Pope John Convokes Vatican Council for 1962

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Pope John Convokes Vatican Council for 1962 THE VOICE C30I Bl«*yn* Blvd., Miami 9*, Flo. Return Postage Guaranteed VOICE Weekly Publication of the Diocese of Miami Covering the 16 Counties of South Florida VOL. Ill, NO. 41. Price $5 a year ... 15 cents a copy DECEMBER 29, 1961 TING WILL BENEFIT THE CHURCH, UNITY-SEEKERS, THE WORLD Pope John Convokes Vatican Council For 1962 VATICAN CITY- (NO — Pope John XXIII has the world today with the yitality of the Church convoked the Second Vatican Council for 1962 that and said that the Church's, role is "to bring the this meeting of the entire hierarchy would benefit modern world into contact with the vivifying and not only the" Church but all those seeking unity ^ perennial energies of the Gospel." He said that and even improve the. world itself. it is because of the world's "spiritual poverty" that he had decided to call the council. The papal bull proclaiming the convocation for 1962 left the actual opening date unspecified. Characterizing today's world as one that "ex- The Supreme Pontiff said the Council will give alts itself with its conquests in technical and sci- the Church the "possibility of contributing more ef- entific fields but'which also brings the consequences ficaciously to the solution of problems of the of a temporal order which some have wished to modern age." He specifically asked both Catholics reorganize in a way that excludes God," the Holy and non-Catholics to pray for the council's suc- Father continued: cess. "This is why modern society is earmarked by Pope John contrasted the confusion besetting great material progress to which there is- no corresponding advance in the moral field." He cited the "completely Shun Force, World Rulers new and disconcerting fact" of worldwide militant atheism but reaffirmed his confidence Told In Christmas Message in Christ "Who has not left (Complete Text, Pages 8, 9>. ties of nuclear power and warn- the world which He redeem- ed rulers that they too are men, ed." VATICAN CITY '(NO — Pope "fragile and< mortal." He told John XXIII calledl on the rulers them that they have received The 2,500-word document in of nations to "shun all thought their power from God "not to Latin was read Christmas Day of force," as he renewed his destroy but to build, not to di- on the wintry porch of St. Pet- pleas for peace in the fourth vide but to unite, not to cause er's basilica by Archbishop Christmas message of his reign. tears to be shed but to provide Pericle Felice, general secretary Pope John broadcast his 3,000- employment and security." of the council's Central Prepara- word message to the world* over tory Commission, who received Radio Vatican and other net- Pope John .declared: it from the hands of the Pope. works- (Dec. 21). Following the "We cannot- believe that the 'HUMANAE SALUTIS' broadcast, translations^ 39 lan- terrifying energy now under Pope John's bull said the guages were put on-the air. the control of man will be re- ecumenical council will benefit , The Pontiff declared that the leased for the world's destruc- -the Church by promoting "the only means of achieving peace tion. For side by side with sanctification of its members, today is for men to imitate elements of fear and appre- the diffusion of revealed truth, Christ's goodness in a world hension, there are positive the consolidation of its agen- where men have become "calcu- signs of a. good will that is . cies." 1 lating, suspicious and selfish." constructive and productive PAPAL BULL proclaiming the Second Vatican cil for 1962. At right is Msgr . Enrico Dante of of good. The council will benefit sep- Council was signed by Pope John XXIII on the Vatican ceremonial office. The actual open- The Pope's talk took into ac- arated Christians seeking unity Christmas Day, convoking the ecumenical coun- ing date of the Council was not specified. count the destructive possibili- "While we give thanks to the by providing "premises of doc- Lord, the source of goodness, we trinal clarity and mutual char- (Continued on Page 2) (Continued on Page 2) 25 Dioceses To Take Part In Vocation Meeting Here Rain Forces Pope To Give The importance of promoting ami diocesan director of voca- vocations at the college level tions, is in charge of arrange- Christmas Blessing Indoors and an outline of the obstacles ments for the three-day meeting •which have decreased the need- VATICAN CITY (NO — the Vatican instead of from the ed number of priests and Sis- which opens with registration Christmas was busy for Pope central balcony of St. Peter's. highlight discussions from 5 to 8 p.m. on Tuesday. John XXIII. It was decided that the Pope, ^ meeting of vocations Two members of the hier- who had recently recovered directors from eastern dioceses The Pontiff's major preoccu- archy listed among principal from a cold, should not be ex- on Jan. 2-4 at the Hotel Ameri- pations included the signing of speakers are Bishop Paul J. posed to the rawness of the cana, Miami Beach. Hallinan of Charleston, S, C, the bull officially announcing soggy day. the Second Vatican Ecumenical Priests from more than 25 who will discuss "Recruiting for dioceses in the eastern section Vocations in College" during Council, and his Christmas of the U.S. will attend the Wednesday afternoon's sessions, broadcast to the world. § Pope John Prays sessions during which Bish- and Auxiliary Bishop Philip M. op Coleman F. Carroll and Hannan of Washington, who But he also found time to re- | For JFK's Father the Diocese of Miami will be will Speak on "Meeting the Vo- ceive a "delegation of children bearing gifts, to address the 'i VATICAN CITY (NO — ;j hosts. cation Obstacles" during the Is The Holy See has sent a mes- i closing dinner at 7:30 p. m. cardinals of Rome, to offer Father dairies J. Walsh, Mi- A sage of condolence to Presi- Thursday. Mass, to deliver a discoursevto ^ dent John F. Kennedy on the the diplomats accredited to the. ;„• illness of his father, former Msgr. Martin J. Christopher Holy See, and to give another^ >{ U. S. Ambassador to Great *j i__ i A U-l,, r\#.«» of Washington will be the chair- talk wit en he imparted his *: Britain Joseph P. Kennedy. ' Jan. 1 A Holy Day man for the opening sessions at Christmas blessing to the city J The Feast of the Circum- 10 a.m. Wednesday when "Psy- >:-i Amleto Cardinal Cicognani, (Other Pictures, Page' T3) of Rome and the world. cision will be observed on chological Testing and Recent Voice Photo ; t Papal Secretary of State, as- New Year's Day, Monday Directives of the Holy See" will CUBAN REFUGEE children'were feted during Christmas parties For the first time in his <i sured the President that Po Jan. 1, and is a holyday of be outlined for delegates by at Miami's Centro Hispano Catolico where Santa Claus distri- reign Pope John was forced by h John XXIII was praying for obligation. Msgr. Ernest Fiedler, of the buted gifts to more than 900. Bishop Coleman F. Carroll is bad weather to give his bless- fi his father's recovery. (Continued on Page 3) shown admiring the doll received by one of the little girls. ing "urbi et orbi" from inside Vatican Council Convoked Polish Reds 'Modify' Order By Pope John For 1962 After Protest By Cardinal (Continued from Page 1) self socially in unity, it has BERLIN — Poland's Primate — Discrimination against Sis- ity" that will smooth the way been reinvigorated intellectually, has petitioned that communist- to unity, he said. ters qualified to serve as nurses it has been purified interiorly ruled nation's Parliament to in- in government hospitals. "Finally, to a world lost, and is thus ready for trials." vestigate illegal government ac-. confused and anxious under tion against the Church, accord- — Government refusal to hire GIFT TO WORLD qualified priests and Religious the constant threat of new "We considered," he said ing to reports reaching here. - frightful conflicts, the forth- as teachers, in. public schools. "that now the times were right Stefan Cardinal Wyszynski coming council is called upon 1 to offer to the Catholic Churwh called for the probe into vio- — Official bans on traditional to offer an opportunity for and to the world the gift of an lations of Church rights in a religious processions. all men of good will to turn ecumenical council, as an addi- letter to Czeslaw Wycech, their thoughts and' their in- — Discrimination against tion to and continuation of the speaker of the Polish Sejm tentions toward peace." Church institutions in regard to series of 20 great councils." (Parliament). financial and tax matte'0 by The bull was entitled "Hu- He joyfully noted the wel- The letter was sent in No- the Ministry of Finance^ the State Office for Church manae Salutis." While Arch- come given his project by Cath- vember after a meeting of the bishop Felice read it, cold wind olics and the "lively interest or Polish Bishops in Warsaw and swept across the porch of the — Refusal by the Interior at least respectful attention on has the approval of all of the Ministry to authorize the for- great basilica. He read in a the part of non-Catholics and Bishops, reports said. loud voice from a rostrum cov- N. C. Photo mation of Church-sponsored or- even non-Christians." ganizations. ered with red velvet and trim- HOLIDAY GREETINGS to his aunt in Hungary are extended by To date there have been no med with gold.
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