Notitia Dignatum Table and Ma

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Notitia Dignatum Table and Ma Notitia Dignatatum table and map Chapter 40, the dux Britanniarum, from the Notitia Dignitatum Occidentis. Uncertain locations marked with an asterisk*. Placenames have been changed to the generally-accepted Latin spellings, though variations of these spellings are found in the Notitia. At the disposal of viri spectabilis the Duke of the Britains Location 18. Prefect of Legio VI York 19. Prefect of the equites Dalmatarum at Praesidium *East or North Yorkshire 20. Prefect of the equites Crispianorum at Danum Doncaster 21. Prefect of the equites catafractariorum at Morbio *Piercebridge 22. Prefect of the numerus barcariorum Tigrisiensium at Arbeia South Shields 23. Prefect of the numerus Nerviorum Dictensium at Dictum *Wearmouth 24. Prefect of the numerus vigilum at Concangium Chester-le-Street 25. Prefect of the numerus exploratorum at Lavatris Bowes 26. Prefect of the numerus directorum at Verteris Brough-under-Stainmore 27. Prefect of the numerus defensorum at Braboniacum Kirkby Thore 28. Prefect of the numerus Solensium at Maglonis Old Carlisle 29. Prefect of the numerus Pacensium at Magis *Piercebridge 30. Prefect of the numerus Longovicanorum at Longovicium Lanchester 31. Prefect of the numerus supervenientium Petueriensium at Derventione *Malton 32. Along the line of the Wall 33. Tribune of the cohors IV Lingonum at Segedunum Wallsend 34. Tribune of the cohors I Cornoviorum at Pons Aelius Newcastle 35. Prefect of the ala I Asturum at Condercum Benwell 36. Tribune of the cohors I Frixagorum at Vindobala Rudchester 37. Prefect of the ala Sabiniana at Hunnum Haltonchesters 38. Prefect of the ala II Asturum at Cilurnum Chesters 39. Tribune of the cohors I Batavorum at Brocolitia Carrawburgh 40. Tribune of the cohors I Tungrorum at Vercovicium Housesteads 41. Tribune of the cohors IIII Gallorum at Vindolanda Chesterholm/Vindolanda 42. Tribune of the cohors [lacuna – II ] Asturum at Aesica Great Chesters 43. Tribune of the cohors II Dalmatarum at Magnis Carvoran 44. Tribune of the cohors I Aelia Dacorum at [lacuna – Banna] Birdoswald [lacuna – 44a. Tribune of the cohors II Tungrorum] at Camboglanna Castlesteads 45. Prefect of the ala Petriana, Petriana Stanwix 46. [illegible] at Luguvallium Carlisle 47. Prefect of the numerus Maurorum Aurelianorum at Aballava Burgh-by-Sands 48. Tribune of the cohors II Lingonum at Congavata Drumburgh 49. Tribune of the cohors I Hispanorum at Axelodunum *Bowness End of Wall section (not noted in text) 50. Tribune of the cohors II Thracum at Gabrosentum *Moresby 51. Tribune of the cohors I Aelia classica at Tunnocelum Ravenglass 52. Tribune of the cohors I Morinorum at Glannibanta *Ambleside 53. Tribune of the cohors III Nerviorum at Alione *Maryport, Watercroock 54. Equites Sarmatarum at Brementenracum Ribchester 55. Prefect of the ala I Herculea at Olenacum Elslack 56. Tribune of the cohors VI Nerviorum at Virosidum Bainbridge Newcastle University © 2014 Hadrian’s Wall 1 Map showing locations of units according to the Notitia Dignatatum Newcastle University © 2014 Hadrian’s Wall 2 .
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