m composmn AN D rnm m n u u WAVERLY PRESS BY u m WILLIAMS WIL KINS Comm x r





It is not intended in t his simple history of your branch am son Ohio of the S p Family in Pennsylvania and , to i give a complete genealogy . The book s written solely to preserve an account of this distinctive branch of is f in the Sampsons , and purposely there no intention o cluding, beyond occasional reference , the New branch . Owing to lack of the preservation of family history of ld of m or records , o Bibles , fa ily letters , even of tomb of stones to mark the graves many of these pioneers , this story cannot be absolutely complete in every detail . This book embraces fragments I have collected from who personal conversations with those are living , also an extended correspondence in England , Scotland , Ire m land and A erica , and individual research in the numer u i of o s historical and publ c Libraries Pittsburgh , Harris n burg , Philadelphia, New York, Ci cinnati, Chicago , and

Washington , D . C . Added to the above field of study a great deal of time has been spent among the various Court records in the territory outlined above , thereby securing authentic i of data and mportant facts through the channels wills , deeds and property transfers that are not obtainable in any other direction . This collect ion has been compiled not only for the bene f fit o your posterity and future generations , but to keep f alive the revered memories o your ancestors . INTRODUCTION

of f The following words Dr . Egle , o Harrisburg, Pa . ee whose works have b n of such great assistance to me , expresses the spirit which impelled me to make these searches for the early Sampsons :

While the descendants of the Puritans and of the Dutch of New York ha ve ca refully preserved their fam ily f memorials , there has not been, until recently, any e fort nn nia of the made by Pe sylva ns , especially those Scotch In i . Irish , toward the compilation of fam ly genealogies our own locality few have been prepared . Yet we are gla d to learn our families are looking up the records of is their ancestry for permanent preservation . This a duty we all owe to the memory of a revered and pious s — d a ance try an even though the records may be me gre , there is no one who cann ot assist in the performan ce of

. s this noble work, nor is it t oo late to begin Tho e to come after us will honor the labors thus bestowed even i if we do not receive, while liv ng, the reward for well doing .





not as The name Sampson is , most people infer, from F the Hebrew , but according to the author of amily Nam es o the United Kin dom s f g , is Samson , the son of Sam or “ ” “ ” Samuel , the P being inserted as in Thompson, for strength and euphony .

The Reverend Henry Barker, M . D . , and states “ that the name Sampson comes from St . Sampson , a ” local name in Normandy, France , near Caen . In the Dictionar o En lish and Welsh Surnam es y f g , by C . W . of Beardsley , Oxford College, London , Mr . Beardsley i m San om cla ms that Sampson , Sa son , Sansom , s e, Sanson or Sansum , all refer to the same family, and gives several f ix . o s ff proofs One these proofs is di erent entries , in ' six f i of ix f di ferent h stories , s di ferent spellings of the “ ” name Sampson , all referring to the same individual . In my own researches I have found even a greater variety of of ways spelling the name , but will confine myself “ one on — to way this account SAMPSON . Famil Nam es o the United Kin dom In y f g , by M . A . “ is nf of Lower, given the I ormation John Sampson , ”

Es . q who states that from the Monastery of St . Sampson of at Rouen the family Sampson derive their na me .

The first who bore it in England was Ra lph de St . r Sampson , a brother to Thomas, fi st Norman Arch of who a s bishop York , , with R lph , had been educated a f - o . the charge Odo , half brother of Willia m , The Conqueror a a R lph was also Chapl in to William , and was created “ D onvré in 1 9 f Baron de and 0 6 Bishop o Worcester . 3 4 THE SAMPSON FAMILY

’ . on Ralph de St Sampson s s Thomas , (for the canons relating to the celibacy of the clergy were not at this r A period ve y closely Observed) , became rchbishop of son was York as Thomas II and another , Richard, Bishop f O Bayeux in Fran ce . ’ Ecclesiast ee s From these and their collateral relatives , descended a numerous progeny who varied the ort hog ra h of Sansom e Sanso ius ann p y of the name , n , S sun ,

. Sam s n o e . . Sansone, de St p , etc , etc These settled in in many counties England and Scotland .

The Dicti onar o Nationa l Bi o ra h y f g p y, by Sidney Lee . The Pri or o Hexham and y f by the Surtees Society, as well as other writers , tell us more about Ralph de St . Sampson his and brother Thomas . D on ré Ralph and Thomas were born at v near Caen, F rance , and were the sons of Osbert and Muriel , who i were of noble l neage .

as . The father, Osbert, w also a Priest Ralph followed

William, The Conqueror , to England , was ordained a priest by Archbishop Anselme at Lambeth Palace , and 8 1096 was of on June , , he consecrated Bishop Worcester, ’ at St . Paul s London , his brother, Thomas , Archbishop of York, Officiating . In 1 100 Bishop Sampson dedicated the Abbey Church at Gloucester , and he made several gifts to the Monks at S his for Worcester . Bishop Sampson howed fondness the secular clergy by establishing them at Westbury , f in the room o the Monks , who had held it from the days of Oswald . Malmesbury blamed Sampson for taking Westbury m so fro the Monks, which had been settled on them many

i Bishop Sampson was noted for his learn ng, was a


’ am Ralph de St . S pson s brother Thomas , who was of 1 Archbishop York as Thomas I , was born in 027 and distin guished from his earliest years for the elegance of his hi s i taste and ardour in the pursuit of l terary distinction . The schools in his own country were in sufficient to satisfy his cravings after knowledge and he sought for additional supplies in Germany and Spain . When he returned to Bayeaux his learning attracted the attention and gained him i i of of x for the nt macy Odo , Bishop Bayeau , half i l brother to W l iam , The Conqueror, and a person of comm a ndin g influence . Thomas was made Archbishop of York in 1070 and 1 8 1 100 died at York , November , , having been Arch bishop for about thirty years . He had been infirm some his time before death and must have been an old man . He was interred in the Minster at York near his Prede

on hi s cessor, Aldred , with an epitaph in Latin tomb which was highly eulogistic ; but the See Of York owed f a deep debt o gratitude to Archbishop Thomas .

l ur hi m I can see him even now, as Ma mesb y described a i in his l ter years, the graceful figure reta ning even then the spring and energy of youth ; the noble presence and the courteous bearing which captivated all ; the handsome his as wn florid countenan ce , and hair white as the do upon a swan . NO one could impugn the purity or correct i ness of h s life .

As to his learning and ability, the Chroniclers are for w E once unanimous . He brought ith him into ngland the i literary stores of three continents . It was his del ght to

him . have his clergy around , to read with them and to argue

But music was his master passion . He knew it thoroughly and was a composer as well as a singer . He could pla y upon the organ and was acquainted with its construction . ENGLAND 7

or If he chanced to hear any light trivial air , he would transpose it with marvellous facility into a hymn . He n made chants and services , eschewi g especially all soft and effemina te music .

The Bibliography of Normandy by Fuere , mentions Don ré Ralph de St . Sampson as Sampson, Baron of v , and adds that the Commune of D onvré gave birth to an D onvré of illustrious family, Baron Sampson de , Bishop D onvré Worcester , his brother , Thomas de , Archbishop D onvré II of of York ; Thomas de , Archbishop York as Donvré Thomas III ; and Richard de , Bishop of Bayeux . of D onvr The two latter were sons the Baron Sampson de é . “ ” “ ” “ ” i of or D on ré The prefix de in French sign fies from v . We must bear in mind that it was not until the time of the Norman Conquest that surnames began to be adopted ; and we can surmise that after Baron Sampson de r f D onv é settled in England he adopted the name o St . Sampson as a surname using Ralph for the Christian name f o . and thus assumed the name Ralph de St Sampson . is r At least, this is the name he given by all histo ians 1 after 066 . The Memoirs of the Society of Antiquities of Normandy informs us that i Among our more modern Sa nts , many of our primitive I I i i m SS Onarl es have g ven the r na mes as well to fam i hes.

s Among the names referred to is Sampson, o this ’ a explains why St . S mpson s name was used by this family f — o D onvré which was near the monastery of St . Sampson ’ at Rouen . Moreover, Ralph de St . Sampson s father was also a Priest , which was additional reason for his s choosing the name of o eminent a saint as Sampson . 8 THE SAMPSON FAMILY

There are references in a History of the Norm an People to Nicholas , William , Christian , Henry and Walter 1 180 1 195 Sampson , living in the years from to , as being descendants of Ralph de St . Sampson . The Hi stor o il iam The A few paragraphs from y f W l , Conqueror will best explain how matters were in England at the tim e of the Conquest :

’ of By the end William , the Conqueror s reign , all the greatest estates in England had passed into the hands of

Normans and other utter strangers . ’ A few Englishmen who had won King William s favor kept great estates , and a crowd of Englishmen kept small estates . In many cases the English owner kept his lands as or tenant under a N man grantee , but every man, Norman r o English , held his land by a grant from Kin g William . n f Gradually, and u der cover o law , the highest Officers in Church and State were taken from the Englishmen and bestowed on the Normans . CHAPTER II

In the majority of the books I have consulted for information regarding the earliest history of the Sampson “ ” Family , I find them referred to as a Clerical Family and of great renown in the Clerical world . Among the most ’

of . noted was the Abbot St Edmund s , in Bury St . Ed f u S . m nds , County u folk , England This was Abbot 1 1 Sampson , who succeeded Abbot Hugo in 80 . He was in 1 1 born Tottington , County Norfolk, England , in 35, the son of poor parents . In the very complete account of this Abbot by Jocelin k l n de Bra e o de, he refers to the fact that Abbot Sampson was very reticent regarding his relatives , but always made “ ” of the remark that he was gentle birth , when questioned on the subject . We can hardly be criticised for believing that Abbot was of Sampson nearly related to the Bishop Worcester, f o . and his brother Thomas , Archbishop York The dates which mark their lives were not so far apart as to — render this impossible and , remembering also , that there were few of the name of Sampson in the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries .

us - Thomas Arnold , Of Oxford , tells that the Story of Abbot Sampson furnished Carlyle with material for a Pa st and Present series of graphic chapters in his , under on the title of The Ancient M k .

I would recommend the reading of these chapters , and also the history of Abbot Sampson by Jocelin de Brake 9 10 THE SAM PSON FAMILY

i s ’ l londe, wh ch has been tran lated and pub ished by John

m r . Murry, Albe a le Street , London, W Jocelin de Brak elonde says :

The reader is desired to mark this Monk, a persona ble f a man o seven and forty ; stout made , st nds erect as a pillar, with bushy eyebrows , the eyes of him beamin g ou in l into y a rea ly strange way, the face massive, grave, his l with a very eminent nose ; head a most bald, its auburn remnants of hair an d the copious ruddy beard getting Slightly streaked with grey . This is Brother

m an . Sampson , a worth looking at

Other item s of interest regarding this most celebrated n : Abbot , are the followi g

m in A ong the Crown lands sold by K g Richard I , his immediately after succession , was the Man or of

nh . Milde all , which Sampson, Abbot of St Edmunds , (who assisted at the Coronation of King Richard I) bought for a thousand marks . When all the Shrines of England were being stripped ’ i a r to furn sh King Richard s r nsom , Abbot Sampson e sisted and the Shrine Of St . Edm un ds rema ined untouched . All the land mentioned in Pakenham at the time Of the

. ho survey, belonged to the Abbot of St Edmunds , w was 1 1 Abbot Sampson . In 99 Abbot Sampson assigned one third of the demesnes and tithes in Pakenham to St . ’ Saviour 8 Hospital . 1 212 Abbot Sampson died in , so that he was Abbot of - a in St . Edmunds for thirty two ye rs , and that time he made man y improvements in the Abbey and won for himself a great name by his steadfast devotion to all that was just and right . CHAPTER III

Although Ralph de St . Sampson and members of his imm ediate family were the only ones of the name in of England in the latter part the eleventh , and the early part of the twelfth centuries the records of the thirteenth century Show us that the family of Sampsons has grown into large proportions . There are some manuscripts in existence indicating that efforts had been made to keep a history of this most of interesting family . One these manuscripts is now in the British Museum Library , under the title of Davy n Sufiolk Collectio . This devotes some nineteen pages to

Sampson genealogy in County Suffolk, and includes some famous branches .

I am indebted to Mr . Donat Sampson of London (who is of f the County Clare , Ireland , Sampsons) , or some information from this collection . But he advises me that the manuscript is in a very small hand and the writing f much faded , so that it would be di ficult to decipher it . Accordin g to my study of the family I am inclined f to think that these County Su folk Sampsons went into , that County from County York . County York seems to of of have been the home most the very early Sampsons .

The Surtees Society mention a family of that name , com m encing with Alan Sampson who was Bailiff of the City — of York in 1253 1254 . His wife was Elizabeth or Con stance and they had three sons , Maurice,

Matthew and John . John was knighted and styled 12 THE SAMPSON FAMILY

ni . Sir John Sampson , K ght He was Mayor of York in 1279— 12 1—12 3—128 —1299 130 the years 8 8 5 and 0, and

Knight of the Shire in 1298 . Sir John was granted the sites Of certain wind and Beckhawe i water mills at Aberford and , wh le he and Mary his wife were granted the Manor Of i Appleton . He died not long after , leav ng four sons and a daughter . The daughter , Constance , married Sir f -in- n o . Joh Sutton , Sutton Holderness Of the sons , John Sampson was one of the Knights of the Shire in 1298 and was otherwise employed in important public services . In 1282 he and Gilbert de Luda with other citizens of 4 i 1 s . York , loaned K ng Edward I , 0 0 mark This John also had sum m ons of service t o attend at New Castle-upon-Tyne with horse and arms to march against the Scots . His wife was Agnes and n h s he had his seat at To e ou e, in Yorkshire , and in the 28t h year of the reign Of Edward I was Constable of 5 mi Stirling Castle , which is situated in Scotland , 3 les f North o Edinburg . ’ son l m Allan s , Wil iam , was sum oned to Parliament as a Baron , (Lord Sampson) by writs , in December 2 s 1 09 . He also attended with hor e and arms a great council appointed to meet at Carlisle . He held lands according to the Testa de Neville at Eperest on and Wredeburgh which his ancestors had holden by the serv ’ f n ice o o e Knight s fee . Of Another son , Thomas , became Canon York, was a very wealthy man and much employed in State affairs .

Thomas was appointed Canon of St . Peters in York in 1 9 33 . Previous t o this he was Prebendary Of Holme f fic nt from 1332 to 1339 . He Is spoken o as a m uni e


Ma ster Hugh Sampson presented to the Church of

ssindon f 1 f . Wy in diocese o Lincoln , 130 , reign o Edward I l h r ne a p Sampson, Rector of Church at Epe est o in 12g1 Of Henry Sampson, presented to Church of St . George - - 2 Bartow on Trent In 1 72 . ohn Buneshal Sampson , presented to Church of in

12J0 . l a f Wil i m Sampson presented to the Church o St . Mary 12 Bishophill Senior 71 .

Master Henry Sampson , Parson Of the Churches of i Walsham , Erp ngham, Flete, Earl Sohan , Eston, and 29 Creton, 1 5 . f F sk er Ma ster Henry Sampson, parson Of Churches o y t n Har n b In l h 1 2 o , y g y and g eswort , 95 .

Master Hugh Sampson , Parson of the Churches of rk By yn and San deford 1 295 . a Thom s Sampson, Parson of the Church Of Misterton 4 13 1 . f Maurice Sampson , a brother of Sir John o York , and f f E li t on son o Alan , was instituted t o the Rectory o d n

in 1 252 . r was n Hen y Sampson , the younger, appoi ted to Church of In e ort h f 1 29 1 g w in Diocese o Norwich .

Other notes Of these early days are that

Hugh Sampson was appointed by Richard de la Pole, ’ i ’ n h 1 4 . Ki g s Sergeant , as s deputy 33 Hugh s wife was

ulst an John Sampson was witness to a deed Of W , f Prior o Church of Worcester in 1336 . Nicholas Sampson was Burgess and merchant of South ampton in 1338 . John Sampson was given a grant for life Of the custody of f h r h 1 1 the Castle o Scart ebu g in 30 , with the same a salary s his predecessor . Willia m Sampson was Proctor General in England of ENGLAND 15

Bl n the of a kla nd, and the Abbot of Cok ersond 1 2 in A94b .bey Ada m Sampson was a citizen and merchant of London 1 2 in 73 .

John Sampson was granted land by Queen Eleanor, 2 (the Consort of Edward I) in 1 79 . John Sampson was keeper of the Exchange of York in 2 1 80. r f John , A chbishop o York, nominated John Sampson i h s at t orny for one year .

Hugh Sampson of St out on was an attorney in 1340 . as ff f Nicholas Sampson , the younger, w Baili o South 4 1 ampton in 13 . There was also a Nicholas Sampson , the elder . w s f Matthew Sampson, who a brother t o Sir John o s n f s ff f 2 York, and o o Alan, wa Baili o York in 1 88 .

A few records from the Close Rolls, in the reign of Henry

III , are that John Sampson received letters from the King asking 22 . 1 . protection , etc , in 6 Thomas Sampson was one of four Justices appointed 22 for the Assizes in Northampton in 1 9 . Roger Sampson lived in 124 0 John Sampson Of Rutland is mentioned as a Knight

in 1255 . William Sampson was justice in Sta mford Coun ty 2 Lincoln in 1 51 . Gervase Sampson an d John Sampson mentioned as 2 4 Burgesses Of Northampton in 1 6 . H l ll Henry Sampson purcha sed land in o ewe , County

n 1 261 . Lincol , in one John Sampson of Winchelsea, County Essex, is Of 12 a list of Barons , in 66 .

It has taken me many months of study and research to ri collect these scraps of Sampson History , from va ous 16 THE SAMPSON FAMILY sources ; and though to many these brief mentions may seem unnecessary , there may be a few to whom the knowledge gained will be of assistance in tracing their own lineage . of or Frequently a date birth , a marriage, death leads

S to great results, O I will add a list from Yorkshire Archae Ology :

of John Sampson, Owthorne married Agnes Tennison , of Roos . Ibbe f Nicholas Sampson married Emote rson o Worrall, in Bradfield . William Sampson of East married Mary Haw 4 ton of City of York in 17 6 .

Sarah Sampson , Of West Stow, Yorkshire, married

Wellbourn e 1 752 . George , of same place, in f m b Edward Sampson , o Wooly, married Ann e Mau y of Ledsham in 1 739 .

i Among Yorksh re wills are Agnes Sampson , of Kelke 1 557 . Magna , f f Eccl field Nicholas Sampson, o Foxhill , in Parish o es ,

1 566 . f t ll 1 o Turns a 5 . Robert Sampson , , 88

1588 . William Sampson , of Snaith , f 1 o 56 . William Sampson , Burton Agnes , 0 f illhill 2 o 1 56 . John Sampson , W , f 144 o 0 . Thomas Sampson , Bolton Percy,

- - of in 1 393 . William Sampson , Appleton Anstey , 144 0 . William Sampson, in Farley, 1 505 . Richard Sampson ,

- — of in 1537 . John Sampson , Garton Holderness ,

of 1536 . Richard Sampson, Hooton ,

of ort ele 1545 . Robert Sampson , W y , Leeds Parish , ENGLAND 17

of Parl n t on 1 2 Thomas Sampson , y g , Aberford Parish , 5 6 . f rl n o Pa n t 1 1 . William Sampson , y g o , Aberford Parish , 55 of unist all-in— 1 4 William Sampson , T Holderness , 5 3 of Mr . G . D . Lumb , Honorable Treasurer the Thoresby of Society Leeds , in County York , has written me a short f Parl n t on account o the Sampsons of y g , County York , who were his ancestors : Henry Sampson, of Aberford , 1 787 7 . died in , Aged 8 He left a daughter , Mary, who was ’

Lum 1 . Mr . b s great grandmother . She died in 803 Of Parl n t on these y g Sampsons , these was also Thomas , who 1 26 156 made his will in 5 ; John , born 8 ; William , born 1 2 1 1 56 65 . ; and Edmund , born Of this same family was Pendfield n Henry Sampson , who emigrated to , Mo roe

1 0 . County , New York State , in 80 He had married Jane 1 777 Clarkson in England in , and they have many de scendant s endfield in America . Henry is buried at P ,

New York . Of A short record Of the Sampsons Foxhill , County i 1 2 s 5 . York , that John lived there in 8 He was the ’ of father Henry and Nicholas . Henry s will is dated 1 99 h w 5 e . as and had a son Henry Nicholas , whose will 156 dated 6, had a daughter Mary, who married a Henry

Sampson .

When we reflect that Ralph de St . Sampson , Bishop of on Worcester , had a brother Thomas and a s Thomas , who were both Archbishops o f York in the years 1068 to 1 1 12 , and possible later , we can readily infer that York oi shire , England , was the home the earliest Sampsons , and also that the Sampsons mentioned in this chapter

n as could o doubt claim Ralph de St . Sampson their ancestor . mi If there were only a few more records , we ght be 18 THE SAMPSON FAMILY able t o secure a direct lineage back to our Norman anoes f t o tors . I have made a strong e fort find some such history — in the various Libraries and have been fortunate enough to be aided by a French and Latin scholar , Mrs . L . Nel Of r his son Nichols, New York, who searched the ea lier tories in the Ast or Library . But the records obtained were so meagre there could be no possibility of claim ing much in regard to these early Sampsons . CHAPTER IV

County Sufiolk Archaeology an d the Visitations of

f k t o . County Su fol , refer many Sampsons in this County 142 In the year 8, the Manor of Thorington Hall , which was the principal manor Of Saxon times, was released by Robert Sampson and his wife Elizabeth . They had held it from the early part of the 15t h Century . The Manor of Ry ses was vested in Thomas Sampson in the f ho 1440 his time o Henry VI , w , dying in , it passed to

on 1483 . s and heir , Thomas Sampson , who died about s n a di 2 His o and heir, Sir Thomas S mpson , ed January , 1 1 1 5 , when this Manor passed to his nephew, Thomas

Felton . Also the Playford Estate belonged to this same f was family of Sampsons . Play ord Church built by T Sir George Felbrigg . o him succeeded John Felbrigg , whose daughter and heiress , Margery , marrying Thomas f Sampson , Esq . , of Brettenham , carried Play ord into that

Es . family. Thomas Sampson , q and Margery, his wife,

1439 . are buried at Playford Church . He died in The

Sampsons were not destined to hold Playford long . s n of George Sampson , o and heir Thomas and Margery , 4 succeeded them and died in 1 58 . ’ s n in 1476 George Sampson s o and heir died , leaving i son . two children, a , Sir Thomas Sampson, Kn ght Sir 1 1 1 his Thomas died without children in 5 , and sister

Margery, who married a Felton, brought the Playford n r Estate to t he Feltons . Nothi g mo e seems to be known of these Sampsons . This property in Playford belonged 19 20 THE SAMPSON FAMILY

’ f e . o at one tim to St Edmund s Abbey, which Abbot 2 Sampson had charge for 3 years . According to dif ’ ferent . writers , St Edmund s Abbey prospered under Abbot f Sampson and accumulated a large number o manors . In the record of Suffolk County for 1327 are the follow a : Galfridus ing S mpsons , John , Ralph , Richard , Thomas

m of of Another prominent fa ily Sampsons , County ff f Su olk , were those of Kersey. County Su folk archae ologists state that “ the Sampsons had long been settled in

Kersey, even as early as S m ond a y S mpson, Of Kersey , (son Of Robert Sampson) of ni married Margaret , daughter Sir James Hobart , K ght , and was lord of this Manor at the opening of the 1 6t h his as on Century . On death he w succeeded by his s and 1 heir, Thomas Sampson , who died in 508 , when the manor his n m on passed to so and heir , Sy d Sampson . He mar i ried El zabeth , daughter of John Southwell , of Varnam 1563 hi on Hall , and , dying in , the Manor went to s eldest s , his son Robert Sampson , though youngest , George, is “ described as of Sampson Hall . of Robert Sampson , married Elizabeth , daughter Robert in field n W g , of Upton, County Northampton, and dyi g 1 1 t n r am in 59 , the Manor passed o his so and hei , John S p son of , who married Bridgett Clopton, daughter William f o . Clopton, Groton This John Sampson wrote a letter i on to John W nthrop , Governor of Massachusetts , Janu 12 1 629 n his on ary , , regardi g s Samuel Sampson joining the New England Colony . ’ ri was John Sampson s wife, B dgett Clopton , a sister ’ to Governor Winthrop s second wife . This letter is pub lished in a volume of the Massachusetts Historical Society.


15 1381 i On June , , Thomas put forth a man festo to the of nd in un people Ipswich a the adjo ing h dreds , com man din g them on pai n of death to join his band on the w n follo ing Su day mornin g . His appeal seems to have been responded to with alacrity . Sampson managed for a time to elude the grasp of the law , but at length was captured and condemned to death , was finally pardoned by the King and his goods , which had been forfeited, were restored to him . There was also a John Sampson in

Harkstead .

Another account of Brettenham Hall is :

nn n 1 At the begi i g Of the 5th century, this Man or was a vested in Willi m Sampson , from whom it passed to his

s n . o and heir , Thomas Sampson The Sampsons had nn been co ected with this pla ce for many generations . As early as the time of Edward II we learn from the Patent for 13 18 Rolls that they had flourished here, in we find a n n commission issued o the complai t of Ralph Sampson, while the Charter Rolls mention William Sampson as 24 granted land In Brettenham m 1 7 . f 1421 Sir Thomas Sampson, o Brettenham, about n married Margery, sole daughter of Sir Joh Felbrigg, and 4 n died in 1 39 , when the Man or of Brettenham passed i to

bands n of a f . other , same as the Ma or Pl y ord

Through the chann el of marriages there seems to have been many connections made with various families in of counties both near and remote . Also changes the homes from one section to another, so that a few notes In regardin g the Sampsons Of Worrall near Sheffield ,

County York , are quite correctly given at this point . Nicholas and Thomas Sampson are the two earliest I have found as of Worrall under the dat e of 1 616 . f Nicholas married Emote Taylor, o Worrall , and had m rr e six children, of who a son , Nicholas , ma ied Emot ENGLAND 23

Ibberson . Only one child is given , a son , William , who married Margaret Sted . William and Margaret had Of n five children , whom the so William , married Sarah i i Eyre , Of Worrall . One ch ld s given , a daughter, who married John Greaves . Still another visitation is of County Derby and men

S m ond r . tions y Sampson , who married Jean Ey e The f children are given as five , o whom George married a k of Sufiol . daughter Sir John Crofts , of Weston , County

of . William , the son and heir, married a daughter Bromley is f H son William is spoken of as of County Su folk , and he of ism on of married Elizabeth , daughter W , County

Essex , and they had eight children .

The Sampsons Of Binfield , County Berks , seem to have “ ” f i in used a Coat o Arms , which s described a visitation “ of Berkshire as a Gold cross on black groun d with ” escallop shells . There is much confusion in the records of County Berk

Sampsons . In one lineage sent me by Mr . Donat Samp of son, London , from an old manuscript in the British l f Asb all is Museum Library, a Wil iam Sampson o yg the co first mentioned . He married Elizabeth , daughter and i of Holn b he ress John a y . Their son , Sir William Samp son , married Elizabeth , a daughter to John Saye . Two of w s their sons are mentioned , one Robert , who a Regis ter to King Henry VIII , and married Katherine Mallett .

Robert and Katherine had a son Thomas Sampson , who as of B l of is recorded infie d , and no doubt the first the Binfiel d line . The second son Of Sir William Sampson and Elizabeth is of s Saye , spoken in this manuscript as Richard , Bi hop Lichfield of and Coventry . 24 THE SAMPSON FAM ILY

was t Bishop Sampson educa ed at Cambridge College , in M m o a ls . e ri e Oxford Strype his , giv s a lengthy account of this notable Sampson :

’ Richa rd Sampson was an inmate Of Cardinal Wolsey s an d family , Chaplain to him , and his Chancellor in the

Turona . Diocese of y Through Wolsey , Sampson was ’ ’ n a n f made Ki g s Chapl i and Dean o St . Stephen s which a di was a foundation laid for m ny other gnities and places, as as well a Bishopric , which he obtained afterward as r ou Church Histories show . ’ n e VIII And among the rest , he was o of King Henry s f Li hfi l ’ o c e d . Privy Council . He was Dean , St Paul s and Windsor, and received the royal assent to his election of 1536 an d in 1542 as Bishop Chichester in , he was i transla ted to Coventry and L chfield . s As the Bishop of Chichester , he was pre ent at the Baptism of Edward VI and at the Burial of Queen Jane r Seymour . He was imprisoned in the Tower th ough disagreeing with Lord Cromwell on Ecclesiastical matters — l during 1 539 1540 but was eventua ly released .

’ Fuller s Church Hi story states that Bishop Sam pson was imprisoned because of report s of his corresponding with the Pope . But Fabian, Hall and Stow state that this Bishop was imprisoned for relieving some poor ’ prisoners who had been arrested for denying the Kin g s hi hi ’ Supremacy . By t s account s Prelate s crime was no more than an incautious charity .

This Richard Sampson was Lord President of Wales 1 523 was in under King Henry VIII , but removed by

King Edward VI . He preached the Coronation sermon as for Queen Mary at Westminister Cathedral , he was est eemed of all the Bishops the most florid preacher . Bishop Sampson wrote a notable book against the ’ sea Pope s Supremacy, which King Henry sent over to ENGLAND 25

the Pope himself , and also to Pole and others , to vindi cate himself for taking the Supremacy to himself . Bishop Sampson died in Queen Mary ’s reign on Sep

2 1 54 . f Li h l tember 0, 5 He was then Bishop o c fie d and hi Coventry , and he passed away at s palace at Eccle shall , a fine place situated about fifteen miles from Lich

f . field , County Sta ford n The Palace is now in rui s , having been demolished in the Civil Wars .

f Among Cemetery records in County Su folk, I find these notes :

in In this stone are deposited the rema s of Margaret, D f f D . o wife o Thomas Sampson , . this Parish , Rector 4 . n h of Groton , County Suffolk She died o the t day of

1 2 h f . November, 8 6 , in the 60t year o her age

D . D . f . Also o the Rev Thomas Sampson, husband 3 1 1 39 Of the above , who departed this life, March , 8 , 4 aged 7 years .

“ From Monumental Inscriptions in Halesworth

Churchyard , County Suffolk :

William Sampson , died March 1 7, 1773, aged 56 years . f 3 Bridget, wife o William Sampson , died September , 1 7 69, aged 56 years . CHAPTER V

Although no record is given in Playford of Thomas “ ” f C . Sampson , the celebrated Puritan o Queen Eliza ’ ’ t r e s M em orials beth s reign , in S yp he states that

was . n Thomas C Sampson born at Playford, in Cou ty

ff 151 7 . was Su olk in He a fellow of Pembroke Hall ,

Cambridge, and educated there . He was made Preacher to the Army under Lord Russell in the reign of Edward 1 55 VI. He married a niece of Hugh Latimer, and in 0 h he received Holy Orders from Bis op Ridley at Fulham , an d was much esteemed by Bishop Ridley and Arch n f r bishop Cranmer . When he was exami ed o Holy

Orders he excepted against the apparel, but by Arch bishop Cranmer and Bishop Ridley he was nevertheless f permitted and admitted . He was made Dean o Chiches ter in the latter part of 1 552 and also Rector Of All Hallows ’ Church , London, in King Edward s reign . ’ 1 553 During Queen Mary s reign in , Sampson fled with s f S many other , by advice o Archbishop Cranmer, and pent sometime in Strasburg, Germany .

