Surveys, especially those that take a census approach to targeting an entire population, normally rely on close-ended questions to gather large amounts of data in standardized and consistent formats. However, in these surveys, it can also be useful and important to provide a more open- ended forum in which respondents can provide feedback in a more open-ended format. This approach can allow them to offer very specific opinions, incidents, or commentary that does not fit neatly into existing close-ended items. It can also offer an opportunity for them to expound at length in a way that a close-ended question could never fully capture.

The Westerville Resident Survey provides several open-ended questions for these purposes. While some open-ended questions can be coded into themes and analyzed to determine their relative frequency, most of the open-ended questions in this survey are not well-suited to this approach. In particular, questions which lead respondents to talk about isolated experiences, specific ideas or suggestions or complaints, or detailed information would lose the very detail that they solicit and become unactionable as a result.

Additionally, while it may be possible to identify a theme or general message (or even two or three of them) in a given response, many responses may include multiple distinct concepts. Furthermore, because it is not feasible to place controls on the length and content of the open- ended responses, respondents can and do offer opinions that are not related to the question, provide inappropriate detail, or serve as an emotional outlet for “hot topic” type content where respondents have strong feelings.

As such, attempting to identify and analyze “outcomes” from most of the open-ended content for the Westerville Resident Survey is inappropriate, particularly when the open-ended items touch on potentially controversial or nuanced topics, such as community policing issues. The open- ended item related to policing, for example, garnered nearly 800 responses, many of which involved multiple distinct concepts the respondent discussed or even multiple paragraphs worth of content; this kind of content is virtually impossible to distill down into a meaningful outcome measure. Furthermore, reporting a distilled version would lead to a loss of specificity that is the very point of these questions.

In the reporting of the results of the Westerville Resident Survey, the open-ended question responses have been provided separately from the close-ended survey data to the City of Westerville. Providing the verbatim responses separately allows for the City of Westerville to receive and process the open-ended feedback of its residents in a way that can be more useful and actionable than trying to provide a raw count of general themes. While it is a large volume of information, reviewing the verbatim responses will allow for identification of specific issues, ideas, suggestions, and solutions offered by the community. Appendix C: Verbatim Open-Ended Responses

What two words best describe Westerville? 1. access to nature 2. Accessible 3. Accessible 4. Active 5. Active 6. Active (walkers, bikers, etc) 7. Active Lifestyle 8. Active outdoors 9. Affluent 10. All white, not diverse at all 11. ARROGANT 12. Big Government 13. Boring 14. Congested 15. Connected 16. conservative 17. Content 18. convenient 19. Convenient 20. convenient 21. Convenient 22. Convenient 23. convenient location 24. Corrupt 25. Costly 26. Crowded 27. crowded because of Walmart traffic 28. don't know, but non of these 29. Eagleton 30. entry by council, school school board by garbage, columbus, muslim and other errorists who have not been legally able to vote or breath under the constitution 31. Everyone to themselves 32. Excellent resources 33. Exclusionary 34. Expensive 35. expensive 36. Expensive 37. Expensive 38. Expensive 39. Expensive 40. Expensive taxes

41. expensive to live in 42. Expensive, becoming too expensive for seniors due to high property taxes 43. Failing 44. Good City Management 45. Good parks 46. Great city services 47. great parks 48. Hidden Gem 49. High property tax 50. High taxes 51. high taxes 52. Historical 53. Homey 54. Lack of diversity. Overindulgence of children 55. Lacks laws against hoarder yards 56. liberal 57. Local/small town 58. Location convenient to all needs and wants 59. Multi purpose trails 60. Old vs new. People who have lived here and dont tgink it should change or grow. 61. Opportunity 62. Outdoor Active 63. Outdoorsy 64. Over developed 65. Over developing the city that when I moved here was a Tree City. Destruction of wildlife habitat has made it too easy for diseases to spread. The city needs to do research of the consequences! 66. Over Taxed 67. Overdeveloped 68. Parks 69. Personality 70. Progressive 71. Quality of life which includes green 72. questionable spending 73. Quiet 74. Recently disappointing 75. Religious 76. Republican 77. segregated 78. Senior Friendly 79. small town feel 80. So diverse that various descriptions fit various areas. 81. Some of our City Leaders NEED to wake up! 82. structured small town 83. Sustainable 84. TAXES 85. Taxes are too high, TIF's need to be eliminated

86. too big 87. Trash service is poor. Fence permit rules are ridiculous 88. Unfriendly 89. uptight 90. Very difficult for business to feel welcomed or valued 91. Very expensive 92. walk ways 93. walking friendly 94. Wasteful 95. Wasteful spenders 96. Wasteful spending on stupid bridge,fence, road projects. I enjoy the flowers and roads without potholes but the rest like traffic circles that cause more accidents is an expensive waste. 97. Well Established 98. Well rounded 99. Well run services 100. White 101. White

In your opinion, what are the top three most important issues for the City of Westerville? 1. 25 MPH Zone on State St between Broadway and County Line 2. Access to trains and busses. 3. address trashy yards/houses 4. Affordable Housing 5. Affordable housing 6. Affordable housing 7. Affordable housing for older folks 8. Affordable housing for seniors 9. all of the above are important 10. Allow new city council members and have members with 7 years or more step down. Time for change 11. allowing citizens to have more input on community decisions 12. allowing public education system entry by welfare 13. balance of green space & economic dev. 14. Being intentional regarding that we are a city that values diversity and inclusion 15. bike trails 16. Building affordable housing 17. Changing Walmart to Trader Joes or Fresh Thyme 18. Code enforcement of residential property upkeep 19. Cost of utilities 20. Creating a green, sustainable city 21. Creating a sustainable community 22. Creating more community emergency resources, instead of the Police managing everything. 23. Creating sustainable energy sources for citizens 24. develop options for affordable housing 25. Doing something about the run down neighborhoods 26. Downtown Theater Restoration

27. Economic and Entertainment Development 28. Efficiencies and competency of Building and Zoning department 29. Encouraging owners to maintain/improve deteriorating properties 30. Ending systemic racism 31. Environment al protection 32. Fiber to the Home 33. Fiscal management of Westerville schools 34. Historic preservation (can help keep us from being just another suburb) 35. Housing Corner of State/County line Rd 36. I have multiple for number 3 - Green space preservation AND Fiscal mgmt and responsibility 37. I would say continued vigilance in city safety and patrol 38. Inclusiveness 39. Keeping God in the community 40. Keeping HUD housing out of residential areas 41. Lack of city newspaper 42. lowering or better controlling property taxes 43. Lowering property taxes 44. Maintaining ambiance and environment of the old town 45. Maintaining existing zoning and controlling development 46. Maintaining playgrounds 47. Mental health services 48. More police pressence 49. No more development of retirement facilities 50. NO MORE OFFICE BLDGS.MANY OF THE ONES WE HAVE SIT EMPTY 51. No Overgrowth 52. Park & Community Center maintenance 53. Parks & Rec needs to build more pickle ball courts 54. Preventing decline of aging neighborhoods 55. Problems Walmart bringd 56. Promoting community diversity and welcoming acceptance 57. Promoting race relations growth in the friendly Westerville way 58. PROPERETY TAXES 59. Property Tax 60. Property taxes too high 61. Public Health 62. Race Relations 63. Racial equity and police accountability 64. Racial Equity, Inclusion and Social Justice 65. Racism 66. Real estate taxes are too high for retired who want to stay in current home. Downsizing is more expensive ~$500K avg for a patio home that's a fraction of the size of our existing home. Subsidies for retired on retaxes and utilities would be very helpful!!!! 67. recycling/green initiatives 68. reduce police racism 69. Reduce Taxes 70. Reducing commercial traffic (trucks) on State St. on State

71. Reforming city government 72. Rejecting new drug rehab facility in residential neighborhood 73. Residential traffic speeding enforcement by city 74. restrict parking on both sides of side streets s of side streets 75. Safety, Safety, Safety!!! 76. Schools 77. senior housing options 78. senior services 79. REMOVAL 80. snow removeal 81. Speeding on residential streets 82. Stop the apartments 83. Stop uselessly spending money 84. Support for residents in need 85. Support of the arts 86. The city is big enough-stop new development. 87. This question is unclear. Is it my perspective or Westerville's? 88. Too much rental property 89. Traffic flow. Does every traffic light really need to turn red as you approach it? Traffic light syntonization has been perfected for years everywhere but in Westerville. It's absolutely maddening. 90. traffic light timing improvement 91. traffic management 92. Trails and parks (is this green space under your categories?) 93. watershed management 94. Winter Electric bills 95. Zero Waste

In your opinion, what are the top three most important safety services issues facing the City of Westerville? First priority:

1. ??? 2. all above are important 3. ALL are important 4. ALL CRIME PREVENTION 5. all of the above 6. All of the above 7. All of the above. The least important is traffic enforcement. 8. all the above 9. All the above 10. All these Police functions are important, and again our Police do a GREAT job! 11. ANTIRACISM 12. assault / robbery near retail 13. assaults 1 14. Automobil break-ins, theft

15. bolstering residential areas close to Columbus city limits (Annehurst) 16. Cancel Culture Pandering 17. Car breakins 18. Carjacking 19. carjacking, shoplifting, purse snatching 20. Child abduction / trafficking 21. Choosing the most appropriate type of response to a situration 22. City is getting too big 23. Community Outreach-- protecting against inequitable policing/ police violence against Black and POC especially youth 24. Community police policies 25. Crime against elderly, purse snatching, crime 26. Crime prevention 27. Deescalation training 28. DEI 29. Diversity and anti-racism training 30. Diversity awareness including disability 31. Do not know yet 32. Domestic violence, substance abuse, youth issues, etc. should not be within the purview of law enforcement 33. don't allow guns in parks 34. Education of law to constituents. 35. Ensuring intentionally anti-racist policing 36. ensuring our black and brown neighbors feel welcomed and safe 37. Ensuring police are CIT Trained and use non-violent means when first engaging in situations 38. ensuring safety for all regardless of race 39. Full disclosure 40. Having a safe neighborhood 41. Homeless pandering 42. human trafficking 43. I don't know 44. I don't know what safety issues faced the most frequently every day 45. I FEEL MY TOP 3 TIE TOGETHER 46. I feel scared that I could be target by right wing extremist domestic terrorists 47. I feel the police handle everything the best they can In Westerville so I'm really not sure on this one . 48. identifying and implementing other crime deterrents apart from patrol 49. Improving climate for people of color 50. Increased (or perceived increase) in crime near commercial areas (Huber Village, Schrock, Polaris Parkway, Cleveland Ave) 51. Issues at Walmart 52. Kidnapping-sex trafficking 53. Law enforcement, includes many of the above 54. liberal council people 55. Loud vehicles 56. maintaing good reationships with monority populations

57. mental health training 58. Mugging at grocery stores 59. Muggings at stores in the south end 60. My neighbor over enforcement of 48 hour parking limits 61. NA 62. National distrust of police affecting westeville police's good name. Publicize de-escalation training, etc. 63. Next door Neighbor is probably a murderer. 64. No lights or emergency call boxes on bike 65. None 66. none, lower police budget 67. nothing here feels dangerous 68. outreach/healing racial relations 69. Over-Policing. Support more Community and Mental Health services. 70. Pan Handlers 71. Pan handlers 72. Pan handling 73. Panhandlers/homeless in retail parking lots 74. park patrols 75. Patrol of parks 76. People from outside the community coming here to steal. 77. people migrating around from Walmart Traffic - brining in crime. Why not have a contract if crime increased with Walmart we would remove it. 78. personal assault and theft of vehicles 79. Police presence throughout the city 80. Police radicalization and violence against citizens 81. Police should have full support of city council 82. Police that are a part of the community, less military style 83. Police training (racial profiling) and more reliance on and resources for social services 84. Police violence against Black citizens 85. Political unrest/radicals 86. Property crimes (e.g. theft from vehicles) 87. PROPERTY THEFT, CAR BREAK IN, STOLEN PROPERTY/CARS ETC 88. Protecting & Serving the community 89. Protecting Black citizens from discrimination 90. protection in walmart parking lot 91. protection of seniors 92. Provide services and help to people living in poverty and struggling with addiction or mental health instead of arresting them 93. Purge police of white supremacist 94. Purse Snatching, Assaults Kohls Plaza & Wal-Mart 95. purse snatchings 96. Race relations and profiling practices especially regarding youths 97. Racial divide 98. racial justice reform 99. Racism

100. Racist police 101. Reallocating police responsibilities to other/new services better suited to the role (eg, mental health, social work, conflict resolution, traffic enforcement, etc) 102. Retail parking lot security 103. Retail parking lot patrol 104. robbery of citizens in parking lots 105. Robbery/assault 106. Routine patrol of retail areas 107. routine patrols of public parks 108. safety in retail parking lots 109. Scammers going door to door 110. Security near the Walmart Center. I have witnessed a change in that area. 111. Sensitivity to perceived racial discrimination 112. sex trafficking 113. Speeding on major roads. Ie polaris max town school zones when reduce speed lights are on 114. speeding on old Westerville neighborhood streets 115. speeding/distracted driving on my road which is used as crossthru 116. SROs 117. Systemic racism 118. terrorists 119. the attacks on people leaving walmart/kroger etc 120. The Division of Police is way to TOP HEAVY. A Chief, three assistant chiefs, seven Lieutenants, Eight Sergeants. This isn't Columbus Division of Police 121. This is universal in our nation, but it's a safety issue to consider....bringing unity back despite political spectrums 122. Traffic safety at certain intersections such as Park and Otterbein Ave. 123. Transparency 124. Walmart area crime 125. WALMART! 126. Westerville PDs important work on safety/predators 127. white nationalism and domestic terrorism

Which of the following is the MOST important issue for Police Services? 1. Additional Officer Training 2. addressing racial bias and community outreach to specific communities 3. Advance training in deescalation (non lethal/violent) 4. Aggressive crime prevention 5. all but animal control 6. All equally important 7. All of above 8. All of above....must feel safe 9. all of the above 10. All of the above 11. all of the above 12. ALL OF THE ABOVE 13. All of the above

14. All of the above are MOST Important 15. all of the above LOVE the Police 16. all of the above! MUST NOT DEFUND THE POLICE!!! 17. All of the above, we have done it in the past and should continue. 18. All of the above. I especially think the Youth oriented programs are very important. 19. all the above 20. All the above list is important 21. All these Police functions are important and our Police do a GREAT JOB! 22. Allowed to do their job 23. Always available when needed. 24. Anti-bias training and training to reduce brutality 25. anti-drug & anti-sex trafficking 26. ANTIRACISM 27. Appropriate staffing/experience level for officers 28. ARRESTING PEOPLE WHO BREAK THE LAW, NOT GIVING THEM A PASS BASED ON CURRENT SOCIAL ISSUES AND INFLUENCE FROM OUTSIDE "ORGANIZATIONS" LIKE BLM. WE SUPPORT THE WESTERVILLE POLICE 29. be less racist 30. Being anti-racist 31. Being trained properly to handle the times we are in with respect to racial justice. 32. Bias-free human safety 33. Building community trust 34. Building trust around racial bias issues 35. Circumspect treatment of all citizens 36. Citizen protection 37. Citizen safety 38. Community involvement, integration, and outreach 39. Community outreach programs that assure residents that police services are here for all, equally and unequivocally. 40. Community Policing and ensuring that BLM in Westerville. (Proactive work on this.) 41. community safety 42. Community Safety 43. Community safety in whole 44. Consistency 45. Control Gangs, Crime, and vagrants . 46. controlling crime and danger to residents 47. Crime increasing, gangs, drugs activity 48. crime prevention 49. Cultural Awareness Training 50. CULTURAL SENSITIVITY 51. Day to day safety of residents 52. De-escalation and use of non-lethal force as first option 53. Defund the police, fund social workers and mental health interventionists 54. DEI 55. development of an anti-racist action plan and increased training on descalation and non-biased policing

56. Diversifing leadership and promoting anti-racist retraining and community outreach 57. DIVERSITY 58. Diversity and Accountability Training 59. Diversity and anti-racist training 60. Diversity and deescalation training 61. diversity awareness 62. diversity initiatives 63. Diversity sensitivity training and implementation of fair policing 64. diversity training including disability 65. doing all of these things with integrity 66. Doing what they do now keep up the great work. 67. Domestic Violence Awareness 68. drug and crime reduction 69. Eliminating shoplifting, car break-ins these bring undesirables to our city. 70. Emergency response 71. Enforcing laws 72. enforcing the law 73. ensuring equal and fair treatment of all citizens 74. Ensuring equitable policing in our community 75. Ensuring officers are CIT trained and do not rely on force for first engagement 76. Ensuring racial equity in who is policed and how. 77. Equitable enforcement 78. equitable treatment of citizens 79. Equity 80. Equity considerations and policing for the safety and betterment of the whole community. 81. Everything they do is important 82. Expelling white supremacist, a white resident 83. fair and just policing, no racial profiling and mistreatment of people of color 84. Fairness and equality in services, mental health vs criminal issues, and protection of civil rights 85. General safety of its residents 86. Having better trained personnel and stressing ethical policing. The Westerville Police Department is the city department of which I have the lowest opinion. 87. I do not think there is an issue at all. They are doing a great job. 88. I don't know 89. I don't no 90. Improving race relationships 91. Inclusion/Diversity 92. Inclusive and fair policing practices 93. increased and ongoing de-escalation training, this should be a priority for all police departments. 94. Increasing diversity on the force from top to bottom 95. Keep area safe 96. keeping crime low and solving csaes 97. Keeping our city a safe place to live 98. Keeping public safe from criminals 99. law enforcement, (protection of life and property) 100. LawEnforcment should decide

101. less aggressive police and more inclusive and friendly patrols 102. Let cops do their jobs 103. Making changes to address systemic racism 104. Mental Health Outreach. 105. more funding and arrestng organizationsions eliminatng terrorist, liberal organizai nss 106. Need to improve police attitudes 107. Negative reputation dealing with POC! 108. Neighborhood policing style (communication, relationship-building, preventative) 109. No accountability with WPD , have been very let down .. good experiences too though 110. None. The police dept should be closed and the budget reappropriated for affordable housing and community service projects. 111. Non-violent Arrests 112. Officers involved directly in community activities. 113. Pan handling 114. Personal safety for the police 115. Police reform: mental illness professionals 116. Police should be trained to handle ALL of these situations, including dealing with people who may have sanity issues, crowd control and exercising their intelligence to the fullest. 117. Positive engagement with minoritized communities 118. Pro-active policing 119. PROFESSIONALISM 120. professionalism 121. Protect & Serve All Residents 122. Protect and serve 123. Protect and Service 124. Protect safety and property 125. Protect the people and property. 126. Protecting it's citizens and enforcing the laws 127. Protecting People of Color 128. protection of all citizens 129. Protection of citizens 130. Protection of Citizens & Property 131. Protection of citizens & their property 132. Protection of citizens and property 133. protection of life and property 134. Protection of life and property 135. Protection of officers and support to officers. 136. protection of people 137. protection of residents/citizens/propoerty 138. Public Safety 139. Public Safety 140. public safety 141. Public Safety & Protection of Property 142. purse snatching and car break-ins 143. Purse snatching, ramshackle of cars, personal safety.

144. Quick response to 911 calls 145. quick responses when needed 146. Race relations 147. Racial equality within the department and the city 148. Racial inequities. Diversity training. Proper channels to report police engaging in racist behaviors without repercussions from superiors or peers. 149. racial justice 150. Reallocate police funds to serve underprivileged communities 151. Reduce Costs 152. Reduction of Crime 153. Reduction of scope and budget, in favor of partnership with non-law-enforcement agencies. 154. Removal of racial bias in enforcement of law 155. residents' safety 156. respectful 157. Responding promptly and equitably to the needs of all citizens 158. responding to calls/emergencie 159. Response to calls from people in distress 160. Response to crimes 161. responsiveness 162. Responsiveness 163. Routine Patrols AND Protection of Property FOR CITIZENS' SAFETY 164. Safety and Security 165. Safety of the residents 166. Serve and protect people with kindness and caution. Train how to de-escalate so that innocent or mentally ill aren't killed or arrested, they get the help they need. Police should have protective gear when responding to potentially dangerous situations. The police deaths we experienced were tragic. It tells the world this isn't a safe place to live. There was a murder not far from our house and a "suicide" in the woods not far away, all in the last few years. Westerville is paying more attention to appearances at main entrances and exits instead of the safety and wellness of residnents. 167. serve the needs of the community in regards to safety, protection, and law enforcement to all citizens 168. Service to the Community 169. Social and Emotional resources for domestic violence and drug addiction problems to keep our children and police services effective and safe 170. Solving racial bias 171. sorry i dont know 172. SPEED REGULATION 173. Staying current in policing best practices and racial justice 174. Strong community oversight of procedures/use of force 175. Tell us how we can help the Police Officers 176. Theft-- stores,cars; drugs 177. Their own ongoing education/development 178. To enforce the laws set forth. 179. To know they are appreciated in an environment that would tell them otherwise. 180. To remove military-grade equipment - No Police department needs tear gas or sound cannons. 181. Training and Racial Justice

182. Unbiased protection 183. Unsure if this question is asking what I think is the most or if the city thinks is the most 184. Violent crime 185. Weeding out bias and racism 186. white nationalism and domestic terrorism 187. Working on a more balanced approach to policing. I would like to see there be equitable policing so that our BIPOC residents feel safe and secure in our community. 188. You have to have routine patrols and community outreach 189. youth program and D&I initiatives

What are the top two information sources you find most useful in staying informed of city related issues? 1. Cable News 2. city direct to homeowner mailings 3. City USPS mailings 4. Do not use any of above 5. don't get the This Week anymore are they still published? 6. Electronic billboards 7. Gary Gardiner's "My Final Photo" 8. Google 9. Google News 10. how do we subscribe to This Week Westerville News/Public Opinion 11. I don't usually get informed of city-related issues. 12. I google what I want to know 13. I miss watching city council on TV 14. Local Radio 15. Mail 16. Monthly magazine 17. n\a 18. Need delivered 19. need more info/unaware 20. NEED TO ORDER LOCAL PAPER 21. NPR 22. Other than TV, there is no other way of knowing without having to expend significant effort to search out information 23. Our son, Larry Jenkins 24. Parents or radio 25. People never know what is going on in this town. Very poor communication overall 26. Poor Commnication, 27. radio 28. senior center emails 29. 30. Suburban news is no longer delivered. Therefore I know very little about what is going on. 31. There should be nothing that requires staying informed, and this is generally the case. 32. This week Westerville isn’t delivered to our house. We would like to know why. It was my favorite source of local news

33. TV 34. Uptown Westerville Inc. 35. USPS Mail letter, news, etc. 36. Utility bill memo 37. We would like to get the ThisWeek Westerville News. We do not. 38. Westecrville Moms in the Know () 39. Westerville 40. Westerville magazine 41. Westerville moms Facebook group 42. Westerville Moms page on facebook 43. Westerville Newspaper 44. Westerville Public Library 45. Wish suburban news was delivered

Which social media networks or platforms do you most regularly use? 1. aol 2. Citizen 3. 4. Discord, Telegram 5. 6. Gab 7. MeWe 8. Mewe 9. MeWe 10. MeWe 11. 12. Parler 13. Parler 14. Parler 15. Parler 16. Parler 17. Parler, 18. Parler, Rumble 19. Parler, Rumble 20. Parlor 21. RING 22. Ring 23. rumble 24. rumble 25. telegram 26. Telegram 27. telegram 28. Telegram, Rumble, Gab

(Note: nearly all open-ended responses to this item were not valid responses. This includes responses like “none,” email, text messaging, mentions of newspapers/tv/radio, or commentary of social media platforms. As such, they were not included in the verbatim list of responses.)

Have you used the mobile app to do any of the following? 1. Called, never used app 2. check other citizen service reports in my neighborhood 3. Complaint 4. do not have a smart phone 5. do not use 6. downloaded it but haven't used 7. Have not used 8. have not used 9. Have not used 10. Have not used 11. Haven't used it 12. haven't used the app 13. I have it but haven't needed to use it 14. I have not used it yet 15. I looked at it, it seemed outdated and not useful. 16. Just added the app 17. just dwnloaded 18. never used 19. Never used 20. never used it 21. Never used it 22. no 23. no 24. NO 25. No 26. no 27. no 28. No 29. no 30. no 31. no 32. No.. but will use it in future 33. none 34. None 35. none 36. none 37. NONE 38. None 39. none, haven't used 40. Not everyone has a phone with enough space for lots of apps. 41. Not used yet

42. not yet, new to this app 43. Recent made aware, but I did not have good luck trying to use. I may be back for another trial? 44. Register correctly center lap time 45. Review current service requests 46. THISN IS A TERRIBLE SITE... 47. TRACK INFO ON POWER OUTAGE Current Events Section What personal interaction(s) have you had?

1. Emergency at neighbors 2. 1. being stopped in front of my house on "no parking" side of the street. 2. threatening a ticket for having grad party attendees parking on "no parking" side of street, albeit both years ago but still ticked off thinking about it 3. 15 years ago.... property theft. 4. 35 years ago! teenager not home at curfew 5. 4th Friday 6. 4th Friday 7. 4th Friday 8. 4th fridays 9. 4th Fridays uptown 10. A brief conversation with a police officer . 11. A cop picked up our son bc he was playing a block away from our house. 12. A false report filed by a former Westerville Schools employee 13. Accident 14. ACCIDENT 15. Accident Report 16. accident report, scam report 17. accidently called 911 on cellphone 18. Advice on personal threat, calling in nuisance in community 19. alarm response 20. alarm system went off 21. An officer personally returned my lost drivers license to me at home when someone turned it in. 22. An officer stopped at my house to ask if my front porch camera caught footage of a vehicle break-in 23. and I was mistaken for a thief at Meijer in 2016 and thoroughly embarrassed and detained with restraints. I am white the alledged was black. Five squads pulled up in Meijer parking lot. All I got was an apology! 24. Animal Control 25. Animal control 26. animal protection 27. Arrest of a child 28. As a follow-up to a crime they committed in our neighborhood and a suspicious person walking around 29. as Commodore of Hoover Sailing club 30. ask police questions

31. Asked hypothetical questions about dealing with a potential problem youth in the area. 32. Asking for speed control in our area. 33. assist w mentally ill family member 34. at school 35. At school with our SRO 36. at work 37. auto accident 38. Auto accident 39. auto accident 40. Auto Accident Investigation 41. auto break in 42. being a member of the Citizens Police Academy 43. Bike rodeo years ago, bike helmets through Kieanis 44. bike/car accident 45. Block Watch Program 46. Burglary 47. burglary at my home 48. Burglery Investigation 49. Called about helicopter overhead. Burglary in neighborhood 50. called about scam phone call received 51. called and filed a police report 52. Called by husband with dementia. Very understanding and supportive. 53. called re being accosted 54. Came to my home to return my list ID 55. Can’t remember what for at house 56. car accident 57. Car accident 58. Car drove into my house 59. Car hit by drunk driver on private property. Found wallet with credit cards thrown in my yard. 60. Car hit in driveway 61. Car parking 62. Car vandalism report 63. check on Simply Safe Alarm 64. Church patrol 65. Citizen Police Academy 66. Citizen Police Academy 67. Citizen Police Academy 68. Citizen Police Academy 69. Citizens Academy 70. Citizens Police Academy 71. Citizens Police Academy 72. citizens police academy 73. citizens police academy 74. citizen's police academy 75. citizen's police academy 76. Citizens Police Academy

77. Citizen's Police Academy & Citizen's Academy 78. Close garage door at night 79. college students ringing my doorbell at 4:30 AM 80. Community Speeders 81. Computer scam. 82. Contact with police over kids playing in park 83. Courtesy call - garage door 84. Credit cars skimming 85. Crime event occurred on our court 86. Criminal neighbors 87. Crossed through property chasing burglar 88. DAILY CONTACT WITH SRO'S 89. DARE 90. DARE in the school where I teach, Safety City 91. DARE program 92. Daughter in car accident 93. Death 94. Death at the home 95. Death of a child 96. death of a loved one in the home 97. death of child 98. Delivery cookies 99. dispute with some workers at our home. 100. Dog warden issue 101. Downed power line 102. Drug addict neighbor 103. Drunk in neighborhood/Trespassing on HOA property 104. Drunk teenager brought home. 105. During the Black Lives Matter protests I was jogging on our community bike paths on Hempstead road when I passed an officer and raised a fist towards his direction in showing solidarity with the social movement. The officer proceeded to engage his vehicle from his parked location and drive directly next to me for the next half mile staring at me in what I could only describe as an intimidation tactic at 7am. 106. Efficient and courteous response to a Black friend's traffic accident. 107. Emily Noble searches 108. Event Permit Approval Meeting with City Officials 109. False alarm. Quick to respond 110. false alarms 111. family member engaging in criminal activity 112. family member had traffic stop 113. Family member problem 114. Fell 115. Fender bender caused by the other driver, child participated in safety city 116. file a loss report at station and unused prescription thing 117. File a police report 118. file fraud complaint

119. File identity theft report 120. File police report for identity theft 121. filed ID theft reports 122. filed a police report 123. Filed a police report for Identify Theft 124. Filed a police report when my identity was stolen 125. Filed a report 126. Filed a report 127. Filing a home vandalism report 128. filing polic report 129. Finding a runaway dog's home 130. finger printing for carry permit 131. fingerprinted me for teaching license 132. Fingerprinting services 133. fingerprinting services 134. fingerprinting, they came to ask questions once 135. firecrackers were put in our mailbox recently, police responded 136. frat parties 137. Fraud police report 138. fraud report 139. friend was a police officer 140. Funeral procession 141. garage door open in the middle of the night 142. Got hit by car backing out of his driveway 143. Had police come to the house at night when the house alarm activated. Just a battery issue with the alarm. 144. Had to call on my out of control son. 145. Have Sons (Adults now) 146. Help me get home while running, fell on ice and broke ankle. 147. Help with a troubled child 148. High School 149. High School sporting events 150. home alarm 151. Home alarm 152. home alarm company call 153. home alarm response 154. home check for open door 155. Hosted Cub Scouts 156. house call involving phone scam 157. husband was attacked by someone who came to our home 158. I asked about the beggar lady outside Giant Eagle. 159. I can't tell if you mean only this year. Over the years, I have had several interactions, including a well being check on my daughter years ago, once they came in response to vandalism, once a car hit me and skipped. I had a theft once from my office uptown. 160. I experienced someone that did a hit and run on my car.

