necessary vouchers within se%, ne% sec 13. tp 11 n, r 22 dedicating lands for the use of the of his intention to make final commu- nant. four months after the first publica- e, Mont. P. M. same, providing for the government NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION—De. tation proof in support of his claim, of this notice, to said administra- " He names the following witnesses and control thereof, and accepting and partment of the Interior, land Of- tion and that said proof will be made be- Al'Orth differs from some pitchers tor or to 0. W. Belden, attorney at to prove his continuous residence up- adopting the provisions, donations and fice, Lewistown, Mont., March 29, fore the register and receiver at Lew- regarding the spit ball. He does not at his office in the Rank of Fergus on and cultivation of said land, viz. benefits contained in the acts of con- 1907. law, istown, Montana, on Tuesday, May 14, think it injures his arm in the least, County building in Lewistown. Mon- John Elliot, Norman Anderson, John gress relating thereto." Approved Notice is hereby given that the fol- 1907. viz: but be says the pitcher who has a tana, the same being the place for the B. Elliot, David K. Anderson, all of February 16, 1893. Said sub-station lowing named settlers have filed no- ANTHONY C. WEIDENBACHER, wind-up delivery and lets his arm go transaction of the business of said Pine Grove, Montana. shall be the direction of the tice of their intention to make final who made Homestead entry No. 4272 at tun length never should use it. under estate in the county of Fergus and C. E. MoICOIN, Register. experimental station of theealvicultur- proof in support of their claims and for the e1/2 se%, see 14. n% ne%, state of Montauk. First publication April 26. GOPHERS the state of Montana. that said proofs will be made before sec 23 tp 14 n, r 20 e, Mont P. M. of "I never wofty," observes al,Cellege Dated and signed this 17th day of PROOF.—NO• Section 2. The governor and sec- the register and recePver at Lewis- He names the following witnesses DESERT19 LAND, FINAL GITIffith. "But the man in charge on April, A. D. 1907. Land retary of state are hereby authorized town, Mont., on Tuesday, May 7,1907, to prove his continuous residence up- Uce for Publication—II. El. Of- the bench during a game has all sorts WILLIAM HANNA, Montana, April 4,, on behalf of the state, do- viz: on and cultivation of said land, vis: fice, Lewistown, SAGE RATS of things to irritate him, and the tight to accept Administrator of the estate of William nation of land for such SUSAN J. SHEEKS, Samuel Y. Tyler, Alphonso Jack- places tell on your nerves." Well, that or donations A. Forsyth, deceased. purposes, provided such land be con- who made H. E. No. 2689, for the man, Daniel L. Tyler, of Forest Grove Notice Is hereby given that sounds a good deal like worry. sec 0. W. BELDEN, attorney for admin- MAYNARD. veyed to the state in fee simple, and nw% sett, e% swI4, sw% sw%, Lafayette P Law, of Lewistown, Mon- FRANK istrator. Grove, Montana, has filed no. 1 be free of all encumbrances and the 14, tp 13 n, r 19 e; and tana of Pine San Francisco, May 2.—Bill Squires, to DOGS title to the same be good. ZIBA E. SHEISKS, C. E. McKOIN, Register. Bee of intention make Proof on PRAIRIE champion of Australia, did not Indulge NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION.—Do No. 2316, for Fiction 3. There Is hereby appropri- who made H. E. No. 2137, for the First publication April 5. his desert-land claim In training work yesterday, but he did pertinent of the Interior, Laud Of- 27, tp ated for the support and maintenance nwai, sec 25, tp 13 n. r 19 e, Mont. the swia nw%, nw% sw 14. sec the next best thing. lie stripped and fice at Lewistown. Mcintana, April PUBLICATION.