During this exile, Sampson assisted in translating the en Geneva Bible, and while the several Divines were gaged in this work Queen Mary died, and they returned 1 5 to London . In 60, two years after Queen Elizabeth a ascended the throne, Thomas Sampson was made De n x th e of Christ Church , O ford, as he was considered most learned man in the Island, as well as the most pious, in r hav g the unive sal praise of all men . It is written of him that it might be well doubted whether he were a r or better man, o a greater linguist, a completer scholar, or 24 t h of 1 560 a more absolute Divine . On the March , , r on he preached before Queen Elizabeth at Cou t, and 26 ENGLAND 27

5 15 1 ’ April , 6 , he preached at Paul s Cross before the

Queen . He preached more sermons before Queen Eliza an of beth than y other Minister that time . In 1 563 he wa s requested by the Secretary to conform to the apparel prescribed, but he wrote a letter giving his for not reasons wearing the cap and gown .

Bishop Grindal writes : The Queen was highly offended with Sampson because n n f he conti ued i compliant . The refusers o the Orders “ of the Church were commonly called Puritans , and “T ” ’ Thomas C . Sampson was styled he Puritan in St rype s ' In e o B h j f is op Grinda l. A great many letters were written and pages of ecclesiastical history devoted to the wearing of r t the cap and su plice, o which Thomas Sampson

. n objected He himself wrote largely o this subject . n n f o . A other prominent Mi ister, Humfrey St Magdalene, was with Sampson in his views , and they two were mentioned as the chief offenders in the movement against “ the cap and gown and were called The Champions ” of those they styled Puritans . f r It seems that Sampson had changed his views , O in ’ of Queen Mary s reign , as Rector All Hallows Church , hi London , he wrote s parishioners from Strasburg during his exile and exhorted them to submit to the ceremonies, an but later, after conversation with Calvin d other i Reformers , he chan ged h s j udgment . On September

5 1 561 . , , he burned superstitious utensils at Oxford He was expelled from Christ Church in 1 563 for non conformity, and then Dr . Sampson, (as he was called) f s was Master o a Hospital in Leicester . His hospital wa ’ Wi st on s called gg College, and it is said that after he was ’ of laid aside from doing God s service, that he was more use privately by governing this College . In 1 573 Thomas Sampson was restrained of his liberty of at London by order Queen Elizabeth , in order that he might be an example of her discipline to the rest . In the latter part of this same year he was taken with numb 28 THE SAMPSON FAM ILY

n e palsy on o side, which deprived him of the use Of his limbs ; but he lived half a score of years afterward with 1 9 good sense and understanding . He died April 9 , 58 , ’ 72 Wi st on s aged years, at gg Hospital (in the town of

Leicester, County Leicester) , of which Hospital he was w s Master . He a buried in the Chapel and a monument erected by his sons John and Nathaniel Sampson .

Thomas Sampson had several children , a daughter, nn nr Ewb nk f A e Sampson, who married He y a e, o the Ewbank e City of Durham , in County Durham . Henry s n r n 1 5 wa o e of the P ebe des living in Durham in 16 .

The Ewbank es Of Durham had a Coat of Arms and a crest . ni one of of f Natha el , the sons Thomas , was Canon o l 1607 Scotland , County Linco n , from until his death in

1 was . 61 1 . His daughter the second wife Of the Rt f ’ Rev . Edward King , Bishop o Elphin and Nathaniel s ” i mother was a niece of Bishop Latimer . It s also sup a posed that Thomas Sampson, pretender to poetry, was a son of the Dean .

Still another prominent family of Sampson living in Of the reign Of Queen Elizabeth , were the Sampsons County

Gloucester .

John Sampson , as appeared by copy of a Court Roll 1 72 f f dated in 5 , was ather o John Sampson , who married : Joan They had five children Edward , hi s Mary , Joan , Margaret and Elizabeth . Edward , heir , f f o R v . marri ed Mary, daughter e Ralph Green , o Olverton , n : Cou ty Gloucester , and they had four children Edward

Ralph , John and Mary . of John, his heir, married Martha , daughter John f E . o Burcombe , sq , Old Sodbury , County Gloucester, and had two children, Edward and John .


two scallops in bend dexter, right, and as many (or) a ni billets in he d si ster (left) all counter changed . t — a or Cres fret ( ) thereon a wiverns head, erased gules , collared and semie (strewn or sprinkled with) billets

(flat oblong squares) gold . — l t h fia it ium Motto Pejus e o g .

n . wh is I am i debted to Mrs Harriet Taylor , o in charge of the Genealogical Department of the Newberry Library f r f o s o i M rs. in Chicago , the symboli m th s Coat of Arms , r is f Taylor having studied Herald y in London , and one o n i our most competent authorities o th s subject .


The shield di vided per bend signifies division by a line

r h from dexter o right c ief to sinister base . (The right of of hi is from the standpoint bearer the s eld behind it . ) r or The o (gold) means intrinsic worth character . or The gules (red) is typical Of zeal great energy . The cross flory denotes that the destiny of the first f ff bearer o the Arms was a ected by the religious wars . The escallop or shell is a very Old and honorable emblem ri indicating a pilg mage , as in the Crusades . r The billets (documents o letters) indicate justice . I find very few references to any of the name of Sampson in the records of County Cornwall . The most I have learned of Cornwall Sampsons has come to my knowledge in correspondence with various m is Sampsons in A erica , who adv ed me Of their ancestors as being from County Cornwall . D r m of One branch comes from y , in the Parish Crowan , i n Cam brene . near Of th s li e is the celebrated evangelist, “ i i is W ll am Sampson , who styled The Cornishman on ENGLAND 3 1

is one of Fire . Mr . Sampson noted as being the most successful evangelists ; and his many missions have been reported as being wonderfully enthusiastic . He has a Cadboro brother, John Sampson, living at Bay, Victoria , i was British Columbia . The r father William Sampson, f l D r of Drym , their grand ather , Wil iam of ym , and . their great grandfather Richard Sampson— but they do not know the birthplace of Richard . f f o . o Another line is that a Mr James Sampson, Mount

Vernon Street , Philadelphia , who traces his ancestry to

County Cornwall . has of Mr . Sampson been a member the Philadelphia

nf S 1 74 . M . E . Co erence ince 8 His father was Thomas , l of and his mother Joan A len Illogan Parish , County was Cornwall . His grandfather James Sampson, who had : three sons James Hale , John , and Thomas , already mentioned . James Hale Sampson was educated at Oxford for the

Priesthood in the Church of England . And was event u oi ally Rector an influential parish in Somerset . James — an Hale married a Miss Croft heiress , who forfeited her fortune if she changed her name . So James Hale Sampson of of assumed the name Croft instead Sampson . son John, the other of James Sampson , died on a return trip from Mexico to Cornwall , and left all his property

(some to his fiancee . Still another branch of the Sampson fam ily in County

Cornwall is represented in America by Mr . Charles C . S i Oliet ampson , of the Ill nois Steel Company, J , Ill . His was Goldsit hn grandfather Thomas Sampson , of ey , near ” wh Lands End , County Cornwall , o married Mary

Gundrey in 1836 . 32 THE SAMPSON FAM ILY

Thomas was a coal miner and worked near Marazion . He also preached on a regular Wesleyan Methodist Cir cuit in Penzance . is Mr . Charles Sampson surmises that h grandfather was “ ” one of the local preachers who assisted the regular pastor of that circuit . Thomas sailed for America in 1848 and hi s wife and 1 eight children followed in 849 . The eight children were :

undre m li un Jane G y , Sa uel Vernon, Lydia, Wil am G drey , Gundre n Thomas , Ezekiel , Gideon y , Joh Wesley . Evidently they located in Pennsylvania on their arrival

A f . in merica , for John Wesley, the father o Charles C 1 was Pa . 851 hi s born in Huntingdon , , in , but parents 1 53 moved to Iowa by wagon, about the year 8 , when

John Wesley was two years Old . They located near Fairfield ff of , Je erson County, Iowa . Five the brothers served in the Civil War . m of Mr . H . O . Sa pson, Principal the School of Agri of n culture, the Inter ational Correspondence Schools, is Pa . s f in Scranton , , the grand on o a Thomas Sam pson 1 who came to America in 84 7 . This is possibly the li same family as that of Charles of JO et , Ill . Other records Obtained from different histories state that Richard Sampson was Archdeacon of Cornwall — 1 516 17 .

Robert Sampson , of County Cornwall , was Rector of Landerevedn ack 1 622 in Cornwall in . son of am of Thomas Sampson, a Peter S pson, Liskeard , of T nardret h 1 677 County Cornwall , was Vicar y , , and of 1 St . Wenn 680 . w s n f A Martin Sampson a a so o Richard Sampson , of lls Gr . y , County Cornwall ENGLAND 33

This little sketch of County Cornwall Sampsons carries “ ” i sons out the say ng that the Samp were a Clerical Fam ily .

‘ ’ L son s M a na Bri ttania From y g , I have secured the of following account the Sampsons in County Devon .

Yardbur In the Parish Church at y , County Devon there are monuments Of several of the family of Sampson : 1 610 George Sampson , Gentleman, ; John Sampson ,

. 1 69 1 7 Esq , 6 ; Thomas Sampson, Esq . , 00 . Sir Walter Erle sold the estate of the Manor of Whit ford, in Colyton , County Devon , to the Sampson family , is and it now the property of their descendant , Samuel

. has Sampson, Esq This family been settled in England t w for more than o centuries . They are supposed t o have h come from Somersetshire . Mr . Samuel Sampson a s

estates in that county which have long been in the family .

The grandfather of Mr . Samuel Sampson married the Br i k heiress of add c .

Two other Sampsons of note of the 17th Century were

S - Robert ampson , who was Vice Admiral and owner of “ ” S Al r a s the hip exand ia , which w hired for service of

State of One hundred and Thirty Poun ds a month . 1 52 In 6 , Robert Sampson commanded the Briar attend n l 1 59 ing o the Army n Scotland . In the summer of 6 he was with the fleet off Elsinore and continued servin g 1 664 after the Restoration , and in was appointed Rear Admiral of the White Squadron commanded by Prince r off Rupert . Robe t Sampson was killed in a battle

n f ff u 3 1665 . Lowestoft o the coast o County Su olk, J ne , A grant of Five Hundred Pounds was ordered paid his

widow, Mary Sampson . u Richard Sampson was educated at Bristol , Co nty

s . Somer et , for the Christian Ministry , by a Mr Thomas , - an ej ected non conformist Baptist Minister . Mr . Samp son moved to Exeter In 1692 an d attended the Assembly as In 1 716 an d in London their Minister . He died , was 34 THE SAMPSON FAMILY

r noted for his litera y attainments . He also had a most remarkable memory . It is written that Sir Isaac Newton had a great respect for Mr . Sampson and made many his remarks about wonderful memory .

In County Nottingham , still another family of Sampsons had some celebrated members . Of these was William

am . as Sam pson, the Poet and Dr atist He w born in

South Leverton, near Retford, in County Nottingham , 15 0 as in 9 , and figured with Thomas and Henry am ong the of r humbler owners land in that section . He mar ied Geofire Helen , daughter of y Vicars, and they had two sons , Henry and William .

r f Hen y, the oldest of these sons o William and Helen , 2 as was born in 16 9 at South Leverton . He w educated at Pembroke Hall , Cambridge, and paid especial atten u tion to the st dy of Hebrew and New Testament Greek, and collected a library rich in critical editions of the 1 650 his Scriptures . In he was presented by College to of n a ff w s the Rectory Frami gh m , in Country Su olk, a n as never ordai ed, but acquired repute a preacher, an d n founded an i dependent congregation at Framingham, which is now Unitarian . Later in life he became an ' t o antiquarian , and afterwards turning medicine he studied at Padua and Leyden , where he graduated July 23 1700 2 1 . 1 , 668 He died July , , and was buried at Clay of his worth , County Nottingham, which place brother was William was Rector . Henry twice married, but had no children .

‘ a nr was Willi m , brother of He y, also educated at Pem broke Hall , Cambridge, and became the Rector of Clay worth , County Nottingham . ’ nna ls o Nottin ham shire In Bailey s A f g , he states that a

his John Sampson , Of South Leverton , in will dated r n s 1 64 1 , granted to eight trustees ce tain school buildi g ENGLAND 35 and a yearly rent charge of Twenty Pounds out Of an estate for the maintenance of a master to teach poor children Of the Parish of South Leverton to read and write .

is Another item of , that

of Elizabeth Sampson , sole daughter and heir John of Bre son Sampson , a , in Derbyshire, and sole grand f ewb daughter and heir of John Sampson, o N y in York rk ns in shire, married Sir Thomas Pa y , of Bunny, Notting hamshire .

’ According t o Thorot on s Antiquities of Nottinghamp shire as , the Sampson family is mentioned a very ancient one in that county . Sir William Sampson (the Baron or Lord Sampson referred to earlier in this history)

E r n owned lands at pe est o , County Nottingham , in the of reign Henry I . ’ In Burke s Peerage,

n of Joh Sampson , South Leverton, County Nottingham , f where his family resided in the time o Queen Elizabeth , son left a , Gilbert Sampson, Of South Leverton , who was

9 1 51 6 174 7 . born December , 6 , and died September , son f He also left a , Thomas Sampson , o South Leverton , 1 715 an 1 01 n born , d died 8 . His so , Thomas Sampson, of Be nin ham r n g Grange, County Nottingham , was bo n at M a 28 1753 South Leverton , y , , and married Elizabeth Garienci es . 7 1795 Sutton de , Jan , and died November 1 844 92 ’ s n . , aged years, leaving her a o , Lieu t Col William

Henry Sampson, late of the 59t h Regiment and Rifle

Brigade .

. a Lieu t Col Wili m Henry Sampson, was born March 14 1 799 , , and married a daughter Of Lawrence Richardson , of Brentwood, County Essex, and had by her an only 36 THE SAMPSON FAMILY

wa child, Dudley Thomas Heaton Sampson , who s born 2 6 1 84 1 6 1886 . was . Feb . , , and died April , He Lieut ’ 9th Ho son s Col . Of late Bengal Lancers ( d Horse) . of J llan of He married Mary, only child William o d , Buxshalls Park , County Sussex , and had two children,

Garencies 24 1882 Dudley de Jolland Sampson , born May , , 14 1 99 . 8 and who died Oct , , and Noel Carleton Sampson , ’ e w s 2nd Lieu t Battalion Royal Suss x Regiment . He a “

2 1 3 . born December 5, 88 In County Families Of the Lieu ’t Dudley Sampson was formerly ’ Of Her Majesty s Indi an Land forces, and Bengal Lancers , and also a Justice of the Peace for County Sussex . Other Sampsons of County Nottingham were a Samp n of so who married Helen Stacy, sister of John Stacy,

Battlefield . They had two sons, Thomas and Alexander .

Thomas , who lived in South Leverton, married Margaret, of Hil w-in a daughter of Thomas and Ann Stow , dst ro 1 Holderness in 665 . To them were born two daughters . of of Alexander, brother Thomas , was East Retford, and married Mary, daughter Of Thomas and Mary

1665 . Aldam , at Warmsworth in They had three children ,

Thomas, Mary and Ellen Sampson . Edm unde M or at e Sampson lived in g , County Notting in 1 5 1 2 ham , 5 8 ; Robert lived in South Leverton in 56 , and John in North Collingham in 1 557 In Brown Willis History of the United Parliam entary Abbots and conventu al Ca thedral Churches is mention of f o . Sampson, Abbot St Bennets, Holme County Norfolk . 1 229—1237 He was Abbot from . Among the records in the Parish Church Of Wallasey t S . Hilary, County Chester are the following :


The Sam psons have been well-styled a Clerical i has fam ly, as about every branch produced Archbishops ,

i . Bishops, Rectors and Min sters In the Surrey County

. of records , the Rev Thomas Sampson Wandsworth t an d i Parish was cura e in that parish , also Chapla n to a an i f 4 volunteer comp y raised there in the Rebell on o 18 5 . was ni of m mi He afterwards Mi ster Ham ers th , and had two livin gs in Sussex given him by Lord High Chancellor

Bathurst . He married Mary Brown in Chelsea College i : A. . Chapel and they had n ne children Mary , Thomas W , li l W . Wi liam , E zabeth , George , Jane , Christopher, Charles “ and George Frederick John . The Godfathers Of this

i . . . last ch ld , George Frederick John , were H R H George , f f . o Prince o Wales , and the Rt Hon . Earl John , Bute ; i of wh le the Godmother was Her Grace , the good Duchess ” Somerset . The Rev . Thomas Sampson lived to be more than 80 years Old and had a great-gran dson called Herbert

Charles Wynn Sampson, t o whom fell the old family i ’ il Bible from which th s record Of the Rev . Thomas s ch i dren was taken . In a record of deaths and christen ngs f i fin d n of 3 1 o th s same Wandsworth Parish , I the ames 2 Sampsons between the years 16 3 and 1 755 . In Peter sham , County Surrey, there was also a Rev . Thos . Samp

D . . . . P. : w a D . A son who as , F R S and S . . He had six sons

i i n . W ll am , Henry, Joh , Daniel , Lewis and James li f Wil am , the oldest o these sons , was educated at Bat huret Oxford and ordained as a Deacon by Henry , 38 ENGLAND 39

19 1813 . Bishop Of Norwich , Dec . , He left England in

April 1817 and came to Grimsby, Ontario , Canada , where

he was the first Rector . He married Maria E . Nellis , 1 1 1 22 of Grimsby, in 8 7 , and died in 8 , as the result of

accident , leaving three children .

n of . Henry , another so the Rev Thomas Sampson , Of

. was Petersham , was also a Minister He educated at of Credham Trinity Hall , Cambridge , was Vicar , County of Kent , and Rector High Halstrow , County Kent, until

hi his NO . 28 s death at residence, Bedford Gardens , 4 1 1 . . 0 88 Kensington , London , Nov , He had married Elizabeth Corbett and they had a daughter Julia who died 4 unmarried in 18 1 . f son of . o James , also a the Rev Sampson Petersham , f was a student o the Middle Temple , and called t o the

1 38 . Bar in 8 Daniel and Lewis were also professional men ,

while John went to New South Wales and died there . Some interesting memoranda from County Dorset Of some much beloved Sampsons are the following :

In Weston, County Dorset , is buried John Sampson , of of Rector the Church Buckhorn , and upon a flat stone “ is i : in the chancel this nscription John Sampson, Rector,

here doth rest in Christ . Divine , Physician, and Anagram

. was 12 1 626 1 mist He baptized May , ; he died June 8 , 1 715 2 1 1 ; was buried June 0, 7 5, aged 90 . of Against the west wall the Church in Oborne , Dorset on County, a blue stone , is this inscription :

Near this place lieth interred John Sampson and his n s beloved wife, and Joh , their on , with Grace, his wife, 1 68 1 690 who departed this life in the year of our Lord 8, , 9 16 1 . 40 THE SAMPSON FAMILY

These were all lovely in their life,

A neighbour, friend , husband , wife .

In love they lived, in hope they dyed . hir l r fi Through C st for to be g o y ed . OHA M J NNES SA PSON .

The rest is defaced .

In the Church at Thornford , Dorset County, against of the north wall the tower, is a plain neat monument Of white marble erected by John Sampson to the memory of his father . Near this place are deposited the remains of 2 Robert Sampson , Clerk and Rector of this Parish 6 years . 1 1 4 i 770 5 . h He died May , , aged years Also of Sarah , s

2 1 2. wife, who died April 8, 785, aged 7 On another monument Of white marble :

of . Sacred to the memory Rev John Sampson, Rector 4 1 3 . 5 1 8 0 64 of this parish years , who died Jan , , aged f 1 4 years ; o Elizabeth , his wife, who died July 8, 18 7, 2 f u 4 aged 8 years ; o Sarah , their da ghter, who died May ,

181 1 8 of son . 0, aged years ; Charles , their , Lieut Royal 2 f . 3 1 Marines, who died in Island o Trinidad, Dec , 18 7, 22 of r aged ; Robert, their son, who died at Fa nham ,

3 1 1862 72 . : Oct . , , aged years On a brass beneath

For they are dead and their life is hid with God .

is In the Church at Long Bridge, Dorset County, this monumental tablet :

Of n To the memory of Thomas Sampson, Ki gston

26 1800 . 8 1864 Russell , born Feb . , , died Oct , , and of his 26 1830 son George Wood Sam pson, born May , , and died

r 16 1861 . Ma ch ,

hil i 1 1 The lands at West S b ngt on , 3 acres , belonged to

Thomas Sampson , Esq . , of Kingston Russell , by whose ENGLAND 4 1 grandfather they were purchased of the Earl of Pembroke in the year 1809 . A few notes from the Kent Archaeological Society are :

‘ In 1442, Peter Sampson, Of Hook , County Hertford , willed land in West field to Harry Compton, to keep the

Feast of St . Michael . Among the gentry of Kent Coun ty in the time of Henry

VII is John Sampson . 1 627 Among soldiers enrolled in were Nicholas Sampson ,

William Sampson , and Jeremy Sampson . ’ n is In St . Martin s Hundred, Cou ty Kent, Robert

Sampson . f An Anthony Sampson, o Thornleigh Parish , wills his

1589 . wife, Abigail, in

A Thomas Sampson lived in Southampton , Hampshire D onesia County, whose wife was y , also a Hugh Sampson in the same town . In the Historical Manuscript Commis sion , I find some records of Sampsons not yet mentioned . There was a John Sampson in Hardenasse and mention 1279 “ Yh ” of a John Sampson in who was called de am .

In a History of Devon County, I accidently stumbled of the following :

In the Parish Church at Colyton, County Devon, are of several monuments to the family Sampsons . One to E 9 s . 16 6 George Sampson, q , , and Thomas Sampson , 1 700 . There are several record of deaths of the Sampson who n family, , for generatio s occupied an influential position at Colyton , County Devon . They in clude 16 10 1 7 George Sampson , , Thomas Sampson , 00, and his

son . 1 780 hi wife and Thomas John Sampson , , and s wife, 1 h 4 9 . 764 . nn 1 7 A e , their daug ter, Samuel of Chard ,

son . 1788 . their , Dec Mary, their daughter, wife of

C ll rd Es . Of a a 18 3 2 . John , q , Ford Stockland, 0 , ag ed 8

Es . 1 7 John Sampson , q , March 96, aged 76 . Thomas 42 THE SAM PSON FAMILY

1 1 A 856 7 . hi Sampson, , aged years Frances nna , s wife,

f a . : o same ye r The arms of Sampson are Argent , a cross moline, azure .

f P lsl Al . o o oe so John Sampson, Esq , Road , Exeter,

f . County Devon, owned the Manor O Itton

In the register of Halesowen Church , County Wor ces er 15 t , William Sampson was baptized in 79 , a son of

William Sampson . In Aldenham , County Hertford , of an a the Manor Wall Hall was gr ted to Willi m Sampson , f r . Yeoman , o 70 years A John Sampson was Vicar of Rushden in 1346 and was i h 1 . succeeded by s son , Ralph Sampson, in 361 f e t w A Mr . Sampson, Rector O Ripley gives th se o records : In this stone are deposited the remains Of Margaret

D . D . wife of Thomas Sampson , , Of this Parish , Rector f o Groton, County Suffolk,

f D . D . Also o the Reverend Thomas Sampson , , husband of wh 3 1 1 839 the above, o departed this life March , , 4 aged 7 years . CHAPTER VII

I will close this Hi story of the Sam psons in England with a few references to those who lived , or were educated at Oxford , and will also add a collection Of numerous notes f o the Sampson Family in many counties in England . In takin g up so much space with these records of mar ria s g e , deaths and other brief mention, I feel that I may assist others who , like myself, have searched far and wide for matter to aid them in tracing the history of their im m ediate family .

xford C t Docum ents . . . From O i y by J E R Rogers, we was 1303 learn that John Sampson a juror in , and in 1380 Thomas Sampson and his wife Isabella and servant

Alice were residents of Oxford City . “ On a gravestone at Oxford is this inscription : This is ’ Dr . Sampson s Vault . f 1 1 James Sampson was a citizen of Ox ord in 56 , and

of . John in 1570 . These took oaths citizenship One of n in the Sampsons, occupyi g a prominent position Oxford ’

s r . r College, wa Hen y, who was Principal of St Ma y s

l 4 r f 1449 . Ha l in 1 30 . P ovost o Oriel College in At one time Proctor and connected with Bedell Hall .

In 1454 he was made Bishop of Worcester . This same and Henry Sampson gave several MSS . to Oriel College ’ of especial value was Eusebius Ecclesiastical History

l . written in Latin , and 500 years O d

Henry Sampson was Prebendary of Wells in 1736 . ’ In Fenland s Notes and Queries I find a few more Church notes : 44 THE SAMPSON FAMILY

The Advowson of the Rectory was sold by the Cor orat ion i ln p of Boston, County L nco , and purchased by

Alexander Sampson . Sampson was presented in 1 718 and died in 1 736 ; of E ld eclu 14 John Sampson y y , in 61 bequeathed 3s. ’

f r n of . 4 d . o a tre tal St Gregory s to be celebrated . Henry Sampson was Rector of the Church Of Creeton r in the reign of Hen y III . Roger Sampson was presented with the Advowson of f 1 2 the Church o Easton in 99 . n of n Joh Sampson , Criths , was of Ki gs College . Vice

Provost of his College . He accepted the College living n of Ki gwood , County Hants, but died before presentation . D D 151 . He became . . in 6

In April 1890 the Rev . R . N . Sampson was Head Master

of Hawkshea d Grammar School , Lan caster, England . General Gleanin s i n En land From a book called g g , I quote some Wills :

an n Sir Thomas Foot, of West Cl don, Cou ty Surrey, “ his 1 Knight and Baronet , in will proved 687, give To my cousin , the Widow Sampson, and her daughter, Mary

Sampson , and Robert , son Of my cousin Sampson . l Of . O av es Edmund Duckett Sampson , St , Southwark, “ w in 1 2 County Surrey (hat band maker) , ills 6 0 to His i S Mother, Dorothy Sampson, w dow, and a ister Dene

l . Sampson, a so a brother Edward Sampson f Katherine Sampson, in diocese of Bath o Wells, proved “ 1 627 n r , wills to Cousins Joh , Susan and Ma y Sampson , nn an and and three sisters , Jea e, J e Edith Sampson, and to a daughter of her brother William . The overseers to be Richard Sampson and Thomas Norris , and she also “ incorporates in the will that Brother Henry Sampson oweth me 26 pounds .

‘ M em burie e John Sampson , of , County D von, made his

M arnord . will appointin g his sister Bridgett , executrix n o f nn It was opposed by Joh L nge, son o a sister, and A e


M a d c- i o MARGARET SA PSON , d ughter an c he r of Ge rge f ’ Sampson, o Sampson s Hall , Kersey, County Suffolk,

f ff . married Francis Colby, o Harkstead, County Su olk M n ALICE SA PSON married Joh Goodman , of Chester,

County Chester . BETHSEBA of SAMPSON married Hercules Michel ,

21 . Bodwin , 16 Of SAMPSON, da ughter and heiress George a S mpson , married Sir John Crofts, Of West Stow, County

Suffolk . A f IS BELLA SAMPSON, daughter o John Sampson, of f Adderly, County Salop , married Thomas Fyfe, o Spoon

f dacr a . ley, afterwards o We e, County Lanc ster M f ALICE SA PSON, daughter o Sampson , ar of Rushdon m ried John Goodman , County Hertford , in 1 500 . f of MARY SAMP SON, da ughter o Sampson , fi l London, married Wing e d Molesworth , Of London , in 1 1 6 3 .

EDWARD SAMPSON married Ellen of St . l H b . Andrew, o om , London U A M S S N SA PSON, daughter of George Sampson , of r of Harkstea d, County Suffolk, ma ried John Elmer 2 159 . Risby, Lincoln County, in f f MARIA SAMPSON, daughter o Robert Sampson , o Ker se ff Hors oole y , Coun ty Su olk, married Lesley Cave, of p

f 1619 . Grange, in Parish o Thornton , County Leicester, in M f THO AS SAMPSON, o County Leicester, married Maria

Ev erard . A A M a of M RTH SA PSON, d ughter Humphrey Sampson , ’ of in St . Mary s Axe, London , married Paul Coll s , Of St .

r i 28 1690 . Ma tins n the Fi eld, London , November , 4 7

. of THOMAS SAMPSON, Esq , Moore Hall , Battle, County

o of . Sussex, s n the late Sampson , Esq , of of Moore Hall, married Julia , youngest daughter Victor

. f BrOOk . de Mercie, Esq o St London , and had a son , the

1865 . Rev . Gerald Victor Sampson , born at Winfield, He was a curate Of St . Barnabas , Pimlico .

r M M f . TURNER o THO AS SA PSON, o St Clement , Danes ,

24 1679 . County Middlesex, married Mary Smith , October , M a of of ELEANOR SA PSON, d ughter Henry Sampson , r r r t rack erl St . A ms, Black F ia s, London , married John S y , 1 January 30, 169 . M M of a THO AS SA PSON, London , m rried Catherine Walt f ham , daughter of George Waltham o Brenton, County

Devon . ’

f . f JOHN SAMPSON, o St Bride s London , son o John ’ f of Sampson , o St . Bride s , married Eliza beth Bowles , ’

2 1 3 . St . Bride s, May 6, 66 l M of . H b m JOHN SA PSON, St Andrews , o o , London ,

29 1 . married Elizabeth Greene, January , 667

M of . JOHN SA PSON, St Botolphs, Bishopsgate , London ,

1 6 r f . November 5, 66 , married Ma y Beaucha mp, o St

Giles, Cripplegate, London . M f EDWARD SA PSON, o Henbury, County Gloucester,

24 16 4 . married Mary Long , November , 8 l M of . M a a en St . JOHN SA PSON, St Mary g , Milk , London,

4 1 1 . married Elizabeth Humfreys , March , 68 YM O D M f ar S N SA PSON, of Kersey, County Su folk, m ried

Elizabeth Southwell of Barham in 1561 . M of u k AGNES SA PSON, Hughley, Co nty Buc s , married f Robert Bulstrode o Upton , County Bulstrode . M SA PSON , married William Lathron, of hi rshire S pwo , County Essex . 48 THE SAM PSON FAM ILY

M M f o . THO AS SA PSON, St Mary Woolnoth , London , 2 married Abigail Boyce, September 8, 1 663 .

