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 Index


Academy  ‘Author’s Notes’ and prefaces Achebe, C. –, –,  Almayer’s Folly – Adams, V. de l’Isle  –,  adults, defying  Nigger of the ‘Narcissus’ –, , , ,  adventure-story motifs  Personal Record  Africa see ‘’ Secret Agent , , ,  agents, literary – Shadow-Line  see also Pinker ’Twixt Land and Sea  agents provocateurs , ,   alienation  ‘Autocracy and War’  and commitment – Azev (Russian secret police) –,  defined  allegory  Baines, J.  Almayer’s Folly ix, –,  Bakunin, M. A. ,  ‘Author’s Note’ – Barker, A. J.  beginnings – Baudelaire, C. ,  critics, reception by –, – Beach, J. W.  and reputation , ,  Beach, T. M. (Major H. Le Caron) – language and style – Becke, L. ,  literary influences , – Béguin, A.  manuscript – Belgian Congo see ‘Heart of Darkness’ narrative and action , , – Bennett, A. ,  point of view, theme and meaning – Benson, C.  typescript, acceptance and publication Besant, W.  –,  Big Bangs and war ,  writing – biographers, major , , ,  Amiel, H. F.  family members ,  anaphora  ‘Black Mate’  anarchism see Secret Agent Blackwood, J.  Anderson, Sir R. –, ,  Blackwood’s Magazine  anti-hero  Bloom, H.  anti-pathetic fallacy  Bobrowski, T. , , , ,  Armitage (doctor)  Boigne, Comptesse de  Arrow of Gold , , ,  Bookman  artist, novelist as see Flaubert Borneo see Almayer’s Folly Asquith, Lord A.  Boulle, P.: ‘Bridge over the River Kwai’ x, Athenæum , ,  , – passim Atlantic Monthly ,  Bourdin (anarchist) , , , , , , audience/readers   alienation from , – Bradbrook, M.  for Almayer’s Folly ,  Brando, M. 


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Index 

‘Bridge over the River Kwai’ as myth , Commonweal  – Congo see ‘Heart of Darkness’ film –, – passim Conrad, Joseph novel see Boulle major works in chronological order – and reality –, – first group (–) see Almayer’s Folly; reincarnation of – ‘Heart of Darkness’; ; Mirror of Brooke, Sir J.  the Sea; Nigger of the ‘Narcissus’; ; Brown, E. K.  ; Secret Agent; ‘Secret Bulwer-Lytton, H.  Sharer’; Typhoon Byron, Lord G.  second group (–) see Chance; Personal Record; Rescue; Rover; Shadow-Line; cannibalism  Under Western Eyes; Canning, E.  wife and family , , , – Canterbury cemetery, Conrad’s grave in see also sailor, Conrad as – Conrad Korzeniowski, A. B. and J. (Conrad’s Capes, H.  sons) , –,  caricature  Conrad Korzeniowski, J. R. T. and P. S. T. Carnot, S.  (Conrad’s grandsons)  Caron, Major H. le (T. M. Beach)  consciousness Casement, R. – as curse – Caserio (anarchist)  and knowledge  Chance , –,  registering ,  ‘Author’s Note’ –,  Coppola, F.  and critics’ opinions on reputation –, Cottin, E.  , – Couch, Sir A. Quiller  solidarity in  Coulon, A.  characterization ,  Courtney, W. L. , ,  Almayer’s Folly , , – Critic  ‘Bridge over River Kwai’ ,  critics Chance  Almayer’s Folly –, – comic see comedy under Typhoon ‘Heart of Darkness’ ix, – Nigger of the ‘Narcissus’ , , , – major see Forster; Garnett, E.; Guérard; Rescue  Leavis; Woolf, L. and V. Rover  ‘Secret Sharer’ – ‘Secret Sharer’ – Shadow-Line , –, –,  Shadow-Line – passim, –,  Typhoon –, –, – Chateaubriand, F. R., Vicomte de  see also under Nigger of the ‘Narcissus’ Chaucer, G.  cryptophor –,  Chesson, W. H. , ,  Cunninghame Graham, R. B. , , , , Christianity  , , ,  chronological shifts see obscurity Curle, R. , , , , ,  Clair, W. G. St  class  Daily Chronicle ,  cliché , ,  Daily News ,  stereotyping see race Daily Telegraph  Coleridge, S. T.  darkness theme , – colonialism , , –, – see also ‘Heart of Darkness’ and ‘Bridge over the River Kwai’ , Dawes, C.  ,  decivilized art – see also ‘Heart of Darkness’ dedication see commitment Colvin, Sir S. ,  Defoe, D. viii comedy and humour  despair and depression , , – see also under Typhoon see also alienation commitment  determinism  and alienation – Dial 