161. I had interactions with child education and for lockdown training as a preschool teacher at Church of Messiah 162. I have talked with safety officers at school 163. I sell body armor 164. I went to the police department to talk with someone about a problem I was having. 165. i witnessed a trafic accident (serious) and called 911- very good and quick response 166. ID THEFT 167. identity theft 168. identity theft 169. identity theft 170. identity theft 171. Identity theft 172. Identity Theft Report 173. Identity theft report 174. Identity theft; accident investigation 175. Illegal parking, wellness/safety check on neighbor 176. Impersonating water inspection, trying to come in my home. 177. In 1998, son got a DUI 178. INNCIDENCE OF MAIL FRAUD 179. Inspect neighboring properity 180. Interaction in our neighborhood 181. Investigating crime 182. investigation 183. Issue with disorderly neighbor late one night. Handled extremely professionally. 184. It occurred 8 years ago, however it was very traumatic. Took me to jail for a seatbelt warning. I think this behavior is very limited to s few officers. Chief contacted me after to apolize. But I regret 185. job related 186. JOB/SCHOOL 187. Junior Police Academy 188. kids racially profiled 189. left my garage door open at night 190. Let us know our garage door was up in the middle of the night 191. Library 192. library duty 193. long story, but it wasn't a great experience 194. medical emergency 195. MEDICAL EMERGENCY 196. meetings 197. Missing neighbor 198. Missing Person & Mental Health Crisis 199. my car being reported for parking on the street for 48 hours 200. My friend's husband passed unexpectedly 201. My husband accidentally left the trunk of our car open when he locked up for the night. at 3AM an officer knocked at our door to see if we just forgot to put it down, or if it had been broken into. We thought that was great!

202. My husband died while traveling and 3 officers and a chaplain came to my home to inform me of his passing. 203. My neighbors are crazy. 204. My son had an issue at the BMX park once. 205. neighbor called police when I pulled a temporary property line stake out of the ground =D 206. Neighbor issues 207. Neighborhood issues. 208. neighborhood noise 209. Neighborhood Watch 210. neighbors house burnt down 211. Noise Disturbance of a Neighbor 212. Noticed items on my property that weren’t mine 213. notification of death in family 214. Notification of death of family member 215. Notified me my garage door was open during a patrol 216. NOTIFIED ME OF A DEATH IN THE FAMILY 217. Observed citizen interaction with a person of color in front of my house where 4 officers stopped the young black man and kept him sitting on the sidewalk for 30 minutes while they checked him out. It was very disheartening to see that level of force and that young man's visible unease. 218. Officer came to our house to check on something 219. Officer efficiently resolved incorrect complaint by another person. 220. Officer gave my grandson a sticker 221. Officer knocked on door b/c garage door was open overnight 222. officer returned my son's wallet he had lost in the street 223. officer shouted that the area behind police station is for police only. first time i had such a negative interaction 224. Officer stopped because our garage door was open overnight 225. On two occasions I was incorrectly accused of something I did not do. On one of those occasions I was ticketed for causing an accident and had to go to court to get justice because the officer misunderstood the situation. Both situations were very frustrating and unnecessary! 226. One time my car was stolen and was used to break in to other people's cars. 227. our neighbor called the police when our front door was open and they were worried 228. Patroling our neighborhood and stopped to chat with kids 229. person arrested in our front yard 230. personal friends 231. Phone 232. Phone call inquiry rarely 233. phone call to file police report 234. Police Academy 235. Police Academy 236. Police Academy 237. Police academy 238. police class 239. police investigating neighbor 240. POLICE REPORT MISS OR STOLEN MAIL

241. post office mailboxes theft 242. Potential mail fraud report 243. Property damage 244. PROPERTY DAMAGE AND STEALING 245. PROPERTY THEFT AND PROPERTY DAMAGE 246. Property theft at my home by a service provider 247. Property vandalism 248. Providing food/snacks for officers 249. questionable activity with empty house next door 250. Report a crime 251. report an issue 252. Report burglary 253. report suspicious activity 254. Report theft from porch. 255. reported a downed line in a park 256. Reported dangerous drivers 257. REPORTED ID THEFT 258. Reported identity theft 259. Reported potential cyber-crime and identity theft 260. reported vandalism on bike path 261. Reported Vandalism recently. We have often called Police for neighborhood disruptions. We strongly feel that there are conflic 262. reporting fraud 263. reporting ID theft 264. Reporting sexual abuse as a child 265. reporting speeding concerns 266. reporting stolen property 267. REQUEST FOR SPEED CONTROL 268. Requested cruiser drive-by of suspicious activity. 269. Resource Officers 270. response to a traffic acident 271. response to alarm 272. returned a wallet 273. roadside assistance 274. routine patrol on daily walks with dog 275. Routine patrols in neighborhood 276. Safety city 277. scam 278. school police 279. school resource officer 280. School Resource Officer 281. School resource officer 282. School Resource Officer 283. school resource officer and former students that are officers 284. School resource officer at kids' school 285. School Resource officers

286. Schools 287. Scouting and Football 288. Security alarm 289. security alarm set off 290. Security alarm was triggered. They cleared my house. False alarm 291. Senior Fall assist 292. Served as Chaplain 293. Solving a business misunderstanding 294. Some people drove into our car in the middle of the night 295. special duty officers 296. SRO at my school 297. SRO when I worked at school. 298. SROs 299. SROs 300. stolen check 301. Stolen license plates 302. Stolen money 303. Stopped by our home to let us know we left our garage door open late at night. 304. Stopped to talk 305. Street light knocked over 306. submitting a police report 307. suspicious activity/ drug trafficking in my area 308. Suspicious men on street 309. suspicious traffic on street 310. Talk with officer at station 311. TALKING OF GENERAL NATURE 312. talking to officers on patrol 313. Thanking the EMTs 314. Thanking them for their service 315. Theft reporti 316. They knocked on our door after a neighbor complained about us 317. They let me know my garage door was accidentally left open late at night, very helpful, very professional 318. They thought our house was on fire but we were just cooking out 319. They were looking for someone in my community 320. through my employment 321. through my job with the school district 322. Thru WCS district 323. Ticket for "blocking" (three inches) the sidewalk with my car 324. to develop policy together 325. To report an auto accident 326. Tour of the station with our Girl Scout troop 327. Traffic Accident 328. traffic accident 329. traffic accident 330. Traffic accident

331. traffic accident 332. traffic accident 333. Traffic accident 334. traffic accident 335. TRAFFIC ACCIDENT 336. Traffic accident 337. Traffic accident 338. Traffic Accident Investigation 339. traffic accident response 340. Traffic accident wproperty damage 341. Traffic accidents 342. TRAFFIC CONTROL 343. Trails 344. Unemployment fraud 345. unsafe situation on a city street 346. Unsavory person 347. vandalism 348. Vandalism 349. Vandalism report 350. Vehicle accident report 351. Very poor interaction with Corp Johnson. About 14 yrs ago 352. Violence in adjoining neighborhood questioned by officer about anything I saw 353. Visit about a neighbor complaint 354. Visited as a courtesy call that someone used my address on their traffic ticket, also WPD was clocking speeders on my street (Cherrington - PLEASE keep doing this) and I have a friendly interaction with him. He apologized for being slightly in my drive way curb access - I told him he could park there and clock speeders any time he / they needed. 355. volunteer for fingerprinting 356. vVictim of identity theft & needed a police report 357. was a member the volenteer group 358. Was attacked by a dog 359. was stopped while jogging 360. WCPA 361. WCPA 362. WCPAAA 363. WCPAAA 364. wcpaaa 365. WCPAAA 366. WCPAAA 367. WCPAAA member 368. WCPAAA Member 369. We called one night when a stranger knocked on our door after midnight 370. We have requested wellness checks on neighbors 371. We were teaching our son to dial 911 and did not realize the call went through so about 10 to 15 minutes later cops showed up because it was a hang up and they wanted to see our made us feel good!

372. Weed height, bees in back yard, lost person 373. went into the HQ to ask a question 374. Went to the funeral of the two slain officers 375. Westerville Citizens Police Academy 376. Westerville Public Library 377. Westerville tea party 378. When I bought my house, the alarm went off so they came 379. when my security system has been activated and was not cancelled in time. 380. When neighbors called them about events in neighborhood 381. while walking with my son we were stopped by the police because my son looked like the suspect whol was vandalizing our sub 382. Witness to an accident 383. witnessed incident 384. Wonderful experience as my husband has fallen several times and when I call they come and help me and get him to the hospital 385. work related building issue 386. Work- related calls (between fire and police) 387. Work relations 388. Work with SRO 389. Worked with Chief Morbitzer on community projects 390. Worked with SROs while employed with WCS. 391. Working at Safety City 392. WPD contacted me when someone found my credit card 393. Years ago and officer brought my son home after he had a car accident. 394. youngest son’s traffic stop

Have you personally experienced an unfair or discriminatory interaction involving a WPD officer that in your opinion was due to any of the following issues? 1. 20 years ago! 2. A long time ago and the WPD was not as well trained. 3. Absolutely not-so impressed with them. 4. ABUSE OF POWER 5. Abuse of power & overly aggressive 6. Age of my children: Cops here hassle teen boys 7. are you kidding? we have one of the best p.d,s in central ohio 8. Attending a rally/march last June for social justice, the group ended in front of city hall. We all knelt in a moment of respect for racial inequality and the officers attending the event were asked to join us- neither of them did. I don't know if they realized what that said to all of us but I will never forget how disappointed I felt by their lack of action. 9. BACKED INTO BLACK KID'S CAR. HE WAS PARKED, I WAS CLEARLY AT FAULT. THIS WAS WRONG. OFFICER PULLED OVER BLACK COTA DRIVER. I DID NOT NOTE SEVERITY OF VIOLATION. OFFICER BECAME SCRUPULOUSLY CORRECT ONCE HE REALIZED A WHITE LAWYER WAS WITNESSING INTERACTION. WHEN I BACKED INTO VAN OF WHITE DRIVER I WAS CITED AS I DESERVED. MY OWN INTERACTIONS WITH WPD HAVE BEEN THOROUGHLY CORRECT AND PROFESSIONAL. MIND YOU THESE INCIDENTS RELATE TO NEARLY 30 YRS OF RESIDENCE. 10. Because I was the Father, it was assumed I was wrong.

11. Both instances to which I referred involved male officers who supported another male. One officer supported a male member of the Columbus Fire Department who hit my van with his motorcycle. That officer felt that I was at fault. Had to go to court to get his decision reversed. 12. Class 13. Confrontational style 14. detective did not take me seriously until I went to the media; he is now retired. Where do you turn when your detective on your case doesn't do the job????? 15. Do no wish to comment/from 11 years ago 16. domestic violence 17. Filed a report on a theft and they got an admission but never arrested or any Retribution or anything at all done about it and no follow up 18. he lied in court 19. home alarms by rude officers 20. I am white and have not had specific issues, but I know many of color who have. Also, disability understanding concerns me as well. 21. I did feel listened to/ no need to help me 22. I don't like slow drivers 23. I have been pulled over twice for no reason. 24. I have witnessed but not personally experienced 25. I REPORTED TAX FRAUD AND FELT THE OFFICER DOUBTED THE TRUTH OF MY COMPLAINT UNTIL SHE VERIFIED IT 26. I was asked to leave the scene because I was supporting the young black men who were involved in the accident that was not their fault 27. I was treated different when black teenagers were seen in my car during a traffic stop. 28. I would have checked "have not", but feel these specific survey questions are akin to "leading the witness". I think our Police are wonderful. 29. Incompetent officer and supervisor 30. It always takes 2 cruisers to pull over a black man, I have witnessed this numerous times 31. just abusive 32. just general skepticism for the narrative being told 33. just the common power trip a-hole kind of thing that gives good cops a bad name 34. lack of domestic violence awareness 35. look the other way with something petty and stupid with more important issues out there 36. mistaken for a thief already explained. A joke! 37. NEVER in 35 YEARS 38. over zealous arrest warrant action regarding a traffic fine 39. People who have experienced this might not be the population filling out a web survey. This is most likely not a fair survey of this information. 40. perceived poverty 41. Please see prior statement about intimidation during BLM protests Summer 2020 42. POLICE ARE GREAT! I also personally new one of the two Westerville Police officers killed. He was also a school Police officer as my two kids went thru Westerville Schools! 43. Police refused to allow EMS in the house to give aid to someone who needed it until they came in first. Then they arrested a mentally ill, autistic family member. This was a terrifying experience for all, in particular a mentally ill autistic family member who had to spend three days in jail, not knowing what to do. This traumatized them forever.

44. Political Affiliation 45. Poorly trained rude officer Pentocost 46. rudeness 47. Sometimes they do not want to be bothered. But when we had an emergency they were amazing 48. Traffic stop for a very minor license plate light burnt out. Felt like a ‘probably cause’ stop due to my car being an older model. 49. Utilities companies blocking bike trails & sidewalks. 50. Veteran 51. why ALL catagories negative 52. WPD officer unfairly suspended for her fb post when you let your councilwoman post disgusting pro-abortion posts

Please briefly explain why you did not report it. 1. IT IS HARD TO QUANTIFY POOR ATTITUDE SHORT OF OVERT SLURS OR USE OF FORCE. MY LATE WIFE SIGNED TO ME THAT SHE WOULD DIE IN MARYSVILLE IF I PRESSED THAT OFFICER TO CITE ME, WHICH I SHOULD HONORABLY HAVE DONE. HE IMPRESSED ME AS PROFESSIONAL AND CORRECT. AT LEAST HE DID NOT TRY TO CITE THE KID. I AM SUFFICIENTLY LAW ABIDING THAT I SPEAK TO THE OFFICERS IN THE LIBRARY WHEN IT IS OPEN. PS THE DEPARTMENT'S COMMUNITY RELATIONS OFFICER HELPED SMOOTH OVER OUR DISPUTE WITH A NEIGHBOR 16 YEARS AGO. TAXPAYERS ARE GETTING THEIR MONEY'S WORTH. 2. Action more implied than overt 3. Afraid of not being taken seriously 4. Again, personally my husband and I have not had issues. We did have an issue when our daughter with Down syndrome was taken to emergency by EMS and the hospital emergency staff of not truly understanding her issues and making stereotypical assumptions. We have heard other from friends about their issues over the color of their skin. I think ALL need more understanding in diversity issues. 5. At the time I did not feel that anyone would care. This was 14 yrs ago and I am now talking about it. I have not had any problems with the WPD recently and love all of them but one. 6. Because I was able to navigate the situation to satisfaction and I also understand/have empathy for the pressures of the job 7. "because it happen once and I didnt want any one to lose a job over it and my friends have enough problems 8. Because nothing would be done 9. because our officers are well trained and positive in their contacts with the public. excellent attitude. demonstrates great training as do all our public servants or they're gone. LOVE OUR FOLKS 10. Because that accident occurred in Genoa Township, Delaware County and the Westerville Officer took over the accident report from a Delaware County police officer. I tried to communicate with the Westerville officer, but he was never available. I wasted enough time by going to court and getting his ticket reversed! 11. Blue line 12. Did not feel it would be well received. 13. Did not feel it would have done any good. 14. Did not know I could or who to report it to when the police don’t do their jobs

15. Did not think it would make a difference 16. Didn’t think it would change anything. 17. Didn’t think it would do anything to help 18. Didn’t think they would do any thing about it and feared retaliation. 19. Didn't know that was a thing 20. During traffic stop the officer spoke down to me. I was not allowed to question the stop. There were other cars moving faster than me, even passing me, but i was stopped. 21. Fear of Retaliation! 22. Felt that it wouldn't change anything or be taken seriously 23. Felt there would be no consequence or an it would not be pursued. 24. Frustrated. Needed to move on. Not convinced it would have made any difference 25. I am now an adult and a homeowner in Westerville. I previously said that I lived here for four years and this is true: I purchased a home here in 2018. I also grew up here and was a resident until the age of 18 when living at home with my parents. The issues I experienced were in my younger years. Here is just one example: I remember very vividly waiting outside of the CVS on County Line road when I was in my early 20s. I was in Westerville picking up a prescription for my mother and chose to wait outside as the pharmacist said it would be 15-20 minutes. I was literally just standing there, doing nothing. An officer cruised by a few times before stopping to ask what I was doing. I let him know I was waiting on a prescription. He acted as though he did not believe me and further questions followed. He told me I needed to "move on" so I ended up waiting the rest of the time inside after this. This is not the type of interaction I would report, but was something that bothered me. I wasn't breaking a law and I wasn't causing harm. I felt profiled for my age and that I was not believed once I gave a valid explanation for why I was standing there. This was a small thing in the grand scheme of things, but is also the kind of police interaction that made people my age at the time weary of living in/moving back to Westerville. Like I said, I am now an adult and both respect and appreciate our police services. I just personally have not had great interactions with police in the past. It's interesting too because I have never (ever!) been in trouble- I am a law-abiding citizen. I also am a white woman, so (in my opinion) least likely to be profiled- more so now that I am almost 40. 26. I called the police chief to discuss once specific incidence of this behavior, and left a voicemail. He called me back two days later, and left a voicemail. I didn't return the return call, feeling it would not produce a positive result -- and quite likely, could make things worse. 27. I didn't believe it would change things. 28. i didn't think it would be taken seriously 29. I didn't think it would matter 30. I don't feel that there is any accountability in uppermanagement 31. I felt that while this officer may have been attempting to intimidate me with his continued presence I felt like I was in no imminent danger and this was merely a power move to assert ones authority over another. Although upon further observation reaching out to officials would most likely have been the correct call, one can’t help but wonder if any reprimanding would befall the officer in question. Sadly these occurrences are all too common in our day and age and one has more pressing matters to attend to. 32. I just thought that was "how it was". 33. I thought it was usually OK for policemen to be rude 34. I was doing something unnarmed, non-violent, yet unlawful. They responded with guns drawn. They found documentation of my employment, and threatened to blackmail me.

35. I was in traffic so it was hard to note the cruiser numbers, etc. However, if I see 2 WPD cruisers and a pulled over car, in each occasion it has been a black person in the car. I have seen this for a number of years in Westerville. 36. I was more concerned with the condition of my husband who couldn't get released from the hospital for three days due to the circumstances while trying to navigate the court system to help my disabled adult child get out of jail. I spent $3K on attorney and now this disabled family member has a record that is making it impossible for him to get employment and housing. We told the police we didn't want to press charges and why but they arrested them anyway. 37. I was pulled over for allegedly not using my turn signal and being over the center line of state and Collage on a Friday night a while ago. The sheriff that pulled us over did not give us a ticket but mentioned several times how good looking my wife was who was seated in the passenger seat. He mentioned that upon checking on me that I had a CC permit. When I told him I didn't have a firearm in the car he questioned why I didn't have a firearm on me since I had a permit. I didn't think either of these questions were appropriate. The whole stop was very uncomfortable for my wife and I but I didn't report him since I didn't want to start trouble over this but I thought you should know these things do happen. 38. i was so put back from the treatment. i wish i would have asked for his name and badge number and wish i would have followed it up. 39. IPeople did not report issues back then - or I did not anyway. 40. it is obvious the west PD preys upon teenagers to get money out of their parents 41. It seems Latino is not a very recognized group 42. It was a number of years ago and did not occur to me. 43. It wasn't blatant discrimination, but rather a missed opportunity for the officers to connect with a grieving community on the topic of social justice. 44. It wouldn't have made any difference 45. Most interactions I have had with WPD are not during a call but more casual interactions. I work in a restaurant where officers come for lunch. There have been times where they say things to me or around me while on duty that are off color or offensive. It reflects poorly on the department and proves that WFD officers cannot be trusted the same way that officers on the news cannot be trusted 46. No comment 47. no issue -used space to explain how impressed and grateful I am for these teams. Please convey my deep admiration for what they have done for our community. 48. No significant evidence 49. Not comfortable making that type of report. 50. not worth the hassle as who do you report it too? and one incident 51. Not worth the time, that's what a lawyers for 52. Nothing to report 53. Nothing to report, all interactions with the police have been excellent. My answer related to these police survey questions and my belief they may lead to inaccurate conclusions. 54. Officer was very dismissive of my concerns on two different occasions; in years past I always felt reassured by their presence; in these instances they seemed annoyed. I didn’t thing it was that important in the entire scheme of things to report but since you are asking I thought they were a bit condescending. Probably goes with the territory theses days. 55. POLICE ALL GREAT FOLKS, WHY? Question - - -why this survey is asking this, to me, with my responses?

56. The encounter felt menacing, but nothing physical happened. It has been my life experience that how I feel does not matter to the status quo power structure. Even when a black person is killed no real action is taken. So why would I report being menaced. 57. The issue was resolved in a reasonable amount of time. 58. "The manner in which my concerns were addressed by the officer's supervisor was just as dismissive and as a result, I knew there was no point in escalating my complaint. Instead, our family sought legal action and the employee was terminated for due cause. I should have had the opportunity to file charges for a false report, instead, the officer stated that there was no record of a false allegation. In addition, a female officer was noted to make violent and derogatory political statements on a social platform and there was no discipline or statement offered by the department or their chief. This is yet another example of the cancerous culture of WPD but yet, we are forced to pay for their new facility. 59. Whenever we need anything, we have found that Blendon Township is quicker to respond and more reliable. Nightly we see people racing at sop speeds up and down Sunbury road and the only time we have ever seen anyone performing a traffic stop, has been Blendon Township. WPD would rather patrol by sitting in a parking lot. " 60. The odds that the person I talked to would think I'm a stupid female outweighed the odds that there would be any sort of change. 61. The officer gave me a ticket on the night before my wedding with my partner for going 5 mph over speed limit when I was bringing dinner home 62. The officer was quite young, he was respectful during the stop. I did not feel under threat, he made a snap decision when he saw my license plate light was burnt out and the age of the vehicle for the neighborhood in which I reside. 63. The way the traffic court proceeded did not allow for remarks to be made. 64. "There were two officers. One was very appropriate so I didn’t both to report. The offending behavior was threatening when there was no threat to anyone. The way he spoke to the troubled person was not helping her to cooperate or feel safe.This was a medical issue 65. THEY DO SUCH A FINE JOB, IT WOULD BE REDUNDANT 66. Too busy 67. Too busy with other pressing issues 68. Uncomfortable 69. Went to police headquarters to pick up a police report about identify theft. No one in the lobby, needed to use a dirty phone to speak to state business. Was treated rudely by desk officer. 70. What good would it do? 71. What’s the use. Officer always wins even when wrong. Do unpublished think they would say yes I stopped the person because they were black? 72. what's the point? 73. what's the point? nothing would have been done. family member profiled. Not at fault in incident but was bent over hood of car, search made to sit on ground. other person admitted fault as soon as officer arrived but was able to freely move around, remove items from car. officer left scene without telling my family member that he/she could get up, get in car and leave. family member was left sitting on curb. both parties were young adults. one was mixed. one was middle eastern 74. WPD in June suspended an officer for conduct in her personal life that was not offensive, but you let your own councilwoman valerie post antigovernment and disgusting views for Pro

abortion. Both represent the city and only the WPD female officer was suspended. Cith needs t treat our officers better than that. 75. WPD was questioning a black man. Neither officer was aggressive but I'd seen the man just walking down the street a few minutes earlier, not doing anything wrong. I didn't know the circumstances so could neither 'assume' anything or intend to intervene.

Have you personally witnessed an unfair or discriminatory interaction involving a WPD officer that in your opinion was due to any of the following issues? 1. 3 cop cars showed up at my house in the middle of the night because they thought my teenage son was skateboarding around the neighborhood. He wasn't but 3 cop cars seemed extreme for a curfew issue for a teen that wasn't my son. This was years ago; 2010. 2. Caving to habitual complainers 3. dealing with an alcoholic 4. dealing with teens on drugs 5. how dare you try to vilify the wpd 6. I don’t think this is a fair way to collect this survey data. 7. I have noted on multiple occasions , generally on Cleveland Ave., that 2 police cars are present close to 100% of the time when a non white driver is stopped. This is so frequent that it must be policy. 8. I see a lot of white officer, black driver traffic stops 9. I WAS RIDING MY BIKE IN SPRING GROVE AND WAS STOPPED BY A POLICE OFFICER WHO WASN'T SATISFIED WITH MY STOP AND A STOP SIGN. HE MUST HAVE BEEN HAVING A BAD DAY! 10. intimidation/arrogance 11. Nearly every single person I see pulled over is Black 12. negative questions AGAIN 13. NEVER IN 35 YEARS 14. Not 1st-person witness but reported directly from credible friends in the community 15. not sure 16. Of people pulled over it seems to be mostly DWB 17. Off duty officer called police on my wife because he was blocking parking spot and my wife gave him a look of displeasure, wife was given field sobriety test for no reason. Officer was retaliation for her look of displeasure. She choose not to file a complaint. My wife doesn’t drink. It was a sad abuse of authority by the officer. 18. once personally, but have heard other stories from friends 19. Other officers have been very helpful to other people in various situations. 20. Political Affiliation 21. SEE PREVIOUS 22. Seems like they profile traffic stops sometimes. 23. Teenage drivers 24. the homeless, people addicted (police being totally insensitive and cruel) 25. The social media posts by an officer last year were very troubling and caused me to rethink any stickers on my car and yard signs promoting diversity 26. They certainly do not like to be questioned when the frat parties are crazy. They like to ignore them 27. traffic stops i have observed

28. Years ago - some profiling with traffic stops. I think that problem has improved.

Please briefly explain why you did not report it. 1. Afraid not being taken seriously 2. already explained in previous box 3. Anticipated lack of interest by WPD 4. As noted before, I have seen this during traffic stops. It takes 2 cruisers to pull over a black person. 5. Bc it has been the norms 6. Blue line 7. Confrontation adverse 8. did not experience it. 9. Did not know how 10. Did not seem necessary as it was so common. 11. Did not think anything would be done. 12. Didn’t think it would help anyone and might hurt me in the future 13. Didn't believe anything would be done about it. Someone please explain how and why a police office would give a ticket to a homeless person who could not pay it! This just leads to arrest warrants. Also, why would the police arrest a person for being mentally ill!! My own son was arrested and charged with disorderly conduct when he is schizophrenic! This is completely unacceptable. This is why the police departments need to either be trained in recognizing and dealing with mental illness or (preferably) have CIT units that can arrive and do immediate assessments. Mental illness is NOT a crime and neither is homelessness! WPD, you can do better! 14. Didn't think it would help my case 15. don't want to get involved. So of these issues parents are trying to control their kids -don't charge the parents 16. Even though I thought it was over the top urgency for (in my opinion) a skateboarding teenager in the Annehurst area (in the middle of the night), I appreciate their visibility and effort. Three cop cars arriving at my door in the middle of the night was very alarming and seemed an extreme reaction. 17. Fear of retaliation. 18. Felt there would be punishment or recognition of the problem. 19. Happened so long ago, not sure it was something to even report. 20. I believe it is part of the police culture.You cannot change people and cops are people. All you can do it make it extremely hard on them when they "bend or break" the rules of society - or the law. The away their protection (laws and unions) and they will come around just like the rest of have to. 21. I did not believe it would be well received. 22. I did not have faith that anything would be done about it. 23. I didn’t know the proper channels to report to and also didn’t get close enough to see a badge number 24. I didn’t think it would be take seriously. I thought there would be an excuse for why police were investigating. 25. I didn't actually witness it but overheard some black friends of my daughter telling her about their experience. They were stopped and frisked during early evening while crossing Cleveland

by Schrock. They were just going to McDonalds. I also had a mother of another black friend of my daughter tell me she never let her son stay out after dark because of the Westerville police. I'm white and never had to experience such profiling. 26. I didn't feel there was a way to do it without my identity being revealed. I regret that now. 27. I didn't realize it would help in any way to report. 28. I didn't think it would be acted upon, it is much too common (cops vs teens) and after my own experience in a divorce situation I simply suck it up because it was discriminatory conduct and little can be done about it. 29. I didn't think it would change things. 30. I didn't think it would do any good. 31. "I didn't think my opinion would matter. I also felt this issue garnered significant visibility and the city should have made statements that this matter was being addressed and what steps were being taken to prevent future incidents. 32. Those social media posts caused me NOT to call police when I observed things in my neighborhood for fear of racially insensitive responses. I do not feel that the entire department is biased but it is concerning in these times." 33. I do not know who to contact. To contact the police department itself seems being nosy or I should be minding my own business. 34. I don't know for sure if that is the case. 35. I have asked about unconscious bias training but so much is Wunknown...WPD should publish data related to unbiased ppractices and comparisons to national standards and goals 36. I have heard several black members of the community that report they have been racially profiled or whom have reported discrimination by WPD for traffic stops or at events. generally reporting that Westerville is not a friendly location for black or people of color. We are NOT a diverse community and we need to work on this. We need our council to represent our communities need for cultural diversity. One black man on council will NOT change things. We have old white men and a few white women leading our council. This is NOT Westerville and we need to talk about this and drive change. 37. I have not felt that Westerville is open to these types of critiques. It is not a self-critical community, especially where policing is concerned. 38. I have seen approximately 15 cars pulled over uptown and only one had a white driver. 39. I have watched the police in recent weeks get out at my next door neighbors. I am uncertain of why and need to connect with my neighbors before I make assumptions. My goal is to support them, not assume or override them. 40. I just caught wind of it. 41. I personally did not report it, but someone did. 42. I saw 2 officers questioning a black man whom I'd seen a few minutes earlier walking down the sidewalk not doing anything untoward. Since I had no further information, I could not 'assume' the situation was appropriate or inappropriate. 43. I saw facebook posts by an officer on her personal facebook page that were racially insensitive. WPD was already aware (and as far as I know, took no action.) 44. I see this routinely when officers stop high school students. race and culture all too obvious 45. I trusted that WPD knew what they were doing, and was probably operating within my own prejudice. This was a couple of years ago. If faced with a similar experience today I'd like to think that I wouldn't just walk away.