M of he ANTONIO SA PSON, Nutts , in the Isle of S ppy ,

County Kent , married Abigail Hale . D M a of OROTHEA SA PSON, d ughter Johannes Sam pson, of S elm an den G ondhurst p , , Kent County, married n o f Joha nes Bro kes , o Kent County . M E M P of SA U L SA SON, Stepney, Middlesex County , 4 i 1 . married Mar na Cobb , August , 1 688 E IZ M of L ABETH SA PSON, All Hallows , Barking , London, a h d ughter Of T omas Sampson, late of same place , Yeoman,

1 . married John Nash , 596 E Z M LI ABETH SA PSON , Of Pencombe, Hereford County, as of n married Thom Pitt Pencombe , Hereford Cou ty, n Ge tleman , in 1672 .

G A M of . R CE SA PSON, St Magnus , London , married John f o O s 1573 . Newlands , rsett , Es ex County, in

REV . M r CHARLES SA PSON, Rector of Ripley, Yorkshi e, an d ansanna a Ll n , Denbighshire, Wales , married M ry

nn a hn Es . of Trewin ce A e, d ughter of Stephen Jo , q , , County

l . . Cornwal They ha d a son, Charles Johns Sampson, Esq ,

Of Tower House, Carnarvon , Wales . Mr . Charles Johns

Sampson is a Justice of the Peace and D . L . for County Cam arvon f an , an d a commissioner o Income, L d and

n is . r Assessed Taxes . His oldest so Rev Desmond Hen y

Wynn Sampson . M Of SA PSON, only daughter John Sampson , of County Leicester worth pounds, married

f . Ayres , o County Northa mpton E Z T M LI ABE H SA PSON, of All Hallows , Barking , London ,

of o Es . a of daughter R bert Sampson , q , l te Kersey, County ENGLAND 4 9

ff Dr woode of ok Su olk, married George y , Rector South W

i n e . ngt o , County Ess x M Wokin t on JANE SA PSON, of South g , County Essex, l Ca lt hor e of . Basisha married Clement p , St Michael , w ,

1578 .

19 of MARY SAMPSON, age , daughter John Sampson , of

St . Martin in the Fields, London , Gentleman , married

Charles Couchman , of St . James in the Fields , London . Ask e 21 M ew n 1563 . JOHN SA PSON, married Mary , Ju e ,

M Es . PHILIP SA PSON, q , of County Hereford , married a

Miss Wade , heiress to pounds .

MISS SAMPSON, heiress to pounds , married r Hen y Johnson, Esq . E Z M f LI ABETH SA PSON, daughter and heiress o Henry ri Sampson , Of Holm Lacy, County Hereford , mar ed ’

of . John Hereford , Prior s Court She had a son , John

Hereford , who inherited Holm Lacy , in right of his mother . D M of E WARD SA PSON, Henbury , County Gloucester,

a n Es . married Mary , a daughter of Thom s Brow , q , of

Salperton , County Gloucester .

E M a . LEANOR SA PSON, d ughter of John Sampson , Esq , f Kn isham married Sir William Jenney, Knight o od , ff f ’ County Su olk, one o the Judges of the King s Bench in

1477 .

M f n ED WARD SA PSON, o Henbury , Cou ty Gloucester , r Daubenn Daubenn mar ied Joanne y , daughter Of George y ,

1807 . of Redlands , County Gloucester, in M BARBARA SA PSON married John Poynter .

BARBARA SAMPSON, daughter of Arch Deacon Edward of Sampson , Cork , Ireland , married Henry Pilkington,

Es . q of Tore Abbey . THE SAM PSON FAMILY

E W M D ARD SA PSON, of Henbury, County Gloucester , f only son o Edward Sampson , married Belinda, daughter

a 1 4 . of Benjamin W y , in 8 0 He was High Sheriff Of Bristol in 1847 AM rri ll f REBECCA S PSON ma ed Peter Greenwe , Esq . , O r m hi lds f B oo s e , in the reign o Henry VII . K M of ATHERINE SA PSON , daughter George Sampson, of u L nt h r Playford , Co nty Suffolk, married Nicholas eve o pe, 2 ert fi l 1 6 . of H e d , County Essex , 8 M ALICE SA PSON , daughter and heiress of William Samp on - s of s , Vice Mar hall Callis , married Francis Wilford, f 1 55 o Norrington , County Kent , 8. M BRIDGETT SA PSON, daughter of John Sampson, of ’ f Sampson s Hall , in Kersey, County Suf olk, married Kebredon in 1 6 4 Thomas Cudmore, of , County Essex , 3 . G M EORGE SA PSON, of County Somerset, married Eliza beth Hill. HELI M ir l AMP S SA PSON, daughter of S Wil iam Sampson, ir Lord of Preston , County Nottingham , married S Ger vase Clifton , Knight . Sir Gervase, after the death of hi as of s father, w Lord the same manor and Warden of the same Castle . ni JUD ITH SAMPSON, daughter of William Sampson, Mi s a ter of Swavesey, in County Cambridge, m rried Thomas n Fowle , of Overton , County Ha ts . M A daughter of SA PSON, of London, married Thomas

Garth . M r MARGARET SA PSON, daughter and hei ess of Adam u le in Sampson , of Cotton S p Wold , County Warwick ,

l D ell Ten h . married Wil iam ixw , Of gret , County Bedford AM son MARY S PSON , married Walter Fites , of John of Fit esford Fites , , County Devon . ENGLAND 5 1

M 1 57 . JOHN PIGGOTT SA PSON married Jane Fordham , 8

Is . buried at Great Chester, County Essex M f MARIA SA PSON , daughter o Capt . Peter Sampson , in f Toulur . o County Hereford , married Joseph R M f AB AHA SAMPSON, o South Leverton , had a daughter h w o . married Francis Hawksworth , Gentleman E M 1 LLEN SA PSON married Ralph Carr 567 .

SAMPSON married Mary Ward Plant , only i f ff child of Benjam n Plant , o She ield Moor . H M f ELEN SA PSON , daughter o Nicholas Sampson, of

Foxhill , County York, married Stephen Bright . M of STEPHEN SA PSON , Brampton, County Cumberland , married Elizabeth Wylde . M M WILLIA SA PSON of Brampton , County Cumberland , ri mar ed Elizabeth Wylde .

I M M . WILL A SA PSON , of London , married Joan Locke E Z M LI ABETH SA PSON , daughter Of George Sampson, f f . o . Esq , Harkstead , County Su folk , married John St f a o 15 5 . Paul , C mpsall , County York , living 8 f k A SAM PSON married a daughter of the House o Cam oc . M halres of NICHOLAS SA PSON married Alice C , Hag wort hin ham 1 6 7 g , 6 . E Z M LI ABETH SA PSON, married Robert Cawdron, of in 1 Great Hale , 600 . N AM JA E S PSON , daughter of Thomas Sampson , married

Culverwell of . Samuel , Cherry Burton, County York 16 35 . Buried at Scotter , M RICHARD SA PSON , Of Ireland , married Susan , daughter f o Lem n f 1 9 . Roger y g , o Barnetby , at Caistor, 60 NN M f A E SA PSON , married Anthony Guerard , o Market 1 6 2 Rasen, 8 , at Wragby , County Lincoln . M f i ALICE SA PSON, daughter and heiress o Will am 52 THE SAMPSON FAMILY

Sampson , Of Gainsborough , County Lincoln , married

t . Sir Wm . Thorold, Bar , who succeeded his cousin in 171 7 . M ri RICHARD SA PSON , of County Salop , mar ed Alecia, f c ll 162 daughter o Richard Pin e in 3 . M MARY SA PSON, of Portsea, County Hampton , in 1782 f “ o . . . . married James Wilson , H M S Carnatic M M of hi JA ES SA PSON , County Hamps re , witness to marriage Of Mary Ann Sampson, to James Let hieullier ”

1 795 . of H . M . S . Orion in M of MARTHA SA PSON , Portsea County Hampshire , ll t f 1 E et 7 3 . married George y o Portsea , 8 M of i MARTHA SA PSON Alverstoke , County Hampsh re, 4 f “ ” 1 7 . 6 o . married Samuel Frost in , H M Fireship Pluto . M n Ham s hire SUSANNA SA PSON , of A dover , County p , of married Joseph Chapman , Odiham , Hampshire Coun ty . M f - MARY ANN SA PSON , daughter o John Brook Sampson f ’ o . and Sarah , St Mary s Exeter, married Peter Dickson 1 24 of All Saints, Southampton , in 8 M f SA PSON married Innocent Castle , o Olney,

1 634 . County Bucks , in M M ri WILLIA SA PSON mar ed Dorothy , daughter of Robert -l - 1 4 e 7 0 . Thornhill , of Mareham Fen , in E Z M of LI ABETH SA PSON , daughter and heiress John of i Sampson , Esq . , Breaston in Derbysh re , and grand f f Es . o Hewb daughter O John Sampson, q , y , in York Of Park ns shire , Alderman London, married Thomas y a 2nd of Bunny , County Nottingh m , Baronet . AM of S PSON , married Juliana Jenken, Bur

i was of Wit hersham . wash , County Sussex . Th s Sampson f ANTHONY SAMPSON o Notts , in County Kent , married

h of . Abigail Hales daug ter Humphrey Hales, Esq , of “ The Dungen .


M F nt well ROBERT SA PSON, son of Robert Sampson , of o , f 1 7 63 . County Dorset , Clergyman, brother o John , M M n f of WILLIA SA PSON , so o Thomas Sampson, Wands worth , County Surrey, Doctor . H AM son ENRY S PSON, of Henry of Bruton , County 2 — Cr m b 17 3 1750 . Somerset . Rector of osco , Somerset , f — f l Cleveden 1736 177 . Canon o Wells 3 Vicar o Mi ton , 1 745— 1773 of County Somerset, , and Vicar Sherbourne , — 7 s n nr 1 7 0 1 5 . o County Dorset , 5 3 His He y , also Rector e his of Croscomb and Sult on, County Somerset , until 1 death 801 . M out h t s JOHN SA PSON, of S an , Vicar of Blewbury, County

Bucks , 1 629 . M JOHN SA PSON, son of John Sampson, of Charlton,

County Gloucester . f f JOHN SAMPSON, son o John Sampson, o Brewham ,

County Somerset, Rector Of North Cheriton, County

Somerset . s n JOHN SAMPSON, o of John Sampson , of Kersey,

n f of nn 1 71 . Cou ty Su folk, student I er Temple , 6 Of “ ’ ” ff k Sampson s Hall , County Su ol , buried in Temple

4 . Church , May, 1 67 K f BROO SAMPSON , fifth son of Benjamin Sampson, O

Leeds . M CHARLES HENRY SA PSON, son Of Jam es Sampson , of

. e i St Georg s , Hanover Squa re, Westmin ster .

. A. CHARLES HENRY, M , first son of Cha rles Stoke

Sampson , of Bedminster, Coun ty Somerset .


a e S Of . Ch rl s John ampson , Carna rvon, Wales D R M s E WA D SA PSON, only on of Edward Sampson of

e r . ff . H nbu y High Sheri of Bristol , 1847 ENGLAND 55

REV . E F M s n Of DWARD RANCIS SA PSON, first o Edward of Bristol .

REV . GERALD VICTOR, first son of Thomas Sampson , l Ninfie d 1864 . born at , County Sussex, f ROBERT SAMPSON, o Coun ty Cornwall, Rector of Christ

. r St Michael , County Devon , and Landewednack, Co nwall

1622 .

n of f SAMU EL SAMPSON, so John o Bruton , County

Somerset .

THOMAS SAMPSON, Of County Leicester . M son of n THOMAS SA PSON, and heir Joh Sampson , of

Colyton , Devon .

s n f THOMAS SAMPSON, o o Peter Sampson , of Liskeard , f T rdr h 1 77 o na et 6 . County Cornwall , Vicar y , , and Of St

nn 1680 . We , County Cornwall , (There is also a record of a Martin Sam pson in Liskeard . )

n f Gr ls THOMAS SAMPSON, so o Richard Sampson, of y ,

County Cornwall . — 1 532 1533 . WILLIAM SAMPSON, Secular Chaplain

s . WILLIAM SAMPSON of Whitchurch , County Dor et

Records of an ALE$ANDER SAMPSON in Exon . a s n f NATHANIEL SAMPSON of London, Clergym n, ( o o

Thoma s, Dean of Christ Church) , was Canon of South well in 1607 and until his death in

M son of REV . ED WARD FRANK SA PSON, first Edward

Sampson , Gentleman . M r of REV . GERALD VICTOR SA PSON, fi st son Thomas of

f . . Was o Moor Hall , Battle , County Sussex Curate St

Barnabas .

s s of en r s n n HENRY SAMPSON, fir t on H y Samp o , stude t in the Middle Temple . 56 THE SAMPSON FAMILY

M of was JOHN SA PSON, the Inner Temple, buried , in ” 4 on 4 . the Round August , 167 MA M was 1552 THO S SA PSON, Dean of Chichester, . RICHARD SAMPSON was Archdeacon of Cornwall in 1516 1517

M M was THO AS SA PSON, Prebendary of London

1570 to 1589 .

IAM M A. M . was WILL SA PSON, , Prebendary of Clifton,

16 2 . d 1703 r 7 He ied and was bu ied at Clayworth ,

Coun ty Nottingham .

WILLIAM SAMPSON, a baker in East Greenwich , makes

hi in son 1569 . s will favor of his Edmund , “ From a list in the Alumni Oxonesius of students at : Oxford , I have Copied a list of Sampsons


r . Sampson , of Salisbu y, County Wilts M n GAV IN HAMILTON SA PSON, son of A drew Gibb Samp

f n m . son, o Altri cham, County Cheshire , Gentle an M son ED WARD SA PSON , second Of Lewis Sampson , of

n . Padding ton , Cou ty Middlesex Perpetual Curate of — ff 1 73 4 . Pike Ridware, County Sta ord , 8 Vicar of Brere

f 1874 . ton , County Sta ford, of HERBERT SAMPSON, first son Henry Sampson , of

Man chester .

LOU IS SAMPSON, first son of Louis Sampson, of London . n f nr WALTER MARK SAMPSON, second so o He y Sampson,

l . of Fallowfie d , County Lancaster of Fram field C EDWARD SAMPSON , Vicar , ounty Sussex,

f 1617 . 1 61 1 , and o Kingsclere , County Hants , n EDWARD SAMPSON, so of Edward Sampson of Kings clare , County Hants . ENGLAND 57

AM of JOHN S PSON , son of John Sampson, Henbury ,

Gloucester . M s n JOHN SA PSON, o of Henry Sampson, of Bruton,

County Somerset , Clergyman . M son r JOHN SA PSON, of Robert Sampson , of Tho nford , was County Devon , Clergyman . John Vicar of Bailing ,

1773 1762 . County Wilts , in , and a brother of Robert , M son of Of J OHN SA PSON, Edward Sampson, Henbury, f 1 2 o 9 . County Gloucester . John , father Edward , 8 AM s n f l JOHN CURRAN S PSON , o o Wil iam Sampson, of “ ” li is i Belfast , Ireland . This Wil am the Un ted Irishman who later fled to Am erica and lived and died in New York

City . U M n JOSH A SA PSON, so of Joshua , of Retford , County

Nottingham .



’ l 2 : D da e s . in ug Peerage , vol II , p . 5 3 , Burke adds She died in 1 863 .


Edinburg, Scotland .

I wrote the editor of the Scottish Antiquary to the r r add ess given in thei magazine, and received word from publishers in Glasgow that the pamphlet was out of existence . I feel that if such good authorities are unable to trace Scottish Sampsons when living in Edinburg ,

’ where it would naturally be easy to find many records of i of dis the early h story Scotland , I should not feel appointed at my inability to trace ancestors in that locality . The very earliest mention I have secured of a Sampson “ in Scotland in that the See of Brechin (which is in For far County) was founded by David I (Kin g of Scotland) in and that “Sampson was Bishop of Brechin 1 1 in 80 .

I have searched volumes of ecclesiastical history, and — find absolutely nothing concerning this Bishop nothing save the mere record that he was Bishop . From M onuments and M onum ental Inscriptions i n S cotland I copied this most interesting note :

In the Parish Churchyard at Kilm am ock is in terred

Thomas Sampson , an early friend of the poet Burns , and “ ’ ” on whom he composed Tom Sampson s Elegy .

Sampson was a prosperous seedsman and an estimable , t i set kindhear ed man . On his tombstone, a pla n slab : in the west end of the Church , is the following h Thomas Sampson died the 1 2t day of December , 1795 72 , aged years .


T m ’ o Sampson s weel worn clay here lies ,

Ye canting zealots , spare him ,

If honest worth in heaven arise , ’ ’ Ye ll mend , or ye ll win near him .


f i art on Thomas Sampson was from the village o R cc , near Kilmarnock and in another record of this same Tom elegy , he is called Sampson, the Worthy Old Sports ” Riccart on man . I wrote and received a letter from Mary

Ann Shedden , postmistress of that V illage , stating that n T m Tom Sampson had a so , o . This son married and f left a son and daughters , all o whom married . One t on daughter went o Melbourne , Australia , and e married M acLaren m a and went to Liverpool to reside . To Samp son n also had so s , William and John , and a daughter

Jane . The following clipping from the Kilm arnock Standard 2 1 1 1 is : of August 6, 9 , most interesting


- Laigh Kirk Burying Ground . THOMAS SAMSON 1 2 h Died t December , 1 795 2 Aged 7 years . ’ Tam Samson s weel worn clay here lies , Ye cantin g zealots spare him ;

If honest worth in heaven arise , ’ ’

or . Ye ll mend , ye ll win near him

His Spouse And their descendants and relations Buried within this railing ; - son William Samson , their eldest , THE SAMPSON FAMILY

son John Samson , their second also ’ D arcy Lang , Spouse of u son Thomas Samson , their yo ngest , also ’ D arcy, Jessie and Gilbert

Their children .

This stone is erected by Thomas Samson

Nursery and Seedsman , Kilmarnock , In Grateful i Remember of h s respected Father,

And Family, and of his Thomas , eldest son , who died in the

Island of St . Croix .

The said Thomas Samson , who died at r Burnside , Kilma nock , i 24 . 1 h s . Sept , 856, in 79 year


In Memory Of r i Ma y Samson, spouse of Benjam n Smith ,

Merchant , Kilmarnock, 2 2 5 1 9 . Who died June , 8

This stone is erected by Thomas Samson ,

Nursery and Seed Merchant , Kilmarnock, In grateful remembrance Of his

Sister , Jean Samson , M ihi e Spouse of Matthew , Seed Merchant ,

Kilmarnock . ’ of Burns s And daughter Tam Samson ,

30 . 1 2 Who died Jany , 87 ,

Aged 90 years . SCOTLAND 65

IN FENWICK CHURCHYARD In Memory Of am es Jane Samson , wife o Hunter Picken , g d

Daughter of Thomas Samson ,

Kilmarnock ,

Who died in 1870 , aged 59 years . Also 1 James Hunter Picken , who died 878 2 Aged 7 years .

I also wrote Perth , Scotland , and from the Sanderman r of Library, in Pe th , I received a letter informing me two

Sampsons living in Perth still ; a Mrs . Harriet Sampson i M rs. r and her son Bertram . Har et Sampson (to whom

I wrote) , kindly sent me a note in which she stated that her Robert own a husband came from , ne r Leeds , County ’

his . York, and father s family belonged to Yorkshire That she had lived in Perth forty years and had never heard of anyone else of the name in Perth . “ There is , however, an Anne Sampson mentioned in “ a volume of Americans of Royal descent which gives a of M acalest er pedigree from King Robert the Bruce , the — family in which occurs this marriage Charles M acalest er f o . to Anne Sampson , Perth They came to America and

i . M al t r settled in Ph ladelphia , where Mr ac es e became a his most successful merchant , and built and ran own ships between this country and England . They raised a large family of children and a number of their descendants ff are living today in di erent parts of the United States . Anne Sampson M acalest er was written of as being a most

exemplary mother and fine specimen Of womanhood . There is a boat running today on the Potomac River 66 THE SAMPSON FAMILY

“ M acalest er t he called the Charles , named after Scotch

M acalest er who married Ann e Sampson . In a register of testaments in Glasgow are the following

S Sampsons , howing you there must have been quite a few families of that name located there :

li 2 Auch n ck 1 68 . George Sampson in e Mill , li Auch n ck 1781 . George Sampson in e Mill, li 2 Auchen ck 1 68 . James Sampson in Mill , s n Of eirst o James , o James Sampson , deceased in Sp wn ,

of 1 2 . Parish Ochiltree , 67 f B r uh irrie of John Sampson in Byre o a q a , Parish Gal 2 ston , 1 67 . r Benschi Christopher Sampson , in Cot t e t own of , f 4 Parish o Kirriemuir, 16 1 .

f . James Sampson , in Craw Nest of Glen o Ogilvie hin ri David Sampson in Hauch Of P sa n , and Isabel his S 1 66 Baxter , pouse , 3 .

Jean Sampson , 1 668 . hn olt Blerrifeddene Jo Sampson , in C own of , Parish of

Ferm erine 1 613 . , and Isabel Wacker, his spouse , i f f Inn er e k . Thomas Sampson o Braidwood , Parish o w

Margaret Sampson , 1 657 .

Thomas Sampson in Braidwood . h r Archibald Sampson in the Net e bow , Parish of Res cobi , 1607 . Bart helm i hi o Sampson in Net herm a ne of C rn esyde. Swanst nlaw 1 7 James Sampson in o , 66 n Joh Sampson , Newbigging , 1665 . L t - Thomas Sampson in yn own Brigg, Parish of Preston kirk , constable of Haddington 1609 . r F ancis Sampson .

There is mention of a John Sampson in 1297 in King ’ S Edward s reign as living in Berwick . A John ampson ’ of 2 f England , in the 6t h year o King Edward s reign,

was li . constable of Stir ng Castle, 35 miles from Edinburgh


In a volume of Ulster Archaeology, I find that the Scotch came to Ireland mostly from Mull Of Gallo way, which lies near Donaghadee in County Down , and the Mull of Kintyre , which points to Ballycastle and An sea Fairhead in trim . In the latter case the passage is u is red ced to about fifteen miles , and in the former is f about twenty miles , a fact which o great importance at any time, but wa s of a vast deal more then .

Sir William Brereton states that in 1685 about ten thousand persons have within ten years left the country wherein they lived, which was between Aberdeen and

Invem ess, and are gone to Ireland . ’ I will also quote from J . H . Burton s History : It would be useless to attempt to discover the causes or the exact times of the immigrations of the Scotch to Ulster . The Irish history of the period is signally indistinct and confused and there was no more to fix attention in the progress of the migration than that people of kindred race sailed over narrow seas an d mingled with each other . So close was their intercourse that we hear of High landers summoned from Kintyre by signal fires on the

Opposite coast of Ulster . In the Irish annals and state papers the newcomers are called Scots . Another most interesting article from the pen of Michael M cDonough on this Ulster Irishman in Iri sh Life and Character:

How long has he been in Ulster and how did he get there? In the closing years of Elizabeth ’s reign the Celtic chiefs of Ulster rose in revolt . After a long and bloody or struggle they were defeated , driven from the country hanged , and their vast territories were confiscated to the crown .

Only 20 miles of sea divide Ulster from Scotland . It w s a this geographical fact , perhaps , which suggested to SCOTLAND 69

James I (who had become king j ust after the final over throw of the rebellious Celtic chieft an s) the idea of pla nting the confiscated estates mainly with Scottish

agriculturists . Many English were also sent over but the vast bulk f An d o the settlers were Presbyterian Lowland Scots . of there , in that northwestern corner Ireland , their

descendants have since lived and thrived , constituting for close on three hundred years a separate race with a ff ff nn Of di erent creed , di erent social ma ers and habits ff i thought , and a di erent utterance from the or ginal

inhabitants of the country . There are nine counties in the Province of Ulster : r Antrim , Down , Armagh , Der y , Fermanagh , Tyrone ,

Donegal , Monaghan and Cavan . The Scotch and English settlers penetrated into all

these counties , but they concentrated themselves mainly

in the first five , the nearest to their original homes . The Ulster Irishman is proud Of the fact that his ancestors fought behind the walls of Derry at Enn isk ellen and on f the Banks of the Boyne or the Prince of Orange . And on the 1 2th of July the ann iversary of the Battles Of

Boyne and Aughrim , the two engagements in Ireland which decided the issue of the Revolution of 1 690 and n placed William of Orange securely o the throne , he takes down his Old fowling piece which hangs over the mantle l nn hi — She f, and do ing s Orange regalia for of course he is a member of the Loyal Orange Institution— he marches in the Orange procession with bands and banners through the neighboring town or V illage .

In h D D . The Rev . John S . M ac t os , . , has made a number of speeches on this subject and in an eloquent historical address at the Scotch Irish Congress at Columbia , Tenn . , 1889 on - , The Scotch and Scotch Irish , said :

- If we be not the very peculiar people , we Scotch Irish r are a most peculiar people , who have ever left ou own 70 THE SAMPSON FAM ILY

broad , distinct mark wherever we have come . We have o r u distinctive marks , and like ourselves , they are strong and stubborn . The typal face , the typal mode of of i l thought , the typal habits work , tough faiths , uny e d - l - ing grit , granite hardness , close mouthed se f repression , clear firm speech when the truth is to be told ; God n an f feari g honesty , loyalty to friends, defi t o death , - conscience , and knee bendin g only to God ; these are our u f marks . And they meet you and greet y o in the hills o Tenn es see and Georgia ; y ou may trace them down the r i n an valleys of Vi g nia an d Pen sylv ia , cross the prairies f - ou o the West , and the savannas Of the South ; y may plow the seas to find them in the Western Bays Of Sligo , n f and beneath the butti g rocks o Donegal , thence y ou l f may follow them to the maiden wal s o Derry , and among — the winding banks of the Silvery Bann onward y ou may trace them to the rollin g hills of Down and the busy i shores of An trim . And sail ng over the narrow lough you will face them in our forefathers collier homes , and f f A eshire gray keeps o Galloway , Dumfries , o the yr hills and the Grampian slopes . These racial marks are

k . birt h marks , an d birth mar s are indelible

f o . h M acInt h n In another address the Rev Jo n S . os o ” The Making of the Ulsterman in Pittsburgh in 1890 he tells us : I have drawn very largely in this study on the labors of two friends of former yea rs , but more largely have I drawn upon my own personal watch and study of this - Ulster folk in their homes , their markets , an d their

Churches . From Derry to Down I have lived with them .

The Scotch settlers in Ulster were a picked class , (as he proves from Official and state papers) . The Scottishman i came with better man fest character , they are better accompanied an d attended than even the English settlers .

Just as to these Western Shores came the stronger souls , the more daring and select , so to Ulster came the picked ’ men to be Britain s favored colonists . SCOTLAND 7 1

il f on D em law A fam y o Samsons lived Farm , the f 1 9 1 last o whom , a Miss Samson, died in the Spring of 0,

80 years old . n i While searching for connections in Pe nsylvan a , I had some correspondence with one or two Sampsons whose ancestors came directly from Scotland , and I r of will add their family tree , o as much it as I have been able to secure : (See Chart

of Mr . Charles Samson, Kirriemuir, Forfar County,

Scotland , also assisted me as much as he was able to hi m collect regarding s fa ily, and his line is as follows : (See Chart

of Riccart n Through Mrs . Hugh Samson, o County, i : Ayrshire , I ga ned a short record (See Chart

n A John Samson lived at Ochiltree, near Cum ock . Shewalt on His widow leased the coal fields at , from Lord ‘ Al Glasgow . They had two children, Charles and ex — ander , both dead , but the widows are living Mrs . Charles

Samson , at Laurel Bank , County Ayrshire , and Mrs .

r . Alexander, at Pa k Terrace in the same section I wrote t ff o both and received most indi erent replies , and a decided refusal t o give any information concerning the Samson ancestors . The tree of the noted Tam Samson of Kilmarnock is as follows : (See Chart

A list of the Samsons now livIng In Kilmarnock and i cart n i R c o , furn shed me by the General Post Office at : Edinburgh , is

N 1 . Mr . James Samson , O. Barbadoes Road i c n N 2 t . R rt o . . o. 5 S c a Mr J ames Samson , Old ,

24 . Mr . James Samson , No . Loanhead St

a - o S o a nm n m d e m rS m m A aw 3 S m A a H M M 3 p o g o a m 8S E n e : a g 5 S fi 3 m d S 0 S m -a S O m a 3 S 2 m3 S m . 8


1 1 . NO . Mr James Samson , N . Hamilton St .

NO . 7 i n Mr . William Samson , Picken St . , R ccart o .

m . 8 . Mr . William Sa son, No 6 Hill St

N . 2 a Mr . William Samson , o 0 L ngland St . 2 Ricc rt n . . . . a Mrs Hugh Samson, No 8 Picken St , o In tracing a family of Sampsons in Virginia through mi n some members Of the fa ly ow living in Richmond , Va . ,

I learned that their ancestors came from Dumfermline , un if f Co ty F e , Scotland , but I will give an account o “ ” this family under Sampsons in Virginia . This branch “ ” spell the name with the P , while the line in Counties

ld . Forfar and Ayrshire , Scotland , use the o Bible spelling It would have been a great satisfaction to have been able to state definitely where the Ulster Sampsons came is from in Scotland , and if this sketch read throughout the various sections , where it will be distributed , some reader may be able to give the long sought and desired information . SAM PSONS IN IRELAND


of Mr . James R . Sampson, Wellsboro , Tioga County, Pa of of . , who is a descendant the Sampsons County n Tyrone , Ireland , gave a most i teresting and instructive “ ” Re- ni in 1 909 address at a Sampson u on held the year . “ — ” This Re union is held annually by the members of the

Sampson family whose ancestors lived in Ulster, Ireland . f Re- Address o J . R . Sampson , at Sampson union, held at 3 1 909 Smythe Park, Mansfield , Pa . September , .

is t o My friends , it not my purpose at this time give you f f f much of a history o the dif erent families o Sampsons , but of the class of men they came from . In the year 1 700 there was a Scotch colony in and about f Ulster, and it is a fact that they were a part o the same who came to this country in the year Of the Londonderry l siege . The colonists were so succeessfu in their woolen industries that the English manufacturers became alarmed and secured legislation that almost crushed this industry i in Ireland . It s said that Protestants at that time , f r . because of this , left Ulster o America Then came the f 1 4 Act o 70 , aiming t o compel all to conform to the

Established Church . An Act of which Froude says “ If they intend to live as freemen , speaking no lies and professing Openly the creed of the Reformation they must seek a country where the long arm of the Prelacy ” was still t oo short to reach them . During the first A half of the eighteenth century Derry , ntrim , Tyrone , Armagh and Down were emptied of Protestant inhabitants who were of more value than all the California gold mines . In 1718 the tide of emigration began to swell into great

1 2 . proportions . By 7 7 it averaged over 5000 a year 80 THE SAMPSON FAMILY

4 There was a famine in 1 7 0 , and for some years the num r ber who left Ireland grew to a year , but the g ea test as in 2 number leaving in a Short period w 1 77 , on the eve of the American Revolution when the Irish landlords raised the rents for improvements made by their tenants and evicted thousands who were unable or unwilling to meet the raise . Thirt y thousand are said to have crossed over at that time . We have graphic pictures of the C emigration fever in Ulster, the rowded ships constantly a le ving Belfast , for two months tossing on the Atlantic and the frequent arrival of ships at Philadelphia and

Charleston .