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Diamond, S.  and opinions on reputation , , ,  Dickens, C.  Shadow-Line  Disraeli, B.  Garnett, O.  Doody, M. A. viii Ghéon, H.  Doubleday, N.  Gide, A.  duality –,  Glasgow Evening News  Dupee, F. W.  Glasgow Herald  ‘Dynamite’  Godwin  Gordan, J.  economic necessity and solidarity – Gosse, E. , , ,  Edinburgh Review  Gould, G.  Egan, P.  Graham see Cunninghame Graham Eliot, G. ,  grammar see language Eliot, T. S. , , , , , ,  Greek chorus analogy  Empire see colonialism Greene, G. –, ,  End of Tether  Greenwich explosion , –, , , England see Secret Agent ,  English language see language Guardian ,  English Review ,  guardian see Bobrowski evolutionism , ,  Guérard, A. ,  Existentialism –, , , ,  and Almayer’s Folly , , , , ,  Shadow-Line –, ,  Fanon, F.  Guinness, A. x Faulkner, W. –, –,  Fénéton, F.  Haggard, Sir H. Rider ,  Fenians ,  Harcourt, Sir W. ,  Fielding, H.  Hardy, T. ,  film see under ‘Bridge over the River Kwai’ Haugh, R. F. – finance and sales , , , , ,  ‘Heart of Darkness’ , ,  first book see Almayer’s Folly critics ix, – Fitzgerald, F. S.  on reputation , , ,  Flaubert, G. ,  and James ,  and Almayer’s Folly , , –, ,  solidarity in – Ford, F. M.  symbolism in  and Almayer’s Folly ,  Hegel, G. ,  and Conrad’s reputation , ,  Hemingway, E. –,  and James’s influence , , , , ‘Henry James: An Appreciation’ –,   heterophor –, ,  and Secret Agent , –, –,  Hewitt, D. , –,  Foreman, C.  Hewlett, M.  Forster, E. M. , , , ,  Hicks, J.  and Shadow-Line ,  historical events, books based on , – Francis, J.  Secret Agent see Greenwich explosion Freud, S. / Freudian , , ,  historical perspective – ‘further vision’ – homeophor , ,  future –,  Howe, I.  Fyne, J.  Hugo, V. ,  Hulme, T. E.  Galsworthy, J. , , , , , ,  humble people ix,  Gapon, Father G. A. ,  Hume, D.  Garnett, C.  humour see comedy and humour Garnett, E. , , ,  Huysman, J. K.  and Almayer’s Folly –, , ,  and James’s influence , , , , Ibsen, H.   ideal values –, –

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Index 

ideas Letters experience correcting – and alienation , – importance of – and Almayer’s Folly – passim, , , see also Shadow-Line  identification  and critics’ opinions on reputation – illusion  and ‘Heart of Darkness’ – imperialism see colonialism and James, influence of –, –, impressionism ,  –, ,  individualism  and Secret Agent –,  Ireland –,  liberalism  irony – Lingard, J.  Lingard, W. –, , , ,  Jacques, W. H. – literary influences in Almayer’s Folly , – James, Mrs C.  literary modes  James, H., influence of ix, , , , –, Conrad’s divergence from see obscurity  Literary News  and Almayer’s Folly , , ,  Lomasney, M.  and Chance , – London Mercury  early relationship – Lord Jim , , , , , ,  later years – and critics’ opinions on reputation , and opinions on reputation –,  , , ,  Japanese prison camps see ‘Bridge over the and James ,  River Kwai’ origin of  Jean-Aubry, G.  and Shadow-Line compared , ,  Johnson, S. ,  solidarity in – Joll, J.  Loti, P.  Joyce, J. , , , , ,  love, romantic –, , – Jung, C. / Jungian , ,  as ‘uncongenial subject’  see also Chance Karl, F. R. ,  Lubbock, P.  Keeting, G.  Lynd, R. ,  Kermode, F. vii–xi Kibera, A.  McArthur, J.  Kipling, R. ,  McCarthy, Joseph  Kliszczewski, S.  McCarthy, Justin  knowledge and consciousness  MacDonald, R.  Korzeniowski, A. (Conrad’s father)  McLauchlan, J.  Korzeniowski, J. (Conrad’s wife) , , Macmillan Company  – passim ‘magic realism’ viii Korzeniowski, Jozef see Conrad Malaya see Almayer’s Folly Kropotkin, Prince P. , , ,  Mallarmé, S. – Kwai see ‘Bridge over the River Kwai’ Manchester Guardian ,  Mann, T. , , – ‘labour of others’ ix,  Marris, Captain C. M.  ‘Lagoon’  Marx, K. ,  language –,  Marxism and materialism ,  Lardner, R.  Masefield, J.  Lawrence, D. H. , , ,  materialism see Marxism Lean, D. x, ,  Matthews, H.  Leavis, F. R. Maupassant, G. de –,  and opinions on reputation , , Maurois, A.   mechanistic view see technology and Shadow-Line ,  Meldrum, D. S.  and Typhoon – Melville, H. , ,  Leopold, King of Belgians ,  memory 

