2007 Annual Report 2007 Annual Report Éovre Ai,2006)

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2007 Annual Report 2007 Annual Report Éovre Ai,2006) 2007 Annual Report The lists Internet can be seen on the Reporters Without Borders website (www.rsf.org). Country data (area, population, languages) are taken from the French annual L'état du monde (Editions La Découverte, Paris, 2006). © Reporters Without Borders 2007 5, rue Geoffroy Marie - 75009 Paris Tél : (33) 1 44 83 84 84 - Fax : (33) 1 45 23 11 51 E-mail : [email protected] - Web : www.rsf.org Coordination: Jean-François Julliard Layout: Véronique Vincent 2007 Annual 2007 Annual Report GENERAL INTRODUCTION . 1 INTERNET . 3 AFRICA - INTRODUCTION . 5 Bénin . 8 Burkina Faso . 9 Burundi. 11 Cameroon . 13 Chad . 15 Côte d’Ivoire . 17 Democratic Republic of Congo. 19 Eritrea. 21 Ethiopia. 23 Gambia . 24 Kenya . 26 Mauritania. 28 Mozambique . 30 Niger . 31 Nigeria . 32 Rwanda. 34 Somalia . 36 Sudan . 38 Zimbabwe. 40 AMERICAS - INTRODUCTION . 42 Argentina . 45 Bolivia . 46 Brazil. 47 Canada . 49 Chile . 50 Colombia . 51 Cuba . 53 Ecuador . 55 Guatemala . 56 Haiti . 57 Honduras. 58 Mexico . 59 Paraguay . 61 Peru . 62 United States . 63 Uruguay . 65 Venezuela . 66 ASIA - INTRODUCTION. 67 Afghanistan . 70 Australia . 72 Bangladesh . 73 Bhutan . 75 Brunei . 76 Burma . ..
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