For a little while Ulster Protestants sought Boston , f others sought other parts O New England . The only f ’ i New England member o Washington s cab net , Secre f tary of War Henry Knox , came o this stock , as did General

John Stark , who wit h the Green Mountain Boys , sixty

n . of them from Londonderry , wo many battles It is said these Protestant immigrants brought from of Ulster to New England the potato . Some the New Englanders procured a few of these potatoes and planted them in their gardens according to instructions , but pronoun ced the little balls found on the top of the stalks i rather inn utritious food . They found n plowing their gardens in the spring that they had boiled the wrong end of the vegetable . But by far the largest stream of emigration entered the 1 727 United States at Philadelphia . From through to the Revolutionary War , many turned aside into New J ersey , but a famous Scotch Irish Quaker Pennsylvania governor directed the main stream west in the state to battle on the frontier with the Indians . They crossed t he Allegheny Mountains to the headwaters Of the Ohio ; they followed its valleys south as far a s the mountains extended , they settled West Virginia and west North et of Carolina , and m there another stream Ulster immi u g rat ion coming in from C harleston . They fo nd their way from these main lines over all the United States . IRELAND 81

They gave the free school system to New Jersey and f r Kentucky , and o nearly a century taught most classical f schools south of New York . Of the descendants o the

Scotch colony in Ulster , probably there are now in America thousands to every one still living in North Ireland . It is surprising to find how largely the Scotch Irish influence dominated in founding the Presbyterian church re in the United States . France bred John Calvin the f of storer o Presbyterianism , but the Presbyterianism the United States was moulded largely by the Scotch Irish pio h is eers . It true what a modern historian of the Presby of terian church says , that with the first emigration the Scotch Irish to America came the Presbyterian Church t o stay . The man more than any other who was a foundation as layer of the Presbyterian church in this coun try , w k i Francis M a enn e, born in Ulster and educated at Glasgow of University . In Maryland on the narrow neck land — between Chesapeake Bay and the Atlantic a year or ’ — two before Lon donderry s siege he foun ded the first f Presbyterian church in this country in 1 729 . One o the great movements in the Christian church was that under Whitfield but the leading Spirit outside of Whitfield was

Gilbert , a tenant from Ulster . His father had come over from Ireland with three minister ’s sons and became the n first great educator Of the Presbyterian church , fou d ing the log college out of which grew Princeton College. 1 73 of n Before 8 , the organization the first Sy od , it was found that forty of ninety-four enrolled ministers had come from Ireland or Scotland . Nor was it only the

Presbyterian church that profited by this immigration . Probably not more than one-third of the Scotch-Irish element is now allied with the Presbyterian church .

By them the Methodist , Baptist , Episcopal and the

Disciple churches have been greatly strengthened .

Alexander Campbell , most active in founding the great

Disciple church , came himself from Ulster . These early comers were not like many of the later immigrants , they were not poor peasants but most of them fairly well 82 THE SAMPSON FAMILY

f to do , and a large proportion o them well educated . A historian says of them that they were probably the best f educated o the English race . They were rugged in their convictions , men set in their ways and severe in their j udgments , but they suffered much for their faith , loved G un n od , prized His Bible , cl g to the privilege of worshippi g together freely , and practiced liberty an d equality . They were accustomed to republicanism and representative rn gove ment in their church system . But their greatest service was that Of helping shape the thirteen colonies into an independent republic . ha s A modern historian written , it is no longer sufficient to enumerate only Puritan and Quaker in the buildin g f n - ri o our nation , it is ow recognized that the Scotch I sh of Ulster contributed n ot less t han any of these to the - make up of the young nation . Scotch Irish have been f the backbone o new nationality , by them independence of was first advocated . Just a little before the Decla ration - of Independence was adopted , the Scotch Irish North Carolina in convention at Charlotte had adopted the “ Mecklenburg Declaration . It read We do hereby dis solve the political bonds which have connected us with the mother country and hereby declare ourselves a free and sover independent people , are , and of right ought to be a eign and self-governing association under the control of no power other than that of our God and the general a of government . The Decl ration Independence itself , as we have it to-day is in the hand-writing of a Scotch an Irishm , Charles Thompson , then Secretary of Congress , d wa s was first printed by another , Captain Dun lap , an ‘ t st publicly read to the people by another, Captain 1 lgxon . There were none who furnished more soldiers in pro as portion to their numbers than the Ulstermen . It w i - Patr ck Henry , leading his fellow Scotch Irish in Virginia “ or in the Revolutionary War who said , Give me Liberty ” give me death . They gave New York her first Governor , - s . George Clint on , who served twenty one year Irish


There are several families of these Scotch-Iri sh settlers in Ulster by the name of Sampson . They scattered through of the counties Tyrone and Londonderry, while many of the younger element of these S ampsons emigrated to Am erica; My information concerning these fam ilies was gained by the courtesy and kindness of one family living In Pom eroy, County Tyrone , whose given names are Martha, “ m William and George . Martha and George live at Li e ” “ ”

am . hill , Pomeroy, and William at The Di ond, Pomeroy By means of quite an ext ensive correspondence with i Of th s family Sampsons, I learned the tradition handed down from their great-great-grandfather was as follows : a Four brothers of the name of S mpson , settled in Bally loughlin near Cookstown , County Tyrone . Where these a brothers c me from cannot be learned . Their names were James , Ralph , George and Thomas .

James , who was the younger of the four, was the head is of this branch now living in Pomeroy . Little known of i Ralph , or practically nothing . I discovered a w ll in a list of wills sent me from Dublin and had it copied . D an B ll l hlin His w err l r a u . He rites himself as of y o , y o g wife was Mary and the will was made in 1792 .

The children mentioned are Robert , John , Eleanor, who D reinin married Thomas g , William , Ralph , Mary, who married John Adams, James, Thomas and George . The records in the old church at Cookstown were burned a o when the church was destroyed by fire a few years g , and some of the descendants of these Sampsons living in l Phi adelphia , America, who made a pilgrimage to Cooks f town to look up the records o their ancestors, were much ff disappointed in finding nothing to reward their e orts .


The Scotch-Irish Sampsons were not the only branch of this family to settle in Ireland . Another line went into Ireland from England in the reign Of Queen Eliza of beth , whom the head seems to have been a John Samp

son .

h s Famili s and their i tu Burke, in i interesting e V ci ssi des writes :

Sometime after the quenching of the grea t rebellion in l the reign of Queen E izabeth , more than half a million acres in the north of Ireland were at the disposal of the 1 1 English Crown , hence arose in 6 0 the plantation Of

Ulster with English and Scotch settlers , who were generally r soldiers of fortune , professional adventurers o cadets of good families . Many of them found their way into d n County Donegal , an these may be divided i to t wo kinds ’ ’ V iz : those who arrived on the suppression of O D onn ell s ’ rebellion at the end of Elizabeth s reign , and those who settled under James I in 1 610 .

The former were almost all of English descent , whereas the latter were Scotch . In Donegal the chief families Of En glish descent were the Gores , the Brookes , the Harts , and the Sampsons , still extant in military descendants . Also the Wrays ,

f . o Castle Wray , and Ards Sampson , Brooke , and Hart alone brought to Ireland one hundred halbediers at their own expense to aid the Queen .

John Sampson , the head Of this bran ch , had a vast tract of wild mountain range lying on the sea and now comprehending Horn Head and Ards . Of a Sampson , a daughter John Sampson , married

William Wray , and migrated into the very depths of the , 88 IRELAN D 89

Northern Donegal Highlands , where he purchased the f wild romantic and beautiful estate o Ards , probably i ’ 1 00 from h s wife s family , who sometime afterward , in 7 , sea sold the promontory Horn Head , with its glorious

cliffs and sublime views .

I am indebted to the Honorable William Jackson

Pigott, of Manor House, Dundrum , County Down , and f to Mrs . Amy Gem , o Oving Manor, Oving, Chichester n i E gland, for much data regard ng these families of M rs. con Sampsons . Both Mr . Pigott and Gem are “ ” n nectio s. According to this Pedi gree (which some of f my correspondents have in ormed me is doubtful) , John

Sam pson, who settled in County Donegal, Ireland , temp . as Queen Elizabeth w descended from David, Senior of tw Duke of Normandy, and the first these o Normandy a r S mpsons to come into England was Sir Ha lovin Sampson, who was one of the 629 Chiefs who fought in the Battle u of Hastings nder William the Conqueror . CHAPTER III

There were a number of distinguished Sampsons in “ . of a this line One them was, Willi m Sampson , the Uni ted

Irishman . He was exiled from Ireland and came to

1 0 - New York in 8 6, where he became well known as a prominent member of the bar for some years previous to his death . He was associated with Thomas Addis M E ff m . c win E met , Dr and Wol Tone, in Ireland, and M cG ee in his History of Ireland says :

E in Emmet , M a c w , Sampson and the family of Tone were all reunited in New York , where the many changes and distractions of a great metropolitan community have V not even yet obliterated the memories of their irtues , their talents and their accomplishments . William Samp son became on his arrival in New York legal adviser to

Jerome Bonaparte . He is spoken of as being a Barrister

Of fine attainments , great humour and unconquerable buoyancy of mind .

i son hn Will am married and had two children, a Jo Cur l of Wo fi . ran , and a daughter who married a son Tone He

1 36 . died in 8 His brother John Sampson, also came to 1 765 on America, and in was e of the Councillors for Gover of nor Arthur Dobbs , North Carolina . This same

- Governor Dobbs was Of Scotch Irish descent , coming n f from County A trim in Ireland, where he held the O fice ff of High Sheri and was a member of the Irish Parliament . John Sampson continued to serve as Councillor under

Governor Tryon , and in the history of North Carolina ,

‘ ' which I read in the Old State Library at Annapolis , Mary 90


of i A History the Hart Fam ly, published by Mitchell , of 140 1 9 Hughes and Clark, Wardour Street, London, 07, “ ” of g ives the tree this John Sampson , Of County Donegal , w h Ireland, it notes from Mrs . French , the last of the

North of Ireland Sampsons . Three of the mistakes that have been explained to me ” as i 1 s : in th s Pedigree are t There never was a David , Seni or Duke of Normandy ; 2d : The only Sam pson to

was . o s follow the Conqueror Ralph de St Samps n , a I have already written in Sam psons of England ; 3d : Li hfi l Richard Sampson, Bishop of Chichester and c e d , fieren hi s belonged to a di t branch , and ancestry is also “ ” given under my Sam psons in England . dis The pedigree, however, about which there is some is : r pute, as follows (See Cha ts 6 and CHART 8

DAVID S i D k N , en or u e of ormandy

Marmaduk e 2nd L S son , ord ampson

Sl l‘ Ha rlov m Sa n M i Si m so ar anna , daughter of r came to En gland W ith the Henry de Harvey Conq ueror 1066

M i Sl l' ar anna , daughter of Ralph St Leger

Sl t Ric a Sa n D Si h rd mpso orothy, daughter of r D v x K i John e ereu , n ght Baronet E w S E iz b Si r d ard am son l a eth , daughter of K n Eng an B w Lo of e t, d John ro ne , of the rds Montague Family

ud rt h SI: J , daughter of John Lawrence

An Si ne, daughter of r Chas T n Warrm n t hy ne, of s er

Si n Sa n Icm a Sn r Joh mpso , daughter of John G farm l retton, a y of great antiquity

SIr EphraIm eSam son I b r p , sa ella daughter and he r n ht ess 0 Sir Charles Mus grave

Mic a Sa n udrt h h Si rH h el mpso J , daug ter of ugh A M le Dur nnesley, of a Ox ham , County ord


Si R S A b Sl l‘ E w D w S i r alph ampson ra elle, daughter of d ard a son of pald ngton K ht Y k of County ent, n County or Baronet In reign of Henry VIII

Ric S hard ampson, Bl shop of ChIchest er d Lrohfield

John Sampson went Into Ire land In reign of Queen ElIzabet h Susan Lemyng

Mary Wi lll am W rt of In ray, of Castle

. W D gal ray, of Co onegal

A Si $ R I c nne , daughter or ster Jane , dau of h a rd Geo V Dollanst own of Col aughan Jones , of B c M of un rana Castle, County eath County D onegal

N Carohna l st Mi A n w 2d who settled In In ss g e , In S m was Mi n d and a pson County ss Jo es, dau of Ju g e named In hrs hon or Jones of 8 C. m son of WOLFF TONE


’ “ of Ralph s death in 1 1 1 2 and the wars Of St rongbow 1 1 66 in , we must infer that the Sampsons who followed “ Strongbow” were not unlikely to be descendants Of of Ralph , Bishop Worcester, and Thomas, Archbishop n d of York . This li e Of Sampsons a hered to the Catholic faith , and in a letter received from Father Cornelius — m of a of Sa pson , Buckingham , Iowa descendant ( these

Sampsons) , he tells some valuable history regarding his branch of the fam ily . I will quote his own words from

r u 19 1 1 : his lette written to me in Febr ary, As a boy I happened to copy a sketch written some forty years ago by on e, William Sampson (A Christian Brother) who had access to documents at Kingston Castle , Mitchels town , County Cork , Ireland . From the sketch I learn 1 6 6 that about the year 8 a Lieutenant John Sampson , from Dunmanway , County Cork , was commissioned f together with a Captain Butler , by the Governor o n of Munster , to take comma d of a body troops to defend r of the important pass o strategic position Galbally . This Captain Butler was a member of the Dunboyn e l st of family an d a kin to the Duke Ormond , who was n Lord Lieutenant of Irelan d u der Charles II (sketch) . At this time Sir John Cantwell lived at his castle in t n Galbally . Sir John had ex ensive holdi gs in the vale f Ah rl s f o e ow , in Ca tle Connell in the County o Clare

(sketch) .

Being of a hospitable disposition , Sir John frequently had the above named officers as his guests . After a while his elder daughter , Margaret , became the bride Of

John Sampson , whilst the younger daughter , Catherine , became the wife Of Captain Butler . f r Butler and Sampson were fighting o James II , and it was from his party that Cantwell received his title . The Masseys also belonged to the Jacobin party but turned to the other side when William and Mary were in power and as reward for their weakness , or worldly wisdom , IRELAND 95

were given the Cantwell estates in Aherlow and Castle connell when Cantwell refused to desert James II and the

Catholic faith . Rather than leave his castle to the 24 Masseys , Cantwell , upon getting hours to consider , burned it to the ground and fled to Castleconn ell (near

Limerick) . His stay at Castleconnell was short , as the Masseys and their new allies soon appeared and took possession there also . From Castleconnell Sir John fled to Scariff, County Clare , accompanied in his wanderings -i - n n . and persecutions by his so law , John Sampson Butler returned to his friends in Kilkenny when Cantwell was f hi deprived o s estates . This would be about the year

1 690 . The Cant wells were descended from a progenitor who “ ” - went to Ireland with Strong bow . As to the Sampsons , f of tradition di fers , and as the writer the sketch never n met any Of the family of John from Du manway , he did f not know what in ormation they possessed , though he seems to have thought that they came originally from

Scotland . Quite a few think they also were descendants “ - Of followers of Strong b ow . hi son-in- Sir John Cantwell , s daughter and law , Samp son , died in Clare , but at their request were buried in the old cemetery at Galbally (on the border between

Limerick and Tipperary) . The children Of Sampson remained in Clare— except on e Of the oldest (if not the very Oldest) , named also John , who in time went to

Mitchelstown , Coun ty Cork , with his cousin , Dr . Butler wa s afterwards Archbishop of Cashel . This Dr . Butler f the son o George Butler and Catherine King , daughter

of f . Lord John King , o Mitchelstown George Butler was the son of Captain Butler and Catherine Cantwell and so a first cousin to John Sampson . From this John Sampson are descended the Sampson families now scattered through the counties of Lime - of rick , Tipperary and the North East part of the County n Cork . They now live a s tenants o the lands formerly own ed by their own kith and kin and from which they were 96 THE SAMPSON FAMILY banished because of their fidelity to their religion and to

James II . Though I grew to manhood in Galbally and often saw the resting pla ce Of Cantwell and Sampson , I never heard anythin g of the Clare branch except that there was such a n s s thi g . It seems strange that a the fir t named John and his immediate descendants lost all trace and kn owledge of the Dunman way branch , that the same should happen between the descen dan ts of the second John and their r Clare relatives . Some forty o fifty years ago there were some of the Dun manway branch in the city of Cork .

One was a lumber merchant an d one married to a Mr .

Beamish (one of the Brewers) . Their names were men i t oned in the sketch but the writer merely heard Of them . There may be several of them in that part of Ireland and they may know more about the family of Lieutenan t John .


I . H . S . l h Here y et the body of Mr . John Sampson

1 1 4 2 . who died ye 7 day of September , 7 5 f Aged 8 years , an d that o his wife ,

Margaret Sampson alias Cantwell , who 4 died ye year 17 , Aged 57 years .

31 I . P .

Commencing with Lieut . John Sampson, who fled into his -in- County Clare with father law, Sir John Cantwell , the relatives advise me of several children, of Lieut . ’ John s . Among them were Robert, William and Simon , who eventually settled in County Limerick . Others remained in County Clare and from them branches out “ ” “ of another tree Sampsons , called The County Clare ”

am . S psons One, Sir John Sampson, went to Mitchels on town , County Cork , and later settled a farm near

Bri o so Bri own . g wn Church , is called John Sampson, of g s n He married and had ix childre . A series of charts will best explain this num erous family . (See Charts 8, 1 1 9 , 10, and


t These five charts serve to show, in a degree, the ex ent to which t his branch increased and spread into different f sections o the country . There are some attractive bits of hi story connected with these Sampsons in Mun ster .

Munster includes the countries of Clare , Limerick, Tip

erar ff p y and Cork, in all of which countries di erent members f of the Sampson family seem to have settled . One o the County Clare branch is said to have married a brother of ar fi l son the celebrated Patrick S s e d . In this line is a ar fiel Son called S s d Sampson ; also a of Mary Sampson , rs el a fi . who married Patrick Naish , is named S d Naish of Father Patrick Sampson , Athenry, County Galway, n e in o of his letters, tells me there is a place near Castle “ ’ ”

n . Connell , in County Kilken y, called Sampson s Court “ ’ This must be the same Sampson s Court spoken Of as f h u near Ballyragget , the seat o t e B tlers, so warmly “ associated with the Sampsons at this date . This Samp ’ ”

was u . son s Court once a fine mansion, but is now in r ins It appears that the Sampsons of this vicini ty lost nearly all their possessions under Cromwell , and after the fall of Limerick . di di . a Accor ng to one tra tion , Lieut John S mpson, of n n Du manway, was at o e time a Magistrate in that town , previous to his joining the army . The Sampsons were once a strong family in County n hi Kilken y, w ch helps to prove they came into Ireland “ ” as m with Strongbow , his adherents nu bered many

106 THE SAM PSON FAMILY line ; and their descendants are not aware where their relationship or connection with Lieut . John or John of

Brig own begi ns . M r . r if s . Sca r Dr Francis Sampson , of , County Clare, “ ” Of kindly sent me a copy their family tree, and I am

as . much indebted to her, well as to Mr Donat Sampson ,

f . 1 1 w a o No Po is Squ re, Bayswater, London, W . The County Clare chart also is headed with a John 1 is Sampson, born 770 . My theory that this John was the Br son of a brother of John of ig own . We have to be ui g ded largely by dates in searches among these old records . 1 14 1 16 (See Charts 3 , , 5 , and

am so A S pson of Cork, Ireland had a n, Rev . “ Richard 1 2 Edward Sam pson born in Cork in 1685 . From 7 6 to

2 of St . of 1 7 7 he was Rector Pauls, Cork and Vicar Dun boyne and Kilbride County, Meath . He resigned in 1 728 and became Archdeacon of Ahaboe and died in i was 1 734 . H s wife Clotilda Barbara Lisle, and they had four children, Edward Sampson, Alice Sampson, Ann e S am pson and Barbara Sampson who married is Henry Pilkington of Tore Abbey . This no doubt a h branch of this same family w o lived in Dunmanway, not far from Cork . m 3 s 5 S 5 o a B S

H a fi . d 8 z o 1 2 M 3 3 o 2 w 3 u 4 a 5 S s h m a w . O 8 m o 6 0 L n S a M e E w m H v o E Sfi S H m . m S S . Sa 8 9 o 0 g 4 a c s a H/ m a n o d o n « c o u h


My work in thi s little book on Sampson History would have been much more satisfactory could I but have ff conn ected the di erent families of Sampsons in Ulster . The members of the family in Ireland all state that the County Tyrone and County Londonderry Sampsons are related— as they quaintly express in Ireland— they are “ ” ”

use . friends ; they seldom , if ever , the term relation In tracing the line of the late Admiral William Thomas a f S mpson , I secured a very large tree o this fam ily whose history seems to start in Tobermore, County London

— Lon on err derry County d y is , by all the natives , called

County Derry, and as this is a much shorter word I will use it .

If you will look at a complete map of Ulster, you will notice that Cookstown , Magherafelt , Moneymore and

Tobermore (in the two countries of Tyrone and Derry) , lie within a short distance of each other . one As I have already stated , George , Of the four Samp of Ball lou hlin son Brothers y g , near Cookstown , County

Tyrone , moved over into Magherafelt , County Derry, o s that we could easily imagine that Thomas, another of r the four brothers , might have settled in Tobermo e, County

Derry . The Admiral Sampson line is headed by Thomas

Kilcrona han Sampson , of g , Tobermore, County Derry C o w I secured a opy f his ill from Dublin , which he made

$4 4

S 4 c o o Co 8 m o g f 3 2 g 8 » n m 8 a m S c r w . q e ” k a a g r 8 u o p 5 e w a a s — n » p a fi : e 2 a s 4 . e 0 a u a a z 9 Hs m R i : : m w 8 r E a v z a 0 m S o E s H o » m o A S o S R a E m Co S Ew 3 m e . Sp S e : 3 a ao o w u aB z s e a c s m e s » e c a s w es s


r s has The elation hip , however , been lost, and I can only add the following charts hopin g some one of the nam e m ay chance to read this history who can explain the conn ecting links : In et f a l ter from Patrick Sampson , o Slane, County nf Meath , Ireland, he gives the i ormation , as far as he his of . kn ows , people ’ f 2 a son o . 51 P trick s James , No Harrison Street , Brook l n t y , New York, also adds that here is very little of their f family ancestry known . The first o this lin e known to of a n Patrick Sampson , Sl ne , was his gra dfather, John

Sampson , who married Margaret Hogg . They had a son was James , who married three times, the last wife being hi n . Mary Mooney, who had five c ldre hi s wi in James and fe lived Drogheda, County Meath , and the five chi ldren were :

1 n in 1 5 . ( ) Joh , who emigrated to America 8 6 2 an ( ) Mary, who emigrated to Am erica d was never

heard from .

3 . ( ) James , who died

4 . ( ) Robert , who died

5 of . ( ) Patrick, Slane, County Meath s n f i n in James , o o Patr ck, livi g Brooklyn , has seven

S . n P. C . children : Mary , Augusti e , Robert Margaret , l , B n . n . Theresa, Ag es , Joh J An other in complete bran ch is that given me by Mar f Ki l rr garet Sam pson , o l ybe y , and her uncle, George n B er . Sampson , of Leitrim , in Cou ty ry is a n a d The first of this line Jonath n Sam pso , who m rrie : Margaret C am pbell , and had four children Lotta ,

l m . Marguerite , John and Wil ia

William was twice married, first to Miss Pepper, by whom IRELAND 1 19

: n he had two children Thomas, and Joh , who emigrated

in 1 2 . i s n M c ol to Am erica 87 The second w fe wa Elle Co , and she bore ni n e children :

1 in . ( ) Robert , who lives Colorado , America

P . 2 n n a . . . ( ) Nancy, who lives in Hunti gto , , U S A

(3) Margaret .

4 ni . . ( ) Jen e , who married Mr Pickett 5 Ann of ( ) Mary , who married Thomas Sampson , Killy n of n berry, spoke in previous pages (I u derstand they n did not consider there was any relatio ship) . '

a ohn l ss. (6) Sar h , who married J S o

in . (7) George, living Leitrim , County Derry

(8) William . 9 am n an ( ) Margaret , who married J es Gardi er , d lives

in n n . Quee sla d , South Africa n n am Through correspo de ce with a Mrs . Louisa S pson am n in (widow of a James S pso ) , who lives Roxborough , Pa f i a . o Philadelph , , I have learned two others of the f n T — name o Sampso in obermore , County Derry two

am . brothers , named Willi and James to Am and William emigrated erica , eventually settled

a a . : in L nc ster, Pa He married and had six children a an d James, Samuel , George, Willi m , Robert Margaret , M l r cC u e . the only daughter , who married a She has been communicated with an d knows nothi ng of her an


cestors .

of The other brother, James , Tobermore, County : Derry, married An n Clark and had seven children

(1) James, who died in 1900 and whose widow lives at

4 2 . No . 33 Boone Street , Roxborough , Pa 2 d Am 184 ( ) George , who emigrate to erica in 7 and died 5 in 189 . 120 THE SAMPSON FAM ILY

3 a in ( ) Thom s, who died Chicago . 4 am in 1 9 . ( ) S uel , who died 06

5 a in 1 . ( ) Willi m , who died 896

6 a 1 . ( ) Eliz , who died in 897 Ann in (7) , who married L . Caldwell Chicago , and had n : n nni two childre Sampso Caldwell , dead ; A e Caldwell , dead . Two small trees of the Sampson Family in Ulster an fin no nf show a resembl ce, but I can d definite i ormation n n as to a y relatio ship . On e a a n in Gort a ill is of Willi m Sampso , who lived g y , n l Cou ty Derry . William , a so had a brother Abraham . William married Mary Maguire an d they had four chil

n and n n . dre : Mary Ann , Hugh , Eliza Jo atha (1) Mary Ann married Anthony M cVeigh and had a

Ann v . daughter, Mc eigh , who married T Gormley, of is n 23 enn o Belfast . Mrs . Gormley still livi g at J ym unt

a a an . . Terr ce, York Ro d, Belfast, Irel d Mrs Gormley

e a n i di n n wrot me m king i quir es regar g her u cle, Hugh

a n who nn ni . . . S mpso , emigrated to Pe sylva a, U S A They had heard he had died leaving quite a property and

had an no heirs . However, he married d had two children :

Ann an d n n . Mary , Jo atha The only Sampson of the n ame of Hugh that I have heard of in America was

2 f n . ( ) Hugh Sampson , o Bedford , Bedford Cou ty, Pa He is mentioned in the Penn sylvania Archives as owni ng P in a . n property Bedford, I eve made a trip to Bedford a n nd examined the records in the Court House, but fou d nothing relating to Sampsons .

(3) Eliza .

4 a Ball rk . ( ) Jonath n, born near ygu , County Tyrone


n . located in County Ty rone , and o e in Dublin The ’ first of Archibald and Francis Sampson s ancestors of fin n was whom they have de ite mentio Charles Sampson, s in 1 3 an who wa born Clogher, County Tyrone in 7 0, d n died there between the years 1808 a d 1815 . He was said to be a man of prominence and held the position of His foreman of the grand jury . associations with the gentry made extravagances that eventually im proverished f his estate . He married Elizabeth Blayney o the cele n brat ed Lord Blayn ey family, prominent in Cou ty

Monaghan where they had a seat at Castle Blayney . i as a This connect on, judging from dates w prob bly a bout the time of the ninth Lord Blayney, who was born n 1 5 s 1720 a d died in 77 . His name wa Cadwallader and his he succeeded brother Charles Talbot, the eighth r l Lord Blayney . Cha les Talbot Blayn ey took re igious was f orders , and associated with the diocese o Clogher, in County Tyrone . He married an Elizabeth Mahon a a n nd d ughter of Nicholas Maho a Eleanor Blayn ey, who was a daughter also of Henry Vincent, the fifth Lord ’

a as in . Bl yney . Cadwallader s wife w Elizabeth Tipp g The repetition of the name Elizabat h at this period leads me to infer it was one of the daughters of either Charles Talbot or Cadwallader Blayney who married Charles am S pson of Clogher . Charles Sam pson and Elizabeth Blayney had six children the names of two only being n known by the desce dants now living . These two were

. w s n n John and Charles Charles a the youngest, we t i to the army and fought in the battle of Waterloo . John the oldest child of Charles and Elizabeth was born in Clogher

t 1 761 . S abou He married arah Gibson, daughter of

Francis Gibson , also of County Tyrone . 124 THE SAMPSON FAMILY

J ohn with his son s Francis and William came to America 1 n in a 820 . am bout the year Willi remai ed New York , whi le the father John with his son Fran cis located in

Harrison County, Ohio . Francis married Margaret Evan s and to them were

an . born the two son s Archibald J . and Fr cis A n a n n a n son of an Ge eral Archib ld Joh sto S mpso , Fr cis

n w as n in u and Margaret Sampso , bor Harrison Co nty,

2 1 . ni n l n 1 . a a Co Ohio , Ju e , 839 He gr du ted at Mt U o i in 1 1 an n in lege n Ohio 86 , d in the Clevela d Law School 1 n in n n 866 . He e listed the U ion army duri g the Civil War H a e . s private and became Captain . married Kate I n in a 1 1 in Tur er C diz , Ohio , September 8, 866, (died Den

1 2 n . oli lli n ver, 886) d , Fra ces S Wood of J et , I ois , March

1 9 1 1 . a 1 5 , 89 He practiced law at Sedali , Missouri , 86 1873 non an d n d 1873—1893 an d , Ca City De ver , Colora o , ,

n a a 1 . as n n Phoenix, Arizo fter 893 He w omi ated for ni s n 1 73 n U ted States Con ul at Palesti e, 8 , but decli ed ; n of 1 876—79 elected Attor ey General Colorado , ; Consul 1 889—93 a a an d at Paso del Norte, Mexico , ; Amb ss dor n ni n 1 897— 1 907 n Mi ister Ple pote tiary to Ecuador , , bei g fi n n in a the rst perso for over Sixty years , livi g territory n to receive a diplomatic appointment . He is a Republica and is a Past Department Commander of the G . A . R .

n in n n . His reside ce is Phoe ix , Arizo a

an n in a Fr cis Asbury Sampson bor H rrison County, 42 Son and a Ohio , February 6, 1 8 . of Francis Marg ret in 1 . 5 n . l . 86 Eva s Co lege of the City of New York, A B and M i a n of t he n 1 . L w A. . 868 School of the U iversity f o . . 1 8 . City New York , LL B in 86 Married Harriette

- a f n n 23 1869 . Maiden L cey o Ci cin ati, July , Vice Presi

l n of n of de t the Missouri Trust Compa y Sedalia, Missouri ,



When the estates of the rebels in Ireland (in the first decade of the 1 7t h century) passed into the hands of the n n Crow , there passed i to Governmenta l control some n n eight hundred thousand acres , co stituti g the provin ce

Of Ulster . Here came the Scotchman as colonist and pioneer ; here he came to better his condition ; it was the in best Of Scotchmen that invaded Ulster, and here beg s - the history of the Scotch Irishman . When the Scotchman went to Ulster he took with him his individuality and his religion ; he was a John Knox

Presbyterian . The first great emigration from Ulster to Penn sylvania 1 1 7 1 n was from 7 to 750 . At this time , un der the be ign a n 1 9 sway of the toler tio act Of 68 , religious persecution n had ceased in Grea t Britain . But the lo g leases which the lan d holders had granted upon the origina l coloniza n f tion expired , a d they took advan tage o the prosperity which had atten ded the labors of the colonists and their descen dan ts : to a dvance the rents to such high prices as

to be ruin ous to many of the tenantry . n a Havi g heard of the better land across the se , where

they could be their own landlords , where tithes were k and un nown taxes light , they at once determined to

seek homes there .

a h Swank, in his Progressive Pennsylv nia states t at

We do n ot hear of any large emigration of Scotch

Irish to Pennsylvania until 1 71 0, about which year large m 1 2 1 730 nu bers began to arrive . Between 7 0 and , eighteen Presbyterian con gregation s were organized in f - s Pennsylvania . There wa s a great wave O Scotch Iri h immigration to Penn sylvania in the years immediately n - precedi g the Revolution . The Scotch Irish became the leaders in the settlement of Southwestern Pennsylvania .

