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NAMUZIGA “The Rotary Wheel” the ROTARY CLUB of KAMPALA NAMUZIGA “The Rotary Wheel” THE ROTARY CLUB OF KAMPALA Theme 2013- 2014 “Engage Rotary Change Lives” Literacy Month Vol. 3 Issue 32, 06th March, 2014 Since May 20th 1957, District 9211, R.I Zone 20A E: [email protected] @: PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE Dear Fellow Rotarians, Rotaractors, Interactors and guests It gives me great pleasure to welcome you today as we host Ms. Jennifer Musisi the CEO of Kampala Capital City Author- ity. Last time she was with us the Authority was just a bebe in arms and today it is on its feet. We look forward to hear- ing from her today as we celebrate the beginning of March when we celebrate Literacy month. The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Orga- nization (UNESCO) defines literacy as the “ability to identify, understand, interpret, create, communicate and compute, using printed and written materials associated with varying contexts. Literacy involves a continuum of learning in en- abling individuals to achieve their goals, to develop their knowledge and potential, and to participate fully in their community and wider society” As we join the rest of the world to Celebrate women’s day, Women’s equality has made positive gains but the world is still unequal. International Women’s Day celebrates the so- cial, political and economic achievements of women while focusing world attention on areas requiring further action. Continued on pg 7 1 Zone in charge of Fellowship: THE OBJECT OF ROTARY KISWA - Father: Joseph Tinkamanyire The object of Rotary is to encourage and foster the ideal of service as a basis of worthy enter- Call Fellowship to order Hosting of both National & RI flags prise and in particular to encourage and foster: National Anthem Grace: Rtn. Rashid Musisi First: Loyal toast: Rtn Edward Kiddu Makubuya The development of acquaintance as an 4 Way Test: Rtn. John Kakitahi opportunity for service Object of Rotary: Rtn James Galabuzi Apologies: Second: Ambassadorial Reports: High ethical standards in business and professions, Guest Speaker: ED. JENIFER MUSISI the recognition of the worthiness of all useful Topic: Kampala’s journey & Award of PHF occupations and the dignifying of each Rotarian’s Vote of Thanks: Rtn. Joseph Tinkamanyire occupation as an opportunity to serve society. Sergeant at Arms: Rtn. Henry Rugamba Club Song: Third: Final Toast: Rtn Daisy Wanyana The application of the ideal of service in each Welcoming Guests and Registration: Rotarian’s personal, busines and community life. Rtn Christine Kasoma, Rtn Jennifer Wabwire Fourth: The advancement of international understanding, goodwill and peace through a world fellowship of business and professional persons united in the ideal of service The 4 way test 1. Is it the truth? 2. Is it fair to all concerned? Joseph John Tinkamanyire Kakitahi 3. Will it build goodwill and better friendship? 4. Will it be benefitial to all concerned? The Grace; For what we have recieved and are about to recieve, may God make us truly thankful and James Christine Daisy ever mindful of the needs of others. Galabuzi Kasoma Wanyana Amen. Club President: Secretary: Club Treasurer: Enid Nambuya Stephen Ssemuga Frederick Kamya Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Email: [email protected] Tel: 0702 995 613 Tel: 0772 451 418 Tel: 0772 507 857 2 GREETINGS FROM KISWA ZONE Dear Rotarians, Rotaractors, Interactors and guests, The Kiswa family welcomes you all to today’s fellowship. As we enter the LITERACY MONTH, let us all be mindful of the fact that millions of adults are functionally illiterate, without the read- ing and writing skills necessary for everyday life. You will agree with me that illiteracy is a major obstacle to eco- nomic, political and social development. UNESCO identifies literacy as a human right, a tool of personal empowerment and a means for social and human development. UNESCO’s Director General notes that “Education brings sustainability to all devel- opment goals, and literacy is the foundation of all learning. It provides individuals with the skills to understand the world and shape it, to participate in democratic processes and have a voice, and also to strengthen their cultural identity” Combating illiteracy has been a focus of Rotary International since 1986; how can you, as a Rotarian, be involved? Let us all be a part of the solution for this world wide problem. Engage Rotary and Save Lives through Literacy programs! Joseph Tinkamanyire Kiiswa Father UGANDA WOMEN’S ANTHEM As the women in Uganda join the rest of the world in commemorating the International women’s Day this year, I want to re-echo the words of the women’s Anthem of Uganda. I particularly want to remem- ber Prof. Rose Mbowa (RIP) for her brilliance in composing this anthem. Chorus and in school Mothers, Daughters Leading, leading