—Be' before the of saki sub-station, the sum of two P. H. NOTICE FOR 12 n. r 20 e, Mont. P. M., I had oot himdred acres of hod sear donned his fighting togs and gave a 22, 1907. the Interior, Land Office Lewistown, thousand (2,000) dollars, one-half of They name the following witnesses pertinent of register and receiver at Umiak Otapa,awl the scrim& ease In critical crowd of San Francisco sport- Notice Is hereby given that the fol- at Lewistown, Montana, April 2, 15, 1907. which shall be available in the year to prove their continuous resklence Montana on Wednesday,May bon the hall hi mach mob= that it ing men an opportunity of studying lowing named settler has filed notice 1907. following witnesses with 1907 and one-half In 1908, and payable upon and cultivation of said land. viz: He names the aleasesd impomobla to do awdete hit conformation. of his intention to make final commu- Notice is hereby given that the fol. Irrigation and "Wood- to said agricultural college out of any Martin Durstine, Sic:an J. [Meeks., tee prove the complete lisatimi usod rococo Of Bill did not appear In his war paint tation proof in support of his claim, lowing-named settler has filed notice land: six cae. money in the state treasury not other- Ma E. /Meeks, Frank Sheets, of Rog- I reclamation of said hoe &phial Pomo I penhosed just to please the visitors at Shan- and that said proof will be made be- of his Intention to make final McLean, Alexander McMil- drove corn- wise appropriated. ers; Denton P. Sheeks. of Lewistown. Archie which Wed sd dw entire non's. He stripped because a number fore the register and receiver, at Lew proof in support of his claim, and Jimmerfield, Fred T. deed over the Section 4. The said college is auth- Mont, lan, Philip ely. Tie sear' el. by of photographers besieged his training istown, Montana, on Friday, June 7, that said proof will be made be- Grove, Mont. a rat orized to receive donations of money, C. B. McKOIN, Register. Smith, all of Pine tby inarkeds. Now I have quarters and assured that no fighter 1907, viz: fore the register and receiver at Register. out I eeev Implements, building materials, ani- First publication April 5. C. 16 McKOIN, 1 ha06:b ever yet reached the championship SATURNO FERRARI._ Lewistown, Montana, on Tuesday, April 6. and supplies for the use of said First publication then goal without passing through an ave- mals of Lewistown, Mont., who made H. E. 7, 1907, viz: (iso- May TIMBER LAND ACT JUNE S. 1117S.— say be owe sea ow s raed*006!r1abac" nue of cameras. sub-station. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION No. 4413, April 3, 1906, for the sys AUGUST F. MIER, This act will take effect tract)—PubIlc land Sale-- Notice for publication—U. S. Land S. S. Boom th. Oars. Bill submitted gracefully. He sport- Section 6. lated sele, s% sw%, sec 25. tp 16 0, r 16 e, who made Hphestead entry No. 2766 be in force from and after Its the Interior, United Office, Lewistown, Montana, March ed the old green trunks and black and Department of Mont. P. M. the se% nw%, e% sar16, MC 6, The above letter explains what and lewistown, April for socks that had seen him through a passage approval. States Land Office He names the following witnesses ne% nw%, sec 8, to 13 n, r 18 e, Mont. E. W. KING, Speaker of the House. 13N00,(1' 1907 I. hereby given than in eon" "Woodlark" Squirrel Poison does. dozen scraps, and he posed and posed 29, 1907. to prove his continuous residence up- P. M. EDWIN L. NORRIS, given that, as di- perinea with the provisions of the set and posed. He showed them his slop- Notice is hereby on and cultivation of said land, viz: Hs names the following 'Mamma It certain death to Ground the Senate. Commissioner of the of congress of June 3. 1878. entitled is shoulders and his swelling biceps; President of rected by the .1afet Longhini, Jo Martelleti to prove his continuous redileinee up Gophers ing March 1907, under provisions "An act for the sale of timber leads Squirrels. Prairie Dogs. his well turned legs and his rendre- Approved 9, General Land Office, French Martinucl, Thomas Georeetti, on, and cultivation of, said land. viz: Governor. approved June 27. in the states of California, Oreeioa. and Sage Rats. M0116 forearm: his doubled fists, his J. K. TOOLS. of act of congress all of Lewistown, Montana, Carl Mier, John Tuscon, Christopher a. m. we will offer at Nevada, and Washington territory.* aa favorite crouch and his fighting face. Filed March 9, 1807, at 11:35 1906, public-No. 303, C. Z. McKOIN. Register. Mier, of Natal, Zebulin Goodrich, of bidder at extended to all public land date, JOSechWelial WeiPPe. Idaho. general opinion that A. N. YODER, Secretary of State. public sale to the highest Firstpublication April 26. Jones, Montana, It was the of by act of August 4, 1892. kiled 150 spirt& with the °w- In lighting array is a mach 2 o'clock p. In., on the 8th day C. E. McKOIN. Ragister. Squires PUBLICATION.