46. I ultimately trust the officers who take care of our community but our community is small. While I want to see them treating individuals respectfully, I also want my children and neighborhood safe am choosing to trust that without all the information, the officers have human kindness and professionalism. It looked bad in light of recent media events, but I did not witness brutality or force beyond the sheer number of officers present. 47. I understand that police are working with the information available at a given time. They do the best they can, learn, and when you know better you do better. 48. I was lazy. 49. I witnessed 2 police cars come up to a parked car of young black teenagers parked on a neighborhood street. They appeared to questions them and ask for id. I was not sure of the details of the response - did someone call about the car or did the police stop because it was a group of black young men - profiling by the residents or police? After a conversation the police cars pulled away and left the boys. 50. "I'm reporting it now. It was a legal case at the time and I was certain reporting it then would have escalated the WPD's aggression against my teenage son, He was pulled over less than a quarter mile from our house, in broad daylight, and charged with OVI though he passed field sobriety tests and a breathalyzer test. The car was impounded and he was charged with suspicion of driving under the influence of marijuana. 1) It was a BS charge that failed in court; 2) A hyper officer just back from 'marijuana intoxication' school was responsible, though the city's drug dog didn't alert to anything in the car after the boy gave permission to search. 51. So Shamrock towing make hundreds of dollars off the family, the son was taken downtown for a traffic violation, and the Dad who lives five blocks away wasn't called to come get the car rather than have it impounded. Westerville police need to act like Westerville residents -- way too few of them are -- and use common sense to be friendly instead of war-stance adversarial." 52. In my daily commute back and forth to work I used Schrock Rd, I often saw that the police had pulled over young black men. Usually there were multiple police cars involved. I never saw the police act inappropriately, but I also rarely saw a young white man pulled over. I also saw this happen on State Street. It looked like racial profiling to me. I was not in a position to get license plate numbers or determine the details of these occurrences. If I felt that the drivers were physically in danger, I would have reported the incidents. 53. In the last three years that we have lived in westerville, if a car is pulled over for what appears to be a routine traffic stop, there is always an additional one to two extra police cars if the driver is not white. I have also seen this happen first hand. I have been stopped by westerville police but as a white woman, back up has never been called. 54. "In years seemed like there was profiling (African Americans) by the police officers for traffic stops. That situation seems to have improved. (These were only my personal observations and from stories shared by African American friends.)" 55. It did not happen to me personally. 56. it seems odd to me that every time i see a BIPOC person pulled over there are more than 3+ police vehicles present and when it's a white person there is maybe one or two vehicles. 57. It was hard to exactly explain - The person clearly needed mental help, but the Police were the only option that came to talk to him. 58. It was reported by others to authorities 59. It was reported by someone else. 60. It was very general. At 4th Fridays and in other public events I have seen officers seem to spend more time addressing young black men than any other demographic.

61. It's anecdotal and I don't have all the information. But it certainly seems very disproportionate given the city's racial make-up. 62. just an observation 63. My teenage daughter was profiled as a drug user on a traffic stop. (she wasn't) Considered reporting it but felt it better to let her learn from it. 64. no accountability 65. no confidence that it would be taken as a serious issue 66. No confidential avenue to do so 67. No trust that anything would be done; fear of becoming a target 68. Not a priority at the time 69. Not sure how to report the fact that, anecdotally, EVERY single traffic stop I have personally witnessed on State St. has involved a Black driver. Every single one, in two years living here and I'm on the road every day. 70. Nothing changed previous time 71. nothing negative to report. who selects these catagories? Maybe they have an attitude problem. 72. same as before same incident 73. Side walks where being replace on College Ave and we could not use our driveways. Parked on a side street while this was going on and working from home due to COVID. A resident who has multiple vehicles complained since he was told he could not keep all his cars on the street. So I was told via a neighbor I had to move my car with no regards to the circumstances which were obvious. 74. Sitting on the sidelines has been too easy 75. The friend who was profiled was not interested in pursuing it. Based on his experiences in other local cities he felt it was pretty minor, 76. The officer was in the right, but this guy just wasn't nice at all. Note that I was in my late 60s at the time and I had even nodded and waved to the guy as I went by. 77. The police administration won't respond to calls, especially the chief. 78. There is not a culture here to report. Who do I report it to? What good will it do? 79. THESE REPRESENTED MARGINAL INCIDENTS DIFFICULT TO QUANTIFY. 80. they won't do anything about it 81. This is a long time ago but I have seen police officers harass high school aged kids that were not breaking any laws. 82. This was years ago at a Westerville South football game and I just didn't feel at the time that is was my place to say anything... if this happened today and I was a witness, I would certainly have a different response (I hope) and have the courage to stand with the young person and/or report the incident. 83. To be fair, this was about 7 years ago. It did not occur to me to report it. I definitely would report it if I saw it today. 84. Uncomfortable and fear of retaliation 85. unsure of what was really happening. 86. We observe more non-white people stopped on the streets of Westerville compared to the percentage of whites living here. 87. What's the use? 88. When my grandson was in his teens, it seemed like he and other teens were profiled because of their age. WPD looked for some reason to stop him, like a license plate light or other absurd

reason. That was 15 years ago, so it may not be an issue now. I didn't think it would help to report it, because it wasn't just one particular officer. 89. When you see 3 cop cars pulling over a 12 year old on a bicycle, you have to wonder what they are thinking and why? I don't know police policy so don't know if it is out of the ordinary but seems excessive and meant to really intimidate. 90. When you take someone under 18 to your jail you should call the parent immediately...not hours later 91. While driving, we notice that if there is more than one police car for a traffic stop, it is almost always a minority being pulled over. Compared to One Police car for a caucasion traffic stop. 92. Why? 93. you wouldn't do anything about it any way

In your opinion, what could WPD do to improve community relations in Westerville? 1. use media to show positive interactions and programs with invitations to join 2. "An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure" 3. Acknowledge the institution of Policing itself is racist, with origins in slave-catching. Reduce amount of officers with guns (preferably to 0, with ONLY a specialized, trained unit carrying.) 4. Actually get rid of problem cops such as Shellie Patrick. Stop having internal investigations that result in a slap on the wrist. Get rid of the FOP, which does nothing other than protect its own. No other job/career has organizations that would out right defend members of it's profession while clearly in the wrong. 5. Actually take reports and understand the services available outside of them to possibly help a person get the help they need 6. Add staff to handle mental health issues, social services issues. 7. Adopt campaign zero policy solutions 8. All available training and education 9. All of the above. 10. ALL OF THESE ARE DESIRABLE, BUT I'M NOT SURE OF WPD IS DEFICIENT IN ANY AREA 11. ALL POLICE HAVE MY SUPPORT AND GRATITUDE. I WILL LEAVE JUDGEMENT OF TRAINING NEEDS UP TO EXPERTS. 12. Always good to decrease crime.. overall WPD is absolutely Awesome 13. appreciate the work to diversity WPD and engage younger generations 14. Arrest people who do a hit and run when they are caught versus ticketing them. 15. At this time with the increased occurrence of crimes visibility and police presence are vital to maitain safety 16. be equitable in all interactions with community members 17. Be friendlier isn't the right word, be more empathetic and understanding of the serious issues that disproportionally effect citizens of color 18. Be honest. Be compassionate. Treat residents as your charges, not your adversaries. 19. Be more cognizant of how messaging is interpreted. Right now it is very easy for for "business as usual" communications to come across as pandering to those who support the policing status quo and disregarding the calls for change. If WPD treats all citizens equally and fairly, it should be embracing embracing the calls for that, not reacting defensively. 20. Be more responsive when a citizen has an issue: quicker response time, more frequent updates, more detailed and specific feedback/information. 21. Be more supportive of private initiatives

22. Be more transparent in their level of training 23. Be more transparent with regards to process and procedure, engage in racial sensitivity training 24. Be more understanding 25. Be VERY visible 26. BETTER BACKGROUND CHECKS ON NEW HIRES TO ROOT OUT RACISTS OR THOSE WITH EXPLOSIVE TEMPERS 27. Better phone etiquette 28. Bikes in the neighborhood s 29. Build relationships with all races and peoples showing the value each has to the community . 30. Cant we always be better and improve? 31. Celebrate and make known every positive action 32. Charring Cross be visible 33. choose the right person for the job 34. Communicate more about what they are doing and programs. 35. Complete crash reports properly. 36. continue prioritizing safety, regardless of upsetting any race 37. Continue providing the professional police service. 38. Continue to be visible in the community 39. continue to do a great job 40. Continue to hire people of color as officers. 41. Continued ed in dealing with mental illness 42. continued training and accountability to reduce racial bias and brutality 43. CONTROL NEIGHBORHOOD SPEEDS 44. cops don't belong in schools 45. Create a POC and police collaboration group to think about ways to create events that will contribute to community building. Most people who come to events are likely the ones who are already comfortable with police - it may be helpful to reimagine ways to produce growth by having a specific crew for this that has POC from the community as leads 46. Criminals are in parking lots at businesses in 43081, drugs, purse snatching, stalking elderly, I am 68 & handicapped afraid to go out 47. decrease juvenile crimes 48. dedicated resource at WalMart 49. De-escalation training 50. Defund police and fund social workers 51. Develop community interaction CP programs. IE -Property ID 52. developmental disabilities training/interactions 53. Disband. The money is better spent elsewhere. 54. diversify force (women, people of color) 55. diversity training including disability 56. do not know enough to answer 57. Do not reduce trading; system change require knowledge. Commitment and self assessment built through training 58. doing a great job overall 59. Domestic violence awareness/understanding 60. Don’t know 61. Don’t pretend we have a problem without evidence that one exists

62. Don't frame critiques of police brutality as "anti-police sentiment" on surveys like this. This survey feels very pro-police. It is framed in a way to frown on (rightful) criticism of police. For instance, the series of questions about "How well do you understand police challenges in the following areas?" That's a terrible survey question. 63. Don't let cancel culture ruin the good you do in our community already. 64. DON'T LET CURRENT SOCIAL JUSTICE ISSUES SWAY TREATMENT IN FAVOR OF MINORITIES - THE LAW MUST BE ENFORCED FOR THOSE WHO BREAK IT AND AS A CITIZEN, THIS IS WHAT I EXPECT FROM WPD, I DON'T CARE WHAT COLOR SOMEONE IS - THEY MUST FOLLOW THE LAW 65. don't lie under oath 66. don't target black drivers on Main St. when white drivers speed down the middle lane EVERY DAY 67. end SRO programs 68. even if they don't think it's worth it, follow up on non emergency calls. It's important to the people who call. 69. every idea I think of may be difficult in this current environment / landscape. A WPD community barbq ? or WPD attends one has thier own their making food ? This one is going to sound very possibly unsafe at this time - but somehwo some police officers walk a beat sometimes. In pairs obviously. My ideas are simply to continue to have wpd out there in the community just in different maybe "ways". I know wpd is in the community alot - imo anyway. Even if you dont use my ideas just keep on doing what you are doing to get out there. 70. Exhibit true empathy and learn crisis prevention and de-escalation, not just intervention 71. Explain to the community exactly what they are doing to end bias is the police department. 72. Finding alternatives to Police 73. fire racist cops 74. Focus on deescalation 75. Follow the rules everyone else is supposed to, including while driving 76. follow up after emergency calls to residence 77. Foot and bike patrols 78. Fund more counseling services and recognize that Police Officers are not trained social workers or able to fill the gaps created by a country that has cultural emotional challenges. 79. Fund social programs to help at-risk individuals/communities rather than policing them. Don't word questions by asking whether we know how hard it is for police to recruit and train officers in this climate, but focus on the experiences of citizens who feel like they are under constant supervision and looked at with suspicion. Be open to criticism/feedback, rather than defensive. 80. get off the police with your left wing, anti fa, black lives matter, defunding attack on the police and the constitution attack on the police 81. Get very involved in communicating with and participating with residents of color in a variety of ways 82. Have a "ride along" program like some other cities do. It sure had an impact on my brother. 83. Have a clear intolerance for racist comments/social media posts 84. Have a Q & A time at First Friday or some public event where it is friendly 85. Have an open discussion about defunding the police. The timing of passing the standalone tax levy with the passing of two officers should be discussed again. 86. Have more support from the city which they obviously do not with the questions in this survey. 87. Have people quit using the victim defense. 88. Have trained social workers on staff to respond to appropriate calls

89. Have two person bike patrols in nice weather. It would open up communications with all citizens. 90. the trainings that take place to make WPD an inclusive service that's focused on not just a multicultural approach to interacting, but taking an anti-racist approach to help end systemic racism. 91. Hire & Promote Minorities 92. hire behavioral specialists in place of some police officers 93. Hire minority officers who live / were raised in Westerville 94. hire more women and minorities 95. Hire officers with diverse backgrounds 96. Host conversations in the community and be open to listening 97. I am unsure what else can be done. 98. I believe our WPD is the Best and we are so lucky to have them 99. I believe they do an excellent job. 100. I don’t know specifically but it should be a goal to avoid conflict with minorities 101. I dpn't know of anything more 102. I grew up thinking the police were our friends and they were a community asset. That changed when my children were teenagers. There were two incidents where the police were awful and it has changed my perception. In one case, a false accusation was made against my daughter. Adult people could vouch that she was elsewhere when the incident occurred. The police officer needed to follow through on the complaint, but he called me at 2 in the morning and wanted my daughter to participate in a line up! It wasn't her, and the accusation of a blonde with a pony tail yelling something out of a truck window. The other was a ticket given to my son while working with his father and grandfather on a physics project in the Otterbein athletic fields. They were measuring the trajectory of a potato from a potato gun. They were not aware that this was shooting a weapon within city limits and a warning not to do it anymore would have been sufficient. What really angered me was that they gave a ticket to the 17 year old, not the father or the grandfather. Westerville police officers at that time had the reputation of targeting adolescents and harassing them. I hope that has changed, but I don't see police as our friends anymore. 103. I have appreciated the information on training and response to BLM shared on the City's webpage and FB page. 104. I have ideas for programs that target the teens in the city 105. I heard the chief speak at a zoom meeting of of residents. He was GREAT! Enlighten me about the WPD 106. I know police are respected here. They are exemplary! 107. I live on E Schrock Road, speed limit is 25mph. There is at least 2-3 cars going much faster than that every hour! We NEVER see cruisers around here. Very disappointing! 108. I love the WPD. I just don't know in today's climate if there will ever be enough training or resources. I don't think that someone can be "over trained." 109. I think also try to recruit more residents. 110. I think police officers should spend more time out of vehicles--walking or cycling in pairs 111. I think they should show the steps they are taking and speak out against police brutality. The seemingly iron curtain of anything cop related is discomforting, when you see bad policing elsewhere we need to know where you stand

112. I wonder if there is an opportunity to leverage the Citizen Police Academy and other community groups and organizations to create a mentorship program for at-risk youth. The police officers wouldn't be the mentors, volunteers through the CPA would be mentors, but the WPD could have positive interactions with these youth throughout the year. 113. I would like for WPD to work harder on their antiracism initiative. It would be really great to see them out of the school buildings, working with social workers, and allocating funds toward experts that are needed for some of the calls they receive. The police are responsible for too much, and I would like to see a more targeted description and jurisdiction for police so that calls are handled appropriately and without the threat of violence. I would like to add that we all have implicit biases, all of us. It takes courage and humility to work on this, but it is so important for the benefit of all of us. 114. In addition to officers being friendlier, I know it would be better for everyone involved if officers were more skilled in cultural humility and genuinely interested in the community that they serve. In other words, they do not have to sacrifice the importance of order and safety to authentically connect with the communities that they serve. 115. Increase other social services and cut down on unnecessary spending on militarized weaponry and new vehicles 116. Increased neighborhood patrols 117. Instead of more officers or more training creating a different form of help as our officers are over used and under qualified. Look at Ithaca NY and what they are potentially changing too for the betterment of their officers and community 118. Interdict Gang and drug activity and get control of vagrants on street corners. 119. Just keep learning and growing, we ALL need to be life-long learners 120. Keep officers up-to-date about interactions with members of minorities 121. Keep providing personal profiles of WPD officers in the Westerville Community Center guide and other news periodicals 122. Keep the trouble out of westerviile proper 123. Know what Quality of Life issues mean and follow them. Be involved in the city it's not just a job. 124. law enforcement in general needs to move away from all the tactical equipment that is emphasized and probably overused 125. Let people know of crime in areas of the city without disclosing specific homes or businesses. This includes traffic stops that are more than just a citation. This would include multiple police cars on the scene and car searches. 126. Let the Police do their job they were trained to do! 127. Let us know how we can help our police officers 128. Listen to concerns of POC 129. Literally the only complaint I have about WPD is that they will pull you over for going 26 in a 25 and it is ridiculous. I am the most stressed when I drive around town because I'm so worried that I will get a ticket if I get up to 28 in a 25. Seriously, stop with the tickets. I have no other complaints. 130. Look more professional, get rid of facial hair 131. Maintain a good presence in Uptown since they are moving 132. Make it clear that supporting police can also equal supporting people of color 133. Make the community aware of how officers are continuing a former teacher e were constantly updating training on new issues for serving kids and families...let us know what

is happening. Those who post on social media and show their own racial bias should not be part of this law enforcement group here in Westerville. I was disgusted and offended that that existed here in Westerville. 134. Make the police academy a safe place for diverse officers 135. Marketing? Or continued insight into servcies, etc. Social Media, editorials in newsletters and City updates, etc. Not saying you don't, and I admit Im not looking for it, but I don't readily recall those types of updates being pushed in front of me in a way that I'm forced to acknowledge. 136. maybe have some bicycle cops in the Uptown area and other shopping strips 137. measure and create organizational culture--Read and find a way to act on Resmaa Menakem's My Grandmother's Hands 138. Monitor use of retail (instructor led) student driver activity in westerville 139. More (and publicized) training regarding minority communities 140. More bike/walk time and interaction with people - less patrol car time 141. More communication to increase the community's knowledge of what they are doing to address current concerns 142. More community relations 143. More programs and or workshops on domestic violence 144. more social interaction 145. More training on drug use 146. more visibility in minority communities, especially with youth 147. more visible in neighborhoods - lots of car break-ins and porch pirates reported on ... 148. MY OBSERVATIONS RELATE WEST TO 15 OR 20 YRS AGO. 149. Need more women too. All I ever see are white males 150. New York's police department is testing a program to have Fire Department EMTs and a social worker respond to 911 mental illness calls. My African-American friends hesitate to call the police about mentally ill children because they are afraid they will be shot. I hope we can move to a different model. 151. Newsletter/social media communications 152. No extra cruisers on traffic stops of minorities, vs # used for non-minorities 153. No looking down on any citizen 154. no opinion 155. Not aware of issues 156. Not focus on minitmal speed infractions 157. Not reveal name of person who called on a disturbance at a home 158. not sure 159. Not sure 160. nothing else necessary 161. Nothing needs to be changed 162. nothing they are outstanding 163. offer Safety City 164. only hire officers that reside in westerville 165. Open the new police facility to community engagement events and activities 166. parks & bike paths patrol 167. Partol more on Sunbury Rd. between 10 & 12 PM 168. Patrol speeding on State and Spring streets more.

169. Patrol the neighborhoods more during night and early morning hours 170. Patrol where crime can be prevented instead of multiple officers helping a lady find her lost dog. 171. Please patrol parking lots of big stores to protect people from purse snatching and selling items. Also get rid of the people who are pandering at the exit of parking lots. 172. Police deserve more support from the community 173. Police more ethically and dismiss personnel who do not measure up. 174. Police speeding better 175. POLITICAL CORRECTNESS 176. positive relationships with children of all races 177. Protect & Serve All 178. Public commitment to and ongoing public relations/stories focusing only on anti-racist reform. 179. pull over speeding cars!! 180. Reallocate resources to other/new services to take over functions currently being performed by police 181. recieve implicit bias training 182. Recruit and hire more diversity. 183. Recruit more officers of color 184. Recruit more women 185. Recruit officers and leadership to match or exceed the diversity of our community 186. reduce budget, pay for mental health intervention, more deescalation training 187. reduce its size and budget 188. Remove "Blue Line" graphics from patrol vehicles. 189. Remove bad cops like the female officer who was suspended for facebook posts 190. Remove DARE, waste of money 191. remove panhandling at intersections and by retail centers 192. Reprimand citizens who call the police about black teens committing burglary when they are at their own home. 193. Require on-going Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training 194. respond to serious neighborhood fireworks safety concerns, "police" walkers with unleashed dogs 195. ride bikes downtown 196. Routine policing of parking lots, due to purse snatching and car jacking. 197. seek newspaper articles on how Westerville services can help neighborhoods 198. share more information about how policing occurs in Westerville. who gets pulled over, arrested, etc and how those numbers compare to demographics in the area. share how officers are trained to deal with things like mental health crises or 'suspicious people' who aren't seen doing anything wrong. 199. Share the info on things doing for social justice in city publications 200. Since I don’t know how many residents of color participate in police academy.....have no idea if there should be more recruits 201. Since most crime occurs from Walmart. Changing this business to a more community friendly business that fits the suburb tax scale - e.g, Trader Joes or Fresh Thyme 202. solve car break-in crimes 203. Some of city council should be ashamed of themselves! 204. Some officers have a soldier mentality and community service takes a back seat

205. stop arresting mentally ill, addicted and homeless; provide resources instead of jail! 206. stop giving candy from cruiser during halloween teaching kids to go to cars 207. Stop listening to Otterbein University WOKE agendas 208. stop people speeding on Shrock 209. Stop profiling and judging on race 210. Stop teaching DARE to kids, as it has been proven to be an ineffective program from a criminological standpoint 211. Take identity theft crime more seriously, actually do something 212. Teach more deescalation 213. Thank you for your service to our community! 214. The incident of the inappropriate social media posts last year have tainted my opinion of WPD. I realize that it was one or a small number of officers but I can't understand how such racist views were not revealed in training and other observations. I feel community relations can be improved with ongoing communications of addressing current and future incidents. People with such bias have no place in community policing. 215. There was a case in the last few months of a female officer who exhibited behavior in her personal life that indicates she is disrespectful of those she doesn't agree with and many of us believe that attitude carries over into her work. I believe she was disciplined which is good. It is unfair to paint the whole WPD with her attitude, but it is unclear how foar that attitude extends into the department. 216. They are doing a great job in a tough time! 217. They are doing an excellent job 218. They do a great job in all these areas. They just need more support from city officials 219. This is so difficult as the 'community' has to want the relationship to improve--that said finding more ways to interact in a positive way with all age groups outside of when responding to calls for assistance. And by providing information on 'what a response "looks" like and why these actions are necessary for the protection of everyone in the area. It's an odd comparison but think of childbirth classes for new parents - what to expect and why aids in understanding for everyone involved. 220. This survey seems sounds like the police are being scrutinized 221. To me, it seems like there has been less interaction since Officers Morelli and Joering were killed. 222. Track and release demographic data on traffic and other police interactions. Discontinue SRO program. 223. training to better understand diverse community &different cultures, diversify 224. Try to communicate more with people like me that really don't have a way to know much about what goes on in the community unless I put out a lot of effort to search out that information. I am not in favor of computer contact, but mail or perhaps stopping to say "" when seeing a resident in their yard. 225. Undergo the latest diversity and sensitivity training 226. Use funding for programs that have no efficacy like DARE to increase community support systems like social workers and mental health workers who work with the WPD. 227. Very satisfied with the WPD 228. VISBLE IN THE COMMUNITY BY RIDING BIKES IN TWO'S MORE THAN CRUISING IN PATROL VEHICLES. 229. Walk in the neighborhoods

230. Walking around, biking. Not always needed to be in a car 231. Walking in neighborhoods 232. Walking patrols in Uptown 233. Watch for speeding 234. Weed out police officers who are members of right wing radical groups. 235. Westerville Police do a GREAT job! 236. who selects these catagories 237. You can't recruit if they don't accept. Try to have the department by % mirror our demographics. If they do, communicate this to the community. That's what the military does.

Please briefly explain why you do not support the partnership. 1. A better choice would have been ‘Unsure’ but that wasn’t an option. Unaware of how valuable this is to the schools vs another mental health counselor on staff. 2. a school is supposed to be a safe and supportive space for learning. I understand sometimes there is violence/fights etc and it is good to have a police officer there, but sometimes having police at schools gives this perception that students are not safe/ expecting students to not be able to handle themselves. If students need help there should be counseling available in addition to resource officers. So i do support it, it should just be a part of an umbrella of support for students in distress 3. As an educator, I believe school funding could be better used for mental health and restorative practices. 4. Based on feedback I've seen from students of color in our schools, they seems intimidated by the presence of the officers in the schools. 5. Based on research on SROs in schools. 6. "Because Westerville Schools are just as dysfunctional and poorly led. 7. The entire Westerville school system needs an overhaul by clearing out all of the incompetent administrators, teachers, and ancillary providers and bringing in people that are truly dedicated to educational opportunity and equity. " 8. Children need mental health professionals and counselors - as well as systematic societal change - not law enforcement. 9. Children should not face discipline by the law in schools. Troubled kids should work with school staff, mental health counselors, social workers, and school psychologists, not police officers to resolve disciplinary issues. The school to prison pipeline is real and children’s interactions with police in schools and legal discipline follows them as they grow. 10. cops don't belong in schools, they should be replaced with therapists and social workers 11. Cops have no business being in schools unless they are called in for a crime being committed. From everything I have seen/read/experienced back when I was in school, the cops don't do anything that any other adult could do. While in many cases they end up hurting minority kids more often than helping. 12. DARE is a total waste of time and resources and I don't have confidence that resource officers are needed. 13. Do not like idea of police in schools 14. Doesn't affect my neighborhood and increases taxes. Unimpressed with professionalism of resource cops. Resources better used elsewhere

15. Educational research indicates a high correlation between the presence of school resource officers and the school-to-prison pipeline. I believe these resources would be better allocated to training and support in providing restorative practices, nonviolent crisis prevention and response, and school-based mental health support. 16. Evidence demonstrates that students of color are disproportionately punished and are often targets for SROs. SROs do not make the schools safer. 17. Examples and anecdotes suggest that the presence of SROs perpetuate stereotypes and can create hostile learning environments for BIPOC students 18. FEEL THE POLICE HAVE BETTER ACTIVITIES TO BE INVOLVED. SEEMS LIKE A WASTE OF TIME FOR THE OFFICER. 19. Feel we need more counselors and social workers rather than police to deal with the issues our students face. 20. For myself and my own children who attended WCS, we never had a fearful attitude about police or our interactions with them. However, I know from my kids that the resource officer would react very differently to them being in the hallways (clean cut white kids) than to the black students. Scholarly researched evidence demonstrates far more punitive outcomes for students of color when interacting with law enforcement and so I think it's fair to say that school resource officers present a stressful presence for some kids in the schools causing anxiety, stress, fear. So I think it's really important to weight the value of their presence over these potential harms. It's important to listen to the communities who have not felt safe with police. My voice and my feeling of personal safety and well-being is not the important voice in the room... we need to listen to those impacted negatively by this choice of a partnership between WCS and WPD.I don't know what the answers are, but when the contract was renewed to continue this partnership, it felt like an extremely ton-deaf decision. 21. From what I know, placing police officers in schools unfairly impacts students of colors and encourages the school-to-prison pipeline. 22. Funds should be spent on a social worker instead 23. Funds would be better spent on staff trained to interact with students like counselors. I have worked in two schools and neither officer built relationships with students, they just occasionally walked around while teaching staff, cafeteria staff did majority of crowd control. 24. ha they can do what ever they want. I was told they are employed by the schools and don't have to follow police rules. my daughter was interviewed by a resource office without me being notified before hand (to give permission) or even afterwards. posed an intimidating force with my daughter when not needed 25. Having the presence of police/police like figures in a school escalates situations to a level that is unneeded in a school environment. Having the police train teachers over the summer in certain skills and tactics would be a better and more supportive form of safety in schools. 26. "" 27. I am concerned that police presence will escalate youth conflicts more than a dedicated security person would. 28. I am not sure having an officer's presence is a benefit to students or the community. I believe other interactions will have more of an impact such as community meetings for youth, town halls for residents, etc. 29. "I ask myself: what purpose do they serve? The one time there was a school resource officer available during a school shooting? As I recall, and it's my niece's High school in FL, that guy ran. What are they there for? Fights? Drugs? Are they doing more harm than good in those

situations? What are they there for? To maintain discipline? Why not fund and train teachers and administrators instead? What are they there for? To build community relationships? Forgive me, but unless these folks are exceptionally personable, the opposite is a far more likely outcome. Why do we need them now when we never did when I went to school? ...We simply don't." 30. I attended middle and high school in Westerville. Each school resource officer I witnessed had great relationships with white females. They were very kind and jovial. White males they were much more stern with, didnt seem interested in having a "silly" interaction with the way they did with females. Minorities were, primarily, ignored or targeted (targeted when there was an issue needing addressed). 31. I believe money can be reallocated to provide more social/emotional support by hiring more school counselors and social workers. I have also seen SROs escalate situations that do not need escalated. 32. I believe other social service professionals should be in the school buildings to support the students and staff. 33. I believe social workers and counselors trained in trauma and ACES should be staffed instead. 34. I believe that the presence of police officers in the schools sends a message of mistrust to students. I understand that this is a complicated issue, but I do not think police presence is the right answer. 35. I believe the partnership should be with social workers and mental health providers which can improve outcomes fosr students as well as overall safety 36. I believe the SRO do not treat everyone equally. This is based on personal stories from students at WCS. 37. I do not believe law enforcement should be in schools on a full-time basis. 38. I do not believe there are safety benefits that outweigh the potential stress caused to and potential discrimination against students of color. Police in schools are not proven to prevent or stop school shootings. While there is often lip service paid to mentorship but the contracts with the schools mostly focus on discipline. Given national studies showing the ways students of color are over policed and discriminated against by SRO programs, I do not believe the Westerville program should continue without a comprehensive, external evaluation conducted by an organization with experience in race, equity, and policing and that organization should NOT be tied to a national or local police organization. 39. I do not believe we need armed police officers to control 12 year olds, and it has been shown in many studies that resource officers are more likely to unfairly restrain or arrest young children of color & instill lifelong distrust/fear. 40. I do not see any benefit with this partnership and I don't think it is appropriate for children. 41. "I do not support the partnership because a police officer is taken from serving the total City of Westerville to be assigned to an entity where discipline of students should have been done at home. If there for safety reasons, school administration should facilitate their own programs to include training and crisis management protocols." 42. I do not think it is effective and I am not sure it takes into account the changing racial diversity of Westerville and Columbus 43. I don't believe police officers belong policing in schools. 44. I don't like people with loaded weapons in schools, I don't care who they are. 45. I don't like the idea of police officers in schools. If additional security is necessary, it's preferable that they do no carry guns.