From a history of Pennsylvania by Sydney George

Fisher, we find another account of t hese pioneers, many of whom were your ancestors . PENNSYLVANIA 131

The Scotch-Irish were Scotch an d English people who had gone to Irelan d to take up the estates of Irish rebels confiscated un der Queen Elizabeth an d James I . This a ho was n an a s same J mes I , w Ki g Of Scotl d James VI , en couraged his Presbyterian subj ects to emigrate to n n n n Irela d a d occupy the co fiscated la ds . Toward the middle Of the 17t h Century the confiscation Of Irish lan ds by Cromwell increa sed the emigra tion . These Scotch an d English emigrants took long leases and began to make these lands blossom like a garden .

They Were , however, soon put to a severe test by the ” on n persecution Of Charles I , who , succeedi g to the ’ n on a in 1 25 English thro e J mes death 6 , attempted to force the Presbyterians to conform to the Church of

England . Then many emigrated to America , especially when the long lease on which they held the Irish land n bega to expire .

There is no family record of when John Sampson came to Pennsylvania but I have foun d one in dication that he 0 was living in Western Penn sylvania as early as 1 76 . n In volume secon d of the Pennsylvani a M agazi e, I find this important information :

an From record of men , women d children not belonging 1 0 to the Army , and livin g at Fort Pitt about 76 , are the names of James and Margaret Sampson .

’ These are either two of John Sampson s children or his

o . wife, Margaret, and s n James Fort Pitt was built alm ost on the point where t he Alle gheny and Monongahela rivers unite to form the Ohio , an d was only eight miles west from the farm of John In i n Sampson . those days the ravages of the Ind a s frequently compelled all the inhabitants to flee to the for forts protection, and these forts were usually kept guarded by a sufficient force of soldiers for safety . Fort 132 THE SAMPSON FAM ILY

— Pitt was built in 1 759 1 760 and had two powder maga zines un der ground built with heavy timber an d covered t A 1 773 with tarred cloth and ear h . s late as Richard Penn advised a small garrison be kept at Fort Pitt as a pro t ection n a of n from the Indi a s . We h ve no way learni g by what road or from which direction John Sampson came r nn on to Weste n Pe sylvania . Writers this subject say that

a n ne Emigrants c me in two curre ts , o from Eastern an a nd Pennsylv ia by way of Cumberlan d Valley , Fulton Bedford Coun ties and the Youghiogheny River ; and the other via the Potoma c and Mon onga hela Rivers .

Neither have we any knowledge of how many of John ’ Sam pson 8 family were with him when he emigrated from Ireland ; nor any record a s to when he took up this land of n can eight miles east Pittsburgh . The o ly history we take our Observation s from are the records embraced in the numerous volum es of the Pennsylvani a Archives and the court records in the Westmorelan d County court r Penns lvani a G eensbur h . house at g , Pa In both the y ’ Archives ourt ecords n and the C R , John Sampso s name m is a n appears in the first volu es, which verificatio of the idea that he was am on g the earliest Sampsons to locate f warrent ees of in this section . The most o the land were taken up from 1 779 to 1 792 by the various Sammon s and these warrantees embraced some 3500 acres . From “ ” Minutes Of Board of Property, the board orders that n i n Capt . Thompson shall i qu re into Wilkins locatio of

John Sampson who furnished it , and endeavor to find the tree referred to as also the trees on two other tracts . This I mentioned in commencing my story is un doubtedly on e of the trees here referred to and this land is now in


n n an r . upon to fight the I dia s at y hour, day o night “ n n as Among these Ra gers on the Fro tiers, they were f ’ o . . . called , were a number Sampsons In G D Albert s History of Westmoreland County is this record :

Thomas Sampson an d William Sampson were Rangers ’ n a n on the Frontiers belon gi g to Ca pt . Moses C rso s an 9 1 776 9 1 7 6 a Comp y , July , to August , 7 , lso Thomas

n . an a a n Sampso , Sr , d Thom s S mpso were Ra ngers on i ’ the Frontiers n Ca pt . Morton s Company .

Nearly every farm boa sted its own still in these pioneer and was one of days I told by the Old residents, whose e n am n hom is opposite the Old farm of Joh S pso , that there was a spring and a still near that sprin g on the John n n P nn l Sam pson farm . The expla atio is given by the e sy vania Ar chives is this :

Grain wa s a bundantly produced , but there was no m ar

. ha d ket Trade down the Ohio , despite its danger, then n u n in n o o tlet , the lower Mississippi bei g the ha ds Of the

Spanish . The freight on a barrel Of flour t o Phila delphia i i “ ” n n a . a was as much as t would bri g the m rket Whe t ,

a . . a n a a n n s ys the Rev Dr C r h n , was so ple tiful a d of so little value that it was a common pra ctice to grin d that and a of the best quality feed it to the c ttle , while rye , corn and barley would brin g no price a s food for man or f beast . The only way left or the inha bitants to obtain a n a n little mo ey to buy s lt , iron a d other articles neces sary in carrying on their farming operations wa s by dis tilling their grain and reducin g it into a more port able form and sen din g the whiskey over the mountain s or w n n n do n the Ohio to Ke tucky , (the rapidly filli g up) , i ” and afford ng a market for that article . CHAPTER II

’ This farm of John Sam pson s was very extensive and n n in a rolli g cou try . It lay at the top Of quite a hill m i T com and ng a most beautiful view Over the valley . O the n orth about two miles was the Presbyterian Church ” n as a a d graveyard . The Church w c lled Beulah and is the Oldest in Western Pennsylvania and although we have no proof we must naturally conclude that John Sam pson and his family lie buried in this Old churchyard n n cemetery . There are no mo ume ts to mark their rest — ing place there are no records in the church of bodies a in n f th t were buried here those pio eer days . Some o the Oldest graves were marked with boards at the bead and foot an d others have an ordinary three cornered ston e ou in such as y could pick up the fields , to Show there is a a a grave on that spot . A Miss M rth Graham (a grand daughter of the pastor who preached in this little church some 4 1 years) told me they had ceased to bury in the Old of in a n a part the cemetery, for excav ti g for new gr ves they would come upon eviden ce of other bodies having been in Ol interred the same place . A little d book of records ’ kept by Miss Graham s grandfather sin ce 1804 gave the am of am a s n n n e Polly S pson u iti g with the church . In a deed at the court house in Greensburg I find a si n l hi g ature Of Mary (cal ed Polly) Sam psotn . T s record of Polly Sampson uni ting with Beulah Church would indi aflilia cate that the family were t ed with this Old Church , and makes the conviction still stronger that the lit tle 135 136 THE SAMPSON FAMILY cemetery adjoining was the burial place of the earliest f Sampsons o that section . This Mary Sampson is men ’ t ioned as in a daughter John Sampson s will . hn n 27 1 The will of Jo Sampso s , made January , 800, n a 3 1 00 and wit essed Febru ry , 8 , is a very important will , as it is (with a deed of which I also gi ve a copy) the con

' nect in n f n g li k between the Joseph Sampson, o Hamilto n and his n f Cou ty, Ohio , father, John Sampso , o West n moreland Cou ty, Pa .

i ll o ohn am W f J S pson .

J anuar 2 1 . y 7, 800 JOHN IRVINE Executors: and JE REMIAH MU RRAY

t son a a n I give and bequeath o my Thom s S mpso , Ten Pounds to be paid to him when my youngest children l n n ca me of age according to aw . The I give a d bequeath a a n to my d ughter , Marg ret Sampson , Twenty Pou ds , a or a t to be p id to her, her heirs , the same time of the n youngest children comin g of age . Then I give a d be ueat h son a n q to my , Joseph S mpso , Twenty Pounds , to n be paid a t the time above mention ed . The I give and a s n a beque th to my o J mes Sampson , Twenty Pounds , n and to be paid a s above . The I give beneath to my a a n a for d ughter , Sar h Sampso , Five Pounds per ye r four a a n a years fter my dece se , the first Five Pou ds to be p id one a a and a year fter my dece se , paid to her so to be p id regularly till she gets Twenty Pounds . My son George ha s a horse and a steer and my da ughter Ma ry has a is own heifer that at their own disposal , as they are their of a property . I a lso desire that all my stock cre tures be sold at public sale except two horses an d three cows on n a to be kept the pla ce , the remai der to be sold to p y a n funera l charges and persona l debts . The pl ntatio to

138 THE SAMPSON FAMILY said State Of Penn sylvania to be paid to me at the time f my sister Jan e a rrived at the a g e Of 2 1 yea rs . And o a a a f the s id will m de and constituted Jeremi h Murray , o a s in said County of Westmoreland , Executor, and by the said will may appea r . Now kn ow ye that the said Joseph Sampson have n f made , orda ined and appointed Willia m Sampso , o the a f hi foresaid County o Westmoreland , s true and lawful n re attor ey for me and my name , to ask , demand and c iv a r e e, sue for an d recover of an d therefore the s id Je e miah Murray the lega cy of Twenty Poun ds with all due in n a terest due thereo , given and beque thed to me by the said Joseph Sampson by the said will of the said John Sampson as a foresaid and upon receipt thereof or pay ment to him my sa id Attorney shall lawfully do in the I e premises . n witn ess whereof I have hereunto s t my 1 17 han d and affixed my seal this 1 6t h day of Sept . 8


In the presence of

JOHN F . AYRES , BE IJ A N H AYREs, f o a . State Ohio , H milton County

Be it remembered Joseph Sampson , the within grantor , a a Beni ah one person lly appe red before me , j Ayres , of f the Justices o the Peace for Syca more Town ship , and ackn owledged the signin g of the within a ttorn ey to be his han d and sea l his volun ta ry act an d deed for the use and In n purpose therein mention ed . testimo y whereof a set 1 6 I h ve herewith my han d and affixed my seal , th

of 1 . day September, 817


Hamilton Coun ty ,

State of Ohio .

O N Of n a I , J H GANO , the Court Of Commo Ple s , within for n of and the Cou ty Hamilton , aforesaid , do hereby i a Ben a h s . a certify th t j Ayre , Esq , before whom e the bove


n is nl Of these twelve childre , Joseph the o y one whose an a history we c be absolutely sure of . He w s born in i 1 . On n n Pa . 76 e a Westmorela d Cou ty, , n 8 of the tr di tion s of the n eighborhood in this section where Joseph n n n n was born is the story Of his bei g stole by the I dia s . sa n on Some y he was goi g horseback to salt the cows , was surprised by the Indi ans an d while urging his horse

n in t he ‘e or n ni ff t to escape , the a imal fell , pi oning Joseph

him an n n . under , d the I dia s caught him easily n s was on on Another versio i that Joseph foot, the same

n n r n an errand, and when the I dia s surprised him , he a d the hi r stumbled into wild grape vines , w ch grew so p o ’ fus n an d was ely in that regio , so Joseph captured . Joseph s son James has written an interesting letter giving some f account O his father, as follows :

M R . JOHN CALDWELL , Dear Sir: I promised that I would give you a history of my life as a pioneer . To give y ou a full detail I Shall be n n under the necessity of comme ci g with my father, Joseph

Sampson .

Pa . He was born in Westmoreland County, , in the year n n f a 1 768 . Whe t e yea rs o g e he was taken prisoner by the Indians (a scouting war party) and taken to Niagara

Falls , Canada , and held for five years . He was adopted into a family who had no children and his squaw mother thought he could outbrave any Of the Indian boys both in fightin g and foot racin g . Their great pleasure was f in the practice o bow and arrow, in which he was an expert . Five years after his capture , his father heard he was in Montreal and went there and recognised his son . 1 40 ’ M JOSEPH SAMPSON S GRAVE IN PLEASANT RIDGE CE ETERY , NEAR



n was Hi wi . s Joseph Sampso t ce married first wife, M Clellan d 2 c 1 9 . Elizabeth , was born November 8 , 8 n n n She bore him seve childre . The seco d wife was Mary 2 was Patmore, whom he married September , 1830 . She

n 4 1 798 an d her an bor November , , outlived husb d,

ndin wi n n a n spe g her last days th her gra dso , Joseph S mpso , l n in Lock a d , Ohio . The seven children of Joseph and Elizabeth were John M . , James , Agnes , Margaret, Margaret Bond, Martha M c l llan a n an C e d, M ry Hark ess, d William . — f a n l . P son o d NO . JOHN M SAM SON , Joseph Eliza 13 1 92 an 1 4 9 was n 7 d 5 8 . beth , bor November , , died July , He is buried in the little churchyard cemetery in Ross

hi . was s moyne, O o His wife Margaret , called Pat y ,

’ an d n n Ann an d they had four childre , Kitty, Ja e, Polly ,

. An a a Elizabeth Polly n married Clark Rad bough. Eliz an ha n beth married John Lough d d three childre , Martha, hi n l J osIep e and Ollie . Ol ie married Harry Emerson . 2— M son of an No . JAMES SA PSON , Joseph d Elizabeth ,

was 5 1 794 a n 18 1 878 . born February , , d died December , He was three times married ; the first wife wa s Agn es

o hi . Cr mwell, by whom he had six c ldren : Joseph , John C

a R. n an . M ry , Eliza Mcclella d, William , d Jesse The n w a n seco d ife w s Elea or Viley Day, who bore him three

i d n t and . ch l re , Isaac, Margaret Lit le , Amy Viley The n Obit u third wife was Martha Patmore . The followi g

n M r an . ary is se t me by her Oldest child s. Anna Morg 142 ’ E P P Z B C , GRAVE OF JOSE H SAM SON S WIFE , ELI A ETH M CL LLAND P LEASANT RIDGE CEMETERY , NEAR



house now stan ds for one yoke of oxen , but he declined l on to take it . I well reco lect the time when we lived n — a a wild meat , corn bread , and homi y wh t we c lled — a . sluts hominy . Salt was scarce four doll rs a bushel ’ in a n We lived five years at Mr . Woods place Ple sa t Ridge , ’

r n an d . and seven on M . Ki caid s then bought near Mr ’ n Kenn edy s which is now called Silvert o .

’ From a sketch of James Sampson s life :

Here James Sam pson ma de his home until he was 1 1 n a n married in 8 6 , whe he bought the f rm upo which 14 1 8 n he lived till he died December , 77, livi g there more - n n than fift y six years . Duri g the many years followi g wa r f 1 1 2 n n of a e the o 8 , whe all male citize s proper g were an a a m an required to do duty , he was ctive milit ry , a s is evin ced by his risin g ra pidly from orderly sergean t n in to tha t of Briga dier Gen eral . Amo g the few rema ing i n . pion eers of those days he s still kn own a s Col . Sampso Later in life he was elected Justice Of the Pea ce and by n n i n the prese t ge eration s k own as Squire Sampson . Squire Sampson has been a faithful and con sistent member of the Plea sant Ridge Presbyterian Church sin ce the year 1 1 i 8 9 , and at the time of h s death was by far the oldest

n n a n . livi g native reside t Of H milto County , Ohio He well remembered the time when he rode on the logs a his a dr gged by f ther Joseph , for the first structure with

of n n a . n yoke oxe , e rly eighty years before Whe that wa s n n a log church tor dow to give pl ce to a brick structure , he took the contract for brick an d plastering for f o which he don ated on subscription . During a greater part of the 58 years he was a member of the church , he occupied the position in Official relation wa s in as chorister , trustee or clerk . He buried Pleasant a n f Ridge cemetery j ust b ck of the church , o e o the Oldest cemeteries Of the County , and he remembered the first i i grave dug n this cemetery . There s a memoria l win dow t o n James Sampso in this church . JAMES SAMPSON


l M cClellan n n E iza d Sampso , the ext Oldest child of am n w s n 1 J es and Ag es, a bor Oct ober 9 , 819 . She r Brecoun an n n ma ried Clark t d had four childre : Wilso , ar an (who was killed in the Civil W ) James, Lorena, d n Br coun n Mary Ja e . Eliza e t is buried in Pleasa t Ri dge in Cemetery the lot with her father, James Sam pson . a - an Brecount ho as Her daughter , M ry J e , w w born 24 1 4 3 8 6 . . October , , married T N Clark, September , is n n n 1 867 i i . , and liv ng Scotch Leba o , Ohio She had i n a B W . . . eight ch ldre ; Pearl, Edw rd , J Ellis, Emma , B n n . N . a . Vi a Mary, Arista , Hawley , d William P n Br count as Lore a e , daughter of Eliza and Clark, w 1 4 n 0 1 9 . bor March , 8 She married Josiah E . Clark, 4 To as n 7 1 . w October , 87 them born five childre : Albert B n nn an . Carey, Charley, Jesse Pierso , Mi ie . , d Edith L n 1 1 was Albert Carey Clark, bor September 3 , 878, 22 2 190 . married to Matilda Biehl, March , They have

hi . one c ld, Eleanor A 14 1 5 Edith L . Clark, born December , 88 , was married

n 1 9 10 . to Albert E . Dawso , April 7,

n 1 1 1 24 1 881 . Charley Clark, bor March 7, 88 , died April ,


n n a n n as frie ds , and ever ready to le d helpi g ha d . She w n n 13 22 a n bor ear Sharonville, Ohio , April , 18 , d died M a 4 1 89 y , 8 , just as the clock chimed the midnight hour . 2 1 1 a Joseph followed her April 2, 90 , and of him it w s written that the village lost on e of it s Oldest an d most “ ” i n l esteemed cit ze s . He was familiar y called Uncle Joe, “ ” a s his i a n n w fe w s called Au t Jane by old and you g alike . Joseph was in his eightieth year and had been a contractor an d builder for sixty years in the community and the am - Mi i Valley . He was a life time member of the Chris “ ” n a in 1 38 tia Church ; he w s a corporal Company E, th n I fantry, and a member of the A . W . Graves Post of the

G . A . R . J one son Joseph and ane had , John Lewis Sampson, ’ n n hn named for his mother s u cle and cousi , Jo Lewis a M a 23 1 54 . was n in i 8 Oliver He bor Carth ge , Oh o , y , , his n n was but pare ts moved to Lockland, Ohio , whe he a His i . small boy . He has been tw ce married first wife n was Na cy B . Olden , of Lockland, whom he married 7 1 7 e : December , 8 6 . To th m were born four children B an son who Joseph Gano , May O. , Laura . , d a died at birth . n n 5 1 78 and Joseph Ga o was bor March , 8 , died March 12 1 a 18 1879 was a , 878 . M y O. , born February , , m rried 2 1 9 an has to Herbert A . Sibbet , December 6 , 88 , d three

n n a B an d . childre : An a M . , L ura . , Nancy They live

in Los . Angeles, California

B 3 1 1 0 . Laura . , born October , 88 , married Arthur J

2 1 ha on e son r . Dietrick, May 6, 906, and s , A thur J Jr

in California . n 1 Sampson marri ed for his seco d wife, June ,

1897 . , Lilla E . Briggs , of New York City , New York (See Chart EW P J . L IS SAM SON



in w m a in n Somewhere this ide world the sun y be sh i g , m en a and somewhere may be h ppy gay, but this is not of a a true the p per tr de in the Middle West, for J . Lewis a n has i and n our mi S mpso ret red go e from dst . A l n a has u whole sou ed , ge i l , jolly good fellow q it the paper and n in s n trade , oth g seem so bright as before , whe his il n n na was a sm i g cou te nce here , but wh t is our loss will ain f n of n be the g o another sectio the cou try . e a n has and J . L wis S mpso quit the trade , has left for new on an a a Ba his home the b ks Of the Ches pe ke y , in n an d a . ar Maryland, will he ceforth be a f rmer A f mer l t il and . of oys ers , and qua , other wi d game He tells me that he had already tamed his wild game to a ct a o in a l Of un a cord g to the bi ity the h ter ; th t is , if the Sports m an a t o n is good shot , fly very fast, but if the hu ter be n n nn m a a a ovice , the to fly slowly, so that the gu er y h ve h n in his r . n a as some cha ce of gett g bi d Mr . Sampso lso his oysters trained so that when he whistles they will w ll out n l l on a Of the water, carryi g their ha f she ls their bacliS i m an a There s, possibly, no better known in the tr de a n an a n n an than this s me ge tlem , he h vi g spe t more th a H quarter Of a century in the trade . is first paper trade conn ection was with the Tyt us-Gardner Paper Manu f t urin of n as na ac g Company, Middletow , Ohio , ma ger f al one Of n i ls in in o s es , the pio eer m l the West the wrap 1 902 1 4 hi ping and bag busin ess . From to 90 he was C n a of n e n a n cago represe t tive the I t r tio al Paper Company,

n a n . handlin g ma ilas, wr ppi gs and specialties In 1904 he opened an Ofli ce in Chi cago as sales manager

for of . the Fletcher Paper Company, Alpena , Mich , and has served in this capacity until the present time . Some time ago he bought a plantation of 500 acres in n of Maryland , ear the coast the Chesapeake Bay, at a a 4 of as i n point bout 0 miles southeast W h ng to , on the a f Pa tuxent River . One hundred cres o this plantation PENNSYLVANIA 151

in is n in l is in virg forest , which said to abou d wi d game n n and specially good hu ti g . There will be a boat lan d in his n on wa a a g for frie ds their y by w ter from B ltimore . a n one Of in f Mr . S mpso is the Oldest , service , o the m en in in and am n travel g the trade , I sure there ever was a more popular m an that represented any bran ch of the in dustry . We m ay be a little envious of the good time he will l n n have whi e we must co ti ue to work , but we all wish him n in and an an every good thi g this world , m y, m y n n new and new n lo g years to e joy his home possessio . 2 The Pa M ill 19 12 . From per of April ,


W n n J . LE IS SAMPSON, desce da t of John Sampson , who n n n Penns l came from Irela d to Westmorela d Cou ty, y ni a an son Penns l va , d of his Joseph who emigrated from y a vani to Ohio in 1 792 . The deceased was the son of Joseph and Jane Oliver n n k in Sampso , and was bor in Loc land, Ohio, the year 4 185 .

one of He was Of three children , none whom survive

In early boyhood he united with the Christian Church of Carthage, Ohio . In youn g manhood he was uni ted in marriage with ni n hi Miss Nancy Olden , to which u on were bor four c l

a 0 . . M dren , two Of whom survive him ; Mrs y Sibbet Los an . a a . d Mrs L ur B Dietrick, both Of Angeles, Cali

forni a . — There are also three grand daughters and one grand

a son . While the d ughters were but children the wife a a a nd mother p ssed aw y . 1 52 THE SAMPSON FAMILY

a After some ye rs Mr . Sampson married Miss Lilla h Briggs of New York State, who survives im . n in Mr . Sampso was widely known the business world, having been actively en gaged in the paper busin ess for n 2 19 12 ma y years, until April , , when he retired t o his ’ ’ n a a n n a ew pl nt tio home , Sampso s H rbor, St . Mary s n n and his Cou ty, Maryla d , where he wife planned to spen d the best of their years . n 14t d n Friday morni g, March h, Mr . Sampson was sud e ly a c lled home . m an of ha n A ppy dispositio , ever ready with a bit Of an n humor and a smile always , d a ki dly word for all ; n an of most ge erous heart, d ever ready helpful hand . n an him A lovi g memory to those who knew d loved .

and nin Twilight eve g bell , An a d after that the d rk, An d may there be no sadness of farewell , n Whe I embark .

’ For tho from out the bourne of time and place

The flood may bear me far,

I hope to meet my pilot face to face ,

When I have crossed the bar .


a n n John C . S mpso , the ext Oldest child of James and was n 2 1 23 an 2 Agnes, bor October 8, 8 , d died July 5, 18 8 . a n son n William S mpso , the next Of James and Ag es , was n 1 9 1 25 bor December , 8 , and married to Sarah B . 2 a 2 1 4 . To n Perrym n , November , 8 8 them were bor eleven children : 1 son ( ) James Sampson, the oldest of William and was 7 1 n Sarah , born May , 850, and married to El ora n 1 5 1 . a n Friend , Ja uary , 873 They h ve had four childre : n Cora, Jennie, Grace a d Flo . as 1 7 1 74 27 Cora , who w born March 8 , died August ,

1892 . M 12 1 78 Jennie . , born Aug ust , 8 , married Walter Wil liam s n 21 o , November , 1900, and they reside in Larned , n Kans . They have three childre : Monroe, Charles and

Floyd . n 2 2 Grace, bor August 7, 188 , married John Pardee,

26 19 4 n in . July , 0 , and lives in Mattoo , Ill ois was n 29 1 9 and Flo bor September , 8 0 lives with her

in . parents in Mattoon , Ill ois n n Si ce writi g the above, James Sampson has been his called to long home . With his wife he attended the funeral services of Martha Patmore Sampson in Silver 1 in 19 1 1 ton, Ohio , October, 19 0 . A year later October, , was he t oo was summoned . James Sampson instantly

R. on . killed in the cab Of his engine, the Big Four R ,

n a n . one when neari g his home in M ttoo , Ill , afternoon , 153 1 54 THE SAMPSON FAMILY

r about four pm . The accident occu ed through a col lisi n n o at a crossi g not far from Mattoon, and James ’ Sam n was n pson s e gine tur ed completely over, crushing him underneath . He was born in Silverton , Ohio , but when of hi s three years age parents moved to Shelbyville, Illi nois . Here he grew to manhood . At the age Of fourteen , li n he en sted in the Civil War , bei g a member of Company ” 14 3 n . 13 1 64 G , Illi ois Volunteers He enlisted May , 8 ; was a n 1 1 mustered in at M ttoon, Ju e , and honorably 1 n 2 64 . . discharged September 5, 8 He served u der Col

an . . D . C . Smith d Capt Webster While on picket duty he was struck in the left han d by a minnie ball and was confined in the hospital at Jefferson

- Barracks for twenty six days .

R. 2 He entered the employ of the Big Four R . , July 8, 1 n vi as m f 880, and was i their ser ce engineer at the ti e O his as n of n death . He w promoted to positio e gineer, 1 1 1 4 an in February , 88 , d spent fourteen years the pas

n ic hi n . se ger serv e, twelve Of w ch were on the fast ru s he hi t his Mr . Sampson always had t ghest es eem for fireman and was greatly beloved by men who worked under him as well as by the railroad boys in general . He was

firm i n . kindhearted ever, n his convictions and a true frie d n When quite a you g man , the dread disease cholera held am was the city of Shelbyville in its grasp ; and Mr . S pson one Of those who day and night helped to c are for the stricken and the dead ; many times being called to lay wa s t he beneath the sod its victims . He buried in family n l of his lot at Mattoo , Il inois, by the Side Oldest daughter,

Cora . (See Chart


m of a (2) Margaret P . Sa pson , daughter Willi m and as 10 1852 and e Sarah , w born August , , died Novemb r

n son of (3) William N . Sampso , a William and Sarah ,

2 1 a n 4 1855 . was born October , 854 , d died October , a n f 4 . so o ( ) Daniel P Sampson , William and Sarah , 1 1 an 6 58 . was born March 5 , 857, d died September , 8 of (5) Edward W . Sampson , a son William and Sarah ,

w c 2 1 5 . . as born Mar h 0, 8 8 and married to Julia J Heitz

E. 4 1 1 . one October , 88 They have daughter, Mabel , n 1 1882 who was bor November , , and married to Joseph 1 20 9 9 . . S Garfield Worker , May , 0 Edward W ampson

n n . is a reside t of Urbana, Illi ois f (6) Mattie B . Sampson, daughter O William and Sarah , 4 1 n 1 n A uu t 1 0 . was bor August , 860 , a d died g s 7 86

n . n of (7) An a L Sam pso , daughter William and Sarah ,

was 1 2 1862 and . born October , , married to Jacob P 22 1 7 in n Babb , November , 88 . They lived Mattoo , 9 1 908 Ill . , and Mr . Babb passed away November , ,

most sin cerely loved and mourned by all who kn ew him . The following obituary was published in one Of the

Mattoon papers .

Jacob Pinckney Babb was born in Osage County , Mo . , i 3 1 . n h n April 0, 857 While you g , s pare ts moved to Cole f County, Mo . , about ten miles from Je ferson City and

settled on a farm where Mr . Babb grew to manhood . n n in He e tered the photogra phic studio of M . D . Wi nings f and f n Je ferson City through personal e fort , untiri g energy , and n that thorough ess , which marked every effort of his

life , he became an expert in photography . i a nd He eventually Opened a studio n Shelbyville , Ill . ,

there met Miss Anna L . Sampson to whom he was united

22 1 . 2 . in marriage on November , 887 In 189 Mr Babb PENNSYLVANIA 1 57

i n . n h s moved to Mattoo , Ill , a d there continued success n n ful busi ess of photography . He wa s a man of sterli g n nn for i tegrity and bright , su y disposition , which won him the love and esteem of those with whom he came in

contact .

. a 9 1 in Mr B bb passed away December , 908, Eureka f his . n n o Springs , Ark , where he had go e for the be efit a was Of health . For many years Mr . B bb a member n hi the Presbyteria Church , and he lived s religion day in

and day out . hi f At the time of s death , he was a trustee o the First

r . n Presbyte ian Church of Mattoon , Ill , which positio he

had held for twelve years . He was also a member of the ’ ’ Men s League and an active member of the Usher s i an Associat on d with one exception , the Oldest usher in

the church .