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 Index

Mencken, H. L. ,  solidarity in  Meredith, G.  Typhoon comparison  Meredith, I.  night theme , – Methuen (publisher) , ,  Nobel, A.  Meyer, B.  North American Review ,  Meynell, A.  Northcliffe, Lord A.  Mezentzev, General  Nostromo , , , , ,  Middleton, Rector  and critics’ opinions on reputation , Mikhailovich, S. (Stepniak) , ,  , , , ,  Miller, J. E.  Mirror of the Sea ,  obituaries of Conrad – money see finance objectivity  morality and value systems , , – obscurity ,  Nigger of the ‘Narcissus’ , , , – see also point of view see also philosophy of life oceans see sailing Morf, G.  O’Connor, T. P. , ,  Morris, W.  Olmeijer, C. W. , –, , , , , Mortimer, R.   Moser, T. –, , – Orwell, G.  Most, J.  other people, alienation from  movie see under ‘Bridge over the River Kwai’ ‘other self’ – Mudrick, M. –, , , , , –, Outcast of the Islands , , , ,  –,  Mursia, U.  Palmer, J. ,  Musset, A. de  Parnell, C. S.  mythophor – Pater, W.  myths x–xi pathetic fallacy  see also ‘Bridge over the River Kwai’ Payne, W. M.  Personal Record Naipaul, V. S. – and Almayer’s Folly , –, –, , , Najder, Z. , ,  , ,  names of characters  preface to  narrator see point of view pessimism  Nation ,  Phelps, W. L.  National Observer  philosophy of life  nationality of Conrad ,  lack of  Nature see also ideal values; morality Man as alien in ,  Piddington, H.  see also night theme; storms Pinker, J. B. ,  ‘nearer vision’ – pity – Nechaev, S. G.  Plato ,  New Statesman ,  point of view / narrator  New York Times  Almayer’s Folly , – Newman, J.  Chance  Nicholson, J. x Nigger of the ‘Narcissus’ – Nicoll, D. , , , , ,  Shadow-Line –, – Nigger of the ‘Narcissus’ , ,  Victory – critics ix, – political themes see Secret Agent; Under Western narrative point of view – Eyes opinions on reputation ,  Poradowska, M. , – passim, , , , symbolism –  humour in  post-colonialism  and James , , ,  Pound, E. , , , ,  preface to –, , , ,  Powys, J. Cowper  and Shadow-Line ,  prefaces see ‘Author’s Notes’