—Do GARCrove7IllicountitycLolliAf N. state man than Bemires In street Land Office instructions. June next, at this office, the following NOTICE FOR First publication AprIl 6. eenie of tittle cu- bigger pertinent of the Interior, Land Of- of Pine Fergus, clothes. The Australian is well bal- Washington, May 2.--C,ommissioner tract of land, to-wit: Lot 5, see 6, at Lewistown, Montana, April FOR PUBLICATION.—De- of Montana, has this day filed in this lt costs ad. more than some anced, possessing sturdy, well turned Ballinger of the general land office has tp 13 n, r 19 e.. Mont. P. M.. fice NOTICE adversely the 19, 1907. pertinent of the Interior, Lead Of- office his sworn statement No. Vitt, it is better. Pep. powerful shoulders and finely de- issued instructions to local land offi- Any Persons claiming others became advised to Notice is hereby given that the fol- fice at Lewistown, Montana. April for the purchase of the e% sW14. veloped arms and hands. cers in the matter of the disposition above described lands are Guaranteed. or settlers have tiled no- 2, 1907. sw% se%, no 27. tp 12 n, r 10 e, Every Package looks of him," said Billy of lands withdrawn from coal entre, tile their claims or objections on lowing named "I like the err Intention to make Anal Notice Is hereby given that the fol- Mont. P. 5f., and will otter prod to- Delaney, the man who was so olopsly both with regard to land known to Ile before the day above designated tice of their POW SALA BY commutation proof in support of his lowing named settler has filed notice show that the land sought is more associated with Jim Corbett and Jim within a known coal field, as well as sale. claim, and that said proof will be of his intention sto make final proof valuable for its timber or stone than Jeffries, thousands of acres outside of such C. E. McKOIN, Register. Receiver. made before the register and receiv- In support of his claim and that said for agricultural purposes, and to es- Philips Drug Oa, Jimmy Britt and Ter Kreling were fields. The local officers will be fur- W YLLY ft A. 1410T)(1 ES, publication May 3. at lewistown. Montana, on Thurs- proof will be made before the regis- tablish his claim to said land before also favorably impressed with Squires. nished with township maps, the lock- First er dey, June 6, 1907, viz: ter and receiver, at Lewistown, Mont, the register and reesieer of this office Keeling discovered that Squires has Lewistown. Montana GEORGE IRWIN, on Ma 11. 1907, viz: at Lewistown. Mont., on Wednesday, descrIbed as "the Maim •a mmaisimilt 1 what he ...... •a• Ranee, Meataaa, who made MARGARET!' E. HIJOWET, the May, moss forearm." and jumped to the cos- of Grass Homestead entry No. 4081, October who made Homestead entry No. 4186 Het5eusedihree yness19L7 • elusion that Squires, iffte Fivelmmotts. 1905 for the 0,4 n•%, ne% eeih„ for the se% geld. see 7. w% 11W%. Alenander McMillan, Nell McLean. had worked at the forge. WELLS (11 ELLSWORTH 10, 1 24, tp 15 a, r 23 re, Mont. P.M. sec 8, and ne% me 18, tp 14 n. of Mae Grove, Frank Maynard, of to Barney Reynolds, the see ne%. According names the following altruism, r 21 a Mont. P M. Rogers. Alone,, W. Bell, of Lewistown, Idea! le about die -ogle thing Squires and Be Oar Protect Tour forge Contractors. Builders to prove his continuous residence up. She names the following ttnessee has not worked at. Billsires who le on and cultivation of said land, viz: to peoVs his continuous libnAntyarfitan. d all persons claiming side old, might be described Superintendents es ne- barely 28 years Welter Richardeon, Jobe Bowen, and cultivation air the Ins& vls• verselY the above described lands'are PATENTS GUARANTEED Australian backwoodsman. Un- on Desk 'real as an H. Charters, of Grass Range, Louis Rincher, of !forest Grove, gni requested 70 lieSON glabas ta tide Handsome Guide discovered that he had lighting on Up-to-dato Worft James taoany. Patent ga- til he I Close Figures Herbert "Mislead, of Lewistown. Mon- George W. Phillips, Altos (Mars and office on or bateau said 16th Sul of I save than and West, he worked at mad making, pe. tana. B. 0. Worden. of Lewistown, Moat May, 1907. tree felling, sheep *eating. horse MONT.400 la, LaimLEAl:LSTosit WN. easnmensommiumu . . . . C. N. McKOIN. Register. C. S. MeN0111, Itoolabir. pv6(1. B.ncat lisoaMcKOD:.res Register. I. S. VROONIAN, Don breaking sad coal Weise. He has First poiktkatIoa Ma" 9. Minn pablioadas April S. First IL WO0100.0014 O. 0. dose Nothing bet tell Mee be wag a U.