46. I don't see any positive aspects to having police in schools. Students should never be arrested in school. There should be social services in place to help students, not to punish them with law enforcement. Also, BIPOC students are taught to trust police officers when in reality, outside of school, this is not a reality. The statistics show that that police are biased against BIPOC, and there is reason for people to be afraid. Our schools should put money toward more school counselors, for many of our counselors travel between buildings and have to share their time and resources. Our students would be better served with more school counselors and nurses than with police officers in the buildings. In addition, since the Columbine High School shooting, police officers have not stopped a school shooting. I know that it can make the police feel good to be in schools, but schools should be doing what is best for students, not for police. 47. I don't see reasoning to have an officer at every school. 48. I don't support having armed police, or someone in the role of an officer, as resource officers for kids. 49. I feel a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach each day when I drop my child off at middle school and see multiple police cruisers parked in the vicinity. This is a hostile climate for students of color. Research shows that police presence does NOT make schools safer; in fact, it makes them less safe for students of color. There have been many incidents of police brutality against children in US public schools. There are other ways to make school communities safe for all students. 50. I feel that these types of partnerships disproportionally affect students of color. I would prefer to see more social workers/case managers funded by the school system to address challenges at their core, and not react only after behavior gets to the point of needing to involved law enforcement in young peoples' lives. 51. I feel that this resource is unnecessary and funds could be spent in better ways. 52. I have been a Columbus City Schools teacher. I feel that communi 53. I know the resource officer at Heritage Middle school and he is awesome! As a volunteer at Heritage I see the need for more Counselors, Therapist and Child Psychologist. The Counselors have a revolving door on their offices. 54. I support resources assisting when relevant. But I question if WPD resources are the best talent for the job. I don't know enough about what is needed. However, I do think whomever is put in that role should be someone who has been trained or obtained expertise in working in that situation. Just because you are a police officer does not mean you are/are not the best option. 55. I think that more social workers and guidance counselors would serve a better purpose in the schools. 56. I think that police officers have other more important tasks than monitoring schools 57. I work within public schools as a school counselor. The rates of students of color being disciplined is significantly higher severity of the consequences are too harsh when compared to their white peers who commit the same action. Until schools own this and take measures to change it, I do not believe we should have a police presence within schools. The margin for error and bias is too large. 58. I would be ok with the SRO's in the middle school from what I've seen if they were more visible in the hallways, popping in and out of the classrooms and not sitting in their office all day .I feel if it is just a place for them to hang out and not do anything until a fight breaks out and when school is not in session why are they at the school all day. I feel they could be more beneficial on the street if this is what they feel that their job at the school entails

59. I would like to see a non-police presence for security. Militarizing our schools has not helped with police-minority relations. 60. I would rather have the schools deal with those issues 61. if only in a safety partnership, not a criminal partnership, especially with students with mental health issues or minorities 62. I'm concerned by reports of minority students being treated unfairly in general by police in schools. 63. Increased police presence in schools does not deter behavior nor does it help students identify the root cause of behaviors. Intervention is best provided by mental health professionals. 64. Intimidating for kids 65. It is not needed. 66. It should not be the responsibility of WPD. If resource officers are truly needed then the school should hire independently 67. I've seen a lot of kids charges with crimes because of this 68. Jurisdiction conflicts. Schools should provide their own security staff. If additional assistance is required, then city police. 69. Many students of color have shared experiences that prove they are not treated the same as white students by SROs 70. Many, many students have shared stories of discrimination from SROs in our district, which indeed shapes part of my concerns about how POC are treated by officers in our community in general. There is no evidence to show that SROs make schools safer, but a lot of evidence that they result in higher rate of suspensions, expulsions and arrests that funnel kids into the criminal justice system. 71. May lead to kids' activities being criminalized. A kid I know had a swiss army knife in his backpack, and was suspended and referred to police. Not taking it out, no threats to use it, he was being searched for cigarettes, they found the knife and called police, or the SRO. Having police in schools leads to more potential discrimination and possible criminal records for kids of color. 72. More applicable to social worker-type person 73. more effective and appropriate using non-police resources 74. More responsibility needs to go to parents to teach children values and self-control. 75. "No major U.S. study has been produced that conveys the efficacy of SROs in preventing violent incidents in schools. According to the Justice Policy Institute, there is no link between rates of violent incidents and the presence of SROs. Americans have seen firsthand how SROs fail to protect students in times of need; the SRO on duty during the Marjory Stoneman Douglas HS massacre merely stood around while students lost their lives. Rather than promoting safety efforts, School Resource Officers instead turn their attention towards policing minority populations at a remarkably disproportionate rate. At Westerville North High School, Black students make up 24% of the population, yet account for nearly 48% of suspensions; Black students at this school are 4.1 times more likely to be suspended than their white peers. " 76. No need to have resource officers in schools. 77. No police in schools! 78. not aware 79. Not necessary 80. OFFICERS SHOULD BE IN LOCAL AREA, NOT ON SITE. MAKES SCHOOL FEEL LIKE A PRISON. 81. Police are not trained to deal with mentally ill kids.

82. Police do not belong in schools. Teachers belong in schools. The mere presence of Police in schools sends a terrible message about how problems get solved. 83. "Police do not belong in schools. They are not trained to help youths in crisis, but to enforce a very strict set of rules. This leads to trauma, and a further distrust of officers - Especially for Queer and POC Youths. The Police are already overtaxed. Instead, this programming should provide for more Social Workers and Crisis Intervention services." 84. Police do not make schools safer. Their presence creates a culture of fear in our youth. 85. Police don't belong in schools, counselors do. 86. Police don't belong in schools. Mere presence indicates they expect children to engage in criminal activities. Doesn't make schools safer, just makes kids uncomfortable and anxious. 87. Police have no business in schools. It conditions children for government-backed coercion and normalizes official violence against deviance. They're kids, not criminals. 88. Police have no place in our schools. Shown to cause harm to students of color. 89. Police in schools really have no job to do. An angry student ends up handcuffed just because a officer was there when the school staff was dealing with a typical outburst. Schools need help from mental health professionals, not police. 90. Police officers could be used elsewhere and the schools could pay a social worker instead 91. police officers do not belong in schools 92. Police officers do not belong in schools there should be more funding to social workers mental health professionals, counselors, and substance abuse intervention specialists. 93. Police officers do not belong in schools. Schools are not prisons; and students are not criminals. They’re children. Social workers and counselors should be present. 94. Police officers do not belong in the schools. They tend to treat children as adult criminals for minor offenses. The schools need to take care of the behavior issues and other non criminal activity. Police should the the last resort. 95. Police officers do not need to be in schools. Regular monitoring of student behavior should fall on parents,school staff and teachers. 96. Police officers have no business interacting with children on a daily basis. It reinforces an early and unnecessary introduction into the criminal justice system and I don’t believe police officers are properly trained to interact with children specifically. 97. Police should not be in schools. As a mental health professional with substantial experience working with both schools and law enforcement, it is not a healthy partnership. Schools should be expected to manage all but the most extreme incidents themselves. Having police in school buildings has been shown to increase the likelihood of use of physical force and criminal justice system on youth, espcially youth of color. 98. Police should not have a permanent role within the schools 99. "Research does not show that increased presence of law enforcement makes schools safer. Instead, school police officers reinforce the criminalization of young people of color, serving as a key component of the school-to-prison pipeline. Black and Latinx students are more likely to be disciplined, suspended and arrested in school when police are present. Copied from experts better at articulating this issue than I am, (" 100. Research has shown without proper training, school resource officers have implicit biases that may perpetuate the stereotypes of people of color. To support the partnership, I would need to know the extent of the training SROs have, the ratio of SROs of color to White SROs, and the extent to which the SROs reflect the ethnic/racial composition of the school where they work. Also, to what extent are SROs explained to new students and their families. Police are defined

differently across cultures. How does the SRO partnership reach out to immigrant and newer families to the US? 101. School staff know the students while officers rely on second hand information and their biased judgements. they ten to think it they are called in then the kids must be guilty. 102. Schools are for teachers and students. Both teachers and students should solve their own issues. Only bring in WPD when law is broken. 103. Schools don’t need police officers they need social workers 104. SCHOOLS NEED TO PAY THE COST OF THE OFFICERS 105. Schools should be a place of safety and corrective action, not policing underage students 106. Schools should hire its own security staff 107. Should not take officer from community duties to police schools. In my opinion that should be the school's responsibility. 108. Sro program is not necessary in westerville 109. Studies of the use of School Resource Officers in schools have found that there is a bias in the treatment of marginalized populations by those officers. 110. Studies show that having police officers in schools makes it more likely that minor school discipline issues will be referred to the juvenile court system. The school-to-prison pipeline is a big problem in our country, especially for youth who are not white. 111. Systemic racism affects interaction between resource officers and students. 112. Ten years ago, WPD hand-cuffed elementary school students and stained the community. I haven't forgotten. School discipline is a function for schools, not police officers. 113. That doesn't seem like the appropriate role for police. It should be handled by a more relevant party. 114. The cost of such a program. We pay for the officer and then feel as if I'm paying again with school taxes. I'm a little biased as I don't have children and most of my taxes are for schools I've never used. These school costs may drive me out of Westerville. Schools need to better manage their costs instead of relying on property taxes to solve all their problems. 115. The officer should be on the street instead of being in schools 116. The police should be allowed to do police work that they're trained for. I think we ask too much of the police. 117. The police should not be tied up in the schools. It is the schools job to keep the kids in control, They have all the administration we are paying for should be doing the work. 118. The presence of police in schools is still highly debated as one indicator of the school-to-prison pipeline. Until research shows that police presence is helpful to keep students safe and officers are trained well, I don't like the idea of police in schools. 119. The program is flawed - including the distinction between the two police forces providing services. The training required is not sufficient. The city and school do not keep appropriate statistics to measure it. 120. The school system should pay for the officers time and benefits. 121. The schools should be eligible to hire a security guard/s rather than a police officer. I don't believe using police resources in schools helps anyone. 122. The schools should have their own security people. Cops are too expensive to use as a babysitter. 123. The schools should partner with the department but I don't think an officer needs to be in the school every day 124. There are many reported stories of minority students feeling targeted by SROs.

125. There should not have to be a trained police officer patrolling a bunch of kids. Let the schools get their own security 126. They are doing the job of parents. Where are the parents in disciplining their own children? Too many parents expect the "government" to "parent" their kids. The result is that we have to pay others to be on guard in the schools and other social settings. We need to stop having 'others' subsidize the role of parents... 127. They don’t belong in schools! Schools have to learn and take responsibility for their own security and safety, something they used to do. 128. "this enforces the school to prison pipeline. teachers use cops for discipline" 129. This hasn’t protected my kids in physical situations and creates a culture of fear for minority kids 130. This is an old and long list, but as briefly as possible: "The Big Lie" under former Police Chief Mike Clancy; the lawsuit against the Westerville South HS SRO for asking a hispanic male registering for classes to provide proof of citizenship, in violation of federal law; and the routine practice of that same SRO, permitted by South administrators, to conduct daily body searches of students he didn't like ... for starters. 131. Throughout Central Ohio, the state and country it has been shown that resource officers target minority/black/brown/lower socio-economic students at a much higher rate than, in my mind, is acceptable. We need to focus on communication not hierarchies and social dominance. 132. Too adversarial 133. Too much negative media attention on SRO's nationwide using excessive force on children, often kids w/ special needs. 134. Too much power over kids. 135. too often use police when social services are needed; children should not be treated like adults 136. Unless equal treatment of all students is guaranteed, I think the Resource Officers can do more harm than good. 137. Unnecessary and biased against people of color 138. Until it is proven that the police can simply be an accountable resource for good in schools, I am not certain they do much good. Many mass shootings have happened w resource officers on site. So, it is difficult to understand their role. 139. "Until there is more of a minority presence within the existing officers, minority students will continue to feel scrutinized rather than feel protected. It appears to be surveillance rather than protection. 140. The only benefit is to have someone with a firearm at the school entrance in case another idiot shows up to any of our schools looking to harm someone." 141. Waste of police personnel, doesn't change what is happening in schools. 142. waste of tax payer money 143. waste of taxpayer money 144. While presence may be important, there are other professionals more suited to the tasks of helping young students with personal issues. I agree with the idea of broadening the resources for other types of resources rather than having police be the resource for everything. 145. Worried the resource is punishment based not socially supportive

Please use the space below to further comment or explain interactions with WPD, either positive or negative. 1. I have met several officers in different surroundings, they have always been courteous and kind 2. I’m pleased with the Westerville police Department. 3. My only interaction with Westerville police is that when there is a traffic accident, it seems like there is always multiple police cars on the scene. 4. We do not use social media or have smart phones. We both use antenna tv and desktop computer only, so being on a city news email list would be helpful. We would like to understand our local situation better. Our email is [email protected] 5. "1. Not enough respect for or understanding of bicyclists. 2. In some of my police interactions, the police have demonstrated authority over being there to serve and help. 3. I have also seen police do great things, helping change tires, taking lost kids home, etc. 4. In elementary school programs I do not feel comfortable with the police officers lessons about the danger of strangers, while not addressing the fact that most abuse of children is by people known to the child, not strangers." 6. A WPD officer came to the scene of a traffic/property damage incident. They patiently let me explain the details of the incident as I pointed out the evidence. But that concluded the matter. I believe that they would have caught the perpetrator if they had simply communicated with the local auto repair shops about a vehicle with specific damage. But as i understand, no action was taken. 7. About 30 years ago I was walking my dog off leash early on a summer Sunday morning. She took off and an officer stopped me and asked what I was doing. When I told him, he asked if I would like a ride to find her. When we found her he let me put her in the police car back seat where I was sitting and he took us home. I was very over-whelmed with his kindness! 8. Actually my interactions with WPD were very positive. They involved my grandchildren and car damage and domestic violence between my granddaughter and her latest boyfriend. The question my wife and I had was why so many police vehicles show up. They are always very friendly, courteous and knowledgeable. 9. After there were assaults at the local Walmart, there has been a police presence there. I truly appreciate that. 10. Again, I feel my voice is not so important in this conversation. I personally have had several positive interactions with officers from WPD, and I guess perhaps I feel like WPD is concerned and working hard to address the systemic issues of racial inequity experienced historically. I don't have any answers other than to really listen and involve diverse community leaders in conservation surrounding WPD policies and community outreach. 11. All interaction has been professional and positive. 12. All interactions have been courteous and friendly 13. All interactions have been positive. 14. All interactions I have had with Westerville Officers have been very positive. They do a very good job of interacting with the community. 15. All interactions I have had with WPD have been positive and professional 16. All interactions with the WPD have been informal and positive. 17. "All my interactions and also my family's interactions have been positive. Under the current environment they are doing a great job. Support should be shown by council and city management. Why are there not any open sections for the other sections and only for the police

department? If you wanted my opinion about city services then each section should have the same open comment section. The questionnaire itself seems biased against the police department and envoces negative responses. It seems the questionnaire was developed with a negative connotation. " 18. All my interactions with WPD have been professional, pleasant and responsive. 19. All my interactions with WPD have been very positive. 20. All of my interactions have been positive. 21. All of my interactions have been positive with the WPD. They were essential in saving the life of my son when he had his choking accident. I've also interacted positively with them during a traffic stop and at 4th Friday. However, I did witness an interaction on two occasions with a Hispanic individual where I believe they detained the person longer and treated him with more suspicion because of his ethnicity although in the end he was not ticketed or charged with anything. 22. All of my interactions have been very positive. I feel that too many people stereotype all police regardless of what is real, and that is not helpful to the relations. I am also one to listen to concerns some have and ask questions for understanding of their experiences, and I often find they had not really had any personal experience that created that opinion. Westerville in particular has rallied behind the pain of losing 2 police officers and I have never seen a community come together as they did here. I hope that support continues as it is what makes Westerville a great community. 23. All of my interactions with Westerville Police, for the most part, have been positive. I approve and support them, though feel continued education is important for all careers (specifically pertaining to continued training on diversity, mental health, drug usage in youths, and safety (firearms training). 24. All of my interactions with WPD have been very positive. 25. All of my personal interactions over the years have been positive, and respectful. Having raised 3 children here, I've had opportunities to interact with police more than once (minor offenses, small kids calling 911, etc) - and it has always felt like a partnership. Other needs for police at the home, or local events have likewise matched the "protect and serve" motto that I believe is important. 26. All of our family's interactions with WPD over the years have been good ones - even the traffic stop. But we are white, and I (and other members of our family) HAVE personally witnessed incidents of police brutality against black citizens in other cities (NOT in Westerville). Not only have we not witnessed this type of behavior by WPD officers, we aren't aware whether there has been a problem here, which is why I don't feel equipped to answer the questions about whether further diversity training is required. I was happy to read in this survey about the training WPD has already instituted for its officers. 27. All of our interactions with WPD have been incredibly good. We feel safe, protected and respected here. Captain Spoon is an incredible leader in our community and cannot thank him as well as his staff for all they do on a daily basis. 28. All of the WPD that I have seen are white. 29. All police interactions have been very positive. 30. All positive. Keep up the great work 31. All positive...... quit trying to stir the racial pot 32. Almost all my interactions have been very positive.

33. Although I have not had or personally witnessed any discriminatory interactions with WPD, I do notice that almost every car I ever see pulled over on State Street/Sunbury Rd./Maxtown Rd. is usually a minority driver (often younger) with an older more rundown vehicle. I do not necessarily think that racial bias is playing a part in these individual instances, but it's not a good look and if I'm noticing, then other drivers and residents notice too. 34. Although my kids are adults now, I want to mention that I still appreciate and thank the WPD having interactions, programs within the schools and the youth. 35. Always a smile and a wave when patrolling our area. 36. Always do a good job and are professional in doing their job. 37. Always friendly and helpful with direct interaction and always wave hello on patrol. 38. Always great to see them at community events just walking around and available to talk about nothing in particular. 39. Always have had positive, friendly, and professional interactions with WPD. I think highly of our officers and feel they desire our respect in a very challenging environment. 40. Always positive experience 41. always positive interactions 42. "Always positive! They are friendly and helpful. I feel safe at all community activities. Westerville Rocks!" 43. Always positive, respectful, and engaging 44. Always upmost professional and friendly interactions. 45. Any concerns I have about WPD are not specific to WPD (other than the fact they seem to pullover a lot of Black people). I just want to ensure that WPD is taking this moment to assess how it interacts with marginalized communities. Anti-racism work should be a priority. 46. any interaction I have had with W.P.D. HAS BEEN POSITIVE,I do not believe in all this police reform crap it is nothing but crap,if you are not on the street every day second guessing the police is just that, wolda, coulda, shoulda, is just that,if you dont trust the police makes me wonder what YOUR up to, ya get me 47. Any interaction I have had with WPD has been positive. I have no complaints. 48. Any interaction I’ve had with a WPD officer has been positive, including a traffic stop where I was cited. 49. Any interaction I've ever had was courtious and professional. 50. Any interactions have been positive and polite. 51. Any interactions I've ever had have been positive 52. Any interactions within the community, in general, have been very pleasant. 53. Anytime any interaction has been positive. Socially (4th Fridays or seeing any officer out at community events) or when I was attacked by a dog. 54. Appropriate timely response, proper communication & non-judgemental response to others responsible for incident. Officer stayed focused on situation & safety of ppl while opinions are shouted toward them. 55. As a 50-something-year-old white woman all of my interactions have been extremely positive. When I see police officers in the community or helping to safeguard an event or area, I always say hi and thank them for their work. They always respond in a friendly way. Over the 23 years i have lived here, I have had a few occasions to call the police to come check out something (non- emergency situations, all) and they have always been very responsive, quick to arrive, kind, thoughtful and patient. Any time I have called, the person answering the call has acted in the same way.

56. As a domestic violence victim I did not feel like the police took my calls seriously and I stopped calling for that reason. They were not helpful when called to my house. I have heard since the loss of Officers Joering and Morelli the department has instituted DV awareness programs. I have had good experiences with the school resource officers and I hope they maintain their positions. The officers involved with the community missing person searches for Emily Noble were helpful and good to work with. I hope that all available WPD resources are being used to bring justice to her death. 57. "As a graduate of Citizen's Police Academy and a member of the Alumni Association, I have had extensive contact with Officer John Jeffries, and those interactions have been, without exception, professional, friendly, productive, and engaging. I did my CPA ride-along with Officer Ruth, and it was a wonderful experience: comfortable, informative, interesting. He did an excellent job that evening, both in the conduct of his regular duties and in ensuring that I had a meaningful experience. In the course of that event, I also had contact with Officer Platt and Officer Schleve (not sure of the spelling), and would have similar positive impressions of them. In the course of attending Cops & Kid Day and in public meetings at City Hall, I have also had conversation with Lt. Allaway and Officer Pignatano, also positive, friendly and informative interactions." 58. As a graduate of the WCPAAA, I have had interaction with several Westerville Police Officers. They have always, always been professional, willing to share their knowledge and experiences and very respectful. I was here for 2/10/18 and have a great deal of respect for the entire Police force. They face dangerous and life threatening situations every day. I thank them for keeping our city safe and I support them 100%. 59. As a longtime resident, I find it appalling that the Westerville Division of Police is the only city division singled out with this survey and scrutinized because of "Social Unrest". At the beginning of this section, you talked about policing and public safety. Is fire not a component of public safety? You have no concerns about your Fire Department and their interaction with the community? 60. As a teacher in Westerville schools, I invited police officers to talk with my students, and that was very helpful. I think more of that should be done. 61. As a white female, I’ve only had positive interactions with WPD. I don’t know that my friends who are black or in a minority can say the same thing. There are old white neighbors on my street who literally call the police because our black neighbors are walking the neighborhood, the street on which they live, because they look “suspicious― and it makes me ill. Racism is still very real in Westerville and as I work to be anti-racist, I hope the WPD is as well. 62. As an interracial household, our overall perception of the WPD is that they are professional and courteous. We greatly appreciate and respect the men and women who serve in the WPD. We do not support defunding or replacing traditional law enforcement. 63. AS AN OLDER WHITE WOMAN, MY INTERACTIONS WITH WPD ARE MUCH DIFFERENT FROM WHAT I SEE IN THE COMMUNITY. I GET A SPEEDING TICKED, ONE OFFICER INVOLVED. MINORITY CAR PULLED OVER, MULTIPLE CARS AND OFFICERS RESPOND. 64. Based on my limited interaction with WPD, I believe they do a very good job protecting and serving our community. The few times that I have interacted with a WPD officer I have always found the officers to be responsive and professional. 65. Based on the current environment and media, I think it would be very difficult to be a police officer. We support the many good men and women who have chosen a career as a police officer.

66. Being a cop today is hard, I get that. Being accountable is also hard but private sector jobs mandate accountability and do not have special laws or strong unions to protect when a mistake is made such as we have seen over the past few months. I appreciate the good cops and the service they provide. 67. Being a liberal white male, my opinions about race issues in the WPD are of no importance. I do believe that the WPD leadership must ensure that officers are trained properly and that the officers actually accept the training. I am certain that the police that knelt on Floyd's neck were trained, but they apparently didn't use their training to de-escalate the situation. 68. Being familiar with the police environment, I feel WPD does a great job in a world of increasing scrutiny where good officers are judged by those that use poor judgement or tactics. That's unfortunate, but you have to give credit where credit is due. It's a tough job. 69. Being patient and understanding will go a long way for both sides of an issue. I would like to think that is currently the case. 70. Best persons of color, my wife and I are very pleased with Westerville police department. I cannot express to you in words how much it meant to us when the chief of police commented in the days after the George Floyd killing. The fact that he did that meant so much to us and told us that Westerville is a town that is Open and can be sensitive to the needs and feelings of all of its residento. It is evident that Westerville Pl. importance on treating all residents fairly and with dignity. That is one of the reasons we love this town so much! The job is never done though. Please keep up the good work. 71. Best police force in the country, we support them! 72. Biggest issue about friendliness is I've talked with a few and heard from others the PO sometimes acts 'large and in charge'. This isn't the best way to interact with citizens. Police officers used to be referred to as Peace Officers. Start with that approach and I suspect problems with cooperation and interaction will be reduced. 73. Burglary at residence, police responded quickly, caught thief,some items returned to us. My son, witness, able to ID thief from photos that police brought to our home. Less stressful for my son. Didn't have to go to court. 74. Citizens fought the addition of a Walmart store to our community. I'm suspicious of this survey, predisposing its out come in order to tax up for more police enforcement based on the tainted tilt of so many police questions. City council should chase Walmart for money or chase them out. No I'm not a nut case. 75. City of Westerville due to past counsel members allowing apartments on the south side and the north side in the heart of Westerville such as the ones on Gentlewind and Hoff road have changed Westerville from a bedroom community to opening the door to more crime and domestics. Westerville police are now dealing with a criminal element that they have not experience before as officer's like myself that have experienced it in the inter city of Franklin County. Apartments are best left on the outskirts of the city because no matter how nice they are at first new management comes in rents go down problems begin. 76. Cops and kids every year 77. DARE is also a waste of resources. 78. "DO A GREAT JOB" 79. Do not even consider removing police from our schools. I have years of experience and stories on how the SRO’s have helped my child and without the SRO’s, the situations could have escalated to a very bad situation. I am not the only parent that can share similar experiences.

80. don't know a lot about WPD, but feel comfortable with them and their work and interaction with the public 81. "Don't Know Anything About It" 82. During the 16 years I have been a resident, I have been told by a trusted source of officers fabricating excuses for traffic stops. Also of the department refusing to respond to non emergency calls presumably due to some officer or department bais toward some residents. Hence my earlier comment about the need for more ethical policing practices. 83. Each time that I have been in contact with WPD officers they have been very courteous and professional. I have nothing but total respect for the department and the officers that represent our community. 84. Easy access and communication to build relationship in a positive way would be a beginning to remove some of the mystery and fear around autority figures....i.e. police 85. Encourage implicit bias training. 86. Enjoy doing the Survey 87. Even though I identify as white, my husband is from an underrepresented community, and I am concerned for his safety (and sometimes mine) when we are in the general public inside and outside of Westerville. To this end, even as middle aged people, extremely law-abiding citizens, he even being a retired police officer, there is still an unsettling feeling of not knowing the level of trust that he will encounter if he interacts with law enforcement. Fortunately, the very few interactions with law enforcement that we have had in Westerville have been positive and affirming, and we are grateful. Lastly, we are thankful for Westerville officers and all service leaders and we are concerned for their well being--physical, psychological, emotional, etc. because we understand that the work of service, while extremely rewarding, can be depleting and difficult. 88. Even though I regularly see patrol cars go down my street, they never seem to care about the MANY speeders that also come down East College Avenue, many times daily people will go well over the 25mph speed limit. Occasionally they bring in digital speed signs which helps for a month or so until they remove them, then people are back to speeding. 89. Even when I received a traffic violation, the officer was professional and courteous. Several officers have also helped in animal control (injured racoon) and again, totally professional and helpful. 90. Every citizen, including police officers, have a right to due process. Our WPD, as well and thousands of other PDs, have unfortunately and unfairly been discriminated against. I don’t expect perfection, I expect excellence. I have not encountered a situation that would lead me to believe that our WPD has given us anything but excellence. Mistakes can be made, and should be dealt with accordingly. I apologize for anyone who has expressed unjustified negative feelings to those in blue. 91. Every encounter I've had with WPD has been good. When we experienced a robbery they were there immediately and continued to update us with information. They do an excellent job and I would trust them with my life. 92. Every interaction I’ve had with the Westerville police has been excellent and very helpful. 93. Every interaction I've ever had w/ the WPD have been positive, respectful, and pleasant. In my experience, I've found that their responses have been appropriate in any given situation. 94. Every interaction I've ever had with WPD has been positive.