All women everywhere Spearheading her identity production Stand up and embrace and development Your roles today In government and profession Name it women are there 1. We are proud mothers of our nation Chorus The backbone without which it can never stand We wake up, wake up 3. We call on you women of Uganda We wake up at the crack of dawn Wake up if you have not yet embraced And feed the nation with our brains your role With love and joy we care for our baby Wake up, wake up Beside our men let’s play our role Chorus In solving our nationals’ needs In every walk of life to develop Uganda 2. Step by step with tender care We nurse her we mould her at home Chorus 3 ABOUT OUR GUEST SPEAKER TODAY: Jennifer Musisi Semakula Jennifer Semakula Musisi is a Ugandan lawyer and pub- lic administrator. She is the current Executive Director of Kampala Capital City Authority. She was appointed to that position in April 2011. She assumed office on Fri- day 15 April 2011 and will serve a three year, renewable term. Jennifer Musisi attended Tororo Girls School in Tororo Dis- trict for her middle school education (S1 - S4). She then transferred to King’s College Budo in Wakiso District for her high school education (S5 - S6). She graduated from Budo in 1982, at the top of her class. She served as Deputy Head Prefect during her time at the Prestigious mixed, boarding high school. In 1982 she entered Makerere University, Uganda’s oldest university, where she stud- ied law. She graduated in 1986 with the degree of Bachelor of Laws (LLB). The follow- ing year (1987), she obtained the Diploma in Legal Practice from the Law Develop- ment Centre in Kampala, the capital of Uganda, and the largest city in the country. Later, she obtained the degree of Master of Public Administration (MPA), from Mak- erere University as well. She also has qualifications in management, taxation and law from several institutions including Harvard Law School and George Washington University in the United States. 2014 Rotary International Convention Sydney,Sydney, AustraliaAustralia II 1-41-4 JuneJune 20142014 89th District Conference and Assembly Rottaaryy Distristriictt 92119211 Commonwealth resort munyonyo 23rd - 26th April 2014 Jan 17—March 31, 2014—$ 180 1st April—April 23, 2014—$ 200 Single room accommodation—$ 65 4 Double room accommodation—$ 100 DG Emmanuel & Ann Resty Katongole ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cancer Run PHO- RECAP OF THE DIPLOMAT’S LUNCHEON His Excellency Patrick Edwards addressing President Enid handing over a certificate of Rotarians Appreciation to HE. Patrick Edwards 2014 Rotary International Convention Sydney,Sydney, AustraliaAustralia II 1-41-4 JuneJune 20142014 89th District Conference and Assembly Rottaaryy Distristriictt 92119211 Commonwealth resort munyonyo 23rd - 26th April 2014 Jan 17—March 31, 2014—$ 180 1st April—April 23, 2014—$ 200 Single room accommodation—$ 65 5 Double room accommodation—$ 100 DG Emmanuel & Ann Resty Katongole DG Emmanuel Katongole handing over a membership certificate to one of our newest members Rtn Jacent Kirabo on 30/01/2014 How might the highly motivated club do MARCH IS any or all of the above? Here are some LITERACY MONTH suggestions. Creative club members will surely have additional ideas and some of Implications for Individual Rotary Clubs: those may be better than the ideas which Why? What? How? follow: 1. Create awareness; Why did the RI Board Board of Directors a. Schedule a speaker on a litera- designate March as Literacy Month? cy topic for a regular meeting of the club 1. There are only 12 months in a (or at a special meeting) year - So when the RI Board of Directors b. Present a literacy award, or agrees to set aside a particular month for recognition at a regular meeting of the a particular theme, the message is clear – club (or at a special meeting). Recognize The topic of the theme is an area to which teachers, or students, or civic leaders who all clubs should try to give priority. have promoted the cause of literacy in the 2. Literacy Month used to be in community. Or recognize your club’s own July. But most clubs are just getting orga- literacy project leaders. nized for the new Rotary year in July. So c. Sponsor a newspaper advertise- few clubs were able to do anything with ment, a radio or television advertisement or respect to literacy in July. Therefore, upon a billboard with a message about Rotary’s the recommendation of the RILRG general work with literacy coordinator at the time, Dr. Eileen Gentil- 2. Undertake a project core, the RI Board of Directors moved Lit- a. Do a basic literacy project. eracy Month from July to March. b. Do a functional literacy project. c. Do a character literacy project – Give What should highly motivated Rotary clubs special attention to the 4-Way Test. do to promote and celebrate Literacy Month? 3.
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