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Index 

prisoners of war see ‘Bridge over the River sailing and ships , , – Kwai’ as setting see Almayer’s Folly; Nigger of the progress ,  ‘Narcissus’; ‘Secret Sharer’; Shadow-Line; Proudhon, P. J.  Typhoon Proust, M. ,  sailor, Conrad as , – pseudo-reality see film under ‘Bridge over the and Almayer’s Folly –, –, – River Kwai’ end of career  public see audience and Shadow-Line ,  publishers –, ,  sales see finance and sales see also Unwin Samuels, H. B. , , ,  Punch  Sanderson, E. L. ,  ‘purple’ style – Sartre, J.-P.  Saturday Review ,  qualifiers, excess of  scene see setting Quiller Couch, Sir A.  Schwarz, D.  Quinn, J. , , ,  Schweitzer, A.  science see technology race and racism Scotsman  Almayer’s Folly , – Scott, Sir W.  ‘Heart of Darkness’ – sea see sailing savages, concept of –, – Secret Agent , , –, ,  see also Nigger of the ‘Narcissus’ ‘Author’s Note’ , , ,  Raffles, Sir S.  critics’ opinions on reputation , , readers see audience , ,  realism/reality vii–viii and Wells  and ‘Bridge over the River Kwai’ as ‘Secret Sharer’ –, – myth –, – critics –,  relativism  and Shadow-Line compared ,  repetition , , – Seligmann-Lui, G.  reputation and ‘decline’ debate , – Seliwertsow, General  critics’ attitudes – setting –,  Watt’s attitude – see also Africa; sailing and ships; South Rescue , –, ,  America; South-east Asia retrospective method – Shadow-Line , , –, , – ‘Return’  ‘Author’s Note’  Révolté  and critics’ opinions on reputation –, Revue des Deux Mondes , – ,  rhetoric – first chapter, slowness of – Rice, D.  historical perspective – Richardson, S. vii and Lord Jim compared , ,  romanticism narrative – and dichotomy between author and symbolism and ideal values – reader  Shakespeare, W.  style of Nigger of the ‘Narcissus’ –, Shaw, G. B. , ,   Sheppard, Father E. H.  see also love Sherry, N. , , ,  Rosenbach, A. S. W.  ships see sailing and ships; sailor Rossetti, D. G.  shrines and pilgrimages – Rossetti, H. and O.  Shuvalov, Count P. A.  Rossetti, W. M. ,  Singh, F. ,  Roussel, R.  Sketch  Rover , , –, ,  Smith, A. R. , ,  Ruskin, J.  Smith, S. ,  Russia, attitude to –, –,  social background to Secret Agent – see also Under Western Eyes socialism 

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 Index

solidarity –,  Typhoon  Soskice, D.  ‘Author’s Note’  sources of books see historical events comedy and humour in ix, – South America see Nostromo Conrad’s intention – South-east Asia see Almayer’s Folly; ‘Bridge first chapters – over the River Kwai’; ‘Secret Sharer’ last chapter – Speaker  critics –, –, –,  Spectator  solidarity in  Spencer, H.  Spiegel, S. ,  Unamuno, M. de  Stallman, R. W. , , – unconscious ,  Starobinski, J.  Under Western Eyes , ,  Stepniak (S. Mikhailovich) , ,  and critics’ opinions on reputation , stereotyping see race , , ,  Stevenson, R. L. ,  Unwin, T. F. , , , , ,  stilted style – storms see ‘Secret Sharer’; Typhoon Vaillant (anarchist)  Straits Times  value systems see morality style –, ,  values, ideal –, – economic  Victorians , ,  grandiose rhetoric –, – see also colonialism and language – Victory ,  Sunday Times  and critics’ opinions on reputation , survival, posthumous  –, , , ,  Suspense – solidarity in , ,  symbolism  Vinci, L. de  Nigger of the ‘Narcissus’ – visual imagery  see also night theme; storms vocabulary problems – symbolism and ideal values Voltaire, F.  Shadow-Line – Symons, A. ,  Walpole, H. ,  Synge, J. M.  war, prisoners of see ‘Bridge over the River syntax see language Kwai’ Watts, C.  Tales of Unrest  Waugh, A.  tautology  Wedgwood, R.  technology  Weekly Sun – derisory ends of –,  Wells, H. G. , , , , –, ,  Tennyson, Lord A.  Westminster Gazette  Tey, J.  Wharton, E. ,  theme William the Conqueror  single unified – Within the Tides  see also darkness theme; setting Woolf, L.  time shifts see obscurity Woolf, V. , , –, –, – Times , ,  Wordsworth, W. ,  Times Literary Supplement , –, , , World – ,  writing difficulties –,  Tolstoy, L. ,  Toosey, Colonel P. –, , ,  Yeats, W. B. , , ,  Torch , – Young, V. , –, ,  tourism and ‘Bridge over the River Kwai’  ‘Youth’ , , ,  ‘Tradition’  youth, passage from see Shadow-Line Trollope, A.  ’Twixt Land and Sea , , ,  Zabel, M. D.  ‘Two Vagabonds’  Zola, E. , , 

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