. was f NO . 260 Mr Babb a member o Mattoon Lodge , A — F. A. M . n 4 . and Palesti e Lodge NO . 6 Knights of — — 2 . . . . F. a Pythias Mattoon Lodge No . 60 I O O

4 . . . charter member of Mattoon Lodge No . 95 . B . P O E a f n f Also , member o the Woodmen of America a d o Elect

4 . . . . Lady Chapter No . 0 O E S

The fun eral was held in the first Presbyterian Church ,

1 3 2 . n m . a December , at p , d the church was most beauti i fully decorated n palms and flowers . The sermon i preached by h s pastor and frien d , Rev . Edward M . n n n Martine , was eloquent a d most fitti g a d the tribute

paid to Mr . Babb was on e that his life merited and one that will linger in the memory Of those who heard it .

n n was n Jesse Sampson , so of James and Ag es , bor May 14 1 2 H n 9 . is a d , 8 disappeared from home when a boy has n e n ever be n heard from si ce . n n an his Isaac Sampso , the so of James d second wife

Eleanor Viley Day, married Sarah Thornhill and had r — th ee children Frank, Jerry and Ollie . of am and Margaret Little Sampson , daughter J es 158 THE SAMPSON FAMILY

— n . and Elea or , married M Hall, had three children Ada, Ernm a l as and Carrie . Mr . Hal w through the Civil an E n d ft t he n . ve t u War, a er war, they lived in Ol ey, Ill

h M r di . ally they moved Sout . . Hall ed at Jackson , La , n hi as and Margaret Sampso , s wife, w a victim of yellow fever at Tangipahoa , La . M an rs. Ada, daughter Of Mr . d Hall, married a Far b ui orough , and had seven children, and lives in Aq lla, H l il County, Texas .

n l . Emma married a George, a d ives in Kentwood , La , has n and four childre . and Amy Viley Sampson, daughter of James Eleanor , m d arrie M . Martin .


am Anna M . S pson, daughter of Jam es and Martha his hi was 12 1 4 Patmore, t rd wife, born July , 8 8, and mar n 14 1 2 ried to James S . Morga , April , 87 . They had one di n an two children, who ed in i fancy, d Jean, born

1 1 1 . January 3 , 88 Jean married William Shoemaker n and lives in Cincinnati . James S . Morga was born 1 4 3 5 184 0 1 80 . s April , and died August , 8 He i buried in Pleasant Ridge Cemetery . r has a S M s. Morgan alw ys lived in ilverton and made a home for her mother, Martha Patmore Sampson, near the she n Old home where was bor . son was David L . Sampson, of James and Martha, 3 1 5 born October 0, 8 0, and married to Emma Kennedy, h 2 1 79 . as February 6 , 8 He always lived in the old home as rs where he w born in Silverton, Ohio , but will soon n n move t oanother home o the main road i Silverton . Mr . Sampson is President Of t he Hamilton County Fair Associ at ion,as well as Secretary of the Ohio Agricultural Experi n n is ment Station; a d carries o farming interests . He devoted to his horses and dogs and like many of the

Sampsons a good hunter . li Caro ne Sampson, daughter of James and Martha, as 29 1 4 v w born November , 85 , and married to Har ey 1 7 i n Durham , October 8, 8 8 . They have two ch ldre n w Slaback Ollie and Bla che . Ollie married La rence , 1 has ro October 10, 904 and one child , Do thy Alice Sla back . 1 60 THE SAMPSON FAMILY

a was n 31 1 Bl nche, who bor July 888, lives at home on n the farm near Newto , Ohio . 3 n ( ) Margaret Bo d Sampson , the daughter of Joseph n 1 and Elizabeth , was bor December 8, 1 799 . She mar

1 a 28 1822 r ed David Little, M rch , , and died November 1 5 m 21 7 . , 8 Fa ily history states that David Little and n his wife, Margaret Sampso are buried in the Purviance f n Ind . Cemetery in Je ferso Township , This cemetery was part of the David Little Farm and was given by him n n to the Commissioners of Hunti gton CO. , I diana , for burial purposes forever and ever . There were no children born t ODavid and Margaret . 4 n n of ( ) Ag es Sampso , daughter Joseph and Eliza as 13 1 79 an 1 5 beth , w born May , 6, d died November ,

S an . 1837 . he married Jacob Swallow d had eight children S n r Erem m a . B Isaac , Eliza Ma y . , C , David . , Joh

A. . S. , Margaret , and Martha n 1816 Isaac Swallow bor , married Elizabeth Rinehart s and had ix children ; Jacob , John , Martha, Kate , Isaac and Minnie . 1 21 Eliza M . Swallow born 8 , married William William six : n son and had children Joh , Jacob, Percy, Mary, n Alice and Na cy Jane . 1 23 am Mary S . Swallow born 8 , married S uel Percy : J and had five children oseph , Frank , Laura, Ella and

Samuel . r 1 25 Erem ina C . Swallow bo n 8 , married Elias Miller f : . and had three children Mary, Cli ford and Frank 2 1 8 7 1835 . David B . Swallow born , died

S 1830 1833 . John . Swallow born , died

1832 1 835 . Margaret A . Swallow , born , died 4 Martha Swallow born 183 .


5 ( ) Mary Harkness Sampson, daughter of Joseph and was 1 2 Elizabeth , born October 8, 88 , and married William n — Ireland . To them were bor three children David n Ireland, Sampson Ireland and Joh P . Ireland . a n 1 5 1 2 is Mary S mpso Ireland died March , 83 , and

d . burie in the old cemetery at New Paris, Ohio s n f and David Ireland , o O William Mary, died in Yates

Center, Iowa . s n Sampson Ireland, o of William and Mary, married

one is . Cla e and had daughter, who Mrs t Templar, of

n . Muncie, I d s n John P . Ireland , o of William and Mary, married

n an n . Na cy Hopper, d had ni e children 6 M cClellan n ( ) Martha d Sampso , daughter of Joseph was 22 1 801 d and Elizabeth , born February , , and ied 2 1 n 5 32 . December , 8 She married Jesse Pierso , and had

: . three children William , Rebecca and Eliza was William Pierson, son of Martha and Jesse, born 1 2 an as n 5 8 8 was . w Ju e , , d twice married His first wife 1 His 5 850 . Amelia Jones , whom he married September , n seco d wife was Margaret Weller , whom he married 1 5 2 . March , 86 Of these marriages were born eleven M : E. E . . children Eliza, Belinda , Charles , Eugene , Mary L an A. . nn P M . d . , , Frank , E es . , Ella, George , Orton n an Rebecca Pierso , daughter of Martha d Jesse, was

n n S . . twice married, first to Aaron Buxto , and seco d to A n Bell . Harriet, Marietta and 0 m were the childre of these marriages . l i f an d was E iza P erson , daughter o Martha Jesse, 2 1 2 an S Hanim el born August 7, 8 8, d married amuel ,

r 2 1 5 n P. Februa y 0, 8 6 . They had three childre , Jesse ,

John and Frank . 162 THE SAMPSON FAMILY

7 i Sa son se z ( ) Will am mmon, of Jo ph and Eli abeth , was J 25 1804 n am born uly , , and married to Catheri e Grah ,

January 28; 1832 . Catherine Graham was born May r 1 1807 1 1875 . Vi i lliam , , and died August 6, died March

l m ha n Wil ia and Catherine Sampson d eight childre , 26 1 33 and the Oldest Martha, born June , 8 , died August

9 1 90 . as a 1 , 8 She w married to Josi h Gaston and had

l l . . three chi dren : Wil iam S , James and Albert M n n Albert M . married Flore ce Matti gly and had three n childre : Robert, Jam es and Eva . n n Elizabeth Sampso , the seco d child of William and t n n u 15 1 35 25 Ca heri e , was bor Febr ary , 8 , and died May , 2 i 1 88 . She married George W lliamson and had two M n a . children : Walter . , d Lucius S am and Walter M . Willi son, married Eliza Shumard,

n . . had three childre : Albert M George W , and Theodosia st Cat le Lucius S . William son married Con ance t , and

h n and . had two c ildre : Emerson C . , Ethel E n hi Of J ames Sampso , the t rd child William and Cather as 1 5 1 7 and 20 ine, w born March , 83 , died December , l h 1 . a ad 866 He m rried E len Klick, and no children and

is . buried in Salt Lake City, Utah l n am l Mary E le S pson, fourth child of Wil iam and Cath n a 5 1839 an u eri e, w s born December , , d died Febr ary 25 1 and , 898 . She married John Magee had five chil — d R am . dren E ward , John , David, Willi and Catherine

Catherin e married Jackson Lloyd .

David Little Sampson and Margaret Little Sampson , n a n n twin childre of William and C theri e , were bor April 1 c one son 7 184 1 . David L . married Lu y Hale and had ,


n n Of the twelve children of Joh Sampso , who lived on r the Greensbu g Pike, I have not been able to secure any

of . data absolutely correct, outside Joseph John Samp ’ n n s n 1 16 so s will me tions a o George, and in the deed of 8 ’ mentioned in a previous chapter, George s wife was called so Margaret, that according to this deed he must have b as een married early as 1816 . From one member of another bran ch of Sampsons liv in g in Westmoreland County, I have definite knowledge that his aunt Margaret Sampson married a George Samp

son . In the records of Washington County and also from one of n n n n the desce da ts of George Sampson i Ke tucky , I

Pa . learned that George Sampson, of Can onsburg, , had a n out wife, Margaret S am pson . Other poi ts seem to bear son so my impression that this is George, the of John , I will give the data regarding George n ext to that of Joseph . n f n hi n n George Sampso , o Cano sburg , Was gto County,

Pa . n , came to America whe a child . He followed the busin ess of a cabinet maker and died in Cannonsburg in

1 35 . is n 8 H wife Margaret came to America, from Irela d , m n with her parents in 1796 and they landed at Wil ingto , n and Delaware . Her pare ts were Jam es Sampson Mary ’

an l f . Margaret, whi ch is all we c earn o her mother s name James and his family lived on a farm in Westmoreland County between the Monon gahela and Youghiogheny hi ’ Rivers , near a town called Webster ; w le George s par 164 PENNSYLVANIA 165

ents also lived in Westmoreland County a few miles to ’ a the northeast . In the will of James Sampson (M rgaret s n-in - father) he mentions his so law, George Sampson . of George and Margaret Sampson, Canonsburg, had : seven children William , Elizabeth , Sarah , Margaret,

Le herm an . John, James, and t James and Let herm an went to the Sandwich Islands

and died there . n Joh lived in West Middletown , Washington County, a 1 82 two P . , and died there in 8 , leaving children : Eliza

beth and Caroline . n is Caroli e married Samuel Marks , and still living in

West Middleton , Pa . l am son of Wil iam S pson , George and Margaret, was

21 1 81 n n Pa . as born January , 8, at Ca o sburg, , He w at on in e tim e the Law firm Of Gazley, Goin and Sampson , 1 was of . n 863 Louisville , Ky I he elected to the State

na . n 1 Se te In Ju e 860, he was appointed by Gov . Bram lette to fill the vacancy caused by the removal of Judge was n Bullett . He Chief Justice ni e months , dying while 1 5 6 . n in Office, February , 86 He married Virginia Gilpi , who 1 1 4 T passed away April 0, 86 . O them were born

n : . n four childre John R , Ida, Margaret and Virgi ia .

Z. n i . i Virgin a married J Wheat , and lives in San A ton o ,

Texas . on Margaret married a Neal, and had e daughter, now M f rs. . O . J Frank Smith , Dallas, Texas

. His John R , the only son, has been twice married . six first wife, Bettie Cravens , bore him children ; James

R. L . E. and , Margaret , William , John , Richard J Bern

. 3 1 1 on ard C She died July , 898, and he married Janu a r 6 1904 a y , , Susie Edw rds , who has had two children , 1 66 THE SAMPSON FAMILY

n d i n . n Mary V . a Fel x M . Joh R is a promi ent att orney in Middlesboro, Ky . n am Joh S pson, whose farm lay on the Greensburg w n Pike and whose history I have already ritten, had a ear n neighbor by the name of Thomas Sampso , whose farm n also bordered on this same Gree sburg Pike . After several years of a most thorough search I am no n earer the solution of the relationship between this John on so Sampson and Thomas Sampson , both livin g farms very n ear each other and both raising families having n the same given names . Much would i di cate they were t he f n of same branch o Sampsons . But with the assista ce r n as a n of cou t records a d wills, also the d ta give me by n the desce dants, I have proved there were four brothers of am n Ba the n e of Sampso who came from llyloughlin , n n n n : ear Cookstown , Cou ty Tyro e, Irela d Wiliam ,

of n . Thomas the Gree sburg Pike, James and John Of

in n . these brothers , two served the Revolutio ary War

l am wa n a of n Wil i s i the f mous battle the Brandywi e, “ as n well as many other battles . He kept at o e time The ” a n a an l n Black Horse T ver , ne r Webster, d was ivi g n a n there whe his daughter S rah , married Be jamin B eazell.

h P n n a M az ne In the l 0t volume of the e nsylva i ag i , “ n of r n he u der Notes T avel , by William He ry, is t follow “ ing notice of Black Horse Tavern :

’ At Sampson s we had tolerably good a ccommoda tions . ’ was in k n n Sampson s the for s , betwee the Mono gahela Y hi h n s al wa and oug og e y River , a little more than h f y a is between Willi msport and Robbstown , (which now a c lled West Newton) .


’ Sampson s birth , but he lived in a log house on the Old e Of Gre nsburg Pike, where he owned a farm 333% acres . He died in this log house in August 1833 and his wife followed him two weeks lat er . Thomas had many ex ne periences with the Indians . O story told of him is that he was sent ahead of a party of men who were out t rying to find some Indians who had been com mitting n depredations in the eighborhood . They came t o a r ol place where there we e high rocks on an d Indian trail , n s not hi n t a d Thoma , wis g to take ime to walk around of n these rocks , caught hold a birch and swu g himself around over the rocks , landing in the midst Of some Indians who were eating their lun ch among these same l and rocks . Thomas ye led whooped so that it frightened the Indian s into think ing it was a whole party of soldiers and k n after them they scattered without attac i g Thomas . His name is mentioned in the Pennsylvani a Archi ves both “ ” “ in connection with Rangers on the Frontiers and S0 1 ” f n in th diers o the Revolutio . He is referred to the 6 of Penns lvania Archives Series the y , volume III , page n i f 1389 , under Retur of M litia O ficers of County West “ ”

n hi m . morela d , Third Battalion , T rd in Com and Also “ P lva ia Archives n l Of in ennsy n , Volume II, o the Pay Ro l ’ a Capt . Moses C rson s Company of Westmoreland County

n 9 1 7 9 1 6 . to range o the Frontiers, July , 76 to August , 77 “ ” “ n f a U der Miscellaneous Of icers, Depreci tion Pay ” “

. he is n n and Rolls , again me tio ed under Soldiers of the ” of n n a s a Revolution Westmorela d Cou ty , Thomas S mp no son , Privat e . This was doubt before he had been advanced in the rank s . ff n d : Thomas Sammon married a Du , and had ni e chil ren n D l Joh , James , Thomas, Alexander, avid , E izabeth ,

170 THE SAMPSON FAMILY brave young men who wen t forth to battle for their n n in cofli n s cou try and retur ed , are to be found in Beulah ; a n a n t a mo g these were George W shi g on S mpson , a grand son Of a a a Major S mpson ; also Thom s S mpson , Company — C 63 P . V . Other Old family n ames are scattered through a a a in the pe ceful sh des Of Beul h , mak g it on e of the most in noted spots the coun ty .

Of the nine children of Thomas Sampson an d fin n n ff d s . a Du , I exte ded record Of o ly three D vid, born 13 1 d in n December , 800 , marrie Ke tucky and had five hi d n : am n c l re Willi , Thomas , Stewart, Margaret a d Theo n n dosia . Davi d retur ed to Westmorela d County from

n and 31 1 864 . NO Ke tucky died December , doubt, he, too is buried in Beulah . n 21 1 797 Margaret, bor September , , married Stewart

n and n e s n . . Thompso , has o o , Stewart S D Thomspon ,

n an . livi g at Princess Anne, Maryl d Margaret died is r a n July 9 , 1868, and also bu ied at Beul h , with a sto e to mark her resting place . as 15 1 786 his James w born August , , and no record of death . 6 1 787 2 Thomas, born September , , died December ,

1 846 . 21 1 7 9 4 Alexander, born September , 8 , died February ,

1 832 . 21 1 789 Elizabeth , born September , , a twin to Alex

S 10 1797 . ander , died eptember , n 30 1792 1 795 and no Mary, bor March , , died , record

Of death . 17 5 of i John was born April 20, 8 , the oldest the n ne te children , and lived , af r his marriage , in a log house on the old General Forbes road , where all his children P W R D U , P THOMAS SAM SON , OF ESTMO ELAN CO NTY ENNSYLVANIA


D f ni ld n ne n John and Kate u f had ne chi re , o , Fra k H d in nf n . , ied i a cy, but the other eight are all livin g . Seven are married and six are living in the Frank stown ”

Road with their families . These seven married children - n n have twenty seve childre , and all have taken their Christmas dinn er in the Old home as regularly as Christ

a a of 19 12 w as a re m s comes . Christm s the last h ppy union with the father and grandfather of this most united

a for n 19 12 was n n f mily, i February he take to his well ear ed and n his an rest ; loved mour ed by all family, d everyone h n am n wa s n who ever met im . Joh S pso a typical ge tle m an Of the Old school and a Christian in every sense Of n the word . His childre are : n 1 1 3 George , bor May 6 , 86 , who married Lizzie Finley, a a n ni an nd have W llace , Warre , Wi fred , Evelyn, d Marjorie . L n 25 1 867 nn l Albert . , bor July , , married A ie Horme , n n an d have Belle, Ke neth , Esther , Beulah , Glen , Ore , an d Duff . n 2 D . 1 69 James , born Ju e 6, 8 , married Kate Watson, h n a n n a a d . and h ve Olive, Ire e, Jo , Paul , J mes Bessie d i n n 7 1 71 . . n an Jenn e , bor Ju e , 8 , married J E Wilso ,

have Claren ce and Harry Ellis .

a E n 20 1 873 n H rry . , bor September , , married Core e

n anl n and n . Taylor , a d have St ey, Flore ce, Ver on 1875 a Annie Belle, born November 8, , married H rvey B f n eswarrick , and have Cli ford , Cli ton , Catherine, and

Harry . n 2 3 John Howard , bor November 0, 188 , married Bessie

had on e . Watson, and child , Margaret 1 1 1 64 Lizzie S . , born October , 8 , lived at home with his Sl e and wa s her father , who died in t year more

active than many men at 50 .


d Sarah Sampson, daughter of James and Mary, marrie

David Bell . n am son an n Joh S pson, Of James d Mary, was bor in n 12 1 nd s a Irela d, February , 778, a , a I have alre dy stated . i nn n 1 78 . i came to Pe sylva a in 8 He was twice marr ed .

His M c aV it t a first wife was Mary G , whom he m rried 24 1 809 and n March , , by whom he had five childre :

n an an . Dorcas , Thomas, Na cy J e, Margaret, d James Of these five children James died in 183 1 and Margaret 1 in 836 .

am n of an a Dorcas S pso , daughter John d Mary , m rried n n a Sto eman a d had two children : John an d Dorcas .

n n n an d a Nancy Ja e Sampso , the daughter of Joh M ry, married Merry Montgomery . am n son of n an d a wa s wi J es Sampso , the Joh M ry, t ce M F . r an n rs. Ca married, first to Maria Boise, d seco d to i d n : n others . There were three ch l re Lavina, Mary Ja e, an d Simeon . Simeon Sampson married Maria St rum el an d had four

hi n and . c ldre : Thomas, Hattie, Elizabeth , May M c a t t 1 7 1 826 and Mary G Vi died September , , John 25 1 2 a n n 8 8 . was m rried to Lavi a Lightbur , September , hi : n 21 They had four c ldren Elizabeth , bor September , 1 2 L a 1 1 32 n n 8 9 n am i . 6 8 ; Be j n , born M rch , ; Cor elia, bor L an a a n 1 2 1 836 . n 5 1 33 d . Ju e , 8 , S r h , bor August , l Elizabeth , the Oldest, married Wil iam Boyd , Of Alle

hen n . g y , and died leavin g no childre

Cornelia died . a in n S rah is living West Newto , Pa . 26 1 871 Benjamin married Harriet Reed, October , ,

n n Pa . a d they are still living in West Newto , , where n he conducts a mill on the Youghiogheny River . Be jamin PENNSYLVANIA 175

l an 20 is 78 years O d d had been running this mill years, fine 1 9 . July 90 He is a most active man , with intellect a and wonderful memory . The family are all Presby t erians and attend the Presbyterian Church across the

river from where they live . n n a n an Be j am i S mpso d Harriet had seven children , in nfan four of whom died i cy . 2 1874 n a R. 6 Willi m , born March , , married Bess Cu ning

and has ne . in ham , o child , William C They also live

West Newton . n B n n 29 1877 Eva Joh . , bor Ja uary , , married Smith , : n and they have three children Helen, Evely , and

Sarah . 1 7 h 8 8 5 . Margaret, born October , , married Jo n B Hart,

ha d n : a . and s three chil re H rriet , George, and Paul B 21 1 858 and in John Sampson died March , , is buried n h Of the West Newto Cemetery, as are ot er members this

family . am n son of Willi Sampso , the James and Mary Margaret, was 1 765 an a d a Bea born in d married wi ow, M ry Neal h n t e of . zell , a sister to Dorcas Neal , wife his u cle William In the year 1 812 William Sampson moved to Horse Shoe hi n Bottom , Carrol Township , Was ngton Cou ty, where n n he successfully followed farmi g and distillery busi ess . At the time Of his death in 1815 he own ed 200 acres of of n land, part which he purchased for twelve dollars a his n an a acre . In day , grai was cut with a sickle d be w s famed far an d near for his dexterous han dling of that for primitive implement, and the amount of wheat, cat s or barley, grass he could cut in a day . and : William Mary had four children Harvey, Thomas,

Dorcas and James . 176 THE SAMPSON FAMILY

son of am and Harvey Sampson , Willi Mary, died un 1 married about 1 84 . n of am an d Dorcas Sampso , daughter Willi Mary, was 22 1804 and 3 1 4 born September , , died February , 8 7. was 1 1 4 1 as hi She married to Elijah Teeple, June , 8 ; w s n and n : an seco d wife, to them were born two so s John d n in n an and James Harvey . Joh died i f cy, James Harvey has and n n married and t wo children gra dchildre . He is now 67 years of age an d lives with his wife in M onong a hela, Pa .

Mrs . James Harvey Teeple writes of Dorcas Sam pson that

a n n She was beautiful woma , fair , with blue eyes a d golden she wa s s as she wa s a bronze hair . That a good be utiful ; nd n a devout Christian , perfect wife a mother , a d loved n a d respected by all who kn ew her .

n s n and a n James Sampso , a o of William M ry, was bor in Westmoreland County in 1806 . He married Mary n 4 Gra t in 18 0, who was a daughter Of Robert and an n of Rebecca Grant, d a con ection the Ulysses S . Grant family . 0 an in n i James d Mary had n e childre , two Of whom d ed in n R. T. infa cy : Harriet , Harvey James , William , John a n an Grant, Mary C theri e, Margaret J e, and Ada Ethel . am am t o n n 1812 James S pson c e Washi gto County in , n in n the family settli g Horse Shoe Bottom , Carrol Tow

n f . ship , now near the prese t towns O Donora and Eldora a d n was v His f ther, William Sampson , ied whe he but twel e an n f l years Old, d the ma agement o the farm devo ved w m an n upon him . He grew up to be a orthy , possessi g ‘ the qualities n ecessary to overcome the difli culties with which the early settler was beset .


1250 a of n n a s cres la d, and freque tly had as many a thousand head of cattle . In politics he was a Whig and a Republican and voted with that party from the date of

n n . its fou datio His daughter, Mrs . Weddell , spoke of his av n n f r n n and in h i g a ma ia o accumulati g la d , a talk Van oohies a u with Dr . V , the thor of the book called Old M onon ahela was n n of g , who a lifelo g frie d the Samp

f . : son family, he told this o Mr James Sampson i n n . an Vooh es One bright Sunday mor i g , Dr V met him a s n a his n he was walki g bout farm , looki g very down i n . an cast . Whe Dr V V ooh es asked him the cause of his depression , he replied that he could weep to think ll tha t he did n ot own a the lan d he could see.

He was President of the Peoples Bank of Monongahela f r 22 n t he o years . James Sampso passed away at resi n n in 1 2 de ce of his daughter, Mrs . Harriet Tuma , 89 , his n in 1 Wife havi g died 888 . was Harriet Sampson , a daughter of James and Mary, twice married ; first , to Thomas Reeves, by whom she had t wo daughters : Mary and Lena . Her second hus n as and ba d w Joseph Tuman, they reside in Charleroi, on n of n the Mono gahela River, not far from the City Mono gahela . n of Mary Catheri e Sampson, daughter James and Mary, a n n and : m rried Captain Je ki s , had two children Mary and Virginia . n an d Margaret Ja e Sampson, daughter of James Mary, in n n married Mr . T . J . Weddell , and lives Mo o gahela ,

. n : . Pa They have three childre James, Jessie and Mary

a n Of m Ada Ethel S mpso , daughter Ja es and Mary, of married Charles Roe Dallas , Pittsburgh , September

2 r in . 9 1 M . , 880 . Mr . and s Dallas still live Pittsburgh PENNSYLVANIA 1 79

I am much indebted to Mrs . Dallas and Mrs . Weddell ,

oohies n Pa . n also to Dr . Van V , of Belle Ver on, , for poi ts of in terest relative to the Sampson family Of the Monon gahela River . : Roe Mr . and Mrs . Dallas had four children James , A n n n 1 1882 . 14 1 886 bor Ja uary 8, , Sarah , bor February , , a n 4 1 888 Ch rles Roe, bor December , , and Ada Grant,

J r. n 25 1893 . bor February , Charles Roe , , died February 1 an 1 1 9 5 . 1893 an a A. 0 , , d S rah , died J uary , James n n a 9 1 909 and Roe Dallas married A ne Ri ehart, M rch , ,

Ada Grant lives at home. a n William Sampson , so of James and Mary, married B a an d n . Lucreti Welch , has five childre : Mary , Sarah

n . a V . an a . J Joh W , Lucreti , d Willi m K

a a a n a of n H rvey J mes S mpso , son James a d Mary,

a nni . an Six n . m rried Je e B Yorty, d has childre n f an n . a a s n o Joh G S mpso , o James d Mary, married

a an : a . Mary V . Willi ms , d they have five children M ry G , a M H . . n an . . Willi m , James G , Hele . , d Alice M V The history Of Washington County gives this account of : John G .

wa s a n n n He Very progressive a d enterprisi g citize , an d f politically a f iliated with the Republican pa rty . He own s 276 acres of the best land in Ca rroll Township and n i n breeds some Of the fi est horses n Wa shi gton County .

He lives in the Old James Sampson home .

o a John Sampson , a brother t Thom s, William and n n James, also from near Cookstown , Cou ty Tyro e, n 17 3 Irela d , somewhere about the year 9 . He sailed from in an a n n Derry, Irel d , l nded at Wilmi gto , Delaware, and settled in Westmoreland Coun ty after a Visit to his n a a brother, William , who lived e r Webster, at what w s 180 THE SAMPSON FAMILY

“ ” a s of Gau h ha ma in c lled The Fork g . He d rried Ireland

a f a n M ry Adams, the daughter o Presbyteria Minister, and they and their children took this long tedious trip

Am n e to erica . The voyage was a very rough o ; they n n were blow a lo g distance out of their course, which a n made the journey much longer and a more tedious o e. an d a six n John Mary Sampson h d childre : Thomas,

n an hn . Margaret , Sarah , William , Na cy d Jo am n s n n and a John S pso , the o Of Joh M ry, was born n a n n an 25 e r Cookstown , Cou ty Tyro e, Irel d , December ,

1 788 . He was on ly about five years Old when he came w n a his ith his pare ts to Americ , and father died when he was en l a in about t years o d , on their f rm Westmoreland n h n Cou ty . Jo n Sampson eve tually located in that

n . portion of Pittsburgh , in those days called Ma chester in n n He was most successful busi ess, owni g white lead

n r . works, plough fou d y, and lumber yards The latter years of his life were passed in a mansion on the Ohi o

and is ni n River, he buried in the beautiful U o dale Ceme t er in n n bill y , Alleghe y . His grave lies o a which com a mands a delightful view of the river nd city . He

n Va . and married Letitia Lecky, Of Marti sburg, , to them

hi : L . a n a were born five c ldren Robert , M ry, Benso Ad ms,

A. an d n . Margaret , Letitia Ja e L ri n Robert . , the Oldest, mar ed Elle Hughey, and had

one . daughter , Ellen Letitia , who married Joseph M

n of . Lippi cott, Pittsburgh s n 1 7 hn Mary, who wa bor February , married Jo

Hohr h n 1 3 1864 . bac , a d died March , They had six chil B B . L . . dren : Letitia , Luther Wolsey, Margaret , John ,

S . arah S . , and Robert L


20 1 1 n A. n 8 8 Be son , was bor October , , and died August

A. a n Margaret , m rried Andrew Jackson Stuart, a d had t a who a one daughter , Jane Le iti , m rried Dr . Edward : S . Lawrence, and they have three children Dr . J . Stuart ,

and n n . Edward S . , Joh Sampso in i a l h Mrs . A . J . Stuart resides Ph l de phia with her daug and am n ter, Mrs . Lawrence, to them I i debted for this M rs nd bran ch Of the Sampson history. When . Stuart a her daughter were abroad they visited this village of ll l u hlin n n n n Ba y o g , near Cookstow , Cou ty Tyro e, Irela d , ha d n but found the old records bee destroyed by fire , and they could locate no one who remembered the Samp in a n sons . But the Vill ge cemetery they found gravesto es n with the names Of Sampso s . Of the other children Of John Sam pson and Mary n M cKee Adams, Na cy married a , Sarah married William n n and Manow , Margaret died you g, William went to

Ohio . 1794 on Thomas, born in , settled a farm at Long River, n n Allegheny County . He was married to An e Coon a d

n w as a they ha d nin e childre . Thomas manufacturer Of sickles as well as a farmer and also con ducted a n i flouring mill . The poi t where this mill stood s still “ ” called Sampsons Mills and is on the electric line running

from M cKeesport to Irwin . The old log mill has fallen to pieces and only a mill stone lying on the bank of the am little stre is left to show where the Old mill stood . The ’ l is n miller s o d log house , however , still standi g and in a

good state of preservation . Sampsons Mills is mentioned in some Of the present histories a s a poin t which Wash

ing t on passed on his march from Virginia . Thomas 182 THE SAM PSON FAMILY

Sampson was a zealous member of the Long Run Presby t and on in 1 44 erian Church died his farm at Long Run 8 . in n He is buried the cemetery Of the Presbyteria Church . a of a an n M ry Anne Sampson, daughter Thom s d An e, n married Oliver Eva s . a a n of n Sus nna S mpso , daughter Thomas and An e , married James Neal . n of a n Letitia Sampso , daughter Thom s and A ne , n married Joh Foster . f a H n o n o . I have accou t J mes , John , or Margaret , children Of Thomas and Ann e .