95. Every interaction we have ever had with the WPD has been positive, professional and respectful. I support our WPD completely and believe that selection of officers is done with great care. More officers of color would be helpful while maintaining quality. 96. Every interaction we have had has been positive. We feel comfortable and cared about. WPD officers are professional, caring and involved. We have had them respond quickly and professionally when needed over 40 plus years. We enjoyed our kids attending Safety City years ago, Cops and Kids for our grands and meeting officers out in the community. 97. Every police officer I have interacted with has been kind, professional, nothing short of excellent. However, I am white, and according to my Black friends, my experience is not always theirs. 98. Every time I have interacted with them, they seem kind of arrogant. And I'm an old fairly affluent white guy. 99. "Every WPD officer I've ever dealt with has been a white male and I have lived in the community for my entire life. In the few times I've needed to call them for being harassed in the community by men, I've been made to feel that I was the problem. When I was aggressively followed during an incident of road rage, the officer asked if I cut off the other driver. When I was followed to my car in uptown Westerville by a Trump supporter who was recording me, I was asked if I ""provoked"" the person by engaging with them verbally. While I am white, so I am not afraid for my life calling the police for help, I have only really ever experienced condescension and victim blaming in my interactions. " 100. Excellent interactions and service. Keep up the good work! No complaints whatsoever. 101. Extremely proud and grateful to our officers and WPD staff. 102. Fond memories from my children on interacting with Anthony Morelli at Westerville South and at the library. His contributions are not forgotten. 103. For a number of years we neighbors in Old Mill have repeatedly complained of speeders...especially since MI Homes were built at the north end. We have requested increased patrols/radar/speed bumps, etc. to no avail. Some speeders have actually breached the curb. No one listens. We have spoken directly with WPD...nothing. Someone is going to get killed. 104. For some one like myself, we always give and get back a wave when we see a cruiser, and that is appreciated. I do think interaction is important. I believe a bike patrol would be a good idea. They could strike up conversations, especially with the youth. The could be seen as non- confrontational and actually learn of concerns. I once told a police officer, "you must know every kikid in the city", he smiled and said "Yep"! 105. From my perspective I think WPD does an excellent job. he officers that I know and have dealt with have been people of good character and represented Westerville well. 106. Generally, the WPD has a very good reputation. I have heard more than once that WPD stops teens in cars more than other people. The officers I have talked to (only a couple) have been nice. I don't like the black uniforms because they can't be seen at night - a serious problem in traffic situations. I understand the issue of being a target for bad guys when they can be seen, but 2/9/18 showed us that bad guys will target officers in any situation. I am glad the WPD has not had the type of publicity that Columbus PD has had re: interactions with minority people and that is a positive credit to WPD. It helps me feel safe and that I would be treated fairly in an interaction with WPD. I am in favor of the WPD and think they are doing a good job. 107. Get them out of their cars once in while in the neighborhoods so can meet personally

108. God bless our officers and their families! Those who serve with the proper motives in maintaining law and order making a huge difference for our wonderful community! God has created all people with varing skin tones. 109. God bless our officers. 110. Good in a community especially when they’re at the fourth Friday I hope the pandemic doesn’t cause that to stop 111. good job in the Westerville Special Olympics (WSO) Police and Fire Basketball game with the WSO Athletes. we missed it this year. 112. GREAT JOB - Keep up the great service and take PRIDE in what you do 113. Hang in there, I know it's tough, but we support you. 114. Have always had great interaction with WPD over the almost 4 decades in the Community...... they have always been professional, friendly, willing to help if needed...... The only reason I did not put the highest rating for Animal Control, is because I think Kim needs help. She cannot do it all. She is wonderful, but cannot do it alone. Love our WPD and hope that Leadership does not tie their hands with a lot of political correctness. They need our full support to carry out the duties that they are trained for. Would never support defunding them one penny. They deserve all the assistance (monetary and emotional) that Westerville is able to give for all that they do. Let them do the work they are trained to do whenever they need to do it. They should never be told to stand down when faced with criminal activity. 115. Have chatted with officers on several occasions - during 4th Fridays, chance encounters in public, etc., and have ALWAYS found the officers to be approachable and considerate. Our current culture of police hating is based on media hyper-reporting of a number of terrible events, which, while reprehensible, are NOT indicative of typical police behavior. Rather, they’re selected to achieve the greatest possible ratings and viewer reactions. One rotten apple spoils the whole barrel... 116. Have never had any problem with the WPD even when my kids were teens 117. Have not had an opportunity to converse w/WPD; but I think it would be positive. 118. Have only had positive interactions,seems like they do a great job 119. Having grown up in Westerville and lived in several other cities, I can say that in my experience the Westerville PD is extraordinarily professional. I have been a community leader in another city of similar size and can say that the WPD is much more effective and community oriented by comparison. While I am fully aware of the national dialogue on race and police-community relations and I support the need for attention on these issues, I am not aware of any pattern of misbehavior or complaints relating to the WPD. I think they do a great job. 120. Hire the best people. Hirng by color is racist. 121. I enjoyed the tour of the future police facility on Huber Village Blvd. I also thought things were handled well during the Democratic debate and the Black Lives Matter protests uptown. 122. I always feel safe and comfortable when interaction with a Westerville police officer. 123. "I am a middle aged, law abiding white man with no criminal record. I don't have any problems with the police. I joke around with them at 4th friday, have no fear in talking to them and wouldn't hesitate to ask for help in any situation. But that doesn't mean I don't understand when our minority communities say they don't feel the same way. I don't think I've personally ever done anything overtly racist, but that doesn't matter. Historically speaking white people have often done so, and the society that resulted has tilted the table in my favor. My job is to acknowledge that, be aware of it, and work to create a more equitable society for the future. It's the same for police. A particular officer, or the Westerville police department itself may be

perfectly innocent. But that doesn't matter. Historically, police have oppressed people of color, and that history is there in any interaction now. So it is the responsibility of police officers to be aware of that history, and to work towards a more equitable future." 124. I am a person of color. In the past ten years, I had two interactions w/WPD and both times, the officers were courteous, informative, and respectful. 125. I am a runner and used to see officers patrolling all of the time. This made me feel like someone was watching out for me. Now, I can't tell you the last time I saw someone patrolling when I've been out. I would love to get that feeling again that someone was watching out for me. 126. I am an adamant believer in the defunding police idea. "Defunding the police" simply means reducing police department budgets and redistributing those funds towards essential social services that are often underfunded, such as housing, education, employment, mental health care, and youth services. 127. I am an older white citizen who grew up in Westerville. Currently I feel nothing but respect from WPD, but have no knowledge of other issues. As a retired teacher I remember that it was sometimes helpful to have school resource officers there, but the climate may have changed since I retired over 20 years ago 128. "I am concerned with the drug activities happening at The Red Roof Inn on South Street next to my daughter’s school. I understand there have been dozens and dozens of incidents at that hotel. I have written a letter to the mayor and city Council members. I have written a citizen statement to be read at the city council meeting but it was not read at the meeting, the issue was just brought up and glossed over. I was told I would receive a call back from the city manager’s office, but that has not happened. I have been aware that this is a hub for drugs for at least three years. read. I have not received a call back. I am concerned for my daughter safety as well as the other students at the elementary, middle school, and high school at Oakstone Academy. On the other hand, my other interactions with police officers have been positive, especially the yearly basketball game with Special Olympics." 129. I am fairly new to the community and have not had any interactions with WPD. I have not heard of any instances which would make me question the actions of the WPD, but I do believe policing in general needs reform and I understand the public’s distrust of law enforcement, especially for people of color. I am glad to hear of all of the training required for WPD and that makes me feel like they are far ahead of most police departments in terms of equality and fair treatment. I hope Westerville residents are informed of these training requirements and extra efforts (such as this thorough survey). It sets a good example for neighboring departments to follow. 130. I am from Massillon Ohio and know the Morelli family there. I still ache over our two wonderful police who were murdered here. 131. I am glad this type of interactions exists. Just wish it was doing more and had a bigger impact. 132. I am glad to see Chief Chandler being transparent and vocal in social media to help humanize the WPD. I feel that giving a platform for people to interact with him directly helps break down barriers. 133. I am impressed with the Westerville Police and have noticed they are more visible in the neighborhoods. At first I always warned friends to watch their speed in Westerville but now I see the police as a more integral part of the community. 134. I am not a person of color and I've never had a negative interaction with WPD. My opinion is there is always room for improvement with minority relations.

135. I am overall happy with WPD. I understand that as a white person I do not know how WPD interacts with BIPOC community members. I do expect that WPD treats all people without prejudice and I have not witnessed any interactions to make me doubt WPD's commitment to police Westerville in a fair and equitable manner. I simply worry that in our current charged atmosphere it can be difficult. I would only like to say that I support WPD and their goal of keeping Westerville safe and I hope that I will not be forced to reevaluate these views. 136. I am proud of our police department!! After the tragedy of losing 2 wonderful officers, Anthony Morelli and Eric Joering I saw how our community came together and mourned for their loss and was proud to be a Westerville resident! I will always keep up my blue ribbons! 137. "I am sorry there is a culture out there that is blaming their problems on the police department. I think Westerville has a great group of individuals who try their best to perform their duties in the best interest of our community. I hope that Westerville does not succumb to the bulliness of a few who choose not to follow the rules that the society requires. Westerville has a silent majority who have supported this community and made it the wonderful city it is. Do not allow a few to taint our city or its law enforcement. I appreciate very much our police department. I am sorry to see the City Council and School board allowing themselves to be swayed and bullied by a few. Side note.....our Parks and Rec System is awesome!!" 138. I am supportive of our police and think they do a very good job. However WPD, like all institutions, has systemic racism built into it. Only intentional work can root this out. I am glad that Westerville seems to be taking a pro-active and open approach to the work that needs to be done. 139. I am thankful for our officers and leadership 140. I am very disappointed that Westerville feels required to add the line of racialized questioning around police interactions. The prevailing narratives around police interactions with minority communities in the United States has been consumed by and logical fallacies. There is NOT an epidemic of violence or poor behavior on the part of police. It happens in very exceptional cases and, when it does, the officers are held to account. There IS an epidemic of media misinformation for partisan political purposes. It's very unfortunate how we have decided to treat our law enforcement officers and ultimately we will pay a price for it. I'd expect more from Westerville's leaders than to simply tow the party line. Have courage. 141. I am very proud of our Westerville Police. They operate with utmost respect and attentiveness to community needs. 142. I am very satisfied with the service of Westerville Police Department. 143. I am white and privileged. I believe WPD should make every effort to diversify at every opportunity. I think WPD should make ongoing training of all kinds (sensitivity, 1st aid, marksmanship, driving, traffic control, operations, tactics, etc.) a priority, even if it means expanding the force. 144. "I am wholly supportive of the WPD. I have personally found them to be respectful to me, informative on a few issues in the neighborhood, and always friendly/courteous generally. 145. In the past I have witnessed/heard from family and their friends a lack of respect with teenagers. These were limited in occurrence and these were some years ago. 146. "I appreciate all the hard work of the men and women of WPD. Please do not follow the City of Columbus’ lead of not supporting and respecting our officers. These men and women put their lives on the line day and night to help keep 147. Our city safe. They can not fully do their jobs unless they feel supported by their leadership and the leadership of the city. I do believe the increasing crime in our city is a problem and has me

worried about the future of Westerville. While I am confident In WPDs ability to curb this crime, the problem is still going to exist until individuals are held responsible for their actions. The Franklin county judicial and juvenile systems need to be pressured to prosecute these individuals responsible for the increase of crime in our city. " 148. I appreciate seeing patrols in neighborhoods and around school & community events. I feel that police visibility promotes safety. 149. I appreciate the DARE program and it's positive impact in the schools. 150. I appreciate the interactions I've had with WPD. I had a difficult situation with a family member and the police officer was calm and de-escalating. 151. I appreciate the men and women who product our communinity. 152. I appreciate the uphill battle to improve inclusion and diversity within the ranks of the old white male who still thinks he's the most important person in the room. Shut up, listen and learn!!! 153. I believe our officers are doing a good job and I try to thank them for their service. In this climate it is a very difficult and sometimes dangerous job. I am proud of our police and grateful for what they do 154. I believe that it is difficult for me to answer some of these questions. I am not a person of color, so I don't have the answers to some of these. 155. I believe that there is a vast difference between policing in the cities that have experienced trouble over the last year and Westerville. From my observation, WPD is a well-run and staffed department. 156. I believe that Westerville has a unique relationships with its police, and that is, mostly, a good thing. Like all police departments in this country, Westerville's suffers from our collective history. Understanding and observing the organizational culture and working to ensure that police bodies are settled and supported (Resmaa Menakem, My Grandmother's Hands) is one way to address the systemic nature (organizational culture) of the the problem we have in our city, our state and our country. Additionally, all policies and the enforcement (accountability to those policies) should be reviewed to provide equitable treatment to all of Westerville's citizens and guests. In addition to settled white, black and police bodies, and organizational culture, we need clear accountability for all actions. 157. I believe the WPD condones routine dishonesty in the conduct of its officers and administration. I believe this behavior improved under Chief Morbitzer but did not go away. I wish Chief Chandler great success in further improvement. But this town is still known in some quarters as "Arresterville" for good reason. It's just still a fact that teens -- boys in particular -- are pulled over for DWT (driving while teen) and blacks, especially poor blacks with older vehicles, absolutely police harassment. This needs to change. Mainly, all the very young Westerville police need to hit the streets like they are working for this town's families -- not with what's too often a hyper-aggressive, Us-vs-Them stance bordering on war footing. 158. I believe the WPD does a good job and i feel sorry for good officers who are unjustly persecuted by the media and culture of being racially unjust. I do not feel sorry for bad officers who are racists at their core (hopefully not in Westerville but those across our country) 159. I believe the WPD does a good job. I do feel in the racial climate there needs to be training and awareness. Do the police have body cameras? After the fact does not help. 160. I believe the WPD does an excellent job and I fully support them in the community and respect what they do both when I see them and when I don’t. Great job and keep it up.

161. I believe the WPD dose a tremendous job, especially in a climate that they are operating in. The little things the officers do is greatly appreciated. As silly as it may sound, when and officer slows down (as they are doing local neighborhood patrols) to say "hi". They are officers but they are also people and I greatly respect what they do to keep us all safe. 162. I believe the WPD in my interactions have always been respectful. I see many of the issues with perceived racial inequality to be lack of respect for police officers. Their jobs are difficult and many times put their lives on the line. Proud of the WPD. 163. I believe the WPD is excellent and always has been since we have lived here!! 164. I believe the WPD is very well respected in the community. My overall impression is that the WPD is a very professional organization, interfaces well with the community, and strives for continual improvement. 165. I believe there is too much emphasis on the color of a person's skin than to the quality of the person. By the overaction of racial considerations, the division is created and maintained and even increased. 166. I believe there should be ongoing, outside mental health evaluations for all police officers and firefighters/medics instead of evaluations only upon hiring. 167. "I believe under the circumstances WPD does an excellent job in our community." 168. I believe we are blessed with a police department that is excellent and needs no changes at this time. 169. I believe Westerville has more police officers and larger budget than all the surrounding city’s with approximately the same population and road mileage. Also some of the major purchases are a waste of dollars like the portable emergency command center ( what a waste to maintain and operate ). You cannot drive across town without seeing police coverage, normally at two or more location, so police coverage is not a problem. Spend dollars wisely and invest in training, 170. "I believe Westerville should follow the example of cities like Minneaplois. We should distribute the duties of Police across more departments, instead of dropping every job we do not want on them. Police officers are not Social Workers. They are not Crisis Management. Give the money to these departments, and have them respond to mental health and domestic crisis." 171. I believe WPD is very visual in the community and that makes me feel safer living here 172. I believe WPD is, as it should be, color blind. If everyone would just accept that we are all human and quit asking stupid questions searching for inequality, we would have no problem at all. 173. I believe WPD officers are doing just fine and do not need any further education as to how to interact with on group of people versus another. 174. I called when I locked myself out of my van with kids inside, and they were there super quickly. My interaction was positive - they saved me! We also very much appreciated the 4th of July neighborhood parade last year. 175. I can't say enough great things about the School Resource Officers with whom I've interacted. They are, indeed, resources and our students need to continue their access to these caring, positive role models. I truly believe they keep our schools safer, and take the burden of "policing" off of the school administrators and staff. 176. I did have an incident at my place of business where an employee was sexually harassed by a member of a cleaning company (bathroom photos). Police responded right away and then never followed up with the employee nor my business to let us know what happened. Disappointing. 177. I do believe that there is longstanding racial issues affecting our country and perhaps will be more relevant within our city as we become increasingly racially diverse. More understanding of

systemic racism should not be seen as a burden of adding more mandatory training in the department. Perhaps this content should be embedded into existing trainings - it is an important lens through which we need to understand the underpinnings of poverty, crime, safety and opportunity- we can move our community and society forward by having policing embrace this understanding. 178. I do believe we have an exceptionally outstanding police dept. 179. I do not understand how Otterbein University has a cop driving outside of their small, little campus., apparently with authority to,pull people,over. That is ridiculous. Otterbein is not Ohio State University. That’s a security guard, and those people need only to have authority directly related to Otterbein University campus and students, any thing else needs to be WPD. Ii have seen the Otterbein cop cruising around during the pandemic when Otter bein was CLOSED for months. Or on break when the school,is out. IThat’s ridiculous, and it borders on harassment. Stop this practice , people out of town think it’s over the top. And it is. 180. I don’t recall seeing any minority representation in our police force. I believe the “unlearning― of white privilege and how systematic racism continues to thrive in our public policies and corporate/business/organizational biases is very relevant and important for our officers to self-educate quickly if it is not mandated training. 181. I don't need a police officer to show me who is boss or bark orders in response to a question. I don't believe they should view the citizens of the community as potential law breakers. Sadly, some of them do, and I think it will lead to an altercation at some point. A greater focus on community service needs to be as much a part of their training as their physical and firearm training. 182. I feel as If the WPD has too many issues to deal with. Law enforcement officers are asked to wear so many hats, that it becomes difficult to be an expert in everything. I would like to see more a more specialized response capability developed. More experts and social workers to deal with the many problems we are facing as a society. I think that the police do the best that they can but to a man with a hammer... 183. I feel fortunate that the only interactions that I have had with WPD is enforcement of zoning issues and a friendly wave when walking my dog, 184. I feel like having officers 'walk a beat in Uptown Westerville or other areas' would improve community relations and be good PR. I also understand that it may be a tricky and even sensitive issue, and that I may not fully understand the dynamics or results of other communities utilizing this action. I just think that with the few 'bad cop' national issues over that last few years and wrongful social media, that our police have been painted in a bad light. Most people understand that we have outstanding police officers. But to combat the negative image that is wrongly portrayed, I am thinking more interaction with the public could be a good thing. I want to know my officers by name! I feel more protected. And they become more personal-- like the neighbors and family members that they truly are! 185. I feel like my opinion and view may be different as I am a white citizen of Westerville. I hope that the responses are compared to the diversity of Westerville and you do not take the white responses was the majority that "well, most of our citizens feel safe". 186. I feel that the WPD is doing an excellent job. I see very even treatment regardless of race. In my opinion, they should be supported, not villified. 187. I feel that Westerville Police do a marvelous job. 188. I feel the Westerville Police Department is one of the best in the State of Ohio, if not the country. Maybe you should of had some questions about Westerville Police officers being

hero's like Tony Morelli and Eric Joering, and going out of their way to be kind and patient to ALL RACES, including the ones who shot and murdered them!!!!!!! 189. I feel very positive about the WPD, and feel they provide safety and security in our community. 190. "I feel we are lucky to have the professional, friendly and efficent Police Department we have in Westerville. It would be nice to see some walking the streets or riding bikes in the Uptown area. Getting to know them personally is important. They are people just like you and me. But I realize in this day and age their safety is an important factor also." 191. I feel Westerville police are usually fair to most people they encounter. I have not heard of any racial injustice regarding Westerville police. 192. I felt I was targeted by the police department and the City Attorney based on the actions of my son years ago. It was very unfair. The police officer took a statement and twisted the truth and charged me with an unlawful misdemeanor. I do not trust the police force to be honest. 193. I find it insulting that our Westerville Police Department is cast in a light that assumes they have negative interactions, negative perceptions and projected racist intentions due to “social Justice― ideology. The social justice movements are extremely inflammatory and divisive to our community and schools. It further victimizes our minority neighbors. The focus should be not on social justice but rather on civil rights. Civil rights promotes unity in a peaceful and inclusive manner. 194. I find it insulting that you are asking questions about WPD and race and minorities. This is not Columbus, nor do we want to adopt Columbus policies and actions toward Policel 195. I find the pro-police attitudes that prevail in Westerville to be disturbing. I am upset on a daily basis by Westerville Strong thin blue line signage and bumper stickers. These emblems are used by racist groups and emerged explicitly in opposition to Black Lives Matter. 196. I find the Westerville Police Department always professional and I am proud to say that I live here. I think right now that law enforcement gets a negative connotation simply for being law enforcement. There are too many assumptions that police officers are doing something wrong and the majority of them aren’t. That is why they are leaving in droves. Even the questions on her seem to be geared to say negative things about our police force. I feel safe living here and I attribute most of that to the fact we have a great police force. 197. I firmly believe WPD does an outstanding job and fully support the department. Westerville should hire only those who are most qualified for the job, regardless of race. 198. I full support WPD. Hands down they are an exceptionally well organized division and I am proud of them. 199. I fully support our WPD! All officers I have interacted with have been professional, helpful and good role models. Having resource officers in the schools has been a positive experience for all my boys. Resource officers in our schools help all kids feel more comfortable with police officers and realize they are people too. Our officers are in a tough situation these days and they should be supported and encouraged. If any situation ever came up where protesters were throwing things at them (like bottles, bricks and things filled with urine which Columbus police endured) I would hope Westerville would not tolerate it! 200. I fully support WPD. They have an extremely tough and dangerous job in the climate we all now live. Having lived in the city since 1964 and worked for the local USPS for 37 1/2 years I used to know all officers personally. 201. I generally view WPD in a positive light and they have been friendly and respectful in all of my interactions with them, however, I am white and I realize that others who do not look like me may have had different experiences with law enforcement. I teach my own young children that

policemen are helpers and that they can be trusted. It saddens me to know that some parents feel that they can’t tell their children the same things I can. I sincerely hope that WPD does all it can possibly do to establish relationships with minority communities and make people of all backgrounds feel safe. 202. I had a neighbor that was setting off fireworks in the middle of the night, on a weeknight when people were sleeping in preparation for work and I called the police MULTIPLE times and the only thing that was done was a drive by in my court. They didn't go to the house, my house or even GET OUT OF THE CAR. They literally didn't stop! And they only came through ONE time after multiple calls. As it happened, this man hit multiple neighbors windows and houses with the fireworks as well as having debris left in my yard as well as multiple neighbors yards...and we all have dogs or children that could have eaten or digested/been hurt from this. This was the absolute worst experience I've had with WPD and I was extremely disappointed. This should not be ok in any situation whether they feel it's worth their time or's their job. 203. I had a poor meeting with an officer at the offices when trying to report a problem I was having in my neighborhood. The lack of interest and respect left me with the continuing idea that the police department isn't interested in my small time problems. I no longer think of the department as a place where I would seek assistance for anuything other than a really big crime. 204. I had a security alarm go off during the evening and the officers that responded were quick and professional. I appreciated their help. 205. I have always been treated with the upmost respect when talking with any of the officers! 206. I have always found Westerville police officers to be courteous and respectful. Very happy to live in a community with such a highly respected and great police department. 207. I have always had positive experiences with the WPD. However, I am a white upper-class female with privilege and a history of trusting the police in all interactions. I believe the WPD is doing a good job and I respect the sacrifice it takes to serve the community. I also believe we could all be doing more to grow and challenge our bias. 208. I have always had very positive interactions with WPD, and I truly believe that WPD is better than other police forces across the country who have received much scrutiny (Columbus PD, for example). However, I do not feel that Westerville is immune to the challenges that other police departments face and would like to see police respond to things that are threats to life and property and socially trained responders when the issue is more civil/resource based (like Alexandria KY, Eugene, OR, etc). I believe that officers are set up to fail when sent to handle social matters that really need more in-depth, relationship-based attention. 209. I have been fortunate enough to not require personal police services so I'm in a place to give too many comments. 210. I have been fortunate to not be in a situation that required assistance from WPD, so for many of these questions I had no experience to use as a frame of reference. On the whole I feel WPD does a good job. 211. I have been in two non-fault car accidents; one was a hit and run, and the other was an individual that was given three opportunities to pass a sobriety test (officer even stated the driver smelled of marijuana). In both cases the law breakers were simply cited. On the hit and run, I gave the police the license plate number and description and they caught the person several miles away from the accident. The driver was driving a family member’s car, on a suspended drivers license, and with no insurance. The officer told me that they wouldn’t arrest him because it costs the taxpayer $90 a night to jail the individual.

212. I have been pleased wit WPD interactions. I don't think that they need additional training in cultural issues. 213. I have calledWPD twice and both times they came quickly and handled the problem professionals 214. I have complete confidence in the Westerville Police Department. 215. I have done police ride-alongs in other communities. Transparency about your efforts and openness to the community's comments and thoughts at the top level will be helpful to creating a culture that is safe for all Westerville residents. I don't have a sense that we are in especially in trouble, but systemically, policing is built on a racially oppressive culture, so the odds are we have work to do even if WPD is not a "bad guy" version of a PD. I'd be proud and happy for our community to do the work of looking at ourselves before anything terrible happens here. 216. I have felt every local police officer I have ever met has been kind, respectful, and just in their policing. They deserve far more credit than they have been given. 217. I have found interactions with the WPD to be very good. They are respectful, helpful and seem to be well trained. 218. I have found them to be prompt, courteous, friendly, professional and knowledgeable. 219. I have great confidence and respect for WPD! 220. I have had 2 experiences with WPD. once they were very helpful when my car ran out of gas with my young child in the car. The other time they pulled me over speeding. I got a warning and they told me to slow down. I wasn't aware of the speed limit so I was gratful for the warning. I now driving slower in that area. 221. I have had all excellent interactions with WPD, but I am also white and live in a better community, so I may be the wrong person to ask. I think it's important for WPD to work with kids so they aren't afraid, trust the WPD, and maybe in the process help heal the wounds of parents previously treated badly by law enforcement from other cities. Also socio-economic gaps, homeless crisis is a concern too. 222. I have had good interactions with the WPD and I think relative to other police forces they are one of the best. I still believe it is very important to continue to improve/train to avoid the downward spiral of 'us vs them' that has enveloped most officers in the country. 223. I have had little interaction cation with wpd 224. I have had nothing but great experiences interacting with the WPD 225. I have had nothing but positive interactions with WPD officers and am of the opinion the people complaining about the treatment they've received probably have reason to - for the simple fact they deserved it! Candidly, I wouldn't have the patience to put up with some of the crap I see/hear about. 226. I have had only positive encounters with WPD but I am a middle aged white male. I can’t speak to another person’s perspective 227. I have had personal conversations with WPD officers in which they've expressed their own biases and discriminatory beliefs. I am concerned that there are a number of officers who hold prejudiced beliefs who ultimately make our community less safe. 228. "I have had positive experiences with School Resource Officers." 229. I have had several interactions with the WPD as well as my children over our 20 yrs as residents. I have always found the officers to be professional and compassionate. The school resource officers have always had time for the kids even if they are on the way out of the school. We have witnessed many traffic stops, Wal-Mart parking lot encounters, and the officers

conduct themselves in a professional manner. It also appeared that they use their words as their best tool. 230. I have had several interactions with WPD and can say with all honesty they have been excellent. The officers were very respectful, courteous, understanding, and helpful. They have all my respect and admiration. My hat goes off to them, especially in the times we are in presently. 231. I have had three interactions with Westerville Police officers, and all of them were polite, understanding, and helpful. 232. I have had two interactions WPD about minor incidents. The officers were polite,professional and got back with me in a prompt manner. 233. I have had very limited contact but have always been treated respectfully and feel comfortable interacting with WPD. 234. I have had very limited contact with WPD 235. I have had very positive interaction with WPD when I have called in a concern and also when we had a fallen tree across our street and when I witnessed a hit and run accident. The personnel with whom I interacted were friendly, knowledgeable and wanted to help. They were sincere and courteous. I like to wave at the patrols when they come through our neighborhood and I want them to keep coming through our neighborhood ( The Overlook). I am very thankful for our police and want them to know I respect what they do and am disappointed with the disrespect shown our police across this country. It is hard to believe this is happening in the USA. A BIG "thanks" to our WPD!!! 236. I have had very positive interactions with WPD 237. I have heard anecdotal evidence of police officers being called to non-violent crimes with children of color and not pulling their weapons and pointing them which I think is a fantastic thing and what needs to happen. I would also like to see officers in situations where a neighbor falsely calls the police on a person of colorI do some direct education to the collar and other neighbors on implicit bias and what is worthy of calling the police for and what is not. 238. I HAVE HIGH RESPECT FOR WPD AND THE REST OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. I BELIEVE THEY HAVE OUR SAFETY, PROTECTION AND BEST INTEREST AT HEART AND IN THEIR . 239. I have interacted with the WPD in my neighborhood on several occasions. Every interaction has been positive. The officers are respectful, friendly and informative. I appreciate the WPD!! 240. I have lived Westerville for over 30 years and it would appear that the service and quality of the Westerville police dept has not changes in this time. I have always felt that they are doing a fine job to keep the community safe. I have always believed that the officers working for the city have always been top notch. We should be proud of these men and women for the job they do daily. I would hope that the City of Westerville does not get caught up in this Social justice movement and forget about our officers. 241. I have never had a bad experience with WPD. But I'm also not in a minority group so it's not possible for me to fully judge. 242. I have never had a negative encounter with any officer in Westerville (or Columbus for that matter). Almost all interactions have been at events such as 5K's or at my 3 traffic stops in the 27 years of lived in this city. It's important to know that I am a white adult female (w/a CCW), and have never felt fearful because I have never had a negative reaction - ever. I have no idea how I would answer these questions if I were a person of color - my friends who are minortites that live in Westerville have not made mention of negative interactions, but have discussed with me the level of care they take in educating their sons - not just in case of an interaction with a

