H MS C153 Finland, Maxwell. Papers, 1916-2003: a Finding Aid

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H MS C153 Finland, Maxwell. Papers, 1916-2003: a Finding Aid [logo] H MS c153 Finland, Maxwell. Papers, 1916-2003: A Finding Aid. H MS c153 H MS c153 Countway Library of Medicine, Center for the History of Medicine 10 Shattuck Street Boston, MA, [email protected] https://www.countway.harvard.edu/chom (617) 432-2170 Finland, Maxwell. Papers, 1916-2003: A Finding Aid. H MS c153 H MS c153 Table of Contents Summary Information ......................................................................................................................................................................... 3 Administrative Information ................................................................................................................................................................. 3 Series And Subseries Arrangement ................................................................................................................................................... 4 Biography ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 4 Scope And Content Note ................................................................................................................................................................... 5 Collection Inventory ........................................................................................................................................................................... 7 I. Biographical Papers and Photographs, 1916-2003 .................................................................................................................... 7 A. Biographical and Personal Papers, 1916-2003 ...................................................................................................................... 7 B. Photographs, 1934-2003 ...................................................................................................................................................... 10 II. Professional Correspondence, 1929-1984 ............................................................................................................................... 12 A. Alphabetical Correspondence, 1929-1984 ........................................................................................................................... 13 B. Chronological Correspondence, Manuscripts, 1947-1959 ................................................................................................... 33 C. Chronological Correspondence, Alphabetical, 1956-1976 ................................................................................................... 33 III. Harvard Medical School Records, 1938-1983 ......................................................................................................................... 39 IV. Boston City Hospital Records, 1928-1983 .............................................................................................................................. 42 V. Drug Studies and Research Records, 1935-1975 ................................................................................................................... 46 A. Drug Testing and Background Records and Correspondence, 1937-1971 ......................................................................... 46 B. Drug Studies Records, 1943-1975 ....................................................................................................................................... 52 C. Laboratory Notebooks, 1958-1975 ....................................................................................................................................... 82 D. Disease Research Records, 1935-1978 .............................................................................................................................. 83 E. Channing Laboratory Research Records, 1949-1965 .......................................................................................................... 85 VI. Veterans' Administration Records, 1950-1983 ....................................................................................................................... 85 A. Veterans' Administration Site Visits, 1973-1980 .................................................................................................................. 85 B. Veterans' Administration Committees and Projects Records, 1950-1983 ............................................................................ 88 C. Veterans' Administration Booklet Photographs .................................................................................................................... 91 VII. Professional Activities and Associations Records, 1936-1983 .............................................................................................. 92 VIII. Conferences, Meetings and Symposia Records, 1952-1984 ................................................................................................ 96 IX. Writings, 1942-1983 .............................................................................................................................................................. 100 A. Articles and Speeches, 1942-1983 .................................................................................................................................... 100 B. Harvard Medical Unit at Boston City Hospital. Records, 1962-1983 .................................................................................. 107 C. Harvard Medical Unit at Boston City Hospital, Photographs, 1925-1980 ........................................................................... 111 X. Film Reels and Videotapes, 1976-1988 ................................................................................................................................. 128 XI. Patient Records, 1935-1981 ................................................................................................................................................. 128 Controlled Access Headings .......................................................................................................................................................... 130 - 2 - Finland, Maxwell. Papers, 1916-2003: A Finding Aid. H MS c153 H MS c153 Summary Information Repository: Center for the History of Medicine (Francis A. Countway Library of Medicine) Creator: Finland, Maxwell. Title: Maxwell Finland papers Identifier: H MS c153 Date: 1916-2003 Physical Description: 38.5 cubic feet (35 record cartons, three document boxes, two half-document boxes, one legal document box, and three oversized flat boxes) Language Of Materials: English Overview: The Maxwell Finland papers, 1916-2003, document Finland's career as a specialist in infectious diseases at Boston City Hospital and as George Richards Minot Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School. Conditions Governing Collection is open for research. Access requires advance notice.There are restrictions on Access: access to portions of this collection. Personnel and patient information is restricted for 80 years from the date of creation. These restrictions are noted where they appear in Series I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, and IX. Access to Harvard University records are restricted for 50 years from the date of creation. These restrictions are noted where they appear in Series III. Researchers may apply for access to restricted records. Consult Public Services for further information. Conditions Governing The Harvard Medical Library does not hold copyright on all materials in the collection. Use: Researchers are responsible for identifying and contacting any third-party copyright holders for permission to reproduce or publish. For more information on the Center's use, publication, and reproduction policies, view our Reproductions and Use Policy. Immediate Source Of The Maxwell Finland papers were donated to the Harvard Medical Library in the Francis A. Acquisition: Countway Library of Medicine in 1998-1999. Processing Information: Processed by: Alyson Reichgott, with advice and comments by Dr. Jerome O. Klein, June 2004 Processing note: This collection includes papers formerly identified as GA 27. Approximately 2.5 cubic feet of materials were incorporated into the larger collection from GA 27, Maxwell Finland. Approximately twenty-seven cubic feet of duplicate, unmarked photocopies, reprints, form correspondence, administrative memoranda, drafts, published volumes, pamphlets, and brochures were removed and discarded, along with unduplicated material of a personal or financial nature, either to MF or others, including retirement or insurance information, receipts, invoices, travel vouchers, tax returns, pay stubs or salary information, copies of checks, and professional article reviews. Sixty-two cubic feet of material, acquired in 1999, were organized into eleven series of this collection. Although some acidic paper has been photocopied and removed, generally good paper condition and the prohibitive amount contained in the collection prevented blanket photocopying. This may be addressed more systematically as resources and time warrant. Library Catalog ID 007873680 Library Catalog Link http://id.lib.harvard.edu/aleph/007873680/catalog Related Materials: Related collections in the Center for the History of Medicine include Maxwell Finland's faculty publications (1.Mh.1943.F) and the Thorndike Memorial Laboratory at Boston City Hospital's collected publications (1.Mhl.1922.1). Additional records include: Badger, Theodore L. Papers, 1934-1981. Davidson, Charles
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