’ am n of an d An Adam C . S pso , son Thomas ne, was born 1 5 1828 in n un n M cK February , , Alleghe y Co ty, ear ees i a nd n n . was a c port He three t mes m rried had ni e hildre , Af several dying in infancy . ter his first marriage he came Th Hi t o to Monongahela to reside . e s ory f Washington County states t hat

n w n Mr . Sampso as a progressive citize , a typica l self-made m an and no on e in the country enj oyed higher respect an d esteem . He was the first President Of the n n of n n an d ne Peoples Savi gs Ba k Mo o gahela , was o of

n of . the active , solid , busi ess men the pla ce In religion he wa s a con sistent member Of the Presbyterian Church and in politics a member of the Republican Pa rty .

nn n in Some Pe sylvania Sampsons, livi g Lawrence n nn w Cou ty, I had hoped to co ect ith those of Westmore n land a d Washington Counties, but even with the assist a nce Of records , personal conversations and correspond ence , I have failed to do so . of n Mr . T . A . Sampson , attorney, Mercer, Mercer Cou ty , n - - a Pennsylva ia, advises me that his great great gr ndfather emigrated from Ireland to America and located in Beaver


n i of County, Pe nsy lvan a , south Beaver Falls, on a stream

a n n . known as R coo Creek, and lived there u til his death There is no certainty as to whether his n ame was John ’

and n o na . or Thomas , record of his wife s me He had n nl of hr : five childre , but I o y have the history t ee

n and . Margaret , Joh , Thomas W

a Zeu er . Margaret m rried a v , and had a daughter of am John married Mary Irvine , Pittsburgh , who c e n in 1866 87 from Ireland . Joh died , aged years , and left

n and n . four children : Elizabeth , Joseph , Joh Irvi e John had moved to Lawren ce County an d purchased 600 acres n of land about half way between New Castle a d Mercer . 12 He was a soldier in the War of 18 . n Of the three childre , Elizabeth married a Walker ; n in 1 812 : Joh , born , married and had three children

Alice, Martha and James R . n in 1 1 Joseph was born in 1 820 a d di ed 86 . He married

n an d : n T. Margaret S . Ba ks had six children A drew ,

S. and am . Elizabeth , Mary, John, Stuart , J es B and Elizabeth married Mahard Neal lives in New Castle ,

Pa .

John died in Colorado . in n D . Mary married Eckles , and lives Washi gton , C in and n n . Stuart S . , married , lives New Castle, Pe nsylva ia

B . m . Ja es , lives in Lawrence County, also

T . in Andrew , lives Lawrence County and has four

: in l n children Joseph , living New Castle ; Edgar, ivi g in

a A. b n n n . i Pittsburgh ; Eugene, d T , oth livi g Mercer,

nn ni . Mercer County, Pe sylva a n am Irvi e S pson , son of John and Mary Irvine, married ha . d : Sarah E Taylor, and eleven children John Calvin , “ 100th e f l member of Company F, R giment o Pennsy 184 THE SAM PSON FAMILY

n va ia Volunteers , of famous records (he was killed in

n E a a the Civil War) , Emeline , Thomas , Elle . , S rah Ad h ,

nn a T . I. an Olive, A , Mary, William , Albert , d Thoma s J . hi am n n Thomas W teside S pso , you gest son of the Beaver am n in n County S pson, was bor County Armagh , Irela d ,

hi s was d which proves that father married in Irelan , n Am an a comi g to erica, d that this br nch of the Sam pson a family c me from County Armagh . Thomas Whiteside was a graduate Of M eadsville M ea ill sv e nn ni . College , d , Pe sylva a He married Am anda Schoy er an d was at one time in the drug business in n n in Chicago , Illi ois, but eve tually located Emlenton ,

nan n nn a h Ve go Cou ty, Pe sylvani , w ere he followed the an d in 1 72 profession of a doctor died there 8 , leaving A n : . am S . three childre . The children are Nellie , Willi , B n n nd n . . a Fra k , all livi g in Pittsburgh I am i debted

B n . am S . an d . for to Willi , Frank , the above accou t n Also to Mr . T . A . Sampso , Of Mercer, for most Of the am history of the Lawrence County Sam psons . Mr . Willi

a f his S mpson , o Pittsburgh , advised me that father, n in Thomas Whiteside, ofte spoke Of an estate Ireland n am n on which there was a race track . Mr . Irvi e S pso , in an n his his will , bequeathes Irish sovereig to daughter,

Emma F . Sampson . The similarity of Christian n ames in this family Of Sam pson s of Lawrence County with those of t he families f r nsbur h : o John , of the G ee g Pike , and the four brothers a n on William , Thom s, James and Joh , who settled the hi hen Monongahela and Youg og y Rivers, impels me to a n of believe they are related . If this S mpson a cestor this line who located on Racoon Creek in Beaver County was nam ed Thomas (which one of his descendants inferred


I will add two more bran ches of the Sampson Fam ily here in America which I have secured through corre n sponde ce. I have never been able to connect the following with a any other lines . (See Ch rt was n This information give me by Mr . William H . n Sam pson of Grand Isla d, Nebraska and Miss Nellie i l Sampson of Greenv ew, Il inois . Quite an extensive bran ch of the Sampsons now scattered n as through ma y states, claim their head a Jacob Sampson

n . from Sheffield, Engla d f There were three brothers born in Shef ield : Jacob, 1 52 Abraham and Isaac ; triplets born in 7 . This fam ily Of Sampsons had for years been associated with the famous cutlery industry in Sheffield, and there are today some of this line still connected with the cut Shefli eld n lery business at and vici ity . But various letters and inquiries on my part have “ failed to secure any definite information . The Master ” ’ Cutler of Cutler s Hall in Shefli eld advised me that Sam psons had been connected with these interests back many years ; but the descendants seem to have left fi Shef eld .

Of these three brothers Jacob , Abraham and Isaa c , 23 Old Jacob came to America when years , and settled in n f a . o t d Baltimore, M ryla d He became a citizen the Uni e

1 1 or 1 02 . r States in 80 8 He married Martha F eeland, and eventually moved to Maysville, Kentucky where he 2 died in 182 .


n Jacob Sampson and Martha Freela d had three sons . n 1 7 (1) John Sampson, bor 76 , died 1868 . 1 2 n 1 3 55 . ( ) Fra cis Freeland Sampson, born 78 , died 8 1 1 3 n 1 792 84 . ( ) Te ch Tilghman Sampson , born , died n son and Joh , the first of Jacob Sampson Martha Freelan d married Rebecca Findell and they had seven children : 1 am 1 ( ) Jacob Carleton S pson, born 808 . 2 Sam 1 1 1 ( ) Maria Louisa pson, born 8 . a i 3 Dari n s 1 13 . ( ) d Sampson , born 8 4 Am n n n 1 13 ( ) a da Sampso , bor 8 .

5 n 1 18 . ( ) Consul Sampso , born 8 2 6 Z n 18 1 . ( ) a etta Sampson , born 7 n ( ) Gurnsey Sampson, bor 1824 . Jacob Carleton Sampson the first son of John Sampson and Rebecca Findell married Delano Clark and they had eleven children :

(1) John Sam pson . 2 n ( ) William Sampso .

(3) A daughter died . 4 ( ) Mary Anne Sampson .

(5) Darius Sampson . (6) Melvin Mortimer Sampson who married Virginia n Ed a Terry and lives in Petersburg, Illinois . They have a daughter, Lotta Sampson, who teaches in Illinois . 7 i ( ) Joseph ne Sampson . 8 ( ) Laura Sampson . 9 m ( ) Lute Sa pson . 1 n ( 0) Kirt Sampso . 1 1 ( ) Emma Sam pson . n n Amanda Sampso , the fourth Child of Joh Sampson Pi f and Rebecca ndell, married Bu ord Clark and to them were born ten children : PENNSYLVANIA 195

1 1 . 38 . ( ) Presley H Clark , born 8 2 n 1 4 ( ) William F . Clark, bor 8 0 . 42 3 . 18 . ( ) Thomas J Clark, born 4 4 1 8 3 . ( ) Louisa Clark, born 1 4 5 n 0 . 8 6 . ( ) Anderso Clark, born 4 1 . 6 . 8 8 ( ) Mary E Clark, born 1 51 (7) James A . Clark , born 8 .

n 1 54 . (8) Julia A . Clark, bor 8 7 9 n . n 185 ( ) He ry E Clark, bor

1 n 1 . 0 . 860 ( ) Robert A Clark, bor s n n h Gurn ey Sampso , the seve th child Of Jo n Sampson and Fin ell n an Rachel d , married Mary Ja e Brown d they h and had three c ildren : Charles , James Nellie . Gurnsey 4 am 1 7 . S mon died near Batavia, Iowa, about the year 8 n n n s n Fra cis Freeland Sampso , the seco d o of Jacob an n d Sampson d Martha Freela d, married Matil a Baxter and to them were born t en children : 1 a am n n 1 3 . ( ) J cob F . S pso , bor 80 4 n n n 1 . ( ) Robi a Sampso , bor 804

3 . 1 5 . ( ) Francis W Sampson , born 80 4 n ( ) Martha Ann Sampso , 5 1 1 1 n 8 . ( ) Caroline Matilda Sampson , bor 1 13 6 n n n 8 . ( ) Ju ius Mortimer Sampso , bor n 1 1 1 2 7 8 5 8 . ( ) John Augustus Sampso , born , died 6

8 . ( ) Victor N Sampson, born

9 n n n 1 20 1871 . ( ) A geli e Sampso , born 8 , died 4 1 n 1 2 1 9 . ( 0) Orestes Sampso , born 8 3 , died 8 a n s n f Jacob F . S mpso , the o O Francis Freeland Samp an an : son d Matilda Baxter , married d had four children L n n n . n Caroli e , Susa May , Virgi ia a d Emma . a na C roli Matilda Sampson , a daughter of Francis n n n Freela d Sampso and Matilda Baxter, married Natha iel Foster and had two children : 196 THE SAMPSON FAMILY

1 An n 1 830 . ( ) Martha , born

2 . 1 50 an ( ) Emma W , born 8 d who married for her and first husband James Pitney, for her second husband a has nf r Edward Hann . Mrs . H nn given me some i o ma n tion regardi g her family . She lives in Kansas City, s Kan as . n n of Ju ius Mortimer Sampso , the sixth child Francis x Freeland Sampson and Matilda Ba ter, married Eliza beth and had nine children : 1 am 1 839 r ( ) Laura Amanda S pson , born , ma ried n Jaso Hann . n n n 1 1 1 (2) Fra cis He ry Sam pson, bor 84 , died 861 . a 1 3 1 (3) Charles Elgin S mpson , born 84 , died 870 . n 44 4 l 1 . ( ) Wil iam Mortimer Sampso , born 8 5 1845 ( ) Mary Matilda Sampson , born , married Cole man Turner . 1 849 1 0 6 90 . ( ) Victor Adolphus Sampson, born , died

n n 1853 . (7) George Ro gers Sampso , bor

M cClure n 1 855 . (8) Edward Sampso , born 9 1 59 ( ) Lillie Augustus Sampson, born 8 , married Lee

Hammel . n n Victor U . Sampso , eighth child of Francis Freela d an a s Sampson d Matild Baxter, wa twice married . The name of the first wife is not given . The second wife was

Josephine Adding s.

The children Of the first wife were Orestes S . , Tench T a ilghman, Mary, M rtha, Amy and Eoline Grace . The children of the second wife were :

n 1 . William P . Sampso , born 870

n 1 73 . Charles F . Sampso , born 8

1 79 1 3 . Carrie Myrtle Sampson, born 8 , died 88

Angeline Sampson, the ninth child of Francis Freeland


n a for all these memora da, or at least the m j or portion of them . She is the daughter of Orestes Sampson and the — great-grand daughter of the Ja cob Sampson who came n n from Sheffield, E gland and settled i Baltimore . M rs a in n . Holow y lives Tryo , Nebraska . r a n f Jacob F eel nd Sampson , a so o Orestes Sampson and n n Ja e Colso , married and had five children , Orestes m n a nd M cKinle Morti er, Flore ce, Lel Gladys , Homer a y . h n n n of a Tench Tilg m a Sampso , the third so J cob

and n . Sampson Martha Freela d, married Rebecca M on e Wells, and had child, Martha Freeland Sampson , 181 1 47 born 6, died 8 .

She married Rawley Doolittle and had two children, 1 3 and 1 Mary, born 84 Martha, born 84 6 . Han rr ha Mary married John D . dbe y and d seven children :

Martha married Ketchum S . Conklin and had five children . Mary Handberry and Martha Conklin had a court decree showing they were the on ly living heirs at the time f an O the death of Tench Tilghm Sampson .

Junius Mortimer Sampson , the sixth son of Francis

Freeland Sampson and Matilda Baxter, married and had a s n n n o , William Mortimer Sampson , who is ow livi g in has Waynesville , Illinois, and who rendered me some n assistance in securi g data for this sketch . n William Mortimer Sampson , Of Way esville, Illinois ,

ha six n E. . s children : Francis He ry , Charles , Rodgers M Edward . , Laura A . and Mary M . I will add some records of Sampson s who lived in Mary land that I found in the State Library at Annapolis ,

Maryland , and the Maryland Historical Society Library PENNSYLVANIA 19 9

in Baltimore , Maryland . These notes Show there were quite a few Of the name Of Sampson in the early history a Of Maryl nd . I have been unable to locate the descend in of M rs n . . a a ts , excepting the instance Geo Holow y Of of Ty ron, Nebraska, and William Sampson Waynesville , n Illi ois . This data may assist others who are searching for family

Trees .

Thomas Sampson owned land on Bush River . (This

river is near Baltimore . ) f s Richard R . Sampson o Baltimore wa vestryman in a n 1 2 the Old St . Pauls Church in P tapsco Hu dred in 69 . In the Baltimore Court House I found the will Of Rich 6 1 714 ard R . Sampson made December , , which is no m f a o . . doubt that of this s e Richard, vestryman St Pauls “ ” He bequeathed lan d called Ardin s Adventure on south a s side of Back River by patent . He also willed to a n and daughter Co stance, bequeathed property called ’ “ ” Sampson s Addition adjoining Ardin s Adventure to n n m his so Joh Sa pson . Another will in the Baltimore Court House is that of n Isaac Sampso made in 1836 . He wills to his daughter nn am n Sarah , daughter Susa ah S pso Rutledge, daughter

n son . Mary Sampso Collett and , David Sampson In the State House at Ann apolis I found the wills of a 71 7 1 a . Jeremiah S mpson, , and Edward S mpson In Mounts Family Genea logy a reference i s made to am n of n Sarah S pso , a daughter Robert Sampson , employi g M onatt Of n Mr . James South River, Anne Arundel Cou ty,

a s her attorney in 1 717 . In records Of Ann e Arundel County is mention of ’ ” Francis Sampson purchasing Savage s Mill and marry 200 THE SAMPSON FAMILY

. Warfield ing a Mrs Alexander , who had two sons, John W War l . , and Brice fie d . ’ Records from the St . John s Parish Books in the Mary a a l nd Historical Society Library, B ltimore, Maryland

a 1 0 Elizabeth Sampson m rried John Hays , 8 8 . a a n n 1 4 Isa c S mpso married Mary Risto e , 7 7 a Ruth S mpson married Edward Bond , 1 767 . n n t Be jamin Sampso married Jemima S an deford , 1 766 .

n . a n Esther Sampso married Thos H mbleto , 1 753 .

n a a n . Eli or S mpson m rried Be j Wyle , 1 755 . an Emm uel Sampson married Sarah Roger, 1760 . n of a a Ruth Sampso , daughter Isaac S mpson and M ry 1 4 7 . Ristone , born 8 n s n Richard Sampso , o Of Isaac Sampson an d Mary

n n 1 5 . Risto e , bor 7 0 i a a n m a r ed 1 . Rich rd S mpso Ann Wyle , 758

n a 1 4 . Ruth Sampso married Ch rles Cole , 7 8 n Sa rah Sampso married Abel Wyle , 1758 .

’ am Records from St . J es Parish Books in the Maryland

Historical Society Library, Baltimore, Maryland :

a s n n Abrah m , o of Abraham and Elizabeth Sampso , born 1798 . a of Ann , daughter Elijah and Elizabeth Sampson , born 1803 .

n l 179 9 . Elijah , so Of Elijah and E izabeth Sampson, born

n a a n 1 788 . Elij ah , so of and M ry S mpson , bor a Ra chel , daughter of Elijah and Elizabeth S mpson , born 1 805 . o Margaret , daughter of Emmanuel and Mary Samps n , born 1789 .

Em l w 1 90 . Aquila Sampson ma rried Mary o e, 7

m l we 1 790. Nancy Sampson married Henry E o , n Thoma s Sampson , so of Nicholas and Mary Sampson , 2 born 179 .



n n n pillaged a d bur ed the town . O ly a few miles from n n St . Augusti e there is today a village called Sampso , whi ch may have received its name at this early date from n Capt . John Sampso . They contin ued their voyage up the coast and arrived Off n n 1 an the E glish settleme t at Roanoke, June 8, 586, d n 15 a in Ja uary 87, Sir Walter Raleigh gr nted the privilege f an in a f n o pl tin g a colony in Virg i to a number o m e .

r n am n Among them was this Capt . o Col . John S pso . He eviden tly lived a great portion of his life in the Parish n a n of St . James o B rbados Isla d, ’ In Julian Corbett s books English M en of Acti on and Drake a nd the Tudor Nav a n y, I find sever l refere ces to this a n am a was on e of Capt i S pson, who ccording to Corbett , Carleills aides-de-camps and a youn g Irish Officer who had

l ill a n served long an d with distin ction un der Car e . Capt i Sampson was sent to j oin Sir Fran cis Drake in 1585 by l ill Car e .

’ In the volume of Julian Corbett s Drake and the Tudor “

Nav . n n a n y , Capt Joh Sampson is spoke of as The g lla t ’ n an as a Lieut en Sampso , d he w promoted to be Dr ke s

’ Fi zP ri f ant n n n . n t at ck o Colo el . By se di g to Mr Edwi

s n Barbado , honorary and correspo ding member to the n H . G . S . Of Bosto , Massachusetts . I secured a copy Of l a n n a the wi l of John S mpso , a ephew of the celebr ted n a n n Capt . Joh S mpso who voyaged with Sir Fra cis

Drake . I herewith give a partial copy Of this will and some other records .

1 n a . 7 3 . n 0 Will of Joh Sampso , Planter , B rbados My

f . in eldest son John to heir O the Lands , Negroes , etc , the a f a a a of Isl nd o B rb dos , l tely fallen to me by the death VIRGINIA 207

— my Uncle Coll. John Sampson To my wife Elizabeth To my daughter Mary— To my sister Martha Sampson — — Withers TO my brother Nathaniel Sam pson TO my — brother Peter Sampson I appoin t my son Francis Samp

son f n . . to be my heir o my Plantatio Slaves, etc , in Antigua -TO oun st a — my y g son William S mpson . Trustees in

Antigua Peter Sampson .

M arri ages

1 r 650, F ances Sampson to Richard Perryman .

1 665 , Susann a Sampson to Lambert Huba . 1 r l 667, Peter Sampson to Mary A m sda e. 1 9 n 66 , Elizabeth Sampso to John Lowery . 9 1 , Madame Susann a Sampson to Wm . Thomas 61 Sa11 er.


1 69 1 . , Bartholomew Sampson (mariner) 1 697, Edward Sampson .

son in hi The Francis Sampson , of John, mentioned t s is a will without doubt the s me Francis, who patented n n 1 25 was la d in Goochla d County, Virginia in 7 , and the

first of a very extensive family of Sam psons in Virgin ia . In a very complete and interesting book en titled Ameri cans o Gent Birt f le h, a number Of references are m l f n made to this fa i y o Sampso s . n Francis had a son , Stephen Sampso , Sr . , who married r n f n of Ma y Woodso , a daughter o Sanbor e Woodson as m n Huguenot descent . Stephen w a co missio ed captain hl n i f of militia in Gooc and Cou ty n the reign o George I ,

1 14 n . t wo which would be in the year 7 . Stephe , Sir , had i n S n r. . n so s, tephe , J , and Charles . Stephen Jr was born 1 729 was in an n , and vestryman a church in Goochl d Cou ty 1 44 n f 7 . in He married and had three childre , o whom I 208 THE SAMPSON FAMILY

find some account . Molly married William Poor in 1 770 l n and had eight chi dre . a and h Robert m rried Agnes Poor, they ad five children :

a n an . Virginia, Willi m , Martha , Stephe d Agnes

a . n 7 1 1 Ri ch rd, Sr , married An e Curd , November , 77 , f h n O . and ad several childre . these J Price Sam pson n : d married Jannetta Rogers, and had five childre E ward ,

Susan, Margaret, Elizabeth , and Thornton Thomas .

Thornton Thomas married a sister of Major Booth ,

: T. and had four children Thornton , Joseph , William , and George W .

r. Thornton Thomas , J , married a Forrester, and had

F n K. three children : ra k , Booker, and Thornton III, n in n all now livi g Miskimo , Northumberland County, n h a . Virgini a . Mr . Fr nk K Sampso gave me t eir immediate relatives : Ann 1 7 4 W . George , married Roxy Curd in 8 , and had il n l a two ch dre : Wi li m Roscoe, and Arabella Booth . n n Arabella Booth married a Bea e, and is ow living with ’ m o r son . . n a r h her R H Bea e, at S ps n s Wha f, No t um ber , . M r n t n . . la d Coun y, Virgi ia Beane wrote me regardin g his family .

am n J r. son . Ann Richard S pso , , of Richard, Sr , and w Curd, was a farmer in Goochland County . He as 1 772 and born about , married Mary Rogers, died at the a was n f age Of 90 ye rs . He noted as bei g one o the most

successful farmers of his day . n : e Richard and An e Curd had four children Jennett , who

married a Woods, John , Josephine, who married a Walker, n and the Rev . Dr . Francis S . Sampso , who was born in l in 4 hl . 181 at Dovers Mi ls, Gooc and County He was mar

1854 . ried to Caroline Dudley and died in The Rev . Dr .

2 10 THE SAMPSON FAMILY m anded by saying Whoa $ Magic Whoa $ Kitty

Fisher He died unmarried . n n Elizabeth Barbara Sampso , daughter Of Charles a d in 1 n n was n 76 a d . An e , bor 8 married to Capt George in a 1 7 5 . Rob rds 8 Capt . George Robards had a fine e n r cord in the Revolutio ary War . This couple had four n n an d one of n an e tee childre the desce d ts , John L wis - n of n of ri Robards , is Vice Preside t the Missouri So s Ame

can n t H nni a . Revolutio , a a b l , Missouri From other sources I find the following marriages and

f i n are lists o ch ldre . These no doubt members Of the ami above f lies , but I have been unable prove to the con nect ions :

r n Robert Sampson married Ann Bagnee . Their eleve n : i i n childre were Will am, Ann El zabeth , Mary Ja e ,

n C. n H. . Robi ette , Martha , Louisia a , Robert , Laura T

n a ini and . Meli d , Virg a , Augustina a n an n Martha S mpso married a Smith d had four childre . ri in n s n f . Archibald Sampso , o o Richard , Sr , mar ed 1837 n r n a of n Ama da Ca pe ter , daughter George Carpe ter , ’ n in 17 9 n whose father , Joh , founded 9 Carpe ter s Fort in n n n Ke tucky . Archibald Sampso was commissio ed by n 1 2 h n Gover or Desha in 8 5 in the 5t Ke tucky Regiment , which looks as though he had taken up his residence in n Ke tucky . Elizabeth Ann Sampson married David Royster and

had n i n ne n n . they seve ch ldre , o amed Sampso Royster a c and Ann S mpson married a That her , had three chil n f dren . Followi g are the charts o this line : (See Charts 32 3 34 an , 3 , , 35 d


Still another family of Sampsons who settled in Virginia and n n n whose a cestry is u certai was that of William , n n i who came from E gla d to Hal fax County, Parish of in 1 3 Antrim , who made a will 79 . In this will he bequeaths his J inne a to wife , y ; daughter Martha , who married n l Joh Moore ; Mary, who married a Twidwell ; E izabeth , n and ne who married a S owdy ; Judith ; also o son Francis . n n Fra cis married Catheri e and had children . n n nd Her will me tions Stephe a Dennis Morgan . Some of the relatives advised me that Stephen had two brothers ar in 1 12 in who were in the W 8 , and the battle of New n n n Orlea s under Jackso . One brother was killed a d one

n . ever heard from But as the mother , Catherine , made in 1838 and n n n her will me tio s two so s , She must have known the whereabouts of the one who was supposed to have disappeared . n n s Stephe was bor about 1775 . He married Sarah Sim ' and moved from Virginia to Tennessee . Stephen died and i : about 1850 . Stephen Sarah had four ch ldren

n and . Robert , Johnso , Coleman Sims Stephen II n n Stephen Sampso , II , married Katheri e Dawson and had three children : 1 and L ( ) Mary J who married Fisher , lives in ancaster ,

Tennessee .

2 . ( ) Titus , who lives in Carthage , Tennessee

(3) T . J who lives in Glasgow, Kentucky . s n John , o of Stephen and Sarah , married Susanna

r . Snoddy , and had seven child en 1 a f 1845 mar e a ( ) Thom s Je ferson , born , ri d M ry

Susan West .

3 . (2) Samuel Davis , born 1843 , died 184

1 4 1 1863 . (3) James Wilburn , born 8 , died Fought in the Confederate Army .


r in 1754 en olled among their students . As early as 1673 a Thom as Sampson is mentioned as assisting in Apprais

In Henrico County, John Sampson married Mary

a a w . Be uchamp , whose f mily as of St Giles without

e o . Crippl g ate , in L ndon Her brother, John Beauchamp , m n in a erchant in Londo , wills land both England and

In Isle of Wight County lived James Sampson , whose l will is pub ished in the College Quarterly . He had three l : s n r . f chi dren a o , James , and two daughte s Some o t he descendants are still living in Virginia . ’ James Sampson s will indicates an old English gentle “ ” he l s his l i u man ; wi l Si ver bowles and silver w ne c ppes, “ ” also silver spoones with nobs at the ends t o different “ n h -in- children . To o e of is sons law he beq ueathes a ir blew silk sash and a coasting coat , together with a pa ” of buck shoes that have silver buckles on them . m s was r t e In James City County, Tho as Samp on g an d 2 2 r l 0 acres of land , near a branch of Coxes Swamp , Ap i

1 1 . is m a 0 , 666 This no doubt the same Tho as who p praised the Wigginson estate in 1 673 . There is record of a Davis Sampson being appointed an Ensign in 1798 ; of a Joseph Sampson in Lancaster County ; a John Sampson in Orange County in 1785; of two John Sampsons in Gloucester County in 1783 4 178 .

s u There is a town named Sampson in Augu ta Co nty, r os a e Vi ginia , and in correspondence with the P tm st r, ured t he w Mr . Alexander Yancy Sampson, I sec follo ing hi s was l a s who story . Hi grandfather Wil i m Samp on , r e e 97 ears and married a Sa ah Sampson . He di d ag d y , RGI I 219 VI N A .

: Peachi had five children Bluford Marshall , Franklin , e,

s l am Bluford Marshall Sampson, on of Wil i and Sarah , t 1 t P erfish. 92 1 m arried Jennet e e He died in 8 , aged 8 n l e c o . years . His hildren were Layt n Milto , S E izab th ,

A B . Margaret . , Joseph , Mary Ann , and Alexander

Yancy . a on n an enn t t a Layt on Milton S mps , so of Bluford d J e , has n : married Sarah R . Humphreys , and eight childre n l n L A. i a d Alice , Cora , illie , Joh , Moll e , Nettie , Wa ter,

i . . s . Howard , who in the U S Army son ennett a Alexander Yancy Sampson , of Richard and J , n M cAus and six r married Mary Ja e l , and had child en: r Pe ry Lee , William Yancy, David Glenn , Charles Alex B f r lu O d e . ander , Hugh , and Jos ph Franklin n has e Mr . Alexa der Y . Sampson , be n a merchant at ni h t 2 a . H Harris on, Augusta County, Virgi a for 8 ye rs e ad the post office of Sampson established and managed it until it was discontinued in 19 10 and removed to Harriston

nl a . o y few miles distant Mr . Alexander Sampson thinks hi df i s gran ather, W lliam , came from Scotland to this in co . n t en untry William settled first Green Cou ty, h moved to Albemarle County and finally locat ed in Augusta he County, where died . A most interesting note in the William and M ary “ Colle e uarterl is S S . g Q y that Old tephen ampson , of St a ort ham S J mes , N Parish, and arah Johnson, were married in Sept em ber Their children were : n 175 Sarah bor 7 . l 17 E izabeth born 59 .

Ann born 1 763 .

William born 1 765 . 1 Jean born 768 . 220 THE SAMPSON FAM ILY

St ephen born 1 769 .

a . J mes J born 1 772 . e e a s was r ed Another not stat s Stephen S mp on bu i , their old, very honest Grandfather, in t S s a bo Another note states that S ephen amp on , y , was as 1 taken from the Otter prisoner of war in 776 , “ ’ ”

e n 1 7 . which must have b en Old Stephen s so , born 69 Nort hum berland County gives a George Sampson in a 1784 1 2 l l a S mpson in ; Joseph in 78 ; Wil iam , and Wi li m

r. 1 782 . h is i orthum berland J , in T ere still a town a n l am Cou ty cal ed S psons Wharf, and a number of the am s an S p on descendants are living there . Mr . R . H . Be e, ’ was am is whose mother a S pson, Postmaster of Sampson s

“ w u am At a to n called B rgess Store, in the s e county, is am am n are ree a J es S pson , and at Miskimo there th

a : K n . S mpson brothers Frank . , Thor ton, and Booker In Caroline County, Jenny Sampson married FIed n 1 1 Bour e, February , 796 . Phi lip Sam pson was Captain of the Virgini a Continental n 1 Regime t, March 777 . n am o s i Joh S pson, f Caroline County, wa a sold er in

1758 .

ar Of n was r a Rich d Sampson, Charlotte Cou ty, Co por l i 1 n n 7 7 0 . in l st Virgi a Regime t, February , 8 There were two John Sampsons in Rappahannock

as as 1678 . County, one early “ l of i r n n A so , a record the sh p Ma y, of Lo do , sailing ni 1 5 in n Of from Virgi a in July 70 , comma d Master Jeremy

Sampson . Still another family of Sam psons of importance in Virginia is that one whose an cestors lived in Count y

Fife, Scotland .


l ( ) Edwin Dewitt Sampson, the author . 2 r ( ) Ma ion D . Sampson . 3 ( ) Isabel Sampson . 4 ( ) Edwin D . Sam pson of Richmond , Virginia, who has l s e materia ly assisted me in this account of hi anc stors . A short account of some Virginia Sampsons is that of a a s John S mp on of Culpeper, Culpeper County, who mad e his 1 His will in 778 . wife was Mary and they had four children . 1 lli am ( ) Wi , who was born in 1 761 in Culpeper . He was n a Revolutionary soldier . Married Sallie Colema in 1784 n n e a d eve tually mov d to Harrison County, Kentucky and later to Franklin County . 2 ni 1 ( ) Joseph Sampson born in Culpeper, Virgi a in 762 .