Westerville officer, but any officer - so my answers to the previous questions may not be what everyone feels. That being said, I LOVE and support my Westerville officers. 243. I have never had a negative experience with a westerville officer. 244. I have never had a negative interaction but I am also a white woman. I think we just need to be sure we are being proactive at ensuring the right training as social dynamics evolve. 245. I have never had a negative interaction with WPD 246. I have never had a negative response from a police officer. They have always been helpful and informative 247. I have never had a problem with an officer from WPD. But I am an upper middle class white woman and I've never had an issue with any officer from any PD. Just because I have not personally experienced any problems does not mean I believe they do not exist; I am just not the person who is likely to experience them. 248. I have never had to call WPD. I don't want to call the police. Furthermore, in this survey, it is not for me to understand what the police department is struggling with. As an educator, I have had to work on my educational practices, so that I do no harm to my students regardless of my intentions. The police should also take a humble approach and want to do what is best for their community. We are all counting on WPD to make changes so that we are doing what is best for all members of our community. As a white woman, I don't think that I will be treated unfairly by the police, but I can't say that is true for my BIPOC friends. In addition, just because I didn't "personally witness" something doesn't mean that I didn't hear about it later. I have heard stories from friends about unfair/unjust treatment by WPD within the past few years, and that is not okay. Stories of being followed by police for driving in a mostly white neighborhood (they live here too.) getting pulled over, stalled, cars searched, etc. WPD can do better, and I would hope that they would want to for the sake of their community and conscience. 249. I have no particular experience with WPD but overall have found too many individuals serve as officers who should not, or who lack the training, oversight and accountability to serve. 250. I have no personal experience, but it seems every time I have seen that car has been pulled over, and the driver is a person of color, there are at least 3 WPD cars involved. Seems like overkill. 251. I have not had a lot of interaction with the WPD yet when I have it has always been positive. I like how visible they are in the community. 252. I have not had an interaction since buying my home here in 2018. I would like to say that I appreciate WPD. I can't imagine how challenging their jobs must be in our current climate. 253. I have not had any direct interactions with WPD, but with observing and second hand knowledge I have a positive opinion. 254. I have not had any interaction with the WPD in my 30 years however, I respect the Law and feel I am safe and secure in the City of Westerville with the fine WPD. :) 255. I have not had any interactions with WPD. 256. I have not had any recent interactions with WPD officers, but I have had a few interactions during my 36 years as a resident, and the officers were always polite and professional. 257. I have not had interactions with WPD since living here, besides seeing them patrol the neighborhood. I do strongly believe police reform and more training is needed to ensure safer policing for all people. Campaign Zero has really great ideas for ending police violence that could be beneficial for all departments. 258. I have not had much direct interaction with WPD. In general, I feel that police SERVE the community, and future hiring efforts should emphasize service to the community, rather than

selecting staff who might have issues with power or control. I'm not saying WPD does anything differently, this is just my priority as a citizen. 259. I have not had personal interactions with WPD, however, I have to admit that, as a minority, I am wary of WPD because of the current climate. I suppose I am as susceptible to prejudice as an officer may be. 260. I have not interacted with police officers directly but often see them driving through our neighborhood and at events. The police presence is definitely positive and better than in the city of Columbus (where we moved from). Overall we are pleased with what we have seen but there is always room for improvement, more training, and social reform. 261. I have not personally had an issue with WPD and I enjoyed my experience at Citizens Police Academy. 262. I have not personally seen or experienced any unjust interactions with the WPD. However, I'm very concerned about policing's impact on minority populations in general. I would like WPD to be more vocal about justice in policing. Also, I suspect that more training is needed. (It looks like there's 40 hours of training total, so I'm betting it's less than 1 day of community policing training.) 263. I have nothing but praise for our police department. They have been kind, respectful, and helpful anytime I have talked with them. They deserve our full support. I hope they know how much we appreciate them!! They keep our city safe. 264. I have nothing to add. 265. I have only had good interactions with them. They have a great relationship with the children in schools, and that is VERY important. I really enjoyed seeing them in the library & other places (before Covid), and wave to them on our street (they wave back). 266. I have only had one bad experience with the Westerville Police. For the most part, all encounters have been pleaant and productive. 267. I have only had one experience with Westerville police regarding a sick raccoon on my street. The office was pleasant enough. I am extremely bothered by the policing issues I am seeing with minority communities across the country and cannot imagine that Westerville is immune. We need to be sure we are treating every citizen fairly and with respect regardless of the color of their skin. We have to make sure there is no profiling happening based on skin color. 268. I have only had routine interactions with WPD as a white male. My experiences have always been positive. I don’t know enough about them to make any judgements. I assume from the press they are doing a good job. 269. I have only interacted with police in classroom settings not on the street 270. I have only interacted with WPD when out security alarm was going off. Very limited interaction. They were very professional and helpful. 271. I have participated in "ride along" days with police officers and found it highly educational and encouraging about the quality of WPD officers 272. I have positive impression of Westerville PD. However, this is an area that requires extra vigilance 273. I have seen the positive influence that resource officers have had. They are an important part of the schools. The Cop day with the different officers and vehicles is a fun time for the kids. Good community relations. 274. I have the upmost respect and admiration for WPD. Now days, with how the country is divided, I am extremely proud of our Police/fire departments.

275. I haven't observed or experienced any negative interactions with WPD; however, given nationwide concerns from minority communities, feel that it would be good to continue to improve training regarding treatment of minorities and to publicize steps being taken. 276. I hope my tax dollars are not paying for a WCP to sit in the Walmart parking lot while people are driving 45MPH in my neighborhood where the speed limit is 25MPH! 277. I INTERACT WITH THEM AS I VOLUNTEER WITH FIRE DURING SEARCH TEAMS. VERY POSITIVE INTERACTIONS. 278. I just love Westerville! 279. I know it has been a very difficult time for our officers. I also know that as a society we have to continue to challenge ourselves to address unconscious biases and root cause issues. Like many challenges, there are no easy answers and fixed. I do believe the leadership of the police department and City leadership are doing what they can to continue to make things better for all citizens. Keep up the good work! 280. I know it's a tough job. Keep fighting the good fight. 281. I know several police officers in Westerville, and believe they do an excellent job in all respects. 282. I knows gun violence is a significant social problem. I also know that when I was growing up in Michigan the local police department sponsored gun safety training and even youth shooting clubs. The practice ended for both financial and political reasons. I wonder if a police sponsored (officially or unofficially) would be good for our youth. 283. I learned a lot during my class. We got to see how they monitor online predators. I got to ride along side with an officer and got to take a violator downtown to be booked. Officer Morelli helped guide me through a building search. The class was so informative and fun. 284. I like how the Westerville magazine spotlights the different police, firefighters, and community leaders. It helps you to get to know them better. 285. I like our police department and the officers I’ve met through the years at work or in the community. 286. I like the WPD however crime is increasingly in Westerville particularly 43081 zip code, gangs & criminals from Columbus & elsewhere are targeting our community & residents. Suspicious persons lurk in our business parking lots, sell drugs in parks & Walmart parking lots. Break in cars and creep around at night. Very scary as a female senior citizen. They follow me in grocery stores trying to reach in my purse or steal phone. I do not feel safe in Westerville anymore. 287. I liked seeing the WPD on bikes in the neighborhoods, it made me feel safe. 288. I live in Annehurst & appreciate it when I see them watching speed on Main St. Once I had someone PASS me in front of the elementary school while I was going the speed limit. I like it when I see the cruisers in the neighborhood - makes me feel safer. 289. I live on State Street and I see police cars often. I have interacted with police at community events on a few occasions that were very positive interactions. I'm personally very happy with WPD. 290. I love and support WPD!!! 291. I love my WPD!!! 292. I love WPD and am very impressed with their attitude and professionalism. 293. I loved the police cheifs statement post the george floyd killing, he was spot on, and that made me feel confident in their leadership. But I would like to see them continue the dialouge. I know genoa township did a Q&A on social media where they showed how much extra training, and the stats behind their arrests/interactions to work against racial bias. Trasparency will set you free, westerville I hope is taking steps, the public should know about it.

294. I mentioned this in a previous section- my *only* complaint about WPD is the tickets. They will pull you over for going 27 in a 25 and it is ridiculous. I am so stressed out driving around town because I'm worried I'll get pulled over if I accidentally get up to 28 in a 25 because my kid was talking to me. Otherwise I think the WPD is great and I think the social justice training is a stupid waste of time. WPD is not racist, they do good work, and you don't need to make their lives more difficult by making them more "aware of diverse inclusion" or some such nonsense. Just stop ticketing people for driving normally and we'll be good to go. 295. I moved here from Columbus. The caliber of officer we have here is well above what we had in Columbus. Columbus police aren't bad as a whole, but Westerville officers are friendly, go out of their way to help, and they seem to understand how to do their duties and still be human. I live near where Officers Morelli and Joering were murdered while helping a woman that I know for a fact was abused. We have two current council members that have forgotten the sacrifice they made in the name of "social justice". The stories and fake crying on the council meetings are transparent and deplorable. They should be ashamed and the other council members should be ashamed for staying silent. They do not represent the city as a whole and I hope they're never reelected. 296. I needed the WPD to help me with a neighbor and they were wonderful in listening to the issue and helping me deal with it quickly and efficiently! 297. I participated in the Westerville Police academy and I've had interaction with the officers prior to and after attending. I'm a Black senior citizen who has lived in Westvl over 30 yrs.and the encounters I've had w. WP have always been good to me. I just love Officer Jefferies. The two officers that were killed instructed my class also and they were always nice and courteous to me. Offcr. Jefferies told me he agreed that shooting my gun during one of the class senarios was the right thing to do. I still tear up thinking of the loss of these two men. The procession went by my house on Spring Road. I was so glad because I could sit in my driveway. Thank you WPD for all you do to keep this ole lady safe! 298. I personally have only had positive interactions with our Westerville police. I am however lucky enough to never needed their immediate assistance for an emergency situation. I have seen positive interactions with my children through D.A.R.E. And safety city, cops & kids day, parades, and middle school officer always being available at my daughters school. 299. I PRAY FOR THE POLICE IN OUR CITY. 2020 WAS A VERY DIFFICULT YEAR FOR POLICE WHO DESIRED TO PROTECT THEIR COMMUNITY. I PRAY THAT 2021 WILL BE WITHOUT PROTESTS, ETC. 300. "I read about one WPD officer who published racist comments on social media. That was appalling. I have reported 3 crimes at the WPD office; spray paint vandalism of businesses along the park path, an empty purse discovered, and forgery of my business payment check which was stolen from the 43081 post office. Interest in solving these crimes was lacking. Maybe the officers were simply relaying the reality that they probably would not be solved. Only on the forgery item did I receive a follow up. WPD said they closed the case without conclusion." 301. I really have only had 1 interaction with them when I found an owl that was hurt on the side of the road. But I always know if I need them, they will be quick. 302. I recently learned of the incident involving an officer and social media posts that occurred around the fall of 2020 and that raised a concern for me. I also feel that the punishment may not have been sufficient. 303. I remain concerned about the death of Emily Noble and the lack of information coming from WPD about the investigation. I no longer feel comfortable walking alone through the parks and

before dawn/after dark. I have three daughters (teen/young adults) whom I fear for when they go out to exercise. We live close to where Emily Noble lived. 304. "I respect the cops. I appreciate all that they do for the community. Their job cannot be an easy one, esp these days " 305. I respect WPD greatly. There is increased scrutiny right now, so heeding words chosen and actions taken may seem choking to work that needs to be done - but I feel confident in the leading officers, Chief Chandler, Deputy Chiefs and Lts to ensure all officers are well trained, cognizant of their surrounds and audience, and will only grow in respectability - because they are greatly respected in this community. I know this is a difficult time, yet collaboration, listening and understanding will go a long way. PLEASE PULL OVER SPEEDING CARS - the WPD is too hesitant on this. Thank you 306. I run with other women in the early morning when it is still dark and we often see police cruisers around the city. I appreciate that; it makes me feel more safe. 307. I stand with the WPD. I believe a strong police force is vital for a community. Law and order is vital. I am NOT for defunding the WPD. Safety is vital in a community. 308. I strongly believe in police support. Constructive criticism is the only kind worth listening to. 309. I strongly believe in the positive support and services that the WPD provide. 310. I support the WPD and appreciate their presence in our community. I have always had positive experiences with this group of men and women and commend them for the job they do each and everyday 311. I support the WPD in all of their endeavors. 312. "I support the WPD wholeheartedly; their day-to-day functions would test the limits of any non-police person dealing with same/similar situations. I really think the general public lacks the true understanding of the fact that circumstances happen that demand /require reactions that must be made in a split second timeframe. As difficult as it may be, there is, at times, little time for clear judgment and/or reflective thought when faced with imminant danger. No one truly knows how they would react no matter how well trained they are! Criticism comes easy when you are not personally involved! Our WPD needs to be applauded, and thanked, for their unselfish service to our community!" 313. I think having more mental health professionals available to take calls vs. just police officers is important. 314. I think it is EXTREMELY important that we do NOT remove resource officers from our schools. For many children and young adults, this is the beginning of positive interactions with our PD. 315. I think it might help youngsters form a good relationship with the police if perhaps during the Summer programs held at each Westerville Park the police would just drop in to say hello and meet and greet the kids in attendance. 316. I think our PD is fantastic! No issues. 317. I think our police officers are great! 318. I think our WPD is fantastic!! I respect and pray for their safety every day!! 319. I think police departments have an extremely difficult environment to work in presently. Seems like a few bad incidents have painted an unfair picture over all departments. Education for all sides would probably help overcome history. 320. I think the division of police is a top-notch police department. I trust that the amount of training the officers receive is appropriate. After living in the city for a very long time, I have come to appreciate the police department and how they care for our citizens and property. 321. I think the new Police Department building will be a positive thing for all.

322. I think the police do an excellent job and hope that they do not become restricted in their job based on the perception caused by the media. 323. I think the Westerville police perform an often thankless job very well. 324. I think the WPD does a fantastic job in serving the community's safety needs - actively and proactively, and have always had wonderful interactions with all of the officers. They do a great job under very difficult situations, during a difficult time. They have been really informative, personable, professional and approachable every time my husband and I have interacted with them during emergencies or other times. Thanks to all of you, officers! You are the BEST! 325. I think the WPD is already doing a great job 326. I think the WPD is doing a great job during a pandemic and all the crys of racial injustice and defunding the Police. They have my total support. 327. "I think the WPD needs to enforce speed limits more than they are now! County Line Rd. is a great example. They used to patrol it all of the time. Now, I hardley ever see them and there are people taking advantage of the situation." 328. I think there is an over-emphasis on People of Color from nearly all angles when if everyone were just treated as "people" we would all be better off. 329. I think there needs to be much more than the citizens police Academy. That’s a big time commitment, and puts the responsibility of engagement on the community. There needs to be other programs where the police can reach out without an expectation of a big time commitment from the community. 330. I think they are fair and respectful. 331. I think they do a fabulous job. Although I rarely interact with them, I have always found them courteous, kind, knowledgeable, & respectful. It's a tough job in the current political climate. Please thank them for their service for me. 332. I think they do a FANTASTIC job and should be commended for putting their lives on the line everyday! 333. I think they do a fine job overall and support the resource officers in the schools 334. I think they should enforce cars law on not leaving cars permanently parked on street. Cars will stay for months without moving. Not safe for joggers, bikers , 2 way traffic movement. I understand its only enforced if they receive a complaint 335. I think they’re doing a terrific job! All the officers I’ve had interactions with were extremely kind, patient, and helpful . Once at Panera an officer stopped by our table and handed my daughter some police trading cards- it made her happy. Very proud of our Westerville Police Department. I do not believe that our police should suffer at all because of the actions of a few officers that are guilty of misconduct. 336. I think WPD are some of the most professional Law Enforcement in the country. The are always friendly, courteous and professional whenever I interact with them. I think they do a great job. 337. "I think WPD does as well as any other outfit in the US. People who resist arrest and disobey lawful commands are the reason cops get a bad rap today. I've been in handcuffs before and I'm alive today because I didn't get stupid and try to fight or flee from the cops...but you can't explain this to Liberals. They have to make everything into a race issue." 338. I think WPD is great! 339. I think you questions are opening yourselves up for negative feedback. I support our police and believe most people are inheritably good.

340. I took my mother to the self defense course a couple of years ago. The officers were excellent, and the final activity was more realistic than in any other version of women’s self defense I’ve participated. Thank you! 341. I totally support our Westerville Police!!! I DO NOT want their hands tied or to be told to 'stand down' when a minority or ANY group is breaking the laws in Westerville! We have had a safe community for our families & it should be maintained- not handed over to those who would destroy our City over their issues -so deligent inforcement of the law!! I do not like that the police dept is being moved to a 'quiet' part of Westervile out of sight - they should be in the middle of the action (State St businesses, Otterbein)- where they can be on the spot & deter crime as well as cruising the neighborhoods.We need to be careful as a city being pressed to 'invite' criminal element potentials into the city descuised as 'social justice'- that general means no justice for the tax paying law abiding citizen. The reaction of our 2 white officers killed by a black man did not produce riots/ property damage- we saw it as a bad man who killed good men -the reaction of the good people that live in Westerville -proves We're not the racist ones! Westerville need to stand strong!! 342. I trust that WPD is making necessary actions for the betterment of the community, and that they take actions based on what is right, not on the race/ethnicity/gender/age of the person they are interacting with. 343. "I understand that the police division is opposing a plan before the planning commission of a adult rehabilitation and drug treatment Facility that is planning to be located adjacent to the new police facility. There should be cooperation and support for this facility, no opposition as being expressed by the police division as we are all one community with varying needs. " 344. I understand this is a very hard time for police. When I have been involved in a call the officers have always been respectful but I am calm and respectful as well. I live in a area with a high police presence and because of that I have been followed home late at night by WPD more times then I can count. I have felt that the officer was trying to entrap me into a traffic violation. There is no reason a police officer should be tailgating me, speeding up behind my car incredibly fast, or swerving into parking lots in through the roads just to come back behind me. These are the moments that make me realize that I cannot trust the police even in my own community because it feels like they are just trying to find a reason to pull me over and that they’re not really there to help me if I should need it. 345. I value our police department and support every officer wholeheartedly. We grieved with them and will continue to do whatever we can to support the department. 346. I want to understand why reports aren't taken? 347. "I was attacked by unleashed unsupervised neighborhood dogs (in the front yard) while walking my dogs on a leash in the middle of the street in December. It took several calls to get the person in charge who was then very concerned about my possible personal responsibility in being attacked, She made suggestions about what I could have done better or differently to avoid being attacked. I believe that I was behaving appropriately, ie, my dogs were leashed and I walked in the street to avoid the menancing dogs. " 348. I was impressed with the interaction with two different officers during a recent fender bender that occurred on a service road on an out lot for a Westerville retail center. Even though the accident wasn't on a public road, both officers were professional, helpful, and sensitive to my angst. They came at different times and both exhibited a very service oriented attitude. 349. I was involved in an accident and the responding police were very kid and supportive.

350. I was not sure if many of these questions pertained to the last couple of years or to my 50 plus years in Westerville. There have been many changes so I tried to limit to the last couple of years. 351. I was pleased to learn through this survey of the extended training officers receive related to racial justice issues. 352. I was unaware of this information on the website or the extent of police activity prior to learning of it in this survey. I find it extremely useful. This and other useful portions of the website could be mentioned in the NextDoor posts. Some of that is now done and that and other outreach opportunities should be leveraged to the maximum possible extent to help residents become and remain informed. 353. I work in a different suburb in central Ohio. In Westerville, the police department makes a visible effort to be involved in the community in a positive way. Every interaction I have ever had has been positive. In the suburb where I work, the police seem less involved and sentiment there toward the police isn't always very positive. I am thankful for Westerville's proactive community-building approach. 354. "I worked in Westerville for 36 years before moving here . All my experiences with city services were wonderful. primarily police and fire," 355. I worry that many police officers espouse the vile political views of Donald Trump and his band of fascists... 356. I WOULD JUST REPEAT MY EARLIER COMMENTS - I VERY MUCH APPRECIATE ALL THE LOCAL POLICE. FORTUNATELY I DO NOT HAVE PERSONAL EXPERIENCE, EXCEPT FOR RECEIVING A SPEEDING TICKET FROM A GENOA OFFICER - WHO WAS REPECTFUL AND PROFESSIONAL. I WAS NOT HAPPY BUT REMAIN ATTENTIVE TO SPEED LIMITS. I AM GRATEFUL TO FEEL SAFE IN MY COMMUNITY. 357. "I would like to know if there is any training for dealing with older people, in a non- condescending way. Has WPD ever had a senior citizen speak with them at a meeting?" 358. I would like to see more police patrolling areas around elementary schools. Especially right before school starts/ends and people don't obey the 20mph speed limit. 359. I would like to see more traffic stops or trying to prevent residential speeding. It occurs all the time and no speeding enforcements are being done to curb this dangerous increase especially in school zones. It is frustrating that these school areas are not being patrolled or enforced. This should be done daily and maybe we need to redirect some of the financial spending to police enforcement than in executive or administrative costs. 360. I would like to see police patrolling neighborhoods near schools at dismissal time daily 361. I would like to see you have more officers, both male and female of diversity. My interactions with WPD have always been pleasant, but I am a senior, white female. 362. I would not feel that my daughter was safe in her school without her SRO officer. Our police department is excellent, and have a wonderful reputation. I think it is sad that we have to justify our support for them at this time in our country. This community has shown it's overwhelming support for it's police department. 363. "I’m curious to why customers, patrons owners of Classics Pizza on North State Street can consistently (daily) park in no-parking, fire lanes and in front of fire hydrants and not get ticketed or towed. This feels like some form of favoritism is in play. Either change the signs to allow parking or enforce the standards." 364. I’ve had a number of friendly, positive interactions with the WPD.

365. I’ve had nothing but good experiences, but I know that is not the same for some of my friends who are PoC 366. I’ve never had a negative interaction with WPD. 367. "I'm a Latino citizen living in Westerville and have never had any discriminatory encounters with the Westerville police nor any other police departments in Ohio. I believe that civic education starts in the home and people should be responsible for their own actions and not blame others for their own misconduct. We need the police. They do need better training, of course, but we should invest in the civic training of the officers already in our City and have a higher request for excellence in the hiring-process of new officers. 368. I found this questionnaire confusing and set up negatively against the police. It's almost as if the questions were created by woke-useless academics (Otterbein) who have nothing good to bring to the table other than complain and create division in our community. Not one of the questions was geared towards generating a positive outcome. They were all written to generate negative outcomes... pathetic. " 369. I'm a long time resident senior citizen, retired white person. I am heartsick over the abuse committed by police departments all over the country against people of color and minorities. I have never witnessed anything like that, and have always been impressed with the way I see the WPD performing their duties. I know of 2 specific interaction with POC that were very compassionate and sensitive. I'm proud of them, but I remain concerned about policing in general terms. Not very many get it as right as our WPD does. I would love to see more interaction with social workers, mental health professionals, homeless facilities, etc. Even though you all get it right, I would love to see police reform in general and I think WPD could even contribute to that reform and reeducation for other PD's. 370. Im a middle-aged middle-class white woman. I realize my experiences may not the the same as others. But from where I sit, the WPD is great. I have a close relative who is an urban police officer out of state and that is why I say I understand some of the challenges of PDs in these times. 371. "I'm an educator at Columbus City Schools where SROs were taken from our buildings. I personally think it should be a vote as to how to move forward with that decision, but I also feel like there needs to be a specific replacement plan offered before voting. At CCS, there is no replacement plan offered, so we are not sure what that is going to look like when back in schools full time. I think there is a huge opportunity to create a comprehensive and responsive position in WCS to promote reimagining this position in a school. Speaking for my own experience at CCS, we mostly utilized police for stopping physical fights, calling in safe hospital transport for students with suicide ideation, and overall for the idea of safety. What if handling fights can be reimagined, safe transport can have a more specific protocol (just call for it from police now?), And protocols around safety in event of school shooters were formalized? That last bit may be too political to gain traction. But, I'm not sure how much safety our officers have added to our building when I've watched them spray a cafeteria in mace and our children had to run outside to breathe! (CCS, not WCS). With that message and bad stories burned into the brains of many--whether or not it's happened at WCS-- now is a huge opportunity for WCS to reimagine that position in a creative way that identify and execute priorities that position would hold. Perhaps amongst this new position's priorities lies promoting restorative justice in a real way. It's an amazing option that helps our kids learn why their choice was not best instead of just waiting out a punishment. So many cool things this position could do!" 372. I'm aware of them from their presence at 4th Friday

373. "I'm good with the WPD .Thks." 374. I'm new to Westerville (6 months). I often run and walk throughout the neighborhoods and notice the police patrol. I wave when I see them, and they wave back. I believe all police officers will interact with the community and enforce the law with professionalism, respect, and when possible empathy. While I have not interacted with the WPD, I've interacted with CPD and Hilliard PD officers over the last 32 years and never had an unprofessional or bad experience. 375. I'm not interested in more taxpayer-funded, pro-police propaganda or training from the city. I am interested in getting cops out of interactions where they could potentially kill someone. Cops should be focused on violent crime. They shouldn't be involved in nuisance calls (intoxication, noise, etc), mental health crises, conflict resolution, or traffic enforcement. Armed officers can kill people in these situations, no matter how much training you give them. 376. I'm pretty uneducated when it comes to the police. My family is white, and we have not had any negative interactions with the police. Unfortunately, I have been pretty naive to the struggles that our brothers and sisters of color have been experiencing their whole lives. I am more aware now, but I haven't had any interactions with police when I'm with or around people of color. I will be paying more attention, but I don't have anything positive or negative to say about these interactions with the Westerville Police. 377. I'm tired of people speeding 10mi/h over the speed limit in most neighborhoods and main roads 378. in a parking lot, dealt with a police officer taking sides with allegedly offended party-- who happened to be female and young -- until I advised him to take a police training "deescalation" course to tone down the anger -- instead of supporting it on one side or the other 379. In my last interaction the officer was very professional. 380. In my opinion, WPD is doing a lot of things right. A lot of people are on edge and there is a lot of history and cultural distrust that they need to overcome. The role of police is extremely difficult and I'm appreciative of all who dedicate themselves to keeping others safe. But that doesn't mean those people can't make mistakes, and it doesn't mean that those mistakes are all forgivable. I say that despite not knowing of any specific such errors by WPD, and well aware of the tragic murder of Officers Morelli and Joering. Recognition of all of this can exist together. Making all citizens feel safe should be our priority, and that won't be solved overnight, or by any single action. It will require a multifaceted, consistent commitment to developing trust, by all members of WPD. Not everyone will be happy, but that's a part of the challenge we need to overcome. 381. In my pocket community, Bigham Ridge, there was a lack of enforcement for large gatherings during covid restrictions. Also, there appears to be no enforcement of vehicles parked on the street facing the wrong direction. These too are safety concerns! 382. In my pretty little neighborhood where I pay a ludicrous amount of taxes most interactions are fine, but I am concerned about relocating them. I wonder if larger police footprint is what's needed there, or a building offering other community services. 383. In the past 4 years, I have not had an interaction with WPD. 384. In the years we've been here we haven't had any interaction with the police other than to say hello. 385. In this survey it stated 93 perxent is trained in deescalation and dealing with people that have mental health. Until 100 percent are trained the city is failing. It only takes "one bad apple" to fail a citizen.

386. In this survey, the section on challenges concerning retention and need for balancing training while providing existing services with current resources. The citizenry understands those challenges, but to be honest while we appreciate that they are challenge, our expectations are higher. We expect our law enforcement to be the best of us and provide the best services they can. It only takes one bad interaction to promote calls for social justice in any police force. it takes consistent excellence to stay above reproach. Simply maintaining a standard is not enough. That means that city governments and Police leadership need to make very hard choices. It's not that the citizenry isn't aware of the challenges, it's honestly that we don't accept those challenges as reasons or excuses not to preform at the highest standard and above reproach. That is the unenviable position police officers are thrust into. Westerville has an excellent police force, but MUST always act with excellence and possess the critical skills including critical thought to make the best decisions and take the best actions in bad situations. Frankly, we care but have very little room for failure in that manner from our police force. No other figures of authority in our community have the ability to impact lives so profoundly at a moments notice as the police do including potential ending of life, and for that there is little tolerance in any capacity for failure in excellence. Thank you for all you do, but be aware while we know you ride a razors edge in balancing all your responsibilities, the citizenry expects accountability and excellence above and beyond. 387. In today's climate, we understand how difficult it must be to be a police officer and respect/appreciate the service they provide. As responsible parents we will educate our children to respect authority of all types, including police. DO NOT DEFUND the police, inclusion training is BS; people of all age, color, walk of life must be held accountable for their actions and we appreciate WPD's role in enforcing it 388. Increased speeding and distracted driving patrols would be appreciated 389. Increasing communication regarding racial equity training and whistle blower protection should be of upmost concerns 390. Interaction during false alarm (ADT) and neighbor's house fire were positive. Officers were understanding of the situation and very thorough. Communications with Detective regarding false identity claim were informative and respectful. Obtaining police report was quick and simple. 391. Interaction with the WPD he brushed off my issue with noise disturbance of a neighbor at night said go buy a fan and get over it. 392. Interactions very negative and cops very overbearing. They do not respect the citizens they serve. Very concerned with general temperment. Little concerned shown during BLM movement. 393. Interactions with officers have been positive. I was married to a cop for over 20 years and understand that most officers are good people. Most citizens do not understand use of force and the stress of the job. They need to ride the midnight shift to get it. 394. It is a difficult time to be a police officer, and also many have suffered as a result of police interactions. Recognizing that, police forces should be spending significant effort building bridges to their community. Trust and cooperation are the ultimate goal, but only come through sustained positive interaction. 395. It is a hard job and I have the most respect for them and the job. I know that when in my home I hear the sirens all the time and that make me nervous. I used to never hear them. 396. It is important for the citizens to understand what exactly is the protocol is before they complain.

