DEBUSSY by Eldoni Gosto Based on true story Copyright (c) 2018 This
[email protected] screenplay may not be used or reproduced for any purpose including educational purposes without the expressed written permission of the author. FADE IN: Little boy is making a steps to stage, we can’t see his face. The darkness. INT. DEBUSSY GRANDMOTHER’S HOUSE - DAY - 1866 Small, fine lighted room. Four-year old boy plays a piano (Für Elise). We can hear inexpirience in his playing, but he is enjoying it. His mother, 30 years old women, is washing dishes. VICTORINE DEBUSSY Claude, come here, I need your help! Debussy makes mistake in playing. DEBUSSY (Angry) What’s now, mum? VICTORINE DEBUSSY Go and call grandma, I need her! DEBUSSY I can’t, I’m practicing right now. VICTORINE DEBUSSY Now! DEBUSSY Just a second. VICTORINE DEBUSSY Do what I said, and then continue practicing! DEBUSSY Fine, why you get mad. VICTORINE DEBUSSY Because you don’t listen to me! EXT. GARDEN - SUNNY DAY Debussy run through the garden and find his grandma, old women, also old-fashioned, but you can see goodness in her eyes. (CONTINUED) CONTINUED: 2. EDMÉE MANOURY What my little lovebird want? DEBUSSY Grandma, come on in kitchen, mum needs you. EDMÉE MANOURY Oh, it’s really beautiful here in autumn... leaves are falling down, everything is so quiet... You don’t know what I’m saying, don’t you? Haha, what did you say? DEBUSSY Mum needs you in kitchen. EDMÉE MANOURY Oh, yes. Stupid old head. She starts to grumble.