Served in the Revolutionary War. He married Polly

Coleman in 1784 . s (3) Thomas Samp on . am e i 17 (4) Rhoda S pson marri d Martin Barnes n 87. Another short record is of a Sam uel Sampson who was

1797 . d born in Queen Anne County, Maryland in Marrie

Ann Thompson and died in Philadelphia in 1879 . Threechildren are given :

KO . 1 F. r e r Sem an ( ) Orlando , who mar i d Sa ah Jane

Their son James Iler Sampson lives in Philadelphia .

(2) Mary Sampson .

' 1 2 Dufi (3) James Sampson born 83 , married a y in 1 a six il n 855 . They h d ch dren , Elizabeth , Sallie, Caroli e,

r . James, Ma y and Samuel d d oan Samuel married Ida M . Saun ders an move to R

i 9 13 . are oke, V rginia where he died in 1 The children , r r e Clark, Albert W . , William , Edwa d, E n st, Vivian and

Ethel . INDE$

a 9 a Ad m , M ry a n Ann Ad ms, Na cy a n a h Bl y ey, Eliz bet a n Bl y ey. Lord . an a a n a a Alex der , Luell Bl y ey. Ch rles T lbot n Ag ew. Miss

Allen , Joan

n Bo d , Edward . a a a na a Arm d le . M ry Bo p rte . Jerome

Ask ewe,

owen Mrs. omas J an ar are B Th B ks. M g t S w e Bo l s, Elizabeth

a a a Br dy , M ry B ss. Susie M a r n a B xte . Luci d

Br ount i ec . El za

zell a 167 17 Bea , M ry Neal , 5 a 171 Briggs. Lill E 171 n a 174 Brow , M ry 161 208

208. 220 r R Bulst ode. obert 172 u n B rcombe , Joh 172

Beswarrick n 172 , Clifto 172 a Burke, Eliz beth O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O

Beswarrick , Harvey 172 224 INDEX

Clark . a C ldwell . L

a n a . . Caldwell . S mpso Cl rk T

Ca mpbell . Margaret . a Campbell . M ry

C an a ri n . twell . C the e C a n w n Sir t ell , Joh ( )

Cantwell . Margaret art Ra C . lph rdinmn l C a , Phi ip a n Cobb . M ri a

Carpent er. Am an da 46

s nn n Ca tle , I oce t a e an a C ve . L sley Colem , S llie

halres C , Alice n R a Colto , ich rd . hart és an n l n K C . Al de Co k i . etchum S

n nn Coo , A e

a a Cl rk. Arist B a Clark . Albert C rey R ha Couch. ic rd

a Clark . Ch rles

a r hn Clark . Emm B C ofts, Jo (Sir) Agnes

Crook . Ma ry Margaret

Clark . Henry E

Curd . Roxy Ann

a i a Cl rk . Lou s

Clark . Mm m e B

a R Cl rk . obert A


ar n nna H riso , A E a n arr n l an G sto , Robert H iso , A ex der

a n l H rriso , A ice M

. a r n na Gem , Amy (Mrs ) H r iso , Do ld n a a n a Gideo , M ry A H rriso , D vid H n Frank Harriso , J n a a Gibso , S r h

an U Gr t , lysses S

Gray , Euphem ia Lessels

nn a He essey. C theri ne

r n P r G ee well , ete

Gu a y , Thom s

a a H ley, Thom s A

Ha ll , Ada a a H ll . C rrie a a Hohrbach a a H ll . Emm . , M rg ret B

a ohrbac . H ll , M H h, Robert L

a n h a H mbleto , T om s

anim H el, Samuel INDEX 227

l a a Ho ow y , M udie nn Holwell , A e

K l n lick , El e

a a Ki n Miss Hub . L mbert g,

Hull , Fred S na Hull , Ni

a t La y , a rr et a den Humfreys, Eliz be h c H i M i ’ a a h R ang , D Arcy Humphreys, S r L

n n a . Hutchi so , Ad m

n n a a . Hutchi so , Is bell c ns n a Hut hi o , J mes . h n n na an Hutc i so , Jo th

n n a ren ce , Ed ard S Hutchi so , Margaret L w w n i n n Ann a re ce , Ed ard . (Dr. ) Hutch so , Mary L w w S

n n r La rence , Jo n ampson Hutchi so . Robe t w h S

La a . H WIsh W a ren e , J . tu rt ( r ) y , illi m w c S D a llisia Le ch, Art y

Ibbet son , Emote

Ink e ence a n p , Thom si e

Leven thor la pe , Nicho s an n Irel d , Sampso

l a Litt e , D vid

n t a n Lippi co t , Thom si e o l a a a a Lisle, Cl ti d B rb r

n Lo g, Edward n Jen ey, William (Sir)

n n Joh , Stephe

o L ugh. Ollie

n ri Jo es Frede ck (J udge) Lyle, 228 INDEX

n an Mul ix, Alex der 171 86 219 171

McClella nd a 141 142 149 , Eliz beth . , , , 155 186

McClella nd a , Thom s 186 119

McCorm ick , Ann 120 122 122 108 174 100

McKee, 181 122 1 14 1 10

l a Mercie, Ju i de h Mic el . Hercules

i l M ler , Lloyd

ri n O B e , Miss 1 10 1 10

’ O Callag ha n , Ed 107 ' O Calla han a l a 1 1 1 g . M rce l 07 08. 1 0, 111 Monil n ’ y , He ry O Connell. Constance 1 10 ’ O Halloran a a 107 1 09 , S r h . n Nan 48 -149 Olde . cy B 1 148

n Moo ey, Mary . 108 ’ O Rourk e 1 10 , Miss a More , Ne l

r an nna . Pa a a Mo g , A r mour , Thom s Park ns a y , Thom s (Sir) o a n a n M rg . Je Pat more . Martha


a n a a n n na . 117 184 200 211 S mso , D vid S mpso , A 17 a n n . a n nna 1 S mso , Hele S mpso , A Belle

a n . a n nna an O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 191 S mso , Hug h (Mrs ) S mpso , A J e n nn 55-1 am n n . a a . 1 56 S so , Joh S mpso , A L a n a e a n nna 143 159 173 S mso , J m s S mpso , A M , n Anni 86 1 14 1 Sampso , e 87

a n nn O 172 S mpso , A ie Belle O O O O O O O O O O O O O

a n nni a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 171 S mpso , A e Wr y 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 195-196

n n n 41 52 72 Sampso , A tho y , , — 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a n a . 209 210 0 0 0 0 S mpso , Archib ld n a a n 125 Sampso , Archib ld J y es - a n aha . 51 1 15 120 192 200 a n Gen . hi a 123 125 S mpso , Abr m , , , . S mpso , Arc b ld J 208

a n 86 91 93 S mpso , Abbot , a n a n 173 S mpso , Ad li e 210

n a 1 5 50 67 74 n n P 1 18 Sampso , Ad m , , , Sampso , Augusti e a n a 182 a n a 200 S mpso , Ad m C S mpso , Aq uil a n Ada 176 178 n a a a 49 106 S mpso , Ethel , Sampso , B rb r , n n 16 47 53 142 1 4 Sampso , Ag es , , , , 6

146 , 153 , 157, 160 , 1 85

1 18, 208

a n 147 149 n n a n S mpso , Albert , Sampso , Be j mi a n l 172 n n a n S mpso , A bert L Sampso , Be j mi L a n 222 S mpso , Albert W 1 1 n n a n a n n Sam pm , Be j mi Fr kli n 184 Sammo , Al bert I 221 n n Sa mpso , Ber ard C a n a n 36 44-45 55 1 14 n s S mpso , Alex der . , , , Sampso , Be sie 121 168 170 221 a n , , S mpso , Betsey a n a n an 218-219 S mpso , Alex der Y cy 5 - 1 53 1 a n li . . 37 46 0 5 06 S mpso , A ce , , , ,

1 10, 1 16, 183 , 219 a n 179 n r n 62 S mpso , Alice M. Sampso , Bishop of B echi O O O O O O O O — a n 209 n 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 24 25 208 220 S mpso , Alice Sampso , Booker 0 , , 116 a n 21 25 50 102 S mpso , Bridgett , , 194 a n r c c c c c c S mpso . B ook c c c c c c a n 50 n na S mpso , Sampso , Bru de St

1 10 196 n a a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 219 . Sampso , Bluford M rsh ll 0 0 142 158 n n 1 159 165 222 , Sampso , Caroli e 43, , , am n r 183 a n a n S m u, A d ew T S mpso , C roli e Sam m n Ann 37 120 122 201 210 219 n a in a a 195 p , . , , , . Sampso , C rol e M tild n 1 1 8 a nn 28 37 41 51 05 06 a n a O O O O O O O O O O O O O O O 5 S mpso , A e , , , , , S mpso , C rrie O O O O O 196 182 189 n a O O O O O O O O O O , Sampso , C rrie Myrtle O O a n nn R 209 n 29 163 S mpso , A e ussell Sampso ,

n Ann a . 21 n n a 0 a . S mpso , Eliz beth Sampso , C pt Joh INDE$ 23 1

1 1 1 a n a n . 38 40 08 23 37 . J S mpso , Charles , , , , S mpso , Dudley de G 36

139 , 195, 207. 209 , 221 172 - a n a 31 32 a n D onesi a, 4 S mpso , Ch rles S mpso , y 1

a n ha 198 a n . 72 1 S mpso , C rles S mpso , Edgar , 83 a n a n 19 S mpso , Ch rles Elgi 6 209 a n ar 196 121 S mpso . Ch les a n a 219 a n 44 1 S mpso , Ch rles S mpso , Edith , 08 a n a Rem 48 a n a 16 28—29 44 46—47 S mpso , Ch rles ( ) S mpso , Edw rd , , , - - 54 494 30. 54 57, 92, 106, 199 , 207 208, 222 n a ran 48 Sampso , Edw rd F k 55

a n a l . 1 a n a an 65 S mpso , Ch r ie 37 S mpso , Edw rd Fr cis a n a 107 11 a n a 198 S mmo , Ch rlotte 0 S mpso , Edw rd M a n ar nn a a 1 a n a M lur 19 S mpso , Ch lotte A a M ri 07 S mpso , Edw rd cC e 6 n - 8 Sampso , Edward W 155 156 a n a n n a 17 36 S mpso , 38. 66 S mpso , Edmu d . Sa n a 22 a n n o 44 mpso , Cl rk . 2 S mpso , Edmu d Duckett a n 19 a n n a . 72 S mpso , Cordeli 7 S mpso , Edmu ds Neil

a n an . u 21 a n n S mpso . Colem S (Dr ) 7 S mpso , Edwi D a n an 216-21 S mpso , Colem Sims 7 144 a n n 37 1 1 1 1 -1 7 S mpso , Elle , 5 , 86 . 0 , 86 8 Sa n - mmo , Constance 11 12, 201 191 a n n a 1 4 a n n 1 S mpso , Cor eli 7 S mpso , Elle E 84 a n n 193 a n l n a 180 S mpso , Cor elius . S mpso , E le Letiti a n o n 1 a n n 191 S mpso , C r elius (Father) . 03 S mpso , Elle S 1 3 1 1 n n 4 49 1 5 , 55. 2 9 Sampso , Elea or 7 84 58 a n 108 1 1 a n n 2 S mpso , . 1 S mpso , Eli or 00 a n an 38- a n 1 14 116- 117 12 186 191 S mpso , D iel 39 S mpso , Eliza 9 0 09 O a n an P 1 -1 n 1 S mpso , D iel 55 56 Sampso , Eliza J 71 Sam n Daria ndis 194 a n l a an 122 171 m , S mpso , E iz J e , 194 a n a McClella nd 142 146 S mpso , Eliz , a n M 7 115 168 17 a n a 2 S mpso , , , . 0 S mpso , Elij h 00 199 201 a n a 1 1 19 21 28 , S mpso , Eliz beth , , , - — - 219 35, 37 38, 40, 48 49 , 51 52 a s n av L 143 159 72 74 86 92 1 14 122 142 S mp o , D id , , , , , , , a a i 1 -1 1 74 1 S mm u, D vid L ttle 162 60 62, 65, 170, 1 , 83 a n avi - S mpso , D s . 218 200. 207 208, 213, 216, 219 a n n S mpso , De e 44 222 - a n n . 107 109 111 Sum on a Ann 210 212 S mpso , De is . m , Eliz beth , a n n an 1 a n a 21 S mpso , De is Morg 2 6 S mpso , Eliz beth A 5 - a n n . W. Rev . 48 54 Sa n sa a ara 209 21 S mpso , Desmo d , H ( ) , mpso , Eli beth B rb 0 - a n 1 7 174 1 n . Eli S mpso . 6 , 75 Sampso , 8 zabet h 219 a n n S mpso , 110 Sampso . Emily 110 a n a 4 a n 1 194-196 S mpso , Dorothe 8 S mpso , Emma 58, 44 184 — a n na . 1 1 23 93 1 1 11 a n 19 S mpso , Do t , , . 06 07, 0 S mpso , Emma W 6 Sam m n p , 27. 200

Sampson , 217 184 Sa n mpso , Dudley T. 36 196 232 m ax

n n 222 Sampso , Er est 32

172 , 200 56

Sam n E hraim e 92 a n . 3 pso , p (Sir) S mpso , Herbert C 8 198

a n n 183 a n a 21 S mpso , Euge e . S mpso , How rd . 9 a n 172 175 a s n u 14—15 41 74 1 S mpso , , S mp o , H gh 26 32 n a n . a 21 S mpso , Ezekiel S mpso , Hugh Bluford 9

. 166 a n dus S mpso , Galfri 20 a n a n a in a l n 56 S mpso , Flo S mpso , G v H mi to — a n n . a n e 19 20 23 33 38 S mpso , Flore ce S mpso , G orge , , , s n 108 123- 124 199 41 46 - 1 Samp o , , , , . 50 5 , 66 , 72 - 210, 205 , 216 84 , 86 87, 1 07, 1 09 - — — a n F an . 121 123 125 1 11 112 1 14 1 19 121 S mpso , r cis A , , , - — a n h ansi n . 136 137 139 164 165 S mpso , s Cor elius (Dr ) , , 1 - - 107 10 172 173 , 186 1 91 , 193 a n an o n 1 10 205 22 -221 S mpso , Fr cis C r elius , 0 a n ra n lan 194- 197 S mpso , F cis Free d a n h a ncis 196 198 a n en 1 08 S mpso , , S mpso , George D is

12 n n . 5 a . 38 S mpso , George Frederick Joh 195 221

a n ran Mrs 106 221 S mpso , F cis ( . Dr . )

n i . 4 n 19 a ran 5 a . 6 S mpso , F c s, R W S mpso , George 20 n r e W 7 Sammo , Geo g - a n an 8 . Rev . D r. 208 209 S mpso , Fr cis ( ) — 42 a n a n o n 170 171 S mpso , George W shi g t 157 217

a n an 1 4 108 S mpso , Fr k B 8 a n h a n 172 a n a 49 55 S mpso , k H S mpso , Ger ld Victor . , a n h an K 208 22 a n as 1 5 S mpso , k , 0 S mpso , Gerv e

a n an n 219 a n n Gun dre . 32 S mpso , Fr kli . S mpso , Gideo y a n 9 3 5 S mpso , Harry 1 0 a n Ha rlovin 92 a n nn 1 72 S mpso , S mpso , Gle a n a 1 15 1 78 a n a 39 48 109 153 1 55 S mpso , H rriet , S mpso , Gr ce , ,

a n a . 65 a n a e a 221 S mpso , H rriet (Mrs ) S mpso , Gr v s Euphemi a n a 72 S mpso , H rriet

a n a 1 76 a n Ida. 1 65 S mpso , H rriet R S mpso , a n 1 72 n Id 72 S mpso , Ha rry E Sampso , a N a n a 171 am n a e 222 S mpso , H rold S pso , Is b l a n a 17 —17 n a a 13 43 46 86 1 1 7 S mpso , H rvey 5 6 Sampso , Is bell , , , , a n 1 9 on 142 1 57 192 199—201 S mpso , Ha rvey James 76, 1 7 Sa m ps , Isaac n n 172 53 Sampso , Ire e a n a 167 17 a n n 183-184 S mpso , H ttie , 4 S mpso , Irvi e a n en 1 1 7 n a a Donvré 5 S mpso , Hel 5 , 5 Sampso , Is bell de a n n a n 192 194- 195 198 201 S mpso , Hele M 179 S mpso , Jacob , , a n n 1 1 4 n a a n 194 S mpso , He ry 8, 3 7, 3 Sampso , J cob C rleto — — 37 39 , 43 44 , 47, 49 53-57 1 1 1 201 a n a ran , 0, 65 , S mpso , J cob F cis


a mpson , a ura man da a n a a an 17 S L A S mpso . M rg ret J e 6, 178

ampson a ura . a n a r , a . 1 S L B S mpso , M rg et Little 42, 157 n a a - Sampso , I ur D 162 163

Sam 80 n 1 a ura T . . a n a a 9 . S mpso , M rg ret L 165 a n Ia n a a n a P S mpso . vi i S mpso , M rga ret 156

ampson , ayton M lton a n 46 52 7 S L i S mpso , , , 84 . 8

121 . 161 , 183 , 188 - 196, 207 208, 216 a n a Ann 195— S mpso , Marth 196 a n a a 21 S mpso , M rth C 0 a n a a a n 1 S mpso , M rth Freel d 98 a n a a Mc lelland 142 1 1 S mpso , M rth C 6 a n a Pa 159 S mpso , M rtha tmore

a n a n a n 32 55 S mpso , Lizzie S S mpso , M rti . a n a 17 28-29 33 36 4 1 S mpso , M ry , . , . - a n o a Mrs . 44 4 S mpso , L uis ( ) . 46 , 94 0. 52 53 — — 84 85 . 92 , 99 104 , 107 a n 1 1 -11 1 114—118 1 S mpso , Louis 0 , , 21

147, 149, 167, 169, 176 - 1 78 180, 183 , 184 , 186 1 - 25 187, 189 , 191 , 200 201 n 53 21 Sa mpso , Luke 207, 6. 222 194 a n 1 S mpso , Mary (called Polly) 35 dia 32 137 139 Samm u , Ly . . 108 a n a S mpso , M ry A 38 — n a . 155 156 a n a Ann 52 72 86 91 1 17 Sampso , M bel S mpso , M ry . , , , n a n 1 08 1 19 Sampso , M deli e n a 169 a n a nn 182 194 Sampso , M jor S mpso , M ry A e , 1 07 a n a 179 S mpso , M ry B n a a o 93 209 Sa mpso , M rm duke (L rd)

n . 172 a n a a i n 170 178 Sampso . S mpso , M ry C ther e ; 219 a n E 72 S mpso , Ma ry . 155 n a 209 a n a n 162 197 Sampso , M rie Dudley S mpso , M ry Elle . 1 94 a n n 142 1 S mpso , Mary Hark ess , 16 r r 19 21 a n a a a 1 Sampson , Ma je y . S mpso , M ry Is bell 25 n 45-46 51 121 190 216 Sampso , Maria , , , 46 a n J ane 174 1 191 21 S mpso , Mary 89 , 0 50 66 72 1 13- 1 14 a n a 171 198 . , , S mpso , M ry M , 1 16-121 131 136-137 a n a a l a 196 . , S mpso , M ry M ti d 1 1 155 1 n r a 17 39 , 42 . , 58 Sampso . Ma ry Ma g ret 164 . 5 1 -170 172 n a 142 1 1 64 . Sampso , M ry R , 6 188 189 1 91 a n 1 18 , , S mpso , Ma ry S

n V . 1 1 79 Sampso . Ma ry 66. - r et Alioe . 1 25 a n a 45 114 115 Sampson , Ma w S mpso , M tthew . M r ret A 180—181 219 167 Sampson , a ga . n a n 142 160 a n a an e 1 14 Sampso , Marg ret Bo d , S mpso , M tthew Alex d r n a a 1 18 Sampso , M rg ret C INDE$ 235

189 n a . 14 20 22 28 37 67 Sampso , R lph , , , , , a n a a an 197 84- 86 93 107- 108 S mpso , M tild J e , , 1 14 1 1 1 6—191 n a . 1 3 8 Sampso , M urice , a n a 1 10 a n Ra 93 S mpso , M urice George S mpso , lph (Sir) n a 21 121 174 S son Ra l h St 3—5 7—8 1 1 17 Sampso , M y . am p , p de , , , a n Ma 148—14 92—93 S mpso , y 0 9 a n n 194 a n a 50 121 167 S mpso , Melvi Mortimer S mpso , Rebecc , ’ a n D Aubi ne 209 a n a Ann 72 S mpso , Merle g S mpso , Rebecc a n n a 210 a n a A 72 S mpso , Meli d S mpso , Rebecc 91—9 1 1 2 1 10 a n a 222 a n ae . . 3 00 0 S mpso , Mich l , , , S mpso , Rhod a n a n 107 a n R a 16 20 23- 24 31 S mpso , Mich el He ry S mpso , ich rd , , , 2 219 33 44-45 51-53 55 a n . 08 S mpso , Molly . , , , , n McKinle 198 56 93 1 06 200- 201 Sampso , y . , , , ’ Sampson s Mills 181 220 n n 11 18 - 181 186 am n R a 208 a a . . . 9 0 S mpso , N cy , , S pso , ich rd . Jr . 190 200 217 a n a 208 , , S mpso , Rich rd . Sr a n an Ann 190 a n R a Ram 93 S mpso , N cy S mpso , ich rd ( ) a n an an 174 a n a Sir 92 S mpso , N cy J e S mpso , Rich rd ( ) 1 m n 28 45 55 2 7 a n Ri a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 65 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 S pso , . , , , S mpso , ch rd J n 1 a n a 199 a 95 R R o o o o o o o o o o o o o o S mpso , S mpso , ich rd o 184 a n a a 53 R . S mpso , ic rd - 9 n 44 a n 192 1 3 a . . 0 0 0 S mpso , Nellie (Miss) S mpso , R N (Rev 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a n 219 a n 13 16 19-21 23 S mpso , Nettie S mpso , Robert , , , 1 - 22 41 2— — 4 —1 n . 4 37 a a . 8 16 3 33 36 0 4 S mpso , Nichol s , , , , , - - 51 , 200 44 48, 53 57, 74 , 84 9 -1 1 1 - 1 a n . 188 86 8 04 8 2 S mpso , Noble , , 0 a n a n 1 7 1 39 186—191 199 S mpso , Noel C rleto 36 3 , , . n an 221 2 21 216 221 Sampso , Norm D 08, 0 a n 157 a n R a 103 S mpso , Ollie S mpso , obert (F ther) a n 172 184 210 S mpso , Olive , n n Om a 1 a R n o o o o 121 a 63 o o o o o o o o o S mpso , S mpso , obert Joh

n 1 72 a n Ro 0 0 0 0 18 a n 0 0 S mpso , Ore S mpso , bert L 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 n 5 - 19 n a . 19 197 8 a Ro Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q 72 S mpso , Orestes , S mpso , bert M Q Q Q Q Q Q Q a n 198 a n R na 1 95 S mpso , Orestes Mortimer . S mpso , obi n n n 1 a 196 s R t a 0 2 a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S mpso , Orestes S S mp o , obi e t 0 0 0 a n n F n 9 a 222 a o o o o o 1 8 S mpso , Orl do S mpso , Rodgers o o o o o o o o o o o o n 9—1 1 1 —11 1 n 4 a Pa . 9 02 5 6 18 a 15 4 S mpso , trick . , , S mpso , Roger a n Pa 9 1 - 1 n 1 a . . 8 04 05 a o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o 08 S mpso , trick (F ther) S mpso , Roy o o o o o o — n a 172 a n o a P . R 200 201 h o o o o o o o o o o o o o o S mpso , ul S mpso , ut o o o a n P 219 a n a 222 S mpso , erry Lee S mpso , S llie n 32 41 5 n — 1 4 a P . . 5 193 207 a 2 2 33 41 5 S mpso , eter , , , . S mpso , Samuel 0 , , ,

a n P a . 51 48 55 72 1 1 4 1 19 S mpso , eter (C pt ) . , , , a n P 49 120 173 188 222 S mpso , hilip , , , a n P a n 163 a n a 45 S mpso , hoebe Freem S mpso , S muel Arthur 142 a n a a 216 S mpso , S muel D vis . a n Pea chi e 219 a n am t 21 1 S mpso , S mpso , S uel Smi h - a n a . 167 200 201 a n a n n 32 S mpso , R chel , S mpso , S muel Ver o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a n Ra B 72 a n Sam 117 S mpso , chel S mpso , 23 6 INDE$

a n a ah 21 40 1 14 1 16 a n n n S mpso . S r , , , S mpso . Thor to . — 1 19 , 121 , 136 137, 139 209 1 50 165 1 71 a n n n as 208 . , S mpso , Thor to Thom 0 0 0 0 0 1 73—175 199 a n n n III 208 . S mpso . Thor to 2 21 9 a n 00 0 0 0 0 216 , S mpso , Titus 0

a n a a a 184 a n n a 0 47 S mpso , S r h Ad h S mpso . Tur eror Thom s 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Ann 1 9 n a n a a 8 a . 216 S mpso , S r h S mpso , T J a n a a 179 a n n n 172 S mpso , S r h J S mpso , Ver o a n a a L 174 a n 195 S mpso , S r h S mpso , Victor N a n Sarsfield 104 a n i 1 96 S mpso , S mpso , V ctor Adolphus - - 98 99 , 102 1 03 196 n n 1 1 1 1 a 174 a n o o o o o o o o o o o o 08 S mpso , Simeo S mpso . Violet o o o o o , hen 1 9 n 1 1 1 a n . . 5 1 3 208 216 220 a n a 65 195 208 2 0 2 9 S mpso , Step , , , S mpso , Virgi i , , , , a n en 207 221 S mpso , Steph , Jr a n n 222 S mpso , Stephe , Sr a n n 216 172 S mmo , Stephe H a n n R t n 217 S mpso , Stephe ober so n a n 172 56 Sampso , St ley . 170 172

a n a 8 183 a n a 8 14—17 20—25 30 S mpso , Stu rt S mpso , Willi m , , , —42 n a n . 21 44 4 2 1 34 38 41 44 Sampso , Sus . , , 6, 08 3 . , , , — 45 , 50 56 , 63 , 67, 74 a n anna 52 18 2 84- 87 92 94 98-103 S mpso , Sus , 2, 07 , . , — 123, 134 , 137 a n S ond 2 23 47 1 39 142 153 155 162 S mpso , ym 0 , , , , , a n n an 194 196 163 165- 170 173 175 S mpso , Te ch Tilghm , , . , — 1 198 , 201 1 76, 179 18 , 187 , 183 - - a n . A 182 184 194 205 207 208 210 S mpso , T , , , n 216 218- 220 222 Sampso , . , n 1 10 Sampso , Theodod a 170 a n —5 12 14 15-17 175 S mpso , , , , 19-23 25 2 14 7 Sam m n a H 1 79 192- 193 , , 8, 3 , p , Willi m 40—48 -56 1—63 a n Wi a 56 . . 6 S mpso , lli m Frederick 66 84 -86 119 a n i ia n 35 . . S mpso , W ll m He ryc c c c c c c c c c — 32 103 1 07 109 1 12 122 a n i a Gun d re 0 0 0 0 0 , . , S mpso . W lli m y 0 0 0 0 134 136 147 186—168 a n i a 72 189 , , , S mpso . W lli m J - - 121 1 n a n 0 86 1 70 75 179 1 1 191 a 0 0 0 0 0 8 0 . , S mpso , Willi m Joh 0 0 1 99- 2 218 222 a n am a 97 101 00, , S mpso , Willi (F ther) — 220 n C 7 a n i a 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 a a 26 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 S mpso , Thom s . S mpso . W lli m , Jr n a 184 a n a K 179 Sampso , Thom s J S mpso , Willi m ' a n a J efisrson 216—217 a n i a 196 198 S mpso , Thom s S mpso , W lli m Mortimer , — a n a . 61 a n a N 155 156 S mpso , Thom s (Lieut ) S mpso , Willi m a n a -39 42 45 175 S mpso , Thom s , , a n a a 169 a n a R 208 S mpso . Thom s (M jor) S mpso . Willi m oscoe a n a Sir 19 a n a P 196 S mpso , Thom s ( ) S mpso . Willi m a n a W 38 183 184 S mpso . Thom s n 184 a n a 23 60 Sampso , Thomas Whiteside S mpso , Willi m (Sir) , a n a i n 53 a n a a n 12 35 S mpso , Thom s e S mpso , Willi m (Lord S mpso ) .

238 INDE X


i a 186 l a a Trumbull , W lli m Wi li ms, M ry V 178 l a n Wi li mso , Alice n 178 Tuma , Joseph i a n a W lli mso , Ch rles l 216 Twidwel , 173 a n Willi mso , Ethel E 178 l a n Wi li mso , a n Sid eren r an 221 a n V , Ad i Willi mso , George 34 34

a n n Willi mso , Joh .

i a n n W lli mso , Mo roe a n a Willi mso , M ry a ra n Williarm on an an W ll , F ces E , N cy J e

Walker , i a n h a W lli mso , T eodosi a n a Willi mso , W lter a a a a n a W lker , M rg ret Willi mso , W lter M a a a n i a n a W lth m , C theri e W lli mso , Willi m i n a n W lso , Cl re ce

a n n . a W lto , Wilso , E D vid l n a i Wi so , H rry Ell s a n n a W tso , Bessie Wilso , J mes

a n a a n . W tso , M rth Wilso , J E

Warfield a n . i n an , Alex der (Mrs ) W lso , J e

n a a n Wilso , M ry J e

i n W lso ,

Ann e a . Weddell , J ssie Woods, Eliz

n a Woodso , M ry a n a n n Welch , Lucreti Woodso , S bor e llbourne a fi We , George Worker , Joseph G r eld a t Weller, M rgare Wells a , Rebecc M a a n a West , M ry Sus Wylde. Eliz beth W ro u n Ann est a . . pp, Willi m N ge t Wyle ,

Wyle , Abel .
