Dermatology Eponyms DERMATOLOGY EPONYMS – PHENOMEN / SIGN – LEXICON (D) Brzeziński Piotr1, Wollina Uwe2, Poklękowska Katarzyna3, Khamesipour Ali4, Herrero Gonzalez Jose Eugenio5, Bimbi Cesar6, Di Lernia Vito7, Karwan Krzysztof 8 16th Military Support Unit, Ustka, Poland.
[email protected] 2Department of Dermatology & Allergology, Hospital Dresden-Friedrichstadt, Academic Teaching Hospital of the Technical University of Dresden, Dresden, Germany
[email protected] 3Mazowiecki Branch of the National Health Fund, Warsaw, Poland
[email protected] 4Center for Research and Training in Skin Diseases and Leprosy, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran
[email protected] 5Malalties Ampul.lars i Porfíries, Departament de Dermatologia, Hospital del Mar, Barcelona, Spain
[email protected] 6Brazilian Society of Dermatology
[email protected] 7Department of Dermatology, Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova, Reggio Emilia, Italy
[email protected] 8The Emergency Department, Military Institute of Medicine, Warsaw, Poland
[email protected] N Dermatol Online. 2011; 2(3): 158-170 Date of submission: 08.04.2011 / acceptance: 29.05.2011 Conflicts of interest: None DANIELSSEN’S SIGN Anesthetic leprosy. A form of leprosy chiefly affecting the nerves, marked by hyperesthesia succeeded by anesthesia, and by paralysis, ulceration, and various trophic disturbances, terminating in gangrene and mutilation. In 1895 I presented to the Ohio State Medical Society two sisters, natives of Ohio, who manifested appearances of anesthetic leprosy. Synonyms: Danielssen disease, Danielssen-Boeck disease, dry leprosy, trophoneurotic leprosy. OBJAW DANIELSSENA Anesthetic leprosy. Postać trądu głównie wpływająca na nerwy, początkowo charakteryzuje się oznaczone przeczulicą, następcą znieczulicą i paraliŜem, owrzodzeniem i róŜnymi zaburzeniami troficznymi, kończąca się w gangreną i okaleczeniem. W 1895 roku przedstawiono w Ohio State Medical Society dwie siostry z Ohio, u których występowały objawy anesthetic Figure 1.