397. It is important to me that my friends and family persons of color are just as respected and protected by our police department as all the white residents. I think Westerville is great, and I want it to be great for everyone. We are all human and have bias, which is why I support additional cultural sensitivity and de-escalation training. Thank you for your service. 398. It is our sincere hope that the WPD gathers, shares, teaches, and refreshes all officers on the lessons learned from around the country so that some of the horrific police behavior we see on TV is trained out of our local officers. 399. It is the WPD's mission to keep the peace in Westerville, not further the cause of "social justice". It should avoid getting sued for civil rights violations, but otherwise focus resources on its core mission. 400. It’s a tough time to be a police officer, but it’s also a very tough time to be a minority youth or parent of a minority youth, worried that your kid can’t even exercise in your neighborhood early in the morning without a situation escalating due to race. I would love police to get to know ALL community members better, not just those in southern Westerville, so that they know our kids. 401. It’s nearly impossible to over-communicate during challenging times such as these. Everything I’ve read about WPD shows strong leadership and a commitment to serving everyone in our community. 402. I've actually had many interactions with the WPD over the 2 decades I've been here from both sides of the victim/perpetrator perspective and I have nothing but admiration, respect, and gratitude for their sacrifice and dedication to me and our community. 403. I've always had positive interactions with WPD. They are timely in response, very helpful in whatever the need is and always respectful. 404. I've been to two of the community informational meetings (one about wildlife in Westerville and one about random "shooters". Both were very interesting and informative. 405. I've had a couple of interactions with the WPD and they were both very positive. They were courteous and non-judgmental. 406. I've had both very friendly and not friendly interactions with officers, it's hot or cold. Also, haven't noticed as many patrol cars out and about recently, not sure if pandemic-related or the change in the vehicle's outer designs have made me miss noticing them. 407. I've had nothing but positive interactions with the Westerville Police Department, but also have only interacted with officers at 4th Friday, Cops & Kids, and at the library. My daughter loves police officers and they are always so sweet answering her questions and going out of their way to give her badge stickers, etc. I think they're doing a wonderful job in our community. 408. I've had several positives with the WPD. However, my negative was being pulled over for not using a turn signal. There we two police offices. You could tell that one was in training. Once I told them that I was a Veteran and that my oldest son is a State Trooper their interaction with me changed to a more pleasent manner. 409. "I've had very positive interactions with WPD. They have very fast response times and when I did have an interaction they were very professional and courteous. My interactions helped me to feel safe enough that I no longer carry my weapon when I'm in Westerville. I also feel comfortable with my children participating in activities downtown without me being there. " 410. I've interfaced with the WPD several times -- at public meetings as well as a time where I was the victim of a bike/car accident. I cannot say enough good things about the WPD. The officer even took my bike home -- since I was going to the hospital. WPD is fantastic, professional, caring - support them! they have a difficult job -- and they do it well -- all the time. the

distractors of WPD have a different and unjustified negative agenda that, if they are successful hurt the community I have called home for 40 years. 411. I've never had a negative interaction. WPD has always been kind and helpful. 412. I've only had positive experiences with WPD. They stopped by at 2am to let us know our garage door was left open. They've also responded to a non-emergency situation and were professional and courteous. 413. I've only had positive interactions with Westerville police. I volunteer at the library and see them interact with members of the community. Have never seen anything out of place. 414. Jeanne Sullivan Guerin 415. Just seeing WPD officers at community events, they’ve always been friendly & approachable. 416. "Just wondering the reason for 25 MPH on Main Street between Worthington and Cleveland Avenue... Police do a great job. They were called to our home years ago for our daughter's mental health. It was a shock that she wasn't actually sleeping, that there was a problem, then several police upstairs at 1 am (wanting to talk to her alone, which was understandable but intimidating), then taking her to Children's for a psych eval... One officer looked at me & assured me they'd seen it before, this happens, they didn't think we were bad parents, etc. It was a small thing, but very helpful in a stressful, intimidating situation. I don't even know who the officer was. BTW, that daughter now on meds for depression & doing well. When the riots were going on, she approached a WPD officer to let him know she backed the blue. We've had/heard of issues in the past of cocky, power-hungry police officers, but have not experienced that in Westerville." 417. Keep doing the great job of Law enforcement that they have always done. You need to respect our officers not berate them. They are doing a job enforcing our laws. Cut the nonsense out. We love our Police department. 418. Keeping Schools safe is a HUGE priority and resources should be allocated to fund safety of our children. 419. Kids/Cops on County line road over the past few years was good. We enjoyed the interaction with the Police officers. 420. "leave the wpd out of your political witch hunt" 421. let the police do their job 422. Lets not make a problem where one doesn't exist. Our police have a hard job don't tie their hands and make our community unsafe because we want to be politically correct. There is no origination in Westerville I trust more. 423. Like I said before, weed out officers who follow racist, homophobic, sexist sites or post on those sites. Every day that officers go out to begin their shift they should be reminded of their duty to non discriminatory behavior on their part by supervisors. 424. limited interaction but very positive on several occassions 425. Love our police department. Thank you for all you do to keep us safe. 426. LOVE THE WPD!!!!!!!!!!!! 427. Loved participating in this training! Wish more citizens would participate! 428. Many years ago, my wife was arrested for not having a Ohio drivers license while we still owned a house in Illinois and she had a valid Illinois license and we were in the process of moving to Westerville. We felt that was wrong. 429. [email protected] 430. More bike patrols in subdivisions and shopping area. 431. More police, more patrols. Keep our westerville community safe!!!

432. more walking "the beat" and less driving around in vehicles in certain areas of community might offer some benefits to all 433. Most do not but there a handful who cop an old school attitude 434. Most of mine were years ago. Only recent one was call to WPD to check on a car with flashers on at stop sign for over 15 min at 1 a.m. They showed up in a timely manner. I did not speak with them at all. They interacted with the person for 30-45 min before they left. 435. Most of my interactions with WPD have been good and officers are friendly. I have asked two officers to patrol a neighborhood that neighbors are constantly running stop signs in the area and have not once seen a patrol car sitting in the area to try and stop these offenders.Lots of little kids in the area. another interaction with your animal control officer which was extremely negative. Hate to say bad things but she is worthless. Talk to other neighbors about a kitten problem in the neighborhood that also contacted WPD animal control officer and states the same that she puts off coming out to catch the ferrol cats. On the whole very happy with WPD except for the two issues. 436. Most of the interactions have been positive and understanding. 437. Most traffic stops I observe in Westerville are people of color 438. mostly positive interaction with WPD. One incident does not necessarily reflect the entire Dept. 439. My children participated in Safety City, and we have had nothing but positive interactions with the police. They have a very difficult job. 440. My disabled son died in 2017 due to heart failure. I called the emergency number. The two police that arrived immediately were excellent, professional and very helpful. 441. My experiences have always been positive. 442. My family and I appreciate so much what you (and your families) do—the risk you take, the criticism and hate you endure, the enormous effort you give—all to protect and serve. Thank you. 443. My family has had nothing but positive interactions with WPD for 20 years. This includes traffic stops, responding to break ins & alarm codes, loud teenagers, EVERY interaction. I have never witnessed WPD having negative interactions with anyone in our community. 444. My family needed to contact the WPD a few years back because of a mental health situation with one of my family members. I hoped that they would do more, but my family member was able to give the 'right' answer and were allowed to leave the area in their car. Later that day, the police and EMS were called to their home after an altercation related to the mental health issue occurred, which resulted in a pink slip for my family member. I wish the WPD would have been able to pink slip them the first time they were called to help. I understand that they must operate within the confines of the law, so I can't blame them for their response. It was a poor situation all the way around. 445. My few interactions over the years have all been positive. 446. My friend's son went through the Citizen Police Academy and had a great time 447. My husband and children are BIPOC and with the current climate of the world I think it would be fair to say that every parent/wife would be concerned. I don't believe there is a systematic problem in Westerville (that I have personally witnessed), but it is endemic of our country. We have enjoyed cops & kids day, and I believe that is a fun way for cops to become more "human" to the community, and especially children. I believe these early positive relationships help develop healthy future interactions. I would like to see more community events such as this, perhaps at schools- EMT days or something.

448. My husband and I have had positive interactions with WPD (minor traffic stops) 449. My husband is a Columbus police officer so I understand the issues officers in general face at this time. Overall, I think police are doing well in an antagonistic climate but I do think that there is racism in our society on every side. Every police department needs to have an officer whistleblower protection policy to help keep their coworkers accountable. I don't have much dealing with WPD so I can't speak for them but I have always been treated with respect. However, my son used to drive a very old minivan even though we are middle/upper middle- class because we want to teach our kids the value of a dollar and he had to work to earn it. He was pulled over for having a broken taillight but we checked out the vehicle when he got home and everything was working perfectly. My husband called to complain and the response was that it must not have been working at the time. Another time, my son was visiting his girlfriend in a very exclusive neighborhood and police waited for my son to come out to the vehicle and then questioned the family to make sure that he was an invited guest. My husband was also pulled over in the same minivan for a very minor infraction but then the officer dismissed him when he saw my husband was in uniform. I am aware of the difficulty in policing these days and believe WPD is doing the best possible job but there might be perceived income discrimination when pulling people over. My husband was taught that you have to have objective criteria to make a traffic stop. You can't pull a young man over who is driving a very old car for not using a turn signal to switch lanes if you are not going to pull a mother with kids in the back driving a BMW for the same infraction. This sounds like a big complaint but overall, I am very happy with the services of the WPD and applaud their hard work in making this community safe. Thank you. 450. My interaction with the police have always been positive. I used to know them all by name but now I may have to ask them their name. I have never been treated unfairly or rudely. I understand the police have a job to do and at times there is no room for compromise or questions. 451. My interaction with WPD has always been very good even though the events causing the interaction were very stressful to me. They helped me with a missing person report and Amber Alert and other issues involving a mentally ill family member. 452. My interactions have always been polite and respectful, other than with my teenage daughter. I believe they have a very difficult job enforcing the law, compounded by political and social pressures. 453. My interactions have always been positive 454. My interactions have always been positive. My one concern is when I called in an issue to 911, it took the officers quite a long time to arrive, so if it had been life threatening, I am afraid there would have been a bad outcome 455. My interactions have always been positive. I have had neighbors who were members of the WPD. I have heard them make racist statements during neighborhood social events. The comments were overheard and I never heard of them doing anything inappropriate, but I believe there is a culture in many police departments where racism is not blatant, but definitely an undercurrent. 456. My interactions have been limited but positive. I interacted with them at an accident scene where I stopped to help a gentleman that had driven off the road into the creek. The officers had a rapid response and were very professional. We have interacted at 4th Friday and they assisted our family in locating our daughter, who had gotten lost in the crowd, using their drone. 457. My interactions with WPD have always been positive, but I am also a white person. 458. MY interactions with members of the WPD have all been positive.

459. My interactions with the Westerville PD can only be described as excellent. Caring, concerned, knowledgeable and willing to listen. I hold the Westerville PD in very high standing and try to thank them every opportunity I get. 460. My interactions with the WPD have all been very positive, however, while I have not personally experienced any abusive actions by WPD officers, I know several young people and people of color who have although not very recently. 461. My interactions with the WPD have been minimal but always pleasant and/or helpful. Have not heard anyone complain about the WPD as I have about other local police departments. I think WPD does an excellent job. I am glad to hear that they are pursuing specific training in dealing with sensitive encounters like those involving mentally ill, drug affected, handicapped, or dangerously angry individuals. Overall, I think they do a great job. 462. My interactions with the WPD have been positive. On one occasion I was stopped at night and although I could not find my drivers license and registration the officer asked questions to ascertain my identity, asked if I knew a headlamp was out and let me go. On another occasion an officer knocked on my door and advised me not to leave my car running unattended because a neighbor's vehicle had been stolen. My car was running but I have a remote starter. I appreciated the information. 463. My interactions with Westerville Police Officers have been fine. My hope is that the Westerville Police Department does have their funds reduced, that they evaluate the current level of training and receive more if needed. Additional training should be funded. Officers should also receive more empty hand combat and firearm training. 464. My interactions with WPD have always been very positive. 465. My interactions with WPD have been minimal over the years, but they have always been positive. I've been treated respectively; questions have been answered and the officers have been friendly. 466. My interactions with WPD have been positive. I have always been treated with respect. I've had to call them from work for help with a suicidal employee and they were excellent in assisting the employee in a non-threatening, helpful manner. On a personal level WPD has been a positive in our lives from auto accidents, to Cops & Kids, resource offer, traffic control at 5Ks, HS football presence, vandalism of our property, neighborhood crime watch, DARE, scout tours of the department... I feel fortunate to be in Westerville and have the Police Department we do. It was a topic of discussion with my college age kids over the summer how one bad cop makes it so difficult for all the good Westerville cops who we have interacted with over the years. 467. My interactions with WPD officers have ALWAYS been very professional and positive. I just wish we saw them more in the neighborhoods down south. And I wish we had more diversity in the WPD. 468. My interactions with WPD on three occasions in 20 years have been very positive. They are very professional, very well trained, listen carefully, listen to my concerns and make good decisions. I trust their ability to discharge their duties with high moral integrity and professionalism. 469. My kids have always enjoyed engaging with officers on Halloween, adn at 4th Friday events. 470. My main priority is community safety and that nothing like what happened to George Floyd could ever happen in our community, especially at the hands of those whose job it is to protect it. Policing is more complicated than ever, but I think it is clear that significant changes to ensure equal and honest wellbeing for every citizen is vital. The tolerance for mistakes needs to match

every other career path. If there is a poor performance or problematic attitude, it needs to be handled head on and not simply swept under the rug to protect a coworker. Every day people are reprimanded or lose their jobs for things much less damaging than the some of the horrific actions by police officers. We have to have real accountability and consequences - good and bad - for all stewards on our community. 471. My neighbors, who have passed away now, have made several calls to 911 due to health. Every single person who came into their house was incredible- despite how stubborn Bob could be- they always treated him with love and kindness. I will always be grateful for the WPD. 472. My one experience after a pickpocketing was positive. Kudos to Officer #558 Baggoo. 473. My only interaction with WPD in the last 5 years was after my son was in an auto accident. The police officer we met with was polite, supportive, professional, and a pleasure to interact with, despite the stress of a car accident. 474. My only interactions have been with police officers as neighbors, and at events, never professionally. 475. My only interactions with the WPD is the school resource officers and all of them have been respectful towards me and students in my presence. My overall perception of the WPD is untrustworthy. Honestly, I would be very scared if I was pulled over or had to call the police to my home. Its the climate we are in I see more traffic stops for people of color in Westerville. 476. MY OVERALL PERCEPTION OF WESTERVILLE POLICE IS ONE OF EXCELLENCE IN PROFESSIONAL LAW ENFORCEMENT. 477. "My personal experience of interacting with WPD has been positive but I am aware that I am a white person. After reading the reports about the WPD officer's racist social media posts last year, I refrained from reporting observations in my neighborhood for fear that I might unknowingly contribute to this problem with a racially-insensitive or racist officer responding. " 478. MY PERSONAL INTERACTIONS WITH WPD/GTP HAVE ALWAYS BEEN POSITIVE. I WOULD LIKE TO SEE MORE ROUTINE NEIGHBORHOOD PATROLS WHERE POLICEMEN/WOMEN INTERACT WITH THE KIDS PLAYING OR FOLKS JUST WALKING. PERHAPS THIS WOULD 1) MAKE POLICE MORE VISIBLE AND KNOWLEDGEABLE ABOUT EACH NEIGHBORHOOD & 2) ALLOW RESIDENTS TO UNDERSTAND POLICE AS PEOPLE WHO CARE ABOUT THEM. 479. my son is disabled and relies on a transportation service to get him to and from work. One young driver from the service (using his own car) was pulled over on at least 3 different occasions about a light bar on his car. He was never pulled over in any other city other than Westerville about it. He was ticketed for it. My son was late to work because of the delays. The driver had a regular schedule to pick up my son and it seems as if the police knew and waited for him. Looking back, it seems as if it was targeting. Ultimately - the transportation service had to change drivers because of the continued delays and enforcement issues. It seems like there should have been a better way to deal with the situation. I was told he and the transportation service were never provided with the "law" they were breaking. It may seem "minor" but 2 young men had their jobs on the line over a car light issue. Just an FYI. 480. My three interactions with WPD were all very professional and friendly. In one my grandson said hello to two officers in a restaurant and they were very nice, giving him some trinkets and business cards. 481. My wife and I have never had any issue with the WPD. I think it would be instructive for the City Council to know that the reason is we do not engage in crimes and also observe any and all instructions when engaging the WPD. If all citizens or outsiders did the same it would not be necessary for you to post this thinly veiled attack on the men and women who were the WPD

uniform. This survey is an obvious result of the continuing lean to the left by members of City Council. Shame on you all! That is what will eventually drive us and many of our neighbors out of Westerville. 482. "My wife and I have only interacted with the WPD on 2 or 3 occasions. Every time, the police officer was courteous and knowledgeable. Please do not destroy our fine police department by indoctrinating the officers with political correctness and a counter-productive focus on the non- sensical idea of ""social justice""." 483. N/A 484. N/A 485. n/a 486. n/a 487. n/a 488. N/A 489. N/A 490. N/A 491. N/A 492. n/a 493. N/A 494. n/a 495. N/C 496. NA 497. NA 498. na 499. NA 500. na 501. "Negative: I started to write this answer. Bad memories. Bad policies and a bad cop. Forgetting is better for me. 502. Positive: I have had many positive interactions with WPD officers. I believe it is extremely challenging for law enforcement. " 503. negetive. they don't take identity theft reports well...sloppy information gathering...had check stolen from post office box... check was altered. police didnt do anything to catch felon. 504. "Neighbor setting off commercial-level fireworks almost non-stop entire day and night of 4th of July - quite a few shooting remnants into adjoining yards - reported to police with no response either time - very unhappy with lack of attention to my concerns. 505. MANY dog-walkers with unleashed dogs (and NOT being in control of them) making others uncomfortable walking their leashed dogs - would like police to respond to reports, especially repeats of same walkers. 506. Positives: at schools and uptown events, police are very visible, friendly, informative. " 507. Never had any interaction with WPD. 508. no additional comments. 509. no comment 510. no comment 511. No Comment 512. No comment to offer. 513. No comment. 514. no comments

515. no comments 516. No comments at this time. 517. No comments. 518. No further comment. 519. No interaction except in a passing way. 520. no interaction with WPD 521. No option to check "officer burnout/PTSD" as issue facing retention - needs just as much attention as other issues. 522. None 523. none 524. None 525. None 526. None 527. None 528. None 529. none 530. None 531. none at present 532. Not enough interaction to have a strong opinion. 533. NOTHING but positive interactions with 2 kids in WCS from K-12 (Dare, Cops & kids, Halloween neighborhood nights, 4thFridays).Also a few times when reporting Credit card online theft, USPS drop box theft @ McCorkle. NOTHING but professional, helpful, amazing!!! Don't let the evil national sentiments to police invade Westerville.....Please! 534. Nothing but positive interactions with our WPD officers. 535. Nothing to add 536. nothing to report 537. Officer Bagoo is extremely professional and friendly. He gave a badge sticker to my grandson. He is always so approachable!! 538. Officer Snider purged himself under oath to obtain a guilty conviction for a traffic ticket. I am still in disbelief that a polcie office would damage his integrity to obtain a guilty verdit for a speeding ticket. If he would lie under oath for that, what else is he willing to do? All other interactions with the WPD have been positive. I feel you are over staffed. 539. Officer's are very professional 540. OK 541. On the whole officers do a tremendous job protecting the citizens of Westerville while under constant personal risk. They do however need to be friendlier and more helpful 542. One evening, an officer knocked on my door to tell me that I had forgotten to close my garage door. Thanks! 543. One of the most professional and citizen oriented departments I have known in my life. 544. Other than the racial incident previously described (the only one I've personally seen copies of for myself), I feel the WPD made a very poor impression on the larger community with the way they treated Officer Joering's parents and daughter during the funeral. I understand their may be family conflicts at play, but it looked really bad the way they were treated. It could have been handled much more graciously.

545. Our family greatly appreciates all that the WPD does! The brave men and women who serve our city do a wonderful job and have impressed us each time we interact with them. Our community is a safe place to raise a family because of the work they do. Thank you WPD! 546. Our home security system accidently went off and we were not able to disengage the system fast enough. Officers did arrive and were very polite with their questions. My husband answered the door and the officers asked to see me to be sure I was alright. 547. Our interactions with WPD have been positive. Whether it was our daughters traffic accident (her fault and she was cited); responding to noise complaints about us ( some louder parties years ago) or more recent interactions in neighborhood in regard to a neighbor with a drug problem we have found them to be very good to work with. 548. OUR POLICE DEPARTMENT DOES EXCELLENT WORK AND SHOULD BE COMMENDED. 549. Our son is going to college to be a police officer so we are very aware of the current climate and challenges faced by our WPD and appreciate very much the service they provide and the challenges to deliver outstanding service on a daily basis. 550. Our Westerville Police Force does an outstanding job serving our community! 551. Our Westerville police officers are amazing. They work very hard at their jobs and deserve the utmost respect from everyone in our community. In my opinion, instead of the city focusing on programs that will benefit a small subset of the population, they should be focusing more on the people and services that keep us all safe. 552. Our WPD is excellent. Too much focus on racial inequality because it's the trendy thing to do now. Does the city understand that two officers were killed by a colored man? This city is becoming too soft and liberal: having a BLM rally uptown this summer? Uncalled for! Lots of crimes in our 'hood this summer. Our children were scared. Young people with backpacks are now squatting in the farmhouse on Hanawalt on the other side of the Westerville sports complex. Was there on several occasions this summer were WPD and dog sniffing dogs were present. I now feel unsafe walking myself and my dog on this path! These squatters wander into our 'hood off of County Line Road. They look for open garage doors and things to steal. They also pretend to be selling services and do not have any licenses displayed to prove their business. Our community is very unsafe. WPD does a most excellent job and we support our police 100 percent! 553. Our WPD officers work hard and are fair. They came quickly and helped when I needed assistance in lifting my husband. I am very sorry that two officers were lost to domestic violence two years ago. They were good men. It's a difficult job to be a policeperson. 554. Our youngest son just retired from the Columbus Police Dept. and he interacted with many of the WPD officers in his 20+ years of service. 555. Over the past 35 years anytime, I have been involved with the WPD I have had a very positive experience in many areas in the community and business area. 556. Over the years I have always found the police helpful, curt Roy’s, and knowledgeable. 557. Overall I have a very positive impression of our police department. But I'm white and privileged so I don't know how it feels to other segments of our neighbors. I believe an organization can and must do more in light of today's issues - I would find it hard to believe our PD is already perfect. 558. Overall I have had good interactions with WPD outside of my one negative experience which I have noted. I believe that WPD overall is doing a good job at being a positive influence in our community. I can’t help but feel that with the recent movements for equality and less explosive restraints used upon citizens that both officers and the general community are on edge. I do

not fault the officers for any anxieties that they may feel while in uniform but can’t help but feel nervous around them after seeing so many horrible acts being carried out by other LEOs around our country. Columbus just had a horrible reminder of an officer acting too quickly out of fear which led to loss of another innocent life. This can not and should not be tolerated. 559. Overall my interactions have been fantastic. 560. Overall very positive interactions for the few times we've needed them. I appreciate when they wave when driving through the neighborhoods and generally friendly when I see them in stores/restaurants or schools. 561. Overall, general interaction with WPD is decent. However, I don't like how police interact with you if they perceive you as doing something wrong. For example, the few times I have been pulled over for minor traffic violations (low level speeding), each officer has approached me with a level of anger and vitriol that does not match the crime on hand. It is as if I personally attacked them and their family. I realize I committed a misdemeanor by driving above the speed limit, but none of the times did I feel safe or like the reaction matched the infraction; I always felt like, any second, they were going to force me out of the car because they were that pissed off. It does not make me feel like I could approach one and, for example, ask questions or inquire about issues, etc. And I am a white man; I can only imagine how minorities feel. 562. Overall, I believe the WPD do a great job and I feel safe here in Westerville. 563. Overall, I believe WPD is a top-notch department, with great personnel. However, I believe it's important for WPD and law enforcement in general to UNDERSTAND why some in minoritized communities distrust, dislike, and/or fear them (i.e., SROs presence, traffic stops, profiling, or other traumatic experiences). Moreover, I believe there should be mutual respect, understanding, and cooperation between law enforcement and the communities that they serve. 564. Overall, I feel very comfortable when I see Westerville Police and support their efforts to serve and protect the community. 565. Overall, I think WPD does a great job. 566. Participated in the W'ville Citizens' Academy over 5 years ago . Positive interaction w/ the WPD dept at that time . 567. Patrol more in the neighborhoods at night and early morning hours 568. Perhaps, it is required to have representatives of the police force to establish closer contact with people and take the pulse of how they see and require from the local police. 569. Please keep up the deescalation and mental health training. Please partner with mental health agencies to receive feedback and training. 570. Please let the Police do their job they were trained to do. We have to stay out of their way.I am from Galena and one thing we knew is you NEVER mess with the Westerville police! DON'T speed because you will get a ticket, etc. Their is a reason for this! Let them continue to be strong and unified as a group - I am assured and confident the department will work out their own issues as they always have... They are faced with a VERY troubled time of evil. We should be helping them and supporting them-that is what makes a SAFE community! Awareness that the law is upheld and punishable - that is what keeps crime OUT of a neighborhood. Remember years past people policed their own communities by accountability to what was right and wrong- why do we keep bending the rules as to what is wrong and right? The police are the ones who know EXACTLY what is going on out there! STOP policing the Police! Have you ever had to wake up everyday and go to a job where you were being policed by your boss, your entire building, organization, social media, etc. NOW try to put yourself in the POLICE shoes, they have

to go out and protect us from crime and horrific acts of EVIL! STOP POlicing them! It's hard enough. I can't imagine the climate they are dealing with now-why don't we give them true statistical studies in regards to new crime related to the COVID shutdowns and quarantines, etc. I can't imagine the new way of policing in this new environment. Help our Police, protect them and show them we really care for them! They need this right now! 571. Please note that I fully support WPD. I do think that all safety departments have an opportunity and should work to improve relations with minority populations. This is not just WPD but something that needs to be addressed by all. 572. Please retain WPD to fairly and objectively (regardless of race, ethnicity, wealth, or other) enforce the laws of Westerville. Criminals beware, law abiding citizens relax in safety. 573. Police exist to protect private property from the poor and working classes, and to maintain the racial hierarchy of whites imposed by the legal structures of the white supremacist state. They overwhelmingly do more harm than good, and are a massive drain on city resources. 574. POLICE GREAT - - Crime BAD! 575. Police need more administrative support throughout americas with fairness to each citizen. 576. Police officers have a very important job as well as a very difficult job. That being said it seems police in general have strayed from protect and serve to a more confrontational interaction with all citizens but especially those of color. You can spend millions on training but if it does not translate to the streets it is useless. I have seen far too many officers initiate confrontation and escalate it to where people get hurt or killed. Remember citizens what protection and help from our police, not threats and intimidation. A little caring goes a long way to healing this great nation, not seeing how many can be arrested and intimidated. 577. Police officers have been very friendly to my 3 year old whenever we see them. He has received police badge stickers, while just walking around town. 578. Police officers should be highly visible to let criminals know they will not be successful in Westerville. Officers are not social justice warriors....just do traditional police functions, plesae. 579. Police officers should be required to wear face masks while dealing with the public during COVID-19 until vaccines are released. I see far too many officers without masks. 580. POSITIVE 581. "Positive - off-duty police at the Westerville Public Library Positive - I was knocked down and my purse was stolen Positive - drunk neighbor ran his car into my car" 582. positive always 583. prior to covid, i volunteered in Blendon M.S. and Officer Matthew Ware has a good relationship with the students in that school. That is great! for those kids and this community. 584. Protect & Serve All 585. Proud of our WPD 586. "Pull over because the officer said I ran stop sign . I stopped very briefly . Nothing was coming etc . Officer said I was going 15 r 587. Then 5 mph . Finally just gave me a warning . Where are they when people race thru the streets , never seem to be around " 588. Racism is endemic to our culture. Let us not allow police officers to exhibit excessive racism. We all can improve on our attitude. Thank you for effort in that direction. 589. Rather than simply place SROs in the middle and high schools, I believe the relationship building must begin in the elementary schools. I’m aware of the DARE program, but why not send officers in the schools to interact in a non threatening way on the playground, cafeteria, and hallways? Proactive, rather than reactive.

590. Several years ago, an aquaintance of my grandson stole some jewelry from our house. We knew who did it, but nothing was dome about it. The officer kept in contact with us several times, until we filled out a survey about his performance in the investigation. At the time, we thought he was actually doing something, so we gave him a good review, and never heard from him again! 591. So far every interaction I have had had been very positive, but I know racism and other prejudice is systematic, so it must be actively uncovered and unlearned. 592. Some of my interactions with WPD have not been good. The attitude I get is "I'm in charge, shut up and do as your told. I don't owe you an explanation or anything else. 593. Some officers are great and have been extremely helpful to my family (when they come to my home and offer help). Other times, depending on the officer, they act like bullies. 594. Some officers are too quick to use tasers on people suffering from addiction diseases. More training on how to handle alcoholism calls - diffusing tense situations instead of using potentially harmful force. 595. sporting events 596. SROs in the schools can help bridge gaps that are created in society. However, I believe that if the SROs could have a uniform that more closely fit that of the rest of the school staff, it might be more effective. Full police duty belts, bullet proof vests, etc. can cause some discomfort from the students who have had past experiences. If the role is primarily to build relationships with students, then being dressed as a full beat office may not be necessary. 597. [email protected] 598. Stop worrying about the WPD. It is terrific. We should be less concerned about the behavior of the WPD and more concerned about the behavior of criminals! 599. Stricter drug penalties for adult drug dealers/ destributors. 600. Suggest Westerville provide information to the citizen app and other ways in which community members can be aware of police and criminal activity in the community 601. Survey questions communicate a bias against training when faced with stagnant resources. Understanding the public you serve should not compete for resources it should be integral to departmental operations, culture and climate. The questions themselves suggest there is room for progress 602. Thank you ! 603. Thank you for all you do, I am very grateful. Please continue to build trust with our minority communities. 604. Thank you for continuing to keeping us safe 605. Thank you for everything you do! This is such a difficult time, but there is ALWAYS room to improve and grow. I really believe moving the police station, and continuous training will really help the WPD. 606. "Thank you for including sexual orientation awareness 607. This survey is informative, thanks for such a thorough evaluation" 608. Thank you for the services you provide and the good, hard work you do. 609. Thank you for your service to our community! 610. Thank you to everyone. 611. Thank you WPD! We deeply appreciate you for protecting us. We know it is not easy in today's climate, where everyone wants to only point fingers at the cops and not their own behavior. Continue to weed out those who do not deserve to wear the badge and continue to protect those who cannot do it for themselves (regardless of sex, color, religion, age, etc.)

