217 bus time schedule & line map

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The 217 bus line (Cockermouth) has 2 routes. For regular weekdays, their operation hours are: (1) Cockermouth: 9:30 AM - 1:45 PM (2) : 12:25 PM - 4:55 PM Use the Moovit App to nd the closest 217 bus station near you and nd out when is the next 217 bus arriving.

Direction: Cockermouth 217 bus Time Schedule 25 stops Cockermouth Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday Not Operational The Grin, Frizington Tuesday Not Operational Library, Frizington Main Street, Frizington Wednesday 9:30 AM - 1:45 PM

Waterloo Terrace, Thursday Not Operational Friday Not Operational View, Arlecdon Saturday Not Operational Road, Rowrah

Magnus House, Rowrah Pheasants Rise, 217 bus Info Hatched Green, Kirkland Direction: Cockermouth Stops: 25 Post Oce, Ennerdale Trip Duration: 55 min Kirkland Road, Ennerdale And Kinniside Civil Parish Line Summary: The Grin, Frizington, Library, Frizington, Waterloo Terrace, Arlecdon, Eskett View, House Farm, Kirkland Arlecdon, Rowrah Road, Rowrah, Magnus House, Rowrah, Hatched Green, Kirkland, Post Oce, Institute, Lamplugh Ennerdale, House Farm, Kirkland, Lamplugh Institute, Lamplugh, Fitz Bridge, Lamplugh, Bridge, Crossgates, Old Railway Bridge, , The Riverside Fitz Bridge, Lamplugh Inn, , St Oswald's Parish Church, Dean, The Royal Yew, Dean, Village Centre, Pardshaw, Bridge, Crossgates Quaker Meeting House, Pardshaw, Hill Top Farm, , West End, Eagleseld, Village Hall, Old Railway Bridge, Ullock Eagleseld, Oakhurst Garden Centre, Cockermouth Moor, Henry Street, Cockermouth Moor, Main Street The Riverside Inn, Branthwaite Monument, Cockermouth, Cottage Hospital, Cockermouth St Oswald's Parish Church, Dean

The Royal Yew, Dean

Village Centre, Pardshaw

Quaker Meeting House, Pardshaw Hill Top Farm, Deanscales

West End, Eagleseld

Village Hall, Eagleseld

Oakhurst Garden Centre, Cockermouth Moor Lamplugh Road, Cockermouth Civil Parish

Henry Street, Cockermouth Moor

Main Street Monument, Cockermouth Room 2 Main Street, Cockermouth

Cottage Hospital, Cockermouth Direction: Frizington 217 bus Time Schedule 28 stops Frizington Route Timetable: VIEW LINE SCHEDULE Sunday Not Operational

Monday Not Operational Cottage Hospital, Cockermouth Tuesday Not Operational Main Street, Cockermouth 55 Main Street, Cockermouth Wednesday 12:25 PM - 4:55 PM

Faireld Junior School, Cockermouth Thursday Not Operational Gallowbarrow, Cockermouth Friday Not Operational

The Level, Cockermouth Moor Saturday Not Operational The Level, Cockermouth

Oakhurst Garden Centre, Cockermouth Moor Lamplugh Road, Cockermouth Civil Parish 217 bus Info Parkside Avenue, Cockermouth Moor Direction: Frizington Stops: 28 Village Hall, Eagleseld Trip Duration: 56 min Line Summary: Cottage Hospital, Cockermouth, West End, Eagleseld Main Street, Cockermouth, Faireld Junior School, Cockermouth, The Level, Cockermouth Moor, Hill Top Farm, Deanscales Oakhurst Garden Centre, Cockermouth Moor, Parkside Avenue, Cockermouth Moor, Village Hall, Quaker Meeting House, Pardshaw Eagleseld, West End, Eagleseld, Hill Top Farm, Deanscales, Quaker Meeting House, Pardshaw, Village Centre, Pardshaw Village Centre, Pardshaw, The Royal Yew, Dean, St Oswald's Parish Church, Dean, The Riverside Inn, The Royal Yew, Dean Branthwaite, Bridge End, Ullock, Post Oce, Crossgates, Fitz Bridge, Lamplugh, Beck, Lamplugh, Institute, Lamplugh, Hatched Green, Kirkland, Post St Oswald's Parish Church, Dean Oce, Ennerdale, House Farm, Kirkland, Garage, Rowrah, Rowrah Road, Rowrah, Park Road, The Riverside Inn, Branthwaite Arlecdon, Waterloo Terrace, Arlecdon, Library, Frizington, The Grin, Frizington Bridge End, Ullock

Post Oce, Crossgates

Fitz Bridge, Lamplugh

Beck, Lamplugh

Institute, Lamplugh

Hatched Green, Kirkland

Post Oce, Ennerdale Kirkland Road, Ennerdale And Kinniside Civil Parish

House Farm, Kirkland

Garage, Rowrah Pheasants Rise, Arlecdon And Frizington Civil Parish Rowrah Road, Rowrah

Park Road, Arlecdon

Waterloo Terrace, Arlecdon

Library, Frizington Main Street, Frizington

The Grin, Frizington 217 bus time schedules and route maps are available in an oine PDF at moovitapp.com. Use the Moovit App to see live bus times, train schedule or subway schedule, and step-by-step directions for all public transit in North West. Check Live Arrival Times About Moovit MaaS Solutions Supported Countries Mooviter Community © 2021 Moovit - All Rights Reserved