612. Thank you WPD. 613. Thankful for our Police! 614. "Thankfully, interactions have been positive, and we are blessed to not need their services personally for years." 615. Thanks for their service 616. Thank-you to all who serve our community. Thanks, also for having all or most WPD staff trained in the CIT program. Persons with disabilities and mental illness need understanding and safety when in crisis. 617. The 2 times we've had need for police interaction have both been positive (in spite of the unpleasant circumstances). We know they have a tough job to do, particularly in this current climate, but believe most if not all are doing their jobs well. We are thankful for them! 618. The City of Westerville needs to hire more officers and officers of color. I fully support our police department and appreciate everything that they do. My experience interacting with our police force has been positive. They do a great job! 619. The city should be more concerned with how the police department deters crime than the questions asked in this survey. 620. The fact westerville schools allows columbus city students to attend creates a higher likelihood of crime so I believe WPD should be allowed in schools. 621. The interaction was pretty positive. The officer was cool. 622. the interactions i have had have been satisfactory 623. The job of policing today is extremely challenging. Westerville's PD has an excellent reputation and a long record of strong community relations. We don't have a "problem" needing to be solved within the WPD. Some see problems in other agencies and project that onto the WPD and its officers, which is patently unfair. Get off and spend some time in a cruiser to see the real work that officers perform in protecting our City. 624. The little interaction I've had with the WPD I find them to be professional and the best police around!!!!!! 625. The loss of two police officers several years ago was the most traumatic event in this community since we have lived here. 626. The men and women of the WPD do not base how they interact with a person based on color! Shame on those that think they do! 627. The officers have always been helpful and respectful. All of the interactions were very positive. The officers went beyond the call of duty. 628. The officers I met in the community have always been polite and kind to me personnally. But I'm aware of other perspectives on policing and I support re-imagining police services to combat racial injustices and a legacy of brutality and profiling that is a part of the history of policing in America. 629. The officers I met with to report identity theft were very polite and helpful. 630. The only interaction that I have had personally was with animal control on a weekend and the response time was good and the officers were professional and courteous. 631. "The Police are NOT the problem!! They never were!! I have been very very happy with the WPD, that's why I continue to live in this City!! The destruction of the family and loss of morals have created this current situation." 632. The police chief told me that he and others have talked to the Giant Eagle/Polaris beggars over and over. He said they said they do NOT need help. He said that there is nothing police can do about these beggars. I think there should be an ordinance AGAINST begging in Westerville. If

people say they do NOT need police/city help, they should be told to stop their begging at intersections. 633. The police department (yes the entire force) is going to leave if city council and the manager don't step up and actually start to support its LEO's. The city is incredibly naive to think that these officers are going to tolerate the lack of support for much longer. There have been many discussions online about how there isn't any support from City Council. If City Council doesn't start fixing the relationship between themselves (putting their protected, fragile, and politically driven egos aside) and WPD, the crime and drug rate will rival Columbus. Westerville has lots of drugs, lots of guns, so it's not a far reach to think the problems in Columbus will come up to a weak city like Westerville if the PD leaves. GET YOUR ACT TOGETHER CITY COUNCIL!!! You are a disgrace to WPD, those who put their lives on the lines to protect your unsupportive selves!!! You are a let down to the city and those that need to be protected so we can continue to live here and pay your inflated salaries. City Council is beyond disappointing with their poor behaviors towards WPD. These officers bust their butts to protect and serve, be respectful!! WPD should also open up lateral transfers so we have more officers that are already trained on our streets. WPD is AMAZING – Keep up the good work!! 634. The police do a good job overall. They have a hard job, they just need to be aware of what is happening socially, which I'm sure they already are. They need to not hold it personally that some in the community feel differently even though they are just doing their best. 635. the police force is very good 636. The police in Westerville are solid individuals. Council should focus on City services, support them,hold them accountable when required then get the hell out of their way and let them do their jobs. City Council members should remember that they are not experts, let the experts in ll the city departments do their job. 637. The police that often report to our community (Windemere) have always been nice and approachable. 638. The questions in the last several sections were so slanted against the police. They do an excellent job and need to be given more accolades and support. 639. The relatively small number of encounters we have had have been pleasant. They sometimes patrol our apartment community and are always friendly. The few traffic incidents we have experienced they have always been kind and timely. 640. The SRO's are of GREAT value in the schools! 641. The Walmart on schrock area needs more patrol. People are being robbed daily! I’m not sure why I keep seeing stories of theft in the area. 642. The Westerville Police department is doing a great job. I appreciate them being in the schools interacting with the students. I feel safe having the Westerville police department available. 643. The Westerville Police Department is the BEST! 644. The Westerville police don’t deal with the community as real people. I feel we are viewed as a nuisance. 645. The WPD are always patrolling our streets and quick to resolve traffic or accident issues in the community which makes me feel safe. 646. The WPD does a great job! 647. The WPD has always been professional and all interactions have been excellent. 648. the WPD has always responded in a timely manner for me and are stern but friendly at the same time.

649. The WPD is one of the finest groups of law enforcement professionals in the country. I fully support their efforts to protect the citizens of Westerville despite the unfounded media attacks on police officers in general. 650. The WPD is outstanding 651. The WPD officers are always friendly and engaging. They are doing a hard job that is under the microscope at all times. It is very hard to be at 100% all of the time. 652. The WPD Officers are very visible in uptown and they always conduct themselves in a friendly, professional manner. They are very approachable and I appreciate their presence. 653. The WPD officers do a fine job. The 9-1-1 dispatchers are rude and should be retrained. 654. There seem to be a lot of police vehicles driving around and parked in visible areas. I usually get a wave back when I wave to them, but given recent local and national events where some police seem to be violating people's rights and believe they are above the law, I tend to be somewhat leery of interacting with police even though I'm a straight, white, middle aged man. 655. "These are tough times. Progress has been made and relationships are being developed. It will never be fast enough for some, but I feel that the WPD is really trying to be responsive to racial equity concerns." 656. These questions were very hard to answer. I am not aware of any problems within our community and I do not see the interactions that the police have with different races I fully support our policy department 657. They are always professional. They need to be shown more community support 658. They are doing just fine! 659. they are great! very respected! 660. They are great. would like them to be more visible in my neighborhood. 661. They could be watching for speeders on North and South Spring Road during the time that people are heading to and from Schools. This would increase the community's safety and add needed money through fines. 662. THEY DO A GREAT JOB. 663. they do an excellent job. Wish you would give us a chance to grade city council. Its a pretty open secret what has been going on with married council members. Its disgusting they would judge anyone. At least we know the truth will come out if they decide to run for re-election 664. They have always appeared professional and friendly to me and my family. 665. They have always been there when I needed them. I hope they can find the parties responsible for stealing purses and taking cars. 666. They have been friendly and helpful. 667. they responded to a cdomestic violence call for myself from my ex-husband, They were rapid and compassionate in response, 668. THEY'RE GOOD GUYS, ALL OF EM 669. They've been responsive to my non-emergency calls 670. This entire section on the WPD was entirely unnecessary. The WPD is a model organization of law enforcement. Anyone who has lived in Westerville for any length of time understands that. Those of us who think rationally focus on equal justice under the law, as guaranteed by the U.S. Constitution. "Social justice" efforts undermine the precepts of our national, state, and local government charters and should receive no emphasis whatsoever!!! 671. This set of questions was difficult to navigate for the average user, and seem intentional to elicit negative perceptions. This was a missed opportunity to ask Westerville residents baseline

questions to learn about bias that exists in the community and work from there. Instead, the focus on police appears to want to create a bias. 672. "-This was decades ago, but I had car trouble once in Westerville while driving my three year old child, and a WPD officer stopped because my car was blocking the side lane. Instead of asking if I needed help, the officer was extremely suspicious as though I had stolen the car and abducted the child. Not a friendly interaction. Hopefully that has changed. -My husband has also noted that the only people he has ever seen pulled over by police on Rt 3 entering Westerville from the south are black. -When my daughter was in high school (about 15 years ago), she and about 6 girlfriends gathered on the front lawn at a fellow student's house to hang out, who was a boy and Hispanic. WPD officers showed up at the house and refused to leave until the boy's parents came home. My daughter felt the police were overstepping and there may have been ethnic/racial reasons behind it." 673. To say hello, ask how things are going in Westerville. Always friendly, takes a moment to talk. 674. Tough job and not enough respect to them 675. Unlike the Columbus Police Department, the WPD has always and continues to perform a difficult job with the highest standards of professionalism , ethics, and competence. 676. unpleasant relations with Otterbein & Genoa Police 677. Very concerned about the female office that had racist and extreme right wing posts on her facebook that threatened liberal citizens 678. Very favorable 679. Very friendly in general when seen in public events 680. Very positive about the WPD they are above average as far as I'm concerned. They are visible and they protect. Bottom line I feel SAFE with the WPD! 681. Very professional 682. Very professional and friendly 683. Very professional and well run department. 684. Very Professional in all interactions Ihave had with them. They seem to be very caring people. 685. Very satisfied with WPD. Very concerned for their safety in domestic call situations since 2 officers killed in action. 686. Very visible officers. Proud of them and all they do. 687. Volunteer opportunities with a class have been nothing but positive. Very respectful and caring officers. 688. Wave at the police. Ask ?????. Engage in conversation where possible 689. We are very appreciative of all the support over the many years WPD has provided! 690. We are very blessed having an outstanding police department . I support 100% 691. We are very pleased with the police and how they interact with all Westerville citizens. 692. We believe that WPD should continue the community outreach, especially to the youth. SRO and DARE are very important. 693. We fear that other communities' issues may be attached to ours, while not really being an issue here. We are White, but one of our few experiences with WPD was a few years ago...a BLACK officer...who was very good. We seem to have open lines of communication here, and at the risk of being told "your heads are in the sand", we really don't perceive there to be systemic issues with police/community relations. When we're in trouble, we want THOSE GUYS/GALS on our six! 694. We feel safe in our home and in our city. WPD is duing their part in this. Thank you.

695. WE feel we have one of the best police forces in the state and has much to do with why we continue to stay in Westerville. 696. We had a sick raccoon on our back porch on a Sunday. I was disappointed when I called the WPD and discovered there was no one available to assist us. I ended up calling Ohio Wildlife who came and took the raccoon and that cost me I think $120.00. 697. We had our mailbox vandalized once and a police officer helped us with reporting it. It was a very nice interaction. He was kind and helpful. 698. We have a problem with speeding on our street and young children playing outside. I have called and reported this several times but never seen much more of a police presence, or really any attempts to keep my neighborhood safer for my children. 699. "We have always had a good interaction with the. Westerville police. My concern lately are the robberies at the gas stations and stores. I know they can’t be everywhere and I’m aware that they are familiar with these robberies. Overall I’m pleased with their work." 700. We have always seen WPD as consummate professionals. They are outstanding in all they do for the community. 701. WE HAVE AN AUTISTIC SON WHO PROBABLY WOULD NOT COMPLY WITH ANY TYPE OF COMMANDS. I PRAY THAT WPD WOULD BE COMPASSIONATE AND PATIENT IF INTERACTING WITH AUTISTIC INDIVIDUALS, SUCH AS ASKING IF AN INDIVUAL HAS SOCIAL OR MENTAL ISSUES THAT THEY SHOULD BE AWARE OF WHEN APPROACHING A PERSON LIKE MY SON. 702. We have called dispatcher twice. Once for entry into our home/vehicles robbed. And second time when my granddaughter (5 years old) was taken by my daughters boyfriend. I was directed to call Reynoldsburg police for my missing granddaughter. I feel Westerville should have shown more of an immediate response to my call as the boyfriend (Zach Tempio) is a known drug trafficker. He uses my daughter and grandchildren’s pictures on false “go fund me pages― literally advertising them! As the grandmother, I’ve been told there is absolutely nothing I can do until another event happens. My 4 and 5 year old grandchildren are in danger, anytime they are near this boyfriend. 703. We have called WPD to our home on a couple of occasions, in need of assistance for emergencies. The police arrived quickly and were courteous. I felt they listened and proceeded appropriately. They explained the procedures and followed up. 704. We have excellent police services in Westerville and trying to enforce or implement new racial bias training is ridiculous. These officers have a very demanding and difficult job with the expanding boundaries of Westerville and we need them to feel supported and confident in the job they are doing. If our safety services and in particular, our policing starts following the path of other larger cities, Westerville will definitely become a less desirable place to live. WPD does a great job! 705. We have had both- the most amazing people caring for a hurt child. Really impressive and professional. So nice to our kids. We have also had super aggressive and non responsive officers that were professionally inappropriate. Their job is so hard. But some of the folks at WPD might not have the right temperament for the job. I am not suited for that job and get it. I know several CPD and SWAT folks. I know First Responders. Our negative experiences were really bad. The great experiences were amazing. It would be great to find a middle ground somehow. I just passed a WPD officer today and let him go first. I waved and he just stared into the distance. That is a daily tulpical experience and I live 100 yards from the station. So the are often in the tough guy mode. But when we needed them, they were so kind and great. This is a challenging issue. I am not sure what you do. Maybe general customer service training might help.

706. We have had only helpful, professional and concerned interactions with Westerville Police when needed. 707. We have had positive experiences. One of our boys is in Dare while our older son was in Dare a few years ago. Several years ago, a police officer gave us a DQ card (bike safety) to our son since he was wearing a helmet while on his bike. We had officers help us out when we experienced ID theft and an officer came to our aid when our dog was hit by a car. I believe WPD goes above and beyond to keep our community safe. 708. We have had two issues with the rental property next door, and WPD has been extremely responsive to both. One was an unknown person knocking on our door late at night. We called 911 and the responder stayed on the phone with me the whole time. WPD was here in less than 5 minutes and alleviated the situation. The other was a hit and run situation with a parked car in front of our house. Our only issue with that situation was that the WPD officer told us we could press charges at any time. After our neighbor did not submit payment for the damages caused, we contacted the officer to press charges, and he then said he would not press charges for us. 709. We have lived in Westerville for over 50 years and will never move. the police are wonderful and I cry when I think of anyone who doesn't respect them. They work so hard to keep us safe and are always so nice and respectful. Our neighborhood looks forward to the block party each year and the opportunity to talk to the fire and police. Proud to live in Westerville. 710. We have not had much interaction with WOD officers except with the gentlemen in North High School...and they were wonderful with the kids and parents. 711. We have not recently interacted with WPD, but we are glad that they patrol our neighborhood (we live on Bishop Dr.). We support our police and want to keep crime down. 712. We haven't had to use police for any events. I like to see them patrol, if we wave they wave back. I believe we need police, and I am sure it is hard with the current negative perception of police officers, so whatever can be done to keep them approachable and friendly is important 713. We like local Partnership withStatus solutions in the schools - they are currently being used in the community and Nationwide and provide safety. The Westerville police does a nice job. We like when they patrol the neighborhoods and drive down different side streets not just the main areas. And patrol parks - sporting events and outdoor events - use of bike and horse Patrol would be good - scared straight programs for teens - community safe houses or online safety issues for kids- teens 714. We like seeing a police officer park and/or check Hoff Park. 715. "We like the visibility of cruisers in our neighborhood. 716. All the police officers that we have been in contact with have been very professional." 717. "we losing our standards the founders in favor of shit that want a free lunch, illegals, refugee cowards, Muslim terrorists and falling of school rating from excellent to undeserved satisfactory. People leaving way north with no attack on their daughters by minorities, etc, etc. etc. " 718. We love our police. I wish more police had participated in the Black Lives Matter demonstrations in Westerville this summer. Non-participation seemed like a statement. I hope it was a choice made because it was thought to be the safer choice, and not because of a black vs blue mentality. 719. We really appreciate the rapid response by the Westerville Police last year when my husband was attacked by an unknown man asking directions at our door. Their help really made a difference in our lives. 720. We respect u... hold the line... even if ur sold out!

721. WE should be embarrassed to produce such a divisive questionnaire. Didn't someone advise that we should judge people by the quality of their character and not the color of their skin. 722. We support oue police officers 100%. They are outstanding public servants. Don't change anything about how they do there jobs. 723. We think that we have the BEST police force in the State! Thank you for all you do for us and stay safe. 724. We think the WPD is doing an excellent job in very challenging times. 725. Westerville Citizen’s Police Academy gave me good insight into WPD and its officers. I found them to be professional, friendly, and helpful! They are concerned about the city and its residents. Officer Jeffries and his staff and fellow.officers are great! 726. Westerville has a very good police department, one that we should be proud about. It's a little disappointing that a very small, but extremely loud number of social justice/cancel culture fools can distract people from remembering that two years ago we lost good officers in the line of duty. It's also a little disappointing that anything less than full support for the WPD is even in question 727. Westerville has the best PD & FD in Ohio. We as a community should feel very blessed to have such a great bunch of professionals. 728. Westerville in general (not just police) needs to work on racial relations, and I understand that it is a priority and I'm grateful for that. Within the last few years I have seen racial profiling by police, and have had a motorist yell the 'n' word at a friend while we were walking near uptown. I know that people of color feel uncomfortable in Westerville still and that is unfortunate. Kudos for the hard work in changing this scenario as well as the outreach for our LGBTQ community members. Westerville is moving in the right direction but it will take time and perseverance! 729. Westerville is blessed with a professional, dedicated, commmunity serving and improving police force. It is tough job -- our police force does very well. But the current popular term "systemic racial bias" is a huge problem that has permeated our culture and our nation's police work for such a long time. It is hard to detect, to recognize, to change. Some of our nation's law enforcement agencies are doing better, some not so much. Our police force I am convinced is working hard at eliminating the cause and the effect of it. Racism in police services is a national problem that must be eliminated. Or we all lose. Westerville Police appear to be aware and working hard at providing great police service to all. 730. Westerville officers do a great job under unfriendly circumstances at times 731. Westerville Police has always been very professional. The City of Westerville can be very proud of their police and Fire Departments.The City of Westerville should not fall for the fake reporting of the media outlets. The stupid calling of reform by the criminal sector is bullshit. The Police is involved in LAW and ORDER. 732. We've had limited experiences with WPD but have nothing negative to say about them. Every experience has been positives and the officers have been friendly and helpful. We've had one annoying experience where our parked car was ticketed in the middle of the night in front of our house on a very low-volume residential street. When theres plenty of other issues for them to address. 733. We've only lived here about 18 months so far, much of it during the COVID-19 pandemic, and we have had minimal (almost no) interaction with the police thus far. I see them out in cruisers when I'm walking our dogs, they seem friendly and wave but that's about the extent of it. 734. What limited interactions I have had have been very positive.

735. When discussing the training for WPD there was no mention of training for officers in relation to people with disabilities such as Autism Spectrum Disorder, Down syndrome, or other Developmental or Intellectual Disabilities. It is imperative that Police departments train employees on how to respond when they encounter this population. 736. When I had to contact WPD when my then 14 year old son was out of control, the officer sat down with my son and talked to him about what was bothering him and got him to calm down. I've had to contact CPD for the same thing and they laughed. 737. When I have called either 911 or the non-emergency line, the dispatchers are very good at getting the information needed. 738. When I see that one or two cruisers have a car pulled over to the side of the road, it seems to me that 90% of those drivers are young people of color. I have observed this for quite a few years. 739. When my son died 29 years ago, the Westerville Police were there for me. He died in the parking lot at Cleveland Ave and Main St. He was 18. Heart attack. The EMS at the fire station across the street worked on him in the parking lot and then transferred him to St. Anns. I can not tell you how caring the WPD was to us. I think the officer at that time was Mr. Smith. I think he went on to be a Captain or something. It has been too long ago. They even checked in on us months after our son had passed. We will never forget the love extended to us. 740. When my son was a high school senior he, along with a few friends, were caught smoking marijuana behind Westerville North High School (where they were students). We were contacted by our son who was being detained by the police. The way the officers handled the situation was impressive. They were caring, focused on educating the kids, impressed on the kids the seriousness of their actions without exploiting scare tactics and left me, the other parents and the kids with the clear impression that they [the officers] are invested in our safety first, fairness and the safety of the community over-all. They were professional, friendly while being authoritative. I was impressed with how the situation was handled. 741. When the police get the wrong idea about something, they can hurt you more than anyone 742. "When time, weather and resources permit, get out of the SUV’s an walk neighborhoods. 743. Also if resources permit Especially in targeted parts of Westervile, walking with same officers is an important part of of Community Policing." 744. Whenever I have had interaction with the police academy they have been very respectful and friendly 745. Where is the Uptown officer ????????????? 746. While I understand that it is an extremely tough time to be a police officer, there are many years of work ahead of us to ensure that people of color are treated fairly and equitably by law enforcement. WPD is more equitable than other departments, but that does not mean there isn't work to be done. We live in a nation of systemic racism and law enforcement has been a tool used to uphold racism for hundreds of years. It will take a lot of hard work to dismantle this system of oppression and I expect WPD - along with all citizens - to continue working to do so in any and all ways possible. 747. Witnessed a prolonged period detaining a minority. Either proceed w taking in custody or release but talking too long is harassment. 748. "Would like to see a weekend drinking check point near Cleveland and St Ann’s. Neighbor comes home stumbling drunk from Jimmy’s bar at Flag Center couple times a month. We have picked him up and got him in the house numerous times. He fell into my flower planters last

summer and broke them. Have Ring picture. Don’t know how the bartender can let him drive this drunk. 614-361-7939" 749. "WPD & WFD do great things Judges are too lienient sign stealing is vandalism " 750. WPD always does a great job. Officers treat residents with respect and this is the reason why the community is very supportive of them. Nationally police officers have been in the news for not following protocols. I think it is important that we don’t take out those violations on officers who are doing their jobs and are keeping the community safe. I glad that the questions are being asked so there can be a confirmation of how the community is supportive of WPD. I understand that no one should assume that there are not any problems but this could be done without police officers feeling not supportive and constantly attacked. I do support making the community more inclusive and a place that everyone feels welcome. However, I do not support anti-police comments or agendas. 751. WPD are the best of the best! 752. WPD does a good job and they are not a racist organization. 753. WPD does a good job. Most of these questions are a waste of time. 754. WPD does a great job with community outreach and training. Our officers are some of the best in central ohio. Westerville should be very proud of their officers and support them 100%. city council should support them and not criticize them on their social media pages. 755. WPD does an amazing job protecting our community and is a great example for all other communities. Their time spent in public outreach has been great to see. I want to especially thank the Chief of Police, Cappy Chandler for protecting our community. Thank you! 756. WPD does an outstanding job policing our community. 757. WPD has always acted in a professional and helpful manner with me 758. WPD has always been a positive image in my mind and all of my interactions. It is a tough time to be a police officer and I believe WPD officers are some of the best in Central Ohio 759. WPD has always been excellent in my experience. 760. WPD has always been friendly and professional in my experience with them 761. WPD has always been helpful and courteous to me and my family. 762. WPD has assembled an outstanding family of professionals. From what I see, they should be recognized as a great asset to our community. I would support them in any way I can. Keep up the AMAZING good work in these difficult times. Know that we are proud of you. 763. WPD has been great when I have interacted with them in the community. I was concerned this year when customers were being attacked and had their purses and cars stolen in walmart continually for a few weeks. Felt like that should not happen in westerville and was confused why it wasn't solved earlier. 764. WPD has been the target of special interest groups (8:46 group, etc) and is unfortunate. WPD is great and they are people behind the badge. If they disagree, fine, but don't throw gas on the fire because you may have a different opinion. 765. WPD is a credit to the community. Because of WPD, our community is a safer place to live. I think that you would be hard pressed to find a fixed resident property owner in Westerville of any race, or ethnicity that has anything but praise for our police and fire divisions. 766. WPD is a great service, quick response, caring police, heart went out to the 2 policemen who were killed. But #WestervilleStrong has now been politicized with the polarity between police & people of color. Need to discontinue the campaign or make it clear that standing for police can mean standing for the rights of minority people. Now, seems like police are part of the problem. 767. WPD is a model for peers and second to none

768. WPD is amazing! I actually find it rather disturbing as a black independent woman in this community that this topic has such a large portion of the survey targeting them. It's quite obvious that our city leaders, (especially several city council members) drive such an anti-police agenda driven narrative. All you have to do is visit their social media pages to find that out, but look at who are the first to call 9-1-1 when they are faced with an uncomfortable situation. I think some of our city council members need to participate in some self-reflection & appreciate what they have here in our beautiful city. I also find it ridiculous & offensive that there are so many white women in our community who supposedly stand for inclusiveness & police reform when hardly none of them have a true appreciation for what it was like to grow up in the inner city with nothing! I had a rough upbringing & have faced adversity like so many other people of color. I have not always had positive experiences with law enforcement, however I maintain a deep sense of respect for their role and how they serve our community. Due to my upbringing, I wanted more for myself and my family! That is the main reason I came to Westerville, to BETTER MYSELF & MY FAMILY! There are many people who have a misguided sense of entitlement & should think before they speak. Maybe not judge, or Monday-morning quarterback the actions of every police officer when they themselves have no experience, understanding, or appreciation with police legislative guided policy, tactics, or department procedures. 769. WPD is an excellent police force. It seems that some in leadership positions promote the idea that we have a racist force that tramples on residents and traumatizes youth. That is unfair and not supported by quantifiable evidence. 770. WPD is doing a great job. 771. WPD is doing an excellent job in a very trying time. It often feels that officers and departments are put into a "no-win" situation and for that I am so very sorry. 772. WPD is fairly visible in the community- patrolling, etc. I am concerned about the increasing incidences of car break-ins throughout neighborhoods and the purse thefts and car-jackings perpetuated by groups of teens in our area. I believe a visible police presence serves as a deterrent. I support our police. Regarding the social justice issues of the day-I believe we should place less emphasis on race, not more. Treat everyone the same. I believe society is becoming more divided by placing each person into a certain category based on skin color, gender, sexual preference, etc. Each person is an individual. America is supposed to be the melting pot, many cultures coming together, intermingling, co-existing, respecting their differences, and finding much common ground. Opportunity exists for everyone to succeed if they work hard. 773. WPD is great. We have no major issues at WPD-we have 2 council members who want to create problems just to make a name for themselves. Yes, racism exists everywhere, and it needs to be eliminated, but these types of programs only piss people off instead of education to the minority who are racist. WPD is great. 774. WPD is one of the best around. We are fortunate to have then 775. WPD is the best! 776. "WPD is top notch. Our officers are always super engaging every time we see them. Thank you for all you do stay safe" 777. WPD is very positive. It's what got them thru 2020 without rioting. It's what gave them the overwhelming support 2/10/18. Social justice has a place elsewhere where there's injustice. There's no place for it here - it's fair. It's not white privilege; its' suburban privilege that our non- white neighbors also enjoy. Focus on the larger problem of 500+ african americans killed in Chicago by other african americancs - too many lives lost.

778. "WPD offer great services for Westerville and give citizens a sense of security and peace of mind. Maybe their good work needs to be promoted more generally in the community. " 779. Wpd officers are excellant!! I appreciate all their hard work and they have always been kind in all my interactions with them!! 780. WPD officers are part of our community; they are our neighbors, friends. I have great respect for the value they provide and the dangers they face. "Bad" cops need to be dealt with swiftly with zero tolerance. 781. WPD officers have always been pleasant and helpful, whether chatting the neighborhood or stopping me for speeding. 782. WPD professionals are outstanding public servants. 783. WPD seems to have recruited and maintained an excellent department. Just because there have been some high profile cases of unprofessional/ criminal policing lately we shouldn’t assume this extends to all police officers. Our cops should be PUBLICLY recognized for their outstanding service and not generalized as racists because of these high profile instances of apparent racism. 784. WPD should be seen more visibly on the streets and neighborhoods on bikes in pairs of two's more regularly to the public as seen in Europe than using patrol vehicles which detaches them from pedestrians and the public from interaction and rapport. 785. WPD, while not perfect, like all of us, does a wonderful job protecting our City! 786. Years ago I would not give the Westerville PD a good rating as we had very bad experiences with them and as a family that did not have interaction with police except for maybe a traffic violation we did not know any better. We ended up having to almost file bankruptcy after we were given false information on what we needed to do and took the advice we were given from the police department because I put all my trust in them and grew up in Westerville. It took many years before I trusted them again and still have major anxiety even when I hear a siren of any kind at almost 20 years later. I hope I don't jinx myself by saying the interaction I have had with the WPD in the past 5 years has been nothing but great. We had a problem with someone trying to get money out of us and threatening us and they were awesome. We had two different officers come to the house and I was very impressed with how understanding they were and they made me feel safe. Nothing what I had dealt with years ago. 787. You are doing a great job in a difficult time. Thank you for your service. 788. You can't expect a police department to decrease crime. Community crime prevention programs do not necessarily supersede family upbringing. In my opinion, parents need to be held accountable also. 789. You did not ask, but perhaps I should explain that we are all individuals, including police, so we all act and react individually. Also, I need to explain that I am 80 years young, and I have have had a lot of interactions with numerous people since I learned to drive 67 years ago. 790. You do an excellent job. 791. You have devoted far too much time in this survey looking for a problem with WPD that is not there. 792. Your survey questions relating to the police were very one-sided. Most of the questions focused on the negative aspects and not the positive; therefore, the answers were negatively one sided.